The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 16, 1870, Image 4
Elylobe. HUNTINGDON, PA WHAT.I. KNOW OFYARMING. 1 : ..--. ''' " TTRACE OREELEY Will Farming Pay ? I commence my essays with this because„ w ben, r prge tbe'su- Inriofad Ogee' of a rural life; ram often met by the objection that Farm ,: ngydonYpay..-e.ifliat, if true, is It seri ous matter, Let us consider: I do not understand it to be urged that ttai farmer who owns , a large fer tile estate, well-fenced, well-stocked, with good store of effective implements, cannot live and thrive by farming. What is meant is, that he who has little btit4wo brown!'bands to, depend . lipon cannot make‘moneY, or can make'very tittle by farming. I think those who, urge the point have ft,-very.inadequa,fe, : -onepption of tlie)fdifhtilt,# onedthitel• .every poor young man in securing a good ..,stert.iu..litb, no matter, in what pursuit. , A,P4PV.AP•NowlYork,,Nvben -not quite of „age,.„iwith a ,good,.,constitation,. a,Jair common-schoo) education, good health, good habits, and a pretty fait' trade— (thnt, of printer.) I think. my, outfit for a ditmphign'againit'adN4rso fortune was decidedly better than the average; met tendong years elapsed befcire it.was eft‘diatfAVat I could .remain *here -and make any decided headway. Mean time, I drank no liquors, used no to .- bacco, attended no balls Or other expen ,. 6i,VO entertainments,. worked hard and long whenever I could find work to do, lost loss than a month altogether by ~nickness, and did very little in the way of helping others. I judge• that quite ,ae,topy worse than,l did better; and that of the young lawyers, and doctors who try to establish themselves in their professions, quite as many earn less as earn more than their bare board during,the first ten - years of!theirstrug- EkW; diihnlacislPAstor;nbar'thli 'close of a long, diligent, prosperous career, wherein he amassed a largo fortune, is said to have remarked that, if he were td begin lifo'ngaiii;sind'had' to - choose between malting his first thousand dol- Jars with nothing to start on, or with I,llaM ttlonsa till- Makin g 'Efatu'rrinl ated, lie d latter the easier task. Depend on it, -..,.young men, it is• and must be hard to earn your Arst • thousand dol lars. Tho burglar, the forger,- the blacklog, (whether he play with cards, with dice, or with stocks), may seem 'At) havi: a i4uiekland "eiiay way: Mak tk,4o4:kii!iiina,dolliiricl but, vlibever makes that sum honestly, with noth ing but his own capacities and ener gies as capital, (Ides a'verY "good 'five years' work; and - inay' dicta, hiniself fortunate if he finishes it so soon. have known men do better oven at larining. I recollect one Who,with no but a good wife and four or five bundred dollars, botlght „ (nearposton) 4%10 o uirdretr; aIY rough acres for $2,500,and paid for it out of its products within the next &re years during which ho had nearly doubled its value. I lost sight of him then ; but I have no doubt that, if ho lived fifteen years longer and had no very bad luck, he was worth, as the not re- suit of twenty years' effort, at least §lOO,OOO. But this man would rise at o'clock of a vviater,morning, harness his span of hOrses hitch theqto his large market-wagon, (loaded over dFive ten .miles, into Boston,.un load'alid,lead'habk.agdin;•=be home at pretty fair break-fast•time, and, basti- 3y swallowing his meal, be fresh as a daisy for - his day's Work, in which he would lead his hired men, keeping them clear of the least danger of fall ing asleep. . Such. ineti - are 'rare,..Luit they still exist, proving scarcely any thing impossible to an'indOmitable will. I would uot.advise any to work un- mercifully; I seek only to enforce the ,truth'. that groat achievements are within the roach of whoever will pay •their•price. • • An energetic farmer bought- some twenty-five years ago, a largo grazing farm in Northern Vermontizconsisting 'of seine 150 acres, and Gosling him about $3,000. Ho hada small stock of cattle, which was all his land would carry;- but s -he resolved- to Increase that stotik b' at lcasU . ten per cent. per annum, and to so improve his land by cultivation, fertilizing, clover,.