''TERMS - arTlir GLOBE Pcr rp;ui;xiSfn k iiiiv'x'lTC'eLri Six tnbnths- RI MEtM I=rl==! - - 1 lime. ••' 2de .2 do 1 month One inch, or less • $ 76 - $l. 25 - sl_6o, $t 76 Two 4 limbeS — 1 50' 225 2 25 Three - Inches, 225 - 3 - 25..:.:.T400'• '4 75 3 mouths, 0 montbi.' •; I,Year One.inoli, or less t 4 00 00 Two 'inches, 6 25 - 1 9, , 00 00 Three inches oo ' 12 oo ..... 00 Nopr inches, 10 75.4-.1..--.16'00 • 025 00 Quarter Column, 13 Oa"' — lB Co Q. 30 00 Hag column . , te 00 30 00 ...... 00 One colimii; 30 00 45 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines; pfiexceri " • ' WOO Adintnistraterk an;d IliCe - Cuteq7' Xotices, times, $2 50 Auditors' NotiOca, 4 timei ' - • •2•00 Estray,nr-otbar.short -1 60 ,A•dtartisesuita.siberdarkalftaikh the iiumber of inter on a desired, will be continued till forbid and charged so- ording to these terms. ••• " • • Local or Special Notices, 10 cents a lino for elogluLn. sertum. By the 3 ..ar at a led.. a rate. ' Our prices for ths:printing of• Blanks, nandlullit, etc. are reasonably law. ••• .1 " •• ; I'D C 5510111 gIIZIIICSS OriarbS. -0 4 • f . • •.• • if * oa. A.. B 81--, - • A O•_i-:-K.-_--_•U-•-G-- i,ti _,—. j• 1/Acing permanently located at Huntingdon, offers . prens,teni sem.ae to tinrporniniatity., ~ „ , , , . °lnce, the coma no `dint ltittlyincoupled.ll.l)r: , Luden en trill etrnuct e ::,: . ;:::2 _I -Y, ", , ,t1t1; cir .1 . ):. ePIO,IEt,6 R~Jt? 31Y K9CULLOCH, offers his r . erp essponi son ices to thegi o f I[unttug~loo 4 4 , Lin eiciutty. titien on Hill'ennet, one door cantor line4's eJrug tore.: Aug. 28, '65. ALLISON MILLER - • 4 IS nu removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court Rouse. 13,1859. F. 1• J. GREENE, . t , Rhtitlth`: - • Unice removed to Laster's; New Building, JUR Street, Iluutingdoo. July 31,1857. -•' BUNTINGDON, PENN'A.' JOHN S. MittElVPioprietor. April 6, 1670. . 4(3 ? - V B , T P N ' • .71V,s; erli`ikeE GEYT, HUNTINGDON, PA Office on Smith street. J A. poLLf CK u n 91 rREA L ESTATE AGENT ! . 4H.te, 6 Will attend to Surveying in all its branches, and will buy and evil Real Eatato in any part of the Unih,l relates. bond In: circular. dec29-tf rrt W.-31.Y 1 17 . 0Nr ' 1 • ATTORNEY AT L4:1T7,;,, 1115NTINODON, PA (Alice %till J. SEWELL STZWART, Esq. 176 S - T3 f i rifiri It? 6 - PN. .10Mce on ' lllll street, throe doors asst of Smith. - i 7:';=::a 7/ 1! 4i I rkra k im. s.s.p, 4. , FLEAILNG, AYTORNEYS-A.7 l :_bk "'" 4 . 1k0 spfund fluor 0fj,61/dat'u, building, on. strEet. rdribiuues nun °Ula Elanns collcetCd. tn3.ld'bO ILN ,(1Y -TOR, ,COLLECTING I , ,ty AND All hu may huve any clnifila Ageinet the GoVernnlenl /Jaunty, Ilta.k Pay and Peneeme ' can hare their claim o we} tly Lolleckelthy avvlying_eithcr je wean nr Py tun Cu W00.04,.1;% ATTORNLY AT eor, • ItUi4TlNalruzl, ra. - aeg12,1663 AtTIEN ...:At..7I,TOI:4IYEZ. .3 4PANTViCIDON,:rA..., '• at r.,4poolat attention given to Collections' or: all kinds ;-to tho Betts...tent oC 1-states,-&c;, and ull ythef,legal latsi nong pro - setufea.ti / lab? JBOHN E 007.. EABBEI T. i 000 x , JOHN It. BAILEE , name pf has 1..)p1u ;dfrt'itir kit/ 1311.011'N, to . SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY cantor hich haute they will hereatt r conduct [heft practice as ' .1'Jf.1!.f0.11.21 . 7E1:8 AT . LAi1 t ,..110.11 - 211NGDAS,' PENSIONS, mid all claims ufeoldeira and gait:here baba spinet the timernatsht;rlll beyribiptiy proaccuter May 17, ' " - " VaLS - at. Lytle & Milton. S. Lytle, . • • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, -••J 1 . .>!L ItN'ilhOOthit PA./ • Ilave„ . .formed a kartneralik• under...the name and firm •cof r 0..• f.: PAL. & .111.. S. LYTLE • • .„.„ And have removed to the office on the south side of mit street, fourth door Beat of smith. —• ' , yr • •• • They . tvia attend promptly to all Maids of legal bust late entrurted to their care. -',,' • ' arar-tf. JOSEPH ABT, ORA Pf ' D I tDEA I LCII IbT WILLO . W ' AND SLEIGILBASKETS, •, Of all sizes and descriptions, ALEXANDRIA, LIUNTINCIDuN CO., PA. June I, latia-tf LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID -.HUNTINGDON INSURANCE AGENCY. " - G. B. ARMITAGE, SIUNTINGUUN t PA. , Repress at the most lethala Companies in the Country. Rates as low Eis is consistent with rentayle indemnity. hcp 2, 'OS. pital Represented over $14,000,0 111)LANKS! BLANKS ! „PLANKS ) - - • „. • ,CONSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACII'T EXECUTION ATTACHMENTS, , ,r EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, " ' ' • DEEDS, .SUBINEXAS. MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, • • , JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, ' NATURALIZATION BEL ..COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT DONDs, ;WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, .NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. :JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of •and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case .of Assault nod Battery, and Affray, FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECIIII4S,'ror, State, County, School, ;Iturough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office o stile HUNTINGDON, GLOBE. ISLA NICs, of every description, printed to order, neatly At shot no ice, and on good Pucci., , W. 11. LEAS, =1 ulLioN SPEED, DAVID DABRICF ha,, uzon Bank of Ifuntingdor,' (Lnto John hare .tz C 0.,); lIUNTINUDON, PA paid 'up, CAPITAL, Soheit accounts from Ilaaks, listtkess and otheiSA ,iibetAl _lnterest allotted on Imo Deposits. All kinds f boukbt alul Fold for tho usual counnis,don.