t , \,A; li bit •.,.. ig=M 77 Following • LI fien,ttts tollering „Nrytwe of ,wb neon npon' the t tinlidect; "Howfar ro man of sense should- foilor , U o ash: tons, in`g.rs. Hale Hunnibee's Diary, in the Iledro 414.1i61ite : Lester.—l, thiqk , all sensittle rnmen„yktl . agree with me, In the first n)nec,, that fashion should never be al: toned t_q encroach on the domain of health, and, in the next place, that a r 4 ": 1 4 1 /4 gctaft.o,:l6wel) as sense, vjearsVWiliecbinteg to tlcTi iv l bot4• or it is fashionable 'Lir ! not. Take = Aunt , pe . tl9lt?r_ „itORTZIOp dress ber,up;Lo c a _gorgeotster t ,.plit , jpw4lB ofilfe? hands roach ber heir back so she can but just stint her eyes; ar4cover bead. with .puffs naeuvis, would she seem at all our dear Aunt -Betsey,. that everybody knows and loves? - - A'unt' Itetsey.'=Guess , I - ibbilldn't know myself in such a rig as tbat, any more'n Mother Hubbard did. I don't blievedthaiiiiitilii2t3:daiiiiis hair oft: their_ forehead and .ears so , in the winter-time weald...giye me ,TIPIA 16gPrikiiQatf,4nihiithicho;ran'd db'n't, • . Mrs. Field. `--I agree with Mrs. Les ter in ber two propositions, and think, in addition, that one's dress should suit one's: Chiirii6W: i A 'We r niati . Who natu rally despises dress , lobks ridicolOas when tricked out •With • feathers and TerlielOws;'iqth jewels'ithd gay colors. Mrs. Lee, with her stately 'figure in yer elegant velyet 4dress, is magnificent; but MrsiLeater; 2 46fritil'Aigree, looks itelltin black silk, us does- Atinaiei sey, in her brown merino; with white neckerchief. Let the humming-bird and the oriole„the blue jay and the canary, rejoice in the brilliant plumage 'God has clothed them withal, but we love our nightingale, our mooking.bird, our robin-redbreast, attired as they are in plainer robes. ' • Airs. :Lee.—l hope .Mrs:-Field does tokttilak all women who dress fash ionably no better than humming-birds and' -Canaries'-among the :feathered tribes? • , Mrs, Pield.-:ti'offence intended : to IlititiZee; for we know Mr. Lee bays her clothes and loyes i tosen her ,ele gaaily‘tiredieeniiii it to Vastly 13econi ing vioinen like to remember that Abel eagle, king among birds, has no brilliant plumage, nor the turkey, most delicious of...do mestic fowls, nor the snipe, nor the pheasant. .Lee.—lt's as natural for some women to love dress and fix them s Mitef,nllx and keep .their iersonsin exquisite condition, as it is for others to be indifferent to all these things. Charles Dickens, 'kr instance, dresses magnificently, and we all know how smart he is,. and Horace Greeley is just as smart in his way, but ho doesn't look a bitille dandy, no mat ter bow nicely hofixes himself up---and it's4ust so with women. lAuritleisey.—litebbe it is, but I can't help thigking,• when ! I look at girls' heads nowadays, that there's more hair outside of 'em than knowledge in side; and 'more • puckerS and folds and, crinkles to•their frocks than there are to their brains. -(kAn at Bottler ryou're growing old ; you've forgotten bow we used to primp when Nye were young, curl our hair, and lace ourselves, and rub our cheeks .with mullein leaves to make 'em rosy, and bite our lips, just before we went into meeting, so they'd ,be red and pretty. . SATURDAY Ifroar.--;Some one this imaneffully. says : "Sattlyday. night,makesi people hu man, sets their hearts to beating softly' so r they„nsed to do _ before the .world 'fnined - thelitiplo'Whf druins and jarred them-to pieces with tattoos. The led ger clinks with a clash, the iron-doored ,vaults,come to with a , hang, up go the shutters with a will, click goes the key; is the l lock.„ It iaSaturday i night,p4d breathes - 'free it'd:dn.- 'Home-i ward, boll' :I`b l e .- doer that has been njai:4ll:44 . oek's keatlY - Plegabehfnd him, and the -world is all shutout.— 'Shutout? Shut in,.rather. ;Here are, his treasures after all, and not in tho', vault, and not in tbeboOk l 7 -Save the record in the old family Bible—and not in the bank: • ltaybe-"you are a beet:- pion frosty and forty.''' - Then, 'poor fel -I,7,,Satorday night is', nothing to you, just as you aro nothing to anybody.— Get a wife, blue-eyed or black-eyed; but, above all, true-eyed. Get a little sofa, just to hold two or two and a half, anti then get'the - tVO'or two and'abalf in it, of a Saturday night, and then read this paragraph by the light of your wifelscpyce, and thank Ged'anft take may Surprise some of our readers to 165.rn - th'at."while a bar of iron, one inch in dianiefer,lvill sustain twenty-eight tons, and a bar of steel of• the same size, will sustain fifty tons, a bar of spider's silk of the same dimen 7 alone, will sustain seventy-foUr tons This•is 'based upon a calculation that a fibre of silk ono four thousandth. , of nu inch in diameter, will sustain fifty. four grains. . 054,Aterele tjJiteral:translatiOn of a porktbiitelicies•eigrriii-a'FrenCh pro 17oeial city : "Batpa,j,unior ; slaugh ters hogs like his father." re r .Suhseribe for the OUR C(intl'Oß 'THE PEOPLE. aloaftEoz-FR.ONT , n ,,- , rpNTE4IPRISE STORE. =I Suga`r"s. All kind;iit, vorysmall pro Ats. ,Not Offered. low to Araw you ,on on other goods.. 'O.ur prices to Continuo, ttularly. , " • • • • 114 , zi The ',beat- Silver , and , Gtodden Drips / gtitinikie` "Lovering and Other Syrtipa. Now Orleans and other Baking Mu ltiunit. " • Teas. A variety of kinds of best always on hand cheap. 11111 Me Coffees. Roasted and : Grasp., cbesP . as f t4e cheapest for the_ same Meat. dams, Shoulders,,Sidt?e,,Dried Beef, at,livipg price's. , Vbeefi•- The beet N. Y. State Giieberi Ohio Cheese. . Candies. The best stick and.other candies, wholesale and retail. Flour. The hest Flour by the barrel, sack or pound. Cheaper for the same qual ity than elsewhere. Feed - By the hundred or Onl'aller4uantity, Stone. Ware. 4000 1; 2,3, 4,5, and 6 gallon crocks, jars, jugs, and churns, selling cheap. GLASS & QUEENSWARE. • steak of Ironstone and Com mon ware, in setts or by the piece.— Glassware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars, etc , at Red Front, cheap. Wood and Willow-Ware. A largo assortment of Baskets, Buckets, Churns, Tubs, etc., etc., at Red Front. Fruit, &c. Dried Peaches and Apples, Raisins, Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,—Can ned Fruit and Vegetables, eto. Salt. By the sack or bushel. Also Dairy Salt. Spices, ikc. All kinds of Spices, and a great va riety of notions. Soaps of all kinds and cheap. Fish. Pickled Salmon, Haddock, Shad, Trout, White Fish, Mackerel,, Pry Salt; ;Quoddy' Labildor, PIO 46 4 liiiiiked4rerring; by: theAmltlalaqiiai• ter barrel, kitt, pound and dozen. All warranted,and cheaper than elsewhere. Tobacco. . The 4 l?efot ,qu s ality i of:.„Tqbacco, and '6lle4oethan 'any - otli6i-Eitiiro in town. RED STORE. Variety. • For, what you want first call at,13,11- terpriso Ileadquartera whore prices will bo kept regularly low. ENTERPRISE HEADQUARTERS, JAILI , .TINGDON, PA. - _HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after THURSDAY, SEPT. Mu, 1869, Passen ger Trains mill orris.° alfitidOpill as follows: ue TICAINS. DOWN TRAMS, Exmss j Mon. r. M. 4 LE 55 1)2 6 17 6 24 IS 461 6 56 f.':,9• 9"38 7 2 An 7 91 11 :4 AP 11 6' is 7 50.12 ]0 bit 8 051 10 45 8 10 4 _ 10 50 an 8 20174...11)541( 1100titiii401441 PENNBY : TIM 11 . 71 4 171' WESTWARD. lin A. 111 I A.N. IL 401 IL LS 1 . 2 06 1 12 16 1- 32 12 SO IP 50 1 00 1 24 1 34 1 51 1 531 / 00 1 2201, P. M. 8 55 1 A. 11. 'Eastward /MVOS AlOOl I arrives at'lluntlugdon at 10 21 P Y. EAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 12 35 , and ari Ives at Ilan tingdon4it 1 43 A.M. IC/NC/AN-177 Exruims Eastward Icaree Altoona at P. M. and arrives nt Huntingdon at 7 04 1 31. 1711E11 11xonao Emtward, lo.,res Altoona at 10 05 A Jd arrlets nt Huntingdon at 11 14 A. 11. •emetATILEXPIIP,I9 (eaves illintingdon at and-arrives at Altoona 4 5.0,A M.. a PAST LINE len', es 'llnlaingtiou at '., 51. and arrives at Altoona at 8 55 P. Al. The 5 45 , SOU M. nn elhl 3 ate TI o 7 43 P. READING RAIL ROAD,. wIN_TERrimigAN(4EmENT, : 8101 DAY, NOV43IIIEA 23, 1869. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TILE North and North-West for PHILADELPHIA, NEW YoRD 4 READINO, PoTTSEILLE, TAMAQUA, ASHLAND, SHAMOKIN LSOA. ON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, JEDLIDATA, LITIZ,,LANCAI TOO, (Aconaki,%; Ac., Ac. Train's leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows: At 2 30, 6 35 ami 9,10 A. Of,, told at 12 20. noon, 2,05, 11 p. m., connecting with similar trait:son the Penneyttania it.ll, and arriving at New York at 10,15, a, m a and 12,05, noon, 3.35. 