The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 12, 1870, Image 3

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    Cle 61,0bt.
Tuesday morning, April 12, 1870
.11. Merle& Lags, .2Vo. 3oi), A. I'. M., meets second
"Monday evening on each morals, in Bruno's building.
Standing Stone H. R. A. Chapter, No. 201. ns‘ts the
that Tuesday evening of each month, its firms no budding.
Juniata Lodge, A 10,117,../ 0. 0. P., meets every Friday
evening, third floor, in Leister's building.
Noma liar Camp of 1. 0. 0. Inlets every second
and fourth Tuesdays, in Leister's building, third floor.
- Standing Stone Lodge, No. St. I. C. C. fr., morn, every
Tuesaar evening in third floor of Itead's
• Am-whams .Trsbe, No. 68, .1. 0. of R. If., meets every
Thursday evening, third time, Leister's building.
Young Alen's Christian Assoceatton naets the first and
third 3ionslay evenings each mouth, in Smith's building.
Post 83, G. A. R., meets 'third Monday of each mouth
in Cuurt House.
Town Pound meets the first Friday evening of each
Huntingdon Lodge, N 0.149, K. of P., meets every Sat
urday evening, in smith's building.
Huntingdon Rug)le of Honor, No- 71, meets the fourth
31onday of each mouth in Gomt , Templars'
The ifitalerian Club meets every Thursday evening, in
Cho T. M. A. room.
Baptist Church—Washington Street. Bev. J. W. Plan
, nett. bemires ou Sat Math : 1034 a. re., p. m.
Catholic— Waehlugten Street. J. Aylward. Ser
vices filet three nunda3 a in every maul,
Evangelical Lutheran—llilllth Street. Ear. .1. J. Kerr.
Services on Sabbath: 10%a. m.,7 p. m.
German Itelbriacd,-Church Street. Rev. S. D. Stecklo
Service on Sabbath: 7. p. m.
Methodist Eziscopalz-eburch Street: Rev. M. K. t oste'r
Setlices on Sabbath: 10% n. m.,
p. m.
Protestant Episcopal—L.llll street. Rev. A. ll.llollc,
Set, ices ou Sabbath: 1034 e. m., 634 p ra.
Prehby terian—Hill Street. Rev. O. W. Z.Mniser. Scr
- vices on Sabbath : 11 n. m,7p. m.
Ca the Wing
Busy—the gardeners.
The Presbytery of Huntingdon is in ses
sion in the Presbyterian church of this burn
- A Temperance Union has been organized
in Altoona.
Sweet-meats, sugar-cured hams, for Eale at
:lied Front Grocery.
Bachelor wonders why women as well as
fishermen use cotton for bait.
Builders in Altoona have to get a permit
to place lumber, stone, etc., on the sidewalk.
Putatces are dull sale in our market at . 4o
and 45 cents a bushel.
BL.zzers for money are now salutedj with
the unwelcome ditty, "Shoo fly, don't hod-
dor mo."
Business men, now is the time to get your
card on envelopes, or letter heads, printed at
the Globe office. Cheap.
Now is the time to commence gardening.
Fresh seeds of all - kinds, warranted, can be
had at Red Front Grocery.
A little brother and sister in Lewistown
- bare laid by nearly S2OO by saving their
pennies and - small change. Remarkable.
Our .uhseribers to whom we sent bills and
all knowing themselves indebted, will please
call at the captain's office and settle.
Boots and shoes are offered fur sale under
the sign of Wines and Liquors in this place
—not in Africa.
Delightful promenades were enjoyed a few
moonlight evenings last week by some of our
lads and lasses.
BS and by,tre m ny expect to hear of more
Mothers-in-law; as one hundred ladies are
now ,studying law in this country.
But few,• if any corporations are as rich
as the .Pennsylvania Central Company. It
is said to control over $300,000,000.
Ntinted, 'at Red Front Grocery for cash or
trade, bacon, apples, apple butter, butter.
eggs, etc,
Three persons were baptized on Sand•iy
lest in the waters of the race, by Rev. J. W.
Forty persons immigrated to Kansas from
l'oF.ep,rora valley, Juniata, county, the other
Buy a home, so that you can hay . o some
thing, for your money that you can call your
4Nil'.: ',You will live mote cozitentedly. -
. i ,Puildings in the new part of town are
•ziptriteueing' to go, up. We 'understand
there be a number More erected before
tbe aeli . son in over. We are glad to hear it.
Boys -who aro permitted to roam the
sireeta to a lato hour, generally drop into a
bar-ioorn; and their course thereafter, if they
do not reform, is downwards.
j -The Cliba ilills„situated - about' 11 'miles
above watt„burned• on the till
inst. : About 2000 bushels of grain had been the Milt.
Bloomsburg, Columbia county, is now an
incorporated town. It was heretofore, the
only county seat in the State which 'did not
Lade that piivilege.
A man, whose name we did not learn, was
efrack on Saturday last by a locomotive near
Lewistown, knocked forty feet, and instantly
killed. _
Tuesday, the 2Gth of April, is, the day
ohosen by the colored men for a jubilee in
honor of the adoption of the Fifteenth Am
endiment. -No preparation is being made by
those in our Midst.
Iffuiter has been
. 53arce in this place_ for
three or four weeks. Our citizens :were:sup
plied on Saturday last at the Red Front Gro
cery With 'sortie hundreds 'of pounds froM the
Philadelphia and P r ittsbuTgli markets.
