The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 31, 1870, Image 1

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Per annum In advance
!ix months
2%xeo months
1 time. 2do 3do 1 month
One Inch, or lees $75 $1 25—.41 50 $1 75
Two Inches, 1 60 2 26 2 76 3 26
Three Inches, 2 25 3 25 4 00 4 76
3 mouths. 6 months. 1 Year
.$4 00 $6 00 • • $l9 00
6 25 9 00 15 oti
. 6 50 12 00..... ..... 20 00
.10 75 16 00 26 00
One inch, or Lem
Two Inches
Three Inchon
Your Inchon
Quarter column, 13 00 18 00...........30 00
Half column, ^0 00 30 90.... .. ....45 00
One column, 30 00 45 00.... .. ... AO 00
.Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines
One year, $5 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 6 times, $2 60
Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00
/stray, or other short Notices I'6o
Advertisements not marked with the number of Meer
one desired, will be continued till forbid and charged or.
ordiug to these terms.
Local or Special Notices, 10 cents a line for single in.
sot tlou. By the year at a reduc.d rate.
Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc.
are reasonably low.
Voitsmonali Nasxittos‘earVg.
Having permanently located at Hunti ng don, offers
tdiasional services to the community: ' '
- Office, the came as that lately occupied - by Pr. Leiden
on Rill street. - - ' Ispld,l2b6
DR. JOHN. ;MeCIJLLO.OH; offers hii
profeleionifiervtcei to,the citizen. of Huntingdon
note vicinity.. Office on Hill street. one doormat of Reed's
%Wog Store. , Aug. 28,'&5.,
• i narattas
'• • --
liar removed to tho' Crick ROW' upPostio.the Court Couto
.• 4prr1.13, 1869.
lai J . : 411141 ENE,.. ~.=_--.
DENTIST. 48- 47 es
r's s .
,-- litrie removed to Leiste New Building,
UI street, Iluntlugdon. • , • •
' July 31,11iii7. ,
JOLIN S.IMILLER, Proi,rietor.
April 6, 1870,'
talk° on Smith street.
Will ittrenil to Surveying in all It. I;ratielare alai alit
tily'and lieel !' state in any pareot the United elates.
uppit tor circulay r ,- 7 , , -
_a_W. 'Mr; QN,
~..irA- S ..ffice rant L SLITILL STzw AT. Esq. n010451¢..
pyLyAN US _
Office on Hill area, three doors west of Smith. yh'o9
A fr7V.R.N.g 1',3 7 4T-LA IV,.
OfEco second floor of Lcibter's building, ou groat.
Vesodous and otimr rtunuslfrumptly,cot;ryted. nly2t;bU
All wrii may have' guly'lalms e . ngai . but thb goveliduent
oVittmutyilludk l'aty reibiso. es.ft huip thew clitluis
plbuiptly collucted by okaying. either tli pureou 622 by let ,
for to
' , W. U. iVOODS;
A27ORIV r .42' LA IP '
1111piTINOD , 91kT„ I'4
Special intention given to Cyllectiona o[, all kinds; to
the saw:went, ul hotattle, ic.c.;, and sit Wilier begal burs•
ic.b.yroa,,cuted aith talcht) and sh.pattb.•
rr Iminunenf this firm bus been clang
-LL eJ fnhn SCOT/ & MOWN, to:"' •. f '
under-which name- they horenttor conduct into
practice as rf t fyf
ATTOICAM.AT L C AIY, kU.N7161 4 6T10N, PA.
I,N•CtifilOtiouty:4l Olalaie yt COAT., and OH b'eta
aguina tun Upyenttept,:irall.j.PF6RPlA•grpl,cl-4.4"1-1,
4. 4 4 it -. 1 • -. " . • -
P. M. Lytle& Milton S: Lytle,
, .
Have formed a partnership under the name and firm
or i
P. M. & M. S. LYTLE,
And have removed re' ti;e; ace on the south side of
11.11 street, fourth door meet of Smith.
1 trosilt attend prtOptlyflo :nth krtidtolllegl bpsi•
o'! bd t. 9 rapi Y.
aid ‘,• • -
June 9 , 1869-tf
CY IliSiliaNCE':-
~ t,
_._2 _,. ~ ...
aVN ~-„
I _....
I r p-13._A1 NLIWAOg,.
- r - HUNTINGDON; 14:: '''' ‘-‘
IRepresent the most reliable Companies to
the Country. Rates se low as is Conalateut
with reliable indemnity. sep 2,'66.
P' •
Capital Represented ) over $14,000,000
• : • ; .•
LEASES-FOB ll.OU,sgq , . ATION r B ES.
. .
• - NOTES, with a weaver of, the $3OO Law.
":.lIIDGMENT,NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. •
,and Ministers of the Gospel.
.of Aisault and Battery, and Affray,
eSOIERE PAMS„to recover angina of
• COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for. Stal?,o4 , unfy. School,
tiorough - add I
P.lloted on enperior§aper, and for sale the Office
HAIATINGD A1..44/40/ 3 / 1 3. I , : r_ t
BLANKS, of every ascription, printed to,order, neatly
,at stunt poSee;arid on good Paper. • ' -
W. D. LEAN.,
W. 11. WOODS,
The'''V.Edot liroitiugdoz
- " . iLif..Tolni Bare & Colj
Dataup, " $50,000
-Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers' and others,. !
'liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. Ali 'kinds f
Sepuriges, bdught and sold for the usual commission.—
Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parts of
Styrene supplied at the usual rates. •
__Persons depositing Gold and Silver will receive the
saute return with interest. The partners are individ
daily linble'ta tlfe extent of their la hold property for all
/1.130810.- . .
.The 110fliShed hilliness of the late firm ofJolm Bare
will be completed by The Union Dank of linutiugday
y2.1.0m0-tf C. 0. NORTH, Cashier.,
Window Curtain, Paperi,
.$2 (0
..1 OD
, .