035 sod 102.000 p. m , and 6.00;a. nl., respect. Ively. Sleeping cars accenipauy the 2.30 and 5,35 a. m, and 12,20 110011 trains Without change. Ltavo Harm:burg for Heading, Pothville, Tamaqua, Aulthuld,•Shainokin, Pine Grove, Allentown, and Natal:1001El at S 10 A. Al., and 2 85 and 4 10 I'. 51., the 2.55 :topping at Leh tnon only; the 4 10 P. 51., train making connections for Philadelphia Pottsville, Colnum bia and all Intermediate statlcns between said points on. ly. Poi Pottsville, Schuykill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Stu:inch:tuna It. It., leave Harrisburg at 340 P SI. Returning. kayo Nr.w-YonE at 9 A. 1., 12.00 HOOD, and 5.00 and 8.00 P. si,,sEhiladelphia nt 8.15 A. 31.. and 3.30 E M.; Sleeping cats accompany the 9.00 n m and 5.00 and 8.00 p »a trains from new York without change. Way Yasssuger train leases Philadelphia at 7 30. 0. 51. continctlng with similar train on East Penna. Iltillrdad, returning from Reading at 6.33 p in stopping at all sta tions. Leavo Po!tsarina at 5,40 and 0,00 a tn,, and 3,05 p. He, Herndon at 020 a in, Shamokin at 9 40 and 10,40 a m Ashland 7 09 a in, and 12,30 noon, Tamaqua at 8 33 a and 2,20 P. 91 for PlitlitilriMin and Now York, Leave Pettey ilk, vim Schey Mill and linegnehanna Rail road at 8 19 a. in. for Haat isburg, and 11 30 A, XI, for Yina grove and Tremolat. Reading Aceommo. Passenger Train leaves Pottsville M 5,40 a in, passes Reading at 7.30 a ;a, arriving nt Phil adelphia at 10,20 a m re,turuitig, leaves Philadelphia at 4,45 P. M. Passing heading at 7,40 p. m., arriving at Pottsville at 9,30 p ' Pottatoun Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown a 6,23 11. m., ruturning Icarus ilndelpha it at -1,00 p. tn. Columbia Railroad Trains irate Iteitiliug at 7 12 A IT., and 815 P. DI., for Ephrata, Linz, Ltimaskr, Col umbia, dm. rerhiomen Railroad trains leave Perkionien Junction at 9.00 a m 3.10 and 5,30 p to returning: le.ne Schuenks yille at 0,10, 8,12 u m, and '12,45 noon, connecting 0111: similar trains on Reading Railroad. Colehrookdale railroad - Trains laws Pottstown at 45 a nt, and 6,20 p m, for Mt. Pleasant, arriving thero at 10,20 a. in. and 7,20 p. m rata' ning, bale Mt. Plasma at 7,00 and 11,00 a. in, counectiug with trainB on Beading militant, Chester Valley railroad frains leave Bridgeport at 8,30 a ru, 2,05 and 5,02 p in, returning, leave Don ningtown at 6.30 a zn, 12,45ant15,15 pm, ColineCtin with trams on Heading railroad,' On Sundays, leave New York at 6, 8 00 p m, Philadel phia, 8 a in and 3 15 P. M., the 8 a m train running only to Reading; leave Pottsville 8 A. 51., Hard burg,s 35 a ni, 410 and 10,..0 pan, auditeading 1243, midnight? 15 a. m far Harrisburg, and 720 a. ni., aud 12.55 midnight for N. Y. and at 0,40 a. tn., and 4.25 p. m. for Philadelphia. COV3III7ATION, MILEAUE,BE.SON, BCIIOOL, and nil•UaotoN TICILETB to and I rOlll all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked tlfrought 100 'pounds Baggage allowed each l'Assenger. O. A. NICOLLB, Beading, Nov. 22, 1969. General Superintendent. BOOKS STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, WALL PAPER. 'l.,i ,pi ,7, - .. c .„314.t,' . . 41'7: Tf:V ~ ,, i . :, , ;, . 0 ;14 , 14. '1.F,L.4'..A)11,0 •: ' '..s . 1' ; • ) -‘,— ' 1 ';1 - - t 1 -- i , Ir ~ lit . , 1. 1 '..../-41 , .1 A ',l'',.y.•rti VAD7 -4 :N 4* I I. ',1:41,,A.Vg,,,N . V '. •'V . , ' U h . ' \‘ ‘` R •i: ii,,,i't . 4 S!, ' A* ''. 1* • :.: ..• : ..„. - ~.., ts , . 7 1 - - I'. '" 1 •4` , ,,.: ~•.:,, PiA, ~,,.4 .r. r • /. 16 .;, fr*lt ~,,4. 0 2 ,1:. 1 4 .‘•.; . ' 1;;; .1 .• 'A+ lO r..,l:g.'ll'JfA"-:"It?,1`1' . : 6" . . . 1 P r I.: ../. 4 / • . Itr -,, 'L. ,T ' , ..F . • - :J . ' .01,47;.;,,:. .' ' . . .' CHEAP, Lewis' .Bo*. Store, Huntingdon, Pa. School Books and Stationery,Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellancolie Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pock et Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, 'Window Shades and Eixtures,gto.,.ete., etc; [ novll.tf. =I MILTON SPEEN The Union Bank of Huntingdon CAPITAL, Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds f Securities, bought stud said for the usual comtraleslon.— Collections made oil all points. Drafts on all parts of Europe supplied at the usual rates. Persons depositing Bold and :silver will receive the in same relict n Rid' interest. Tao partners are ladivid sally liable to the extent of their who:o property for all Deposits. ,Tboylntialshed boslp ORS anise Lilo firm of• John Itate — A Do: Will Le oomplLhal by The Uttionitanitof llnntingdao y21,1869.tf C. C. BORT it, emitter. READY RECKONER .4, complete Pocket „Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added! forme of 'Notes, Bills, MIAs, Petitions, AC., together with a set of Imolai tables containing rate of interest (rein one dollar to twolvettiono. aud, by the stogie day, with a table of wages, and board byilio week and day. For onto at IS' BOOK STORE. TNVELOPES- By OA box, pack, or lean quoutity, for solo at LEWIS , BOOK AND STATIONERY STOKE. VOR THE LADIES. A superior article; of Note Paper and Envelope so 11, for confidential correspondence, for male at LEWIS' 1100 K ce STATIOr” , VY STORE. I EXPRESS A. M. An 10 101 o_ R 6 oa 866 s 1 INT,tinisiou;„. itz , fAri Ylea6a pl:ll;w . :,.:q, allarktesbUrg, 01:11reo ri,..'441071.., ugh nqaps'.l.... ' 1 4 . 4 ,1 : 4 • short; itinAnqt..F... da[Cal:44.. ....:.... ' tAa: pa welli , .• • 1 i : i tesVlll%, ~ :.. % , 1 1 n 00(1.1411111,.. - ,41:41 "'"ngtiklY9.o44;.4 9 46 10 01 10 05 10 . 20 10 43 83e to 8 20 JO 4 ~,, 11 A.'s jeu#,-,ag: 't Con wont , '4 - ti i Vo n t:Zip : ... ri4 , . idloy, I road-TOp:City,..i' 7 50 ur t 40 :VANIA - • R - P 7 Or-LEAVDICI - OF R ARYAIVG 1:451 TRAINS NENT. EASTWARD i ST 1.110%71,. 121 Mt. Union,... Mapleton,..... 11111 ere Is, .. Hun iugtlon, Petu abmg Dart Le Bpriicoßrwl., Birmingham, Tyrone, Tinton, Fostoris, Mills, a at 9 05 P AND IiZED2I I=3 Mato John Bore& C 0.,) HUNTINGDON, PA $50,000 paid up, go.; •,t,,,,: ,•,. A. R. STWART. 'MANN W. SnlVAlty x,A,t S tewg,rt, 4 co. 1 NAIL I 21. Asl 20 4 12 3 55 3 48 3 32 3 10 3 09 2 65 2 51 2 20 HUNTINGDON, PAk,;.: r f "::: rr•: ; „„•1 DEALERS IN .HARRIVARE, CUTLERY, 1 05 Lal 00 11.4 v . ' , in f•••i .. 1 1 . % "." " PAINTS, "'PUMPS BE GLW,, * 'STOVES, OILS, LAMPS, ROPES, MAT VD 'US, Seylies, Snailis, Grain ()Milks, Sad• dleriand Coriiage Goods, Ilubs, and Spokeit NAILS AND IRON, LOC/KS, SINGES, .SCREWS, DRAIN, P/pll, .•9V41:?1Q - .10174k.3c1.20, and on endless variety of goods in his line: We are receiving "goods almost every day fr'om inanufaetnrere, and in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, , and our experience in selecting best brands and reliable qualities of goods, purchasers will find it to their advantage to examine our stock. THE NEW PATENT ECLIPSE COOK STOVE, which throws all others-in the shade, is still increasing in popularity, and pleases so well that everybody wants THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT Tllll BIG PADLOCK SIGN Mintingdon, An13,180-tf. THE CELEBRATED GROVER & „BAKER Sewing Machines. 011,. THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IN ESE. For Beauty and Elasticity of Stich, • For Strength and Durability of Scam that 'will not ray 01. as both threads are used direct from the spoofs, Mid n. seams have to be fastened by hand; no waste of thread, For simpl tc.ty and perfection of machinery. It stitches, hems, Tolls, tucks, braids, cords, and om broldore beautifully. Machines fully Warranted and full instructions Divot Sewing nmehino cotton, BIM. Sc.. on hand.- For sale by GREENE k BROTHER, febl6'69 2d floor holster's Building, Huntingdon, Pa HEM gIAILSOYS HIGHEST PREMIUM VDtll Sewing Machines/ Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION; 1867. They aro, adapted to all kinds of Faintly Sewing. and to the inn Of Seamstresses, Dr. smokers, T.itors, Maim faCturers of Shirts, Collara, Skirt., Maks, Mantillas, Clothing, nate, 'Cape, Comte, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasol., etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton , goods, xith silk, cotton or 'linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gathec t hem, fell, cord, braid, bitid, and "'esteem every epecies ofnewing, making a beautiful and perfect atitch,'alike on both sides of the article crewed. Thequnlllier which recommend than are: 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, al.ko on both aides o tho fabric sewed. 