Kid`t 613abc. GDON, PA. Tuesday usdriting, Mayl.7, 1870 WM. 1 - BWIS, HIIGIFIJINDSAY, :1 -EDMI)Its . The "Globe" has The largest 'number of iefitlersi of any other paper, published in the etteYy. .Adve7•tisera should remember this. . 41, Editorial Brevities. ; ,; said to bo a majority in.tho :Senatein favor , of the annexation of I San Domingo. '`• • : - • SenatepoMmittee has reported . against -the, bill. allowing women to ;rote in:the District of Columbia, , Tan,rewly.enfranctqsad lied a jubi lee inNew Orleans recently,' in which yen: Tiongstreet ' and ,other prominent li*bet chieftains tools part. . . . . . :;I,4dipaAN , ie. a prolific county 1/15 ger taine from -April .tolDeceinber there -wore 210 pairs of Vanilla born in that State:' • • - Tun investigation. agalnet 'General O. flillOward:stilloontinues, and eomo - of the evidence rditets , the'geOtleman =in a very bad'poeition IlOtipACTe ear companies having iikerv, obliged;to-; yield certain: care for people;! the hitter now com -7,lnin:th4 tlles - Iteini644thein, and :1 4 °P4P 1 . - 1. ti 30-P? Yk a lk;, , 7 • .t• , c BOTLI e official and% private :reports from the Darien Ship Canal Eniedi• tin reiires4iWthat it has VOL!' demon. et;iated`'cinal 'across the lath, ,wies-gif Darien can not be constructed. E .I OISIEROIi wants' the mantle 'of'Cilingressmatilahn Morrissey to fall alio& MM. There would be a .slight iclifferenso,,in ! the two, Democrats as lhey: , are; 'for Morrissey holds his tongue, while "Brick" couldn't. ' Washington.`: Ta .territory of , wants , t a r State, and on . he 6th of Juno 4,lle•peoplewillsvote•on the question as 'to •whcithi*Or not a ConVention shall be' culled . to draft a State.9onstitution. The iota . rpo ulatiOn of the Territory !i5,0n1y,40,000. iteliss has: hiet been erected in Seriidten' bi private. citizen which' is 1.1:1 RO4 tq,,far exceed.‘!the ; costly • spLen : dors.of!the Eastern world, the Mosque of Omar, and the Gblden Palace 'of :14:4niOahib i nt'CalcUtta, as well as'the ,rnegal,ciMilinge,bf the ,Queen of Eng -1.441.7.• : f : 2 = JOHN DE.V.,the murderer of Richard katiijan 'night: of the.9th of 'OCio§er.last, Was hung on, the 13th in stant, in the jail yard at-Reading.— About 200 spentatore were present.— his' was the fourth execution for mut.. Eeila Berke county. .Tipi Altoona daily Sun has made its appearance, and we wero alisneably its typographical appear a'n'ce arid gerieral rhalfe•up.. It is De .. Anopratio, 14 . 4 ; wasn't for that me woulk.wish'it entire:success,' btit'iut-it ie we hope its “ j iite" . witt never 4- ',IM-Robert 'forgets tho "situation" when we "came in." 'We advocated tbe nomination 'of Gen. Grant while Itopitlicaus"organs" everywhere were denouncing' him as "fishey." Grant was nominated, and as easy as falling off a log ive, were : "in"--!and we intend to. stay bat we do not intend to claini-any credit for' helping to place upon the back of the'party a load that Will erippleif not,crush it. • the new , imlioo'niianikation, says : YIVG, presume it mill be run in such a' wiy,that its effect will be to work into ; the hands of politicians in the De mooratie party." . -, Well; suppose it, is "run , in such a way,";wonld it 'not be run in the same !Ilk. you, Aft::'Crtimer, run the diger-, ganixers,'ltist fall? The new organi gation-pannot :do more than ytm and your. political associates did last elect Denfocrats to office. Comtuss:--The Republicans Of this Congressional _ DiStrict. aro ~looking around fora good-candidate to. be vo ted for , next .fall. Cambria has de clared 'for Mr; Morrell. Blair, Haat-, ingdon'ind Mifflin will declare their • preferenessin „Tune, July j or AugUst. We may_bave a preference until a ma- , jorityof ourCountyCdnVention names man ; -afterthe that' our' choice will be the nominee. : Blair likely d'el'elare for Hon. Samuel Calvin. This county and Mifflin may present candi dates. Serif we are to 'believehalf we htitti talked