— Collections made Ott all points. :2.urope mtpplied at the usual rates, reinOth3 depositing Bold nut, Silver mill receive the onto return w. 9,11 Wrung. Thu partners ain indirid sally linhle to the extent of them mhole property fin nil Veptrad. • " 1 hr tinfin:shed business of the Into ftrin of John Bare A. Co. n i ii be complelo . d Joy , The Union Bank of Huntingdon tf C. C. NORTII, Cashier. (I . 7 INDOW 'CnitTAJN PAPERS I'LAiiG-E STOCK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED • ,LBAVIS' BOOK STORE 4:- (0 1 00 MEM =lll 11111 WM: LEWIS . ' ••: _ , HUGH; ,LINDSAY,, • .. , ;1, ~, • „ , - • ---- • TOE 'XXV HOW TO CURE CO'NSUIVii4IIiN. 2 PIIICOSOPiIY ,0111Dit. ,SCHENQK'S m Ewen; peoplonet er, learn to know, that a 4h,entie'd liver and stomach,nacessarily disease the entire nbstew 2. The plainest, prin,,ipl i es of eom [emu tiOtee teach tie, and yet them ore .handisde -.who, ridicule ,the itlra, and ~continuo in jhe moron which 'almost . , inevitably itictuatuteli t the ginve.i.lblying•ns o the majority of the people do, aicomplete_ variance with Hui laws of nature, it must be apparent to all that, sooner or nattrAw . ifflrtivente herself.. tin) ttat persons who indulge Iti paces in the use of very rlch. 6 , of indigestible food or intoxicating driuka, invariably pay O. heavy penally in'the - otirit Thenromach becomes din ,Andsratl and iefusos totaet: the liver fails to, perfornr its functions, dispepein and its attendant evils foliate; tend milli Hie suffering Individuals persist in clinging to t the th6rouglilf - ekpinded idea of the past.' Dr. SCHENK'S medicines era reeemnieffiled to all sueli.• They biing Tura and certain relief wherever,. they are used ns directed, and nil that is necessary establish, their) reputation , with eierY ‘ ailing man or, woman in the landif a fair and impartial trial' of (hob.. Lot Maim who are skeptial ou tlps point, and who have permitted interested persons to - prejudice them against these now ceiehnifed remedfes for ;!consumplitin, discard their grejudffies, and ho', , gagerned .by the pi,inciples of reason Jni, common Bonier, „If the ~,systent is disordered depffifi l nrclaA jn nine cases out of teh theiscat of tbh disorder 111.4, fotindin Hike totuach I 'and liver. To cleat* pa I.,r)go,atp Illoptomach and to ethnulate the healthy action, use I 11ANDEAKE PI dairY'hierdine Jog demand tor these pills in, the hest • evidence of their edlito. jrhousecalb upon litimstuadi of boxes aresold daily. 'Why 7 I Simply because they net promptly,and efficiently Invalids ts ho mity'not Mid it convenient to call an Dr. - SQIIENCK in person aro informed that ,Dill and com.. :ffiete dirictienti fiir use accompan) each package of the . 31 - ANDItAKII: PILLS, PULAIONIC SYUCP AND SEA ! WEED TONlC.—These medicines will cure .mstimptiott unless the lungs nre on fat . - gone that'the patient Is entim ly boy and the , reach of medical relief: - ,t . . . It may,be asked by those who. ace not, familiar. with Ilio irtucspf these great reifitidleti."llow db Dr. Sldtbnclr's medicin'elseffect them wondeffereares of donsunipliort ?" ' 'rife tdtWerii a simple ne,'," . Thoy begin 'their' Walt of restoration by bringirig:the'Stotahch, liver and bowels lateen satire healthy condition.; It is food ,thati.thres tine fotmidablo disease. SCHENCK'S MANDItAItE PILLS act on Km liser and stomach, promotive; Iteaj thy secretion. and rein." Mg the bile" Mid ADAM - Willa ihave result, d from the in:mine or torpid condition of these or go", atizgio...4tota of the 4 thil - Ilier - conktquenteccumnlatldullio an- hentrstats24 namet praxent,..tiopts petion Of Omni cdeje Net* . creates isease, w l tit i fltgoltitteatliateakt. hhOleiLess S C lALMuStO 8171HW and SEAISEED TON• IC, when taken regularly, mingle,with the,food, and .the ellgestivA organs, tnalto"aima odd 'rich bltioil.'and Mr a not. tool comiequenco,, give fleltand strength to the patient. Let the facility say ',rime It may, this Is the only true cure ter cent timpEott. t ~Expojience. kas proved beyond the shadow; of A doubt : mid titOlatlLldil artii,lcedaYildiku and well who a fete years since were regarded as, Impe• lesi cases, but who score induced to try,hri SCHENCK'S remadies„and, wean maimed to pea manent..hraltk by their . PT. " , o thp' . ffrat.,ateps 010 physician should,takaivith a cilniwilipti,e petient,ist o;iti igo ll lo the aY , tom. t is tips done? eettittply. not• by siring meat- Cines that ealmuat and poor vote—medicines ,that , impair instead of improve trip functlons of Ilia digestive organs Doctor Sell f,NCE'S medicines cleanse the stomach and boucle of all substances which ate Calculated to Irritate or weaken then,. They et rate an tippetito,promote healthful digestion—make giiiiilittlood, and, Ina a came. quence, they ineigorate aud, strengthen the entire Ira tom atAl.mtito especial ly,tliesii parts whiolt arc ilisceed If ihig clnuot.boidoliiythVo the ease most be regarded as. a hopeless one. myl2 60 n01.0.61a* , I,t ill, ph) sicinn finds:ftimpossible to make rialivnt feel hilhgry; gibe decedbetilportodeinthet &nuke of good liotitihi.Joyfood and prOperly.digoil It, •it is,'lmpootifile 'Ojai", lie eltarzain m nest, end strength .IsNi!Y impo.o!ilile to brid4 n pati.n e to 613 °end then to lonilas the lig,' 'clan ileuell itlhdise t ited Lite, and the. stomach ,laden wjth unhcohity slime,.. •• • it ' 'Almost! the Mot recudst made to the 'plissiehtn - n constintiAlto putretit Is Eliot' ho"witU'prbsciitld'itethelices 3 1,10.1v111 allay:the conglynight strentit and chillsilmixich are the afire stltendantB oil consumption. lint thishonid not ho dowry as in cough is only an effort Of entitle to i elk IC ilaclr eo,t thp - h1;2, - ht klOdalslihrchilki are enticed ht the diseased - lungr: - 'the renictlit's ordinarily pi eEenb• ett do y,oie perm than good., , T7te3.inip.tlr the, fundtions of the sioinuelt, inipeyle heal my digeotion, and . aggray.ite riitlier than ciliathe dibrate. • ' c l‘ficc - All, nothing like facts which to substan• tint° a p.i!inll, 411,4 it ii upon facts that lir: S„FhouGk's toilet. 'Nilu ty all u li b have titkon his medicines. in ue :ordititcs hills his du actions hare not only bosh cured of coniuniptiondent.froinAilt filet thlr t the,sg medicine.. net it with ondeffOrOtrictiphn thedige tvatorgan., pat butte thus curi,..lspeolnly gain Beet.* Cleansing the systeln ;of all' hanutilfea, they lay the foundation, for IL BUM,. nub? atan'tial , strne.itre.. Restoridg 'Altos° 'organ.. to h6alth, Ahoy create nu ttpodite. The food is prot.hrly .613)1114a ted ;thy nu:intik) of bioodis not _int,ly :Increired, .hut ,is modeilea tidalstrolig and the face °Noah a • conylitibn of .1... o eteat all distant mdet be tarnished. . , r nit lilt ecLbvtgAtecokupouy,otteur.ok e tike medicines, eo (lint it i 4 noValiidlneelYtieceisniy, that:patient& eltould /toe Do :Nal EACIi, peronnady, unteas they tiOXII to have their hinge ex mi ned." 'Our' this purpose he'ls nt his of. nee; N 0.15 North sixth St.,.eorilee of Commerce, Ptak., every tlaturday, Iron 9,A. M. mild la:. Si. - Ads ice is given IA Ithollt diingo, , Wit fora tnorongit ex nminatiott with the Ite,piriAneter the eliaigele $5. , Price 01.01 4 DIDIIOOO Syrup and Senn d Tonic $1.40 pet bottle, or $5.50 to half dozen yltuult eke Pills 25'Centii For'eale by all druggists: Ap. "GOOD BOOKS FOR ALL." "BOOR'S .111.1 CH, ARE Bob . Here' is allst of such IT'orksa9 should be tedidillev,. ory Librarywithin the tench of every reader—Works to entertain, bush net rine nit rove tint mind. Copies is ill Implant by return post, on receipt of price. „'„ ,Wcw Physiognomy; or, Signs of Character, ae manifested through Temperament and' External 'Yonne." and especially in the .11unaln Foci, Divine'— . -With 111000 than One Thonsand Illustrations. By S. It Wens. Price In one 12ino volume, 765 pages, hand ' Futilely-bound, $5 • - v ' • Tait ; in Gcjw.. ' si ' s and in Geology; or, the Bi blical account of Stan's Creation, tested , . by :dentine -Theories bf , his Origin and antiquity. By Joseph D. Thompson, DD LL.D. Ono vol., 12mo. •$1 ' Il'ed/ock; or, the, Right Relations of the.Ses au. Disclosing the Loan of Conjugal selection, and _ shooing oho may andulto may put Marry.. For both sues. By Sit Wells . 51 60 LlOlO to Read Character. A new Illustrated handbook of Pht etiology and Physiognomy, fur -stu dents and examiners. with a Chat t for moon ling the Sizes of the ditlerent organs of the brain, In the deline ation of Chat acter, tt nth upwards of 170 engravings.— Muslin, $1 25 Education; Its elementary Principles found ed on the nature of man. IlyJ G Spurcheim, 31 D. Web an Aptiondix, coot nett ngtho Temperaments and a brief analysis of hid Fiicufuee. Ilhiltiated. $1 50 ,- .Family Physician. - A ready Prescriber and Hygienic Adviser. :With reference to the Nature, Cameo, Provi•ntion, and Treatment of-Diseases, Acci dents, and casualties of et err kind. 11'ith a Ulossary and copious Index. Sly Joel Show, 61 D. 111uslitr,S1 Food and Diet. With Observation's on the Dietical regimen, suited for disordered states of the di gestit a organs, and an account of Iho Dietaries of some of the pi incapal Metropolibm and other establishments for pinins, Lunen., ci Bulimia, children, the sick, de. Ity.Jouatlamßelinia, MD, 511;S.; and lL Si Edited by Charles A Lee,3l D. $175 Ifand-Book for home linimovement ; eompri - alma, '.llew to W 1110," How to Talk," "How to Be. have," and "flow to Do Dulness," In one vol. $2 25 Constitution of Man. Considered in relation to exsesaal objects. By George Combo. The only ou tfit:wired American edition. 11 ith tacitly engravings ,and a poi trait ut tile illation Muslin, sl ' 75 Moral Philosophy. By peor g . Combo. ' Or tho thaws Of Mai considered in lits Individual, Domes. tic and :eocial capacities. Reprinted trout thu Ldin -burgh id.; NN Mt the author's latest cot rectione. $1 75 Afental Science. Lectures on, according to ! the Philosophy of Phrenology. Delivered before the Anthropological Society. By Am'. D S Weaver. $1 60 Management of Infancy: PliS , sinlogical and .11trivat Treatment. ;By Andrew Cambe, DI D, A Book „for Mothers. lanolin , $1 50 Blinn j. 'An Illustrated Poem. By Annie Chambers Ketchum. Published in the elegant sty le of Enoch Arileh. A beautiful present. OUP Fables. ' The People's Pictorial Edi na.. ne.,atsvany inaamited nth nearly,sinty engra inv. Cloth, gilt, beveled hoards. Only sl.* Pope'&-J3ssayton With Notes.. • Beau toon3 Mush ated. Chitli, gilt; Levied boa de, $1 .NOtural Laws of Man. A Philosophical catecbsaya. tsy d,t t kcpolciyim, pusli!), cis. Froit Wre I or - the - .Million. A'Hand•book. Being a thud° to the cuttlratzun awl Istatitigutilollt of Bildt heel. Deberiptium 01 the best rarities. $1 lactose the amount in a registered letter, or in a I?. 0. Ord .r, tar one or hie all the above, and address S. It. Publisher, 350 tin oadaay, Now York. Agents 11 anted; ''• _ Melia I=l $50,b00 E'er 1)..A.1 - P 11 4 .7,1 1 - ..KAYER, I 'rowing Pape,,,r,k , • • • " , • • ' I Lela cnion ' , Meaning, Paper, lle:d Peper,• • . . - Tissue Paper, , • , k Papix for Flowere, 'Perforoted Papor, L pistol Beata, • : Flat Cep rape.r, • • foolscap Paper, • • - Lulter Paper, C,ouitorchil Nato Paper, .Indinte•ollt Edged latter ono Note Paper, Ladies' Hain and Fancy Nott, Paper, With° and Colored Cal ti Paper, In Paelot mud Sheets, or sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationer) and Music Store. COIINTItY _DEALERS cap buy CLOTH INC Mun me in Il ti unngdon at WHOLESALE al oh, op as they can in the no I Love a at holelKle store in /lilt/Well - ill in. - ' • • LI. ROMAN. =II I= - - I; -”t::1, HUNTINGDON,' PA., TUESDAY, MAY 10. 1670. THE' •• IWanufachAring Corripariy; ',WEATE.EIpICA:RNEN,d 2 ' FLOORING, i „ DOOR • )1;4 . • ,; . 1 j; /Pi,(l, :t. • r , ti i:4)41'":.. ! ;!; ,i; „• ~:,; 14; ~ f i; , ; I,r - fP , z• und.F,EL:LX,ES, quantitiosokrnt rdeeilicorders for. • ordireTsfiOnlaib,e ',addressed !ti) D. W. ARTLEY, President, • ''- 'Huntingdon; Pn., June 16, 18694. O ZO. K. STEEL: ~14TSTO:i r S. LYTLE. SAMUEL A. STEEL lIE FIRM OF STEEL, LYTLE & T valet, baying located on their tract ofland'with fn two miles of the borough of Huntingdon, a -- • • \ 1 STEAM SAW. MlL4eo"7° ard g' r ,••• are prepared to manufacture all kinds of • OAK AND PINE LUMBER. The mill will be run to Hi utmost capacity and will bo In operation during tine mntlre Ennui:tier and part elite autuntu months. They unit be ennobled to furnish Imm.: bar in huge quantities, mtd,ofall dimensions, at the low eat cash prices. Ordere tespectfully solicited. Lumber delivered at the Penna. Railroad, or renal. r: , -; r : , , 1 "''linniinidon,"April 22, 1868.11 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS.' •• ••.•..• • • EMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, H Soarde, Plank, Shingles, Plastering and Shingling' Lath. constantly,an, hafal.. • , • • • •• I t orked Flooring, Shali, BlInda; Via - re/Door andrIVII 4ow, Fratnes, furnished at lnanufab wars' prices. 7 • ••• OPain and coaulry prodoct.genorally bought at , market rates. WAGONEIt L . .11E04' •' • auk:26.V ••• . • - , PhilipaburF, Centro ro.,.Pn. • We.stliuntingdon Foundry. - -JAMES' SIMPSON' : „ 3 -• NANIMACTUZIES MACIIINES, FARM DELLS, SLED AND SLEIGH SOLES. WA6I ON BOXES, II KETTLEs, ‘ For Earnaces, Forge., Grist aniPSaw Mills, Tanneries and nrickyto de, AND JOB womr. GENERAL. . . . ARCHITECTURAL & OhNAMENTAt Iron Porticos and Verandah., I)alconies, Columns and Drop Ornament 'section fiortiebs and raandiths,` " Window Lintels and Slll., Coot Ornamonts for woodenlintele, . Cellar Window Gnnrd. all slaps, Chimney Tops and Thies, Saab Weights, Carpet Str ips, Registers, floaters, Coal Orates, Vault Coatings for coal and wood collars, A thole, Iree.hoy s, Lanip.posts ilitcl.l4proSis, Iron Hauling (on porticos, aerundnbn, balconies, Sower. Yard and Cemetery Fence., etc. hcoler gitention paid to fencing Cemetery Lotte. Address JAMES SIMPSON, Huntingdon, Pa. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. =I BLAKE Sr, MeNEIL;' is.uccesiwo.th‘J.w. CUNNLNOILUI `.4 SON,) Iron and Brass Founders ;; lIIINTINGDON, PA. " IRON, Qnd. 13RASS CASTINGS made in a first class Foundry. Wo have always on lined all „ kinds of plow, and StoveTastlngs, Wash „F • Kettles, Cellar' inflows , Grates, Coal hole orrirtN,;;;;;' eflaingli for pavements, Window weights ru all sizes and weights, ripoioints, Sled atm deign poles, ,Wagon boxes, Machine Castings, for steam and water, gebt, saw, sumac and plastoi. " mills of ail descriptions. HEATERS AND IRON FENCES, of ilto.most improved etylo, oxen doors and ftames,, door Mlle: and in ihot every thing Made in this lino, -- To,hityaY, le her stook of patterns, nod Can furnish cos- Hoge at Opt notice, 411,1 cheaper ttied tlipy ,can be had in.tliniontitry. 111 as leg a good drill, - %o greproliftred to do drilitneand fitting - op of all 011 ice in Liestars' New Building, 11111 street, Hunting don, Pa. Mich. 17, 1869. - "BLAKE do 1114:811IL. ' N. a GOIIA 4 , ,-- • - P. ALLIE.N 84.011ANAN NEW - STOVE AND TIN STORE. BUCHANAN, ALLISON &.CO Have opened a new store in Yentinis pow building, In the Diamond iltintingdou, Va., and have ready fur tale a largo assor tment of : Cook and Parlor Stoves, SPEER'S REVOLVING LIGHT; '• - • srl Nltns ANTI-DUST, • SPERM'S ANTI-DUST COOK STOVES, SMITH'S REGULATOR and EIMEKA COOK STOVES and LITTLEFIELD'S HEATERS Aleo,n,largoatroortmoot, of NED Pre>BB2)l) and lfgreat variety 'of Goods, never before , kept in this place. We also manufacture • TIN WARE TO ORDER. - Repairing, Roofing and Spouting done id Blunt noting Country Stores supplied %%Oh Tin Ware at city Confident of being able to inako it ddritutngennit to their . ettstombro they respectfully solicit ashore of.publie pa trothige. • ROOM IN YENTER'S NEW BUILDING , ; :„IN TIIIV DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA. , Jan. 6,1570' , TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED CONDENSED., FOR SOAP MAKING, Per sale wholesale and retail et Lewis' lied _Front Grocery. This Lye is said to be the 'best and 'eheapestin the market:; OIL gOTH . WINDOW SHADES ',GILT GOLD sopEs, - MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES,- • TAPE, pogn AND TASS.AIS LI, ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE Subacrib,o for Tw: (;rams." 111•111111 Slowly, slowly up the wall Steals the Burr:111113o, stealti , the