Ely 61obl. H liN TING I)TO'N.; For the Farmer. . • lisricries can be rid" of vermim by fumigating with char&iariiild sulphur. .Persons haCing damp cellars should resort to ventilating them. ~fA ~p,2oth of Sept cm her p,if tl i ^of ; DI a roll ? Met:MT!) th e' st'al;& - Pall'e: 2 N;; , eather for the three _following months. So says a forty years experimenter. A f l um , er t iCiWsCiin:4l6' says, since he niloise hiS,Wheai fo'r' iced to43till'or ()uglily ripe before euttiq,lM:Wever. haS smut: OkPerimibe has all been.with spring wheat/ ' ); An old farmer in. - Vermont. is noted - -forAteeping apples inteckay and June fresh and fair. Ho was asked his me thod.- "I put 'em on a shelf in a closet in a drygelliii!, hd leek: tho:door, and lose the key," was his reply. Bots in horses can be cured, it is said, by givingpiece of alum tho size of a Walnut dissolved in ono quart of water, and drench afterwards. It is well to loosen: the bowels. Another cure is said to. be a dose of tobacco. It is a. bad' plan to place potatoes against the damp walls of a cellar, or to put them in large, deep bins, where theyairiV Moisture. If bins are used; the bottom should be i t Made of strips;' with'emall •spliees left between, to admit air. Cellars„ in whieb potatoes aro kept should not be • too4ight; because it will, as every far mer knows, make them turn green, and injure their flavor .and - Hero is a 'recipe for corned beef, is highly recommended : ,`Tor one hundred pobods beef, three back etsgof enough ,tpsoverAbo inatWoOf-iitiuntlhtgl.biq , Itt3l much salt' as will dissolve: 1 11101 ~and .skim.; Put in tlionaeat while boil. . t ing; I)37R:thirty mintes,; take Out arid c64]:iiiiickin barrel al:Cilia') on pickle r 3vlc4a:ibld.:::,l3oof, packed after this,re :;Cipri;riiijr,Oed„a,- litiAO:hibro salt aftiir theradnth'of Matth." , Thanksgiving pay. 3VAPtliggi<tn(Pet; the ; President of the ailed WAtes rif fltrriericti' • ; v - c• t •, raOctalivrio;;;' • The year• whieh' is drawing to a close has beep free from pestilence ;, health has ~ p re WIN throughetit;the il,,abunar,t crepe Aixtrard the htbefirni•the_husbandnrin ; com merce and manufactures have successfully prosecuted their peaceful paths; the mines and fOrests have yielded liberally; tne nation has increased in wealth and in strength; peace has prevailed and its blessings have ad vanced every interest of the people in every part of the Union; Laintony and fraternal in• tereat restored are obliterating the marks of past conflict and estrangement, burdens have been lightened, means hero been increased, .civil and religious liberty aro secured to es'o ry inhabitant of this land, whose Boil' is trod •by none but freemen. It becomes a people thus favored to make acknowledgment to the 'Somme Author from whom Buell blessings flow, of their gratitude and their dependence, f i to reader -praise and.thanksgiving,for the baamecon - devontly irmilote a _continuance `of God'emercies. " "-"•• - Therefore, IlatlYtfsed%.•S. grant, President of the United, States, do, recommend that Thursday . , theilStli November nest, be oh- Airietratia 'day tunrof flap) .:and prayer to Almighty God, the. Creator 'and Ruler of the universe. And Idu further "'recommend to all the people of the United States to assemble on that day in their ac customed places of public worship, and to unite in_ the homage and praise duo to' the bountiful Father of all mercies, and in. fem. ent prayer for the continuance of the-rnani fold blessings palms vouchsafed to us as' a 1444 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States ;to be noised, this sth - day- cif:October, A. U. LSO, and of the independence of the United States of America the ninety-fourth. By the President: . U. S. GRANT. ,irAttlxiix.:;Figuri Secretary of State._ .!:;3 WiThe President of the United States klavingissubd the' foregoing proclama tion, I , do most .earnestly, advise that the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the reasons therein givtin; strictly observe its recommend ations. , Given; under my hand and the seal of.the Oommorawealth, at garrishurg, this 25th, day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand 'eight hund red and sixty-nine, and of the inde pendeneS the: United' Statesfr , the cAnety-fourth. • 'b JOUN W. Ginny By the Governor : F. JORDAN, Soc. of tho Commonwealth To . THE LADIES ! The subscribers baro recently discovered a new oracle—tho ESSENCE :OF' STARCH. In calling tbo attention of