(plc_ 6103 e. .HUN.TINGDO.N, PA Tuesday Morning, ,fune - 21., 1870, LOCAL & PERSONAL. Dieetlugs. :1 Ml. Mortal "Lodge, No. 300; A. Y. M., Meets second SiOndarevehingot menth, Browri'e building. Standing Stone 14.12. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the Drat Tuesday evenizt of each nienttwin Brown's budding. Juniata Lodge, ,N 0.1.17, .1. 0. 0. F., meets every Friday evening, third Door, in LeistQabuildinW - • Mount Hor Clomp of 1. 0. 0. F., meets every second cud foutth.Tursdays Loister's building, third floor. Standing Slone Lodge, 81, Z. 0. q. T., meets every Wlieniay evening in third Boor of Bead's n 42 2"nPuhrio,-Tribe, No. GS, 1. 0. of meets every Thufsday evening, third Boor, Leister's building. i'seng Men's Chrislion Associatioumeets the first and Hard 'Monday eNenings each month, fu Smith's building. Post 33, G. A. it. meets %bird Monday of each mouth in Cuurt House. ••• -• •• • • • - • Teton Council meets the- Hrst•Friday evening of each month. •• Huntingdon Lodge, No. 149,.K. of P., ineeteevery Snt• tufty evening, Iu dmith's building. " ; ; ; I , linntingdon Temple of Ifonor,'No. 71, merle the fourth Motrany oleo& month in Good Teinplare The Irebsterian CYoI meets every Thursday evening; in tiro V. M. C. A. room. Liuntingilon O.IICII, 0. U. A. M.; ins'eta first and third Tuesdays °leach month in Good Temptars Halt. •. • -• % Chinchs:* - 33aptist„Church—Washington Strpet. • Rey, J.‘ W. Plan • 'neap'.' cervices 'on Sabliath 104 a. m., 7 Catled.c--,Waillington Strout. Rev. It. J. Aylward. Ser eides Ilrat' hree'Surda)s in every month. Evangelical Lutheran—Mifflin Street. Rev. J. J. Kerr. . Service, m. ilcrinan Reformed—Church Street. liey. S. D. Sicckls. Vioiit,bil du Said:alb? 7: y. ni. t Iv c ~ • IfetliolliStAfficonal--Cburch Street - . Rev. Si. IC:Foster Servicto on Sabbath : 1015 a. m. ' , l p: m. Protestant, Ephicopa7-11111 street. Bev.' A. IL 8010, Eon. icol on Sabbath: 103.4 a. m., 634 p tn. Preolkytorian—llill.Streqt. Bo', 0. W. - Ser. "'vides Mt I , abinalr: /1 in m , Vp.m. ' On the V( Ing. The Lewistown being re.Rova 7 r • '-";TholurnaCe at Ilopoivell. turns out forty , tons of charcoal iron a 'week t . Two snakes, eleven foot. long, wore killed, near Bays Hill, Bedford rpunty, "ittetWeek. The'eVvii'lltritliOdiet'iliiir . eli at Bed fdrdlis-to be - 75 fee't, by' 45 feet, and is to cost about 612,000. - Iron ore has been - discovered in tho vicinity of Burnt Cabins, near the low r end,of tbis,ccunty: •',.Bellefonte . and AltoctisOvere,,itiOn aittea,by recent yains, and considers= ble damage ,done. A Mrs. Phillips was ,droWned near Waynesburg while in the heroic act of saving her son'from droWning. It took seventeen ,men and a dozen of dogs to butcher a 165 • pound bear, iii - Fayette county, the other week, Bedford Inguiret met with the Juck'bf 'roducing:ono of its fo"rms 'lad "pi," the other week. Methodists intend ,regaling , tlieiF:Sabbath School scholars at Me. :Cith"Ari's Gidie.en Thursday.it week.. ,The. people - Of Bedford, to some ek ffcht.',liare dabbled in the oil enterprise. ,9oe.nian.has an income of , thousands - - lA"plantng belonging to A. A. -14,rker, in Bbonsburg,•was'hurned to Ojugreiad redently. Less sB,ooo—in- pusayle. $4,000, The family of Mr. W. L. Gordon, of ; ireWard, Center county, partOok of ^icknething•at dinner of • the nature of -poison, and were all made - sick: .The Sabbath School- ConvCntion which' met at Harrisburg last week, idigay - , , iop - ros - ented by delegates from all parts ofllie State. 1t is, expected that a • Sabbath School "Convention of, representatives of all thp.seboots'in this county, will be held 1-64.14p1aci3 at, an early day- - . 11.1..Littlefield has withdrawn from tie Juniata Sent 6 . 14, and is succeeded :by B.;;Ei Saiiiefer. Mr. •S. bas our best Wi3bes in his new relation. man named John Ryan, at Pros pect thy, Cambria county, was killed re'sently, by *foolishly, attempting to jump on a passenger train as it AVBB pilling out from the depot. Gorton, ofThilipsburg._lost a jilind and a, portion of one of his' arms by having,it_eaught between two bits, 4.plArting mill. The arm was am putated, . 7.; ,The'seensus-taker,,lias revealed the surprising (to 'us) 'fact that the \Vest Ward of oar :borough contains only 1640 inhabitants. The total pepyla- Of. borough' will 'dot be .mein than 3200.. - As a P. S. to ink, week's announce ment about GiadY's Monkey, we learn AliatTt; conimitited! (suicide' by strakig. lingitself with a Tope with which its saptors,had tied it. Vale! _, ' Of 1 4.` - 0„ . ,13. ; ' on Our first page, - preattitra'zthe 'subject of In tettip-efuncein;a new, powertnl and In terestAnkt,maiiniir,.spd,_we advise, our reictur.§ - t - otTvel t' ca'refil' perusal. ' Miss E. \V. has the thanks of the - GLOBE fCC.ternitY, a; delicious cake: --May-ber cup •of happinesS be full to overflowing, and may' she receive's crown of eternal joy I The Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association will hold its next annual session in the Court House, in the city -of.lineaster, on thO oth, 10th and 11th of August. tSinnehodyls darling was in town on Saturday -'evening, and when he went ficime_he had"joost about so mooch as Fat he call. alitrecknipe ,as he, could • u tTtio Rantin_gdon Light 'lnfantry A-ave Cottage - ion Friday .and Saturday, evenings, last. We Think'. - there : were too many "hops".,of „Wfdriiskiftif.; rat - : , I.m Jaept, am9ng- i some of, the: "gallants." 4- Sufficient .money has been guaran -4-eed to complete the construction of • flipLewisburg -&• Spruce .Creek 'read;; and', wa 'Are glad to' learn. that it ls to bo placed under centract , • .• Pa., is agitated; , %The'eonrt lkst week refused to grant licenses to selrikucirin•that borough, and the ho ;I-el;!'keepers; -per' 'consequence, have -unanimously agreed to _close their Actors an,d.do no business tilt thelian: .eieat xi4;l4 is restored. • -- A boy named,„l.lenry Gudekunat, ~.aged„(eui:tece, Was,iiilled near . 4 11.idille Lancaster, Butler county, the other - weelhil)yvheing dragged over the ground by a young colt which ho was leading to, water, he having thought lessly fastened the halter around his wrist: ' Two lively, brothers, aged 53. and QO •years, living in Westmoreland county, lately fell in love with the same V;'o' man and fought about it. The senior is cow looking for a finger which ho lost in the encounter, while the junior is "thawed up" Co the extent that he is Acareely , kecogniAable by bis most inti ',43;fatn friends. 163120311170 . , . "fleVolutrons' never go baell'werd," neither do improvements in Hunting don. During the past three years many beautiful edifices have been erec ted in the old part of the -town, while in West Huntingdon, where but ono house stood, a few years ago, there are now a hundred or more, - and lotshave been sold for a mile above the old landmarks. Two planing mills, two 'or three stores, a wagon sbiep;WictE,finin - 45 - . roue beautiful dwellings,. now adorn this part attic borough, and it prom ses ere long to . hetife•:dtbst-' popillbud part of the, town..'hum% ad milted the enterprise of, the people in the taste they. 4.ve, Aisplayed -in decora ting WS . surroundings 'Of dwell ings with well-planned and neatly-kept gardenp,,now in full bloom, au l can gratulated-onrlborough:iti intlikk such good . .citizens., The , names, of,AIM streets hav'o Philadelphia"rhig— Chestnut, Walnut, Spruce, -Pine, Cy press—while Grunt and ,Scott aro not neglected with honor. The town ,is well laid out, having an ,alley back of each street, and as the buildings grad-. wally rear their proportions, eastward and northward, the utility of this plan is more fully illiisiraCect . thing that is necessary air, wafer, soil tind conspires' =to make this a desirable location, and we hope to see our 'Predletion ful filled, in a few year's, of' this being the business part of the town. , There is only ono drawback', which we hope to:see overcome :before long, en'cl that is tIM want of mannfactories. These we should have, as they will tiring •iiidolianich. Knit. la beringl: men, and help improve the _business advan• tegeS,ef the, town. flur business mon should encourage every scheme that will establish Manufactories, as thena'a town is" dead, and 'West Huntingdon-is,just the L place- to _erect ther. ' .Fas h e New York Standard begins its fashion article with the fbl lowing sensible hit at both sexes: We commend it to our readers for its , truth fulness : • - Dress ! ,Dress) Dress! .1 "IF:18111one l" said a brute of a man in our hearing the Other day, "are an invention of Satan to - ensnare the souls of foolish women." The man of ideas was very ',elabor ately arrayed in .all thoiforios of fine 'broadcloth, immaculate linen; and flashing diamonds. We WlCll,ed him critically a moment, then said : - "J udgi ng - f Vont your appearanee f sir, his infernal reajestyhaii also an eye to masculine souls. Dan% you- ever- - feel ?", • • - lle L.. . laughed, shrugged his broad shoulders,land .Walked off learifig our query unanswered. It is if t u g i t ahte s to two the Superior air with which MA ( critiCizo women's vanity:2 They, .tieVai seem. to --think that the same faults which they attri bute to,the : gentler sex can •be brought directly back 'upon themselves., Peo ple who live' in glass - hOuses must not throw stones ;" and gentlemen who patronize fashiouable,tUilors, bootmalc erZ end jewelers must not find fault with wives or sisters for fbllowing their extremelj , followable-example. =11! 4 youqg ) man of 10413,100 d! - gazipg •al•ttio*rhea s ieri with a in 1. - adk: & a •-•-•-•-• of pistols. in the other. We on deavored to.attracit, tds'aflOtion by .ing 2 a ¶ in a paper we held in,.our,.am, rehtting 2 a nice yohng . matiim- 'that § of the country; who left home in a stti of derangement. He dropped the I - & pistols from his ,ms's with an I "It is I of whom U read: Irklfv--my home b 4 my friends knew of my cosign. I had sO the 4.4- of a girl who refused 2 lis .10 2 me, but smiled upon another I d from the house uttering a wild,l 2 the god of , love,: without re plS7ing 2 the ?? of my friends, & ,came here .vith thisl & of pistols 2 put a . 2,tny exislOce; but have decided .2 subscribe for the GLOBE, and live' a useful life & I advise U 2-do like yy. The Wheeler .k. Wilson Selriug Machine In another column will bo foundthe advertisement of Messrs. -Petersen S. Carpenter-; Ibe enterprising'-and ener getic agents of the Celebrated Wheel er , S - :, Wilson Sewing Machine; whose office is located at 914 Chestnut Street, Philada. The Wheeler and Wilson is tholeddink staindard family - machine. It took the only gold medal at the great Exposition Pniverelle awarded tomwing;_rnaellipegi ankAte, namg jis; household word in both t uropo and America. ' It ‘requiiet‘?. 'therefore no "puffiing"' and we merely 'wish to 'call attention of pUblic to the immen sity of the numbtir of these machines that have been sold; over 450,000. Comment is tinneessary. LaFayettt Colic ge. The friends or this- institution will' observe that, th'e:7c,oriiing commence ment will be one .month, earlier than usual—Wednesday, June 29. Tuesday, 28th, will be occupied with the' reuni on of the Literary societies at 9 a. m. Meeting of the Alumm Association at 2 p. m., and oration before the Liter ary Society by Rev. Charles Elliott, D. D., of Chicago -Theological Semi nary, at 8 p. pa : „ Dr. Cattell'ig now - o - ri his way home, and his presence will give increased interest to the always attractive com mencements at LaFayette. Eicursion tickets on' the Reading and North Penn'a Railroad. ter-"Modes and Manners fOr Mii -irons, Maids and Men," is the Musical title of:a now Philadelphia Magazine, devoted to fashion and literature. :A serial story of American life is com menced, and tho fashions,' instead of being`i - rriere rOliastiofttfitipelin styles aro a lively description of tho popular Voittimes'of our ,promenades ten cents a copy, or one dollar a year. Published by J. B. Dobbins, No. 426 North Eighth street, Philadelpho... rhsp c ., Farmers needing a Grain-drill, will do well to call on Wharton & Ma guire and examine the Willoughby gum-springgrain drill, either with or without phosphate attachment, before purchasing. • tf . ~ zieZ - A largo stock of the best Stone ware, of all kinds, now'bn band at the Red Front Grocery, and for sale cheap. er than anywhere else in the County. Ad?' 10;060 pounds - of ' tub washed Wool wanted, for- which the highest market price will be paid at B. J. De yor & .9o s s store, "Ait. Union. [39.414 Itetall Mark e t Battey 15, 18, 2C, as to 'quality; eggs '18; !ler& 20 petalus' 35,. 40, as to quality; dried Apples la cts, per lb ; dried peaches`l2 - ; - 15030 'cts, per lb; beaus 1.0@)1Y tile.; Pet ; qtlart ; sugar caned hares 25 cts_; ,shoulders 16(018 side 18(cp,.20 cts Or lb ; dried beef 27 @3O as; flour $5,75@6,00, per barrel. 11E1411.1{8.-09od ,butter ready. sale ; eggs . do; ~ good old potatoes ready sale. • • traasti ..111sKirm.—The- Undersigned ! would respectfully.,ihforin'the citizensof Hunting don. and vicfnity that'she-has bornmeneed-the bvsiness of plain and Fancy sewing at the residenctqof Mt ' H. IC. . Weaver, in West HuutOgdo . n. All kinilsjof, Patteinfl are kept . constantly on lier.tl for sale at the lowest prt ces also, cutting and fitting dono to order. I mhst earnestly solicit a share,of the public petronage. maylo MRS. S. M. MCOA ULEY. SALT E3ll . olllo3L—Dealers, look to your in terest and buy your salt from Henry a Co. Their facilitleTtor furnishing . sal arof great= ertlian any'Otlier }Muse in central' Pannsyl vania,'and having a line of boats running to and from Philadelphia and' Baltimore, they areprepared to furnish all kinds by the sack, car or botit load, at prices which defy corn petition. , Ap 19-3 m. Carpet. Weaving Mrs. Matilda Pheasant is, prepared to weave rag' carpets,' and solicits patronage from a ,generous public. Residence Wash ington Street, West Huntin a tf Ladles Dresses and Boys Clotliing Mrs. B. Annie McCabe respectfully in forms the public that she has removed to the house formerly occupied by H. MeManigill, on Washington street,; and Is prepared to make Ladies!,-Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds. She 'respectfully invites a full share of patronage, —97 fl .Fur $llO MeLanahun, Stone & Isott Will deliver, free of freight, one of the best,tnOwers Inanufaaturdd. It has its gparingiall enclosed, .and will warrant it. No.work, no sake. They have .tnery Grinddrs to grind mower knives; &c., and Buckeye Repairs, &c. •- i4lity'lo- 2m'." • ' Can't be ' . Red, Front Grocery , ireceives','new supplies almost, every .day, sells the most and freshest, and ean;t.be under- Sold. New' Mess Shad, DrY Salt Roe andi Pickled rilbrring; the . ; berit*rind , ; MabliM•el, "White Ffsh;TiOut, SnlmOn, &d., cheaper than the cheapest, and warranted. „ • Every business man should'iliti printed bill heads;' letter heads, • rind' envelopes.' They have to, 440 , the paper anUenvelopes, any and ye .furnishthe ,material at whole. sale prices, and print them at less than the material would cost at retail price. Call. - _ leirThleLinahati,;Stone &Left,llidays burg, have thii'lhigeSt and best assortment of Garden andAla` Seeds in, this vicinity. Send, fur Catalogue., 5 and 10 cent ,papers sent on receipt, of money,- post - [NO 4m " • " ger Improved Buckeye and the Buckeye and Ohio Harvesier: Cciinlin - eil i lleapers- and Mowers, repairs of the Buckeye, always on hand, it NeLittialnin, Stone & Isett's, Holli daysburg, Pa. fe9 5m GRAPE VINES Font SALE—tx,ci yea t:s old Delaware 37i eta, Coricord 25, Isabella 15. ISRAEL GRAFIUS. Alexandria, April 18, In— Best Gum Roller and Gum Spring GraM Drills, at MeLanahan, Stone &lsett's, Hollidaysburg, Pa. feo-8m 4 S-Metanalmn, Stone & 'sett, Hollidays burg, warrant all their instruments. [fe9.sm Dar Mackerel, Roe, Lake, and Labrador Herring at Henry & Co's. - apl2-3m Car Double Harpoon Hay Forks, best in use,, and there has never been one returned goUfai.V l all tire' NV :irrnitted: MeLannhan, Stone tf: Isett, Hollidaysburg. feo7.stn . , le Older Mille, : Grain Separators; Cluver Hullers and Steamers, Cultivators, Washing Machines, etc., etc., at MeLaualian, Stone & Isett's, Hollidaysburg, feo-8m IlErßtiekaye Mowers and Reapers for sale by A. R. Stewart &Co (m3O Ot ttEß.Silvei plated ware at A. R Stew . (May. 30-4 t /Air Pratt & Miller's Hay Rakes, at Me. Lanahat, Stone & hetes, Hollidaysburg4sm u tigfie. 4ta Oft `glltin.diap l ars at leury & Co's. apl2-31a no—prouad Alum, Ameriemk and Dairy Salt at redinetpriccs,.at henry & CA. 3m Everybody says "it's hot." What everybody says must be true. , MARKETS. I=7 PHILADELPHIA, June 20. 1870. Superfine Flour per barrel $5.120,525 Extra Flour per barrel ..$13.00e7 00 Bye Flour per barrel $5.00 Iced Wheat per bushel $1.45 Bye per bathe , 1.05@1.111 Corn per bushell.o7@l,oB , , ' Oats per bushel 94(2)ll3cts. ' i ' - : Fritimiaan,'June 20, 1870. Spring Wheat Flour per barrel 5.50@1100 N boat per bushel $1.2001.25 Corn per bushel 84587 Oats' per bushel . 50@a lets. ' Bye per bushel ' $0.01@0.05 BarleysJ.oogso.os . - FINANCIAL.' New Yonx,june 20.—Cold closed at AM. PIIILADELFCIA, June 18, 1870. The following are the closin ,, prices of Do Haven & Bro., 40 South Third Street,: U. S. 6's of - - 118 1181 .". '62, - - .112- , 1121 " " '64; - - '4lll 111/. ,Y 66 - 1111 •1111- " " '65, new, - nu 1131 " " '67, " ' - 1131 114 " " '6B, • - 1131 114 " s's, 10-40's, - 108/. 1081 U. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy. ' 114 1141 Due Comp. Int. Notes, , 19 Gold - • • - 1121 113 Silver, - - 108 110 Union Pacificß.Rlotiltßonds 870 880 CentrultAteilic , B. B. - . 925 ,935 UrrionlEacijic Land Grant .Thinds 780 :790 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTEL? WEEKLY ItY HENRY &CO. _ WHOLESttIEyRICEB. •• • - Fouli4 7 .:Sppprfino Flnur,-per barrel, , 114,50 Extra Flour, do 5.00 Family Flour, . ' '‘' do 5.50 GRAIN—Red Wheat, per bushel. --Gl.lO White Wheat} ' ,' - . do - 1.15 Rye, do 00 Corn,, new, do 85 OAS,do 45 , Barley, - do , ' 1.00 SEEP—Timothy, do 3.50 Flaxseed, do 1.75 Cloverseed, per 64 1b5.6.00 • CuAL-llard coal, per ton, 4.50®5.50 Broad Top coal, , do ... , ' 3.00®3.50 LUMBER, per 1000 feet, 12.00T0.00 Stmccns—Lap,,per 1000 ft., 10.00 12.00 Joint' Shingles, do - ' 5.00 a 7.00 Miscata,misous—Barli t per cord, 9.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.00 Rope, per' pound • : • AO W001, , ' do ' ' • 45®50 nay , per ton, 1.0.00 hides, .. : • •13®7 18118, CRai„raTtLlABlo AT liRDtrCED4'II.IOES. JAMES'A. 8.14,0WN, Is constantly receiving t his new • CARPET -- STORE , IN .HUNTINGDON,PA, Beautiful Patterns of Carpets, fresh hom the rooms of the manufacturers. Ills stock comprises BRUSSELS, - INGRAINS, VENITIAN, .WOOL DUTCH, COTTAGE LIST and RAG CARPETS,; CARPET COCOA and CANTON MATTINUS, FLOOR: STAIR - and .:TABLE x - Jr,' ç x.l coiwi ia,x A FRESH STOCfc. OF WALL PARE„R, WINDOW-SHADES and Fixture's, Druggots,. Vohct Rugs, Door Biala, Extra Carpet Thread and Binding fag make a specialty of furnishing CRURCit E 8 and LOLIGEB, at City Prices, and invite Fut Meiling Commit tees to call and Beo gooddi6inde axiom* for their per. , divers will tare money and be better suited by 'going to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store for any of t h e above good.. I defy competition In prices and varooty of beautiful patterns.. ,L) • r - - CARPETS 25 cents par YARD and LIDWAiIDS. ' I hart, IMO the Agency for Doi OilQinot HOWE SEWING MACHINE eo won knowu on ti.•u bent Famiily Mehl. lu thu world Call at the CARPET STOREand see them. JAMES A. DROWN. Iluntlugdon, !deb 16, '7O-6m =! I= 2 1 1111= KEW STOVE AND TIN STORE. BUCHANAN, ALLISON & CO. flavo opened a now store in Toiler's new building, In the Diamond, Huntingdon, PA., and hare ready for solo a large assortment of Cook and Parlor Stoves , • SPEER'S REVOLTING HOOT; SPEER'S ANTI-DUST, - SPEER'S AN'TI-DUST COOK STOVES, SHUR'S REGULATOR and EUREKA COOK STOVES and LITTLEFIELD'S HEATERS. Also, a large assortment of f ' : 1)10,1 AND 941. - egzeiD vstnt and a - greatt'ariety (IF&Mis,neer before kept in this place. Wo also manufacture TIN WARE TO ORDER. Eppairlng,ltopllng and Spin, ting . thino at 'short notice .04-• Country Stoics supplied is lth Tin Ware it city Confident `cf being able to Maki. it' mWiltitagedm to their customers they respectfully tolicit o share of public patronage. ROOM IN YENTER'S NEW BUILDING IN THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, L'A. Jan. 5,1870 JOHN . C. MILLER, (Succeasor to C. IL MILLER A EON,) DEALER IN . , All Kinds of LEATHER, AND SHOE FINDINGS, HUNTINGDON, PA. jit12.1670 N' NEATH ~NOVEL!!! GEO. F. MARSH Merchant Tailor, •' 'lna jug receiied HIS USUAL LARGE STOCK OF SPRING .and:SUMMER GOODS, OP ALL QUALITIES, ,' SHADES, .Ai4ISUOLORS. .• 'Second story ofllcad's • GEO. EnNIAESII. • -Huntingdon, March 30 L4l.pst. Arrival of Gent's; Goods: --H.- ROl3l,Ey - NIERCETANT to the tooro o;rer, Johetßalis & CO'S Bank, (Old Broad Corner) } There he Is; it - Calmed to do all landed ttsklr in Ids line of business.,Ale has just recelc• ed a full Ilneief • - cLoTrffi, - -YESTINGS, -• • - - •' • CASSIMERS, , • . CORDUROYS, le.. , . Thankful for past patronage he solicits a continuance of the same. Tho attention of the public is called to his stock of clothe,&c., lip Is prepared tcuniake:itp to Order in a fashionable, durable and workmanlilie manner. Please gleo me a call. •• ; 11. ROBLEY, Merchant Tailor. ptiatingdun, Pa., April Uk, IBM ', • THE HUNTINGDON Manufacturing. Company, Is now propored to fill onion for WEATHERBOARDING, FLOORING, DOORS, And in short to do all kinds of • Carpenter work— To furnish lIUBS, SPOKES and TELLIES, in quantities, and rP9nivo ordora for .IPT33L;LWXTII:r33.M. 44P'Allorders shOti . id be addressed to D. IV. ARTLEY, President, anntingdon, Pa Juno 16, 18064 r, LEWIV RED FRONT GROCERY ••• FOR. - SYRUPS, ' 'MOLASSES, COFFEES; TEAS, Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, Mackerel, Herring, , Me - 8i Bbad,Piconi, Salmon,White Fish, Crackers, Tea Cakes and,Choese„ cOnfeetionery of all kirids, Cedar:w4re,' Willow-ware,', , quechs-ivare, Class-ware, Dried Beef, Sugar•cured Hams, Shoulders, Sides, &c TICIOR And ignm. M.Call and examine Stock and Prices ii:(lo..tEl 'OII'OAM. ',-.0--,?-:,,,.-W-: .:,......,,,. A,c,?'- - A1'4 7 ; 1.-;:::-<,,'"7 L - r _ N 0;.,..1.-, - -T - - , lsartit lti l its ; ;. e -----'l/4.-,„,_,;:- _ It .1 r= 4 z P L S . % • , ..-- 'l__-,.,-,;_37 ATOTJ can silto`k4rrkly to 00 per et j_ by timings your 'Theft oments from 30.DT31111, DEALER IN : •; ,• • STEINWAY & SONS, CHICKERING & SONS, TILE WEBER, RAYEN & BACON'S, THE UNION PIANOFORTE CO'S GEORGE 11.1.4,1HLD & CO'S. CONRAD MEYERS, AND ALL OTHER MAKES OF ' 'PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN'S, and GEO. WOODS & CO'S celebrated ORGANS, or any other mnko desired. Also, MELODEONS, GUI TARS, VIOLINS, German Accordeons, Shoat Music, Mu sic Books, Lc. Now and good Pianos for $3OO and upwards. Now 0 Octaro Glens fur $OO . • Now Melodeons tor • ' ImAll Instruments Itkrrankdforfive years. Agents supplied nt wholesale prices, the same as In the city. call on or address: ,• llanti 81,12,70 2tl floor loister's New w Buildnig: TO THE N.-.E.ViIiNER 'OP DIAMOND. Boot and-Shoe' Einporiurn. r JOHN 11. WESTBROOK Respectfully informs the citizen. of Huntingdon and vicinity that he hasjust recelved from the city a Hsu' and eplendid etock of • . BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, ,; „ Hosiery, Shoe Piaings,' ' Carpet Stick Trunks, &c., &c., dye., &c. all of which ho to prepared to tell at greatly reduced prices Don't forgot the new stand in thO,Diatuond. .Old custo mers and the public generally are Invited to call. Huntingdon, ap. 7, 1860. • , Ili GEO. SHAEFFER M'llitejltut returned from the cast With u• 0400 @lOO/14,)S . rdeli?_. OF BOOTS, SHOPS,' 04.1PE:td &c , he offers to the inspection .of this club:more and the public generally. Ile will cell hie ; stock at , the 4 1 ? .t REASONABLE PRidES, and those who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS Br f ,SIIOES,;MAI)R7.D) 9,llDEti; and REPAIRING done in the neatest and most expedb lions manner. , „ Call upon Mr:Schaeffer nt 'hli shop on I[lll Minot, a few doura xestof thelhathoud. ;• • ' • pp:l4, 1803: N EW 1300 T AND SHOE STORE. .• :WM. AFRICA-- Informs 411.3 puldia that• he` has Just opened at his uld stand in tho biamond, m Aril - I,ltintlagdon,i . „ • i A Fine Assortment- of-all)kinds'of BOOTS AND SHOES For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children. All of which he wilniall,at fair prices. Quick ssks and tmull profits. Call and examine my stock. Manufacturing and Repairing noun fo order as usual. linutingdon, Ap. 14, 1869. • ' ' ' DO NOT I ‘l 3 '' S D. P. CWH INFORMS TILE PUBLIC • ; THAT DE HAS JUST OPENED: . SPLENDLE STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE. BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. • • •,• , • COME AND SEE. Mit, tin fdrlA7o AND SASH, KISRAMILIJAS SEMINARY. FOR 2E3071'1-3 This Institution in the beautiful mountain-glyt valloy of Eh:bacon:llllas, afford, shperipr adva'ntakes of educa tion. Thoroughly ollicient mad competent instructors in every department. French, Gorman, Polut.ing, Drawing, and Manic in chided. A Normal class formal Spring term, whioh continuing twelvo weeks, opens April 4th. Exponses the year $2OO. : Fox CaMague l addteps , , . : MARTIN MOULDiIIi Principal, Niehacoquillas, Mifflin Col 1870,-6m CO TO , `r~ ;: Sal r SUGARS; SPICES, Dried Fruit, _ _ Stone-waie, CHEAP. =MEI WM 111=11 - ADDRESS TO , TUB NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED WHOSE SUEFERINGS ILAVE DEEM PROTRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TOI?EIVDEI?P.:I7ST . ENCEDESIRAI3i,E II you aro suffoing, or him suffer.; from inrolulk ary diecharges, what effect does It produce upon your genernylealt,ll 1, Dcp , ou foci Wenk, dotrilitatod, canny Trod? Does o little extra exertion produce palpatatiort of the beart i Drip your liyor, or urine organs, or•your kidney,, get out or order! :I, your, urind somettuil [Dick, milky or ducky ! or Is it rppy,,ot tisttling does a thick shunt rim, to the lop Or ti a sediment at the:bottom after it has stood awhile t Do you ,hatro spells of short breathing, or dyspopela? .!,ro,yoar Low cle constipated 1 Do, you bur's spells of f.kinting, or amebas of blood to the hmid f It 3 ot:r ' niemory imialied? • Is your mind constantly dwolliug — ' tide subjeet 1 'Doi you feel dull, Ilstlessonoping; tired of company; of life 1 Do you wish to be left alone, to get away Vora orory. body? Does any Unto thing_ make you start : or jump Is your sleep brokonpr {ellipse 1• Is the lustre; (4,1 , 9 v eye nebpAl4l Do you enjoy' youreell in society as Ivey? Do you pursue your business with the same energy t Do • • ,0 •., , ••, ,)on feel as much con fi dence in yourself ? Arojraur spit. ifs dull • f , • . uld flaggingYgiven to fits of Melancholy ? If so, yodr liver or dyspepsia. Hero yin? rest lose nights t• , Your back soak, your knees weak, and, Rule, but little appetite, and you attrilmto tpis to qr. vjVpr)hTr ; cmvplaWtt Ivo*: ix:AA indfa'bu'se, ' venergai dlseniCaY;ailiPCurnd, and 'fancearbiedeedil, aro all a:ilia/do prolhichig' ' 'wealtueeoof the ganeratiyoorinua: ()The oigatia or gee oration, when in perfect, health, make tbp,ntarl: you ever think that thoie bold, dofiant,eporßtic,,lrft 'veying, tucceeefnf busineia men urn al wayothoso who p° organs aklit'perfect heal 41? Yrai never hear each men, complain of being mctancholj,of anus; or palpita tion of the hank They aro , never afraid they 'cannot summed in business; they don't become sad and discoui, aged , they aro nlsTays polito and pleasant to company of ladies, and look you and them right in the. ,faceTpono of 3 our downcast looks or any other meant:moo shout them. Ido not mean thOee scho keep the 'organs le a• led by.running,to excuse,. The", will not only ruin • their eunetitutlon;but those they dot businees, with or OE How many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of manakins° nod excesses; bate brought about that state of n'enknessin those organs that has reduced the geuernl ',talent no much en %to huthee almost, every other disease—idiocy, lunacy, yeinlYsis,'spitial affections, sulcide,and almost awry form of disease humanity le heir to—and the real cause of the trouble scarcely Over sFercled, apd harp doptorotyqr all but tha r1&ht ,0110,5 DISZASES'OF IIIgSBORGANS THE USE rill DIU,RETT.C. HEIMOLITS FLUID EXTRACT =.4ilE Is the Prost Diuretic, and is a curtain cure for diseases ISM BLApDER,'HIDEYS, GRAVEL, DROP. r . SY, ORGANIC IVEAIcNESS, "TEI 'MALE COMPLAINTS, GEN- ER AL DEBILITY, AO all diseases of the 'Urinary Organs, erhother existing in Ainlone YeMal4:from whaterer:causo originating, end . no matter of how long standing. Hui) treatment i 4 submitted to, Consumption or In '•1 .1 : . sanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood ere supported from these sources, and lye health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt me of a reliable . : IE I ;TRACT -np ward of 19 years, prepared 1, H. T. HELMBOLD, DRtIG . GIST, 594 Broadway, New York, and 3.04 South 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa PRICE—St.2S liar bottle, or 6 bottles fOr $6.60, ' dells , I' • ered to nay address: ' sold, by all Druggists Everywhere None arc genuine unless done up in steel engraved ' wrapper, with fac•similio of my CHEMICAL TVA.III3.IIOUSE, ni34 signed, A. T. 1:1ET-41301113, May 11-Iy, (~if~r ~~1b~~xx~cntc~r#~:~ ~.,,,.1~ • • - CIENTEAL 1101 Po I 1, V,/ Bourn EAST, coluitp,rowtu mp . ll , ITIT : c.E STS rirrr,AiorfurA: - E.CIIII.COTE, (formerly - of :11untingdon C 0.,) l'uor'n Centrally located and the-most convenient point for merchants visiting the ,city.-- Accounnotlatioue,,ofr the first-class. All thu- ` modern-filifirovrithenta. • every -al. tentiou will be extended to guehls. jipis-I.ys 1 82000 YE t XII.; &7EVBRSES Tu Agents to aell the celebratod , WlLAQN IiIACIUNEB Tha best machine , in the world. Elt e itql . . alike bcitti:sides: Els.ortisis Ant farther particulars adilrees 25 N. Oth street, Phllittilptilb EMIE ; ‘.,.A 1 ~ AT TILE cp*R i vals yltiqp„ ) fi ' . l, :And warranted by tbb company sent tvitbelievy watch: Primtiat and ilretcriptii a,l3lblitigllfe)tsopttdsp ay:add dress. Orders filled by express C. 0, D. with privilege of eicaioliattiou before paying th e money} liAddraita, LE.3iff ALEXANDER It. HARPER, 110 1 , • 309 Chestnut Street - r •, ••• • • • • PIIIIADWPIIIA. Ap.l9-2in 4044 . Itarday or 3S W. 4th St.. einelnnattl, o,l'o Ft' boy w•mt the mn+l porul•ir awl limit selling • itilt,ulption 1)00164 publtslted . fluul.thu most n,"/ terMV 5..11,1 for vireuln:). Thoyu 111 onst, yilo out ttotl 'nay bit of great beta:lit to yott, • rt. , fnb9dy A GENTS WANTED' F i Gll , 71: t• : • o'• •t- • !!oi BPP.sPectus • I, TFPIt IBLE I Jll -, t fYii11111:‘ A. Masterly„Versifieg,tfop..of the AS'uN(ilio Poetry of the, Bible.., f SOpronounced by leading clergymen sod laymen of all denominations. Universal'y admired and highly.eeteonted both for its great, intrinsic nterlt,and mechanicittflnieh. A beautiful Prospectus fronts tumor and original design. showing tl, rbfferenpityles aftbl , etc:,' befit obsoluteirlMllßE id all a'Seented u Agents,and a sample copy when desired.¢nd 4.2Qpiv cent less thhu the isholegale smite: Exclusive teltitorl, and the most liberal terms. lour, full, parilculars„terna, etc., address 0:F. VENT, Publisher:. May , , 3 Barclay Stretsiblow Pork:. 4. • " ' • . .i•i ; •ii • 1!. ' .yr. 4 7: COLOIWAVE . ' *HOTP.M7:rm ' (MARBLE FRONT.) . il•• :C7tettnut Street, West of Fifteenth,— Tido new and elegant Mote) to sow open f. he reception orguasta.' IS Is of the most IlOda • Construction, and furphbcd.in a atyle natant.. t• •• tha , /. 4.1! of i; • JOHN' PliVALPi i Proilr. , Op. FREIMAN, Sup t. • z•i ,_'i77OT NITED STATES - , p EW•.2 jklOil 3/311 ; : Liv. 1.132) -•, • ~ •• „:•„ „ n•-, Bought Sold and Exchange(' LIBERAL“'F,ESMA, §`olirtit "Attii46't 11E619 COUPQNS CASK R. f't ' ail. PACIFIC 'RAILROAD BONUS, a "1"; C:! Botfklit and Sold on,CoriimiAbiiinrOlilir. Acc9unis recei rod and interest uilowed on` dairy thiliinciis -Ctie;ik 4 3tligtit. .r• 16; nlll g ANENBe, • . • ;r: f•ti r!:7:; , 40 SOUTIL3D STRFE'L I ., O I." I , 11'1 - A 1. 1 1 1 ;.t inigmy Tr,io Ti ' • OS A-D lAJL S rp II E Great American Health f logri es -•• the blood and eves Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Mein% Rheumatism, Liberties Of Woltniti Idyl fill Chronic Affections of the Illood;,Llypranti,nd noye; 'Recommended by the Idedfcal'Eheolty add thousand of our bestAtizens., • „t 1, Read the testimbny•of Shitriciims 'pit-tents Who have,used ItOtisdall3,Bfal e ouS,Ro3 l Wilklig Guide to Health Guide for' this par,' ' WWl' Ivo publish for ~,gr‘ e lnitonal ilipritrution; giro 3 on much t 'doable, inform rtiuu. - " . . . Dr. It. W. Carr, of Baltimore says: " I tfike pleasure to recommending yenr ROt4dal. is aa a yory powerful el teratiya. f, have. deep, ,lt need In two cases with happy results-ono Waage of secondary syphilis, in which, the ;patient . , pro pounced himself cored after having taken five bottles of your medicine: ,!Ihe ,other is'a case bf scrofula of long standing, Which is Yaptdry fm- I prtiving under its-,nae,i and, fthei indications; Oa that the patient will soon recover. I have care fully examined, the formulathy *rich yopv,:Rosat delis is rondo, and find it an excellent compound of alt alteratlvoingiedlenteryt.' f:t tt ••I Dr. Sparks,of Nicholnsvillq. Ky., says Ito has need Rostidnliribt cases of scrofbla andeetandany Syphilis with satisfactory resulta4as a cleaner of ilia blood I know no better remedy.: • 1 Ci , t 1 Samuel O. 1 McFadden, Murfreeboro ' Tenhossee, • ~.• I Imre used 60).011 bottles of Itosadalii, and am firely' cured of Ithotimatisni t'send Me four tles,,as I wish it for my brother, who baa linisebre eyes. ' - .li . • UeuJnmin Dechtol, of Lima, Did°, writes, I have suffered for twenty years with an Inc oternto erup tion over my .body; a short time stem I par chased n bottle of Resadalle and It effected per fect cure t . BoDulalie and ficidtb, Huntingdon, Pry, and Druggists generally._ ~ Labratory, CI Exchange Place, Baltimore. " " CLEMENT* & Proprietors. 're'b.'.l3-1 yr. '2 or 3p Eight Per Cent Gold: ,moßTGAgpoNos ~0003 sl9t py.Tii, , ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER , CITY RAILROAD COMPANY,I' Jo denominations of $l,OOO and $5OO, coupafl o'r regisiir ed, with interest at eight per .pent per, annum, payable 15th February add August, In Gold Imo ef United Stales taxes; in New-York or Europe., Tho bands -have - . thirty years to run, payable in New York in Geld. Truetepe, Farmers' Loan and Trust Company of,Nowi York. The mortgage which secures thew bonds lent the rate of MT 500 per tulle; Covers a complete road for every bond. sited, and is a Orotund only mortgage. Thin line, con, fleeting St. Joseph with fort Kearuoy, make a short and thump route to California. Tho Company have it Capital Stook or And a grant of Laud Troll _Congress, 011,500,000 Acres, valued at tho 'wrest estimate, at. , Etna Mark:ago' Bonds, ' Total length of the road, 271 l miles- 'distance included in mortgage, 11l mllev ; price 97 1.2 accrued !utmost in currency. I Can be obtained from the, undereigned.— Alto, pamphicte..tunpa one information relating thereto. These bonds being'so well eec,ired, 'and ;yielding a large loco ale, lire desirable to plrtiee necking Rafe owl lucra tive Investments. Ve recommend them with Fair!, con. W. P. tONVEIt.SE&.CO, Commercial Agents, NO. :54 41.i7.13 6TR EDT, Zip*/ 'YQRK. TANNER Fiscal Agents,' N0:49 La. 4. T.FLEET, NEWYORK Mo) ao -ao) OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, , MUSLIN •pEcADvs, BAILEVS FIXTURES, TAPE, COJ?P AND TASSALS LL"ASEOII2bI7•:.YF • AT j4BWIS' BOOK STO44 "61 Silig Ili F. ~ !I ! vu,; 13Quglit, and Sold. unil7riailt; OF TIIE ISSUE OF suolto,oaa ; 1 11,000,000 $1t500,000 $15;500,000 Tollll,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers