tilt (globe.. HUNTINGDON, PA Tuesday morning, May 31, 1870. LOCAL dc PERSONAL. Meetings Mt. Marital. Lodge, No. 300, A. T. 34 meets second 3lontloy evening of each month, in Cox Ws building. Mantling None H. R. 4. Chapter, No. 201, meets the list To eddy evening of each month, in !Iron n's building. Juntota Lndge, No.IV, 10. 0, F., meets every Stiday evening, third floor, in Lelater's building. Mount I for Camp of I. 0. 0. F., meets every second and tomtit Tuesdays in Lehner's building, third floor. Standing Stone Lsidge, No 5..1. 0. C. T., meets every Tuesdny evening in third floor of 'lead% building. Arrapakoe Tithe, No. 68, 1, O. of R. N., meets every Thursd.ty evening, third floor, Leinter's Ybung Men's. Christian Assoesolion musts the first and third Monday evenings each month, iu Smith's building. Post 33, C. J. R., meets Third Monday of each mouth in Court House. Town Comma meets the first Friday evening of each month. Huntingdon Lodge, N 0.149 K. of P., meets every Sat urday evening, in Smith's building. Huntingdon Temple of Honor, No- 71, meets the foiiith Monday Drench month in Good Templars' Ran. The IYebrferian Club meets every Thursday evening, in the Y. M. C. A. MOM. Churches Baptist Church:—Weahlfigton Street. Roy. J. W. Plan nett. Services on Sabbath : 10% a. m., 7p. m. Catliolio-Wdahlitton Street. - ROv.R. J. Aylward. Ser vices first three Sunddys In every month. EvangelicaltLntheran—klifilin Street. Rev. 3. J. Kerr. Services on Sabbath : 10%a. m.,7 p. m. German Reformed—Chnrch Street. Rev. S. D. Steckle. Service on Sabbath: 7. p: m. Illetk7dist-EplocopalChurch Street, . Rev. S. R. Footer t Services on Sabbath : 103,4 a. m.; 7 p, m. Protestant' Eplecoprillllll street,' 11ev. A. 11.1loyle, Services on Sabbath: 1014 a: m., 0 pm. Presbyterionlill Street: Rev. 0. W. lahniser. Ser vices on Sabbath: 11 a. m , 7 p.m. onienC ln¢. towisloWn : has a "slow" council Thejuveniles are the only base ballists in this vicinity. Bearti are protyling about in Sinking vat. lei in Blair county. Indiana boasts a new Court House bell isibich cost $1,017 s7.' The . The ,Tyroae ,Building Association sells money at from 57l to 64 per cent. The dedication of the Soldiers' Monument inMifflin,will take placeguly 4th. • Fashion decrees that ladies' boots shall be laced hereafter, instead of buttoned. We are_sorry to learn that the Bellefonte National has /suspended publication. Blair county is being over•run with politi cal aspirants. All wont win, of course. Altoona is to suffer an afilietion-of Demo cralle editor's on the 28th of June. An'old bacheloi says it is woriMn . and not her wrongs, that ought to be redressed. The coolest business chap in this section is he - 4h° drives Col. Summer's ice wagon. ThO best "and sweetest ties of friendship between business min and their patrons— haireitise; ' :Bedford Lodge; No. /:02, of Odd Feikise, 'stands number four in rank of wealth - in the State Lutz of, the Bedford inquirer has done a - very singular thing (for him) in getting *tarried. daily.Msper called the Transcript has :just expired in Cumberland for want of pat - - Creek; . this county; Las a Shoo Fly baseball club. We see they are good an fly , catchtul,,but,poor at shad runs. ....ITha.borougtr dads of Llollidaysliurg are lauttipz dosra inbstantial stone street cross- . . • ings. 'Wonderful enterprise.