2. Strength, iirmneas and durability of aram,that not nip nor ravel. 3 Economy of Thread. " 4. Attachments and wide range of application to ptirpo ses and sinnterials. 6. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. -..••.•- . .. . . 7. Spud, emir of operation aud management, and toilet- Rene of MON emenc. Instruction. free ts. all. Machines Irpt in repair one year tree of charge. r _ U, B. LBWIB, Agent, MEI WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A LARGE STOCK SPLBNDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE en3l- 6 4 IME. From the kiln of Oeo. Taylor, Nerklesbnrg, prov y chemical Analysts to be of the Gest qualltyj, con stantly kept and for sale in any quantity, nt the depot of the Iluntlngdon and Broad Top Itnlßond. VB-iipply to Henry Laster, Proprietor of the "Broad Pep Ileum" iuncSO.tr \\THAR:fah :TAR :lag: oit „ I. I HUNTIINGDOWF)A i 4i", u •„'L ,, ;hl; 11. , WEIOLESALE„& RETAIL , , . „: ,12.11:11..=9 : UN. t •: . ,•florPioll:;4ii giO,itiO;g)o:i:; _ 7 , • •••• ;. • - ; „J.) =SI •'r ) • 1.1 • • • ,‘• d ThP, 4t49RIPP • MECHANICS, FARMERS,!. BUILDERS,: O'od buSo,od getieridlA ie invited to ii)o feel tiott ,o HARDWARE , CUTIERY can bo Rama tasewbern In this part oLthe &aft*, Ili prise. to snit tho times. Cur Mack comprises all articles in this line or buiiinest, unibrucing p 'general 69ortmetit of TOOLS and' MATERIALS ruled' by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JO:M:11K, &0.,.&e together with a large Ma: of Iron; Steel?..Nails; Railroad and Chains, GriasiMidi; bircular; .11li11 and Cross, Cut ?S'am.s. f • Enamelled, !Finished . and • Plain Ilol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, ' Oil and Powder Cans Comprising KNIVES, FORKS,'DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE' SPOONS, SOIS ORS, RAZORS, f• BRITTANIA &SILVER PLATED WARE. „., . • , HOusehold, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and nigstlimpicniettpattirns CONSTANTLY ON lIAZ.in AND FOR SALE A AfAkeli'ACTirliEfte. PRICES ' . CARRIAGE & WAGON, MAKERS Will find a general assortment olgutterial tar peir use "consisting in parlor • Carriage , Trim?' ningS, "bibs, ,Spolres, Mims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts,„ Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa- - tent and enantelledLeather, Whips, Tongues,'Soe: /xis, Shafts, &c. 33]-11.1a6Cia:KOSTAX 4 3TX;ISO Cau ba supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES; S LEDGES, '"HAMMERS; HORSE AN,) MULE , SHOES,• Horse Nails, and alikinds of Iron & Steel .• • • , -CARPENTERS Will Hod in our establishment a'snerlor tittsk of PLANES,-, SAWS, , „ . , , • AUGERS, • HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CILIsELS, HINGES, ~ SCREWS, LOCKS, ,BOLTS, PULLEYS, - - SASH-CORDS, &C., &C. - ' • ' MINING AND,MINERS' GOODS. NAILS 'and SPIKES, of all'vriOtioi BLASTIN4 POWDER, ud.A.L. PICKS A..ArD Can be accommodated with everything in their lino from a Grain Soinuntor ton {Shot-atone. Comprising the &atone Russell Reaper, Mower,. and Dropper, combined, Mundell's First Preruluin lICRSK PITCHFORK, Rakes, Huy Fmk% Trace and natter Chains, Mutat Clutine, Cow Ties, Curry, Combs, Can% dm, &c., dm Among the specialties of our House, we desire to cal attention to the celebrated Tho exclusive right to sell which Is vested in us.• • Send tot acircular and got Full particulars of borne, and sntisf) yourself oflte super/or qualities: ' ECales of all else's and descriptions, including Tea and Connter . Platforzn Scales, Grocers' and ~bryggf.sts' Scales Bolling l ~lill, TiTheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans. portation, Hay, Cattle and. , Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' , CASH PRlg?.p. GLASS; PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, COOK & PARLOR STOVES. lIUNTINODON, PA Best Norway nott, rod, bar on hoop Iron. STPXI4, r ,of, all sizos and descriptions WAGON.BOXES, • , CARRIAGIG SPRINGS, AND 'WHARTON & MAGUIRE. Huntingdon, May 7, 1861. ,j nun; &fedi:lg a BETTER ,OAOIiTAIENT of An excellent