( 01 61,06 e, HUNTINGDON, PA. , Tueiday morning, 41y 19, .1870, DITOR8 •-: TITIGII LINDSAY, :) The "Globe"has the largest number of readers of any other paper published in the county. Advertisers should remember this. Republican County Convention, A Conven+Jon of the Union Repub licans of Huntingdon county, will be 'Geld in the borough of Huntingdon, on TUESDAY, Atmsr..9rn, 1870, at 1 o'clock, • • _ • Ttiis - Convention - Will 'be composed of.two relegates from each township, borough; ward and district. The Republican voters of theieount,y .are.requested to meet at their respec tive'places of holding elections (except those of the West ward , ot the borough 011untingdoniwho will bold their elec ..kinn -at ithe- new Engine ilbuso,) ton Saturday,i the 6th day nfAuguat:-L•in -tbu.Townships, ,between • the hciUrs of IPtind 7 .o'clock,. .p. in - 2, • and•in the BO ,roughs betvi' eon - Abe hours -of 6 and:9 o'clock, - p; rm, for 'of 'elect , -ing delegates :to- this Con yen tion. l Nominations will bo rnaderat the -Contention for Congress, State Senate, Assembly, i Associate ; Judge,- County 'Commissioner; Director - of the Poor, -and County Auditor. • • • - .LEWIS, • I. • ' chairman 2 . ieiv2dkan aunty ainniillee. THE Blair COiiitty Radical has char 'od us with denouncing the Morrell Bessemer steel business: We have not said a word upon that subject: There 11111Eq. b o something wrong or thiteditor I:4•lli4liatinr, oie of Sl4Frefrs • organ", would not'see ghosts. „ • I, Coplip,E§A:has.pdjqurned aftera ses sion of overseven months) and.the Re publican": , jean:tale= -throughout: - the Sttes are unanimous 'hi the opinion ihnt Irge mijority of . the mernbersasiting fora re-election should ho left at home—atukthe.people,almost crushed to earth with-taies,are of the '4EO5 l °c:9OO9P: s .;. : tobli our candidate Tor bon gross this falir —Crenier's Republican; ' More than likely th'e,nominee of the Democratic party will be - your 'clate.tbis.fall. • You'are i&favor ; of the nomination of .Mr. , Morrell lor a third term: , _Last year-you were' in favor of yourself being. madeProthonotary, but the Republican-Convention rejected you, and you threw' your support to' .nud.helped to - elect tbe Democratic andidato. It may be just so this fall, jf..l4)4rrell should - not be nomina ted it maYse as convenient for you' to support a'Democrat for Congress as it is for Mr. Morrell's friends in Cambria to support a Democrat fur, the Legis lature.- . 4 THE Joitrr!al& American seems ,to lie - afraid . thit the Republicans of the county will not turn out at the dele gate elections and•conyeation because We will not join with Mr. Logan in is suing acalt.'That paper need not be un easy--the,party swill be out just as strong under our call as if it had been is sued bYßobert or Mr.Legan. We can't see the reason why it should not. A. few calling themselves. Republicans may object 'to coming out under our calrfor-feiir they'may be requjred, to pledge tyeir . ,spOpitrt i ltioAhp ti be nozninated or be:gepied • Bait jg, the Conlontion; Each afa not vaned by our calf: 'lf they de'get'seatsiii:thh Con= ventiob they; wilt b e there otiIYWV I .; organize.ktn4 s nOte, again with,the , ,, mocrats_ to defeat_ the;ticket: , . „ * Tu-StiEreeire_. -liepublicans outside of tale county who • cannot see, why the disorganiiers have had ari inflaen§o to disorganize the party. areln formed that ail Elm most : important, and very-near all the smalfer offices filhid inzandliom.the-cennty:; through thejoilitenee of • Scott' 'and, ..p.rr. Morrell, bave;been interest of.thc,disprgardzers filled The townships and boroughs, all, have their officei holders'ot ezpectante who”; de . tlie:'hid ding of tl34; ; ChiefdisOrgithiz,erS or:talie no nel l iye-psit rigaiestthem. The * k egs of the" , yoters deceived last yeara'will nothe deceived again by aridli-Ineti'; they will' ot free from thdli advice no matter what Rosition they may occupy . • •• or now near they may be to ,one, be cause they:know that by.tv.rstrict ad herebee •-to 'Party • notikinittiiinsiparty defeat may be prevented, but . byyleilif-" inktoij . :i4,demands . the illsorgaei r ze,rsAefeat must follow and the :party be destroyed. • - . . Trtnpair County Radical _says that 3fr: * .Moriell' 1(3 gupPoited.:fOr.:..4 AWN ; term iby ticp-,of,oo.3three winge . pf the Republionn‘partyLin:this coanty.::BUt -two:wings td' the partyareSwn''to the voters herethe:,*in i g' O'42S-im ported the'regiilarlY nominated ticket last,faki, and the wing headed by Mr. Scott, and supported by the Republican, Mtvlitifirrell's - office-bolders, and•others reliable only,,when they themsekice are candidates for election. The Jour, nal ,& :f.44l.merican does not 'represent either The party orralrtiation of it; as it ehangeePOSition so oft,nethatneith-, er the one Wing ner,the.ptiler, can. have any confidence., in :it. .Last.v.year it was, with the:disorganisers lie - Con , vention 'ands until . three 'l“blts witideNhen c ili'PriCe '4 7 a'S'rA c tiel, 4 ( f sV Cromer says) and .it came into the support• of the-regular -ticket. 'This year_ liCA'bere and there, and• to- ay . ip its nowhere ; market waiting to be bought again at better pay than census-taker. - The Disorgranizers at work in Cam bria County. We see by Mr. Morrell's organ at Johnstown, that in Cambria county Mr. Morrell's friends will support upon the same ticket , with-,bin, (if nomina ted) James PO'tts :16r Atisembly. - Mr. Potts is and al wayihas been a straight out Demosrat of the most rabid kind, and if he — should be elected, and he most likely will be, be will work for the advancement of , Democratie mess-. ure,s,, including yec„trado,.during. the, sciiien: *This disorganizing movement of Mr. Morrell's friends in Cambria is similar to thb conduct of the disorgan izers,in this county. last-fall in,uniting with the Democrats and defeating the 11.4mblican candidates.' It does not look weir titian . to have at its mast-head L. - gcir D...T:3lo4ll.pLl?;(Reptitilican ) For' : JAMES POTI 4 S, (Demoe'ra4 The a , little too Strong for Republicanism in . this county. ' A map who will consent tcran arrangement by:4l'loli his party Must Offer in. the State that a local interest in which ho is interested - can he:strengthened, is notAeServiiig the confidence or sup port of party men. The Democrats want to have a majority inrthe neat Legislature, to .district the State to 'their iiitereat, Ana Mr. 