TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per anuarn in advance Six Dlollti 24ne mouths TERMS QV ADVERTISING . . . . . . .. ' a time. 2de Bdo 1 mouth One Inch, or lees $75 $1 25 $1 50 $1 75 Two ilICLea , 1 50 2 25 2 75 3 25 Three inches, 2 25 3 25 4 00 4 75 - 3 months.. 6 month.. I: Year One inch, or Is. $4 00 $6 00 $lO 09 Two inch., 625 900 15 00 Three inchee 8 60 12 00 20 00 Pour inches, 10 75 16 00.— .25 00 Qtfarter column, . l3 09 .18 00....,...1.30 00 Sialicolumn, .20 00 .30 80 ...... ....45 00 One column ' i3O 00 Profensional and Dueness Cards not exceeding six lid. One year, $5 00 Admlnistratbra'and Executors' Notices, 6 Omen, $2 50 Auditor.' Notices, 4 time. 2 00 Esixay, or other short Noticoe 1;50 er•Adrettinements not marked with the number of Inter -0121 desired, will be continued till forbid and charged aw girding to these terms. • 'Local or Spacial Notices, 10 ten. a lino for stogie in sertion liy the year at a reduced rate. Oar prices for the printing of Slacks, Unnilbills, etc. are reasonably low. Vroftssional4 - Nosiness earbs. R. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, • ....11a,iioi permanently located at Iluntluidon, offers is proks.siousi services to the community. Office, the earns as that lately occupied by Dr. Loden tin 11111 street. Bpi° lilt.° DR. JOHN ALAQULLOCH, offers his Protessiontrie'rsicei to the citizens of Huntingdon son vicinity. Mee on Hill street, one door east of Reed's lards Store. Aug. 28, '55. DP ALLISON MILLER, - DENTIST, &L. hes rtisneved to the Brick Bow opposite the Coen' ~• At 01113,1859.• J. GitIENE,. - • DENTIST. e 1.2.1 Unice removed to Loistoe• New Rill street, :hay ' , • c • (.111EISON HOUSE, tiIITTLYGD ON, 'PENN' A JOLIN S. AIIIFER, Proprietor. April 0, 1570. - A' P. W. JOHNSTON, 1 7,71 - ic-PEYOR & INSUI4NCEAI4.O.EAT lIIINTINGDON, PA MLitt era Smith street. T A. POLLOCK, A EI • . WiIEYOR &REAL ESTATE AGENT', IitINTINGDON, PA. c • • - ' • 1.• :?'•, LAM attend - to' SurvOying in all its 'minas', and will buy and sail heal .le.6ate ia any part of the United :ital.. band lur circular. •• - 1 1 . Ny..s.typpiN, , ,• -•-AT:TORNE IrA I: LAW, IUNTfIODON, re .RD -. CDlca with J. Saw.... Srzwear, JEN T-SYLV A.N US BLAIR, CP • ATTO.R.N,b' Y -AT LAW, - lIONTINGDON, PA, °facto. 1.1111 etrooti threedoore Beet of Brun,' yrOO A. BAIL MUSSEL MUSSER & FLEMING, ATTOIiIITEYS-AT-LAIV. 11UNTINGDON, PA Ones second floor of Leistor's building, on Bill street. kemmus and other claim. promptly collected. sny2o'oo A GEENC Y FOR COLLECTING Malt:lib' CLAIMS, 11UllicT)i, BACK 1..A1! A ,N 1) All villa 'may have any claims against the Government or nottisty, Back coy and Pensions, can huva their claims promptly collected by applying either in peraou or by lot to! to. IVOODS, ' ATTORIVLY AT LAIV tlUNwa LA 5egt2,1663 Tr ALLEN LOVELT4 . . 1% ATTORNEY AT LA IY, • Lnl;Niisolio7s, - Special attention given to Oollections of all kinds; to tits .ett.etuent of Mentes, Scd and all other lugal boot •nese yreencuted n ilh and dal - mach. • jon.l.land FOLLY SCOTT. TAMIL. T. BROWN, r nu Elie Of this . tirm has been chang. _a_ et! from sourr k BROWN, BO' SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, . under which name they will horonlitr conduct . Wow winctice as • TTO/07.13 _4l' LA w, HUNTINGDON, PA. ' PEN EIuNS, auJ all claims ofeoldiete and eoldiers' heirs agraittst the tloverument, eral be promptly purees:tiled. Hay 17, letib-tt. P. M. Lytle & Milton S. Lytle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, •. IIUATINGDON, lfnte formed a partnerehip under the mime and firm & M. S. LYTLE, And heso'remoi•ed to the oBlci on this south eitli of MU street, fourth door meat of ntnith. They will attend promptly to all kinds of legal husl usss to their care. api-tf. jOSEPEL ABT, .11ANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER. IN Willi* AND - SLEIGII . BASKETS, Otoll sires and descriptions, • ALEXANDRIA, lIIINTINGDON CO., PA. Jone 9, 1649-tr LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID HUNTINGDON INSURANCE AGENCY. I G. B. ARMITAGE. HUNTINGDON, PA. iteprese et the most reliable Cotopanita In the Country. liatee as low as is tousisieut with reliable indemnity. cep 2, '6B. pitalßepreeented over $3.4,000,0 KS 1 BLANKS LANKS I BLA 11 10 t: Vi.STADLIAS SALES, ' , AITACII'T EXECUTION ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPOENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS; • JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR HOUSER - NATURALIZATION B I BS. COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, • FEE SILLS, • NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Juetices of and Ministers of the Gospel. ' COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SOLER& FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS".RECEIPTS, for Stale, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. • Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Office o the 1113NTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKi, of every description, printed to order, neatly at ebolt at ice, and on good Paper. W. B. LLAB, R. U. ROODS, =I The Union Bank of Huntingdon (Late Jam Bare & HUNTINGDON, PA paid up, CAPITAL, Solicit accounts from Batiks, Bankers and others. liberal Interest allowed ou time Deposits. All kinds f "Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission.— Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parts Of Europa supplied at the usual rates. Persons .depositing bold and Silver will receive the nill1111) return with Interest. The partners aro individ uetly liable to the extent of their whole property for all 'peposite. The unfinished business of the late firm of John Bare & Co. will De completed by The Chien Dank of llontingdoo C. C. NORTH, Cashier. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPER` A _LARGE STOCK AND , SPLENDID* .A.SSOIiTM-NNT Window Curtain Pgpets, JUST RECEIVED AT VT ES IS' BOOK STORE. 42 00 . 1 00 4 1 31,!c i •;:::pj4;1' ' ' • ..0: ,/,...:.!,-) I L.: • ' - -, - ~.. WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers VOL, XXV. HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION. THE PHILOSOPHY 'OP DR. SCHENCK'S GREAT DI EDICINhS .- 14111 people norer learn to know that a diseased liver and stomach necessarily disease the entire system I The plainest principles of common sense tenth this and yet there are hundreds who ridicule the Idea. and continue in the Course which almost inevitably brings them prematurely to the grave. Living as the majority of the people do, at complete variance with Om laws of nature, it meet be apparent to all that, sooner or later, nature will revenge herself. Hence we find that persons who indulge to excess in the use of very rich or Indigestible food or intoxicating drinks, Invariably pay a heavy penalty In the end. The atoMaeh becomes die ordered and refuses to act: the lifer toile to perform Its functions; d3spepala and its attendant evils follow, and still the suffering individuals persist in clinging to the thoroughly exploded idea of the past. Dr. SCIIENK'S medicine. aro recommended to ail such. They bring sure' and certain relief wherever - Hay are used as directed, and all that is - neceemry to establish their reputation with every ailing man or woman in the landis a fair and impartial trial of them. Let those who are skeptical on this puiut, and who hare permitted interested persons to prejudice them against these now celebrated remedies for consumption, discard their prejudices, and be governed by the peinciples of moon and common sense. If the system is disordered depend upon It, in nine cases out of ton the seat of the disorder well be found in the stomach nod hoer. To cleanse and invigorate the stomach and to stimulate the liver to healthy action, use bCUENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS.e—The daily increas ing demand for these pills In the best evidence of their value. Thousands upon thousands of boxes aro sold daily. WhY ? Simply because they act promptly and efficiently Invalids who may, not 1111,10 convenient to sall on Dr. SCHENCK an person are informed that full and come piste directions for use aCCoropany each package of the , DIANDItAKE PILLS, PULMONLO SYRUP AND SEA. WEED TONlC.—These Medicines will cure consumption unless the lunge are so far gone that the patient le entire ly beyond the retich of medical mkt --.-• . . . . It may be asked by those who are not familiar, with. :he VII toes of these great retnedles,•ilow do Dr. Schenck'e lii.Viit:Pes effect their ouaderful cures of consumption 7" 'Phu anstOr is a simple one. They begin their work of restoretitM by Bringing the stomach, liver and bowels Worm active 'twilit.) condition. It is Toed that, cures this forruldableeiliMENClV.S MANDRAKE ricLs actor ihotheranj stootach, promoting healthy secretion, and removing the 6;:e and Slime which have recoil from the inaCtiVO or torpid condition tf those or gans, end of the system generally.. sluggish state of the body, and the consequent =amulet:au of the Un healthy substances named prevent the proper digestion 'of food, and.tts a 'amoral conse menet) creates disease, which results in prostration end finally In death. • ECIIENUIt'S PULMONIO SYRUP and SEAWEED TON IC, ti hen taken regularly, mingle with the feed, end the digestive organs, make good and rich blood. and as a nat ural consequence, give flesh and strength to the patfeiit. Let the faculty say what it may, this Is the only true cure for consumption. Experience hoe proved beyond the shadow ol n doubt, and thousands are to-day alive end well slip a tow years since were regarded as hope less cares, but who sere induced to try Or. Willi:NCß% rtimalits, and were reetored to permanent healtis by their Use. myl2'62 nolo4mo One of the first steps the ply deillrl should take with a colisfiniptire patient is to in .igorrto the sys tem., Now bow is tins to be done Certainly not by giving medi cines that eslisuet and enervate—medicines that impair Instead of improt is the functions of the digestive organs noc.or Selle.ACK'S medicines cleanse the stomach and bowels of all substances which are calculated to irritute or weaken them. 'they assts an appetite—punnet° healthful digtatton—make good blood, and, no a conse quence, they invigorate and strengthen the entire tem and more especial ty those ports which ere dtscesed , It this cannot be dune, then the Case Intact be regarded as. a harooss ono. I If the ph) stain Ws it impossible to make a patient feel hungry, if the deceased person cannot partake of good nourisliniz food and properly digest it, It Is impossible that he can gain In flesh and strength q and it is equally impoizibm to Ming n patient to this eond it on so lung LA the liter is burdened with diseased bile, mat the sfoniach laden will: unhealthy slime. Almost the Mid ref.uest made to the ph) sir! in by A consumptive patient it that he will proberibe medicines that will allay the cough, night an eats and chills,-is hints are this aura attendants on consumption. nut this should not be dune, as the crush is only an ellen of mimic to relieve itself, and the night sweats and chills are eanet•d by the diseased lungs. She nemedles uttlararily preacrlb• ed do mule balm than good. 