the ladies to our Starch, limy will find that it economizes labor, produces a BEAUTIFUL GLOSS, Much superior to common starch, and easier to Iron. In Met ifyou 'mut a beautiful glass on your skirt, or your husband's shirt or collar, procure a box of our Essence of Starch. Tbe cost is trifling, only 15 coats a box.. Try a box • and bo convinced: .Every Family should have a box of the Essence of Starch. For sale ,7 -by all Oroters and dealers'in the United Stoles, Manulactured only by SMITS, HAMMON &CO., sole proprietors, No. 111:1 I.larmer Street, rhiladelphia. , i , s7ir For sole at MASSEY & CO'S. EnterprisoOlead -quietism. feb9:,:„ w. u.IcoQDS, , 1. HILTON OPEtrt, ": n. The' tirtior Bank of Ilinitingdou ;,.1 • (Leto John Bare k Co.,)' lIIENTINGDON, PA. ' - CAPITAL, paid t op, $50,000 - Solicit sCConots from Banks, Bankers and others. liberal Interest niyaxed on time Deposits. All hinds f &Miriade; 'Audit nod sold We the usual COMMiliSiol3.—• Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parts of Buropeaupplied at the usual rates. - Persons depositing Gold and Silver mill receive the in fame return with interest.' The partners are individ ually liable to the extent of their 'abode property for all Deposits. The unfinished business of the lato Rim of John Bare & Co. will be completed by The CI oion Bonk of anntingdosi )21,186941 C. C. NORTH, Cashier. LIME. From the kilt. of Geo, Titylor, Markkaborg, pro, en uy cheinicul onnlyels to ho of the beat quality, eon atantlY kept and for sale in any quantity, at the depot of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad. vrApply to Hoary Leititee, Proprietor of the " Broad 'sop House:, bane Al•tr WA.JOB PRINTING-ux =I The . f 'Globe" Job Office, OUR COLUMN FOR THE PEOPLE. RED FRONT ENTERPRISE; Sugars. All Iciads,at'rery small profits;'. Not offered low to draw you on o n other goods. Our prices to continue regularly. Syrups. Tliq f best Silver and Golden Drips, genuine Lovering and other Syrups. New Orleans and other Baking Mo- DIM A variety of hinds of best always on hand cheap. .„ Coffees. Green, cheitp . 46, the clietiPetiCfortho"mqqe quality llamilShoulders, Sides, Dried Beef, at living prices. Cheese. Tho beet N. Y.. Stato Goshen and Ohio Cheep°. Candies. The beet stick and other candies wholesale'and retail. The beet•,Flour by the -carrel, sack or pound: Cheaper forlbi3 eamo qual ity than elsewhere. Thy the hundred or mailer quiii;iiij Stone-Ware. '4OOO 1, 2,3, 4,5, and 6 gallon crocks jars, jam, rkod churns, selling, cheap GLASS & QUEENSWARE A. large stoat of Ironstone and Corn. moo ware, in, setts or by the piece. Glassware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars ate, at Red Front, cheap. Wood and Willow-Ware, laxgo..assoarnant of Bus4ets; 13acketS,Churns,:Tuhs, ete.,• at Red Front. 'Fruit, &c. Dried Poaches and Apples, Raisins; Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,—Can ned Fruit and Vegetables, etc. Salt 13y the sack or hushcl :"'' Also Dairy Salt. Spices, &c. All kinds of Spices, and a great va riety of notions. Soaps of all kinds and cheap. Pickled Salmon, Haddock, Shad, Trout, White Fish, Mackerel, Dry Salt, Quoddy Labrador, Lake and smoked gerring, by the halt and guar. ter barrel, kilt, pound and dozen. All warranted, and cheaper than elsewhere. 'antes NORM D MD nattier. Tobacco. Tho beet quality of Tobacco, and cheaper than any other store in town. RED STORE. For what you want first call at En• tcrprise Heavolquartars where prie:cs will be kept regularly. low. ENTERPRISE HEADQUARTER IT N 'PINC4 DON, P.A. MEI Teas. Meat. Flour. Feed Fish. Variety. RE4PPG .ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. .StolinAv, SEPTEMREd 13, 1850, GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM T North and North-WeAt for P.1114A1 , 551.1111, NOW YORE,IiBOIIOO. VerIi3VILLII, TAMAQUA, A MIL-OgD, 511%51p510 LEIEMNON, AiLr.Nron v, Etgroo, .EMlaert,,AA . ll2, C 01.011414 Ac., Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows, At 2 10, 5 21 8,10 and 9,40 A. or,, 0011 nt 2 00. and 4,43 p. nn., connec!ing nlth ilnr trains on the Pennsylvania E.ll, and artiring it New York nt 10,0, 11.45, n. In., 3,55, 921 and 10.20 p nl., respectiVely. Sleeping Cain accom pany 11102,10, and m trains U 15110115 change. Leave liar:lsla:lß for Rending, Pottsville. Tamaqua, 51111erSVIlle, AsLLuul , Slim - 110M, Pine Grove Allentown, awl Philadelphia at 810 A. M., and 200 awl 410 31.; stopping at Lebanrn and principal way AIM/ow.; the 410 p. an. train making connections for Philadelphia Pet is rills and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill llu. van and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquelnuntall. : B., lfare Hai) ,nt 3401' M. ,• „ , . Ihiturning, leave New-Yong nt A.11'14 12.0 ' 1 uonn, and 5.00 and 8.001' • a 1 , Philadelphia at 9.15 A. 31.. and :1.301' 111; Sleeping cars accompany the 0.00 a to and 5.00 and 8.00 p m trams from New York u (Gloat change. Way Passenger ttain, leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M. connecting with similar train on 1114 Penna. Railroad, returning fronilleading at 6.30 p at stopping at all tittl• tiona ; Petts‘ ille ill 5,40 and 900 A. 51., and 2 45 I'. 31. Herndon at 930 a In, Shamokin at 5 40 and 10.55 nm. Ashland 7 05 a m. and 12,30 noon, Tamaqua. at 8 33 a In, and 2,20 I'.)1 for Philadephia and New York. LenCe Pot larl/IC, via. Setiu3.ll,lll awl Susquehanna Rail road at. 8 15 n. to. for llarr(sbmg,' and 11 30 A. )1, for Pine Grove and 'Ti, moat. An Accommodation Passengei Train leaves Puttlyilic at 5,40 a la, passes Reading at 7.30 a inn, arriving at Phil- adelphirt 0510,15 tl 111, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 5,19 P. 31 Pottstown AcceminoziailoiiTi'ain: Leaves PottstOirn , a 0,25 a. no, returning leaves Philadelphia at 4,30 in in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 15 A 31., and 6 15 P. 31., for Ephrata, Litia, Lancaster, Col umbia, , Perklotnen Rti ailroad lting leave NrkiMumi Junction nt 9.00 tz m 00 and 3,15-p ni returning leave Sella enits ville at 5,55, 8,12 a In, and 32,53 noun, connecting with similar 11.1113 on ]tending 6nf,rend. Colt brookdaio railroad Tialll3 lento POilalown 9-49 a m, alid 6.50 p m, returning, leavg Poet town at 7,25 a In, and 11,.4 noon; connecting ..will, , Aitilior trains , On Beading railroad. Chester Valley l ail, oad Trains leave Bridgeport at 5,45 a In, 2,20 and 5,23 p no Fella aiog, beam" Boa 'dogma n at '6,10'5 in,l,ol,l,atur 5,45 p collnicting with trams on Reading railroad." • z II zr Ou Sunda) s, leave New York at .1, S 00 p zn, Plila, 8 a in awl 315 I'. 31., the 8 a nt Hain running only to Reading; !'otter ille 8 A. M., Ilarri burg;9 20 a nt, and 4 10 and 4 45 p In, and !leading 1235, midnight 7 13 n. nl for Ilarrisburg,and 7 03 a, in., and 6,17 pm for New York, rind at 9,40 a. In. ' and 4 .25 p.m. for Philadelphia. CoalaturAviozz MILEAGE, SeasoN, SCIIOOL, and NXCURSION TieoooB 10 awl front all points at reduced rates, • BagOgo checkeatthrough:loo pounds ltagOage /Moiled eachT.issenger. G. A. NICOLT,B, Bolding, Sept 13, 1809. Calera, Superintendont. ITUNTINGDON to & . BROAD TOP WINTER. ARRANGE - 311:NT. On nun niter ¶1 lIU I LSDAY, SEPT. lOn, 1809, Persson. gec /Arm and expert an follower 'OP - I'l{lls . g: " OISS Tlt A ISS. IR= ET ITIONS p. MI . to 5 65 60 . 2 6 17 6 241 6 40 6 56 703 ljuntingdon r Long Ming Pleimnit Grove, Mnrldesburg Coffen.i{llll.. Hough& Item Cove, Fiske' n Summit—. CHB Saxton, ....... : Riddloshurg. Hopowell t Tate. itlo, Bloody ?tun,. Mount Dalt., IBM Al 11 5a2 I= ZEE LE 7 60; JJ I c 8 051 10 41Coalmont, 8 10', 10 10 Cranford, Alt S 201 to 11 Ou Dadley, lidatiridorSep 2:4'69. I .10111.1 WRILLIPS, Supt. • pENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVINO OF TRAINS 117N7111 iIIeI?ANGEMENT. ''• 1 ST iIIONF. ME 'N. ifimitttori, Mt. Union,... rfnptoton,..... Mill °rye ~.. 1101 roe,. Spruce Greek, Bain Ingham, Tyrano,. ....... Tipton, Fostorl .... Bell's llfllin, A1tT51211,•.. -45 ➢T: n Pitu.n Enrniss Ensfivard leaver Alton: td nrrives nt Huntingdon nt 10 1 2 P. M. e FAST LINE Eastward • leaves Allow, and orrice , . nt Iltintldgdian'at 1 34 N.. 31.: o Cinelnt4Ti Eneasas.Eattwattl leaven . Altoona' nt art Ives at frunitiikdott 1' sr. setc EXCREOO Elibt,i Ord, leaves Altoona at 12 03 A. td nrrivesnt Huntingdon at 110 (CINNATI KXPIIESS 1l rains aid leaves lime" P M and arrive+ nt Altoona 4 21 P M FAST 1,1514 Westward, leaves Hun 31. and Art iron nut Altoona at 8 43 P. VAC • AL nil ON, 301 P McG UIRE' S SPANISH HAIR DRESSER ton rtionori:ic Ttto GnOwn', DEAUTIFTINO mit Hain, And rendering it dell; and glossy. No other compound possesses the peculiar properties which no OX.ICtly suit the various Caudillo!s of the Iranian hair. t he ilbe of this oil ns a hair drenoer has Leen unit ernal in every sec tion of the rettetry in the Spanish Midu tar centuries.