The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 16, 1870, Image 2

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'N'ireqn4‘sdAy .!870
ItIJGII..LINDSAY, , f 121,Anrons
The "Globe" has the largest number of
'widens of arty' other paper published in the
eountg. 'Advertisers should remember We.
Editorial Brevities,.,
. lion. Potor T. Washburn, Governor
Jf "V ; nrnlopt,, residence •in
Woodstock on the 7th inst.
The United States Supreme Court
has decided that all contracts existing
prior t 0.1862 are 'payable in , gold.
It has been determined by the 5C11,..0,0,14i5t„-,t40
,..0,0,14ist„ - ,t4o .pld census law, passed
-.(114 . .?.5,.18,50, shall govern the taking
of the next census.
.Ifarriyhurg letter . writer inti
i; ,mates th_at Irorrew -B. Lowry is to be
. champion of the bill to abolish capital
punishment, in our State. . . •
b'egio'quesiloil is' finally
Wettlecf, 47 ii4L:Alirg.i w i g esied. is
,gpieral amnesty, for all • rebels—from
,••,big , Piolret to little Leeis :
1 •
' ipit4iiiige: StrOn'g, of Philadelphia,
;•-•liinctjos.. P. Bradley, of,Newark, N. J.,
:Amy() -been nominated by the Presi
dent, for Justices Of the Suprime
Uourt Of the United States. '., '
has been award-
ed the con t:ested,seat in Congress, from
, •thellst. Penna..
,distriet,. and ho line
Xlidori'eivoin'in:'' The yote'2wn - e' 123 . for
Coto'do 60 for Foetir.
A bill is now before the Legislature
wbioh'provides that - 'the people shall
decide' by general election, whether
liquOrthay be, nianufaotured and , sold
Wit6in-the limits of Pennsylvania
•• l EhOteMrie'rance'nien of Washing;
'•ton.bity are tryii4 'to secure a prob,ib;
,itory,lawLfor the, district.' ,is not
tikety to•go tbrongh—tob many. citi•
, zens•and Congressmen being ' opposed
--Senator Wright, a full blooded ne
gro, and: member of the Senate of
. •
South Carolitia," his fieon'elected
P ite;B6iirernO Court of that State. For
a degicription of this personage, read
C01..A. X. licelpro'e !otter on our first
' The'DemoeraCy in 11.iftlin county
in,n muddle , caused . by the fact that a
prominent pernoerat of the eciuuty
got a hilt . pamed , and
,signed legiela-
Aipg•the commissioners out of the poor
- and appointing three persons
that ilk been the
' Catit . OM Senai3Ors and inernhors, for
many yolaiepaat.. to. tratin I).4fmilitary
• and naval. cadetships for money, and
:a'oommittee of investigation on that
subject is making soino of the guilty
ones treinblb:
A.Democrat in the Kansas House of
Representatives, while the fifteenth
anientitnent was under discussion,
. •
said: "While I, belong to the Demo
cratic party, I alp belong to , the pres
ent-,-age,". - To- prove his. words; ho
voted for the ainehdnieUt.
,The Befinfonte, Watchnian gives
very consoling thought to Democrats,
winin it says "Thousands of graves all
earth lave •been . - built, that'
it ,(Democracy) . might triumph, and
it will,triumph." And is Democracy
going to pave it'd way to glory by
grave ; after. grave ? If so, we advise
_those, who follow that standard tofleo
in time. .
Goi , ."Geary has Vetoed theTbiladel
phis „Police 13111, much against the
wishes of some, and greatly.,to the, ap
probatbia of others. All tho Republi
'can journals' in Philadelphia, except
. thaPr'est, dinideinned . ftni bill as a par
tisan piaci:6E4,o be Controlled by in
competent men. and . purely
and personal:Purposes, at'the:expense
of the peace, and property' of the pub-
.;',.The total production of anthracite
Coal.lastlear was 13,221,386 tons,'nnd
of iilltirids,seini-anthiacito and
on the At'anti° seaboard in
cluded, 16,339,014 tons, against'? G,094,
816 tons in 1868. Including the esti
mattA,pyoAuciion of 11,000,000 tons of
LitittninouS production in other
„sections of the Union, the total coal
:United.States in 1869 is put down at
over 27,000;000.t0n5'. , Tho total con:
samptidn'of coal in the United States
in Isq,is . estipia.ted at, little less than
30,060,000 of tons. '
G,erin krt -I.l,M'Nom.":--Tlie, most .in
tense excitement prevails in Clark
county, Illinois, in'consequence of the
discovery of gold in Big Creek, about
trVezity Miles froni Terra Haute, Indi-
A lately-returned: California
miner- - 7 a miner of eighteen years'• ex
'perioneeha's been prospecting in the
ravines along the creek, and in every
handful of earth ho says he has found
goblin paying quantities. The peo'-
ple of that section are wild with gold
ennlk, and are leaving all' other
OM to search for precious. metal.
Pit.S.c. l lAMPon DOoman:--70if Monday
morning lust Justice Read read the
opinion of the 'Court in the case of Dr.
raul Schoeppe vs Commonwealth.
'The •opinion . was to tho effect that
they could not eotnider questions of
,the prisoner'i guilt or innoconce, and
bad not been Ole to discover q.ny or,
yor in thd record of the Court 'below;
therefore the judgment of the Oyer
turd Terminor of Carlisle was affirmed.
The Legal-Tender Decision.
The Kentucky Court of Appeals
some time ago decided that a contract
made heli, , re the passage of, ;ho Legal
Tender act of 1862 must 'be paid in
gold or its equivalent, and. not in the
paper money., created ,by - the United
States. This question was brought on
appeal beforb ,the; Supreme .Court of
the United States, and the decision
just made by that body, - reaffirming
that of the Kentucky court, is of un
usual financial importance to the coun
The act of February 25, 1862, known
4 61 the. Legal Tender act, provides that
the greenbacks, or Treasury notes, au
thorized by the act, shall be receivable
irl.,payment of all United States taxes,
excises, debts and demands of every
kind "due, excepting duties on imports
and interest on the public debt, and
shall also be lawful money , and a
legal tender in payment of all debts,
public and private, Within the United
States, excepting duties upon imports,
etc. Under this law there has hitherto
been no practical differenee'in the pay
ment of debts contracted baforo the
war and those contracted sieee,'but all
have been eqUally discharged in, green:
backs. - It has been a matter of serious
question, however, whether 'Congress
had the Constitutional- power to pass
an' e.Tliost facto hew; to decree that a
debt whielrin 1861'was'undor contract
wind° payablein Spanish milled dollars
or gold, should be, at the option of the
debtor, made payable in greenbacks in
1862 .
,Judge Clhasegives the, opinion of
that court that Congress, had no Such,
power, and that setles' the ' question.