itbout,'there"Mast be a new,:po laical organization growing up in our midst and ' spreadieg 'into thetos' . p7 'l:h4:sciyii, is composed exchk, eiyely 'of the working masses of. both the old parties, and the purpose seems VI bb 'to Crush the office-seekers and partfie`itders, who have wont back on, their Pledg'esl,to, the masses. Wo, re-. grist : that too many of the honest masses of .theltePublican party show a dislicisitiOn'ito'follow the example set theih, last fall, by -Would-be itopublican lead, era. The masses can, , alWays com mand respect within-the paify organi• zation if they will but•show a -deter before—aominations •are made," , We intend to respect an honest differenee o' opinion until nominations aro Made,' after that we shall respect only (politically) the * nominees of the Republican party. • re.Subseribe for the. GLope Congress; This Congressional District will bo represented in Congress by somebody, but who that somebody wilt* is im possible now to tell. A porOon of the Republican ps,,'faTor nomination of,„Hoti-J). ,T:, ; • oth- I , er portions are in faii,or of other Repub licans. Tho , R epublicans of . oaMbria . , . county have already hold their Con vention, after a warm contest at the delegate elections-between-the friends of Mr. Morrell. and.M.r., Barker. The • Convention.met at Ebensburg on Mon day ,of lasi_vieek, and gave the nomi nation of, Aliat county to Mr. Morrell for a_third,term-36 of-the delegates dissenting and ovialcirawipg ,and ~org anizing a second Corivention. The proceedings of the second or 'minority Convention tvo ,publish' below that' the Reptiblicans' of tbia county ,may see the'"sitgatiOuP, tu,Cambria: The undereigrod,lDelegates 'to the Repub lican „norainating,convention, being a minor ity of said body, and desiring that their,gub 'sequeni action:, Aiii'apprairing of the manner in which th e proceed ings of that convention •were'ciaiddeted,ilialf be placed npcin ieeord, not Only to justify . t . themselves - 'with honest members of oar party whom an effort:wit; b e made to mjaleadOnit indignant ly protest against, the which the domipanffactien stighttto Muzzle a free in terchange of the Oinnnizieand wishes of said delegatei. '.fhe high b'ande'd outrage which 'was perpetrated ' the extirUssed wishes of said minority in refining themta voice when the.vital interests of our. par ty'are imperilled necessitated the, calling ola second conven ,tion,,immediately,after.the. adjoUrnment, of the assembly brought featniJohnetovei with the ; plainly a vowed pirMiee"of ; forcing the piesent Corigreasibrialineambent 'upon' .the people countY,''as the — general chola°, when ,it is only, too :apparent that- the ma jority: nolOngordesire to retain himin .that 'position, ;Jo pursuance of themishee,of,thir m-six.dalegatee to said convention,. Rob erts; was chosen - Clilimap Crum, P.' M'Coy; and John IfriWksirhith,' Q...T Viclo Pres idents, and Able Lloyd, Secretary. , The following protest; which had been handed to H. A. Boggs, Chairman 'of the convention, and first voted down, and al though again requested to road the same re fused, to entertain the proposition, alleging that' it was an atiOnympue, p rodu c tion.— Thirty-six delegatO immediately affixed their mimes to the subjoined. • - - '"' E ThQ undersigned; Delegates to P the Repub •lican Convention' this day assembled, reaped fully , but most earnestly protest' against the knoll of laid Convention in the admission , of Delegates. ,Fielding . to none inpur devotion to thbse great • under, ;which, the Republican party hat achieved its Iliad sue ceiS; and on which it tinildelte future hopes, We' 'Cannot 'Wit Perceive,' in - the course of the inajcirity, , a line-of conduct-which rriustdie tract our councils and hand us •clier a prey to Our enemieeti Built ispori, honest', princi plea and following ,honest practices, we live ,been triumphant ; but the • system this day inaugurated belieS:eur past history