'Morrell' and his trienda . in 'Cambria' 'it.' willing to„h'elp them secure such. power.' Such Re- PubliminiSin can't be 'endorsed by the Republican party in tills county. The Eleotion of Delegates. The Repuilicai3 voters in every elec tion 'district 'should . require a pledge 4rem the persOns they propose to, elect s defogalci that they will support the, tiaket tionlinat?d . and they •to recidire' the same pledge frOm all can : , didates . liefore 'the . 'oOn ven tion, ,before theyaro ballOtted for. A comini , te T gaper' of the ; party such a spirit would leave fot disorganizers_ to repeat the mischief of lust year. : —, The Cbairinan'of the bOunty Commit tee should be required to obey the in structions. of the. Convention and to act in harmony With the State Com mittee:. With • a united ,front, pledged CO the suppOrt of the ticket, .the party will come out of the campaign victori• ous; but with another disorganizer,, to . • load, repudiated by the State Commit tee as Mr. Logan was and is, the party, cannot cipeOt success. We.hope that every Republican in tho county who desires to see Ilia party successful will attend the delegate elections, and elect good and true men as delegates to the Republican Convention to be held in' this place in August. "BELIEVING it to be the duty of eve ry man- who either is or ciainas to bee memher of •the—Republican County Committee to yield mere personal considerations for the sake of the 'par. ty and ther.prineiples which he 'repre sents, I now propose to join with you in a generafcall,'!cte.—Logan's Letter : , Last year he didn't believe in' any such belief; then fora personal consid. erotion homgreed to play disorganizer and assisted to defeat five.regular no. minces of the party, The. personal consideration, he is now enjoying, dis charging the„duties of County Treasu.• rer.in.place .o.,Cloyd who was ,put for-. tvird as a blind. , Loganotust,practice a,little political honesty, before. Wftletp/ believe, l thfarbe wilhbertome„inlho We ; have seen, no evidence that he .intends . to-.support, tbel,ticke,t to be noltkinated if it should not be'composed of hie kind, : of Bepublicans,,therefore we have refused to •go in • partnership with Aim in a cal),for a,,Convention.— We have been. deceiyed• too ,often by such loose party men to , bo , !picked.up" just now . by. Mr, Logan and- ,bie,-advi atm - •:• .." . ' - WE . dOn't'boli6'yo' that * Mr: ; Met•rell seritmslY . ttiinkiOf being a cailditlate' for elea(oii.ll3r a Third term: His "sit utition,".l4l,il6' that' defeat , would' be alriiisst certain . "" WO - bolio've ,a can'didate'only to holpldve'frcim feat all t thi . next'deleglitiS elections Hie, gtierrillaitiaileis v S6cit cf thO ita'Re'42tbliean lite; tioir have lint Mr: Idrward' in this county as theii 'candidate and they supposehid naMe*,will strong enough to entry ' tlirough;' And glive thein tC ,. ctintrolliag infltiende . in' ttidi i ` , osl37 . enion.:: If such ttio restllt. , the Convention, t Mr.Oentt and ,bis_,guerrilla friends 'would claim . it as pn , endersement:,by • the Republi cal] partyOf the county , of their condOct• last fall. • What would Con", then? . Guerrillaista..endprsiptcl- 7 , guerrillaisravmade, respectable—guei•,-; rillas•riame Mr..Morroll's: succeesor- Arid'y'lnhtisonlattcloit in the:fog-:Lthei party the'e6iintY: prpx, district:.dentokali4ed, and routed, for ,want,,ofThOnest•and reliable leaders.-'- ;What then? • ;‘: • • ,W , B 7 sos thitt:lctr. - Cloyd,,olected Co:: -Treabuteer,last WI; is'iti'tow'n,; And it is sufitiOstici N 9 Will remain hero' until - zit: toi . :lo'..4egti9g : of •t¢e .Ttopupliettn, l'ConVontioq, to try to -wake bblievii that Ike and-. not • Mr. Logan is , the Co. Trett'sur6r: .. _The - pricb`lir."LoleatiwaS' prOntisett•tiW:filkiing'intO thO hakkti§ Of 0 1 m. J 1 rooing. g&-• :rho dogma ,of Papy.ljidallibili tfpaesed llcuitioniaal Council, on''''Wediieday; by if. bolo 'o '450 to' 8$ . ' • • wra.;RearAdmiral Dahlgren died a Wasnington,`on; Wednesday last: - France and Prussia at War. Cable dispatches announce that a war is new,raging between the pow erful goyerdinente'o , f Fiance and Prue- - sia. The difficulty, or pretense for the difficulty has grown out of tho do sire to choose a king, for +Bpain—last month the throne being abdicated by: 'lsabella IL A. number of "eligible" princes have boon applied to but none agreed to take the throne, when Gen orel,-Priln-saw -that-oncr of - the King ok-Portugal's sisters was married to Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern, a Prussian, who was milling to accept. Prim give - riotice - :tO all" great Powers that the-Crown-of Spain- bad-been - - of fered this. Pri nee, when ~Napoleon ob jected to & birp, although he is a relative. Xing William, of •Prussia, • said be would not object, as a family : man, to prince Leopold declining the candi dature, (which ho has done,) but -that as King of Prussia, he .would: not in terfere. ~ On this, Count Beneditti, French. Ambassador, demanded that Prince, j_iqopold:s.renunciation should be perpetual, and that no matter how strong the demand, from Spain, -the Prussian veto should .elwaya :prevent his being a candidate. , King William ref:Med to see the yrench Ambassador and:curtly, sent him word. that he bad "no further- comtnunication to receive • or make: One : account has it that Count Beneditti accosted him in, the garden, and the King.turned his,back upon him,, which Napoleon, took as an insult. At all events, the pretext was taken up by Napoleon,, and war, was declared. • It would be mere speculation to say how many governments will take part in the conflict, although .. England in clines in favor of France, ;and, Russia inclines with, Prussia, ~Napoleon's am bition has heeo to make the Rhine the eastern, boundary of France, : whilst Prussia has been eager to measure • swords - , with France. Napoleon it is thought. will, take field in perso'n., Congress. From the Ilollkloyaburg Register.] HUN rIiIGDON, July 6, 1870 .G . F.NTLEMEN :-1 eee in an article in the REGISTER on the question •of oui hest con gressman, the statement that nobody hoe been elected from this part of the State for a third term fur more than-fusty years. My 'recol lection extends back.for forty-two , yetirs—to the year 1828. In that year Hon. John Scott, of 'Huntingdon county, father of Senator Scottoras elected end served one term' In 1830, Hon. Robert Allison, of the same coun- , ty, was elected and served one term. He was succeeded in 1832 by Capt. 'Joseph 'Hen derson, distinguished in the war of 1812, of Mifflin county, and who was elected for a second term in 1834. In 1836 Hon. "William W.Potter, of Centre county, was elected, and elected for a second term in 1838, but dying before his second term expired, Gen. McCul lock was elected to fill hie unexpired term He was succeeded by Gen. James Irwin of Centre county ,in 1840, who, was elected fur a second' term in 1842. ' Hon. John Blanchard was, elected in 1344 and re-elected in 1846. In 1848 Hon. Samuel Calvin of Blair county, was elected, and declined a, second nemina- Oen. In 1850 llon.'-Andrevr Parker of Miff lin, county, was elected and also declined a nomination for 'a second term: Dr. John McCulloch was elecfed id 1852; end served one term. Hen. John R. Edie of Somerset county was elected in 1854, and elected fok a second term in 1856. In 1858 Hun, S. S. Blair of Blair county was olectod,nud elected, for a,.accund term in 1860. Hun. A. McAllis ter of-Blair county, was elected in 1862,, and declined a nomination for a second term. He was succeeded by Hon. A. A. , Barker of Cambria county, in 1864, who served for ono term. llon. D. J. Morrell of Cambria coun ty was elected in 1866, and in 1868 elected for a second term. • Mr. Morrell and - , Mr. Barker have just had a warm contest for the conferee's of Cambria dounty, iind - 31i: Morrell liaccarried his county-by a small'inalority, kut some thirty of, the delegates hare, signed aremdustrance phiiesting egainst Mr. Mor relPsmomination.', From thelbregoing-state ment, it appears thatmu man, of .any from this part of the State, has been elected for a third- term fo'i foitY-tvro years. The removal of the county. seat from EbenekUrg to Johnstown has become, the all absorbing question in that cotinty;'andliweatelis mush trouble and confusion, and' Mr: 111 - orrell is identified with the removal party. Reis also complicated with the trouble in Huntingdon count*. In view Of this state of things, will' Mr i Morrell urge,his nomination:for so third term? Is there no other : Man in the district capable of 'repreaMiting it ? 'Sometim e" ago, I, have good reasons - for "believing, • that Mr.' Morrell was considering the propriety of withdrawing,his name, and this he could do without anylass of honor, having carried his own county. ,Lam well satiefted with, his course as, a ,congressman, and have, nothing to'stik'against hint'; but I do think in view of all,thelects; be should not olaim a nomi- - nation for a . third :term, and .should let us, have some new Man nominated who is not in any way connected with any' clique's; fao tions, and not coMplicatetrivith the troubles in Cambria and,lluntingdon counties.. This would render onr - 's'necess mush in ' . this'distriet this hill. I see' by:the Rama- TER that Hon.,Samuel.Calvirtof Blair county, is strongly urged fur Congress. Mr. Palyin's , nontitiatian would' unite and lirtrni`onizeiho' discordant elements in-this county, .ati he not in apy . way,complicatod with our . politi cal troubles.• .hIF. - Calvin is well' known as a stronglatiff man, audit warm tend thorough going Republican, always ready by hie tal ents and influence to sustain and uphold the great industrial interests of the "country:— Give us a new man, and the Congteesional district will bo safe. A REPUBLICAN daughter of Mr. Lioper Evans, of Drurianre township, Lancaster :comity, who"bad-been suffering froM'a seem. ingly.unknown cause since.last Octo ber, was,seddenly, taken violently sick on Wednesday,last, and *hen believed to be in the agonies' of' death, 'Veniited forth 4'B=ll snake abbut 'eight inches long..' It is supposed-to -have ,been ,tn.-' ken in while in the •act of, drinking from a spring near.the house, two to have lived in tiro child ; for about eight months; during'whieb the little girl or ten suffered.most acute 'pain: Thniigh' temporarily relieved by the ejection' of the, reptile, yet her .physical,:syotem, bad boon so Kop,trated that, she, died on the following evening. Tl4ssunu- . 'sual and•reinaikablo affair hag 'created' 'quite an excitement iiv , the .hood of its occurrence... • ..•: , - 1141„,Th'e Suptome hap ,aM od .rho' decisio❑ of tho court t of• corn= moy s t Ileas of Paupliin county ) tW, .the Penogyrya,nia Canal Company cannot i h o cOtopelloil to malc'e:tlio re qukred darn's, for the pa'sBagizi of bob. . Mr, Morrell and this "Situation" We call the, special attention of the Republicans of this county to the fol lowing from' the _Hollidaysburg Regis- ' 4 Trtie,_ efforts have been. made before, which 'Were almost successful, and which Would have been successful had there ,not been great political issues at stakei-whieh a few persons thought should not be sacrificed for any merely local issue. But there' aro. , no such issues now- . -the war is over, there is no State ticket end no U. S. Senator to , be elected,the political lookout will be the same one year, hence that it is now, and the eleetioin Of a members of Assembly will affect only the local questions which he will need to urge for the benefit of his own connuni : The above extract is from the Johns town.‘"Prilitine," the 'Organ 'of Hen. Daniel and• which has his name at its head for Congress;_ it con tains- the reasons of that paper for sup porting Gen: James Potts, a Demo crat, for the legislature. Let us ex amine these'reasons a little. That pa per says there are. no. great • political issues at stake, no United States Son ator to be elected, the,,political look out will be the same. one year hence as now, ind the election of a member of Assembly only' affect local questions. The' next Legislature of Pennsylvania will bo ono of the most importiint• th'at will ''again assemble for several : -generations. ~The State has to be 'redistricted for',Congress,for State Senators tied Members—a Legis lature, for like purpOses, will :not a gain, after -next :fall, 'ele'eted for seventy-years, or till nineteen hundred arid - forty; long after the present ,gen eration will have pasted off the'stage of action. 'We repeat that until the year nineteen hundred and forty,•the same Legislatureweill not again redistrict the State for Congress, Senators . and Members of the Legislature. Th'Ough no United States Senatim will be elec ted next-whiter, yet 'under the redis• tricting of the State, at that - time, for Legislative and Senatorial 'districts, will the• Senators for the' 'next • seven years be chosen. Under the redistrict ing of the State .for Congress, at the same session, will the ; congressmen from Pennsylvania for the „next ton years, bn elected ; and yet 'the "Tri bune" says 'that there are no great political issues at stake in this cam paign Upon-the result of the politi cal complexion of the mext Legisla ture, will depend, in great, part,, the future success of that party ; Which stepped into the breach during, the late rebellion, and•sitved the country, and yet that paper says there - are no great political issues at stake! 'We de sire an honest and fair apportionment of the State for Congressmen, and Sen ators and Members, but that-'paper is willing to treat this matter to that party whose record for the last ten years has hedu covered all over, with treason and-rebellion. - The Democrat ic party is aware of the importance of the yolitical complexion of the next Leg - islet - are; and is even now making superhuman efforts to carry the major ity in thiit'body. If easy Republicans help them elsewhere, as in Cambria; they may succeed, and wo could not then get a fair. apportionment. lion. Daniel S. sN torroll has connec ted himself actii , ely With the question of the removal of" the county seat from Ebensburg to johnstown, and his or gan, his friends, and himself, are' sup porting ti Democrat for the • Legisla 'turo, on tbat,queetion, arid who will if elected, vote' with his party in favor of the redistricting of the State in the; interest 'of .the Democratic 'party —' Ought Mr Morrell to jeopardize the Republican cause, under the circum stances, by forcing himself for a third term upon the party against the wish-' es of a large'part of ite.mernbers?— Ought that gent.;.eman and his friends, after supporting a Democrat for the Legislature,: ask the nomination for Congress Rep'ublican'party Party ? These are seribusApiestinntiNtrid de serve to be duly considered. Let'us• have a' gentletuan , ..for Congress free from, these troubles, in. ,Cumbria, , anti, alsn'not eenneCted with the,enfertua., diffieultieeln 'llunthigdon county. Icon: Sanibel-Calvin is - a gentler/Mb in every-way qutalifiedl,to • represent..this• , district,i 9. ,,Congress and ,would com-„ man'd the' undivided suppea . ef the par ty:- He has afiv'sYs been a Worker in theparty,and we trust the Retitibliaan's oftlieFdistriet may 5ue.'1.136 1 propriety ••;••• •.' al • 1=2=21 THE. WAIT U 1 EUROPE: "1 , „ ..PAuts, Tulyls.- 7 Thera ia, glett,Pgj 7 tation here, many derriOnstrtitinne in faveibi War werelnhde . by the People during the night!: Crowds of students and. others paraded the streets...and ho,ulevardshoutfng viva 1 1var,L4.0,71) with Prussia Puma ,pertoas who pretested" ' insUlted. not - crowd stopped.at the• Prussia to •emhaa. sy, and shouted, insultingly. ;•18 as, serted that the Prussian Ambassador; leaves Paris to day. ' PARIS, 'July 15:—Thivdittsoneiohti in the ifreneh Cabinet nave ended in an unanimity on the ;question, of war.t m , The.,thriperor.wili hold ,a permanent council et his Marshals and Ministers at the Tuilleries . . ' Movements of troops towards the Rhine frontier incessant. Eastern. France, absolutely, alive wit:b.s9l-. ticioPs Which' have hitherto garrisoned Paris have gone, and raw levies. •are slowly replacing— thani.:-- Ambulances' an,d ~caissous throag-,the. streets of the city on their reuto to the EaSt: The proaratione 'di,' the dilter ent riaval'Stationearo on it'sinallarly large scale. •,', Pitats,,,fuly m.—Dispatches state, that the French .have, declared war, and that Prussia is already mov ing her troops. PARTS, June4s, 3 p:'lNl.—The Corps Jigglehalf declared war 'against Pres; sia at ten minutes before,two today. Holland remains ,mentral. The, bel 'ligerents are to respect neutrality, yet trObps"dre' rapidly 'concentrating at Ahtwerp;and otlier-iiirategic points. The specie and bullion. of •.the Bank of Antwerp : , haye:,been.,removed to the, citadel: Paper money, itp, to be used by ' ME= 4n ,epgageTeut„, hOw,e,en,,,th.o two impales reporteil to have taken plage.,l4, FOrtiaob, - the French Vrerieh army is doneentrating ut _3lOtzi 43 reile'i of Forbach. leaves to-day, for the berder,uo d ‘Till,etoss:the Rl?ine NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MISS MARY:E. AERTSEN AND MISS MARY E. STEVENS Will Reopen their ZOR "YOUNG LADIES, At 2.6 Tulpshockon tired, &it-For circulars, apply to tho Principals Williamgort Dickillsall Seminary, WILLIAMSPORT, PA., BOTH Rev. W. Lee Spottswood, D: D. Presldotif, with a full nd exporienced corpe qteselterti, Cbgwrss:poderste.— Ituation dOilghtiul.: The extensivi buildlnze are, beinz thoroughly repaired. THEI NEXT TERM BEGINS AU— GUST 25, 1510. For further Information addratos the Frithlent, or lend for catnlogue. J 11739 Mt, LARGEST-BEST-CHAPEST• ENTHRPRISE, INDUSTRY, TACT, Liberality,' and the Best Talent, hare for over Thirty Years - been'• freely used upon Moore's Rural New Yorker, And as a resuleit is now, pre-eminently - the Largeit, Rest sad Cheapest Illustrated Rural, Literary anti %stub ly.lVeekly in the IV °ad..= Tens of Thousande of wide.a. wake People, al over the Continent, take and admire the Rural for its euperior Ability, Value, Illustrations, Style, dm. The Press and People Praise It / • Nor an example, an Exchange safe '"The Rural le the most elegantly printed, Ably Edited, 'Widely Circu lated and heartily,welcomed paper, as a *hole, which now its way among the people: Jitiir•Yel. XXII. begins ,July 2. Try it ! Only $1:50 per volume of 26 mnbers, or $1 par yea r. LOU to Mai, Subscribe nowt Address.. D. D T. MOOR E, July 19,18;0.1,,.-• ,4i Park Now, Now York . 50 oir „,, V7lll pay for the New York DOLLAR 8 U N from now to Januriry 1, 1671. Ono Dollar will pay for tho Serol.ol ookly, 13 . do., do. 60 contort month pays for TIIII DAILY BUN. Address, .. . July 19)18704w. NEWSPAPER' • F- ' :ADITERTISIN ' a. A book of 125 closoly printed pages. lately issued, con taintra list of the beet Americau Advertising MedittlnS. Klein the news, cfrOulutlons, and full particulars con. corning the leading Daily and Weekly Political and fami ly newspapers, together with all those having large car, culations, pulished In the interest of Religion, 'Agricul tyre, Literature, Ac., kc, Every Advertiser, and every person who contemplates becoming; such, will, And this book of great value. free to any 'address ori• re ceipt of fifteen cents. GEO. P, HOWELL A CO., Publish . are, No. 46 Perk ROW New York. . The Pittsburg fPa.,) ' , Ledger," In Its Issue of May 20, 1870, says t "The firm of G. P. Rowell A Co., which is ens, this Interesting and valuable hook, is the largest and best advertising agency In the United Mates, and we can cheerfully recommend It to the attention of those wha desire to advertise their , business scientifically and systematically in such a way , that is, so to secure the largest amount of publicity far the leaskexpendit tiro of money," PATENTS. Inventor. who wi sh,to toko out Littera intent are ad vised to counsel with Munn a: Co., editors of the. "Scien tific American," who liars prosecuted claims before thy Patent Office for over Twenty years. Their American and European Patent Agency le the most extensive in the world. Charges less then any other relihble agency. A pamphlet containing full Instructions to inventors is sent gratis. bitiZlN k CO., , July 194 w 37 Park Bow, N. Y. Saxon Green, Is Brighter, will not I Ado, Coate lees than any other BetonSo it will paint twice na Touch mallet.. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN PAINTS. J. H WEEKS & CO.,llallufadturers, . 17. 194 w. 122 korai ItleStreett'lltilatlOphin: Prompt. Hdndr abl~; Reliable. AGENTS WANTED in every city - , town And village for the lorgest.ond moat sue , easeful Dollar Houle In the country—only one endorsed bY Alio trailing papers dud Express Co's of the - United litotes. Our goods glee universal RAM/faction, our pre• minute to agents cannot ho atcelled, and onycheeks ore free. 'laving two hottamt=flos ton and Clitcalwour olltite ere uurqualled, and our Mph/a u exceed/11 in stin't all otheicoltherna is thin trade combined, *Send for Circulars and free club to S. C. THOMPSON & CO., . 138 Federal Street, Boston, pr 168 State Street, Chicago Alb RIDE AND BRIDEGROOM.— Itlanys tor Young .Nlon, (coo, in sealed onroloiwi. ft - 14RD ASSOCIATION, .1343iYiniladelphit, Po. pSYCHOMANCY, or gOul Charm ma.—A Wonderful book ; it shows how either asz can faecinate any one they wish, instantly. [All loos, sees this power.) .It teaches how to got rich,. Alchemy, &melee, InilantatioatADeatonology.'firagio Ddesmeriam , Spiritualista,-Marriage Guide; add a 'thontina wonders Moiled for 25 coats. Address, I'. WILLIAM A CO., pub lishers, South 7th West, Pa. ; ; July 12AtaAt.. • TRUSTEES SALE . sato VALUAiILE . .REAL ESTATE [ESTATE OF BENJAMIN RINKER, DEVD.] By yirtue _of an order ,a the, Orpliaß's Court of Huntinkdori county; I will 'expose to public sale, on the premises in Cromwell township, Huntingdon. chunty, Pa., On Thursday, August 4th„ 1870. A VALUABLE FARM, iu Cromwell twp. bounded by lands of _genie! Shantz, on the north, by heirs of Simna Grotz, on the east, by lands of Daniel 110eman, on the South, and lands of Abriditim Miller - on the containing One.gun'dreil Acres, more or less, About 70 neies'cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance well timbeied, having thoreon erected a good TWO STORY LOG HOUSE, . a log stablei.,:aud , ngcessary. ,- outhuilding; good well UfAikeratthe daily; ittid an - orch ard of choice fruit. There is also on the pre mises a fine, water power. • , The above tract of land is abort three miles from the borough of Orbisonitt. - Ternia of Sale':—One:third of purchase money to be paid . on confirmation sale at August Court, when deed will be made, and the balance in two equal animal payments, with interest; the whole to be 3 se? cured by the judgMent bonds of the purchas er. -•— WILLIAiII July 12-td . , Trustee. KISHACOVILLAS This Institution affords superior nd vantages of educa tion OH liboral•torms.' Every department., French, Ger man, Painting, Drawing. and Music included, filled by competent and largely experienced teachers. Expensed fur 11103 cur, $2OO. Fall term opens ' 'Wednesday, August 31st, 1870: FOR catulugue Wrens'. ,-; ` .•111AilT.111 1110111,1112: Principal, Co., Pa , July,l2, .1870.262. , TmpoßTAbq TO SOLDIERS All Cavalry Line officere who were in _the portico be tween July 22d 1861 and July 17th 1862 nrb entitled to allowance fur use and rich of horses, amounting for the whole time to about $l5O ; for a Ices' time, to it prop°, tionnto amount. Discharges meet accompany claims. Ileire of those entitled• but who were killed or died in tho service, and the Arrears of pay having boon collected, are only required to givo a power of Attorney. Porsonethaving claims of title kind, or any other , chitin's against the Government ran have then, promptly collected by npplying,in person or by letter to • IC:ALLEN LOVELL; ; July 12, 1870-tf. liuntingdon.Yra. • EIEBEED . NoTrcE.— • :, . ~ .... .. Any pereons who either tresspaes upon the Is land for sand, or receivosubl unlawitill, : taken Ahura.; (root, wilt ho prosecuted.. , 1 will daliver either building: or loom gaml at uric &Ala mir two horsdload. • , ,Imlo 7-tf . R. 1t..,13141r.1.V. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL SEPTEMBER:I4, 1870, GERIIIANTOWIst, PA jyl9.2in I. W. ENGLAND, New lark. PRO CLAMATION. —WHEREAS, by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 20th day of April, A. D. 1870, under the hands and seal of tho Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas,•Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv ery of tho 24th Judicial District of:Pannsyl.niii, compo sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the Hons. Anthony J. Beitier and David ,Clarkson, hisassoci atm Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as canned, appointed to hear, try and determine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes,, 'which by the )aws of the State aro made capital, or felon ice of death, and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid-4- an com =tided to make public proelamatien throughout rep whole bailiwick, that a Court, of Oyer and Terminer ' of Common Pleas and Quarterf.essions, will ho held at the Court House in the !Keough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and Bth day) of AUGUST, 1670, and these who will prosecute the, said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as 4t, shall by jug, and that all - Justices of the' Pala,' Calmer Mid Constables within said county, be then and there in their properpenione, at 10 o'clock;a..-In. of said day, with their recorda, inquisitions, examinations and remembran ces, to do those throgs which to their offices respectively appet tam. Dated at Huntingdon, the Ilth of July, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and the With year of 'American Independence. P. It. P. N LY, Sheriff. pROCLABIATION.---,W4EREAS,by pi - echit to iuu directed by the Judges cif, the Corn. mon Pleas of the County of Huntingdon, bearing test the 29th day of April, A. D. 1.970, I am commanded tomake public Preclankition throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court llonse In the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (end 10th day) of AUGUnT, A. D. 1670, for the tidal of oil is. sues in arid Court which remain undetermined before the said Judgee, when and whereon jurors, wftnessos,and Button, in the Dials of all Issues are regained. Dated at Huntingdon, the 11th of Jnly, in the year of nor Lord ono thousand eight hundred and seventy, and the 95th year of American Independence. D. B. P. NBELY; • HERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of sundry writs of Tend. Exp. and Siert ra., directed tome, I will expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court Hones, in the boro. of Huntingdon, on MONDAY. the Etra of AIIOUST, 1870, at 2, o'clock, P. 11.,-tho following deaertbed property to wit; • All that tract or parcel of.litilti situ ate in Lincoln township, fluntingdon county,. adjoining lands of aillward Duncan on the north, by lands of An thony ahultz and David Foster on the east,Win. John ston on the south and by lands of John Seaver and Sav ages' heirs on the west, eontaiuing about HO acres, more or less, about 65 acres of which are cl eared, having erac• tod thereon two log dwelling houses, Small log barn and other outbuildings. Soloed, tukou in execution mutt° be sold as the property of Macs C. Householder. - . Alen—All the right,""'title and infer, eat bf defendant to all that certain piece or tract or lend situate in Marley township, bounded on the north by the Juniata river, on the east. sonth and west by lands of the heirs of Bamael 11. 8011, containing about 40 acres, more ' or less and having a log house and lug stable thereon elected, mid an excellent spring of water near the door.: Pelted, taken In execution and to be sold an the property . ofJosepli crone. Also—All the right,'title and inter . est of the defendant in the renewing real estate, v ix: A tract of land situate In narree township, bounded int fol lows : North by George Grisslnger, wost by Mary nut ford, south by John numberger and others, east by Joe. Forest, containing 32 acres, more or less, thereon erected a log house, plastered on outside, add other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be raid as the property of John Anent.' NOTICE TO Poncusesits,—. Bidders at Sheriff's Sales will take notice that immediately open the property being knocked down, flay, per, cent. of ell bids under WO, and tom ty-five per cent. of nil bids over that sum, roust be paid to the Sheriff, or the property will Ito set up agoln and sold to other bidders who will comply with too above terms. If court continues two weeks deed acknOwledged on Wednesday of second week. One weelds.court, property knocked down on Monday and deed acknowledged on the fullowlogSatdrdny.. D. It. r. NEELY, Sheriff. , SIMRIFF'S OFFICE Huntingdon, July 12 1 41810 f . rItEGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, to all persons Interested, that the, fol owing named persons have settled their accnunts in the Register's Office at Huntingdon, and that the'snid accounts 1011 be presented for confirmation and allowance at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon on Wednesday, the lOtb.day of AUGUST, next, (15703 Adininistration account. of Jiarin Ehaffner and David Detwiler, executors of Jueob Sh Miner, tots or Brady twp, deceased, ne bled by David Leta tier. Administration nceount or George ny,had B. 11.Foluit, miministrators of Dr. 15'111.11.Ru, lute of Brady. town• ship deeenbed. • Adminisliat lon account of James Inca and James Gif- ford, executors of William hic3lulleri, late of Tell town ship, deceased. Administration account of Sarah Porter, aduitufsiratrlx a d John A. Wilson. administrator of °corgi) W. Porter, Into of Jacloon too nehip, do:eased. ' 5 Administration account cit./awes Magill and oCorge Macoll, executors of John Itlitcool, late of Barre township, decenard G Administration account Li - Mama Cbllcott, executor of Eve Burngardner, late of Union tow neldp, deceased. 7 Administration account of John It. (ionicll and Joe. Park. extcutorn ofJohn It. Montt, Into . ofeass township deceased. • 8 AdruinfBfratlon mount of Andrew Crownover, coe., cutor of tinnuull liottetruon, Into of Jackson totruellii,, decemed. Adminidtrltlon account of Adam Lightner, executor ofJecob Wltttre, late of West township, deceobed. 10,AtIn.lnidtrallon account oriented A. Couch, admin.. larator of William Conch, late ofltarreo tuWilehip, deed. 11 Atlintulatration account of Robert Madden,. admit. Istrator of Sarah Mkha. late of P.prlngfleld tovrnebir, deceased, As filed by Newton Jlethlen, athillutstrator of Itoltort Madden. 1.2. - Administration account. of llciliest King, nddlinle• Hater ofdebn dtreup, late of tt borough of Huntingdon deceased. . , 18 Final administration account of J. It. Lowrie, Erg. st'cutor of David Step at t, Into of Franklin I wp., deed 14 Ct cowl plaint account of ill Stalr, anrviving execoi tai df Doubt J. Lognn, Into of Coition twn., ileceatied. , 13 Adiniiing ration iiccount of Samuel T:Browp, Fag., adininintrator . 0(Joltu Dunaldnoo, Into of 31nplettptBoro decamp:B. 18 Atlinintetrat lon account o f John Stapleton, executor of Win. Stapleton, Into al Tad too nbhip, dcmosod 17 thundion,hip account of Widiant Ker, guardian of A Ilco I Scianucker, a minor child of John U. nod rand/ W. taint cher rot tinily Sarah W. Nor, doughterut lion, lan Ker. deceased. . . .18 lictaidlunerhip account of William Kor, •rdian of Charles 0 &homelier, Will, was U. ',Wow sou of J. 0. awl Real. W.,Fclnueker, flow of fullugo, graudsou of lion Jahn Rel., deceased. • ;J. II Reeder's f ' Register. Runt, July „ „.. • • • • VOTWE is hereby. ziven , to 2111 per- , It sons interested that fit following Inventories of use goods and Chattels sot tu,widowe, under. the provla finis of the act of 14th ofApril, .1851, bore been filed in' tho office of, the Clerk of thoOtphnoe' Court of 110ting dou county and will be presented for "approval by 3be Cam' , on 'Wednesday this luth:or kuous:F, 0.870 • 1 Inroutory and apptaisement of the property of Dan. lot iloffmsu, late of Iluotiagtion borough, th erased, la ta ken VMS widow Mary A ho'llulTruau. • ' ' ' 2- Widow a opprafeautent In estate of James Vfeaver,'Of llopowell 'township, decea-ed, as taken by hie widow Caroline Wenior. - 3 Inventory and apqraiseraent of the goods end Chattier, Into of Charlee McCart*, deceased, as taken by hli widow Elizabeth McCarthy. , 4 Inventory and niipnibteinat et( the perm:inn! proxiet ty of Josepb IL IluraiaL, deceiteed, taken by ills widow Mimeo E. Handel, 6 Inventory of goods end chntilra whlehmiio,of Dam lel Book, Into of Cromwell township, deemed, rejoined by Catharine Book, his widow, untl¢r,S.Joo, 0: inventory and appritimanuat of goods end', 'ellattle's IMO of Benjamin Sollers, token by hie widow Alatilds bollors, -7..ltiventory of goods and chattlee, talan by Catharine Russell, widow of Jacob Russoll, decoueell. .8•/aventory and appraisomont of the poreonel .proper. 4v of John Fultz, late of Poll , ,tuvruehip,r deceased,. taken by his willow Mary 9' Inventory arid hpproleeinent of Prank. iftirliic ‘ k the late of flue tingdon borough, deceased, as taken kis widow Elizabeth Clarlooln. - - - 10 Invoutory and appriuseinent of these's& and chat lies ofJarnioi Curfinan, late of Case township, deceased, ft , Ulmn bihia widow blargnrot J. Coffman. - . 11 inventory and Opprelsoineut of the personal prop.' orty,of Henry Stair, Info of Barree toWrisbip, deemed, as token by bin widow Maria Stair. 12 Inventory of the poreuunl property 'of 'Sam . iscl Hough, late bf Cloy township, deceased, as taken by Ids widow Sarah hough.', . 14 Inventory nod appraisement of the canto of Jain Byer, late of Warriornroark township, doceasiA, ;de tuksos , , by bin eeiduw Susan Nyer: , „- J. k. SHUCKBH;.. Clerk Orphans' Court. Huntingdon, Julyl2, IBM •' •• • • ••.• , • ' EUNTINGDON COUNTY; SS. The C011111)1111AVOill111 of Pen n syl van le to RACK FACING, Into of litinting,thni county, Greeting: • - Whereasi Michael Pali ag did on the 10th of January, A.D.-1870, profor his petition to the Judges of the Court Of Common Pleas of the said county of Huntingdon pray ingthat for comae therein set forth ho might be dirorced from the Minds amntrfinony entored into,svith you the said Rachel Fali,ng, wo there:tiro comuirind . You, as *loth commanded, that setting aside all other business and Ox cusos whatsoever, you ho and appenr In your proper pate, eon hi:foro our Judges at,lluntlogdon nt our county court of Coiumon Pleas, thero to lio'hold for tho sold county en the second Monday of August, 1670,iiext, to answor the petition or libel of the mid Michael Faling,idnd to shosi VMS% many you IlltTO, why, the:said Miclund riding, your husband, should not tro digorcod from the bondt.of mat rimony entered into pith yonngrenably to the Act of the General Assembly"of this Commonwealth in such oath rnadeand provided, and hereof foil tiot :,• • Witnias dm lion. 000. Taylor, President of our.eald Coiirt,,ino 22d of April, 1870. M. M. McNiff', Huntingdon, July'l2;lB7o. ' Prothonotary:' To ALL WI3OII IT',MAY CON, OERN.—And new 2d June,lB7o, upon the vitt.; lion of It: Samuel T. lirdivti; Wm. horn s, Wiir. II: Woods, J. R. Simpson, Wm: P: Orbison, J. 111. Stack. or, 3, H. Musser, li:s:Smith, J. M. Dailey, G. 'll.''Arml, Cage, J. S. Stewart, and T. li. Cromer thirteen freoh old. ore of tho vicinity of a public road , hereafter menilonod and playing the Court to Jdecree the vacation of tho old Warm Springs road In the borough of Huntingdon, n it: from the pond to which it was vacated on 12 Janu ary 1865, (being tho North West;Cornar of , Cypress tags Earn,) to the pond where the saula'intorsects Moore.; turret. A rule is granted upon all of the parties desiring to bo heard, to appear in Court on tho Second. Monday of August next, to show cause tinny they have why, said road should not be closed up and vacated; and directs that this rola shall bo published, ones a week` for four Successive weeks In a newspaper publish 1 in the bor. Sugh of Huntingdon. M. DI .6IcNEIF., M=EM ADIVIINISTILATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of ANZ , I MONTI:1031BM deed.; Letters of administration upon tbeestate ofAnn pinery, late of Cusseille borough, deeeemed, having been granted to the undersigned, all -persens- indebted to the estate will snake payment, and; Moms having :claims will present them for settlement.. ' ' ' Juno 21.61 ,W For neat- J0.13 - .PRINTING, call at, he •q3LoTI E .neat -PRINTING OFFICE," o.t 1/GP! nwlqu, Pa. SMUCKER, BROWN & CO., FURNITURE TVAREROONS,' IN SMITHS' HUNTINGDON, PA::.` thou just opened au Immense atock of the latest stgfee and best manufacture of - , PARLOR, DINING-ROOOM, and TkESSES, opal' kinds, COTTAGE & WALNUT_gITI4B,- of all citylos Purchasers will find• the hirgeel: ate* 7of good funsitiire over offered in Cleulral Pehn eylynnin; which will be sold • - WINLESALE & RETAIL. We buy direct • from manufactiiiere fgr cash and will . sell fun cash, and aro tbus'ort-., üblod tO offer GREATER ,BARGAINS;= !het:Lure to be had in the Oitiee.: • • -CALL AND. EXAMINE OUR STOOIC July 12-3 m IN,SURE youR•PROPERTY ' . . JUNLITA VALLEY Hamm INSURANCE COMM OFFICE at HUNTINGDON: PENN'.!. BIJILIMNGS, • • ' • • • MERCHANDISE, - • ' and . OTIIER 'PROPE.II7I LOSS OR PAM. GB BY rum On unreasonable terms as any other responsible company J. E. SINGER, JOHN S. Bur,TAR., 'ISAAC mar() rir s McCULLOEII, D. D. SIILLIR EN; 1101.,KENN.EDY , .„ „ President, -WM.. KENNEbiI *eerelary, J. NI...MILLER ; Treasurer, J. Pa - SINGEL Vice I'resideiii;'S:, T. biciCia,Loi34.-i, .Agent for lluutingdon co., A. istwafri. ninyiu,lB7o - - • " • NEW! GEO. F. MARSH' Merchant Tailor, lUS UStiAL .I:JAKOB' STOCK SPRING and- SUMMER GOODS, QUALITIES, ,f)!S . cef!iiilAt_ory..ofl2edtPl : flew Bvgc?Pigtc Ilutitingdou, Mareh 80 Ikt Ansir. WILLIAM B, aZEIGLER, • . •.; , Dealer in • • • . Ladino Cents and' Children'a'"nrntsidng - AtOndt,l 141 Eidnpnings, iif kn . kinds : A lirgo inoni 'of • NOTIONS, • , „ ) - f NAINSOOKS, 'BRILLIANTS, ‘t of all grades, •IGLOVES, ;and 'lntry tcßirian, ] mppen and Cyßdren z. • p?iyot and ICaelunnia - CASBIIIgIIS, , DOMES PlC'Gocrns GROCERIES dnd PROT:I47ON, A general assortment of goods, al : ways :at yiesi gist) prioes; ) intibtAiii' 'best lily. qua Butter, Eggs, taken: itr;e*etiiirig# i Huntingdon. 411128,1870.. , -N.0..w:,=.4a.8.(1)..;1•45t00,-'.': Cro'vyrioyer , !Si'• Decker; Have just opened'at their neticttoii," 4oretit 'end of 11111 Street, next door to the National. Hotel, near Fisher's Mill, in Huntingdon; 'it' large andseleoted stock of,a r ; BOOTS AO *HOES, ''''' SAY. ; 4 „`:: , • El; 0 UR,:kend CliQPy. And' efoiyibing - 'elan ,first,clase ~ieryth,ing.rinw„isnd , CAS:7I: OR .11;oppop,.. ilaViii•Giu. • • vrtovvizoviut 4,I).E.CHEIL TOW.I4.?L9Tac.F,OWAALig'' Buy Lotefromillrft•,kin*qt 4 ' . '; z • $2OO runchadei:i can liaYeTe'ry l ilbers) terms as to payments: Nun' to the time to invest. Ap• ply to x UTO it 3' NOtICA:•;:,. 1•4 lEstats MIAS. M. DELL, lattint Biale • Blair County, deceased) , • , t•• - • Letters teatatnontery on said estate bare been duly granted to the undersigned by the Register-of Wills Of - laid county. All persons indebted to sitld'estate' A rr (pleated to make, payment, and tbose having slain* against the sumo are nblified to present them,dnly:preer4- en for settlement. •• - • • - • • - - - MARTIN EDwital)'a Oa, PBAN!/awn, Sunsant • Bzitentore. Nagg.—By mutual arrangement Of the - executors. all claims against said estate are to he pzeseited to 'ths estd!. A. K. Bell, who will also receive Raynaent .qfliebto, I'.O. Address is liollidayebitrg,' a. 1251 AARON EVANS, Administrator CHAMBER FURNITURE, IN TIM INCORPORATED APRIL 7,11870 INSDRIgB LC= DIRECTORS: OFFICERS SAT!! 1 . • . NOVEL) 1,7. :. Has just- recelred bF ALT, SIIADES, AND COLORS. ZEE ' [43111r1 itLraSON MILLER