The dissenting opinion of three 'of the
Judges,' delivered by Mr. Justice Mill:
'or, is; however, able, and showli 'how
difficult and dangerous it is for a Bench
of nine lawyers, differing with each
other, to override the legislation of,
Congress. - -
'• We shall not argue the question of
law. ' That'is unnecessary just now,
for the question is decided. The effect
of the decision on business is the impor
tant matter. The reader whO has not
studied the subject Should understand
that the Supremo - Court does not de
clare that the Legal Tenders aro un
constitutional. It simply decides that
paper-money' cannot
,be a legal ten
der fur ' the' discharge' of contracts
made behirelhe act 01862. To ascer
tain the amount and valim of Such con-
Oactsi now unsettled would'be itnpossi
b'n. The Herald estimates that in New
York alone 4 'the Principal 'of - 'the un
'settled 'mortgages contracted prior to
approVal of the Legal Tender act coyer,
not less' 'Wan* $500,000,000. TO' this
itetn of New York mortgage alone the
decision adds twenty per cent. of value
and The _Herald estimates that in ',the
'total of similar Contracts throughout
the country the holders gain over
$100,000,000 in greenbacks. This 'en
ormous shifting of values from the
debit to the credit sideWbusiness must
have a treMendoits effect, though 'not
a universal one.
It does not . , however; afflict contracts
made since the act of 1862. If it did
we Might e4ect the greatest financial
panic of the century. But the Su•
profile Court has uttered no word
which indicates the possibility' of its
ever declaring that Congress bad not
the constitutional right o issue paper
money. of the
Stittes, Upon
thissubject the opinion of Mr. Justice
Miller is conclusive. The paper money
of the United States is still a legal ten
der, though it is not a legal' tender in
contracts made before , the passage of
the act.
We anticipate no general distur
bance of business from this deoisiOn.
It a tax 'Upon a limited though a
large elasS of debtors, to the probable
amount of one huddred million dollars
in paper• money. Itif "ultimate effect
on Our finances cannot'be predieted.—
The Tribune hails it as a step towards
specie payments, and if proven to be
a safe step in that direction, the coun
try can well boar temporary embar
rassment for the sake of future stabili
ty. One thing is sure, that we can
never return to specie payments with
out submitting to individual losses
and general derangement of business
So far, Abe business troubles of the
country have been much smaller than
it had reason to expect, and consider.
ing the damage of the war, the loss of
our commerce and the burden of
our debt,the measure of our prosperity
is remarkable.
JOIIN DECKER, a poor drunkard of
Jackson, on the 12th inst., - committed
suicide in the presence of his family,
by taking strychnine while in a state
of intoxication. After he had taken
poison; and while every effort was be
ing Made by the physician to save him
some of the most disgraceful scenes
Were enacted that can be imagined.
His brother was also drunk, and =k
in& a dreadful disturbance. He order
ed the doctor and several visitors from
the house,' brandished a chair and
struck the physician and an old man
named Bacon, who was attending on
his brother, and finally, in his drunken
paroxysms, fell and i plit his-head open
on the stove. The drunken wretch,
groveling on the floor, with the blood
streamin g from his face—the crazy
suicide, writhing on his squalid couch;
the crying woman attar screaming
children, presented a sight of horror
more consonant with some of the_ mis
erable dens in St. Giles or:Fivo - rbi l ifyi,
than with the usually
.quiet hotties of
onr . Peaceful'eity. Despite &very rem
edy and the closest attention, the mii
erableaufferer died between six and
seven o'clock in the evening, from the
effects of the poison.
tar Doos'death follOw immediately
upon decapitation ? This question,
which has been often' elaborately die.
cussed by physiologists, has recently
been brought up anew in Paris by the
guillotining of the murderer Tranp
mann. Dr. Pinel has published a let
ter upon it, in which he takes the
ground that the trunk:retains life after
the head is separated from it for a
long period, though it ceases to have
any consciousness as soon its it is emp.
tied of blood. The head, ho says, on
the other hand, both lives and thinks,
sometimes ono hour, sometimes two,
and.three. The brain remains unin
jured. and continues its functions until
it is beniunbed by loss of blood and of
the nervous fluid. It sees, hears, and
must therefore suffer the most cruel
agonies. For this, reason, the• learned
doctor denounces the guillotine as
altogether too cruel a punishment even
for the'most atrocious murderer.
ma > Subscribe for TUE GLcuc,..
on Friday morning, says the New
York Evening Poet, a poor young waif,
apparently of the past night, with her
deileate figure sculptured relentlessly
through a thin cotton dress, was found,
almost 'famished, leaning against a
latnp 7 post in a street leading into ono
of our principal, thoroughfares. Her
condition having been recognized by a,
kindly house-Maid who bad been dust
ing mats at the door, the wretched
sufferer was humanely led into the
basement, where, after some time, she
was restored to life and animation.
Subsequent inquiries revealed the
fact that she was the (laughter of once
respectable and wealthy parents who
lost everything—prido, virtue and for
tune--in the wine cup, and who, re
cently dying paupers had left her on
Friday morning without a home, a
hope, or a crust in the world. When
discovered she was blindly.groping her
way toward the river, to end her mis
eries, rather than enter upon a career
of shame.
Her touching and simple story reach
ing the ear of the lady of the house, she
'was summoned to her presence; .when'
strange to tell,it was ascertained, be
yond a .shadow of doubt, that sho
was the only child of a dear friend who
had been lost sight of for years, but
who, through a singular interposition
of Providence, was now restored itithe
poison of hey daughter,
APRIZE SENrENCE.-A prize, of two
dollars, was, recently, offered to any
member of the Connecticut Teachers'
Institute who would write and spell
correctly th'e words iu the following
"It is angreeable eight to witness
.the unparalleled embarrassment of a
harassed peddler attempting to guage
the symmetry of a peeled onion,whicb
a sybil has stabbed with a poniard, re
gardless of the innuendoes of the lilies
of carnelian hue."
Thirty-eight teachers competed for
the prize, but not one successful: -.Our
readers will find it a source of amuse
ment, as well as profit, to give out the
above sentence, and see 'how many
mistakes our best spoilers will make
in writing it down.
!der Chica,go papore report that a
gentleman of that city, who Was stop.
ped 'a few nights ago when near hie
residence by, two men, who. held ye•
volvers to his face.and ordered him to
"stand add' deliver," told them that
he had no money, but if they would
,permit him to depart, uninjured and
would call at his office on the . follow
ing day, he would give them twenty
five dollars apiece. The proposal was
accepted,, and the blackmailers appear
ed ,at the place indicated, received
their s2s . each and departed, no effort
being made by' the citizen to secure
their arrest.
MY•TheNow York Times Published
a liSt of 41 ;murders and
coininitted'in prew Yo'rk during,.4369
Of the perpetrators of these crinies,riot
one:has suffered" capital
I was sentenced to imprisonment for
life; 1 for'2 'leers; and 2 for 1 year.
