Olobt. MEM HUNTINGDON,•PA Wednesday morning, Mai. 16, 1870 LOCAL & PEUSONAL dleetiligs Mt. Xoriatt /Alga, .15 - q. COO, ;10. T. at., Meets second 31ohrlay evening,t emir month, in 1110 wit's building. Standing Woos H.R. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the fleet Tuesday evening of each month, in Brun Ws building. Juniata Lodge, Nu. 117 0. 0. F.; meets every Friday evening, third floor, in Ulster's Mdidlug. _Mount liar amp of 1. 0. 0. meets every second and fourth Tuesdays, iti'Leister's building; third flour. - Slane • Lodge, No. 85, /: 0. T., meets every Tuesday evening in third floor el Haul's building. ' Arrupalwe 25 , ,k, , No. 68, -L.O: of R. M., meets every /Thurildari evening, third floor, Leisterls building. t • Young Men's Ceristian - Asseraation niters the (fret end third liondey evenings each mouth, in Smith's bluldnig. Port 33, 0. A. R., meets Third Monday of each mouth in Court llouse..'? 1 . . . . Town Cbuncii meets the brat Friday evening of each month. , . , flunti n,Larlgg go. 140, K. of P., nieeti evory,Sat irday ev.tug, in smh' its building. . „ ~,ZfunLingdoti. T entpie of Honor, No ,71, monis the ; fourth blutulny of each mouth in Good Tumplupe, The Irebsferian Club meets every Thitraduy evcu ' lng, fit the Y. M. C. A. room. • , 1.1, Churchetht Saptlst Chords—WaehltiiMii Stieet." 1.7. Pion uctt. Denims or: Sabbatl: : 1934 m, p. m. Cogoilie—lirashiogtok: Street. = Ser. vices first three Sundays in every mouth. EianiefitablutharalliMin Street. Rev. J: J. Kerr - Services on Sabbath: 10%n. m.,7 .. in. • - German Riformed,•ThdrCh 90w - tarOv., S. D. Stock's. Splice on Sabbath: 7. p. m.. Illetliod tat Epttcotaill-Phiarah,Stiect:: Rev. .1V;lls Services 011 tlabinith :rtAfriva. hi, 7p. - • • Protestant lipiscopal,-Lill street: •Itov.. A. 11. 11°3 le, Services on Sabbath :' 10Sa. m., b3'p m. Presbyterian—Hill Street...lb:v. G. W. Zahniscr. Ser . ..,,,sices ortSabbath: 11 , ~,,, On the Wing.' ' Thursday next is St. PatrieVs clay. B: . cleugh lectures in:llellidnySbnyg on the i'Othinst: • 'steer, recently slaughtered in Juniata county, weighed 1298 pounds. "The \Villinmsburg Temperance Vindicator, lit is reported, ha's been sold by the Sheriff, A number orßedford county ,eitizens.m. 'tend moving to Tennessee this spring. • Mifflin had'an ekcitenlehilasilreek in the elnipe of a $lOO re. That's poor local. ,• ;Weitz - mg Ints them defined. to-be hugging is the style in vogUe in s lientineeri. - ' - On Thursday nazi the school directors 'of the' county will decide whether Or:net the fraltiry of the Superintendent shall be raised. TIM' Cambria county spelliAgi batili didn't come off,„according to announcement. Ono of tho directors got stiuttUkish about some „Thing,„ and the thing fizzled out.. great revival is Progressing in Cassville, `:thiS`bounty . . - `Up7ards2;of siscty conversions have taken ,place among the inmates of the ,Soldier's Orphans School. Theseditor of the Soniersit Stanclardiefely received two gold dollars for one year's sub . scription. -The _editors looked at tlithu,fif : teen' niinutes,to see if they were genuine: , On the Till 'nit:, 11Tr. George Mitchell, 'an employee of the' guntingden Manufaetnririg Company, got two middle fingers of ids right t baud cut off by coming in contact with a saw. Dr. Williams has retired from the position .of General Superintendent of the Pennsylva nia 'llailroad'•Company, and has been suc ceeded by A. J. Cassmt, Superintendent of • Motive power and Machinery, at Altoona. . „ If anybody-expects us to send him the Globe. free hi eCunplimentin 'us; Le is,ilight.- .Iy . ,raistaken„.Your coOplitnents do very -well to tickle the fancy but they never did - - supply bread and butter, to tickle the palate. AlUipkin, Indianapolis, Indiana, propos ..es that hereafter, instead of saying, "let us ..„ -sing the Doxology," the tittnister shall say . us put on.iti . Uvei•o4s;adjust our furs, slip oti Our gliivesakotif lints, look tithe • lord and•be dismissed "• • •••• • '•: Iri I.)tiffiin the other day a little boy named Bloom struck 'another' Loy 'named Solid'len. bere,iyith asloiib on Aic side of ,his he;o1 and "ft:Ranted his Atoll. Blm•tn'trai arrnated.— ' This isanother warning - to bus not to-throw _ ' ; Three children—a daughter and two'snns, ~.of Mr- Daniel Stiayer, - of Croyle'. ten:iiship, ,4C19:91.!ti a u died of scarlet fever; he ' iween the2dth and 26th of February-. The fli&:chilOen were buried in ono grace on :the 27th. ' ,l 4lr.'iohn'l'illler 3 , of Ent Pc:o . videneeltWp., Medford conntyllilii';ilding a.young 4 , watr, thrown off and falling on hie head,,frae - lured ' He' fingered a few dtiTs and —expired. --He never spoke a word affei the accident. Wouldn't it be well to start woo-Operative . . , manufacturing company in our town fur the huildred or more,artisaris who atiOnt of '-einplotwient during }Tinter?, 'lt is nokplea sant to hear our young men couiplainiag of 111.ving nothing to ad. •, Rev. J. W. Planpett will deliver a Tem . Terence sermon in the: BaPtist, Church on ...Sabbath morning ne.v.t.at 101. o'clock. Our • , I people, who have not heard a temperance lecture or sermon for some time, should avail ,Themselves of this opportunity: ,TIM Bedford Gazette'aEitikes us say: that eiery , fetidly in Huntingdon has a hog hilt. We said no such -thing ; wo; do say that al-. most every family in ? tt . r town has entoyprise enotigli:tx?ieep;ti ltog,`lr(tt 'pt , p ? 