The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 22, 1869, Image 2
-Zte 6Lobt. lIIIN.TINGDOpT, PA. Wednesday morning, De0.•22,1869 %V 1. LEWIS, HUGHLINDSAY , EDITOM , . • !'llte . "Mabe" htio' the liirgese number of red ilers- of any other paper published in the cony y. Advertisers should remember this. - .No PAPER NEXT WEEK.-0 13 AC cpuUt of the holidays and iu -uccor dance with the usual, custom , of , publishers, no met: sued from this office ac ; t, Tuck., '„;,, Editorial Brevities. U.:ThiiMbrrnon incubdi is tc;r§ceive `. ulte,ntion frOtik Congie,ss: t.ll . 43,bettpr. • ' -=The tetnpernneoipdrty in New llampehiee hal','d a call fora State ryeu t ri -•=Revonuo matters on tbo' Pacific coast ''are said to bo • in "a deplorable ~state of domorabzatlon 7 : • .'.' ,- Ev-Secretary Stanton,• it is rut- mored; is to be tendeied a place upon the U. S. Supreme Bench made vacant . .,I?:y,Ju . dge Grier. • The Senate Poster Committee Iftwor d the apportionment of c postage , s e i tauppcameng members of Congress as a substitute for the franking privi7, . ` . :"''-;,(4',Oiernoi ?eery, hue recalled tlie :death 'warrant which fixed tlie 22d 'instant : as:the day -for the execution of oDr: Raul !Schceppe at Carlisle. The GoCerner'ilid . " , -7.o.(ietiebtnent of the Fifth Cava. ry has been very successful In destroy ing a nu naberof illicit• distilleries near . .Toilesville and Cumberland Gap, in ,TirWin l ia, although they met with re. sietanee. The amount of now fractional 'Currency in the *vaults 'of the United States Treasury at this date is $1,812,. 000; amount outstanding, 613,943,913 ; amount of - Milted States notes, series 1869; of all denominations 'outstanding at tbia date, $7,90,000. . .•, —lllinois is still the State for di foren bases. 'NO man 'or s Woniali'lj)- pliesfor a . divorce whe is net' forthwith and everything yelati ye.. to the marriage relation existing between the owl() becomes a' matter 'of 'iiublie comment. ---r There was 'another ekciloment on -the 17th, at the. gold room in Wall :street, NoW York. ' The room- was :cro«ded kith an e?...eitpd'and surging eiewd; and the figures on the gold indicator's dial- moved rapidly up and down. At one time the price touched 1201, the lowest point reached since September 26, 1802, when gold sold at 120 f. The " bulls" lost heavily, when Secretary Boutwell accepted the bids,•and they were disgusted ' Siir Great speculation is indulged in with regard to our coming Repre'- sentatives in 'the Legislature. Will they. be pure; will' they be honest ; will they he brave are the questions asked. "Why is it that there ever was occasion for such questions ? It seems no legislator is elected by the people withoiit his character is 'afterwards open to general remark, and ruiner is busy'Witli her slande . rs, libels and 'in eidietis suspicions. How truly canlitbe said, there is no honor in being elected to the rLegishittire when yinir every acti'on:is watched by your constituents to' see whetl3er you are an honest man. 9Ur Legislattire, it appears, has be. come , the crucible to try men's souls, and how many, alas, come oat of it corrupted and unrefined. We would that, it were otherwise; and it will be otherwise, when less bribery is al lowed to sneak its way into the halls,' and when constituents cease to suspect. before the guilt is, commit -4cl, The people, it is, expected, will vote for honest men; but how often is it the case that the "honest! member, is accused of corruption before ho opens his mouth, or even casts a. vote —and yet ho may be honest. While such a state of things exists honest men will refuse to go to the Legisla ture to have their motives impugned, and political tricksters will have the sway. Le" The United States Treasury now holds 875,178,800 in Government securities, for which $89,282,272 13 were paid. The accrued interest on these bonds will amount at'the end of the year to 84,528,728. The Trersurer's books show the amount of coupons paid during the month of November to be 812,304,205 50. CONORESS.---A number of bills were introduced in both Houses last week: The Senate has had in consideration a bill to perfect the reconstruction of the State of Georgia, and much talk ensued thereon. Both Houses have agreed to adjourn fiont the 22d inst. to the sth of January. A red-cedar hitching-post, set in Ply mouth, Conn., in 1770,iisf'still servicea ble, and apparently will be good for twenty years more. An escaped captive states that twen ty white children are held as prisoners tneeg the ()buena° Indians. Minnesota fartnersare feeding wheat to their hogs, and California farmers 13artlett pan to their cows. "Drown 0,11;1111e skating," is already beginning to be a stereotyped phrase in the Northern and Eastern journals. _ - NEW POSTAGE STAMPS. - The NA tional Bank Note Company aro engra ving from photographs, for the Post Office Department, a comp He set of designs for a new series Olpostage stamps. Th e,,photogr_aphs*ro, takol3_ by Brady, frOrn rthe . - erigieial statues: and busts of distinguished 4morleans,, Franklin,„Taok4eii,"' Washington, - 36, ferson, bi?ty, Webster, Gen. 'Scott, Commodore Perry and others. On the_ one cent stamp is - the -head of Frallklip, on the twp,cent stamp- the head of Jack4on, on the three cent - stamp the head of Washington, on the siX'eentoa,mp the head of Lincoln, op ~the -twelve- cent stamp the- head. of c.3lsy,,and so on up to the dollar stamp. The stamps are. engraved and have been' approved",by - the P.O. pepart 'tneot and by't;ho President apci:G'4i-- net. They:nre larger than the; present, stamps, are . more appropriate•-and elegant in all respects than , any that have been heretofore used: - They' will be issued `in .Tannari, and • take' the place.ofthe,prosent stamps. .; , ,tie 'The Brookville Jeffersonian, which has been edited, for about six; ;months by our genial friend, G. Nelson'Smith, 'under the' editorial Chilrg r e of •J. P. George, Esq. The re retiring editor concludes a valedictory address to his readers in the following 'complimentary style : ' Of late years I have been studying how to make a fortune ' in an ' honest Way, but could never hit upOn a mottl ed of 'doitig . eo until' now. Now I kno'w hew. , I recollect that some Scars ago the'seientific men of Friine were Speculating and experimenting on an:instance of a young man being brought to life after being frozen up for several years on the Alps.' The blood of a; living man was infused' into the frozen youth, and he moVedand spoke. The experiment 'was after wards tried upon a bare frozen for that purpose, and with perfect suc cess. , . Herb thee is' my' . only _remaining chance to make ti fortune. If I can 'geraway from Brookville, peace and "safety ; and have one dollar ,left,l will put it out "lit interest, ,have,my self packed in ice, and remain frozen with suspended fe until the .interest amounts to a fortune. will: then re t:arn to' administer to, the poor de- Seendarits;Of the present'rich men of 'Brookville. Oar National Cemeteries, Acljt,!:Gen.ldrenio"Thontail has fin jailed the report of 'his inspection of all the' cemeteries' that contain the re maindof•Union soldiers who fell during the Rebellion.," . The report coveys 400 pages, and contains much interesting and valuable •information. act of Congress,. passed in 1868; Gen. Thomas was ordered to this duty, and concluded hie labors hut a few weeks since. During that time ho has, visited eve'' , State and Territory in the coun• try where there was a public or "pri• vote cemetery in which a Union sol dier Was buried. Re has full lists of the number buried in each and every place ' known and unknown, white or black, officers; soldiers, or citizen em ployees of the government He gives in detail the , names, companies, regi ments, divisiops, corps; and general command, in which the deceased was enrolled at the time of his death, and where that information could not be procured; as much data as he could ob tain in reference thereto. The total number of white officers and soldiers, knoWn and unknown, buried, is nearly 50,000; the number of colored soldiers nearly 50,000, two thirds of whom are not known by panted. ' Gen. Thomas states that the expense attending the burial or re-interment of these bodies, and.the laying ,out and improving thO National Cemeteries, has reached $4,000,000, and he esti• mates that it will cost $2,000,000 more to complete the work and' keep the National Cemeteries (35 in number) in good order. At all these National Cemeteries there is a keeper and assist tout, and the expense attending the care of each cemetery will range from $1,500 to $2,000 per annum for salti ries alone, while the other expenses will reach ' $50,000 per annum. lie makes statements to Congress and gives data why various appropriations should bo made at once. If the come tory at Mound City, Illinois,' is not re paired and the levee 'strengthened there is danger of a general washing out of the bodies buried there. The iron or stone inclosures for the Nation- al Cemeteries, as ordered ,by Congress cannot be erected on account of the failure of an appropriation ' for the , same. The report will be delivered tb Congress at an eatly day. IN DEATH UNDIVIDED.--Tbe Rich; mond Whig says Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes were two of the oldest, most estimable and best known people •in Mecklenburg, Val Thousands who traveled Cox's road partook of their genuine "old Virginia" hospitality.— Before the war they were prosperous. Thursday,•the 28th ult , they were sold out under the bankrupt act. •The old gentleman made an unavailing at tempt to retain the dear ..old home stead. None could tell from the cheerful look they both wore hew keenly the pang, of giving it : up was felt.. ,But in.less thap a vveek, name fy Wednesday, November 3d, these two people, born the same year, and that eighty-six years ago, wore gath ered, on the same day, to an eternal mansion above. * DS. The latest intelligence received from Dr. David Livingstone, the emi nent African explorer, states that he has discovered a'tribo of nogroes liv ing altogether in underground dWel lings. Some of these subterranean excavations are said to tie thirty miles long, and have little brooks of• pure water running through them, on the banks of which the natives live. The people are very dark and well formed. Their expressed history or legends aro painted upon wings of birds in hyoro glyphies. At a meeting of the soldiers of the war of 1812 held in Newport, It. 1., re. eon tly, 22 veterans were pri3sso t whose united ages amounted to 1675 years, an average of about 77 years each. A SPLENDID PRIZE FOR TUE LADIES.- The finest, most pleasing. and costly engrav ing ever published in America, to be presen ted as.,,a premm iu to each subscriber to "llembledt'siVrogli,jy," elqugazine of prac tical uCilttl , y in'thiclioAhohi;:e mirror of the fashioffi, Lind aAliterti:ry. mineetvator of sur passing ii4ereatiiilil,qrtistie .efoellence, nc 'knowlellged. the Model Piiilor Magazine of America, i 7 i ! • ' The sugrarlag, inches, is from th& oviginal,paipting, 4titiqedi-"The Pie-Nit on the 4th • OfJuly.' • The 'paintin'g took a whole year, and is considered the finest of the entire list of nu merous popular productions. M. Spencer. The engraving was the labor of font' yeliFs . , by three eminent artists—John Rogers, John Halpin, and Samuel liollyer; the last named havingleen induced to come frdpfEuropp-to e*fressly)fel, fidish The engraveis. !hive iecondhd the successful labors-of-the.painter,...,None -but artists can fully l ap"preciate the skill and la bor lavishedon this 'clip:Ash:4.i LTho gener al effect is very tine and impressive, and the delicate finish to "the headswill bear the remit ,mirmta ißsppetion.!. Miamian ;s1 -, line - Watt - 840'0th azesitted with Cuiuluitir ability, and their skillful combination has greatly nttribute'd to the success of,theengravefs . in this unsurpassed proof of - their , ertistiotil' ge nius. • 1 • kThe work mrthe engraving alone cost over seven thousand,dollars, besides the cost of the copyright, and,is.apknowlcdged by com petenOwliges' the' Most elaborately finished *large work d'art ever engraved in America. • Fine copies'of this magnificent Picture, ou heavyplate paper, worth $lO each, arc to be given as a Premium to odele , Subscriber' to !•lleinorest's Monthly- Magazine." ; , • Yearly ,Subscriptionsunly,,Three Dollars, and • Ten Cents, (which is to be sent with the subscrip. 'tion,) far the pbstage on the engraving, (which will be mailed securely thine up on a roller.) Thisis certainly the largist, most liberal and splendid premium ever offered to single subscribers by any publisher, and affords an ,ensy, and economical way for any one to, se ,cure an elegant work of art, a, Pprlor Picture thatis on)) , next to a piano in the, way. of or namentation, and perpetual reminder" of, a day which ought to be 'cherished 'and hold in remembrance brevery true American.' • The reception of this magnificent picture will take every one by surprise, and we do not venture anything in saying that $lO will not proptire another that combines so • much of interest and beauty. , ' Specimens of the 'Magazine, with circulars giving full particulars, will be sent to any given address; post free, on' receipt of 15 els. Address, "Demorest's Monthly," 838 Broad way,,N. Y. • • PIIYSICAi, LIFE Or WOMAN; advice to the Maiden ; Wife and Moth er," is the title oft Book by Dr. G. U. Ilapheys, ofPhiladelphia, just pub lished by GeorgeiMaoloan, 719•Sansom St,, Philadelphia. It. treats onAhe by of female and married life, as may be soon from tho following ex tracts from the table of contents: "The distinction of the sexes.: " Persons of both sexes and-of no sex. The age of nubil ity. Love. Love is eternal. • Of divorce,— Of courtship. How to choose a husband.— Shall cousins marry ? The wedding night. The dignity and propriety of the sexual in stinct'. Advice to wives who desire to have children: :!The•limitation of offspring._ • The signs Of fruitful conjunction's. -'Ho* td•have beautifulchildren. Teansmiesio'n of talent—, of disease, . ?low to have ,boys ; and girls at will. Birth-marks, and, prevent thcro. Signs of pregnancy., Confinement. Nursing. The change of ~ ' • These', • , and inany • iandied, subjects of equal delipacY 'and importance, ar,9 handled with such scientificPrecisiou, and 'yet ,in such an elevated moral tone, that 'the book has received the highes( praise, from such ' distinguished authorities as Surgeon General Ham mond, of New York, the Roy. Horace Bushnell, of Now England, thO'ReV. (7'eOrge A. Crooke,D. D ;Philadelphia - , and many, othet:s. The . autlior t is regular - physician, holding - a .responsi• poSition in the, Jefferson Medical College, 29fP,biladelphia, and, his style is throw hoot chaste arid agreeable. 'Rev. Henry Ward Beecher says of it:' "Every mother should Intro this book, nor should she Saffcr,d child to be married ' without 4 tho' knowledge which it contains." The work is published by subscrip tion only, 'but, any one can have a neatly"-bound copy mailed, post-paid, by forwarding the . price, 61.50, to the puhlisher,.to whom all,who wish to _be agents, should,lVrite. „ , , "A BLAZE or BEAUTY."—The Picto rial Phrenological Journal for Janua ry,• 1.870, appears in • bright array. A new form, .new types,.:numerous rich illustrations, with sound and ,sensible rending matter renders this .the best ever issued.: It contains Hon. S. S. Fisher, of the U. S,,Patent Office; De Lesseps; of the Suez Canal ; President Cespedes, of Cuba ; George Peabody ; Dr. Tischendorff, the eminent Biblical Scholar; Portraits of the Kaffir, and Australian Races; Progress of Science --:-Steam, Electricity, Scientific Discov ery, Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine, Phrenology; Brain Waves— How. thought and sentiment aro transmit ted; What can I do Best?---The Faces' We Meet—What they tell us—An, Af ternoon at "389;"—The Wasp Waist —lts 'Physiology,;. Application—lts culture ; Our. Agricultural Resources— Productions . during. the past fifty years;•Natural History—Will a horse hair become a snake 1 , The Hedge-hog —lllustrated;.The Sponge—lts Ori gin, growth and, uses; Joan of .Ara This favorite Journal has now reached its 60th vol., and appears in a hand some magazine form. We ',think it will prove even more popular than ever before. Terms, only $3 a year, or 30 cents a number. Now is the time to subscribe. for 1870. Address S. B. WELLS, 289 Broadway, .N. Y. . 'HOURS AT HOME for December has "The Spiritual Muse;" "Baoltw r tird Look ;" "Strange 'Wanderers, No. .;• Birds of Passage;". "Twenty Minutes under the Knife ;" "Comfort in its Re• lation to, Physical Culture ;" "Comp• ton Friars ;" "Bible Animals ;" "The, Jet:Black Tress ;" "A Now Nationali ty;" "Our Gospel a Gift to Imagina tion ;"."Why Love is Blind ;" "Father Hyacinthe and the Throes 'of, Catho licism;' "The Childhood of Joseph Ad dison Alexander;" "Leisure Moments; "Books and Authors Abroad ,"•"Liter ature of the Day.". In the January number of this magazine will bo cant• menced the publication of a story enti tled the "Hero," by Georgiana M. Craik, author of Mildred, Lost and Won, &c. , New York, ,Oharles, Serib. nor & Co:, publishers, 654 Broadway. $3.00 per annum, or.two copies for ,$5. o t s„Persons in need of School Books for their children, Primers, A B C cards, &c., or miscellaneous Books and notions of all kinds, should call ,at Lewis' Book Store, where they will find a good assortment. Any book of recent publication ordered whorl desired. ' - A TrrimoN.—An officer of Captain Rowan's flag shill thilir•describesjt r ip-2 Phoon: . "Every few minutes - driK Ong rain -;aijuall would .stEike,,,,,tind. -th,p,paSsAiPidly away. .When every ititt m fai ti1e,.6.0 of - disjailt - thundi3e; find,. p.,:n0 ! ,J64:-, , c rp-„, - tbe''same" time' tbo-;.barttro. 0t.0,1'.441g.,1 steadily. At eiglit — ci'clOck-jt.lnifg,iost morning it was blowjag , Gulf eC gale, from the sotitheast„tind - Ltll3 . sky was thick. By noon'it was *blowing a fi.7403 'gala and. in a few_moments.atter. We were, struck .by a squall, the like of-Wh'ioli•liiiidi;iieier seen before.— From 12.30 to 2 p. m. the wind in oreassdi untii a „pan', copld not:stand doWll.l)OAftlailih 14r e. ;I,tiWas a se , gr.4rldlrtigti,t„ times the rise twenty or,t bitty, 10.e,t,_glien the wind fvl , Oilid cut iiiileanctiff at:-the base and _take the .whole body of water off to the lee . dard." 'Oitr . Shifi'ibdn'it out safely, but seine 'of our neiAlibers' dame to grief ~..This:•typlmea one of unspnal;severity, ancl,pstcpded over space of fll . ve undred • Consid erahle damage was, done to . the' sh p ping at, Sea, , and"one = ship,'Americanh the Naples; was driven' ashore' and dismasted in the' .harbor'' ~.I. 4 !‘l.z•lSsy. • CaIS9IFIXI9N.-74 Panes() CriiCitsiOn is ties' ilbSerib'ed , • ''"Wheir, the Pritiorier"Who:Was to Ue crucified"had been pleend'ina his 'back oti qt. sten t• Wooden. cross prepared' for the occasion;• he; was:" securely Itish&l thereto, but not: nailed. Then the sen tence was , road, and- two stout mon with long spears came. forward. The one,,on, the right side :of , the .doomed man stuckthe,point of his .spear in very•delitierately, , about, two -inches, and Under the„felt, abont awhile with'it to ascertain - that it was all clear of bones, and then, with a powerful 'thrust . upwerds,•the head of the speiir was sent through until it ap peared on the top of the right should• er. The man'orr the left side then did likewise. The victim, who was a mere boy, yelled fearfully., • He hadmurder ad his mother by stabbing her thirteen times.. After the twospears had been thrust thrtMgb him a„ third man 'came forward with a spear and .thruit it through the criminal just „Where , be had stabbed his Mothe'r: Thirteen the sper . .iveht; through: 14e bodY”' and the - terrible performance. Another.. .Disaster in Luzerne County. , . - SCRANTON, , PCC. • 17..—The- engine hpuie of. the Jursey.coalmine,operated by , the Delaware„ ,Lap,lmwanna aod Weitern RailrOad Cimipany,„toOk. fire about half,_pOsf,foor 01..Thum"- day a fteih`O Vi On. - e` house w - di loca ted in. the mine,,Ut,the end of a, tunnel about two Imndied mid fifty feet long and at the head of .a.,slope leading down .in to chambers. :Three men were shut in the mine, and it was `supposed that they bad perinbed, bit they suc ceeded iii•gettingouCsafely about two o'clock on Friaay. morning. A man named John U j. Warren, tvho wont,,in to an. ,for the mon, was overcome with the foul air and periSh ed.: Ms remains were recovered at four o'clock this morning, after the fire was nearly quenched. Ile leaves a wife and three children. TllO en gines were mostly destroyed and the daMage cause ddetention of from four to' six. weeks. The mine was producing . two , hundred_ tops of coal' pie day.' • . Bravery of a Youni Lady. CINCINNATI . , Dee. 17.—Mr. Wilkin- son, an old 'gentleman who watcheda crossing on tho Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railroad, below Mill creek, was carrying a large plank across tho track yesterday afternoon, and the switch engine coming at full speed, ho dropped the plank, and in haste to get off tho Itrack "slipped, and fell, and would certainly hap? lost his life had it not been fur the heron; conduct . of Miss Brown, ,a young lady, whamming the perilous position in which. Mr. Wilkinson was placed, ran to his aid and, at the risk of her own life, suc ceeded iii dragging him off the track rin time to save him from the terrible fate which seemed almost inevitable. Dos'r DRINK.—Boys, don't drink. It may be ,fashjotiable. It may seem smart. You may- think that, like a mustache, it looks manly: You ,may say that Mr. A. and Air. 8., who hOld prominent positiOns in the world, have guzzled for forty years. This may be trite. Many moderate drink ers arise to distinction, but they reach eminence not on account of would spite.of U. . They would - be more esteemed without it. Just look around this city, and see- -if you can find ono man or woman ivho has been made better or happier - by drink. You will not - find' one. On the other_ haul, you will see wrecks all along th:osho,ro. You Will see men whose lives aro fail ures solely by drink. It: ,may have cornmenced:i n, the social circle,- where wit and beauty added their charm to tbo sparkle of the wino. << It may have na comenced "at the ireipectable'.saloon to which mon are sometimes driven by the mistakes at home... But , it too of ten ends in the lowest and last place to which-fallen men go. ' PACKARD'S NotvrifLY loses none of its life and sprightliness as it grows older. With, each'otimber its friends and - circulation increase. It owes its great success to the talent employed in Writing for it, and to the low rates of subscription, which have 'been $1 a year, hilt will be in tho future $9, and very cheap at that. No nonsense nor continued tales aro ever found • within its covers, but, with leaves always opened, it brings 10 - tho young men of America rich treats of intellectual food. The third year of this in hgazine will commence in "4anuary, when every young man should subscribe. -S. S.. Packard, publisher, 937 Broadway, New York. CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST'-A full stock of the best Sugars, Syrups, Teas, Molasses, Coffees, Spices, and goods of all kinds, (Tiny-Goodr, excepted,) on hand at the Red Front Grocery, and selling cheap, cheaper, cheapest. STONE, WARE. X 4OOO 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 6 gallon - stone crocks, jars, jugs and churns, just rccoivcd at the Red Front Grocery and -for sale Wholesale and re tail cheaper. than •at any other place-in the county. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. af - sok Partner for the "j-lhale s ititntest inn mid Wood EngFriving, Litho graplifigi;pirSteam Power printing Lasine”, in Phil adelDbiatOVll 9.72 11 144. - Slitin d ts i t2 e. C . apital nod a Pr*. o .4 ol V l l4eS , rIE L Psrn 6f. M. It. LONCIACREek",., 2.: CTi"? & 32 South ith St., PPR.' —Dsc;, 22, , , ;TtRIDGI3 TO BUILD. 1,1 The Comelisvioncreof Lientingdon County will.* calve rivaled proposals foe rektrkling a bridge ;wrote Shaver's Creek, et or near Cie residence of Patrick Pet tis, (known as the old red bridge), on .TIIURSDAY, the 18th day of January, 1870, up to 2 olehick, Plan and specifications can be seen at the Commiasion oelglikyy. • Petearoirridiai - in , jfe w leaild allicome prepared to give 1 1 , 0 1 t 0 1%r a t r li t e , gex g tmpt i ps i t i Or et w o o r e , lt x -- yidi,ap ,m t i e;, stoners. W. MILLER, Dec. 22,1868 -It. Clerk. I( ; 4 1 0 k k --CELEBRATED--CONDENSED7 FOR SOAP MAKING, For sale wholesale and retail at Lewis' Red Front Grocery. This Lye is said to be Ithprel apij . 11j:e0e#,5in 15114114104. - Ailhlt 7 ' . . .r. _ . tis s 2 . VALUABLE , REAL ESTATE. On FRIDAY, January 70, 1870. ... Tip ,ileatiefsleptittwip expose ctrazptilelef eale, 4 ltrthei plezolifee,? sit. iti..iaabgek,io.4 . theAttovU that valuable LimEsToNn F.1.1E11, n as ;he Means farm) containing 145 ACHES, more or leas, situate in Wylie township, ilunAngilou Co., two miles from Spree( Creek Spition, two Mika froili , Unfon' Pains - co Mills, and two miles Dom Water Street. The improve. manta consist of a LARGE STON P 11013 SE, with Log Kitchen. inrgo, A lIKAA It 24.1% tth wagort,eited and corn crib attache:l. nitd,all'necessaryanattatildiptis. There are an old and'y citing orchard each beafilig fruit, still, an abundance of other thole° fruit on the farm. A fine stream of soft stater runs through the property, and limestone water at the:door About 120 acres um clear. ed, under good fence, and in a high state of cultivation, the balance covered with good timber. TEEMS —Cine•halt in hank end the balance foa eo eiputlannuttl,mty ments,,with interest, secured byr, Deed 'cud miiitgiige of We put chaser. , EDIVA liD W. GRA VMS, Dec. 2'2, 1869.50. Truateo ofJosphino Seeds. VAiLIJABP.E REA.L-RISTATEr - v •I Fon- - , - .; • A:Creel estate known isalbe eWoolverlon" or "Milli ken Mill Property," situate on Mill Creek and Sadiar's Cceek, in Brady, townabip,Mun tine:ion county, Pa., two Infle4 N. r. of3llll.Cieek Station on the Penna. It. R. is ofterodfor sole. It .11ar been divided, lute' tire parcels which will be sold separat: ly or together as purchsnere may desire:, to aft ' " A."—Marision Farm. ,-152 •acres, 130.2 perches. Bounded Henry Wallkill; N. E. by Mill Tract; E. by John K. Mete; S. by tract "N" and N. W. by tract , d).." baring thereon. twa..deeellin; Louden, a bank barn - end other Improrehteifti. A fage parrot the lend to cleared; the balance in well tin:bored. The Mill Creek arni ICinhocoquillas rondo pane through the tract. II f e l ' PO4. 4 N. 9ATRerki3V.r}2"--77' .o.lquefii. xp 30 : m ; lh • , c"; S. E. by John K Metz; W. and N. W. by tract "A." Includes the gristquill. saw•mill and miller's bonne. • portion of;the land in in cultiration; the balance In well timber,d. • ' - "C: 4 '.a=-95-fiel'ers,6B'4'perelis: . 11`titisid ed Nth. by Juno, Orrery: by 511111 Creek .Furnace Company: 8. W. by Jobs K. Metz: won by tract "ty. henry and Job:: Waddle. nix tract is boiCied with excellent timber—principally oak. " D 150 seres t: 3MT perches. Bounded N. by John and David Simpson; E. 4 Henry Wolfkill; 9: E. by tract • , A"; S. by 91ilb 'Crock Farnade Company and Andrew Simpson. The principal part of this 'tract /sin tirobbr.'' " "•• ' - " E." 138 acres, 48.2 .. porches. Bounded N. by tract "A," Isaac Gorsuch and John Tates; S. W. by ahorgo Hawn; and N. W. by 11111 Crank Furnace Company. About ono-half of the land Is in cul titation; the balance Is well timbered. The tilißit(oll,lltrilibrirtfo Cl. Mothers who resides upon tbd":priverly.'L g 31 itp Purit I bit: s h OLY . 111,:tt II d inade icrpietn fat !implies. Bonin . '" ""'"' - ' " • " J. SIMPSON AFRICA. Dec. 22,1965 Ia ISTVIi'S , N o.:l)l7Nitice ;; is ' C'hoio4 g ivon, to ill persons Intervalef, that an ibi• 1 Jig named pet sons hare settled , theirgetannislit the Register's °Mee, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will Ito presented fur continuation and Mhos tines at an Orphans' Court,jo he heldiat lkuntipgdoncin‘antl• tor the coufittoflluhthigdok 'on WednesdnAthg :ctit2ijifylof JANUARY, iii'st, (1810,) to wit r- 1 Adminigtilwlion Recount of John Russell. Executor of John Russell, Into of Hopewell township, decenbect 2 Adaiiiiistratiou account of Charles' P: lint 9e1f1,40- rninistrator of Eliza Bucher, Into of Alexundrla borough deceased. 3 Guardianship account of P. 31. Pnro, guardian of Frances Vanzant, formerly Ptances Shaker. 4 Guardia.lop accooat of 0. M. gore, guardian of 3lary J. Cehaffor. 5 The fourth and final two aunt of Dewey Erewster,:ox eChtor Of John Ilrewatee, late of ;Maley Da p.:decenied. 0 TrUst . acomutof Moo. S, Orbinim, Trustee to sell rho rat weds of•Jolik Ruttier, lota of Cromwell tifp.; deed. 7 Administration account of Thomas E. Orbison, Ad ministrator of Rebecca Putter, Into Of .Cromwell town . ship, deceased. . - 8 Administration account of George IV. Genrhariand Dautelaroutivine, iiiimenistintOrs of •Chrlstiatt Cleat hart, late co Barre° township. deceased. 9 Administration ntemint of Dania! Etter, odministrm tor of Thomas Spencer, lute of Union townaldp, deed. 10 Administration account of George 11. Weaver,Ad ministrator of tiettlik Russell, Into of Hopewell town. ship, deceased, .. - 11 Administration account of Elijah 3fordson, execu tor of Samuel Drake, ducensed. 12 Partial Account of,Dlicimel Stair mud dolin,A,Logno, executors of ,fDatfol J:,,T.ogio,dei9asod, c as tiled' bY cline! Stair, nitrating executor. 13. Account of John xtiverthorn, Trustee to sell the rent esta to of Win. Campbell, deceased. -•• , ' • 14 Adminiatretion account of J. R. Ilugle nod Andrew Ilegle, administrators of John !legit', late of Tell town ship, deceased, as tiled by J. It. tingle. 16 Administration account of Iton. John Scott, admin istrator with the will annexed of Dr. J. D. Loden, late of the borough of Gusitingdon, deceased. 16 Administration account of Samuel 31. Cox, executor of Elizabeth Cox, late of Warrioramark top., deceased. 17 Fluid account of Ephraim Kylec, niimutiatrator of Jolts li yler, lota of Clay township, decea sed. .1. E. SMUCKER, Register's Office, 1 Register. Huntingdon. Dec. 14,•69. VOTI.CE is hereby given to all per j_ l iodsluteloited tut tint; follow ing. feliCniOrles of too gouda and Chattels act to - widows, under the provis tons of the Oct of 14111 of April, 1851, hive been tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Routing dolt county and will be presented for "al proval by the Court" ou Wednesday the 12th of JANUARY, (1810,) InvedtorY sinhappraisetitent of David Attlebarger,:lato of tarrlorrnsark too nship, 'dere/tilted, talien•by; hie wIldL o - w argent, t Attlebarger. Inventory of goode and chattles, taken by 'Catharine Russell, widow of hieek Russell, deceased. Inventory and appraisunient of the personal property of the estate of Davld Petelson late of elarley tow nehip deceased, no token by his widow. Hannah Peterson . Inventory of the goods end chattles of Jacob Weaver, deceased, retained by-Ina widow Diary Weaver. •, • • - • • . . , , , J. E. SMUCKER, ; Clerli 0 rplums' Court. Iluntingoon,'D6c.l4, 1570. DROOLAMATION.,--WHEREA§, by, a precepi to toe directed; dated at Huntingdon, tree loth of Novettiber, 4 A: D. 1800 ander tho' hands and seal of the Hon: George Taylor, !'resident of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer ' end general jell deliv ery of the 24th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, ccmpo- I wed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; .and the /lone. Anthony J. Beaver and •Liavid hisiisadcL Mee, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as signed, appointed to hoer, try and determine all and every indictments made or taken fur or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State ore made capital, or felon tea of death, and other offences, crimes and ntiedemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter ten committed or.porpe tinted, for crimes aforesaid-1 ,am commended to make public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terniiner, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held nt the Court House to the borough of Huntingdon, on the second blontlay:(find lath day) of January, 1810, and those who will 'prosecute the said prisoners, ho then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that' all Justices of rho Peace, Coroner rind Constables withlß said county, be then • and there In their proper periong; at 10 o'clock, n. m. of wild day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembran cor, Bide those things which to their emcee .respectlrey Appel tam. - • • :., e Dated at Huntingdon, 16th .of.Deceinhor, In tho yetir of our Lord ono thousand eight' hundred and sixty-nine and the Old year of Amer/can Independence. •• - •r D. Jl, 411tELY, Sheriff. PItOaLAMAT.I9N.---IVIEREAS, by a preceit4fitilfreetld by lb inapt; lit the Com mon Pleas of tho o.ottntst of Iluntingtron,"beffring test the 25th of November, A. D. 1269,L alai commutated to make public Preciamittiokthrotigliota toy AO° Dailittick, that Court of Common Picas mill be held at the Com t House to the borough of Huntingdon, 011 the 3rd Monday (and 17th day) of January,l. D. 1970; kir 'tlie trial 01 all is sues in said Court which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when and wherealljniors, xvitnesses,and suitors, in the erials of 4111411 es tiro required. Dated at Huntingdon, the 15th Decanter, in the year of, our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and six traino and the 93d year of limeLim Independence. D. h. NEELP, Sheriff. IN 'THE CO URT OF CO 3111.0 N PLEAS of Huntingdon County. MARY ANN 'WALTON} ra IN DIVORCE. WILLIAM W ALTON. . „ , TO ILLI A WALTUN.—Taltenetleo that ri rule Ims been granted on you by the Court, to hi hind Court at Huntingdon. on Monday, tam 10th day of Janivi ery next, WO, to ehow causo a by a Divorce Iron thu bon do of matrimony entered into with Mary Anil Walton should not be decreed by the mkt Court. D. It. P. N.S.ELY, Huntingdon, Dec. 8, 180. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. jeetate of iitit A 11A31 W, 1111UMBAUCII, dec'll.l Lettere ofadministration upon the estate or ,Abrithi'm {Ti. Brumbaugh, late of l'enn trip., deceased. baring been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate will make payment, and those liaving'claime present theta for settlement. HENRY BIIWIDAUOII, Tames Creek, Rec. MO , • Administrated'. BLANK BOOKS, • ' . • OP VARIOOS SIZES, !or P;t1o , olt, 1 Zii{rlS , Jloo4" AND srATIO4YERy STOR r - QIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue o ki sundry writs of Tend Exp.. Ft. Pa., Len Fa., directed to me, I will expose to public sale or outcry, nt the Court I Ilouso ire the born, of Huntingdon, on MONDAY, the I Otu 1 of JANUAIg, `1879„.at.2-tecygk. P. DI., tho following described nrpnerty%to , ,irlki - ,..- -in k All Wit; ceiriktra:dt•of land situate, I far, iiobe town hili,:ltr4.l2(litertrn,_r_to a w ,,,, ll .s rtoly,!* 1 ._,, e ir.,4twor Mill Cinelti corn" g li Loo ' rObes;pripitt 80 RC ettifl*hi ism c le ated, Lav ine •theitiert It largo Blast Iftn2Radq, wittil neces fury machine= Try fOreblooluidg the multufbither itideam or water mar= I ,Or, 4‘ionnoior.c., '''-f; ' Al; / I .1 Altitv6s,pfeott'ar \parent of c latidjiatijoinlng the above 1 deatilbed tts'eVeral bliss between-the Ramo anti Juniata riitti4intaining 16 act - Re - had 121 porches, said land I M eludetOdill Creek from the line of the last mentioned. trect to.l4Junction with the Juniata river, and to go od bottom land with two dwelling houses erected on it. 1 t Also, the tract of lend adjaloing_the two last mention., ed fructerand•thaJnnititiCriffr - ;*purEfied — ftroin:Tlnti- I than .1. Milliken containing 32acreikand laporches un-, flpiivhfOlditi4Rtirthree dweloFig ;Maws, Bilabld and a. 'large Itailui - thielling hbuse, called the Mansion Housd,. fronting the turnpike and canal, with commodioue grounds, garden, yard and out houses. Also, A substantial wart; and o'railroatl, lendlnt there. from to the Furnace, abou l twoibundrodl3isrds on this tract. Mao, Nine tracts of unseated lands,jltuateArt,,Atild tornalitrinflidifdeliOn - ;"liintßendy, to rift: one tract contaitting,43ll Acres,: aurroyed,:on a ;warratit—ln the nada - 0;lb 'Ott, hoollter - Cadtaitting,4oo acres hi note of 4 nate* Burgart;finotheiiontainipg til•;totrie and 31 plirchni; in the name of Adam Houck, anotheitutain leg 412 acres, in the name Frederick Hater, another cos talaing 411 acres and 155 ferchea, in name of, hevt . La. tiniO4unetheectieSialning 4thOteret to %hit name' 01 , 81 N. Green and J. 11. Dorsey, another, au improvement right, in the name of William Lightner, containing 300 acres, and the other, a tract containing about 20: hi the 'tartlet& S. If.'Gicen; adjoining IV& Furnace Tract; John Goodman and others. li9ct9fland, situatodn the said ton nenip of Ifylefsdn, ebb tattling aboutl ii gores; Of T.illiCht about 90sttrulrara cleared` adjoining:lands of - Jdpiekr Wilson, SManel Sithpitolintid-btnerektdtdlncrudinktlicCerhat and Turnpike, on which era erected two dwciling houses nod ,a good frame barn, said tract being kuOwn as the! Sugar Gray.° orfted flown tract. -,1 .11.1 /it.. Ahro. A tract of land containing 130, acres and. dg per chea, situate lu the said township of 'Dradi';'' abAtl one mile east of the said Furnace, adjoiningthtuds of Jantell tamer's heirs and others, about '6O scree of which are cleared, known by7thetainie of Duncan' Fled, Also, A tract,eflatid, situate in said township, con= tattling 197 OCiee and 'l3l perches, about three mica north east qtlt? Furnace, en the waters of Mill Creek, adjoining lands of Morons Bead's heirs, Michael Hawn, itudiathers, having a tract of about 50 acres cleared; knownsa th Wartiuld. :Mao, The 'thereapwhieh Jonathan 11. Dorsey, had and . held in, a tract of laud, containing 305 acres and 35 per ches sufJoyed and warrautod,in the nano ollantel Pen ainglowen „whisk isithet Dorsey .ore .barik,eltuate in Warrffiranutrk and Franklin townships. Also, Sewed adjoining tracts of ilnaeutdd lands, Minato on Stone Mountain, in Brady and tleudenton townships, one thereof in the name of Abram 'Dtiffield, one thereof in the name ooleorgs Eby, ono thereof is the name of :tnnel Rein, one in the nalue,ofJeS3o 111 CA UM, -onb:ln Ate ;lupe of Thoninsllutchetter, and one In the name of William 2WICIC/IVIICf, ' COMMIIIW 14CalOr ,theut 'Three Thousand Acres. • , • seized, taken la execution, and to be sold as The yap. .erty of Edward A. Green. • . . •r•ALSO—A lot of ground, in the vil . loge of Carnet, Carbon township, fluntingdOn county., fronting 60 feet on piihno road leading trout Bread " Top City to Cpalmont, and extending back about lOU foot to a loVbf In dim liulffiger, having elected thereon a largo frame stable and foundation of what wan known an the • • • • ••• • t'Bupn.s . 1,11 .", , Etized;takeh in execution; and to bo•iiith aV-111b prop. erty of Wel liam H. Coxueirdnd A. M. Tortain , .Ijeg dwelling house, one story and a loaf high, the size of the building la twenty-five feet by sixteen, loom d mt is lot of piece of ground,. ,hunts In Jnekson.tov liship, Huntingdon, court -11/91,61InkfrikliYaoudil Setaliel ntow art on the ,bulb meat, by Janus of George M. 801 l on the west. 1101 tb, and north cast and aouth by lands of Ilichael Ileminger. Seized, token to exec-tion, end to, be sold us the, prop ty of George Porter.% .. •+ • • • ALSO—Two certain_lots Situate in the borough telftinfhigdoti, designated on tuts Noe. 331' and 334. in plot of thlitl borough, benuded Olt the north by lot No.. 339, on the east by. Mifflin street, on the west by an alley, on the south by Cypress street, fronting 50 feet:ME:on Iflnlin - sirent, sot ' eitendlng back-151.) feet to a 15 feet alley. Seized, taken In execution, and t• he sold as the prop eri); of P. ALSO—AII that. certain -tract of depth-situate In. Ted township, Huntingdon county, con.' hailing about 50 acres, more or lees, adjoining lands of Benjamin N. Baker, John linker, A131.0.10s lawns and William S. Entrekln 20 swell which are cleared end lender fence, having ;hereon a frame house, Se. " Seized: taken in execution, and to be sold its the It 'P etty of Daniel 'awe. ALSO—Deft's title And'intpr. eat in and to,ftle following described farm. tract.oivarcel of landlituate,in Shirlq.township, Iluntiogduu cunnty, Penri'a. ffiltaTiling"in acres. adjoining lands of Charlea I:verde:lr, Jelin Alexander, tleorge ttlyinvo, JAM" hip• pie, and others, and having ti eandl log house mud lug barn 'thereon erected. - Seized, tubes in execution and to be sold at- the prop , arty of William Young. ALSO—AII that tract or parcel of Imp 1, in: lirmierson towrrelitiLt ,bohlaidd: 011 . the iidrtit,biiiittulti f John Warfel; on tllu Usti bs .11Wile of TllOlllOO Sllhkey, Oli 010 south by lands of As•ib.l COlbin and Clezirge Steel, and on the west by midi& Crock cuntitining,4'l acres, more or loss, havkag thefaall °rect al a tou.story.botineOirebirn and Stilt r 'twin °rennin Hi, and about 80 acres cleared. , , Seized, lateen In execution, an'd to I &Sold no the prep• erty of Samuel Sankey. certain dwelling muse ? of two stories, being to enty-six by, tbirt) r tbi es 11-el. situate on a certain tot, or piece of gtoitild, ost rho south stile of Shirley sneer, in the borough of Mount Union, comity ul Huntingdon, nod now in the acrupaney of JoineA 0 and Cotton ine Lightner, and nu mach of the'ground Immedi ate!) itil,lotarit tin In necensory for the ordmarrand awful purposes of tho some. • Seized, taken In execution, and tube so des the proper ty of Cathaelne Llghtner;owner'or repined owner: nod James U. Lightner, her husband, contractor' or reputed contractor.' ALSO—.AII that cot tain tract or par cel of land, - situate in 'eltirloy township. Huntingdon county, bounth.,l by lands of Hunter Campbell, William Morgan, Peter Miller, bhoperm•l others, conntleing about lOn acres, more or loss, baying thereon eternal I, two eau ry log house and log barn, and other outbuildings. - Seized, taken In execution, and to be Fold as OM prop erty of Mary Mations and Joseph S. Mathews. , ALSO—AII that .certain lot. piece and parcel of lend, covered principally withltintbor with an iron ore bank on the premises, situate in Cromwell, Ornierly Shirley, township, Huntingdon enmity, at the bass of a bill en and bounded on the south by the great road •leadjug front James Colegate's farm' towards and .intersedtlfig‘tho 11111 Valley read at or near Jas. Lane's, adjoining lands of Andrew Molnar° and ?V Illiam Mcln tire, and with an Iron ore bank thereon, us the Hitury'Datison - Dre - Bank, eantilininkonti acre,of ground and Iltlng - that - parl,mul parcel of the fleecy Datoson land w}uidh:se as laid tAT.:sold and convoecl:bYqbe said Henry Dateson to .Dr. James Lightner, prior Ito 'the Bald Bale/. son's conveyance of the main body of his tract (utter leariuOut the weld one acre ors hank) to Eli Wakefield. Selorsi, (ikon ii, exert:Aloe, find,to be said atilthe prop. erty of Dr. James IL Lightner. ALSO, all thateel lain tract orparpel of land situate in Tell township, hounded by lands of Jacob !Ingle, Barbara McMullen, Stephen Walters and, others, containing two bundrial acres, more or less, titer on erected a log house, frown barn and outbuilding.. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop. arty of John A Briggs. NoTICE TO PURCIIMIEREL-IThlllere at Sheriff's Sales wit take 1/011Ce that imnfodiately, vp,n Mu property being knocked down, fifty per cent. of all bids under WO. and twenty-five per cent, of all bids over dint atm, must be paid to the Sheriff, or the .prpprrty:wil I be set op again and sold to other bablera'who Will comply with the above terms. Irconri continriedtwo 'Weeks deed acknowledged on Wednesday of second week. One week's court, property knocked down on Monday and deed acknowledged on t h e following Saturday. - D. It. P, NEELY, Slivriff Sannwr's Omen, : , Huntingdon, Dec. 15, 1869. f FAAHTO . NABLE GOODS FOR ' FALL AND WINTED,, : • ; MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR, :cll A iri*red to the ecioidiloor in Riakd's . log, .whore Ito *deeds to keep constantly on band the latest styles of G K OCYIDS, comprising • • AMERICAN, exedlen Arm Gutted CLOTHS, • OASSIMERES, AND • VESTINGS. MATHS, OASSIMERFX, AND y NSTINQS, CLOTHS, CAS§IMERES, AND 11.ESTRVIIS. Doing a practical work Man of many yearn experience ho I ; 3;,prepared , to,Malco to order. Clothing 'fur mote and tiojet,,4nd guiirdnWu , n4at, duraltbi And fttstdonithlklderii, manship. Go IS determined to pleas° everybody. Any- All 'are invited to call !nd examino ,my new, stock of beautiful patterns before purchasing elsewhere CEO. F MARSH. ' lluntiugdon, Oct. 4 1869. 1869. CLOTHING. •_ • H. ROMAN. . bt TV MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING FOR . 'ALT, AND WINTER. JUST REMY ' • 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CI,OTHING' STORE. For Oenthonen's Clothing of the host materiel, and mutt: to tho beat workmanlike manher, 61111 at- ' ' ' ROMA'N'S opposite toe Franklin Mouse in Market Square, !looting don, Po, . _ - . [TAW.) w d Soft Coal fur mile by nytll24;tl • ittriax sce ---oOrd •NS • • 0 "tre-i VALUABLE , SEA•n:ESTiI MI LESTA.TE ON ISAI /41,, DY vlrttie et at:. order otLtfie Orphans' Colin' or mint ingtion connty; I trill cAlitutele Public gale, ou the prem ieee, in the village cf:,lceviburg. irod"townBl4; fle.ld county, . r 4, 4 . •• • lVediaeaddy7•Januarv-a ? ilB7Ol at s, ,f. ,• •7 ..... • •' 0120.Dvock:in the ellen:loon of said '„; (;;;;.;:k' LOT .0P• Gi2bligii-1: .. . leitnate,ln t le.vllolo • of NewburPoTal Gawnehißunt- AißfOn County. RW,..fee.u.ting.ifty feet on life pobile'road, ene hundred .uud sixty feet tdOend .91; tkenJamimifelierOtwd!hounded on the south by lot of Mrs, ,A.lby,Clatk,,hpling,thereett ~„. FRAME , 111V,„ELLINCEIOVSE; - , CAR PENTEIV SI - 10 ' TERM.? OF SALE.—One-half of thlitAditteleiriiinWto be , paid'onvowlirumtlow - ote - fiefltri- MMErf&tift''Arhen the deed will he made, awl, the bAlanee In onelear,ooth •hrleFost, , to be; seem made hyAllepulfmppt± Stet ,1 DAVID ... DAVID MILLER, Guardian MA° minor, children of lf Iseia,llelfer i .doM. Tod twp., Dec. 15; .11 n rf RUST BE ' :111 • rt.EAr . :I,II , AW [ESTATE'OF BEN:7A3IIii lly sirtno of on ord:r of tho Orphans' Court of Bunt lngdon county, I will MoSe . to;•1',011ii Sale, , on tholife- I :mleerm.,routOl'oll tOwnefilp,,lluittitigdoin count, A•al, alt Thzirhday, Jdhuary 6th, 1870, at one o'clock of said day,• ~i• • t :5‘ A VALUABLE FARM I. i V • '1';) i. jin Clomwell township, ..bohnclod by lands of '' Tiiiittz.on the north,•lielriof tihuon Orals on tee` ides, lanai of Minted *Vernon MI thernithf and laude - of Abra ham Miller on the went, contztnlng.loo•ACßE•S;l , I 0 • more or lees, about 70 tone cleared and In'good etato of colds anion, the balance well limbered,- having thereon te good two•story1001 UOLISB . , log stable, and neceeeary'Cultbuildlngi ; 'good well of. wuter at the door, and an orchard,oceltoice,frult! There Is, also on the ritenthict is tine „'water,inwer, and situate about three 11111 , 211 from the borough of Orbleonia, TER:mB , O sALgw Ono third of the purchase money to; be mild_ oft Con firmation of tho ente,at January court, when deed will be made. and the balance in two ,equal anfipoi PoSolrtln thereofter• with Interest, tho'irhole to 'be secutod ke judgment bonds of the purchaeor. a z..!: , u . - . • ;•, • • f 1111,LIAM )IINKEIT4 • Trlisteo to sell the real f , etato of Itenj. Milker, deed: :hftloy twp , hen, I ALUABLE FARM. LAND - 3P1E7331a3CC5, OULT-iM. • t ESTATE. CF JOHN M'HA HAN, ESQ , DEC'D,E, Tho nnde,rigned, Mociitoria the tit Jolla McM in, Eq.. lute or the borough of Huntingdon, .1, ed., will WIC, tit !tithe Court Ilutice, in limiting don, 'Oh" Wednesday, January sth, 1870 j A TRACI gk; .LI3.IgSTWIE,LAND," 5 situate in l i orter ' toWnship, 41tmG Wgion Chtihicr, contain ing 210 Acre., mop ,or jg..