— No prepAvation ut art could glee that elegant Itimniatice [lntl abundance of hair Which have so often their the ad miration of tnivelee, in Spain. !ibis oil is highly nnd delicately perfumed, forming an article unrivaled In ex cellence end upon which the Spanish people for many years hate net its Seal of entlwlug nppwt uf. 141cGUIliE'S Mexicali Wild Flowers REIN LOiloll Ear removing dandruff sad scurf from the head, a hiten ing and perfuming the chin. This article is entirely dif toren t from anything of (behind ever offered in this coon try and Is warranted free front all poisonous suhstenves This salnablo lotion was used by the Emperor 111117(1211i1 fan, and Empiess Cot lotta of Nexien, and miirobany used by Mexicans for three hundred years. Asa mash fur the bead--it it cooling, cleansing and refreshing.— When thus used it at once relieves headaclr. - MeG UIRE'S WILD FLOWERS FOR TAR TEETH All those wildfire inforor orm late teeth And a pleasant And periumeil hiO ith, ohonld at once woo Met nit e'd 11 thi Flowers for the Teeth. All theito preparations nee put np lu` the t elegant' 'nal Ornamental manner. We make no exception in 8113ing that they me )11/ oinament to n Inily'A toilet table, and none complete without theta. Worronted matisinetory or motley refunded. lieolert v, 111 hear tide in mind. Sold by all reopectable Di lig plats in the United States and Conoilas. Address °Wino to RICHARD McGUIRE,. Depot and Manufactory, se9•y =North Second Street, Philadelphia For Ta lc at Loa is' Molt Store, Huntingdon. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH Makes a Lasting Shine Moos nho black their boots on sainrday n /filet n ith ordinary• blacking. don't bare ranch shim: on liltiuday, as the polish lade. elf; but thu shine of BOBBINS' 33LACIKING Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sunday. IT BEATS ANT OTHER BLACKING MARI Manufactured only by J. 11. Dommis, nt bts innnenso Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth :Area and (lel num town AMU; Pa. For bale Ly Massey S Cu., adjoining Louie• /look Store Huntingdon, ga. noylB 'DAVER ! PAPER M PAVER !t! Tracing PaPeri Impressloci Paper, Drawiag Paper,. , Deed Patter, Vain° Paper, Silk Paper for Floater., Perforated taper, I ristol Board, Flat Cap Paper, - , • Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, • -•l Coaniteeclal Note Paper, - Ladies' (lilt Edged Letter an. No ladies' Plain and Fancy note white and Colored Card Paper, in Packs an or sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Moo ENVELOPES' By Mo box, pock, or lean quantity, for sato nt LEWIS' POOK .A. 17.49 SEA TIOSER STORFL FOB: THE LADIES: , A HaPerior article eI Nato Paper and Envelope aid llEfor con jittentia coerearicuulailco, fur sato tit BEIVIS' BOOK ce STATIONERY SPORE. 10110A1'Elt ! PAPEIt!! 4_ Nato, fast, Conamercinl, Fonlimp nod Fliitoap—tt good wortMent for sale b.; thu Frain, half ream, q.llro or 'beet, 11AW.1,6' 110 . 01 i a STATIQZ;EICr STORE. THE CELBBRATF,D 'GROVER & BAKER, Sewing Machines. 4.a. TUB DEST FAMILY SERVING lIACIIINE IN USN. For Beauty and Elnsticity of II felt, For HD ength and Dot ability of Sem', llatt will not rtiv. el. ns both t lit cods Aro used direct ft 0111 the spools, and/no Enoots tutro to ho fastened h) /1:1,1,1; no 0 auto of thread, For siniplic.ty unit perfection of notelllnery. It stitches • loo n , l o th, tacks, braids, cords, nod ern brohlet s Lonutifully. '" Machines folly wn, ranted nod Dull Itlstrueli ins given. Petting innelin t e notion, silk. he.. on hand. For sole by GREENE & BROM FM, fattlYt , o , flil floor Leister's Uuttdmg, Iluntingdon, Pa. \ARIA WISES HIGHEST PREMIUM mor,g , vraveN Sewing MacMnes 4;1;2 I WAI vP9WA,.ta ._,... „ ,------ ~ ~ .... ~, , . It; itli \'''' :., , ~.... .. ~.. )..4 ~.. ‘ ....___,...„. ' ly (4.•., • 1!I • - & --. 1 ,. . . i 7 - 1 .-•-' • ) .., i', 4. • , v It - ..,..., -! .'",4; I,VY-.431*-= ' '' f;• /- n'. ''''..-- IC - ''''''''''' - • ' ~: -F - 7- . ",7, -- Yet', '','‘i .7;,4-0-4,.-7- •- •• 17. : 1 -:,11 - - ii - i--,...::::,- :,110, ._.'' '''' Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION', 1867. They aro to all kinds of Faintly &ming and to the use of Seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tailors, foam ere of Shaine, Collets, Skirt*, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, lints, Car, Corsets, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasol?, etc. 