'and' Vtif . car that intire. s th,aji,ettii he the enter prise';9r ilUciOoneli Bedford: - A man - , !named Rubier, aged sixty-three committed, suicide: in a hardware _atom in Ilerrieburg on the 10th inst. lle -- had bought a pistol, which the dettlet. loaded ;fox him, and as,the ; latter' went to the:rear - pasta the store Rohrer put the barrel of the ;pistol 'in hie mouth, discharged it and: fell dead in ale* minutes. . " 'The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has decided'thit deeds giVon:for."the purpose of transferring tho title to land :trom husband 'to wife, through the inteidention'ofa trustee, - r - with a merely nominal consideration,•require _only a five cent stamp each, as, agreements or contracts n,4 specially' desighated` r in stamp schedule They do not require a conveyance stamp, as really it is' not sold. Our Legislature• has , passed a bill making it a penal Offence for persons who sell milk `to adulter`ate the same - with water. A per- - son that does :so, shall be barred from any right to recover pay for, the static: ' Any per son convicted of selling-impure: adulterated or unwholesome milk ahall pays ,fine of not less than fifty dollttr's - or iniprisimnient of; not -less than thirty, daye,,Or'l;oth. , „, • . . 40. Cheyo'Corn Sheller' and Tel egraph Fodder Cutter for sale "at the Hardware store of A R. Stewart &,Co. • Var•Usc KiLuey's Cough Syrup. • It ie reliable Sec certificates: Procure it of S. S. Srath, inbl6-ara SERVED HIM 1). certain house in the limits of our borough lives a young colored girl, who is a domestic for the family :occupying the house.— One - day lust Week she was the heroine in the following rare but actual occiir 7 rencet Early in the, morning a well known colored man (who, by the way, is a married man and a leading mem ber of the African Zion 6x - ire - la - called at the house andlnipiired for a Wood saw ; the I yonkgave: io him, when heLreturne4At inter, the day. Pre,vious , to,!roturning the saw, howeverOteLeamp; to! the , bouse, and had made arrangements with the col• ored girl for certain accontinodayon, in - ,Th c tili girl ittyiniiinted the Ilicif'offlte ,l house with the foul iiitdei tentions of tfemen; and told flee not to beniMasy if she heard any noise in the cellar. When _the' colored man , ciiine back with ' lie - raw, be once - repaired 'in" Search' Of the"girl, who when he found, invited him into the cellar, but before he had Jima to med itato further what ho should do, the girl seizedli bilfet,:of-.svoo'd nil:,bellib oured him over.thellead and should ers so egeetually,that he beat a hasty retreat from the 'Cellar, through the yard, and out die alloy on'to the pave ment; she following and trouncing him _ mercilessly. We'll wager our hat „ he Will not go there again. ..; • • . Such is the treatment every Man, whether -- White or Week, should - reeivo from the'hitrids - Of a 'woman When she knows it is his intention to assail her virtue. • It more — of .such summary - punishment was ; inflicted, the morals of our community would be improved. We publish it merely as an illustration of what should and can be done by a woman in like circumstances. TIIE BODIES OE THE CONDEMNED:- AB,somopp.y:bo - purioas to know what disposition has been made of the bo. dies of tiohne'r and •BodtMberg; we re late. On Wednesday Sheriff Notify had appointed two colored men to bury them. They took the bOdies to an open lot in the. northeast pOrtion of the town in the evening; but both the,grave diggers 'got drunk and left the job, be. fore it was completed, and neither of the bodies worii buried . : On Thursday inon - king the Sheriffuppointediitiother party to finish it, but while doing so the borOugh authorities interfered and would ,not , allow them to be' buried within the I orough limits. The bodies were then taken to.a field a short 'dis: tance from town where they were in terred, with nothing but the mound to mask the t•pot. ANOTI!ER Timer'.-011 last Sattirday a colored citizen of the female persua sion,' visited a girl living at Mr. M. S. 'Lytle's . ; In taking her leaVe a pair of gum shoes,' lying in the hall, stuck to her' fingers, and followed, her tibiae.— On Sunday night shy went to the col credcpuyeli, living „at M.l.Liliscovered the, gums upon her feet. , : ' After church she demanded the shoes;:when . the thief took flight and was pursued by the coolcand another girl Shy was overtaken near the obliged to surren der tynili6es.'" ll'di 4 litirtiers then in flioted some blows on her head with the gums, when she' frightened the girls by some wicked threats and cfnMed them ; home., • . - - - .6 , 1 E• GLEASON'S LEcruaßs.-Dr.fdlea• sen..ban been delivering a course of 1 eau f l ea tp u a.w •• sy Ste rri,;in - Ihe `pqiit.l \Vr esd 'irelfave attended, those lecttirEs7 i'm bracing.-,those-rup,„the.,B.eant,-liungs, Brai 'Senses; - and derived from each nthind of - litioWledge Meals use ful and important.. The Doctor makes no-friend -of: quacks f or,. luaclr medi cines; the - foolish maidens-who wear tight corsets and thei4bolish &tag Who chew tobacco and 8 haVO no sympattiyArontAtim ; - :and every - ka`S . .s'tli'at:"tli.C:i:tai r us. false notions c or indulge in wrong': practices receives a word d i aeirlinand and'6W4ion that it would be wcli fut:,everybody to hear and heed. • 13e — Wo are always glad to hear from those who have something to say, and especially pleased when they say' it in as low- words.as possiblo,.:We receive a great many commanications which seryk - :the': single pitrposo 'of proving that ..agyeat many, persons have, little idea about writing,t9); publication. We invite facts,,and- will he glad to receive th'eitt inilniokitirgarb: 'So long as the4acttisAllere',ly2,eflrilj:tittand to the rest. I3u~ lAng,"-Wia4e - d . :discjuioitiOns on subjects interesting chiefly to the writers, wtthave no; V 0001,017: Neither have we for mere controversy. -We are rending : -out. bills to a number , of our ti "-subscriSrs, which we hope tbet will eo'n - siihytis thins or no. tices_ , to pay :up.whe`n:,ap, - .cippnrtunity offers—Say- Apri ..,Soino of the bills date ino_farlittek`joi either Our satisfaction or the' sabseribers'. A large billja much harder-'to-pay than a tunallone. We want all our subscri bers :to — pay. insido of tbo year' for which they iiub'scribe. We aro thank ful to those wliO,ha've Paid up. tt Lter Go to Brown's Carpet Store and see Its large stook 'of new patterns for Spring - sales—also 2000 'bolts latest style Wall Paper. ". ' ' Sat" The most popular Cook Stove in the market is The Lclipee, f,or'sale by A., It. Stewart S:, Co. , 'mh9-4t ra_Go to Red / Front for Glassware Q.lt.onswake;,§topewAre, Willow and Ceditrweie, cLc., eta. A SCHOOLBOY ON THE_ EDIToa.,--T4o editor is ono of i the most happiest; ani mals in 'UM espeCiallY if some of his subscriber 4 .yoei't, pay. lie can go to the circus, afternoon -and,oven ing,.iVithotit P , tiying a cent. T iliat:is, if he will de "ft . great' deal of'printing for a few tickets; he .can also go to hang ingsi andiaquestsi' ; 'He hiviii:ee:tkikets to picnics and: strawberry-festivals, if he is troubled with the "big head," and has-more brass than brains: Get wed ding caices tent him, and sometimes got§ l a licking, t)ut not often, for,he ‘ can takclthings bhck - . nmit, issue, whieh '[i . e generally 'do - Cs." I never knew but ono editor to get licked. Ills paper busted thtit'dtiy and he couldn't; get anything back; • Whilo others have to go to bed early, the .editor, can sit up late every night and see what is gOing '.l'lle'b'boy'S:tkink: it jig a grand,thitig — To‘li s ng,on till ten,o!cloeft; that is, if they are once tight.' When 'I arri'4 Mari - I Mean. ie be, an,editor, so lean stay out late'of nights.' Then that will be bully. The 'editor 'don't have to saw wood or do any cliripping, except with his scissors. Railroitds get up excursions for him, knowing if they didn't he'd make them got up'and In politics ha' don't care much which he goes for, if•tliey're on' his side. If they ain't, ho goeA for them any way, so it amounts ye dearly the same thing even if some "soft-heads" stop taking the pap_ey.,., Tkere is a griat. ,many peoPle trying to lie editors who can't, and some of-Ahem- have been in - the profession for. years. If I was asked if I had .rather have an education to be a, circus rider, I should say, Let me be an editor. It is, fun to be swindled ,by a scapegoat'subberitier. • BUY A Ildill3.Every laboring poor man should buy , himself a town lot, get that paid for, and' then work•to make the necessary improveMent. A- little here and - a little there twill in due time - pi odure you a hoe Of your own, and place you out of the landlord's grasp; remember' that 'fifty dollars, a year savetl , in rent, will 'hi" a very few years pay for your home, and the money it costs you • to move and 'shift about, without any loss oflurnituire and time, pay the interest of a five hundred dol lar_jOgrnent against.. your. property, until you can gradually reduce it to nothing. You, can all buy.thatway— why do you not risk it?, F lf, you fitil you ai© no worso.offif,You,Oceeed, us any . pareful. man is 89'0 to do, you havo - niatle'a Irome established busitfesS equal to'auothei•, i'vlfich will start you in business. BREAD, CAKES, CANDIES,. &C. -Mr. Luke Reilly, having Income sole pro prietor of tho TIMM' Steam Bakery and Candy 'Manufactory, in the rear of the Castillian Garden, in this place, arMioincos to his friends and the pub lic goner:l4l:y that ho is prepared to make all kinds of- Bread and Cakes in a satisfactory manner, - and ,will furn ish them at low rates to suit both rich and poor. Ile intends making• Milk Bread, which has, become so.,popular 'Wherever •introddirod, mid nid,ry !lOW varieties of Bread arid Cakes. , HQ Win also : 'supply- wlioJeiszile an d retail dealers ‘Otb the elpicepto : Plain and Fancy , Confeetioneries,.at a cent a pound clieapei'llia"trcti - n be tad in Phil adelphia . We reco u unend Mr. Reilly us a first class baker, andadviae all to givdhini"anall.. Na - ceTteit'iv SEI:os - t,itilttiOtigh the season for gardening has not yet ar rived, it is t,o rapidly approaching that outrarclenOrs -and ithere‘dre few itiour town who Inive no garden, should at. tend to gettingsepds—both flolsor and vegetatile. We can not recommend a better or more liberal Seed man than Mr. James Vick, of Rochester, N. Y. He keeps a largo and choice selection of Flower and Garden Seeds, and those who have tested_ thorn in former years haire never been disappointed. An illdstrated Floral Guido, which he fur nishes at ten cents,:(not half the cost,) will be of great assistance in making the neees4airy Selection, rind' chit ure Now is the time to make your selec • A bill luts,beon itkirminccd_into the Legis lature to allow the Verina. Canal Company to vacate that portion of the canal between Hol lidaysburg and Huntingdon, now but little used. There would be no objections, we think, to this bill passing, as with die canal closed and a rant ond laid between the two 'points; every accommodatiOn .'WoYild'Vett'ffor ded-to' those'Who would desire' to 'tr'avel or traffic.'• Let• it be (Dims and rnake'.lluuting• don the headwater of the canal, as has often been. proposed. „ ; SAD AFFAIR. —A had affair, says the Tiewistewp Gazeye,,ocuurr.o ut,.green- Wood Furnace on 'Thursday, March 3, 11 -7 , 1 1 1 0 fit fic)Pt three years, lcilliiig his sister, a babe only tire months'otd, , with a hammer. The child Was lYing'il) the cradle, and 07)0 - 11slyttii khaf , :on the . bY4I4, the hammey,,nodoubt in play or with out intending toMtrtu her, killing her instabily.f No 6ii6 was present at the time. Ent L yrtiliti mop ill be given in Huntingdon Aeadetnyon Friday evening the 18. th :. inst. Per formances will consist of Sleet Ora• tions Original Esitys,•lteeitations and Dialogues.. Admission 'Scents. Tie k'dtti . 13olcstbies.' - Exer'i:iBes to commence at o'eloek. : • ge- McLannb4n, Stune Sr,' lOett,Hollidays bitrg, have the lii gent and best dsBortment of Garden and Flower Seeds in 'this vieinity;. Semi ;fur P.ntrilogue, , ; t papers Theiaton receipt of plonolt, post-paid. ,t,lO L IST O.P JURORS A Pltlf, • i.ElLM-ISIO. GO VID JURORS. James A. Appleby, laborer, Dublin Wm, IL Breniter merchant, Slityloye!ourg Thomas hull earponter, Marren rainual Boa man tanner. John 11. Iteoofora carponter, Coal:neat S. easy matuglictiner, V•routilin ' - Merritt:unmans lamer, Jackson William Na' Is farmbr, Jackiim ' S.D. tennis farm, r. Tell Drub,ln Ditroordrth formr, Jackson • James ['leach cat venter, Springfield U, Wise.) Orem] iron master, Porter Enamel Ileason - terteber, Cassvolle Jolla lingo). alert:bout, Huntingdon Adam Lightner hunter, West' Samuel D. Linn far or, Smiugfield Leaden Norris farmer, Wellcor Charles Utettur hornier, :Adria] Daniel l'elglital [orator, Penn .1111sha Shoemaker farmer, Oneida James 43alitli MI awe, Cromer all W S. :Mita blacksmith, Walker Thomas WilSon farmer, IYarroorsmark J. 11. Wintrodr, Bt. D., Penn - • • • • , TISIVERSC ' JUaSits-riaaT WEEK. 'David Ashton fat may, Springfield '• , ' • 'llllllAni Afric.i shoemaker, liuntiugdoti ~ ,I.ll.llirin4, 'inept In, Lloutin;gdon - ,-•• o.l3ulinger tinder, Crowson • 'Pithraui Clincote, P. M., Mt. Union Asa Corbin farmer, Union L D. CiCllg ehudniltker, Drolly Andrew Ca, bury farmer, Hopewell • Asher •Diake Lu mei, Clay • ~.Jerob Flaslur blacksmith, Aft• Litton . ,Stimuct Fouse termer, Lincoln • Joseph Fogle farmer, Dublin ' Held, Fleming farmer ' Jackson . JaCal.l Cartier tarmor, Juniata Calvin Owen fernaer, Clay • Joseph A. Green iron master, P rtes Uoliret saddler, Camiville • • ••• Thos. Chill mason, Lincoln - • Peter Heffner farmer, Juniata • John Houck fainter, Barren John Hewitt Liz num. Porter • John Hess, finite el bass, Lincoln , t - • hos. K. IlentlerAon farmer, Vat ridrisnivk If farmer, Shirley, Hubert Jones cleek,'Pninklhi - It. 11 Jones farnier,Tell John R. Meio. lan tiler. Brady' 'when Murton gent, = - P, heel 31eVai roil nzassii, Alexandria -;•`. 15 ilium McCartney tanner, West Henry Neff fernier, 15 est • John Oen alt farmer; Junf. to John Piper carpenter, Alexandria' Itelmrt Parsons fin tiler, Tell : Jacob Porter fernier,Anieitia r' Thos. Riley mill aright, Franklin • Anthony ',bulls termer, Lincoln John P. epanogie lab 'tee, Warriorsmark Abram Shlliefett fanner:J u niata Hudson ',peck fn mar, JUDIAIR Otto. G. :inth laborer, Barre° Harry J. Sharer teamster, Mt. Union John G. Stewart in u keeper- D. F. Tut."' fu rums, Pot ter ' - _lsaac Taylor fernier. Ted , " - -lamatitla Yoder' fanner, Dublin .' -Porter Hebb farmer, Walker, TRAVERSE JURORS—BECOND Fruit. William Burchinell inediiiiiht Huntingdon - Jacob 'Baker carpenter, Alexandria - - ilenr,r Brumbaugh fanner,- Tenn Joseph litinglislough engineer, Jackkon tun teacher, Todd David eo cabinet maker, Wee riersinaik Johu (Teasley Sinner, Jackson • t. John II Donaldson Calmer, Lincoln A. 11. Dean tanner, Juniata James Darin fat Mee, Jackson • David Elemode cal limner, Coalition t Augustan Ebbw eau saddler, Mt. Union E. A. Green gentleman, Brady - A. IC. Green gentienian, Springfield Daniel Ilea tslor shoemaker, Huntingdon W. M. Thompson finnan, &oily . Fiederick Harmony larinsr, Shirley i. Themes Keith Rai genies, Fianklin Nathaniel 1,3 De saddler, Mutt is Joseph Logan lei tiler, Pelves John Ate Neal Inuucr, a lac Hobert IL Sly ton, tinnier, Durso Ifni. Monaca f latmer, Ilenderaoll Jacob Alms.. Jr., tinnier, Bandy Neu ton Madden fartncr, cpringlield Asopli Plies farmer, Crum well Wm. K, filer smellier, IVarriorsmark David Speck fanner .Juniata 0. C. :tato fanner, Dubin GCO. Tity her tanner, Coca Frank Wolfkill fanner, Grady Geo. P. Wakefield farne.r. Weet Simon White tanner. Henderson John If. Yocum faultier. Juniata James Speer Linnet, tell -. . Alexander T. Ste Wart says: "He who invests ono dollar in business should invest one dollar in advertis ing!! 'Robert Bonner says : "My 'Sue_ dess is owing to my liberality in - ad vertising." . Barnum said . : "Liberal advertising made him a million dol• tars in ten years." Stephen Girard said : " - Constant and persistent adver tiSing is a Nure prelude to wealth." tm. A. small electric battery has been applied to ordinary sewing ma chines, and has been found to operate them very successfully. Two small battery cups furnish `power for all ordinary machines, while three drive the needle with. astonishing rap idity through ten thicknesses of mate rial. The expense of operating by this means is said to be about five.cents day. Sales Bills for the following salol l have been printed'at the Globe office March 13th, young cattle, furniture, L., in Shirley twp. ,J, K. 1 3 .e$erson;113%13. PElter son. • •Sue' itilvetaise . Mdat: - March 16, horses, cows, cattle, etc., in Cass township. David M, Quench. March 19, mares and cults ,in Juniata, tp. See advertisement. D. W. NVomelsdorf. March 231, horses, cows, cattle, etc., near Marlclesburg. See adv. Theebait Pease., March hotel - - fuimiture in ljuntilig don. Seo advertisement. ; George Long. Get a Supply Now. s. To make room for a new monthly supply, fifteen barrels of table syrups and baking molasses, twelve barrels of sugar ; eight bags of coffee, arid goode generally, will be retailed cheap for cash or country produce at the RED FRONT GROCERY, Huntingdon, Eadioi Dresses and Bays Clothing Mrs. B. Annie Metithe respectlully in forms the public that she has removed to the houstitformerly oitcupiekhyli. 4.0.14nigil on Washington street. and is prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of all kinds. She respectfully invites a full share of patronage., . ap7 Carpet ~V curing Mrs. Matilda Pheasant, is Prepared to weave rag carpets, and' ' solicits 'patronage from a generous public. Residence Wash ington Street, West Uuntinoo , • , tf , & Dale willilis pose of their entire stock of .Dry Gonds,&e.'„&e., at Auction, commenc ing on MiursilUY evening) - - , March 17th continuing on. Fciday., evening, 18th Hand• Saturday, all day, until all is sold , Wrlmproved Buckeye and the Buckeye and Ohio Harve3ter combined, Reapers and Mowers, repairs.of the Buckeye,', always On hand, at MeLanahun, Stone& hat's, Holli daysburg, Pa. fe9 5m • '.:l3:s o ,Varinora:no'dding n' will do well, to eall:on Wharton &Ala and 'eXturniue 'the' Willotighpy gum-spring grain drill, either with or without phosphate attachineut, beim.° purrhasing.' Lf Oa"- Double Harpoon Huy Forks, best in use, and ,there has uevor_been one returned so far ;;:e.ll- 'orb wurraiged.; MeLanahan, Stone & Isett, Hollidaysburg. feo-5m - cider .Mills„graia Separators; Clover Hullers and Stemmer's, Cultivatars, WaShing iNlauhine., etc., etc., at 111eLattalian, Stone & Isett'o, " .• 11€4:::. Best Gum Buller and Guns Spring Grain Drills, at MeLaualinu, Stone &Isett's, —.fe9'BOu; - Pent% & ..11nyrRakee, go- Lenanan, Stone &...leett's, Holliduyobtirg.LsEn Metanahan, Stone k Isett, rfollidays burg, warrant all their instruments. [101).5n Norway Oats. Tho genuine Norway :Oats, of. the Ramsdell s6.::Tek, for sil.lnt Led Vront ckrugury. t(' MARRIED CYA L .lll.dygli - :3a, by •Rov. J. E deft, GEORGE W. Buss to MiS9 MAR TUA A. Bloom:, all of ILintiu don. DIED, In this borough on the 13th inst, Tuomns SNYDER, Second son of John W. and Harriet X Vattern, aged 1 year, 11 months and 11 days. In• this borough ; on the • 120..:inet , MARY AGATHA, daughter of George and Frances Snyder, aged 18 months. In thin borough, on the 12th inst., MINNIE, daughter of Dr. E. J.. and Nannie Greene. :!• On thu 10th iliSt;;Ill f this borough, GRANT, inlaid. bon or Harlin and,piza Saylor, aged I.year and 7-mOnihi. MARKETS. I=2 PIIIIADELPIIIA, Itch. 15. 1970. Supei fine Flour per barrel {4.50@4.75 Balm Flour per Lai rel 55.5016.00 Rye Flour per barrel simiggs.uo Red 11 heat per bubliel 1 53(01.55 Rye per bushel 93@1..01. • Corn pet bushel 55W1Icts. Oats per bushel ' 54(036ct5. ,• . , ' P1178114E011, Nth 15, 1570 Spring Wheat Flour pet Lot rut $5.50530.00 Now 11 heat per bushel • $1.15(01.18 Curtiper bUdtel - • 76(00 Slats per bushel .10(041cts, lty9 per Lucid ' $11.0 , 5 1.04 Morley . ' . $1.10@151:25- FINANCIAL. litm Yana, 111e1115.—Cold Oohed at $1,12. PHILADELPHIA, Mch. 14, 1870 Tho following ate the closing prices of Do Haven & Bro., 40 South Third Street: U. S. G's of 'Bl, - • 1141 1141 " " 1111 1111 " " '64, - 1101 1101 " " '65, - - 1101 1101 -'65, now, - .1091 1091 " " '67, - 110 • 110.1 " '6B, - - 110 1101 s's, 10.40'5, - 1071 1071 U. S. 30 Year 6 per cent. Cy. 1101 1101 Due Comp. Int. Kotes, - 19 Gold - - - 1121 112-1 Silver, - - - 111 1 : 1121 Union Pacific lilt lit M. Bonds 8.;0 840 Central PuOi.fic ' • 966 970 Union l'acific Land Grant fonds 720 730 HUNTINGDON MARE.ETS. CORRECTE6 WEEKLY IsY PRICES. aeon—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $9.25 Extra Flour, du 9.50 Family Flour, do 5.00 Gnats—Red Wheat, per bushel. --@l.OO White Wheat,_ du 1.10 ,-:. Rye, 7- ~, . chi 85 Corn, nevi, -- - do- 70 Oats, do 35 Barley,.. . , - . du - _ 1.00 SEEDTimothy, do - • 3.50 Flaxseed, do ' - = 1.75 Cluverseed, per 01 lbs. 0.50 PROVISIONS—Putatoee, per bushel, 40 Dried Apples, do 1.75 Corn Meal, per cwt., 2.00 Dried Peaches, per pound,. 12 Dried Be.er,-,.,, ' - .i.ld, ,i .i' 20 Lard, - ' 'dd ' ' ' 20 Pork, do 12 •Butter i •:.• ,:,••' dii ~ -. ' • 35 Cheese, d o - - , .20 EO-gs, per dozen, ' 20 117ani, 20 SE Shoulder, 14 COAL--Hard coal, per ton, 6 00@,7,50 Broad Top coal, , do 3.0003. 50 LUMBER, Flee-1000 feet; :• • •:12.00(( - 430. 00 SIIINGLES—Lap, fie - 11000 ft., - 10.00(&)12, 00 Joint Shingles, de 5.00®6 . 50 Miseet:t.ANEOus--Bark; per cord,,- • - 5. 5 0 Bran, per cwt., : . : , • 1,00 Hops, per pound 40 Wool, do .45@50 Hay, per ton, - - 12.00 Hides, , •• - • -: 6@7 Green Apples, do 75e > 1.00 Onions, • • do. - ' 75 BOOKS " AND STATIONERY ' OF . ALL XiNr2ts, WALL PAPER. . , I, .:, .";; „. . % :-, A •f : ; ..1‘ ,iTif,,l!,:i Z' '" '' -- - ,iii, t- , • •••-' ' • 0 .. .,.. ,s . A . d .r? ~ , , Y „, ,; ,:11.'".' 'l'. ..Pl,ol,at-4,ib"--1,'.1::' `.l * : • : i , ; ,', 'if .4f- 4 , o.t2lt;t, c V t : i ,1 , 1 •5 ' .!..;:. , - ; .. .- tt:4,a , , -0 . , tf:: N Vi'-',;;,---"? ,•!4Z. ''.l 1.: :i :'. ::''.,r'(.3l. 4,t, '"''.'it . ' • ' t,SZ, ,Z:\ i • 4 ., ‘ , , % \_, l T'i'Z'Z'i 4:: 1 f!, - '',4 -- ' , in '' :c" 5"0.,-;;;" -.:::i .., z,.. .., !!4iv 0.1/, y :•7,-,,%"47 ;‘'_i'' -1 k •-•-, ' .i. 'S.. ny ..f•V 0 ' . c•,l ••,j . ' •-•i'VV ::t tafr,?,,17:10 :-- r.:-:e'..r.'Z'S`l,,,P:Wr ' ' ;IT. - •. -4 . [.,16,2 ...4-; L u , --,r; - . , ,-,.., ~ • . : f• E A . .r Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. School Books and Stationury,Bibles, Hymn BUoks, MiseellatneOVU3 Hodks of dll' kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books', etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru ments,AVull. Paper; PlVigdpv; tirades and Fixtures - , etc:; etc:, do: —ruov.ll.tf.' JOIIN U. MILLER, .1. • I • • (Successor to 0. & SOS,) •". 1' •,' ‘i ' ! • DEALER IN • I Al Kinds of. LEATHER, , SHOE FINDINOS I HUNTINGDON, PA. ja12.1570 - • BOQKS AND STATIONERY.— ,goon assortment of miscellaneous and Soho° hooks—Foolscap, Letter,. Commercial ; arid 'Note Paper— Hain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and It Inks— Blank; Books of,ninnerous siiei—Pea, Pencils; r ,ckot bud Desk Inkstands, and every other article-n=llk , found in Book and Stationery Store, can be had at talc prices at LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! yuu want your card neatly printed on enrol owe, call at ZpV.I I S7 'Root; wro 0 et 710Ar4R4-IST,O4?E - I. ,D l. l : nt TblE BOOKS, - ' • CUX AIY.O 71 , " N 11310; j c . l ON . Tip: Phatistments. 11IIE FOLSOA Till PRO TEP: FA Al- IL)! 111A011INF: Therelnutlined 'duke a strung. dot .t.lo and cludic stltrit ; will BolVl,itli ova every cony of cotton; wooieif, linen and all; tttfotle, from the It. ost to the cool blot, and of oily requit od t hick ut nt gr..tder gked and with led: ii.ltrer hdtitunge than any utitet ut Agettni mint. nr wory to. it., Lib eral counol,dou all , C, ed. For tutus and circular ad dref s A.:. 1111.1111:1:0:1, Sole Agent. . felo4t No. If 0 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. CENTRAL IT.OTETJ, SOUTIL EAST CORNER FOCRTII AND SPRUCE SIR, PHILADELPIHA. • E.CHILOOTE, Hormel ly of Huntingdon Co.) Pneen Centrally located 111111 the most convenient point fur merchants visiting the city. Accommodations of the first-class. All the modern improvements. Every at tention will be extended to guests. jaub-lys E kg II 135051 Ita relay St., NN. or 38 W. 4th St:; Cincinnati O. If they wont the most popular and bast selling subscription books published, and the most era/ terms. Semi for circulars. Theywlllcostyptt nothing, and maybe of great benefit to' yon. Surveyor General's 'Office, Hintus'llulta, Ski , r: 8, 180''d rr(1) 'TILE 0 WRILliB,' OF UIsfPAT ENIED LANDS: - Jo obedience to on Act of Assembly, apptorcd the eighth day of April, ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-vino, ion ore h, ruby notified that tho "County Land Lien ' Docket," containing the' 'of uniattentcri lands for Huntingdon county, prepared under the Act of As4eintrly of the twentlettt pf May, one "thoudand eight hundred nod sixty-four, and, the supplement thereto, hoe this day loon thrwarddd 'ti the ProthoMitary of rho county,at Vk 11.0 office it may ho examined. The liens can only ho liquidated by the 3,urchasa Money, interl3st and, fe ' • es,. and receiving patents through , this Depart. molar. ' JACOB M.CABIYBELL, ,Surviyor General. Sept 15,—0u .I[LITTON &.:McCONNELIai - kr - " 41 •4 Forllitoro Warerums ; No. 809 MARICET STEET,.' , Korth Side - - PHILADELPHIA. PARLOR, •DININO , ROOM, CIIAILBER FURNITURE,' Of the Latest Styles and beet manufacture, FEATHERBEDS and MATTRESSES. " 10b, 33, 3m.. • ,;: 'NORWAY OATS. ' . now in store p ajorgq,lqt of V • arntiine Ramsdell •stroek of NORWAY OATS • • ' Which wo aro offering as low as any responsible house in our trade,. .t - ' GARDEN SEEDS, •;ery Wairanted fresli and kCntilne: One trial secures, your confidence. PLOWS, Ilsrrows, Cultivators, Broad Cas . t Sued Sowers, Corn Planters, and tho • lsigest s.ortntent of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 1. To ha found in'tlid city. Oar Amateur's Guide and Calendar for 1870 and Price Listnf Seeds'niailed Free to all'applicants. ' ' • - .WADE & , , , , PAccessors to Paschall SEED, A N 15,1MI?1,1151. SST li'Alf.llJloldSll, ' ' 1130 31.il1ICET . ST., 11 11 U NITED STATES 3E3 CD ) ‘ f Bought, SOld and Eichanged . , . ON. MOST Lip.ERA.L TERMS. ' oar • ,C3 O , Zx 300 Bought, and Sold at. 31aniset Pates. 'COUPONS CASHED.' PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS • Bought 'and , Sold:' • s - lc. Bought;'and:Sidd'dn . Coni'TisOon t oidy. Accounts received !Ind '.interest:,a,llowedl on daily. bulances'Euliject , to check, aetight. :; " 40 SOUTH 3l) STREET, n'F; 2 4.Y' • i ; ; r; •;. ; ; „.; • . •! 1 DA IS Milk Groat American Health itectoCZr., purifier the blood 111111 cures 'lscrofuia. Syphilis; Skin Disenees. Rheumatism, Diseases„of otniniAnd all Classic Affections of the Blood, Liver and .llid. net's: • iledommended byllie Medical 'Faculty:and thousand of our best citizes. •• - - • Ituffif ilietrellmony orittcysiclans int 'Patients whin have used Rosati:Ott send Id' our Reseda! ' Guide to .ilettlth or Alnutnaclor this year, which wo pnblielt for griffon:ins distribution; i 1 will glve,you rructa VHIIIIOIIO • •• D. IL W. Carr, of Baltimin a sc3s:. 1 take Pleasure fit tee fmmending your flostalal• Itas a very potter:lll alterative. , 1 Davie, teen it used In two cases aitlt lump) , resblts—Dllo In case of sectinenry syphllla, in, which the patient :pre. nounced himself cured ,uflor having taken five bottlits of your medicine.' Tho'other Is a tide' of scrofula Wong standing,. which ~is rapidly Du proving under its use, and the inaltations - are that Ilio'patient Will aeon recover. I' .Ithre Cara • fully examined the lormula by which your,ltosa dolls is made, and lint ft an excellent eoffiffeund of all alterative Ingredient.. D Dr. Sparks of,Sleholesville, Ky., says Ito has rased liosadalls in 'eases 'ofieroluln: and secondary S 3 ;Milts with ralisOletory results--as a den= of the blood I know no better remedy. • Ferment O. McFadden, alurfreeborre 'Tennessee, eny liai•e itself - Seven' iottlea of. Vinulat;lii, and am mai; oly cured of liitenmatists; send me four, hot ties, as I wish it for My brother, who ban, set ofn lons nor'° eyes: ," ' , • ' • .12 . . •Pi .Itenj Ilechtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes, lbw t.uffered for I,winity yew' a•ith an Inveterato eruii lion over,my , body ; a short tithe since .I•Amr chased a bottle of Itoradalts and it effected a per. fere eurn.' • - • • "I. ;' • ; •"- • ; • • • MI 111 liosadalis is sold by. John Bend ,and S. Jimaiuthdon, Pa., and Diuggists FeuiAully. Labrhtoly,,6l.llxcbange Nam ‘! - ' • • In CLEMXIVI3 Feb. 234 yi. 2or 3p. - - t proprietors. .; 3EIII.IET , Gri-IPEEI.. • , - 'RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, " ' 'ciKDE—MARK . • • it• - • •• -.• 7 '••• ~.•. . SPRING - •;: t •,.. 1.. ;:: • Inceraso your c r op or • • ' 'CORN; OATS,'' POTATOES, WHEAT, AND ORAES, Ad WOH ••, • , ,ADD TO VIE FERTILITY oy.xoup sOIL, „By a Jndicious,und Ecopomlcal modu of, .„ ,1/1 -TT' 1 IT. q- Gel the value of woun outlaylke first season: Obtain better,,filled.ears,and heavies:. grain. ,Tieep, your. soil free from no*ziq Blake your land perpeanentill„ferplp,„ Over ,six.r.sxN years qconotant up, on all crops, Las 'proven thni Rougleti Raw Dona Pliogpbuto youths' upon by Farnicro., ' ( ; , , 1110IILYTMPROVED AND STANDARD iTAIIRINTLD. F0r , 5t041.4 Agricultural' Dealevoitijorillyll 13417,cira'8i ; SONS , siA.NupAcrf tin Ens, 2d fierEiN4aie AVenue, • • • • • , n • AXTANTE D—A Goon SALESMAN V T'ln tho Wholemlo Notion House ol7f Itendore, Co , No. 321, North 3d Stre.d. Vhlladolphiu. NOOO need tithlreAs unlead odl ntotuninled ttth the norcbauts tustkia county. t • - WII4-14 P. izox EOM= NEW STOVE' AND TIN STORE: BUCLEAi,`AN; Aida O r. S. CO Have opened a nen store in enters new building, in the P l antond, Huntingdon, Pa., and have ready for We, litrgt ml of tmoilt ut -; ' • • 7.7": ;, Cook .and PAtior. stoyes, ,SUEER'S SPEER'S ANTI-DUST, - • g1i.D . 0. 1 3 ANTI-DUST Coca ' SMITH'S DEO ULATQR nil(' EUREKA 000 K. STOMAS mai LITII.E.KIELErSRE;)TURRL Alm, a laigO amorimout Of ' 1— • 1/ . ~1 11 Va AlOO NEBIII),WARg and &great variety, of °nada, uever berm kept 1a Al& place. We also manufacture' " ' " • •. , ,; TIN' WARETo' flift.Dt.R; " Repairing. Roofing and Spouting dune at short initial 44- Country Stores !supplied with , Tin Ware sat city rab.s. confident of being tible to• "advantagean. td their customers they respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. ROOM IN _YENTER'S NEW•IBUILDINCI BI ~,„IN 'RI4] DIAMOND, lIUNTINGIIDNiyA4 31111. 5, li7o SHIONABLE:-GOojsB FALL 'AM) . - Bid :GE. EVIIER.CHANT, TAIL. fit `' 1X reniovod to' the gee:anti tliiori;l : ltela'irbiltiNiiiiitk wheis ho idttmas 'to keop cOAsfovtlytos hid:6l4lls InteaLskyles 7 PIM I OM I ra". OOLIDSSI Joq 4. 3 ^ doitaucAtt,sxtius,a,6:7 , 1 !•'" OASSIMIItES, AND VEBliiiis3 CL0T1.18,.• • CASSIMiIREzt," 'dile ' ViiSTINOS. CLOTI.IS, • pA551M . E1,09,3.. 4441;0 2 jj ,yriispAgs . practitol uotltmatt of tnoxy, xcorommappo be is prepaiod to make to "order Clotliittg for man end boii;atitcgurtraitleellent, titiefiehloinible*iiorio manship: • lio Ia doteimluod to pleagbeirelptaidk. yid . , , • • Aar , All aro invitrd •to elitts examtno ,, mir'snew atook. of beautiful patteroa saturo_ parclutslng elsowhore • . • • Gt.lo. F DIARBIL 'lliritlnidon, Ott. 4 vial.,s ' ' Latest Antvat JR% ROBLEY-I Yl‘,.r .MERCHAisirr TikiL43ll:; Rae reiliove:l to fh6 ' l3lr 6P'eßlabk. (Old I3tond,Top florper,)•whera ;ha is,prunatell;hy_diNall kinds of work in Ms liar of bileineii. 'llo has Just rbeeiv ed a lull line of r3l j CASgiArEgS,' •' • "' CORDUROYS,' , Ste,' ,3I _Thankful for, pia patronaga - he. dotkits , a ebnthiniatied of On same. • The attention of the public feetilletrto stock of cloths • &c.:-Nrbich lierlDprepiired U 3.11181614, to , ' order in a fash ionable, durable and warktaanliko planner. Plena° glee mtf tat I If. ROBLEY, - ApKII 7th, 1869. ••'I•) Ilnlitingdon, N RW-BOOT iII).SHOE, nal% „ IVIVI:APRICA' ••:.5, Informs the 'public ,bat be nas just " opopod hi s, old end tit tlho,Ditutiorml44lo .fluntingdon; Fine Assortrueiit 'of 'mall trig. of • • BOOTS, AND,,SIIO n t ror L'adi t es;'.Gelitleimen!, and (Chlidrith. All of` which be trill istll latlfatrpricdst't quick n iaid and small xofits. Cul l and examine my stock., „. Alattutacturing and Itetiairigg .datite to orderas triad, Illajtlttgdon,,Ap. 14,1569. . • ..• • I R IVMOVTE TO THE N. E. CORNER OF DIAMOND. Boot and Shoe)Emporium. J ; t„, • • „JOHN, 4,, SY,ES,T4R6 OK, . Respectfully, Informs .tho ultizepa of Iltrotlcigdorp and vicinity that he has:fuse recowed'froni the City a Nateitul 8 14..4 1 4'519qc ?fs ) t :1! , . - tel hi iiT BOOTS & SIJOES;;IIATS - ,& CAM iros"lery, •Sh'oe ' Caip'et•Stiffk :Trunk.9,46 &c.; ;1 , 1 ell of sllitch heft. prepared, to . seßatzreathe cedmed pelces ,Dun't forget the new stand In thetlermond. canto. mere inid the 'public generally ardliivitedqu'eall.;'llll . Huntingdon, ap,7, 1869, , • .11najuSt returned frOm the *east with ar SP • ,DID 5 - 2 711 , :qa ST AN, . co 'h is,",svags, s6r, {I nit:, 611'11 W . " pffori ibp,tnspoetiny of„lats unatemnmnd the l inlalb g enerally. will sell kle stock tit .hemost 'IIEASONA:BLE'PhitingP 54 'and thosoitylig i ;ickuise getiyellfitnirel'icdil kiliti;. l 11 - 001146 BitotS lipthklo Oltlith; and 9 4711:' ‘ 1 n ai ith) a (ow dPorl,welte(,4. - RhrnB44lfi :!, 10VAPEle!'-'PAPE:R I !'I"P'AttIt PaperA, s l'in}d•adop railer; %Fretting Pap 4, PIe . LI;P`P°T. '7Fiette Paper, '1:90 Silk Paper: foe.Floriete, : e't o‘.l Footnoted Paper, ii74£llollßl44,lA 0.1 MEI MEMO Flat Cap 'aper, , . : • • t'e SOolit.tipTaferi ..11! y, • , Letter,Vaper, , 'A ti't Cantinteint tiotePaper,•l3 , ./ •: Wia r . nod Colored Card Paper,,in,,ratkii, and, Slie9q, ' or'ertle nt Book, Stationery 'and Muffle Storey WINDOW CURTAIN:,PAPERS. •- • A ':LA'R'G—P t—i; . r: alcic:111;..) L:14:1 SPIihNDID r nr, %4 inflow `,Curtail Pap,; =1 1 1 AQfq 1 V4D7,i c., • PPE 4 c- §T9I4-' - UNTIIsiGDON .LIVP,RY 'STABLE' Teo undersigned, haring Ito . rchasett . tho pvery,Fishle trhcently! s Oa '; by • Mr. , Sitribo , Weston, ' are' now 'pre- Rated to accsonnodate the with „Muss nnil Copt-- ages on reasonable' terms. • •* ''•• .'table at the rear, of thajacksoallpass,neanthay, 40 '** 'vt• '1 Ta3,F..urcpo,-4 A.LAU'°,`3 I= . 'Ff BABY . ItE,OKONER A. coluplcie P,ockot.• Ready, +rtictuttai,,flf , doffariS. and centp, td wblcll are .added rant. of Notes 13111 s, Re-. tinpta,iPetitidne,&.; tcigetintr vAlt/I:n not • of useful tAbles • con tninni g raio of interest front ono dollar to twelv,thon... and, by tlleicingbi uy, with , a.rablo of wiges,•aild board lbo n.eok and dny , For nolo at „ ...Jo: 1 '•• • Z.12n175'410 Olt Stisithe. •• 1,- i_ 1 , , 7:-. "n1)10 ; , -pr•,, , 4 -r .. r COUIS,TRY, VEALERS .can , fie:fzl• • " buy CLOTtI'INGWOuV nil; fa Mini ingiA at .61 ltl i t.ol.l.SAl,lpai Oteap .as ;hey can ,it,,ther 'As I lime a v. holesale Aura hi l'Ililagelp1)1a. c,l/1,119.*+Y• =OE agg:t.,3013 11/1,11)11111vG. . ;: XXLCLTAT.OI',I4., Tii,4 "Globe", JO} , Ofte,,e. ~•~a' ncirt~x:esic MEER MIMBOI ~.f • 'Oti.l MEI=