MEDICINES.—WiII people never learn to know that a
- diseased liver and stomach necessarily disease the entire
system t The plainest principles of common fieUlhltenrh
Ibis and-yet there are hundreds who ridicule the Id' a,
and continue in the course which almost inevitably
brings them prematurely to the grade. Livinir as the
majority of the people do, at complete variance with ties
laws of naturei it taunt he apparent to all that, sooner or
later, nature will revenge herself. ' Hence we find that
persons who indulge to excess in the nee of very 'rich or
indigestible food or intoxicating drinks, invariably pay,
a heavy penalty In the end: The stomach betomee
•ordered add refuses to act: the liveif ails to pm forth its
functions, dyspepsia and its attendant evils follow, and
still the suffering individuate persist in clinging to the;
thoroughly exploded idea of the. put. Dr. SCHENKtS
Medicines are receintiended to all - such. They bring Sore
and certain relief wherever they aro used
,as, directed,
and all that de:uncesvary. to 'establish their ,reputation
with every Uilintmaff or woman in the bindle a fair and
impartial trial of them. Lot those who aro skeptical on
this point, and who have 'permitted interested persons to;
preJudice them against these now celebrated remedies for'
censtimitiod, discard their prejudices; and 'bo - guverned
by the principles of reason and common sense. Utile,
system Is disordered depend upon it, In nine cases out of
ten theneattufthe disorder will be found in the istomach
and-liver. To cleanse and invigorate the stomach and to
stiditilate the liver. to healthy action,
ingdin(and for these pills In the bent evidence of their
valid, Thousands upon, thousands ol bpxoe aro wild daily.
Whyt',.SimPlinepause they ant - promptlyond efficiently
Invalid* wing may not find If convenient toz.mill on Dr.
Seilitnk in person'tiie 'informed that full' and corn
plete3.lWt ctiens fueuie iecoinionny packagobbthe
WEaI PUNlC.—These medicines will cure consumption
unlash the lunge are so far gene that the patlentls ! ititlre
ly beyond the mph of medical relief.', 2 •.?.
It May bo asked by those who are not fanilliati . ,eith
the Virtues of these great remediespliew do Dr. titlienck's
medichfes effect their wondorfuloures of consumption 1"
TIM abswdr life simple one. They 'begin their work
of resforallop by briughig the stomach, liver and bowels
Into;ati fictive healthy condition.- It, is food-that, cures
thleirmidable disease. *SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE
FIL act on the liver and stomach, promoting !theiVithy
secro on,and removing the bile and slime whisk have
resuiti dirom- the inactive or torpid condition rf thifoe
gana,_iind tithe system generally. 'MIN sluggish 'state
of the body, - and tlio consequent accumulation of the un
healthy ISUbStltUred named prevent the proper, digestion
(dived, and. as a natural come invitee creates .disease,
which limits in prostration and finally In death.
IC, when taken regalarlyitninglorwitb tho food; and the
digestive organs, make good and-itch Blood' dad as a nat.
oral tem/sequence, give flesh and Ibringth 'to the patient.
Let the faculty say what it may, this is the only true
cure fur consumption. ~.Exporieucti .}.us , proved, beyond
the shadow Of &doubt; find thousand/ aro today alive
and well whoa few yearysince were' regarded as hope
less clues, but who bete Induced to ley Dr. SCIIENCK'S
remedies, and wore teetered to permanent healtk by
their use. --- --
One often first steps the physician should take with
a comumptite pathin is to ins igOrrtla the eye MA. Now
how is this tope done t • Certainly not by giving medi
cines that exhaust and eneavato--medicines that impair
instead of improve the functions of the digestive organs
Ampr i fieltnlNCK'S medicines cleanse the stomach and
boosts of all substances winch are caleidated AO' iiritato
or weaken : ilium. 'they ciente oun , appetite—promote
healthful digtstionmake good blood, and, as a COMM:.
gnome, they invigorate and strengthert.the.,entne, sys
tem and mute especial ty thew parts w hith -are discesetl
If this cannot be_dune,,then the cam; must be regarded as.
a hopeless one. I •
It the physician finds it ImPessjble to make a patient
feel hungry, if the deceased person cannot partake of good
"nom Isliin‘ food and properly digest t, it •is , impossible
that he eau gain in flesh and strength ; and it is equally
impossible to bang a patient to this condition so Nog,.
the liter is burdened with' diseased brio; and the s Mumelt
laden with unhealthy /Mine. ' " " • .
Almost the first rtu.uest nude to the physician I:iy a
COMIUM,Iita patient is that he wlll_presci Me medicines
that wall alipy - the cough, night shoats and chillN 0 11 1 6
DLO WO auto attendee is , on consumption. But this should
notin ObgeJ as the cohilils only an_elfort, 'of maw
relieve !tech, and the night sweats and chills aro calmed
by the diseased Mugs. .1 he remedies ordmmily prescrib
ed do more harm thlill good. 11033 impair the functions
of the stomach, impede !matey digestion, and aggravate
rather than cure the disease. • _
1 hole is, slaw all, nothing like width to substan
two 0 position, and it is upon facie, that ,Dr: fichenEk's
-lehrl3; all• Ss ho have taken his' Inedielnea 111 ac
-aordantwAithhis directions Mote not'oury been- cured - of
consumption, but, from the fuctiliat, these medicines• act
with wonderful 110 d upoli,the digestiveorgans, patients
thus cured speedily gain flesh. • Ifiemislog ttle syetain 'a
ail impurities, they , lay the foundation .for a, solid, sub
giant/at' structute. Anatol - Mg these' organs 'to health,
they create an appetite:. alus, food,q9/ p roperly
ted;the quantity of blood fs'not* only Increased, hilt is
imuns mu and strum; audit, the face °reach a condition
of Jib System all dia.:age must be banished.
"lull duectious accompany' ,eadli. of the medicines; ISO
that it is not absolutely . nece.arY 'that patients should
sdc.D,r,fiellE.WA peruncatl3-; Unless they desire to have
their luiags ex ;mined. For thin purpose he is at his of
fiee,-,Ao ;JO Aron giStil,SG., corder of Coral:agree, Phila.,
every baturday,lrom 9 A.. 11. !mai 11 , . U. -
Ads ice is given nithOut - eldirge; blitfor a tuorough ex
A Uillintipik wath life Itenpiromelefi thelehargo.ts
Price et the Pulinbuic byrup and 4cauccif, Tonic' each,
$1.50 per babel al? 50 a halt 'dorttic". ;Mandrake Pills
25 Centah hOX-. SUlabytalldruugints.
e ;;L.1,; •1,, I • .
Here is a list of such' Works as should be found in ev
ery fl.llitneF"ivithlii.thiacath qC siveriWinfil.-10 — rks
totariertithi; initruet and isinst! • Caliteis
tNill,ho tosutby.sTtnrispoat, oft reqlpl of pito°.
