The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 02, 1870, Image 1
TERRIS OP TUE GLOBE. Per minim in advance Mt months ......... three month., TERMS OF ADVERTISING 1 time. 2de 3do 1 month . . Ow' inch, or lee" $76 $1 25 $1 60 $1 75 Two inches 1 60 2 25 2 75 3 26 Three inches, 2 25 3 25 4 00 4 75 3 months. 6 month". ' I Year One Josh, or leis $4 00 $8 00 $lO 00 Two - inches ' 6 26 9 00 .15 00 Three inches, 860 12 00 ' 20 00 YourAnchea r . 10 76 10 00 25 00 Quitter Column, 13 00.. 18 00 30 00 Mitioltintn, ' .20 00 30 00 15 00 Outgo:88mo, 30 00 46 00.— .. ~. .80 00 Protesitonal and Business Cards not exceeding MI line", Ode year, • $5 00 Ad m irdstratore• and Nxecutorai.Notites, 0 times, $2 50 Auditors' Notice', 4 times 2 00 Estrny, or other short Notices 1 50 Adtertisementa not marked with the number of inser one &Bred, will be continued till forbid and charged ac girding to'theee terms. Local or Special Noticca,lo Gents a line for single in. station: By the year at a reduced rate. Outprieea for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc are reaeonablyjew. refessional& Nusincos Barbs. it. A. B: BRUM.B..VUGH, Elating permanently located at Huntingdon, otrere le proteaelonal servloon to the Collituudity. (Hike, the tame ac that lately °coupled by Dr. Laden od 1/111 street.. apla,latia -11 - ' R. JOHN MeCtILLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon u )• a vicinity. Office on HUI street, one door east of Reed's orug stort.. Aug. 2g, '65. p ALLISON MILLER, AAP; i ft aaaaa DE NTIST, Has remained to the Brick Row opposite the Court Rouse. April 13,1659. "V j J. GItIiPIE, A • - -DENTIST.- Otttoo removed to Leister'o. New Bulkllng, ISM street. Huntingdon. • • July st;o67. • -" •• NIORRISON HOUSE; - • Hine 111TGDO2V PEIVITA. JOHN S. MILLER, PrOptietim. April e, 1870. • ' • ' • A_ P. W. JOHNSTON, .SUIIVEYdR & INSU.RANCE,AGENZ lIIINPVCIDON, PA 0116ce . ou . Bmith etcrat. A. POLLOCK, cr• • BURVEYORit,REAL'ESPATE AGENT; HUNTINGDON, PA. _ „ Will &Howl to Surveying in all its branches, and *ill bny and sell Seal Estate in any part of the Untied States. Bud for circular. T SYLV &NUS BLAIR, • • J • ATTORNEY AT LAW,. HUNTINGDON, DA, - .oNlee on 21111 otreot, throe doors nest of Smith. y.5'69 ILL= XUSBI3I. a. s. rtaxina. MUSSER d,FLEMING, , ATTORNEYS-4T-LAW. . •. . - • • HUNTINGDON, PA. Office eecond floor of Mister's building, on 11E11 street: l'inelonls mid other claims promptly collected. raygn'on E N O'Y' FOR COLLECTING teOLUIELLT OLA2D6, BOUNTY, HACK PAY AND ..nanIOND. All who may have any ttalmnagainat the Govorument or Bounty, Back Pay and Pension., can have their claims prolaytly colloctod by apply log either In person or by let .tarto , ' W. 11. WOODS .IT2VEAN'EY AT LAI', ❑u:meowa, PL aeg1211163 K . ALLEN LOVELL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW; itUNTINCIDON, PA. Fpeclel attelitioti given to Collections of all kinds; to the satttanniut of Dilates, &c.; and all other legal bu.i sscu prtAti.uted ith fidelity and dispatch. JOHN ICOt?, lIAXIML BROIVX, MS id. BLILLY PT he name of this firm has been clang ." ed from KIM & BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN eig BAMEIY, ander which name they will heriaillor conduct their pulite es .4tTORNETS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON; PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of aoldiura and soldiers' hairs ogtolugt tho Uovernineut, will be preunitly pruancutcd. May 17, Ibik-cf. P. X. Lytle & Milton B. Lytle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA., Moe (aimed a rattan-Alp wailer the name and firm of P. 151. £ 11. S. LYTLE, And here removed to the office on the south side of II street, fourth door west of width. They will attend promptly to ntl kinds ol legal bust. Doss entrusted to their eat, ap7-tf. JOSEPH ABT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN WILLOW AND SLEIGH BASKETS, 01.11 sizes and description; . ALEXANDRIA,IIUNTINGDON CO., PA. Jun. 9.1b69-11- - KS! BLANKS B LANKS! BLA, UGNSTABLES SALES, ATTACIFT EXECUTION ATTACIIALENTB, , EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, ' DEEDS," SURPOINAS, MORTGAGES, 801100 L ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION B RS. LVMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARBAras, - FEE 'BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the s3oo'Leiw: ;lIDGMENT NOTES, with. a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, with Teachers. ;MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for 'Motives of and Mintetera of the Dove!. ..... COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in cam of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SOIREE FACIAB, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. and for sale et the Office o the lIIINTINGIDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at elentnotice, and on good Paper. W. 11. WOODB, V. D. LIU, .1.141/11 NORTH KILIVX BPDTB, DAVID DADDICS The Znion Bank of Huntiogdor (Late John Bare & C 0.,) "liIINTINGDON,`PA. • CAPITAL, paid up, $50,000 ttollctt accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds f Becurities, bought and sold for the usual commission.— Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parts of Xerope supplied at the usual rates. Demons depositing Gold and Culver will receive the a same return with interest. Toe partners are individ Pally, liable to the extent of their whole property for all ' - The nand:shed business of the late arm of John Bare & Co will oe completed by The Union Bank of flontfogdoe C. C. NORTH, Cashier. PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER 111 ltaclug Paper, Impresstun Paper, Drawing Peer, Deed Paper, Time Paper, Bilk Paper for Flowers, Perroroted Paper, Prietol Board. hat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladles' Gilt Edged Letter an.. N ote Caper, Ladles' Plain and Fancy Auto Paper, Mite and Colored Card Paper, in Peeks sod Shoats, .or aale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music 'Store. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A LARGE STOCK • AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Or Window Curlain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE' Ti" . ' From the kiln. ; Taylor; klarkleaburg, pro' as y chemical annlyeie to be of the beet quality. con atantly kept and for sale In any quantity, at tho depot o ghe Iluntingdon and Broad Tap Railroad. , giarApply to Ileury Laster, Fropriotor of the "Broad Top Houle." nric-03t I .$2 00 . 1 00 „ • .. 1,, WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL, XXVI, HOW TO UNE CONSUMPTION. THE PHILOSOPHY OF Dit. SCHENCK'S GREAT ' MEDICINES.—WiII people never learn to know that a diseased liver and stomach necessarily disease the entire system I The plainest principles of common seats teach this and yet there are hundreds who ridicule the idea. and continue In the course which almost inevitably brings them prematurely to the grave. Living as the majority of the people do, at complete variance with the laws of nature, it meet be apparent to all that, sooner or later, nature will revenge herself. Hence we find that persons who Indulge to excess in the use of very rich or indigestible food or intoxicating drinks, invariably pay a heavy penalty in the end. The stomach becomes die. ordered and refuses to act: the liver fails to perform . its functions, dyspepsia and 114 attendant evils follow, • and 41111 the auffering individuals persist in clinging to the thoroughly exploded idea of the past. Dr. SCHENK'S medicines are recommended to all such. They bring sure and certain relief wherever they aro used as directed, and ell that is notes.' try to establish their reputation with every ailing man or woman in the kindle a fair and impartinl trial of them. ' Let thou, who are skeptical on this point, and who have permitted interested peewits to prejudice them against these now celebrated remedies for consumption. discard theirprejudices, and be governed by the principled of rayon and. common' sense.' If the system is disordered depend upon it. in nine cases out of ten tho seat of the disorder will be found in the stomach and liver. To cleanse and hetigorato the stomach and to 'stimulate the liver to healthy action, use_ SCHENCK'S MANDHAKR PILLS.—The daily therein,. leg demand for these pills letke beet, evidence of their value. Thousands upon thousands of boxes are Bold daily. Why ? Simply because they act promptly and efficiently Invalids wbo may not find it convenient to call 'on Dr. SCHENCK in person are informed that full and com plete dirt diens for use accompany each package of the MANDRAKE PILLS, PULMONIC SYRUP AND SEA WEED TONlC.—These medicines will cure couramptlon unless the longs are so far gone that the patient is entire ly beyond the reach of medical relief. It may be asked by those who are not familiar with the virtues of these great remeilies,ollow &Bona's medicines effect their wonderful cures of consumption ?" The answer le a simple one. They begin their. work of restoration by bringing the stomach, liver and bowels into au active healthy condition. It Is food that cures this formidable disease. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS act on the liver and stomach. promoting •healthy aecretlon,and removing the bile and slime which have resultid from the inactive or torpid conditioned' those or gas., and of the entail generally. This ainggiah state of the body, and the conaequentaccumulation of the un healthy eubstances named prevent the proper digestion of foal, and, as a natural consequence createe disease, which results in prostration and finally in death. SCHENCK'S PULMONIO SYRUP and SEAWEED TON IC, when taken regularly, mingle with the food, and the digestive organ; make good and rich blood. and ea a nat ural consequence, give Rosh and strength to the patient. Let the faculty say what it may, this is the only true cure for consumption. Experience has proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and thousands are today alive and well who a few, years since were regarded as hope leas cases, but who were induced to try Dr. SCHENCK'S remedied, and were metered to permanent health by their use. One of thelirst at r eps the physician should take with a cousumpth e patient is to imigorrte the system. Now how is this to be done ? Certainly not by giving me& clues that rethauat and enervate—mediciues that impair instead of Improve the functions of the digestive organs Doctor SCHENCK'S medicines cleanse the stomach and bowels of all substances which are calculated to irritate or weaken them. They create_en appetite—promote healthful digestion—make good lood, and, as a canoe. gamma, they Invigorate and etrengthen the entire sys tem end more especial ly those parts which are disedeed Wilde cannot be done, then the case must be regarded as. a hopeless ow. If the piny olden finds it impessible to make a patient feel hungry. lithe deceased wees cannot partake of good nouriehlug food and properly.digeet it, it Is impassible that be can gain in flesh and strength ; sail it is equally impoasible to bring a patknt to title tend Rion so long as the Hear is burdened with diseased bile, and the stomach laden with unhealthy slime. Almost the first rerotent made to the physician by a COLIIIIMptiVEI patient le