One committed suicide, and 2 are in
thelunatie asylum ; whilst 5 are stilt
waiting trial. The question of the
murderer of Townsend as to "how
many years be would be likely to get?"
was a very natural one in the light of
such a record.
lIIS'OWN PULSE.—A good story
is told by the Attica, Indiana, Ledger
'of a physician of that place, who was
culled upon to visit a. sick man after
be had himself taken a drop or to too
much: Arrived at the bedside he fern
bled over his patient a little, and 'at
last got hold of his own pulse which
be felt for a minute or two, and then,
with customary medical gravity" re,
marked, "Well, there's nothin' much
matter wi' you—only a little drunk
Jis got' bod 'n sleep little'n b' all
right !"
,BSA young Man and his intended
bride presented themselves before the
City Clerk of , Davenport, lowa, the
other day for a marriage license. It
was found that the intending bride
groom was under age, and had neither
parents nor guardian. In order to
make the proceedings regular, the la
dy suggested that she herself should
be appointed guardian. As she was
over eighteen, she was eligible; was
duly appointed as guardian, and gave
her consent that her ward should mar
ry herself.
Eir Alexis St. Martin whose side
was shot away in 1862 in such a man
ner as co expose the action of the di
gestive organs to the eye of the sur
geon, and from observations upon
whom we have learned nearly all, we
know of digestion and its phenomena,
is still enjoying good health and lives
in Cavendish, Vt. Fel. , men have ever
done so much for the advancement of
medical science, and yet he did - it all
A lawyer in Bangor, Mo., who"want
ed to get his Christmas turkey .cheap,
selected a fine looking one and inquir
ed of the gentleman from the rural
districts if it was young, and being
answered in the affirmative, asked
him if ho would take his oath of it.—
Nothing loth, the poulterer assented
and the oath was administered by
Lho sprig of the law, who then deman
ded a dollar for his fee.
Birmingham, England, has just had
her tenth • annual dog show, number
ing thousands of canines valued at
$lOO and upward. The rent of the
hall for the exhibition was $2000;
$4OOO wore given in prizes, and the
receipts were some $15,000, the admis
sion on the aristocratic days being
$1 25. Ono of the dogs exhibited has
been sold for $2250 in gold. •
Friendship,is a very beautiful thing.
It is also Usettil. Witholit friendship
a man could not borrow five . dollars.
Dollars have laden borrowed at 60 per
cent. but still a brotherly love of a car
tain kind has inspired the transaction.
.There is a bold sort of philanthropy
in cent. per cent. and philanthrophy is
merely universal friendship.
At, the Boston theatre, during• a re.
cent Sunday evening religious service,
an alarm of • flre was raised by the
friends of a pickpocket who had just
been detected at .work and arrested.
A panic followed* the crY for a mo
ment, but it wasooon-over, and no se
riaus redhlte followed.
The season 'for public' sales of per
sonal property is now - iierning on. To
those of our readers/ in Huntingdon
county who intend having eales, we
would' say—do not fail to advertise
them in the Globe. It is the very best
, way, of making the sale generally
known With - the least cost or trouble.
The Globe circulates in erery town
ship, borough, village or hamlet in
the county, and a notice of a sale in
its columns is of more value than the
printing office thousand handbills. It
goes to the houses of people and just
hits those most likely to be buyers.
. We are prepared to print -bills for
vendues, at•-short notice,as heretofore.
Our handbills are beautifully illustra
ted with cuts, rendering there' much
more attractive, without.costing any
more in price. Yendue advertisements
can be forwarded by mail, and they
will be inserted in the Globe, or hand•
bills printed and forwarded to, the
parties ordering,, without the necessity
of their visiting Huntingdon forthat
purpose. _..Address • •
Huntingdon, Pa.
By returns just completed, it is as
certained.that the gross sales of whole
sale dealer's in Chicago - during the - past
year amount to 8471,000,000, an in
crease of 2.17 per cent, over last year.
A nephew of tho wealthiest United
States Senate:3r died in Kansas City,
Mo , the other day, a' pauper. Rum
brought ham So low that he would
lounge about bar-rooms, and almost
beg for drinks.
It is announced in Paris that next
year the profiles of the Empress and
the Prince Imperial are to be stamped
on the coin of the realm alongside that
of the "chief of the State."
QTRAY.-:-Camo to the residence of
ho Subsoribor in Huntingdon. about tho last of Oc
tober, ono dark red HEIF 88, with white en belly, and
'one dark rod BULL whito on holly: supposed eo be two
yours old this spring. The owner, Is requested to coins
forward, provo properlyi pay charges, and take them.
away, otherwise they will ho disposed of according to law
.. SEIVTNO MACHINE'. These machines make a
strong, dinable and elastic stitch; o tl sew with ,ease
every variety of cotton, woolen, linen and en - goods,
front.the finest -to the coarsest, and of any required thick
ness at greater speedand with less power and noise than
any other machine. , Agents wanted in every town. Lib
eral commission allowed. FA. terms and circular ad.
drees A. S. HAMILTON, Sole Agent,
felo-It, No, 700 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
F l3llll-1. 7 RE.
. •
• .
• "
Ma. 413, Wulind Street, Pltiladdphia, Pa.
Our ,
establishment is ono of tbo oldost'in Philadelphia,
and from long experience and superior facilities we aro
prepared to furnish good work otreasonable prices. ..
xnannfacturo lino furniture, and also medium
priced furnittro of stporior quallty.• A largo stock of
furnituro al ays on hand. Goods made to order. ,
Counters ' Besk,Work and Office Furniture for Banks,
Offices And Storer; Made to order.
Jos. Wimp% ;J. W. LIPPINCAT. Jos. L. SO=
• PAW., oral:0110M QUERRY, ilec'd.)
pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, the undersign
ed Trustees appointed to sell the real estate
of George Quarry, deceased, trill sell at Pub
lic Sale, on the promises,
On Tuesday, March Bth, 1870,
et onep'elock, P. M.,
The'following described
situate in Cromwell township, in said county,
adjoining lank of Thos. E. Orbison, David
Irvin, and the heirs of Benjamin Beers, deed,
,containing 227 ACRES, or thereabouts, be
ing mostly Aughwick creek bottom, of which
about 150 acres ire cleared; the residue in
thither and having thereon
new frame Bank. Barn, with wagon shed and
corn criq, and other buildings ;. also, an ap
ple orchard. This farm is two miles south
west of Orbisonia and has an excellent mea
dow thereon.
