WHAT I KNOW OF FARMING. By hORACE RREEbEY .Por begitiarg4-foi• 144 114si);:4, iorne st;y . i; ! i s who are looking to fanning as the vo. cation to which th l etr future years are to be given, by which their living is to '141144, :lit this- chapter, oufd • ":•' Cpunsci young men who, not having been reared in personal .contact with tho daily and yearly round of a farm er's cares and„ duties, purpose hence- forth to'hvo by farming. To these I wonld earnestly say, "No haste l" Our boys arc in too great hurry to become men. T.hey wantio be bodges before 114 qUalitotid themselves to be efficient journeymen. I have personally known several in stannctocYoag mon;frpsl , pfronisebool or flolhibOhiti city •yocation;"litiyinjt or hiring a farm and undertaking to work it and I cdnnot single instnnco in which the attempt has sue- ended; while speedy failure has been' the usual result. The assumption that farming is n.rude, simple batter, requiring little intellect and less expo riget4f,burPStrf,fiiiiksi (al wet 12416.! •=,151 in duth . tinder'cletitW which the best efforts of several subsequent years will tArely ouable liim.to. pay off. Irr my opinion i lalf our -farmers now 'living would say, if questioned,' that" they might better have ,waite4longer before buying or hiring a farm. ,• When ,I was ten years old, my fath er took a job of clearing off the mainly fallen and partially rotten timber largely White Pine and Black Ash-- sand- n swan, 1# dA 1401.0 boys gave nit sVortte years (1821-2) to the rugged task. When it was finished, I—a boy of twelve years ..:-could , 'hitvo - triken' just:Wet 'alraet of half-burned primitit'd fet:est, aa'that: was y hen took- pm of nd elparklit/tAY actex pencil t te kit geCqri ty to eighty per cent. of the labor au tually,bestoweth upow'that: I 7 had learried;in - clearing this,•heiv omize labor in any future underillifili of the kind ; and so every ono learns bpplertaisse llTOr t icchdily) blp"qMl3 a rta fltatit.l- lord. beck very good farmer at the start, or a very poor one afterward, who cannot grow at...thousand' bushels of 'grain ranch cheaper at thirty'yhars of ago than he qq, 1 11.1 tVieno 7 ..,‘,.. adevery young man who haa'had no farming . experience, or very tittle ts vocation, I say, hire out, for the com ing year, to the very best farmer who will give you anything like the value of your labor. Buy a few choice books (if you have them not already,) which treat of Geology, Chemistry, Botany, and the application of their truths in Practical Agriculture; give to these the olgsp(Ce:tl thpoghtfull.iticinn of .your feN . 34 Jni t s i me , llo,ors i ; , keep, y.ouy eyes wide:opt:in; anl set Ocio io a note-book sor.pocket-diary each night a minute of N - I.9afever,,hrts, been done on the fatav -on - 'that day; ' bete 'of .`eaalii .storm,,slower, frost, hail, &0., and' itlSo . , bytlfte,date'at- Which 'each Planted crop requires or enough to' harvest; 'and ascertaining, so far_ .as possible, what each.crbP produced oh the-Alynt has-e.ost, arid which of them :all - aro-produced'at rtprofit, and which at it the year's end, hiro again !to the same or another good farmer' and .pursue the same. course';:anff_sb .do till you, .shall- , .be twenty four or twenty- Avid: yedrs., of age, which is Young 'enough to marry, and quite' ):oUPg'endugh to undertake the _man=' agerneet Of if you' haVe earefUlli: - Savtid'Eitid wisely invested your.earnings; you will have spVaittl.,bniidied dollars; and, if you do not' ohoOsd to . migrate' to . some ro giob iv,here'lan,d;';is-',,very . ''alteaP, you wilftaydfOund ,•some'..orie 'Willing. to •se'llyou a small farm on-credit, taking along - mortgage' 'as. security. Your money—assuming' that you have, only what -you will have earned-will all 'be viante . dlto.fET up your buildings, by-a team• and cow, with the Tow nteart-:ticoded, antl::.supply ;you with provisions-till you 9in ',grow some. - If' yoti: Can. begin rth us; eXperienced , and ftilrhlteded,:you; may, bi-. diligence combined with; good fortune, begin to make, Pitrtncelit.On:your..mortgage at the elose..ef, your second year. , 'a's - profoundly as any one can, but I do :not pc:insider:this re : ally Tunning-into debt:.' -Ono has more lam, than be, ncods,,and does not 9,99 d liV.payT / oit r forthwitb ; another wants land, but lacks the means of present: payment:- Aitey AMY enter _into an ogrooment mutually , advantageous, wirychy: the poorer has the present; use AtTfti:Jiltiniato fee simple of. the fiftnaiffAtiestion,'• , consideration' of 1116 payment of certain gums are - duly stipalated." - Technically, the buyer J ecomes a debtor; practically, I do not retard him .40. s B4b l )i `tip pay xnonts fall due for yihieh he ,is unable promptly to Meet. Ti:Whiln: Vigorous ly avoid all - cither 'debt; - rind' he need, ~ot.shrink from or' be ash am cd Of this. 1. have a high• regard for ' scientific attainments ; I wish every young man ' Were 'thoroughly instructed in the sciences which underlie the on of farming. But all the,learning on earth thOugliit may POwe'rfalli help to Make a good, farmer, would not of itself make ono. 'Film a young man has learned all that seminaries and lec tures, books and cabinets, can teach him, he still ucods practice and expo. rienco to make him a good fanner. "But wouldn't you have a young man Ludy in order that be may be conic a good farmer?" If he has money, yes. I believe a youth worth four or fivo thousand dollars may N 4 iscly spend a tenth' of his'inetins in attending ,leetareS, and event, courses of :study, at, any good seminary where aturtil• 'Science's IS taught. aud applied, Agriculture.— But In is short at best; a-nd he who has no means, or very. little, cannot really afford to attend oven an Agri; culfffritl College. lle can acquiro.,so much of science as is indespensablo in the cheaper way I liavb indiCated.' cannot wisely consent' to .spend ,the best years of hie life 'in getting ready to' live. " lie who has already mastered - the art of - -farming, And has adequate means, map'of course; buy a farm , to morrow, though lie be barely' or' not quite"of agb. bas - littlo to learn from , me. 'yet,' I tbinkoV6A'sneh have waited,' hOd deliberated, and garnered the treasures of experience, before the took the'gravo step of buying their: future homes; with regard to whiehl I shall make, some suggestions 'in 'my next —New •York Tribitne: vvit and Jiuniori , •.: . ‘ ,"How long can a fool Wye?" - asked a lawyer of a witness. "I don'tAinOW,", replied, the witnoss;"how longulmive you lived?" .. . imish 4o spealrto you in private. Permit me to take joli apart"fOr a feW : monimits."Cortainly sir, if,you'll promise to put me togeth er again. The Elartford bOUrant tantalizes its 'Hay o you heard•of the man who got shot?" Got shot? No ;holy - ,clid lie get shot? He .„. bought!em.':: Mrs". JOnetVa farmer's' wife, Says:— ~ I've got the isnderest-hea:q- Cpl bOyain..the'•world. Leah% telione , „ of ofAwater, but t1i . ;14 burit out a-crying.' • • X .1a wyet: and a"doetoi were walking arm-in.arm,:a wag • said to a friend, "thesa`iwo are just equal to ono high waymatr.—"Why 1?"• was the response, "Because it is a lawyer and a doctox -LYOur money or yqur life I" • A shopkeeper had, for his virtue, obtained the name of the "Little;Ri+' stranguraskedlkinnhow this appellathinhitd been given to him.— "To dislinguish nie — frOin the vast of my trade," said he, "who are all great riiseals•" Setne,hdian • tribes have the beau tiful supposition'that a bird loOsed on the, grave , of their beloved, will fly' away to. the spirit land, and never close it wings till it has deliv,ored its . prdeietis.burdep,.of affection ,to, the de parted— , _ Not lOng since an ingenious fndivid• ual managed to get drunk free of ex. pense, alm6st daily, in• the streets of London, by.falling down in . ft, fit, ,with a small placard on bis breast, 'Don't bleed ale, but, give mo a glass of hot brandy ,and 'water.' . . 'Great heavens !' cried 'a bhr-room bully of Denver city, who shot a stran ger for declining to take a drink with him—'Great heavens lam I -never to come to Denver without being obliged to kill somebody. , , A Paris policeman 'beinisammoned into the presence of a . nian, who had just shot himself dead, after severely wonnding a lady, displayed his anx , iety.to 'ariive at the facts in the case by excitedly demendlog of the only surviving witness of the fray: "Did this' man kill himself before be fired at this or afterwards ?", • Theldaine Supreme Judicial Court has iust tried' IL' suit 'on a promissory note. The plaintiff claimed that the indorsement of the note was: 'I back, this'note •hoiden for debt and costs.' The defendant claimed that the en dorsemenCiWa.si Tbait.ithii%not hol den ,for•debt and .costs,'. and that the letter 'a' had been added;, Verdici, was rendered ' , for the defendant. ' In ,an English Cdurt of LaW n witness was called to attest to a per son's insanity.. know he's mad,' said the witness; because the poor felL' low imagines himself to bo the prophet Jeremiah.' ...To you consider ihut to be a proOl ;AA .mental cleianginent ?' asked the examining counsel. should rather think so,' , confidently" replied the , witness, 'seeing that I ti th-e4prOpfiellerOmiah' This -is the way in which a South Sea Islander 'Bottled a case of con science. The missionary had rebuk ed,hiat for the sin of polygamy, and he was much grieved. After a day or two he returned, his face'radient•with joy: - "Me MI right now. -One wife. very good Christian." "What did you do with the other?" 'asked the missionary. "Me oat her up." Women charm, as a general thing, in 'proportiOn as they tire - good. A plain face with a heart behind it, is worth,a,w9rld of heartless' beauty.— Gentleined who have tried both, uni formly, up:en-0 i3TONE WARE.-4000 1,2, 3,4, 5, and G gallon stone crocks, jars, jugs and churns, just rewired at the 'Red 'Front Grocery and for sale:wlioleside and re tail cheaper than at Any ; other place in •the county. OUR COLUMN FOR THE PEOPLE, RED FRONT ENTERPRISE STORE. A:11 kin,di, m at Very alt profits. Not offered low to draw you on on other goods.. Our prices to continue low, regularly. , , . 'The best„Silver and,qolden Drips, Now Lovering and other Syrups. Now Orleans and other Baking Mo lasses. • ~•• Teas:, =I lEEE - A Variety of kinds of best always on hqnd eheav ' Ai_- - _ l Roasted and Gieon, 'cheap as the cheapeSt: for the same quality. ' ~~~;; ~-. S ~ Meat :(ISqls,'S6oulders, Sides, Dried Bebf, talking prises. ' - 1 . • . It! ' • •- Cit 's ieese 1 .Y, • 'The' best, N. Y. State Goshen and Ohio Obeese.r: .~ ~ Candies. The best stick and other candies, wholesale and retail. The best Flour by the. barrel, sack or pound. dheapor for the same qual ity than elsewhere. • • Feed BS thb Hundred or iinaller quantity. Stone. Ware. 4000 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 6 gallon crocks arS; jags, and 'churns, , 'cheap GLASS & .QUEENSWARE. A large stock of Ironstone and Com• mon ware,. in setts or by. the piece. Glassware; Earthenware", Fruit Jars, etc , ..l i tcd.Frout,,cheap. • Wood and Willow-Ware, A la'rk& assortment of 'Baskets, Bui:liate,'Obuias; •Tubs, -etc:; at Red Pout. Fruit, &c. Dried-Poaches and ''Aliple - s;ilarsin's Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,--'-Can ned Fruit and Vegetables, etc. • • By the saelr'or bushel. Also Dairy Snit. . - Spices, ALc. All kinds, of Spices, and a great va riety of motions. Soaps of all kinds and cheap:' ' ri'clded Salmon, Haddock, Shad, Trout, White Fish, Mackerel, Diy Salt, Quoddy Labrador, Lake and smoked IT.erring, by the hall and guar; ter barrel, kitt, pound 'and dozen. All warranted, and cheaper than elsewhere. The best quality of Tobacco, and cheaper than any other store in town. RED STORE, For what you want first pall at En terprise headquarters where' prices will be kept regularly low. • ENTERPRIRE HEADQUARTERS, Sugars. Syrups. Coffees. EZMIS MI Flour. Salt Fish. Tobacco. Variety. ••: , :.:tt' "ikViYiiiNGDVN; auyoo- yo. A. R: TENV.AItir.I FRANK W. STSWART A. R. Stewart & Co. ItUpTTINGDON, PA,, - DpALERS fIARDIV,A.RE, PAINTS; PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES, OILS,, LAMPS, • ROPES, I= Hat ',MKS .cyches`,Spaths,-Prain Cradles, Sad= !*4 andCArriage, Goods,,llubs, an4,SlNkes.'",, NATIS:AND IRON, ,LOCKS, .:111IsToRS, SCREWS DRAIN PIPE!, M.TC:IIvTIqNJW7 - .Z54..3E1L3W.., and'an endless variety ot kttiniAn his iiao , t We are receiving goods ajtnost ovary flay froni manufaeßu'rei•e, and in VICW of lard DECLINE IN PRICES; and,dais:eporienco in selootipg L ost,biands and reliable •.qualiiiis of goods; 'purchasets will tad 'if 'to their nd~u " ntiino to eiiimine our 'I , • ~ , THE, NEW.PATENT ::;1;1Fif•„•,1 ECLIPSE OBE STOVE, isapreasiiii; ip,pyßukay'? . .,ty, (‘ l d,plqaselmo,wel thc4.pvcryliogy orapts I. • ' THE ECLIPSE: 11•1 STOP AT BIGPADLOCK'SIGN Ilunlingtlon, Jnn 13, 11697t1. TI E'CELRBRATEDi GROVER' & BAKER Sewing Diachines. tv... VIE BE - Sl' FAMILY SEWING MACHINE' IN USE For Beauty and I lastleity of St • tch, . For Strength and Durability of Seam that will not ray el. as both threads die used direct trots tits spools, and n. scants hero to be fastened by hand; SO waste of thread For simplic.ty and perfection of machinery. It stitches, hems. fells, tucks, brabld; corder, and• net broiders beautifully. Moonlit. fully Wm ranted and full Instructions given Seeing machine cotton, silk. Ste.. on hind. For solo byt - . UREENE & BROTHER, febl6'69 2d floor Leister's Building, Huntingdon, Pa WHELE It WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM trhrA tvalgn Sewing Machines, PL .......--.0."2.1, .-.' iv 1.41..,.. , 1 li', . i p, f .. .A ,„ 0, ~! . ~. , r . 4' , :- 1-- ~ d f jit ~ ~,, mit • , i ' toi l • i I ' ci _ ~1 A f ) ' - ---s-------- - --,,2 ::- 2- :-- --- 1.2 --- _--.--- -- 1 , -7 — :-.4 - .1.74... - ' 4 4 -'''''. •ft" - ..---";,---L - 4 --- Received the only GOLD , MEDAL at the - PARIS Iig...POSITION,' 1867: ' , They aro adopted to all kinds of Family Sowing - and to tho site of Seamstt onset!, Griesmakers, T..ilors. Menu lecturers of Shirts, Collins, Shuts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats. Caps, Cm bets,' /Anon Goods, Unilnellus, P. 1111806, etc. They not k equally well upon silk, linen, noelen and cotton goods, with cotton or linen thread. They will Beata, quill, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform ermy ..pecios ofhoWing, making a beautiful and perfect glitch, ahlto on both sides °flint artielo mired. The qualities which recommend them are: 1. lienuty nod excellence of stitch,al.ke on both. sides of . the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, firmness and durability of scam, that is ill hot rip nor ravel. S. Economy of Thread.. • , . 4.,,Attaelsments and wide range of applicationto.purpo sses and materials. _ . 5.' Compactness and eleganco of model and finials. • U.' Simplicity and thoroughness of ceostt action. 7. pperd, easr of operation and tuninigatuent, and quiet ' nese of movement. i n d i . u oa.,,, f ree t o all. Machines b ept in repair Oho your tree of charge. 11. B. LEWIS, Agent,',. nuNitramo;r, Pe El= WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS *LARGE STOCK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window. Curtain. Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. From tho kiln of Cleo. Taylor, lifarklcaburg, prov en by chemical amilyele to ho of tbe beet quality. con qtantly kept and for solo in any quant,itY, at the depot of the /lent/Won atid , Briiad:Top ' ' lit Apply to Heavy Lelatar, Proprietor of the "Broad Top [Num" tianalichlf WHARTON IzMAGUIPt, HUIVTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL Foreign' and Dom'e§tio HARD I ,4 ARE; CUTLERY, r trif-Lrig'AVs, The attentlon" of MECII~ITr ICS ; ,FARMERS,, BUILDERS, and buyer' gonerully, ie invited to the fact that re are now offoring a BE fTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. &C,, than can be lbdud elsenrhare in this part of,thmState, , at prices to snit tho times. Our stock comprises nit atticlas In' this Ensi of busineni, 'eMbraeing a general assortment of TOOLS; and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JUINERS, tokethor %Ith a large stobk of iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad 'and '2l.linitiy" l Sup : plies, Saddlery, Rope, ` • Chaink Grindstones,' Circular, Mill and Cross. Cut Saws, • Enamelled, Finished ' and''Plain Hot - •••• ••" ' low Ware: ' • Coal Oil LaMpS and Lanterns,' • '"•' "• • • Oil and Powder' "Cans. LVl.ixLe - cutlery, ; ; CoMprisi ug KNIVES, l!O S, DESSERT,' TEA ADD TABLL, SPOONS,: ~OIS &c:. pityr,T4N4!§l.l,l:rElttLATEp Hitsehold,'HoTtieultural'aild Fart 1, - . }PP ,S 3 • ;!,. Of the latest Red most improved.patternsi CONSTANTLY ON fIANO AND FOR;EIALN : T MANUFACTU,R.E.I7ff :PRICE& CARRIAGE &'WAGOit MAKERS will fled a'et;3rni ttsoiitkleilt: of rtiaterfol for &Ir me consintiq in pert of • ••• , • " Trimmings,:, flubs, Spokes, Springs,,Nuts, 801t5,;.. Washers, Malleable - tent aad enamelledLeatheri. • ' 1. „• Whips,:To?igues, Soe- ,;,. Lets, Shafts, &e. 3131...A0CJIMMIVI—T.W.IBMS . ■ c.n b supplied with - AANYILS, - BILLLOWS; - VICES, , S LEDGES, T-I . .AVIM'ER§; •J= , HORSE A . M.) MULE .111:i.tg, and all king cd'irnnec.te'e EIM CAR PE IVITSRIS wilt la n oar,establiellio . aut u supfliorjstdpk uti PLANES, 'SAWS,. AVGERS, • , . . • • HATCHETS,' ' HAMMERS,' FILES, ' • 'CHISELS • • ~„ . -HINGES, • SCREWS, ~ • ~• .„. LOCKS, ~ , BOLTS,, ,• PULLEYS, sAsir-ixdais, &C., &O. VINING 'AND MINERS' GOODS: , NAILS ayul SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER „ 1170,.; c, s OAl / PI,CZ~S AND SILO VEI.S 1! • MPlA:rl33l.orEti Cacho acconliwodnithl with everything' in their line fron tt . tiiiiihielhirator to a Whet-stone. . 331.141.11.c:10vis Are . espCiiiilly Invited td call Ana Oxon' oiii• stock of BUILDING ~HARDWARE Agricultural Implements, • • Comprising tho famous linemen' - Reaper, Mower, ' an3,j3ropp,pr, combined ItundelPs - First Premium 11.01181::, PITCAIFORIC, Rakes, - , , • Ecythos, • •, flay Finks,. • •.• , Trace and quitor Chains, • Writs!. Cow Ties, Cni-ry - Combs, • Cards; de., lc., de: I;1 - i, ------ ..i. :-,.,......... , . .. .. , . Atnong the tipecittittes of oar noose, we desire to on ettontion to the delebritted' ; ' ;;;;I ~1 ..le." The exclueiveriklit to cell which is voted in us. Sehd fin acircufir awl get foll,..particultice of some, ana cMisf3 3 ourself ofits imperior qualities. - :f , SCALES. Scales of dll shwa and deacTildiollei, hid (Whig • Tea and Counter Scales ) ' • • Platform Scales, Grocers' and •Lruggists' Scales Rolling Jill, Wheelbarrow, Pork,' Port able, Kopper, Miners and ! Trans- , • portation, Bay, Cattle and, ' • Coal Scales, , FURNISHED,. AT .MANUFACTURERS CASH PRIC, S. • " - The largest and betiLassortment of GLASS,,PAINTUIL& PUTTY Ev?e ofrurqd Own. • AGREAT VARIETY OF COOK &PARLOR STOVES, 1 ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, ' By the keg.' Very low I - Pest Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron: STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WA GON %BOXES, CARRIAGE IRON AND , BRASS WIRE -Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, ) ...Dy the barrel or gallon, wt, Yory low flgnrea,, A call is iespectfullY sol , cltOd, feeling confi dent tint our goods and prices will not fall to please:lC 'WHARTON .& 111AUHIRR:e itunthladon, 116 y 7,1867. HMI, STREET, EMESEEM An'aacelicut cis.hortinen ea • I and rampart, our prices with others OHIO PUMP,' abinttutinoit,. ' I`)R TO ' • '• 'A • CAYNSIJIIII?I'IVES; EMIT a'abort ' sinu ' iractiCal treatiso on the nature, cans es, and ayinptotit4 of •PabnaliaiVConstintyition;Bronchitis and Asthma; and their yreven(fon, bl.alvlcitt,,nnd cure by inhalation. Sent by Itiair Tree: • Address Q. TAN lIRAINIBLL, Al. D., lb 11' es; Haurtektith St T. t1y•,1.44y . U. C. Rows. •,. Gao, 19. Etittt 1 2 1-C) 0 11.7417 tt .M..lCiati3E/S, IMPORTERS AND I% NULDSALIi DEALERS I.A.- China, Glass & Queenswate 1 433 MARKET ST., NORTH SIDE, DELOW FIFIT MEDI! PHILADELPHIA, TA. Juno 40,1509 ,6,!?4,P,tc #,g.AuFFEII,-,6; WATCHES No. liB ~ f r '4 3tree4 . , '' "4; . ;ne ' r oillnVrY> rigt4pEprille An emortment otWntcbce, Jewelry, Silver ilud,Platod Wnro denetently on bend. ' - _.ErU , ltepittring of 3Vutelles and Jewelry promptly et.. ended to. Aug. 11.1 y DOBBINS' EL'ECTRIC BOOT:TOLISII , lAdkeh'a'.E.Adting- Shind:' wiu:blaCk theiriboute on. iaturdnY ordinary blacking. don't have much ship uu l hunduy, ns the polish fades off; but the ehine'of DOBBINS' 33TAACitiptk Lasts - Satiirday ' Night ' and all, day _,Sunday. IT BEATSA . 11;01:11Ep. pI4CI4NO MADE Manufactured only .13y . J,.13. DOBBINS, at late,lmmeheo Soap and -Blacking—Works, glxtli eef uml Gorman lon Avenue, Pliiladelphil'a. ' - ' For halo by Massey & Co., adjoining Lewis' Book Store, Iluptiugdon,ya. . ,-„(: , , 433418,',; LORILLARD'S ' ' Is no excellent article or erminlay G"E UREK A" teityirginia;vilierever Istreducril • It As - universally'. admired: It is SMOKINO TOBACCO, put up is linudsano,s up4On,bags; hi which oilers ihr Aleerchunm Pipes are daily Packed: - LORILLARD'S' chuffed by all who C0119:11110 It as "Ydcht 01 1 ub'l t2rti;o fi c"iVerstlc - . l ‘;'`,.,li th „"t 7.` SMOKING TOBACCO. antl•nerrous iu its effects , ; it' the' Nicotine bas „been exttected ;t44 leaves no disagreenblo tasteslier 'Mall:P4l it 10 YitrPlrlira; ligliiie color arid in weiglitrbeneo one pound w4ll laat, as luug As 3.pr orilin- My tobbaacii..•"ln'this brand we Moo pack Orders every day-for Bra n t 'aids .3leerchuum Pipes, Try 'it end coon vincd )ourseivels it Is ill It claims te ho, "The Finest of --- , 1 "-- LORILLARD'S- Vile brunt] of Fine Cut clieWisic CENTURY' 1 4) ,`,V. 3 . 8 -11%uji!igets'IVIVWt' CHEWING TOBACCO.' ilie host Chewing tobacco , in , ttnr country. -:5 , • ;":: _ 9 ..—...E. , !'..1..1( , : ',-_, /I LORILLARD'S linvu nov / e s e tn n t i e t ; wi e r r 4 l io nl 3% i r n s SNUFF'S ?, 1 ,w- lj eit a nelmowledged •'the best" =MOM If your aturclicoper ralo, ask lumt to got tilt Jobbers almost et,erytrl -Circular of pricee fern twee not have - these artjel:B for eta; - they are sold by , taapectable here. rwariled'oh ~•' -. • I'.I.OItI;,LARD, Ileg York.. - Dee let-3m. AIcCUIRE'S SPANISH, HAIR pI3,ESSER. Fen P¢o3tovisp v;IERTYTItqI9}7 II ;Fin , ?7U:ii ; And rendering it ' dark anti gloilsy. No ether compound Poseeipes t the peculiar; proPeriles Ltehieht tan extictly still the various conditions of the human hair. '.l)to use of thin oil ah atitair,dresser bhu beed'uolvlrsallin every sec-! tlon 01 the'country in the Fpanish Main for centuries--, Nn Pleparation of net could:giro tlaineleghtit Inzutitineel and abundance of hair which have go otter, been (Ito ad miration of travelers in,Fpalin... Ultio 'oil 1 delicately perfumed, forming an article unrivaled in ex cellence and dpon Which Stalinelt itatidi; lOC , idany , years have set its seal of cud ut li&aept oval. McGUIRE'S • Mexicali ¶lllFlowePsShaifiDoototion For removing danditiff and scurf from the head, whiten ing and pet lowing the - skin.i , ti bin ferent bow anything of the kind et er offered In this court try and is warranted free 'from 'all Poisunond aubitAtideir Ibis valuable lotion was used by the Emperor alaximil inn, Mud Empress . thutotta ;of - 31exiett, and 'universally used by Mexicans for three hundred yea., An a %twit for tint head—it in:cooling; cleansing tarot refreshing.— Whon thus used it at max relieves headaCha. , • 111cG VIREO WILD FLOWERS FOR. THE TEETH- All those oho are in favor of %thin, teeth and a pleasant and perfumed hie ttlt shiniftl at dna° use'Maluite'e Wild blowers tar thu Teeth. All these,preparations are,put up in the must elegant and et natianthil manner: u e make lie exception in 1311) log tint they are,awornament to r n lady's toilet table; and mint complete without them. Marlowe,' sittisfaetory or, matey , left:tided. Dealer,s will bear this in mind. cold by all'lt:spectate Drug gioteht the Unites! Ettates and Oanadas.. Adthess orders • - RICHARD' VIcOUFRE, ; • Perot and Manufactory, sett-y 203 North Second Street, Shictirtufphhi - sale at Louis' Book Store;illUtitiiiidoa.;:,2:-. • CO.' 4JEWELERS 46, . .902; CHESTNUT 'STREET, - kEtp ONLY „ .F,IRST-CLASS,G,OODS: , AN IMMENSE yAI:I7Y OF, GOLD WATCHES, LDIANIONDS; ( •• '• •• •' • • •J.Pw•ELR,Y, • • , • SILVER WARE, 'WEDDING' SILVER . ," PLATED WAKE, " , • • CLOCKS. BRONZES, ' , , FOREIGNPANCY GOODS, "' • , ;/, /FINE PAINTINGS, &c.,! &c.. , All persona, desirinvreally t.rine articles, reliable in quality and moderate m twice, ale certain to be pleased by, our 04Ceettinglyi,largo:ttttil ' , acted tcollection.wOur crock la ;opt always fresh by additions front first sources: Our store is pronounced:true of Ake Intent elegant 114.019' world; and any parties visiting the city ore cordially In vited to Call and inspect it at their tweet, •, 1 Jail. 19,70.-I.Y. "For Bituminous of TAD44-acrite :. cpal.'! EsT..9LI§nED IESI. . 'J.: R -YNOLDS•BO-SO, N. W. CORNER 13T11 Ain FILBERT . STS. • 'PHILADELPHIA, PA., • lifolellbantitcfprers or the Celebrated ' ' wAcipijT4RpN, Al.a.74mT, GAS-CONSUMINGA EATER PATENT DUST SCREEN, ORATE DAR RESTS, nthl WROUGIIT,IRON• RADIATOR • These Heaters aro made of heavy Wrought Aron, welt riveted together, the only sure prereution against .. .the. escapee( Pas or Dust. They arpeusjly umnaged, without, any dumpers. The Patent Radiator avoids the nso and anno3 users of drunis,Mut'ls permanently' attached "to' the Floater. This fie, the mOqt durnhlo , shnple, eeonoml. cal, and popular Heating Apparatus ever 0111r0t1 lor'ealo They are all guaratiteed.- • " COOKING RANGES for .botels ancifuninies, PORTABLE IMAMS, ' ! LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLAtE MANTELS; , :REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS.. • We are also Trinnufacturhiga NEW-FLAT-TOP HEATING: RANGE M.Eleutt for our llluatrated Paulylllq. ap2l•y --- ; GET - THEiBEST . ‘,l E Al) Y itool l • ..s ,Siffiabfb Churches Factories, &c., suit fur all climates; equally adapted to .11at Qr strop roofs,, wit coo bc,app , lied , py. soy ottlfhary worltthan. f'. • I.CI, THE READY ROOFING Is more &molar, than tine and , does not cost onuladf as much. It is cheaper ,tlAnAiogles, for more durable. and fire•proof. It is druid of the hearleat fabric over used for the purpose: and iv put tip is rollApidi foribipinent to any4tart of the world:': Enna for circular andvainplio (dent Irony r. • pr' • ' .• • • 't •Wo alto , monnfactare •+ G7t4 ITS`, CEMELti T-;, !final 44.,,,Tblaltpotiqg Coment,forms r< pormanont nt h?Aire over tlso whiitY.thirfaco of all roofs; %tolls or tftt, shlpglo„oy ,cdmpositiono completely, cicslng !up leakagosi, and being composed largely ofigr,asnd rr. rite, wheel, , nuts and.liacElans, aryl soon besoffals, an artItIOSI Slaty or Storm coyoring...ol, • • , BOOFPAINrA " " • tort:milli.; nna lardis - Of metal Ana, thfil tap t niil not,riM, ducki,erPsilroir:fornra'ppr matfent mai perfect prouctiolt, Wherever Onus . : 7i , I's furnished nt! half the ciist;nrid'pessesieviwielitilb . dlifccv Unity of ;he common oil paints used for sflOs County rights forialc, ; ift!paolculari, SJdrwa R.EADY. 11 . 0 OIFINd .60 AI i'ANY, .r . ' ,81 11.4.1 DEN LAN; N. T. UNITED, StilTh , , thoriicitiVA R C141,14 , ft NC II 7`11 , /, Gp,94, SOLDIER HEIRS, ATTEF-TION,I Titmice of googress approved .lilarch 2,18 g, gfpal to liolroi'orSOlcliers who' died'prisonira bf Lt. • --, • • COMMUTATION ygItItATI.OII3, forth time tho aoldl'er'ivasso held n 'ilrieosier, • at `the rate of tArentydb:ocante per,day,ito helqiid.ikthajolfiiir iiii Order: Ist. To tho sithiw, If unmarried; 2d. To lho children ad. To the parents, to both faintly if Ahoy:aro tiring, if either is dead, to tho survivor; 4th. To the bro• tinitshod sisters: II I:' .r 1 Tho act of February 28. 1887, Priiiildos.fortho rofttOn ing.of the $3OO Commutation Money, whero tho same per son'was again drafted, itad,wats requileckip.!.nctic 07p.aer died or flirukh a substitute: DISCBARGED SOLDIERS:" . I Tho'nct of nurgli 2, j§G7, sklio:inakea 0911g/00h/I%os paynioni or do • $lOO ADDlTlo.4dr:q3otlNik: luw .Itccpentall7 1031 their iiblyithar See All persons having any claims under any of the above mentiantii , Acts,'or any other, kind. of againstthe United States or Stab) Governments, can, have them promptly collected, by adds eming tho uiderliigthadG ;lao formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiera or their friends; free of dhargibil '• 11 9 • - - - WOODS, -Authorized ,Army and Navy War-Ctaiiii Agent, °Y1 9, M0 7 lIUNTINODON, Ituntingdon con T-IT_TIV‘3733CZT ~. ~ ,u,,,,,,r. rolspoi427 ' E• - e4lO `/ Nb,..., - ' VetV4PLOO)*At.' N 6 b.. ,-,.., Citfilt:l,l4/.. i k0 l --, . qiitit.t 0: • ' ' - ' 4, -Y1; (4V , i:,..;E ' , ,:fs.'. , P• '''' •Ali O ~Wi;' ilz..trAlec4 "S . , .....1-,-. - ALAIBLE:',Y.AII;D.cI, J1 , 14L IGREE . N4 II:: 0. 'BEAVER'. , • . 1 I. thepi.lt. tkni thoy two pruimredto exrcntaall style. of ~'t 1:..! Plain, nail ornantentabalurbleAllork 1117A*t0):1. 4 .:14.116 Banding*, Wolk. at a, low twines as any shop in the I omits Ut ders from 'a distance promptly attended 5 ' - ' - Shop on MIFFLIN street, a.few,, doors east elate Lis. th'efso , " ' " BARGAINS. 'I ImeV'been ra(hoitea by' the owitera of the following Earring Alaehinta; to diippse of them if postahhi at the prican onnexed,an they icicle to procure Shager maehluea in their , • ,• • • • • . •.lia Ono Grover .4 Poker Machine. loop stitch, in good ran. ming older, cost $9O, will takb $5O tone Florence machine with locker x c, coot $5O, wild take (good order) $59, ono Grover lz Baker notchlite,.loopstitch, with bor WOO . $O5, 5, i I take $l5; one Wilcox St Gibbs,: cost $65, wnl. take $3O; ono Gtover'S: 'Baker machine," good running oi do., cost j55,,wi1l take $4O; ono Parker Slachin ; with Xtiyer, ell finished.' cost $6O, will' tatio - $39 ." one tab Grover do Raker Machine, mom 'been use.l;coxt il er. extra .ntnaraS.c , $7O, will Jake $7O. Letters for hiforrnatlon and eiders fur the celobretted Singer Machine to ho addressed to -July 2S-if • J. C. BLAllt,lluntingdott, Sa SEWINCIMACHINES-! ==! Oti lag to tlie . donainil Tor onr'Macltinos wo liavotecided to take all kinila of Mitc/iitios in nxcliango.fot the ii*HO. ~.••• =•--"'" ; ' " - We will also exclutrigewew mollifies for old Grover k Baker that are corn Jut 'Or out of repair, on reasonable terms, -,., i. .i, . , •, ii,; . , ..,b We have for sale the following"Machhie whieh - Vre - bare Vulcan in exchange for the Grovev't Baker,:, -,1 •••=i`frf • ISinger 3liteldno, oust $65, will take $l5 1 Picker do " 45, ii.ie..i• all bit 1 Binger do a . 8 0, It 150 11WiletecA Cliblia do Is, " : 50:'. • . 3.. : lb 1 Singer' do " 00, , 7 . , 40 . 1 Pii)ker do r i ' --,,• "' 60,• , ' • ei i 7 3 0 ,:• 3 AIJ „order,' (of the,aboveani for the celehrithid,Gß(lX.B , .,„ it BAKER MaehinVe, address ^" ' ' '' ' GREENE 6•ngovisß,; leibter's 13uildiug, Huntingdon, pa (1 1 1.-=‘: JOB' 'PRINTING ''011110E:' IIIN GLOBE 'JOB OFFICE" ' : 4 tho mostcomplete of any in thc country, and pus. susses the most ample facilities for proMptly executing the best style, every variety of Job Printing, such esti lIAND BILLS, ~putcui4its, •• • BILL lIBA.D_S, POSTERS., BALL TICKETS;'' ;axes, P . 4ORAMINIES, : z4BBr s, CALL AND LSSDfI3E BYECIIIL.YE OT 7 000, LEWIS' BON. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORM. CBLA'N'KS !"13TIA:b ONSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTION', ATTACHMENTS ' EXECUTIONS, :, 0 • SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBIREIVAS, - MORTGAGES; • •", ' 5011001, ORDERS,,“ JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION COMMON BONDS, JUDOMENT ' BONDS,,, • WARRANTS,' FREI) NOTES, With a waiver of the $3OO Law. - • JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT,'‘itIi Teachers.' " MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES ' for Justices of the Waco, auff Ministers of the GoSpol. • COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in ease of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SOIERE FACTAS,,to recover amount of Judgnuint, COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stole, County, School, Borough anti Township Taxes: . . • Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the,Officto tho'HUNTINGDON OLOBLr. BLANKS, of evory description, printed to order, neatly ateltort notice, Und'on good raper. — " I Vtio . h . e l eVAließ' e r a n!r r iim in ant: '° eolt ~f the dinniond. a; , =EI =IN 1011 Egi BLANKS, , KS 1 . BLANKS