'They nark fleetly well upon silk, linen, 'WOoicti and 'cotton gouda. milli silk, cotton or Wien thread. They will r.atn. quilt, gather, hem, fell. cord, hyaki, bind h ond o'o y species 0 tsc On, inking o beautiful end pet fact stitch. aliku on both Bides of tho /arida sewed. f' 1 11:308}..55. 11.411, .4. 111 M. AR 10 101 484 20 10 02 4 12 9 40 3 55 9 37 3 48 9 22 a 32 003 316 :' 666 309 . . Tho qualities ulatirrecotuntond them are: 1. Ileatity anti excull.nco of stltch, al 1.9 on both aide➢ of Erl=lll Ulu Gin to sewed. 2.. Strength, , Arnmess . and durability, or seam, that 836 281 LS 8 20t 226 ' 208 2 00 1 40 1 20 I 05 LEI OU not lip nor civet. 'Peonomy of Thrrati: • A. Attachments and wide range of application to purge Roil and matei B.• Copp pactness and elegance of model and finish., 0. Simplicity and thoronglinese of cendluiction. . 7. Spord, rase of operation and managoinimt. and quiet nceti of moveinont. , . ,; lndructicns fret: to Nrachnis ftpt rrpair One Sear tree of charge. CM EMI i a 0 L 7 40 2 06 ce 155 BOOKS STATIO ER ME ifiF ALL 'KINDS - .•.. , - .. ..... •--..........•- WALL - 'PAPER, ~ ..:;.,, , ,1-.:;,1 , 21 .,. , .!i1,.,, , ,.,.p.,- , ,,;. ~, . ....--.., : i ti vik' -, ! , ;AF4 - c . faiWAVi' . p .. -5 . 1:.: 1- ta - . y!, ..v , „„. 4 .„-0,-?:-.--,'rft 7 .. r •tr? 1110 ,,-::O L j3 AL 'Y-- :.• t , "-- 4141 . : .t: Pt -•l ‘ t q -, ), '''; 3-- - W4-: - - 1 - ‘,.:-',.. , - 3:, , r.i • -,-, ~;.: ''. ,-•\_; ,, sL Ittkilia., ,t5.4 ,, ,-) i:•: , ,,z.z.:: :i. c :, f ...,-.i,vi,ik- i , riip'l y (//:.;;,,,:, r, ,, k:s:-.67,14.t•-r., ,r., 1' ; 4 , 4--,/ - 1 .7k.i. ..,t...-t,.1,1-. ~,,,,.: Jo,- , . ~, ,,, , . .ko V.-tv, 03:1-:--7 .-,;_,,,._ ..,, -,-. . A . /. .., ~ .-0;.:,-,„,k-,_ -- -- --,,,,,_ - = -- 4---:----- ,07 =EC ni nt 12 20 I. ntiagdon at otingdon at M. CE P Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. School Books and Stationery, Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pock et Knives, Musical Insti merits, Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. [novll.tf. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A LARGE STOOK Arm SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST IiECEIVEU AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. AZUREPAE. r \!,y.t LEONCENTRATED INDIGO.] For the LAUNDRY. It is a'arranted not to Eta call, or In any manner injure the finest fabrics. Fun FAMILY USE Sold in FIVE cents, TEN cents, ,and TWENTY cents Luxes. Eur/a TWENTY cents box, Lest,lva has hug I IVE TIMES us ninth blue is the FIVE cents box, c, iitaina a pocket pin cn.laint or riflery Per Hotel unit largo Laundry use, it is put up in r.UD boxes. See that each Box has pioper nude Mark. For Sale at AI ASSET - tf:' .0 O. Grocery THE 0 - 1 -1033- JOB PRINTING OFFICE riILIE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" the moot complete of any ill the country, and pos• eetelel3 the moot ample facilities for promptly executing In the best ay)°, every variety of Job Muting, ouch as lIAND BILLS, JARDS, toper, 'lip ir, tit! Sheets, sic Store. CALL AND L'%/1311:IE sPI:93IENS OF 0000, LEWIS' BOOR STATIONERY A, MUSIC STORM LUMBER SHINGLES, LATHS. HEMLOCK, PINE 'BILL STUFF, Boards, Plank. Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly on lam!. 'Worked }looting, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Door awl Win dow Frames, furnished nt manurac itrerS' prices. Grain and country product gonsrally bought nt market rates, WAGONER A: BRO., attgßo omsiv cu., pa. U. B. LEWIS, 'Agent, ITON'TrAdDad, PA .AN77 zt...r CIRCULARS, BILL READS, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, PROGR A MM ES, BLANKS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C WHARTOA ,811AGUIlla STREET, • ,•• 'HUN•TIICOOIMi PA., wHorm, sALt RETAIL EMEZEEM Foreign and Domestic HA Hifi An cirrala7 The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and (Myers generally, i, Invited to the (Act that we aro now ol•ring a BErrEn ASSOItTIiIEST of HARDWARE, -.CUTLERY &C,„ than can he Ibund ellen Nero in thin part of the' State; ht prices to shit the time 4. Onr Block comprises oil articles In thin Ene of business, embrilcink a generalnssOrtMent of .TOOLS rind 11ATAl1tl4LS BLACKSMITHS, CAKKIAOB aml IVARON MAKKltti J , MNMS, h*ther with n htigS'stoCkot Iron, Sled, Nails, Spikes,. Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, • Mill and Cross. Cut Saws, • Enamelled, Finished , :and Plain HOZ: low Ware. Coal Oil LaWps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. Ap excellent assortmout of F'l37 0 C:5111-01..pry, com i nisin g KNIVES, FORKS; DESSERT; TEA TABLE SPOONS, SOIS OBS, RAZORS, &C. BRIT TA NIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, • Horkil tura' and Farm Implements, . Of the latest and most inzprbved paitoins, CONSTANTLY ON RAND AND FOR SALE, AT MAN UFA C T U.REILS' PRICES. CARRIAGEVIVAGON MAKERS )ViII find a generalr theortment uf ronterhil for, their toe colieisting in port of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa ". ' 't'ene eticilhelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soe r - hots, 131,4t1CDOM.SIVII9CaMrt Cun be euppyod with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, - HAMMEI:IS, .146RSE MULE sriosiS" . , Horse Nails, and allkittcls of Iron& Steel • f • CARPENTERS. Will find In nor gatabladnnent a superior atock of PLANES, - SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, • lIAMMEAS, - PILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, "sours, PULLEYS, SASII-CORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPINES, of all variOtios BLASTING POWDER, rusu, i•OAL PICKS AND 2110V:13ES. 3Pckm3rsa.ax'si elm ho aCCOIII rhodated a ith everything in their Hue front a Grain Snyarntor to - tt Whet-ntona. 3301.1.1.1CILeinS Are cepecbtlly invited to call and examine oar ati,ek of BUILDING HARDWARE, and campare our prices with others. Agricultural Implements, Comprising the 11.1sus Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, RondoWs First Premium HORSE SITCIIFOItIi, Unties, Scythes, Mrs, Hoy Folks, „ Trace undntlter Chains, liri alt ChMMI, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cords, tic., to., Among the cpecialtics Or oar noose, we desire to colt attention to the eelebtated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested in us. Send lot acircular 1111,1 gut full particulars of same, uthl satisfy yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all sizes and descriptions, including Telz and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling hill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, Kopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICL.S. Tlie largest and best assortlnent of GLASS, PAINTS, Oft & PUTTY, Er'er offered in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NA IhS AND BRADS; lly the keg.' Very (owl Ben Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron.. STEEL, of alCsizes and descriptions WAGON , BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, Ey the barrel or gallon, at very low figures DZ' A call io tecFecl fully ooiicited, feeling COn fl den t that our goods and prices toil! not fail to pleas° fl WIIARTON & - mit o viltr„ Nlay 7, 16U7.. .~~zC~tler~~x~r ... ~~l'b~z~rs~iiici~t~: , A woRD.Tct tr .CONSCAPI,IYES.' . '' Beipp. n Fliort and practical treatieC car ' t naturir, Ca. nod ahnptont, or Pulmonary eonstemptoon, firm:MlN and Arthuta t, and ;heir prevetty.itt, triairaptt,l and et 4; ity ;Whir/a/kn. Eon t 111.1 ii free. A 'lib rec . Q. VAN .11E11514;14 M.D., 16 West Fuurterfitlt St.', N.Y. 113-14.1 - 31 11. C. Itonn. Oro. w. 131.1.10. 3E1.4:::11!1-3C11/1C M.MlDEzlffib , 7 IMPORTERS,AIiI? WHOLESALE DEALIIRS IN, China, Glass & Queetisvitare 7 433 MARKET ST., NORTH SIDE, BELOW FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. June 10,1161 ' ;.,1 CONRAD MEYER, rre rt Inveilter and 51antilitotnre - r ' of the • , Celebraio feint Frame Pianoes, If ANEROOMS, NO. 722 ANCII BT.t the Prize Meal of the World'? : quit Exhibition, I. len, I ng. Tic highest Prize? otiiinled u'lleic id wheinvoi extlibiled.' . • , Ang.ll.2in pg'STili.l3l,l.3l - IEIII 182.4:3 t" .5.3C.15,7M113 " . l• : AND i • • 11ATSUVACTURED BY :SELLERS BROTHERS, G 23 Market AST., Philadelphia. se22-31n _ j T. SCOTT & CQ., T 0.11 ALVIIIi:S LANE,. NRIV YORK AND SCOTT, BARkEii 'S4 C 0.,: O. 31 FIFTII AVENUE, PITTSB 131 PORTERS AND J011131.;ItSI?,;,; ; Watches, Jewelry, CIOCks, SILVER dOOD6:.&i SPECTACLES, CUTLERY, FANCY GOODS 'Watch Tools, Materials, Glasses, gr. Orders nddressed to New York or Pittsburgh w receive 11101111 a and Enrilni attention. oct.i7- tin KREMN!TZ WHITE LEAD, AND , COLOR WORKS. Wl3 manufactula a Chemically Care C.4I:I3ONATV 0 LEAD. . ; - • • ; , Also, Manuttetnrore, Lt porters and Dealers in all grades and quAlities or LEAD mid ZINO PALVES., COL VHS, d:c' solo 31tmbicturcro of the celebrated Permanent, SYR. Olt.liklX, Mali more Drilli.they, Ile. ntiral Sbode of coler, Body - and ourability tlmu any other (liven la' the market. - Alto, -- Foln Manufacturers' of McK.,tt.`,Co's celebrate JAPAN LIITSIt , coy thin, light in color, trao of sent went, anil,‘ ery strong. - Dealers oleo in Oils. Turpentine, Varnidies, Winch, Glass,- ilrudici, ttc. nice. low, and nil gooil4arranted AO repre.so/Itell. McKNIGTIT & CO., Manpfactufers, Importers,WholosaleDealers, T WENT Y.S. .:CONP SSD RAUB . STS.,- to Solol for ['RION LIST 727 CHESTNUT STREET 727 Reduction in the Prices 'OF DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & . CO., NO. 727 CEIESTNIIT STREET, OFFER TO-DAY lit 50 Cases of Imported Dread Fabrics, at 25 Cents per Yard, Worth Double the Price. RICKEY; S CIA RP & . 00:;' 727 Chestnut street,,, dec2.4y, - Philadelphia SP'ECIALIiNO UNCEMENT: . . © EC ALDWELL&CO. q- JEWELERS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, flare ielmilt, enl.trtq•d, and remodoled their oilnbli4ll fluent, dents o 3 ed by tlr . l; iii .lauu.n y hot nud to u u opeucd the Sauna br business. With an Entire new Stock' Naufactued all Ilivorte Goals, Superior to any they have heretofore,of fered to the Public. Thu% most cord :alp Mvito all to -visit and inspect El= JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO .'ci . t 20 LADIES' FANCY FURS, John Fareira, 18 Arch Street, or LADIES' and CHU, DE EN'S WEAR. Having enlarged, r e• oodoleol and improved iy old and fa v °rob! y Irnown for emporium and, hat Jag imported a very largo asem tment of all tin t of al/ t tor el)serrnt Muds of Furs fra.W tiro t hands. in Europe. and have bad them made up by the most Alit fool wool Moen, I nunlel reejoycitodly invite my friewls co; Itootingolon ma? adjacent counties, to-call and CX3lllill.O my very huge 'Lod beautiful noosortrmlot of Taney Fore, for Inches and Children. I ant determined to sell out as Jou prices as any other respectable house in the city. All Figs Warranted. No min epresentations tonged sales. , • JOHN EAR KIRA, ' 718 ARCH Street, atom o 7th,South aide se2P-rot 1,.1.1)10.1'11i.1.• SPECTACLES . <-_-:_., __=7:-._F,T. .. .._. 2 .:-.: -.- ----- ,- ; '•-• ' - ''''ZlL - - - ----,-,_ _,lfi ---' , - . , , A fine and large assortment always on , band- - AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 1/[ONTIILY TIME 1 3 00:1c8 ) . For sale at LE.ll7B' BOOK AND STA TIM ER Y ST olt ft BOOKS AND 'STATIONERY.- gooa assorment of ?Waren:menus and SCilOO hooks--Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—lied, Blue and Mack lo ke Illank _Woke of nninernua sires—Pans, Pendia, pocket and Deck and every other article tumidly found Book and Stationery Store, can be had at Stir pritenat 1100 K, S.T.ITIONEItY ' , WO: STORE. "Fbr Bit niino or Aqtli.raolfe 660." •1 1 0 ' 9O)A ri - . 4.IiFIED J. REYNOLOS & SON 1:4 Ti?,,Vb. STSi ) 1 PIIILADELPIIIA 14. - :t TYP.TifignivoA; , ,Alß,TlGliirt G A S-C ONSOMING - 11 EATER 111 rh PATENT LUST SCREEN, •• • • ' • GRATE BAR RES.Tkaiiti WRPVGIIT-HZON RADIATOW' TiAnilea . tery arc riveted together, the only sure prevention againettfie aseapenrCias or bunt, They stieeretily itvinagedovitimve city dampers; ,The Patent Ifettietor avoids the one and. anna3ances . .tif .drullie, 'end IF perinimFntly attaelietl tN the Heater. Thin in the most durelda, - sfm-fi s e;iiconoml:. cal, nnd ',bider Ifeathii/iiparatus ev.eAßGi"er 2 l j tor ix? Tey aro nll guaranteed. , ' • i• tt A , i I.ll' COOKING ItANG.DS forLotels fapijies ? PORTA:IMF, IlICATEIZS:"" LAU.OI3E IIEATEItS, LOW DOWN GRATES, SL4TE 1/tiIITELS:. r-REOISTERS AND VENTILAtoits: ; ara • n 1.40 Man iiraetnrlng - . NEW FLAT-TOP 11 /ATINGJIAN,G.E. for one Illustrated Pamphlet. np.2l-y ll= UNFAILING-VIE RI E. • • • Lazarus =Bi PI R 1 OiCTAdgi AND EYE GLASSES: ~The large and increming attics of , fiteso: SUPERIOR GLASSES Is a sure proof of,thele illehtlnesse Wolseer:e satlofied that they would ho appreciated here 09 °intTlMM t and that the ti;ality , of lion ndvml toges ofh-red to iveafere of our benullial lenses It, 1110 cage and comfort, the an. shred eddy ascertained Improvement Of the eight, and the brilliant teisietance they Rt., cases, srpre in themselves an apparent on trial;'that tha ieentteonld not be othemise than ;t has; in the almost general adoption of etir‘CEI.KitItArEDPIIItrECTEIISPECTAVLEg by the 1 esidruts Ot this loellity With n hill litionl; &go of the value of the asseition, wo elalin that they are the Foot wreck optical-aide ever Inanufnetn; To 11:6-e needing Spectacles, WO afford at all 41110.9 oppoyt unity: of .pi °coring the best ins meat desirable. : •1 '1:7: Mr. AARON ,STEWARD ; 'Watchmaker and Jeweller, • • '• 'EMD/71:Ng-p0.1% Iles ;Owns