that he will prescribe medicines that will Missy tho cough, night sweats and chills, which are the sure attendante on consumption. But this ehouid not be done, as tit- cough to only an effort of natal() to relieve itself, and the night sweats and chills aro ensured by the diseased lunge. The rensedles ordinarily prescribe ed do mote 'slum titan good. '1 Ism impair the functions of the !stomach, impede hcaltny digestion, and aggravate rather than cure the disease. znyl2:69 . . There is, after all, nothing like facts which to nuboten• Date n position, and It it upon fees that Dr. Schenck's relies. Nearly all xio have token his medicines in no ordsuce with his directions have not only been cured of consumption, but, front the fact that these medicines act with wonderful power upon the digestive organs, patients thus cured speedily gain dean. Cleansing the system of all Impurities, they lay the foundation for n .01iII, sub unit:dial structure. Restoring dose organs to health, they create en appetite. The food is properly nssimila• ted ;the quantity of blood is not only increased, but is made rich and strong end in the face of eneh a condition of the system nil disease must be banished. Full directions accompany etch of the medicines, no that it 14 not absolutely nese...wry flint patients should see Dr SCHENCK peromelly. unless they desire to lime their lungs examined. For this purpose lie Is ni 1, in of. Ike. No 15 north Sixth St., corner of Commerce, Philo., every Saturday, from 9 A. 31. until 1 P. U. Advice la given without charge, but fur a tnorottgh ex autination with the Itespirotneter the charge iv $5. Price of the Puintonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic each, 0.50 per bottle, or 1.7 50 a half dozen 'Mandrake Pills 15 cents a box. For sole by all druggists. Ap. 12 ly. "GOOD BOOKS FOR ALL." "BOOKS WELCH ARE BOOKS." Here is a list of such Wm ks se should be found hi CY. try Library—within the reach of every reader—Works entertnie, ins! tact and Improve the mind. Copies 111 be sent by return post, on receipt of price. Ketv Physiognomy : or, Signs of Character, as maniftudod through Temperament and External Forms. and especially in the ..Huntau Face Divine."— With moo than One Thousand Illustrations. By S. It Wetly. Price in one 12mo volume, 769 page., hand somely bound, $1 Man, in Genesis and in Geology; or, the Bi blical account of bleu'. Creation, tested by Scientific Theories of his Origin and antiquity. By Joseph P. Thompson, DD., I.L.D. Ono vol., Idmo. $1 Wedlock ' - or, the Right Relations of the Sex es. Discloshig the Laws of Cuniugel selection, and • showing who may and who may nut Marry. For both sexes. By slt Wells. $l5O Rota to Read Character. A new Illustrated Handbook of Phrenology and Physiognomy, for stn. dents and examiners. with a Chart for recording the sizes of the dirkrent organs of the brain, in the donne. ation ofCharacter, with upwards oe 170 engravings.— Muslin, $226 Education; Its elementary Principles.found ed on the nature of man. IlyJ 0 Spurzheim, 51 D. With an Appendix. containing the Temperaments and a brief analysis of the Faculties. 'illustrated. $1 20 Fancily Physician. A ready Prescriber and Hygienic Ad, tier. With reference to the Nature, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment pf , Diseases, Acct. dents, and casualties of every kind. With a Glossary and copious Index. By Joel Shaw, M.D. Muslin, $4 Food and. Diet. With Obiervations on the Dietical regimen, fruited for disordered states of the di gestive organs, and an account of the Dietaries of some of the principal Metropolitan and other establishment. for paupers, lunatics, criminals, children, the sick, Ac. By Jonathan Pereita, 61 D., Flt S., and LB. Edited by Charles A Lee, MD. $1 75 Hand-Book for Home Improvement; compri sing, "Hew to Write," ' How to Talk," "How to Be. have," and "How to Do Busineee," in one vol. $2 25 Constitution of Minn. Considered in relation to external objects. By George Combo. The only our thorized American edition. With twenty ougravings and a portrait of the author. Muslin, $1 75 11foral Philosophy. By George Combo. Or the duties of man considered in hie Individual, Domes. tic and Social capacities. Reprinted from the Edin. burgh ed., with tiro author's latest corrections. $175 Mental Science. Lectures on, according to the Philosophy of Phrenology. Delivered before the Anthropological Society. By Bev.o ft Weaver. $1 50 Management of Infancy. Physiological and Moral Treatment. By Andrew Combo, MD, A Book for Mothers. Muslin, $l5O Benny. An Illustrated Poem. By Annie Chamber. Ketchum. Published in the elegant style of Enoch Arden. A beautiful present. $l5O Xsop's Fables. The People's Pictorial Edi tion. Bountifully illustrated with nearly silty engra vings. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards. Only $1 Pope's Essay on Man. With Notes. Beau tifully Illustrated. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards, $1 11'idural Laws of Han. A Philosophical Catechise,. By J G Fon zheinc, Ii D. Nestle, 75 eta. Fruit Culture for the Million. A Iland-book. Being a Guide to the cultivation and management of Fruit treat, Descriptions of the best varieties. $1 Inclose the amount in a registered letter, or in a P. 0. Order, fur one or fur all the shove, and address S. It. WELLS, Publisher, 360 Broadway, New Yerk. Agents Wanted. !Odra° Latest Arrival of Gent's Goods. H. ROBLEY IVIERC RANT ,TAILOR, Ms removed to the room brer John Bare & Co's Boob. (Old broad Top Corner.) where ho is prepared to do All blade of stork In his nun of business. lie hoe Just recoir ed a full line of CLOTHS, VESTINGS, • CASSISIERS, CORDUROYS, &c, Thankful for past patronage he solicits a continuance of the same. Thu attention of the public is called to his stock of cloths, Lc., Ai Well he is pit pared to matte up to order in a fashionable, durable and workmanlike manner. rlense give me a eall. . . nutitinibu, Da., April 70, tso A youth and maid, one winter night, Were sitting in the corner; His name, we're told, was Joshua White, And here was Patience Warner. Not much the pretty maiden said, Beside the young man sitting ; Her cheeks were flushed a rosy red, Her eyes bent on her knitting. Nor could he guess what thoughts of him Wore to her bosom flocking, As her fair fingers, swift and slim, Flew round and round the stocking. While as for Joshua, bashful youth, His words grew few and fewer ; Though all the time, to tell the truth, His chair edged nearer to her. Meantime the ball_ef yernfgave out, 'l' She knit so fast and steady, 'And ha'-tnUat give hie aid, doubt, To get another ready. • He held the skein ; of course the thread Got' talghid, snarled and twisted "Have Patience !?". cried the artless maid, To him whp•her uesisted. Good chance was that for tongue-tied .churl, To shorten all palaver ; "Have Patience I'•' cried he, "dearest girl And may I really have her ?" The dee'd was done ; no more that night, Clicked needles in the corner; And she is Mrs. Joshua White That once was Patience Waym. • - Per the Globe. - " SALEM, Cosa., July 8, 1870 The parting injunction of many of my friends was" Write to us when you get to Music Vale and tell us just the truth." NOW that I have reached the Mecca and find I cannot have leisure to write to every one separately, I write this, for all and write "just the treth." In Yankeedoni. 1 knew it the mo ment my feet touched the Nod. The: people look different, talk different and are different, A. pushing, jos: thing, energetic, throbgh-going people, and, .yet I see no care-worn faces.— They do a great 'deal in a short time;. not, a moment is lost. This prompt. ness, this punctuality—without hurry —takes away much of the weariness of labor. I have not yet seen a Yan kee with so sad a face that could not enjoy a joke and make one. 'Tie their activity, genial nature and love of fun that scatters little flower-wreaths eve rywhere along the "rugged and jutted highway of action, and brightens the sombre woof of duty with dimples of sunshine. Now, no ono loves the old Keystone State bettor than I, and I don't believe I shall ever love any oth er place so well, but I don't think the people here got so tired as we do—tired mentally and physically, and I think the charm is in their doing - a thing at once, and their strict attention to or der. It is not to-morrow with them, it is now. By this indefatigable Yan kee promptness, they manage to get things done with less worry, less hur ry, and more thoroughly done. All through the country one sees an air of neatness in the arrangement of grounds and architecture; but' see no beautiful fields stretching out for miles as Ido at home. No wealth of golden grain bonding down before the rich sunlight. The tillage of the ground is not the work for these people; their genius, talents and propensities call for other avocations and resources, of which the country ie prolific. But I do not intend to contrast the customs and character of these people with those of our own. I waet to tell you of Music Vale. It is a -most , delightful driv,e .9fmley en miles from Norwich to the Vale.— The road is bordered on cithereide 'by the most picturesque scenery, which is but a faint promise of the,beauty of the fairy realm to which it lead's. We arrived at the Vale at a moment that greatly enhanced the beauty of the scene. The royal, golden gleams of the setting sun throw such a halo of sheeny splendor over the vision, that I silently exclaimed, "The half was not told me !" On first seeing this Eden, the delicious feeling of freedom and rest cannot be described. The very air imparts new life, vigor and energy; we say at once, "Amid the beauty, the sweetness, the freshness of this retreat, we shall be happy !" It seems as though it wore a sort -of realm of. its own, pendant midway of Celestian and Terrestia, surrounded by music, poet ry and flowers, and we thought we saw everywhere a "Welcome to Music Vale !" Then followed our introductions to the Professor. Was ever a being so much surprised ? We have ever had but one type of a Professor in cur mind's eye : tall, gaunt, stern, cold and repelling; a man to fear alone. But our Professor is none such. .Not tall, rather corpulent, past threescore, yet retaining to a marvelous degree ,the activity, the bouyancy, the enthusiasm of youth. A genial face that lights up with the sunniest smile, and possessing an' inexhaustible fund of good humor! with a heart of kindness and goodness for his pupils, eager and anxious to promote their happiness; honest and earnest in his efforts at teaching, and having them thoroughly taught. He has the faculty of commanding the most profound respect towards him self, and the most perfect obedience to rules, yet without wearing that habit ual look of sternness that Professors generally do. Strict! You have no idea what Yankee strictness means! There is no shirking the rules, as we can do in some schools, One may just as well fall pleasantly and quietly. into the lino, for recaleitration is surely followed by expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Harmony, Order and Obe dience is the law. ' The Faculty being abundantly blest with this world's goods, tench not 69 much for the pecu niary compensation as from their de. votion to the art, and the desire to int- 11. ROBLEY, 110rd:taut TOlor HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY,, AUGUST 2. 1870. HAVE PATIENCE Music) Vale: LPERSEVERE.- part to others the thorough knowledge of music they possess, so that the pu pils in their turn may be competent to teach, .and thus perpetuate the advao• tages peculiar to this Institution. A wilder, more romantic site for a Seminary cannot be conceived than this. Circled by dark woods, rocks, fairy cascades, exquisite lakes, lovely brooks, ferns, mosses, and flowers; and on Saturday afternoon and Sabbath it, is so quiet, so calm, so dreamlike ' that one loses their sense of the real, and lives only the soul-life, forgetting that the clamor and din of the' world's war fare still goes 'on. But this dream is short: Monday morning the untiring' gong wakes us to duty mid action, and it is action . spre ! pour hours per day for Piano practice, twofer Guitar, one for Theory, one for Rehearsal, and one for Thorough-bass: Think of that, ye idlers of time! And yet we have time, for recreation. "How do we manage?"• Why, simply, we must: b'e' on hand the moment 'tihe gong: of the Veil is heard ; wo dare not „delay. Af ter all, this is the secret of suc cess. 'How' much one can crowd in a day if a certain amount of , Itinie is given to each task ! The building is large, neat,, and bus, al! the modern conveniences; can ae,-; commodate a great number of pupils. The ground is adorned • with all that is tasteful and pleasing, and provided with means for recreation,; in a word, Music . Vale is a home, where we find so much happiness and so much to do that we cannot regret the dear homes left behind, as we have done at some schools. • . Examination was held the 23d of June. Of course everybody was here. We being a novice had nothing•to do but enjoy ourself. A committee of men—the best judges •of music—are always appointed to criticise.- We wish you could have seen the fair in mates of Music Yule—lovely and eager with enthusiasm—who ,pro so thor oughly trained us to play before a crit ical audience without the least embar rassment. • • The German method; is taught, and of course is different from' the style of playing elsewhere. It is an independ out action of the fingers. The power given to the performance is duo alone to the action of the fingerskno strength is derived froth the arm. Great atten• lion is paid to fingering, and the posi tion of the body. One wonders how it is possible fur delicate females and children to acquire sufficient strength in ,the fingers alone, to execute that which they do with such perfect ease add freedom. How awkward and in• elegant the violent motion of • the arm and body we see everywhere else, com pared with the graceful, bird=like movement of the fingers here; which must be acquired. Well I cannot toll you all about Examination. My letter is growiag too lengthy. Suffice to say all enjoyed it, and the day's exercises ended with a superb supper at 2 A. st. "Did we have any flirtations ?" Not much ! A seraglio is not more care fully guarded than we. ‘Ve had the pleasure of gazing at the handsome fa ces of the youth, but we didn't,care to converse. We can endure this for a year, considering the musical knowl• edge we get, instead of smiles and bows and "words lighter than thistle down." Now let me say to all who desire a musical education, come to Music For the study of Theory and Vocal Music alone, it is worth a year of time and money. Music is taught, and not a smattering of it. Many young ladies that are taughtelsewhere can dash off a great many brilliant pie ces, and impress those who are not so critical with the idea.that they know a great deal, when really their knowl edge is superficial, and they know 110- thing of Theory and the elementary rules. .Here it is,not so much in the number of pieces we can execute,, at the close of the term, but to do what we do, well; to pay„the strictest regard to the keeping of time, to possess a thorough knowledge of the theory, as well as to execute it Thus the foun dation is laid to a sure suecess,land the pupil is competent to teach any where, as 'well as to progress herself. Then again I say, if l you desire a thor ough musical education, if you want a home surrounded by the purest and sweetest influences, if you want to re vel in the midst of the most enchant ing scenery—then come to Music "Vale. "GIPSY WILDE." Letter from Philadelphia, PLIILADELPIIIA, PA., July 251,b, 1570. Dcar Globe :—(Wuit,a moment un til I ,wipe "these" brow.) "I am hero" Vale, Lagudier-and I wish I was not, for this is the Champion lot location. As I write, a rumor obtains credence on the street that his Satanic Majesty has arranged for the ..removal of his Einpire to our City. Should this be so—(and I see no reason to doubt it— for one hears innumerable tiine3U - day such comparison . made) doubtless our locals- will teeluiv,ith "Democratic re ronge;" "Develisli Cruelty;" "Fiend ish Outrage,"—think what an accept ion of "bad spirits" our volunteer fire men would receive. Many of the "old Boys" wouldn't recognize the revolu tion made since their day—the dear old machine which was "resolved to be painted red" gone and a puffing, blowing steamer in its stead. Bad has been the behavement of the "Boys" lately, and a growing desire to do away with the volunteer, and substitute a paid department is manifested. Since seeing the admirable working of the paid Department of New York I can not hesitate to bear testimony to its entire superiority. When you get your steam engine whore do you in tend having your, first fire? You must have afire you know ; if you , - , - , . , -!. t , ••, _, :,' • 1 ' .;!, . ...,, ~. . (-. ~, .. - \.:.,,..,".. ~. : • .f , , , I' .