TERNS- OF THE GLOBE Per anuem In advance, Nu months Spree months Teisl3 OP ADVERTIBINO 1 thne. 2de '3do 1 Mouth' ....$ 75 51 26 -51 60 $1 76 ....150 2 25...... 2 75 325 2 25... . 3 26....:. - 4•40 •4 76 3 mon ths. 6 months.., 1 Y,ar 54 00 $8 00 51000 025 900 1500 12.00..........20 OO lOue inch, or lora 'Two ittchev, 'Mario Inchee,..... One tad', or lees Tao inches, Three led". . . ..., . Your ineheras./. 10 lb, .10 00 - 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00.... 10,00 .30 00 lialicoluron,.— ...... -..-...20 00 ZO 00 4.5 00 One column, ' 30 00 45 00..- .. . . ..150 00 Profemional and Business Cards notexceetline six lines Chao year, • • • "•- so od Administrators' and Executors' Notice., 6 times, $2 60 .Audltors.,,Notireit, 4 time 5........— 2 00 Barmy, or iithvk ikon Notices:, 1 60 dikearthements not marked with the number alum . . Wrildetired, - Will be continued till forbid and ebargednn nrding to theisa'tornia.7 i • .: • , • • - „. ' Local or-Special ,Nollees, 10 gents a line for slues hi: section. Billie Tear at a redue.sl rate. ' .. Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Nandhlll., etc. are reasonably low. .. . . Vroftssional&Nusinestotith. M.B AUG Ili '7 ,t Haring permenently located at Iluistifigdoe, offers ; ado na re:en - ices ,to the community. Odle°, the turbo es that lately occupied by Dr. Loden un 11111 street. tiplo 1666 R. JOHN McCULLOOH; O ff ers his _uf,prdessionAiserritei to the citizen. of Uuntingdon and vicinity. - Office on hill street, one doormat of Reed's Drug afford. " • ' ' . ; Aug. 25,'06. ALLISON MILLER, La b.ui • • . , DENTIST, ihas retit ' otiel to the Brick Buis opposite the Court ileum :April. 13,1859. • IF •J. GREENIi', DENTIST. 'Offiee removed to Leltter'e New Ilultaing ? Eill stieet, Iluutitigdutt. ` • • • • ' „ , July 31,184—, • ' P. W. JOHNSTON, , SCA VEYOR & INSURANCE A GENTt .111JNTINO DON, - PA Ottice on Smith street. T A. POLLOOR, Ity • sURVEYOR &REAL ESTATE AGIKV, ;-•-• 2 1 , HUNTINGDON, PA. . ATM atteud tp Surveying In all Its branches, and will lliuj and sell Real Eetute bleu part of tho United Btatee. sninti ter circular. - ATTORNEY AT iTiA:TV,, 11UNTINGDON, - .OJr - (-nice with J. Sew= Srewssr, Esq. - SYL V PS BLAIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Office on LU L street, three loon ,west. Steak. 75'69 .3. LW. ,• 11. i. /1.1.10:10.' , . MUSSER & FLESIING, I - 4T2'0 . 8.1.V.Ei/S-AT-LA W. . ; - /111:FTIN . 09411, PA. Office feeond 11. r of i.eister'i Pebilutasand ,Itherttahus promptly. collected. my 26•69 A G RENO Y FOR COLLECTING ,uLuitais. NACN PAY AND a:as NY /rib; tnily hove any clainis Against the doi , arninont oliiirlio'utty;ll...Ck ray and Penbaiusloan - Intra %belt claims • promptly cvllected by nypl3 lug either Ip perrull 4 , 1' by let. set tu w:11: WOODS , • ATTORMILY AT „plowit7pux, PA. ang12,18621 Tr ALLEN LOVELL,i„- - ; • -..1 1 % ATTOINEY-A-r i .14.1V ~ - a 1. _-gurrrlmpoN,- Ypecial nilention given to Collections of all kinds to the settlentent of Estates, .frc.t and nil other legal bun nee. pfeat-eutetli,lith fidelity and dispatch. - jn0.1.1e67 uxuni. !saowx, =EMI The name of this firm has been ehang • -ed from SOU I to • • - SCOTT,. BROWN & BAS:N.EY,- • Rider ;Witch Sims will ,hereaffor aoudad their • ArTowrJAr LAW, IIUNTLAWDPN, trAt, mad all dolma of soldiots and !Odin's' /min spinal lbo tioremment, will be promptly prosecitte(l.• 'May 17, 1875-17. • P. M. Lytle & Milton S. Lytle, . , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 111.INTINGDON, PA., 'UT* foniall • pattnerobip under the arm. end firm P. M. & M. S. LYTLE, An:lLl:eve removed to the office on the eeuth Ale of Dill street, teurth door west of smith. They will attend promptly to all kinds of legal loud noes ectrueted to their care. - JOSEPH. ABT, lIANUFA6ItfitEP: AND BEALRR IN WILLOW. AND ,SLEIGH BASKETS, Of all sites and descriptions, ALEXANDRIA, lIUNTINGD9N CO., PA. Juno 9, le69—tr . - • 'LOSSES iROMPTLY:PAID HUNTINGDON INSURANCE AGENCY. • 33. ARIVLITAGE.. HUNTINGDON, PA. Represent the - moat reliable Companies in the Country. Bates as low.as a ousisteot with reliable indemnity. • sop 2, '6B. IA $14,000, pitOkßppresenteft over BARGAINS! - -- BARGAINS SELLING OFF AT COST Banc >3.. clot 204Eime, Are now disposing of their entire stock of Goads AT COST. _TO:ions wishiiif • PRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, RATS AND CAPS, F, T C , ETC., ETC., Will save money by calling on ,ua, as we re determined tocloee, ent onr entire„stoek Fithcititreserve.` REMEMBER TUE PLACE Bmith's new building, Hill Street, Hunt pgdon,.. Pa Xit UNTINGDON LIVERY STABLE. a- undersigned, having porchased the Livery Stable recently "owned, by Mr. Simon Weston, are now pre pared to accommodate the public with _Horace and Card ii gess on reasonable terms. Stable at the rear of the Jackson House, near the B. T. Bailroad. png29'ls9 . LAMBERTSON k BABON. . . . READY RECKONER A complete Pocket Read) , Reckoner, in dollar. and cents, to which are added forma of Nuke, Bills, Re. eeipte, Petition., dc., together with a set of useful tables pontalnlng rata of interact from one dollar to twelrethOuse ontt, by the efugle day, with a table of wagee, and beard week and day. For sale at - - LEWIS' ROOK STORIC. COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from me in ifuntinndon at WHOLESALE al cheap as they can in the n o !Aye ■ wholerale Mere In Philadelphia. S. MAN. i - ---"', , • ; -,.. ,' • . I. ' !", '. k 7 : -, A;, - 7..t.1.?' ,4 : -,' " , - . ." 4... ....•', - - " ITIFC •,.-•• •, - : .. ',' . 1 7 , ';').://,, ,. ..' „.,' , - ~•, , ' , 4?. , - , •.x...•., ,, .‘..Z• . . ~ ~, :,,.: , : A 1 ,y. -, zz'Af , ,,- ..,--, - ' E'gt•. ‘.',---, N '' \l Wi 2 ...!=.14 , ' '' :'' r " ~ ~ \ '• • <, -.•:...: .. :: , , 1. •.- - - -,,, ,. 7 ,-- - 3-, .,..,r „, ....,,n,..' ,,, 47-,,,,,--,--. ....< .; ......- - 4 41 .- - ,,, , ,- , •,....---...--r 7 T. .-- • - - ..' -, i.=•F,;'... ;- - ‘';;' , .:'-'4 , =i: . +:‘ ,-. ..: - .• .. j 't .: . , •:: . '-''- , -',/.•. , :-....f.,! - ;,-.:f . '..,...T0r,... ! ~.., .' ~ ~ -, rf.- - ^ - ' ,, ,.,-: - ;i.J4O 7 t ., ~ - '.;..---,-.SF ., ''' .75 . ; -4 , ,,. • ‘\. .„ . . • - - - - • ! 1- ,- T :"--' . ' , . . 1 .';. ''' • ' . $2 (0 . 10E1 . be LieWIS;: HUGH LiNiMAY Publishers. VOL, XXV. M.O. EU Miss. LIDO{ E TAY UNION STEAM BAKERY AND Gandy Manufactory; HUNTINGDON, P. • • TIIE undersigned have fitted up a first class steam BAKERY at the Castilian Garden on Church street, and aro prepared to furnish all kinds of BREAD, ROLLS, BISCUITS, PIES, Plain and Fancy CAKES, &c., In lar g e or small quantities, at reasonable prices. We would call especial attention of country dealers to r inf - ; CAND VM:AN U CTO ,• - Wo manufactui-Onlfki4ils of Fancy and Eimmon . Con tectioneries. e q ual to any that comes Iron, the city, and are prepared to fill lar g e or small orders ou short notice and at CITY PRICES. We also keep on hand a lar g e and constant amply of FRUITS AND NUTS, which they - will fornikat raisonahlo.rates.. The proprietors - flatter thimselves that I r needs but a trial to convince the most sceptical, and please the nand fastidious. We respeafully solicit a liberal *bare of public patro nage, and 6111.11 t udearor to merit it. continuance. M sel,lbbn SUMERS & It MALEY. my 12432 11EAD QUARTERS FOR gyv GOODS. _ D. P. CWIN INFOItMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED - A SPLENDIL STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS- AND QUALITY. . • COME AND SEE. • . „ = ' D. - P: GWIN. LtuntirtidA, 0ct.4i'1869. -- ceisi ••_ tUI " • • ••••••,,. • i• tom 5 I .4 , ,,-;Amsr.--,,73..0.v!tr-,..- - 11r5a0 • • 11 1 111 1 ' • •,!; t )1 4 S Ga=1.1,31.M.N33, - gummier to B. M. GREENE, DNA LER IN STEINWAY & SON'S PIANOS, And other make., MASON & lIAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, Melodeons, auttars,Viottna, Flies, - flutes, Accordooue, ac., Ac. irirrianos, Organ., and Mel.nlesna Warranted for Ilya 3.011. Circulars cant on ani`ication. Address E. J. artmom. Huntingdon, Pa., Jan2ii,G9 2sl floor Lobster's New Building. HUNTINGDON. FOUNDRY. EASTON BLAKE. M. MARION McNEIL. BLAKE 'Si McNEIL , tinetessors SO?:;G . Irona - nd Brass Founders, lIUNrLNUDON, PA. IRON and BRASS CASTINGS mode in a first class Foundry. M o hare always on hand all , kinds of Plow and Stove castings. Waell Kettles, Cellar•windows, Orates, COM hole Castings for pavements, Window weights tte,ll- 1g all sizes and a eights, PipeJoitits, Sled So l e s, Wagon boxes, Machine Castings, , for Steam and water, grist, saw, sumac an/ planter mine of all descriptions: HEATERS AND IRON FENOES, of tho most improved style, oven doors and frames, door sills, and in fact over) thing mad° in this line. • Wn haves larger stop:al:patterns, and can furuivh ea,. •tingeatiliort notice, and cheaper timu they can 'had in the country. Hosing n good drill, "we are prepared to do &Ming and fitting up of all.hinds. Ottleo in Liestare' New (Building, Hill street, Hunting don, Pa. Meh. 17, 1869. BLAKE A MoNEIL. West Huntingdon Fou dry. J A briE§ SDI PSON. PLOWS, THRESHING MACHINES, FARM DELLS, SLED AND SLEIGH SOLES, WAGON BOXES,,IRON KETTLES, Crisi,s4liamoss For Furnaces, Forges, o,r:et and Saw aline , Tanneries —and.Srickyords, , AND JOB 'WORE IN GENERAL. ARCIIITECTURAL 8 ORNAMENTAL ,DEPARTMENT, IrOn Porticos end Verandahs,' l Balconies, Columns and Drop Ornament for warden portieos and veraudahs; Window Lintels end Sill*, Cast Oruamouts fur woodeu tiutelr, Cotter nindow Guards, all sires, Chimney Tops and Flues, Nash Weights, Carpet Strips, Registers, neater., Coal Grates, Vault Castings for coal and mood cellars, , Arbors, Tree-bunes, Lampposts, Moiling-posts, Iron Roiling for,porticos, serandalm, balconies, dower beds, , : • • : Yard and Cemetery Fences, etc. /Dr:foster attentionpaid fa/owing Ckmdery Lots. Address JAMBS SIMPSON, 5t,0,63 1870• 1870. CLOTHING. ootl2 H. ROMAN. NSW MEN AND DOW: CLOTHING FALL AND WINTER, 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE For Gentlemen's Clothing of thi best material, and mode lu the bent workmanlike manner, call at 11. ROMAN'S, oppcslee the Trutielpt Home In Market Brare, Huntlop 4"! rib MMII =MEI NE JUST ftrzEtvgp ITUNTINq-DON.;P : A.',, WEDNESTAT,::MARCI-1 9, :1870, HUNTINGDON RAILRok BROAD TOP I WINTER ARRANGEMRNT. - On and after THURSDAY, SEPT. 16tn, 138 D, Pusan get Trains arlll mine and &pa/I'u fullo'we lII' TRAINS. ' DOWN TRAINS. UM Ei3=ll MEM P.M. .1. M. q. 6 651 u : 6 401 • 6 02- 7 5 46, - 6 17 .9 uol 624 907 640 922, 656 933 i 7 03 9 46 Guntingdon,. Long Biding ,; 41ceounelletown ..... Nei...tot Drove, Nlarklesburg , Coffee Hun Rough & Grady,...... ,Cove !Dalian; Summit &Von, .......... ....... Riddiesburg.... ...... Ilopowell, Piper's Run,. ITotrevillec Moody Hon,. MIME! 7 24 10 05, AZ 7 411 10 201 • , lb 43 I 10 52 11 10 • *ll 291 11 45! ar 11 621 ME , UP'S RUN BRAN Lk 7 60?ug 10 70 = 8 05 , 10 45 8 10 i , 10 GO AT. 8 2014 n 11 , OD Coalmont, Criitford, Dudley, • I Droad,Top City, 1,0. ~J011:"1 01' Huntingdon Sep SIMI VANIA IL' IL ROAD. R'OF LEAVINQ OF TRAINS 7 ,E . ARRANGEMENT'. • EASTWARD IVINT STn ARD. ,• i ttA I STATION ti. I 4- 4 '?"'d; g I t• N~ltdmiltou, 1111,' Union,— Mapleton, Mill Creek,... lluntingdon, Poiereburg,... Iltgrree, Spruceervol., , !lint Ingham, 'Tyrant., WM Mill's Mills, The Pun, A. and arri A EXPRISS Eastward leaves Alt.', roe at Huntingdon at t 0 21 r K. IT LINK Eastward leaves AIME tßrivea nt Huh tinkdon at t '45 A. 31. avert EXPRVAA, EfistwiAtct leaves Altoona itt lad arrives at" Hutiturigdou at 701 51. • EXPRESS EfifitWitlf; ISAVtfi Altoona at 10 05 I what Huntingdon at 41,14 A; v. , 1 ELKINS 11tntAvntd Wren IttlfitilsgSall at finite:4 at AURORA • t LINE WeldWisidl•lea'viii lfuntineon- at oil arrives at Altuotta,4,B 25 P. 11. • The F. A. M., mid a The CISCI, ass P. M. a • 800TTICRN nd a riv. CINCMAT. 3 32 • 3.1 an I The JAS' 7 43 P., 31. n L•l7 7' I fa : ARE:B p s, c 4, ; ! NEW STORKIN HUNTINGDON: JAMES A. BROWN:hatijiu3f opened a largo en the second floor of his brick building, where bluets will Undone of the largest and best assortments of 81iU53.." ". - . , INfifiAlN, - DUTC/ . 1. WOOL, • 2 ,COTTON, r • • f ' • RAG, . LIST, YENITIAN sad SCOTCH HEMP 4064/3r3P CAM , . Also, COCOA mid CANTON MAT TINGS, and FLOOR. OIL CLOTHS, Slyer °Mead inUentrsi Pennsylvania. It Is well known that a merchant who deals entirely in one fins elf goods hissing largely from manufacturers is enabled to give his customers adriditagei in prices and aiaortment (in that line of plods) that are not to las lodud in store. professing to do all kinds of business. I shall aim therefore to make it the interest of all in wont of the above goods, to ,buy at the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store. 10,..Dealors can buy of me by the roll at wholesale ip131311 • ' - • JAIIES A BROWN. READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY _MARRIED AND ALL' IN WANT OF New Furniture ~ ( c le. THE undersigned, would respectfully announce that he mann factored and keeps conetuntly on hand a large and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST 'CA MAN, EMEMEMEMEI WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cane seat chairs. cupboards, gut and tore wood moulding for mirror and picture Ironies, and a via ety of at tides. not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. •-•--- • - - - - Ho is also agent for the well known Dailey a Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The public ate invited to call and catieninu his stock berms purchasing Work end Wes room on 11111 street, near Smith, one door west of renter's store. Ituqfprlon, Aug. 1, 16 68 R APER ! PAPER! T.' PAPER !!!' Tracing Paper. Impression Paper; Drawing Paper, , Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, • , Silk Paper for Flowers, , . Perroroted Paper, I riatol Board, Fiat Cap Paper -• , -• • -- FoolscairAper, = Letter Paper, Commercial Soto Petpr,, • • • Latlies'Yfilt Edged Letter.mi• - tiote Paper, Ladies' Plain nod Valley Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, or into at C LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. 4 ; • e TAYLoFeS' , 4 , CELEBRATEDIONDENSED MilfirMa ' FOR SOAP MAKING, For sale wholesale and retail -at Lewis' 'Red Front,Crocery. This 1.54;5; is.said to be the best and cheapest in the market. Tgazattvgam ,; J. M. WISE, • Manufacturer and Dealer in 3F I x IT Z 1 T.T 3EiL 71E1, neglectfully Invites the attention of the Public to his stand on 11111 at., Iluntingthin, In the rear or Galrge Swartz' Watch and Jewelry atom, where ho manufactures and keeps all Mode of Furniture et reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. • //fir- Mao, Undertaking carried on, and Cottitia made to any style desired, ai abort pollee. ma The a z.Elr tibec AN r l D ita ELEGANT HEARSE preparedand Is to attend Yunorala at any place in town or cooutry. Ituntiogdon, May 9, 1866-tf tOAKS ARID STATIONIIRY.— , good assortment of mfacellaneous and - Spkoo Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Enveloirca—Bad, Blue and Blvk take— Stank Books qt_ numerous ekes—Pens, Pencils, f mket end Deals Inkelau ind Was" . other article usual] • found In Book and Stittiolieri Store, call - la - INi at tat: p 1 Icot at LEWIS' BOOK,STATIONEKY A 11;0810 STOItE. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE 11f)Tic,E1 you want, your 60 1.1841 r pripTo 'OR nv el op., call at • ' • • , # O Vr•O ID 47TettnrIVMS MEC MAIL M EXPELS. A. M. ci+.lo 101 10 02 9 46 9 37 9 22 9 03 5 55 II 0 30 GREAT BARGAINS Cunningham & Carmon's, Earl Cornet Of Railroad and Moettionieiy Ste I 06 Ltl 00 ENEt i:. ~ i E33MEM 111121 kv_o:ulil Call Bpocial attention to the Snilj arrival of CU INCN AND DV AIAIVI3 GOODS, which are offered at Tempting Prices, Condoling of donutiful Silks of all abaft!. 01 woo Popliwo t Alpoons, litolange!, Armors,: Minim?, 4 moat beautiful Ilia of fine • Catubrtei, Harrod Malta?, Nato, wok?, Giogboroo, nod ehombrayi, ' ALS% a full oo of Domenic Or4s, snot. as HEAVY BLEACHED MLR Ftixo Drown 3(nal!o', 40 loclo4 wide,'l3leatiiod 4.111 . 411 n from U. ic.l 1 ,4 yard. 1010,.'Kentucky Jean., fanners •Cdsnimere, k.O„ MEM MIEEE3 Our, toak uf,S HOES exeolo onytklng pf Ow kind old. of Mallen Iphts. ' I, ALSO, n lorkd ond• sell •oliated •lock • IMAMS 'lilt. ' “P:i . =GI '-`.CARPETS. ~~ We mako a vicinity of Oil§ ankle, sad NM ea haw: ;r7e . ry flue aseath;mot DESIRABLE PATTERNS, Mph . will be sold lower than CAN b r o sold by any other louse enteldd of rhaladelphts. We luvro also en band a Wrge stock of ABM AID BALT which we are lelling very law. " In order to be mulcted that tours le the place to buy. cell and examine our gOods and Priem - We take pleasure In showing our goods, OTOIt It you do not wish to buy. • Ito you will please call and get posted CUNNINGHAM&CARMON. Oot. 28, 18Gt4L READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, NOVEMBV.it 22, 18E9. Cl REAT TRUNK LINE FROM TII I. A North and North-West for Puttsnetrnts, Now YORE, HEADING, POTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, ASHLAND, SHAMOKIN LEBANON, &lIENTOWN, EASTON, EPHRATA, LITIE, LANCAE. TER, COLUMBIA, &C., Sc. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows: At 2 30, 5 35 and 8,10 A. M., nod at 12 20. noon, 2,55, II p. In., connecting a if 11 IHMHRT train, ON the Pennsylvania 11.11, and arriving at New York at 10,15, a. m., and 12,05, noon. ass. 033 and 100.000 p. m., and 6.00 a. ni., reapoct. ively. Sleeping card accompauy tho 2.30 and 5,35 a. nl, and 12,20 noon indite without change. heart) Harrisburg for Heading, POUBVIne, Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Orovu, Allentown, and Philadelphia at 8 10 A. M., and 255 and 4 10 P. 51. thu !.55 chopping at Lebanon only: tho 4 10 P. Al., trair malting connection■ for Philadelphia Pottsville, Colum but and all intermediate staticns beta eon wild points on ly. Pot Pottsville, Sclutykill Haven and Autairn, YHA Schuylkill nail Susquehanna IL IL, trails Harrisburg at 3 40 P 51. JAMES HIGGINS Iteturning, leavo Nee-Yong at 9 A. M.,12.00 noon, and 5.00 and 8.00 P. no., Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and 2.30 P St.; Sleeping cars accompany tho 9.00 a m and 5.00 and 8.00 p m trains from New York withont change. Way Passenger train hares Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M. connecting with similar train on Past Poona, Railroad, returning from Reading at 0.35 pln stopping at all sta tions. Leavo Pottneville at 5,40 and 9,00 a in., and 3,05 p. in', Herndon at 930 a in, Shamokin at 5 40 and 10,40 ain Ashland 7 05 a m, and 12,30 noon, Tamaqua at 8 33 a m and 2,20 P. al for Ph Iladeplala and New York. Leave l'ottavillo, via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail• road at 8 15 a. tn. for Ilartipburg, and 11 30 A. 51, for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommo. Passenger Train leaves Pottaville ist 5,40 a in, passes Reading at 7.30 a m, arriving at Phil adelphia at 10,20 a m, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,43 P. M. Passing Rending at 7,40 p. m, arriving at Pottsville at 9,30 p m. Pottstown Accommodation Train t Lesvos Pottstown a 6,25 a. m., remitting leaves Philadelphian 4,00 p. m. Columbia Railroad Train, leave Reading at 7 1E A 51., and 6 16 P. M., for Ephrata, MHz, Lantana, Col umbia, Ac. Perktomen Railroad trains leave Perklemen Junction at 800 a m 3.10 and 5,30 p m returning: leave Schwenk'. Title at 6,10, 8,12 • m, and 12,45 noon, connecting with similar trains on Reading (talken' Coluhrothrbdo railroad Trains low.. ; ')!blown at 845 a tn, nod 6,20 p ni, for Mt. Pleasant, ..t riving there at 10,20 a. m. and 7,20 p. m , returning, lope lit. Pleennt at 7,00 and 11,00 a. in., connecting with similar trains en Reading railroad. Chests' . Valley railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 8,30 a pa, 2,05 and 5,02 p m, returning, leave Downingtown at 6,30 a m, 12,45 and 6,16 p m, connecting with trains on Reading railroad. On bundaya ' leave New York at 5, 800 p in, Philadel. phis, 8 a m and 316 P. 51., the 8 a m train running only to Reading; leave Pottsville 8 A. 51., Barri burg,s 35 g 4 10 and 100.0 p m, and Reading 1043, Midnight 7 15 a. m for Harrisburg, and 720 a. in., and 12.55 midnight for N. Y. and at 9,40 a. in., and 4.25 p. m. for Philadelphia. CoMUUTATIoN, Munson,t SWIM, 13e110oL, and Execute, TIMM to and (rout all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked through: 100 pounds Baggage allowed each rusonger. G. A. 511COLL8, Reading, Nov. 22, Dm, antral Scierintendent. NEM OIL CLOTH WINDOW gHADES Givii Gout SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, -114.11 , Ers•,irxTuREA TARR, CORD AND TASSALS : LI. A EWA/ bIENT PM' BOOK STOKE • Im,Subeeriln fqr the Gritotirt -PERSEVERE.- HUNTINGDON;' PA. I •I, 1 . R. BUCHANAN P ALLISON ...1. BUCHANAN NEW STOVE, AND' TIN STORE. -•. • • BUCHANAN, ALLISON & CO. Have opened a new store in Tenter's new building, in the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa, and have ready for oat*, a large assortment Cook and . Parlor Stoves, SPEER'S REVOLVING LIOIIT , ANTI.DUST, SPERRIVANTI:DUST dOORE4OVRB, SMITH'S REOUL'ATOR and EUREICA ! -COOW STOVHS and LITTLEFIELD'S lIDATIIRS; t•7l Also, a large arsOrtment - • .734: An NIZZSEI) VAAL And sigreat variety of Goods, never before kilpt In this place. Wo also manufacture" . TIN WARE TO ORDER. • Repairing, Roofing and Spouting done at short indica At- Country Storm supplied with Tin Ware at city v ratvs. Confident of being able toy make it advantageous to their customers they respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. ROOM IN YENTER'S NEW BUILDING 'IN THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA. ' Jan. 5,1570 FASHIONABLE GOODS . • • r' YOB • PALL AND * WINTER WEAR GEO, T. MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR, line centered to the !second floor to Bead's New Build ing,' u hero 'he intends to keep tenttgntly on bend the lotost stylri or r '.IP=ECE,GOO-13s, comprising 4X/RICA , It, ■DOWI4 ADD 171V101.1 SLOTHS. • CABBISINRES; . VEST( NOS 01,01315, • CASSINERIKS, AND • y KSTINGS C.II,9;LAS, CASSIS! ORES, AND y.E3TIN99 . flying a . ppletleal Irorkman or many years experience be Prepared to make to order Clothing for men and boya, on guarantee neat, durable and fashionable work manablp. He in determined to plea,' everybedy. ASP An are invited to call .rld examine my new stock of beautiful Eatternebefore purebasing elsewhere 13E0.1' IltAllsH. 414t.itingdOr , l, Oct. 4 Latest Arrival of • Geiit'o • Goods. •• - H. ROBLEY MERCHANT TAILOR, lies removed to the room over John liare k Co's Bank, (Old Uroad Top Corner.) whine he is prepared to do all kinds of work In hie line of buelneer. He hae Joel receiv ed a full lino of - CLOTHS, VESTINGS, CASSIMERS, ' . , CORDUROYS, Sc.p. Thankful for plot patronage he solicits a continuance of the same. The attention of the public iV called to his stock of clothe kcl; which 'he is prepared to make up to order in a fashionahle,durable and workmanlike manner. Please give me a call. 11. ROULP.T, Merchant Tailor. Huntingdon, Pe., April 7th, 18t9. N EW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA Informs the public that he" hits put .o ": opened at his old stand In the Dieduend, Huntingdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children. AU of which he will sell at fair prices. Quick tau and mall props. Call and •Zatnin• my stock. Ilanutccturing and Repairing done to order as mat. Huntingdon, Ap. 14 . iI6Y. PoMMOVMD TO THE N. E. CORNER OF DIAMOND. Boot and Shoe Emporium. ill JOHN H. WESTBROOK Aospectrutir informs the citizen. of and vicinity that ho has Just receired from the city a Haw and eplendid stock of- BOOTS IS6 SHOES, HATS dr, CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sack Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &C. '. all of which hole prepared toeelt at greatly reduced piices Don't forget the no* stand in the Diamond. Old cage. mere and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, ap. 7, 1869. GEO. SHAEFFER returned from the. earl with Fl 44 * , SPLENDID STOCK • • OF , . . BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Which beoffeth to the Inspection of his enethmers and the public g enerally. Ile will sell his 'teak at the most REASONABLE PRICES; and those who purchase once will surely call aiain. BOOTS d 5 SHOES MADE'TO OEDEE, and REPAIRING dons In the neatest and most expedi. lions summer. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer 'at Ms shop on Mill street, a few doors wast,of the, Diamo n d, ap. 14;1863 KISII.4.COINIIIIAS SEMINARY. FOR BOTH SMX.ES. , This Institution in the beautiful mountain-girt valley f Kishacuquillas, otTerde surerlor advantages of educa tion. Therologhly efficient and competent instruotors in every department. ' French, Gorman, Painting, Drawing, and Music In cluded. A Normal class formed Fpring term, whiolt continuing twelve weeks, opens April 4th. Expenses for the year , $2OO. tor Catalogue address MARTIN MOIILER, rat)Fipal, Ridnicapillea, Mifflin Co., l'a Jen. 26, 1640,6 m. R. O. LEAS, W. R. WOODS, =I Tbo Union Bank of Huntingdon (Late John Dare & C 0.,) HUNTINGDON, PA CAPITAL, ' paid up, 1050,000 . _ Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. . liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. , All kinds t Securities, bought and sold for the usual Commission.— . Collections made on all 'points. Draftrion an - parts of Europe supplied at the usual rates. Persons depoaltiqg Hold and Silver Will receive the In semelclufu Wl* bloom. The partners are lodivid unity liable to the extent of their whoie property for all Deposits. The unfinished Mignon El Om late firm ofJohn Bare A will. be complpiSti py The Colon Bank of Huntingdon y21,1809.0' H. O. HOBTH,Vddhler. W ANK. 1300 KS, or intone equa, fqr lag at I, Bfr ir EQ94I grATiomr 4rwr ,• TERMS,' ,$3.99' a. year in adirance. WHAT I KNOW OF FAHiIIN44. BY HORACE GREELEY. 'V. • , BUYING .11: FARM: No one need be told at this day that good fandfs cheaper than 'poor—that the former may be bought more cheap ly than it can be made. Yet this, like most truths; may be given undue em= phasic It Should be considered in the light of ,the, less, obvioas truth that every farmer; may make advantageous use of soms poorland. • The smallest farm Shotild have its strip or bolt of forest; the larger should have,On abundance and variety of trees; and sterile, stony land grows many' if not most ' , treei thriftily. Even at the risk of areas'. ing' Western prejudice, I maintain that New England, and 'all broken, hilly, rocky countries, have a decided advantage (abundantly counter-bal anced, no doubt) over regions of groat fertility and nearly uniform in that Iniman stupidity and . mole-eyed greed can never .wholly divest them of forests—that their sterile' crags and steep acclivities must mainly be left to wood forever. Avarice may strip them of their covering of to-day; ,but, defying the plow and the spide, they cannot bo so denuded that they will be speedily reetothod with trees and foliage. , • I am not a believer that "Five Acres" or "Ten Acres" . suffice for a farm. I know where money is niMie on even, fewer than Ave acres; but they ,who.do it aro , few, and men 'of exceptional:capacity and' Their aohjoremente' are . .ilepetignillY confined to , tho yielnago of citiesi , 'or manufacturing ,villages., - Tho, great majority of all who live •by Agricul ture want room to tor!' upon.: --want to grow grass and keep "stook—and, for such, no more ,ga'iden .or potato patch will answer. They want genu ine farms. - Yet, go :whore you may in this country, you will hear a farMor say ing of his neighbor. "Ho has .too much land,"•ocen where the criticism Might justly reciprocated. Wo'- min not; all be mistaken on thief head. ' There are men who can each man• age thousands of acres of tillage, :just as there aro those who can skillfully wield an army of a hundred thousand men. Napoleon said there wore two of this class in the Europe of ,his day. There are others who cannot handle a hundred acres, so that nothing is lost through neglect or oversight. Rules must bo adapted to average capacities and circumstances. Ile who expects to live by cattle-rearing needs many more acres than ho who is intent on grain-growing; while ho who contem plates vegetable, root and fruit cul ture, needs fewer acres still. As to the direction, of his efforts, each will be a law unto himself. If I wore asked by a young man in tent on farming to indicate the proper area for him; I would say, "Buy just so large a farm as half your means will pay for. In other words, "If you are worth $20,000, invest half of it in land, the residue in stock, tools, &c.,, and obeerve . thesatno rule of propor tion, whether you be worth $1,000,000 or only $l,OOO. If you are worth just nothing at all, I would invest. in land the one half of that, and no more. In other Words,'l would either Wait to earn $5OO or over, or push Westward till I : found.land that costs practically nothing. ' . „ This, then, I:take to bo the 'gist of thepnpular criticism on our farmers as having unduly enlarged their bor ders: "They have more land than they have capital to stock and 'till to the best advantage.' 110 who hits.but fifty acres has too much Who lets part of his land lie idle and unproductive for lack of team or hands to till it at ; el - 0111.1Y; while ho who has athousand acres has none too much if he has the means and talents wherewith to make the best of it all. I have said that I consider the soil of Now Thigland as cheep, all, things considered, for him who is able to buy and work it, as that of Minnesota • or, Arkanitas—that I urge migration to tho West only upon those who can not pay for farms in the old States. I' doubt whether the farmers of any oth er section have, in the average; done better, throughout the last ton years, than tho butte makers of Vermout,the cheese dairy ice of this State. And yet. there is, in the ridgy, rocky, patchy character of most of our East ern farms, and . insuperablO 'barrier of the must peonomio, effective cultiva tion. If the ridges were further apart —if each roollT and' grityugy knoll were not in °lode Proximity, to .i.ptrlp of bog or morass—At would . be ',differ ent. But the genius of our age pointtt unmistakably to cultivation by stcaitt or some othot . tnechaili64l appliceitioo' =3 =I To sußsCßlttits. Theis° Isubseribin'g for throe; at Ca twelve teotthe with the underetatiAge that the pdpiii , be diseontin'tied unliMte aebseription is.repewetl, reeeivingaid-r per markedwith;ii.f hefote the n ame will understand , that !_the time, fur which they eabeeritiett is 'up. If-they wish, the paper oontinted - ;floy will renew-their , euberriptiert, .through mail or citheriviee::: • 'lf.; •' 369., All :kinila i :o;if plaini,lanoy and ornamental Job - Printing neatly smilf expeditiouslyexecuted Mee. Teitns moderato. NO. 84. of power; and ibis= requiies spacious fields, with few or no obstaeleslo "the equable progress•of. the plow:: - -I ap prehetid that, for this reason;' the growth of bread-corn eastward el .the Rudson,ean!never mere be .consider ably oa,tended,,so,longits,•;tite,',bound less, fertile prairies can so easily vim their ettbntlstlmutsnppliotj,,opctn,,ue,-- S'rnits, Yegetables,., Rootsand„Rrese we must centinue,to grow„.,pr4lthly in ever increasing abuntlanpe;, Of f of the Eust . will buy_ our.,l#,eackcprn largely if irel'lnhinly'fre,nt Oil *a*, ; He, therefore, who bays land in the Eastern Mates should regard primari ly its capieiti to produce those, crops in which the east can never be sup - - Plantect-4/ reas:''‘Pruita, 'Vegetittilea, Timber. If a' far,m will'prodnee . •good. Corn or Wheat; thitt is st' dation; but 'let him place n higher value on those capacities which' will be more generally required and drawn upon. . In the West, the case is different ; for, though Wheat eultnre still recedes before the footsteps of advancing pop ulation, and Minnesota may soon cease to grow for others,: ad 'Westerh New York; Ohio, Indiana, 'and North ern Illinois,' have already , dcibe, yet. Indian Corn; being the basis •of :both Beef and Pork, will long hold its own in the Valley of the Ohio and in :that of the .Upper Mississippi: As :it : re cedes slowly West Ward, Clover and Timothy, Butter: and Cheese, will press closely' on its footsteps. I.:, • Good neighbors,. good ;roads,; good Soho*, goOd•mechiriics - at hand,: and a good church , wjthin: reach; : will . ' al ways. be valued : and sought k few farm= era are likely ; to ,disregard, ,whoever buys a farm :wboreorkto, live ; resolve to ,buy once for all, and let him not forget that health is not only wealth but happiness—that an :eligi ble location and a, beautiful prospect aro elements of enjoyment ,not-only for ourselves but our friends Llet him not fancy _thq all the laud : snAn he gobbled; up and held at oz,borbitmat prices, but believe that money. will most always : command moneys worth of what-ever maybe ; needed,„so„tlukt .be need not, embarrass , hirnself,, toAity ; through fear that he--may : not,ike Able to find sellers to-morrow, and, he ,ean hardly fail to buy judiniouslyitnd,thua escape, that worst Specioi of hotnesick• ness—sickness of home: - -,„ A litavr FlND.—Yesterday atter. noon a gentleman named Pate, who recently pirehaied aid' is n9iv improving a lot near the - tiatitein terminus of twelfth Street, discovered on his premises a traeiniu're °Cato .tri ding import. He' was diggiaglor the foundation of a house. year the roots of an old tree that had Wag n , io been cut down, Mr. Pate was freely using his spade when 'suddenly it. titriiek something solid and apparently immo vable. Digging arogn'd the object r lt was soon brought to light. ' . It proVed to be a small iron chest, rusty, but heavy and solid. It vras 'at once removed from its bed nodir 'the earth, and with some difficulty opened Imagine the suprise .and delight of Mr. Pate on discovering therein 'gold io the amount of $5620. With the• gold was found a note, and in the note, was legibly.written , "Hidden from the soldiers in .1864. If I never return, and' this is~ decoy- tired, the findi; , Wjll 'Pleaee ; de'voto half the amount to charitable..pilipea ei, and the balance he can keep, for his own use. lam an old man, witty not a yelativo in Missouri. .t. C. W/;tri..'l Tho money has been, placed in a. bank. Mr. , Tate;'wis itidolttand;. in• tends fidfilling the wiliten of the old man to the'letter, nnd ally gladly. no doubt, will hej:nppro prints "the balance" referred to_in Mr. Waite's note.—Sassas City News, Feb ruary 18. 14, S NV oalthylaiTnor of St. 'Pails, Ohto n cotontitteq suicide on tlio' 15th instant. No reason for ,tho,•rash act is' given ; but4t paper Containing , one of. Mr. Grecley's'confesSions of "What I Knovi - About Mind tightly clasped.inhis right band. - - gei`Mrs. Happy Morse; sister of Mies Betsy Thomas, who died in Port hand, Me., on the :11th . instant, aged 96 . years, died in the same city on the 20th, aged 99 years and 10 Months.--. Their broth/sr, Etias themps, aged; 98 years, still remains in good hoaltb. gerA Western, editor has placed over his marriage howling a out 'rep• resenting a trap sprung, with the mot to, 11 The trap down.—another• 'ninny eaUght.". wAn Ohio lariner found "a, gold dollar in the belley of a 'squirrel he had shet
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers