TRIPLE MIDER BURGLARY and ARSON. Trial of Gotleib Bohner and Albeal Iron FOR 11111 MURDER OF John Peightal, Sarah Peightal, and Scott Garner, IN PENN TWP., HUNTINGDON CO., NOV. 17TH, IHGO Verdict: "Murder in the First Degree." Rohner, and Albert :Van . :Borde - nbcitirg, ware arraigned for trial on Friday morning tho 14th inst. They plead not guilty. The following aro the names of the jurymen empan nelled : Na•han Greenland, John Mil - Silas Gibbony,D.tvid Jkondurs3n, Jatuea'•llorn_ino,M. 11. :5.40040 a cob 11.liett - , J. D. Appleby, David Jones, Edward Couch, Ralph Crotzley, -Lincoln.- The princes wore brought - into Court - lit quarter of eleven on Monday morning last. Mr. Speer, raked tiir i other assistance to Mr. S. 'l'. Brown, as he was unable on account of hoarseness to act as counsel for de. 'fondants K. Allen Lovell, Esq , was thereupon appointed. The Attorneys for prosecution were Dist Attorney :M. S: Lytle, and I'. M. Lytle and It. ;true° retriken. 'the case wm. opened by P. M. Ly tier attorney for,Comutonwealth, , ,,who titeted'the - Uistory oPt6 = initiderotilien the hearing of,testimoy proceeded. 'Aftdreio Grose, a' Surveyor, - was Culled and sworn, who had made the !drafts, one of the farm and house, and the killjoy of., th 4 interior of the house,. itg tho fin"sitiod Of" the" Wait 4.liq,,wheroliscovered., loiter Teightal set in Penn 'township; fun second cousin of' John Peightal. Ou the evening of the of November I was at Pleasant:Grove *Station; I left the station between 8 and 9 o'clock, and went up - the railroad with Ilenj. Hoover; we 4iartod about 60 rods from the house, the going up the railroad; and 1 went -"towards the public road; on going zthrough the field, about 30 or 40 rods - from Peightal's house, I smelt some -thin*,e' like smoke;_f saw a blaze inside the window, ran to thu house,burst :ed the door open, discovered three fires in.the house, and ran back after 5Air....1100% ex; met _him about 40 rods 'from the house; we came back togetb .cr.;illoover got two buckets; and we got water from the creek, and put it - .on the Peigh tars too soon; at about seven o'clock they started from 'railiond, 'Wake() through the-field to O corner of 'blitil yard;that they had two.single-barreled pistols that, had been ; purchased. io Hollidaysburg, and that hokPoiropr) loaned 13ordenburg his pistol, and lie staid "at the corner of 'the 'bardYard while llordenburg did thwkilllitg;• sta . - ted that he heard„threo„shots, that when Hordenburg,caute put„lie handed him one poke of money :citta kept the other; ho ;seated that Ito,tdnu; burg told him he had killed i three;knd I think he said that he had. fired:the house; they then left and came along the railroad to.nuntingdon; he has re,. peated the sante statement to me since; Bordenburg's statement corroborlifes Bohner's, except - that he says Uohnor did the killing and he watched; they; also stated that they. had been there two or three weeks before. ". :• '-' •'• Cross-examined The. statements were made separately;4. don't 'know, whether they learned I was a, mouther ; of the bar; I asked Charley where the balance of the money was; I was employed by Mr. Peightal to - recover it; neither of them acknowledged that be had done the killing. , R-111. Speer, Esq - 7 j - saW ' Charley , throe years ago to-morrow, Jan:l7th; when I: defended himmt•this was indicted for lareeny. r•:•.. Cr oss•exa mined—l met, him'in, and said; 'Gotlieb, this i 8 .1.1. 610. RI/Ipfri% he said, I 'could get • him o f itt 'or said, "No; this is not' killirig:abrilE"•' NO. 28, Commonwealth here' res - 634.1 Al. There being no witneeseepmejde , oft defence, and no argument-submitted on either. side, Judge. Tayloryprocee'd. ad to deliver• the charge, }which _occu pied an hour, , The Jury retired at the ; conclusion. : of the charge, and returned._ in, fifteen minutes with :tlll3" i fol)9Vritk verdict: "Guilty of niurdei4n'the 'fitiAt degree:" _Bohner lieard,ithe, "verciikt- , with as much unconcern as hu,hassbeed, , noted for since his arrest, ticnbur n'OpCareirdepreised in hung• his head deitin,':infi• I tearif Were' noticed to trickle , "doin 'Ohbotr l ' MO ho was,tulfen to the jail; u 7„, On Friday morning at .90:1'njoek, ,tllo:•pria;i oners, Bohner and Bordenbourg, bro't , into Court 'to Teceive their 'scinferice;"` ' prisonersrwere Odd: to stand iitrarrijAttaked' if they had anything to.say.vr hy,the sonlenee shotild not be "pronnuneed. Borilenhchire re: plied that ha-rvas(not,kuilty ; tha't'- lie' didn't know anything ntAokilling-ofttio family or • !Aiming of the lons() until he eit to . Altoinia, The Judge , than' - konouneed "the senfdtici; • k. that, they be hanged.ll. tho.nedk until' dead, in the ,jail yard. 119;,Pienics' in 'a town iti •'3.lakyirtua v ". are4Ound tth by thiYghls standing a long: row, whila- the- .ydung . • alook the line and kiss.thera night." Wish we, . .„ sae-Whitt should u y m oung un'es, ry with him "Wlien% eitliiiig"'uptiri his pfliationd?---AffeutiOn in his heart, fection,in his , manbers, cioufecticin cry in his pockets. ITER.,:A. while boy met a colored , lfkl the, other day, and asked .him, :what Ito had such a short nose for. '4,spectn-• A so t won't poke itself in other people' business." a THE VELIDIC'f, ,• 5 • INM SENTENCED.- ,',