• • -",:‘ • . .• , , . . . - • . • .• , . ...• . , , Ore l i ... i. ........ . ..... , . .. . , . .• , i . . '..„ . .. . have not any talent in that way send to Alttiona-- ; tbey understand it per fectly. is almost too hot to think, and I am bothering my brain to find subject' matter for this letter—and must confess I am almost stumped.— We have been doing the military late ly, having had "the famous New York 7th Regiment" and the "Crack" sth Maryland as visitors. Philadelphia unanimously decides in favor of, the Maryland.sth,' believing they equal, if not excel in drill. Know that as gen tlemen and soldiers, no comparison can be made ; the 7th behaved badly here rind at Cape May the . sth in a manner that won universal praise.— Your townsman, Capt. %V. K. ,Burchi nelhshould have been here; had he, I um afraid our "Independent Compa ny" would have had many an addi tional drill. Such magnificent move ments as we witnessed are certainly worthy of imitation. Our volunteers have s been spurred to additional 'effort to 'render compar ison possible between them and.' our late visitors. What a blessing we have a Park to flee to in:such weather. Our CitY'Fatliers deserve credit for the laudable manner they have sought' to. strengthen the hands, cif .our Park 'Corn raisston.We are proud of our park, So. sbould we be if the same taste be displayed as has been for ' some •,yearts` to come. - Why it will be simply grand if we could only have a few breakers and a gentle taste of sea breeze; then would we bo envied of all earth's peo-, The city, as a city,: is dull; 'amusements—no - theatre openbut "Foxes"—and I am ' free to say 'my taste don' that way; loud women, vulgar, negro delineators, mechanical dances and a straining to be funny,' make up a treat that I respectfully decline. More people 'out of town than ever was known- by -the oldest ire habitant. Don 4 mender at it. With I could gq . and do likewise. But bushnese, (povetty'S. beet excuse,) I Urge for nen complianci3 with excellent in clination. "Our fight mit Seigle" in habitants drink beer and gesticulate violently, consigning La Belle' Franco to destruction,and proiniie to help for ward 'the consignment. My - opinion is, it is easier to. fight France with Resolutions than Bullets, and in Phila delphia` on the _Rhine. Of course' 'Our Press"with few exceptions ge for Pilua -818, reason : the German vote is a largo. ono, "a balance of power" our politi, clans are as anxious to obtain,, us ,the mighty Nations marshaling their for- CC3 to make good their claim to such balance in Europa. As soon as it possible to write with comfort, I am yours to command. N. S. A .711oTulia's GlFT.—There i 8 some thing sublime associated with the most insignificant gift or token that a mother may present her child. The gift may bo 50010 almost valueless texture—worthless to him who knows not its history—but the one for whom it was intended sees in it a remem brance of olden times, wanders back to the theatre 'of little incidents in earlier days, and by the memento is reminded of blissful recollections which even adversity has been unable to erase from his mental tablet. The boy too often forgets the parent who adores him; his ambition leads him away from the fond maternal thoughts that should ever be his brightest im ageries. With the mother the case is widely dissimilar; her thoughts are ever with the wandering one; her greatest aspirations in reality her on ly ones in many cases, aro coupled with the name and career of her boy.- No chill, save that of death, can ever congeal the transparent fount from which a mother's adoration flows on to gladden her child. No mandato but God's—and-ho never issued an un natural One—can.still the restless af fections that nestle Around _a mother's hnart. A gift from a cherished friend brings with it a key that UnlockS our, tenderest feelings; it opens portals that the benefactions of pomp and glitter could never reach; but a, moth er's gift to her child conveys an import that has a heavenly impress upon it. ge..A. German who bud not paid much attention to learning English, had a horse stolen the other night, whereupon he adVortised as follows : "Von nite, do odor day, von I was bin awake in my sleep, I hoar something vat I tiuks vas not yust right in .my barn, and 1 yust out shumps to bed and runs mit do barn out; and von I vas doro coon, I secz dat my pig gray iron mare, ho vos been tide loose and run mit de stable off; an ever whoo vill him back bring, I yUst so much pay him as vat bin' ktishtomary.' sqrA correspondent of a daily pa. per writes: 'To see Niagara,you buy eleven silk dresses for your wife, and six shirts for yourself. • You'then get all the ready money you . have, bor row. all yourfriends haven and make arrangements for unlimited credit 'at two'or three good solvent banks. You then take six trunks, some more mon ey, a nurse, a colored servant, some more inoney;:and then,' siker getting some more money, - and extending your credit at one or two more strong banks, you sot out. it is better, if possi,ble, just before you leave, to mortgage your homestead, and get some more money. "Lot us remove temptation from the path of youth," as the frog said when ho plunged into the water, upon seeing a boy pick up a stone. , . —lf you call to see a poor family do do not give them a prayer ha!fan hour long, but send them a barrel of flour. • , It,will,go further and do them more good. Fools are tics' %Vila stiles ov society TERNS, $2,00 a year in advance. Wonderful Sagacity of ,a Dog, The 'following story, Strange as it may appears is vouched for' by several witnesses, whose testimony . is unim peachable : „ . A short time ago a female New foundland dog was in the habit of com ing to the house of a lady in this city who would throw to it pieces of cold meat, which the dog would eat, , and, having satisfied its hunger, go , away again. So confirmed did this habit be ; come, that ata dertain hotir everyday the lady would expect the dog, and the animal would put in an appearance.— A few days, ago, before feeding her, the lady sadly said to her, 'Why don't you bring Me one of your puppies .7" repeating the question several times as she stood at the window, the dog look ing her, in the face . with an expression of intelligence as if it understood every, word the lady said. The next day, to the lady's astonishment, at the usual hour, the dog' returned, and behold I 'was accompanied by a little puppy. The lady, fed, both:,doge and- then, took up, the puppy,into the window, when the old dog scampered off and did not return for three days. • At the' end :of 'that time the dog again ap peared, when, after feedingiti.theAedy 'said, "next time ,hring• y.out pies, I to see the'm;'„and, this. neat - morning, aura' ennui!), the"dog' returned; accompanied by three New foundland -Several of the neigh.' bore 'sew, the; whole transaction, and declared that they considered this one, of flit; Most wonderful proofe'of the sa gacity' of the dog they have'eier known. .Where the dog came from, or to whom it• belongs, is not -known, but wo have the name of the lady and also of those who_were eye-witnesses to the occurrences as 'narrated by us. —Reading Journal, , , TliE GULP STIVEAM.—Tbete r iver in the ocean, .In the severest- drouths it never fails; in the mightiest floods it never overflows. Its ,banks and its, bottom - are of cold water, while its cumin CIS of Warn. The G iiif Of ico is its fountain; and its mouth is the Arctic the Gulf Streanti.--:- There is in the world no other so ma-, jestic" a flow of_waier. Its more rapid thantholitisSifiiiippi or the Amazon, and its Volume more thait thousand times, greater than 'cither•Of those rivers. Its waters, so far out as the Carolina coast, are indigo, blue.— ' They aro so distinctly,' Marked , that the'line'ofjunction With the 'Common sea water may be traced'with the - eye. Often one-bait the vessel may be .per: ceived floating in the gulf-stream wa ter, while the other half is in the corn• mon water of the sea, so sharp is the line, and the want of affinity between these waters; and such, too, the reluc tance, so to speak, on the part of those of the gulf-stream to mingle with the common water of the sea. In additiori to this there is another peculiar fact. The fishermen on the coast of Norway are supplied with wood from the trop ice by the gulf stream. Think of Arc tic fishermen burning upon their hearths the palms of Hayti, the maho gany of Honduras, and the precious woods of Amazon and tho Orinoco. REMINIBCENCE.-000 of the most thrilling reminiscences of the annals of the American Revolution is recorded of General Peter Muhlenbcrger, whose ashes repose in the burying ground of the old Trappe church, in Montgome ry county, Pennsylvania. When the war broke out, Mublenberg was the rector of a Protestant Episcopal church in Dunmore county, Virginia., On a Sunday morning he administered the communion of the Lord's Silkier-to his charge, stating that in the after noon of that day be would preach .a: sermon on "The duties mon owe to their Country." At the appOinted time the building was crowded with listeners. The disccurse was founded upon the text from Solomon :. "There• is a time for every purpose and for ey-i 66 , work." The sermon burned with; a patriotic fire; every eientonee 'and intonation told the speaker's deep ear nestness in What he was saying: Paus ing a moment iat the close of •bis.dis-' course, ho, repeated, the, words of ,hial text„ and in tones of thunder exclaim ed: "The'time'td preach is past; the timer to fight ha's conic, r and suiting the action , to the word, he threw from his shoulders .his. Episcopal robes and stood before his congregation arrayed in a military uniform. Drumming for recruits commenced on the spot, and it is said that almost every male of suitable age in the house enlisted forth with. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS . r -To tell a man to his facet° mind his own_busi-, noes would be' considered abOut equal to knocking him down. And yet it is ono of the,simploist rules of right coil.; duet, and the most useful : . that, reap! kind can, ado . pt their ; intercourse with orkeli other. .T,here is a great deal of the Paul 'Pry spirit in the human heart, or wonderful inquisitiveness in, regard to the , personal:and:private af fairs of friends, aid , neighbors. the ,spirit wakes more mischief, in the con: aninity than almoit any other cause, and creates more nialide, envy and jealousy than can be. , ovorcome in :4 ,century. Let every man „und , woman, mind their own business, and there will not be half,the trouble In the 'world_ that there is at present. LADIES, would you ~not .be wiser, and would not your friends be happier, should you think less and talk less about dress? Some ladies wear out their mind more than they wear out the dresses they think about. , FRIENDSHIP is like our shadow, Kopp : ing eloso to us while wa walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant we cross into the Shilae. GLOBE` ,PB*l7l-NP NIM T""GLOBE JOB OFFICE" the iniatcoraidatilof an;y,tn'ttorcauntryi and pos. mesas the moat ample faelliklud foktoorptrrtatienting la OW but style variety of Job Printing, snob as - - • • • • BILL lIEADS,• MEI JARDS, NO. 4, CALL AND [SAMMY OPACNIONtI OF, 10FII, • LEATI! poox ,STATIONERY h MUSIC ,STORE There was a laughable occurrence at No 112 rayon's,. avenue, last evening —that is laughable to. the majority of those-present, but eoraewha.i serious, : to at least one of the party. ; , pears that a. New,::Yorker, ,wl:;oiri, shall, call ;Jim,o,has,,heep the "steady , company" of a ladyi residing. at that place for, a .considerable - time past, and,, she was anxious that her , lover ehnuld, name the day ; for ; making.them one • flesh; etc.; • but, Jim ,alviay,s, appeared.,: bashful-and, somew,hattiumb when the gentle:hint was thrown. • • Last evening, however, Mr. jim - Mustered up courage sufflcien't to re quest the lady of the house to send for a minister, and- ordered his Mary to, prepare: horself;fpr the Jong wiehed•for,i . on her. part; event. In ancOrdabee_ with the desire a reverend gentleman was sent fer, - and the filet was - comma. taat'edm-to' , ant in,abort order - ,lTind in, the mean tinteMitrY'arrtiyed herself hi appro.. priate , attire.: ;J:: ' , II ; - Th,e heart-, pith°, bride,grpore:flutter` ed the Uoteofrepe'rittion,arid'he-• fore the' , Eirrival of -the minister Ile ex., pressed ,:-regrets , at what ,bad been and ,declared Chat hb was hot bid to go mi Vir I tliltho eereaony; but' ,attbis moment the:, miejstei,r, arrived,, and,all was. excite,Ment. "Jim rushed' iiEte'adjaniing'W6ln, • tant:brideiwitbrhim and- fastened ;the dope.. Mary begged' that 'he' would: show hiiiiieltand go On with,the ceremony, but be was inexorable; she pulled' him • ,toward the door;and - he pulled back,: and after h repetition of that.perfor., mance andmuch and ,ploud., ,ing on the part of the lady,, Jim finally . optetl 'the dOor, • and the 'boUple' ap6 ; pearedt in the reception.ronna. ,She was all, confidenCe iipa - smiled, jieady and 'abalone td"prodeed,L , but' ;poor Jim: , ,shook and' shivered„,when ! lh,is eyes rested upon„the ruiniat i eri and - when latler arose himself 'ready-to' proceed, the ;bride': groonyfaipted aud,drupped Al3e floor, as if dead.. Restoratives Niori3 imnie diatery Pienent:tid, nod 1; atter '!an :hones, attenticin ;on. the ;part of ,a c,cuple,cf, doctors and three or four. lair indinii; Cho unfo'rtunate'fulloW WiLi'relitored' to conseiousness. ,, ; "1 -" 29:; But he was in no fit condition to perform matrimonial dkies,"so the ;minister-was diemipse4 without,, a fee, and after a 'short;regt"JilA `'departed the 'other : side:of , tli6; Hudeon:.• - 3.11W57 is ichedr of spirit, and from what wo earrunderstand is ready for soineother "Steady eothpahion't— Jim having been ";presetitothwith • the "mitten OBSERVERs.- •--Observersinny be Con-• sidored as formed of two classeS—the gazers and the gapers—of those who look with an' iiiie'llgent!eyo 'oti Wogs around them, and of those Who merely stale at'thein with listless cariosity or, indifference. 'These last are pupils of experience tone ptirpose. If gall life is a schooling, as has 'beta a aid, ithe'n these gapers come, into, and go out of the great,college of the world without taking; any degrees. Perhaps the dietinetion betWeca or dinary bbservb•S and those of a higher order, is nowhere more stril t ingly hibited than in : their different modes of estimating ,chariteter, :TEM fernier take co„,'ffnikanceonlY'of striking 164= ores; the latter regard the character in all its parts, oveelp the most eat° shadabf thought and' feeling.' The faculty of observing -is'one sue. ceptible of cultivation more , than any other, and thereis'also an infinite va riety of , objects, on whichi maybe exercised.' ; •-• •,., . "I can wondor - at..„ nothing„Tore," says Bishop nalli, l :than how a, nlati How, Can be idle. Ho, nutn.b,o'ileS s sire" the hooliS which men have ,Wkitton "Of"arts, of tongues. _ Him endless is*thut vol urne,which,Gcl_,hati., wrAttee the where ore,at z ure is iy let ter, every, day u new page.„' lan., , PCtinsurnpticW says.Dio:LeWis n.ot a ; dispagg•pf L tlo loop, but ouo of thn system a _showing itself in .the lie t rechintiends that all local treattneilt i tad ordinary panaceas -be avoided ';`` that the patient, if strong enough, walk two or three timesa day, in ail kinds of -weather; -that daily baths be taken" ivith , vigorous'frietiiml t hat ' pion ty :of -sleep . l bu ' secured , in a well-yontilated Joomi that the diet, consist of plain - meats, and vegetables, bread, cracked wheat; and oatmeal.- .13Er•"I wish," said the slight and alp gatit Mrs. her Ariend, 1110, whose,e,o97,l,poi o Wais J i ndsome==-1• wish rhad ; etnitertif your t, •-tai d you 7 Sorii ty Of my icairi."-• "I'll toll you what is the origin of .that wish," . replied the-fair wit; "you think •tob much of• Mei and , too little of your. sclf." . , , , itEir An Tri n shit'a'ci, ,iiith'tt`hiiitry butt• dlci of his shoiiidee, iiilingron the 'front of a horse car,'ivas atileeld why; ho: did ,not set his buntlicfon_rthe platform,&.- Ho replied : Sabers, the florae have enough t' : o drag. I'll curry bundle."' "' • . xte,„.A boy, f i ; n:oountry school was reading the sentence: - "The light house is a••larid-mark ‘by , day; and a beacon by,', night.,"(!atid rendered :it thus: "The' Withciis‘; is .a: landlord by day and a deitiKin - bitiiiglit;:" ' atiErAalllinois woman, who wanted to go to a - masquerade party, as ; Mary Queen of scotte, looked Orough,:tbo Bible to see how tho ' ,oliara'oter was . dressed.' About tho hardest;„thing'a phellow Iran do, is tow spark tow,girls at oast, anal preeetTe a good itverago. BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, " LABELp . , ; &p„ &O Afraid to get Martied;