The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 21, 1870, Image 1

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Per am:milt advance
!1X months
1 time. 2de 3do 1 month
...$ 76 $1 25 11 50 $175
.. 1 2 25 2 75...... 3 25
.. 2 25 325 400 475
One inch, or lees
Two inches ...... .
Three inches,...
8 months. 6 months. 1 Year
On, aid', or less $4 00 $6 00 $lO 00
Two Inches, 6 23 9 00 16 00
Three inches 8 60 12 00 20 00
Your inches, 10 75 16 00 25 00
Quarter column, 13 00 18 00 30 00
Ralf column, ' 20 00 30 90 45 00
One column, 30 00 45 00— .. . . .80 00
Preformlona and Business Cards not exceeding six line',
Oes year, 05 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 6 times, $2 60
Auditors' Notices, 4 limos 2 00
Patsy, or other abort Notices 1 50
. .
Advertisements; not rnarkedlteith,tbe n u mber of sneer
ens desired; will becontinned tilt forbid and charged ac•
arding to these terms.
Local or Special Notices,lo tents a line for .Ingle in•
sertion. By the year at e reduc.d rate.
-Qarpricep for the in:toting of 11looks, Ilsodlolle, etc.
ate reasonaVy!pwi
Nitsinos earYs.
" ,Ilaving pormatiently located at ItantiajdOti t °dare
e profeseionai services to the community. — 4,
Ottlce, the same as that lately occupied, by Dr. Loden
i '
en WU street . apla,liitio
• _.
DR. JOHN' McOULLOCH, offers his
professional services to the eitizsns of Huntingdon
411110, vicinity. Wee on Hill street, ono deoreast of Reed's
Drug Store. Aug. 28, 'Ufa.
ay. Wigan%
ITU removed to the Brisk Row opposite the Court House.
April /3,109.
E• DLINTLIT. .....
...Antice removed to Leisteee New Building,
KW street, Huntingdon.
JOUN,S. MILLER , Proprietor.
APR ar:tita•
-A --.?..w..40.141§7q;c,
Odic*** Smith .treat.
WI attend to Surveying in all its branches, and Is RI
buy and snit Real Wats inane part of the Ilutual crates.
Rend for circular. steulS-tt
IP W. AtYTOIsi, '
1 •
,Nuir tonic. with J. BYSTELL 52/.lf,tar, Zsq
Odle* est Hill street, three deuravrezt or Swith , - 76'49
45111edeveond Moor or Lei3ter's buildJng, on 11111
I*o* *o other Oman promptiy'COMCLOd. u1;103,9
,43,:01.1.11/4.1.1N. cL.U3I4, VA T /SAM PAY AN Li
AR wh9 may havrarly,c/ahas azaiOst tho Gore, antral
or bounty, hook ray null l'ioulooa,can . bui.o their Llultia3
prulu)ClJ co/lwteaJr) artpjyang either in pereuu ur
to -
yea. to
"' Iv. U. WOODS
A rrli.h.S.LY A Y' LJ 11;
i iiililkli%
__Spacial Attention given to Collections of all kinds; to
tits tett...meat of hetutos, ke4 amt dl other, legal bum
/tees priiiiecuted nith hdelit3 and dispatch.
Teem perrecr '
-; 14.111111. r. snowy,
Fr lie - n et - ad of Ilin3 firm has been ch ang.
, ed I rum led-Ittri Y Intl" Is, to
staiir srkiclt name they will hereto: 'sr conduct lbw
practice as
anu all claims elsoldists and auldlors' hair.
against the 130Verilmiellt, will be prnuiptly prosecuted.
' May 17, 180.-tf.
P. EL Lytle & Milton S. Lytle,
Have rained a partnership under the name nud firm
P. ri. & M. S. LYTLE,
And bare moored to the office on the mouth alde of
Bill street, fourth door west of smith.
They will attend promptly to all kilt& of legal immi
nent intnneted to their care. apidt.
• (gall mixes and descriptions,
. _43111110 9, 1b69-tt - _ _
Represent the :nest reliable Companies In
the Country. Rates as low as is Consistent
with reliable indemnity. aep 2, '6B.
.pitalßepresented over $14,000,
:.NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
.JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law.
tend Ministers of the Gospel.
of Asaault and Battery, and Affray.
ECIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.
COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School,
,Borough and Township Tares.
4/Tinted on enperior paper, and for sae at the °Moe o
BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly
,at shoiginiiice, and on good Paper.
A. D. LtAlf,
N. 11, WOODS,
The Union Bank of Huntingdon
(Late John Bare & C 0.,)
paid up,
Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others.
[liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds f
Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission.—
Collections wade on all points. Drafts on all parts of
Europe supplied at the usual rates.
Persons depositiog tlold and Silver will resolve the
a same return with interest. The portlier!' are indirid
welly liable to the extent of their whole property for all
The unfinished business of the late firm of John Dare &
.Co. wili oe completed by The Dolon Bank of llontingdon
0. 0. NORTH, Cashier.