s on band a tall assortment, su!tayojtS. W take vecaston to notify the public That we employ he peddle., :ilia to catilicin them ogillnat'thos ' etii6tend• tog to ti.ll, our ....Odd tar Mite: cji33ll;a: • id G BT. ,T1.11;),13.8,5T • BEA33Y ROOFtrtG, P/111,AD/MPHIA. Aug.ll-13t &IMAM° for all ilaildiffes, Ds allingq. Dnfns l Cioirches. Factories, fie, and for all climates; erplaliT adapted to. flat or shop tools, and can be applied by ally ordbiaryi workman. , . Ts more duralde than tin, rind does nn( cost one hilt as nun+. It is chenprr than al.iu••lcs„far wow , durable. and lire-proof. it in nia Ic of tlitilipavleitl,bricoviti used f o r nr purpnsr. . and i• pot air in a lON tardy farehiputent to any part of Ulu world. Scud for circular and simples' (gent free.) •, . For repairing nil kinds or leaky roWelikrineys, sky (tooting Cement form+ n pertnnßent sit c•alilig ore, the whole Sou nice if nit rOurs, itheth er tin, shingle or cot:11 , 04110n . compP wly closing up leakages, mid tiring conopogna iargely "(ground granite.• whorl, nets 01 . 1(1 HMI 60111, bCCOlnes on artificial- Slats or' Stunt Covering.' Tor coating Tin and all hinds or metnl and composition Conk 'f t will not run. crock. or peal off, but form a per manent and peril ct prat. mien ulietevor placed.. it ;le furaftrual at half the 'root. mid 1, a twice the duns. batty of the common oil [minimised far pitch purposeti. County lights fermi,' - .1 • ' For Cfreitinig partictittro, Attires's READY 100FIgG cokrANi Min UNITED STATES Authorized WA R CLAD' AGENCY • SOLDLER,6" ELEIRe,' ATTENTION The act of Congress approved, March 2, 107, gives tce Min of Soldiers it Ito 'died prisoners of w•ar, COMMUTATION FOlt RATIONS, -for the HMO the eollliOr WM so 'held 14 prisoner, at the rate of h u•en tj-li ve CVO to per day, to ho point in the follow. ing order: lat. 3'o the widow, if unmarred;: 211. To the children :341. To the parents, to both jointly, if they are lisine„ if either is dead, to the ours tear; 4th. To the bro. no:est.:if sters. 'The act of February 28. 1661, provider for the refund. fag of the $lOO Ck.hita,ttion'MoncY. VhOrd the enmopor• not; pny a„ant drattqd, and ,Iffts required to inter.tho eor• s ice ur furnblt a substitute. ' DISCHARGED SOLDIERS.-- • The net of Mirth 2;156i, nlso tnakoo pro .igons for Me payment to dm $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY" to such Soldlcid as havc accidentally lost their (Unbar All persona harlog any claims under any of tho above ineiolontal acts, of any olbor kind of claim sigalust lb. United §tates or Stale goveramentm, can hare the. promptly collected, by ailth essing the utdersign.l. r lOrtnation nod advice cheerfully g i ven to soldiers or 11 tueuds, roe 01 Chal ge. IV. 11. 11100110 L ..inMorired Army and Navy lair-Claim AD .(.. ma39,"218b1 I lusrisanom, Huntingdon co HgJ~7''S'7CZVTGD~~' fiddle of the Wool:. bo th and St], St.. hentll side tuporter, Manufacturer nd dealer In kindt & utility of =MI MARBLE (YARD., J. M; GREEN &11:9,13.EAVER, Having entered into partnership, tot nan the pnhun ; they ate prepared to execute all styles of • Plain and ornamental Marble Work F»rli a% MONUMENTS. UP:AI/STONES. oleo Dunaln Not k, at ao, WY prim as any shop in the ' 0, dere lastance promptly attended to. Shop on MINELIN Mreet, n tow doors root of WU' Often church tl,6,ahT , T • A wo ß ,, B id ai l i t o e pilo u n n o ile a nn ize ed; 01 nntingdon and the ndJoioleg counties to the Stroc„; beautiful marble now on hands' Ito is prepitrierts fgf i y o at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, 'To - abe t and Stones of every desired''sirdd . size and form el por Vests. Marble. highly finished, and carved - vat p r im e flovi,V3, or plain, as May Mgt.. • , c.; be Building Marble, Dour and Window Silts famished to order. ^^ 3 wort W. W. pledges himself to furnish, in' ,• ..1 " 7prt p Up .i ,4 c t manship equal to any In the ountry, 0 , and see, before you purchaso ethe• -f . • ,- .O9P‘OP °fuer of :Montgomery and - 95s .,silm ! tin g" n ' 1 " W,ll. wis.,w4lB. 1.• Ilmitingdon,llay 18 1'255. 7;11.17.d0n't on go to Henry &Co. awl by. 3o . g cods of every description at ihc•' eery towPir olive the ttouhle or g'" I " f r'r" om to store beet ghat Cott wont. me1,24-tf CELEBRATED r""'i T. 11 1 1: I?I?,,ADY 1:00FIN.Q. We alsi) Intirtuf.ieture aRANI ; :l'Ill c:o4li.iliNiic.:•::'., ROOF PAINT, 81 MA.IpENwm N 07.4 I 1 UNTING,I2 1):A. MIMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers