Sze 051obt. HUNTINGDON, PA Tuesday morning, June 28, 1870. LOCAL & PERSONAL. Meetings 2/I..lteriah Ledge, No. 300, A. Y.. 11., meets second Monday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Standing Slone H.R. A. Mulder, No. 201, meets•tho first Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Juniata Lodge, No. 117,11 0. 0. F., meets every Friday evening, third floor, in Mister'. building. Mount Her amp of I. 0. 0. F. meets every second and fourth Tuesdays Leister's third floor. Standing Stone Lodge, 110. 83, I. 0. IL 2'., meets every Tuesday evening in third floor of Bead's building. .Arrapahoe 2'ribe, N 0.63, 1. O. of R. if., meets every Thursday evening, third liter, Leister's building. Young Hen's Christian Association meets the first and third Ilondarevenings each month, id Smith's building. Font 33, O. A. It., meets Third Monday of each mouth Its Court House! Toms Council meets the first Friday evening of each Month. Huntingdon Lodge, No. 249, K. of I'., meets every Tat keiday atoning, in Smith's building. Huntingdon T e mp', of Honor, Ne. 71, meets the fourth Monday of each mouth in Good Templars' Hall, The tretisterian Club meets every Thursday evening, in the Y. M. 0. A. room. Huntingdon Council, 0. U. A.M., meets first and third Tuesdays °teach mouth in Good Templar' Hall. Churches. Baptist Chuteh—Washington Street. Rev. 3. W. Plan nett. Services on Sabbath : 10%a. m., ip. m. Catholic—Washington Street. J. Aylward. Ser vices that three Sundays in every month. Evangelical Lutheran—Mifflin Street. Rev. J. J. Kerr. Services on Sabbath: 1.04 a. m.,7 p. m. Gsithari Itefortned—Church'Street.' Bee. 8. D. Steckle. Service on Sabbath; 7. p. m. Methodist Ephtcopal--Church Street. Rey. Si. R. Foster Services on Sabbath; 1034 a. m., 7 p. m. Protestant Epiecopal—,-Ilill street. Rey. A. 11. Boyle, Services on Sabb ath 10% a. m. 634 p m. Freebyterian-11111 Street. Rev. CI. Zahniser. Ser vices on Sabbath: 11 a. m , 7 p.m. On the Wins'. - The Broad Top Road will have an excursion on_the 4th—one day only. The Lutheran congregation of this place purpose getting a cabinet organ. Bellefonte is to have a new Metho dist church to cost $ll,OOO. April, May, Juno and July. aro the trout-fishing months. Altoona is to have a balloon ascen sion on the Fourth of July. - The Huntingdon Silver Cornet Band has been engaged to participate in the Fourth' of July celebration at Saxton. Services by Rev. J. S. Colton in the Pro. Episcopal Church in Huntingdon Thursday evening next at 7/ o'clock. The "liberal" people of Tyrone want their band to blow for nothing on the 4th. That's shabby. A' mad dog in Perry county very wisely drowned himself beforo any body could shoot him. The farmers in this section have commenced harvesting. The season is several weeks earlier than usual. Fine fresh fish aro said to be more healthy at this season than meat. We shouldn't wonder. The Exchange Hotel, of this place, the upper story of which was burned some time ago, is undergoing repair. More brick houses aro being built in Huntingdon this season than at any previous year.. • If the Hollidaysburg Register was paid for all its announcements it would have made $213, which will see the -editor through the campaign. Persons run some risk of depredation from robbers by leaving their doors open and the front part of their houses unoccupied, this warm weather. • Tho fields of the country exhale the 'fragrance of new mown hay. A cer tain lady wants to know why she cant use perfumery as well as the fields. There are two reasons why some people don't mind their own business. One is, they have no business, and the .other that they have no mind. • At the meeting of the Huntingdon Building Association on Tuesday eve ning last one share of $2OO sold for a Premium. of $2 50 per month. Persons building residences should make provision for a flower-garden, either in. front or at the side. This constitutes ono of the chief attractions of residences in West Huntingdon. A son of Mr. Irvin Bell, of Tyrone, was almost drowned last week. He caught hold of a fishing-rod and was &egged out by a gentleman who hap pened to , be near. We have received a copy of the Alta Californian. - It is a par.excellent pa per, and is )arge_ enough to give us constant reading for a week, and to be used as a blanket in winter. •; Ground has been broken in front of the new engine house for putting in .the weigh scales, but, owing to the re monstrance of neighboring lot-owners, the work has not been completed. Mr. John S. Miller has been chosen Director in the Juniata Valley Fire Insurance Company in lieu of Mr. C C. Stanberger, resigned. The institu. tion is now more of a home character, and it has chosen a worthy successor. A boy was seen drowning in a pond by a conductor of a train on' the Pa. railroad, near Blair Furnace, when the train was stopped and the employees succeeded in saving his life. The lit tle fellow acknowledged that he was drunk and had fallen in the water. A copy of the Illustrated Humorist, printed at Fayetteville, New York, bas reached our table. We always :did like some fun, and wo can find ,plenty; of it in the Humorist. It is ',published at the low price of 60 cents :a year, by F. A. Darling. A tribe of literary cusses in Bedford ,county, including editors and teachers, made a raid on a mill dam in Wood• „bury; with seines, and caught twenty .seven and a half bushels of fish in one :forenoon. They shouldn't go fishing ; again for that many years. Wm. H. Harding, a former resident of Birmingham, this county, was paught between the bumpers of two pars on the Lebanon Valley Railroad at Pittston, recently, and so badly crushed that he died a few hours af ter. He was 24 years of age, and a eon of Mr. Stephen Harding. His re mains were interred at Birmingham. The Pacific Express, on Saturday morning, the 18th, ran from Altoona to Harrisburg, a distance of one hun dred and miles, in two hours and fifty-nine and one-half min utes—almost forty-foarmiles an hour. On the following Tuesday it run the same distance in two hours and fifty four minutes, or over,forty-five miles an hour. On Tuesday afternoon last, Samuel Dell, aged about QQ years, was struck by an engine while walking on the railroad in this pleee, aria sustained some bruises about the head ; tpgpther with some internal injuries. He was taken to the Washington Hotel, and is recovering slowly. He resides in Hare's valley, pear Mapleton. Union Sabbath Schaal MeOtiniK Pursuant to previous notice a meet. ing of Superintendents, teachers, and others interested in the Sabbath School cause, representing the different schools of the town, was' held in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. on Monday evening the 20th instant, for the pur pose of taking into consideration the best means of securing a more thorough organization of Sabbath Schools thro'- out the cotinty, in compliance with a suggestion of the State Sabbath School Convention.. Tho meeting was orgahlked by the election of K. Allen Lovell as Chair. man and James A. Brown and siiles Zen tmyer as Secretaries. The object of the meeting was brief ly stated by the Chairman who refer red to tbo advantages to be derived from.a more efficient organization. After some general discussion in re lation to the best means of accom plishing the design of the meeting, the following resolution was offered by Rev. J. W. li.lannett and adopted : Resolved, That an Etecutive Committee consisting of two persons from each of the Sabbath Schools in town, be appointed by the Chair for the purpose of issuing a call to the friends oh the Sabbath School interest throughout the coitnty for a Ilnion County Convention, fixing the time for the same, and otherwise superintending all the necessary arrangements for carrying (HU the purpose of this meeting. The Chair then announced the following as the Executive Committee : K. ALLEN LOVELL, Chairman Presbyterian Sabbath, Sehool: Wm. Dorris, J. S. Their, Mrs. Thos. 0. Fisher, Miss J. Whittaker. Methodist Sabbath, School: John Major, Thos. W. Myton, Mrs. Esther Lytle. Miss Lettie Saxton. Lutheran Sabbath School: N. B. Heim, W. W. Shibley k Miss Louie Cannon, Mies Gus tle - llazgard. German Reformed Sabbath School: David Dunn, J. S. Cornman, Mrs. Henry Swoops, Mrs. L. D. Steckel. Paptist Sabbath School :N. B. Corbin, T. S. Johnston, Mrs. J. W, Plannat. .Mrs. A. 11. Hight. Episcopal Sabbath School: F. B. Wallace, Alexander Port, Miss Anna Simpson, Miss —Mumford. First Mission Sabbath Schaal: J. R. Simpson, Esq., W. 11. Woods, Esq., Mrs. R. R. Bryan, Miss Mary Miller. &cond Mission Sabbath School: James A. Brown, Hugh Lindsay, Mrs. Wm. White, Miss Ke..nedy. On• motion, Resolved, Thal the Chairman of this Com mittee be ex-officio the chairman of the Exc.:- utive Committee. On motion of T. W. Myton, Resolved: That a committee consisting of one member from each of the Sabbath School in town, be appointed by the Chair for the purpose of selecting and preparing appropri ate music on the occasion of the County Con vention, said committee to be subject to, and act in cooperation with the executive committee above named. The chair an nounced the following as committee on mu sic : Dr. It. IL Wiestl ing,l Miss Lou Whittaker. Nicholas Isenberg, Miss Rennie Wallace Elias Maize, Miss Dell Africa, W. K. Crites, I Miss Julia Thomas, Miss Cornelia Wiesiling. After some further general discuss sion and interchange of opinion in re gard to the beat interests of the Sab bath Schools throughout the county, and the most efficient means of pro moting the same, during which some practical, well-timed and spirited re marks were made by efficient mem hers present, and which wero inter spersed with singing and other devo• tional exercises, the tweeting adjourn ed. K. ALLEN LOVELL, Chairman. ZENTMYER, JAN. A BEOWN, SOC'yfii Pursuant to the order of the Union Sunday School meeting, the Executive Committee composed of two persons from each Sunday School met last week and appointed sub•committees to make preparations for the approach ing Convention. It was decided that the Convention should be held in the Court House, commencing Wednesday morning, July 13th, at 1D o'clock, and continuing till Thursday evening In the meantime the several sub commit tees are circulating as extensively as possible invitations to the Con- vention and making arrangements to entertain thcise who may at tend. The committees all meet this (Tuesday) evening at 7 o'clock for further conference and action. K A. LovE4, Chairm'n. 1 Ex. com J. S. BLAIR, Secretary. HUNTINGDON COUNTY SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION TO BE HELD AT TUE Court louse, _Huntingdon, Penn'a„ on WEDNESDAY, and Thursday, JULYI3th and Wit, 1870, Commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Wednesday.. The object of this Convention is to awaken a deeper and more general interestin the Sabbath School work throughout our county, and organize a County Sabbath School Convention. It is earnestly requested that each evangelical Sabbath School in the county will send two active delegates. A. cordial invitation is also extended to ministers of the Gospel, and to Sab bath School officers and teachers, male and female. Interested parties are in vited also to come from districts where no Sabbath Schools is yet organized. Delegates should bring statistics from their schools, as to number of scholars and teachers, male and female, condi tion of library, names of officers, &c. Rev. Geo. A. Pelts, President of the Pennsylvania Sabbath School Associa tion, and other able and zealous work ers in the cause, are expected to be present. Entertainment for all who attend. All who propose to come are requested to notify by mail, J. S. Blair chairman of Committee on Entertain meat, before the sth of July, 80 that provision can be made for entertain ment. Delegates on arriving will re port at the Recorders' Office in the Court House. J It Simpson, T. W. Myton, T. S Johnston, W. W. Shibloy, Jamas A. Brown. . Committoe on call We tho undersigned cord:ally en dorse the above call and earnestly in vita attention to this important branch of Christian work. J. W. Plannett, Pastor Baptist Cong. G. W. Zahniser, Pastor Presbyterian cong. M. K. Foster, Pastor Methodist cong. L. D. Steckel, Pastor German itef. con. J. J. Kerr, Pastor Tv, I l utberan agog: Ifir A terrific - storm, itcpqMptpted by hail, visited the southern portion of Oda county on Sunday last; and did considerable damage to tho props. At AlcConnellsburg, Fulton cotintiy, the Methodist church ivas moved from its fpundqtion by the storm. THE WEVP BRANCH CAm.t. .WETINGI for 1870, will commence Tuesday, August 16, to continue 10 days. The grounds are located between Williams port and Lock Haven, on the Philada. and Erie railroad. The plan of this -Association, it is believed, is different from, and is perhaps an improvement upon any other now in existence. 360 homes, (each cdnaisting of 2 rooms about Bx9feet in blocks 72 feet in length and two stories high, are now ready for occupancy. The houses are water-prOof,having good shingle roofs ; they have also solid floors, and bunks sufficiently wide to contain two beds. The price at which those homes are rented for ton days is $6,00 if the first floor is desired, and $5,00 if the second is chosen. The location of each renter will be determined by lot, upon a day set for the drawing, so that all will be fairly dealt with. Boarding houses, abundance of clear cold water, and all the conveniences and comforts that could be desired have been provided. The charges in all cases will be moderate. Boarding for the term $7,50, single meal 50 eta., and $l.OO per day. Bread, meat and vegetables supplied at market rates to those desiring'to board themselves. Excursion tickets will be issued by the various railroads. Free homes are offered to all Methodist ministers and their fatnilies who will order them before the day of drawing. The time set for drawing this year is July 26, all orders received before that time will be supplied; those received afterward only it there are homes not rented. If there space shofild be de sired than is contained in the two rooms an additional amount can be had at the same rate, though one per son may not order for himself' more than four homes, two on each floor.-- All that families need to make -them comfortable is sufficient bedding— (straw will be provided for their ac• commodation,) sheeting or muslin for curtains, and whatever else they may desire to bring With them, all of which May be packed in a box or two and will come at but little costs Address, eith er for information, or to order homes, West Branch Camp Meeting Associa tion, Lock Haven, Pa. Retail Market Prices Butter 18,.2e, as to quality; eggs 18; lard 20; potatoes 40, 50, as to quality; dried apples 10 ets, per lb ; dried peaches 12, 15030 ets, per lb; beans 10@18 cts per quart.; sugar cured barns 25 cte j shoulders 10@18 side 18®20 cts per ib ; dried beef 27 @3O ets; flour $5,75@6,00, per barrel. REMARK9.—Good butter ready sale ; eggs do; good old potatoes ready sale. Now is the time to supply the little ones with Cakes and Candies, and we can recommend no better place for dealers to get them than at Mr: Luke Reilly's Candy Manufactory in this place. Ms Syrups are also of the best and purest manufacture, and the de mand for them is rapidly increasing. Persons wanting Cakes baked for the Fourth will send in their orders to him at once. SALT Empomust.'---llealers, look to your in terest and buy your salt from Henry k Co. Their facilities for furnishing salt are great er than any other house in central Pennsyl vania, and having a line of boats running to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore, they are prepared to furnish all kinds by the sack, car or boat load, rit prices which defy com petition. Ap 19-3 m. Cat•pet Weaving. Mrs. Matilda Pheasant is prepared to weave rag carpets, and solicits patronage from a generous public. Residence Wash ington Street, West Huntin . tf Ladies Dresses and Boys Clothing. Mrs, B. Annie McCabe respeetfully in forms the public that she has removed to the house formerly occupied by H. Mcntuigill, on Washington street, and is prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds. She respectfully invites a full share of patronage. apT ttE4L.For $llO McLanairan, Stone & Isett will deliver, free of freight, ono of the best mowers manufactured. It has its gearing all enclosed and will warrant it. No work, no sale. They have Emery Grinders to grind mower knives, &e., and Buckeye Repairs, &c. May 10-2 m. Can't. be thidersold Red Front Grocery receives now supplies almost every day, sells the most and freshest, and can't bounder sold. New Mess Shad, Dry Salt Roe and Pickled Herring, the best and medium Mackerel, White Fish, Trout, Salmon, &c., cheaper than the cheapest, and warranted. Every business man should use printed bill heads, letter heads, and envelopes. They have to use the paper and envelopes, any way, and we furnish the material at whole sale prices, and print them at less than the material would cost at retail price. Call. gm. Farmers needing a Grain-drill, will do well to call on Wharton & Ma guire and examine the Willoughby gum-spring grain drill, either with or without phosphate attachment, before purchasing. tf 16y. MeLanahan, Stone & Isett,llidays , burg, have the largest and best assortment of Garden and Flower Seeds in this Send for Catalogue. 5 and 10 cent papers Benton receipt of money, postpaid. Veo.4m Ser Improved Buckeye and the Buckeye and Ohio Harvester combined, Reapers and Mowers, repairs of the Buckeye, always on hand, at MoLanahan, Stone & Isett's, Holli daysburg, Pa. feo 5m GRAPE VINES FOR SALE—Iwo years old. Delaware 371 cts., Concord 25, Isabella 15. ISRAEL GRAFIUS. Alexandria, April 18. BED. Best Gum Roller and glum Spring Grain Drills, at MeLanaban, Stone 4 !sett's, Hollidaysburg, Pa. feo-Sm 008,..MoLanahan, Stone & Isott,Mislays burg,-warrant all their instruments. [feo-5m ser Mackerel, Roe, Lake, and Labrador Herring at Henry & Co's. apl2-3m Double Harpoon Hay Forks, best in use, and there has never been one returned so far; all aro warranted. MeLanahan, Stone 6: Isett, Hollidaysburg, fe9-5m Ater Cider Aline, Grain SepvatoFs, Clover Hullers and Stammers, Cultivators , Wnshini Naubinss, pro., ptp., at Mcrianahan, Stone & isettls, Hollidaysburg, Pa. feo.Bna ger 4. largo stock of the best Stpne r ware, of all kinds, now on hand at the Red Front Qropory, and fpr sale cheap• or than anywhere Os!) in the Pointy. TIIE LOCAL Piti cle is , the following from a Chicago journal: "What tells us so readily the standard of a town or city as the ap pearance of its paper? And its youth or its age Can as well be determined by the .observing as ,by a personal notice. The enterprise of its citizens is- depleted by its advertisements, their liberality by the laoke of the paper. Seine papers show a good,eolid, healthy fotindation, plethoric purses, and a well-to-do appearance generally: others show a striving to contend with the grasping thousands around them, trying hard to wrench an existence from their close fisted communities. An occasional meteoric display in its columns of telegraph or local, or of editorials, shows what it can do if It had the means; but it cannot continue in the expensive work until support comes,which ought to be readily grant ed. A newspaper is like a church—it wants fostering in the commencement, and for a few years; then, as a gener al thing, it can stalk alone, and reflect credit Upon its location. Take your home paper—it gives you more news of immediate interest than pny other paper can possibly do; it talks for you when other localities belie you; it stands up for your rights; you always have a champion in your home paper; and those who stand up for you should certainly be well sustained. Your in terests are kindred and equal, and you must rise and fall together. There fore it is your own interest to support your home paper, not grudgingly, but in a liberal spirit; not as a disagreea ble duty, but as an investment . that will amply pay the exponditdre.'' Not Difficult to Understand A Missouri editor calls upon delin fluent subscribers in this harrovring way i "Oh, oh ! enough to sicken the soul, the heart, gizzard of the stoutest and smutty phizzed editor's devil. We need mohey to refit. Wo are poorer than Job's unfortUnate turkey, whose bones rattled a castanet accompaniment when he gobbled. If whole grocery stores were selling for a blue postage stamp apiece, wo could not buy an empty mackerel kit! Iriend! good friend: Sweet, negligent friend! Don't lay this paper down and think we mean some other individual ! It's only three dollars, but a thousand such trifles make $3,000 ; and that's a big thing for a newspaper, enough to put us firmly on our feet again. Pay up ! pay up!" se'. For neat JOB PRINTING, call at Ile "GLOBE JOB PRINTING OFFICE," at Hun ngdon, Pa. Se-Buckeye Mowers and Beepers for sale by A. R Stewart &Co. (m3O 6t, let. Pratt St Miller's Hay Rakos, at Me- Lannhan, Stone & Isett's, Hellidayaburg.rsro Ater Ginn finger stalls and glen diapers at I lanry & Co's. apl2.3m gia..Ground Alum, American and Dairy Salt at reduced prices, at Henry & Co's. 3m A snake fourteen feet long is crawl ng.around Rhode Island. MARRIED, In Orbisonia, June 91st, by Rev. R J. Graves, Mr. JAB. F. BATHURST LO Miss ALICE 8., daughter of Abram Carothers, all of Huntingdon county. MARKETS. I= PIIILAIT.IIIIA, June 27. 1870. Superflne FloUr per barrel .. f 5.1205.25 Extra Flour per barrel •‘.... 45:23(0)3.60 Rye Flour per bakrel p 6.25 Red Wheat per [Umbel - $1.6001.54 Ilya per bushel 1 o@ln Core per bushel 1.09@)1,10 Otttet per bushel esep.r,e.. Firrenuaan, Juno 27, 1870. Spring Wheat Flour par barrel 850®0.00 Wheat per bushel $1.18np1.25 Corn per bushel 82®87 Oats per bushel • @Unto. Rye par bu5he1..........,, Burley FINANCIAL. Now Itotor,June 21.-ootd closed at $1,11%. PHILADELPHIA. June 25, 1870. The following are the closing prices of De Haven & Bro., 40 South Third Street: U. S. 6's of 'Bl, • - 1171 1171 " " '62, - - 1101 111 " " '64, - - 1101 1101 " " '65, - 1101 1101 " " '65, new, - 1121 1121 '67, - 112* 1131 " " '6B, • - 1121 113 " s's, 10-40's, = 1071 108 U. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy. 1131 1131 Due Comp. Int. Notes, - 19 Gold - - - - 111 1114 Silver, - - • - 108 109/ Union Pacific R.R Ist N. Bonds 870 880 Central Pacific R. It. - 930 940 Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 775 790 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. coßinconlD WEEKLY BY lIENKY b CO wßouseLs KIM. FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $4.50 Extra Flour, •• • du 550 Family Flour, do 6.00 GRAIN—Red Wheat, per bushel, --@1.20 • White Wheat, do 1.25 Rye, do 90 Corn, new, do 85 Oats, do 45 Barley, do 1.00 SEED—Timothy, do 3.50 Flaxseed, do 1.75 Clurerseed, per 64 lbs. 6.00 COAL—Hard coal, per ton, 4.50@5.50 Broad Top coal, do 3.0003.50 LUMBER, por 1000 feet, 12.00(0,30.00 Sniricam—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00®12.00 Joint Shingles, do 5.000.00 MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, 9.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.00 Hops, per pound 40 Wool, du 4001150 Hay, per ton, 1.0.00 Rides, 6@7 W. DUCRANAtt r ALLISett 7.ll.ooetit:ll NEW STOVE AND TIN STORE. BUCIIANAN, ALLISON & CO. have opened a now store in Youlees now building, in filo Diamond, Huntingdon, P.x., and have ready for tote large assortment of Cook and Parlor Stoves, STEER'S REVOLVING LIGHT, SrENIPS 4 STI-PUST, SPERIPS ANTI-DUST COON STOVES, SMITH'S REGULATOR and EUREKA COOK STOVES and I t ITTIIEFINLITS HEATERS. Also, a largo areortment of 4 /1 1 3V AVO Pllik> 1 13.3E1D 1 and a - great variety of GOolltl, e,o\ er bolero kept in this place. We also manufacture TIN WARE TO ORDER. Repairing, Roofing and Spouting done, at short none° 4:47- Country Stores silpplimi pith Tif ! ' Worn at citl , ' Confident or pe l p g ablp 15 tank(' it advantageous tq thoti• cUstuMprp tpoy reepectfully solicit a shore or public katrontio,' .p.OOW 111 YENTER'S NEvr nuipiNg IN Tiff DIAMOND, 11UNTINg5ON, 49. 511870 TONVEIiOES— ..u4 fly t ke troT, P pack, or less quantity ] for sale at /;.eWth' .BOOK A.llll SPA TIONFRI4VORI.,. 1870,,',CliVest,s0, 1- AB7O AT REDII - ChII RRICES. JAMES A. BROWN. Is constantly receiving at his new CARPET STORE, IN FI tIPTING D 0.1)T, PA, Beautiful Patterns of Carpels. fresh from the ToOrtlll of the manufacturers. Ills stock coinurlses BRUSSELS, INORAINS, YENITIAN, , WOOL DUTO4, COTTAGE irEne, LIST and RAG CARPETS, , CARPET CHAIN,' COCOA and CANTON IN I ATTitsidS, FLOOR, STAIR aitd TABLE ®IL so x.. clo iii mac 0-ati WALL PAPER, WINDOW-SHADES and Fixturee, Druggote, ToWet Rugs, Door Mate, Extra Carpet Thread and Binding. Ay^l make a specialty of furnishing CHURCHES end LODGES. at City Prices, and invito Fut nishing Commit tees to call and see goods made expressly for their pur poses. Anyers hill lave money and tie better united by 'going to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store for any of t lle above goods. I defy competition in prices and variety of beautiful patterns. CARPETS 25 cents per YARD and UPWARDS. I have also Ito Agency for the Original HOWE SEWING MACHINE so well known ns the best Family Machine in the world Colt al the CARPET STOREond set them. JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Mob IC, '7O-13rn. s EMU trj ~ 6 1- 1 3 0 'll 24 "' e'' -, ', fin vs . u.j , Nit a • - VOU can ¢avo from 10 to 30 per et I. by buying your InstiluiJoule fFrim 301 XS DEALER IN STEINWAY & SONS, CIIICKERING & SONS, THE WEBER, RAVEN• k - BACON'S, THE UNION PIANOFORTE CO'S GEORGE M. GUILD & CO'S. CONRAD MEYERS, ' AND ALL OTHER MAKES OF • PIA.NOS. MASON & lIAMLIN'S, and GEO. WOODS & CO'S colebrated ORGANS, or nny other make desired. Also, MELODEONS, 01/1- TA ItS,-VIOLINS, German Accurdeond, Sheet Music, Mu sic Books, 6:c. Now and good Pianos for $3OO dhd upwards. New 0 Octavo Organs fdr SSO •• New Melodeons for 70 itm,„All Instruments Warkuntedfor.fiveyears. Agents supplied at wholesalo mires, the same as In the city. Call on or address E. 0. GREENE, Iluntingdun, Pa., np12,70 20 floor Lelster's New Building. P./ TO THE N. E. CORNER OP . DIAMOND. , Boot and Shoe Emporium. r JOHN 11. WESTBROOK / 1 1 Respectfully Informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he hasJunt received loom the city a New and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sack Trunksi CC-c ;) &c., &c. allot which he is prepared to sell at greatly reduced prices Don't forget the new stand In the Diamond. Old ouster• mere and the public generally aro Inktted to call. Huntingdon, op. T, 1169. fit GEO, SHAEFFER fit returned from the east with a salia SPLENDID STOCK OF : BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Which he offers to the Inspoction of Ida customers and the public generally. Ho will MI his stock at the moat REASONABLE' PRIORS, and those who purchase once will sorely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the neatest and most expedi tious manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on Hill street, few doors west of the Diamond. ep. 14, 180 ...$.. C4O.F$ $0.90@50.85 NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. .WM. AFRICA hat op i a u n t uTa n t 3 hie aid public re . % d t the o Al e ut 1 !net, lluntlagdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children. All of which be a ill Bell at fair price,. Quick sake and smatiprtfikr: Call and examine my aloe)k. Pdannract ming and Repairing dune le order as %anal. lluntingdun, Ap. 14, 1169. DO NOT PASS BY GWIN'S. D. P. OWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT' IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY.. COME ANI) at. D. P. GWIN Huntingdon, Ap.l9, 1970 KISHACOINILLAS SEMINARY, FOR BOTH This rnstitutiun in tho beautiful mountain-girt valley of bishnemmillas, affords superior advantages of educa tion. Mateo&ly efficient and competent instructors in every department. French, German, Painting, Drawing, and Music in cluded. A Not mat class formed Spring term, which continuing twelve weeks, opens April Rh. Expenses for tho year S2OU. bor Catalogue address ' MARTIN MOttLER, Principal, Kislisersptillos, Mifflin Co., Pa. Jan. 20, 1870.-fm. L IME. From tho kiln of (leo. Taylor, alarklealigrg, ploy un by analysis tq ho of tho hest quality, fon atantly kept and for Wu in any quantity, at thu depot o the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad. to !teary kolster, Proprietor of the "Broad Toffio A ut ?: une4Yabf. ----lOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Noto Paper and EllllBlOll . O u , tlefor coViciettlial correspondence, fa sale at ['pry- EOOF 1 Sr.mor key Mmv, A FRESH STOCK OF ADDRESS TO THE NERVQIIS AND DEBILITATED. WHOSE SUEFERINGS !JAYE BEEN EHOTEACTED FROM RIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE ~ CASES REQUIRE rRONPT TREATMENT ToIigybsREVSTVNOZDE:SIRIBLE lEI If you are sofferiog, or havo anfee'red, 'frohl Corp (Heehaws, Ilia effect doers it produce upon your general health t Do 3911 feel arett, 'debilitated, easily tired? Doee . xlittle extra Oxertiou produce palpitation of the Heart I Dopy your liver, or urine organs, or your kidneys, get out of order t le your twin° , sometimes thick, milky or dinky, pr is it ropy' .011 settling? Or does a thick skim non In the top 1 Or le a sediment at the bottom after it !Me stead Awhile ? Do you hero spoils of short breathing of nyspepsMj Are your bow els constipated ? Do 3bu hair spells of fainting, or rushes 'of blood to the head ? 'ls you memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of comprjoy, Of life? Do ynh wish to be left alone, to get 'away from every body Dose any nip thing Mahe you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or fretless ? Ia the lustre of 'your eye as bright? Do you enjoy yonreell In society as well? Do you ',Moue your business with the'sam° energy t Do you febl as much confidence in yourself? AIM your epir its dull and flagging, given to fits of 'melanpholy ? If so, do not ley it to yotr liver or dyspepsia. Mao you rest to nights t Your back weak, your knees wpak, and have but I ittleapiiotiie, and yoh attribute tills to dys pepsia or liver complaint Now, reador, imitating°, venereal diseases Lathy bared, and sexual excessee, are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of gen eration, when in perfect health, make the men. Did you exec think that those bold, defiant, energetic, perse vering, euccossful business men aro always those whose organs are In perfect health? You never heat' such men complain of being molanclioly,of nervousness, of palpita tion of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in bueinese ; they don't become cad and discour aged , they are always polite and pleasant in company of ladles, and look you and them right in the face—none of Our downcast Woke or any other meanness about them. Ido not mean those aho keep the organe ted by running to came. Those will not only ruin their constitution, but those they do businene with of for. How many med, horn WAY cured diseases, troth the effects of self abuse and excesses, have bronghtjahout that state of weakness in these organs that has reduced the general system so mochas to Induce almost every other disease—idiocy, lunacy, paralyabb spinal affections, outride, and almost eoery form of disease humanity is heir to—and tho real cause of the, trouble scarcely over suspected, and hare doctored for all but the right one DISEASES OF THESE ORGANS REQUIRE TIIE USE O A DitttETlC. HELMS FLUID EXTRAOT * Is tbo Groat Dllactic, and a A certain cure for dieraece QM BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROP SY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FE MALE COMPLAINTS, OEN ERAL DEBILITY, And ill diseases of We Urlrani Organs, whether existing n Male or Female, from whatever:cause originating, are no matter of how long standing If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or In sanity tiny ensue. Our flesh end blood are supported from them courcee, and the health and happinees, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt WM of a reliable remedy HUMBOLDT EXTRACT DUCH% establi.bed up ward of 19 ycara, prepared b H, T. HELMBOLD, DRUGGIST, 594 BroadivaSr, New York, apd 104 Sputh 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa rEIpE-$1.25 per yottle, or 6 liottleri for $6.50, deny creel to oily address )5"ql(1 by all Druggists E'vprywhere Nom) arp genuine unless dune up in stee engraved wrapper, with fae-eimilie of my CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, and signed, Xi, T. ffELMIOLD, May 17.13 05113,(Abtritstiutnig, CENTRATAIIQT_UL, I,:nr"-aiG 111.01.11LC0T11, - (formert.rof VW:Ms:IO4 C 0.,) Paoe'rk Centrally located pod the. CErobi "Convonidat pOhlt toe merchant/ yislting , the city. AeConictlodatiopa,of toe liret-claaa. All. the anodern , lmbroyetnetlt,a. (Every ef {option will be extended to smote, Jaufolyc. . 82000 A YEAR & B t XtENSES' - - -- IMMO , ro Agoots to sell thli eSfebrated wrisolt sowING' AIACHTNItO Thp pest mit - chino to the world. EllflcIl! aliki, O Oth sides. ONE Slieuttlz vissnoili Motithr: Pox' thrthor partieglars eddrees 25 N. 9th street., Philadelphia: Pa. . ."' ; ' , f ,mh3o,4m. Milericail AT TIIL COMPANY'S , irtlrlainted by the Ceinpany on with °fiery watch. Price. List cud descriptive Catalogue ret ppy ad dress. Oratirit filled by express C. 0; di. Wfth ptallago of examination before paylog the money. Addresai . . ALEXANDRA R. HARPRR, 308,Cheatuut Street,.. Ap.19.2m , I:kAtki4;3iti C 111 3 Barclay or h 8 W. lth St.:Chtdinnat I; G. Ff then want the mom plitlliflr and best selliret, pi ion bookx' put A t lslidil Anti OM Mott lib eral ternis, fiend for el renters. Theywlll CO6l yi; nothing, and may be of great benent: to you. r.: • • ' " • A GENT § IVANTEp FOR, al • rrospectnerFirmm • IBLEI.IIIIUW 4 Masterly Versification` of Oa -Subtilize Poetry of the Bible.' SOpronounced by leading clergymen And laybillittof all denominations. Unit/craftily ,admired and highly eeteeni'ed both for lie great 'Uttrirtidc . merit ;arid mechanical finish. A beautiful Proetleetue, from a new and original design, slipping thodiffareni ing, etc., sent absoltitely FILF,IS to, all mortal as Agents And a sample copy when desired, aact'St 20 Oar cent lees than the wholesale price. Eiclbalve Territory, and the most liberal terms. For hill pEilticb)ora,' etc., address C. F. VENT, Publishes., May 3,4fe. " ' 3 Barclay 'afloat, Niisr'Ydrk": ••. • . . • • COLOTIViict)E; rraillk _ tkIABBI4I FRONT.) ' .• Cheftout ttreet, West of Afteenth, • , BiItLADELFITIA,' s II: • I . This new and elegant Hotel le now pees • thersuptlonot gneata. Wept thelinnt • • • el/situation, and fernlitied eqrsy •assed by any of the dnt hotel at Ydttlf • maeics JOHN c.nrau., 2io4orr. • GEO. FREEMAN, Sept' • - • r • -_ . • • , uNITETy la' CD' DX lav Bought ; Sol FanU ExchatiO4 , ;' ON MOST LIBERAL 1 r X s 4Or . 30 0 AI' I Bought'dnd Sold at -Market Itatea. COUPONS 'CASH.Ep, PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS Bought and Bold:‘ $ I T 0 0 'IC. S Bought; and Bold on Coutimitii3ion:oory Accounts received and intoreet allowed on daily balances subject to clieck, iit bight, DE \ tolEN&Lita 40 SOUTH 3D STREET; PIIIL'AD 1 . 4 , , naL2-ly OSADALIS Mitt: Great American Health Restorpr, -pAriffel the toot and cares - Scrofula, Syntalla, • Dtaeotce. Ithetunatinzu,lNeeenes of Wom,ap and all Chronic Allebtions of tho Blood. Liver and' HP; nay,. Recommended by the Medical Faculty mid thoulalid ardor lost Read the testimony of i t yelelags ligd patter* Who hare used itosadalis sets& for dur Resadalis Guido to Health or Almanac for thislysar,f ightpk We publish Tor gratuitous distributliiii give you much valuablriinturgistiod:- ' • De. it. W. Carr, of Baltimore says: , I take plemenre in recinamondlng yotie Amadei in an a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two cases with /nippy IgiMiLl—nne in cane of secondary syphilis, in which the patient pre. nounced himself cured After lutVing taken five bottles of your medichie. The other is a case of scrofula of long standing, which in rapidly im proving under its use, and the indications are that the patient will soon recover: I have aide• fully examined the formula by which your Rolle delis is made and find it in excellent. compohhd of all alterative Ingredients. Dr: Sparks, of Nicholasvtlie. Ky.; lava he has used Itosadalis in cases °leotards and secondary Syphilis with satisfactory ressiltsas a cleaner of the blood I know no better remedy. , „ - Samuel O. hicnsitlan; fdurfrnebaro' Telpseespe l Bays: I bete used, sciren helps; Of Rpeadelid, itpd ad entirely Cured of ilbeunnitiono ; song gm four WC_ ties, as I Wish it for my brother; Who bid accord; lone sore eyes. , Benjamin Bechtel, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered far twenty years with au inveterate clip tlihi over'my body; "a abort time since I par. chased a bottle of Itosodalis and it effected - a , par ifect Rosadalli le sold by John Read and 8. S. Smith, Huntingdon, Pa., and Druggists gonerally. Labratory, 61 Exchange Place,Taltimore. CLEMENTS 4 CO., Proprietdrib Feb. 2.3-1 yr. 2 or 3 p COUGHS, SORE THROAT i ETC: No medidiiie or treatment can excel the powerful curative power of DR. sums! WHITE PULMONIC BALSAM. It cures with a 'rapidity unequalled by any other s rome ; dy offered for throat and lung discuses, It hs recommend ed by over 2,00 U persons in Wilatingtupoind knneirdels in Philadelphia, Baltimore and other cities spd communi ties throngliont tile country.' Mr. Pentlingtoit, of Wit mington,llllnois, writes, that More Is not (with a few 02- centimes) a family in that City who will be without it if possible to procure it. Such is tie popularity wherever it is known—and this pupal city arises from the fact that it universally cores all who use ft. pp pee of COUGIIS,cOLDS I SORE THROAT, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CROUP, BLOOD SPITTING, HOARSENESS, and even Pulmon ary Eopautaption, where the system is not broken down with the wear of the disease, or pretended medicine, pc inexperienced advice, that this Balsam will, nor.cure• carefully used according to directions. We gutranteeit all we represent it be, coil invite atrial from the afflicted everym hero. Price 50 do. medium size , and $1 for large size betties. Prepared only by, ' J. H. SIMMS, M. , Practical Origanic . Chemise; No. 707 leftriclit St., DEL 4 iqtaAl,ll4 qvot. Jolmstop, llollotray & 80wde9,014 A rcli' Street. Daqinlore depot, S. S. Hance, 108 Baltimore Siegel. FRT , enl o by Medicine Dealers genereq. Jape 14 1870.1 y. Lewis' is the Place to 1;117 School Books and Stationory,Biblgs, hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of 4111 . Blank Boolp, Spnday School 'llo4th to., Inks of all kihds, Notlups, 'perfumery, Buck et BoWs po' s ilipt knives, Musical .Instrp ments, Wall .Paper, Windor Shadei and Fixturos, sto., ote,, ate. filoYll4. Mil