, Ncto Physiognomy ;: , oic. Sigps , pti Cilarneter,
'1 lirough empehthient". dud :Exteinal,
Forms. and especially so the ••11unian Face Diiidis"—
%ith more than Ono Thousand 11,1iiitivitionai B. It
WEu.s. Price lu ono 12mo voluitui,,76B,pagen, hand
-1 I
comely bound, $5
Man, in Genesis'a int 1111Ge * OlOgy; or, the Bi
blical sizeounC of •51tiblAct4athin, tested by S cientific
alscoficti of his Origin and antiquity. By Joseph P.
Thompson, DD, LL.D. • Ono v01.,12m0. : :l •
'Wedlock; or, the Right Relatiota the,Sei-,
'lnsaloilim tlie 'Laws d'ClinJughl 'CniaCtieur and
' sh'o'wing Who may and' wit", May nokSlisrvy. Fok,liefls
stays, ~1103.1 t Wells : $l5O
. •
Roth to Read'Oharacter. A new Illustrotej
handbook of Phrenology and .Physiognomy, for' stn•
dents and examiners. with a Chart for recording the
sizes of She dillerout organs of the brain, hype define , .
ation of character, with upwards of 170
Muslin, $1 25
• • •
Education; Its elelli eutary rinciples found
- .ed on the mauve of man. ifyJ"G Spur:Reim, MD.
With an'isipOndix, containing the Temperaments and
a brief analysis of the Faculties. illustrated. $1 60
Family Physician. A ready Prescriber and
Hygienic Adviser. .With — feference to the Nature,
,Causes,,Proyention, .siud-Tthatment of Diseases, de*
dents, and casualties:a every kind. With a kitodaarY
copionvlndiax, By Joelithelt, 252 D
_sl6slin i
Food and Diet. With Observations on the
Dieticul regime's, suited for disordered states of the di
p:giro ocgaiglitiola:u acs4qqt, of final Dietaries of some
of the principal 6letropolltan and other establishments
for paupers, lunatics, criminals, children, the sick, Isc.
By Jonathan Pereira, 31 Da F., It S. Editod
by Charles A Len ,51 D. 'sl 75
Hand-Book for Home Improvement ; compri
sing, '404 to Vicito,'! totTalle," l'll6vt ills Be
lave," and "How to Do Business," in one vol. $2 25
Constitution of Malt.' Considered in relation
to extern'' obiacts., Sly Georgo,Combo., The 2nlyith
,thotapti American edition: ~With ftrenty eugritiqgs . '
a liortrait ttie author. Months, $ll5
Moral Philosophy. 13y George Combo. Or
the duties of man considered in his Individual, Domes
tic and Social capacities. Reprinted .from Edillt
burgh ed., with the author's latest corrections. $t 75
Mental Science. Lectures , on, according to
the Philosophy of Phrenology.' Delivorcd befuro the
Anthropological Socloty. By Rev.() S Weaver. $t 6U
I •
Managenient 'oflnfancy. Physiological and
Mosul Troutmeut. By Andrew Combo, 61 D , A Book
for Mothers. Muslin, $1 60
BcnilY.'"An Illustrated Poen): By' Annie
Chatubers lictchum. Published in the elegant style of
Sin Ali Ardin.." 7 A beautiful present. $l 5O
„Esop's _Fables. The People's
-tiun. Beautifully illustrated with nearly sixty ongra
%dugs. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards. Only $1
Pope's Essay on Nan. With 'Notes.' 'Beau
tautly Illustrated. Cloth, gilt, leveled boards, $e
Natural Laws fof Wan. A Philosophical
Catechism. By J a apurtheisn, M D. lthislin, 75 Cl,.
Fria/ Culture for the Million. A Hand-book.
Being a Guide to Likl &Silly/Wiwi:And management of
Fruit trees.' Deetrlptiehs of the best ekrteties. $1
lactose his amount In a'registered letter, or in a P. 0.
Order, for one or for all the above, and address S. It.
WELLS,' Publisher, 359 Broadway, 'Nett Y,Ork. , agents
Wanted. Man
`timEp NORTH
Tracing Paper,
Impression Paper,
Drawing Paper,
Deed Paper,
Tissue Paper,
Silk Paper for Flowers,
• Perforoted Paper,
Flat Cap Paper, lilac,' Board,
Foolscap Paper, ,
Letter Paper,
Commercial Note Paper,
Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter ens Note Paper, •
Ladles' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, '
White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets,
or sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store.
- huy.CLOTHINO from me in lluMinvfori at
- WHOLESALE us cheap as they cau in the
as I hate a wholeeale more ho Philadelphia.
. ,
I said mice ;`"Dark
'Ali! cold and dark the' knit° whieh we
„ t en d; ,
Where lover parts 'froni lover, friend from
friend,. , ' , i •
; And life's brief ; tale,is told, •.
With its pathetic,ending- 7 'dust to dust l'!'• •
Now, with a new-born n le and !eyeful trust,'
•, I say : "The grave ii blest 1 , .1 ‘ 1
.Oh, call it,dark no more, sineeshe is laid• '
In its still depths,. whose life a sunshine,
made, , .. • .
' ' In good deeds manifest, ,
To cheer tho",gli3oin• of sorrow end despair,
'And 'peer its bitglitheatits 'round her, every'
~ ()where." ,' -", ," . '';
. She taught us how to live!
ter blameless life, from mean ambitions free,
That loved the right it dared to 49 and be,,
• '
Lessons sublime 'did give '
Of a true nobleness—for all that shone
:Sunlike in , saintly souls she madelter'dwn I
• She fought us livr. to die! , ,
With ihat a holy joy aside she flung
The' body's bondage, and exulting 'sprung
To:• , • "-
Who then • should fear to tread, as sho bath
trod, -, • •
The path, through death, that leadeth unto
Oli'grave! a.siored trust ' •
To ' thee /s. given I • :No` common ashes' sleep
Within thy guardian arms! Sacredly. keel)
This consecrated dust,
Till, quickened with new life„ it shall arise,
A.glorious liedy fitted for the skies!
;THE '
-''lt was past middightJ---itha lights' on
the stone-bridge which crosSes tho'
'Alitir'at Frankfort' were Still' burn
ing,r though the footsteps of pais'ea
gers had died 'ality for so'mo time . 'On
the pavement—when, a young man
alsoiliached the bridge' from 'the 'town
with"hiistyistrides.'"Af the`saine time;
itricither'mati'adiaiiced- years Wes
eonsing , itoWarda SaClieetihaff:
Seri; the''*6ll' kiiown'enburb
the The hilt!
not Yet'reet, when the latte'r; tiirried
fro're his -pat h; 'and went "toWiirdi" the
parapot, - - With theiViditit -i i a / a liiticin
leaping from the-bridge'into
The young man followed quickly;
and laid, hold of him: -"
hc o ,-Ttl4tili•YoU wrint to
drown yourself:
'Thu think right, sir • 'but' what- is
that to you.?' , ,
W,as' only; ging . to
ask to - do me a" fa4br to wait ;a
few minutes, and allo,wp,o,to join you.
to eanh,O,thtir,', and
arni andtirni, take the', toie,thier.
The iclea,nt making the, , join)] ny, with
a',perfeei'stratiger, ~wh, O , has chapped
to cOrrie::fOr 'the, sitnepiir,jise; is.reaq
iathor interestiad, have
extierierieeit anything so exciting fqe'ecimo, sh,oula'
ic. 13.6 -Aght
pleiti3an'tl,tin'Oi•oui,re nen t'vould.liitppor
r;,:r !rilariy Years ,I.:'ha,vo,not,
inude a r4qhest i !.o aey m an'yeing do,
rqit ref,US'o Re tins ono,whiOh tuust;lpe ray
13$-11itY,111114.1- hpvin,°M}VPY•Fiu,,il,‘?4.6-PPL
71° 1 i11:P? 6 gi
A 1 99 °8 c: 3 f,r . R47.F0;
i B9,t pY in
;,e band:
his,corap,anie,n. toPic..Ry.,l4,tia„
le,then continued, - d,,Wilh 'a kitid..ot -On=
thusiasni-; , so=he,it-, f arro finz, v ff
pow'lct"n~ be quick aboutii; is re
c4arraing, to,,feel heart
near,me in these fait monleas.::rf:do
ncit)askiwtiat you are, good or bad.. ,,
let as down ~ l _
.; •
eider of the, two, ,who •liadc at
first-been'ih so great'a . - hurry to end
his existence- in-the waters of the, riv
er, now, restrained the. impetuosity
. . . ....
• , Stopisir p said; his :weary
OYU 'filed to e;ainiiael,the:.fesitUrei ..of
.companion as well as the flicker;
ing light of the nearest lamp would
allow. himr- T 'Stop,,sir ; you seem to me
too yOurig I to - leaVe 'life - in ttlie - Wity,; I
am afraid you are cornmittiag a rash
act ;lot 'a man of your,years, life 'Mast
have still bright. prospects' •
,:,..'Bright prospects !—in the 'midst of
rottenness and corruption ! Coale; let
ue make an end of it.' •
!And so, ; young!, Your. experienbe
must have beleoyery ead•to make yen
consider all creatures which have the
haman 'form a brood,of serpents! ."
, 'Oh, serpents are noble beings cont.,
pared with men;.theY folloW the im
pulseof their nature; they aro no hy
pocrites, bearing.virtue on their lips
and Vice in their 'hearts!.
'I pity you frmrt . .my heart; but
there are certainly many exception's lo
this miserable rule.'
I hayo found none,', said :the-young
- 'Then it may be considered, though
a poor ono, that you have found ono
in this solemn hour. However: much
men are given to falsehood, there are
very few who lie'in the lietr.of death;
within sight of eternity., But for me,
I have never told a falsehood in my
life, and I wiskuld not for anything in
the world' enter upon the dark road
Withrallitrupon my lips; and therefore
when I tell you that 1 am not a villain,
as you 'seem to think me; but an: lion.
est and upright man, I um telling you
the simple, unvarnished truth.' '
'lndeed ?—that is interesting. And
so I must moot the only honest man I
ever saw in the world, when lam ou
the point of leaving it, and in his own
company.' - •
'Let me go alone, and do you remain
hero. Believe me, there are many
good and honest people who could
render life charming for you. Seek
them, and you are sure to find them.'
'Well, the first ono I have found al
ready. But if life presents itself 'to
you in hues so bright, I am surprised
you should wish to leave it.
'Oh, I am only a poor old sickly
man, unable to , earn anything, and
who can endure no longer that his On-
1p child ; an ango,6f fl datiglit.Or .
work day :Ina night to maintain, him;
and even- sometimes to procure biin
luxuries. No, sir, to allow this longer
1 mud be a' tyrant, a barbariit'n! I
That r exclaimed the Other, rd=
most, terrified, have an ; only
daughter euerificing herself for, your
*lake ? • .• ,•• • • •.
'And . with ,t what patience, ''what
sweetness, What•love, what persever,
ante. ' I .bee her sinking under' her,
'toil and her deprivation, and, 'not a,
word offiOMplalini; e scapes hOr
She,works and starves, and, still has,
always a word of love, an,,affectionate'
,smile for her father.' '
'Sir, and 'you want to corrimit"sui
cido ! Aro, you mad ?' • ' .
'Dili() I rnurdor that' angel? The
thought pierces my heart liko a dag
ger,' said tho old man, sobbing.,. ,
'Sir, you must have a bottle of wino
with me; Face a tavern over yonder.
Come, you must tell me your history ;
and, if you hey° no objectitiii', will
then toll you mine. But this much j
Say,at once—there is no occasion for
you to leap into the river . am rich,
a, very rich man.; and if things- really
are as you represent, your: daughter
will no longer work, and ypu Akan not
'The old man allowed himself to, be
dragged along by, his companion. In
a l few mientes,„they were..fiwated at a
table in the,tavern, with full glasses
beforethein, and ,each examiningcuri
ouslY•tho,features'of the other.' -
ltefrestied'iled 'comforted . by the "Cf ;
fecal of the:Wit:Ye:the old' nine began ;
My hik.oiy, is • soon am a
mercantile man; but,fortumnever fa
vored tue. I had money, myself and
I loved and married a poor girl: -I
could never begin business'ori my,own
account.' lAdolc 'a situation as book,.
keeper, which I "hold Until, I' became
esplesa.frorri.,,age' and younger meo
were prefOrred to me. Thus my cir
cumstances• wore always circumscrib
ed; but my domestic happiness' was
Complete. , lay . wife was' an 'angel of
kindness, -and 'fondnesi, 'good
and piods, 'active 'ind'itieetionhte;'irid
My, danghter - ia.tba - titie,iniage of her
'pother, _lint 'ago -and, illness -have
brought•me to'tho last extremity; and
. my conscience rrevolte against the idea
of the best 'child the world . sacrifi;
Clog her life for e an:old
,naeltise' fello w ;
I cannot have 6 pinch' 'iongetyjd Aio
,I, hdpe the pardon, me
for,cutting off a few days .or weeks
from my life, in order to preserve ..or
prolong that of-my dear-Bertha.'
-"You are a • fortunate' man, my
kriand;' - exclainied theyoting man ; 1
Wayo ,tiaier:seen ti there forte na
What yeu,callybir:misilertune,is sheer
nonsense,:an„d„can be,, cured at, once
TO-Inerrow,lfwill make my will, end
to , morrowmight , lwilFtako the leap
frony l the Main•Brueke „lone. But be
fore I 'leave this world I must see your
Bertha for 1 iiM,anxions to look 'upon
ono ,wlio is ,w, , orthy .the name of a hu e
man being.'
1 : glut, sir, what can' have •made" ..yotr
so'Unhappy at, this - early; age'r
the old man; Moved with Comptiesitia:
bblie V e it Wa my fillh'er:P.7'oll.4.V.
.rattn,,tha,only,icie',Of one Of, the nehost
hankera„,of Frankfort; when rrnention
my, name,. You ; will' he at (Mee loonvin:
°pd. of the, truth. of.niyi , itssertion. My
father died-five point agm• and leftiteti
thei heir' to an i Metisi3 fortune. Fro*
thitt, - , bas
Come in genteel, ' withme has eedeavo'r,
ad deceive and defraud Me. 'was
a..childiiminnocenco r trusting and cone
fitlifig , ; , my-educationhad nbt been tie;
glected;:and r , poss'easedmY mother 's loving , bear "'l• endeavored to
itte ;payee:Win 'union 'of': , love and`
Wendsl4 „with ,good-, and., geporotte,
people, but foundt-only hypocrites
and.impoaters, who pretended friend
ship' for no other purpeselhan to par.'
take ofn3Y , wealth, and 'enjoy s thtitif , : .
selvei , MY
e oebie. ,:!I.ofilendii,
railer the'vi Mune wbbuiltnistook - for,
frioAds, l and to ~whom I opened my
heart betrayed me, and then- laughed
at mplimplicity,; but in time' I oath
tired experience,,, and my heart was
filled . with. distrust. I, was ,betrothed
Wit rich heiress ; possessed of all lash
iopable accomplishments ; I adored het:
with- enthusiasm ; her love,-I thought,
Would repay, me for every, disappoint
ment; ~,But I soon saw that • she was
nothing more than a, proud fool, who
wished to make me ;her: slave, and
yoke all, other men besides to her till ,
utnphalehariot., I broke .off .the.
gagemont, and. selected a poor but.
charming-girl—a sweet innocent, be•
big, us, I thought, who„would be my
life's own angel..,..Mas.l; I ,-found her
one day, bidding adieu. with tears and
kisses to a,youth whom,she loved; she
had accepted , ma for my. wealth :only.
alypeace otmind.vanished ; I sought
diversion in travel: everywhere I found
the same hollowness, the same.treach
, ery, the same misery., , ltrishort, I be
came disgusted with'life, and resolved
to put an end this night to the pitiable
farce,' -
,‘Tinfortunate - young man,' said the
other, with tears , of sympathy, 'how
deoplyil pity you. , : I-confess I have
been more fortunate.thawyou. d pos
sessed a wife and - a daughter, who
came forth pure and immaculate from
the hand of the Creator. The one has
returned todlim in the whiteness of
her soul, and so will the other.'
- Will you give your address, old
man, and permit me to visit your
daughter to morrow? But you must
also give me your word of honor that
your will not inform her, or insinurte
to her in any manner. whatever, that
lam a rich man.' The old man held
out his hand.
'.l.give you my vioni• I. am anxious
to convince you that I ,have spoken
the truth. My namels Win. Schmidt,
and here is my address;' giving him,
at the same timo, a bit of paper which
ho drew from his pocket.
1 .
, MAY 31, 1570.
'And my name is Karl am'
the. eon Tit h'e,th baiik notes
but ort'condition that you' do not
leave this house.until I fetch you from;
it., :Waiter I,a hadroom for, this. gea-'
'tiemari. You , require, rest„ Herr
Schinidt. Good-night:',To-meiroWyou
Wilf'sde me again ; biit'Uadai ; what
ever cireumstainies this inay'' happen,:
:do not forget the, word you have given
The name the young man had 'men
tioned' us well as the large sum, struck
the oldimin with tiatoi3ishintint; but be
fore he could recovei himself,. hill com
,had „left•.the,,house,;,ftod ,the
waiter came to light, to, hie : bed
room;' where Wearied 'and to,
he'soon aiiiil; - fritcl'h'profound MAP.,
In o,ne,of the onrrow,and,
streets, of,Snebsenbansep, in, the ,attic
of a lofty and 'unsightly at a
pretty blondine: 'about; 'twenty piari'of
age,:buisily.employed 'with. her needle.
Thp furr,i tura of, the ,room,; was. , poor,
but, clean and ..tasteful; the girl's
whole dress wneld not bays. fetched
manf - kreutzors;"but every .
as neat, and' fitted her aS'"Well 'as
ifit had goat hundreds: Her fair. locks
shaded.a face brightened by a, pair.tof
ex es, elf ve n ..1? la 0, which ~bespoce.
a" peaceful mind and a pure soil!. , The
spirit of order, modesty and cleanli
ness reigiied,ip,e , ,q6;,,i,bing,a,r,onnd her.
Herjecituree were delleate r iike , those
'of brio ' nobly ' born ; her betrayed
Sleeplessness and ever
and,ancin a deep sigh; rose. from"Ahe
maiden's b,reast,,i; Suddeely,,,steps t
were heard on,,the staircase, and _bey
face lighted up WitlyjOY;,sho,_
and dmibt'Seerned - AO overshadow her
brow. • Then came :a.k aock• atth'iti dbbrl
which made her-tremble so:muchithaf
she, almost ,wanted,.the, pciurage ; to say,
'Come in.' _young. man, shabbily
dressed . ;:entered tbil) room, ,- . and;,..made
a hiWchilw:—
your. ~liss,'•:eaid :ho
doom 'Jou Sphmidt_ liyo boro ,
. .
