Ely 61obt. HUNTINGDON, PA Tuesday morning, July 19, 1870. LOCAL & PERSONAL Dleatings •MC.Morinh Lodge, No. 200, ..4. r.m., meets second londsy evening ot each month, in Brown's building. SYanding None 11. R. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the fir s t Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Juniata Lodge, N 0.1.17, I 0. 0. F., meets every Friday evening, thinilloor, in holster's Mount Mar Camp of I. B. 0. P., nueta ever, second led fourth Tneada3s, in heister's building, third floor. "..S2anding Lime Lodge, No. so. I. U. G. T., meets every Tuesday evening in third floor of Bead's building. - Arropahoe 2571,e, No. GS, I. 0. of R. AL, meets every Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's building. 'Lune Alen's Christian dissociation meets the first and third )londtty evenings each month, in Smith's building. Post 22, G. A. R., meets 11,10 Monday of earls mouth in Court house. • • • . Town Council meets the first Fritlej eventng of each month. •• • . Huntingdon Lodge, No.lo, K. of P., meets every Sat urday evening, in smith's building. o • Huntingdon Tempts of Honor, No 71; meets the fourth Monday of mei, mouth inGood Templars' Hall. The illbsterian Club meets every Tlaunday evening, in the Y. M. C. A. room. litintingdon Conned, 0. Ea. X., meats first and third Tuesdays ofeach month in Good Tamplars Churches. Baptist- Church—Washington Street. Rev. J. W. Plan . nett. 'services on Sabbath - 1 10% a. in., 7p. m. Catholic—Washington Street. Rey. It. J. Aylward. per - 'vices flint three Sundays in every month. Evangelical Lutheran—Mifilln Street. Itev. J. J. Kerr. Services un Sabbath: 10%a- m.,7 p. m. German Reformed—Church Street. Rev. S. D. Stickle. • •7 • "Service en Sabbath: 7. p; m. " • - Methodist Episcopal—Church Street. Rev, Mi K. Fonter Services on Sabbath : 10% a.m., 7 p.m. Protestant Episcopal—DlD street. Rev. A. U. Boyle, Serlices on Sabbath: ley, a. m., 131.4 p tn. Presbyterian—hilt Street. _Rev. G. W. 2ahnleeT. Ser ;vices on Sabbath :11a.nr 7 p m. " ' On the wing. The corn crop looks well. The mosquitos. : bite.well 'Ws year. Kerosene lamps' are styled 'Parlor Magazines." Twenty million school books are an nually used in this country. The mercury in the thermometer has been ranging at 98' to 100 — for a few days past. A - Providence undertaker is in the habit of sending his card to all the sick persons he can .hear of. Philipsburg, a much smaller town than litintingdOn, has a street-sprink ler. Where is our enterprise'? The man .who sang "0' breathe no more that simple air!" was recom mended to go into the smoking car Where tho air was more mixed. There are 1,000,000 Persons suppor ted by our manufaetures in the United States, and the number actually em ployed is set down at 2,500,000. Loafers do not toil, neither do they spin; but they manage to keep body and soul together without working, which is a very fine art. • A Titusville woman weekly &gel la.tes her husband, and then looks her self in •the parlor and sings : "Nearer, MY Odd, to Thee." So says an ex change. One of the latest notions, is the birth card, resembling a wedding card, but bearing the name - of the new corner, and date of the advent, with the initi ale of, the parents. Type‘setters _have difficulty BOMB times in distinguishing an I from a fn manuscript. If writers would bring tlnyend of the J below the fine, many errors would'he avoided. An .exchange - notes, as the most "harrowing" sight it ever Saw, the spectacle of a gentleman in a dress rail of slack harrowing in a field,with a tall plug hat on. The old-Cshioned "Harvest Home" celebratiori will soon be in vogue.— They are the only "things orate past" ininiany sections of the country, and the pity is that Lit is so. no -Good Templars of the West Ju plata District, will hold their next quarterly convention in Tyrone, com mencing August 9th and continuing two days. 'An unusually interesting session isipredicted. - A gentlpman named Holton, residing in Sinking Valley, Blair county, says the Tyrone Herald, has a cow—full blooded Durham — which Durham—which last week turned out sufficient milk to manufac ture 21 pOttnds and 3 ounces Of butter. An aged man and cripple in Bed ford- ..county named McLaughlin, whilst traveling in the mountains was oftanked bya blackirialco. fleittocid his ground, and-.finally, succeeded in killing it. It measured nine feet eight inches in length, and seven inches. rptriadi!Ll • - A case of feminine daring is` related off' a Virginia . belle, who rode to , the , edie old precipice, and defied any man of the partyWitti4liciiiishOWas riding to follow -her; :Not Man accepted the challenge; bUt.4 . tanialixing.youth stood 'on his h'ead - fn the saddle, and dared her to do that:— 'ln Mosquito Valley,.near. Williains ;port, -a -quarry of marble has been ,opened, which, when dulY Manipula ted; is as black