and must lead to 'diathiptien and defeat., ' . When we assert that corrupt meane f :Were employed in order to secure Aelegated,' and that there are 1 those sitting in this Convert . - tion 'who do not honestly represent the peo ple, we state what is too painfully apparent to all,and we firmly, believe that • nominations seined& Cauilet. command the suffrages of those who prize honesty in politics. On 'the contrary; those who' believe purity essential in nominations and elections, will spurn the candidates placed before the people corruptly as a nomination not fit to be made, Our opponents, less honest in their own choice of candidates, would hail with joy a nomination which from its fraudulent sur roundings, would give there an opening for success in a District which we have eo long held from their grasp.''... :We therefore protest against a nomination procured in such a manner,, as fraught with danger and defeat to a gallant and glorious party. (Signed,) Peter M'Cuy, John llawkiworth, Wm.'Coons,M. D. Wagner, Michael J. Will, Jacob Glass, Celestine M'Mutlen; Benja min Lloyd, Charles Miller, B. J. Sawyer, Peter Klor, Wm. Etoheson, Rees S. Lloyd, A. J. Watt, J. Owens, D. W. Fox, Wm. D. Jones, A. IL Brown, Abel Lloyd, D. O. Ev ans, C. T. Roberts, F. M. Flanagan, John J. Glass, J. J. Eians, Philip Hoover, James Douglass; David Libby, E. P. Baker, D. S. M'Anulty, S. J. Weakland, E. Crum, John Beers, R. M. Woleslagle, Samuel Reed, P. F. Custer, E. Eastman:.. - At the conclusion of the reading of the pretest Capt. Fox, of ,Washington township, was called upon to express,the Sentiments - of this'COnvention. He statedtbat the nomina tion' ofD: J. Morrill, under:the present exist ing feeling in this district, is calculated to disintegrate, the Republican party, and insure the certain defeat of the candidate who had this day been forced upon the people, not by a fair and impartial expression of opinion, but by, throwing out the honestly elected dele gitteenf three districts opposed to his re-hem-, ination, and• procuring through fraud and' additional number sufficient-to give him a small plurality, and thus secure his name as the choice of the, people of, our county. At the conclusion of Capt. Fox's remarks, the' following resolutions were of•-. fared and unanimously adopted : ' Reiolved, That the present existing feeling in the ranks of our party; -instead of being alloyed, will only be Increased, and the nom ination of Hon. D. J. Morrell Twill ,tend to widen; the'breach which the inexcusable con duct of his friencid in Southern Cambria has, been fomentipg when, it is so fully apparent that he is' ot the choice of theraajority of the people of this county, Resolved, ' That, confiding as we do in the integrity;statesmanship, and honesty of Hon. Samuel Calvin, of Blair,county, that should he be recommended by the counties composing this Congressional District, , we will'give him our hearty support. In 'taking the action which we have in this matter, we Wish it to be distinctly under stood that our unswerving and unflattering support ,will be given in the future,. as in the past, to the principles of our glorious party, and that we cordially endorse the first three resolutions as passed by the regular Conven tion. . Oa motion of D.,o.'Etfins adjourned, with three hearty ehears•fir Gea. Grant and the cadre Republietin - Party. -" ABEL LLOYD, Secretary. ~fiffirAway.ont in the Mediterran ean, Otionei.of the little 'fragments of the world that lie around Sarclinia, there lives a man who takes kindly to kit . - ten's; to pets of all kinds, and to flow ore. .I shouldn't wonder if ho toyed pbtsted bloisoms 'even; but I'm .spre aboutCat'Eijor beliati one , which is his faithful follower' hie Ward' 'and purr ing friend., Where, goe s there pus sy goes. All things are, forgiven - bier, ' ailliberties accorded; and so, in 'spite of dngfi, and men, she has taken lb hunting; lifts her ears fiercely to the sound of the bugle, ranges herSolf th'elounds, and leads the pack, which sometimes to its chagrin, arrives,' in time to see .puss with a flying leap pinance upon the bird and hold bard till her master appears. Her master ie 'Garibaldi. An .eloping couple on Long Island wero pursued and captured by the ' l's. mother last week. She pum. -meted the young man ',soundly and carried home her daughter. pZS- - Proni emerii ~iolitical weapon, and therefore a luxury, the newspaper has come to be an every-day commo dity. e.l - 43 husinese must be conducted on thes t iiame which apply to dry plods, groceries and'cutlery. Its Atttachei,anOr ought t0,.,p), business - men. It is - a - public'eonveyance, a ve-, 'hicle of thought 'and . :'general geneo. It hae no' more claim to con sideration outside of its intrinsic value than a sack of coffee; and though per- Sone who call' themselves "members of tho 'gross" frequently urge their do mande by reason of some mysterious attribute that basin° . foal 41Stoneo, the plain matter-Off:let `commercial stabiltird tc; trita at large still remains in fdree'and applies to 'tho profession' of journalism. You subscribe for a,paper as you order-a certain brand ‘-of cause you liko it. -It'suits you.: , "You advertise in a nevaptiPo t r;"nOf beeause You, 'llke'the individuals„ connected ,With it, buV , because. it, answers - the purpoee:_of popular communication which you -wish-to • establish; No' pa 'Oer,•hile„ a right to,becomeas4pendia ry on' the*friends of its owners or edi tors. A. paper-which is not its:own support , is not worth ' supporting:” A nihrlietuble' aiticre will always sell readily ,'and a 'Marketable 'newspaper isno„excoption to the puertryissio.—We had thought the day. of,prize-fighting in America had passed; but we were pained to see that another Of these' brutal -exhibitions toOk'place last Week near New Orleans between 'Sem .IlJaco- and Tom Allen,— Jem won at the end of ten rounds, whichlaated forty-five minutes. We Chink the sensibilities Of our good peo ple would be'extremely shocked were they obliged to witness such an exhib ition as this in their midst, but it is not surprising to 'us that at a prize fight in a: city all_the rOughs 'congre gate 'to bet on their favorites, and if anybody ,has ion 'much money about hitn, he sometimes goes. away with less, having been relieved of the same by some, expert •pickpockei... "Birds l ot a feather will flock togetheeand if their judgment can't , teach them anything, then let their 'experience make them' feel. j'We suppose Jere lace wont hold his haners •iong,. as every bull-dog prize-fighter__ in the country,Will challenge,him t and teach him that uneasy, indeed, lies the crown tin such a victor's head. " 'SHOCKING CALAMITY. - A heart !ending affair occurred one mild north of Oakville Sttition, oppo- Site Catskill, on the Hudson, at eight o'clock Sunday morning, which result. ed in the drowning of the well known doorkeeper of the Assembly' in 1869, Mr. R. A. Decker, and his two sons. It appears that the youngest son, Jas. 'awakening in the morning before the other members of the family went down to the .beach in front 'of the house and got in a small boat to play. Accidentally-stumbling he full 'out of the boat into the river.' His frantic cries for help were heard by Mr. Decker, his father , ;who was still in bed, and who rushed from the house to save his eon. Ho entered the water and waded towards the lit tle fellow, but when be reached him both were so exhausted that they at once disappeared to rise no more The noise, it seems,:als3 attracted .the tention of Deibert Decker; another•and older son, eighteen years of age, who was also in bed. He, too, hurried out and waded in, but sad to relate,-seem ed to become at once exhausted and sunk. , The bodies of all three wore soon after recovered. The affair oast a gloom. over all classes in 'the vicini ty. The Mother and: another son ' are left to mourn their triple loss, Death in the Clouds. INDIANAPOLIS; IND., May 4.