'no) impair the locations of this stomach, impede healtuy digestion, and aggravate rather than mile the disease. These is, utter all, nothing liko facts whi, it to subst.sn tints a position, nod ii is upon facts that, Dr. Schenck's relies. Nearly all wltobavotaken hie medicines In cc :•rdaucit with his directions have not only been cured of consuMptien, Out, from the fact that these medicines act with wonderful power upon the digestive organs, patients thus cured speedily gain flesh. Cleansing the systein of all impurities, they lay the foundation for a solid, Buts stantial structure. Restoring these organs to health, they create au appetite. The food Is properly asslmila• ted ;the quantity of blood is not only increased,' but is made rice and strung audits the face clench a condition of din I) stein all disease must be banished. bull Oliettiens accompany each of 'the medicines, ao that it is not absolutely necessary that 'patients should see Dr. SCHENCK perunsaily, unless they deithe to have their lungs examined. For this purpose he is at hls of flee, No ta North Math St., corner of Commerce, Phila., iv, ry Saturday, front 9 A. M. mail It'. M. Advice is given without charge, hitt fur a tnorough ex ED= 33 llll,llalitloll nnh 010 Itespirometer the charge is $5. Price of the Pupae= Syrup and StaweLd Tonic each, $1.55 per battle ' or . t7 LO a half dozen. Mandrake Pills :Z.") cents box. For mile by all dt uggists. Ap. ly. " rlO l.x L 01) BOOKS FOR AL" BOOKS WHICH ARE BOOKS." Hero Is a list of such Winks as should be found In ev ery Library—within the reach of every reader—M orks to entertain, Instruct and mum° the mind. Copies will be emit by return post, on receipt of price. New Physiognomy; or, Signs of Character, as manifested through Temperament and External Forms, and especial!) an the -Human Face Divine."— With more than thou Thousand Illustrations. By 8. It ILL,. Price iu one Jima volume, 768 pages hand somely bound, $s Man, in Genesis and in Geology; or, the-Bi blind account of Man'a Creation, touted, by beleuttfic TLeyHea tiL,lll. Origfh and auttquity., By Joseph P. Ihompson, DO , LLD. One vol., 12mo. $1 Wedlock; or, the Right Relations of the Sex es. Disclosiug the Labs of Conhigal selection, and showing who may and who may nut Marry. For both stns.- .14.8 It Wells. $l5O • - . - • /./010 to Read Character. A new Illustrated handbook of Phrenology and Physiognomy, fur stu dents and examiners. with a Clime for recording the sires Cl the dillereut organs of the brain, in the dellne. mien of Chatacter, with upwards o[l7o engravings.— Muslin, $1 25 Education; Its elementary Principles found ed on the nature of man. By .1 0 Spurzlielm, lif D. Will, an Appendix, containing the Temperaments and a brief analysie of the Faculties. illustrated. $1 50 Famity..PhYsician. A ready Prescriber and llyganie Adviser. ;With reference to the Nature, Prorention, and Treatment of Diseases,Acci dents, and casualties of every kind. With a umpy and copious Index. By Joel Shew, 5I D. bluahn, $1 Food and Diet. With Observations on the Diet lcul regimes, suited for disordered states of the di gestive organs, and an account of the Dietaries of some of the principal Metropolitan and other establiehmeute fur paupers, lunettes, ciimivals, children, the sick, Ac. By Jonathan Pereira, 01 D., Flt 8., and LB. Edited by Charles A Lee, .51 D. $1 75 Hand-Book for Home Improvement ; compri sing, -lieu to Write," ' flow to Talk," ••11ow to Be have," and to Do Business," in one vol. $2 25 Constitution of Man. Considered in relation to external objects. By George Combo. The only au thorized Animate edition. With twenty engravings tied a portrait of the author. Muslin, $1 75 Moral Philosophy. By Georgo Combo. Or the duties of man considered iu his I ndividual, Domes tic and Social capacnies. Reprinted from the Edin burgh ed., with the author's latest correction.. $1 75 Mental Science. Lectures on, according to the Philosephy of Phrenology. Delivered before the , Anthropological 'Cadets. By ries. 0 S Weaver. $1 50 Management of Infancy. Physiological and Metal Treatment. By Andrew Combo, NI D, A. Book fur blethers. Muslin, 51 50 Benny. An Illustrated Poem. By Annie Chambers lietchtiM. Panelled in the elegant sole of Enoch Arden. A beautiful present. $l5O ./:sop's Fables. The People's Pictorial Edl - Beautifully illustrated with nearly sixty sages s Inge. Cloth, gilt, bus Bled breads. Only $1 Pope's Essay on Man. With Notes. Beau tautly illustrated. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards, $1 Natural rates of Man. A Philosophical Catechism. By .11.1 npui :helm, DI L. Muslin, 75 ate. Fruit Culture for the Million. A Hand-book. Being a Guide to the Cllittir.ltiOn and management of holt (sees. Diu:x . lol.ms of the beat varieties. $1 Inclose the amount In a registered letter, or In a P. 0. Order, fur one or fur all the above, and addiess 8. 11. R ELLS, Publisher, ISO Broadway, Now Yerk. Agents Wanted. Metall I= DAVID BARRIO' $50,000 PAPER 1 PAPER! ! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper,l - • Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tirane Paper, Silk Paper far Flowers, Palmated Paper, t•ristot Tigard, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Pallor, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter ante Note Paper, Unties' Plain and Palley Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheebs, or sale at LElyPe Book, Statiouery and Music Store. ~*etr'. - COUNTRY DE4LERS can buy CLOTHING from mo luliaritlngdMi at WHOLESALE as cheap as they eau la the au I have a wboletatie atom cc Philadelphia. F. 1031419,. HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, MAY 24. 