gle Cabe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Feb. 2, 1870 •Wbl. LEWIS,' HUGHLINDSAY - , E'Dmits The ".,,Glolie" has the largest number- of readers of any other paper published in the county. Advertisers should remember this. kt,..We'ittated last week that, a ne gro,' pained W. li. Revel's, was elected a U. S;Senatoi; by the Mississippi Leg islature. We now have it to state that the law is E ueli that a person must:he a citizen nine years before be can have such a position; and this, it is thought, Arill‘cut Mr.'Revels out. Tbo Legislature has been in ses sion a montli—nothing done but, quar relling oye'r individual jobs. The talk about" the !'Record" has already cost the State Mere, than. the printing of the Record would' have done. It seems to"Us . irtat inembers•ought to be able to,Oay Yes or no, and that be the end : Ne see by ,he Ilartis'mrg cor respondence of the Blair County I?adi cat that ono of our active guerrillas is an' applicant fOr an appointment from Gov. Geary:. • Possibly Geary will want to know his party standing at hOtne from others than guerrillas—and then. he will get:the appointment—"in a horn." .ifif-This Senatorial district, compos ed-of the counties of Centre, Blair, lltihtingdoa . , Mifflin, Juniata and Per rY,'Will,be in the battle-field next fall. If it goes. Republican, the Republican party will have a majority in the Sen ate—if the Democrats elect their can didates,' the Detriperatie party will have, a majoriiy in the Senate.. It is time for. true party Republicans to look around for good candidates. Editorial Brevities, 'FIFTEEN thousand colored men will vote at the next general election in this State. - :Paoor, has been adduced to show thattbe,Schoeppes who fled from Ger. many aroliot.Paul Schoeppo• and his fathdr: - , • TwEssus has adopted the constitu tional Amendment to the State Con stitution conferring the' right of 'suf frage on all male "citizens of the Uni ted States, twenty one years of age. MORMON women have been holding a demonstration meeting. They pro test, against interference with their religion,. and, if, we construe their speeches rightly, would as leave see a fightas not. A . nrL> hits been introduced in the Sfate . Sepate to add two judges to the Supreme Court of the State. Our State population is growing larger, crime and, suits are multiplying. Judge's • dutiekare oneroue, and the change, while it .would not speak well for the State's necessity, would be advantage ous to the sitting Judges. • POTII3CIIALK, the celebra ted pianist and. composer, while giv ing- a- monster concert at Rio Janerio, fell senseless at his instrument during the'ierformante of his faviorite com positAir ilia : Mode." He was - taken Tijuca,• where he lingered three weeks, and expired on the 18th of De cember. • Tnn . quobtion of granting Mrs. Lin coln a pension was again before• Con.. gross., Itis now proposed•to give her two thousand dollars per annum.— We. dori't :think 'Mrs. Lincoln, jud ging from what is said ,of her con, duct, is deserving of such pension ; but if she .must have something, for the sake of thtnlepublic, and' in behalf of the childrenof Abraham Lincoln, we would say let, her have no more or no less than is now given as pensions to the Widows - of deceased soldiers. More than this would be culpable extrava gance; or if she does get the sum pro posed,let every Union soldier's widow in•the land get the same. An illustration of the operation of the franking- privilege is given by the Davenport (Iowa) . Gazette. On the evening of the 15th inst., there arrived in the post office of that city a regis tered letter, duly franked, in the shape of a large canvas-covered trunk weigh ing 'at - least three hundred and fifty pounds. It was mailed at Washing ton and directed to San Francisco. News has been received of - the total destruction by an earthquake, on De cember 28th, of the' town of Santo Maura, on ono of the lonian isles of that name. At the date of the advi ens, January 1, ten dead and fifty wounded had been taken from the ru ins -•.Not a house was left . standing, and the survivors slept in the open air or under tents. 10i==1 The military-strength of the Mor mons is estimated at 25,000, and they drill every Saturday afternoon. Con• press has in contemplation some legis lation with regard to them, which may result in a slight skirmish, and a break ing up of the Mormon camp. - Boston feeds its poor with soup paid out of the public funds: A good idea; for then all help to contribute to the wants of the poorer classes, and no one' individual can boast of his lib erality. Prince Arthur, the new guest, went through, tho departments at Washing ton,and was "Intdiwiewed" by Brooke, Butler, and other,,geotlemen of note. Prince Suterdrigenerkmies is the name of tho new for American toadyism, A Plain President. We doubt if the White House ever had an occupant who, in his leading traits and habits more truly represen- , fed the great mass of the pe,)ple than President Grant. Instead of exhibit ing the formation and prejudices of the army, as many had predicted, or still less, the characteristices of a lover of horses and high living, as others had charged, President Grant has shown himself to be a plain, aceesible, modest methodical•man of business, who aims to do his dutji.ip .the -most quiet man ner. Ile has about him no hangers-on, no favored cliques, no kitchen cab inets. No lobbyists have run of the Executive mansion, or boast of their influence at headquarters. Whatever citizen has business with the Chief Magistrate, has an even chance of ap proaching him during business hours, and of having his wishes respectfully listened to. Be wilt not run the guant let of files of supercillivus . attendants,. or be whirled through the mazes of the circumlocution office. He will come directly to.a.plain man, and will got direct answers, to every proper pies, tion he puts. , • ~ , As to the management of his time, President Granteonsults his own judg ment, instead of,his thousand and one advisers. As he traveled to suit him self during variation, so ho - appears to have arranged ;his daily habits at Washington with a like independence. After a long morning walk by himself he is begin office work at nine o'clock, continuing _until-three. By four o'clock at the_latest, all visitors, have retired, and the, White, House is now closed for the day. After dinner the President drive his fiimily,out, ta king the reins himself, and, as much as has been said of ,his fondness for horses, his equipage is among the most modest in Washington. In the evening friends and acquaintances find the President in the parlor with his family. On the Sabbath the order and still ness of any private houJehold reigns throughout the Executive Mansion. These are homely details, to be, sure but they are quite unlike what. has boon witnessed at the reSidence of the ' nation's chief magistrate even within a short time. They have an immense influence,•too, upon the morals of the country ; for though we trust that the toadying attention of court circle will never be known here, the social power of the Capital and of its great,oilicials is necessarily extensive. Had Genet% als Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and Thomas been arrogantf conceited and corrupt men, their bad influence upon the young would have been immeas urable. Particularly would this have been tho case with respect, to him who in addition to the first military honors, received the highest distinction in the gift of the people. As it is, these ap prehensions are turned into grateful admiration as we contemplate the or derly and examplary life of our Presi dent. Evidently the man's heart is in the right place, and his head is yet unaf• fected by the adulations of power, when ho can say, as ho recently said to some Western friends, who asked him if ho recollected a certain lady in St. Louis: "Oh, yes, I remember her well. She was a charming woman.— The last time I saw her I delivered her a load of wood."—Boston JoUrnal. HIIRRYGRAPHS. The number of birtha in Paris in '6B were 55,002, of MO 15,456 were ilia. gitimate. The Spanish'llank of Havana has collapsed, which is considered an aug ury of success for the insurrectionists. The Fegee Islands, numbering one hundred and fifty-lour, sixty-five of which aro inhabited, are the next on the list for annexation to America Rev. De Witt Titlmage is catching fits for saying "I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel like a Morning star," at a chil dren's Christmas party: A Southern orator, speaking of the battle of Bull Ran, said : , "The Feder als ran so fast that the hard tack rat tied in their stomachs like beans in a sheet-iron pot," Five prisoners recently made their escape from the jail in Uniontown, Pi. by prying the iron-grated window out of the second story, - stepping on the wall, and jumping to the' ground, a distance of eighteen feet. Blairsville, Pa ,is the scene of ex citement in consequence of the tem perance men prosecuting five liquor sellers, who were imprisoned. They and their friend:4 cowed vengeance on the prosecutors and' they have partly' carried their threat's into execution.— Two barns, belonging to prominent temperance men were burned to the ground, and all their Contents, ding four horses an,d eleven head of cattle, destroyed. A happy groom- at "Glen While," coal mine, two miles west of Kittan Ding Point, on the lino of the Penn-, sylvania railroad, was recently con gratulated on his wedding evening by a ride on a rail. He was taken out of his bed, carried out of his house, sot astride of a rail, and made a public exhibitiOn of by being presented at every door in the neighborhood: Ho married a graSS widow who has two husbands living, and he himself hav ing a wife living. When an Arab woman intends marrying again after the death of hor husband she goes the night Leforo the ceremony to pay a visit to his grave. There she kneels and prays him not to be offended—not to be jealous.' As however, she feels he will be offended and jealous, the widow brings. with hor a donkey laden with two goat's skins of water. The prayer ended, she proceeds to pour the water on the grave, to keep the ,Eirst, husband cool under the circumstances about to take place and having well saturated him, she departs. • . • CRANBERRIES A CURE FOR CANCER - TllO Tuscaloosa (Ala.) Observer says : "We have stated more than once that the common cranberry was efficacious in the cure of cancer ; but we have never until very recently been an eye witness to the fact. Mr. Middleton Belk, residing within four or five miles of this city, who was afflicted with a cancer on the nose, for eight years, was induced to try cranberries as a poultice, and to his groat joy and sa,tis. faction, he experienced a-perfect. and lad ioisl core." - . • . • au.Subegribo for, lUE GrogE, [COMMUNICATED.] ORBISONIA, JANUARY IS7O. Editors.of Globe If the New Year and new decade hat shower down blessings upon our land and people as 1870 has been giving its pattering rains to swell the brooks and river, we should of all people be most happy. Orbisonia still stands, or more prop erly stands still, for years and decades seem rather as clogs than as driving power to its wheels 'Humanity does not "sweep onward" bore, as is indica ted by the fact that old Mr. Time has" never 'presented any bill of brooms, which would evidently be done if the old gentleman had done any, business in our comMunity.. 'Sdeiety is dead— perfectly dead. In fact Orbisonia is one of those fogyish, old, sober-sides; which nought but politics can move to any decided action. Even this as it is being endeavored to calm, now that the real "secret ring," has been exposed; but people will not so soon forget. Temperance and relig ion combined fail to disturb the equili brium of our town to any' great 'ex tent. On the evening of the 7th inst., the Good Templars of this place gave a public 'entertainment in' the U. B Church, for the purpose of obtaining names to the petitions for the "Local Option" law. Addresses were deliver ed by E. Trimbath and J. It. Baker, essays read by Misses Mollie 131ake and Amanda Rinker. "Why are some persons afraid of secret societies ?" an swered by G. S. 'Baker; vocal and in strumental music by Misses Hawker, of Shirloysburg ' and W. R. Baker, and the reading of the "Temperance' Mes• songer" closed the exercises. The meeting was somewhat annoyed by rowdies which caused the G. T's. to' be censured by a few individuals—to use a very mild expression—who claim that temperance meetings should not be held in the churches! But the well disposed citizens think differently and eagerly sign the petitions.. It is to be hoped that the day-star of Tem pel once is rising. "Local Option" if granted, as it undoubtedly will be this 'winter notwithstanding its alleged unconstitutionality, will pave the way for a better public sentiment, and the final triumph of right, in the old Key stone. The Buffalo and Washington R. It. has not been to see us yet, and wo very much fear, will not come soon, yet until it does (or something equally enlivening) we cad 'scarcely hope to exert an appreciable force up on the Archimedemn lover that is to move the world. Nevertheless we will "Learn to labor and to wait," ho ping that at some day in the dim dis tant future, our village shall rise from a Phenix grave, to bask in the sun light of truth and enlightenment. Messrs Editors :—The citizens of this part of the county are holding a series of Temperance meetings, and dise;ussing that great and alarming question fairly, openly and, we think, impartially., before the people. The primary object of these meetings is to prepare the minds of the people for a petition praying the Legislature for a general law to enable the voters of any township or ward to determine, by ballot, whether drinking houses may or may not be licensed within such districts. The meetings, to the pres ent, have been addressed by Revs. Mc- Cune, Adair, Gwynn, and Ely. Jackson township NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NoTIcE. This la to notify the public, and an concerned, that on the 26th day of January, Instant, Ib7o, my wife, ANN, loft my bod and boArd in Big Log Volley, Shirley township, without any Just cause on my part and hoe gone to parts unknown This is therefore to fin ewarn all poisons from trusting her on my account, as 1 am de tmnined not to pay soy lobs of her contracting from unit after thls dato, viz try 2811.. 1510. reb2:;t 4 . HANCE R. CAMPBELL. /V W D3IINISTRATOII'S NOTICE. [Estate of 3I deed.] tters of administration upon the estate of William Jeffries, late of Tell township, deceased, having bee. grunted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to tho estate will mako Immediate pa)morit, nod those hosing chains m ill present them for settlement. CRAWFORD JRFFRIKS. Feb. 2-ft. Arlininietrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- [Estate of Samuel Sankey.] Vie undersigned Auditor, appoint.' by the Count of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county to report distri bution of the fond in the heeds of P. It P. Neely, Esq., Sheritt of said Lonely, arising from the sale of real estate of Seem,' s.,nkey, her rby given - notice to all parlous in. forested, that lee )011 at tom' at the office of Woods & Williantvon. in Huntingdon, on TUESDAY, 2.2 d day of February, 1870. at ten o'clt.ek. a. at., for the pm pose of reeking said distribution, ultan and niter° till persons having claims, aga inst said load are require,' to present the Fume. or be debarred from coming in for ovy thane of caul fund. W. WK. WILLIAMSON, l‘b.2 . 7u.ta Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE (Estnto of June itntter • The undetaigned, appointed auditor by the Crphans' Coast of Ilun•ingduu County; to• distribute tho fund arising from thu sale of the real estate of Jesse Butter, dec'el , hereby gives notice that he will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, at his of fice in Huntingdon, on FRIDAY, the 18th day of Februa ry, 1870, at one o'clock, p. In., milers and where mil per sous are sequested to present their claims or bedebarred from coming In for a eters of the fond, J. SYLVANUS 111.4 Lit, Tab. 2,b1. 0 e Auditor. T RUSTEE'S SALE • OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ESTATE OF CHRISTIAN PEKE, DEC'D. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Hew tingdon county, 1 a ill expose to public sale on tbet prem ises, in CI ornwel I townsbip,iluntingdon county, on TIIORIDAY, the 10th day of MARCH, IS7O, - at 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day a VALUABLE FARM, In Clown ell township, bounded by lands of Thomas Ash man on the east, on the north by lands of Peter Sechrist, on the rest by lands of Enos McMullain, nod on the south by lands of Buck-Hill Iron Works, containing One Hundred arid Forty-four Acres, more or ices, having thereon oro cted a GOOD TWO STORY FRAME D'l ELLING HOUSE and BANK BARN. a bonbto Wagon Shed nod necessary oubbuildings. A good well of water in the 3 ord. A good bearing apple orchaid of choice fruit, and a number of peach, peer and cherry trees. Txe streams of water run throng,. tile. premises, and t het e is also iron ore and good limestone On the pm entises.l EItSIS OF EALF.—One-third of the purchase money to be pniVon confirmation Of sale. at April Court, when deed will ho made, and the balance in two equal annual payments with interest, the whole to be secured by the bonds of thei purchasor. CHRISTIAN PRICE, Jr., Executor of Christ. Price, deed. = TRUSTEE'S SAIJE or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE LENNIE ON SAMUEL HARRIS, DECD By virtue of an ordor of tho Orphans' Court of Hun Ungdon county, I will capon° to public tale, on the prem loot. in Penn township, 11untingdon county, Ponn'a.oll W EDNESDAY the 2d day of MAIiCII,IB7O, at one o'clock; p, m., of said day a ialnable tract of TIMBER LAND, • in Penn township, bounded by lands of Isaac Peightal on the tooth, by land, of Jams Norris and W. Waite on tho east, by lands of.Tehn Lee on the north, by lands of Samuel Harris' heirs on the west, containing Forty-throe Acres and Seventy-three Perches, neat measure TERSIS OF SALE.—One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sato at April Conti. when dead will be made, and the balance in two equal annual , paymenta with it:defeat, the whole to be BeCured by theridgment bolida of lite purchater. DANIEL, I,I„ARRIS i EA•Cittor of SataL Barris, deed, feb24t - aUSINESS NEN, TAKE NOTICE! jut U you want Year card neatly printed on navel ogee k call at Asirts , BOOR .a.,vr, attrrozTEßvswE. ECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES of Huntingdon county from the -It'a du) , of Jontim . yi 81,9, to the Id day of .Tanuory, 1870: lIECEIVED. Amount in hands of 51. M. Logan, Treasurer, at last ear Clement $4,243 70 From John A. Nash, Into Treasurer, 40 60 County tax received from the several collectors no follows 1861 Hopewell, John B. Weaver 1863 Carbon, Jesse Cook 1864 Hopewell, John Donaldson 1865 Cromwell, Caleb Kelly Union, Levi Smith 1866 Carbon, Daniel J. Leven Juniata, Levi Ridenour Morris, James Piper 1867 Brady. George Hewn Cans Christian Miller Carlon, Sheriff Bathurst Cualmont, Sheriff Bathurst Dublin, ,Walliatte Clymans Franklln, Juhttliberts Henderson, John Nightwine Hopei ell Jackson Enyeatt Juniata. John Geissinger Blot ris,'Jiimes Piper : Mapleton, John It. Donn ' Porter, David llama Springfield, Morris Ontshall Shirley, Isaac Smith Tel/. Brice WSlullen Union, Jackson While West, D. Steer° 1868 Borree, John Stultit Brady, It. K. Allison Casssille, Isaac 'Ashton , Cass, Beni unlit Fink Clay, B. T, elevens Cromwell, It. D. Heck Carbon, William Ilyan Coalman[. (Jarvis Iteisterer Dublin, II iilium CllOlOOO Franklin, Julm Aechy Hopewell, Solomon Lynn Huntingdon, George W. Glazier Juniata, theissinger Jackson. It. V. Stewart 1 Lincoln, 'Rallis Richardson , Mu: ris, Nathaniel Lytle Mt UlllOll, John G. etuwart Stapleton, 51. 1,, Rex OnebbyElisha Shoemaker Orbisonla, Alexander Carothers Penn, John Len Poe ter, Benjamin Isenberg Shirley, Richard Colegato thirltosbnrg. George Leas Springneld, Morris 001811011 'loll, A. o.llrigke Tod, Abraham Elias Union, Andrew Smith Walker, Moses Hamer Warriermark. George IV. Owens West, Henry Davis, 1860 Alexandria, William Christy Barren, Cannon reale • Brady, Adam Warfel Broad Top, (Smiles K. Horton Case. George Smith Cassville, Isaac Ashton Clay. Ephraim le) ter Coalmont, T. W. EsteP Franklin, D. L Wray Hopewell, Geoego kurkstresser Huntingdon, Alexander Common Jackson, Joseph Celablne Juniata. Wil Ikon Gristinger Lincoln, Christian ehontz Mapleton. It. N. ilendetson Morris, Tales Foreman Mt. Union, Elite It. Rodgers Oneida, John C. Davis Os hisonia,Weillaut H. 51111ot. Porter, It. A. Laird Penu, William White Shirley, Benjamin Davis khirieysburg, George Lens Tod, Isaitc Tie) ler Toll, Alexander.G, Briggs Union, Nathan Greenland Walker, Wm. Reed • IVarriersmark, Richard Wills West, Henry Shirley State tax received from the following collectors 1860 Hopewell John U. Wearer 1864 Hopewell, John Dounlelson 1866 Cal bon, Daniel J. Leg to 1867 Brady, George 1111\111 OM, Chlistinu Miller r Carbon, Sheriff Bathurst Coalniunt, Sheriff Bathurst Dublin, William Clymans • Henderson, John Night's Ina Hopow. I , Jackson hrlyeart Mapleton, John R. Dean Springfie id, Mon is Outshal I _ Shirley, Same datith Tell, Brice Slelluren • Union, Juckson White West, D. P. Moots 1868 Dal roe. John Smith Brady, It. K. Allison Qucas Ills, Louie Ashton Cuss, Benjamin Fink (lay, B.'l' Stevens Cionew ell, It. D. Heck Coalmont. Gerais Itelsterer Dublin,.Williane CI) mans Franklin, John Achy Holum ell, Solomon Lynn Huntingdon, George W. Glazier Jackson, It. V. Stewart Lincoln Harris It ichurdeon Mort in, , Lytle Mt. Moon John 0. Stewart Oneida, Elisha Shoemaker Orbisonia, Abraham Camilla' Porter, Benjamin Isenberg Shie ley, Itichara Colegate Shit leyslang, Geo, go hens Fpringtleld, Mort Is ed n[lllllll Tell, A. U. Ittiggs Tod,- A beaten., knee Union, Andrew Swish II arriorseuk, Geo. IV, Owens Went. livery Davis • 1669 Ale:condi la, William Cli zloty 11.,, roe, Cannon T. 0 roods Broad Top, Charles K. Horton Cans, George Smith Clay, Ephraim K) ler loalmont, T. W. Estop Franklin. D. L. Wray 'Hopewell, Geo. Berkstreneer Huntingdon, Alexander Cannon Jackson, Joseph Colabine Juniata, William (hiss inner Lincolu, : Chris I inn Shots . Not ria,7'obias I uremia Mt. Unman, Elias K Rodgers Oneida, John C. Davis Orbistatia, IV. It. MI ler Penn, William White Shirley, Ilenjarniq Davis Shirluysburg. George Leae Tod, Isaac' aylor Tell, Alexander G. Briggs Union, Nat lieu Greenland Walker, William Reed Worriorsmark, Richard Wills West, Henry nhively County tax ou unseated lands - State ,•• . • School Road• Bounty " Reduction money recett ed lines and Jury lees Loin .1. It. Simpson, ProPy On sale of shingles Burrowed (tont First National Bank of Hunt. Ingdon ltEr,srE CITIZEN On Commonwealth pronoun, no poll to Pros. Att y. Prot'y. Sheriff, %Ronan.. Rc 11020 61 Con stables enders for making returns, election fees, dc. 1356 05 Onlnd anti traverse jurors, court crier, tip stows awl constables 2676 65 Judges. nepectore nod decks of elections 1432 9'. . . . Inquisitions on dead bodies., 88 54 Assessors orr.ers for making the monuments and registry lists, Lc. 1006 98 Premiums on fox scalps, wild cats, pole cats, honks and owls • 1020 25 Road aunt bridge views, ' ' 47t 47 Road damages 026 95 Blank books and stationary for public offices and Court 133 02 John 1L Smucker indexing dockets by order of Courtlo9 25 , J It. Simpson fees as Prot y, clerk of sessions .40 , in full ' 319 40 Refunding orders to sundry persons, 42 30 Road tax en unseated land to sundry persons : ' Samuel Stinson, Carbon,. 5 81 George Quarry, Cass, 450 40 Samuel Bea levy, Jackson, • , 27 10 School tax on unseated land to sun icy persons: Solomon Muck. Tod , 38 16 Andrew Smith, Union 4 CO Wllll+llll 0 Malian, tspitrigfield 2 18 Bounty tux on unseated land to sundry persons: • Solomon Houck, Tod 214 86 AlltilelV Slllliill, Union 5 60 Commissioners: Admit Fount, in full 325 00 Samuel Cummins 170 00 Simeon Wright • 220 00 Commissioners' expenses in going to road views, visiting lo idges. 00. 37 00 COM missioners' clerk,in fled fur 1868 45 OD On account for 1809 625 00 Auditors and clerk for 1806 112 00 Printing for the county: . J. O. Common .33 00 William Lewis 117 20 John A. Nash 331 OU lienjamln Luta ' 3 00 It. II: Lehman . 1 75 Jury Commissioners , : . N. K. Covert ' 63 71 . • (I. W. Shoots 62 94 • It. McDivitt, reporting court proceedings 175 00 Bridges: 1). Black. in full for bridges! Weaver's 50) 00 N. S. Greene bridge in 'Dough Creek 905 00 Jackson Ladberson, bridge at Down's 0015 00 Bridges repaired: John Donaldson, at Entrekin's 175 00 &mai" Isenberg, at iluntingdon 445 83 Interest pald First National Bank 160 25 Teo:ohms' lnsilluto 163 74 , Agricultural Society ' 100. 00 Penna. State Lunatic Asylum for the keeping of D. Drotherline, C. Dower and D. L. Jones 534 75 Weste: n Penitentiary for support of convicts 531 00 Sheriff Bathurst, for Bur:mold - 0d nrurs, bearding prisoners and ceurryina Convicts, to the Penitentiary 2032 63 Sheriff Neely Cur Ike same 130 44 Repairs for Jail MI Cour t 11°n5e— Jail. - Pl' 95 New privy at jail 59 40 Court House 102 13 Pavement at Court Nouse 104 87 Cleaning Court House and Jail 28 CO Cleaning snow from pavements 11 25 Washing for prisoners for 1800 and 1869 40 00 Gaa for Court 'louse 101 20 . .. „ ... Repairing gas fixtures 16 27 Clothes for prisoners 20 55 Lightning Bode at Court House and Jail 100 00 Merchandise for Court ifolise and 3.lii 181 00 Portage abd express 85 62 . Janitor, John 0. Miller T 1 8 5 Commiesioners Attorney—. Theo, H. Cromer lOU oa P. IVI. Lytle 201 09, Auditing aerostats of - ProVy., Reg. and Rea. AO 00 Dr. ll . H.. No 'a adm'r. 8 25 Guard at J all, J. Planner 88 00 Commiesionere for mllltar3' service/ T*. 00 Fuel for Court Rouse and Jail— - . - Wharton & Hefright 1857 and 1508. - 105 00 Jacob Miller 28 00 Samuel Foust 24 00 IL Eby and B. F. Corbilt. 9 00 Cult tag 'rood 4 00 Mona coal, 42 tone 8147 - 50 per too delivered 815 OA Redemption inculey paid out .116 la Paid Tremsuror of Huntingdon county Prot Houten/a fit Paid indebtedness to the htate 2199 Oh Treasurer's! Coparaission oq $09192 30 et, 1% per cent. . . . ' 10 42, q/.1. $ 50 00 37 17 48 94 140 00 62 76 414 23 70 00 29) 00 60 19 239 80 1430 07- 161 85 195 58 18 20 273 00 131 10 120 00 160 00 2 90 34 00 210 10 617 18 68 34 20 00 102 82 734 36 431 00 t 1 154 47 193 0 7 986 75 200 . 00 . 46 17 234 60 333 13 41 05 10 68 15 00 279 69 98 12 618 , 60 62 22 /1S 00 71,25 15 13 300 00 900 00 487' 44 23,07 '320 " 61 60 Gll 100 00 817 37 1050 95 757 . /0 186 27 200 00 350.00, 167 32' 00 00 67 80 SO 00 .110 00 248610 • 253 50 3175 op 270 35 104 00 370 00 48 45 398 10 40 00 02 00 80 00 500 00 '485 00 73 31 134 53 72 00 150 00 270 00 215 00 ' 1190 00 ' 491 1.0 V 80 41 24 40 00 4 40 10 00 159 87 10 01 090 74 9S 14 6 00 16 00 3 75 36 00 30 00 66 52 25 90 20 00 2 30 0 69 10u 06 62 80 12 00 80 00 5 CO 10 00 20 00 2 00 107 90 10 09 900 00 MO 00 10 00 20 00 60 00 6 60 29 41 63 27 9 19 4000 00 37,80 73 I= Butane° in the hands of M. M. Logan, Into Teens carer nt eel ticinont with Auditor., 37,803 73 Wo the undersigned Auditors of liiintingdon County, Perlasylvania,,electell and ou urn according to law, report that We met, did audit, settle and adjust, according to law, the nctottor, of M. M. Logan, Esq., Treasurer of the comity. and the orders of the Comm i.ieners and receipts for the same for and dining the past year, and find a bal ance remaining in the hee.i; of M. M. Logan, Treasiner, olSoven bundled and eighty-eig4 dollars and ninety cents. Given under our handi at the Con - Miltslnure oak° In ho borough of Huntingdon, the 19th of January, 1570. A. P. WHITIT, Wnl. to. REX, Auditors. BARTON GREENE% U ITSTA NDING B. A. Due the' Cotinty at the eel tors, for the year 1869. ALAN Atlenient COMITT. $ 200 00 1 20 93 . TICRIL COLLECTORS NIMES. Carbon. 1860 Jemece Cook, Ilopeo ell " John 13. Weaver Render Eon, 1862 IL Planner Walker, 1864 Rainoel Peig Cromwell, 1865 Caleb Kelly ' Union, Levi Smith Juniata,l3 66 Levi Ridenour • 1867 Alexandria, D. Albr,lglit - Barret,. John Loon 09913, Chrietian Miller. • Henderson. T. Night% Ina" Hopewell, Tackiest, En) earl Juniata, John Gehiciaxer Lincolii,Deirld newt, Morris, JllllllO9 Piper Ideonia, Robert flehrett Mori in ameba)! Shit ley, flertac 11111011, Jackson White 1868 • • Brady, }lt. K. Allition Cass, *Benjamin Fink . Cromwell. fR D. Ileek Carbon, Wan. than • - Dublin. f Wm. Clymnn•i Hopewell. I.:intuition Ryon Juniata, *Wm. Oeinaiug,•r Lincoln. f rt. Ilichard-on Morris,*S. ty Co, Mapleton, °M. L. B.A. Oneida, E. Shoemaker Orbisonin. A. Carothers Penn, Llotin Lee Porter, Benjamin Isenberg Shirley. P. Colegato Springfield. f Morris Outshall :Union, Andrew Smith ' Walker, Moses homer Witt rioramark, Oro. IV: Owens West, f Henry Davis ISO Alexandria, Wm. Christy Barren, to. T. Greene • ' Brady. tistinin ,IVarrul Broad Top, 0 R. Horton Carbon, D. It. P. Neely Case, tGeorge Cassritte. tisane Ashton Clay, tEpliraim Cromwell, it. D. (leek Conlmont,tT. W. Elden Dublin,ttlm Clytnium Franklin, tD. h. Wray Henderson. John Nightwine Hopewell, Nears° Berkstresser Huntingdon, Alex Carmen Jackson, Jonoph Colabine Junhoa, }Wm (Malinger Lincoln, tC. Shouts Mantel., Vt. S. liendermn Monts, -1-Tallinn Foreman Mt. Union, VI. K. Rogers Oneida, Vont] C. Davie Orbisonia, W. 11. Miller Porter. *lt. A. Laird Penn, t W. D. White Shirley, •tßeni. Davie Shirleysburg, tlieerg,e Leas Sprinatield, Mardi Gutehall Tod, flume Taylor 1 ell, fA. U. Briggs Union, fN. Greenland Walker, Mtn. D. Read IVarriorsnek,tttlet.urd W ills Went, tHenty Shively Totale, , • • - - WM NW In pi t. tommissiouors* QM, • Sinco paid in Cull, t Shun aiTOll under tho seal of tho C nary Stb, 1890. Attest. H. W.MILLEIL,CIorI Feb. 2, Ib7o. STEWARD'S .STATE 11 ENT. JOHN LOGAN, Steward, in account with tho Hun tingdon County Ainti House ; from 2,1, day of December 110.38, to 7th day of I/amber, 1861, inclusivu DR. - To amt. drawn frown Co. Treasury on ordure, :PSG 77 Amt. receirod from Eby, &0., on El enner how, 123 00 do John 31illor, Esq., Iu tho Tracy ease, • 20 UV do Johnson .1; Coruolius, for hide., 20 00 do Jackson 'Yuman, Reg ,in :thank cnsn 64 19 do in eundry cased, hauling, clo%ois, ed, .110 14 23 CR. By sundry Expenditures for use of bongo, Rs per monthly stuttanents, uumbered us 1011088, via &alenient A. 1, December, 1568. By , rwreling expellees, seeing niter pauper, 1 20 Cash paid; bonnet for Rachel Price 1 23 do soodsug axay pauper 30 do wain!, stamps, ourolopes,Ac 111 Statement NO. 2 fur January, ISO By traveling expenses in sundry eases Cash peal; 1 pain overshoes, Jane llagens do 1 pair slices, E. Spangler do height on Penna. ran:rond do stamps, envelopes, do do mhos from Mr., BA ird &dement No. S t for, Februar y. 180 By traveling, expenses in sundry eases Ca L'paid; sending airily pauper • du 'Amps, envelopes, paper d. miscellaneous • Staten tent No. 4, for March By traveling ,xpeileos lu sundry crises Cash paid; 'might. per Penna. railroad du Stamps, envelopes, &C do mist:climaxing S'iutemeng No. s.for April. By cub paid; stamps, piper and envelopes do sundry persons fur labor Statement No. 6, for Nay. By traveling expenses in sundry cases Cush paid; ear fare, pauper to Pittsburgh du stamps, envelopes, Li • do 1.1118Cd1111100114 Statement tWa. ,for June. Ey cash paid; stamps, paper, envelopes 68 do freight per Nunn railroad do miscellaneous 1 00 Statement No. S, for jiely. By traveling expenses Lash paid; postage Stamps du Removing pauper Statement No. 9, for Augu4 By hanging expenses in sundry cases 3 85 .Expenaes attending court In Shank case 5 60 Cask paid; Penna. railroad freight 6 11 du postage stomps - 45 do miscellaneous 2 46 do singe and car fare per S. Wagoner 125 Slatentent 2V .10, for September By cash pull Die. Baird nod Baker for medical at• ' tendmice in ease of Sarah Wagoner • • 6.0 D Cash pull Dr. 'ltems estate, tor medical attendance , fur harali A./Usher ' • 5 00 Cash paid; traveling expanses going after pauper 34C do for hauling goods 00 do postage stamps - 42 Stakment N0.11,-for October By cash paid W. Walthnnith for honey do traveling expenses do stamps and pens ' • do miscellaneous Statement N 0.12, fur XoFember By traveling expenses in sundry cases Cash paid; poitage stamps, &c do freight on Penne railroad do hack faro for pauper • do miscellaneous Allowances,. lly salary as steward, one year Allowance to Mrs. Logan as matron In testimony of the correctness of the above account and statement we do hereunto set our hands this 7th day of 00.1,11613 r; A. D. 1869. ADASI DEEM% JOHN )11.1.Letit, JAMES SMITII, Director& of the Poor. ABM, lIENRT BREWSTER, Clock-. C'OMIT AND SEXIIMENTAL VALEM744IB, FOR SALR AT LEWIS' BOOK . STORE, agOo, to Reil rrekrit for. Glassware Queensware, atoneware E Willow and CodAmuc k qt,c,‘ RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES of the Ifuntlngdon County Alms House, from' DE , EIM 2d, A. 0.1865, to DECESII3IIIt 7th, 7H%% in- clusive : 1111:1 DR. To amt. drawn from Co. Trowsury on orders, E2BB 68 John Logan, Steward, fur sundries,detsited in his account 241 44 . • By sundry persons for !minting, •No. Itoos 80 75 Dr. Robert Baird. rails and posts, 8 68 00 Wm. Pinar, setting fence, harvestt. &a. 7& 8 7'. 87 01 C. riper, harvesting and farm labor, 9& 10 76 20 r. - Ifarmonn - farm labor, '-- '- — u - ' - ` - '4O 79' .1. LI. Sechler, Vow irons , _ ~ 12 & 13 16 28 VE. - Oililson, 1 tun of pastei, , ' I4"•'18.00 Johrilleobs, - inap of wagon, ' ' ' 15 50 00 David Smith, wages on farmer, 16 244 47 Sundry persons for aundr lee, 17 fo 21 70 15 CES 11,•ith tit MIL. $22 50 1 12 00 EITATZ. 07 23 1 40 1 89 140 46 302 18 87 40 172 01 41 55 125 5 By sundry persons for 1769 13).1 boa, -Ito 5 147.50 do do 910 lbs pork, 6 Sr. 7 101.03 Kerr & IVititington, summer meat, Bto 12 • 171 92 Sandy Y persons, 57 bus. potatoes, li to 17 69 50 Adam Ileiffney, sondry _ .18 63,00 Baird & Leas, do; . - . 19 , 40 D. Maittriey, 2$ bushels wbent, 20 19 20 Sundry pet sons, SUllth les, 21 & 22 11 00 EEO OE 49 14 23 47 50 0 80 12 00 20 50 10 20 0 00 2 60 6 60 13 60 6s 100 67 67126 1.30 3) 100 15 06 01 251 6)1 77 63 Fur Merchandise, Inarleed•lode M. r . . ny Cuunlnghani & CainforOdurehandiso, Ito T •370 27 Wm. A. Fraltoy ' . 1 • ' 1 '• do -. Bto 13 •167; 81 Wm. O. Leas, do 14 &15 307 61 Wm. 11. th ewstor do . , ,16 5622 Wharton & 81.,gulro , ' I". ' do: 'l7 67 72 A. Crowno vor do 18 46 31 I'. M. Bare do 19 21 65 Watel man .1 Young. molasses, 20 18 62 T. U. Adams, Init.:11;111Am , 21 22 40 Wamwright & Co. , „ ; '. ,do; f 22. '2O 95 Janina Henderson' ' do 23 14 52. 291 66 98 242 72 508 70 200 51 278 64 70 13 159 02 144 15 45 23. 6 50 124 69 ,00 8 00 4 20 21. 00 B. F. Douglass Sundry persons 9 OD 11 88 10 91 795 38 021.85 IS2 I° l 190 13 1 198 19 142 31 271 21 982 92 300 $5 53 12 35 Out D2or . .Expeiscr. File 0. D. By relief afforded iu_ cams, continuous throughout the year, • Ito 5 '271 00 pellet attorded in three cases, continuous, but time less than 1 ye. ay. tulle 2% mos. 6to 8 21 00 afford,d iu nun Brous cases, without re. , pad to time, • „ . 9t035 , 233:7 Sued persons, colons, funoral expenses SO to 56 128 38 blind pli3sichtus, out dour curd. service 57 to 71 252 68 Jackson ilarniou, sued out dour service 72 to 75 75 90 John Miller ' do do"0n 76 to 18 01 00 Adam hector du do do 79 S 59 48 40 ER 6 60 13 CO 11 00 10 60 343 621 :6G4•55 943.6 u 12 50 03 50 91 00 46 5 , 1155 02 562 42 12 36 638 36 1199 6) By sundry persons, pub. Annual Report, Ito 3 . 97 00 A. L. It ickets, 40 could of a uod, 4 ' 95 00 do one cow and calf, . 5, 30 09, NI. S. Harrison A ron, tin ware. - ' 6A 7 'l9 32 D. W..rergrin, tar shoemaking, Bls 9 ,32 05' do ' one milch cow. 10, 39 00 Dr. Hobart Baird, 25 cords ,rood, ' 11 4l 25 David 'Blair, Esq , 10% tuna coal 12 29 87 31 to. Lewis, one blank book, 13 18 U 0 Wm. Drake, coffins and uakon - work' ;14 tole' 27 85 Wm. Hui coy, sundry watfou wdrk -- - - Ii ' - 14 50 Sundry persons, lot 61111.114 W, .18to 25 60 84 Sarah Couch, house labor, (taiance) 39 100 00 41 86 591 99 829 32 555 01 By sondryjosticel of tho pc.teo for orders I to 4 24 25 toothy tkisolis, romusiug Nu. to hustle 6to 8' 34 tio By Jack. Barman, services us Director, 10 mos. 130 00 Adam Hester du.. , ii,,l ].tuns. 100 fiu John Miller ' do du. •• , , 12 mos. 151 20 James Smith do du 2 moo. 10 40 Dr. Robert Baird, attending ph.)sielan, 1 'ear 114 00 Henry Arrestor, service:Fast:furl:, . '" ' " 50 08 K. A. Lovell, Esti , du counsel " 20 00 John Logan, Steward, fur unit : chills account, 028 21 MEM HIE 1121213 SIMEON W MOUT, G Eu..l ACK SON, Commissioners L'so bus Wheat, 5U bug rye, 393 bug oats, 1600 bus corn, (Itt tem . .) 500 bud potatoes, 0 bud beaus, 18 bus beets, 10 bud onions, 4000 It, tubs cabbage, (out uf w high was wade 7 tibia bour kraut) 25 tuns bay, 28, loads coin ladder, s hum km Is, 50. lb I boor, 1900 lbs pork, 900 Ibs lord, 4 young horned cattle, 1 breeding sow and 10 pigs, 8 abuats Articles dfartafactured. 45 women's dresses, 42 pulls palitaloons, 01 shirts, 40 Chuncse, 29 'aprons, 25 sheets,: 5 lowksi 6 minboomits,' 4 pair calm 29 lair stocking's, 10 bed licks, 29 pillow o holster do, 10 towels 2 haps, 3 shrouds, Bak Ins, 2 cape, 4 pairs 'ohms, 11 pairs suspeadin 5,5 pillOWt ticks, 1 coat 190 bas wheat, 35 bus lye, 150 boo oats, 1300 bus corn, (in ear.) 15 bus beet s, 250 bus potables, 8 bus beans, 4 bus onions, 2 00 lit ads cabbage, 6 bbis sour krout., till tuns hay, 26 loads corn fodder, (4 horse.) 1 breedlug sow and lU ings, S shoats, 4 young horned cattle, four ear es, ono broat wheeled nation, 1 ['tabor. do, '1 sot lug wagon,•l two gorse sleigh, bob sled, hand cart, hay rake, %%tinfoil% throshlug machine and fixtures, set patent hay ladders, grata drill, two mouldboard plows, two double shovel do, single shovel do, hill side do, a two horse cultivator, OM hot. do, 6 auto horse gears, hit) tot k aunt tackling, 2200 Is beef, 2000 Ms pork, 056 lbs hog's lard, 6 milon cows. $023 2 [MOWING TIM AMIIeISIOIO. DISCIIIIIOO, :My DIMINO T.Alt 9agli r.V2 `° .?; = _ - t ra rEI !!EIMBff Mit;l2t.'LitilW.'n'titi VtlZ'r,...os-xo. 0.0 3;0=0.0 tz t' S"t 'Attitttlitt.l'Ztt:t l rffi • , We, the undersigned, Auditors ingdon, do hereby certify that w: ders, enuchere, accounts, &c., of it of sni&county, and lind the mama stated; and we do liather the surer's account he has paid on Poor House orders since last settlement the stun of $5,181 61, of which amount the stun of $43 DO was expended on accounts of the year 1844, making total expenditures of 181 D, (so far as paid,) the stun of $5,138 11—leaving balance out standing for year 1869, to wit, $lO6 97 : and thus leaving $259 47 for 7848 aunt previous years still out. Wiliness our li.inds at Huntingdon, this 15th day ofJen• nary, A. D.. 1870. ESN. H. REX, A. P. wurrn, • }Allmon. BARTON GREENE, . , pAPER !PAPERi! ,PAPER 1!! Tracing P•4per.l Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, TillBll6 Paper, Silk Paper for Flowers, Perforoted Paper, • • . ,•• hoard,. - IM FlaelCap Paper, ' • Foolscap Paper, Lotter Paper,- • : —•- Commode! Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter an. Note Paper, Ladies' Plait, and Fancy Mite Paper, - White and Colored Card Paper, in"Paelte - and Sheet/ or sale nt LE,3llB' Book Statloned'arld Mudd Store: 111 NEW LEATHER HOUSE, 5 50 1 00 7 02 50 4 41 THE rinm - or - ,•LEAS & MaVITTY, havo leased the largo five story Leather Ilona. luau James Naulty, N 0.432, NORTH 711,141) , STITEET,PHILADFJRIIIA, And intaid - d - uldg a Vida and Leathei Cone - Mission Onsl TIORS. EM .480 00 , 50 00 . . Their sons D. I'. LEAS, and T. E. McVITTY, are there, and authorlied to carry on the business for then—as they are young men of good moral character, and find business qualifications. They solicit the patronage of their brother Tanners in the county and elsewhere. if..,7 , 111ey still will continue to keep itgood assortment of epanish and Slaughter Sole Leather on heads, at their Tannery, near Three Springs, Huntingdon County, Pa., LEAS MoVITTY., $O2B 5 S, REVENUE STAMPS - FOR SALE A r LEWIS' BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PDNNA:' TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED- CONDEIIBO . FOR SOAP SLAKING, • For BRIO wholesale OA retail at Lewis' Red Front Grocery, This Lye. is said to be the best and cheapest in the market. SPECTACLES fine and large assortment always on., baud AT -T4RWM .1400 X STagit. • itirtio, to Red- Front for Flour and Food,. etc., etc.. RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES "fin. Fufm, marked Fa! F. FLr Provizions, marked lite P. do 24 3: 25 17 00 do 26 to' 21 • :10 66 iliscclkolious and /ithidental. rai Remixds, markel File R. 611=11 Products of Farm U=M 1110.NTHLY TABLE 0 .ptitlo(l tIOSpIND =MEI =MN MIIM or the county of Bent e hove examinod the or ho Directors of the Poor to be, cot root as above ton examining the Trolo. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S "NOTICE. [Estate of David Householder, deed.] uters of administration, upon the estate of David , Householder, late of Walker township, Huntingdon Co., deceased, having been panted to the underaigned, all per. Sone indebted to the estate will make immediate pay. meat, on those having claims will present their for set% . _ Dement. , ATEGAIYAk ;ad. 20, 1810 . .-or. Adm'r $ , 530 02 A DRINISTRATORIS NOTICE: JAlRstatu of ABRAHAM Wi BRUUBAIIOfi, dee'd. l ' Letters of administration upoil the estate of Abraham ' W. Brumbaugh. late of Penn tap., deceased. haring been '•, granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted - to the estate will make payment, and' those haytng claims - will - present them for settlement. • F, „ • lIENRY lINUMBAUGai . . James Creek, Dec. 8430 'Adulinietrater UDITOR'S, NOTICE: , „,.. Eatato of Thomas Bpencer,'deed.l Too undersigned Auditor, appointed by-the 'Orphans' '';a Court of Huntingdon county, to hear and 'determine ex; coptions to the account of Daniel ..Etter, adm'rt , of the , - estate of Thomas Spanner, deed., and; to report distribu , Nun of the balance In the hands of the accountants, will , 4 meat the partics interested-for the- purposes .of . his ' , ointment on SATURDAY, FEORUAUY 19111, 1870kat 10. • o'clock; A. H, at his, office in ;Hunt ilgdon. (when and where all persens are required to present theiialtibzu.' •-,1 • E. ALLEN LOVELL, Anditor. .- • t• ~ t . • , •• .-- f • , ITO.R'S •NOrricE: - BEI MEE UD RI MEI utio under'.igned. appointed Auditor by thp,OrWarii i. Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the balance/ , 'ln - the hands of EPhialm - Eyler, administrator 0r... the ;estate •of John Eyler, late of Clay township s dee'd., will attend to the dutim of said appointment on THURSDAY, 24th FEBRUARY, 1170, at ,ono .o'clock; P. bt., when and where all persons interested.ara,rci , A quit cd to present their claims ur ho debarred from cum.' ng in for a share of the fund. -- - . , - J. B. ELNIPBON, , Anditor.i- KISIIICOQUILLAS SEMINARY.. t - 1" _ CSP, ?" SA . _ This Institution In the beautiful mountaiwgirt ,, ,Talleyit ' of Kishaeoquillas, affords superior advantages of eduyvt _ lion. Thoroughly efficient and competent instructors ins, every department. . , French, Ourman,•Painting, Drawing, and Music eluded. A Normal class fornied Spring term, which ecintiinilntf, twelve weeks opens April 411*. Expeises for the year' WU. Pot Calutogno address - , MARTIN MOOLER, Principal, liishamazul/14.111Min Cci o Tan. 20, IMO.-om. r I I' 11b7 74 IBM vALuABTA i I o t.EL .,4Tp. The real estate known as the "Woolverton" or "Milli *ken Mill Property,. situate on Mill Creek and Sadler's Creek, its Brady township, Huntingdon county, l'a., two nib. N. E. of Mill Creek Station on the retina. It. It, la °Mired for BAP. It has been divided into live .parcels which will be sold separati ly or -together as- purthasers-- may desire, to nit: , .•!,? ; A."—Mansion Fat.m: . 15.2 neres,:i 130.2 perches.; ißmandoitN, by Henry, Wenn); N..E.'lty - Mill Tract; E. by John lit tract •Mi"'and N W. by Inset “ll," having thereon two dwelling houses, a bank barn and other improvements. g. large part of the land i c cleared; the balance is well timbered. The Mill. , Creek aml Kishocoqiilllas roads pools thringtothe trace. " ,'Tract. 47, ze I , t res 108.T> „- perches. Bounded ,N;lty• Mu E en , :'by qracri -LI"; S. N. by John K. Mete; W. nail N. W. by tract . A' s .l Includes the gust-61111. 'intv•teill slid tilliler's - bohse. A portion of .111 u land Is lealanieli well timbered. i!. z MEEI ezi • —_ "U."-95 neres,oB,4 perches— hound-I,', ed Nth. by James Gregory; E. by Mill Creek Furnace - Company; S..W. by JOllll K. Metz; moat by, Intet."l,," Remy 11mjkiii and John Waddle.. ,Titic tract. l COTC[44.-, Veldt CAClient timberLimincipalli oak;. -•• r' Ipu,. ueren, porpberin_L ISuaud ,l N. by John naltavidtSinitite‘aitttj-bY :Henry 11 ou di; St r.. by tract "A'; S. by Mill Creek Furnace Company and W. by Antium;•Sinittotr.; The pi IncipaL polo of title trust is in timber. ECM $55.3U ut .‘ E." '-'l3B HoulltlZA - N. by truer "A," E. by Lienboiimcb And 4obni, Totes; S. IS. !..y livers° Hawn; owl N. W. by .A.llll, coek lernactieuelpanyl.' nbeet /we-11416f th'e . tirades: the.baleeep le well thubereJ. • ' , ll '1 The hunts s iii be ehuwn by Ir. JIMICLI 0. CB Vein ra who Ireriblcil II pill tlw properAy.. .t• • „ ,11/4ps will ho diIUNI and Sawnflout, niacti,),:ao,,a ti , Do c. 22 . 1869.-f.4 LUMBER, SHINGLES, EILOCE", PINE BILL BTUFF,.*: j_ Bonnie, Plank. Shingles, Plastering - a nd Skingling 1.11111, COMMIltly OR band. Worked Flouring, Sash Blinds, Mori!, Door and Win dow Frames. furnished at!rnanufac urers' prices. Groin and country pri,duct genorally bought ill market. rates. • 'IVALICINEK g DSO., t" atie2Sitf Philipsburg, Ceutro - co., Pm: • MILL 'FOR- SALE, TIIE subscriber,,offors, 'its new -G,riett Mill and Mill !louse, eltnated In -West township, mild MITI le "eltuateil - In the lasirt - Of Shaver's Creek Vlley; goo.l grain condo ; hes a good, unstops; and is Within six Milts of WO Penna. railroad. „ „, For ruiner particulars %rite or sre. , ISENKY ee22 Neff .Mills, WC" FARM FOR SALE.,I The undrmigned offrrsafpriratii Biddy ; lihr-'farrtie-cuir. Mining about 100 MACES, Minato In Lincoln township, about unegourth am mile west of Collet, Mines ' J. P. BRUMBAUGH, JAIL 19, 167-;...2t.. • James Creek, . , lEMEM paltvgacia •fluotualoix iEM i=23 I OWN LOTS FORSALF4 .(f IN WEST EUNTINUDON . Btu Lots fawn first lutuds at • , . • ' $:100 ®~! UOIIIOAI -- Purchasers desiring to build can bare very liberal terms on to payments. Now is the tlmo to invest. r• Ap ply to ijy2ltt It. A IZISON'3IILIAIt. w. in:plan/a . • i f • M'11..1: NEW STOVE AND TIN'STORE. BUCJIANA.N,ALLIF,ON . & CO. - Have opened a new afore in Teoter's new building, in theinamond, Iluntingdon, Pa., and -Imre ready for nate, large assortment . _ _ _ , t , Cook and - ParloriStoves,:: • SPEER'S REVOLTING LIGHT, , :..- ' • SPEEIVEANTI-OUST, : SPEER'S ANTI-DUST COOK STOVES, SMITH'S REGULATOR and EUREKA COOK STOVES, and LITTLEFIELD'S ,lIEATERS. Also, a large assortment of ' amt a gceat variety of Quads, never tfefote kept f n tfiti ANI) IateSSED WAVE place. We also manufacture Repairing, Roofing and Spouting done at short notice., • :111r. Country Storm supplied -with -Tin• Waco at city, • • • - - • "'‘ Confident 6f being able:to, mai . m it-ndrantri g eoun. l , their, 4 2 11,MM:tiers respbettlilly solicit a diiiir e iorpiablis. ! patronage. " ROOM IN TENTER'S -NEW BUILDING II TFIE DIABIOND;IIVISTIM3D6N 7 ,III. • Jan. 5,187- •:. ,••• • j - 011 N -d. MILLER, (Successor to C. ILIIILLEti 4:50 . 1 , L; • - DEALER IN: All Kinds of tEATHER 4 SHO IFINDBNCS. •- 5 HIT.NTLI N NDO? % I", " ja2.lal.g. - m.,7014 PRINTING .• =!..74 , ...4.4g; .; • , . • , The "globe." Job. 0441/4 _ . o,ceordeons. Fiom 83.00 ußyra„icts.,q4 .14p w,iq . .1..394.ii Ronk,. El J. SIMPSON AFRIOA,;