—Yester day evening the following note was dropped from a balloon high in the air moving in a southeasterly direction,. near Montpelier, Blackford county, this State. It was fastened to a loose piece of wood and iron weighing about ono and a half pounds : • "Sailed from 'Toronto, April 28, for Now York: met with adverse , winds, and by a sudden movement of the bal loon, Mr. Lagrange was thrown out, I suppose' as near as I could determine, over the.southern part of Michigan:— Not knowing how to manage tho ship it has been tossed to and fro in all di rections since ho fell out. faun alone, and no earthly power can save me. I drop these lines hoping some human will find them and communicate to my parents-the tidings of my melancholy fate. To heaven I. commit- my soul. Please send- them -this note. Ralph Lawrence, Upper Canada. (Signed) , . "BERTIIALAVIRENCE."• ms..A.tneng the incidents of the Rich mond disaster are .many of an exceed iogly,romarkable Character. , Nor abern lady and g entleman , Miss. Fro thingham, and her father, of Brooklyn New York, who Wore viewing the surrounding country from the cupola of the building at the time of 'the sad. event, were entirely cut off for nearly two hours, and• were kept in terror in their lofty prison, • from which they could witness the movements of the excited crowd below, the 'display of dead and dying on the square, the endless scene of confusion, with 'the tolling of bells, wailing of women. and children, .without the remotest idea of the of it all. in this predicament they remained, all escape being cut off 'by the failing of .the staircase by which they had ascended, until by breaking through a skylight they succeeded in reaching.the open air, where they be held in all.its horrors the disaster that nearly included them among its vie, tims. A Kansas city baker, with horse and wagon, was thrown over the bluffs of that city recently, a distance of 100 feet. The horse was instantly killed, the wagon wrecked, but the baker es caped without a hurt. M.Ptiriand ACquitted, NEW Youx,_ May* 10.=-The the IlL'Farland ease returned a verdict of not guilty; which was greeted with much enthusiasm, and WFarland was diseharged': froth' custody, Ira meth: ately after Recorder Hackett bad fin- ! ished his charge, 'the jury,''accorepa- - nied: by Captain 11FOloskey; of the court squad, proceeded' to - . the Jury room and were locked in' by : the cap: tarn. The court room presented an almost indescribable scene while the jury was out: - Everybody was talking excitedlyito his neighbor, and the la dies influenced by the utmost agitation. An occasional stir in the ,court room near the door drew iMicnei diatd attention thereto, and the people started•up-only to Bettie back again and wait.. When Abe juyy,od, vet urn, and marched eloWly into the• room and to their,seats, the most breatblCss excitement ,:prevailocl, and the„loug• f ,the andit draWn respiration .o ore' • „ could be, easily , heard,,,Ev,mry ey.e i was fastened upon the,,jurois and Ar.gar, land hiinself gazed upon.theMintently as if trying to fathom the'calmness of their. : visages and learn hisfate,,•The jury, toOktheir ,seats and,,the clerk called . the namo'of the, foreman was ,ealled , upen i fer's verdict... He ‘ rose, and hers, came a moreetit,Ofintense In reply the 'foreman 'Said : ,111!Farland not guilty." ,The jury was then Milled. The scone, which folltv:. `ed baffles description. The enthusi asm reached such.a height that it was impossible to suppress the noise, and the pont, up,, emotions, of six : long weeks were given vent,in a most,dem oostrative manner. , a!Failand : wee surrounded by a, number of friends and hands-shaking; Warm andnarkeet, 'was„ diyided 'between hini and the counsel "for the defense: :31.'FarlakI was discharged , from custody.; bylte. corder Hackett, and passed out of, the court room into the streets the man, followed by the most of the people. , A Deitruotive Hail Storm at Phila.. delphia. . PHILADELPHIA, May,B.