I. (1 3F : V I ) (6_ Irry -1 2 A t A !",. 4 ' • H~UNTI~NGOON, PA,,. lIE ' l f Ateiiri'l'l3l . . Plows. - %1. :; V i Aly. Owen .Redmond of .gcrabester, , jN - : Y., has invented and constructed a steam locomotive-which weighs, inclu - pug hoiler;arid'Viater, but two tuns,. ---yet which draws Chico plows.ao does aexcollont work - . So say the Rochest - er .journals, om the strongth,qatr:exPeri niontal Says The •Union : - "There are wheels. • forward, which aro modem turn under the control of the stcering-Wheol, and thus 'the Ma -chino is guided by the pilot .upork_the uis eipinghoirid .every mechanic knows - what`-it nror what may #eriote !A tills way. The main . or traptien : wheelri aro„ what con ed tutil 'th - efetifitid* of the machine. pre.yraVe TSVOLITeet; ii l Pdiiiineter, arid shave .a. tread of eight inches in width. ":The - ifeiS of 'these wheels are perfora ted twelve places,''eqaNistant, the :'4Vert.tires being somewhat of triangu lar shape.. -Through „those apertures 'twelve blades or spears,- resembling 4omp;Oat, the'flukes of an ttnehor, , ,are ; Vl:ejected mtichineryWithin the rim oftho wheal. As the surface .of the wheel in revolving comes to the 'earth, these blades,protrudp - through, Cho, aperture and are foreed 'into ,the groud ,to pre vent •Ithe' ribeel from slipprag, and, as soon - as they - cease to 'mot service-fp .fliblPrii , AesErof the Wheel; Vreat the rim, and - ,from the .upper *lest side'of the, - rim* aro 'not ' been at These blades are seven inches 'long and five"in width, and may be projected to a greater,pr Jessextent,at th 4 o. of 'the operator.- They tiro operated by:two cams and two levers, quite simple, and there is no back strain as the r_im of,the wheel leaves the; ~ground. -There are - powerful springs 'which' come into use to relieve the blades when they aro projected against eV:ilia : A.4\6ol'er UobStrucPens. iT . 4re.. was no slip to the wheels at the trial yesterday, and the utility of the invention wasfully:ostablished on this point." • r -Weltrust this is'all true, - andAluit the new locomotive will do lots of plowing and •other useful work. It seems to begin well: • ' ,j;foßekeppw.s! Reoipes. Wn take tlio following 'from Ifun.MlS'a diarry irk,f,lm,ffearth and Home BFor:a• Co/d-u-Takti a tciasfiootifal,:Of crab apple ie) l 3rjf, 3 7Ory hour or tw6.-L. The relief it,afferds is almost immedi kfrOmd has`proved permanent. Ofttes 7 - 7 -Two eanii of ryo meal, cup of flour, two well. beaten'calccsiwhiieS and' yolksi sepa ratoly, ono pint of -sweet milk, and is little salt. Bake in earthen Cups about thirty minutes in a hot oven. If they are not thoroughly done when remov ed from the cups, they will fall. Sausage illeat—Threo pounds of fresh pork, ono of lean beef, four tea. spoonfuls of black ,peppor, six of .salt, eis of powdered sage and summer sav ory. When it was thoroughly mixed, I pressed it • into small bags made of old domestic. It will when used be out off in slices, floured and fried. T,ho hearts of hog make excellent 'sausa ges, and are used , in the following manner: Twenty pounds of bogs' hearts, ten pounds of fat pork, twelve ounces - of salt, six ounces of popper, sago to taste, other.spices if you like them; chop fine and put in skins., Scrapple—Take all the c ‘ dd bits of leap; ithelaces of the porkers, a:small portion 9f liv,er,,aild boil all together till the bones drop out. Pick out the bon ep f aji every tying-pon : cdible, - chop the meat fine, draining all the liquor back into the kettle, and removing all the fat.,Thicken pho .liquor t with In dian-,ineal till it is of the consistency of batter, and quite . a, while ; then put in the chopped meat, sago, salt and pepper; boil altogether and take out into pans. When cold, cut in slices and frv , for.breakfast_ • -i:". Par At a Presbyterian,. installation in Kansas the other day", the minister, who way fro,rp,Alissouri,,anOvhootvo, therigh't falloWahip who was installed, took occasion to say that he was*, "from• the honio of the bushwacker," and that his friend 4, livcd State .of We bushwdeked you and you Jay hawkech,us.", Arherefore, - "I gliO 'You the right hand of Christian fellowship. Redeemed Missouri greets victorious Kansas." ' , , nr.A.lOiS!- hL.A.Nk§ (BLANKS 1 (...:NsTAmtvB-9445, - ATTAGIFT EICOfTIONB, ATTACHMENTS, P.XECOTIONS, , SUMMONS DEEDS, , SUIIKENAS, ' MORTGAGES, SCIIOO, L,OI}DERS,I • •.• JUDGMENT'NOTES, LEASES - FOR•11011SES, "•• NATORALIZATIONTS ES, 1'0,31310N BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, . FEE BILLS, • NOTES; with a waiver of the $3OO Law, ,tUDGM ENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachere. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justicea of the Peace and .Ministers of the Game/. COM PLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Aeeault and Battery, and Affray. CIFALE FACIAS, to recore; amotpt pf Judgment. • CI3I ,I, IRS'atEOEIPTS,thir State, 'County, School, Dorougliond Tow nehip Three. Printed on superior-loaner. and for sale St" the Office o tin 111UNTINGIDON 0.1:01i14. " BLANKS,.,of every descriptinu,•printed to order,'neatly' at shoji:4(4We, and,pu good Soper, ~. 5 . ' 'SPECTACLES IBM *;;;: ' • A fine and largo assorttnent always on band e t,T LfETVIS BOOK STORE. LUMBER, 'SHINGLES LATHS. „... TTEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, Soards, Plank, Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Laili,consisutly oc - • . • • Worked Flooring, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Door and Win dow Frames, furnished at manufacturers' prices. Grain and country miduct, generally bought at market rater. WAGONER d 11210., ats7,2B.if Philipsburg, Centro co., Pa. l ey.f.-4:4Y:. - TplE . - 1300 KS, LER7s , Dc f oz: AND STATIOXER I" STOOK TE_N, RY & CO. will do moro to no enmmodate their customers then any other Rouse lir tin, neighborhood. ruch2dtf OUR COLURFOR THE PEOPLE. F.R91N1,T,.., ENTERPRISE STORE. Sugars. All kinds, at very small profits.,. Nat 'Om& IoW to draw you on on other goods: Our prices to sontinnerciw, regularly. „ .., -- ;!::.,1 .s3,:,.rupg.'.; 6:7 6" , 7: 4 ' Silver and' Golden Drips; genuine .hovering and' oilier Syrups. Now Orleans and other Baking Mo.: lasses. A variety of kind') of beet always on hand cheap. Roasted and Green, cheap ae the cheapest for the same quality. Dams, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Beef, at living prices. c The best N. Y.. State Goshen and Ohio Chem. The beet stick and other candies, wholesale and retail. The best Flour by the barrel, sack or pound. Cheaper for the same qual ity than elsewhere. reed By the hundred or smaller qUintity Stone-Ware. 4000 1, 2,3, 4,5, and 6 gallon croaks, jars, jugs, and churns, selling cheap. GLASS & QUEENSWARE. A large steels otlronidong andfloni mon '‘inre;.injaetti or by' the piece:— Glassware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars, etc, at Red Front, cheap. Wood and Wfflow-Wire. A . large assortment of Baskets, Buckets, Churns, Tubs, eto., et 9., at Red Front. Fruit, &c. Dried Poaches and Apples, Raisins Prunes, Currants, Eldorberries,—Can nod gruit and Vegetables, etc. Salt By the sack or bushel. Also Dairy Salt. Spices, &c. All kinds of Spices, and a great va riety of notions. Soaps of all kinds and cheap. Pickled ,Salmon,, Haddock, Shad, Trout, White Fish, Mackerel, Dry Salt, Quoddy Labrador, Lake and smokedaerring;" by the_ half and quer • 'ter barrel , kitt, pound And dozen: All warrautcd,and cheaperthan elsewhere. Tho best quality of Tobacco, and cheaper than any other store istown. W--.i RED STORE. Fur what you want first call at En terPriee neadquartere _ where _prices will be kept regularly low. ENTERPRISE READOTJARITRS nu*TINeDON, PA Teas. Coffees. Meat. efie'ese' .. Candies. Flour. Fish. Tobacco. Variety. HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after .0111R8DAY, SEPT. I6tn, IS6S,Passon• l ger Trains will arrive'and depart se follows: UP TRAINS. -t, DOWN TRAINS. Ext , sess.l Heil .. '."' lExxnAss, MAIL 1 M • ...STATIONS. I P.. iA. 51. .i.• - •••••,_ lA. 51. M.- Lcs 551L1 .3.4ollluntingdon, - - ..I,tit 1 101 An 4 20, 602 :8.46 Long.Sidingri' - 1 02 412 6 17 •.:" - 9 00 McCounollotOlvn,.... - 46 3 65 6.84 '9 07 Pleasnnt arose . ' ". 37 3 48, 6'40 ,- 022 51arklesburg, :'-- ." 22 332 606 1;33 Oldealun,..- 03 316 703 i 9146 R itli# De ady, 65 309 718 H401,C0 S‘ -, 40 255 724 10"0511 1 141iereiSikothlf' 30 251 AR 7 411 10 ' 20 giiiilon:: 1 ' 1 "' tx 8 201 270 10 43 Itiddlesbitriy.. .... ... .10 02 Hopewell, -. , ... ii.,,. 200' .11;10 P iper' sltno,".., , . 2 03 1 40, , n 29 Tatrinille,.l.i ;11-45 Bloody Ruu,, ... ... :, At 11 6.21510d0t Di11a5,:."....3 I 20 1 05' 1.11 00 1 ' - snout% RUN DRANO'S. LA 7 5011 A 10 SOFaxton, ...'" ' 1 .. AR 8 06)An• 225 8 05! _l6 45 Cnalmont . ' l 7 551 2ID 8:110 1 ---- - , 10 50 Crawford, " a.....;.. _ 7 50 1 206 Alt 820 4111 00 Dudley, ' iii 740 Lr. 166 1 ~• - - (Broad Top C1ty,..4 _"' . Ifritalingdoii Sep 93. 'O9. - TORN SPiKiLLIPS, Supt. PENNSYLVANIA Rill ROAD. TINE OF LEAVINO OF TRAINS TVIAVTEI? ARRANGEMENT. ' WESTWARD. EA STITA RD ~...,•-• NI .:7 -------- I I- - ,. - -- ) 191 ., ,E 1 r 4. o'l ?,,,',' trt. p ;-,"iii jogs STATIONS. ' 4.-i 4' a i l 1 118?* 1 ig F.' ' . e. P.M.! A. M.I A.M.! A.M. I A.M.' P. M.IA. II 4 54i 11 40 IN.llanilltou, 5179 48 502 11 58 5 54Mt. Union,— 5 10 9 40 512 i,..: - ...: 12'06 illspletoni. -" " ' 5:62 030 6 2.1; " ' 12 . 10 610 31111 Crosk,,i. " . ;4'52 921 j 540 1 , 37 12 32 6'6 Iluntifigdon, 8 26. !4 , 36 9OS 658 12 19 ...... Petersburg,— . " 1 '448 846 607 4- 112 681''Darras, .. ... .. ...... . 1 (AO 831 6 15= ' 108 6 53 . 8prucel6riol, 41021 830 631-5 ' 124 Itirmlngham, .... 4 . 3 491 816 641 8 32 1'34 7 20 Tyrone, ...... 341 8 OF 652 1 45 Tipton 330 7 58 6 59 - ...... 1 63 Fostoria, ...... - 3 25 7 53 7 05 ;......'. 260 7 42 Boll's Mills,- 320 7'47 - 7 25 1 - Li 55 2 201.8 00 A1t00na,....... 715 300 7'30 P.M. A. 11. P. DI. A. M. A. 11. P.M. 4.)1 stward loyal Allona g, 9 05 p gilon ut 102 P. 3f. Tho l'on.o.Expr.Eso Ea. M. nud'arkiveo of liuntin , The PAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 12 35 A. 11., and arrives nt Huntingdon at 1 45 A. Id. Tho Omens:Luz Eamon Eastward leaves Altoona at 5 45 P. M. and arrives at Huntingdon at 7 04 P 51. 801:11 . 11ERN ExPlie.B9 Eastward, loaves Altoona at 10 05 A N. and arrives at Huntingdon at /1 14 A. M. - - Circa:max Expaias If cetward'Amyos Ituatlagdon. at 3 32 A At and arrives at Altoona 4 60 A N ' The FAST LINE Westward, leaves Huntingdon at 7 43 P., M. and arrives at Altoona at 8 55 P. 51. READING RAIL . ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 310:4DAY, NOVESIBEit 22, 1862, fiREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE vi North and North-West for PIIILADEEPIMA, New licoax, READING, PoTTBVILLE, TAMAQUA, AEIULAMP, SUARIOEIX LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON,‘ IPRRETI, IIOIE, LAMAR. TER, COLUMMA, Ac., Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows: At 2 30, 535 and 8,10 A. M., nod nt 12 20. noon, 2,55, 11 p. m., connecting with similar trains on tho Pennsylvania RA, and arriving at Now York nt 10,15, n. m., and 12,05, noon, 3.35. 635 and 100.000 p. m , and 6.00 a. tn., respect ively. Sleeping cars accompany the 2.30 and 5,35 a. in., and 12,20 noon trains without change. Lcavo Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Millersville, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown, and Philadelphia at 8 10 A. M., and 2 55 and 4 10 P. 51., tho 245 stopping nt Lebanon only; tho 4 10 P. 51, train making Connections for Philadelphia Pottsville , Comm bin and all Intermediate staticns betwoon said points on ly. lot Pottsville, Sclinykill Huron and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna N. R., leavo Harrisburg at 3 00 P M. Returning, leave Sew-Foxe at 0 A. 01., 12.00 noon, and 5.00 and B.Uu P. 31., Philadelphia at 8.15 A.M.. and 3.30 P M.; Sleeping cars accompany tho 0.00 a in and 5.00 and 2.00 p m trains from New York Is ithout change. Way Passenger train hates Phitadelphia at 730 A. M. connecting with similar train on East Ponna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 0.35 p m stopping at all sta tions: .- Leave Potts".Illo at 5,40 and 9,00 a m., and 3,05 p. Herndon at 930 am, Shamokin at 5 40 and 10,40 a m Ackland 7 05 a m, and 12,30 noon, Tamaqua at 8 33 a m and 2,20 P. 51 for rbiladephia and Noir York. Leave Pothorillo, via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road at 815 a. in. for Harrisburg, and 11 30 A. 51, for pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Aceommo. Passenger Train leaves Pottsville al 5,40 a m, passes Reading at 1.30 a m, arch ing nt Phil adelphia at 10,20 is m returning, leaves Philadelphia nt 4,4 a P. M. Passing deading at 1,40 p. m., arriving at Pottsville at 0,30 p. en. Pottstown Accommodation Train:-Leaves Pottstown a 6,25 a. ut., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4,00 p. m. Columbia linilro id Traius leave Rending at 715 A M., and 6 15 - P. 31., for tiplirata, Litig, Lancaster, Col straits, tic. Perklomen Railroad trains leave Per Women Junction at 9.00 a n: 3.10 and 5,30 p am returning : leave Schu emirs villa at 6,10, 8,12 a 01, and 12,45 noon, connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Colubrookdalu railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 845 a m, and 6,20 pm, for Mt. Pleasant, arriving there at 10,20 a. m. end 7,20 p. tn, returning, leave bit. Meant at 7,00 and 11,00 a. no., connecting with similar trains on Reading railroad. ' Chester Valley railroad trains leave Bridgeport at 8,30 in, 2,05 and 5,02 p m, returning, leave Downingtown at 6,30 a m, 12,45 and 0,13 p m, Connecting with trains on Beading railroad. Un Sundays ' leave New York at 5, 3 00 p m , PLiladel• phiu, 8 a m and 316 P. M., the 8 a m train running only to Beading; leave Pottsville 8 A. 31., Sinai lauri.3 35 a m, 410 and 10,09 p in, and Reading 1343, midnight 7 15 n, nt for Harrisburg, and 720 a. m., and 12.55 midnight for N. Y. and at 9,40 a.m., and 4.25 p.m. for Pldia lelphia. CoaIMUTATION, MILEAGE, SEASON, &MOON and EXCUASIoN Ttcltrre to and from all points at reduced rave. Baggage checked through: 100 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLS, Romnog. Nov. 22, 102. General Superintendent. BOOKS .AIITTS I STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, WALL PAPER. L!,,1"!., I ; ••;',14- , ti:1;;.:: ::;;''''.l .- 511 -- --. :- ....,- - ' , ' -- 2 - 2:l'.;;N ii ivilit-vP377 4 - 4,,, • .1..1 1 :; .. Viklc,,-; p'-'ll.O :1;,44 . -. s• t t r:.4,i, :, ,„,, , A si gii: :,..,' , ';'''.'•-• 7?'.- . '" , p1 1, .5...: lin t ' k . 2...i , ,),. " . - 1.: ": : 4 ..•: !4! .i.it i ^tt —• ql .:'; •. ' , i i ‘ .•.'_'-, ' 4l ` , k A-, '`..) " --) \ - ,(V: ' - : - Tz•-t 1 -:', ..'-- )-z, ,—/ • „ 1- •) ' ~..- 7, , E , ' '', ' -. l' ~ ,Zi ' r.,, k . l i ' '' L ll ZkirT i , ', ...- t .. ' :i . :`' Z • 41 : 7 1".l , c'? Qi Tl . ' - .,'.ri ,:,- '.. ,f* • ',-, ;. : i-,:`, , I: 0/ . P,, , . - ,,,,,-,;./ 4 t ?Sr: -:,- A'l"=. .v •./.. , ',/ 77:d CHEAP, .A.T Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. School Books and Stationery,Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds; Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pock et Knives, Musical Initru men ts, Wall Paper, 'Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. 121ZEI If. U. ITOOD3i: B. MILTort &PEE% The Union Bank of HuOngdon (Into John Bare HUNTINGDON, PA paid up, CAPITAL, Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds f Securities, bought and sold (or the usual COMMI44IOII. Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parts of Europe supplied at the usual rates. Persons depositing Gold end Silver will receive. the In same return with Interest. Tee partners are indirid sally liable to the extent of their whole property for all Deposits. The unfinished business of the late firm of John Bare k Co. will be completed by The Union Bank of linntin . gdan _ y 21,186941 C. U. NORTH Canister. -l a IEADY RECKONER A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, In dollar!! an cents, to which aro added forms of Notes, Bins, Re ceipts, l'etnions, An, together with a Bet of useful tables containing rato of interest front ono dollar to twelvothom , and, by the single day, with A table of wages, and board bylbe week and day. For onto at LEWIS' BOOK SZOBR. NVELOPES _I2,4 fly tbo box, pack, or lera quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A enporior Article of Note Paper and Envelope inn tivfor confidential oorrespondenco, fir onto at LEWIS' BOOK fi STATIONERY STORE. _.a€3l@., - ', 7 .':!.,aAt '' A. R. STEWART 'A!;.,ii!Bi'er . , - ei,',6'. HUNTINGDON, PAlyv - • !; 1 - .1 HARDWARE, '- -CUTLERY PAINTS, _.,,PUMPS,' .GLASS, ~: ~. ; ~ STOVES, LAMPS, -.II9PES; HAT 71).0titS cythes, ,snaths, - Grain Cradles, Sad• dlery and Curiage.Goodi, Hubs, and Spokes. ' NAILS AND IRON, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS; DRAIN PIPE, mwcomgliziwALil., and an endless variety of goods in his line We are receiving goods almost every day from manufaetthers, and in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and our experience in selecting /4st brands and reliable qualities of goods, purchasers ;511i find, it to their advantage to examine our stock. ' THE NEW PATENT ECLIPSE COOK NUR which throws all others in the shade, is stil increasing in popularity, and pleases so wel that everybody wants THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT TIIE BIGPADLOCK SIGN Iluntingdon, Jnn 13, 1839-11. TUE CELEBRATED GROVER & BAKER Sewing Machines. <01...T11E BEST FAMILY SEWING MACIIINE IN BSE. For Beauty and F.lostfeity of St:tell, For Strength and Durability of Scam that will not ran el. as both threads nro used direct, from the spools, and no seams Intro to be fastened by lined; no waste of thread, For simplie ty nod porfeet ion of machinery. It stitches, items. fetlo , tucks, braids, cords, and em- broiders beantifolly. , Machines fully IVarrinted and full Instructions, giree. Sowing machine cotton, sllk."&e.. on bend. For sale by • GREENE & BROTHER, • febl 6'69 Lid floor Ledger's Building, Muntingdoly Tn. WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM VOL% VitaTEN Sewing Machines/ Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARTS IMPOSITION, 1867. They aro adapted to all kind. of Validly Sowing. and to the use of Acametreeses, Vreenmakore, Tailor., Mann facturern of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Omits, Mantillas, Clothing, hate, Caps, Corsets, Linen anode, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen sad cotton goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both Sides of the article sewed. . . The qualities which TOCOMIIIOIIIi them ere: 1. beauty end e=celtenco of stitch, el.ko on both Wei of the fabric Hewed. . 2. Strength, armors!' and durability of seam, that will not rip nor rarel.-. - -••- 3. Economy of Thread. 4. Attachments and 'aid° rango of application to pnrpo nes and materials. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. ' • DiVID BARltter G. Simplicity and ti oroughnem of construction. 7. Spord, ease of operation and management, and quiet. nese of nun ement. Instructiou free (e oR. 31achinee 7.ept in repair ono year free of charge. $50,000 EM WINDOW CURTAIN" PAPERS A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT ' LEWIS' BOOK STORE. T iME. . From the kiln of Qeo, Taylor, Markleeburg, prow en x chemical analysts to hoof thohoot qualitYtc" - etnntly kept and Mr gale in any quontity,'at tho depot of the Huntingdon and Broad T,,p Railroad.. Bit—Apply to Henry Leirter, Proprietor of tho °Broad Top limn e." ione3o-tf 1, EMI =I = El U. B. LEWIS, Agent, 1113A - rrNanos, PA WHARTON &A:AGGIRE, HU (14 Cji ti 3 A t . . 1 ..W.QI.ESAIJEr BETAgh '-fdreignaandiDohlestip:", • ftnii i viAßE GuitbErt r'27 • •: •• _:,,The:fittention of. • MECIIANIC‘S, FARMERS; BUILDERS; and buyers generally, is invited, to the fnet,tpat spa are ' ifii)kr3fiNt of HAI:19%111E CUTLERY &C thr can be fut itatelaawherp in thlupalt of the State, pt prices td e4lt Our htock comprisba articc'ea in this line Or busitiees, eetbinetng a - geneird assortment pi' TOOLS and ,3I4TERIALS used by CARPENTERS, lII.ACKSMITIIS, CARRIAGE and WAGON !RAKERS JOINERS, Ac. , .te:;tagethei with a largo stock of Xaih,";S:i and Mining Mining 'Supplies,'Saddlery, .Chains Grindstones, Ciroular,— Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, • • , , Enamelled, Finished and Plain . !! . ' -Ware Coal Oil Lanips and Lanterns, Oil ,and Po,wder Cans. An e'scellent tt;soittnent of F 3 b.a C:ll.2tler3r, " coin:44ns ; • KNIVES, PORK DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SOTS -010 , RAZOII,S, fi3O. . BRITTANIA SILVER PLATED WADE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Iniplements, • . . _ Of the,latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON RAND AND FOR SALE , A .T,4I:ANtIPAC:ITIREAT'PAICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Bud a 'genera 'assortment ofmateriat for their use eoneietitig in pith Of carriage: , Trininiings; . 'Hubs, Spokes, c a.'lles,: Springs,' Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa ' tent anilenanzelledßfatker, whips,,Tongues, Soe- • , • -• , • kets, Shafts, &e: Can be enpßl!e4 with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES,: S LEDGES, treptIMEIIS. HORSE AN) MULE SHOES, - Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS' 15'111 find In our establishment a superior stork of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HANLERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, . .•. LOCKS, , BOLTS, , PULLEYS, ' • . SASH-CORDS, MINING AND MINERS' 'GOODS. NAILS aad SPIKES, of all varioties BLASTING POWDER, FU S E, t,OAL PICKS AND 51.1014 LS 3nsti733:3LetanEs Can be accommodate!rwtqh everititiadiu ti* : unofroni a Grebe 2eparaior to a Whet-steixo. 7Builal erg Are VapeCtuili•iUrfted to cull and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE., and compare our prices with others Agricultural Implements, Comprising tho famous ilu • sse/i • ' Reaper, MOvier, and Dropper, combined, 1 - Wll,loll's • Firee Premium HORSE CITCLIFORK, ••• " • Beyllges, Moos, _ • Hay Folks, • . •_ ; Twice and „ Rnnst Chalk's, Cew Ties, Curry Combir, Cards, &e., &C., de. Among-the specialties of our House, we desire to call attention to the celebrated „ 01110 PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested in us. Send for scimitar 1411,1 got roll _particulate of same, and waist) yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales °foil ekes nthl daseriptions, includiug , Tea and Counter Seales, • Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling MU, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and ,Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRIC..S. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTSAL & PUTTY, Lc ar,offeral in this IliflCo A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. • ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very low I Beat Norway nail, rod, bar nn Loop Iron. 'STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions wAGON:BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, • Dy the herrrier gaol?, at veryloytfiguree s t call is respectfully solleited, feeling confi dent that onr goods au prices rill not fail to piemo.-va , ' 'WHARTON & MAGUIRE., Ihmti'ngdon, May 7, 1867. VtilOaltia • • • A;w,OADT..• ;•-,„ lining a short and 'practical treatido on the nature, crion 0.9, and syreptoths of Pulniernary'CoriNnnitinn,:L7onelitti4 and ~.Istnete.; and, their „prevention, tram/man and cure 'l3e ' 'Sent -by • min free. A ailr6A TAN .11)11MItIAL, 111.1)410 West Ootirteentli ilyl4fy Li. "i 1 , ' 14 • 0- A t i /311 .1:2 Chinay Glass & , Quo,enisware; 433'tiAttkEfell.;• rionTit - g#4t FIETiI „ , pTune Pe2,1 6 F 61 • . X3M1730 - 15E1 ' .lAt3c* . •l=64(,ic;•'.ic , * 7 31AtipyAgTU1tp DY SELLER& BROTHERS; - 623 111arket , !StliPliilaileli , eep-api; , ,", ;; • , LISAAC C;STAUFFER . • •. .FY-A:PUBES and J.EIVLBT . ,' • •T . I. • No. I'4B North 21 Street, corner of Quarry, PIIILADFLPHIA. „ • ‘•.• • 'Ah asakt went of Watchea, , Jeweirdl Silver saul•Plat4l Wore Fonstantly an band,; • ' • • i •lfiledtepaiiing of Watches and Jen'elry'prohlritly at • tended to. • , J„ Aug. 111 y: T. SCOTT & CO,, . - NO, 113IAIDENTiANE,: J.VE TV YORK, • • AND " SCOTT, BARRETT & CO. ; • ATENUE, PITTSBURGH, P 4:, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN Watches,' Jewelry, SILVER Gulps.* PLATED' WARE, §pECIACLES,,CUTLF.RY,FMICY GOODS, 'Satoh Tools, Materials,' Glasses, &c. fir Orders addressed to New York or Pittsburgh ',sill receive prompt end careful itt [cation. oet27-3m SPECIAL A.NNOUNCEMENT. • Jo . , E m CALDWELL& .•0.- JEWELERS,. - Pe. - _• CIIESTNUT , Have rebuilt, enlarged and 'remodeled their oetabitsh mint, destroyed by fire in January last and have, opened the same for business. With an Entire new Stock • OF Naufactored ,and Imported Nods / Superior to any they have heretofore of fered to the Public. may most Cordially invite all to visit nud inspect their &ere. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO. LADIES' FANCY FURS, John Pereira, 'lB Arch Street, mown fur prnporlnm and baying, Imported it very for g o reu.ortniimt of all the intent of all the different kinds of Furs front firAt hands,' in Europe, and have Idol then; triode up by the moot skill ful workmen: 1 would regpeetfully invite my friends of Ilnutingdon and adjacent counties, to call mid* examine my very large mild beautiful assortment or Fancy lure, for Ladies and Children. I nin determined to sell of ns low prices MI nny'other respectable house In rho eity.7,lll Fars Warranted. No misrepresentations to Affect sales. 3011:4 VAREIItA, 71S MICH Street, above 7414.°0nth sido, sel2o-4m ' PIZ Il.At 151.11.11 A. "For Bituminous or Anthracite Coal." ESTABLISHEDIFSI • -, J. REYNOLDS & SOM . N: W. CORNER 13Th AND FILBERT STS. - - Solo sinnufa - ctureen or the Celebrated WROTTC4IIT 7 IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING-HEATER PATF:NtDURT SCREEN, GRATE BAR'RESfiS, ' s , WROUO:FIT-IRON RADIATOR - These Heaters aro made of heavy Wrought.lron, well riveted together, the only sore prevention against the eseapo of One or Duet. They arc easily managed, without any dampers. Tho Patent Radiator avoids the use and Bunn) awes of drums, and is permanently attached to the Heater. This is the most durable, simple, soprani'. cal, and popular Heating Apparatus over offtro I for sale They ore all guaranteed. COOKING RANGES for hotels and families, PORTABLE HEATERS, LATROBE HEATERS,' LOW DOWN GRATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. Wo'aro'also manufacturing NEW FLA.T-TOP HEATING RANGE t„.%)....Pend fur our Illustrated Pamphlet DOBBINS' ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH Makes a Lasting shine, Thoee tabu black their hoots on Slane,lay a ight with ordinary blacking. don't have much stiino on Sunday, as the polish reldo6 olf; but the shine of BOBBINS' MiE INC• Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sunday, IT BEATS ANY OTIIER BLACKING MADE. Manufactured only by J. B. DOBBINS, at his Lumens° Soap nod Blacking Works, Sixth :treat and German town Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by Masaei A Co., adjoining LCllid' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. novla WHY don't you go to Hcnry it Co. and, by your goods of every deQc:lplion at *ho very lowest prices, and soya the troublo of going from store to store to get what you nau4 mcb2l4f T 9 h , `; ft REA33Y 11-130T1N.G., is t 8 1. 4ita?ite For/41 gplAvilling,Tllit(l,4.ethtdohe. Factories, &c.,and, for all climates ;_equally_adepted to. flat or steep roofs, and - can - be applied — by any - ordinary ,03 11 . r ".ltitriolll ?LEW:Mr, ;71 • READY ROOFING f)..)IAD 0, - 1 is more durable titan ttn, and does not cast onedtalf as much. It in eliesper - thedrehingldc - thr more durable. and fire-proof. It is ttat pitlte,lteavlost fabrlcoi , ror mod te 9 f ,Pert • GIZA;NITU: • • , (1/ -Fon reptdring , all. kinds-of leaky ronfurthlustraYfr. say dighte,lloOfing Cement :forme a permanent ad heS len_csaling ores the,whalcisurfnco of all rsofeiseheth , or, tin, shing-to .or*,compositlan, /complete:l y. cresting up' leakagee,:and: being:composed. largely of zoned grartiM, whseh ante and:banlene, and soon become:groan artheria) Slate or.Stona cupping., ..; , , ROOF P.AINT;-” , 1; ••., , tift :t".l For coating Tiupod al,l kinds of metal and comPh.tiltrote roori:' not cpick, pr peel off, brit form spier , rasnent 111111 perfect=prideetion;*hefei"erplated." Vie' furnisiidd in halt' the ccet; and posste4etiilte the u bility of MO common 01l pain ta used forenchPOP. 32,o ' County rights (Meals.. .1. •.; • • • ( qtr ,F:or,C4culin:a nTIIII pltrpcol4tra, klypa r , REAIVE:it'OOFING,.COMPANY",,, " - UNITED STATES ' ' Authorized WAR:culla AGENCY SOLDIELI EIbXV:S,:ATTE:ItTION ! The act of Congrees approved March 20881, glebe flo' Moire ot . .doldlors Av n he dtod pcteoovra,of.,vpar,.r .„ 1 1, bo3nltillATioN FOB. „. for the time the giddier was so held a - prlionely a the' rate or twenty-five cents per day, to he paid In the.follow• ins order: Ist. To the widow, if unmarried ;• : 2d . ..T4-tlio , children; 3d. To the parents, to both jointly if they ore living, if either is dead, to the survivor; 4th. t o the( bro• there and sisters. The net of February 28, 1867., provides for tho ratted ina. of the SOO Connautatitin Motley. When:4lS seine per son tree Nolo drafted, and was required to t nter the ser• vice or furnish a substitute. pISC/44FIGEE! SQLDIEMS.:, The Beier 'larch 2,186 f also makes prosisloot for thy, payment of the • , , $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such soidiorg ailic;ve 'accidentally lost !kelr dleast! gee , . • • All petions havinglany elislinaunder 'any'of the above• Mentioned Acts, or noy other kind of claim, against the United States or State Ooverntnents, cart' have thetat promptly collected by addressing the uctlersigned. In••• formation and advice cheerfully given to aoldiSra or theirs' friends, free of charm...; , w. ir, woOri§, Authorited Arnty and Navy fihr-Claim Agenti truiy9,2lBo7 ' ' lioutinxdrm co., Pa. MIET_TD7'.IO.ILNIC)CIakT J. M. GREEN. &I. O. BEAVER Dating entered Irito partnership, int trm the publicthat they are prepared teexeettte all styles of Plaidand ornamental Marble Work Fitch as MONU3IENTB. HEADSTONES, Mau Building nt prleel at any shop in tho county, Orders (roma digtance promptly attended to. Shop on 31IFFLIN street, a (ow doors east or the La. Outran church • ' mrh6,1467 • ,- X / EARBLE YARD. The ' undersigned t3_,L would respectfully call the attention of th&pitlititii at ituntingdon and the Opining counties to.tho stock of beautiful marble now off hand. lie is prepared to furnish at the .t n ,rtrot notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, "Tablegi and Stones of every desired oiao and - term *of Italian or tinstern Marble, highly finished, stat carved with appro... prints devices. or plain as may suit: Building Marble, Do ori and Window, Sills, dc.,, will be furnished to order. , - • , W. W. pledges himself to furninh material and - work' matioltip equal to any in the country, nt a fair price. ,Calb s and ore. beti.re you purchase' elsowliefe. • SLOP - on th'" orner of Montgomery and Milli a s s.. Huntingdon, Ps - 31.1IILLIAbla. Ilmitingdon,ky 16 1855 fiddle of the Mei. tee th and 81h St.:lnnitheide PIIII.ADELPAI i. mpoiter. Dhinnfacturor tot ,leitler in all kind. & !IA ity of LEATHER. STORE. Fancy Furs, r LAtilLA' end Cllll, MEN'S WEAR., fleeing enlarged, rC. orlelerl and Improved 1) . • old end fa vu rob ty rtinE undersigned would r.espeetfully i nflt1011(1C0 that. tn. cohirtetion With their TANNiiitY; they here Aet opened n mplendid assortment pt . FINE LEATHER; .Consfothig in i)n'rt'or FRENCH. CALF SKlN,''' KIP ' - '• ' ' MOROCCO;• LININGS, ' BINDINGS, • • SOLE, UPPER, • HARNESS,. . . SKIRTING, &C.; Togetlkor nitln,genowl,nnfo!tninnt of n. The trade is Invited do 'inn and exaniino our ;tack. ', Store on 111144 stree t, v two doom of tho Preayyto. tin,,churrh. , The higheet price pg.! for HIDES and BARK. J.H.( MILLER & SON. • Plantitriaon, Oct. ".8, ISIS I taro been requested by the owners Of, the following sewing tilechinee to di pose of them. if possible at the listens annesott,as they wish to procure Eingsr.inschineo In theist place: One Grover & Baker 3lachlne, loop stitch, In good ruti• ning ordiir, cost $OO, will take $5O; one Florence machine with tucker & c., coat $3O, will take (good order) $53, one Grovei 4 Baker machine, loop stitch, with boo, soca $65, will Make $45; one Wilcox & Gibbs,;coat $65; will take $.30 one Grover & Baker machine, good running order, coal $55, will take $4O; one Parker Machine, with cover, well finished, ,cost .$6O, wilt take $35. one fine Grover k Baker Machine, never been used, coat with trek er, extra hemmers Bc, $7B, will take $ 7 O, , • • ~• Lettem fir infornintilm and orders fur the celebrated Singer 3lnehlnicto•beedilvested to •,• • . ; . July 28-tf C. littaß,llenetingdon; Pa. SEWING-MACHINES' •. - • Owing to the demand for one Machlnee we hale decided to take all kinds of Machines in exchange for the 080. !NB & BAKER. We will also exchania'neir machine: for Old Orover*.' Baker that ore worn out or out of repuir,,on rtuusenablVl terms, We hove for solo the following Machine* Width am' have taken in exchange for the & Baker: • . 1 Singer Machine,,coat $65, . will tal9rs4s 1 Parker - do • " -45,- ' ' . "25' 1 Singer do " SO, • 1 Wilcox Gibbs do " " * 35 . I Singer do 110, • • •' 40 - t Barker do" 50, 30 All orders for the above:ani fir the celebrated GROVES DAKBB Machines, address, :‘ • ORRENE & BROTHER, eel Letato 's Building, -Huntingdon, Pa. GLOBS JOB PRINTING. OFFICE. ap 1 y riIHE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" the moot complete orally in the country, and pos. gooses the most ample facilities for promptly executing in 'the hest style, every variety of Job Printing, ouch en D BILLS, JARDS, CAI 4. AVO ELAISPIR SPROUE:WI Or WORK, LEWIS' BOON STATIONERY ,A•MUSIO STORE getp c .Subsoribe fOr tho Globa :NEW_ BARGAINS., FOR - "SALE 'CREAM CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, PROGA,V3IMES, BLANKS, LABELS, - &0., &0., AC