The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 21, 1870, Image 4
iFrom the N. Y. Tribune-1 WHAT 1 KNOW OF FARMING. BY HORACE GREELEY BONES-PHOSPEATES-GUANO I bate to cheek improvement or Chill the' low of Faith ; 'yet I do so keenly apprehend that many of our • , people, especially among the Southern nottongrowere,are squandering money on l gommercial Fertilizers, that I am utter my note of Warning, even though it should pass wholly un hc;eded. Let me make my position as clear as I can. I live in a section which has been cultivated for more than two centu ries, while its proximity to a great city has tempted to crop it incessant ly, exhaustively. Wheat while its original surface soil of six or twelve inches of vegetable mold (mainly com posed of decayed forestleaves) remain ed; then Corn and Oats; at length,Milk, Beef and Applos—have,exhausted the hill-sides and . gentler slopes of West chester 'County, 'except whore they havlts.betcyliePt in.heartby judicious culture arid liberal fertilizing ; and even here, that subtle element Phos phorus, which enters minutely but necessarily into the compositiod 'every animal and nearly every vege, table structure, ,bas- been gradually drawn away in Grain, in in Bones, and not restored to the soil by the application of ordinary manures. I afn'Oritirieed.:that a', so mt4Fed as to groiv - three While flay per4ere, yet so :destitute of Phosphor us that it sourid, hbalthy . aohnoi can not ,tie grown therefrom. FOrt two eentnties, the- tillers of Westchester County knew nothing of,Cheinistry or Pqmpliorns, and allowed the unvalued bones of their animals to be exported to fatten, British meodoWSWithottt gn ef for6i4 retain them: liende, - it has be nib , co 'absolutely essential that we buy anaatpply .Phosphates, even -though the price be high; for our land can no longer do without them. Wherever a . .pte_kr or heifer can occasionally- be caught grutiVingOr mumbling over an , • old bone',Viere Phosphates are indis pensable, no matter at what eost..!--1 Better pay. $1.09 petztun fotTA dressing of one hundred pounds of Bone, per acre than try Ledo without. But no lands recently brought into citliiitition—i-no lands where the bones of the animals fed thereon have been allowed, for unnumbered years past,to mingle" witlithe.sbil—can be - equally hungry for Phosphates ; and I deal) t that any cotton-field in the South will ever return an outlay of even $5O per tun for any Phosphatic fertilizer what ever. That any preparation of Bone, or, whereof Bone is a principal element, will increase the succeeding crops, is undoubted ; but that it' will over re turn its cost and a decent margin of profit, is yet to be demonstrated to my , satisfaction. No doubt, there are spebial cases in . which the application even of Peruvian Guano at $9O per tun is advisable. A compost of Muck, Lime, &c, equally efficient, might be far cheaper ; but Months would be required to prepare and perfect it, and meantime the far mer would lose his crop, or fail to ;make one. If a tun of Guano, or of some expensive Phosphate, will give !hint six or eight acres of Clover where he would otherwise have little or .none, and he needs that Clover to feed the team wherewith he is breaking up and fitting his farm to grow a good 'crop next year, he may wisely make the purchase and application, even though he may be able to compoSt for next year's use twice the value of fer tilizers for the precise cost of this I am so thorough in my devotion to "home industry," that I hold him an unskillful farmer who cannot, nine times in' ten, make, mainly from mate rials to be found on or near his farm, a pile of compost for $lOO that - will add more to the enduring fertility 'of his farm than anything he can bring from a distance at a cost of $l5O. " Understand that this is a general rule, and subject,like all general rules, to exceptions. Gypsum, I think every farmer should buy ; Lime also, if his soil needs it; Phosphates: in some shape, if past ignorance or - folly has allowed that soil to be despoiled of them ; Wood Ashes, if any ono can be found so brainless as to sell them ; Marl of Course, whero it is found with in ten miles; Guano very rarely, and mainly when something is needed to make a crop before coarser and colder fertilizers can be brought into a con dition of fitness for use ; but the gen eral rule I insist on is this : A good farmer will, in the course of twenty years, make at least $lO worth of fer- tilizers for every dollar's worth he buys from any dealer, unless it. be the sweeping- or other excretions of some - net - distant city: I have used Guano frequently, and, though it has generally made its mark, I never yet felt sure that it returned me a profit over its coat. Phosphates have done better, especially where ap plied to Corn in the hill, either at the time of planting or later; yet my strong impression is that Flour of Bone, applied broadcast and freely, especially when Wheat or Oats are sown on a field that is to be laid down to grass, pays better and more surely than anything else I order from the City, Gypsum, and possibly Oyster- Shell Lime, excepted. My experience can be no safe guide for others, since it is not proved that the anterior condition and needs of their soils aro precisely like those of mine. I apprehend that Guano has not had a fair trial on my place—that carelessness in pulverizing or in appli cation has caused it to "waste its sweetness on the desert air," or that a drouth following its application has prevented the duo development of its virtues. And still my impression that Guano :is _tlict; brandy of vege tation, supplying 'to plants stimu lus rather than , nutrition, is so clear and strong that it may not easily be effaced. It seems to me plainly ab stil:ll to: send. ten tbOusandrr.ils for this stimulant, when this or any other great city annually poisons its own atmosphere and the adjacent waters with excretions, which aro of very similar character and value,and which Science and Capital might combine to utilize at lesS' then half the Jost of like elements in. the form of Guano. - My object in this paper is to incite experiment and careful observation. No farmer should absolutely trust aught but his own senses. A Rhode Islander once* assured me that he ap plied to four acres of thin, slaty gravel one hundred pounds per acre of Ni trate of Soda which cost him $1 per hundred, and obtained therefrom four additional tuns of good IlaY, worth $l5 per tun : Not profit (after allow ing for the cost of making . the Hay,) say $3O. He might not be so fortunate on a second trial; and there may not be another-four acres of the earth's surface where Nitarte of Soda would do so well ; but, should I ever have a fair opportunity, I mean to see what a little of that Nitrate will do for mu. I hope farmers may more and more be Induced to , conform practice to .. :the . Apostolic precept, , "Prove all things : Hold fast that which is .good.;' No one's success or failure in a particular instance should be Conclusive. with others, because of the infinite dive - Ht.! ty of antecedent and attondent dream. stances ; but if every thrifty farmer would give to each of the commercial 'fertilizers •-=- Lime, Gypsum, Guano, Ph6sphates, Ashes, Salt, 11Iui I, &c.—such a careful trial as ho might,obsorving closely and recording carefully the results, we should soon have a mass of facts and resu Item hero. from deductions might be drawn of signal practical value to the present and to future generations. "This is what I call capital punish. ment," as' the boy said when his mother shut him in the closet among the preserves.• "Bob," said a facetious farmer to his son. "we bad a pretty hard day's work yesterday ; now lot's have a game of chopping wood." • • • McGUIRE'S SPANISH HMV DRESSER FOR PROMOTING THE GROWTH, BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, And rendering ,it dark and glossy. No oilier compound possesses the 'peculiar prOperties which e 6 exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. The use of this oil as a hair dresser has been unirer.l in Glory sec tion of the country in the Spanish Main for centuries.— No preparation of art could give that elegant inaniauce and abundance of hair which have se often been the ad miration of travelers in Spain. This, oil is highly and delicately perfumed, forming an article unrivaled in ex cellence and upon which the Spanish people for many years hare set its seal of enduring approval. -0— McGUIRE'S 101i01111,(IFInersghatioo Lotion For rembving dendruff and scurf from the hand, whiten lug and perfuming the skin. This article is entirely dif ferent from anything of the kind ever offered in this cone try and is warranted free from all polsonsua eubstances 'lbis valuable lotion was used by the Emperor Maxima inn, and Empress Cm !rata of Mexico, and universally used by klealeans for thren hundred years. An a wash for the head—it Is cooling, deeming and refreshing.— When thus used it at once relieves headache. ➢IcGUIRL'S WILD FLOWERS FOR THE TEETH. All those who are in favor of white teeth and a pleasant and perfumed breath, should at onco use 1110:11uire's Wild Flowers for the Teeth. All these preparations are put tip in the most elegant and ornamental manner. We make no exception In saying that they are an ornament to a lady's toilet table, and none complete without them. Warranted satisfactory or money refunded. Dealers will bear this in mind. Sold by all respectable Drug gists in the United States and Canada.. Address orders to RICHARD MoGIIIRE, Depot and Manufactory, 283 North Second Street, Philadelphia Jtor /ale at Lew to' Book Store, Huntingdon. The Trial of Balmer and Bodenburg, THE PEICHITAL MURDERERS, AND The Confession of Bodenburg. AND THE EXECUTION. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THEY ASK WHO DOES THIS? THE undersigned would respectfully Inform the citizens of the town and country that they are prepared to REPAIR WALLS, WHITEN CEILINGS, and HANG Pinto and Ornamental PAPER in the best style. Alto, to furnish material and do PLASTERING st the shortest notice and on moderato terms. Thankful for paat patronage they solicit a cOutluu anco of the same. T. C. STRICKLER & CO. I Huntingdon, March 3i-3m U. S. REV - ENT JE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOS STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. Tel ME. From the kiln of Geo. Taylor, Murkiest/tug, prov on y chemical analysis to ho of the best quality, con stoutly kept and for sale in any quantity, at the depot o On Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad. Gil - Apply to Henry Lcister, Proprietor of the "Broad Top House." ' une.o2lf Flan THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelope u lefor cottfutentint correspondence, for sale at UMW' BOOK st 82L4T10.1"4f1Y 6T0R.8. OUR COLUMN FOR THE PEOPLE. RED FRONT ENTERPRISE STORE. Sugars. All kinds, at very small pro Ats. Not offered low to draw you on on other goods. Our prices to continge low; regularly. Syrups. The best Silver and Golden Drips, genuine 'Levering and other Syrups. New Orleans and other Bal:Ong Mo lasses. Teas. A variety of kinds of best always on band cheap. Coffees: Roasted and Green, cheap as the cheapest for the same quality. • Meat. Sides, - Dried4oof, at living prices. Cheese. The' best N. Y. State Goshen and Ohio Cheese. Candies. - The best stick and other candies, wholesale and retail. Flour. . The best Flour by the barrel, sack or pound. Cheaper for the same qual ity than elsewhere. Feed By tho hundred or smaller quantity Stone-Ware. 4000 1,2, 3,4, 5, and . 6 gallon crocks, jars, jugs, and churns, selling cheap. GLASS & QUEENSWARE. A large steak of Ironstone and Cora nion ware, in setts or by the piece.— Glassware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars, otc , at Red Front, cheap. Wood and Willow-Ware, A large assortment of Baskets, Buckets, Churns, Tubs, etc., etc., at Red Front. Fruits &c. Dried Peaches and Apples, Raisins, Prunes; Currants, Elderberries,—Can nod Fruit and Vegetables, eta. Salt By the sack or bushel. Also Dairy Salt. Spices, &c. All kinds of Spices, and a great va riety of notions. Soaps of all kinds and cheap. Fish. Pickled Salmon, Haddock, Shud, Trout, White Fish, Mackerel, Dry Salt, Quoddy Labrador, Lake and smoked Herring, by the half and quar ter barrel, kilt, pound and dozen. All warranted,and cheaper than elsewhere. Tobacco. The best quality of Tobacco, and cheaper than any other store in town. RED STORE. Variety. For what you want first call at En terprise Headquarters where prices will be kept regularly low. ' ENTERPRISE IfEADRUARTERS, HUNTINGDON, PA WHEELER & It lON'S HIGHEST , PREP/HUM L BfrireQ, Sewing Machines, Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867. • • They are adapted to All kinds of Primily Sewing:and to the use of Seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tailors, Manu facturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon bilk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, Milt silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, xnd perferm every species of sewing. making a beautiful And perfect stitch, alike on beth Sides of the article sowed. The qpnlities Which recominand them nee: 1. Bentity and excellence of stitch, alike on both eidas of - the fabric BeUed. 2. Strength, firinnes4 and durability of scam, that gill not rip nor ravel. 3 Economy of Thread. 4. A ttachti . onts and wide range of application to purpo sea and materials. 6. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of censtruction. 7. Sport!, case of operation and management, and quiet ness offincvntent. • • , • Instructime free I. oil. Machines Lep! in repair ono year tree of charge. U. B. LEWIS, Agent, COM SELF BASTING SEWING MACHINES. A Patent Self Barter Las been attached to the celebra ted GROVER RAKER pE)S7.NCI == Lock'. itadli;(initch a'llko on . Loth endricos). And see them work. For further information write to or cot Leistora Building, lip stairs April 26. tr. BARGAINS. I have been requested by the owners of the following Sowing Machines to dispose of them if possible at the prices annexed,as they wish to procure Singer machines in their place: One Grover & Baker Machine, loop,stitch, In good run. ning order, cost'soo, will take $5O; one Florence machine with tucker & c, coot $6O, • will take (good order) $53, one Grover & Baker machine, loop stitch, with box, cost $65, will take $O5; one Wilcox & Gibbs, cost $65, will take $3O; one Glovor to Baker machine, good running order, cost $55, will take $4O; one Parker Machine, with cover, well finished, cost $OO, will take 535. ono fine Grover & Baker Machine. never been used, cost with took er. extra hemmers &c , $7B, will take $7O. Letters for information nud mime fur the celebrated Singer Machine to be addressed to July 08—tf J. C. BLAlR,lluntlngdon, Pa. p. **.Ulk MARBLE YARD, DL GREEN & F. O. BEAVER Having entered into partnerstdp, tnl irm tlnumbllc that they aro ',mural to (=este all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Bitch as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES. also Building Work, at sa low prices as any shop in the t mint, Orders frdenn distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN street, a few doors east of tho la. therm church mth6,lBo READ AND ,BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY _ALARMED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Furniture &c. ►TTHE undersigned would respectfully 1 announce that he manufactures and keeps constantly on hand a large and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cans teat chairs. clipboards, gilt anti toss. wood moulding for mirror and picture frames and a vita. sty of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. Ho is also agent for the well known Bailey tit Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The public ass invited to call and ex/Daiwa his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Work and room on Dill street, near Smith, one door west of Tenter's store. Huntingdon, Ang.l, 180 NEW GOODS ANE PLENTY OF THEM .H. ROMAN. N B iv MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING SPRING AND SUMMER, JUST RECEIVED H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of the beet material, and made in the beat workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, 1 opposite tee Franklin House In Market Square, Hunting don. Pa. 'WHARTON &MAGUIRE, HUNTINCDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL, Foreig ad Domestic HAR➢WARE, mytinny MECHANIUS; FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, Is invited to the fact that we are now offering a BETTER ASSORTIIIENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY' IC., than can bo found elsewhere in this part of t h e State, at prices to math° times. Our Moct comprises all articles In this Eno of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, lILACKSMIT/IS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, &c., Sc., together with a largo eta& of iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes; Railroad and Mining Supplies,. Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones; Circular, Mill and Cross. Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Rol ' low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellent. amortmerit of Comprising KNIVES, ,FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS— • • ORS, RAZORS; &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, • Of the latest and most improved patterns ; CONSTANTLY ON lIAND AND FOR MLR AT AIANUFACT URORAS" P.R1C.6 1 ;5'. CARRIAGE &WAGON MAKERS iruNTINGDox, PA Will find ia general assortment of initvlcil far utheir se constiting In part of • ' Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spehes, Agisi Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons; Pa- • tent andenamelledLeather; ' • Whips, Tongues, sot •—• keta, Shafts, &c. OREBNE .t BRO., 3 EraLIALC:33I3.ISIWriC,TACSII Can be suppliedililt: - ANVILS,-BELLOWS; S HAMMERS. HORSE ANJ-IdELE SHOES, •I Horse Halls, end all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Will find in our establishment a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, • HAMMERS, , FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, • BOLTS, • PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C.; &C. VINING AND MINERS'' GOODS NAILS and SPIKES, of all variotios BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, uOAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. Huntingdon, PA ...IF"etriaxerm Can be accommodated with everything In their line from a Grain Separator to a Viket-iitone. 3131.3.1.1c1er , E; Are sapacially invited to call and examine our stook of BUILDING HARDWARE Agricultural Implements, Comprising the (axons Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined Rundell's First Premium HOUR P/TCHFORY, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes, Hay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, - Br. as t Chains, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, te., ko., to Among the epeohatim of - oar lionte, we desire I. call attention to the celebrated The exelushn right to sell which Is Tested In us. Send foi &circular mid got full partleulars of same, and oath() youreelf ofits importer qualities. Seale, of all sizes awl descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and bruggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, flopper, Miners and Trans. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISIIED AT MANUFACTURERS' The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, JAMES HIGGINS COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, Rout Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Irdn. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON.BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at ♦ery low figtiree 413-A cell is respectfully solloited, feeling cone dent that our goods end prices will not' fill to pleas." WHARTON & MAGUIRE. Huntingdon, May 7, 1867 HILL STREET, =1 The attention of and compare our prices with others 01110 PUMP, SCALES. OASII PR.IChS Ever offered in this piece A GREAT VARIETY OF By the keg. 'Very low I V2ilabtlpidia gOrtitigtments. A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES.. Being a abort and practical treatise on the nature, cane es, and symptoms of Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchitis and .Asthma; and their prevention, trcalmeat, and cure by inhalation. lent by mail free. Address Q. VAN RUMMELL, M. D., 16 West Fourteenth ft., N. Y. i1Y,144Y U. C. Roam. Ono. W. Ems. I= LC)3E3CIVI etc IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DBALERS IN , , . China, Glass & Queens*are, 433 MARKET ST., NORTB SIDE, BELOW FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. "' Juno 30,180 , . &ISAAC K. ST AUFFER,h i .WATCHES ancl JEWELRY, No. lig North 2d Street; cotlnor of Quarry, PRILADBLPIITAI. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wore constmitly on hand. /Urßepairlng of Warehos and, Jewelry promptly at hooded to. Aug. 11.1 y ESTABLISHED 1867. A. POSTLETIINVAITE CO, General Commission Merchants TOR Tnr, HALE OT Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, Bark, Butter, Eggs, Lard, . - ' Poultry, Be, No. 264 South Froni Street, A. G. Poetlethwaito, Philadelphia J. C. blasughton. may26-ly ARCH ST. CARPET WAREHOUSE, 832 ARCH STREET, ' BELOW NINTH STREET, ' ' PHILADELPHIA. The Old Established Stand! Rec'eiving for the Sring Trade a'largo stock of the N. Styles of • O.A:RIPMITING-S . 7 Purchased at the Lowest GOLD RATES, and will be sold at a great reduction froni last season's prices. ENGLISH BRUSSELS at $1 50, and all other goods In proportion. JOSEPH I1LAOKI1'001), 51530-3 m 832 Arch Stteet, Philadelphin.. F URNITURE. JOSEPH WALTON & CO:, CABINET MAKERS, No. 413 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Our establislament is ono of the oldest in'Plilladelphin, aqd from long experienco and eoperior facilities we are prepared to furnish good work at reasonable prices. We manufactuie tine furniture, and also medium priced furniture of srperior quality. A largo ;stock of furniture always on hand. Goode Made to order. Counters, Peak Work and Office Furniture for Banks, Offices and Stores, made to order. Jot. WALTON. J. W..ideenicorr. ' Jos L. SCOTT. feblinly HUTTON:St 'McCONNELL, Filriiitte : Waren ' oms. No. 809 MARKET &TEEM, •• • forth Side, • PHILADELPHIA:. ARLOR, DINING-ROOM • AND CHAMBER PU.RNITCRE, Of the Latest Styles and beet manufacture ALSO ' - FEATHER BEDS and MATTRESSES.' }ob. 23, 3m. OELALICTG-3EICISS RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE . OF LIME. .4nittbt Mk" SPRING - f , 1870. . . ..Fitstanta:Leor.s; Increase your crop of CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT, AND GRASS, As well as ADD TO TIIE FERTILITY OF YOUR 80IL, By a Judicious and Economical mode of SE A N 1.7• R 2 ST 0- - Gel the value qf your outlay the first season. Obtain better.filled ears and heavier grain. Keep your soil free from noxious weeds. Make your laud permanently fertile. Over SIXTEEN years of constant ate, on all amps, his proven that Baugh's Raw .Bone Phosphate may be de pended upon by Farmers. , - _ lIIORLY IMPROVED AND STANDARD WARRANTED For Sale by Agricultural Deniers generally. BAUGH & SONS, 'MANUFACTURERS, " Office, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue mhB-em PHILADELPHIA. • TEO. A. STEEL. EILTON 8. LYTLE. BA3IOEL A. STEEL THE FIRM OF STEEL, LYTLE & BTHEL having located on their tract oflaml with in two miles of the borough of Ifuntingdon, a STEAM SAW MILL, • are prepared to manufacture all kinds of OAK AND PINE LUMBER. The mill will be run to Its utmost capacity and will be in Oporation during the entire summer and part of the autumn months. They will Ito enabled to furnish Lum ber in largo quantities, and of all dimensions, at tho low eat meth prices. Orders respectfully solicited. Lumber delivered et the Penna. flathead, or cartel. Lluntiugdou, April 22, 18613-tf LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS. HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly . or hand. Worked Flooring, Sash, Blinds, More, Door and Ma doss Frames, punished at manufaciurers' prices. Brain anslcountfy,product generally bought at market rates. WAGONER & BRO., aug2Peti Philipsburg, Centro co., Pa. ANTED -1,000 cords of Bark, at the klaramoth atore, The Mated market price paid in cash (Jun 1 Om] HENRY B CO. ANTED. 10,000 pounds Tub washed wool for which the highest mket price :rsl . ..Ve in pain. [Jun 18m] 11.1pla: GET THE BEST READY ROOFING Suitable far all fluildinze, Dwelllam Earns, Cliuritioa Factories, &c.,'and for all clithatea; equally adapted to flat or 'steep roof; and can be applied by any otdlnary workman. ' - ,• • THE READY ROOFING . , . ... .... , Is more durable than tin, and does not cost oriehalf rue much. It is cheaper than shingles, far more durable. and fireproof. It is made of the heaviest fabric ever used for the purpose. and is put up in rolls ready for shipment to any part of the world. ' Send for circular,and i!tmp* (sent free.) ~, . . . .. . We also Ruaufactiire , • For repairing 'all kinds of leaky toOnl, cldnineys: sky' &c. This Roofing Cement forms a prirnianeat ad , hegira canting over the whole surface of all roofs, whale. , er tin, shingle or 'composition, completely, closing !np leakages, and tieing composed largely of kroand.'grantte, wheel sets and hardemq'and noon beZoramt An artilleial Slate or Stone 'earering. ' ' ROOF PAINT, • For coating Tin and all kinds of metal and composition roofs. It will not run. crock, or peal off, but form *pees manont and perfect protection, wherever placed: furnished at •half the cost, and possesies twice tho duns* blttty of the common oil palate used for such purpose*. County rights threat,. - • , For Cireufara and MI partlenlarn, Addredi READY ROOFING COMPANY ; at MAIDEN LANE, E.Y.I 1:12=1 lIN/TED STATES Authorized ,WAR CLAIM AGENCY 'HUNTINGDON, PA SOLDIERS' ELEIRS i 'ATTENTION ! The act of Congress approved March 2, BM, gives td Heirs of Soldiers who died prisoners of.war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, ' • fir . the time the soldier was so held a prisoner, at.. the rata of twenty-five cents per day, to be paid in the follow ing order: let. To the widow, if unmarried ; 2d. To the children; 3d. To the parents, to both jointly if "they are living, if either is dead, to the survivor; 4th., To the bro. thersand sisters." The act' of February 28,1867, provide!, for the ietnad ing of the $3OO Commutation Money, where the same per lon was again - dratted, and tile requited to enter the aar vice or furnish a substitute. D/14011412 GEE! SOLDIERS.,!'; • The net of March 2,180, also makes pserMosts ferthe paymeat of the $lOO ADDITIONAL DOliillii to;such soldiers as have acctilentally,lost thole *Mosher gee All persons having any.cialati under arty of the abov, mentioned Acte, or any other kind of claim against the United States or State Governments, can !havefthsta promptly cbilected, by addressing the urdersign'ed. formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiers or their friends, free of charge. • W. ii. WOODS, Authorized Army and Navy War-aaim Avid. m0y9,21807 HUNTINGDON, Iluntingdon co., Pa pENNSY TIM .VANIA RA IL ROA. OF LEAFING! OF TRAINS It ARRANGEMENT. - . EAST WA. Staff WESTIYAj'i D. Ps I a STATIONS. .1 6 , h . • ~ I !. Y. r.v.l' .si 4 , 211 111, 63 N.llamllton, ' 617 . :ix 4'29 'l2 00 011 Mt. Union,. 10 'O4 436 ..... 12 08 ..... Maptaton,....i. .... 5' . 5'32 55. 442 12 16 717 Stilt Creak,— 452 47 456 5 00,12 32 730 Month:lssm, 10 21; 4 , 38 35 512 , 112 53 Ceteraburg,l.. , ...... I, 4;18 „1,11 52,2 '"'l 03 '" Parrei " " 1409 ' la. 30 ' 113 ,1 011Sprucaeraola, . .....1 op ,OE 43 120 Ilirmlnghom„ 3 4111,, 6,17 52 1 34 8 20 Tyrone, 0 so r- 3 '4l Vel 30 7 37 07 . 163 - ' Fo p stori , a `'' , " ' ', " '3 3: 25 '7 33 11 2 00 8 42 13ell'a Mills,. 3.20 7117 SC 607 2 201 900 Altoona,. 9053 00 1,16 The FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 'l2 3.5 A. M., and arrives nt Huntingdon at 1 45 A.M. , The CINCINNATI EXPRESS Eastward !CRIME Altooha at 5 45 P. M. and arrives at Huntingdon at 7 04 P:81. PACIFIC EXPRESS ERSIWRIA, IeAVCS .Altoona at 100 U. end pottage Huntingdon at 806 A. x. CINCINNATI Emma tt estword loaves Huntingdon .at 3 32 A m and arrives at Altoona 460 • x ' The EAST LINE Westward, passes' Huntingdon as 7 00 P., AI. and arrives at Altoona at 8 12 P. M. HUISTI_NGDON k BROAD TOP , RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Thuraday, • JUNO 10th, 1810, Psalm. 'set- Trains will arrive and depart as follows: ,UP TIYAIpIB.- - • L t; •DM 'pltAlga..! Y.X P LIS.' MAIL J. Varateatai - • P M. tg 5 le 6 16 A.lll. Li 8 051frontIngdon,.....-4 111 Long Siding ,5 20 8 2 451cCOnnellsiown,. 535 830 Pleasant prom,... 48 INnrkleapurg,. 6 02 8 55 Coffee Rim ... ... 6 65. , •8 01 Rough A Ready,... 0 23 9 13 Core, 6 27 9 16 IFislisriflummit...... " "I 0 3 0 Saxton, 9s 7 00 7 17, 9 - 41 IllddlSsloorg. 7 241 9 54 llopewoll, 7 421 10 /2 Diper's Run 903 10 311TatessIlls, 817 10 43 Bloody Run,. , AA 8 25 kr 10 15001ouot Dallas,' , '• SHOUP'S RUN BRAN Ly. . 6 45:Lz 0 36 1 Pazton I 7 091 050 Coalmeat 7 04, 955 Crawford, As 7 15)5I 10 05 Dudley, [Broad Top City,. . . ~ thoti.odo 4 JO jo, no. Jonzi MULLIN Ent . West • Huntingdon Foundry. JAMES SIMPSON uleU7i42l7llVl PLOWS, THIIESHING.,MACHINES, . FARIS BELLS, SLED AND SLEIGH SOLES. ' WAGON BOXES, IRON KETTLES, CiadertliagiEl Per Furpac, Forges, Gait and Say; 3lill.,Tanaariea and Brickyard., • AND JOB WORK IN .GENERAL. ARCHITECTURAL & ORNADINNTAL DEPARTIONi. Iron Portlads and Verandahs, , Balconies,Columns' and Drop Ornament for wade% portico. an verandahs, Window Lintels and Sills, • • •• • Cast Ornamonta for wooden lintels, Cellar Window Guards all Janes, Chimney Tope and kitties, • , Sash Weights, Carpet Stripe, Registers, Heaters, Coal Grates, - • Vault Castings for coal and wood cellars, Arbors, Tree-boxes, Lampilosta; Hitching-pinta, . Iron Railing for porticos, verandahs, balconies, dower. beds, Yard and Cemetery Fences, etc. iiirticutar . anttaionpaid to fencing amekry Lots. Address JA.VES SINIPSON, 5e23,68 Huntingdon, Pa HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. M. MARION Mann.. = . BLAKE & MOBIL ; [Successors to J. M. dONNINIMIAM do 801,1,) Iron and Brass Founders., HUNTINGDON, PA IRON and BRASS CASTINGS made in a first clam Foundry. We have always on hand alk . L kinds of Plow anG.Stovo Outings; Wash, a . filogßE t Kettles,Cellaruindo we, Grates, Coal hole, Castings for pavements,Window weiht s nj all sizes and weights Pipe joints, B led and Sleigh soles, Wagon bows,, Machine Outings, foA• steam sod water, grist, saw, sumac end plaster mills at all descriptions. HEATERS AND IRON FENCES, of the most improved stylo, oven doors and friunea, dein eine, and in fact everythingmade to thie line. L. . We have a larger stock of patterns, and can furnish cas tings at short notice, and cheaper than they tan be bid in the country. Raving a good drill, we ere prepared in do drilling and fitting up of all kinds. Office lu Mestere' New Building, 11111 street, Hunting, don, Pa. Itch. 17,1869. 'BEAK'S TO THE LADIES! , Tho subscribers hare recently discolered a new article—the ESSENCE OF STARCH. In ceiling the attention of the ladles to our Steridt they will Bud that it ecouomizee labor, produces • ' BEAUTIFUL GLOSS, Much superior to common starch, , and easier to iron. In fact if you wont beautiful gloss'on your aklrt, or your husband's Shirt or collar, procure a box, of our Essence of Starch. The cast is trifling, only 15 cents a box., Try a box and bo couvincsd. Every Family should havo a box of the Essence of Starch. For sale by all Grocers and dealerslii the United States. Manufactured only by SMITH, HAMMON & CO., sole propriotors, No. 1113 Harmer street, Fhiladalphia. aqvFor sale at MASSEY & CO'S. Enterprtso Head, quarters. XTM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Sta Honor) , and Music? ' , mermen% corner 011ie diamond. D:- IM AN. M. 1 at is Aix, • Lft 20 "'Bll 7 Ss' 46 7 33 7 20 • 66 1 1 ,3 ' 4O At 22 06 59 42 NE Ell HE