Thelmwieiown Gazette thinks Mifflin ed.
has fallen into strange legislative hands this
winter, the people being mere nobodies.—
Friend, dues thee not think this is eu every
winter ?.
Many Of, our business men, seeing the ben•
,eftts of the use of printer's ink, in the local
catimn, besiege the printing offices every
Monday morning with' their hands' full of
copy, which is never refused• Come again.
A foolish girl - in Chester recently died
from the effect of tight lacing. To such a
fearful extent had she squeezed herself that
her ribs were found lapped over' one another,
and the breast bone was pressed over one
lung so that she had entirely lost its use•
Notwithstanding lamps do explode occa
sionally, ,they;have their beauties as -wolf'
.111a,dy sent an invitation to a gentleman tell
lug him that had a' new lamp which .
ehe could turn down, down, until there is
se'a'tellS , ':i bit of light in
-the room.
13adlisold.. A young man in this pine(
last week sent a young lady - a live kitten
wrapped up in a paper, as, a joke, which he
didn't want anyliUdy but the lady to know
anything about. , .Bat, alas frlr Impel) hopes,
the joke was discovered and the young man
is now saluted with the cry of "How's the
kitten ?"
Everybody, no doubt, has seen Waname,
kites clothing advertisement in the papers,
There' ie a little secret worth knowing at
tached thereto, which ne cannot keep. It is
this: By those advertisements he has made
lialf a million dollars within the past three
years. Tell us, does it pay to advertise ?
Cleaning Rouse
Clean your bedsteads thoroughly in
March or April, with salt and water ;
dust them with Persian powder [gen
uine] or apply corrosive sublimate with
a feather to'every crack and crevice,
and you will not be haunted by, ver
min. In cleaning closets, first remove
everything from them, and hang the
clothing out to air. Sweep, dust and
scrub them well; fill up holes, if than)
are any, with a mixture of chloride of
lime and putty, dust 'Persian powder
upon all the lodges and into the inter
stices, and you will be free of roaches,
moths and' bugs for the summer.
In cleaning rooms, the same rule
applies. Clean well, fill up holes and
crevices, dust powder round- the led
ges, and moths and mice will disap
pear or take refuge• in the -cellar,
whence a good cat or some chloride Of
Hint; (used dry) will soon , dislodge
them. There is no need for any house
to be troubled at all with vermin. The
proper means and a little care at the
right time will prevent infinite annoy
ances afterward, and much destruction
of property.
Remember, soap should never be
used upon grained wood ; cold tea
leaves clean it the best of anything.
Never iron lace window-curtains,
and be careful not to make them blue
with indigo. Stretch them upon a
mattress dry, pinning down carefully
the extreme edge of every point or'
In starching clothes, mix raw starch
with water and pour boiling water
ninon it, but do not boil the' starch.—
It will take about half the usual quan
tity. Stir it round with a little end of
spermaceta candle so as to make it
iron glosiy..=ffentorcst.
heard that it is the-intention of a cer
tain Iron Company to start a Rolling
Mill in this borough, if they receive the
proper encouragement and aid from
our citizens. We suppose this implies
if they get the land on moderate terms,
and if one or more of our capitalists
subscribe stock to a sufficient amount.
These two ifs should be no obstacle in
the way ,o 1 the, erection of a Rolling
Mill, se -we -don't- think-any of our
land-owners will be so exorbitant in
demand, for the experience of others
has taught a lesson that it don't pay
in the end; and as fur the subscription
to stock, we don't think any of our
men of means will refuse to give what
they can to bring to our midst ono of
the best paying interests in the coun
try. Gentlemen, show your enter
prise, and don't let Huntingdon be in
the background any
PHILADELPHIA, April 6,1870
To the "Boys" of Co. C, 125th P. V.
COMRADES: John Hoffman, who was
arowned at Huntingdon, on Saturday
fast; was a member of Company C, but
being on detached duty during nearly
his entire term of service, ho was a
stranger to many of you. lle leaves
a wife and three children in destitute
Let:erery man of us send one dollar
or flre,'or_ten, (according to'our abili
ty.) to Geo. \V. Garretison, Hunting
don, for tho benefit of the afflicted fa
roily of this departed comrade, and
the deed will be acceptable to the
-Friend of the widow and the Father
less." Yours ally,
ONCE AGArisl.--:WO - are once again
':celled upon-to announce the filet that
the big store of Henry & Co , is on
time fur the spring rush of trade.—
'net e is' no lack of goods upon their
'helves, and no drain of well fillt d
boxe. and-barrels in the eellar. Now.
don't. think, -dear reader, that, they
never anything out of these bar
rels, and boxes; but we mean that they
always keep n full supply of every
thing that you want, in large or small
quantities and are continually on alert
filling Up - tho EIICIVCS with
116811 .roodg ' 'and' plenty - Of them. The
members of the firm are all `good
lows, find the pul Inc will lose nothing
by giving li . lieritt Share of - ..euS ;
APRIL —Josh in his Alimi
naxthus describes the thputh-FutApril:
"April, dear, chuck full of charms,
CuMi. cum,' oh,' eunLidnijr :arena."
Thus warbled the poot„more than ten
thousand yeers ago,. knew his
bizz, he had' tile - right ting'in Lim, he
wasnt none of yuro pn . dizipspoets, nor,
dispepshee poets, nor whjskee poets
Dan d3-lions planted VAS:Month, are al
ways sure tow t keadc,o . pyp,so are toad
stools,;so is bead cheese. This month
is also heftily fbr plantidg onions ;?on.
ions are , a.„l ) u.x u fy; good fora
bad breth;:(o4, 1441,fRiAgp . Oil bit)th,
Liti fb . rgot , rihich,liut either way is
S.EAB:CUINC3F,oR TUE 1.50.D1.F.8 —On
Sunday morning last a number of our
citizens went down the river in skiffs,
dredging for the bodice of John Hoff
'man and DavidiVesthrook, who were
drowned on the 2d inst. - They scorch.
ed the -river and piles of : drift for some
distanod 'down; but - tuftraces of them
could be seen. The :Water IS low and
clear, and it is thought- the bodies will
rise to the surface in a few days,when
they will be,recovered:, .
Txt Him —Our, citizens and Ai,
public generally, 'triite'uld bear in, mind
that we have a Steam Bakery and
Candy Manufactory in this place, of
which Mr. Luke Reilly is proprietor.
lie will furnish all sorts of Bread,
Cakes, Pies., etc-, on short notice, and
n reasonable - terms. He also manu
factures all kinds of Syrups, which
arc delicious.
last, a little eon of Afr:John Hoffman,
who was drowned on the 2d inst., was
oil tho bank of the canal engaged in
when by sumo miabnp, be fell
into the water; and bad it, not boon
for some boys near who came to hie
rescue, he Wonld hare mot the same
fate as his father. .
SEV" All should visit 3leNeil's Temple of
Fashion, and examine his stock of Furnish
of: Goods , Bows, nes, Collars, old„ and , all
kinds of Kiney Goads, which. can ho had very
cheap. Nwr Collar. 10 and 15 cents a box.
McNeil has removed his store from Leis
ter's building to Smith's new building, Hill
street, Huntingdon, Pa. 2t '
-Car Shoo Fly Hats, pretty Shawls, &e.
can bo bought at Henry & Co's at gold pri
cos. Bear this-in mind. 2t
179..1ioLanahan; Stone & [sett, Hollidays
burg, warrant all their instruments. [
RELitiNG: TO LOANS—Th e folloWing .
law, intended to stimulate invest
energies, skill and industry in
almost all branches of trade and man
ufactures, by exempting capital from
liabilities - which heretofore acted as , a
restraint on investments, has been
signed by the Governor:
That, from and after the passage of
this act it shall be lawful for any per
son or person&to loan money to any
individual, firm, association or corpo
ration doing business in this Common
wealth, ipon Woo:Tient to receive a
share of the profits of such bueinesS as
compensation for the money so loan
ed in lieu of interest, and such agree
merit or the reception of profits under
such agreement shall not, render the
person or persons making such loans
liable as a co-partner in such business
to other creditors of such individual,
firm, association or corporation except
as to the money so loaned ; provided
that such'agreement for loan shall be
in writing, and that this act shall not
apply to any loan made by a member
of any such firm, association or corpo
ration, or to any one who holds him
self out as such, and shall not be con
strued to repeal or affect any portion
of the law relating to special partner
ship; Provided, however . that any per
sou io loaning money under: this not
shall not hold himself out asea general
partner, so as to induce credit to be
given to any parties, association or
corporation to whom the said loan
shall be made.
Albany Express had a supply of
. non.
pay ing "Patrons." It bids them good
bye in the following tender terms
"This-week, we strike from our list
about fifty names who will not pay
their dues to. the, printer. In doing
NO we take them by the hand, and,
with tears in our eyes; bid them an af
fectionate. farewell! Good-bye,. old
subs ! Take eni•e of yOurselves.• Somo=
times think of the EXpress, which you
have had so long for nothing. Sponge
upon other printers, now, a while. 'A
change of diet will, doubtless, be good
for you. . Poor old' fellows! We are
a little sorry to turn you out upon the
dark night, , without a lamp. but it
must be so. Strike for the nearest
neighbor's light. He may lot you in
and food you for a year or two, upon
the strength et your honorable prom
ises to pay at the end of that time.—
For ourselves, we have enough of
these curious pledges to supply our
cabinet for the present. We have la
beled them carefully-, and they are
open to general inspection. With
many thanks for your self sacrificing
indulgence to us, and your honest
appreciation of the 'obligatiOns,,oxist
ing toward our, office, we again and
s:iy, "fa reNC ell, - foreVer!'"
A •Ylatops CAT,-,--A cat nearly ,caul.
ed the death of a child in the vicinity
of Sand y Hill, this elfuuty, a' few days
ago. Our informant states that Mrs.
Jeremiah HUH left her child, aged
months, in the room playing with the
cat while she was engaged in, another
part of the house. Atter some time
she went to see 'about the child, when
she saw the eat sitting eu its hi east
with its , nose inserted in the child's
mouth • iind its paws clasped around
its neck. •'Mret 1.1u1 ;1 1 ran and threw
the cat from the child, which was al
most lifeless, but the cat. immediately
sprang back on the child, placing its
nose in the child's mouth and.clat-,ping
it around the neck as before., A , sec
mid time the animal was thrown back,
and ,:then ; greatly. enraged tagain
gPrang' fbrwavd and - kife child
hy. :the. throat. After melea,ink,the
child, the, cat was taken out and- im
mediately'- killed, The chiWr'egover
ed'in a fekr'daks: - 'Bitt for the timely
return of the.mother to see the child,
,would been" placed beyond the
hope of recovery.—Perry County Ad,
• CHILD BURNED.- The •Philipsburg
JourngVol' March , 24th says :.rAti in
fant'datig. hiei; of 'M 0. Fallen,' about
three months old,was frightfully burn
ed one day last week, by falling from
a ,orp.idier r wbich wits ibei,ng,roCked!Via
brother— a small child—and striking
against a stove. ' The mother was tg
senti'fizir•it pail of . wateroind upOinhe'r
return was• horror stricken to find 'the
baby lying with one side of its face,
shoulder and one little arm pfrised
against the stove, and, as it were, lit
erally cooking.. Notwithstanding the
severity of the burns the child is in a
fair way to recover."
Frxitict • Up.—A now broom, they
say, always sweeps clean, and it is
equally true, as all customers ,know,
that a new firm ,will do their best to
invite, encourage; and inai . ntifin pat
ronage; We see that S. B. Chaney &
Co., successors to Cunningham' it'"Car.
mon, are fitting up their, largo store
room on Railroad street, arid intend
keeping andiron, styles of, Etry Goods,
etc, and a large assortment.of Groce
ries, et r e: . Everybody known that Hr.
Chaney will do the lair thing,'and We
commend the now firm to the liberal
patronage et our citizens. ,
LECTURE.—A Lecture Kill bo deliv
ered in the Catholic Church, at Hun
tingdon, on Thursday evenirig,' April
21st, at 71 o'clock, by Rev. P. J. Ayl
ward.. Subject: "The Onurch and the
Bible." Proceeds. for. the benefit of
the Church. Tickets 25 cents. All
aruyespectfully . invited to attend. ,t
a ,
rgStr's liende . rion town.
ship, this county, was burned to the
ground, together with all its contents,
on day fust,..‘ve9k. Thelatnily wqo
on't °nth's:Niue° time, and it-is
supposed the.tire
. was eiiitnutiicuted
from the fire plice.
COMING lIOME.--rßet. Jno.D. Brown,
who has boon, for several years past
engaged as a missionary . in India, is
now in Phila'd'elphia, and is expected
hero this week. Welcome, home. •
The Woodworth Bieters, n renowned corps
ofeweot and cliatining lice a
concert in Yenter's Hall, this, Tuesday even
'jog; Their father was a soldier, and falling
into the hands of the rebels, died at Rich
mond, Va. This fact, added to the prospect
of a good entertainment, should elicit :the
patronage of our citizens.
,gea- Crum finger stalls qnd gum diapers at
I.l.enr,y & Co'e, • upl2-3m
—A work descriptive of the MySteries
and Miseries, the Virtues, Vices, ,Splen
dors, and Crimes of the City of Paris.--
By Jantes D. McCabe, Jr. National I
Publishing Co., Philadelphia. -
The usual facilities possessed' by ear '
first-class Subscription Book Publish
ers have enabled thorn to furnish the
public with many works of groat inter
est and value ; but the most powerful
and attractive work of this kind is the
bOok now before us. It is simply the
City of Paris photographed by the au
thor's pen and the artist's pencil. It
is magnificently illustrated, and is is-
Ailed in; the very,- host ,It - not
Only'abounds, in solid and useOlLafbr-
Lmation; but fold:frilly' reproduced the
most startling sensations of : lhe . gayest
City Fri the world: It tells how the
beauty and . splendor of the bright city
have beenpurchased at a - frig,,htful cost
of misery and suffering; how virtue
and vice go arm-in-arm, 'and how -..the
latter is undermining " - all the sweet
courtesies of social life; and bow - moat
fearful crimes are committed and 'con
cealed: It tolls us of high life and
low life; of palaces and hovels; of the
Emperor's family, and the workman's
househOld We mingle freely ',in the
most Magnificent and dissipated pleas
ures, and drop an involuntary tear in
to the .:Common ditches" „where the
poor sewing girl is laid
_to rest. All
that has made Paris the most .beauti
ful and attractive as well as the gay
est and wickedest city is the world,
unite to make this book the most in
teresting wo have seen for many a
day. The author writio of what he
has seen and experienced, ° has evid eut
;3' sought to make his volume not only
the most powerful and fascinating
sensational work of the day, but also
a book which shall hold a place in eve
ry man's library as an authority upon,
the ,subjects whereof it treats. •, The
book is magnificently illustrated with
150 engravings, by theleading - artists
of France :—Dore, Therond r and oth
ers whose names amply attest the
character of the work. It is compris
ed in one large volume of over 800
pages, and sold only by subscription.
AN exchange truly Flip.: "Thous
ands of young men are drifting, help
lessly about on the ocean of life, vain
ly hoping that ere long some favor
able breeze will spring up and drive
their vessels'into some safe harbor.—
Where that' safe harbor is they have
no idea ; because they have no definite
object in view. They have never de
cided upon any course of life, but per
mit their actions to be shaped and
moulded by•the circumstances of the
hour. Is it any wonder that disasters
follow each other in quick succession?
More men, are ruined through indecis
ion than from wrong - decision; 'Pew
men will deliberately lay out and pur
sue a plan of life that •will ultimately
work their ruin., Most young men of
the present day enter the great battle
of life without any well defined eye
tom of warfare, and consequently
spend their best days in aimjetis pur
suits. Indecision is the bane' of exis
tence. Could we look into the world
of spirits we would find but few eonls
in the dark regions of wee that had
resolved _to roach that,goll ; nearly all
who aro there, and thoso who are has•
tening,there, are in their present con
dition simply because they never de
cided whether they would' go, and
their indecision has been their ruin.
NVew• Fish
Red Front Grocery is receiving its
spring supply of Fish of all kinds, and
will sell low by •the barrel, half, quar
ter, kit or pound, and will warralit all
sold. Groceries of all kinds, fresh and
good,,selling low.' 'Jersey and West
ern Sugar• Oared, and country Hams,
Shoulders and' Side . s,i Lk° loiiest,
cash price.
Loßos,presses Sind Boys Clothing. :
'24a7V."Ahnio ii , leijalie:"resilettfully in
forms the public that she has removed to the
house formerly occupied by
. 11. McMiinigill,
on Washington street. ma is prepared th
make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of
all kinds. She respectfully invites a full
share of patronage. ap7
Come one, cone all, to the, mammoth
Store, west end, if you want new, fresh and
desirable Goods at greatly reduced prices.
Carnet 'Weaving
Mi:4, Matilda Pheasant is prepared to
,rag-carpets, and .solicits patronage
from . u"generous public. ItcsideUce Wash:
ington Street, West Huntin tf
WANTED-11, Journeyman , Potter ;
inimedia[ely. apply to J. B. Leathers,
Mount Eagle, Centre Co., Pa. 4w
Q' Double Harpeon-Hay Forks, best in
use,'and there has never Levi one.returned
so for; all are warranted. MeDumdm,
Stone.S: ilsett, Hollidaysburg, fe9-5m
SEEr idackereb j ßOO:' take,' and Labrador
lierripg,at Henry & Co'e. apl2-3rl
gar Improved Buckeye * and the Buckeye
and Ohio Harvester combined, Reapers and
Mowers, repairs of the Buckeye, always on
hand, at MeLanahan,, Stone & Isott's, Ho
daysbuig; Pa. feD 5m ;:
IM. Farmers•needing a Grain-drill,
will do 1,Voll"th call oii Whitrton & Ma
guire and examine the Willoughby'
gurn sp ing' grain either with ,O 0
without phosphate, attachment, before
purchasing. - - tf
M.Ground Alum, American and Dairy
Salt at reduced pricos, at henry & Cu'e. 3int
MoLanahan, Stone & Isett,
burßt tidVp thci.lar4est and,.best:Attiapm€o
oI Garden Finicer Seeds in this vicinity.
Send for.-Catalogne., 5 and 10 yea; papers
sent on receipt of money, postpaid. 1500-401
BEir" Cider Mills, Gra in Separators, Clover,
Hullers and Stammers, Cultivators, Washing
Machines, etc., etc., at MoLanalinn, Stone &
Isett's, Hollidaysburg, pa. fog-8m
IM.Spring'- Styles Balmoral and Hoop
Skirts at Henry & Co's... 2t
Roller and Gum Spring
Gran Urine: itt:bteLanithan, Stone &lsett's,
Hollidayettprg, Pu., - - fe9-8m
Garden Seeds. ---A
kinds of
Fresh Gartivn siiclx tor sale at RHD
„ .
'toe"' Use it in ney's Cough Syrup. le
is reliable Sec certificates. Procure
it of S. S. Smith. cal:116-3m
ter: Pratt & Miller's Hay Rakes, at Me-
Lanaha s c, Stone &Isett's, Hollidaysburg4sm
Norway Oats
The genuine Norway Oats, of the
Ramsdell stock, fir sale at Red Front
Grocery. • tf
. Seed Potatoes.---Choice seed po
tatoes—the Early Rose, the Pure Gar
nett, the Lady's Choice, and other va
rieties, for sale at the RED FRONT
The King of Bavaria lately gave a
dinner to 1,400 poor poople in Munich,
and engaged twelve hotels for their
Ruffians now rob and beat unoffen
ding men at noonday in the most fre
quented streets of Now York.
April Gth, by Rev. J. - W. Plannett,
Mr. CARP 11. DiFreNßAuali, to Mies
MARY GETTYB, all of Huntingdon.
On the sth inst LOUISA C., wife of
James A. Mitchell of Huntingdon,
while on a vi it to Puiladelphia.
(Mifflin county papers please copy.)
On March 30th, 1870, at her resi
dence, in Syirleys.burg, Mrs. ELIZABETH
SUMMER, fig,4l -about 70 years
' .-
brutkuitrun, 'April. 9..570.
Superfine Flour per barrel... $5.501g6.25
Extra Flour per bat rel $5.37(416 00
Bye Flour per barrel $1.75
Red IVlseat per bushel 1.30@1.35
Bye per bushel 95(41 .05
Corn per bushel 1 OS@l,lO
Oats per bushel 60@b5cts.
. PITTEDUAGII, April 9, 1870
Spring Wheat Flair pot barrel ". 4.75@5.00
Ultra per W.1.:4 - $1,26@1.28
Corn per buvltrl 78we0
Onto per bushel .17(2) torte.
Ilya per bushel • $0.93@0,05
lint Icy $0.90(e..50 95
NEW Yonic,:April, o.—Hold closed al 81,1.34
PHILADELPHIA April 9 , 1870
The following are the closing prices of Do
Eleven & Bro., 40 South Third Street:
U. S. 6's of 'Bl, • - 1141 114$
462, 1101 11Ut
" '64, - - 1091 1093
" " '65, - - 1091 110
" " '65, new, , 108/ 1081
" ", '67, " • 1091 'lO9l
" " '6B, - - 1091 1091
" s's, 10-40's, -100 k 100
U. S. 30 fear 6 per cent. Cy. 112 1121
Due Comp. let. Notes, - 19
G'uld - - - - 1113- 1123
- - - - 108 11U
Union Pacific 11,11 Ist 21: Bonds 845 855
Central Pacijio. .11, B. 920 030
Union Pacific Land Grant Bonds 730 740
CORRECTED WEEKLY uy lilllqty,4l,Co
FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $4.25
Extra Flour, do 4 50
Family Flour, do 5.00
GRAIN—Red Wheat, par bushel, --@l.OO
White Wheat,. . do l.lO
Ryo, - • • do -' 85
Corn, new, do 70
o, , ts, -- do • 35
Barley,e ' ' do - - 1.00
SEED—Timuthy, do • ' - 3:50
Flaxseed, do 1.75
Cloverseed, per 64 lbs. 7.50
PROVISIONS—Putatoes, per bushel, 35
Dried Apples, do 1.75
Corn Meal, per cwt., 1.00
Dried Peaebee, pee pound, . 12
Dried Beef, .114 -- ' - 20
Lard, do 18
do .' ' • ' 12
Eggs, per dozon,
_ ... :. .
Shoulder, 14
climb—Hard conl,.per tnn,, , - ;
. .Hroed Top.eoal, do ' 3.00®3.50
L1.131i3ER.: per 1000 feet, " _ 12.00®30.00
SIIINGEES—Lap, per 1000 ft., ' 10.00®12 - .00
Joint Shingles, do 5.00@6.50
MiscELLArrsousßurk, per cord, 8.50
Bran, per evrt.,. —•-• • 1.00
Hops, per peirild' ' 40
Wool, do , , 45®50
: •1111..i , , pOr ton, ' ' • ' , 12.00
Hides, 6@7
Green Apples, per bushel 7.5g1.00
Onions, Qtsi . per,qt.,: -; :: ~, ',. ~ S
The Trial of Boller all Boilodurg,
The'Cdrife§bion'a Bodenbilrg.
t .„,,,r .1 •
Y'ol2, BOTH
This Institution in the beautiful mountrtitpgirt valley
of Kishateoguillas, affords superior advantaged of educe.
lion. Thoroughly efficient and competent Instructors In
every department.
; French, (human,. Painting, Drawing, nod Music in
A Nornml class formed Spring term, wiainh continuing
to rho steels, opens April 4th. Expenses fur the year
or Gataiogue address
liishadoquillas, Mifflin Co., Ps.
Jan. 26, 1670.-6 m.
A comideto Pocket 'toady' Reckoner, in dollars
alai toots. to whielf,,oro 'hided TOllllB of Notes, Dills, Re
eeipts, Petitions, ,ie,, together pith n set of useful tables
containing Ate of interest from one dollar to twolvothot,
03 the nottla day, with. a tableof.,wapa, and board
Itto Week and day, for solo at
g OOO ..OrtMent of miseetirtneous and Schoo
Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper—
Slam and Fano) Envelopes—Red, BM @ and Blark Inks—
Blank Books of numerous sizes—Sons, Pencils, r Omit and
Poole lukstands, and every other articlo usoall . found in
Book. and Stationery Store, can tsothod Ist fair prices 9$
, t Luyew ROOK, STAT{QNERra•atO9IiO STORE.,
If you w . ant your curd neatly prinFEl on envel
epee, call at . ; •
. . .
Here Is a list of RUCH Works as ehoold be found in ev
ery Library—within the reach of every reirderWorke
ontei lain, instruct and improve the mind. Copies
ail! be bent by return post, on receipt of pricb.
l'hysinytionty: or, Signs of Character,
sa manifested through Temperament nod External
I' o ll.lll. Mid especially iu the -Hainan Pace Divino."—
With more than Ono Thousand Illustiations. By B. It
WELLS. Price lu ono 12cuo volume, 708 pages, hand
tamely bound, $3
Man, in Genesis and in Geology; or, the Bi
blical account of Man', Creation, tested by Scientific
Theories at his Origin and antiquity. By Joseph P.
Thompson, DO ,I.L.D. One vol., 12ino. $1
Wedlock; or, the Right Relations of the Sex
es. Disclosing tile Laws of Conjugal selection, end
shush, who may and Mho may not Marry. For both I
RMS. ' Sly Slt Wells $' 50
Now to Read Character. A new Illustrated
handbook of Phtenolegy mid Physiognomy, for stii•
dents and exaniiners. with a Chart far recording the
sizes of the different organs of the brain, in the deline
ation of Clialacter, with upwards 01 170 engravings.—
$l. 25
Education; Its elementary Principles found
ed on the .aturo of man. By., 0 Spurzhelm, 31 D.
With an Appendix, containing the Temperaments and
a brief analysis of the Faculties. Illustrated. gt 55
Family Physician. A ready Prescriber and
Lb weal° Adviser. :With leference to the Nature,
Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Diseases. Acci
dents, and casualties of every kind. With a tiluseary
and copious Index. By Joel Skew, 5I D. slUSlin,j4
Food anti Diet. With Observations on tho
Dietical regimen, suited for disordered states of the di
gestive organs, and an account of the Dietarka of some
of the principal sletropolitaa and other establishments
fur paupers, lunatics, criminals, children, the sick, &c.
By Jonathan Pereira, M D., N It S., and LB. Edited
by Charles A Lee,A D. $1 75
Hand-Book for Home Improvement; comPri
wog, "Stow to M'rlie," How to Talk," "IlOw to Be
have," and "Dow to Do Business," In one vet: • $2 25
Constitution of Man. Considered in-relation
to exist nal ohm:h.. By George Combo. The only
thorized American minion. With twenty engraving.
and a portrait of the author. Muslin, $1 75
Moral PhilosophY. By George Combo. Or
lite Mitres of man considered in his Individual, Dome..
tic and Social capacities. Reprinted from .the Edin
burgh ed., with the author's latest corrections. 51 75
Mental Science. Lectures on,, according to
the Philosophy of Phrenology. Delivered before the
Anthropological society. By Bev. G 5 Weaver.. $1 50
Management of Infancy. Physiological and
' Slor.o Treatment. Sty Andrew Combo, Si D, A Book
for Mothers. Muslin, $1 50
Benny. An Illustrated Poem. By Annie
Chambers Ketchum. Published in the elegant style of
Enoch Arden. A beautiful present. $l5O
JEsop's Fables.' The People's Pictorial Edi
th kk . Beautifully illustrated with nearly sixty eagtii
vings. Cloth, gilt, beveled boards. Only $t
Pope's Email on than. With Notes. Beau
tubes Illustrated. Cloth, gilt; beveled boards, St
Natural Laws of Man. A Philosophical
Catechism. By J G Nan shorn', Si D. Muslin, 75 cis.
Fruit Culture for the Million.' A Hand-hook.
Being a Guido to the cultivation and management , of
. 1) nit trees. Dram iptiony of the best varieties. $l.
Inclose the Antonia In a registered latter, or in a P. 0.
Order, for one or for all the above, and address S. It.
BELLS; Publidier, 960 Broadway, New York. • Agents
• Wowed. • Mch2o
• JAMES : A. iMoWN,
Is constantly receiving at his new
Beautiful Patterns of Carpets: fresh from the rooms. o
the manufacturers. His stock comprises, • ,
COTTAGE • ''lrtmr;
•.„ ~„ •,. CARPET CHAIN„• ~. •
cqco4. and CANTON MATTINGS, •
®x 1a x.. •30 ix a,
' and Fixliiros,'•Druggets, Velvet
Rego, Door slats, Extra Carpet Thread and Binding.
Ata-I make especially of furnishing CHURCHES end
LOLLIEs,. at City Prices, and Invite ' , mulching Commit
tees to call and see goods made expreislyi 'for their pur
poses. „ •
Auyeri will sale money and be better suited by "going
to the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store for any of th o
alio,' goods. I defy competition iu prides and variety
of beautiful patterns,
CARPETS 25 cents per YARD mid UPWARDS.
• I have also, the Agency for the Original , •
so knowo no the heat Family DI: whine Is the world.
i •
Cull et the CARPET STOREand see than.
lioutingdor, Meh 16, '7O-612
T T • '
'1 1 31901111 3333159 C
0411.Ji?k' ,
'' •
' • • :&C., &C!,'
New Furniture,
rpn. undersigned would respectfully
announce that he manufactures and keeps constantly
on hand a lino, and splendid assortment o
Windsor and cane seat chairs. cupboards, gilt anti tome.
wood moulding for mirror and picture frames. and a vari
ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to
be satisfactory.
Ile is also agent for the well known Bailey Si Decamp
patent spring Bed Bottom.
The public use invited to call and stamina his steak
before purchasing elsewhere.
Work and sales room on 1111 l street, near Smith, one
door west of Yenter's store.
Huntingdon, Aug.l,
zt3 3 0 , 5 -6- 1021 - 73 ( a )
J.. M. WISE ,
Manidaelurer and Dealer in
JUI "rj Xt. AT I ri" "ILT 11. DIM,
Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his
stand ou Hill at., Huntingdon, in the rear of George W
Swartz' Watch and Jewelry More, where he manufactures
and keops all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per
sons nuking to purchase, will do well to give him a call.
Repairing of all kinds attended to pre:raptly and charges
/Xi,- Also, Undostaking carried on, and Vogl., made in
any style desired, at abort notice.
The subscriber has a
and is prepared to attend Funerals at any nee
1 1 5 0 1s t r. ow
or country.
Huntingdon, May li, 1810-er
" From $3.00 upwards, at Lewia', Book
Cit Micilisements.
E.CIIILCOTE, (formerly of ilentingtion C 0.,) Pacteg.
Centrally located and the most convenient point for
merchants visiting the city. Accommodationi of, the
first-class. All the modern improvements. Very ai•
ten tion will be extended to guests. janslyst
To Agents to sell tho colphratod SVILSON SEWING
MACHINES The best machine in the yraild. Stitch
alike on both sides. ONE MACHINE 111TOOE0 MIME. FOE
further particulars addrees 25 N. 9th !Arcot. Ohl WielphYsi
Pa. Inbgo gat
- -
3 Barclay St., N.Y. or 38 W.4tla St., MIAMI:Ith It
If they Want the most popular and best selling
subscription books published. and the mei/ 4.5,
eratterms. Send for circulars. Theyivillcbsti , dit
nothing, and maybe of great benefit to you. .
832 ARCH
The Old .Estahliehed Stand 1,, „
Receiving for the Sring,Tratle a large stock of the New
Styles of
0.2312,1= 1 =T1NG-S"
Purchased at the Lowest GOLD RATES, end will be cold
at a great reduction front la-d, season's prices. - ~
ENGLISH DRUSSELS at $1 50, and all other' goods - la
ProP9rtion. •
832 Arch St.t.e,4t,
3 P-4
O. 809 MARKET, ST:1181,T,
• , I.Cora Side, •
Of the Latest Styles and' best ‘manufaetire
• ALSO '
leb 23, Sm. • •
WE beige now in store a large:lot:of
ir the OCJIIIIIIO Rime&ll stock of
WLicb we aro oB•ring as low ap any reaponsibla how* ilk
. .
• our trado.
Eiery variety. Warranted fresh nod genuine. one trial:
secures your confidence. ' : ; 2'
lloirons, Cultivators. Brond Cast Seed Sowers, Corn
Planters, Seed Drills, and the largest nasortineritst,
• •
To be hand to dale*.
Our Ainriteitr's GliildO,Und Calendar for 18;0 'and Pride
List of Scads wailed Freo to all applicants.
[Sticceaeors to , Paean!' 1111)Frisj
•: . - 1120 MARKET ST., .131111ade1phis
Bought, Sold and.Exclisinged:,
Bought,antl Sold, at ,Market Rates
PACIFIC. ,g4ltit(miti BONDS
•• !Boiight and sold. •'‘
S •
Bought and Sold on Cornminakop,only
Accounts received 'add'-interest'
on daily balances subject to' alma, 'ateight.
0:S . A - .D'AL I S
rput: Oren. American Health ;Restorer: sintifles
the blood and cares Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin
Diseases. Itheumatiem:DiSesees of Women Ladd att
Chronic Affections of the Blood, Liver and Et&
noys: lissom:fled:led by the Efeliecil:Faculty 'tad
thousand of our best, citizens.
Bead the testimony of Physicians and ' peilen i to
who have used Rosadalla send for .our .Rosadat is
Guide td Health or Almanac for this year; *bleb
we publish for gratuitous, distribution will
give you much ialunble information. • —' • •••
Dz. It. W. Carr, of Baltimore says: .
I take pleasure hi rehnilMendlng
is as ts.. very
,powerful alterative.; I have seen, It
used in two cases with happy results—ono hi ease
,of secondary. eyphil is, in .which the patient, pre.
innced bite:self cured 'after hiving taken flee
bottles of your, medicine. , The other, is a case .of
scrofula standing, vshl6ll' is rapidly Ids
pravlng under its, use, apd the indication" are
that the patient will seen recover. I have cam
folly examined the formula by which year .RO6ll.
dalis Is node, nod And it an excellent conspOnnd
obeli alterative ingredients: 7 l. I ' '
Dr: Specks, of Nicholas Ville. Ky.,- Says he has
used Rosadatis in cases ofperofuls.fand.seco,ndety
Syphilis with satisfaenity results—as a cleaner of
the blood I know no better, remedy.
Samuel G. McFadden, Sltirfreeboro' Tennessee
son: , , • ,•:
I have need seven bottles of Randall', and an
entirely cured lot Rheumatism:send me fonr:bot.
Hee, as I wish it for my brother, who bap meta.
lout am eyes. .; • , - ' ' •
Benjamin Bechtel, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have
suffered for twenty years with an inveterate crop.
lion over my body; a short .time since I pur
chased a bottle of Rosadalis and Detracted a per.
I foot cure. ,
Itocadalis to sold by - JblinTleitd ilia B.'B. Bmitbl
lluntingdon, Da, and Droggista generally.
•Latitatory, 61 Exchange Place, Baltimore: 1 ,
Feb. 234 yr. 2 8 ' ' Irciplietere.
Inoreasdyour crop of
As well as
Dy a Judicious And Economical mode of
M/S A ST.T,T 12, I -W . a-_,
Get the value of your outlay the first seasoA,
Obtain better filled ears and heavier graig.
Keep Your soil free from , NOXIOUS
Mahe your land permanently fertile— , ,„
Over SIXTEEN years of Constaut Asap on MI crape, ban
proven that Baugh•s Raw Bono Plsosphsto may be de•
pendod upon by Farmure•
For Fele by Agricultural Dealers generally
Office, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue,
LIME. , .
From tko kiln of Geo. Tnylet, Markleaburg, pros--
on by chemical analyalg to be of the best quality, cone
etnntly kept and for Enieln, any quantity, at the depot ot.
the Huntingdon and Bread Top. Railroad, , -
the" Apply 'to Itenr.y Leleter, qi
Top Gteeie,'! Tine-Ottßedid'