Window Curtain Papers,
$2 00
1 OD
MEDICINES.—WiII people never learn to know that a
diseased liver rind stomach necessarily dieeaee the entire
syetem t The plainest principles of common sees° teach
this and yet there are hundreds who ridicule the Id, a,
and continue in the course which almost inevitably
brings them prematurely to the grave. Living as the
mejority of the people do, at complete variauce with tho
law* of nature, it must bo apparent to till that ' sooner or
later, nature will revenge herself. Hence we find that
poroone who Indulge to excess in the use of very rich or
Indineetible food or Intoxicating drinks, invariably pay
a heavy penalty In the end. The stomach becomes die-
ordered and reruns to act: the liver I ails to perform its
function., dd spepsla and its attendant evils follow, and
still the suffering individuals persist In clinging to the
thoroughly exploded idea of the poet. Dr. SCHENK'S
medicines are recommended to all ...It. They bring aura
and certain relief wherever they are used as directed,
and all that is necessary to establish thoir reputation
with every ailing nine or woman in the landis a fair and
impartial trial of them. Let those who are skeptical on
thie point, and who have permitted interested persons to
prejudice them tinniest these now celebrated remedies for
consumption, discard their prejudices, and be governed
by the principles of reason and common mem. ,df the
system is disordered depend upon it, In nine cases out of
ten the seat of the disorder will tea found in the stomach
and liver. To cleanse and invigorate the stomach and to
atimulate the liver to healthy action, use
SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS.--The daily increae-
Dig demand for these pills in the best evidence of their
value. Thousands upon thousands ot bone/ era sold daily.
Why 1 Simply because they art promptly and efficiently
Invalids who may not ,find it convenient to call ou Dr.
SCHENCK In person are informed that full and com
plete dirtetlens for use accompany each package of the
WEED TONIC.-These medicines will cure consumption
unless the lunge are so far gone that the patient is entire
ly beyond the reach of medical relief.
It may be /eked by those who are not familiar with
the virtues of these great romedieo,“llow do Dr. fichenek's
medicines effect their wonderful cures of consumption 1"
The answer is a simple one. They begin their work
of restoration by bringing the stomach, liver and bowels
intern active healthy condition. It is toed that Mires
this formidable delouse. SOHN:WE:B DIANDRAKE
PILLS act on the liver and stomach, promoting healthy
secretion, and removing the bile and Mime which hare
resulted from the inactive or torpid condition e.f those e •
gene, and of the system generally. This eluggleh state
of the body, anti the coneequentaccueutilation of the un
healthy aubetunces named prevent the peeper digestion
of food, a natural come hence creates disease,
which results in prostratton and finally In death.
IC, when taken regularly, mingle with the food, and the
digestive Organs, make good and rich blood. and as a nat
ural consequence, give flesh and strength to the patient.
Let the faculty say shat it may, this is the only true
cure for consnmptlou. Experience has proved beyond
the shadow of n doubt, and thousands are to-day alive
and well who a few years since were regarded as hope
lees cases, but who were Indueefi to try Dr. SCHENCK'S
remedies, and were restored to .permanent health by
their use.
One of the first elepi the physician should take with
a consumptive paiimit ie to in tigorrte the system. Now
how is this to be done t Certainly not by giving medi
cines that exhaust and enervate—medicines that Impair
Instead °Minicoy., the functions of the digestive organs
Doctor SCIILNCK'S medicines cleanse the stomach and
bonele of all substances which are calculated to irritate
or weaken them. They meate an appotite—promote
healthful agitation—make good bicrod, and, aa a comet
<femme, they invigorate and strengthen the maitre aye.
tem and mote especially those parts which are dummied
If this cannot be done, then the cuss taunt be regarded as.
A hopeless one.
If the physician finds it Impossible to male a patient
feel hungry, if the deceased person cannot partake of good
noutialling food and properly digest it, it is impossible
that ho Call gain iu flesh and strength; and it is equally
impossibly to bring /Ipationt to this suns /Lien as Jung us
the liter is burdeinxi with diseased bile, and the *tannish
laden with unhealthy slime.
Almost the first rtv,uest mad* to the physician by a
Colkslallii.tird patient Is that he 'rill prescribe modicums
that will allay the cough, night eweate and shill., x hich
are the sure attendants on consumption. But this should
not be done, ae the cough le only uu effort of native to
relieve itsen, and the night owcats and chilli, are canted
by the dieeneed hangs. The rentedica ordinarily prescrib
ed do more harm Man good. The) impair the functions
of the atom ich, impede healtny digestion, and aggravate
rather than cure the duces°.
. .
There in, after all, nothing lake facts whitit to euhstan
date a poeition, end it 1. upon facts that Dr. Schenek's
relies. Nearly all a lie hare token his medicines in sc.
:anteing m ash Ids duet:nous have out only been cured of
consumption, but. from Cl,. tact that these medicines net
with wonderful poi er upon ths dlgmtivs mom, patients
thus cured speedily goad flesh. Cleansing the system ut
all impurities, they lay the foundatioil fur a solid, sub.
utanhal structure. Restoring these organs to health,
they create an appetite. The food is properly assimila
ted ;the quantity of blood jaunt only increased, but is
made race and earwig Rodin the face clench a condition
of .ho system nil disease must bo banielied.