„ Lout;7o acres of this labd fence, are cleared, under 'did in a pretty .good,stata of cid tlyntiod.lnow fa 'bribd by'YJe:'Stuntiel BldoricYand the remainder i. avoll timbered, adjoining lands of George Lamp, dec'd., A. I'. l• than, Do., Wm. P. OrLlton.'l:eq., Thomas Whittaker'. •heirs; ontP,othrra, The nod lending road froingliittiitigdon'tWlihrtshid Valley,paise• through this Wort of land , TIIREEI AOJOISII;Nd TltAd'rg-OPLAND titillate in Putter toyaship, containiug, respectively, 1134, 102 ACHES, learrnntell In the thime - of Acres; warranted In tho naini,sofJ.itin Patton, adjoining Lintla of N. Bryan, Jooeph O'Hoinj - pillnll6thers i , A. AV 11 si 't.sij.,Jhoonif dd'othess .00 thopre. mites, area Insg i DWELIANG 11011S8 and Fir 111 1.1 .iltn owl' a good spring. In teMini,otiehimuol Moore. A limit TO owes fit - tills land aroci t te.l. andlirider fentd,' and , cli , Inseno, Thopuldie'roada Ilartning 'alloy and A' mmtl/i'l pass Ihrough thise - traihe.. The, trails VIII ho sold ns 0 - 113 Lady, or !aspirate, 'Si parchlisiirs in'ajiiieffre. P. rs 111 desiring infw maim' re opecting ninive 7 d.., , Crliviti I mil, will please call upon. mistier .of (110 undeisign.d. or upon .1. inip-Mi'Arrica?, Esq Ilimlingli in. Tim con 'filo!s will ' ho made known, on the day nit sale. .T r - -.7011S 10. 31cC,C111,1, s.• t , n . Li11114534/,g1..1.; 1 ,1 ' Ex - ecntero blotSahan decd, December 2, T 'TT . NMI • MILL FOR' 9 , 11E' subscriber dfferS Mill and 31ill House, eitiiatild in iVest CoWnship. , I‘l‘l Mill Is sitnatud' in tits Ware 'of tilatyeep,Crsek Valley; good will. COMM) ; has a gaud .:agozn; end is n Vida six aillvis of the Penna. railroad. For rut titer V'-''"lslPt".l ''!""'ilI I'i tY.t.lO UTNE% Aell3litta, 11nat.11.5 se2:. „ 'OWN LOTS FOR . . SALE , -1 - • rII.2,IVtI t ST i1t1:VTIN!1110!: llny Lollo'frorri Drat l'autthrnt - ‘-‘ , .4200 • Pomba:v.l . s de4rlug to - build end havo'reriSiva terms es to psymentd Now is the timo to threat. Ap. ply to (AMU] - It. ALI1: 4 0N; AMU.% TIOR SAItE 011EAP 12 GOOD NEW syEANI 19 hOrce pOWer. , For pttrticuldre addrass J. W. bICKERSON:or I=Eilli AUDITOR'S NOTIQt:.: Ina undersigned 'editor appointed. by. the Court - of Common Pleas of lin ingdoriCounty, to rep:lndia-id button of the fond In he bands o a It. P. Neelyastl4 Sheriff of said County, arising from the sale areal eetattr of George Hedy, hereby glees notice persons Inter ested, that ho w ill . attend at the calks woo4+l llP'r liatcoon;in liontinAdbel on VIESDAY,-the .l 2lst-dai of Dr.CE7IBEit, 18t 9, at ten o'clock, a. in.. for the purpose of making said distribution, lt ben and whore all persons baring claims, against said food. are required, to present the same or be debarred from coming in for anyelthre of - W. Mcff WILLIAMSON; 7 ) 'I tf a:4ll(Pter. @MI A UDITOR'S IVQTICE. -- Estate, or Benjumin Johnvorhil 0. no undersigned 'Aitdifor • aPpoinied • by the 'Conrt"cs. Common Mean of Huntingdon:county to determine ear ceptions to the account o I (Web Guyer, Committee t Benjantin Johnson, a lunatic,. eel rep irt distributiori, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the ~dotio. IBC his appointraentat ‘ tinidorf, oh 1941 EBB AY, the lfth day of DBCEMIt6It,IBO9, at 10 o',elocit. Ai Mt, when and whefe perscins interested are to. ed to present their claim, or be debarred from cam. log in for a share o 1 the fund. . . S. ALLEN tOVELL, , Auditoti= OEI A UDITOR'S ;t. The underetgusd. appointed Auditor by the Court of Common fleas of Huntingdon County, to distribute the flind in the hands of the Eherlff, twitting frotn the solo; of the r.eal eittattr . of ftflehislas Allll6r,Herkey'aireit netted that he will attend to the dntles of his appointment at Ids Milne in Huritfpvlow". , on the 18th day DECE3II3Etti 1869. at which Ifni& ana fildde all persona interested are required, to present their-elairna or be de. barred front coming In - for ashore of the fund. K. ALLEN LOWELL,. Auditou; MED ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of David Peterson, dee'd.) , • Letters of administration, upon the estate of Davit) Peteteen, late of Shirley township, Huntingdon county, deceased. baring been granted to the undersigned, all pen sons indebted to the estate will make Immediate pay. ment, and those baring claims will present them for eats Clement. • 1 . 1 'BENJAMIN A 1713,; 1.1 1 / 4 • Angliwick Hun D Hnidon JOHN B. Pkirk.KSON, -Burnt Cubing - Fulton co., Atllninketratots. novlo-61. 'mow opp_:-.4.cliptr.c4 ----:- .--::, -- Classic:. ~,ii Literary,„Scightific, llitittite MALE AND FEMALE.. -,,,;;:6, This Institution Is located at Wide dap,` Ifuntitigifig Cooey, Pa., on the - Wall "route bitween Chembersbure and the Mount Union Station oit the Pennsylvania Rails road, being thirty miles from the former, and seventeeq from the latter. There is a regular ltuo of Stages betweeg these places and Shade thtp, situation is ode of the mostbeautiful and healthx in the State; people moral and religtoits ; and churches convenient. The course of attply is thorough and extent - sive. including all the broaches usually; taught In ou' Academiel and Collagen. —T ER MS:a'• Broad and Tuition, per year,Slso.ltoi'Anclent and Sled ern Languages, Instrumental Music nut other °manual. tut Branches, extra. Ministers' eons and disabled Soldiers, received at dared prices: Next term opens JAN ilaitY sth, For particulars, address, L. 11. BEER:, A. B. Principal, Nov. 25, 69 .tf; Shade. Gap; Int iiiltigtlOn'-fo ItuNTINpDs)? - 4: 14'9'41q,:.sTATILN:' ii underSlgnitl, hailng purchased the Livery Stable recently owned by Mr. btmon Weston, neo now pry paled to accommodate the publie`wfth ;Horses aq4 . Cprrlr agos,ort reasopatno terms., • , _ btablo at the rear of tho Jackson noose, nnnr the D. Tr - Itpitron.), .• . aug2.s•6R, LAM - DEMON & M ae. COUNTRY IYEAI,Eits , c a rt m e n l2lslo from l me lu llunting,.loe at eitioe, ..1:11ave a x holooge ' el i e e re 'e ;:i P li ' lltetpTi n r,: n , th l IL MNitti. ' El 41, P. KERR, Ledford, Penns,