1870. -,T1114 IRISH 'EDITOIUf Me father to r. and 'oe I. clerk in Ilebok • Tho merchant he clerked for woe named klialher Dod Of all hforyOurig tuft', there was none iike me father For he woe the clerk, sir, that carried the hod. Wan day he was clitabin' upan a steep ladder, With bricks in his hod and a brick in his hat ; Aud Joon as ha shifted kla foot for a second, A rung Itgavo way, and lb. ould fool fell flat. They sint for a coroner and then for i doctor, The last was too late, and the former was not; The inquest was held, and a verdict was given 'l 4 wae "death from his drtnkin' his whiskey too hot." And thug I was left, air, a swat° little orphan, • Just twenty years old, andocith nlrora cent ; Surrounded be those whose Intention was only • To trate me with grace till me fortune was spent 'Twas lucky I hail suck • good education, By raising of makin' the fires fore school j I wrote with mooch taste, and spoke &sok like a He brew— At least I woe told eo by Teddy O'Toole. _ io, whut does I do b nr.lsturti i newspaper,' And called it the •Irishman's Morning Garotte." Got paper, and printing and "Items" on credit, And Bilked of the sheet to whoever I met. Ab, sure, but etMighty rinte'tblig I Made of It— I told of gro at deingmbefore they occurred; I got up (mit murders for each of me issuer, And blackguardad all that I counted absurd I went Into politica up to the handle, And proved that the country Ins ruined !while; I called the postmaster a tteland a scoundrel, And epoko voll of free-lore, free'drlnks and lieu trade I treated of things thnt woro doing in Europe,. And wrote editorigls al about hinge • I got up an Illegant fanny news (tom About a stiAngo'pig that was threaded wid wings I axed diliertiscanuts of potent quack dochtoro, I criticised actors and pictores and books, And whin a subscriber had paid a eubscription v I spoke of the affable Mr.—'s good looks." Och, tourthor,but didn't I lather the spalpeen That yatnly pretended lo odit the llNewa;" I called him a mane, egotistical twaddler, Not worth the tobacco a giotiontan chews. Ah,.sure, but;vi litigant paper I made It, That litigant paper, the "Mora tug Gazelle;' AM all that Isne vantin• to finish me fortuno, Wag all tiii3 sibEeritiers itamial; got yet. Wan morning, Loweeer t me sileste east edition ,Was taken as quick as it came from the press; ' 'lke person Rho took thin wag known as the sheriff, And wiwit was the raisin I leave Sow tog van. Lluesforth I rotired from the footstool of onto!, - A ud took a clerkship nith old Ilisther Dod:' And now, like me father, I'm known to my friends as; The clerk that makes mortar end conies the hod, MISTWINTERGREEN'S LUCK. "Wanted—A Wife." "And'!.. want a husband'!;' thought Miss Laurella'Wintoilreon. - • Involuntarily sho glanced toward the little mirror which hung between the windows opposite, as if mutely questioning herself as to the remains of her girlhood's beauty. Alas ! the convex, too truthful, returned no en couraging verdict. For Miss Laorolla Wintergreen was not so young as she had been, some four or five summers ago. Forty years old, and lean and spare, with hair grown thin on the parting, and little crow:s feet forming a lattice work' 'around her faded blue eyes. A plump old maid, with cheeks like a fall apple, and laughing, hazel eyes, is not such -a disagreeable object to look upon; but a lean, shadowy, so to speak, "demented" old maid! Miss Luureila shuddered slightly as she turned away from the uncompromising reflectionin the mirror "Yes," added Miss Laure!la Winter green to herself, "I DO need a husband. I wonder how that particular para. graph in the paper happened to meet my eye just then. I don't believe in being bold or unfeminine ; but what is a poor girl to do when, fate has made no provision for the future ? I'm sure I should make a good wife.: I can cook; I'm handy with my needle; and I have a positive talent for housekeep ing;yet—" Miss Laufella's sentence ended in a dejected sigh. Surely there was some• thing essentially wrong in the planet ary combinations which had glittered over*the inautipicious-hour of her birth. "Wanted—A. Wife !" Miss 'Atliolla Wintergreen, looked around tho scantily furnished little room, and eyed the one tea-cup on the tray, and the solitary pair of well-worn slippers that turned out their , toes ,on the hearth-rug, with a distasteful glance. And then she drew out her memorandum book, jotted down the address, upon which her eyes had boon longingly litigating, and put it in to her pocket. "At all events there can be no harm in trying," thought Miss Laurella.— "There are periods in a Woman's life in which she must boldly take the holm of fate into her own hands." Her toilette, this morning, was pro- longed and fastidious; the wintry little curls were studiously and carefully brushed repeatedly round the stick, and the blue-ribbon bow was adjusted jauntily at her throat; while the pow der puff, dabbed again and again over her brow and checks, vainly strove to stimulate the lily-bloom of youth. A black silk dress, and a round bat of black plush, with a knot of -red and brown autumn leaves upon it, comple ted her preparations for the hand-to hand conflict with Destiny, in which she was about to engage. For Miss Laurella Wintergreen had had enough of half measures. It was high time, she told herself, to be up and doing. Nevertheless her heart throbbed with strangulating rapidity when she stood at the door of No. Birch st., the address written down in her mem orandum book. "It's such py yery embarrassing thing to do," she thought. "But then, it the gentleman has advertised, he can't be surprised if his appeal is answered." A tall„ well-looking servant map an swered Alta i bell. Miss. Wintergreen cougratulated'hOrsolf that her fatitre fate was rich, at any event, anti in re ply to the man's inquiring look, an swered ; hays pew') in reference to the-- the advertisement in this morning's paper." "ph, the advertisement--yes'm," -PERSI WERE.- . , . answered, the man, us coolly as if ad vertisements Were an every day affair in that household: "Please to walk In ' mem." And Miss Wintergreen, •passidg through an elegantly carpeted hall, found herself in a good-sized room tie. yond, whore four or five other' Women were seated. . -And such a motley crew I, Laurella, glancing up through her veil, took :a sort of mental stook of them at one look. A. starched female in the cor ner, in rusty bombazine and a widow's cap, with the corners of her mouth drawn down in a half circle, sat con templating her folded bands; a plump Irish woman' in; a gay delaino dross and very dirty gloves, was 'warming her substantial feet at the fender; two young women, who looked us if they might bo "out on leave" frorit re facto ry, giggled at the window; and d hard faced woman in black sat on the milli, with two red-beaded littlo boys on ei• titer side of her. • And these, thought-Miss. Laurella, with a contemptuous elevation of her nose, arc my rivals. • "Take a cheer, Miss,".said the man. "My master'll see you d'rectly." • "There is no hurry, my good man," said Miss IVintergreen, majestically, Almost in the same breath the door beybrid opened, and U. fat old lady In a false front and spectacles waddledbut, breathing very hard, and •wearing a flushed, indignitrit expresaion. ' 7 - "Ile thinks I'm too old !" onoth this matron, looking round upoh 'the as sembled group. "I'd just like to know how old he is hisself, that I would! I never see nothin' like the airs some people puts on I" And she wont puffing out, like the Great Eastern, in a state of discom fiture. • _ ''''N'ow, then, mum,',' said he young 'Mao, beckoning to the lady of the born haiine and widow's cap, ,you'll please to walk , ' The n'ext minute the starch'ed fe male had disappeared behind the pan 'els of the door; which - she opened and closed as cautiously as if it Were .the valve of some powerful steam engine. Miss Laurena pondered on the delibe rate system which seemed to chartui. terize the movements of the Great Un known. • "It is very queer," she thought, "and yet Ihero's something grand about it, too." ~,,Veanwhile the factory gills giggled on, tUe Irishwoman warmed her feet, and the mother of the red-headed ur chins administered twoakod oars and peppermint drops with laudable-im partiality. There was a general stir among them ashen the widow earn° mincing out fi-dm her audience in the presence uhamher. "Well, an' what luck did yez have ?" inquired the Celtic 'female, speaking boldly the question the others longed to'ask, but dared, net. 6 •This world is' not governed by luck," sourly answered the widow, compressing her lips; "and I am thank• ful that my lot is- not to be cast in with one whb objects' to daily el ervicos and a Cold dinntA• 'on Sunday. Ah, me ! I don't know what our wicked n'a'- tion is coming to. My umbrella, please, young man." So departed the , widow in the odor of sanctity, and the mother of the red headed boys was next ushered into the presence of the mysterious advertiser. She, had , however, been absent but a moment before she came bolting out, her flounces rustling stiffly, and her eyes blazing with wrath. "A man who objects to two dear lit tle boys as is like lambs about the house, an't no better than Herod !" she exclaimed. "Come, Adolphus and Algernon—come, my poor little angels, we'll go where we can be made wel come." "An 't we goin g to Biro hero, mar 2" demanded the elder one, whiningly. "No; my poppot;.wo wouldn't de mean ourselves to them as an't worthy of our notice.' Como, darlings !" And away wont the boys at a dog-trot, with their mother bristling after, and scold- . ing . all the way to the street door. - Miss Laurella's heart began to boat with renewed apprehensions. "He's very hard to suit," sholbought "I wonder it I shall please him T" "May be, Miss, you'd better go in next," said the young man Idoking re: their dubiously at the two factory girls and the red-faced daughter of Erin. Miss Wintorgr'een rose up, giving her dress a shako, and instinctively, feeling to see if the scanty curls hung right, and followed her guide into a handsome apartment, where a Liver pool coal fire burned on the marble hearth, and an array of books, pro claimed a literary taste on the part of its occupant. Glancing timidly up, she saw a fine looking gentleman of about forty standing by the mantle piece. "Sit down, ma'am," ho said, motion ing her to aschair ; and then, turning to Ws . servant, he asked in a whisper; "Row many more of them are there, Patrick 2" "Only three of them, sir, barrio? this one. ,, "Throe more!" he ejaculated, as if unconsciously. "I shall go crazy ! 11l have to got married in self-defence. "1 Could yer honor that was the beet way, all along," slid Patrick, giving the lire an energetic puke, as Le with drew. ma'am," said the gentleman, turning abruptly to Miss Wintergreen, "I suppose you want just what the rest do—an easy place, and nothing to do l" Atiss:liaprella, rather taken by sur prise at this unexpected speech, knew not what to say, so very sensibly sttid nothing. "Are you a good cook ?" he asked. "Yes, sir," faltered our heroine. ... , . .. - .. !..,..,,, .• ' ...- 1--. - -01°.. - " ....,- . 1 ~. . "Undorstutid tho care of a ) houso ?" "Yes, sir,". . "References." , "The very best, sir.", Miss' Winter green bridled hOre. "How ,much do You expect a month. "How much "do I expect,,sirr , "Yes; what you been baying ?" "My • means, sir, heretofore, 'have been limited, but—" , "But that's not the question," ho in terrupted !sharply. "What do you ex pect from the ?' "As--..-as pin-money, sir F" "No—as wages !" Miss Wintergreen drooped her eye. lashes. A "Pray sir , ' do not 'deem m e BO ,mei cenary !' ‘"rhOu'wbat the deuce are you horn for ?" abruptly demanded her interlO cutor."T. want a housekeeper, and I'm willing to pay,hOr good wages, but I don't liko,all•thiti 'boating about the bush." • "Yes, sir ;, but a wife-t-" "Wbo's' talking 'abodt a wife?" be shoute'd. "Arc not you? Did not you adyer tise for a wife ?" breathlessly question ed 'gists' Laureilla. '"No,, I didn't! Do I look like a can. didafe 'f'Or Bedlam?"„ „ Wintergreen fumbled faintly for life themoranduni-beek in her poc• 'trot. "Isn't this No. Bi rch street;l— youL-", The gentleman snatched 'a newspa per from. the, table, and pointed to a paragraph in its, columns. ' "There is my adi•ortisoment. , Fora housekeeper." , And Miss Wintergreen saw, to, her distnaY;that sho, had penciled down the wrong address: „ , . "I'm sorry for yoUrdisappOintraent said th , e gentleman, with a grim smile, "hat you may ,stay tincl ; ke,ep It : ruse for mo sixteen didtar4 'a month, it you like. ,YOU' leek neat and tidy, and 7,7" . But; 'with a look of ineffable disdain, Mitis Wintergreen s,witit.ont of the room. A housekeeper, ,at sixteen dol lars a month I—to dare' talk thus to her, who had dre:ime'd of orange bias soma and bridal *bite,: Miss Wintergreen, n'ever answered another advertisement, and she is still Mies Wintergreen*. A Story of Fifty-two Prayer Meetings "To bo •sure,'' said I to myself, one year ago the last week in December, "to be sure, this is the evening of our Church prayer meeting, bates I bave not been there much this year, it is scarcely worth while to begin now.— I'll just wait until, next week, and then begin the , year right,,and go all the time. . . Well, it' so happened that the first evening of the year fell upon the oven. ing of the regular prayer-meeting „ and there was none. Of course, although r I wanted to go, I couldn't. The next week my neighbor . .and, particular friend, Mrs. Lamb, gave a party. Now Itlre. Lamb is a . member of our church, and most undeniably did wrong; but then she is a very dearfriend of mine, and I cep go to prayer-Meeting every week of '',lheyear, but it is not every week I can accept au invitation from Mrs. Lamb : therefore ) sorry as I was, I felt that I must go tothe party, The next week .Miss Kellogg was here.= Now, I work pretty hard, and am fond of music, and I need some entertain ment, and I really felt it my duty to go there, for Miss Kellogg does not sing every week. You see, I was at, least excusable. The next Week it snowed; the next it rained; the next it was torribly.cold, and the next it Was Warm and thawing, and so wet, under foot. The next week Gough lectured, and As I can go ,to prayer meeting every week, I thought I might just for once go to hear Mr. Gough.— The next week I had a headache; the next a .dress-maker; and the next, Which was the, twelfth, a very,-lird, cold., So you see I could not go any the first quarter. The following week it was very dark, and I had, no com pany. The fourteenth I was going, - but just RBI was about to start I. beard that our "beloved pastor" was away, and that Deaccin Quickset would lead the meeting.. Now I don't like Bea. con Quicksot. He, was 'so unkind as to say, upon one occasion, that be be lieved that if I would make an effort I might get out to prayer-meeting; as it' I were not constantly making an ef fort; and he ought to know that ,I al ways go when it is at all consistent.— He had better rereember,,tbat ty covereth a multitude of sins." I am sometimes obliged to be absent from prayer meeting, but I do not talk about my neighbors. As Deacon Q. was going to lead the meeting, I don't feel it my duty to go, .The next week, I will confess, I forgot it until it was too late. The next week I started, but was so vexed to find that my time was too slow, and I was 'again late. The sixteenth I did not feel at all well, and the next I went to visit a sick friend. You know it is as much. our duty to visit the sick as it is to at tend meetings. The next week, un fortunately, there was a wedding in one of the other churches, to which I received an admission card, and I could go to prayer.meeting every week, and particularly as the bride's dress was to be very elegant,—the trail at least four yards long,—l just thought I would go to the wedding.— The next week I was very tired; it was our house-cleaning, and Bridget took it into hea l head to take this time of all others to get the ague; and then the week after that it was to warm to wear my 4064 , Rnd my new hat was not triinrned. For thp next two months I was out . cd town, and I nev er enjoy going to social Meetings where I am a stranger, and so I did not think it heat to go. The f}rat two $2,00 a year in ; advance. weelis,after,l returned from tny sum mer tour:, I was altegether too tired --- One's health'ii•Of the firetithportanCe. The next Wedrieifdayi Which' was' the thirty-fourth of the year, was arbapPy day for me. Nothing,interfered with my regular 'established :plans, and ji went to the pii4ei 'meeting. 'lloVii, pleasant it was! I really think - Ws. Lamb ought to make an'effort to' *b. , I mean to speak to hor aboutit.-iTtio thirty-fifth week toy poor, cousin wish ed me to stay atfiorne with her . ; ,she was disappointed abeut going 'but' hersolf, - and she said as I ,wont out last week she really thought I might: As I did not wish to seem ill natured, of 'course I could not refuse ; do you think,l could ?. The next week there was a heavy thunder storm, and I am afraid to go dut,when it lightens. The thirty-seventh, 'thunder again. I often wonder that l rtiVidenee should 'inter fere in this way with • white really seems to be our • duty. The thirty- , eighth it was excessively ,warm, • and the thirty-ninth was the only ; evening in the 'week when my regular. dress maker could fit my dress.' The-for tieth week there was td •be a Bible agent, or something of that sort,. and I hate agents. The forty-first there was a festival in another church, and as am'not a sectarian at all, and 'think it our duty to•help one another, I ,thought I ought to:. be . there. -The next ,week .1 staid at home to write. o my dear mother, I,' went ,riding_the night beton), and had an invitation to the theatre the next night, and so WAS obliged to take this night fur. my let, ter, though'l was sorry. The folloiv ing week• I Was 'obliged - to stay at home to finish a tatting • tidy F Wres making for ,the, orphan fair. Surely. the,orphans must not be neglected; I 'and the noxt, week I was at the fair,--' I'ShOuld'haVe 'gone to , meeting; but they had put me upon" 'a 'committee, quite against my wish; and the, next, week I was safforing from, a, severe cold, which ' I had contracted while 'working for' the orphan fair., The forty•sixtb•l was 'rtither'obliged'to go to another party, though I am`. princi pled against, such,things ,genorally.— But if people, will giv,e parties on such nigbie; what can a person do?, the forty-seventh, most unluckily, ',Coeur red upon the evening of my birthday. I could not help that, of course, and a person's birthday only comes .once,, a year, and you can gti, to a preyer.tnee ting'nny time. So we thought it only right to bo social, and we invited few particular friends. One,gets-drop ped out of'sodioty 'very Soon if their invitations are not -returned, 'and - 1[ have often heard ministers'aa3r that our social,duties are quite as .binding as our religious ones, or at least some thing to that effect. Tho next week I started, but at the gate I met my dear young friend, who', was' getting ready 'to be married, and she was so anxiousiehould go with her, to givo somo orders respecting her, wedding hat,' that I could net ,refuse, particu• laxly when she said she would' trivia, no one's taste and judgment but mine. Besides,' as she will only be married once, (at least not unless John should die), and I suppose it was my duty to go with 'her. The two following weeks I was just as busy as I could be, for we had decided to - have a Christmas tree, and I was getting ready for it. I fully resolved to go after Christmas.— Well the last week of - the', year had gond, I was tired and .hlue, ,arid did, not feel like gdieg out, and it did seem t o me that I had better wait, tbr the New Year again, and then" go ,all, .the time. But younee I really intended to do so this year; and Dire. Lamb says ahe heard our minister say that, God would, give us credit for Our rottl 7 , ly goad intentions, and that is, a•great comfort; I ain sure, and much more ; charitable and sonifible than that, oth er'reilly profane remark', whickr have, heard vulgar people quote front scidie. old-fashioned follow, that "the way to hell-is paved with :good- intentions. Ptidard's Monthly. ' SLATE PENCILS ; — Twenty years ago, all the slate pencils'tised wero manufactUred in Germany. She then supplied America with this cOintisodi: ty.• 1850, - there was a young man living in West Rutland, Vt., eigh n teen years of age, who fortunately • discov ered a . su . pplY of steno ;for making a first-class article of elate pencils.;• began by whittling out the pencils and selling them to school children. Being a better article, than for sale in the stores, he found a, ready sale for all he;could',Whittle out. Re become po seined of the idea that there was a fortune in the business; and his dream has been realized. This quarry of slate pencil stone was situated in a large ravine, lour miles north of Cas tleton,'Vt., near Bemoseen Lake. The land on which it is . situated was for sale at $lOO. Ife purChased it and be gan operations by sawing out the pen- cils and whittling them round. The business of making. them grow im mensely on his hands so that it was impossible to keep a clean order book.. Machinery was invented to facilitate. the process, which reached something like perfection, and, : enormously in creased the production of pencils. At present the quarry and mills aro owned by a joint stock company. They are valued at. $300,000. From fifty to one hundred thousand pencils are turned out daily, and upwards of a hundred hands are employed in the quarry and in the mill. • A six Weeks' bridegroom is missing from Indianapolis. He left a note for his papa-in-law authorizing him to draw on bith:for the neeeisary • ezpenses of his bride, but neglected to otate his fu ture address hence the antliorityis not' speciallyvaluablo. foo36.Subeerthe pr the GLolm. THE- G - I_lol3]ll 4'OE ,I).44sT,Tps . T9r ,OgFlClgt 'T"' JOB OFFICE" ,; • ) Alo: k Meit coihpletibr Pal l vi e m es the meet ample Cicalae& fat mixotlY-executhight thelieit etyle t eve r y variety of Job PMEitin g ,ampb oa 44NM,PILLs, ' • ,•• „WU READS ? ~ E 4ATERS, " - • CARDS,. prtdaltikitik ~ 3. 3 -BLA:rnts, ,• LABELS; 't &C:i &C.; 'ad • C4t,L AND IMAIIINZ OPUOULZHO or 11 L 1 WZS' BOOK FATIONW k kLU2IO STORM, NO. 45. FnxxrTunE ..1 3 9F0rp4 two - oun. ceß b eeswax , cud fineg epirit~gA,tnrr peiliio t c; 'olio : ono ':diitchy: of powderca rbAin;' tiiclt'at'h n4agol, ltwo, d ruch ms. of Iddiaro fed to give itm,rrt!lllog,py color. - .RErothilliNay,urirruns.--Oited fur niture that has been scratched or -mit red may be restored to its original betititylliffipiylby" rubbing' boiled lin lee& oil; used , :by .pain tars, ion-f the Sur facc,witb a vvad of woolee, rags: .iTare niebed furniture, dulledonay.,Vesilni, larly restored by ilieifie bf a'iarriish composed of• shellac CitsselVr:d." id 'alco hol, applied•in similartinanner.t mon beeswax rubbed • over,furniture and heated , by the friction, of a , weolen wad briskly used, is Also - ab'eicelle:At furniture' polish.' ' • NAIL'YN THE koof:•-•- , 11) reiliA4frO r tn tbe.terrible effecti Of running it , fidil in the foot of .Iran,or horse; take pstich leaves, bruise therri,.:Apply ~,toL t he wound, and confine with a bandage.— Tiler eilie as if bYhaiiigieV" Renew the Application twice atdayi if , nocessaiir, but one application Aisually does' the work. I have ;ctr t ecr. both ran ;and horse in a feiv hOurS,, , wheh they were apparently on th'e - Poiiit of baviog - thO look jaw.. This )recipe,' remembered and practigq4,:Will save many,valua, file iive4 .13 Boas C 4 :111181,tIme,b4 , r there, are „many,,iuquirips torithe best Meibbil ' Of' keePing'bugs fro*. mel on and other vines. , Tbe • eiNst'aiiii ,sureot remedyifoutid;isfresh.chiticoal, pulverized. •,.I,2!ust l it,on when you the seed in, nod es boon as the Plants are uji;duit If washed Ornby , rairia;rep,eat - the - opi, ration. .Thus. treated,'the.'plaiits' are perfectly -safe. ; , We ;have: seen, pays tho writer, all bugs disappear at, paw on the application, when the plants aro 'almost covered wiih-th'eni? : . There is no fear, ofinjuringtvegetatioe by the use 9 1 el?PrPoUl: . How Minims A R:k MA:DE: Vie chhif place of theMahufaetuie,of "Mar those little proses of stotielwhieb contribute so ; largely to the enjoyment of "young America, is at Obersteini on the Nahe, in Germany; where there are large!agate quarricie; the refuse of which is carfully "turned Vol geed paying necount, ; .by,,being !made into the . „employed by elt r . peke . " to' knuckle with, ; wbieh are Mostly seritio'ta'Ameiletin Market; The - substance ousedy'in`"Smiony its . * hard calearions ston'e, , ,,whiek -is-!first broken into, blocks,:pporly„ square ; by fol oWS — •ivitti h,ammer.... Thetie, are thrown:. tir'ttio'' ohilainareiror - two hundred._ in a 'sort' of' mill,' "which i formed ,of a ,flat,!-- , .statiooary.slab of stone,. with ,a in ber of .pormentrio furrows upon his face; to block g :oak, or other hard wood; of 'the Rartiti - die, metrics size; is placed ovbr and partly resting upon etheni. Thw smalrblock of woodfs kept ,revolving. while water flows upon the Stone slab, In aboritftfteen minutes ilin'SiOnati,are turned to .spheres,-and'then"' being'fie for sale, are henceforth._ called hies." -One establishmenti.pontaining, only three of !lime mills, will turn out, fatly siXti theiiiind'niarbleS"'at'Oh ersteinslipping . pleCeS' neatly round with a hammer; handled by a skillful workman, and.theti. wear,: ing down the edges on a grindstone: STOOP A 'IiiTTLE.- -The foil OW stoi r,y, related; by pr. Nraiikli,n; in 'a. Utteiv ko . , Ma kh or, h as : be en, .oftep...told I , and is well worth • Rain i„,; : "The last time I 'saw sour father: . ; D saps r. - . Fratikliii; . a*as' 1 70."1 - 14' taking my:leuve;be shoWed aid a Shcill' ,way_out of • the house;. through wrier; row passage, which was crossed by a beam overhead. We were still talking as' , l withdrew;' be adconitianying ma behind, and as L.turbed toward heysaid, 'Stoop I,stoop,r..sl did•nOt'uti;. 7 derstand him till I felt my head ; hit„ against'thti I,[ t 3 was, a man ,who never missed an 'oebigiOn• of giving struction; Mid upon this;gid said' o lite," 'you are. young and •1 bavn% :the world before you ; stoop n,little na l .you ,go through it, and yOit, will aypid . many - hard thumps l' thus,bettp into my' head, hits Irdirtently beep of use telmvand I often think of it when'' I see:pride mortified ,and. misfortune brought upon people by carrying their ; head too high." _ On the day - folloivilfg the t-73,d -the news of the Richmond 'disaster, g-- sharp` thief, at,Lexingtan,ay whits. ' on, his Arial, gtyre, word that,the court: house Was falling, and, during the cop- ~ fusion, made giied bis'escape., Mils Sailici Joy appeared its, a raii . cir, ter at the recent suffrage . ; 2 Medtirig - at. Dayton, Ohio, and a jealous brother iti;') the. profession meanly wrote- of hef - , that whether she is a "thing of beauty';, or not she will - probabijr remain a "Joy . forever." A Wisconsin cheise'thilier is' 'Maim : faoturing a brand of cheese which he bas named "Trath..That cheestywill doubtless have a great, run, as "Truth is mite.y and will prevail." A sicep r tiOalgebileman in California l who doubted that, on the Pacific Slops grasii grim an incfrper day, was shown a stalk 126 inches long, whioh four months. two loving hearts have been, Outdo onp lo 4.llinoic !. ;, after,a separa tion of sixty-five years. When parted, i nanger swain was eighteen and thiS maiden was sixteen. _ 4.ller.tgn is pornliag to America. , He is stage-strnek aroateur,wholately hired 0, theatre in London and gave. Shalispearian plapi at his own expense' 'tip' taking the leading parts. Read, Gre artiglo n 4i pago, 'BALL. TICKO,S, Itecipiki.