essortrnint of 3Place.e, Citztlery, I6 l 4mx•maLtsx..4 331.3-I.ldLetar'lg Are especially inv/taad to c all and exarnino our stock of `BUILDING 'HARDWARE and compare our prices with ethers Agricultural Implements, OHIO PUMP, SCALES. The largest and best assortment of Ever offered in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF • ALL SIZES OF NArr,s AND BRADS, . By the keg, Very low 1 IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard,. Lubricating and Coal Oil, Ry tho barrel or gallon, at Tory leis llguroo. Ale— A call Is respectfully' solicited, fettling confi- dent that our goods uud prices will not fail to plraso,—;7g , aatdiuthinfi. 7 ,.;;_n w 3' •‘ ;11 „„, k . :CONSVNIPIIVES , ~„0„,g4 etiort , i4l6 prribtiesil cal ilaffiature, cane dowl apaptomsaf lNimonalv Consumption, ovelati f t imq and 'prevention, Ireabiecal, , add care by; iphidation! Sant '..by Addritha IIIDESIELL,III, 0.06 West Foarteeulli St, N. X 4 lyltry C. .445u3i. . ( Ili :t 9.B9O . WVELLIS• rt 1 27 LCZ,X3CI6E- atr :nMlai.iil l l94 'llll.o.llltltS'ANli NrII6I.IIE9AT'I3 D11.421t51W 1 9 . China ; Glass& QueensvvAre l:; , „.433,.m.d.R.KET.87. 4 ; NORTE( +6,IIYEI; , 7 • , • , 111;aw gvittET;f , i PilliJAVEhr * DIA: i•••, •.; .„ •;.„ _ ,=• ~,• / SIMMAnIO " CATIUSL3Oi . CI3MiIt:ri . ± - ar . ,• eirlt • DI ,1` . . ANGSA.CTURBD BY - •i )i , ~j SaLLERBr , BROI'HERS 4 , J ' 623 AlarketliSt: i 6022.3n1.. - • „ f .,. l , • . ' •j: -7 ISAAC ,K STA . UFFER‘ 414: WATCHES • and.' dRiVELR•Yr , • -••: f • tI •No. 11s North 2d Street, corner otQuitrry i , :,;;P3ITLA.ItELPIIIIA. ; (1 % An assortment 'of Watahhs; Joirelryi ;Silver and , Piated Ware constantly on hand., , , I AtiNteilatring bf "Watctles and , Jewelry tiromptly 'at tended to. Aug. 11q3a, ^ T, SCOTT & CO., NO.II:24IIDEN LANE, - NE IV YORK, AIM SCOTT, BARRETT & CO., N 9. 31,1 , 11711 AYENUE,. "PITTOURGII;'PA!, ; DRoratat§:A:s;p, JOIIIIIqt,I,IN, Watches, JeWelrY,,,',CloCks; SILVER GOODS & PLATED WARE; SPECTACLES, CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, Watch Tools, Materials, Glasses, &c ."orders addressed to Sea Yolk o; Pittsburgh alit receive prompt and careful attention. , oct27-31n SPECIAL .A.NNO UNCEMENT.• •• . • E:CALDWELL &CO: , JEWELERS, 902 cIIESTN6't Iltive rebuilt, enbirwol end remodeled their establish merit, cleat Dyed by fire in Jammu lout and invo opeued tlui travail fir LU;iiiese. , With an Entire neiior'Stock. filaufactuoß and Implied Gook Superior, to any they have heretofore of fered to the Public. .Tboy most cordially invito nil to visit and inspect Moir Stele. JAS. 'E. CALDWELL Se CO I= LADIES' FANCY FURS,' John - Pereira, 18 Arch Street, ty old and favor ably ..noun fur emporium and having imported a very largo assortment of all the meta of all the different kinds of Fula from first bands, in Europe, and bolo hail them made i+ by the court skill ful worknien,l would respectfully invite my friends of llnutingdon and adjacent counties, to call and examine ray very large and beautiful assortment of Fancy Furs, for Ladies and Children. I ant determined to sell at as low priced as may other respectable house in the city. All Furs 'Warranted. No misrepresentations to ell'ect sales. JOHN FA it Mit A, • ILS ARCH Street, oboe ith, South Ode, se29-4m I'IIILAUSIXII lA. "For Bituminous or Anthracite Coal." EI! J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. CORNER 13Th AND FILBERT STS PHILADELPHIA, PA, Eolo Manufacturers of the Celebrated WROUGHT-IRON; AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING H E A TI R WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, ORATE ORATE DAR RESTS, and WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR These Heaters are made of heavy Wrought-Iron, riveted" together, the only sure VieVontkin against the escapee(' One or Dust.. They alone:illy managed, without any dampers. _ The Patent Radiator avoids the use sad annoyances of drains, ,aid is permanently attached to the Heater. This Is the most durable, simple, aconomi. cal, nod popular heating Apparatus ever offers I for sale They ate all guaranteed, " COOKING RANGES for hotels and families, PORTABLE HEATERS, !. LATROBE HEATERS,. LOW DOWN GRAT.ES;,,SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. IVEI aro, also manufacturing . A NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE tra,.Send for our Illustrated Pomp Met. ap2l-y ®O BINS ' - ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH, Makes a Lasting Shia& . _ . - Thorn who black their boots on Satni,lay n ight with ordinary blacking. don't biro nnieli shine on Sunday, aa the polish bole, oil; but the Akio of 3308381N5' BLACKING, Lasts Saturday Night and all . day Sunday. IT BEATS AIY MICR BLACHING MADE.' Manufactured only by J,B. DOBBINS, at his immeniM Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth Street nod German town Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. her sato by Massey & Co., adjoining Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. n0x.19 WANTED,. -' 10.000 bushels of Wheat, Rye, Oats, am? Coro, at tho ILuotiog ioo Steam MOO. JOSEI'II It. CAR:NION, [Muting...lop, Nor. 17,1500 tf GE kilJ BES` 11 E A-1) Y ROO Isi T Su e ta\ blo'forhlf Ifiretngs. Barna, Churches Factor lee, &c., and for aH elhnates ;- equally adapted tei ,Tf i ',;" uf '• ,T,l1 1 11 - 1 9 0 lid 41; fnlitrif r TIIE REA7/Y r maci9Np- IS more durable lban•tin,and.doea-tosbcoat one-half tut much. it in cheaper than etiinglga, Tar more durable. and tire-proof. It is nuide * Oftlielienviest fabricever used for the purpose, and is put up hirollajeallyforelitpdlbut to any part 'or the world. Send for ciroularand taithpldi (sent Troel) , l-L AN. • ; . 1 We also. uninufactiato o I :,•sl e.l , ii • • ' • • ;) 1 . - 11• GRANITE' -CEMET' ,pu r t Aki).4,..qln4y, t , torc,,9 )tmelyAkt , Hoop, &c. T/Alsoll9 o 4l3,LiPlllPlA i4r911' ,0 49 11 P1 plbole,aarkyFe al'Au roPflV•Wlf_ • et' tin, atilt] : ,or' paanaleAlaa ,ispniVotpli,Fl44FLir icalscgcpcccsi beta corapeptQaFlogy,,Ogyogn graAge". Lurlt'Ll,t PPO.,"hFq9l444oAtitt44l " m. O A/r:!SI4nP, Stv o l 4 Tlgt,ll .i, 'AT 1100 Y TAINT; it,r2 'Pot &wink Tin /derail kliidi alinetal xutl 4oniptieltiott reale. ]t uiil not ,ra eiriek,'Or peal 011714 a term peo ilianek and' petted piTtg,ttlell, Nnbereirdr placed: , le. or furnin;ml nt' War the'ciniN nVd peekeseesiwica tHb!dnlia , 1,114 of the tomaion oil Vela to usea'fol• Ouch '0404: MO. . ./ ea! County righte furoato, yttrd) For: Cirfillirs and ttlfprtiptilar:l;Alt . ;ei' r" : : . : V`' READY . Itb I 3:FIINd• COI/A V -ASV ;e1•01:1 ,81:/11AITAAAI`i4lif:4!" ...„ Authoriied.Aß'CLAlsi'AGE&C,i AV SOLDIER 4" HEII2S , .A,TX,EXTIPA The Oct of, Congress approved iNarchg, 181 1 4Ritspi so Iltiits of Sehlieis who died PrisoOeis of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, -tI for the time the soldier leas so r held it,prisoner,_atrthe rate of twenty.llve cents perddy, to beheld in thti ing order: Ist. To the widow, if unmarried ; 2d,,T0 the children; 34. To the parents. to both jointly ir they are living, if either to dead, to the survivor;, 4th. To the bro. thersand slaters. -• ' - The net of February 23. 1867, prorblee refuitll jug of tile 430 U gonlinittation,3foney, where the,sanatNper. eon 'W/13 again drafted, an& was required eriterllkeer• vice or fin dish a eubstitute. - - DISCRARGED SOLDX6 - 60. TLa ofilliccliT:lB6F, 1 4 lake; payment of the i; k $lOO ADDITIONAI. DOUNT, , 7 to •tlitlrdiecbar, All persons haling any claims under any.ef theAlmve mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim 'aitilristthe United States -or State -Governments, can hate' them promptly collected, by addressing the undersigned. In. foroottioll and advice chum fully &veal° soldiers or, Only ft hinds, floe of amigo. NitOODB, , ,': Authorised Army and Navy Hia , Ctaim Agent, ! ma3o,2ltfb7, 1113famanox„Iltintingdop eo., PA, MIT-IM 4 WlDT'ar± 7o4 2* 411 4 O wt , , ,A. , Al • ; ; ,:1 a lip , .I:III:' . GREENIi O,IIEIVER Having entered in , theippbtictbat thpippbttc they are prepared to execAe all Etyleb of 'Plaia and ornamentallluttilelirark Flail ns 310NUM kNTS.III ' ,'ADSTONE.4,. ohm Building ' Wolk, at a, how prlce4 as any Whop in tho • Oiders h on, a distance promptly attonded to. Slop on MIFFLIN intrent,•at , fuw,doors VaSt" , .,lr Um Lu theran ohm ch _ xn:llMag. fARBLE YARD. TheiindefBcgiidd . out,' respectfully call the attention Ottlm citizens of untingtion and the tuljoluink cotinties to thei stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Me is prepared to runtish at the trivet notice, Monumental Mat ble„ Tomb,. Tables and Steins of every desired else and' form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with, appro. print° doe tem or plain, as may suit.' • t•• ''''' i s,. Buibling Marble, Door and Window Sills, &, ,will be furnished - to order. W. W.-pledges himself to fltutsh material stuClork equal to any iu tbe'coutitry, at aTaii. price. IV out before you puteleass,elsoyt(ere.l.9)inp oa• tie °tiler or Montgomery and lan u s s.. Huntingdon; Pa . SVbL. Wit.LIAMIS. Ituntinplan , May 1.8-18.55 liddlo of the 'Sleek, be at and Sib St.. eolith side ?MLA D111.PA . 11... • reporter; Mom ttlheturer Njthetter lu *ll kind.; I have beroserpiested by the owners of ,the. faltering Setting 31k - blues to dispose of them jr p051647;4;14 the prices as v exed they wish to pvocure Singer rearlaltatte iteilfelr Once -•. '.l !•$1 tt One tanner it Poker Machine. loop stitch, la ippd rug- Wog eost $00: will titkesso ;'ono Florence mishluts with nicker & e, coat ,$BO, lake (good oriter)46l, ono urns er & Biker nmchiue, loop stitch, with' box con $65, will take $45; one Wilcox .& 14 Vi cyst take $'M; one thorer'& Baker machine, good ,ndirdng order, coot $55, will take $ 10; one Perker..slaclihr,lol corer, well finklied, oist $6O, 'will Miro SSS. one Sae Grover & Baker Mushier, never been used, cost frith fink 00, extra hemmers &c, $7B, will take $7O.- Letters for information and orders , for lbe' celebrated Singer MiteltiLe to be addressed to . J 28—tf r J. 0: BlAlle,llThitlngdoe, Pa. Faricy, , Furs , , . . r LADIES' 'and CHIL- Dlt EN'S W !hiving enlarged, rm. iodelel andpr o r od SEWINC.IMACHINES , O irOE. SALE "131./7'71 , On ing to filo demand for onr Slachiriei ttq 10% dgildrd to take all kinds of Illachinos In exchange for the GRO VER ,t1.1.11(1.:1I. We till also exchange new tnachiaes for old,,(lrorer,k Baker that aio worn out Of out 'of repair, bn'reasonitda tot rus,„ -rore Wo have for sale She following Machines Ulrich have taken itt exchaugo for the Grorer .. .k Baker 1 Singer Machine,” — cost $55, ' takd 1 Maker . . 45, t- - t“ S • a', 1 Singel. de 50, 50 111•Iicos& Gibbs do .1 ~," ;, 1 , 1 Singer do 1 . 4 GO t her do is 30i All orders for the shore and for the celebrated alloy= & BAKER, 1140111 es. kddiess; f", 1 1 1 H 0-T_1033M,, JOB PRINTING OFFICE. rrillE “G-LOBE 408 , OFFICE?? _t the meet coinplete of any, in thesountrytemd pod. sews the most ample facilities for promptly exocutlnifn the bat etyle, every vurietiof Jqb Printing ; inch sal HAND BILLS, , „- •• • • .• „... JARPS, CALL AND EXAMINE EMMONS OF worm, LSIVIS' ,BOOIC STATIONERY N MUSIC STORE. , . ELA.NKS! BLANKS! BLANKS r.' CONSTABLE'S SALES, ATIACTI'T EXECUTICTN. ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, -••— • SUMMONS, , . DEEDS, _ - SUMENAS, MORTGAGES, - ' • ' .•'••• SOIIOOI. ORDERS.. . JUDONart gong, . LEASES FOR MUSES, ,,, NATURALIZATION 0 iiB,. COMMON' BONDS, JUDOMENT_BONDS,•:I - •.- WARRANTS, . FEE DILLS, ..., NOTES, with a lvaiver of t o $3OO Law. • •• -• JUDGMENT NOTES, with a walyir of the s3,9o,L,avv ' “ ARTICLES, OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. -•- MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of-the Peace o , xvd Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, itichalt. of Assault and 'lottery, end Affray. • ...-• ~ .• F.CIRRE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. •COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, fm _State, County, hshool,, Beroligh.and Township Taxes. - ' ' • ' .. Printed en superior paper, and, for sale at the Irks p!,. the HUNTINGDON GliaoßEl. . DLANKS, - of every description, printed to order, neatly, ax short notice, and on good Paper. SPECTACLES.. fine had largo assoi•trriorrt •-bona . AT _LEWIS' ROOK STOBB:.,I' 'TIILY TIME BOOKS, - 1 1 1 VorMu at LEIFTS' .110f R OK A.X7? STA TIONERY Si'CLAA* BLANK ROOKS, Or VAItIOOS 81200 fOr. .41. uD 2 ' iio OK A 41.7.4 Atir.4 sr() k uPA.' [t BARGAIN& CM ORBENE BROTHER, Luther's Building Iluntingdon, CIRCULARS,. - • Eta HEADS; `'.., _ PaSTERS; BALL TICKETS; PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, LABELS,-&C., &C., AO! ~ : r''r