hat ; is,ypur. ploasUrs
'Aro you hiuilaugh,ter,Bertba ?!:•
:`l- 1 . •,.:1;
. ‘l":ll.3q,it is you cogie
iTPm)Your father.' ::: • --: •:
• igor.4earsn!kpah - o, CV eyo„is he 7 •
- 7 --
What, haA happo,nocorn
lie has staypd, away: all "
imisfertnne,,is v pry fgrea ~„
my poorfather,
,to ; ; ohservo
the ,,ible , nia,rlis_of anicietyNitli, groat
in terest ; ;.o3,en,„loplcing,rou,ndf room
ho-Sajd,,Dp not iiii,frig4tene,d, ray
gish itis,,riothirig,qf groat icapoi,tance,
Your fedi lir
,inek aq aegyaintappo,
who.invited Winto ,tayern ii „,'Apy
liad•sorne wino ,together but ,y,ben,
the landlet:d, came, for_ hia,„bll)„, your
latlier's,frienflliaddepßniped,„and. left
huin to
,pay.,,t,be, He,,h4:4„not.
fofflolou,t ,roopep for. is ;e
ciian : wjll not ket_birri,go until 0014 Eqi,d,,
foid(be doehtres„Hiat. unless begets biii
money. l',l ll El9l) ; dt , Wn) ,
: ; .‘l,9,,prison
ci.Tejaitne'd ; tike ; „p4n. r yoktit 01, Ino,
4Flv na.l l 6 10 1 11 n
192e5;t9ir ,, ,?.0l
'three florinsand a ball!, ~
'Oh God! '-sighed. the girl, 'all I have
49,9s,pot . ..amgdny1 ,gtexe, I.)l.a,e,„,grie
4oria will, go at, 01Lee. ( 1.0., 1).4,4 T ,
arn e'B6ig;ti,ndl3eg 6ell'cr,tr6; advance
n i b l the -, m0 40: 37 ,
'o ''Who is Maditrais - Belitt.'.) • '‘
'The milliner for whona- - work:iii-,1:,1
is •' Butiif : Muduma . l3erg duos noC'ad
vanee. the money.—what then ?' The
girl kurat'itito ttialreg, • • •,'1..)71 !,:;
---q.amonuchl afraidi she refu'ee: , 1
already :oweher one florin,Jand she .ie
very, hard:' ••• f, , '
• "For 'what poiliose 'did•,you,•borroVi
the ,money.yotro*e. bee?' .1 ~:, •,
-I:The:girl. hew tateoolreply. ;
!, !You may , trust' j•I takelbe deep
eat in terest,in your niisfertunes,,und
sincerely could assist you; . but.
.Lam only a poor 'clerk myself.,. •Telll
mo for what purpose did you.diorrowl
thatllorin -?'..•. • rt,1.1 •
;.'Well,.my.fatheris.v - orymealriyand ,
odeasionally, requires strengtheAting4l ,
borrow.ed that money •to•get
of a foAvhfor him.' .t
ACTnder.thesei circa mstancos,. I tear
Madame;.Berg[ , w(ill,nOV give , you any
more. Here is. one' florin;• but that is
all 'I possess,: , Have tyoti• any valua.
blo, .upon• whicW wci could . raise 'Borne
money ?'- Bertha', considered for , at
moments , - • ' .
havoliothing,' said she at length,:
but inrpoor mother's prayer-book.=
On her deathbed 'AO . entreated Me
not to part - 'isiith - it","find there is noth.
in the' World 'I hold nacire'stiek:d
than:her memory and the'' , pruinise
gave her; 'but . 011; ler' ritt'fitlier's
sake,' I must
trembling took 'the boblv
down ''o a,' she,:
'cluring'inanfa sldopless'night I have'
(nen aectetOrned to write, the secret;
thought of I:ny' heart' on the blank:
lea‘ves at.tha end,nf the.bOok.
no end - will ever know" whose writings,
they are: will you . promise me that?
~',certainly, my,dear, A:Naha. Do not
alarm yourself will „take, care Alio t
your secrets , shall ; not,bo profaned..- - -
Bqt ,now get ready, that we may go.
Whilst she left_the room to put on
her tionntit and shawl Karl T.---,-.(for
the reader will
• have guessed that the
. .
ye map was no other than our he.
r9),glantied over the writing of the
girl in the , book, and his eyes filled
with tears of emotion and delight as
ho read the outpourings of a pure and
pious heart; and when they had left' together, and she was walk.
ing beside him with a dignity of which;
she seemed entirely unconscious, lie
cast upon her looks of respect and ad
They first wont to Madame 'Bergs
who did , not give the advance required,
but assured the young man that Ber-
TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance.
tha.,,.Was, an ~angel. cot:tail - 11y this
,praiso,hit• l v,alßed bitsbotesi than :
tbe , q I9 uPY, 4;C' bad.' a,E41€4,;f9P4e,11A9Y;
pawned „the, ,boek„pnd„ . the t requirec
sum nn
Wau•ud°,uPt A?rO l .L. l , I YA4 911er- I
JuYud. ' •• ,[ ,44i; 414
'But if
Yclu;klPend,4 ll .YPUT;nl o .4 o Y:to-'
rArluftrk.R4; the:19)11)g, wAri,
.114 1 _at tt 0 .9u9.117:1X.ri.
.q.d9,99t k99WI;PuI , I I -r•
wbrli_t4 Av,holc,night thyougb,'
."Yes, trust in Qod ,firralk,„and,
will hlp you, explaimed4f.a,rl with i an
entlinsiasm , : tvitich,almost;betrayetl the
emotion ho felt.' ,
then' came fo tavern„ the
young,man went in, first to prepare
the,part he wished
him to ; act; . then br,ought,,4ertha.
It is,imposetplittp do,seq,b,e r thejoy,,lte
felt when he saw the yotitgirrl, throw
herself , 14, her" i ftti,her's arms, and prosh
ljim to:ll'dr beart„ ,
;9, fa
le,e,on Atbitat,, you ;,, but,,,thant
have You lgain • and' het: fade Cright,
tined up with h',,sm n i t o ,ofjpy r ,,,
5 11 9441 11 1 P 'l l . d.trOumPllß l l l , l .Y.
lOd him, home, aocompapjo
them, and he bad a few snore
ki"Outzors in' his pocketT Elbe' htidlietter
gb and got them' soratsthing to eitt.
And then yob Should• hero seen' this
how,,,s4e,,,4usied hersplf f
ti:ed.bow gladly ! , sko opt about f it i t„t4l,
young mar, felt as tie could tall - at
her feet and worship her. It wasititel
before' w'ent homill that night;
but—the.; leap fro:TrVie; Main Brdcke
wa? no more thp,ugh,t of. • ~..Ho,pamp,tp,
the Imuse . every .„ , eyening l in' Flier, as
lie said, to 'share with ' them 'his scanty eltraings. ''” "• 1 "; '' -‘, .
- , About, a fortaight f aftor, , asi , he• a wa r s;
going ;ftway, , ono ;:e.v_ening,-Iho, said tb
Her Alta ;! 'Will, you,.bop,omo my wifo,?!
I,am poly i n ppor pm hosl i
eithnd upright. 4 ,
Bertha.' bluebedi`atul!"Oriet!
to thegrouhd.,:!3.l 1.3 '1;0 , 1
',Can 19u 1 ,9,Y9.1 inft, Bertha 7',..1h0 said
again in,an„ov,erfle r w of feeljng..
Sho4its'idte Canddici not; raise tier
head; but shit held'out het 4 hatid.l" He
seized:it,!and kissed litilikverftly
4.Bertha t ' said he, tllevo,you.,rampa,,
surably ; you j have pav,eci,;tny, t „
A ibis' days after' ihe i young couple,
simpty but resp - 6etably!itttired, and ie=
companied byilleirr•Schtnidtov'ent! to
church,lwhero theywore married in. a
quiet, way. ; W, he a,they,ettmo j eat., Tan i
and - wife, elegant
elan d iiig the,'"dcio'r ? Li atiti 'a footman
in rich therdter,? !"!'"
'Como,' said the happy husbaud:to
his bewildered--wife,--who-looked at
•F u , • ‘
Before.'.sho coblittl utter, 4,,worditb4
tbryo ,T0rt3,444 i t04 the!carriagei,ldsi ;
Eing away of 'a, quick pace. Tl2O
ruses atepped' before a Splendiil htivae
in the'llest• part of . I .Fratikfort."They'
were ,received by aLiplinber.of domes
tic 4,!, 1,1,11 9 co.nductect,,,4444„tol apart ;
decorated_ i 3 1119 11 19 8 1':.°° 8 9y,
utYlu• e,
r I= ,•
Thiti is4outl muitre - ss;'
to ttlet - 86r; , 441 - (Ell I 'ik tnl her ooritiriati'cle
you'; have •heneoforth .to obey:. .31 , y
dar)kpg,,w,if4l,salcl,he„tben, t ,turning,to
Bertha, am k.urlone , of the
wealthiest men , of this city.
,house is yours, and•tbotto servants will
attend 'tci yotr. DA hold's pledge- from
!you that - riehes4will not`corruptTeur
heart. Horeit 'the iprayerlbciok
of you'r poor motheri. Written 'by. your
,owr t( band,;,fthoa l .;wert,,to , give rno
luil,4,64,tmkaure4 ; pf L9FI,
reniam `hitizt humble
!CiVr`it'. Fehi ! itigat:''g'o'd bef,dre ook,',
Mine heart; and it shall,hmainii
; 'lt,je ; ,the Lords 'UP(l,;tbillgti tuy
'loved Karl,' whisperetl„l3erJl?tt,,,ancl i
,sunk in his arms.
'Hu rrah' for . the - lOW froin 'the 'Main
Bruoke P okelaireed T—; - Oinb'recing
phis father:in-la - w. ,
A STRAN G E, M ANIA —The Tiouisvill
Ojitfer i rojates,; trii , s„esngpla r.
A man who gavii his naine as Chan.
Watkins, and who turns AO" . 14
C n'iiii:dne'[o ri'ed La -
bib !Mere h tit:Ft hi ci ty,4tisdrreStbdi
while trying, ito .enter. the: bouseioliMr.
on •Pqll4tPd avenue % 1 ?fg9.4.'
daylight yesterday,,,, morning.,
man' hai a Aran& mania
Oadiels'yot to bo
break into a house it night just for
' luxury of standing byrthe .bedside
:a person_and..lookiag_nt_birri .or.hor ' as
the, plat pl437 . be,e§.they lay nelpep. He
bas Been knoWn to di? this on sever al
Stan diii,g • 'the'io'
an'd traiingl for • .houis; , loat4-withOtiV
',disturbing anything;' and' elolo„-thei
doors.earefullyliftert4iglp., ut),,n
, About.six moatbs,ago r he, got I ,lllmr,
self into serious trouble in this' - WAY,
being arresidd' . iis
, to•an s w et.) He 'e n feted , Ali nib MIAs ,- at
young)ady after)sbe,had retired ~ andt
gone sleep. T.gnking his, position
beside the bpd, he stood, gazing at the
beautiful eyee~ier'till, p'erhapiconsbions;
of the presence near ""her, she awoke
arid . Wee figghtendirterribly. 'By =the
faint' light of' the':moon as, iti:sbone:
through the lattice she haw, theetrang,
or standing• motionless at,her ; bedsido.
She screamed and fainted, and
• the in:
mates of the house; aroused . the'
noise;came rushing in just in time 'to
catch the intruder. •
The affair caused a good deal o ex
citement and no little gossip .at, the
time, but subsequently facts have bend
proved that the man was harmless,
and went there' jest 'to datiefy this
singular longing of hisi. Het has been
caught in several such plades , since
then, hut,at,no time has ho ever dis
turbed anything or anybody. He was
presented' to the court as a suspected
felon, a charge hardly justified by the
facts in the ease and held in ssoo' for
good .behavior for, twelve months. His
case ie a strange one indeed.
the rinnilt complete of any in the country, and Pee.
sasses the tooat'amplellicilltles for promptlY'executheg 14
the but style, ovary variety of Job - Printing, such as-
61ECIttiirtS,. , ";
11 - EADS,7
' • • • , , .'BOSTERS,
LABELS,• 4.0
(,; 011,
iftlt4nty. t4 AL(.l`
AI,: t 7 , o•, 1- 4Y .9RE3X,Nl743.*ltzou'i
. ~
I ave been nail:Wing ' all eienliiik,
and rambling over old"StieneS"'ittill,
-haunts al % yap, W east, a,,weird spell
over .fie. „YPCI?n6PI.:OB,OI°./Alzil warm
evening, orniV e the'Criicki arid
varaill- note's' 01 4 ' the' frtigii, 'gine eh
strangely influences= 4 -Whii.r); f oiiti
ie V..; , W49- 044 ,14.0 1 23° .14111,,, e c_1499 of
these soul-dreas,7 'who can describe
tbat u gt'tfideri"egrilkiisWif
' , theil'itnv s is'itilcil? see ` revdridh
wherein the soul is,abriorbed?.. , Stand
ing, alone and silently
Old h omestead and the arotind
boVri'legatheied; golden me:rnerlei
the" Plitt h'crotvdil around Ora! , There
the smoke frOal:the•burning: brush, la
vering ,like bin° canoAy over pi e,b lls,
4e'tnii 'li: J it's" I 'used" to ie t eYear
aroand , thelleldsinlytehilddedtisO
trod,. , ....There !the Sturm) •NV_Qedif •WhOSO
every tree I
,was faiodiar,with,
NV iitl4 " t ritad•Yayil`'n - Idtirlbs' i n'o tof
tii'qiillolval---iny, head 7.4ara;
still esuicimer'idaysl..iiThenc.otirplesis.As
s!;itteti,.and.freeas a,bird,ilooking tip
through the green leaves to the sky
beyond,. fq. "drotimeit - the E happy) htitirs
ttivAys''• laboreii , the) same3lmeasidw.4
yj i hois i o Arlipst, ,fip s weAs,l, gd i .,
in ,unydieam. l l,pyes3 ,my feet nth ,
lets • even now the sweet f ailaqif
Perfum,gifril9lePßE l t?, IT4cgiqi teMciP34 , he.
9 , lifeliA t,retyitui ‘ th j r,bone wide.Rread. r
lag 'branelled'itifv'Siettirarc i ti L l - so often,
and.;_,flowers; sky'anted
child req. ! i I - 14ife: , ,Weer.thertia.ed unc
marked plain;, a fair and sunny slope,
fhb!) i4foi& - i'ciitibilll3"l4V s iirid t fihitliben
oarliny :wings athetriglthe floveer.span.i
Wed lip 3 pith stypatiqs,,
°ln -R d /Cd. / t i e , oP d .l l ?9,ol ; .. B rifB l }lm* -- 7
The world' w a s yet un k nown. (l9l
T Oithto CO m eatalc litingtathefthe
spirtt, 9f„my.,dreatmitst).ra'heJjald.lbOnfie4
is,sHlltho same, butl ( lAAlm,ejaegffAa d
seen, the s a me vomer aye not
fiehl'd'"'l fie i a f
teretr'heavY find 'clak oVerlOidilarid)
Grief, like a great hammer, seemed•to,
p,elt . us lower, lower, to„the profounds
ofrivOe.' Do I' iwt,' new "fool tVoilli3ht
terable anguishditlien folt;_wheti . these
WO, ;Wftrdsitell,Opell Jny,.eAr ?otTal ,
PR• d 9.a. c P'S 9,99
Nothing, but to gaze ew tile' lilWeblifl
"At f11q9,..5 0 ). 1 / 9 9341(e11i2 its tit
An d l i i r tr,o, ?l'‘ ln eN ll ??S‘Pt
efitfle'parirk biiiil;4s mg. Kind friends
ii , child.siircali;te.iigrifl big "giiin,iiie j til4
6mph.ever , deatblioAh , l l JWo'knew Jail
this ; k new thaVhis, laet:b3Orilentelitrerii
85 TCWA) clim9teo.9t , ,t4t)bpr,rsl,Aliat
ten attends even the christian couchl
no groans, no heaving, no struggling,
calmly: 3 o gitictly,f ,atich v ppacAfally Who
floated to ihe.lan of t
as'thebreafil'Of l efeePokg ;dowers ;hie
.1 1 1 Lkiter 1
we , knew' berbadufeli rid thelpiade that h '330 Mae , ha ppitlesal tit Wyatt elk
not, ; tiiiflarnt; :Chat, 10.Y@l
ifiatkpewetti,no diminution ,
the kiktir-,
rea ' t
It .did not•heal , the. wound.ttAndi then.
the days and wee l bs, tbrOt.fgainvcd.:-t o
How mournfully the wind whistled
thrdugli= the half I" lll.tivt+blve , llivOild
startle , when fancying Iwo lhardibiin
the i hat ne- wore, and ! the br i p i yirp Sp i at l t
Yei,'ilereivere all his wimp gatgnetits:
Would wea i
again i thaticrushingpaiminc. ourletirts.l
WieOtat i kitsf,ekkair,pki,oo,4443:'anti,
, RauPeq,,wAkiqfig rJY 9 YeI)I9 9 i9;PTO, 9 r:
!that never would be beard. Again at.
I hirri;-tvhd'led ,l oar - btind=Wititt
Ibeaten 7.baelnhy3 a.l tide: of
Cho I :99:TAU Pl; hitni 7, 11 9„cPP143 !Avetr;
ikneerwith us again. Ah ! Memory,
bo-otill I I . We Elearned4tlan':l3oW , trinch.
Ithe,beart, can! bi3ar.-1 Nie must letirn..t.O;
i ( !•9 M141.9:14.ti onr, ffill l 9K• Dfl
/. nd our, brother , too , ere his rig
ked .
tliatmuira ,sad?sildiheartleuf and' life:
Joria,n 13 W, tifte,i,,novr ;
appopiatioms,An4,...irvf ,19yep,, I but,
'they: fill the vacancies
elnilek the' endeariithi,lo,
calie'of our dear: liVirigotakeAtieplaefit
'of our!loved dead.? •••=IT.O, alb ; tlify4hain)
;is ,bright, acti l goAlep, bu , t • some
its links are lost that - cannot, be h re , ..,
placed. All the past cannot'he re.
lived. Childby - ed 'lids gone, woman
is' here:add 'yet' adt thO'bdr
idona, !the duties,i , thselpleastirell 'that!
aSo..ths , op ark grow;
; B .,Y3ociti A.9t I to
grow more earnektt,,,more beautiful?
feel TiAti j Oiieditbrs'aVeitilt
, froth' feVerlii, away 'limb' the
hoinestead and its tenileti,r.reniiniacerj'
cos --out, onward ~to, the liigtrivoy l efi
4,etion, where there is work,,life and
beeuty, and whO' WoUld . be - a ,
again 7-
"'PM: Si 'of Vale 'C'ellegiS,lll l
fiime'd' far“and , widel for the , marvelous
sesqUipedality—aele would call itoft
his language; The following sentence, ;
formed the introduction to a lecture on
oxygen "Tile oleagipetietind
iferous effects of oxygliiiiited'mniiiitiei - '
acid are so fugacious.tand Begregatedi
that we are totally unablelorecognizei
the contents any . praptioal,prjpipo?,
retinal view of their, synquipous coias•
catiebEi"arid"iiiiihOelites`tiioll' they' 'fiô
often exhibit"' '
'My dear,'A said a Tura' -wife to her
hustiand, 'on his - rSturp; , froni ,
"ohat .wasi theisweetest "thinvymi)
sawip,bonnso in, 03e
diet? faces, my love."
• -