&c , would= amply carry that in crease. Fifteen years later, he sold out faint - and stock for forty five thou sand dollars and emigrated to the West. I did not understand that he .yas. Aspeeially hard worker, but only o good ; manager, who kept his eyes nothing go to waste, and steadily devoted his energies and means to the,,iturovem . ent of his stock and hie farm: Walking ono day over the farm of the gitK;rrofl:Matitki=ll:l76 field of rather less than ten acres, and said: , • Pl. .bought . that field for $2,400 a year ego last September. There was then a light crop of corn on it, which the seller reserved and took away. I under drained.itbe,field:that Fall; plow- Cd'atid iertiliied . it liber ally and planted it with cabbage' and when-these matured, I sold thorn for enpugh, to pay, for land labOr, and fer tilizers altogether." The field was now worth far more than when' ho bought it, and ho had Cleared it within fifteen .months from the date:,ef itS - Pirehaiio: - that a good, operation. Another year, the croVinight have been- poor, or might have .sold much lower, so as hardly to pody'for the labor; but there are rises in other pursuits as well as in far . ming. '.• - • A fruit former, On the Hudson above Ne.wburg, -showed-- me,,' three years since, a field of eight Jor ten acres, which he had nicely set ' with grapes, in rows ten feet apart, , with beds of Strawberries between the rows, from which he assured me that his sales ex ceed $7OO per annum. I presume his outlay for, labor, including picking, was less than $3OO per annum; but it cork something to make this field what 1 it then was. - .Say that ho had spent $l,OOO per acre in under-draining, en riching and :tilling tbis,field, to bring it to the cond'ition,.includnig the cost of his plants, and still there must have beau a clear profit hero of at least $3OO per acre. I might multiply illustrations ; but let the foregoing suffice. I readily ad- mit that shiftless farming don't pay— that poor crops don't pay—that it is hard work to make money by farm ing without soma capital—that frost, or hail, or drouth, or insects, may blast the farmer's hopes, after he has done his best to deserve and achieve success; but I insist that, as a general proposition, Good Fanning does pay— that few pursuits afford as good a pros pect, as full an assurance of reward for intelligent, energetic, persistent effort, as this does.— Tribune. HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after THURSDAY, SEPT. lett:, 1869, Passen ger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: UP TRAINS. DOWN TRAINS. EXPAPII9 I MAIL lERPREas.I ROL STATIONS. I'. 51. IA. I. 1 A.M. 1 M. As 5 5511.1 401Ituntingdon,. 1A71.1 101 AR4 20 0 021 461 Long Siding • 1 02 412 617 00 McConnelletown,.... 46 3 55 6 24 07 Bleaeant Groin, 37 3 46 640 . 22 Harlelesburg, 22 332 6 56 38 Coffee Run..., 03 3 16 7 031 46 Bough &1teady,...... 55 309 718 1 01 Core, 90 255 724 1 051Flellere Summit 36 251 AR 741 10 20 Saxton, Re 8 201 226 10 43 Illddlealnirg. . 2 08 -10 52 Hopewell, 2 00 11 10 Piper's Run, 1 40 11 29 Toteavillel 20 , .11,45 Bloody Run,. • 105 AF 11 52,Mount Dania! , : 1.0100 • , •81100513 BUN 1111AN011. , 1.7. 7 60 , 13 10 io l .7,azioil; . ' •1 AR 8 051 AR 2 25 8 051 10 45 Coalment, 7 651 210 '8 10 , 10'60 Crawford, 7 50 205 AE 8 2 0IAR 11 00 Dudley I.e. I' 40110 155 I 1131 oed Top CRY. I Houtingdon Sep 22,10. JOHN MICELI:IPS, Sept. ENINSYLVANIA 21./ 4 11 ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING CF TRAINS - MATTER ARRAEGEMBNT. WESTWARD. • EA STii'ARD 7 I Ft rt. ;11 STATION?, go A.M.) A.F.I 111 49 N. liamllton, 111 6S 5 54 Mt. Union.... 12 00 11ipIntim 12 16 13 10 31111 Creek,... 12 32 0 26 Huntingdon, 12 49 IPeteraburg,... 112 60, Hlarree, - I 06 0 58 Spruce Creel, 1 . 24 IBirmingliam, • 1 30 7 20 Tyrone, 1 45 'Tipton, • .... FoßtoriA, ... 7 42 Beira NIIIIs, 8 00 Altoona"... The Pinta E.t.rniss Eastward loaves Altoona at 9 05 p M. and arrives at Huntingdon at 10 21 P. as. The LINE Eastward leaven Altoona at 12 35 01., and arrives at Huntingdon at 1 45 A.M. The Crocisresu Exearas Eastward loaves Altoona at 45 P. Si. and arrives at Huntingdon'at 7 04 1' Si. • SOCTHERN EXPassa Eaataard, loaves Altoona at 10 05 A and arrives at Iluntlngdon at 11 14 A. U. CINCINNATI EXPRESS IVCSIWard bares Iluntingdon at 3 31 A mond arrives at Altoona 4 50,A U •' The FAST ONE Westward, Jeares Iluntlngdon at 7 43 P., 51. and an Ives at Altoona at 8 55 P. 51. NEW STORE IN HUNTINGDON. TAMES A. BROWN has just opened • a largo CARPET STORE on the second floor of hie brick building, 1% hero Lysol will and one of the largest and best assortments of BRUSSELS, • "••••• INGRAIN, - DUTCH WOOL, COTTON, RAG, LIST, VENITIAN and SCOTCH HEMP 4 049Li a 13) 't•daogi Also, COCOA and CANTON MAT PINGS, arid FLOOR OIL•CLOTHS, Ever offered in central Pennsylvania. It Is well known that a merchant who deals withal/ in one fine of goods buying largely from manufacturer, is enabled to give his customers advantages In prices and assortment (in that line of goods) that arc not to be found In stores professing to do nil kinds of honoree. - I shall aim therefore to make It the interest of all in want of the above goods, to buy at the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store. 'MI/eaters can buy of me by the roll At wholesale prices. apl3'69 JAMS A BROWN. FASHIONABLE G 00338 FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR._ GEO. F. MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR, line removed to the eoroud floor in Bead's Bow Build rig, where he intends to keep constantly on hood tho afoot Myles of pmmcm GOODS, omprising AMERICAN, SNOLlem AND FAENCLI GLOMS, CASSIAIERES, AND TESTINGS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINOS CLOTHS, CASSIIIINDES, AND VESTINGS Being a practical workman of many years experience be is prepared to make to order Clothing for men and boys, and guarantee neat ; durable and fashionable work umuship. He is determined to please every. bedy. .i3-All are !mated to call red examine my new stork of beautiful patterns before purchasing elsewhere GEO. r Ilnutlugdon, Oet. 4 READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY ILARBIED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Furtiture, (cte. riiIIE undersigned would respectfully lannounco that ho manufactures and keeps couatantly on hand a la:ge and aplundid anottment of DININD AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS II ASK AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and rand mat claire. Cupboards, gilt and roem wood moulding for mirror nun picture (rams, and a vari ety of article. not mentioned, at prices that cannot fall to be satisfactory. He is alto agent for the well known Dailey & Decamp patent epring Bed Bottom. The public aro invited to call and exemino hie stock before purchasing elsewhere. Work and sake roost on Hill street, near Smith, one door west of Tenter'. store. Huntingdon, Aug. 1,1666 TMEaTU tit J. ; IN. WISE, Ddinufacturei arid bonier in F' t 7 Xl. DI I ri" TT 3EL 33, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on at., Huntingdon, in the rear of George W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a oall. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. Aro- Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins mad° in any style &sited, at abort notice. The , s r u A llf n E iba E r z haa a w AN T HEARSE and fa prepared to attend Funeral° at any place in town or country. J. M. WISH. n 1213 tingdon, May 9,1860-tf ROOKS AND STATIONERY.--• good nasortmont of miacellanomm and Schoo ooka—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envolopee—Red, Bine and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous slue—Pena, Pencils, F mita and Desk Inkstands, and every other article muall., found In Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fate prices at LEWIS' 11001 f. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. NVANTED, 10,000 'timbale of Wheat, Ryo, Oats, and Corn at the Huntingdon Steam Mill, JOSEPH H. OARMON. 'Huntingdon, )toy.l7,lB6Q•tt OUR COLUE FOR THE PEOPLE. RED FRONT ENTERPRISE STORE. All kinds, at very small profits. Not offered low to draw you on on other goods. Our prices to continuo low, regularly. The best Silver and, Golden Drips, genuine Lovering and other Syrups. New Orleans and other Baking Mo lasses. A variety of kinds of best always on hand cheap. - Roasted and Green, cheap as the cheapest for the same quality. Hams, Shoulders, Sides,-Dried Beef, at living prices. Tho best N. Y. Stato Goshen and Ohio Cheese. , The beet stick and other candies, wholesale and retail. The best Flour by the barrel, sack or pound. Cheaper for the seine qual ity than elsewhere. Feed By the hundred or smaller quantity Stone-Ware. 4000 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 0 gallon crocks, are, jugs, and churns, selling cheap. GLASS & QUEENSWARE. A large steak of Ironstone and Com mon ware, in Betts or by the piece.— Glassware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars, etc, at Red Front, cheap. Wood and Willow-Ware. A large assortment of Baskets, Buckets, Churns, Tubs, etc., eta., at Red Front. Dried Poaches and Apples, Raisins, Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,—Can tied Fruit and Vegetables, etc. Salt By the sack or busks). Also Dairy Salt. Spices, &c. 'All kinds of Spices, and a great va riety of notions. Soaps, of all kinds and cheap. Pickled - Salmon, Haddock, Shad, Trout,. 'White Fish, Mackerel, Dry Salt, Quoddy. Labrador, Lake and smoked Herring, by the halt and guar ter barrel, kilt, pound and dozen. All warranted, and cheaper than elsewhere. JAMBS HIGGINS The best quality of Tobacco, and cheaper than any other• store in town. RED STORE. For what you want first call at En terprise - Headquarters where prices wlll be kept rogularV low: ENTERPIIIq ITEADQUARTERS, Sugars. Syrups. Teas. Coffees. Meat. Cheese. Candies. Flour. Fruit, &c. Fish. Tobacco. Variety. Ta.37`)TINODON, PA I°t@ 1€3.6), FRANK W. STEWART A. R. STEWART A. R. Stewart & Co. HUNTINGDON, PA., =EEC] HARDWARE, , CUTLERY, PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, - STOVES, LAMPS, ROPES, OILS, 14M FDRAS, Scythes; Snail's, Grain Cradles, Sad• dlery and Carriage Goods, Hubs, and Spokes. NAILS AND IRON, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS DRA.IN PIPIT, 18M'C11M10..V%T..41..3Et30, and an endless variety , of goods in his line We are receiving goods almost ovary day from manufacturers, and in view of ißte DECLINE IN PRICES, and our experience in selecting best brands and reliable 'qualities of good; .purclutsere will find it to their advantage to examine our stock THE NEW PATENT ECLIPSE COOK STOVE, which throws all others in the shade, is stil increasing in popularity, and pleases so wel that everybody Nyants THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT THE BIG PADLOCK SIGN lluntingdon, Jan 13, 1860-tr. TUE CELEBRATED !GROVER & .BAKER Sewing Machines. 42_ THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IN USE For Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch, For Strength and Durability of Seam flint will not rav el, an both threads arc used direct from the spools, and no seams have to be fastened by band; no waste of thread, For simpho ty and pea faction of machinery. It stitches, bolus, fells tucks, braids, cords, and am broldei a beautifully. Idnollinea fully Was ranted and lull Instructions givec. Sewing machine cotton, silk. &c.. on hand. For sole by GREENE & BROTHER, febl6'69 2d floor Lobstor's Building, Huntingdon, Pa. ILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM lOU smtaa &Whig Machines; Received the only GOL PARIS EXPOS' They era adapted to all kinds Of Family Sewing and to the use of 1-eametresses, Dressmakers, T4lors, Manu facturers of Shirts, COIIIIIII, bkirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hate, Cops, Corset., Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Pains°la, etc. They murk equally Well upon Bilk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, Ishii silk, cotton or linen thread. They will scam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species ofeewing, nicking a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sided of the article sewed. The qualities which recommend thorn are: 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabrie sowed. 2. Strength,. 11: mum and durability of scamithat will nor 2 Economy of Thread. 4. Attachtneitts and wide range of application to purpo ses and materials. 5. Compactness and ekance of model nod finish. ft. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 7. Speed, ever of operation and management, and quiet ness of mos emmt t. Instruciicns free it all. Machines lept in repair ono year lice of charge. u, E. LEWIS, Agent, HUNTINGDON, PA 1= WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A LARGE STOOK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED . AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. t i IME. From the kiln of Gee . Taylor, klarkleaburg, prof en 3r chemical analyaia to be of the beat quality, con stantly kept and for sale In any quantity, at the depot of the Huntingdon and Broad Tup Railroad. Sal - Apply to Honey Leistl,, Frptiatot of the 'inroad Top Homo.. ' ium2o-tf WHARTOS &MAGUIRE, RILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE 8c RETAIL Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ac 4 MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers gonorally, to invited to the fact that we aro nuw• Wolin a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, _CUTLERY &C., than can he'lbund elsetthere In this part of the State, at prices to sultthe times. Oar stock cornprises all articles In this Etre of business, embracing a general assortment of, TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, ,lILACKSWITCS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JCitNKES, Lo ;together pith a largo stock of • . . .kon,:Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and _Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, ' * Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross• Cut Saws, • Enamelled, Finished •' • and Plain Hol. , low Ware; Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, • ' Oil and Powder Cans An oxcellunt nalortment or _lff°3l2aAa Comprising (HIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE 'SPOONS, SUSI ORS, - RAZORS, &IC. BRITTA NIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patternss CONSTANTLY ON RAND AND FOR SALE A T MAN UpACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will fit/J it gown] assortment of niotclisl for their pre consisting in part of Carriage' Trimmings, llttbs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, .Nuts,, Bolts, Washers, , Malleable Irons, _Pa- . tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Torigues, Soc- Gcts, .Shafts, 1 1 !=ingVAXOJr4-%IE-1147.1 - -* , 144'4 4firl--1 ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, , S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SROES;" Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron ez Steel ....CARPENTERS, And in otticstablisltmeUt a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, • AUGERS, 'HATCHETS, lIANIMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, . SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &G. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS, and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, PURE, c,OAL PICKS AND SHO O . ELS. -IPEtrinaLorai Can be accommodated with everything in 'hair line from a Grain Separator to a Whet•atone. 21:31-xiiclarea Are especially invited to call end examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE and compare our prices with came. Agricultural Implemehts, Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundell's Firer Premium HORSE RITCLIFORR, Rakes, Roue, bay Forks, Trete and Miter Chains, 13,. oat Chains, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, dm., &c., &e. Among the specialties of oar House, we desire to call attention to the celebrated Tho exclueivo right to sell widen is vested in US. Saud fox acircular and gat full particulars of same, and satisfy younadf of its supolur qualities. Scales of all sacs sod descL lutist's, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales,- Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Ineelbarrow, Pork, Port. able, Hopper, Miners and Trans-. portation, Ray, Cattle and Coal Scales, D MEDAL at the lON, 1867. FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' ,'rho largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, COOK & PARLOR STOVES. Rent Nora ay nail, rod, bar an Loop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON.BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at vary low figures .6W - A call is respectfully solicited, feeling coati• dent that our goods and prima wfl got folt to pietas:s4 BARTON St mAquinu. •Muuttngdon, May 7 ; 18,87! EMBEBEEI The attention of Can be supplied with Comprising the famous liussoll OHIO PUMP, SCALES. CASH. PRICLS Ever (grated iu thia place. A GItEAT VARIETY OF ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By LB. keg. Very low! gybindiitments. A WORD TO CONSUNIPTIVES. Being a short and practical treatise on the nature, cans es, and symptoms of Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchitis and Asthma: and their prevention, treatment, and cure by inhalation. Seat by mail free. Address Q. VAN LIUMNIELL, Pt. D.,16 West Fourteenth St., N.Y. iIYI4-13* U. C. Rouu. OEO. W. ELLIS. PLICOMEIVI cit 3 ]E lAMBI IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN China, Glass & Queensware, 433 MARKET ST., NORTH SIDE, BELOW FIFTH STREET. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Juno 90,1869 ISAAC K. STAUFFERA" WA TUBES and JEWELRY, 1 , ;.. Id s North 2d Street, corner of PHILADELPHIA. - An nesortment of Watches, Jewelry, Slbror and Plated Wet o constnntly on band.—lteptdring of Watches and Jewelry promptly tended to. Aug. 11-ly D.OBBINS" ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH Makes a Lasting Shine. Thdee who black their boots on SAnrday n Ight with ordinary blacking. don't have much shine on, Sunday, as the polish fades off; but the shine of DOBBINS ' BLACKING Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sunday. IT BEATS ANY OTHER BLACKING MADE. Manufactured only by,.7. B. DOBBINS, at hit, immense Soap and Blacking Worki, Sixth :trout end Gcrruan. town Avenue, l'hilndelplna, Pa. .1 For solo by.Maesey & Co., adjoining Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. _ - novld TIMILLARD'S ,"EUREKA." SMOI{I\O TOBACCO; In which ooleis for Mr, to an excellent article of granula ted Virginia ;wherever introduced it is universally admired. 'lt is ;put up Ic handsome muslin bags, erchaum Pipes are tinily pocked. LORI VAUD'S classed by. all who censnma It as "Yacht Club" the "Sliest of all ." it is madd of of the choicest loaf grown ; it is SMOKING TOBACCO. aritimervoue In its efn.cts, as the Nicotine bus been extracted; it leaves no disagreeable taste after smoking; it is very mild, light in color and in weight, hence ono pound will hod as lung as :t of ordin ary tobacco. In hits brand we also pack orders every day for first Gloss Meerchrium Pipes. Try it and con vines yourseh es it is all it etalmy to be, • , l'ho Finest of I LORILLARD'S This brand of Fine Cu chewing c ENT u R v b.bacco lots no equal or importer -.- ant n here. 'lt is u neat doubt 011EW/NO TOBACCO. the best. chairing tobacco in the country. LORILLARD'S 1111110 now been in general use in SNUFFS the United States over 110 yenrs and still acknowledged •"the best" wherever coed. - loos not have these nrtiel:a for em; they aro sold by- resptelable 'hero. "warded on application. P. LORILLARD, New York. If your stereleeper solo, ask Polito get tht Jobbers almost cverywl Circular of prices fen MEM! 'AIcGUIRE'S SPANISH HAIR DRESSER FOIL FILONOTING TOE GROITTII, BEAUTIFYING TILE MAT, And rendering it dark and glossy. Ne other compound possesses the peculiar :properties 811GCB . 110 exactly snit the various conditions of the bunion hair. The nee of this oil as albeit dresser has been universal in,every sec tion of the country in the Spanish Main for centuries.— No plop:nation of art could give that elegant luxuriance and abundance of hal r loth hare so often Lein the ad miration al baseline .in Spain. 'Thiel oil is highly and delicately pea fooled, forming an article unrivaled in ex cellence and upon which the Spanish people far many years have set Its teal of el/doting typt us al. McG LURE'S Exicaffil6FlowersSliamoo Lotion For removing dandruff and scurf from the head; whiten ing and perfuming the akin. This article us entirely dif fermi from anything of the kind ever Acted in this coon try and is warranted free ft tan all poisonous subliancea '1 his valuable lotion 00110 u.stAl by the I;roperer :dna mil ian, and kmpi eau eat tette of Mexico, and universally need by Mexicans for three hundred year& As n nnah for the head—it Is cooling, cleansing and refreelting.— 11 hen thus used it at once relieves heattlaclit. -0— McGUIRE'S WILE FLOWERS FOR THE TEETH. All those who me In favor of white teeth nuila pleasant and pet fumed Ine.itti should at bnce use iSlettuire's It ild Flowers for the Teeth. All them, preparations urn put up iti the must elegant and ornamental manner. to make no exception in saying that they are en ornament to a lady's toilet table, and none complete without them. Watranted satisfactory or money refunded. Dealers Will bear this in mind. iiind by till respectable Drug gists In the United States and enuadas. Address ordure to RICHARD Depot and Manufactury, cony 263 North Second Street, Philadelphia X or onto at Loch' Book Store, Huntingdon. IL E. CAL ; DWE L L &CO. JEWELERS, 4 41 Ala AND IMPORTERS, 9O CUFSTNUT sTREET, MEM FIRST-CLASS GOODS AY .15131ENSE I'ARIIITY ON GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, WEDDING SILVER, PLATED WARE, CLOCKS. BRONZES, FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, FINE PAINTINGS, &c., 'ecc. All persons, desiring really fine Articles, reliable in quality and moderato In price„_are certain to be pleased ,by our exceedingly largo and varied collection. Our stork is bpi. always fresh by additions from first sources. Our store Is pronounced one of the most elegant in the world; and any parties visiting the city ere cordially In vited to call and inspect it at their leisure. Jan. 19,70.-ly, "For Bituminous or Anthraoite Coal." "ESTABLISHED 1551 A J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. CORNER 13TH AND FILBERT STS I.IIILADELPIIIA, PA, Sole Manufeeturors of the Celebrated WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER • With PATENT DUST SCREEN, ORATE BAR RESTS, and WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR ' These treaters ore made of heavy Wrought:lron, well riveted together, the only sure prevention against the escape of Gas or Duet. They aro easily managed, without any dampers. The Patent Radiator avoids the use and anno3.cett of drums, and is permanently attached to the Rester. This la the moat durable, simple, economl. cal, and popular Renting Apparatus ever Offered for sale They are all guaranteed. COOKING RANGES for hotels and families, PORTABLE HEATERS, LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN GRATES, SLATE MANTELS, IVECHSTERS AND VENTILATORS. We are also manufacturing a NEW.FLAT-TOP HEATING!RAIgGE VD-2ml for'eur Illustrated Pamphlet. np2l-y. GET ,THE BEST READY ROOFINO Suitable for all Buildings,. Dwellings, Barns, Churches Factories, he , and for all climates; equally adapted to flat or steep rout's, and can be applied by any ordinary workman. THE READY ROOFING Is more dm able than tin, and does not cost ono-half no much. It is cheaper than shingles, far more durable. and tire-proof. It in made of the heaviest fabric ever used, for the purpose. and is put up in rolls reedy for shipment to any part of the world. Send for circular and saruplos (sent free.) We also manufacture GRANITE CEMENT, For repairing all kinds of leaky roofs, chimneys, sky lights, &c. This Roofing Cement forms a permanent ado hegira coating over the whole surface of all roofs, wheth er tin, shingle or composition, complotely, closing 'up leakages, and tieing composed largely of groundt . .snite, v.hsch acts and hardens, and soon becomes, an artificial Slate or :tone covering., 1 . . ROOF PAINT, For coating Tin and nil Icinkls of metal anttcoMposltion roofs. It wilt not run. crack, or peal off, hitt form a pin raiment and perfect protection, wherever placed. it furnished at half tho cent, and pOSSeimen twice, the dura bility of the common oil paints used for such purposes/ " County rights (ornate. 1 , ?! Firc?lara and all particulars, Addrere - BEADY ROOFING COMPANY, • eal-Oni , • 81- MAIDEN LANE, N. Y. • UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAIN AGENCY yAy SOLDIERN HEIRS, ATTENTION:r The act of Congress approved March 2, 1867, gives tee Heirs of Soldiers who died prisoners of war, • CONINNITATION FOP. RATIONS, • for the time the soldier Ives so held a prisoner, at the rate of twenty-114 cents perdu, to be paid in the follow ing order: Ist. To the widow, if unmarried ; 2d. To the children ; 3d. the Parente. th both Jointly it they aro living, if either is dead, to the survivor; 4th. To Vte bro thers and sisters. • . , _ The act Of PebrnSry 28, 1867, provides for the , refund ing of the $3OO Commutation Blaney, where the some per son win' again drafted, and was required to enter the ser vice or furnish a 9ubatituta, _1 , DISCHARGED SOLDERS 'Tho act of 31nrch 2,1861, - 41stimekes pro)lsione let the payment of the , $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such eolith)a as have accidentally lost their dlechar gee - All persons having aniclniens nnder any of the abnie mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim against the United States or State Governments, can have Gram promptly collected, by addressing the nedersignedi In. formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiers orlhele Wends, free of charge. • ' ""{V. 11. WOODS, AuMothed Army and Navy Witr-Ciaim Agent, 1nny9,2180/ litcroanoN, Huntingdon co., pa 3BETJI 4 aDMIW4a-roX:)W, J: GREEN . .&; F• O. BEAVER Having antored into. partnership, Inbrin the public tout - they are prepared to exeests all style& at Plain and ornamental Ma' . _ such as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building. Wolk, at as low prices as anyahop in the minty; Orders from a distance promptly attended to. . • Shop on MIFFLIN street; a few doors east . .r eta) lase therm. thumb , m 1116,15.67! BARGAINS. • 7 Intro been reqnested by the owners Of the 'following Sewing Mncbines to dieposo of them If posslblo at the, prices nonexed,ne they wish to procure linger mUcblaiss in their place: Ono Grover & linker Machine, loop stitch, in, good run ning order, cost VII, will tako $5O; ono Florence machino Ugh tucker & e, cost $5O, will lobo (good order) $5O, ono Grover & Baker machine, loop stitch, villa box, - cost $O5, rill halm $45; ono Wilcox & Gibba, coat $O5, twill take $3O; one Grover & Baker machine, - good - running order, cost $55, will Mho $4O; ono Parker Machine, with cover, well finished, coat $6O, will tako $35 ; one fine Grover & linker Machine. corer been used, n0E4,111141 tuck or. extra hemmers &c ,$7B, will take $7O. Letters for information sad' orders fur tbo celebrated :linger Machine to be addressed to July 28—tf • J.O. BLAllt,lfuittintloti, Ps; SEWING MAMMIES FOR SALE CHEAP. Owing totho Jenson,' for our Machine 3 w o Sisvo'clecided to take all kinds of aluchinuo in exchange ter the ORO- Vglt k BAKhlt. • We will 1060 exchange new machine; for old Grorer'it Baker that are worn out of out orrepair, on reasonable tertne, ' We have for sato the following Machines - which we have taken in exchange for the Grover'& Baker :- •• ' 1 Singer Machine, oust $O5, . wit). take $45- 1 Parker do - - " 45, a • 28 _ .I.Singer do- , . SO, /I , 88 1 Wilcox & Gibbs do " 50. " 35- I Singer'do 0. 60, " - 40. 1 Pot ker do6o, " l',o . All orders for the abovo:an 1 ,0 fur the celebrated 411017. W. & BA K Ell 3h:enlace, address, GREENE 6: BROTHER, Leß4er's Building, Huntingdon, Pa THE GLOBE JOB PRINTING OFFICE. THE"GLOBE JOB OFFICE" the moat complete of any in the country, and pos, reuses the most ample facilities for promptly executing the best style, every variety of Job Printing, such lIAND BILLS, CIRCULARS,. •• • BILL HEADS; POSTER, BALL TICKETS, f~. JARDS, PROGrvAMMES, •- - LABELS, &C., &C.',- , &C • OAIL 'AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS OP Worm, - LBW'S! BOOK STATIONERY, & MUSIC STORE. WANKS !.B.LAb OUSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACH'T EXECUTION t ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUISPENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL OItDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION B KSL COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, • . PEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDO.MENT NOTES, with a alum of the s3oolaw. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. ' „. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace, end Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, In cast. of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment.' 'COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on euperibr paper, and for sale at the OfEce o the HUNTINGDON G.LORM. BLANKS, of every doecription, printed to order, neatly at short n k otice, and on good Paper. • WW LEWIS, Dealer Books; tionery and Muaieal Inatrurn.uta, corner of Clio diailkund B dlaz e ''• BLANKS, KS! BLANKS