'TERMS OF SALE.—One•third of the pur
chase money to be paid On the confirmation
of the sale; one-third in one year thereafter,
and the other third at the death of Elizabeth
Querry, widoti of said deceased; the interest
to be paid to her yearly during her life, and.
to be secured br
,judgmebt bond and mort
d Trustees
Latest Arrival of Gent's Goods,
line removed to the room over John Bare k Co's Bank,
(Old Broad Top Corner,) where ho is prepared to do oil
kinds of work in his lino of busbies'. Ile has just receiv
ed a lull lino of
Thankful for past patronage he solicits a continuant°
of the oamo. The attention of the public is coiled to MS
Mod{ of cloths, k.c., which he is prepared to make up to
order in a fashionablo, durable and workmanlike manner.
Please give moo call.
Merchant Tailor.
l'a., April 711,, IBC9.
The Trial of Bohr all Bodoohm
The Confession of Bodenburg.
W. WOODS, • 'W. D. LESS,
The Maim Bank of fruntingdor
(Late John 'Dare & C 0.,)
paid up,
Solicit accounts front Books, Bankers and others.
liberal Intereat allcuted on time Deposits. All kinds f
SecuritieS, bought and sold for Elio usual Commie/I'9n.
Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parts of
Burope supplied at the usual rates.
Persons depositing Gold and Sliver will receive the
In some return with interest. The partners are Individ
natty liable to the extent of their whole property for all
The unfinished business of the Into firm of John Bare &
Co. will be completed by The Union Bonk of Lin otingdou
y 21,18690 C. C. NORTH, Cashier.
The "Globe" 'Job atEce.
juof Huntingdon county from thalth day ofJanuary,
ltnity to the 11 Jay of January, 1870
- - - RECWED.
Amount in hands of Ti. M. Logan, c Treasurer, at last set
tlement ' $4,243 70
ii dm Jelin A. 'Nash, late Treasurer, 40 60
County tax i ecel7cd from thole7eral collectors
„ ~ . . .
as follows: . .
1860 Hopewell, John 11. Weaver i:, 60 00
1803 Carbon, Jesee Cook- . 37 17
1864 ilopoweil, Johu Doneldson 48 94
1866 Cromwell, Caleb Kolljr 140 00
' Union, Levi Smith 5255
1860 Cal bon, Daniel J. Logan • 414 23
Juniata, Levi Ridenour 70, 00
Morrie, Jaime Piper 291 00
1867 Brady, George blown 60 19
Coss, Christi in Miller 239 80
Carbon, Elm iff Bathurst 1430 07
Coalmont. Sheriff Bathurst 101 85
Dublin, William Clymens 195 68
Franklin, John Eberle 18 20
Henderson. John Nightwine - - • 273 00
Hop:nal Jackson Ettyeart. = - 181 16
Juniata. John °changer 120 00
Mon is, James Piper 180 00
Mapleton, John It, Dean , 290
Pollee, David Hare • 34 00
'Springfield, Morris ilutshill 218 •16
Shirley, Isaac Smith - 517 18
Tell 10 Ice M'Mullen . - 58 34
Un len, Jackson While 20 00
Wo•J„, D. I', 'Moore -.•• • ' - • 303 82
1,668 Ben rei.,'Julin 'Smith •
734 36
Brady, IL. H. Allison 4°l 00
011101110, holm Ashton , 24 24
Cass, Benjamin Fink • 154 47
Cloy, 11. T. elevens . le3 97
Cromwell, R. D. fleck 986 75
Cat bon, William 'film 200 00
Coalmont. Garcia Reisterer . , 46 17
Dublin, iflllfam i 'Clymons 234 60
Franklin, John A rehy. ' ,t 333 13
liopmsell, Solomon Lynn, ,f ~ .44 65
Iluntingdon,.George W. Glazier 'l''''' - 10 08
Juniata, William tleissinger , ' • 15 00
Jackson: R. V. Stewart 279 50
Lincoln, Harris Richardson 68 12
Morris, Nathaniel Lytle . 613 CO
Slt Onion, John 0. Stewart r ' ' 82 22
Mapleton, 513 loner t . , . ' 118 00,
Oneida, Flialm Shoemaker'
Orbitton ia,•Al'exander Carothers 75 13
Penn, John Leo. . 300 00
Porter, Buni.tinin Isenberg .' ' ' 90J 00
Shirley, Richard Colegate 487 44
Shirleysburg, George Lead 13 97
Springfield, Morrill Outsholl 3 20
Tell, A. G. Brigge . 51 60
, Tod, Abraham Elias, , 6 14
• ' 'Union, Andrew Smith 100 00
Walker,sloses Hamer 317 37
- Worriormark..George W. Owens . 1080 95
W, et, Henry Davie, ,:, . , _ 757 40
1609 Alex - amide, William Christy 166 27
Barrels, Carmen T.Oreene • 200 00
Brody, Adam Warfel ' - 350 00
Broad Top, Charles R. Horton , , 167 32
Case, George Sinlth 88 00
Casaville, Isaac Ashton ' 67 80
Clay, Ephraiin It 2 ler, , :. 80 00
Coalmont, T. W. Estep 110 00
Franklin, D. L. Wray t. 2486 10
Hopewell, George Berkstresier - ' ' 283 60
Huntingdon, Alexander Carmen '•: 1175 00
Jackson, Joseph Colobine , - ; 276 35
Juniata. William Chossinger 100 00
Lincoln, Christion'ehontz: ' 370 00
Mapleton, R. S. Henderson 4 ' . 48 45
Morris, Tobias Foreman . . • 398 10
Mt. Union, Blida It. Rodgers ' 40 00
Oneida, .11,012 C. Davis . . 82 00
Om biennia, William 11. Miller ... 80 00
Porter, ILA. Laird . . ,- - 500 00
Penn, William White. 485 00
, „ .
Shirley, Benjamin Davis ~ . .
73 31
Shirleyeburg, George Leas 134 83
Tod, Isaac Taylor , ' 72 00
Tell, Alexander G. Briggs 150 00
Union, Nathan Gecenland ' ' • 270 00
Walker, Win. Reed 245 00
Warrioremerk, Richard Wills . ' ; 1190 00
West, Henry Shirley . 491 00
State tax received from'the follolving collector:
1860 Hopewell John DJ Weaver • 75 00
1864 Hopewell, John Donaldeon , 7 00
1866 Can bon, Daniel J. Logan • . 3516
1867 Brady, George Hawn 57 46
Casa, Christian Miller , , 23 82
Carbon, Sheriff Bathurst 17 51
Coalmen t, Sheriff Bathurst . 3 52
Dublin, WillianuClysiaans • ” I. 15 64
, Henderson, John Nightwlne 12 00
Ilopewell, Jackson Ilnyeort , 10 00
...51apleton,Julin 11.,Deatt .' . ' •'• ' , 49
' - Springfield, Morris Out-shall , 29 41
• Shirley, Isaac Smith ' • : - ; ' 70 00
Toil, Brice Mattillen 90
Union, Jackson White . ' 10 00
Weiit, D. P. Moore 18 15
1868 Dame. Jokh Smith - ' : ' - • • 82'75
- •
Brady, ft. K. Allison 1965 66
Crimellle, Isaac Ashton 7'lB
Casa, Benjamin Fink 9 80
'Clay, B. ll Stevens , • 1 ' 41 26
Cromy,cll,ll. D. Heck ,40'00
Coalmoot. Garcia Reisderer' 4 40
:Lublin; William 01161061 :• 10 00
Franklin, John Archy 159,87
. •
Hopei. en, Solomon' Lynn - ' ' 10 90
Huntingdon, George W. Glazier ' , 550 74
Jackson, lt. V. Stewart .. 98 14
Lincoln; Harris Richardson • 5 00
Norris, Xatlieniel , Lytte •
bit: Union, John U. Sleek art ~.' ' ' '' 4'57
Oneida, Elisha Shoemaker 3:76
Orbilonia, Abraham Carothers 16 00
Porter, Benjamin Isenberg ' 30 00
Shirley, Richard Colegate• • , ' 66 . 182
Slitrleyabarg, Geo, ge Lena , 25 95
Springfield, Morris (Melia)) 20 00
Tell, A. G. Bt iggs. , . . . . , 230
rod, Abraham Ellis 1 44
• Union, Andrew Smith i 9 , 89
- IVarriorsmark, Goo. W; Owons . 300 00
West. Henry Dario 52 30
1369 Alexandria, Williani Christy , - , 12 00
Sarre°, Cartoon T.tireeno ', 80 00
Broad Top, Charles K. Horton . 6 60
Case, George Smith ' • 10 00
Clay, Ephraim Kyter 20 00
Coalmont, T. W. Estep " 200
, Franklin D. L. Wray i. . . - 107 90
' Iropewell ' , Geti. lierkstresser ' ''lo 00
• Huntingdon, Alexander Carom.' :* ' , ;., 600 00
Jackson, Joseph Cohabit, AO 00
Juniata, William Goiesinger 10 00
Lincoln, Christian Shouts ' 20 00
' Morris,Tobino Foreman 60 00
-Mt. 'Limon, Eliot K. Rodgers 6 00
Oneida, John C. Darls,,,_ 18 00
Orbieiti, W. H. Miller '' ' ' 800
Penn, William White -•— . • fa 00
Shirley, Denlatniu Darla 50 00
Shirlilalitrg. George Leks ' 13 00
Tod, Lune Taylor ~ . _ ' . . -,. 28 00
Toll, Slexandor G. Drf&ga 30 00
Union, Nathan Greenland • 15 00
Walker, William Heed . '4O, 00
Warriorsniark, Richard Will. 77 00
West, henry Shively 60 00
County tax on unseated lands 4 20
State' '• " ' " " , - 00
Mood " • " " "
Bounty. " " . " "
Reduction money received -. . 29 41
, . ..
Fines and jury fees from J. R. Simpson; Prot'y ' 63 27
On solo of shingles - , ~ oln
Borrowed nom Susi National Bank of Hunt.
On Commonwealth prosecutions paid to Pros.
Atey.ProVy. Sheriff, witnesses, &c' • $lO2O 61
Constables orders for making returns, election
fees, &c. ' 856 05
Grand and traverse jurors, court crior, tip slaves
and constables 2676 83
Judges, inspectors and clerks of elefclions ' 1432 95
Inquisitions on dead bodies.B3 54
. .
Assessors oraers for making the assessments and , •
registiy lists, Le. ' 1000 OS
Premiums on fox scalps, wild cats, pole eats,
hawks and owls ' 1020 25
Road nod bridge views,' ' ' 471 47
Road damages 928 05
Blank books and stationery for public officos and
Court 133 02
John E. Smucker indexing dockets by order of
Court ' 100 25
J It. Simpson fees as Prat y, clerk of sessions arc
in full 349 40
Refunding orders to sundry parsons i 42 30
Road tax on unseated land to sundry persona :
Samuel Stinson, Carbon, 5 81
Georg° Quarry, Casa, 156 40
Samuel lilcAlery, Jackson, 27 t 0
School tax an unseated land to sundry persons :
Solomon Houck, Tod ' 38 16
•Andrew Smith. Union 4 00
William Gutsliall, Bpi ingfiald , 218
Bounty tax on unseated laud to sundry parsons:
Solomon Houck, Tod 214 86
Andrew Smith, Union ' 5 CO
Adam Fouse, in full , 225 00
Samuel Clllllllllll3 - 170 00
Simeon Wright • - 220 00
Commissioners' ekpenses In going to road view.,
slatting bridges, dm . 37 00 1
Commissioners' clerk, in full for 1868 45 00
On account for 1869 625 00
Auditors and clerk for 1808 142 00
Printing for the COM, ty :
' J. S. Cosmos's 33 00
William Lewis 117 29
John A. Nash 334,00
Benjamin Lutz 3 00
' B. If: Lohman , 1 75
Jury, Commissioners: , .
N. H. Covert ' •,,,,-, id 71
G. W. Shout% 6'2 94
R. McDivitt, reporting court proceedings 175 00
D. Rink, in full for bridge at Weaver's • 503 00
N - . S. Greene bridge in Trough Creek 905 00
Jackson Ladberson, bridge at Hand's 6915 00
Bridges repaired:
' Jolla Donaldson, at Eatrekin's " ' 175 00
Joseph Isenberg; at Huntingdon ,' . • . 445 23
Interest paid First National Bank , 160 25
Tenebeis' Institute ' • ' - 103 74
Agricultural Society ~ . .160 110
Penna. State Lunatic Asylum for the keeping of
D. Brotherline, C. !rower and. D. L, Jonas - 531 75
Western Penitentiary for support of candlelit 551 00
Sheriff Bathurst, for surinnoningjurds, bearding
. prisoners and conveying convicts to the •
Pan it en tla ry 2062 68
Sheriff Neely for tlio same • .
130 40
Repairs for Jail and Court Houma— ,
Toil ' il 35
Now privy at jail • 59 40
Court House., 102 13
Pavement at Court Howe ' .. •
• 164 87
Cleaning Court Home and Jail 20 00
Cleaning .now from moments . 31 25
Wash' n g for prisoners for 1808 and 18f0 40 CO
Gas for Court House • • , : 101 20
Repairing gas fix taros 10 27
Clothes for prisoners ' 20 55
Lightning Rods at Court Hausa and Jail 100 00
Alorcha Oise for Court House and 3511 183 00
Postage aiiii exprew . . 35 52
Janitor, John C, Miller 78 05
Commissioners AttOrney— '
Theo, 11. Creme - ' • • 199 00
P.M. Lyt to 201 00
Auditing accounts of Prot'y., Reg. and Rec. ' 10 00
Dr. kl. R. Neff's iiihn`r. 8 25
Guard at jail, J. Slenner ' 3R DO
Commissioners for military serrieca • 75 00
Fuel for Court llouso and Jail—
Wharton ,ti Hafright 1807 and 1868 ' 105 00
Jacob Miller• •
, 78 00
Samuel Foust . 24 00
M. Eby and D. F. Corbin - 9 00
Cutting wood . . 4 00
Stone•conl, 42 tons tit $7 50 per lob delivered . 315 00
•ROdemption money paid ant ' ' no - or
Paldllrnasitror, of Huntingdon conuty.Poor, HouseslBl 61
Paid indobtEdness to the WM 2109 03
Treasurer's cdnimiesion on $09492 ag 6.4 1 1 4.‘ per •
• eelli- • .... ' • , 11 , • . ;QV, 91 •
4000 00
37;8u3 73
Balance in, the )mode of M. M. Logan, late Treas
urer at Battlement with Auditors. 799 90
We the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania, elected and elfem according to law, report
that we met, did audit, settle and adjust, according to
law, the accohnts of ;M. ill. Logan, Esq., Treasurer of the
county. and the orders of theComihissioners and receipts
fur the same for and Outing the pact year, and find a bal
ance remaining in thb hands of-61.61. Logan, Ti ensurer,
of Sevenhundred and eighty-eight, dollars and ninety
• . ,
Given under our hands at the Commissioners ' office in
the borough ofdluntingdon, the 19th of January, 1870."
A. P. wurre,
`• •-•• • • WM. tr-nEx, }Auditois. -
Duo the County nt the eL
tore, for the year 1800.
calm ut
Carbon, 1860 Jesiieo 3300 k „,
Slopewell ‘` John B. Weaver
Henderson, 1862 11. Flennor
Walker, 1884 Samuel Poightal
Cromwell, 1865 Caleb Kelly
Union, •' Levi Smith
Juniata, 1360 Levi ltLionour
$ 200 00!
20 00
Isp7 .
Alexandria, D. Albright
Barra. Jyhn Logan
Cass, Christian Miller
liendereon. J. Nightwino
ilepewell, Jaciiionliiyeaq
Juniata, John Duiseinger
Lincoln ' Maid Pena,
Morris,Jmues Piper f
Orbleonia, Hobert Gehrett
Springfield, Morris Dutehall
Shirley, trenac Smith -
Union, Jackeou,White
Brady, }R. K. Allison
Cass, *Benjamin Fink
Crontnell,flt D. !leek "
Carbon, Win. Blau
Dublin. flYm. Clymana
Hopewell, }Solomon Ryan
Juulata,*Wm. Oelseinger
.Lincoln, fll. Richardson-
Norris *N. Lytle,
Mapleton, *M. L. Rex„
Oneida, K. Shoemaker
Orbisdnia, A. Carothers
,Penn, }Jahn Lee - -
Porter, Benjamin leeuberg '
Shirley, P. Colegate
Springfield. }][orris Clutskall
Union, Andrew Smith
. •
Walker, Moses Hamer
Warriorsinark, Geo. W. Owens
West, }henry DAVIS
Alexandria, Wm. Christy
Barren, f,) T. Greene
Brady, }Adam 'Warfel
Broad Top; C. K. Horton
Carbon,D. R. P. Neely
Cans; } George hmith ' '
Camille, filmic Ashton.
Clay, }Ephraim Eyler ' -
Cromwell, fR. D. Heck
Coalmont, T. W. Estep
Dublin, }ISm. Clynsaus
Franklin, fiL L. Wray
Hendersonj John Nightwine
Hopowell, fGeorge Berkstressor
Huntingdon, Alex carmou
Jackson, Joseph Colabine
Juniata, ftYm Geissinger
Lincoln, O. aunts. •. • -
Mapletec,f 11. S. Henderson '
Morris, }Tobias Foreinau
Mt. Union, fK. K. Rogers
Oneida, spolin 0. Basis
Orbisoma, W. H. Miller
Porter, •It. A. Laird
Penn, f W. B. White
Shirley, }Benj. Davis
Shirleyeburg, }George Leas
Springfield,-Morris Gutshall
Tod, ?Isaac Taylor
'nll, }A. G. Briggs ;
Union, fN. Greenland -
Walker, }Win. D. Head
Warriorsuek, f Richard Wilts ji
West, }henry Shively
Totals, • . • • • • I
.33,776 32'
• Since paid in full. .1-
paid in part.
°iron undo. the zeal of the Commissioners' office, Joie
entry Sth,lBVO.
Feb. 2, Ib7o.
JOHN LOOAN, Steward, In account with the Han.
tingdon County Alma Home, from 24 day of December,
1868, to 7th day of December, 1869, inclusive :
To and. drawn from Co. Treasury on orders, • 1 096 77
Amt. received friini Eby, dm, on NliiMier horse', -1= 00
do John Miller, Earl, iu the Tracy cme, 20 00
do Johnson Si Cornelius, for hides, 20 00
do Jackuon.Ltiaman; Eng ,in Oliank cans 114 19
... do in sundry cases, hauling, clovers, ed, to 14 26
' :
By sundry Expeuditures for use of house, as per monthly
statements, slumbered arr follow, viz
Stale, ienfNo 1, Demtbei• 1668.
By iraveßng exprinses, Seeing after pikuper,
Cash paid; boluses for Rachel Price
do sending away pauper -
do postage SUMO, envelopes, Au
Statement No. 2 fur January, 1860
By traveling expanses in sundry cases
Cash paid; L pair OTerillIOSS, Jane flugullS
do 1 pair shoes, E. Spangler
do freight ou rouna. rid:road
do' stamps, envelopes, do
do milms from Mrs. Baird
Statement Ne. 3, for February. 1860.
By traveling expenses in-suntlry eases
Baal paid; sending away pauper -
du stamps, enxelopes, paper -
d. mist:ell amens
Seafertent N 0.4, for March. '
By traveling .xpensea In sundry omen
Cash paid; freight per Ileum. railroad,
de , stamp., euYelopes, &n
do misebßaneous
Statement 110. 5. for April.
By cult paid; stamps, paper and clack/pm
du eutalry persona for labor
Statement No. O, for .Noy.
lly traveling expenses hi, sundry cases_
Cash pAid; ear faro, pauper tb Pittsburgh
do 'stamp's, ea velopes,,ls
do tulscellaueolui
"- Slatehent No. 7, for Arlo.
By mall paid; stamps, paper, eovulupea
do freight per Voutht
do miseellaucoas
glittentenl No. 8, for July
By traveling expenses
Cash paid; postage stamps
do removing pauper
Statement :de. 9, for August.
By traveling expenses In Pundry ales
Expenses attending court to :Shank case
Cash paid; Puma. tailioad freight
do postage stumps
do miscellatteous
do stage and car fire per B. wagoner
Statement No.lo, jar .Septembcr.
By cash paid pis. Baird and Baker fur medical At
tendance in case of Sarah %Sago:tiler S 00
Cash paid Dr. Earns estate, for medical Attendance
fur Sarah A.Thacher 5 00
Cash paid; traveling expunaes going attar pauper 34C
do for hauling goods 60
do postage stamps 42
' -
&dement No. tl, for Oclokr
By cash paid N. Waldstuith for honoy
do traveling expenses
do stomps and pens
do miecollaueons. , •
Maimed No.-12, for November.
fly trarellng expenses in sundry C 11.9.1
Cash paid; postage Blimps; , -
• •
do height on Penna. railroad
do hack faro for paupor
do ruiscellaueous
-- . Allowance,.
By salary ns steward, one year
Allowance to Mrs. Logan as matron
In testimony of tho correctness of tho ntiove Recount
and statement we do hereunto net our hands this ith'tlay
of December, A. D. 1809.
Directors Of the Poor.
Attest, HENRY BREWSTER, Clerk..
Ite..Go'tp Red Front for Glassware
Queonswaro, Stoneware, W,illOw tind
Cedarwnre, ef.e. Z etc,
of the Iluntingdon - County Alms House, from DE,
1111111NR 2d, A. D. 1868, to DIICEII6EIt 7t,1869, tto
31,503 7.1'
To amt. drawn from Co. Treasury on orders, ' $B2BB 68
John Logan, Steward ; for sundries detailed in his
By sundry persons for etnithing, No. 1 too $65 75
Dr. Robert Baird. rails and poets, •' •6 66 00
.Win. Piper, setting fence, harrest'g, &c. • 7 & 8 ' -7: 87
M. C. Piper. harvesting and farm labor, 9 & 10' ' 75 20
F. Harmony, farmiabor, • - "' - 11 '• 40 75
J. C. Sechler, plow irons ' •,' 12 &18 •- 16 25
,T. E. Orbleon, 1 tun of piaster, :• • 14 ' 16 00
John Jacobs, soap of wagon, - ' a •• .15 .50 00
David Smith, wages'ns farmer, '"•• • • DS 244 47
Sundry persons for minds lee, • 17 to 2% • •70 15
with th
1 $ 97 23
1 40
$22 00
12 00
1 89
149 46
302 18
112 01
125 64
21 59
By laundry persona for 1769 lbs boat, Ito 5 117 50
do' • =do' - 910 - IDs pork, -8& 7' 101 03
Kerr & Wllhington , summer mot ; 8 1013 ; 171 92
Sundry persona 57 ' 14.t0 17' ; 69 50
Adamiloifineroundry grain; • 18 la 80
Baird & Le., do 19 34 40
D. 11cOarvv, 28 bnallelq,nlqat, 2O 39 20
Sundry porno., aundriolt, • ' ' , 21 & 11 00
22 70 1
48 14 1
22 47
4 50
3 80
12 00
28 SO
15 20
9 00
"2 60
13 So
' 6 821
100 87
674 26
136 30
100 16
24 01
251 661
77 81
- Ey•Cunningliont & Cannon, ntorchandisd, Ito 7 — 370 27
Wm. A. Fraksr, do Bto 13 167 81
Wm- 11. Leui,: p ', do .. 14 &15 . 307 61.
Yirni:ll. grew:stet'• do , 16 -50 22
Wharton & 51.1 g uiro ~
~ 17 , 57 72
A: Crownover do 'la ;40 31
'P. 81: mire, do 10 - -' 21 65
Watormun Jr Young. sucdassoo, 20 18 62
T. 11. Adams, • tutucbandlse 21 22 49
Wainwright & Co. ' - - do — 22 20 95
: Janus Ilundoroou_ do 23 .. 14 52.
Dog torn • • do 24 &25 17 00
Sundry potions do 20 to 31 30 68
„ •
291 66
242 721
508 701
206 51
278 6
70 13
156 02
144 19
45 23
19 91
795 38
921 85
182 12
109 13
108 18
142 3
271 21
„ r
By 'relief afforded to five cases, continuous
thifiughout the year, 1 to 5„ f 271 00
Meliettifforded in Hire° cases, continuous, but
time less than 1 yr. ay.time 2A mos. sto 8 31 00
Relief afforded In numerous cases, without re.
fiord to time, ' 9 to 35 '_'23B 67
Sand persons, coffins, funeral expenses 36 LI 56 138 38
Mind physicians, out door medi service 57.10 71 252 58
Jackson Harman, send out door eerrice 72 to 75 v 74 90
John Miller do do , do ~76 'to Z'6l 00
Maui lideter do do do 79',4 80' '4B 40
2 , 43 62 1
:668 55
12 60
33 60
4 00
79 89
4 87
46 azi
1155 021
635 36
1199 61
27 91'
& 02
25 11,
r , . Nacellaneaus and Incidental. Avila 1.. --.;
By sundry portions, pub. Annual Report, Ito 3 97 00
A. L. lt ickets, 40 COI de of wood, 4 95 09
do one cow and calf, . • %it , ~. ! • .1 - SO 99
M. S. Harrison & eon, tin ware. 6& 7 ~ 19 82
0. W.Aergrin, for shoemaking,• . ,,-8 & 9 • .-• 31 06,
'6o ' one inllch cow. -' - 16 -39 00
Dr. Robert Hard, 25 cords wood, 11 41 26.
David Blair, Bea , 10h tuns coal 12 26 87
Wm. Lewis, our blank book, 13 18 00
Wm. Drake, coffins and wagon work 14 to 16 '27 85
Wm. Harvey, sundry wagon work ' 17 ,': 14 68
Sundry prisons, for sundries 18 to 35 " fdl 84
Sarah Couch, house labor, (halation) -- - -38 100 66
, ,
55 58
8 32
41. 86
691 99
829 3/
665 02,
. . ,
By sundry justices of the peace for orders Ito 4 24 38
udry persona, removing pais, to house 6to 8 94 00
75 35
7 05
20 42
6 28
fly Jack. Itarrntiti, r
utirytees as Dlreaum, 10 hills;, 180 00
Adam tit:chi' do do 12 mos. .100 80
j a b. miller ; -• do ~ do , ~ ,120 nos. 161 20
James Smith-• ' 'do 'do '• ' ' "21uos. 10 40
Dr. Robyn Baud, ottending ph) siclan, 1 fear 144 00
Henry lhoutster, services as murk, • " 50 00
H. A. Lovell, Eso , do counsel ,-"• . • , 10 ho
John Logan, Steward, for amt. of his account, 828 21
27 20
9 27
; i .. : P.toduti "if Arils: '. V . r ‘;
350 bus Wheat, 50 bus rye, 395 bun oats, 1600 bus corn,
(iu ear.) 504 Letup:dittoes; 9 bus beaus, 18 bus beets,lo
bus ouloos, 4000 In slip cabbage, (out of which was ads
bbl's sour kfaut.) 25 tuns bay, 58 loads 'corn fodder,
borne tuade, suo lbs 1090 ibs tnk, 990 lbs bird,*
young horned amts. 1 breeding sow and 10 pigs, 8 shoats
• ' '.trucks ilanufdclurd •
dress's., .42paiiripatitaloOrii; . 61 eLiFis 40
Chinless, 20 aprons, 25 sheets, 6 sacks, 5 inititiodusts, 4
pair slips, 20 pair stockings, 10 bed ticks, 22 pillow
',cantor do, 10 tousle 2 Imps, 3 shrouds, Bskists, 2 sitps,
4 pair. mittens, 11 pain auspeptlei is, 6 pilluw ticks, 1 coat
100,bus whent t •Bs,bus rye, 100 bus oats, 1300 bus cote,;
(in ear.) 16,bus beets, 210 bus pulatoes, 8 bus :beans,4.
bus matins. 8 00 beads cabbage, 0 bbls sour krout, 20 tuus ,
bay, 2d l u7,de corn fodder, (4 horse.) I breeding sow and
10 pegs, 8 shoats, },young horned cattle 'fclur bor ea, 'one
broad wheeled %Argon, 1 too horse do, 1 Opting ongon,.l
two horse sleigh, bob sled, baud curt, hay mkt, Iliad's:1111,
threshlng.uuteldue add fixtures ' sit 'Patent hay ladders,
wain drill, two mouldboard plows, two double shovel
do, single ellovel,do, hill side do, -a two horse cultlrator,
one horse do, 0 sets horse gears, ha, fork and tackling"
2200 The heel, 6000 lbs pork, Ws/ Inr!!! 0 eillOte
4 1'26
1 25
'''.• wAil'>'-'..-q.,.'>:•."4-6.-1 -
F-iVis'',ziEg•'=="s4g,z''. ~,•;,, • „ --"• 1
E1.....gir,g.4 0:4 za 2 g• 5 : '' ' -" . i s .. l . ,
~ ..t- g-a,-.=.4... 4 - , F-,.',.?. )•-•,•id - 6• -
- A - .l - :-.1 - = 1 -_-_[. •i-Tll--... - ! -- 0
.. 4 .4 .... ..t rii ~.?_!... ....,
.. .r - ~ ,', • .--.
7 ,. ...,..,
' f l /J: 7` . W..• .•....7 . „ ~P3 I TEIPT•
p = l.-..1 i.l ,:,;,,..0, . .13 7'.,, '':
'"'''...3 - ", l'?Vl'i'i!Pqa
, - • -A _ , _ Sioaumfolz
o ,-. i j i r;:,; ; ;, "---
'2:: " ....:... .' :
t d
''''' ' ..
it • • • ..,•:' ...... &I 'Wail
Ii i 1 ! e
::., i 1 -!' i ! A. 4 ' i'm
4 'Attiggvi..,,,,,z,„. . °ll"4"P'
1-• ..,.'. -± 7.. 7"'••••• 'lion' 4 ,
-;5. 3 .. -, to to o A %
-....,-.1-.-1.-1-1, uoutoi,k, • wg
9 0,.t1-ccooorcac "......', 1 ? 1 P1141 'Sg
; titt3±lSSE * 22l"tiltS 3 OP% Fr ''' '
tiltitteittilte - t: tilt "'• 1 ••••'
. - ‘ I ult I : 7 ,•f:
71 en . wtd al s•:a. co ma. • Ibliiio.l I • .17 ".
We, the utitiersiglie ,1 '
pion, do hereby -
re, YOUCiin• .."
3 00
11 21
- 2 40
3 CO
; 58
1 05
the undersigned, Auditors of tho county of Hunt
ingdon, do hereby certify that we have examined the or
ders, voucheuf, accounts, &c:, of the Directors of the Poor
of said county, and find tho same to ho correct as above
state:lolin] we din wilier flnd that on examining the Trea
sorer's account he has paid on Poor noose orders since
last settlement the sum of $5,181 01, of which amount
the sun, of. $l3 50 pas expended on accounts of the year
1868, oinking total expandittires of HO, (so far PH paid,)
amount to the sum 01 $5,138 ll—leaving balance out
standing for year 1869, to wit, $lO6 97: nod thus leaving
$259 47 tor 1868 and previous years still out:
- Witness burl:ands at Iluutingdon, this 15th day of Jan—
unry, A. D., 1070. •
U; REX,"
A. P. WHITE,`,-Audlto7ll..
B,UQHANAN AL-14§9.P 1. z 4‘P9::
Have opened n new store In lenter'a new building, in
the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa., and have ready for Bale,
a laig•inehOrtment'of • '' •
~. - . 7 •:.7,72,7
Cook _and Parlor Stoves
1 • I
ANTI-DUST, , t;{ _ . ,
ajarAo evmort!nent
and egreat variety of Goods, never before kept in this
place. We also manufacture
: •
Repairing, Roofing and Spouting done at short notice.
AV- Country Stores supplied wills Tin Ware at city,
Confident of being able ter' make lb advantageous to
their customers they respectfully solicit a share of publlo,
patronage. - "
19 06
460 00
50 00
$628 61
IN TIIE biAIiOND; hIINTII4111:(4151;PA
Jan. 5,1870 t'i is j
This Institution in the beautiful mountaluffilrt
of blisitscormilinv,'ffilord's superior advantages of educa
tion. Thoroughly efficient nud competent instructors in
every departmen t.
French, Dorman, Painting, Drawing, and Music in,
eluded: .
A Normal class forrnod Spring term, which contioning,
twelve weeks, opens April Mb. Expenses for tho year.
$2OO. For Catatogue address •
Jim 26, 1810.-Gm
The Commissioners of Huntingdon County- wil%
receive proposals on FRIDAY, tho 25th day of FEBBHA--
itY, snot.. up to 2 o'clock, for building two bridges. gone,
above Mapleton, near : the residence of M.•P.•Captpbpil,
Beo„ in union township ' , end ono in Dublin towultdp,
near the residence of Alexander Blair, Beg. Plan mark
specifications can bo seen at the Commissioners' office,
Persons proposing to build will comp prepitired to enter..
into ag article of agreement and give segstrßy for .ttgl,
proper completion of the work. •
By order of (ho Commieslonkra.'
feb9.3t " MENKE W. MILLER; Clerk,
A euportor article of Noto Paper and Borah:I n?,
MIU/ k for eonfidenliot correspondence; (Sr sale at
&Ala 4T9A-K..
FbrFlirm marled Fat F.
fbr Rrovisions, marked Pte P.
For . , Ifrchandise,ntar7.l ;Ile M. 015 15
Out Door Expenses. File 0. D
Removal:, 17u , trked,rde R.
1210 61
Stock on Ilitud.
lashacopillas, Muffin Co., Pa
710 4 4
•, 1187.74
692 90