— r rhis, after noon the ~most destruotive„,hail,storm ever known hero passed over ho -city 'from 'bot:thvie'st to Southeast. , Per nearlY"thirty minutes there Was a.eoti tiouous fitt,f,of ,hailstlnes, from, the,size, of a pea to.six or seven inches n in pir eumferanite. The 'damage, dpne,great ,ly exec:Odra thatof the storm nf eptorn ber, ON: Tii6 greatest fordo of the storm_ was along Broact,stri..qt,, southern seation - nt' the city. Oil' the south side of Chesnut street, aboVe Eighth, hardly a p:itiO , ofklass, Oh Broad' street !. Many, churcheslul staineclzfaSs )viotliyivstiestroyd: - . The window's in:' frOnt" of the' Continental Hotel w6ro,detitroyed. litiOrts from total deetinetion v of fruit trees, which' we're just in 'bloom. At nine o'hh bit to night the bail still remained in pi)es iii thrstreots. The stoym,did not extend across the Dela Ware river to. Camden, and dis patches from the interior say, then) was no hail there. Many of the hotels were greatly damaged, especially the Bingham' Rouse, corner of Eleventh and Marka — streets. The winclows were shotterod in:the whole` front of the building. , A funeral procession proceeding from a !Muse in Seirimteenth street, below Pine, was caught, is the 'storm; Tho . horses attached to 'the ,hearsehii: came antuanak,eable' and •i . an Away. The horses of several of - tho'carriages followed, arid' the vehicles seining in collision the wheels of the hearse were broken off, and tho hearse, with the corpse of'a child in it, overturned. , Brutality Unparalleled. FORT SCOTT, KANSAS, May 13.—An account of the most diabolical affair ever recorded is published in -, to day's Monitor. On Tuesday six . men, either Texans or blraggling out laws from Indian Territory, - came to the town of Ladoro, a'few miles south of this place After drinking all day they went to the boarding house of 'N. J. Roach and asked to"stay all night. Being refused on account of their drunken condition, one ofthe party knocked - Roach in sensible with a revolver'; and then' they went'to the bed-occupied by-two daughters of Roach, aged twelve and fourteen, and ravished them during' the entire night, using a knife to ac• complislutheir purpose:- Roach revi ved after a time, but he feared to-stir, knowing he would be , killed if he:did so. Ho describes the cries and 'en treaties of the(girls as heartrending.— A:quarrel arose among the demons,and one was shot dead while in the act - of satisfying his lust. At daybreak the party fled, ono taking:with him to the woods the youngest 'girl:- The town was immediately aroused, , and parties started in every direction in search of the fiends. The one,with' the girl *as soon overtaken andlning to a tree.— Two others were found secreted-in the town and hung to the same tree. The remaining throe were also captUred; and two of them hung. The other one, at last accounts, was-in-the' custody of the• citizens; but will probably share the fate of his companions. The' uni versal verdict here is that =in Ihisl in stance atleast : the summary manner of the infliction of punishment is en tirely justifiable. • ,There aro thirty.tliousand volumes in the publie.libvaries of Minnesota. At a recent sale of old coins in Now York, a one-cent piece of 1800 brought $35. At. Indianapolis, Indiana', thwyoung colored nien 'aro about organizing a branch of the IC. M: C.' A. A 'Western salooe keeper's.'fret) lunch was' devoured by a stray 'Colt which cleared the bar of everything but dishes. `'An Old' man" who IS over eighty years old, and has just:o6:W his fifth wife, is called by his friends. "the ref uge for old and indulgent females." At toe: Sun Francisco "Home for inebriates" the steward brings around "drinks for Ale crowd", three times a day 1, , • Cuban robbers approached a cottage on the run,•cry "The troops are corn ing!" and when the 'family have fled, pillage at their leisure. A Miss'•Vansel, near Waveili, noik is the owner of one thousand acres of land in cultivation, and is her own general superintendent, • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Elfill Ad ooli.—Agentreell 100 per 1, oak. Price s`; II tireee L STEBBINS IThrtford, Ct. $25 t. D .:";;:i i° sWl'4,`ll l fer:P. 97i!V.;1." MEAP4ILLE TOOLOGIOAL SCHOOL.—Unitarlint 111 educates Ministers ;$lOO a year to poor students; be: gillsg 2.9. 2 -" Apply to A. A. LIVERMORE, , y 17,•,dr . - i - .; Meadville, Pa. -- tiIEFRICCS, HOW STRANGE!—The Married Who UPrivate Companion contains the desired information. Pent free for stamp. Address Mrs. If. METZGER. ' May 17 9w. Hanover, Pa, WE WILL PAY AGENTS a salary of $25 per weak or Wallow a large commission to sell our now Inventions Aeldteas, , -_,J, , WrPRINK•it CO:Ottarehallpfleb:SAlT:4t 111/ANTED, ,free, gfela gratis to' 1115 every live man who will act lig our Agent. Dulness light and lionotable pays 1,30 per day. Address, May 17.4 w. .R. BIONRON KENNEDY & CO., I • , j Eitteburgh, Pa. 'DOGE* AGENTS 'WANTED.--"Ladies of the White L rim, ,e ,No woppoOtiota, .fiteel. engraving ''~ Rapid Dales. For circular., address U. B. PUBLISHING CO., , Bay Clacirioalllind Chicago. SA L ESp4 EN WANTHD inn paying bueinose. 8 gENNEDT, 418 Chinitnut St, rhila. PSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION OR SOUIeCtIARSI- 1NC1,400 „pages ; cloth. Title wornlotful • book boo full ircettrictione to enablo the reader to fulcinixto - 'either sex. or any animal.- at will. 'll eentorinm, , Ritithualiam, and htindroda of other, curious experiment% 1./5 can bo obtained t .0,114 ' with 10 cunt. r poltage, to T. W. iIiVANS eco., 41Sonth 'Metall Street, 1 , 11 k7' 1 74 1 f.' 14, t • •Phibidelthla .STAR SPANGLED DANNELLA . IargeAO column pa per, Ledger size, illustrated. Devoted to Sketch* Po etry, Wit, Humor, genuine fue•Noerenso (of a_eeneible kind), and to the expoeure of Swindling, llumbuge Ao Only 76 cents a year, and a auperh engraving "Dv:keg° line," 144:2 feot, - giatii, 30,000'otraulation. Money re funded to all who ask; ft.. , It hi • wide-Ai-eke fender'', truthful. • Mry,fi elm -,76 crate a yea r .. Bpecimeni free May 171 w. Address "BANNER,''llindale, N. A. • P'At.9O I .IEIIM"TES: Inventors who wi eh to take ont Lettere PtiA - nines ad: Thad to conned with Mann 8 Co., editors of the' nSclen t Iflc Atrierlcan, :who have ,proncuted claims .before the Patent 011icelOr 'Over Twenty 'yeafe: Their American and European Patent Agency Is the moat extensive to the world. Charges lees than any other tellable agency. A pamphlet containing full Instructions to 'inventors la sent gratis. MUNN A CO., Nay 17-4 w -"• -37 Park Eow,'N. Y. ONE MILLION ACRES OF • CHOICE lOWA 'LANDS FOR BALE; et s3Rper acre and - upwards, for curb, or en credit, by the lowa Railroad Land Railroads already built through the lands, and on all sides of them. Great inducements to settlers. Read for oar free pamphlet. It gives prices," terms, location,; tells/ who should come worst, what they should bring,*wlitit It , will. cost; gives plans and elevations eflB dillorent styles of ,ready-made booms, which 0116 Company furnish, at from; $250 to $4,000 ready to.set up. gaps sent irdeelred. "Address W. W. WALKER, Vice President, May 17.4 w • Cedar Rapids lowa. 14C•c) .- nE3C.cailasel. Being a cripple,thaveMadoittorlse . platinitig study. One built last skim box proved a model of con venience, beauty, and economy. Descriptive circulars of Plans, Views, etc., with general Inforruation of vain. to all, sent free. Address' a Ith etairitior eeript if convent-' ant, GE0..7. 001,13Y, , Arcliitect,yfaterbury,Vt, • ml7-4t • - ssl' • $lO. HUNDREDpor Agents mskelroni Yai to $lO Per day. In selling our Talut Rztonsion Ilse! and Swifts, combin ed. Used in ovary fondly for winding yarn, bilks, Wors ted, Sc. Winds full sized skein, add