resaT.leartoriamiscrienere- - itoriedbteffninTne 'the' jiTiftbyestarn land boundary jietween the 'Milted ) Staliis 'and''the ;Braid:, Possessions, tinde4 lbrftxtbaty "Ot ; 1856 P ripie"koirfPlbie'd BtAtlirklgoi'VAtelithe , cornmis 4 lien hag biciadia • 0.1 1,/,10 I;lo,ihi';''',4l.: popjo T roty vtii.49 l ,T,cocarnqudatinv aill'atxB;ietnl6 l ibmii.4 Waseer. 1 y nauto to trio ;11.11X.0.11 ieourtA,argat‘ii nudr,l the':tr3lyl oft April 1 tii; 1.5 6 80 f ar ~ .4 1 49..a.Apprassion of , :alave traders.' ai.l i subl99l,,'..;6Bl9l.ujsider, 'mg otistion, c - A lie' CiltliklvlitE ' -Veruta Curnpani, organitiettluider'ffritiah laws, 1T616,44 1 4 1'411 0)o ...shores of t ha:United! an . (l •eVqsd! °, nmler cone ASlotrfrorp litajaly,the *jiiViei.`rif."l o .Fali'mg - iii 'an' exefasive "right for 'Minty "oats: be, :telegraphio. rcomrifurderititin Jintpieenitlie shores,ef: France and thmUteted il,i4t.losiNtlt-the.very objectionable : featurchof s bjc ,cting: ail.,ripssagesrcriefejied t.liereby to the I•oriah gatlififOrWasl)liirtiti to be imade acquainted Sikkith,o taretiahle7policy..of. Congress on the aulkigq; ps,loFeshadowed by the, 121111,which 15 3 gsed the „Senate in,Atarch: This:dr4w, tlid represeetStives — or tlie' aireernent accepqas 'Vag tiastaltit'theii• oji ofatiabsi.the•Aireidsiouif of. thatibill;joi of such ottylr...etmtn;nnhl ur r thepsnhjegt,as;migtit be passeddur?ogAio,approachiugisessimaiol Cop.!' theiobBfaence to secure 116Yeeiti Viefiefiloidinnient(it thitrtiditiessibriliao:fis fri,peireit - the idadlttg 944.1),Vilableditilenging „Any, cent pinyincon• poorattcfbAthq ahthority, of the.linited States ora'n'y State Of 'ilia Union, and i,ri" their Part, niitio , h'pnoid' de) "eilabllshnibilt 'of' any such'. cableoAni bonsideration'bt;this) hgreemont F 4 trecvd. ithdrabia I off,n ll,opposition'by, I,l4.llnited S i tatcs-to, the lap,ding ‘ et „the cable,: and to the viorlting of it, :until the ,e)optiog,cf 64 - ieSiO 8 I Vegrei'ecNai v tilaf ih erre has' e en, nionitieliflehtbatiAnalle cpagfirr; net soder-as I loan i learn; have, they) attentelt to,.securo. ohe. ,ITh cßucpssion cicludes an d the citlzens.of the Mitch gtitesfrtini'Corliffititifin On - the 'Shared' obi•fatiekl. l ole"gislatto'n' tfict:tho - alights.ohcitizehni of: the. United States • a,s,we,ll„asi chi dignity and ,;qovereigely of, the, natie,n, tygain t atl.sucti,an,, assumptioe. . shall etidparorlo secure by negetiatieri abandon , , mbrlttiff tlid:yrincirat m'onopid les" 11l ocean - teleiranh -ethics: Gopies of correspondence- aWlPA9Villifefii)tibed. , ;i - ;ri 'l,, pus,opsettlecl; political . . condition Of., other cdunttios . Jas fOrtnehee, then ,otii own, sotrie tinieWlifide,eB'their ' i nfqzuk"ttlicrime t 'the llnitediStated purl:lose of being tiatur alize4. l l4lfaviogBuredqthis.•_they. , lretuiti to tilo,r tkaiti,ve,coUntry ! ,and,resida,the ; ro without, dp,e,:loapathtteogange 'of iillpgiance,.,Vbey,ao cepfthScVpotiliithik'Of Mist Or tionqr, whiclt can th'eir native land.! The3rjoerney.under;passports deicrib-'1 ing them as such citizens, and i s only when civil diadordiliftel. !-ye.tl29; :perhapi, 'of obiet, threatens ,their.persons, or, thei r property, or • wliMA2l.ll44l:allye State drafts them into, mili-. tiny service, that'the rapt' of their allegiance is ,made known. , TlieY" reside , permanently from the United States ; they contribute ants-' its resources ; they ; avoid the dutics•ot citizenShip,,aild they', only make themselves knowti b'y -of protection: 'I 'have di reeted:the'llnited'Stateti idiciutinize carefully all such claims of protection." .The.citizens of thsVnited.iS v tatfs„ whether nailie*Oindopted is ootttled; tn. its' complete protection.. While I have of affairs I stfalViitikealiaiat fo' imperil' the 'sacred right hvconfeiring it.upon. fletitious'ov fraudulent entitnrinto,i,":l3' ; • . • • ! THE .1 1 E0TECTION. Etliglt'ANT,PASSEN e''•l''.l," GEM: , • -1 , On thpecvs'aidtli of the pre§ent inhnittistra 'lien itfwas found that! the ominlsterfor North Germany. had made' propositions,or, the negO, Gallen of a Convention ,flor the ,protection of etnigrapt passeligers; tit Which 'no - response bad. besn'ilven: 40 was 'co °chilled ' hat to' be effectualiall.the maritime powers engaged in the tiimje,spenhi,deiu in such arneasure. vqatiOns kwe, been extended to the'cabinets nt , LondiM, Paris - , Florence; Berlin, Brussels", the 4 Hugue, Copenhagen, and Stockheliu,'to empower.three representatives at Washington' to simultaneuusly.entet.futo negotiations, and to conclUdd with the United States convert- Hens, identical in form, making uniform regu ulatimis as to the construction of the parts ot vessels to:rho devoted to the; use Of , emigrant passengers'; as to the,quantity and .quality of fbod as to the medical treAtment of the sick, and as to the rules to be obserived during the voyage, in 6i - der to secure ventilation, to pro mote health, to'prevera intrusion. , and to pro tecethei fentales,-and providing.for the estab : Bement n f tribunals in thn several countries, for enforcing'Such . regulations by summoning process.'" - • Yotir attention is r'espcictfnily" called to the law, regulating the tariff on Russia hemp, and to the.qnpstion, whether to fix the,chargee on Rupsian hemp, higher than _they are fixed on maniillals not a ,vtolatiori of' Your treaty with Russia; placing her liiioduets up§n. the same' footing , witty; thosW et .tho most :favored us ., • .11 , • I , . Our, manufacturers are increasingavith won derful • rapidity ; iihdef the encouragement which 'they' nor receive, " With ttie improye mehts in , Machlniry already. effected and still increasing, esophagi machinery;, to Jake the place of skilled-10ot. To a largo extent our imtsrts'of,Manyartieleiiiiipst fall' oft' largely wit in a felt , fyearti. "Foitu Itttely, too, manu facturers sic bet/ bondhed to a few' localities as foymerly;and 'Cis to be hoped; ivilldiecome mcge anljnoteditrescilf malting the interest in their,snienss equal in alt sections. They give tiiii.loyirient atd Support to 'hundreds of tholisatids‘ of people 'at borne and' remain with us :the (Means, which:: otherwise - - Would be shipped abroad„ ; —• , • D • •• 1 The extension of railroads in Europe and the `eait info e6MPetitiOn 'with our , agrictiliiiral'prbdtiete "like 'pioduets•bf- 'other' countries:. 41Selfdnterosteif mob self preserves , tioa n thefeterp,dictatek ; cantion against .dip turtoang_suy . A inditstrial.intptest, of the, ceutitry,. It ta.ohes us also the' necessity of 'lcrohitig' to other iiidrtiVto'tbi thti'Aole of Ohr neighboiseorkb of us and. Otani , and Japan. should l xec.epoieby ,appcialraittelitjon be tile endes.vo; ef„the 14alinistyation to cut-, theta slich‘ relations With ttleios, riatjons to entitfinsitaificV cionthlhi'66 Rod their , lutetest; tot '2* . en as' clown'W iestabtieh kietter compigKal,relstions. ~, _ );1J%; 7 % . )7 •.1 dUTCRELA.TION . g t riTrt • ThrOUFII titlegeney. of i more ,enlighenne'd polipf - than'ttat - • bbretoforejerdued' towards China--iergely 'due td.thmsugacity'lineteftdite of oar own distinguished citizens-4Lthe. world. Is about tp,cemmenen .largely increased rela, Wait,aplanipins pnd - Antherte ,exclu sive nation. 4 AslMs — United States - haVe been the •friltiators inftee ,, nevr noljey,',-so they should be the;:mcisf, earnest - in showing their good faittkin maltin,g nit A. success ? ", ,;“ ; •• In ,this.eppnectinu I, advise aunt' Ipginiation. es will forever"preelude'llie , enslavement" 6f the Chinese iipon,iir sell;`urider: the nntizi . of andl•nlso :prevent American, vessels' from' engaging in the transportation. of coolies, to any, ountry. tolerating the 'system.. I slpo recommend 'that the mission of China be relied to oriii l' '"• • ' • • fiEQ TC. BE • ••••••lIREs D.._ .ti .1 , .•,- • Upon ,myrasiriniing .the :responsibilities of chief niagiatrito - Of: the United States, it was, will{ th ' e conviction'that three - things were es-' sentiaTfri its peace, prosperity and fullest do velopment, Fifat among these is strict integ rity in : fulfilling all our obligations • second, to secureprOle,otioolo'the :person and property of tlid.Citiens of the United States in 'each and flverniortion of oar country wherever he' may-choose tornovei. , without -refererence to original nationality; religion, color or politics, demanding orhiru:o4i, obedience to the laws and ifitipderespe& for'thb - sights of 'others r' third;'Unlo - nleflilllliei States, with eciutilrights indeltractible*:',any..coastitutiOnal " Means: To oeettra tpu.,firit,ef4ll4e.congress has taken two cogent's' steps .r.,,, FHA: declaring; h'y joint reselation; that the pliblicldebe-sliould' be Old:Trine:ilia! and interest,' in coina.atid second,'by providing Lho means for,laying ., Pre : victim, the Meins,,how 7 ever could not secure the object desired out a proper administration of flier lai;s for the collectioii-of 'the r.eientted : and an e&o , he: mica disbursment 'of • them; f• Tti thirusiibject the administration has most,earnestly address l ad itualf, , , with reunite,- i t :believe satisfactory to the counfit,„, - Thera...bee betr'no hesitation iii changing of ficiaacii. o'rtht to 'secure an eflleient execution' of the' liws. • Sometimes; too,(where in a mere, party ' view undesirable poitical results were likely to follow from . any, hesitation in sustaining ,to officials), , against mien atrarcia wholly political. H. may be woll tomention hero the embar rassments possible la arise from leaving on the Waltiirliii - oli,lfroto called f ientire of office act, and to earnestly recommend its total repeal. It could_not have.been the intention of the fra mers of the constitution when providing that appointments by the President should require the consent of the senate, thatigtito latter bhotticl have the power to retain hellice, per sons placed there by Federal appointment against the wilt of,the Eresitienillku,4l* is inconsistent A' refailhldVa.fid'epleun&ll ministration of Ihe'goydrocutillt f . iniat Rsith can an executive haveAri;olifelals forced iipen him, aud in those wlicorti be bits suspehdeitfor reason t How..yill -, a411 ollicials,,he likely to serve an administration" which they knoti does not trust them ? For the second requisite to to our growth and prosperity, time and a firm and .ru oet bureaoo -adutinistration.of -existing laws, amended from time to time as they may provo•jneflectiye,,or proye : horstt aid[Opbee ossify are probably all the more required. The third cannot be obtained by special legia lation, but mustibe regarded as fixed by the couSittulioulit:self, and gradualy acquiesced in by rorc'e of pubic opinion. • TUE f 1 ETTIII the:foundation j of the dovernmcnt t a b flio.preent the' management of 'the 'original inhabitants of this continene=the has been a subject of embarrassment Ind: et! p,ense, and has been attended with continueus robberies, murder and, wars, ~From,,eiy,,own experience, tipiin the 'frontiers, and 'in:lndian' coubtrienA%dii-bet hiileeither the lagislatioli or the conduct of thO whites 'who' com e -intist contaet ith ,ithe.:lndians,. ; blameless :for The ,past, however, cannot be ulidone, and,lSd. question iiitiSt be Met as we now fold if: • I have tifienn'pted (tine* poli cy tewards.thoso wards• of••the nation they 'cannot tie, regarded in any other light Mali as wards--Nyit4 fair results„ so far as tried, and which i hope will attendcd,ultimately,,with great iiiecesst: Thti society of :Friends are' : well known as having; sueceeded%;in iliving in .peace, with the Itullansin the early settletnents , .ol,gonn,SYivania,,whilepeir white : neighbors ; ,otelliikSecl. aLher sections were constantly, enibroi led :"" ThOy 'are' alio ltnown for their op-, position; tb all ;strife;: ;violence 1 ''and ' ' nee 'generally:noted, for• their: strlct.:halegrity. and (*dealing.. These.considerations i induci: ed me to give the mana gement of ,a few reser r ,, ivatitins of Indians to them, and thinw the burden of nelectiiiforagents uPoh 'tile sacfo ty itself, The result has, proved most. satis factory. It will be found more fully set forth in the report Of the'Oorniiiissionei of Indian Affairs:: •• .... • - . -FbrauPerintondents and•lndicin agents .not on,the reservaticns, eflicers,of thestrmy. were selected. The reasotik v for,:thiaAe,tO EtantlP,r-. pus. Illiefflndfin agente'Wera sent there or were, there, troops thubt:bo• bent' also. ' The agent and the commander C.f..troofelere pendent of each oibor . ; xifuLaro autdect :to or ders from different :Oepartments of .the• goy orunieitt. ,„ The army officer holds a positiOn fdr' life— the agent one at the will of "the: PrOsident: The fernier is personally interested in living in harmony with.the Indians and in }lie estab lishnient of a permanent peace, to the, end that ' some porticn of this life*niay be `sport withifi the limits 'of :civilized soCiely. — The latterdias no such, personal • interist, anather reason, is an economic one, and still another' hold which the government has upon, a life of flcer to s,eeure Liitliful"diechafge of duties in carryirig out a given policy. The beildlog'6l* railroads and 'the ,fleCeSS:thereby given to all the,agtienliural and mineral regions of the country is rapidly i liringing Civilized' settle ; went into is: with all tribes of Indians, No matter Ahat ought to be the relation be tween'such settlements and the aborigines. the fact is they do,-not harmonize well, and olio or.the other give .way in the .end. A systemwhieti - looks to 'extbietion, of - a race is too'libiriblelor a hatidii' to adoPtwith :oupentailihg IipOIT Itself , the wrath of , Air Christendtigt and engendering in the citizen • a disregard for holier, life and the • rights of ,others—datigerous‘to society. - I iee do sub-. 'stititte shell a system - except in 'placing all the Indians on - large reservations as rapidly As can be done, and giving them absolute.protec- tion there as soon as they, are fitted for. it. They should be induced to take their lands in severalty and set up a . territorial F;overninniit for their own protection.- Ter full details on .this subj-ict, I call your special attention to the report.ol , the secretary of the interior and the commis s ioner of Indian affairs. ". TILE Vi'Alt Dia'AittNlENT The report of the Secretary of War shows the expenditures ler the year cooing the 13th of June,lB69, to be 880,614,049, of which 23,8810 was disbursed in the payment of I debts contracted during the war, and is not chargeable to current army expenses.- His estimate of $34,531,831 for the expenses of ithe army ffir! fiscal year le as low as it is believed can be relied on. The estimates of bureau officers have been carefully scru tinized and reduced wherever it has been deem ed practicable. If, however; the condition of the country should be such hy - the begin ning of the next fiscal year as-to admit .of a greatur concentratiop of troops, the appropri• atiOn 'asked for Will not be expended. The apprripriationsestirnated for river and harbor improvenient4 and fht..fortiticationA'are • sub nutted. seperateli.. •Whatever amount Con gress may, deem proper to appropriate, for these purposes will be, expended. The' recomMeridatiornif tho General of the !army that appropriations ho made for' thl3 forts.M.Boston, Portland, Noi YOrk, Phila. delpffia,New Orlenus and, San Trancisco, is concurred in. , . '• I also ask your special attention to the rem, ilinmendation of the General commanding the military. division of the Pacific for the sale of the seal islands of St. Paul and St. George, Alaska territory, and suggests that it either be complied with, or that legislation be had for thopretection of the seal fisheries from whiclra revenue should be derived. l'he report of tho Secretary of .War con• ,talus a synopsis of; the reports. of ..the. heads ;orbitreaus, of the commanders Of ,Militaiy di 'visicias; and of the dfsiiicia of ;Virginia, 'lilts ' issiprify and Texas, and , the report'of the Gee: .eral of the'army ib full.: I The, reconicaeridao Lions, therein wontoinedAtave, been ,well. sidere'd and are submitted for, your„action.. ' .I,'hoiseVer”call'Special attenthin to'the'ree bmmendation nfJthe - Chief ' , Of 'Ordinal:ice' 2 for the sale otrtrsenals•and laeds no lotiger,of .to'thp, gov,orpment alsmto the' reponmenfla-, tit q.of, the, secretary .ot,' war; that ,theact , of the Sd'of March;lB69'," prohibiting wet - Moth:ins titsePalituiintniebta'on the staff corps bi the ar mi be repea..edt, The extent of 'the ?country to,b,e,garrivne - tl;,and_thp homier of ,military ,posts tope Ace.,eupied 18,the Isame with a reduc ;ed. artriy . as with' a large One, and the number of stair officers - required-is more dependent t ooj the latter than the former conditions. NAVAL MATTER - - • Thez 'rCpert 'eV the 'Secretary ' of the' Navy, accompanying 'this, 'shows the • condition •of the navy whowthivadtainistratiom came into and the.changes,mado since. Strenu-_ ous,efforts have beemmado to place as many vessels idcommission (Or . render them fit for shivlce if required) as possible, iind . 'to'ntib stittife'tlle senior steam whilst cruising, thus Amaterially reducing the expenses of the . na vy and addilig greatly to its efficiency. Lookini'to our future I recommend a liber al; though noVextra . vagant policy towards this braneh - of the'public service. - - POST OPPICV,DEPS-RVITEAT. The report of 'the Testi:nester General fur nishes a elerir and comprehensive exhibit of the operations of the postal, service and of , the financial condition ,of the Posthillso. De partmenti;ending the 80tIr of June, 189. The er . d'+n'niy postal ie'venuis for the year ending the 30th 'of June,llBo9,amounted to •$18,844;510, and the $23,698,181, showirig, an excess of expenditures over receipts 0f.56,- 353,620. The excess of expenditures over re ceipts for the previous year amounted to $6,• 437, 992 the increase ofrevenue for 1809 over those 0ff1.868 was $2.062,909, and the increase of expenditures was $967,633;' the increased revenue iu.189 exceeded the increased revenue in 1868 by $900,330, and the increased expenditures in 1869 was $2,527,670 less than the increased expedditures.•in •1868,. showing,' by comparison, this' gratifying feature` of im provement„ that:wild° the increase of esenili Lure over the increase.of receipts in:1868 was $8,439,555, the increase of receipts over the increase of expenditures in,1869 was $1,081,374 • Your attention is:respectfully eallCd to the recomendation made by the Post Master Gen eral for authority to, ohange•the,rate of com pensation to the main trunk railroad lines for their services in carrying tie mail ; for, haiing •• • liest - route' maps executed) for reorganizing and ificreiming the efficiency of the 'special agency setvice ; for the increase of the mail. service on the Pacific,. and for establishing mail service under the Rag of the Union on the Atlantic ; and most especially do I call your attention to (hie recommendation for the total abolition of the franking privilege. This is an abuse from which no one receives com mensurate advantage. It reduces the receipts for the postal service from 25 to 30 per cent., and largely increases, the service formlid. The method by which postage should be paid upon public matter is set forth fulin tbe ralp,gtt of the I'. 11. General. There o'f;ibefieetetary of the interior show the,,'the y i reatttlqayrpubdic lands dis posed of 4 4lnriug t yeir,,entling the 30th of June, 18691 wa„ - 7.056,01,52 1 acres, exceeding that of tifOrederling Alit:by 1,010,407 acres; ambent;2,899;544 - 4iere,s .were entered ruder thrKhOineste,adllaws,:unil the remainder -gvanTeii tot-aid lip thri-,construction of ;works et: internat - iniiirovement approved to 'the State as swamp lands and located with warrants and scrip. ' The cash receipts from all sources wore $4.472,886; exceeding those of the preceeding-yeary-$284,140.- -•- Dicing the last fiscal year 23,106 names aveYbleddeir to the pension rolls, and 4.376 dropped therefrom, leaving at its close, 187,- 963. The amount paid to pensioners, inclu ding;the compensation 'Ol 'disbursing. agent, -411.fr528,422.44, ti,n;lnereapeicf 0,41,1,90 do tliarof the Previous year. "Ttie - - munificence of`CongresiiliVecheeisfeasitilcheitilriehniftigf- - cd in its leiVa,o9 I.( 4:o l 4 l PlAfilgrifiailors . wil° sabred in 'lrpi „reeent, struggle , . to inninteln 41-r.Tt boll 'of; gpife'rnnieicil:iqvieli hieltes us - one peeple,2 The fitidltiblislo i tlie 049 n - rolls Of each seeCestlyti:yeav:'since:the conclusion of tioktiptti*,4,4l - kult in,ativia:,Ogree,Vorn the deleatertrAtinclinonte.4;alie, ect.ocln ly. 14, 1862, Why* , tlyeelled .Piihy s filenileto, cases not-falling-Withili".4teorigfriat- scope. ' The' large outlay which'is ilitverfceithiontd is further increased by the more ,liberal -allowance be, stowed since, that date um those who in the line of duty where wholly, or permanently dis 7 abled;'= Public Opiiiiob'has given ita'eiejtatie sanction to these measures of - Congress, and it Will be conceded that no part of our public burden_is more cheerfully borne tha n ,Ull4 which' is imposed by this branch of the service It necessitated; the next fiscal year, in addl. tion to the amount- justly" 'chargeable W . the - naval pension. Died, ,apptopristiornf,tsßo,-; 0,00,000, During the, year ,ipa9.lbe Patent .6111ce,..-A -sued'l3,7d2 'admits: rind' lite recelPts *re $986,389,1being $213,926 mere( than' the 'ex penditures. I would respectfully. call your UttchtiOn'te,the rec:Meinend'ation of 'the See: rotary of the Interibeion titian the duties of supervising -the ndimation•toif freedmen' with the other duties deVelving upon the commis-, shiner of education. if it is the desire of Congress to'rualte theeensus, whiee Meet he talten'dering the' year•lB7o;' mem eemplefe than heretofore' , I would auggest'early action upon any,'plan.ehat may be Agreed upon;•: As Congress at its,last session appointed a :com mittee tolsiceinto consideration such meas ures'aShaliht be deemed' prePer' in referenee to the census and to 'report 'a plan, I 'desist' from saying more. • • . - • - I recommend, to your favorable considera tion the claims of the Agricultural, bureau for liberal appropriations . In a country So. di versified in climate - and sell as ours;'and with a population so largely dependent upon' agri culture, the bentfits that can ho conferred by properly fostering the bureau are incalculable. I desire respectfully to call the attention of Codgress to , Cie inadequate salaries of a num ber of the most importantollicers of-the gov ernment ikthis message.- .I will 'net: enumer ate them, but will specify only the Juitices of the Supreme Court. No change has beeti :made in their Salaries for fifteen years, and ;within that-time the labors of-the court have largely increased and the expenses of the liv ing have at least doubled during the same tine. Congress has twice found it necessary to increase largely the - compensation of its own Members; and the duty which it - ewes to another department of government deserves and will undoubtedly receive its due consid eration. There are reit* , subjects' not alluded to in this message which might with propriety be introduced, but, I abstain, believing thati your patriotisimapd,statesmenship will suggest the -topics or OO:liigialation West cpnslptive the, interests of the' 'whole . pgpiilo.'", if, part I ;promise .a' rigid adherenetCtii the_ laws' void their strict...enforcement. qaattr. 6lobe. lErUg7 IN,,QP co N, Vg . edueday ,morning, Dec. 16, 1869 li - M. LEWIS , HUGH LINIJSAY, • Mc " Globe" has the largest 'timbar of readers of any other paper Talished in -the county. Advertisers should rethembel; ug±... The gnorrilbt organ oflast week don't sa'y "KrautP' or "Dad". 'What's wrong? - ' Pet' Our fellow-citizCns , rof extraction,•Ni , ill• be delighted' to learn: that on and 'allay JartWary first, nest, letter postage to England will be only, six cents. • • • gau Jamed . Jr., .On troll or of the Erie Railway, is tho best sued man in this country, We •have been trying to keepaceOunt tif:the number of snits brought agailist hint, but they have got ahead of us, Go in Fisk.. DoooLas.--Theadmirers and friends of the "Little Gime the lamented, Stephen AvDcinglasovill be.-glitd to heal. that his ecin;ltebe.rt IL Douglas, has teen promoted - to the position of ,Priyatp„,Seeyetany to .rresident Grant. Robertill Douglitsdsa , young man of. fine attainments an'tl:a•first-elaSst . gen_ tletnan, worthy of Iris father. :"' Ao' Cromer denies that.he is : acting 'with a secret political lenolie and yet he is pitching into 1116Divitt every week for exposing some of the procee- dings of the secret 'meetings held im mediately after the' August Conven tion. Both MeD'iv"itt and. dremer were :'in" then, but : XcDivitt became disgusted with the 'propositions and -demands of some of tho guerrillas and 'Fie retired, leaving the machine in the hands of ereiner Cdr The' machine will likely run 'as long as the "ilo" lasts.. . , , • .• THE VVIIISKEY Tax--Philadelphia, says a well-posted writer, consumes 30,000 gallonii of whisky per day.— New York and Brooklyn triple that amount, and Baltimore and Boiitoil some 40,000, gallons..,-,The•,ta* on the. Hitler censumed in these five cities alonti'woUld amount in aptly, to one hundred inillib . haf nearly enough the interest,of the en tire public debt. 'The importance , of close collection of , the revenue , from this source is seven' from these .fignres. • DI*TINGUISIIED DEAD.-1 ho follow ing ex-officers of the gizivororricnt have died within two Months past:-=one, ex:President.,,Franklin Pierce; two ex- Secretaries of the. Treasury; William Pitt:Fesaoaden anti Robert J. Walker; one l ex-Secrotary of Wai., jOhri Bell ; one Secretary of War, Jelin A. 'Raw line; one ,Senator, William Pitt Fess- Mien; four United States Senators, Pierce, Bell, Pratt and Wallier; one ex-Postmaster General,, Athos Ken dall; one us-Speaker of tho House of Reprosentati yes,' John Boll; one Roar Admiral, Charles • Stewart;.one Major General, John E. Wool. The Piesiclehl's Message, .QlobecontaitisPileji :e " first` annual - Message : l'o' Obtrgyrt:,..kisa,thort,,sensible, plains 1 prlscticWsjr-aight:fo - t Oleic; „Pgriry PITITISIYe•4000(1:101::: : •4thoughrit fs , „son'th,Wlihi, longer '-ikan wo would he,'yet it is an iinkoyoment on former Messages, and,lB: - a4udi - eio and economical stepils the' right di rection, and it is to be hoped that oth - ,„... -,= es% exadri -151-6. Ostia - pioWinign'te - d by the soldier President:. ,Without any useless ver bitig7, 'gpe t g T stric.kglit to btisiness; 61 0 talks busilieks`ti; the''d,'NsiitlsoUts-tols pingion titUrway,to indulge in rhgtoti ;. • cal 4Siplayi3or Co show a knowledge of Pretich,and 'Milli, by interspersing ' lidrelnd there) a word that tho'cOlmicien reader &milli's:a: undersland'Afrid t or leave the mind of the re:ides:3'A Is•fo‘ , ; at,least. It,is•replete practi9l gad sense, , tind•isoa model - of frals;iAies not ortetilteitbedforin& tshig of letter's.' • tvb , iik,gie -for :- it's' ,Plzif4l4'for,s; i ty c oss witli'wliieh it.goes,,at'a in!a. *old, i t'is 'fife most judicious' message e - ,VPi rissaed fire 'lt he" W. hi fell - du:sic an o' doers allOP40.• AleDiVitt „cif t'ho,,Toin-?a,al . a nd, CreiiLeEor; 'the guerrilla Organare-ban taring each othei , to-oiipesolho Riwg tlin'twinasheil some 6(the'lttplibliCO tick Jt •tixt'he? late election: ''lf,;:t,ifiAid',to: faPP the music. . hicllivitt catls s , upon . Pre- • mer to tell salt he knows about the se cret 'political 'ineetings • held":by the kind Creiner CallS4ponkeDivitt to tell all'he "knows o'fgm proceedings of the meetings. Both know more than they , want the people, to knoa%. :llcDivitt says ho'Wits offered a 11500 office if . IM" would agt-ee - to & Journal, American in the interest of, the guerrillas ,to defeat Swoope,,•Wib liamson, house, Lambelson :and Rich" ardso'n. Robert wouldn't accept the offer and ,Cremes rt:ceited`, it fur his services. ANrc - want more light —the people want.morc expose of the, secret political guerrilla organizion geir We hope; for the 'credit' of the party and tbe'S k in.,•iThaVtlitgitPtibli; can members of the Coming Le , dttla-‘ .ture,-,wilLacit,with ! - -dectiney and re • .s . peet, in the organization - of their re: Weedy& bodice, and not act like a del of hO l is, eittil one, slobbering over : the other,imhis-Itasteto snap.up thO choicest tit-hit, of which there aro so many about our legislative halls: We are not 'of fliosb' who . are eternally liowting abOunliO corruptions Of our Legislature'hnt cannot shut our eyes to the fact di:4par!) is,,done which Might not to ixt done, and ho l ib that many of the exiii3ting evils may he cor rected. The present Legislature can du much .towiird this cod, and we trust that it.may he done, and• thus close the mouths of the croakers who lab delight' in thirSing.A-eryhody 'and everything conunceted with Ll , law . ; ,Making power of.the commonwealth: A RlPED—thetelegr4)h announced him ii';:ii as, a maits rec ently found dead in his bed ir. a JerSoy Oily hotel. He lived, •orrather'died;-on giro Meal a day. His'''watitlrobe and inirriediate perSontil effuetsfwere valued at tWeri 7 ,ty-five cents., • 'lt now tyanspires„that the aforesaid biped loft an estate worth $600,000. Can it be said that this man ever lived? Diil he die ? If tb li . vb is to sympathize With humanity, and to ameliorate the epndition of. mankind, •then - he never lived. If •to die is to past away regretted, leaving the world. the'better'nf bei.M' , in' ,he'peVer pied. Ito ed to breaths ;so do the brutes. , An oil s"pri . ng, has coon discovered. in leyritoy, about five, miles north of Aspen : station, on "the 'Union Pacific Railroad., auk a well has ,boon bor F o l l,.o . tlii) of:l9o : cent. • ,hree sthall have already been struck, and the indications are, very favorable foi. a richydn,. „ ' When Gdlieral Lee heard . .of tho death•of George Peabody, ho wrote at once to Mr. Peabody. Russel, the near est living relittiteiifthe dreat'Philati throliist, expressinejtO him his great admiration'of the ehaideter and .bis dpcp,rff r vetids4lieNfdii . th' - of Mr. Peti body. ":-'":‘ • 1 116r,"-34-othoi,":ifilid'ilie,,l, l artington, bdid you Icekiit , that the iNn-horso has got but one,ear ?". "Ono ear! merciful •graciousy cfiildl,what do -you incan ?" "Why, tho engin-eor, to be suro.', -The ginner;given by, thu Sultan on Oct. 17, at the Dolma 13aktobe POace, in Constantinople , in ,honor of,tlic,,,rn pr,esi'tEugeuie, cost 150,000 ,p,iastree, or about .$B 5 OOO in gold. ~ ; ,•-•Tbeltial of Prince Karaglorgew fer"the aseaseination ofPrinco of Scrvia, still continues, and the pub. lie - prosecutor demands a. sentence.:o death. "'An- Englishman addressing the Trades Union Congress in Birmingham recently,"stattid 'that: £228,000,000 are annually spent by the Britis hmation in in Wxicating drinks. ' • ' • , A claim agent has 'been arrested fn WatertoWn, Now York, charged with forging pension papers and 'drawing the pension of a soldier who has been dead for'two years. ' Another tin mine has been discov ered a few miles northeast of San Bern ardino, California. - The ore is pro nounced superior to the San Jacinto. • Iter"Well, wife, you can't say I ever contracted bad bab,its." "No, sir—you generally expanded thorn." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS iali - c - 001719k SALE V A .Lbtl-21.4L't ESTAT.I2:. - LESTAt)-UM'ijfpAH BAKED, DECEASED.] - .oiriiitio - Of or:Alger of tho Orphans' Court of Duni= ingdon_runittyo will expose to Public Sole. on the urem ia.; in=tfie villago of Neu burg. 'Lod townehip, iu said county, Oil Wednesday, January sth, 1870, at ono o'clock in the afternoon (Weald day, --A„.L.OX URCIUND situate in the Tillage ,ofjse)v,burg,.goll townellipp,ltuM ingdon county, l'a , fronting litYyttentton thotidnyllt-51)11&, and extending kick nue hundred mid sixty fret to land of Borjannu Ii tier, and bounded ou tLo south,by lot of Mys. AlLy linrinx,tbere;- - 1 g4A4IV 'DIVEO,LI' G )IMIJSE, CAR . P.EKLEIIe SUP.: A.NILSTABLE.- TIIIiMF OF BALE.—One•Lnlf of the lamellas° money to' ho paid on confirmation of brio, at January Coln 1. triton tho ft...sifts ill ho made, and the thilanco la ono year, nitb interest, to ho seemed by the Judgment mote of the pur chaser. DAVID MILLIIR, mud isk n millor.hildren of .I,oltll Baker, deed Ted I l ' Fl_ TIRErsTn. 1.5 F 0 ii v ,3irs p 9: „I.: 1 v tii il VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. [ESTATE OF BENJAMIN RINKER, OK'D ] By virtue of on order of the Otplurne• Court of Hunt ingdon county, I wiii_expose to Public dole, on the pre. " : I Cl A l i ftqlrfgj u s 'LL l lP lßelli g g?!.:TlTlVY * U " On Thursday, January dth, 1870, uto l. rre 0•4..1rk of raid day,. „- • .-1 A VALUABLE FARR In CI omwell township„houndod, Ary,issids of Daniel bwarit oli 11,0 0r1,12.6n the 00, lauds of Donsel 'Menl!, mt tho south, and laud., of Abra ham ,51illor on the west, containing 1011 more or less, about 70 Beres cleared snit in good Mute of eultiiittion, the, balance colt Mabel ed, having thereon a good two-story fAal ItOUSO, a log stable, and necissary outbuilding -1; u good, wetirpf water at •the - door; and' an orchard bf chbibo fruit. 'llicAo Is also on the plulyisps a , line, aster, power, and situate about three miles nom the borough of Orbisonia. ' ' =MI , One third or the purchato money to he paid on con firmation of the aaleott . J,lnuary court, yrhan.deed , vll be rondo, and Alidtathince in WU f - equal !ammd •payrnents gh e r a ,dr ar ithinturcin, tluivilfolo;t9 1.10 ieCurad by tko judgulcht boa,' of thdlnucfidgar,- = Trustee to sell the rent cst.tto of Bold. !tinker, deed thirloy twp ; ".' • • • 'rot ktioNt' - DROC by pr6cent to medireCted, datt4l ni Huntingdon, the 'Loth of NI/VT[II4W, A. ender the hatale•and seal of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of COIMOOO Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delis ery of the 2.101 Judicial District of Pennsylvania, compo• eel of Huntingdon, Blair old Cambria counties; amt the Hons. Anthony J. Heaver and David Clarkson, Warmer), ales, Judges of the comity of Huntingdon, Jamiees as signed, appointed,to lieariiryand determine all and Ivory, indietmenti.inaile'or LOWIj tar kor boaerning which Ify.the lan's of the "atatektre made capital, orfelon les of death, nod other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, • n had, have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid—l. on commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole that a Court of o,yer• kind 'Ternifner, of Common Pleat. and Quarter Sessions, will ho held tit the Court House ha the borough of Huntingdon, on Die second Monday:(nnd loth day) of Jammu., MO, and those who stilt prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of tho Peace, Coroner and Constables within said MO fp, be then and there in their proper persons, ut 10 o'clock, n. on. of said day, with their reemils, inquisitions, oxamintitione remenibran. coo, to do those things which to their &flees respectively all Pct tam: DaNI: at Huntingdon, IGth of December, in tho year of onr Lord one thoueend eight hundred and sixty-nine and the Old poll of Ametican Independence. D. It. P. NEELY, Sheri fIROO.Lit7M-41.1.0N; . ---Wl-111.tEA-S, by a piocali Onto illieatudby the'dullgrls'of the, ont mon Pleaa tlitt yutultyo,f llitoti.gdbl;,„lkarlng Ott the 26th of Novembir;.t. r o:'lS69,l"/1111()111111111Illell to make public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick - , that a Court of Cuuntteu liens will be held at the Court (louse in the borough of Huntingdon, at the 3rd 31untlay (and Pith day) of .lane Ity, D. 11,70, for the trial of all is. Bites In sold' Clout %Odell remain undetermlned"befine the acid Judges, S, hell and NI here oll,jutors,.m itnosacs, and suitors, in the Wink of all Issues are 'prinked. Dated at Iltuttingdun, the 15th Medullar, in the year ot, our Lord one thutuand eight Itundredand and thal)Jil, tirituailcuti - IndtSpeitleniei • • - Sherer."-- It ll] , e G , e t S y t i\ ie r r lp so l n ' a i i (i nt l J;stti N tit ie tl e lo fo i l s toe mg named persons halo settled their accounts In the Regiater's Unice, at II untingdon, and that the said accounts 11111 ho presented for Confirmation and allouatice at so tnplanis' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the reality of Huntingdon,n Wlniuusday . , thu 12th day of JANUARY, next, (1S70,) o to nit 1 Mininistration account of John Russell. Executor. of John Russell, late of Hopewell toornslup: deceased. 2 Mluliuistratton accultut of Chingos P. Hat nehl.-il minist tutor of Elii. tllucher, kilo - of Alexandria borough, deconso'd. 3 Unaidiansidli account of P. 31. Bare, guardian of Pranced Va[seam, binierly Fiances , 4 Litiarilianship aecoant of "31. Bare, guaidian of Mary J..eciniffer. 6 'Ulla fainth and final ac: omit of Henry Brooster, ex.• ecutor of Julio Brouster, Into of Shirley to p., d.:eaedd. 6 'bust ocotillo tot 't hos. 11. Gi bison, 'it notco to soil Om real estate oh John !hunter, late of Cromwell top., &cid. 7 Administralion account of Thomas E. Urbison, Ail. minisirator of ltubtcca Lotter, lota of Cromwell town. ship, deceased. 8 Administration account of George W. Gearhart and Dauiel Troutwine, adininisti atom of Christian (lent hart, late of !Limo township. decuied.i i ?";, I . '9 'AirministrAtion hccouitt of Danhil Etter, Mono Wm• for of Thomas Spencer, late of Union township, deed. 10 Administration account of George Weavicr, niinists a tor of George Itulsell, late of Hopewell town• ship, deceased. 1L Allusinfllration occount of Elijth Mori isou, °um for of Samuel broke, th..ceimcd. 12 Partial account or Michael Retread John A. Logan, executors of Daniel J. Logan, deceased, as filed by Mi chael bleu , surviving executor. 13. Account of Jelin :ilverthorn, Trustee to null the real estate of Win. Csimphell, deceased. 14 Administiatiou account of J. It. llagio end Andrew 'ate le, administrators of John Bogle, late of Tell toss Oily, deceased, es tiled by J. it. Ilegio. 15 Administration account of Ilan. John Scott, admin istrator with the will annexed 01 Dr. J. 11. Loden, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased. id A dmiulstratlou ayectint of oanntel 31.Cox;execnto r - of Elizabeth Coi,.latu of Warpramirk twp.. eleeemied. , 'l7 Final ticcount of 'Ephraim Eyter„ udnintistiator of `John tt ler, late of Clay totrushlg; deceased. J. E. S3IUCE. Eli, Register's Mice, Iluiitingtititit Ikc. ~s 7, NOTlCEialiekeby'givOn to all Pei'` interested that the following Inventories of the goods and Chattels •set to' widOws,'undei 'the provis ions of the at( of 14th of April, 1851, been tiled in the office of the Clot 0 of the Orphans' Court of Hunting don county and will be pre:slowed for "iwproval by the Court" on ife.inesilAy the 12t11 of JANUARY, (1070,) lilt outory, and appraisenient,of David Attlebarger, Into •of Wartiorstrark tun nehjp,.deepased, taken by ,his wid ow Vorgart t A t tfebarg&r. ". •'liiveistorj• 'Orgoodion•l clniitles, taken by Catharine Russell, widow of JaceL Russell, deceased. Inventory and appi mailmen.. of the personal property, of the 'oottitti of Dana l'eterion late of thirley township deceased, as token by-tile widow Hannah Paterson. • Inventory of the goods end i)attlits of' Uticub Weaver, deceased; retained by his widow slary Weaver. E. SMUCKER, Clerk 0 rpleueel Court. Ileollngden, Dec.l4, ISIO. , • • A. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of ABRAHAM W . , BitUMBAUGII;dec'd.; Letters ofadmlnlstration upon the estate of Abraham W. Ilnunknigh, Into of Penn niy., deceased, baying been granted to the undoisigned, all persons indebted to the estate will make 03 ment, and, • those haying t clahns will present them for settlement. • _HENRY BRUMBAUGH, . ionise Creak, Dec. 8430. Administlator. QTRAY HEIFER. Como to tho residence of the subscribor, L i - v/1 reettling in Llnooln township, one Indesouth of TM) Alarklesburg station, in the month of Septem• her, a stray Heifer, about two.yeals old; dull( inmate .color, belly and end of tail white. ± Tito owner is regniii• tad in come forward, pose property, pay charges, arid 'take it away, °thermuo it will,bu.d t. ismse u d E o t f according to late.[deS.l N THE • COURT-' OF '0014.2110N ' PLEAS of Unutingdon County. DIARY ANN WALTON , • 'TS 1.151.1 . 12R0V. wiLLTAN w7tivrim. TO WILLIADI., ALTUN.—, Take nollco that, n rola hne .nehtt - 'granied Ott you by tho CQIIrt, to app in raid Courkat.lluntlingdon. on Monday, the 10th day ofJann ary next, MO, to sh ow cause,n by a Divorce from the bon deof routrioniiiyhaered JAM withh - Diary Ann Walton should notbe dccrood tiy the said Court. . • 3/,,Eheriff. Iluntingdon, Dec.; •• 1869. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. EEO MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING FALL AND' WINTER, JUST RUOEIVED IL ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Far Gentlemen's Clothing of the beat material, and made u thu beet workmanlike manner, call at IL ROMAN'S, opposite tnoHrelsklin House fo Moritot Square, Hunting, don, Pd. - QHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of kj sundry write of Vend Exp. FL Fe., Lev Fa., directed to me, I will expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House in the hats. ff Huntingdon, on SION VAY, the lOTA of JANUAItrp,47 e,..._at afgoixta ft r. M., the following described profile 7 Oi'Wit, 7"'n4 , `e k o ), _.''.... i All that! ortliii.,...trixqCot land sit.nato 'Ai , i ss - t4t , 11 Taunt now Brad •I I ,p_ fim ir t e de. In t'iviP, -!,k,-I,:b2rith., iso .r. and 1 1 -4071.4Vme,% a 180 acre!! OT,WiliciW cleared, having' . ' . ,t,ltesuon,4 tare last Ftitni#9 . vit -, 'oees at y nettliine j -rrhe! he sans elthsr ligs*eptis or seater pow- , .0; tlstelling !Mosta, Ac. -,..4172ird dAlso, ti pr;catot puree of M d, , ..5i Joining the above' escribed tract Um d lite. z beetoriektisis Immo and Juniata' 'river containing lo'ecierinfd32l - perches, nail land in. chided - 11M Cseelt Isom the line of tut last mentioned tract to Ittjunetion with the Junin's,. river, and is good bottom land `With too dwelling houses erected Oil it. I Also, the ti art of land adjoining the two last mention. , - ect . traotepmniqiusVientchnorlot ri"-plfrdliFireirliffsMAll-.i Than J. Milliken containing 3d acres nud 120,...r. ,, chW up .blrOlichTate bliflrtlfree dtVellitie taniiia, sigkileJsnd a itirkd trains Vvelliiii'luliii: - calludilse - SimSsion !louse, h outing the turnpike slid caned, with commodious grounds, garden, yard and out houses, Aloe, A enbitistal si war f, and ir/iroad, palling there. from to the Furnace, nbuut tNto I mind ,) Ms. on this tract. I 5 „I . .1 1.1. 0 f , Also, Nine tracts of ,, unacated tanil,,Atutttajts Jug leneff§hip and to It t one Inlet conta4l,ltls,4oo,aa,kaars§acspmalt. synsrantAin.„lho nameinf ,U.*Qtt, naokhet odittAning,4oo Resin in - nadlyn f A ndaehureart, 11.10140 r il3l l, lfCalltadti 31 pefeltei:in tliendino l o Achim' tiler attain 10g412 scree, in the name t redorick hater, another con twining 414 tiered and 155 - perches, , in ulnae of Inal La- Ina!), attollier;c4litafe7d4 40 - YnOrea . - "stid of 31. fifteen add J. It. 13ursei, another, tot itonrolumotit right, In the mane of William Lightner, containiog 300 emus, and [heather, a tract containing about 20 acroW in the. nolo& adhlniag the 'Furnace tract, "John Ocolman and others. Aso, A, tract ef land, situate LO.j . I) s a 3.1. tau nship of IlelidOr eve, coOrininenbofeterittAcksh brj Jtbout 50 neers,alir Zlearid ,ruljoining *ids it'Jgrur , ll tiarhuid‘Fi mesh aild'uthers, nod Turnpike, on which nra erected twodwelling homers and 0 , g0..1 frame barn,ntid teach belief; known as the gliger Grove pr,Red iloresatnrot.' , . ,11.! - A tract of land containing 156 te . cres .per cites, situate in the said township of li thely,' libeler Ante tunle east of the Bald Fill once adjoining Itunler,Of Jnmee Lamer's heirs arid others, a bout ne'rbi i of which are cleared, known by go mune. ollEtundati!Prod, Also, A tract ofiaml, situate In said township, con taining 197 acres tent' Gal perches, about three us tat north east ()litho Furnace, en the waters of Mill Cr trek, adjoining lands of Tholllal. Read's heirs, Michael Dawn, and - dimes, baring n tract of about 50 acres cleared, known as the Wirrthild. A WO he interest•witich 'Jottarlian•lf. Trierseyi had and held iu, a tract of land, containing 305 acres and 35 per ches, surveyed and warranted-in the name ofloo.l Fen airtglene.en',Whieh it:tine - -DoireyJnroXiangy. eilnate ir. Wm rturemark and Yrnnkl in'fdwnol,lpo. AlsolFerviiii adjoining Irieteref nturenied hinds, -6iiunt• on `Stone MUMIta In Brady and penderson ton nahrps,' ono thereof In Iha s ririnie of Abrinit ono thereof in the name 01 George Eby, one thereof 'ln the name of Samuel nein, onto in the mime of Jesse Alawkinsi ono : in the name of ThountoMerolsouce; and one Ire tine _llalllo William ,Dleteheuer, containing • toget her ulrotte , Throe Thousand ',A ones. • •.• eized, taken in execution, end lobe sold PS the rep. erty of _Edward A. Green.. •,:: '• ALSO—AII that certain fram, Cjichno:, or that portion thereof, now built, (the foiiiitftiiionjbeit;d tweitty-two feet in 'length, end to enty-four felit breadth, ettunte on the nor thern half lot No. 223, in_ the borough bf llontingildn. • Seized, taken in ekecntioct, and to bo nob/ nc thu erty of•pharice,Slaught7r,.• r Prio 1 . 411 - SO- 4 -;•A' Veetaint—toV 4 'dwolh Louse, one stony dz.! it half bigh ' tlieeize of the building is ground, situate t to Jerlson too haitip, littutingdon coon 'ty, bounded by hinds of alumni. , Steuart on the south 'nest, by {Nide oft .:coign H.,140,11 on the weet. th, end uortli eget nonilt by:liition of Mielniel qinuthigi•r! • Seized, Ciitorit iu thin, awl to be sold as tho prop cuty of George Potter. ALS6--Two • certain lota eititaie• in the horongh of lluniink,,lon, dehignated ru. lots Nov. 331 and 331 in plot 01.tid borough, boutn:ed on the mut], by lot No. 31), on -- the oust by Mifflin street, ou the west by nu alley, tto the tomb by I) tt /renting CU feet each on Mifflin street, sul extending back 15e feet to a 13 feet alley. tilan Iti•e.fecui ion;"and to be 'NOM `a it lijir op. coy of I'..l,,Drhow ALSO--All that — certain tract of land, siturite'in Tod iolinehip, liuutingdon comfy, Con taining about 50 acres, more or lees, adjoining' lands of lionjamin Y. linker, John, liakerokuutudus. Davis. and 1111 Ham S. Entrekin, 20 itcres of which are cleared and under fence, baring thereon a frame house ke. Seized. token in execution, and to be sold as the prop erty of Daniel Shoats. ALSO—Deft's right, title and inter est in and to the following desct 'bed form, tract or parcel of lend situate iu Shirley ton nship Huntingdon county, Pewee. Pertaining 70 acres , adjoining lands of ,CharlesErettbsti, John Alexamier, oeurge tnyttourt, Jacob Hip ple, and others. and having a small log - house nod lag . bat it diet eon erected. • Seized, taken in execution tind to be sold as the prop erty at 'ollllow Young.." , • • ' " ' ALSO—AIt• that tract -or parcel 'of land, situate iit'll;hdcrson township, bounded on"trie north by lauds of Jelin Warfel, on the , east by lands of Thomas Saali,jy, , tusithe,ratut,liby,lands'ofC' l 4 ,l l:o and ilonrge zsft hh3 tide est by Stood Creel' Itidge,?. counrining 112 net cc, 111010 ot less, having thereon elect ed a too stet y hour°, leg barn and nth r intproverneitti, and shout So ecru. msered. - Seized, takomiuxiomition, and to be sold on 1110 prop erty of Samuel Sankey,ALSO—A'ceetaih' thi;eillhg hOuie, of twoatorico,being twitity.six.:,,by fectoitualtl on.aL'artalt lot, or piece of at entiti r 'ettlltis . milit It side of Shit ley eitect, in the borough of Mount blition,county of Huntingdon, and 410 Ir If, 010 ECCUpalley orjaioea O mid Callon'. ',Witmer, nod so mock of the cromol inottedi- AIM, * MU 0`) is uecersarj fur the °radio Y end Useful putpos..s of the same. br.ed, taken in tS. ration, and tub° sold Rath° proper ty of C.tth.t•iae Lightner, owner or tetanal ow orr,:and James U. Lightner, her husband, 'contract/H .- AU remitted contractor. • - • „,. ALSO=•A II tliat cet Lain tractor par , cel of laud, situate in Shit ley township, ,Iluntingdon county, Lunde of ; IforacsCamp6ell; ,Willow Morgan. Peter Mislei,flt'rdie.aticl others, containing about 100 acres. more ut Itos, hay . ing theroon mooted a two , ry log Ininsa'and lag ha, it, and other hi, :mend, taken in execution; Witd hi bu 'told as thd Piop; erty of Mary M dhen s and Joseph y. Mathewe.„ ALSO—AII that certain lot. Piece, and pat col of lanl, covered pa incipally witlqtimbor with an lion ore bank on the promises, situate In Cromwell, formerly eltirloy, tot, u-hip, Huntingdon county, at the bast, 01 01,111 tin and hounded on the south bY the great road leading from James Colegate's farm toward. and Intersecting the 11111 Valley road nt or near Jas. Latta's, ad.) o' g mode of lifir9ugh "or niikt . iya9p, AO, yni 0111.9 , 14; Rib oaN,,l9:tmesadre nthhiu; in minting-. no -4 . 4 . 10.11 ,thiti ,4 j) IVecipesday; January , sthr;lB7o'2: .., •, r AT Tik , O'CLOCK . , A. pr,, ' A- ' P OF 'LIMES'I'ONIE"L'AIgtr9 row ..1./ '.! , i t ! a ! ,t. in NO Multi ng,ton county:Coolant , , iyg,g4l)Xeres, Iporit. or Ituao *Lout uotrutotthhiditud ,ao clguroll t under fence, and in a pretty, gog,t,eiateof tgult“11111., (now farrned,l7,3lr,Sanittell3lnvrg.)iidistthcr er tindiered,, ndjonsing JandanutiGaupy, dreq.: A. WileoU,Art,Aypt.,M,O,rbhuutiAor., holre, amrtrptiPS,KialtollPiikkiliAknik ra i d4ll7 ri lli , g4ollll.ll4lon yallßYrPWler ou thrgh t h h; tract or nd 'At TEEM D 3 OIN IN,G , TRACTS or LAND AktyAtiq r.ottqflwo:nr 104, 103 AC11E3,•" , • 1 ifirdined Aer,t.ra, war) anted In.the dune of dram Patten, r,, , ,0r P. NI Ilitine Tri Eens;tiinn. PRll.r 4 nterir n re. n taker are a I,g DWELMO llOUSKand Pre er lIK andia,guedittrlng.• in. tabu 0f490 . 5 3loore.‘ deietl thi s and untlik riqicrl4 , IrdfitiittinlY6iVoN 1. • Ilmbo ed. The, Int 11 110 , l'oadileritr-rfroirin /I ntirigdddltt 11ar hildg V and A' c•xididiiH oda thttingti'lliiidVata. Allege Ira td will be sold a.. e•se &Ay, oPitgatt4tK gat pprehneerti may-dedre. P to nil airing 'pro. motion ri.„ arktind Uhl uPitwe 1)n44, .11 1 11 1 40 i StitlfPri" either of ilienuild open .1 eigind,wr ~ blingten A id, 1 41 / 1,1 41 1, 16 ,1 in? ‘,Thfi'c'o4 l lttulis Iptertg on ,tlie•ditylif kale: • • '", • < •, ',.{ • JOIIX K. 11cCAKAN; JOIIN 1.11111•1.39 W KILL, • 1 X nP l 4 c l l l °f .' loll °;# l eq4 l t 4o , dee' i Atedinlier 2 '69-td. " • -3V" i"C ' - I , IIIY subscriber offers hisleviHGtflt - - rein ,Ligll,l 31i11 !louse, situst}l,in jilM tnnlisitip 4 <- naldigal is situated in the , liesrter-nitaver's,l, I,al4ayfgoo,l grain coantryl:ltai a good onstom; tap, _ Within - SIX niiies,colilin,Pstina.nailnind.D. r ,„,„ ~..-j , Fur furtisFr Vartialais write oi•a:e- _!..' A ENOt LldTkikßA4i, + - ee22 Neff . ..Mills, Aunt: ..Q.,-..t.._ '1 0 LOTS Poll SALE . Bay Lots from first hands at Purchasers desiring to build.'entilnieti"siall 71114tAl terms as to payments. 'For 'stint titan to Invest. 'A ply to [jy2ttl] + sAilg -WEAR - 1 •• A GOOD NEW , STEAMBENGINE, - , .•- is , For particularanthiress J. W. , DiCHERSON or= nas r...r. , _ —.7ll.sdford,-Ponnor: AU DI T 0 It'S NOTICE. Theranaereigneci Upptatitoi by 4 the Court . of Von, ntoit Plea, of II ing.lon county, to report filar!. button of the fund /rt. he Itaintea 'D.ift. P. bleely4Floq.. She, iff of said County, !wising from the sale of root estate of George. Rudy, hereby glees notion td Teraduviatlli ested, that ho null attend at the olliee of Woods k Wil liamoon, in limn inr,dorr, on'Ttl,ESDAyi,thh 21'4'114 DECEB MER, lit% at tutu 'u Clock; at: m.. for' pure of nuking cold diotribution, u and cabers all pinion intvingsholtne, aping albl fond. artoiefintred &present tile scone or be debarred from coming in for any share of 'said fund, t. t:• ti WILLIA)IFONr:', • Auditor. _ mom A UDI • •••,_ • ; EBtateCl-Ephitimin7,lmieui, • s he untlordigileil Auditor appointed, by. the Court Common Clyne ofthttermine ext centime. to the. account o f Caleb tinytr, Committee Dettiain'n .lolinono. a time* Aqd....reatrt diatributiou, hereby gives notice (hit he will attend to the dittie.}al hie appointment at %is dna Huntingdon. oIf,WEE NESDOWthe It;lktp, wt 10:o'clooly.( A. Alt; when and - where -all I:omits" hatere4r.rtyrier-Yor , ' qui red to present their or be e debarred frim 7. lug In tor a aharmo !the [did:' . ' r- z' • ••41 0,• • • IL ALLEN ILOVELL,:g N0v.21 * Auditor. A UlsFlCSirg:t'ciettah'.:l",.• „:., ; - : . Estate of•Sfeholine•Atlller, lhe nod reigned. appointed Auditor by the Court ; Of Common picas .4.ll.intineden County, to distribute the Pend in the hnn,ln et me blieiitt arising nails the, eele: of the real estate .1 - NJelielas atillt,r. hereby gives nettle"' that he oat nttund to •the duties of Ints ,appeintraent et , his olliee in linutinglinin on TilUttpDAY. the Igth ItECF.3IIIEIt, 101,9. at obiel. time and place ail persons ell are squired It. present their,cletnis oral urp'., barredTrom conilug iu t r,iu_tiarn, tinit'und. h. A LLIIN LOVIST.4., - EIZIZM t`DMINISTII'ATO'It,'S"NOtICL.• "` , [lh4oto of f rhorkl Voter/ton. t, letters or ..Ilitiolistlntion, upon tile , 000110 of „Dayht retou„,liift.y lovrtishih, deco toed. Loving bon gt lilted to the nutlerkh;wo, Scrim ilgh•htitt to tto estate nfll mako ihmitiihtte pay- _ umt those having claims will preant them tot Bet. tlentollt. ' 7l' - 11 ' 0:0 A —s lttfi,'D).:VlS. Aughh Ick Mills, Illintfiedosxo, JOHN 11, PETURSO* Btarut Cabins, Fulton cot; Adminletrato, B. nortO.ON imuiviiooo,,:','4*:ximiY. A' j' • .v.. , •!: -•' • -1 MALD'AND rnmAtor4, This Institution is located at Shade Gen : llnniintEdai County. Pa., on the Mail rents. between Chembsraburi' and the Mount 'blip, Station ou. the .Peupta road, being thirtyinitlew from fig: farther. and 'seventeen front the latter There is it regular line of Stagerbetween these pieces 1111 d Sh3lie dog. -• • ,•,: he eituaion is one of the mostbeanliful- and. healthy in the State; int pie moral null ingenue ; and. church,* a convenient. the course of study Is thorough.and 0.14114 7 - sive. including all tine branches usually, blight 'Welt Academies and Colleges. - -TTERMS:- Board and Tnitlon, perlear,sl,6o.lo; fent'Al,oldl4,s ern Langundeo, I inornuientallitededuil othadUrtiauieu tat 'lrenehos, extra. 'Ministers. sous and disabled' Fo'd fors, received Id re• duce s' prices. -Next term opine JANUARY Othy 1670. For particulars, address, t.u.sitssts,,A. B„rjlc Principe!, NOT. 2409, tf. Shade Gap, truntipgdon Pai. From' $4,00' t0; , 5150,00.u. set. - ,ki? , PAEl'i%o - Alfi.Nr.x. , i' •• rkajih[dgla r d ) J ( Ladies! - Hoodc'besiliie Gloves, Notions, and: Yarns-.of:-ill, 'lc n ds;11 ea v:37 - 14`i n e - (Bladled3eavoSilelattP 'for Ladies' Sacques," Shawls, double n ng I e Cakse ; 1 :13 iy4; ,§l4i rft i ,() Drces GoWd,S, 'Domestic - Goods flats and Caps,-'.;; 0 ,_!:1% ff,ll l o GROCERIESVPROVISIONS, WOOD AND ISlLtio}V'• TOBACCO AND BEGARS. GUM OVER SUO,ES, and re •thottrahtkand brio other things; all cheapeethan any oth er Rouse in town At = ZEIGLER'S, nuxrigaDom, ra, ) rioa t' FASHIONABLE 'GOODS .". .-f ?, -.A TALL VrEtVli MARS, . •••„:„. • • -MERiCHANT TAILOR;4I lia.vie;;;; - ci ; to the aeti011.1 . 176; - iiiileadi 'New Brift fog, where he intends toheepcoriutatitli'bit hand thi latest styles of PIMO 0 - 00335, comprining ENO 711.1!f,CII CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. AND, VESTING& CLOTHS, CASSINIERES, AND VESTING:94 CLOTHS, CASSINERES, " AND VESTHrSa" Being a practical workman of ninny years experience he is prepared 'to make to order Clothing foimanlnd boys, andgurnantec neat, durable andfashionahlnwoyk, ma"hiP. it , , , letcrmined Jdensooyctybeo„.,t Kir' All are Invited to call t rtd OXanatl . - fey ,neyr4 stook of beautiful patterue before purcblaißg 4ieicbertal __. QEO..Y.BIARBIL • " Tfuntlogdon, Oct. 4 ......,...,„.. .... H UNTINQPQN, LIVERY arAgrac • " " . ~, ~ . 1110 underegnedi haying pbrehaied thP IdTery Stabla .. recently owtied by M. Simon Weaton, aro%novi 'pre- , pared to AccOmmodate the kubl!Flilkh ibmieA • arkd Cm*, ages 011 rerinonable terms. . Stable At the rear of the ,liieliaoti Jones, near the II:T. Railroad. i aes2fi'64 ' ; '' LAuti - Ensolv lt S MATIn man