as'ebony, and,soulear that it reflects like 11: mirror. No otly er marble is so dense, in fibre, and' cap able of so fine a polish as , this, and the quarry from Which it,i , S.takon .is the only one of the kind known . to exist. Home is said-to be the • best of all summer resorts. - It ensures clean'beds, wholesome food, tho free run of the Ikiele, and therivilege to do as,one plea's:eau men and ....W.Onien could" tbrreW s ,aside'pare and work for a sea son, and be'companyr-,,,t0 their own families fOriliriefecasod,HoMe would .afford much -greater enjoyment than All thos,urntaery,reeorte c -• dati - gfiler 01~ br. ,Kilduff, of Pbiladelphia;loi.' her lifo At the bathing school or -Natatorium, on - Broad street,"the"other".dg:::T:Slie went into the water whileover-heated Sind was. attacked With congestion 'of the brain while in the Water, droWning her before assistance could be render -ed. .The.-young lady was to have been ,married in a few days. A mortgage given by the Pennsyl, vani Canal Company to Harman J. Lcimbaert, in trust for the bondholders of the above company; is being put upcin recerd_in the office of the Recor der of Deeds in Lancaster county. The same document will alto:bo recorded in fifteen other counties in this' State. The 85,000,000 are divided, into,bonde .of 85;000 each. '-The'mortgage is now' being recorded by':M.l',,'Sinticker;"Re corder for thisbounty._ , ler A destinctive fire occurred at Osceola, Clearfield' county, Oa:Satur daY night last, in which a planing - miil And two 'houses, were .0 rimmed.. The fire'originated in the oil room of the mill; and spread with great rapidity. '..111e loss is over 6100,000. . , ,tom .Gum finger stalls and gum diapers at apl2-3m The Sabbath School Convention The Huntingdon County' Sabbath. School Convention assembled in the Court House on WMinesday morning last, 'and remained in session until Thursday evening. There were over one hundred and sixty delegates in at "tenddnee, and it is thought almost ev ery school in the county was represen ted by ono or more delegates,.while some of the schools in neighboring counties wore . alsorrepresented:,: The courtroom was full sat every session, and the interest manifested in the dis cussions was very spirited. :The toe tics, however, of some of the speakers in debating what they deem to be the wrong'side-of a question; Ust fbr the sake of argnment, in such a crowded andlinowledge seeking assembly, aro such that cannot be commended. K. Allen Lovell, Esq (who with a few other worthy and energetic work ers, was.instrumental in getting up the Convention,) was chosen President, and the able manner in which, he pre sided over the body called forth many comments of praise, which were proved to be substantial from the fact that he was chosen permanent. Presi dent without a dissenting voice; _ Rev: George A. •Peitz, President' of the Penna. State' S. S. 'Association, was present throughout the Conven tion ; his Counsel was repeatedly elici ted, and his presence gave the convert-, Lion a spirit of animation that would probably litiVe . otherwise -tiein''Want ing ; and there were few if auy of those present who did not feel benefitted - by the instruction his large experience, in Sunday School labor enabled him to The Convention; though called at an inopportune time, and after but a few weeks' notice, was a success, and did more than could be expected from_del egaten'and-officersimany of whom nev er attended ono of the kind, nor knew what was,expected of them. The sta. tistics, us is admitted, are incomplete, but enough is known to attest thefact that by well organized efforts the whole character of the Sunday School work in the county' may be developed We are glad to :nap that the move ment has been organized on this per manent basis, and indulge the hope that at each euceeedfng year there will be renewed zeal in the work, and an effectual removal of all the obSta cles to its progress. The proceedings of the Conven tion, which are very lengthy, we will give our readtirwin our next issue. [Cornmsinicaiod.] DEDICATION—June-26th, 1870, was a day of joy to the members of Mill Creek lilvangelical Lutheran Congre- gation, and to many others who have "buried' loves" at the Old Church above Mill Creek station. The church which has stood deserted; and the an• cient burying ground, where sleep many of.the earlier settlers, long. nog leetedcliare been leasedt to the . - M. D. L. C. and nicely repaired, arid on the 26th • Av,as-. solemnly —dedicated - to-:the servfee of tile ne God. The 'day was very warm, yet, the congregation was largo•und ,attentive. • Her, A:-L. Guss, Principal of the! Cassville Or phahs' School, preached the dedicatory sermon from Psalms xxvii, 4. We may truly say the. discourse was in• teresting.-and -instructive. Contribu tious,were then solicited: to tmeet.all expenses. , The thanks of the congregation are presented to Mr.-Wm: Lewis, of the Globe, for the'beautifUl BiblePreSeUted by him ; also to Mr. A. Stewart, dealer in hardware in 'Huntingdon, for the very complete pulpit lamp, and to Mr. B. S German, of Harrisburg, for the splendid pulpit ,Hymn-book. _ This congregation, which was organ iied A: D. 1868, has now a place ',in which to worship. It may, he bumble, but stilt we feel grateful to od for the faviir shown in this, Many thanks to the kindly dispdsed friends who so willingly helped in this enterprise. ' Our prayer to, God is-:that in this house now consecrated to his sorvipo Ire niay,dvesll, la it6i•O answer pray- - Cr breathed by heart's oppressed by ; • CAMP. A_Vainf;,bieeting for Petersburg charge' will be held one mile froncr- - :Barree - Station; It it, on grounds of G. D. Green & Co., com mencing Thursday, Septemberlst, to contibue ppo wef'k.r,4l:,`,Cordia I 'Ur i te flon is extended to pastors and people of surrounding charges to come, and tent; With Arangoinenid, have been made for. persons coming'by rail road with tents to have them - delivered • the ground • on at a very moderate Cost. PerantißTol l . instance with, us will,pleaso notify-.the.under,. signed as early us possible,. at. Shavers iluntingdott 2 county,••Pa: .111' L. SatiiirEPastor: —The second innital * Ca'rni) Meeting fbr Saxton Circuit, will be held on the old grounds ,niatti :RiddlesbUrg; corn- . mencing August 1.9, and - eon'tinuing 'one.. week: - : ler Williamsport Dickinson„Serni nary:, the advertisement of Which we publish elsewhere, wo take . pleasure io recommending - to the favorable notice ,of The'President; Ray. Dr. Spottswood, is eminently 'qualified for the position he occupies at the head of the institution; and associated with him is a band orteachers competent to inatruct-thoroitedy:: , Perhaps the prospects of. this saheb} mire' -never more fult.of promisii than now: "Think) therefore who have sons .or daughters to educate; we think; cannot do , botter than to ,send theM to WilliarnSport Dickinson Seminary. : • ' LOST—On one of the streets of this borough, last week, a solid golsl -pin containing the• emblems of:,the order of Rod Men: The finder will return' it to tip e)we-shop of It. Richter, • One of the "peculiarities" of Inde pendence clay at Altoona was a bald loon' ascoSion withciut the aeronaut.-- He had advertised for weeks previous ly thatJe would soar beneath the bag of gas; but when the time arrived for ternpOrarily, leaving terra . .. firma his courage oozed out at his finger's ends, and the indignant populace dragged the oWnerfrom hiS car, cut the rope that held the halloon to the, earth, and ie-shot heavenward without a naviga tor., Fortunately for the owner: his machine descended uninjured a short - time afterward,' but,four or•five miles from the mountain city. Notwithstanding the two pow erful governinente of France and Prus sia are involved in a war which threa tens to revolutionize Burope, the citi• zees on this side of the water can still push the wheels of industry heedless of war's alarms, or the din of battle. So, at least, our enterprising baker, Luke Reilly, thinks, and be .is deter mined to supply his ,customers with his excellent -Bread; Cakes, Ste.',. and save the good housewives a heap of trouble this hot'weather. Retail Market Vrtees Butter 18, 2t', as to quality; eggs 20; lard 20 ; old potatoes 40, 50, as to quality; new, 81 to 81,25; dried apples 10 cts per ,lb ; dried peaches 15@30 ets, per lb ;beans 10@l8p quart; sugar cured hams 28 eta; shoulders 20@22 side 18®20 cts per lb; dried beef 30 @32 eta; flour $0,00@6,50, per barrel. REMARKS.—Good butter ready sale ; eggs do; good old potatoes ready sale—new ready,sale. A barn belonging to John . Cahill, lo cateda fevi'Miles - belOw'town, was de stroyed by fire on Sunday afternoon last. A'quantity of hay, Which, was put in the day beibre, 'was consumed. It is supposed. by • some that the heat of the hay caused the fire, while oth ers believe - it was struck by lightning. S'Au'r 'Birroatuu.—Dealers, look to your in terest and buy your salt from Henry k Co. Their facilities for furnishing salt are great. er than any other house in. central Pennsyl vania, and having a line of boats running to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore, they are prepared to furnish all kinds by the sack, car or boat load, at prices which. defy. com petition. - Ap 19-3 m. Ladles Dropeos and Boys Clothing. Mre. B. Annie McCabe respectfully in forms the publio that she hoe 'removed to the house formerly occupied by fI. McManigill, on Washington street. and is prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds. She respectfully invitee a full share of patronage. . ap7 For $llO McLanahan, Stone & 'sett will deliver, free. of freight, ono of the-best MoWers manufactured: It has its gearing all enclosed and will warrant it. No work, 'no Sale: They have Emery Grinders to grind, mower kniCes, &0., and Buckeye 4epairs, &c. May-10:.2m. Farrners needing a Grain-drill, will do'well:to call, on Wheaton & Ma guire and examine the Willoughby gum-spring grain drill, either with or without phosphate attachment, before purchasing. tf • ter MeLonaban, Stone & Isett, Hollidays burg, have the largest and best assortment of Garden and Flower Seeds in this vicinity. Send for Catalogue. 5 and 10 cent papers sent on receipt ofploney, postpaid. Ifc9-4111 Carpet 'Weaving Mrs. Matilda Pheasant . is prepared to weave rag carpets, and solicits patronage from a generous public. Residence Wash ington Street, West Huntin. , d.: . tf ger- Improved Buckeye and ; the. Buckeye and.tibiollarvester combined, Reaper's and blowers, repairs of the Buckeye, always. on hand, - ntLanni - Inn; Stone & Isett's, Ileill daysburg, Pu. feg,Saf *'Pratt & lay Rakes, at M. Lanahan, Stone & Isett's, Hollidaysburg.lstu 1 Double Harpoon Hay Forka, Lest in use, and there has never been one returned so far; all are warranted. MoLanaban, Stone & • fO9-5m non_ Best Gum •Roller and, Gum Spring Grain-Drilla; at McLanahan; gtomillsettta, Hallidayaburg, Pu. fe9-8m ser Mackerel, Roe, Lake, and Labrador Herring Ilenry4 ~414.2-31 n ' • oily-Cider Mills, Grain Separators, Cluver Hullers and Stemmera, Cultivators, Washing Machines, etc., etc., at Mcl..anaban, Stone & 'sett's, Hullidaysburi, Pa. foo-Bin rgaz.llleLanahan, Stone & Isett, Hollidays burg, warrant all their instruments. [fe9-5m Groun'd uni, 'A:Marisa:a and Dairy Salt at reduced pridco,.at Henry & Co's. 3m • qiibficribe for THE GLCBE MARRIED, On the 14th inst., by, Roy. J. W. Plan nett Mnf ANiinEW,BiJnptlivroN of Mt. Union, O'lliss:CATiititiKi FLECK S 9441apleton,Ithis , county • DIED, In Juniata - z.-teiWnSiitp; - the 16th inst SARTILI. ALICE • Coanut, aged 16 years, 7.mos„ and, •tlttys. In this boroUgh, or,the,,,l4th Mrs. Er4zAaErit NA.en, .in the 79th year' of her age:' „' ' " . • The deceased was aniongat the "Old. , est citizens of this plane,, where she re sided during bey ,entire life, respected •and esteemed by all herfriends, neigh bors and acquaintances. She died, in the'.triumplis , of :Obriitlan''faith' 'and with the full assurance. of :a glorious immortality, descending to the grave "like a shock of corn fully -ripo, and with_ the light of,, ,a Saviour's love.. to cheer her .passage through' the dark. valley and shadow of death. May our end bo like bd.'s: EMI= • D EAL ESTATE LOAN AGENCY MILES LEWIS ,& CO. Farms, Town Lots. •Itousesi and all kinds of REAL ESTATE, tionghtorsold. liondn,Mortgages and Deeds accurately limited. kidney' loans ilegotialod on Real Eistatonenurif.y. For-A ny in formatipp .1u regard to coo ditional tniverttning, c.i'apply, In person, orby tater, to SIMPSON' . &' 404; II UN TINGI) ON, - Pa.; • 017 ice, opposite the Court Vouse. • • - ANNOUNCEMENTS. nime of aso. ililtßgd le respectfully presented a candidate for the Legislature. &Meet:to tim decision of tbs Republican County Cottittition: July 12,1870.1 • •• - —BIRMINGHAM. MARKETS. I= . PIIILADELPIA, July 18. 1670; Superfine Flour per barrel . * $5.12@:..25 I.lxtra Flour per barrel $6.37085.60 Bye Flourper barrel 85.60 Red Whout per bustle' $1.58@8 / 00 Ilya per bushel 1.0060.08 Corn per bushel 1.151)1,12 Oale per bushel 811385cts. PITISBOILOII, July 18, 1870. . . Spring Wheat Flour pee barrel Mal 25 Wheat per bushel $1.2061.20 Corn per bushel 85@87 Oats per bushel . . ' 81652.ct5. Sys per bushel _ $' @0.85 Barley $0.90(410.85 FINANCIAL. , New YOUIV.JuIy 18.—Cold closed PHILADELPHIA, July 16,,1870. • The following are the closing prices of De Haven & Bro., 40 South Third Street: T. S. 6's of - - 114 1131 '62, - - 1091 110 • 0 '64, - - 104 1091 " " '65, - - 104 104- " 0 '65, new, - 104 109 - .1 - '67, " - 109/ .s '6B, - - 108/ 1091 " s's, 10-40's, - 1071 1071 U. S. 30 rear 6 per cent. Cy. ' 1121 112/ Due Conti?. Int. .ICotes, - 19 Gold • - - 1161 1161 Silver, - - - • 108 110 Union Pacific R.R Ist Af. Bonds 820 840 Central Pacific R. It. - 875 895 Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 760 785 HUNTINGDON MAMIE/IL CORRECTED WEEKLY DT MERRY & CO. 1417101SAILE riticEs. Amin—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $4.50 . Extra Flour, . do 5.50 Family Flour, do 6.00 GRAIN—Red Wheat, per bushel, 1.25 White Wheat, do 1.30 Rye, do 90 Corn, new, do 85 Oats, do 45 Barley, do . 1.00 SEED—Timothy, do. 3.50 • Flaxseed, do , 1.75 , Cloversecd, per 64 lbs. 6.00 COAL-llrtrd coal, per ton, 4.50e5.50 Broad Top coal,- - do 3.00®3.50 LU.III3ER, per 1000 feet, 12.00@30.00 SIIINGLES—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00®12.00 Joint Shingles, do 5.00®7.00 slrscsw,Aueous—Bark, per cord, 9.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.00 Hops, per pound4o • Wool, do 40®50 Hay, per ton, 10.00 Bides, 6@7 LIST OF JURORS FOR AUGUST TER3I. 7 - , • cmAND Juneol. William Dean, farmer, Juniata Daniel Flamer, gentleman, Juniata. M. A. Filamaloo, farmer, Tell. .1. W Fleming, dorpenter, Dublin, E. B. Frazier, farmer, West John Oelsainger. firmer, Weat. G.Graham, plasterer, Hunting:int. David Hare, farmer, Porter . John S. Halley, tanner, Carbon. Jacob Herrick, blacksmith, Henderson. George IL liainliteu, fa :no, Hopewell. Porier Hawker, potter, Shirloysburg. David Irwin, tanner, Cromwell. A: B. Jackson, farmer, Jackson. Elias Musser, ight, Jackson. David Iletlarvey, firmer, Shirley. John Halton • f brmer, Barren. Alnalsam JPGahan,l. P., Penn., - • ("urger W. Price, farmer, Cloy. • G. W, Sipe Clerk, Caswilloo. • John Yamievender, former, Walker. George Whittaker, gentleman, • Alexandile. James Wray, farmer. Tell. ' Caleb Wakefield, farmer, Brady. MOM= autione—rauter weak. A. S. Anderson, farmer, Onion. C. C. Ash, farmer, Barree. • W. G. Briggs, laborer, Shirley Albert Brooks, clerk, Carbon • Adam Crouse, farmer, Shit ley " ' Anthony Cook, inn keeper, Orbisonia Themes Duffey, gentleman, Sprltigriell • Davld Blair, firmer. Oneida Andrew Decker, farmer, Herideraon josepli Diggine, (armor, ' D. Y. Etnier, clerk, Brady Samuel Eby, farmer, 11:ody Jacob Iheneman, farmer, Walker . R. B. Foust, merchant, Breily, C. Christian Four, firmer, Penn ' . Caleb Greenland, fanner, Cloy S. H. Grove, blacksmith, Liecoln • :lames Canoe, gent. Warneranfark • K. Green, farmer, Cltiy. Joseph Hutchison, laborer, Porter Jacob F. Hoover, farmer, Pall Gilbert "Leming, Cermet, itta•eriee • ' - James 'Deter, carpenter. Ted 11. A. Jackson, farmer, Jackson Peter Kooken, farmer, Waffle:l:mark Daniel Kaufman, laborer, gained:il Joseph Knode, farmer, Porter , John X. DM, farmer, Shirley ' J. 11. Lightner, J. P.. Shirleysburg John M'Math, fanner, Tell illiam Keith, farmer, Clay • D. B. Hong, tanner, Wanioramark . „ James McCartney, farmer, Alexandria George W. Putt, laborer, Hopewell. • • Levi W. Pheasant, former, Union Jamealluarry, farmer, Union ' ' • • Lewis Rhoden, farmer, Henderson Samuel Rupert, farmer, Henderson Nicholas Rider, mason, Clay - - • Robert Speez, farmer, Toll . D. 11. Shultz, Professor, Ilendelion Wiwi:it:Won Stewart, farmer, Cromwell ' J. W: Sheete, cool operator, Clay , H. T. Stains, marble cutter, Clay Jobn,Smith, farmer,,Barree • • •• 'John Warfel, farmer; Henderson - • ' ' • Thomas Walker, carpenter, Alexandria Samuel Pickets, farmer, 'Jackson i • David Bally, gent. Walker William Buckley, farmer, Shirley ' - Joseph Cornelius, farmer, Franklin Solomon Curfmau, farmer,Tod- K. H. Cunningham, merchant, Huntingdon imujannii trims, carpenter, Alexandria D. G. Doyle, carpenter, Clay - . ' '•• E W. Edwards, shoemaker, Clay. Abram Elias, (armor, Tod John - Ebberte, farmer, Franklin • Elijah Frond:, carpenter, Tod ; Noble Gregory, fanner, bare* S. Green, farmer, Tod •• - John Lluey, farmer, Brady - • • a • Henry Ilimes. laborer, Mapleton. ", • • •: James. Huey, farmer, Brady • Samuel Hetrick, firmer, lienderison • • ' •• : :William IlicksOnn.keepor,-Alortie iIV/Iliam•limicfarrnercalelligneld Ingrain Franklin •• •c• qNlcliollilainbirg;anctloneer,Alexan`drli. • 2.7Ohn a lacklipnr;fiuntek,Jackama r "..l • :••• kFifir Kean', tanner, - • • 44 113 T er,larmer - ,, Oneida • -• „. Da, 4 11-.lloPrlamnyaeinhanl, Tell -.:. •-•••••i psnminglioniMartire:fatiner.:Welkea:,•, - ,g , "," Joseph PlCCracken, farmer, Oneida Peter Piper, fermar, Porter Swoopoorimdmaafer - ,Alexatidpia GeorgoEciatti fammylitarree • Snanogle,4lirm'ir; , It. teacher,•Warrioratnark J. B. IVO - lath - clerk lit EmrE BOUGHT,‘SOLD AND EXORANGED MOST LITARAL COLD Bought and`Sold at. Market Rates. COUPONS CASED: Pacific Railroad, Bonds BOUGHT AND SOLD. Stooks Bought and Sold on Commisidotionly CMCA.G - 0, DANVILLE & VINCENNES First Yortgau 7 P. C. Gal But yor Salo at 90 and aceriled interest. Accounts received and_lnterest allowed on daily balances, subject to check at eight. I) E ‘ I/ Bita 40 SOUTH 3n STREET, PIIIidADELPIIIA. mll2 ly Every business man ehould use.printed bill heads, letter heads, and envelopes. They have to use the paper and 'onvolopes,-any way, and we furnish the material at whole: sale prices, and print them at lees than the material IVOUiti OM at retail price. Call. 1810 - C"P"' 1. 1870 SPRING STOCK AT ILED'IIiCED PRICES. JAMES A. BROWN, Is constantly receiving at his new CARPET STORE, IN HU.NTINGDON, PA, Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh from the rooms of the manufacture.. Ills stock comprises BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, VENITIAN, WOOLDUTCII, COTTAGE lIENIP, LIST and RAG CARPETS,, CARPET CHAIN,' ". COCOA.and CANTON ➢IATTINGS, FLOOR, STAIR and TABLE C3O XIA ia 3r-a CZ) T 1 XI 19, A FRESH. STOCK OF WALL PAPER, WINDOW-SHADES and Fixtures, Druggete, Velvet Rugs, Door Slats, Extra Carpet Thread and Binding 4-Z•4 make a specialty of ftirnieldng CHURCHES end LODGES, at City Niece, nod invite Punishing Commit tees to call and see goods made expressly for their pur . , Sayers wilt sare - money and be better suited bY to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store for any‘or tE a ebore - goods. I defy competition in prices and variety of beautiful patterns. CARPETS 25 cents per YARD and UPWARDS. I bare also the Agency for the Original HOWE SEWING MACHINE en well known as the beet Family Machine in the world Call at the CARPET STOREand see them. JAMB A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Meh 16,10.6 m, , , W. inJeti Oleg rALLISog J.ll.ellett CU. NEW STOVE AND TIN STORE. BUCHANAN, ALLISON & CO. Have opened a new store in Venter's new building, In the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa., and have ready for sato a large assortment of Cook and Parlor Stoves, SPEER'S REVOLVING Liam., SPEER'S ANTI-DUST, SPEER'S ANTI-DUST COOK STOVES, SMITH'S REGULATOR and EUREKA COOK STOVES and•LITTLEFIELD'S HEATERS. Aleo, a large arsortment of IirIIV RV@ IKIEBBED WAlltG o and egreat variety of Goods, never before kept in this place. K•o also manufacture TIN WARE •TO ORDER. Repairing, Hoofing anif Spouting done at abort notice JOY' Country Stoics supplied with Tin Ware at city rates. Confident of being able to ntake it advaningeoUs to their customers they iebpeetfully solicit a iihare of public patronage. ROOM IN YENTER'S NEW BUILDING IN THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA. inn. 5, IS7O FARMERS I EXAMINE AND BUY 'MI'S:3E3 ibereiGr.leZTALlA BAUGH'S BEING • The First Raw Bone' Phosphate blade. All others are imitation. 3BIS9.TJGraEVIS RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. IR ADE MARK mv.61.13.,167c). • 5 ::.tv • ) %. • • Thin Maiimin in made °lran and unburned bona, rick In Eltrogemnin matter, &embroil in oil of vitro), present ing the Bone Phoinphate in &highly soluble'and quickly available form, and the Ammonia in such proportion as to insure a prompt and rigorous action upon the crops. Whore Bough's Phosphate woe applied the past semen, the indication., without exception, sre that it will main. tots its well earned reputation. We request all in need of a Pertiliaor to givottiis article a trial. BAUGH & SONS, ILMFACTIMERS, Office; No. 20 SOuth Delaware Avenue March 8-010. PHILADELPHIA. , - • THE IIb.NTINGDON • Mandfacturing Company, • :‘ ' •: 1s now prOpared'to . Sir orders for WEATHERBOARDING,. ' 'FLOORING DOORS, Atif(SAS4; And in short to do all kinds of Carpenter work-- To . furnish HUBS, SPOKES and TELLIES, in quantities, and receive ordors,for 'T . 7 I[3 : 3 L7LWI II I 9 C:r I:I •7Eigt . ! .!s , •• t • ,•:: •'1 krAll'ordere should be addieeeed'eo D. W. ARTLEY, President, Auntingdon, Pa. June 16, 18(394 . . ...f .!••,!';,! :i) II [ESTABLISIIED 1851.] Iligbest Premium, Silver Medal, awarded .over all corupetition,at Mechanics' ElthilkitJenellost92"October, 1669. . 2 ~,S; - - The original and genuine ; • •SELKIZEGTIVATING; P ' . WROTiGIiT:TRON, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER 191111PATENTDPI94 4117 , ,N, `IRATE, BAR RESTS, and W,RQIUGfIT,jI3I)N .101),I4T•91t. • and 4.Vgq.I!4A : .TI9•TIAGIJLA : I'OII'.• For Burning AnthracitO or Bituminotis' : I Coal °Jr-Wood: ; .1. 10 sizes for brickwork, and two eliee'PrortablO ; ' 'itsitorscrorith OILS an J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. CORN.p-13.r1f ANO"4IIEitT STS. Timone/acre are made of ltettyy,yfroughOron 2 well tivetdd togother;andaro warratitato bdabkolufely gaa and &Ist light. '•Tlie'fairilliC`Oniirlit'ati;rig that t ,man aged without any dampers, and In which all kinds of fuel can ho 14orposl - wikhil.uttitOratiorf: :- .1 COOKING- - RAN?F,Sln'hottSlii •ricotaniante, ' and families, Also, a FLAT-TOP lIEATIN,'G RANGE. FIRE PLACE-IDIATARS,-- f',.:14,0W DOWN GRATES, SLATE MANTELS, REEISTERS,ANp, "ygagjp 4 qpils,,,, • mmptitet. sent tvo to, nil dross., •', • - • • (June 21,,1y-7,0.) Lewis' is the Place to Buy Sohool Books and Stationery, Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, HMO, Books„ Sunday, ,Seb9ol,,Books, et Books - Peaket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Parer, Windolv Shackle and Fixturos, etc., titc.,eto; [novll,tf. ADDRESS TO 'THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. WHOSE SUEFEEINOES HATE BEEN PROTRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUpg , , AND WHOA OASES REQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO RENDEREZTSTEATEDESIBABLE If you aro suffering, Or lits u'uffired„ from involun. tary due mated effect does It produce optc, your general health I Doyen feel went, debilitatul, easily ,‘ • , • • , tired ? Does a little extra exertion produce palpstation . . of the heart Does your liver, or urine organs, or your kidney', get out of order ? Is: your urine tometitres thick, milky or Rocky , or le it ropy on * settling 1 . Or does a thick sl:•unt rloo to the top t 0 - rls a sedime n t at the bottom alter It has stood si.rittlo ' Do you Noma . - spells of abort breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bow , ohs constipated ? bo you Late apelle of tainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory im'patradt Is your mind constantly dwelling on,. this subiect 2 , Do you fool dull, listless, moping, tired ef company,. of life ? Do you wish to be left alone, to, get away from every body 1 Does any little thing make you start or jumps? Tei your deep brokerioriestless 1 Is the lustre or your aye air bright?' DO you enjoiyottrioll In iocletY an Well? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you fool as much confidence in yourself? Are your apts. its dull and flagging, fits of Midaneholyt If so, do not lay it to your Heir or dyspepsia. Lave you rest less night.? Your back %oak, knees weak, and hare bat little appetite, and yon attribute this to dye. pepsia or liver complaint Now, reader, solltabuse, venereal dimaseehadlyeured, and Nexus! extreme; are all capilde of prodnelng a vreaknem of the; genoratlvO organs. The organ. of gen eration, when 112 perfect healthy' Make 'the 'Man: Did you ever think that those bide, iiiitant, energetic, pirer... aortas, enecemful ?Manaus Men era nlwaya those whom organs are In perfect health? younever hear auch,men complain of being melancholy,of nervousness, of palpita tion of the heart.. They are never afraid : they cannot succeed In business; they don't become sad and 'lllaeorr aged , thej are altenys polite and pleasant In company of ladies, and look you and them right'ln' the NCe.-1101111 of your downcast looks or any 'alter meanness abotit them. Ido not moan those who heep the. 'organs infla ted by running to excess. Those will not only, ruin their constitution, but thorn they 'dci . business with or for. Iron , many men, from badly cured diseases, from the .ITects of eellabnee and raceme, bare- brought about hat elate of weaklier, in these organs that has reduced he general system ao much ex to Induce almost every other disease-4d Joey, lunacy; s paiaJyaia, aieetiotht, suicide, amialmost eviry 'form or ilhease humanity is heir to—and the real caasecifilia. trouble 'Carrel.) , ever suareeietVend here ;locio'rod fat idt but the right;one. DISEASES OF TIME ORGANS DackIIIRE TITS DBE OF A DIIIRE'TIC; ha. MOLD'S FLUID EXTEAOT 13 - EPOIXT3 Ia (be Groat Diaretic;and le 'a certain mire for diseases Mel BLADDER, KIDNEYS, _GRAVEL, DROP SY, ORGANIC' WEAKNESS, FE- ,•f MALE do3l4Aikik4E.Nr: EIIAL, t 1 It ITY, And all dlsealiei'Of • 1T)11 In Male or . Finial% from whatoro;:emum,originating, and no son4ot: of Uolloi4.,,tantling ! ,;_, if no trootnient.YiiMbeilifed . - •:;/ ; ; snotty may 089 e. thls nosh apd kdoed ate • onnported . from those sonicee, end the he'aftli , and ~heppleeae, t and :that or Poster,ll,, dePoluis upon prompt tile ors remedy. 'lolTltAalr - ifOCEIT.4 establieled ward of 19 yee;e,'FrapaVo. • - 1-1 E LIV i lliOLCk; • • 594 Broadirrdy. York, ". : ;,•• - • •- 7... II,: UK South 3.oth'St,'Philiiddlphill; PO:" " 0;:ts;:; t.v• ." ":. .1.11,10,8-41,25.p,r bottle, or d bottles - f0r,"56.50, , ered to eflyaddieel: .! '' Sold by o y. .0)1? g Non? are. ginuie unlima doueup iq,stpel engraviiii ' ~rrapjiet; idi{li"ih~•eithilip ' of `Aid!_ akOrig#4 -Wo4so U,SA 1 : astaianed, !:: I T'li n E7411 3 0 1071 ;1, $ , . May Thly, IMINEMMIEM 7.::;.iidu,:::i)og... 1') ll' , - - iii• - : , 1,r',...: ; • Ot4 Pbtxti,sijittA. CENTRAL 110TEly • eoura xstr Callan rotalra STA f E.CHHCOTE, (formerly of Huntingdon C 0.,) i'iteett Centrally located and therAnost ronYeillent point for merchants visiting the city. Accommodations, of the flrarclass. All the modern improvetnents. Vied At tention will bo extended to guests. JatiA.l34, kgrtit f4)..)sia: uni,mimewls 3 Baia ay St.. N:Y.or 39 W. 4 t SC.'ilneflioiktf,'o. - u they wain tht• tnreit popular and 4boatollin*, 'aulr.•uiptton borilveptihit,ho. WWI 1114 tnoxf era! Irons. Ntni• I for oiltailitr.. alloy will emit yqt, • notlthte, awl Isiltylb, ntgti•at buiteltrtif ' feb9:ly' A_GENTs . Prospectus • • Joximmit • • A Masterly -Versification of the Sublige Poetry'of the , Bible." • • - • SO-pronounce n at i ons . ing obirgymewandlaytiwe MI denom Universally" admired and Welly esteemed both for ltm•gredr. intrlnsitunatiVind mecbabical finish., A beantifurqrospectus, n now and original design, showing-6 odifthront ityles'of Unit ing, etc., sent absolutely FREE - to all ,acCeptsd as - Agentaand a simple copy whorl 'desired:MA at 10 per cent loss than the wholcsele price. Exclusive Territory. and the most liheral terms. Fur fuillOaitieulare, 'term% etc., address e. F. VENT, Publisher, May CON. ' ,' ;3 Barclay EtVeetNew Torit2 • . G I VE (11ARBLE FRONT.). ; .; (VOW Street, WeslifrOTeenili," 'Milo aallAgEN;ollPl,l;±OpC'' It la oftbor.4 ro4arn, aintrootion, fotaelo,4ll to • otylo unsay •• used by any or Me H.rot hotels or Curve o Jolt* tri7mr, .P/uPr. CEO. PRUBBLW; Stip't.' • • ...;1 • •; • • . .; .2 1 • . , OS 1 :DAETS !pun GrearAmerlean Health. Restorirr,-pariflins the blood end corns Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Diseases. Bhournatlem; Rheas& a:Minna and all Chronfe Affections of the Blood, Liver and HM- I neye. Recommended by the MedieaLFaculti.and thousand of our best CitiZODB. Read the testimony of Phyalotarks aud: tuttleatir Who have used Itosadalia semi for Our feudal. ankle to Health or Almanac for this year, 'Rid& we publish for gratuitous dtstribuUott;it, will give you moth .L1(1.11111 Information. , . . Dr. ft. W. Carr, of Baltimore gays: , I take pleasure in recomfaendiric leas a very powerful auerutive. I have seed it used in two cases with happy retailtd-adhe In case ,of secondary syphilis, in which the •patient,,,pre. nouuced himself :eared after having ' taken - liver bottles of your medicine. ilite other is a. case, of scrofula of long s tending,' •which 'is ' raPlarf -Im proving under Its use, aud,,the.,indicationa, ars that the ve.ttent,ltt vial& comity. • I liava , cere. fully examined the formula by whickyour Rosa delis is made, and find It len' excellent 4- doMpovind of all alteratiVe Ingredients, - .„ - fir. Sparks, of Nicheaegillie. be' here used )toeadnite In canes ofecrofula and secondary Syphilis with satisfactory resultst=tord etbaneeof the blood I know no better remedy.— Sarruel 0:1: McFadden,' flurfiegbero; Tennessee, says/ , •i 'f 7:7 - have n e e,l seven bottles of Itogadials; and iths entirely cured of Ilheumatiem; send me fear ,bot tles, as I Wish it for my brother, who ban Scioto. Benjamin }Societal; of Lima, 0 te; writes,l hive suffered for twentyyears with ad inveterate ern? lion over body ; a short time since I pur chased a - bottle of Mosadalls and It *Ho-MAI a per ifect cure. . „ lioendalls Is sold by Jobn Bend snd 8.8. !Smith, Huntingdon, Ps.,end Druggists - lel:tonally. ',Oratory, 61 }change Place. Beltimers.• , ; CLEMENTO & CO., Proprietors.:; RI Fob: 23.1 yr. 2 or`3 p COUGHS, SWIE THROAT;FIC. No medicine or trecitnzent ain:ettel , . the pgiverfq eAfrotype.otpe DR. SIMMV wolTg . :re,gm,oo,,Lip,gsg* it cares with arapidity.unequalledbyXoly ether, remit dy offered le throat h'tfd lung clisearies. It is recommender ed by ever 2,000 persons in Wilmingteciand hundreds in PhiladelpbbyPaltimore And other cities and dothimani• ties throughout the country. 1.1 r,, Pennington :of Wit. mingtori, Illinois, writde that thereto not (with 'a ferax. ccptioes)o family in Orate!" who will be without ICJ( poselble to procure It. Hoch is Its popularity' wherever it le known—and this pupal rlty arises rrorn A boracl that it universally cures all who nee It There'll, no case or • ~ • AST/13111i,8R0N911.1.115i FLOOD Berrrniq..noAni3l4gBB 4 1pfliven , Prilnieirr ary Consumption, where system Is not broken' down with the wear,of.the disease, or pretended; !Wadi CI ne,:ter inexperienced advice, that this haisam will not cure if carefully need according to dipectiotia. • We guarantee it all we represent it be, and invite atria l - om the alllkteed everywhere. • Prfci tt etp., medium size, vend g febrile' size bottles . Prepared only by , • - • J. H. SIMMS 'M . - . 7 •—•n• Practical Organic 'chemist, NO. 707 Market St., WILMINGTON, PIT•!-Pz!: • •• -. • .;1 ,- • - ii , 4.. t rililadelphia dopot. Johneton;:noldreetj' A Co*den', e. Arch Street.• , „.! n 'Belthnoredopbt..S. S./fence; 108 Saltlnedrti'Stoiet: "'^ For sale by Medicine Dealer , s generall y , .t , 9 ,•., rt i Jane 14 1870.'1y.• •• • -" — - • , - • 9.1 'SPECIAL-,NOTICE r ;3 -1,19 it •Pc„Z • 4e'thereacems tet belinimpieeeloevrlth many "that we deal only In very eanenelveßlateti:ooo,* we, wish tel . spectelfy announce that wo keep and conetently maintain . • ti ••• , !t0 4 ) ill a -! 111 9 °3: l 2 P e t c 't A0i4. 1 11 • q0P4.41.4g Y a FIOY'II I :7 , i i': 13'1 EREAKEART „ 150 ( 01! , :(1 " ' DINNER 11 I)EOSERT, r; r , ••r, - • TEA §RI , 4O.ES, atid In einili t 'aefeciea line r 'l3l" KNIVES, EPOON2, 4.411410,04111C..011T. •.11 WY, tiq; 4o . ioriectly for all the ordlnarS wee expected' or required ofench•lar• tlehia,land wilt medico ont'suarantee ai being the beat their kind 101110, market; They,Aire who' . tf 'r'nxots; IN PLAif7 1 , 191.110t8, 1t, 1 4 . '; ' I rillEM orAskst;litiEßS.' rs J.' E.- CALDWELL", 01'0'1' , -r • )::* NO. 90'; pLi#rigur BTSEET "‘fl Jan. 10,7o.L1y1:1` • t i - 91 :1 • 1 1 141i114,14, • • , %11 • -• :• c ASI/MUOI U. 17, if, MiLf.,Ekt do $01 , 1 0 ) fn .• =.• "•'A`; jll.l f: ~, _. ~. l~'v~~ ~(~ mil DMA MIR VI ,"1 ‘ - )41;11 - !Off.:TI • 121111 ,„, to - u.35:r .111. t)iii at; BEM SHOE:IFSNDINCS; " -; ... Ja12.1670 MEI MEM =EI .:j~~, ~ , MEM IBS