"huh directions accompany each of .the medieines,"no
that it in nut absolutely necessary that patients should
see Dr. StillrinK perunsitily, unless they desire to have
their lungs examined. Not this purpose he is at his of.
lieu, No oh Zierth Sixth St., corner lit Commerce, Phila.,
every Saturday, hunt 9 A. 31. until 1 P. 31.
Advice is given %about charge, but fora tuorough ex
a ininetien with the Itospirtnueter the charge is SZI.
Price lit the Polonium by nap anti Scouted Tunic each,
$1 ho per bottle ' or 57 II it bud dozen. Mandrake Pills
:Ln cents a box. her sale by all druggists. Ap.l2lY.
Hero is a list of such Wm ke es should bo found In fa.
ery Librurs-.-within thu reach of every reader—Works
to entertain, instruct and Improve the mind. Copies
'0 ill be tent by return post, on receipt of price.
New Physiognomy; or, Signs of Character,
. as manuesttet through Temperament and External
Forms, and especially an the -Human Face Divine."—
With more than One Thousand Illustrations. By S. It
au-s- Price in one 12mo volume, 700 pages, baud
&finely bound, $5
Man, in Genesis and in Geology; or, the Bi
blical account of Man's Creation, tented by 5-dentine
"theories ut his Origin and antiquity, By Joeeph P.
Thompson, DU., LL.D. One vol., limo. $l.
Wedlock; or, the Right Relations of the Sex
es. Disclosing the Laws of Conjugal selection, and
• 11110% ing who may and who may nut Marry. For both
swam By Sit ti ells , $1 50
How to Read Character. A new Illustrated
handbook of Phrenology and Physiognomy, for stu
dents uod examiners. with a Chart fur recording the
sizes ut the ditlerent organs of the brain, in the deline
ation of Character, with epworda of 170 engravings.— I
Mao-lin, $1 25
Education; Its elementary Principles found
ed on the nature of man. ItyJ G Sporehelm, 111 D.
WII h an Appendix, containing the Temperameute and
brief aunlyeis of the Faculties. Illustrated. $l. 60
Family Physician. A ready Prescriber and
Hygienic Adviser. ;With roferenca to the Nature,
Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Diseases, Acci
dente, nod casualties of every kind. With a Woo-tars
and copious Index. By Joel Obese, 111 . 11,- Muslin, $4
and Diet. With Observations on the
Dietical regimen, suited for disordered states of the di
gestive organs, and an account of the Dietaries of some
of the principal liletropolitan and other estaldieh menu
for paupers, lunatics, criminals, children, the nick, Ac.
By Jonathan Pereira, 6.1 D., Fli d., and LS. Edited
by Charles A Lee„s.l. D. $175
Hand-Book for Hontd Improvement; compri
sing, -Hew to Write," • How to Talk," "How to Bo
have," and ••flow to Do Business," in oue vat. $2 25
Constitution of Man. Considered in relation
to external object.. By George Comb. The only ou
thunted American edition. With twenty engravings
and a portrait of the author. MUtllll3, 51 75
Moral Philosophy. By George Cornice. Or
the duties of man considered In Lin Individual, Domes
tic and Social capacities. Reprinted from the Edin
burgh ed., with the author's latest corrections. $1 75
Mental Science. Lectures on, according to
the Philosophy of Phrenology. Delivered before the
. Anthropological Society. By Key. G S Weaver. $1 50
Management of Infancy. Physiological and
Moral liouttuent. By Andrew Combo, DID, A Book
for Mothers. Muslin, $l5O
Benny. An Illustrated Poem. By Annie
Chambers Ketchum. Published In the elegant 1141 e of
Enoch Arden. A beautiful present. sl6o
drop's Fables. The People's Pictorial Edi
tion. Beautifully Illustrated with nearly slaty engra
vines. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards. Only $1
Fopc's Essay on Ilan. With Notes. Beau
tautly Illustrated. Cloth, gilt, boreled boards, $l.
Natural Lairs of Han. A Philosophical
Catechism. Dy .1O npurzheim, id D. Muslin, 75 Ms.
Fruit Culture for the Million. A lland•book.
Being a (Nide to the cultivation and mansgoment of
SI Mt trees. Descriptions of the best varieties: $1
Inclose the amount in a registered letter, or in a P. 0.
Order, for one or for all the above, and address 9, R.
IYELLn, Publisher, 389 Broadway, New Yore.. Agents
%Van led. Idth3o
Tracing Paper,
Impression Paper,
Drawing Paper,
p f .-0 Paper,
Tissue raper,
S ilkerfor Paper for Flowery,
Potad Paper,
" I rlslol Board,
Flat Cap Paper,
Foolscap Potter,
Letter Paper,
Corumarclal Note Paper,
Ladlea' Gilt Edged Letter Anti &Ye Paper,
Ladies' Plain and Pancy Lute Po par,
White and Colored Card Paper, In Packs an 4 Phoetr,
or solo at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Mimic Pt4ro.
1t . , 7. 2 HMO from me In Huntin
nk i n on tAe t
9 tIv..SALE .. , 11r i a n p
i t.;
1 1[ 471.. 1
as I have a ! rbotesgpe
[For the Globe.]
Our Duty and Destiny as a Nation.
BY H. C. B.
Then there is intemperance, an evil
of such magnitude as to threaten the
very existence of our civil institutions,
and if something can not bo done to
arrest its progress, our progress as a
nation must and will be arrested. Now
the question is frequently asked, how
shall we avert the pending danger
with'wbich our loved institutions are
threatened by such gigantic evils ? If
the majority of 'our people were all
prompted by tho pure spirit of the
Gospel, not only tho great evils wo
have enumerated, but all others, would
melt away, under 'its genial light and
heat. Ilia stall is not the fact; nor
does history leave a record of any na
tion of whom it might be said the ma
jority Were good, and though we hope
to be, we can not yet claim for a ma
jority that disinterested goodness
which would secure 'a faultless admin
istration of our civil institutions. But
fallen and depraved though we are,
there is no ground for despair, when
we• see that the God of Providence
has, in all ages, governed the human
family outside his church by principles
of our nature, such as self love, self-es
teem, ambition,avarice ' cowardice, &c.;
and it often happens that a corrupt in
dividual is not as bad a citizen when
governed by two bad principles in an
tagonism as when moved by ono of
them. Thus the God of Providence as
well as of grace always acts upon man
agreeably to the laws of mind, by the
presentation of motives adapted to the
end in view; and were it not so, the
human family, in their unrestrained
Maddess and • folly, would rush into,
eniversal destruction, and leave, our
planet, to revolve in space a depopule
ted desert. But when the avaricious
man coudtathe costs of criminal courts,
prison's and penitentiaries, which re
sults from strong drink, he may from
motives of self interest join in the sup
pression of the, traffic. When the cow
ard looks upon intemperance as an on
only to his peace, and in view, of his
own weakness, may join in removing
the insidious temptation out of his
way. The ambitious man .will join
handsavith that respectable part of the
community, who aro earnestly laboring
for the suppression of drunkenness in
the land. But - the christian is bound
from motives of a higher order to labor
earnestly for not only the suppression
of drunkenness but for that of all crime,
and thus from divers motives,' men
may be brought to harmOnious action.
The grand difficulty is to concen
trate action prompted by such count
less motives and bring them to bear
against threatened danger from any
quarter. We deem this difficult though
it may appear quite possible. When
any evil rises to great magnitude and
threatens the self-interest of all, all, or
a majority, aided by motives of bene
volence, may so far unite as to crush
out that particular evil. Thus slavery
was planted upon otir southern coast
by foreign enemies to humanity and
to our peace, and not until the evil
had grown to alarming magnitude and
had become so insatiable and exorbi•
tent in its demands as to rouse our na
tion from its lethargy, and prompted
from divers motives, with a united
power seldom equaled, the cruel insti
tution was crushed out forever, and
our national' disgrace was washed away
by the blood of hundreds of thousands
of the truest patriots that over faced
death for the extension of human lib
erty. But our success would have
been impossible had not old party lines
been merged in that powerful current
of patriotism which seldom fails to con
quer false antagonism. •
And now, if we would save our be
loved country from disgrace and ruin,
we must again lay aside those old par
ty names, too often employed to de
ceive the unwary, select the most dan
gerous evil, present all lawful motives
to the diversifild faculties and princi
plea of human nature, concentrate all
our powers in untiring efforts, and that
evil must, under the smiles of Provi
dence, fall before such irresistible pow
er, and every other moral evil must
grow weaker before such a healthy in
fluence; and each of our great national
enemies shall be rooted out one after
another, - and our inestimable rights
and privileges shall be secured, and
handed down, pure and uncorrupted,
to the latest generation, a beaCon light
to benighted nations, regardless of the
dying groans of tyrants. ,
Whilst it is our duty to declare
ceaseless war against all insidious and
open enemies of our race and our coun
try, the question may be asked :
Against which of them shall we con
centrate onr united force, in order to
crush it out forever, and remove it out
of our way, in order that we strike
down other evils in succeseion,and free
OUT land, the last hope of the world,
from the cruel bondage with which it
is threatened ? Now, was it our prov
ince to answer this momentous ques
tion, we would direct all your forces
against Intemperance, because it is at
open war upon us; it is already per
meating society ip all its ramifications
with its insidious poison ; it is oven
now carrying thousands annually down
to untimely graves, and demands the
immediate attention of patriots, phil
anthropists and christians. Your cor
respondent has been in this battle-field
for over half a century; for many
years after he had declared open war
against this monster of iniquity he was
left to battle alone for the principle of
entire abstinence. Subsequently, as
sociated with a few choice spirits, he
has f9pght for the suppression ofdrun
kennese pill his weapons of warfare aro
all either kreken or nearly worn out,
and he must soon leave tho field and
the good cause in stronger hands, un
der tbe'direction of a wise and benev
olent Providence. And on'leaving the
field, he 'would not weary you with the
appalling statistics which truth would
justify. You know froin high official
authority that in a single year [lB6B]
more money was spent,in the, United
States fur strong drink than would pay
half of our National debt. You know
that in but a few pest years more hu
man life was destroyed by strong drink
than by the late cruel war. You know
that more widows and orphans have
been made such by intemperance than
by war, famine and pestilence alto
gether. And you all know who have
attended to the records of criminal
courts; prisons and penitentiaries; that
Millions of your hard-darned money
have been spent in defense of the peace
of society against the appalling effects
of drunkenness; nod doubtless many
of you have trembled in 'the hearing of
the threats and profane, imprecations
of the poor maniacs, made such by
strong drink, as well as that corrupt
self-interest by which a' few aro
prompted to poison the morals of our
community for sake of gain. Wo Must
present such a united front as will se
cure success, or all is forever lost, and
we are doomed to listen to the death
knell of our loved institutions, and
weep over the last hope of poor, trod
den down humanity.
There stands,
unmolested, distilleries
by perjury and fraud cheating our go
vernment annually out of hundreds of
thousands of dollars, darkening the
very heavens with their smoke, spread
ing over the land thick clouds of moral
darkness, daring the thunders,of Di
vise justice to shiver to fragments our
glorious institutions, and roll us back
into anarchy, with all its horrors.—
They are still sending forth ten thous
and streams of liquid death, poisoning
the heart's blood of the nation, and
spreadine• b over the land a moral virus,
which threatens the very bases of our
free institutions. Shall we fold our
arms in apathetic sluggishness in pre
sence of such portentous danger, now
threatening our children and our
Yonder yon see our gin palaces and
dens of moral putrescense, scattered
thickly over town and country, in the
enjoyment of undisturbed legal rights
to kill and destroy an indefinite num
ber of their fellow-citizens annually, if,
like young Spartan thieves,
they can
do it without detection. You may
hare seen those sinks et iniquity dis
gorging themselves of their motley
contents, in order that they may have
a free fight upon our streets, whore
more • like dogs than rational beings,.
you may eco them parting, ono with a
brokon arm, another with an eye
gouged out, another with his nose bit
ten off, most of them maimed and
bleeding, and yonder n poor, old nuiti
staggering home, his tongue vibrating
only because it was accustomed to vi
brate in idiotic accents; and there goes
another, flying in all the horrors of
mania potu, screaming and flying as
he believes from serpents, hobgoblins
and demons, to drive a trembling wife
and children from their humble dwell
ingplace to take refuge for the night
under the broad canopy of heaven.
"'Tie here they learn
The rood that leads from competence and peace
To Indigence and rapfuo ; till at last
Society, grown weary of the Itutd,
Shakes her encumbered lap and casts them cut."
But if you desire a condensed view
of the baleful results of our cruel li
cense system, follow that poor,deluded
criminal into court, hear the witness
and his final sentence, and ask your
selves if you are innocent of one of the
cruelest murders upon criminal record
The court is called, the prisoner is
brought,and the in, a jury is called,
trial commenced. The prisoner, a tall,
fine looking man, except those min
gled feelings of guilt and despair be
trayed by his countenance.
First witness, 14,. A—, the land
lord, (an appropriate title,)—a large,
portly and pompous man, with heavy
gold chain and a number of large rings
of the same metal upon his fingers—
sworn and examined. flow long have
you known the prisoner at the bar r
About fifteen years. Ile was when
I first know bim a very sober and re
spectable man; he owned a good farm;
the farm is now mine. The prisoner
is very pour and a confirmed drunk
ard. For several years he was seldom
at my house; his visits became more
frequent, and lately ho would lie out
whole nights. I sold liquor to him as
long as be had money; it is not six
months since ho drank the last of his
farm; ho still came frequently and
would got drunk somehow with his
former companions. The last time he
was there his wife came for him and
entreated him to go home; she said
their children were crying for some
thing to eat and there was not at bite
of anything for them; he cursed her
and her "brats;" she wept bitterly and
cried for God to have mercy upon
them. lie staggered to the stove,
seized the poker, struck her upon the
head, broke her skull, and she fell dead
upon the floor. Two of those jurors
and two of those witnesses signed my
certificate for tavern license; 1 sell
liquor by law, as authorized by your
Second witness, the landlord's son
examined. I am eighteen years old;
I attend bar for my father; I never
sell liquor to drunkards after their mo
ney is spent, nor after they are dead
drunk; no, I never sell liquor to mi
nors who have no means to pay for it;
I never sell on Sunday to any persons
who would expose us; I was never so
Ungallant as to refuse liquor to females
who could pay for it. 0 yes, 1 sold
more liquor to the prisoner than to
any other person because he had mo
ney plenty. Well, the way he got mo•
ney was this; to make it convenient,
my father would lend him a hundred
(!:i.: . '....',.qtirliv
dollars at a time and take his note
from time to time, and in thiS way we
got his farm. I saw the prisoner strike
his wife with the poker, I saw her fad .,
dead upon the floor. They bad six
children; they are all now in the poor
Third witness, with his-arm
in a sling, examined. 0 yes, I knOw
the prisoner, well enough; I guess you
would know.liim too,,if he had broken
your arm. Yes, I seen him kill his
wife, that I did, and be struck her
mighty ,hurd. p yes, ho and me often
drunk together till it was late; ho was
a right jolly follow when ho got uride'r
way. Yes, I did, sign Mr.. A's certifi
cate for tavorn license and I would do
so again ; two of, thorn jurors did
too; you know all who sign such pa.;
pens are recognized by;this court :al
respectable citizens. Yes, Mr. A. give
us not only ono drink for signing, but
as much us wo could hold till midnight,
and I never had a finer jollification in
all my
,life. Yes, I guess them two
jurors were there as full of fun as any
of us, and one of them judges, too, as
jolly a fellow as over you saw. NO,
we did not get so very drunk, but we
felt good.
Fourth witness, with but ono eye,
and ono par, limping upon one leg,
clothed in rags, under an old slouched
bat, examined. Yes, I saw tho priso
ner kill his wife • 1 told him to knock
her down, for she had no business to
come blurting after him into a decent
bar-room to spoil all our fuu and tell
ing him his children wore starving. =
You have no business to ask how I
lost my eye and my ear,; they were
my own property and 1 had a right to
do what I pleased with them., lam
not bound to tell you what became of
my fine property; if I chose to spend
it in a short and merry life what is
that to you. You have no business to
ask how many drinks I took to day; I
will drink just as much as I please,
and I never will, like temperance fools,
sign away my right to drink when 1
please. Yes, I did sign Mr. A's certi
ficate for license and I will do itagain;.
ho is a real clever fellow, and he gave
us as fine a jollification for doing so as
ever you saw: No, Bill did not knock
me clown, but I knocked C. under the
table, where ho lay snoring like a hog
till morning.
Fifth witness came staggering into
court, slip shod, clothed in the habili
ments of. wretchedness, smeared with
blood, and holding by a post, ho said :
I guess I come from Mr. A's tavern
this morning. I guess I took a little
of the o-be joyful just to cl-clear my i
i-dens so as I in-might tell you in good
lan:languago, how as the prix-prisoner
killed his too-fool of a wi-wife.
The Court—Sheriff take that, wit
ness to jail.
Witness—The de-devil you
Tho testimony closed. The klourt
eliii'rged the jury strongly uguiust the
prkotter. The jury after retiring
short time brought in a verdict of
guilty of murder in the first degree.
The prisoner was commanded to
stand up and giro reasons, if ho had
any, why sentence of death should not
be pronounced against him.
He rose. The fountain of tears was
dried up, his breast heaved as if too
contracted for the swelling of a break
ing heart, and said, he had no reasons
to give, for though convicted by the
testimony of witnesses of the most itn•
pure lips, I am guilty of the cruel mur
der of one of the most lovely wives. I
drew her out of an affectionate moth
er's bosom, and from under the protec
tion of an indulgent father. She was
fairer and More lovely in fact than 'Ve
nus in fable. I vowed in the presence
of God at the hymonial altar, that 1
would cherish and protect her in sick
ness and in health till separated by
death. Ours was a sweet homo, ren
dered still more sweet and joyful by
those dear pledges of conjugal affec
tion, with which our board was sur
rounded, who cheered us with music
more sweet than that of all the birds
of the forest. Thus our nights and
days were spent for years in lovely ac•
cord, until, whilst going right on my
way, I was lured into that don of de
mons incarnate, by that cruel monster,
the landlord, (perverted epithet,) who
has born testimony against me. His
insidious snare was so artfully laid and
his machinery so seductive that I fell,
step by step, and at every step losing
part of my power of resistance, till all
was gone, and until he had by fraud
and falsehood filched from me the last
dollar, beggared my family, maddened
my brain, and prepared me for the
consummation of crime—the murder
of pocir Sarah. Her head an over
flowing fountain of tears, her tender
hand upon my shoulder, and the last
prayer to God for her cruel husband
upon her lips, when, alas, prompted by
surrounding demons, I struck the fatal
blow. And now,o wretched man that
I am, would to ed I had died for thee,
0 dearest of women, and for those dear
children orphanized,. and brought to
poverty and disgrace by my cruelty I
Alas, where am I? I see the red
hot thunderbolt of insulted 'Justice
ready to be hurled upon me. I see
the flashing frowns of an' , Avenging
God! "0 that the mountains and the
rocks would fall on me and hide me
from the face of Him that sitteth on
the throne, and from the wrath of the
If you employ all the rhetoric of the
school, with all their eastern imagery
in description of hell, it would fall far
short of the internal flames now burn
ing out my very heart. Alas that I
had ever been born, for I am forever
undone. I can give no reasons why
the death sentence should not he prp,
nounced against me; bull can give
good reasons why I should not be sus
pended alone between heaven and
earth, as if a miscreant unworthy of
either. '
And what shall I say to the dense
TERMS; $2,00 a year in advance
and moHoy; crowd with, which this
court-room is filled to witness my deep
degradation;? The majority of you
haye by your votes elected as guardi-,
ans of the peace and safety of the com
munity a set of men wholavo not yot'
learned, the first lessons of moral duty.' '
Some, of you who have lent your, aidi
in dragging too down,from the dignity;
,of manhood to the lowest,otep•
man degradation and sorrow, can,
coldly raise your impudent:and brazen ;
faces, the index of obdurate hearts, to'
witness my - fall. ; Remember, you are'
hurrying down tho,steep declivity over)
_which you
_precipitated my fall„ and
that my! late will soon bo yours if you
continue in your present course.,' But!
I: see others who loyed me whilst I sus-.
tained the dignity, of manhood, who'
earnestly entreated me, to turn from'
my folly, and wept ovor;my obdurate;
Madness, and have hearts yet to, weep
over my final fall. You are the salt of !
the earth,for which our institutions are;
yet preserved. • • .• !
There is your jury, some of whom
prayed your honors to grant yon
bloated landlord license to kill by his,
hellish profession Ma fellow mortals,
with impunity ; others of them came
out of last night's debauch to convict
me, and' should I go to hell alone?—
There are your associate judges, one
of whom disgraced our legislative ball
by bio speech and by his vote against
the passage of a law to•set bounds to
the liquor seller's right of human de,
struotion; and the other did by his ex
ample precipitato, my rapid fall—and
should Igo to hell alone,? There is
your Prothonotary, whose glowing
faco is an index of the burning flame
within, a fit subject for spontaneotis
combustion, now snoring away the
funics of last sight's debauch • • he.too
facilitated my lall, and,should I go to
hell alone ? Thero is your Shoriff into
whose hands you are about to commit
me, and will soon be ordered to launch
me into an awful eternity; ho has pur
chased more votes with whiskey than
any man in the county. He can drink
deeper in the cup of dissipation, sit la
ter, and sing more 'vulgar, bacchana
Ilan songs than any of his boon com
panions. Ho too • almost forced me
down the rugged declivity, and ought
I, to go to bell alone? ,
, Your honor once moved high-in in
•telleetual circles, but nevermanifested
a single aspiration for morality. You
have catered to the lowest of the fallen
of our race, for whose approbation you
refused to inquire after the charactor
of rho twolmoitizena who prayed your
honors to grant a,liconso to that bloa
ted and sordid landlord to kill me and
others; nay, more, you know that the
majority of those who signed his cer
tificate,-were not only not good and
respectable ,citizens, but the very scum
of society; that they had fallen below:
the level of humanity, and that in sol
itude you would neither have trusted
your horse nor your head in their hand.
You aro fast sinking to their level in
crime ;tho ermine which you have long
disgraced• will soon fall from your
shoulder, you will soon stand for trial
before that upper oourt, too pure to be
corrupted and too wise to be deceived,
of whom it cannot be said,.ns might be
said of you, and was said to a judge
not more corrupt than you, "If it wore
possible tocolleot all the innocent blood
that you have shed (or caused to. be
shed) in one great reservoir, your ho
nor could swim init." But-remember
if' you respect not, you will be irrevo--
cably, doomed to witness the work of
your own hands, where the waves of,
dark damnation raver rolls. Now, pro ,
nounco that sentence, for lace I must'
go to hell alone.
Sentence of death was then, pro
nounced. Exhausted nature could en- 1
dure no more; the prisoner sank to
the floor and was carried for the laet•
time to jail, thence soon to be-taken to
the scaffold.
The Wrong Man Poultioed.
The following,story, which we do
not remember to have seen in print,
may be old, but it, is received as true :
At a famous and fashionable water
ing-place, a gentleman one night was
suddenly seized in bed with an excru
ciating pain in the stomach, which nei
ther brandy, No. 6, nor any other,
remedy could remove. His wife, after
trying a number of,things in ,vain,and
having exhausted all her stock of rem
edies,left her husband's bedside for the
purpose of getting a 'warm application.
Guided 'oir he • return by a light which
she saw shining in a chamber, and
which she supposed was the one just
left, she softly entered, and was not a
little surprised to find her patient ap,
parontly in a deep slumber. However,'
thinking he might still be suffering,sho
gently raised the bed-clothes, &c., and
laid the scalding poultice upon a stom
ach—but not the stomach of her has
and which no sooner touched the
body of the person, than.ho, greatly a-,
larmed, and writhing under the tor
ture of the burning application, shout
ed t "Hallo I hallo ! what in the name
of heaven and ()tall' are you about
there ?'' then,witb one spring from his
bed, ho made for the door, and,rushint
down stairs, deelared,in a frenzy of ex
citement. that some one had poured a
shovel of hot coals upon him. The
woman, overcome with excitement
and alarm, gave a frantic scream,
which brought her husband hurriedly
in from the next room to her rescue.
The husband was so much excited,and
also so much amused with the singular
mistake and-the ridiculous position of
his better half, that ho forgot all his
pains ; but early next morning be, his
wits and trunks loft for parts un:
known, 'As poulticed gentleman
still retains the hodkornhief — a
UM linen fabric,
with the lady's .
name on it, which he considers of rare
themeet complete of any fa - the country, and pow
lessee the meat ample facllltlea for pfomptly executing lo
tho bed style, very yerlety of Job Frlatinigi anal ins
NO. 49,
[For the 'globe.)
Should Woinen Vote?
The majority ofthe female portion
of 'the inhabitants of these • United
States do not desire the •right' of stif
frage... Woman is physically incont
potent, to perform the dutiee•of,a voter.
If woman wore to.attempt to lierforin
the duties incumbent 'upon man' it
would destroy all thrit'pleasing-modes
ty; deliaacy, and refinement.• whiek:lin
woman is ao agreeable to the,,Aight„„pl
the sterner sex, and which places_her
in 'so great a degree abrive man iri,th,ip
respect, If we 'confer iipoti '
right to cast her vote ;and,:thus 'pdt
her upon a political footingwitit:_man
in this one respect,-we must place her
upon' an equal . footing in every.; other
respect.. If we give her the right to
Note she then has the right to nominate
and if she possesses the right to nomi
nate she can nominate any voter" for
office ; and . ' havingTheprivilege of rent..inating Any Voter for , Office; she Lean
nominate:a woman for, office„ and not
only for ono office, but for ,any, office
in the gift of the people, be it, for
School Director or for President—road
supervisor or Governor. If they be
come rams they would be subject to
the conscription draft in times of war.
Just imagine you see the Indies On a
march, armed with "Spencers" add
knapsacks filled with several;„days
rations., °trapped upon : their, pretty
shoulders. IyOnid they not look
splendid=-for athhile, and then 'where
would they get their looking-glasses
wherewith to view their pretty faces
and arrange, their disordered water ;
falls., Verily, they would have to nee
Nareissus' glaSe. Would 'not their
Grecian bends look gaysnpon a' retria t?
.No,—woritan'tcpeace is at home
among her household gods. •
Lot not our so called spirit of reform
deprive us of that most ~delightfal of
all our earthly pleasuree ot,sentlitive,
charming, modest. and refined woman'.
litipre, is ticertaircroughness char
actor about man'which - Would gradual
ly'and'ineensibly steal Over :that 'of
woman in,perform the'.ldup
ties of a ;rnan,t and, whigh
crime her.. It woultldestroy all that
native' modesty
,Whicti . most 'Woman
possess in'stich an ominents'dogree.—L.
God neVer intended woman to all the
place of man any more than he inten
ded her to be a, man, .piee he, would
have made her a man "tow wuns''and
not left man to finish his'work.
Woman has her own peculiarspheris
in life, and in that she is all •poiverftil
and transconda;nt, but as soon- as Astio
leaves that sphere she loses thatwhlch
makes her appear tiO beatit'ifiti' in the
eyes of the world—her..woroatilychar
actor. •... •
Why,—woman has enough 'of life's
labors to perforni;'now, itt'borne,
then should we load. open' her !Shen!.
dors other and heavier burdons—for
with her vote would come labore;in
numerable. Instead of the right, of
suffrage being a blessing upon *anion
it would be an absblute curab—instead
of being a pleasure—instead' Of adding
ono joy .to her .bappiness,, it „would
detract from it—it would ;be a positiye
evil. If woman were to take that in
terest in 'politics, which stni Ivo - WA : had
- she a vote,. where WoUld.she find' time
to scrub, to Wash, to setr,to darn, and
to do the 1,000 other little things which
only the deft fingers' of !tomatf:know
properly bow to do?. It might•suitAs
few in the higher. classes of society,
Some of the_ Codfish Aristocracy, in this
one'respect, but it Would: i iiot 'suit the'
majority'of the ladies of our '"
if it would make them hap Pier; Wit
would add one particle of happiness
.to their life, if it would ease their life of
one of the many little burdens, which
all of them have to bear, I say, if it
would do this, I . would eV 'LET TUEM
voTE. As I remarked before the great
mass of the ladies in, our, country do
not wish, to vote.
. It is only a low fanatics upon the
hackneyed subject of woman's rights,
who are agitating this question of wo
man's suffrage in order to - give thetri
selves prominence. in the news of„the
day and in the history 'of the nation,
and to make for themselves a repute.
tion, and some of them are ,gaining
notoriety, but rather an unenviable
one I am afraid.
No—the number of strong-minded
women is too large already, and it fearfully increased bad the
ladies the right of suffrage. "Let us
have peace"—upon this subject at least
N. 8.-Please consider "the. subject
exhausted. - Qum.
"Taxes very singular," said a young
lady to a gentleman who had just kiss
ed her. "Oh ! well, my dear Miss,"
was the yeply, "I will soon make it
plural." And the villain did. •
STUBBS said to one of his debtors:
"Isn't it about time you paid me that
little bill ?" "My dear sir;" was.the
consoling' reply, "it is not a qtiestion
of time, it is a question of money."
JONES never knew a more vengeful
individual than Brown, who, in the
exuberance of his rage at some ono
who offended him, saidr"l'll have re
venge! I'll give little boy a tin
THAT chap who WAS "lonely since
his mother died" is all right now; bin
father having married a widow with
fifteen children. The old ladyi.tnd
the children manage to make it lively
enough for him. •
"Sammy run to the store and get
some sugar." "Excuse me,' ma; Im
somewhat indisposed this morning;
Send father, and tell him to bring a
paper of tobacco along."
A dandy inquired at a fruit stand,
"Aro these apples fit for hogs to,eatr
"Try 'ent.a l ndoe," said the woman:
How did Adam got ont of the gar,
den of Erden 7 Iton wag otakef; out.
LABELS,,&p.„ &A, 49