The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 09, 1870, Image 2

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Old 2.c t,
13 1
. , „ 1
• •;"
W,e4 11 e§4a.1% .3 1 19 1 1 1111 gr 1870,
11U611 f g•inqqt.s,
r. ,7,110 ; !:Mobc,!' thp Laryest number, of,
any otierpayer published in. the
count. Advertisers should reinembelYbi."3l.l":
NiA;6;io - nuAE'Prk is pr~lific of ref6i,ths.
separate inlsohg for f i dmale con y icts, to
bounder tho cliargo of fihilanthedpio
women ` Phis it ) 37
thoso who arc agitat,ing. : its. adoptitin i
will do l f,aßl A,ho„
aoroa,..any_ racanA E yet.
epp10y94„41,.. cforoaing., the: : class of
_ ; ,/tEirqkzi gq,lquary statqmputi of the
P,4l4.lio:Debt 'shows a cominuiorsredue. ,
Mow amounting -to 53,933,661 Toy
Octl ' oli 'SOP d ebt 0!)°
of a 0,649,971 The: total of 'the,
public debt leas 'cash- in 'the .Tredsoryy
on the lilt iiigta'ai;kons42;444,Bl3,2BBi
92. rih(;:zniiiAt WeCtoi% '6o'l'4lla:-
tiry ,-
9,69,9Wf0r 1 the montlEprevlous.-.: -
'' 334.11 iht - LAriN'a• ; • •
ble dispatch dated,•Londoe,,,Feb. 2d;
says - that-a'letter rtweived there from
Capt. Cochrane of thd, Royal N'udy;
CoMmtiniling the Petriil, aCtioned on;
the Afrjean,-coast.,,,Tfe ,yeports. that
.I),r. Livingstone, • the celebrated. , Afrj•
gab traveler h'ad' been' burn'ed'rai al
chief - of the' Yet'
pet, this news
as in,oo former curie, js:incorrect.
EE !There is now on exhibition in
the Geological land oftleeliMashing.'
ton, a sheet of - rolled iron' three feet
long ., and:fWelo
eb ;
inut.pi Oqiides.,' It, is thinner than
ordinary writing paper,- has 'a fine poi ;
the .best Russia, sheet :iron; .and its
n'esi ;nrid.'•te'itu'ici' ' to
• if I 4:1 •
anyt . tung,,,cvnr.produccd thjs
try. vas‘manuf aettireil by WrniT.!
-li g,°, l ‘2; A:0 1.1 ?: ' 6 4.. 1 14 1 '7 .7 A.i.; 11 .1
iir,*TAetate ,Legislature has
propriatedito: each ".member" $lOO for
legp.:„Zu,s` ~isk a swindle , - on. a small
sehle:•l Most - of-the 'inembers: are not
remarkable, foi• feael• postage on :all! their
Jorresplaridedee "'cfa'riiig their wbtilo
Itves „and,,leaye :at • least $75,00 -to
spare: Leglslaters:get a good salary,
te,affordito paytheir divwpostage like
4itber-felkt.."' ' -.;
1: 11 k 1; i0 P m Y,I7Y„X J'U6 ICE j =- Tho ! eJeoGib'ii
vi,a,neg tne.piace vacated lby
;Jeff. in;thel_lnited StateN'brOuld
tine,- and bothc:Apoints; .raciraLand
hilqrn'tf teq • tr, 114. 1 ...
Senator , g.Fls, , Leff Ain ; Senate,.-and
p r indge - d dtv the red bea'ef Cho rebelliod
Videirfe j pClTettiaiii tun a
.race., of that race is: eleyti•
Missrii 3 iPPj- re
pddiated:Joff.: Davisiand (fleeted - a no
humiliation' can be hafstorce tor- hi rril,
wa,.The Cui•ieheyethilf ~ phssed”.the
MC4tl 3 ., ,h.T.,ll,Y,olto;;Off•3av to. .24.; As
itrpepded , , , it iiievlderlfoy Tthe 7 issue' 'of
•14. ' It l q§;°P.q.'1 . 4cfAkq,0 1 :g, OA—
lation,-,aat•the retirpinetit of.anl :equal
atiiodnt''of t' - cetifieitteS
ss AO lif;:;:giv'el : ;
. than
i l oith i ftiiir4(C4rrdribv;and When'. the
:845,006,000,955ue,is exhausted; a. trans
$2O (100 1 060 itrit'utlioriied'"
l i avinka 'deficiebey. The ieinoval
ql . f l :°r4 : n '02 '4 6 90: Pf:
circulation tcitthose-having an
ciency is authorized, and the amount
ofigetefiCulai l not to be deduc-;
ted from .the amount:of. new •issat).—
The fourth, fifth and sixth sections':of
Lhe bill: provide for banking on a' 'coin'
.-- $,
le : Jim Huntingdon .
01,0„ ! Next
Sena(446l election - in dt
\Nip be bothered a good deal.Mbitortifter
ilie - eldaicin to nok;i''iiThP 'ifilqy
has become so fearfully demoraltadd
and - so' very unpopular: 'Fiem i !thiS
district there will be two Demoeratic
Sepat,ornefected at the next electiop.—
Bellefonte Watchman
, How you talk. : : Botherod indeed !
Not a whit of it. if; guerrillas _and
Demoeflits did,unite last fall, to send
two Democrats to 'the 'House, will
take's.'great deal tnoro- such; lunialga 7
mation to send two' Demoorilfs the
Senate You can make 3 , our
brags now over the supposed "denior.,
• aliiittiOn•ofltlte- Republican party in
Huntingdon county; but'tho trick iiof
: the guerrillas
has been too fully ex
posed to be attempted again,,,. - Yo u
thiglirliave - dopendod - dpon -- thom-d at it
fall, when they blinded the eyes Of
ViaTpr7l,3.o l: tp foicwhotoir
pect such a result at the next
We will keep ,you,and our readers pos
ted of all "programmes" made by,
your allies—the guerrillas, in the fu
ture to work the defeat of the Repub
lican party in our county, and to
...„pl4,9 l ,RMerapi in office over, : the
. 'hottils of worthy ltepublioans SO keep
in your traces, Mr. Watchman, and
:your hands in
such high glee,
The XVth Amendment Passed.
The Georgia Legislature on . Wed
'nesday last ratified the Fifteenth
'Amendment, and made the tvienty :
eighth State ..4:e,quiradi_ilettird ' the-
Amendment coUld, part ;of
the Constitution of the United Statai fi i
•The followin' are the States- which''
have ratified
Alabama—November 16, 1869
Con ti api r. *.ay „19, 486 3 9. .
FlOrfd r ilLTune "
Georgia—February 2, 1870.
Illinois--+Jklafch 5, 1869.
Indiana-:—May 13-14, 1869.
lowa=—January 20, 1870.
‘; :Kansas—Fehruary.27, 1869.,•
liduisiana—March 5, 1869.
. M a ine—.4lareh:l2;lB69/ ;,.
Massachusetts—March 9- 7 4,i 186 k
illichigan+Alarch 8, :
..11 , 1innesota—January,1401870,;
• Mississippi-Jartuary-15i.1870.. ; „.„,
. Missbur6l-41arch,li 18,69..; ; „
IYovnda-rt~liarvti_l, 186J.<
New York!—;MarchA77—April,l4
.f:North , Carolina--rMarch!o„lB6s. i; t
Ohio—January.2o, 1870. .. • ;.,
.:Rhode Island— January:lB.i
South ,darolinantiMarch,l6,l,B69.
-.:Vertnont—Oetbber , 2l,llB69, ;
;.I"Virginia-kOctober 8; 1869 i •.: ' . .
: , .West Virginia—March 3. , 1865.. •
;-!Wisbonsin—ltiairch 9,-1865." .
Now, fer , the gratid odevelopment=
tion of this element l intomitr• body poll ,
tic. It is entirely , too : late to argue
theiquestion,lor-that has.' been ,done
en'ough! already / laid:whether r itllis a
ntltreli•of 'prcigidss," its''the• - adv,ocates
allege, oi e'lenp'inlo" the dark '; as TIM
opponents assert, is, pow to be, dcter-:
mined by thescales otexperience. One
thingis`dertair, there is a deeplrooted.
prejudicO iri the minds of alargo horn' ,
her the,: Arneriean people against
the, negro-rape,. which:calmet now be
trifled with by those-who hare, such
great zeal` for the black man' as to ex.
alt hitm to the equal of the whitii man;
and which prejudice: Must,be
hefore,a.general good feeling.or char,-
ity.cah exist; between the two peoples
se di am et riCally' opposeill6 each
in'eoloct ''The-American Peel
pip mayor they,saay„pet, "open, their
hearts to give the eolorediman:tvehanec
in the track bf Progress ; , :hift , thoeigns
of the.:tiriies"woUld 'indicate '(vicid
lieireis)' that j ibe entered man viii ;Ee
pushed forward • entirely too speedily,
for his own good-or , for , the weal, of
the nation:" "These whci 'thus pisti l
him forward May . : have , no love for
him,'but will dp . so in' inflame
the dorinaqt'projudiees of the, "whitij
man, dnd.entrammel the black's
difficulty the issue of'which may, lead
to Mere dreadful consequerices than
'COi'l l iCW'heitriOgined.. We hope, howl
Over, 1.1'1 . 14 any 'such . be the strong,arm,of the „law,
if need. be;:and at,all limes, by -the so
kidi-reasdn of the candid. ' ,•'
greneeatiOn'if 'Sbakeirg is pass'.
!ng sily-ntly,awair
PHINMARTiIUIt is , 'said to ;be a MOB
. ezddllettt'daneer. •Tt is this,•perhaps,
;A;hich"will c , i've him .some notoriety.
THERE : a re, now A boll twe ty color
ed clerks Ornployed in the severalLGov
e'recnidn'tlefdCes at`iVasliington:'
,4.1qt9031 jn : 0E; •ArPr.
gold investigation covers two,..tbotni
•and foolsenvpages. , --a • •
6hite-JuStice Grier thO
•§111V. 0 4 1 9..V0uri,,4f 1 § bed ? hip r-eqign!l
-tiotraccepted ;by th'e President. . •
'":Prc'siciont Giant Is: of 'the' opinion
nt . „WriiiViAt, 'can be mncie.'ihj; gtie a (6t
,manufacturing. State in the, Union. „„
IVie r enid 'thatArriericanl• women! in
'ilie j Vi:iinchiiarifeit
•,. I'd '1 'Olll
fp.Atpess, „utatincie;,.tireee„ flittatiens
and languttko.
last` rejeo
ofA:t,t4'rii'ey : Ge:n4
~4,1,11,0 r,, fpr t4 . e,Supren.lp . qopr,, J,udgp
ip,, by; dirote 24 for 46 3.3 against.,',
• Sditi.l. l . l .`ny;p6trrw.ELT.; closed to
issyo,the i fd ty. cprit.cyrrpy notes, and
i§ , calliPg mall t 0 0 . 5 e
ready issued:. This is dodo to: defeat
the. connterfateri,Vho'are circulating
Coeilte'rie'll;fift3,;',C'6fiuile'Ct the new
'FRANK P. BLAIR fa whoran for
Vice .President, is a disqualified.voter
be:nine-le' refused• to take the oath .of
loyalty''loB6:Hied' byithe State" of
Iho' K., S. op' iirt
before .whotwthe,oase .rty3 tried,. are
equally divided in opinion.
it^ ~~ - .I
• A 14VAL to the Grrantl'`ArtnY of the.
itepnblietNas-been Istarted, , undei the
name of the Grand Army of the Con
stitution.' 'Manygeneraleof the U: B. ;
ItlreatlY • conneeted.with'the
'inereUtOlit, drid.'otlierp'haye signified:
001: intention of ; becoming „identified
with , the now organization.. - '
of.thp ~Westeru .pittesi that
sprang up so suddenly and flourished
for's; year, or two witif a • prosperity
t ( o r e i hrilliant to belasting;:are now' la
-terly igdolvent Ualeoa, Illinois,
.1.856; had: property to the..valuation of
'over $2;0011,000; it ie now assessed , at
half a million,•add theeity eanntit'pay
the interest on a debt of 82;00,000. ,
IN Michigan - , whore the gallowsi has
been abolished twenty-five Years; thir
ty convictions for murder in the, first
degree have been obtained, whereas
with the gallows in existence, it is sta
ted on, competent, authority,' there
week! bave boon net to exceed half a
dozen out of thirty murder cases,-
A ear-load of horses recently arrived
in Cincinofiti - valued at bvc $11,700.
Harper:es Yerry has a pcipula.tion of
only 200 ; and houses can .almost bo
W I for the taking.
mombers of the Wisconsin Leg
islataro are said to'bo all carpet-bag
gore—not a itativo of, the State among
Some of the leading merchants in
New--,-York—eityw-have discharged a.
number -- of their clerks on account of
dullnesS of trade.
An Illinois farmer having 1400 acres
of : land; derives his entire lopotrip'from
pasiuring -Cattier fot his neighbors: for
which he . receives $.2.a month ahead.
' Governor- , .:Pairchild', recommends:
that' the Legislatnmof Wisconsin sub=
rnit ;1(w - the •.people a constitutional
titnendment abblishing the Grand Jury
system': '
13y the'cOmpletion of the tem,PorarY.
railroad 'bridge'aCross'the.Missbillii at
Omaba,'Portlittid,'Alre . `,;, and 'San Fraud
eideo'were'uriite'd'byrin Unbroken line
;%;'. •—• '
/I. : genf.feman, whO enter'ad the_ room
of liis lii•ot:ber-inAtiw; in a Texah bete;
eights siiice,,Struelc a Mat!ih
a light, and the lirother'in-law, mista;
king the sound for the cocking of a
pistol, shot him dead.
The' ye:stiffen "Worn . ( Rbine'are
described / as beautiful biSYdrid"'eoneep•
tien„and the ladies - say the lace upon
tliam SurPrisie4 anythinki the'imbrld:
Sordaizlingain'tke eolorg of tlio"dress
es tlit,thebiskaps' likened.tb it bed
of:tnlip4 iii"appettrance..' •"baaiot •'
. . • - .
K. Weld, of Abbot
the, 84th Penpsyl• ,
vania regiment, has„” writtep - to • tlio
Comissioner,q Pen sions tO Say
he, is•ti,tcnit unit well agajp, arid does
not want a pension any, longer, being
aipply . tible to support kimseff by, his
own labor,. •
Fire-proof furniture is the last sci
entific announcement in Germany. ; It
is said that a German • chemist, acting
under a commission from a l firOnsur,
mice company, discovered that improg :
nation with a concentrated solution ,of
rock salt‘randers all tiinkr, fire proof.
The ealt,i,too; renders wood , proof
against dry-rot, and the ravages Oka-,
sects. „ • „! •
•'A Mysterious deaf girl has been ag
itating San , Francisco. • A reporter
went to interview her, and •while tak
ing down •the points ho indulged in
reniarks.,Whieh would; not have been
complinridntarfifslmeould.have heard
thduri:, , She stood it f‘Tsoliie time, but
finally'remptied the , coal-seuttlo :oven
a•ndpitched him down:stairs..-- ,
He does'n't believe she is deaf.
, "A 'wrought iron ' chimney, '196 feet
high , and six 'feet seven , inches , in dia
meter, haa'jast been erected in Pitts'
bitrgh."' Another is to be pnt'up 275
feet ' , high: , Thd first was riveted to
gether in a horizontal position; arid
then.lifted to the perpendicular by a
crape.:,, The other will, be made up
right.,, ,The plates, will be, riveted by
means of a seaffuldinei running ; up in
side. , •
At the last session of Cdngress, a bill
was passed setting apart the old House
of Representatives as a-sort of national
art gallery, and :providing that such
States of the Ugiibn us chose' should be
entitled to Make the-Wier to Congress.
`of. a , statue or other work-of art com
memorating some historic event;. or
eminontsoldier or eiyilian,rto•be'placed
in this hall. ' Rhodd Island has sent
the first contribution •in -the shape Oa
statue • of Major - General Nathaniel
GreSne,.of the RovolutiOnary army.
- .The remains of the Ike Mr: Peabo
py'We're submitted by Dr: Pavy;a,dis
tingiii:slied English to'ti'o'ov
preeervative'Process, which cen'sigt
ed,in • tlist injecting all the •arteries
with a of Arsenio and'corrosiTC
subliuinto; "and,' after 'the lapse "of
twenty four' Vurs, eittul.fited
13olutibti- of tannic .13y
peens' We Softer', thistles are
cony'ertt.d into leather; and .decom'pe
id don 'C'ffectitally . arrestee
_lnto 'the
"Of, the ilest . ' and' •'abdcitnen
there' 'Wes M113'4 paste,of arsenic,' mini
phor, 'and . :elitrit•; and tlieboffin Wits
lined 'with' 'a laker of Malt:hereon].
1 , - WHY is it that :when'a ilch man
kides i a - large 'sum of money to it' chat.-
'it'ichco'Object his name 'tiel'egriiPhed
i t,,br4'ugho,ut thc country .as, that of. a
great.:benefactor •or philanthropist,
-Whecilhat - of the poor man'who •gives
according' means DOT' deem'ed
;worthy . o:f • such notoriety In, our
opinion the man who works for, three
or fatti'dollarii a day ancrgives five or
'ten' dollars to relieve - thin' disti-;e4ed is
raorc worthy,of credit'and,pUhlip-men
tion:than the, recipient . ; of, a
largo daily revenue, gives five hundred
or a thousand.. Such toadyism is con
temptible, but much, , more, conten?pti
-Ide. is the uncitiye that prompts a man
to shed crocodile 'tears =for: personal,
businCse, O'r
' , 64„Tbe anneal report - PA; 1869
the Coriamiisioner Of, 'Patents: is, just ,finiehed. It, skews: that there !wore
i9,:271 applicationa for, patents and
that 13,986 were issued: Including
'reissues and designs, 3,621 - caveats
werefiled.dering the year;' Add' 997
patents' bare been allowed, but not fa!,
sued, for want : of the! final 'fee. • Of .
the patents granted, t'13;443' were Ito
Citizens of the, Vnited States,; 294 to
SubjeCts of Great subjects
of the French .yevire, and 59 to eiti
zone of other foreign 0-evert - intents.—
The total recoipts'Of thaPatent
,f0r,1 4 869 were, $693,645; and! the ex
penses were 8486v130. t!!, .
t‘,SPEAKEIt BLAINE was fortiyeare of
age on the nit' ult. The anniversary
Was the occasion of 'many congratuld
lions from his personal iriends. The
President was forty seven , in April
last;, and the Tide President . will bo
forty-seven in March , next. It is the
firsttime in the lastory.of t*OGOvern
ment when : the, average , ages, or the
President; Vice President, and Speak
er. of the Howie, the first tbree'divil of.
Scot's of the Govereo4
under ayears.,
PFAN'A. COMMON, 15,01100LEL—From
the report of J. P. Wickershdrn,
State Superintendent of Common
Schools, we extract the following sub
jects'of general' interest in connection
with the Common 'School sTstem . of
l'ennsylvtinia. The folloWing are,the
main - points in tke report:
. ..
Number of scheol districts in the BMW-, ~,, e . . On.
Number of Schools - ' 13,936
Number of graded schools " 2,445
Number of school directors - 12,000
Number of Superintendents ' 06
Number of Teachers - - 17,142
Av'ge salary male teacher, per too $3O 00
Av:go salary female,fearher por ,rno $3O 00
Aeogolength•of school term - .* 604
Number of pupils 815 753
Av'ge number of pupils 548,075
Percentage of attendance -07
/Wits cast Of tration per month 'for cech,pu- :
f pilrattending • . w
Coata of tuition tor the year $3,500,704 26
Coat of building, renting, - &u - 2,966,847 71
Continguncifs 930,659 70
Tata cost tuition; binding; etc ' ' • ' 6,693,11167'
Total, Rupenditures e ~ 6,988,198 92
Estimated Value Of school property " ' ' 14,995,632 00
During the I . :ear:there 'was• an - in
crease of 53 distriets; 270 teaeherd, 63'
graded schorils; 202 'school directors, 1
Superintendent ' 371 teachers, '15;238
pnpils; aierage number of pupilsin at
tendance 3:7.971, at a total increase of
colt ' ieeluding. eicpenditures -, Of - all
kind , 8785,610,96. The Bupe'iiniend
enialeci reports the schools' as 'gener
a* in'a floiiriShing,condition,
•"00 l'ut,hoWs' -'l`uNt'phu.L—Tho , Odd'
Fellmirs of Philadelphia have in 'con
templation the - building of. a TeMple
on 'a grand scale.' A meetifig"waS
held at the 'old ' Street Hall , On
Saturday evening last 'to further the
project. The" North American says :
It'wlis' reported that the lot of ground
ori• the nortliWeSt corner of Broad and
Spring Garden streets, which is con
sidered a most'bligibloca'n . .hi3
cured by'the first of April, ' if' 620,000
can lie •raised- Meanwhile. The sum'
0f.000,000 is asked for the property,
and•the terms'are one-fifth' to he !paid
down, the balance secured , •by mort
gage, iiayable in ton years. Iri size
the lot is ample, having a front of•one
hundred and 'seventy 'feat 'on Broad
street, and' 200 feet'on Spring Garden
street. Committees were appointed
to ascertain how much' money bo
raised'hy the lodges and encampments
and to take measures to obtain the
lot upon the best terms.' In the , die- -
etissions:which ensued on the• several
propogitions, the members spoke hope=
fully of the enterprise,' and believed
that a little energy and. "push" were
the only things nocussury ,to ,curry,' it
successfully through., 4 cbhrter; has
been,. granted 6,', th)e ~ussociution of
very liberal pn,wers,•,and, the
thing now needed is the money, requi7
site to:ocuro tae lot. -
~111ErThey,, have
~genteel war„ a
judicially sending a 'culprit to another,
world in,Prance which we commend
to, the attention'of the advocates of the
halter in ,this country.., At the ,recent
executien ; iii Nria of Traupthan "for
the murder of & fitthily, • the' cable in
forms us, the executioner approached
the, condohnueir man', and "laying his
hand on Traupman ' s shoulder remark.
ed "Thou belan o oesi to me,", and,' with
out any furtheeteremony tlio ,culprit
was plac . ed the blocl“nd . his
head severed kern its its tru4k by . one
Wow of the axe:: Thdre was no break
ing of ropes, no bungling of
ments, no hauling the victim half
dead to r n_second
no subjecting. 'the condemned to the
agonies of, ,a dozen hells while endur•
ing thared,-tafte•Of the clerical require
ments of the staffuld.
A week ' oi more ago John Dearing,
jr., of Milford townehip, Juniata county
started • after dark from, Patter
son to his-: home, ' riding one ..Mule
and leading another, and while on
the war attempted to get off and
while' One , ' foot.-:was in.• the• stirup,
tbe mule ran off dragging • him over, a
rough road,. through, Licking
'arbelewhiblr was high 'and partlyafro
zen; through a pair of Liam two of
Which were up, and, into. and around
the barn yard of his father, iwall a dis
tance brover three miles. clothes
Were:-tOrn entirely off his body, but
with qtception of a number • of
•bruisos and cuts upon his back and
no'seriotts injury was sustained.
-This statement ; inereduicius as it may
seem, We aro assured is literally true.
A rAttan•number of (workmen have
been , 'discharged from:'the-priricipal
navy yards - throughout the country,
in consequence of the exhaustion of
the appropriations for tho'Bureauaof
kogincering' and Uonetruotion.
IThe subscr Haw will dispose, bf At private:gala fro
LarstFluntbered 73 and 86, fronting on 3111111, street, in
West Huntingdon; lifty fret front Und oho Minaret] and
fifty foot bank. For farming pu rpm% they aro first-clam
" fon6-3t* • l -
•13111.1),G - ES,TO,BUILD.
Tlie,Conindsslonors of Huntingdon 'County will
receive proliolhis Ulr FRIDAY. the 25th day of FELIBOA-
Ia, inst.. up to 2 o'clock, for building two Midges. ',One
above Mitpletutt. near, the residence of M.l. Campbell.
Esq., in'thilon township, 'andi ones In Dublin towt.eldp,
near the residencenf. A lexander Blair, Esq Plan and
aPecificatimis can be seen ntllie'Commlssloners' office,
Persons proposing to build wildconte prepared to enter
into on article of alp cement nod 'give mouthy for the
propor camp'dtion of thu work.
Hy older of tho Cominissionero. • , ,
fob9-3t HERBY W. MILLER; CI.
kcEms : . ...
. ,
. :
; ARFSICIS43) 3E1L.E1.11115
' Pt h r e e ) l,a Nt n S i t ;t, re - e.oraN,v,i,ttith,(Pantg ,
subscription books in published. and the 'mart jib g .
eral terms.' Send for circulars. Theywill costyon
nothing, Rua maysbe of great benefit to you.
WANTED, vimn:
It outsells,. ten to elm, any book of its kind published.
49th thousand In press. "Agents doing bolter now than
ever before. Also, for
out " FAMILY
• piIy•SICIA.N.
In bath ENGthsu and GERMAN. Embracing the AL
TIC and HERBAL modes of treatment. 641 closely prin
ted pages. Price only $2 60. The most complete, reliable
'and popular family medical bo k in existence. Addresi
Q. F. VENT, publisher, 08 IV. fth et., Cincinnati, Ohio
P. T.
' Written by himself. In one large Octavo Volume—
Nearly 800 Pagss—Printed In English and German,
33 Elegant full page Engraving..
It embraces forty years recollections of his homy life.
as a Merchant, Manager, Banker, Lecturer and Show.
man, and Rives accounts of his Imprisonment,. his Fail
ure, his sun sessful Europpau Tours, and important'illis
refloat and Personal Riortilnisconoes, replete 'with Ito-
Allefrlotes and Entertaining Narrative. No, book
pubilahad, %%acceptable te all classes. Every ens wants,
It. Agents as, selling fiat 50 to 100 a week.--,
We offer extra terms. 'boo Illustrated Osialogna and
Teri* to Agents sent. free.
•J. B. BURN A CO., Publishers,'
go. 9-3 R. k Hartford, noo c Con ti at
, -
f Huntingdon county from the 4tn day of January,
9, to The 3d day of January, 1870 :
Ambunt in hands of M. M. Logan, Treasurer, at last set
tlement $4,243 70
Brom John A. Nash, late Treasurer,. -' 40 50
County tax received from the aeyoral collectors
as follows
1800' Hopewell, John B. Weaver
1863 Carbon, Jesse Cook
1864 Hopewell, John Donaidaan 48 91
1885 Cronfwell, Caleb Kelly 140 00
Union, Levi Smith 52 75
1868 Carbon, Dania' J. Logan 414 23
„ Juniata, Levi Ridenour 70 00
' Morris, James Piper 29) 00
1867 Brady. George Hawn 60 19
Cass, Christian Miller 239 80
Carbon, Sheriff Bathurst 1.430 07
- Coalmont; Sheriff Bathurst - - - 161 15'
Dublin, William Clinmesl9s 58
Franklin, John Eberle - • ',•;., ; , .., ”- 18'20
Henderson. John Nightwine - ' - 273 - 00
Hopewell Jackson Enyeart 131 16
Juniata, John Oeinsinger 920 00
Morris; James Piper' ' - 2 : 150 00
Mapietone John 11:Denn • Ii ; '2 90
-Porter; David Hare - ' • ." •.. 34 00
Springfield, Morris °Malian_ 21.8 16
-IsaacShirley, mmo Smith -•-- 617 18 -
Tell. Brice AVAlullen •, • - • 56 .34. ,
Hation7Jaeleson While , • - 20 do'
IVesr, D. i'; Alnore
~ 303 92
1868 Barrer, Joitu'Smith " . •'' ' -734 33
Brady, It. K. Allison ... 471 00
Contain°, Isaac Anklets2B 24
Case, Beidamiii Fink '- - ,-. 154 47;
, , Clay, B. Ti Stevens ' •
Cromwell, It. D. Heck - - '- 986 75
Cat bon, William Ryan - - 200 00
.Coalmont. Carrie Banterer , -,• -46 17
' Dublin, William Clynians - ' ' 2 • ' 234'60
Franklin, John Melly -- 333 13 '
_ . Hopewell, Soloinou r Lynn . , 44 85
• ' Iluntlngdon,lleurge W. Glazier -
Juniata, William Ileinninger, 15 00
Jackeon. It. V. Stewart 279 59
Lincoln, Morris Itichardion ' •'. ' 68 12
/. • Morris, Nathaniel Lytle , .2. ' . 22 „ „613 GO
Alt Union . John G. Stewart • 65 22
- Slapleton/Af. 1,,Re2 , . . 22 . 11s 00
Oneida. Minim Shoemaker, . z , , , ' 71 25,
" 'Orbinofila; Alexander Caretheis ''' '• ' ' -75 13
.Penn, Jelin Lee ; „ , i• . 2 300,00
Porter, Benjamin Isenberg, „ . . -00, OQ
Shirley, Ithleird Celegato • • - ' 2 ' I ' • 487 44;
Shirleyeburg, George bras, ' • , ,• • • .23.97
, .Springfield, Morris Gutehtill ' 3 20'
" • Tell; A. G.•Briggs' .. ' ' ,' ; : ' ' • 5100
.Tod, Abnilians Elias 6 14
• ' Union ' Andrew Smith" • ' ' 1 ' ' ' 'l6o'oo
, Walke r; Mums Hauler • • ;, . ; ,•„; i 317 37
• Wart formark, George 127.bwens 1050 95
Wt se,' Henry Davis, '''• ' •-• 2 • '757 . .lii
1869 Alexandria, William
s Christy 2 ; ; .; _ ~, , TN ,27,
Barren, Cdrition T.Oreene , . , 200 00
, Brady,'Adani 'Warfel 12 I •22 ' I, , i ,I,t , • 350 00.
Broad Top, Charles K. Horton. ; .107 32
' Case; George Smith ' " " 2 " ' ''os 09
_ Cassville, Isaac Ashton I, I , .12,: -' ! , -67 80
2 Clay, Ephraim Kyle, 80 00
• Coalmont, T. W. Estep 2 '" 'l l l ••!U.llOOO
'Franklin, D. L. Wray • ' I -: , I •, . 2485 10
Hopewell, George Berketiesier . 283 50
• • •
'Huntingdon, Alexander Carillon ' .3176 00
Jackson, Joseph Colahine , „ .; , ; ,276 35
"Juniata. W Minna Geintinger "', "
102 00
" Lincoln; Christian Shoots.; . • .' I 2 --• I / 370 00
Mapleton, IL S. Henderson 48 45
Morrie, Tobias Foreman : •-• ~ • ' ' 398 10
Mt. Union, Elias It. Rodgers 40 00
Oneida, John C. Davis 82 00
Ch Littman, William 11. Miller 80 00
Porter. It. A. Lund ' : s-. ' 600 00
Penn, William White . . 485 00
Shirley, Benjamin Davis " • / 2 - ;73 31
thirleyaburg, George Leas . , 134 53
Tod, Isaac Taylor ' - ' ' 72 00
• Tell, Alexander G. 'Briggs • ; -1.1 350 'OO
Union, Nathan Greenland , 270 00
Walker, Wm. Reed - ' . • 245 00
Werrionadark, Richard Wills . ' 1 .;, 2 1190 00
, West, Henry Shirley ; 491 40
State tax received from' the following collectors: • ;
1860 Jlopewell John 13. Wearer , ,„ . • •75 00
1864 Ilopewell, John Donaldson 7 00
1866 Carbon, Daniel .9. Logan ', , •, 2 : 'i ' , 35'18
1867 Brady, George Hawn 57 46
Case, Christian Miller - ' 23 'B2
Carbon, Sheriff Bathurst . • 17 51
Coalmont, Sheriff Bathurst, 3 52
Dublin, William Climatin , 'l6 64
Henderson, Jelin N Ightwine . ' 12 00
Hopews 11, Jackson Enycart 'lO 00
'Stapleton, John R. Dean r . I • 40
, , Springfield, tilorris,Ontsfiall . ~ ' ,
29 41
Shirley, Isaac 3111ith 70 00
• ' Tell, Brice McMullen . , , •09
Union, Jackson White' 10 00
' West, D. P. Moore
1868 Barre°. John Smith , ;' 3
. .'; ' ; , ':
7 • 1 8 1°
2 75-
. .
Brady, It. K. Allison . 10 85
Cassville, Isaac Ashton ' ,<: • , i 7 18
Cass, Bonjamin Fink . ~,.9 51)
Cloy, 11. T Stevens ' ' 41'28
- Cromwell, R. 1), neck •.; ~. ,;,• • , .• •40 00
Coalmont. Garcia Iteisterer„ . . 4'40
Dublin, William Clymaus -.' ' , .. : 1.10 , 00
Franklin, John MC1134 F ,:•0 • ; 0 , 0 „ 159 87
11opeweR, Solomon Lynn, '• ' 50 1 00
, Huntingdon, Oeorge W. Gluier '; ;;' , I II • 890 74
Jackson, R. V. Stewart, ,98 14
H , , ;.
Lincoln, Harris Richardson • ,
.' ' 6 00
Morris, , Nathaniel Lytle . ,< • :,
„; ; ~, ; .16 09
Mt. Union, John G. Stewart ' " 4 "57
Oneida, Mishit Shoemaker '• '• ; • • i 3;75
Orbisonin, Abraham Carothers „• . 1 6 .9 0
Porter, Benjamin Isenberg . SO 00
Shirley,' iticlitird Colegate ; , • , 66 82
Shirleyslimg, George Lens 2 5 00
Springfield, Morris Outshull.. • , ,20 00
Tell, A. G. Briggs , , . '-2 ao
Ted, Abraham talon - •• • ;,• . ; ;., •;1 41
Union,.Andrew Smith 9 80
Wirrlorminark, Geo. IV, Orton' - x 'loo oo
Ive.t. Henry Duels 52 30
1819 Alexandria, William Christy . ; 12 00
Barren, Carmon T.O roams ' 50 00
. Broad Top, Charles K. Horton , •n,-, 61t0
• Case, °urge Smith 10 00
Clay, Epbralin'Kyfer; ' • ' 1l ' 2 0 0 0
i , 1 Coahnont, T. W. Estep„ • i • 1 • 200
FranklinlL'lnVray • • ' 107'00
•• Hopei, ell', Cleo. Berketniaser, , '.' i .• , • - ; 10 . 00
, Ibilltingdon, Alexander,Carmon • , . 800,00
" Jaakson, Joseph L'Olabine • '"" '' • 1 • • • Xo'9o
V JUIIIIIIIIj . WiIIiIIM Geissinger ' I ~, !, ;; ,; 10 00
' Lincoln, Christian Shunt& . , 'JO 00
Morris,Tollitis Foreman • ".; 1 < 60 00
• 111. Union, Elias KA/Lodgers . , , 600
Oneida, John O. Davis ' Is 00
Oiblsonln, W. 11. Miller , 1 _ „ SOO
, Penn, William White ~ , r, , lO 00
' ' Shirley:Jinn/anti.. Davin • •• I" l . • lso'oo
• • Shirlolaburg George Leas ; , i •-, ' i 13
Tod, Isaac Taylor ' '2B 0
• ' Tell; Mekander 0 .Itriggs • .! ' . 30 00
Union,•Nathau Greenland
_, l6 00
~ Walkor, Willinin heed „ r 1 '' " SO 00
• Warrioniiitark; Richard Wills I; .. •I ;; ; ,
.;,177 00
West, Henry Chit sly . • , ; 60 00
Cou n ty in: ouunseatsd lands '" ' ''• " ' ~, • '4'2o
State . - .") "; '" ' "; ~'• . . , , ~t ,;: - 9 ~ 6 0
School n 44 41 44 . ~,, • • • '. 00
Rona - .o %,1 u. ,o, 1: ~. i ‘, :'.„ .3 187
, - .
Bounty ;, 0 • 0; i i 0 , . 660
Reduction money rceidved • ''. ' '" "29'41
Fines and jury leis from J. It. Slim:mop, Prot', , , 68,27
On sole of shingles 0 10
Borroicod from First National ElnalOof Hunt- ' ", '
ingdon !
" • 'EXPENDED.' •
'On Commaiiirenitlf prosecutions paid to Pros. '
A Wy.l'rotly. bberili witnesaes,,Ac , $.1e20 61
Constables orders for making returne„electlOn
fees, Au. • : - • , 356 95
timid and, traverse Jurors,,court ;•
crier, tip sts • res .
• and constables • • - • - • •", 2176 85
Judges..inspectors end clerk, of elections ,143291,
Inquisitions oil dead bodied., 86 54
Assessors :Horns for making the sastafifitionts and 1
registry lists, de., • , • . ,
3006 98
Premiumsm on fox sclps, rrild' cite, pole CAW
• -hawks and owls '' • " 1020:29
Bond and budge rims, • 471 47
'Road dara'ages ' '" ' '028 1 95
Blank boblia :Cud stationery for public:Oakes and , .„
Court „ , " 133,02
Join 1 1 1. Sm=acker Indexing dockets by 'order of • 1 •
J It. Simpson fees as Prot clerk of sessions 8c I
•,. ; . •:, 319,40
Atefundi n g orders ; to sundry persons "/- •• 42.30
IMad tax on unseated land to sundry persons " ''• '
' S6muol Stinson; Carboni -!; r , 5-81
George Quarry, Cass, • , 356, 40
' Saninef 51eAlevy,' Jackal:it, 1 •'"l''27:xo
School tax on unseated. land to ifuniry persons::, /.;
Solothon Houck, Toil • • 30 18
Andrew Smith, Vaion %it 00
William Gnu:hall, Springfield 2 18
Bounty tax on unseated land to sundry porsobs:
, Salomon Houck, T0d214 86
Abdreer Smith, Union • / 500
Commissioner,: , ,• • .„ „ •
..AdanFous . e; in full ,'" '
- ( "13amuel'Curamlus • " : • ... :1..: ti -Mk 00
~ Allmon Wright : „ I • 22q 00
Oorundsslodere expenses In golOg to road 'dem, '••
•• risitlng bridges, &c. , .• l . • ; •,37 00
Cominiseloners' clerk, In full (or 1868 95 00
' •On account for 1869 • :, ' 1 • ^ -. 625 00
Auditors and clerk for 1308 • • • . - 182 00
. .
Printing for the Coluity
3. S. Coymnan
Wiilimn Lowir . , 117 29
John A. Nash ' 834 00
' Benjamin Lutz : • • , . 300
B. Lehman 1 75
Jury Cummloskinera: • ,
• N. K. Covert 63 71
It. w.Shonti' • 62 94
It. McDivitt, reporting court proceeding, 175 00
D. Black. in full for bridge:, aver 's '5Ol 00
N. S. Greene,bridge in Trough Creek - 905 00
Jackson Lanberoon, bridge at Ilawn's 6915 00
Bridges repaired:
• John Donaldson, at Entrekin's • • A 75 00
Joseph Isenberg, at iluntiegdon 445 83
Interest-paid First National Bank • • 150 25
,Teacbers' Institute ; , , 163 74
Agricultural Society ' • 'II/0 00
Mellon. Stato'Lunntio Asylum for the keeping of •
,D.Alrotherline, C. Hower and D. L. Jones 511 75
Mote in Pet:Bend:try for support of Convicts • -551 U 0
llathurst,Tor summoningjururo, boarding • ,
prisoners and conveying convicts to ',the
- Penitentiary 2002 08
Sheriff Neely fur the same , 130 40
Repairs for Jail 'end Court Howie— ; , •Jail
. . 35,
Now privy Minn' 59 4Q
- . "el 13
Court noun .
Paremen't'at Court House
Cleaning Court Homo and Jail I I 251 , 0
Cleaning Imo vr from pavements 11 25
Wnshin g for prisoners for 1808 hod 1861/ ": • 40 CO
013 for Court Rouse• ", „ • /01 20
Repairing gas fixtures " lb 27
Clothes for prisoners ' • • : , •20 55
Lightn tug Rods at Court llouseund Joltloo 00
Merchandiso for Court Muse and Jai '" 183 00
Postago Hied express , •,,'• :/ : I , 35 52
Janitor, John 0. Miller ,
Comm issiimers Attorney , -." • ' ; •
.. .. .. .
Theo U. Creator , ' : •' ! ' 1t ' • .. 100 00
P. 1:1!Lyt to ~
'• 201 00
Auditing accounts of Pro Cy.:, Reg. and 'Rea; 1 1- :10 00
Dr. W. 11. Neff's adm'r. ~ s : • . 826
Guard at jail, J. Flounce • 38 00
Comm Is:Sonars for military services • ' : ... 75 00
Ewa for
Ile Court, /Wee and Jail— . ~ ,
Wharton ,2 ' frightlB67 and 1868 '-': ' : 105 00
Jacob 11.11 iler ,r., .. , ,• :.: ,78 00
Samuel Foust . ' ' 24 00
M. Eby and B. F. Corbin' • ' 900
Cutting wood . 400
Stone coal, 42 tons at $7 50 per tdft delivered' • " 315 00
Itedeluption money paid out- 1P.•,! .),' ,115 57
Raid Treasurer or liuntingdon county Foar,Houloeslsl 01
Paid indebtedness to the FAO' " ; • • 1 , 2199 03
Treasurer's Comm:salon on 0949239,5t 1ig ; pet • •
cent. 1042 35
Balance in the hen& of SI. M. Logan, late Tram
urer at settlement with Anilitore.
37,803 73
We the undoralgiletAnditers of Iltintingdon County,
Pennsylvania, elected and 'sworn according to law, report
that we met, did, siddit, settle and-adjust, according to
law, the accounFo of M. 31; Logan, Esq., Treasurer of the
county. and the. , orders of the Commissioners and receipts
for the saitio'for add during the past 'year, and find a bal
ance' reinalningilnthe hands of 01. M:Logan, Treasurer,
of Sovolifitindred and eiglitpelelt pagers and ninety
cants. . • ;
Given - under Mir hands at the_ooliimlsaionera* office In
the bortiughof Iladtingdop , thelfitli of January, 1870.
A; P. WITITI4:.-
^ WM. R. REX, Auditors.
$ 50 00
37 17
%,-) , --Due-the-Dounty at the eel
tore, foi the year 1869.
,aka. TI6LI:iiTi4IB NAMES. notairs::
Carbon, 1860 Smiles" Cook; 'ls 200 00 1
Hopewell " John B. Weaver 20 88'
Henderson, 1862 11. Mesmer 1 89
Walker, 1864 Samuel Peigtital : 149 46
Cromwell, 1865 Caleb Kelly 202 18
Union, .. Levi Smith -, • -87 40
Juulata,_l4_66 Leyi Ridenour . _ 172 01
Alexandrja,,D, Mbrlght
Coss, Christian Miller
Ilenderkiii:J.iiighttvine: '',. '
llopes4ll,7aeltinit Enyeait' ' -
Juniata, John Gelasinger
Lincoln,Dwati Fonse„ i
Morrie, Piper
Otblsonia, Robert Gehrett
Springfield, - XorrisKotehall --..
Shirley', tisane Smith •
Upiqui - Jacktkin White - ' •
Brady, 4- it. K.utillson• •, , , •
Cass, *Boujanifn-Fink "-' '
,Cromwell, lit D. Heck
Carbon, Wm. Ryan . --
Dublin, - l - Wm. Clymans
Hopewell, I.Bploinen Ryan ,
Jingraln, *Wm: Oolisingoi ;' '
Lincoln, - 1 - 1 - P. Bichardsort f , •
Morris,,N. Lyee,. , 1 .. •.,
Mapleton ' *M. L. Rex,
Oneida, E . Shoemaker
Orbleopia, A,Carothere ,
Penn, .1-JUhn Lee I ''' ; ' ,
Porter, Benjamin Isen berg
ShlrleY.T. Colegato '
Springfield. tMerris,autehall
Union, Andrew, Smith ,
Walker, Moses Hamer"
i Warriorsmark,.Gcoe W. Owens
West, flienrylkivie
Aliixandrla, Wm. Chitidy
Barree; fa. T: Greene
Brady, fAiltim Warfel '
Broad Top, C. K, Horton
Carbon,-D. It. 4.!. Neely'
Cass, ftleorge Smith
Cassville, 'thumb Ahlftor:
Clay, fEphrailn'AYler
Cromwell, }}lt. D. Heck '
Coalmont, fT. W. Estep ,
Dublin, Mtn. Crymans
Franklin, M. L. Wray
HendCrison, jolin Nlglitwino
Hopewell, -Hileorgo kstreis
Huntingdon, Alex - Cannon
Jackson, Joseph Colabina
Juniaia,Min Geissinger ,
Lincoln, fa. Sliontz
Mapleton, f It. S. Henderson
Morrie, 'MMus Foreman
Mr. Union, M. K. Rogers
Oneida, (John C. Duels
Orbisonia, W.ll. Millar
Porter, cit. A. Laird
Penn, f W. B. White
fßenf. -- Davis
Slit loyaburg,fGeorge Lens
Springfield, Morris
Tod, Matto Taylor .
f A. U. Briggs
Union, fN. Greenland
Walker, - Min. D. Bead
Warriarsin'k, Richard Will.
West, fllenry Shively
Totals, - -
Since p titl in full. t Sinco paid In pat t.
(Hun under tho neat of tho'Comnalssionere office, Jan
nary bth, IS U. ,
Attest. I9EU. JACKSON,
11. ' ' C011111113.11011e11.
Feb. 2, MU.
JOlll4 LOGAN, Steward, lo account with the thin
tingdon County Aims from 2.1 day of December
3.545, to ith day of December, 1857, inclusive :
To apt. tlrmin from Ca. Trossury on orders; $196 77
Amt. received from'Eby, On Flenhor hurae; "123 00
do John Miller, Eaq ,In the lacy case, 20 00
do Jundeon & C,ortielins, for !Mee, 20 00
do Jackson Harman, .1:311 ,In Shank calm 64 19
%, , ,issundry cased, hauling, duvets ed, do 14 25
By t enindry Expenditures for use of bongo, all per monthly
,• • 4, simodenis,'numberrd viz:l I
e2 , 4nitcstintkoj 1, DevniCer,l3oB; ;,
By traveling liipols ' ees, eceing afterlnaPeir dto , 1
paid; bonnet for itueltel Price 1 2'.1
do sending sway pauper 30
do postage stomps, envelopes, ke 1 11,
Statement No. 2 for Jannory,ll36o‘.
By traveling expenserin sundry C.. • - -8 50
Gash paid; 1 pair OVCIIIIIO.I, 11010 flagella .- 3 04
do: 1 pair shoes, E.:rangier ' 300
..„ do
~ freight on Penna. rui:ruad " 'll 21
do damps, envelopes, !lc• ..... • "-' f 76
do althea trout iira. ltalrd
-• . - ---. „ ib
. ,
Statement .No. 3, for February. 1860.
Ii traveling expenses in en ndet,-74 - see ,; 40
1.74.11 paid; senilingnway, valve!. 00
du °temps, envelopes, piper" 90
d• mind' saloons, ,i ; • 3u
By tr tveling exponvni iu suddry cLos
Statement No. 5 ;for
By cash paid; stamps piper:arid orscolopcs.. a , 55
do " atiud* pi rmous for labor 225
- - Statement 11140 ; for dray.
By t_myollngexponsra Itr . ountlrraoloo . • • - 77:10
CoolipahlOstiare, poupOr?to '• •5:90
do, damps, eprulopLe,.F. 89
do wlsoollithoood
•_ , „ 4000 .00
• 1 - 311803
By cosh 'inf.]; stomps, popeir, envoldpod , 68
. do' (alight per Pounk —25
,dc ;
By traveling e,ipenees" -
'Verb relit; imenigu amps" •" -
dJ " removing faupim '„ . -7,
' • (canna Na. 0 for Augutt.
By,traVelilivapensea fu sundry cases ' " ' 'a 85
.Expenses attending court in Shank case' ••'• 5 50
Cash paid; Boma. railroad lrufglit - „ •" •0 11
"do . 4 . padage aftIMPI • i •1, :: • 11. :•1 :1 45
do • miseel mlieons 2 5
do - 'stage, a n d car fare pei , 8, Wagoner '• 125
, „ ,
pall. nen4 No.lo, for
By cash paid Bre. Baird add Baker for medical tie:
• tebtlance in ease of Sarah Wagoner • 0' 00
Cash paid Or. Berrx estate, for medical attendance,
" fur Sarah A. Timelier
Cash paid; traveling expanses going after pauper 34C
,do for hauling goods_6 o
• I'
t patlige;111111/NI., • • r . • • „,4 42
•. •
14 42
By cash Fold W. ilitlilandth for honey 5 00
de traveling expousea... , 120
d o , . atainpa and
.1 hilscellau4oXtsl 60
! • 7 61
! alcoteid.29.l.2,forirorentkr.
By trave7l4'expelise sundry clok;s • • - 5 50,
Cosh paid; postage stomps, &c 1 00
do Bolght on-Parana-railroad 7 62
„ do . hock f,ro for poupor 50
do LuNcellnueous • , • ' '4 44
Alfounclmes. '
By !salary as steward, one year 450 00
Allowance to Mrs. Logan as matron, OO 00
. .
• • • f • $628 61
- •
In testimony of the correctness or tho oboist account
and statement we do hereunto set our honds this ith day
of December, A. D. 1869. .
, Dlreotors of ,tku Poor,
Attest, HENRY BREWSTER, Clsrk:.
,•, , ,•.,••: ,
Huntingdon, Pa.
r 102
161 01
t 1 .Go to Red Front for Glassware
Queens Ware- Stoneware, Willow and
Cedarwaro, etc., etc.
with th
STA 1.7 -
$ 9't 23
1 40
45 50
125 54
43 14
'22 47
100 87
136 39 1
y.lOO 13
24 01
• 231 661
77 83
291 66
212 72
608 70
206 51
278 61
- 70.13
158 02
lit 19
5 23
19 91
795 38
921 85
182 12
199 13
108 10
142 3
271 21
952 94
1663 55
913 80
40 52!
562 42
52 36
638 38
1199 6)
41 80
501 99
829 38
555 02
Stutcaeht . 11"o..4; fc;r
Stotemail No. 7, for ..rtme
- SWiewnliYo. for
S&ltcmcp! 11 ,, AY °cMfr
of the Huntingdon County Alms House, froth DE ,
'IIIHt 12d, A. D. 1863, to DECEMBER 7th, 1808; Id
. „
. • DR.. , •
'To,ntot. drawn from Co.;Treasury on orders,_..ss2.BB 55 ,
John Legani Steward, for sundries detailed in hie • .
accuynt , , , , ;
, .Ftrr Farm, marled File F. • •1,
illy sundry persons for sin/thing, . No. Ito 6'^slBs 75
:Dr:Robert B,drd, lulls nod poets, .6 • r 66 00'-'
'Wm: Piper, setting fence r barrest'g-, .7 .8- 8 -7: 87
. 51 C. Piper.. harvesting and farm 1ab0r,..9 &.10 75 261:
IP.' Harmony, farm : 40 75
J. C.:SecUler, plow irons, .. - 12 St la., 'lO 20
T.E.'Orbison, 1 tuu of plaster, • • • 14: .'O.B On
John Jacobs; snap of wagon, ~ • 15 : 60 00
Doslil limith,iwages as fames, 16 214 Al •
Sundry persons for sundr les, .17 to 11 ~- 70,15
122 50
12 00
~ Provision:, market /Ile P. : „ • ...)
By sundry persons for 1769 IDs beef, - -4 1145 147.60x'
- --- do T= - 910 Ms pork, - 6k 7- 101 - 03
,Kerr & Bithh,gtoa , summer moat, s Bto 13 ,171 93%,
Sundry, persour,67 bus: potaions,i , • '14",t0 17 -0 ,69
Adam lleiltder, sundry grain? ),, .• 1 1 69 461. P,
Baird A Lens, do 19 34 Kr
D. McGarvey, 28 bushels wheAt,. ' 2 :2 24 Y
Sundry parsons, sundries, • • - 31.• ,
&•2z- • , 11 00
2 50
1 85'
4 50
'3 80
12 00
28 50
16 20
9 00
• 2 00'
,6 60
la 505
For Iterchandire:morked Foie
, .
By Cunningham & Carniou, merchandise, 1 to 7". 870-27.
Win. A. Frisker, do Btol3 - 107 8L
Wm: B. Lean, , do 11 . 1/. 16, 307 81"
Wm. U. Brewster do 18 , b 0 22
Wharton /8 Alogulre do 17, , 87 72/,
A. CrQWII9 eer , do 18 48 31:
P. M. Born, do 19' ' 24'66.
Waterman dr. Young.. molasses, 20 18 62'
T. li. Adams, _ "•1, , I ‘ lMOrehandise: , 1 Al / 22'40
Wainwright & Co: do - 22 " 20 ; 95 ,
James Henderson do 22 /1 4' 52 ,
B. F. Dougloss • ' " ' `-• do 24 &25 17 00 •
'Sundry persons do 25 to 31 30 60
• , .
Out Door Expettles. Fi:le 0. D.
By relief afforded In five casee,- O'ontitiuo . us
thr9tigsout the year, .1. Ito 5 M
BelletattOrded lu three canes, eoutinuoue, JAIL ,
time less than ly. ay. time 2% mos. 6, to 8 31',00,
Belief atiordtd in numerous °anti, without
good to time, to 35' " 23817/
Suud persons, Collins, funeral expenses 36 t, 5,6, An 38:
bond pli3sicions, out doer nerd. malice 57'to ILL 252 66 1
Jackson Herman, sued out door sortie° 72 to 75 :74 7 937
John - 51111er do do, do 76 to 78 ,61..61T
Adam Unmet do do " do '79 &60 48 40
12 50
33 50
44 00
iliscellapeous and incideneaL Elle I.
By sundry persons, pub. Annual Report, Ito 3, 97 CKI
A. 1 ..nickeis, 40 cords of u sod,,, . • , •, 4 95 161 .
do one cow end calf,' ' ' " ' 6 i3O 011
M. S. Harrison & con, tin ware. 6& 7 19 35
D. W. Pergriu,iforiehdennikiug, %'', -3& 9. 321010
do one mild, cow. ~ .Ito 21 39. oil .
Dr. Robert D.gird, 25 cords wood, 31 41 2S
David Blair, Seq., 10% tuns coal • ', r: 12 36 87
Win. Lewis, one blank book, 13 18 00
Win. Drake, coffins and wagon work, 14 to 10 - 27 85
Win ,Durvey, sundry wagon work
,17 -14 55,
Sundry Vernon!, for moon!. 18 to 35 56 84. -
Sarah thumb, house labor, (balance) _3O 100.06
-. Removals, tutrled File .
By sundry Justices of the peace for erders Ito 4 21 35
tuudry persons, removing pan. to house sto 8 34 Uo
By Jock. Harman, service,. as Director, 10 mos., ,130 00
Adam Ureter du du - 'l3 moo. 100 80
Julio 3.1111cr, , do do 12 mos. 154 204
James Smith ' do, do ':‘ : 2
10 40.
Dr. Robert Baird, attending ph)siclam , 1
)car - 144 00
henry pi cotter, tunic. aa chair,. , , I - 50 00
K. A. Lmcn, Mai , . du, cutinarl .!.• :, 20 Mk
John Logan, tinmard, for sta. of his account, '628.21'
'PrOducis ofF:d7ll.•
MG bus Wheat, 50 bus rye, 205 . bus 011 1 1 e, /GOO 016 corn;
(In cur.) 50, bus pobetoes, U bus beaus, 18 bus beets, 10
bus onions, 4000 leucts'cobbnie; (out tif which wits undo
7 libin sour kraut.) 25 Lunn buy, 28 ,loads core rudder.:
bores lon Is, 500 Ibi bout, 1940 tbs• porkoClU, Ihs lora,
3 °nog lemma untie. 1 breeding sow nit . ll 10 pigs, tisk:yetis
.tradcs:/theitifackured:' , .:l ;•! 4.)
45 MOllll,ll'B amities, '92 pairs putibiloons,islarte 40
Chimese, 29 aproni 25 sheets, 5 sacks, supliOnucks:4
pun . slips, 29 pair atockiniu, 1U bed ticks, 29 pittuir:shps;
bolster JO; 10 nnvels. 2
4 pairs miaow, 11 put ts sinipenaorsi 5 pillow, tlCkti taxi,
sroa".; Fund.
100 fins yo, 1511 bus oats, 1300 bus corn,
ear;) 15 bus beet 250 1 bun Nieto., B bus beans, 4
bus Onions. 2 00 heads cabbage, 0 bbls sour kraut 20 buns
bay, 20 loads corn fodder. (4 limee,) I breeding sow nod
10 pigs, 8 shoats, 4 young boned cattle, four bur es„ otos
broad wheeled wagon; l'two horde do, 1 sprbig tongue, l
horse sleigh, bob sled, band cart, bay rake,
thrashing. Machine dad tixtpitki;,set, patent, hay laddeii,
groin drill, two mouldboard plows, two double shovel
do, single shovel do, bill side tip, a two horse cultivator,
one horse do, 0 nets Loren gears, hail fork and tackling,
2200 lbs beef, 5000 fbs pork, 950 lbs_ hug's lard, 0 solicit
4 2 73- , 0 - -4 . 18 C9 ai,
. t.I
, 4 10
2 t9'e,l4l4,•"ttre-'c'..^l4-V•E',
V. <5 6"a1:: =1
4 , 11.14AMMW01_04...N0
a'!n a' er 6'a a'da a'a'a:.
'e,' tho midersigned, Auditors of the county of ditptt
on, do hereby certify that we Ititio exami ned rho or
, vouchers, accolade &c., of the Directors of the Poor
aid county, and fi nd same to be correct as above
edt and we do aurther find that on exanduing tho Trea
n's account lie has paid an Poet' UPPSO Ofdemsinco
settlement the sum of $5,181 61, 'of Which 'Ai:donut
swum(' 111 ho vans, expended on accounts of the yeas
'; snaking total- expondifoieff 09666, (tcT,(Ar as paid.)
out to the sum of $5,115. 11.,leariag balance out.
ding fOr year 1869, to wit, $lO6 97 r and Witt leaving
• 47 forlB6B and pre Viola ycats4till ant.,
11.111Sti btirlidnds at lithittagaon, this 15th &ot Jour.
A. D., 167111; • i t_
• • -"Mt: 11.4113 ;
: ,
• • , 1 50
• d 3
n ava opene d a zaw atott In Tenterla new IntidiOg, in
the platuond,,ltuationd,ro, Pay and have ready for sale,
a Ilitrsa.a..lipittnent,!oAl
, Cook. and_ Pprlor, . Stove;
,•_ k
grEERIB. :I i LI Li I
,Also, a largo.arAortmont of , ?.
irat.awo PIMSIED IV/Aatg,
and regreat variety of Goods, never before kept in this,
place. We also manufacture
~ :I
Repairing, Roofing find Spouting done at abort !take.
Aker Country Stores supplied with Tin Ware at city_
rata. •• ; ; , • •• ,
Confident of being able to make it advantageous to.
their customers they reepectfully solicit ashore of public. ;
IN TAR 1:445.1%.ND, gA.
Jail. 5,1810 ; • ;
This Institution ins ho bealatiful eanugtain•girt valley.
of Kisisaconsillas, affords suyeriOradvaniages of educe.
Hos. Thoroughly silkiest and competent. Instrustors IR
every department. - " ' • .• ' : •
French, German, Painting, Drawing, and Music ink
A Normal class formed Spring term, which continuing
.twelvo weeks, opens Aprli,4th. Expenses for ,tho- year
s2od. 'For Cataiogito address' - • •
MARTIN MOHLER., Prin'elplit,
Hisimeoquilins, Mifflin p a .
Jan. 20, 1870,13 m
,NEW LEATHER, iiiiitt§k
leased the Ririe liTe'etcirkteathecillouse,
from damesNaulty, „ 4
And Intend llido and LynAlisi cOtainiSaien'Llusb
Their sons D. D. LEAS, eja T s . E.ll4l4iT;,.arei there,
and' anthor4.ed to carry on the liusiness for them--as
they are young non of good moral character, and line
bneiness .qualitteatione. They, solicit ttinpatron'age ot ,
their brother Tanners In the nudely and elsestkete.
ggiy-They still will continue to keep a goodymspttntent
of Spanish apd Slaughter Solo Leather on hinds, at their
Tannery, nein. Three Springs, lintitingdoncount,r Da.
' tuaNttk • " LEAS 31kr4K-1:-1.,
E 520 02(
818 15-11
1210 bk.
•ti•..•;; % • , • ,~ir .... \i
p . a2ipipen
i i•il
.purion j;q,lEliqa
i ,
"al l ° 4 l i ""..
. I'"rt o i Pli i i; r>
S -
F 9
u?woa • -. t
- -
r. 3 tunD