shade; • Evening damps begin to fan, -; Evening shadows are di4playid. ;; ; Ro'und (• • ••All the sky, is grand .with:elou ' a's, , , - A n d o il yivt ; the evening rtir. IVheel the swallows home in elotids; ShafWoflounshine from west ;, „ Paint the dusky wiiiide.wsud; 1 Darker shadows, deeper rest, 'thidein'iletth, and ovdlietid. Darker, (birker, and more wan ; , my breast the shadows Tall ; '— ,Upward steals ihelifei of `iiian • • • - • Ati frobt the - • • From the wall into the sky, Fioni llic roof n7oiig the siiire Ali, the souls of ;Wage that'diel; • Aro but sunbeams lifteal , higher.i, • - —Long./Moto. . • The Bewitellea, 0)04., „;; , - AboittAalf paii.' i eftNen• - 'o'6lOck• on 'Sunday Pihr,h`f; a b`tifritin:leg,;'*eitieloPed in blue'broadolOth,"Might titeV6' lie Oft seen entriitg`Coplias:l3ttrberiy'ei ]kit- Oken . -: - Wr r id'ow." The leg 7 wairlollowed finally by tbd , obtind.ptirsou Of a lively. Yankee ; attiredin•.his`Sundsty.-go-to roeetin .clothes.:lt :wats'in stiOrt, Joe May woodvivho .thus , burglario tulip !;in ,the :load.of,niglit, won 11)S , , way , Into the deacon's kitchen: , , "Wonder how much the old deacon made by ordorin' .mo, pot. to :darken 'door ; ?" so)iiiiiiuied, the young nfrtS - 14: aProritip‘eli t hytri `would not, but didn't say nOth'in''s:hotit: ilerX WiiiderS•is just•tiWd!dod'•as doors, lit' tbkiro i din't no thins' to lege -yotir clothes onto.' Wonder if Sal'll carne :down=?- The critter promised me: , Ttn, afraid move here i . 'cause 'I: might 'break my shinsover suinthiit'ior Dotti er and wake the old folks. Cold epough.to freeze;a polurnbettr,- her,e.— [Ch i :hero comes , Sally !", :• ;, lartidep,„ ; ..deseeded with a smile, a tallow candle, ; Alta n a i llox : of, matchcs,.,.„,44er,,rcceir,i,pg a rapiprbus• groetipg n ark she tid p, e.,u,,a roaring fire in - the,cookiiidstO , o, apt' thO happy c • oupleSat • down f i e,,enJOy the sweet interchange, of .vie,we; ,and Biat 'fife d ePurie 'Of 'fine' lore nO j smobttier' who witsiniskindWhis - mind i.O•trat pis6lf 'to' a - liiss;rWaS,s . tartled h'y :the vifiee bf,the deacbOter''father,t shout ir.g from his chaniher dobr • - "Sally, what are you getting up ,in the middle of tho ?" him it's most:roorningin:wlis pored Joe. : ..;;5; .! • . "I can't,tell , him a, ftla,Vsuid.Sally.-. , ;,- ".T.'ll,.rnalto it ,a truth, thop,",,-said Jooi..and_running, to the huge old lashioncd clock, that Atood in the cor ner, ho sat it at five. "Look at the clock and toll me what 6nie'it is," o'llo the old gentleman,up stairs. • •. ." . .. , . ~ 14..'p five by the- clock," aoeweeed Sully:" and ceirrohoriiting the icords the clock etruckifire.' ' '''"' ' • - The 'lovers sat down ligain"And re• stfnied- the conversation. • Suddenly the stair attic : began 'to creak.'. '"Good gracious lithi•fathertm • • , "The deacon, by thunder-1" , cried '"Hide me, Sal !" • • • • "!Where can I hide you," criod the distracted girl. • - :."0h,1.1. know," said ho, "I'll squeeze into the clock ease," and without, an other word ho concealed himself in the case and drew the door behind him_ M. MARION AIcNISIL The deacon was dressed,. and sit :himself down by the cooking stove, pulled out his pipe, lighted_ it, and commenced smoking very deliber ately and calmly?'' • "Five o'clock, eh 7" said he. "IVell I 6EIII have time to smoke three or four pipes full, then go and feed the critters," •"hadn't you bettor go and feed the critters first, sir, and smoke after wards ? suggested the dutiful Sally. "No, smokin'“ clears my head and wakes me up," answered the -deacon, .who seemed not, a whit disposed to hurry his enjoyment. Bur-r-r-rwhiz z—ding--ding ! wept the•clock, "Tormented lightning !" cried the deacon, starting up, and dropping his pipe.on the stove. "What in creation is that ?" ".It's only the clock striking five," Said Sally, tremulously, "Powers of . mercy 1 " cried the .dea eon. '"Striking five I it's struck a hun dred already." - "Deacon Barberry !" cried the . dell. eon's better - half, who bad hastily rob ed herself, and now plunging down the staircase in the wildest state of alarm, "whait is the matter of the clock ?" • . „. . "Goodness only knows," reklied the old man. "It's be'eri - in tb these hundred years; itnd NI,. I know it. to carry on so beforAk.;. •W hiz ! bang I bang ! bang 1 • went the clock. !,.. burst itself I" cried the old la dy, shedding a flood of tears, "and there won't ho nothing left, of "It's bewitched," said the deacon, who 3...etaitied a loayen of New Eng land.superstition in his nature: "Any hciw," be said, after a pause, advaixer ing.resofutely ,toward, the clock, see w4t's got into it!" "Qh,,dOn't 1" Cried the daughter, iif fecLiouately one of big coat wife 'hung' to the oftier. ' : '"DO'n't"!" chorused lx)th the women togethe4. ' • ",rtes go raji-raimeutl" shouted the deacon; .".f ain't afraid of the powers of darkness." Bin the woinen would not :et go, so the deacon slipped off his coat, and while, from the sudden cessation of ' , :kesit!tenne,,they 101 heavily on the floor ;%=S‘, - ; 7 ; a. ! + Xai~~ •:: : ; f EMI -PERSEVERE:-: . , NIGHT-FALL. ' " "•• • , • • • 141; • S'r, , fr . - • 111. r • • 4 1: ; ' !,/,\" • , -4-•••-•,• • • ;• • [he ; ilarte,d forward and laid his band on the door of the clockease. But no human,p,ower could open it. . ,Toe : w,as holding it inside w,ith a death',grasp. ,Tbe„dettcop begun Lo ,be;'dreadfully frightened. 130 gaye one, more tug. 7 :- 4n, unearthly yell, as ,of,a,Aeid'in JliS itress' came from the a4d. { tl en tlke,elactleaso.pitclAed lieadfo'reinost,on the iloor, smashed :ite and,:wroey -9d improporiions. . ,purrqpt of , air extinguished .th,o liglALthe, deacon", .tlie old lady, and „p fke nip stairs, ,and, JO4 . At ily meod,ue2ori,caLkpg; lirriself from . :t),M cloclr o effeeted ,bia,retreti,t jo. thd :same way that he entered. The .ns4' : daY all Appleton ,carts alive with:the ,storyof 'how peapon Barb,errY''s,„citkac had been „hew:itched ; arid ; th9nghinany peljeval its version, some, and especi allY:4o.Slayweed, eff9;3ted, to discred it the whole, Affair,, hinting th4,,lbe deacon bad „been :trYipg thp„p9ri• spent .tasting,frOen cider, and. OA' -the,vagatles 0,09 „91,OCIett - se existed ,onlyfin ,disteropeyed imaginbtjon, ~ tho Rilliiinutiort, Pa., I!'..l.lllelin.] Death of Capt. SOlnes Brady. 'Some Limo; we Tiuhlishcd'-ah in "f `i.eating commiinication from the 'pen of ex-Governor w. JP...Packer, explain ling LUC true, origin of 'the name of Bald Eagle Creek', ,Ju which allusion wtis made to the triardei• of Oaptaiii . James Brad:i'; ; hy a,band of flat'agos com taan:d - of'fa Mehs - Indiari ,Bald gat g i c . accoh!it'of tlfat affair; together with the melatichbly .ddal:1; oflhis,fi l ither, may liniVe intet'est !ng to ~,oui'o r eadors„ wo propoSe' to sketcill it . . _ . • Qn, the ally. O.IA-114,';* lUB;6)l'9nel badheeti;ordered to'the Woe pranaliTalley.with Fegiinent i cif men, fdr,the';'proteetion of tljel, sait tlere against the Indians, selected corporal and ,some„eight Men cacti from.VOry Mirky to The, flirm of F i etCr:Smith; ar , ql, : gnard guard of feiffN w h ;were: cutting i! is" crop.* ,Peter Smith's fart,u,, was situated shoit;dist'aned below'Whe're port now stands, About a inOn6 previous his wife, and four cbildrembad been brutally, murdered, by the, BllVfl kcp, .anti.t,he _cutting •of It),lo'crPP .hc,o ;James' Brady, son, of ..daptain• Jelin Brady, anda younger brother of Capt. Sam. Brady, the famous Indian,killer, was ons,ofths,party. •It Avast,hp,cua tom in : those, days 'of peril, whop no coMmissioned,ofileer: was, prrsent,,for the company to aplect_a loader, whom they.styled,,,captain,.aadrOey,ed. him ,as such.,,;Young Brady, Op, aceoupt : pf his,shrowd ess, andApring, , was selec ted. to talco..,cerpmand!,of,44 party., which numbered:about ,twenty men ; They arrived at ,the. 'farm on FridaY, and stationing a. few sentinels,, pro ; ,ceeded to work. That night four of the party loft and returned to Fort Malley. Nothing unusual occurred during the , night, and the next day .they commenced work .early. The morning , ; was, quite foggy,-,and they ,had not ~woilied more than . , an. hour .before they were suddenly . surprised by, a hand of Indians who stealthily approached Hinder cover of the fog.- Thu •sentinels discharged their rifles, and ran towards dm reapers. A panic seemed to seize the party, and they all fled, with the exception of young Bra dy, who ran towards his rifle, pursued by three Indians.. _ When he was with in a few feet of it he • was fired at, but falling over a sheaf, of grain, the 'shot missed hinLl He immediately - road, and as he was in the act of grasping his rifle, lib , Was wounded by a shot, from an Indian. Ho succeeded in get ting hold 'of , his gun, and shot the first Indian dead..• Lie caught up another gun and brought , doWn a second sav age, when LIM cparty Closed around him. 'Being . stout, 'active. and brave. ho fought.thein' vigorously for a few minutes . At length ho was struck in -the head.withn tomahawk, and almost immediately -.afterwards received a thrust froma.speaa,* when 'he was so stunned that he fell. lib had no soon erifallen than -he , was, pounced' upon and his scalp ruthlessly torn from his head. It was considered a great tro phy by the Indians, as he had very long and•reinarkably red hair. A• lit tle Indian was then called and made to strike a tomahawk into his head in four places. The Indians then burri (idly departed. After'recovering :somewhat, he suc ceeded, by walking 'and creeping, in reaching the cabin of an old man named Jerome Van Nesa,near the bank Of the river. On 'hearing the firing, he :had concealed ,hinself; but on see ing Brady approaching him in his ter ribly Wounded condition, immediately went to his assistance.' - Jirmes begged the old man to, fly for his own safety, ris the, Indiana would probably soon return and kill Ile refused to"10t'vO him , but pro ceeded, to dress his frightful wounds as best he'eould. Brady then reques ted to be assisted down to, the river, ,where ho drank large qnantities of water. Ile they begged the m ' a ' n to bring his gun,. I'4llo ho did, when ho laid down and appeared to sleep. tls soon as the intelligence of the slaughter reached the fort, Captain Walker mustered a party and proceed ed to the spot. On their arrival where Brady lay, ho heard the noise, and sup posing that it was occasioned by Incli ne, immediatOlP jumped 'to hiti.feet, feadked , his Yille and-prepared tvfight, • Finding the . part); to be composed of friends, he requested to bo taken to his - mother at Sunbury. They placed him on a litter and took him away. party was 'made up 'to carry him•to Sunbury. 'They proceeded as rapidly *Seo . Ponnaylvaniti Arollivec f0r . 1777-78, .pngo 680; also, Ilny.ard's Itogiotor.; vol. IX, pap 00,7, J , t`, , •i,. .'"TE*I,IVC, ~$2,00 :a year in . advance: as prssible.: He constantly .thirsted fbr water-and aeon ,:bedamb:.delirions. When they arrived ,at , Su n Miry, It was late„at,night.,„ His, mother, ~however, had a presentiment that something had occurred, and meeting the pp i qy 'at 'the bank of 'the' to -Convey her wounded son) to -the House., :Ho prosented,a frightful spectacle s and. the grie,f of,,Liis.inether is, said te,b,aF.o been terrible. , ' The youn'g,Ca'Plain only fae days: ' Oii•thfAityle died 'his'idalion, returned and:lio , described the Whole sceco .-bad. ; Reseed- through; with, great minuteness.. ,knew :Oa lead er °Olio 'lndians to be,136.417Ja - gle. ll!i'wtis'ileePlY 'Mourned, for lie was bisloved'b'y;lilluvvh'o knew him: :donth'svas afterwards revenged by . :his, brother. ,Saieuel,, i whe shotAaldAaglat through, the heart, 9 :4,thg.',banlip r ,oo43,p Allegheny , ' Captain''John.BradY;ll4 fritlier`'`ofH Jlinies,ims:Eihot hy-tho•lndians olvthe' 11th of lA.priliil779,lat,a. , spet.'where ~th mein ; repo fror,n„ aey,„ te „ YS T ,i pernsport ncw,,cropses',Wof run. Hip' dOath terrible shock iii' hie Wife, ;hoivetl'ilown as shti''Was'in for:the tragic fate of her son 'James -the I previous ,year. , • When Samuel ' heard ,the of; his father it is rc _corded' that ho 106k:this .fearful oath: "Aided "by liim Wh 3formed ,o sun an'd beavend, .fevenVeltlib murder of 'my father i norlv,hile .will ..I ever he, at-peace tho Indi r ana of any, : tribe :" . .1,.?,r0rn tbat time forth be bec'anie'the avenger of bl'oo'd,; and hunted Indians like wild beasts' of the forest. So, tefrible,and_ genrolent log was-be towards the 'racethat his name became a, terror to them. ,110 slaughicre'dmanyandicarfullylut6lled '•' Gen. , Iltgh,Biady-stiyethalhisTatb er and mother had,,six ; sons,,and Our daughters,..,; ,'l,m _boys. all,-,llyed to ,1)e men, in, every sense of the term, and ,'perj9d when tko - iimilitihs'bf Men Were 'put - to - tlieMOst s'AVere'itdd'endut ring itests.l.'Speaking'.'of. hkr.brothet James.be says; ~"Jame,s; Wady ,was-,a remarkable man., .Igat.nre, had .dono "Hie periii;M --- WaS''''dta. aqUarter'of iih inch'of six feet, , 'a niin as , well 'fid iSlialA, usihis.iperson:l Ilialvel,iloYo PJ!! ( o,hitn.:PY the side of, 7oortthap, so❑ of Situ], for beauty of person and 6OhlOh n e r ss'orsOul, and like him Ith - fell by the'-hi - Inds Of the Philistifies!it: " " i• The names of these si.r:boysi Avert) Samuel„ James, . Joh n,,,Xjllium„.tlugb and J . : Robert._ „There. was but,, half;;An in'eh 'differopoO - .in, their' helihfq.' '" TIM 1146'0U - 06 e 1363ts' - iirai3 burieTonlltincyfartn; andlit'is feared .that all traces,Of.his grave , havel bedn lost, i l klary, „their mother, .40,00 down by grief and care, died at ,tke early ago of•forty2eight.'''lley''reMaids repose in the cemetery at LoWiabliti. liar Son - John, the' heroic lad,' who fought:by., the side, of his 'father, .at Brandywine,, was-buried by, bor,side. Samuel, the remOrSelese'pid.l - kia"kilie f i - , died on ChriattnaS 'daY,'l79s; at the ago of 39. - High Brady, ivho fought at. Lundy's Lane and Bridgewater,...and subsequently- rose-to- the--rank of Bre -1751, at, the ripe age of 83. To speak in detaibof: the:many, heloic deeds of this illustrions,family i would require a large ; sized plutne. Pla?ard'a Register, page 237,ive1..1r ROMANCE :IN :REAL Lira —Alittle romance of a sprained ankle comes from St. Louis, in which a young-clerk, a young lady school-teacher, and.a dog-are leading features. The clerk and the sehool•teacher, it appears from previous -concatenation of •circum stances, had fallen desperately. in love. Ono evening, as the couple:were pro ceeding to church, a ferocious dog jumped over a fence 'and "went for" the lady. Here was a chance for chiv alry, and the-3 oung lean gallantly im proved it: 'Throwing himself in front of his lair ono he gave the attacking monster a - blow which sent:him a fly ing with yelps of ignentinions defeat ; but in the.very moment of victory the young man fell and sprained his ankle. It was now the, turn for womanly he; roism to display itself.. . 1 12 he schobl teacher was a girl 'with' no _ nonsense about her. She at once• ordered. :a back, helped her:lover in, .accompan ied him to his-room, bathed and Aress ed his ankle,- watched: over .him• all night, and naturally . enoughtwont for a friend and minister next . day, ,:and married her man in_ the evening. What could be a more satisfactory ter mination of the story than this ?- - , — Qua PRESENT I)wry.—lThe • , give them kind words and' loving deeds. Wait not to curve a eulogy upon the stone above their heads; keep not back die merited Word 'of com mendation, while they 'dwell in the :flesh: Too - many, aids 'too Many shut the 'door of their hearts.till the ,loved ODE has pai4d - on the Warm, ItiV-• ing heart has ceased to beat, arid the willing hand is, palsied' in death: Then the words - Which slMuld have cheered their souls in life ripple 'over their grave - s—wordr, which, if kiven While they were with us in the flesh, would have linked them to otii. soule,"and, now that they have risen, a chain of love,' have drawn us up,t'o diem. It is natural for us to idealize, an,d speak tenderly, lovingly of those men call "the dead."':Tt isrefining comlo,rting, and . assur i ng W opr souls to do Flo : hht let.us kind word and deed to day ere better 'than any :oulogy,we May place upor'AetoMlistome - wp rear for them to-mordiw.--1119:.1.'5 - . A.,— 'PAri',7,lo/oc , g/ ' A mail warned his wife not' , tolight ,the•firo with kerosene. She Wile not obedient. Very - fortunately • her elothes 6t seeond wife-ietrwliably 70. •1 Ell lIMIIII lIMEI MOM •.~i N0..43. =MEM THE 9 - LIOIBM JOT 4 'FHB "GLOBE - JOB OFFICE)!:. the Peer seeseothe meet ample 11101110 es for piOnnitly_exOcutlog : i9 tholgOptyle, every Variety of Job Printlng, -- tuelros EICAM3 7 L. 3 ,'"1L?..1 • ' ,. l3 . ALL' , riokkT§";'" - - ): ,- ;-(.1 171 gtA,NKs, LABELS, &C., &C. &C CALL AND =AMINE aPECIMENO OP WOltlf, LEWIS' BOOK STATIONERY ;MIIiiIO 'NF,rEtt 11/31s A CHILD BY '4llElnbin on letiOrdriibn piatttice rof _tkursqs and parents., to grasp ebildren by a 4ii)?glei.? hand bodify, as in stepping' over gutters, streams, &c. Itilizedl:the hands antrawung,arolind forP,el,r 00,0. 1 441 Y 'belngcllolo ppa,q3' l l .4,t (I'I ) Pg I ZP3',e r AVP3 lf?.q!iP not always' follow'ed„,y iminedlate . ill effects, but it is lialile seilotis:injury. ,At thiti period:of _Jibs, th e, cRd 0,0 f; the long, , hon es, ar p to tI IO ,§ II AfPA .b.Y,,oa;ll4 l gl:l3.‘v,t l i9li.rSitk , and 'ff.aol6 'to be die, edited" bribreij:•"Tliiire 'Of -these. bones• in , the arm One between the, eloulder..and,olbowr z iand, t ty7,o b 43. tween the elbow aul wrist. The arty? Of the ellildis; * therearervirYVerik:-;.• 'Wtied• ex terisicariSi iiiiede the lid&cl, the force is not expeinded . :apbro• fyr,imbono,q„lBßt T,athey,upon,.kones-pro: ken at'several,poidts, and very loosely iirdd'to li - fink all' 1 irfor ricerd :615 n ci, 4ill , ,sepa'rate,the earpilaginousportiocils or permanently bencl..3,l3liep?..cslierg i lo alsy another form of injury which may t. l.- Of r"h'ityo soon , seiverar exaynpletitaqteednsisislitt a-slight displacement.of:the eartilagtal p ,onc.of the,joi ts,, either tthomrlgtoy elliow, attended, paint, , .swP l li9g3tthipil tenderness. The - joint'i t a flied in a sen - d-flexed po'sition'; , hbditheAlttlitauf, ferer„willf not 01001 it4o33beinoYed;; or ,even handlcd.:4,ticiip d ba j gatAly rgetA fied hy , a:stureon by.fokol i ble,Peripon tis i qiina I b,y OE4 1 11, child in this manlifirlitliei'likanibifts about the joints vx‘ay'boo.cvl49Sl4letli'and 01 1 , 8 ' veak l' h,,,l PPEr e9 :l 4i .P 4lB PP?i z a .neriVdisabilitk. 7 :Frotittire'llreid:beeic of •":•!"(•1 CONSTRUCTION OF PIANOS.T—In antvri Or t ifinaiy thei , d aicitfedtidiciiiilk of ooli, t namely PtiPrt . .Y ! .F,4ll3/t3 &hi teN99O) PIPP,I(N)?4fIaI inallegaub , ePony , ,,hotl,y l cedar; Cu, tind , Rbler . mtinylv , ' 14)9thititeotobind: Lion elusrtleity-L L strongtli;;,,plittbility; ,toughness, resonance ) lightness,, dura. bi I i and 'bealit,ltire i n'd tho , g'ehe'rctllicitult Thee° Ur() , alsci used of .thd metals, iron; steel, lu:uss,,phito„ trketul, ; gun • i caetal . , anct lead.arpjp inst7ument s offal[ size' 21T'sti:in g'S,` J rnUlc re f g d total length- of '7EI7 ireel witl4 ) 500 feet, of white (covering)mii.d.u-t $o eh I :1 , , pia ,weigh..ffom, qp. to 1000 ". pounds, and will last vit - T1 eon, sttihtuse (hotiilihVe)Artiew or evvi,Air S , oa'rol f'The lto(a'1 idian Itidttitc)/04ia& ncisiniNew York alone•avertigesls,o.o.o PP‘'„ArpAll , rn''.l , 11 :h:tli ai 1191 I- 16 4 ' IRID'AY'AN -UNLAJOICY thin ilonwreinembeiedottalaidaytaffll o.me , ;has .b.eeo an :,eme a American history, and American 9 ought not to be afraid of it. Ohriatoiiher COluittbus sailed on. his Noyage nrdiscoYeryl 1;f::11 aY'obt.en .1! ec4ft 410p9v; qred America,_.. Fria Henry In kav etib'dfr, his. inission ; 'Whieh 4 led 'lll-:l4irdiiil co v erY,7o f)Nortfv.A.m ciri ' orfii „olgeph t0 . 79,i0 ,tll,e' t l.l,nited ,Statesov.ap '` - Friday, flier thgVg 'grime; arriv'ed at.Plymolith, Milts: A Priday„Geo . , ; Waal3ingtpq Ivan, hprpi 1 ridgy, Bunker H y ill was teizrid and fortified."'. occurred; and on: • Friday , tbo, rnotioe,,wan "made, it} Congrnse.that the TTnited States , O% and of rieht:oughtlo 4. apctiiir 1• • 'lii J• ' • • 4tl •1.2:11 .11Zr• The following,r,ather hard;hl,l4 by way oY definition, not to bo kund in WoliSterrmay edits° a smile::. fl -i:Slanderei—A bad ;dog .that -go'es um! chained,:ancl-snaps,at„ everybody tbat is bettor, than blyniielf., This applies also 'to the • u i'reLE:i3rY d 'Ye t' fralisairiiinatoly applied•fttovali sorts-of pooplo.!, a. boa, qi-,,atorebar.„ , Lawyer lOiVriiegoritlenian' who ii's'eueij'YOtir r 'estate frifn'your enemy and keeps it himself. • Dentist--A person who finds work for his' own : toeth by taking oat i ,t,hosa of other people... • ',•-, Printer-4 maii.witoja..expected to ,give his, pitp,er . and_labor.fer,,aothing, and steals for Afrah, .Put, , and-'whY didi maP ry ye, just tell me' that, for iVs meself that's had,to,,mrtintain ,yejvur.stnee the blessed day that Fatberah:lant+ gnu - sin't me to yetlhorne?"' - "Smite ,Wvel,' meseif that•':hopes thatl may live f_to dee Abe day „you're -a wjiiow, g ;Dyer the, co wld sod .11,1 at. ipvers me— thin by St. Patrick _l'll, 'ae:e hoc yip 4Walong widout ime, lioney. .'rts„,./A1 pionEi old gen tlemaipoongrat; ulated am.aequaintance upon recovery from repent si 3 Oness and i Miuired sy.ho his physician'Nras. ' „• `•Well " ,the "DN'Jones brought me thrbugh'. l .'-' , :o "No; . no," said- his friend, "GO_ brought yoq put of ,your ; 11ruass, not the ,dootor." lie 11e' u ujtg j. 41; tain''ilin''d6etor'kvil,l •• •,,;: •'Dar A- teacher naked a. bright little girl, "What country is- opposite) to 1,u3 on the globe ?" "I?on't,lco,ow, sir," was the answer. ffWerli, now," in i irev.ecl the . teitsher, if z worm to bore a hOle„tbretigli. the 'ear(b„pon,d you were to go in at end, whore would; you,. come out "Out of the.. hole, sir," _replied tlit yayil With An air of trAttinl3.s