Ely 61,0bt. -P Teachers' Institute. THE HUNTINGDON COUNTY TEAM ins' INSTITUTE for the present year, will.bee , lAd in ,the .Court -House, in liuiitiudon, commencing 06 , 11IONDAY, DECEMBER 20T11 7 at two o'clock, anitelosin - g , FRIDAY,.DECEMBER' 24T11. Tho Teachers, School Directors and Friends of Education are respectfully invited to attend. - • • Prof. S. G. BOYD, Superintendent of York county, will be present nearly all the time; and give instruction in Arithmetic; Geography, &e. Prof. , EDWARD BROOKS, Principal of. the Millersville State Normal School, will lecture on different subjects dur ing th,e !Av g days and evenings ho has eonsy[tied,to be with As. ! Mrs. R. IL SllDEkilint, 'teacher of Elocution ,in,,Philadelphin,*Will give initrup4on,,,nißeadi`ng and Elocution; and 'one or, two eiening en tertainments. It; 16 . expeoted that "ttio'Principal, Teachers and a portion of the pupils• of the °anville Orphans' School will again aid and cheer us by their pres ence-and •aOistanee,,,, • illikOfgaers apd4heil,Coirintittee_ on, Permanent Certificates will be elected on Monday afternoon. on• Monday evening the following Topics will be discussed : let. How can the grade of our schools be advanced 7 ,2tl...Tquld a law , compelling chil dren to attend school be beneficial ? Mr. Mycninna of Porter, J. R. BAKER of.Sprinifield, and ,SILEEDEII. of Frank lin, are requested to open the 6St to pic; and Mr. TAYLOR of Huntingdon, CALDWEEL of Morris, and SHOCK of WOBt,lirorintlMtOd tb 00 ebb second. Thiliiidi s Ly, will be'birectors' day.— The following Tej)ies dill be dike - seed : Ist. Should salaried be uniform in each district? If not in what way should they be graded ? . • 2d. Can graded Schools be establish ed in rural districts to a good advan tago3,?", ad: Ili'ii;desirable to bli•ie legislation compelling the schools to be kept open six months in the year? , Directors CREMER of Huntingdon and EWING of Franklin, aro requested to open the first Topic; Directors WEAVER of Huntingdon, GRAFIUS of .P.O.tter:; dndllixaßAN,of Shirlgy, Are re quosted ft(' Opin the second ; add ,Diree t tors WINTRODE of Penn, Ron-n.of Wal ker, and BAUMAN of Mapleton, the third. - expected that several Essays will be read by teachers during the ses sions of the Institute. • , Teachers, we , most, earnestly ask your - co=operation in making our Insti tute,a,succegatul,on9._ - .Sehbol; - Directors , of....liiietingdon` county, we ask you to use your influ ace to have the teachers in your em ploy attend. Many of you have al ready proved yourselves warm friends of the County Institute:; and though some of you think that granting the teachers time to attend is robbing the children, yet either you or the leading educational men in the - State are mis taken in this matter. It is only those who!daii )ippl.echite the: d ifference be tween right and wrong teaching—only those who aro permitted to see the rich fruits of the former and the blighting infliienCe of thelatter---who can right the'Work ddne by the' Coun ty Institute. - It would' baffle the - arithmetician's skill to compute the loss sustained by the children of this county through wrobg•SYsiteinig of instruction. It•was ta,ACTON 7, soini;:re medy :for this Wide spread evil; it wag to present to the minds •pf- -young. and inexperienced teaAcrs'.who are 'often anxious to en gage in the busintiii of teaching with out .atiyapecial preparation, Some con - - ception of the great arid feeponsible work in' which they are engaged, : and to, arouse..a, general, interest in the 'cause of education, that the County In . - stitute was established by law. We'ask'you then as friends and guar dians of , the Conimon . Schools to grant fOur ,Teachely the time, :and urge necessary, to come; for if,you bays any that need urging, they are the ones that most need to be present. _Teachers,'.on their arrival in town, will report immediately , at the Court House, have their names enrolled, and receive tickets. All teachers, and all who are Keparing to teach, will re ceive ticketaand-be regarded as mem bers of the Institute, on - entering their names ci - nthe'rell.' , bearding can be obtained at the ho tels for $l.OO per day : P - D. V. TIISSEY, Co. Supt ALEXANDRIA ? PA.., Nov. 26, 1869. A citizen of Richmond drives a wag on,ono hundred years old. With a lit tle o tying,,up of the,.rtles and abstin enae from sneezing on the . part of the driver, it is said still to be a safe and servibeable vehicle:. The latoist itilFrersch gilt jewelry is a little white Guinea pig . in a, gilt cage; also, umbrellas, preserving ket tles and bu . nches,of keys, all dope up in gilt;trid intVicled dangle" from somebody's , pretty, ear, 4,p,por . selidiof:mastOr ibieiv himself on'thertailwaY track at Newark, Eng land, was cut in piecei.' 'The only pro porty-fotpd.abppt himprobably - tells, his stor.y4‘tehreSTlSWlß dead pen-, cil and two pen ceJ l -- Y'iosr.Adniiral,Nw::B:`,`Sliiibrickis lintiolhO' oldest officer'in 'either_,the.ar vapor navy; , haviog entered the Xio: - Kl:Bo6:',„The'Oldest commission tip thp prrny,is that of - Gen :§L ylvannus Mass.; `who. ,ori ,turpdin 1808- 9 ' r' :cIirANKSI•IIt4ANKS, / . ,.111eAKN • 'O. STARER'S SALBSeI ATTACIFT EXECUTION'S, •ATTAOHMENTS, - EXECUTIONS,-- SUMMONS, s . DEERS, ‘ " '; stritermas ; ; :;; M9B,TGAGEIE. • 801100 i. ORDERS, . "„ 41.19MENT NOTES, - LEASES FOP. HOUSES; ' NATURALIZATION B KS, ' COMMON 041,D5, JUDI:VENT RONCS, •!: 1 _„ 8 •,' ; 4 / i41 1; ,,,5;; , • •NuTES, wk. Waiver of the S AOO Lawc- • t EURGAIENZNOTEitosith a waiver of the4311 . 0.-Law. :ARTIOLEZ OP #II3II.ENIIENT, Teachera. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peirce' •andSdinieters OE•tho Gospel. , COMPLLUYT, WARRANT,And COMMITMENT, incase of Aesanit and Battery, andAfTray. ECIERE FACIAS, to rammer monist. of Judgment. iCOLLECTORS' RECEIPT'S, for Stale, County, school; Borough and Township Tames. • • . • , a r i nte a oo superiog paper, and for ealo at the Office o the HUNTINGDON .01.01 M. . t,-ot, every defkalptiou, Irriutmd. or-der, neatly at short notice, and on good linpes. • • , MIkTRY - I.,='CO:' - liill" do more to ab• commodate their sustomere thin anyotber House ne:ghborhood. zub.2.l-1.1 OUR COLUMN FOR THE PEOPLE, RED FRONT ENTERPRISE STORE. Sugars. 1-11 kinds, at very small profits.. Not offerok'-:low to..draw you on on Other goods. Our prices, to, continuo fogularly. , . Syrups. The best Silver and Golden Drips, genuine -Lovering and-other Syrups. New. Orleans and other Baking Mo lasses. Teak. A'variety of kiade of best always on hand cheap. Coffees. Roasted and Green, cheap as the cheapest for the same quality. Meat. Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Beef at living prices. Cheese. The best N. Y. State Goshen and Ohio Cheese. Candies. The beet stick and other candies wholesale and retail. Flour. The best Vlour by the barrel, sack or pound. Cheaper for the same qual ity than elsewhere. Feed By the hundred or smaller quantity Stone-Ware. 4000 1, 2,3, 4,.5, and" 6 gallon crocks jars, jugs, and churns, selling cheap GLASS & QUEENSWARE. A large steak of Ironstone and Com mon ware, in,settsorby: the piece.— Glassware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars, etc , at Red Front, cheap. Wood and Willow-Ware. A large assortment of Baskets, Buckets, Churns, Tubs, etc., eta., at Red Front: Fruit, &c. ,I).ried Poaches and Apples, Raisins Prun s ee, Currants, Elderberries;—:-Can ned Fruit and Vegetables, etc. Salt By tho stiolfor' bushel. Also Dairy Salt. Spices, it c. All kitideitof Spiees o an'd.a:great va riety of notions. Soaps of. all, kinds qnd,chea l p v , _ P • MINE '.'Fish. Pickled Salmon; Haddoelic Shad, Trout, White Fisb, Mackerel, Dry Salt, Quoddy Labrador, Lake- and smoked Herring, by thd half and guar ter•barrel; hitt, pound and dozen. All warrantocbaiiid ebeap9rthanclsew,bere. ~!1f: w--” FrOIb.aCCO. Tho best ,quality of, TobadO, and ch4aper ttiiin any other etorb iu town. RED' STORE _Va . iie'.iy;' For what ydu want first Call at . torpriso • . tro.aciquartors whore - pricos bol.cop ) t , tognlarly low. =EI FINTERYIIISE ,HAII/lIARTERS RUYITINGD ON, PA TTUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP 17 RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On And niter THURSDAY, SEPT. IBtn, ISG9,Pasnu ger Trahia 'will arrive and dopart no fulloa ' UP TRAINS. DOWN TRAINS. MAu. P. M. A. M . Ls 5 551 LE 8 401 02 8 46 1 617 906 624 , 9 071 6 40 9 22 6 66 9 33 703 940 OEM ST ITION§ Iluntingdon, ..... Long Boling 51cConnollstown, Plennan t Grove,- Slattlesburg, Conon Hun,— !tough & Ready,. Cove IZEINIZE F! horn Bntan4t Saxton, 724 10 051 AR i 411 10 20 10 43 10 02 111 10 11 29 11 45 ey 11 02 lildillesburg.. Hopewell, Piper's Run,.. Danville, Bloody ltun,.. ,Moulit Dallas, SHOUP'S RUN IU Lz i 60:LE 10.30 ME 8 Obl , 10 45 Coaltnont, , 8 10 1 ' 10 50 Crawford, AI 8 20 it 11 00 Dudley, Brand Top Oily, I 22, '69. J 011 1 ,2" 6PKILT,IPS, Sapt IThutlngdon Sop VANIA. RA IL ROAD PENNSYI • -11:t1' OF LEAVING' OF TRAMS R ARRANGEMENT. TrVsnr.A liD. STATI ON 1, N. Hamilton, Mt. Union,... Mill Creek,... Huntingdon, Petersburg,... Sprucoereols, I:timinglsom, Tyrone, Tipton ostorin, Bell's Mills, The Prim EXPRE2B Eastward leaves Altoon M. and arrives at Hillltingdoll at 10 21 r 51. The FAST LINE 11:16;nard leaves Altoon A. M., and arrives nt Huntingdon at 1 45 A. NI The CINCINNATI EXERESA Meta ard leaves Altoona at 5 45 P. M. and arrives at Iliuntmgdon at i 04 1' Al. SOUTHERN BREHM Eastward, leaves Altoona at 10 05 A u. and arrives nt Huntingdon at 11 14 A. Id. CINCINNATI is estward leaves Huntingdon at 3 32 x 3! and arrives at Altoona 4 50 A st Tho FAST LINE Westaord, leaks Huntingdon -at 7 43 P., M. and tames at Altoona at 5 55 I'. al, READING RAID 'ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT., .MONDAY, NOVESIBIid, 22, 1860. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE. NOrth and North-West for Psmssetcsis, NEW TORE, BEADING, roTTBV/LLE, TAWQOA, ASHLAND, SHAMOKIN LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, F,ASToN, EPHRATA, Mil; LANCAs• TER, Comers kc., RC. Trains leave liar: isbifrjs for New York, as folios : . • . At 2 30;5 35 and 8,10 A. N., and at 12 20. noon, 2,55, 11 p. m.. connecting with similar train, the Pennsylvania 11.11, and arriving at Now York at 10,15, a. m., and 12,05, 2.35 n. ut.. 12,20 noon trains without change. Lunen Harrisburg for !Wading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown, and Philadelphia at 8 10 A. 21., and 2 50 and 4 10 y. stopping at Lebancn and Pi Mamat any stations: the 4 10 p. in. train making connections for Philadelphia Potts ville and Colombia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Ha ven and Auburn, via Solmylkill and Stnamehauna it. ]t., leave Harrisburg at 3 48 P Returning, leave NEw.Yonn at 9 A. 3f., 12.00 noon, nod 5.00 and 8.110 Put , Philadelphia at 8.15 A. 31.. and 2.80 1' 24; Sleeping cats accompany the 9.00 a in and 5.00 and 8.00 p m trains from Now York without change. Way Passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M. connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad, returning from !trading nt 6.35 p ni slopping at all att. Lions. Leave ['Meathlo at 340 and 0,00 a in., and 3,05 p. tu',. Herndon n.l 93U am, Shamokin at 5 40 and 10,40 ani Ashland 7 05 a m, and 12,30 noon, Tamaqua at 8 33 a ni and 2,20 P. 31 for I biladeplila and New York. bravo Pottsville, via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Units road at 8 15 A in. for Ilairisburg, and 11 30 A. M, fur Pino Grovo and Tremont. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves Pottsville at 5,40 a m, passes Reading at 1.30 a in, al riving at Phil adelphia at 10,20 a in, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,45 P. M Pottstown Accommodation Train: LORIT9 Puttetow u•n 6 : 25 n. m.; returning leaves Philadelphia at 4,30 p. in. Columbia Railroad Trams tenon Reading at 7 15 A M., and 8 15 P. 51., for Ephrata, I.itiz, Lancabt r, Col umbia, Ac. Perkionnin Railroad trains leave Ivekiomen Junction at 0.00 a m 3.10 and 15,30 p m returning : leave SeIINCUICS- Villo nt 6,10, 8,12 n nt, nud 12,45 noon, connecting With similar trains on Minding Roth nod. Colebrookdale railroad Trains leave COCStOWII at 9-15 a ro, end 6,20 pm , returning, leave l'oyortoen at 7,25 a In, and 1100 noon, connecting with similar trains on Reading railroad. - - Chester Valley railroad fralus leave Bridgeport at 8,30 a at, 2,05 and 5,02 p m, aeldning, lease Don ningtonn at 6,30 a on, 12,45 rind 5,15 p in, connecting with trains on lteadineratiroad. On Sundays, leave New York at 5,,8 00 p at, phis, 8 a m find 315 P. M., the 8 n in train tanning only to Beading; Pottavillo 8 A. IC, Slain burg,s 20 isand 4 10 and 445 p m and Belding 1223, midnight 7 lea. an for llarrisburg,ana 7 on a. in., and 6,17 p m for New York, and at 9,40 n. m., and 4.25 p.m. for Philadelphia. COMMUTATION, 3111.000 E, bLASON, ScnooL, and 63C411810N TICKETS to and from all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked Omagh: 100 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. - ' (1. A. NICOLL% Rending, Nor. 22, 1800. Central Supertntenclait. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC BOOT POLIST-.- Makes a Lasting' Shine. Thorn who black their boots on Rttnrdoy n fight with ordinary blacking. don't have moll opine on Sunday, as tho polish fadea off; but the shine of BOBBINS' BLACKING Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sunday. IT BEATS ANY OTHER BLACKING MADE. Manufactured only by T. B. DOBBINS, at his immense Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth Street and German town Avenue, For sale by Marley k. Co., adjoining Lowia' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. novlB pAPER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER !! ! Tracing Paper I Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, PIM Paper for Flowers, Perforated Paper, I ristol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Yoolecap Paper, Lettor Paper, Commet dal Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter no• Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Nola Paper, whiro and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, or sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. TO THE LADIES! Thsubscribers haro recently discovered a new articlo—the ESSENCE Or STARCH. in calling the attention of the ladles to our Starch, they w 111 find that it economizes labor, produces a . , BEAUTIFUL GLOSS' Much superior to common starch, and easier to iron. In fact If you wont a beautiful gloss on your skirt, or your husband's shirt or collar, procure a box of our Essence of Starch. The cast is trilling, only 15 cents a box. Try n box and be eons inced. Every Family should has.° a box of this Essence of Starch. For sate by all OroFirs and dEalids'in the United States. Alanulactured only by 8511.T11,T 11851510 N di CO., solo proprietors, No. 1118 harmer street,'Ehiladolphis.. • - .(W For sale at MASSEY ACO'S. Enterprise Ilead quarters. fob 9 W.ll. WOODS, • - • 'W. A. LU.S, A. MILTON LIPPE% The Union Bank of Huntingdon, (Lore John Bare S C 0.,) IIUFTINGD9N:, PA. Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All hinds f Securities, bought anti sold for the usual commission.— Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parte of Europe supplied at this usual rates. Persons depositing Gold and Silver will receive the in same return will, interest. Toe partners aro individ tinily liablq to , , the extent of their wholo,thoperty for all Deposits: 7",=1 , , _ Tholinfinisfied huMness of the late firth of John Bare & Co. will be completed by Tim Union Bank of linntingdou y21,18604f C. C. NORTH, Cashier. ItEOKONF I It,! complefe Poeltet‘Readr Ifeikoher, In dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Note; Bills, Re ceipts Petitions, &c., together with a sot of useful tables contatuing rate of interest from qno dollar to t , selvethour. and, Litho einglb day, With 'a tablo Of wages, and board by:tho week and day. For sato LE I{ WIS' BOOK STORE. uy --- i NVELOPES • By Pao box, pack, or long quantity, for solo at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. . . FOR THE LADIES. . A auperiot article of Note Paper and Envelope End 1 Mar confidential correspondence, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK .t. STATIONERY STORE. ytigt...Subscribe for TUE GLOIE. THE CELEBRATED GROVER & BAKER Sewing Machines. (Exi A. AI. Aft 10 101 1U 02 946 01 0 22 0 08 8 65 ea. TUE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IN USE For Debut)* and Elasticity of St.tell, For Strength and Durability of from that will not rav el, as both threads are need direct frnm the spools, and no Berms hove to lot titototted by band; no ,meta of thread, For simpllc.ty, and pet fectinn of machinery. It stitches, hems, fells, Webs, braids, cords, and em broiders beautifully. , Machines fully" Wfirrrinteil and foil instructions given. Sewing machine cotton, olik. be.. on hand. For sale by oREENn k DROTIIER, febl6'69 2,1 floor Leister's Building, Huntingdon, Pa. 8 86 lug 8 20k \\HEEER & 'WILSON'S 1 05 Lei 00 HIGHEST PREMIUM UM rsITEV . ZED EKED I 7 65 7 60 Le 7 40 2 06 Le 1 56 Sewing Machines, = g. • gi r l i . ? VAtFrlttj It K , , ~ 4 I , ii. 1 '..: :A:' . f ri Q( i ' . 1"1 , g •,' t: ti ; 1 , . . '1 '''`' ' • ' i'.. • 4_, ~-•- .u ''' • '. 4 ?' zi ,- _- - -T , ,7„.:1-T , ,, ,, yr-4 ~....,_„:„. . .„,,,.....,d :-_, - -, ..t_A-1- ~./ ~ t ,~; ~~~~: =LEM !EKE = ` - W f —,'-'e, Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867. They are adapted to all kind, of Family Sowing. and to the use or Seamstress., I), eosin:dean, Tailors, Mann. lecturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Bats, Caps, Consols. 1.111e31 Goode, Umbrellas, Parasalt, etc. They cork equally well upon Erni, linen, oo'en and cotton goods, a ith silk, cotton or linen Ik, end. They will seam, quilt. gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, end perf•rni every •peciee at sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article Ms ed: - The (politica which recommend them ore: • - - 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, el.lse on both olden a the fabric coo ed. 2. Strength, dinability of boom, that till not tip nor r.tvel. S F:Lonosny of !Llirenth • 4. Attachments and VT idc tango of npplication to pnrpo see and materials. 6. Compactness and elegance of model and foliilt 6. Simplicity anti thoroughness of ron,tritotton. 7. Spout, ea . r of oreratijm and management, and quiet ness of movement. Instrnclicns free 1. all. Machines lope in repair one year tree of charger. EIMI tOOKS STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, WALL PAPER. , , ,•737,,":".7)-ffi ...., ~ ~., ,:::,..3-I:Raty.,--,4!.e1„:,/, • ,, .7,, :pil ,-- + 2 ,---i.e,:;r:" , ,-,, , • - 1,!. ill I{ll tV6l'OfPT.74 lV,V ' ll lii , ;) .*: ZN'-,_,„4,4." .-4M,W A . ' l' 4 - , 72, ' -41.11.*N,*- ~,,V1.,;) , ir j " 1 i\tiKi. qi *7.,,,A -'/P, , • ,' , , , 9 4- .-'•:') -4 4 -) r,,,, ,4 c t •4' .:,it 4 f 4, •1i'.4.-§ j i,1.:,A,4`..1,Y,'''' 4.',,,`::,/-ii.2.v• ', ;', , f2:Y. , ., ittO • '461-1,1 :i4.14,1-1 ..,' '` : • ..,,-------TJ .' ,. .T.-& - -1....:,--- . \..,. i L, CHEAw, Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. School Books and Stationery, Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pock et Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall , Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., eta. [novll.tf. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS • A -LARGE STOCK - ' AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers,, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. JA.AZUREPIE. ` [coNcr.NittATF,D iNDiao.], For the LAUNDRY. It is t,ttlanttAl not to streak, or in any manlier injure One finest fabric, • . -FOR -FAMILY USE Sold. is F.T.VB cents, TE::; cents, and TWENTY cents boxeb.'. ' ' ,litieh TWENTY gents box; besides hm ing FIVE TIMES nensuch blue tar the FIVE cents' box; centiiiii9 a pocket pits cushion or emery bag• For Betel and largo ).sundry use, it h put uplu $2 00 Nines. F ' Set Mit cools Box has proper Trade 'Mark. For Sale at MASSEY & CO. Grocery JOB PRINTING OFFICE JAMES D D4RRICT. T 1( GLOBE JOB OFFICE tho most eomplete of any in the country, and paw sesses the most ample facilities for promptly executing in the bat style, every variety of Job Prliltiug, such as HAND BILLS UARDS, LABELS, £,O £0 £0 CALL AND, E%AMINE SPECISIEN9 Or WORE, rgiVlS' 1300 g STATiONSRY Il MUSIC STORE. _se LUMBER, SHINGLES,,' LATHS, TIEMLOCK, 13ILL STUFF, .1 Boards, P , laiik. Shingles, Pla.lterfog and Shingling Lath, constantly or. hand. ' ' 'Worked Flooring, Sash, Dlinde, Door, Door and Win 'dow Framed; firtilsho at.manhihniurers . .tiricele.' Groin and cauntry product generally bought at market into, IVA - GONER .5; ' Bng26-tt Philipsburg, Centre co., t'a, 1 ...1 ...,... ~.., -..--,.. -.........,,, ; ~-.....',... ~, ..., .. z... :. : ... . . ...,...1;. ..., ....., ~........ .1: r. 14: - .. Aern 4 _-.6 - 4/... -2 -!**-,.. .== --.1 pf.0 7 . 7:W,t - -.-W- T-•-e-`.:_._ V - r_4ffl_. s , f -- - ,:.-- U. B. LEWIS, Agent, iiIINTINGIDON, PA AND .AL'Z' CIRCIMA.FS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, pßoGllipplES, BLANKS, WHARTON & YAGIJIR7I,', HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE k RETAIL DEALERS 11l Foreigri,and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY,cat, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and bnyeq generally., LL Invited to the feet that rke are nuw offering n BETTER ASSOR:ritIENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than con bo ibund elsewhere in this part or the State, at prices to snit the times. Our Mock comprises all articles In Hula Eno of business, ernin acing a general aesortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, Sac., together with a largo stock of Iron, Steel, Hails, .Spikes, Railroad and _Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Vans An tacellent assortment or P l .l_._ia. _ (Cia.tl.aar3r, Comprlning KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA .AND TABLE SPOONS, SOIS ORS, RAZORS, &O. BRIT TANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, - Of the latest and ?host improved patterns CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT XANUFACTUBERS PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a goon' al assortment of material for their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, ,Hubs, Spokes, flints, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa ' tent and enamelledLeather,' :Whips, Tongues, Soc . heti, Shafts, &c. 333r...E.A.C:i_T:MaMaX.W.Z3ra. Can bo supplied mint ANVILS,. BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AN.L3 MOLE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Steel CARPENTERS, - Will find in orr establislrnout a superior stook of PLANES, SAWS, • • AUGERS, iI ATCIIETS, HAMMERS, • FILES, CIIISELS, SCREWS, LOCKS, iIOLTS, PULLEYS, SASII-UORDS, &C., &p. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS, NAILS and SPIKES, of all i - ariotiOs BLASTING POWDER, : FUSE, ut9AL PICKS AND SHOVRT.S. 3U'r.strxia(Drsi Can be accommodated with everything in their line from a Grain .7eynnator to a }yhet•etono. 3131.1.11C1eX . E3 Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUID ING HARDA R E and comparo onr prices with others. Agrieultdral Implements, Comprising the laaaue Russoll • Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundelt's First Premium HORSB PITCHFORK, • Rakes, Scytbes, Roos, tiny Finks, Trace and Halter Chains, Bre net Chains, • Cow Ties, • Curry Combo, - Cards, Sm., de., de. Among the specialties of oar house, Nve desire to call attention to the Maimed QM PUMP, The oxclusiverigl4,to sell which Is vested In us. Send foe soircutar noel get full particufara ()rime, and satisfy yourself of its superior qualities. - SCALES. Scales of all eines and description,, including Tea and ,Counter Scales, ' Platform Scales,, .Grocers' and .briiggists' Scales, Rolling .hill; Wheelbarrow;; Pork, Port• abM,' Hopper; Miners' arid • 'Trans:- portatiofi, flay, Cattle and ' Coal Scales, , . ' „ TUILNISIIEDAT MANUFACTURERS' CASII PRiC..S. The largest and 'best assortment ; ef GLASS, PAINTS OILIt PUTTY , Z'er offereil in ibisilace - A GREAT VARIETY OF, COOK & PARLOR STAVES. ALL SIZES - 0Y - NAILS - AND 'BR A DS, By Use keg. Very low' Lest Norwaynatl, roll, bar an bqop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and 'descriptions WAGON'BOXES, CARRIAGE. SPRINGS, IRON A,Np. RAASS WIRE . Lard; Lublicathltand :Coal .Oil, By Use' Garrel or golloii; id 1.-Cry A call is respectfully solicited, feeling confl den our goOds and j,rfce's will not fail to pleage•Va WII A ItTON , MAGUIRE. uuntin g don. -„lay 7, 1567. ZiE cZ Zra llGcr# cnrcn#s. ' A 'WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES. Being a shot t and practical treatise on i be Dutnre, coon on, and symptoms of Pulmonary Consumption, Briinchilis and alatiana and their prevention, !nutmeat, and cure by inholulion. Sent by mail free. A ddre4a Q. VAN IIUJIMMI,, M. D., lb West Font teenth Pt, N. Y. 11. C. lionm. • GEo. Mid:7O3E7EIW <l:sk, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN China, Glass & Queensware, 433 MARS= ST., NORTH- SIDE, BELOW FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA Juno 30,1869 F, AND "i7i713F1-3M...fOT—aCIoT9EIC, MANUFACTURED DT SELLERS BROTHERS, 623 Market St., Philadelphia. 5022-3nt *ISAAC K. STAUFFER,, iVA JEWBLRY, No. 148 North 24 Street, corner of Qnart7, PIIILADHLPIIIA An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Sliver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. 4To"ltemilring of Watch. and Jewelry promptly at tended to. Aug 11.1 y J . T. SCOTT & CO., NO.II MAIDEN LANE, AND SCOTT, BARRETT & CO., NO. 31 aIFTu AVENUE, PIT2'SBURGII, PA , IMPORTERS AND JOBB F.ES IN Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, SILVER GOODS & PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS, Watch 'fools, 11.1sterlols, Glosses, & /1-ig.. Orders addresved to Sew York or l'ittblotrgli N% ill receive prompt aid tar, ttl otteutiou. , oLt2l-;111 ..KREPAIWTZ WHITE LEAID,-ZINC; AND, COLOR WORKS. Tie /2141IttfilCture n Chaotically Pura CAMIONATB OP LEAD., Alto, Muonfacturorq, Lop)auin nod - Dealors. in nll grad. nod qualities 01 LEAD and /.INU PAINTS, CUL DOS, Sc.• Solo Mann factnrers of the celebrated Permanent SYR IAN Ii It IYSN, with mere Brilliancy, • Beautiful Shade' o Bole-, Body and tamability than any other Green iu the market. Aho, Solo Manuracturert, of Deli Lt Co'v celebrate, JAPAN DRYER, very thin, light In Color, tree of eetit' went, and ter) tarong. Uc lars sl.o in 0114, Turpentine, Varnishes Wind,. Gloss, Bra,hes , , Ls. Nitsvn low. and all goods svarraptEd as represented. McKNIGHT & CO., Manufacturers, Importers,Wholeade Doaleys; TIVENTY•ECOND AND RACE STS., t".—Send for PlllOll LIST 727 CHESTNUT STREET 727 Reduction in the Prices OF DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP . & CO., NO. 727 CNESTNIIT, STREET, OFFER TO-DAY 50 Cases of Imported Dress Fabrics, at 25 Cents per Yard, Worth Double the Price. RICKEY, SHARP & CO.,' • 727 Chestnut street, ilee2,ly Philadelphia SPECIAL .A.i1 7 .21 7 0 UNCEMENT. E i cAL.DwELL & co. JEWELERS, 902 CLIESTNUT STREET, .„ flare rebuilt, enlarged and remodeled their ollablish nisnt, destroyed Ity tiro in January last and lava opened the sumo for business, With an Entire new Stock OF Manufactured and Imported Goods ,/ Superior to any they have heretofore of fered to the Public. • They most cordially Invite all to visit and inspect I hair Stare. ' JA E. CALDWELL & CO. Sept. 20. ' -"MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, . For sato of .LEIMS'BOOK , =IQ OQI.CI,AND •STIATIONERY.--;i ••/ gdoa assortriamt of mrscorlammos nat./ sCillofr. Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and .Note Parer— , Plain and'Pancy linVelopes—Red, Blue and Illto . k Inks= Blank Books of numerous sizes—Peas, Pencils, r,lcket and Desk Inkstands, and every miler article esoall •found ill' Book Aud Stationery Store, can be bad et fat. prices lit 1100 K, STATIONERY& MUSIC, SfOlt.E. 'Tor Aiathridie Co;1'." J: REYNOLDS & SON; N. W. CORNER 13Th ran FILBERT STS Sole Mentifectureri or the Celetornted WROTJGIPI ; -IRON,_ GAS-CONSUMING H EAT ER WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, GRATE PAR RESTS, and WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR These neaten are made of heavy Wrought-Iron, riveted together, the only cure prevention against the• escape of Gas or Duet. They are:erudly managed, without any dampers. The Patent Radintar, avoids the me and nuno3 nacre of druiro, and is permanently attached to the treater. This is the meat durable, simple , eeonomi. 'cal, and popular DeatingAOparatus ever Mare 1 for gale. They are all goat an teed.' COOKING RANGES for hotels and families,. PORTABLE' IIEATEIZS, • • LATROBE DEATERS, LOW DOWN GRATES, SLATE MANTELS; REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. We ate also manufacturing A NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE NE IV YORK, Fond fur our ll!nitrated Pamphlet. ap2l-y UNFAILING EYE PRESERVERS ..._ _ ~,,,, .. __ _- Lazarus & Morris' PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. The Lime and increasing sales of these SUPERIOR GLASSES • Is n sure moot' of their trefolness. We were satisfied that they would be appreciated here as eleeirlicre,and that the reality of tho advantagei offered to wearers of our beautiful.lenses viz.: the ease and comfort, the as sured end readily osem tained improvement of the sight, and the brilliant assistance they give in ull emes,,vere in V : twelves ro opprit ent on trial, that the result could not be others, ice I lour it has. in the almost general adoption of our CEI.I.IIItA'rED FECTE I/ SPECTACLES by the it sidents 01 this loudity With a felt It non litlge of the value of the assertion, we atint that they are the utost perfeet optical aids ever tonnnfitettuml, To iliac needing Spectacles, we afford at all times an opportunity of placating the best and most desirable. Mr. AARON STEWARD; Watchmaker and JeWeller, - , lIIINTINGDON, PA.,' Tins always on hand a 'Nil assortment, Pultablogo every• dillknity, • - We take.occaslon to notify the - public thAt we employ no peddler% „end to caulinn them against those pretend. log to b.tee our gouds , for Pole. je:.lo.tf . GET TILE BEST READY ROOFING, Sttitattle for all Ilaibling9t'Dwelliage.`l3tra, t Churches Facto% tee, Qe., and ter all climates; egtedly adapted to flat or Wrap rooftt, nod e.m be applied by any ortlintiry Nt at }man. PnILADFLPIIIA. Aug.l.l-13, THE READY ROOFING In mare d ulable than tin, nod does not mat ouo.balf ag much. It is cheap, thou shingles, far mom durable. and fire-proof. It is ma , lo of the hoariest I,brlerrer used fur the purpose. and is putt nil in ratio ready ihryilitnnent' to nny part oh dm %%mad. Sent for circular an I Ittoplus (bunt In r.) ' s in, also matnifacturo , For ri.pah ing all kindd of leaky rents. chimneys. aky lighta, Lc. Tilt. Pooling. Cement form. a permanent Int hesivo cvating °Ter the whole burfnee Grail roofs, whetl,- cr tin, shingle, or ,composition; comph-tely closing• up le k, and Lehig rumpivuul largely aground granito, wluntla echo and herd. no, and soon becomes 1111 artificial Slate or nun, cowling. For coating Tin and all hinds of metal and composition rooff. It a ill not t on. crack, or peal off, but form a per manent and pet Net protealoo, wbereror placed. It is fornishedat It a Olio feet, and pospesPes twice thedurn. bill ty of the common *oil paints used for snob purposes." . . Connt}• ughte forlsale For Circulars and all particulars, Address READY ROOFING COMPANY, 81 'MAIDEN LANE, N..Y. MEE UN/TED STATES : • AutliOinq WAR CLAIN AGENCY' SOLDIER.' HEIRS, ATTENTION The act of Congress approved March 2,1367, gives to Heirs of .9Viers who died prisoner of war, CC,3IIIUTATION POlt RATIONS, * for the time the soldier 'was 46 held n prisoner, -tit the rate of twenty-live cents per day, to he paid in the fellows tog order: la. To the widow, if unmarried; 2d. To the children ;.311. ,To the parents• to bath jointly if they are living; if either is dead, to tho survivor; ith. To the bro• there and detect,. . The act of February 28.1867, ,prorbles for the refund ing of the $3OO CcOrintutatiou Money, whero the same per son was again drafted, and was required to tot nter the Ser vice or furnish a subetifute. , DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. The actor March 2, 1867, alsci makes prostat:islet the impseet ol,tho $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such soldiers ris have accidentally lost their (Bechar. ges, --, • . „ All persona having, any clitiem,under any, of the above mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim against the United States or fitato, bl,oyernments, can ~ have tliem prorriptly collected, by addressing the uctlersignod. In• formation and htivice cheerfully given to soldiers or their friends, free of charge. - - • Aut/tori r :ed Army and lorauy..l4llr-Ctaim .49 , ept, . 1=39,218K -" tli.tiarlorioN,lluntingdon co., Pa 3C - 11C_TM'I'IPTQ-T, C)10T - ! MARBLE' YAW J. PJ.' GREEN' & 1 1 .•0. BEAVER ft,aeVUe'Vga.idnrd partnership, the, public that; Plain uill ornamental Marble Work- Such MR .10) . :1DIENiS. iIEAD.S . TONES. also building s - Work, at as low prices R. 9 anyatiop in.the minty is • thilers from a distance promptly attended to. lop 'on 3111,1ft.tN btred, a few ,doors:eiat if the Lu therm, church null° 1667 11 TAM - 3LE -YARD. - The. hederai t ineV. rospoctfuliy call the attontiettOttlukcittsens . - of liantingdOn and the iii(joining colinHes to the stock of 4r aUliPol hiarblo now.on band. t 'lois preptirea to furnish at the shorteat notice, 31onuincntal Matble,,Ternb, Tables and -Stones or erers•rdesirea also Arid 4toim of Ititilan"or Eastern 31arble, highly_tiniaheili and cfirs:cit:iv,ith appfro- - print° devices, or' plain, as'innty snit: •.puilding Marblo, Door and_ Window Mile, We.; .wlll he furnished to order. • • -IV. W.4pledgea himself :to thrnish material work. inanshii , equal to any in the country, at a fair puce.. and 'see, before 'you purchase Owns-116re: Shop Oni iii ornerpf 31oiltgouvryand, • iluptingdon,,May,l,6 - 18•• • ~ 'WM. 111.1,1,LAMS. • , • 4 . . gS W. O -c'n't you go to 4onry &Co , am , ity your hk„l even - description .nt prices, and MN the tronble goilik sfro.lo, ~toro . to get what yon want. inch:Kit Is =1 PHILADELPHIA; PA, CELEBRATED GRANITE CEMENT, ROOF PAINT, lIUNTINGDON, PA T 1 15108: EV 6 '4 h. ::
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers