EZ ZEI Day - . ViipAttyr, ttks Pr#lfleq of th AdStates of..A.Oiiiiciefir 1 t", A , A A PROCLAMATION. The year which is drawing to a close has keen free„ from pestilence; health has ,pre vaileaAltr-aughyouYthe land ;:alolnidtint craps -z falist,th,d. laltmfairf theibiiikadtll4l7.; com merce and manufactures have successfully 'lll43tveChre:ditlieirpeticefnUpattit;7 the mines 'and forests have yteßeOlferally; too nation has incre sed in wealth. and in ',strength ; peace has prevailed and its blessings have a,d• Anite;tidiiivetty; !of thel e: 'Off Y • pdrf the Union ;. harmony and fraternal in terestyestered. are obliterating the marks of • past•Conflidt and estrangement, buideni have been lightened, means havaeen increased, civil and religiduhllGOlTyluirs-Secured to evo:. ,ry inhabitant of this land, .whose soil is trod , by none-hut freemen. , It becomes •a -people ~.tlinsfayere,d,to Janke acknowledgir(ent to: th 'supreme Author fro , whom such..blessings flow, of their gratitude and their dependence, to render' , praise; and , tbardiegiiitW'for the same; and dev . bntlY to iii4lere a continuance . of God's mercies. . - Therefore; I,! Ulysses 'S. Grant, President of_the ..United States, do,.recommend that 'ThUrsday,the 18th of Novemberncst, be ob served as a day of thanksgiving and of praise and prayer to' Alroightf:God,4he Creator and Ittileref the universe: AiniTdo fdrther recommend to all the people of the United States to assemble on that day in their ac customed places of public worship, and to unite in the homage.and praise due to the bountiful Father of all mercies, and in ferv ent prayer for the continuance of the mani !:tiild blessings Ilikhas vouchsafed to us as a - people. In testimony whereof I hove hereunto_ set -•rny.band and, caused the seal of the United States to .be afliied,. this sth day of October, 'A.:••D:l.B59;'' 'and Zr the independence of' the United States of :America the ninety-fourth. By the President : U. S. GRANT llA34yroir'Ffsir; Secretary of State. HIIERYGRAPHS. .., The latest accounts about the ftaan f.cial 'condition, of Turkey are . deplora ble.. The employees of the Govern "nient.linve'not beeen paid for the Aunt nine months.• Failures are every day iiceurronces, and the merchants are in despair. The soldiery in the interior are starving,. and, in the, midst of all this desblation the Porte has appropri atcd?fiftetin million francs for the en• _ terfainMen t of Eugenie. wry receritl3= all' the ico used in San Fpeeiscerind.i.the towns of the ,flacramento Valley. .was supplied, at ligh prices hy, thc Sitka Ice Company, :;Which , obtained its supplies - in Alaska. t 'A `eornpany; has' however, .been" formed „ . -in , Speramento to obtain ice' from a. lo- VallWationt. . three quarters , 's,Mith,,of the Pacific Railroad, and a lair in:. the. old, prices is confidently cooked ," x ' : l'.Thci'doiiirUCtiOn of oysters at Pro idenee, by the htite gale was very great. .0f 'One he'd of tWelve thodaand bushels, it is estimated th 4 fully half were _ In'lndiana town boasts of a _giant tiEl.by) his g feat:We '1 the ague. That embarrassing taietion ' - e,ttO:bked 'Lim re,eentlY,, and Worked ::four days to shake him all over, but jailed. and left in disgust. briiing the past:year the trade of St. :Paul has exceeded half '-'4lollars value.“ Sixteen hundred 'thousand MtislOat sliidi - were'oae item of the account. Not much need of . . itriY covens in that neighborhood. The recent_Georgia,..Eclitprial Con ven party. Qpe,oLthe-editor:a-lpet,hts where 7 upon liis cornpanions laughed at birn. (1 .19,1 'fetri al* ' i tuat they would have lost their bats 4V° had thernot.been. heavily. weiah o with b ricks. WSshington Irving fell in loie—this was u years ago-with Rebecca Gratz, Vetiutiful 'Jewe - ss of Philadelphia; but as Washington .ate pork,, she re fused .to marry him. . This is another reason, and just published,, why. Wash- c.••• • . ~,Ington Irving never married.., Surely the resurrectionists will, bring up the . truth, or something else, after a while „The Sakti is rapidly-Wetting its'Oes , The Richmond Enquire?: " has learned that.the immediate mission of the Amerierins is to`aubdue this conti nent, to develop it, and to spread civ- ilization,over;it; and that it was be cause the South, by its policy of stag u'ght to go on in the tooth of this, prov,idential purpose ,that it was idinpelled 'to Tall in the late war. ,Thiryon, States were represented in tlin'iliSpldy of hogs iit the ,St. Louis THir,the number entered being 1,060. —Aniingenious suicide in -Wisconsin ;bent down a sapling, hitched ..hionself io" it by a"rppe about his neck; ,and let it springs! : 7 J. Van,l3corn, a farmer of Polk co., =lowa; raised a Squash six 'feet eight .inebes i round,-apd.wpighing , one;-Jinn. ikedlan`d'sixti , fchfr'Pbunds. • " ' ' D eeen t- stor'in Na m a theijcinity,pf Seneca, XO., is refibli`edTo have risen the rate of 'toil' feet an hod: , ' . . "ThereiWit,ivoinfin in Thillitt co. Ky., seventy•two,years old who bas a child ttoptrfivemilTtgs -, Thy father:;:of ttlor clierthi alieut twenty bitter from , Brussels , announces Landuran has invented-an 6 aipit' fans by, which he is able to ex. tract fire damp or any other vicious . air.frontmines. , Rev Daijie ( :Claik; pastor, of the 1 1 11 NVll If I"' amvi o, county, 1., reshyten :rian cilium)), was drowned, tbo - other dayy -while attempting to cross'• - a strbairi iri that county. The Superintendent of Public In. Eitettetion':bas decided tbat children 'p'reponderaned •of white blood to the privileges of the 99 o a .of Indiana. The olds ; building. ; in t Richmond, ..ir [IONA all, - overtlip.:,.lsnifed States ,ns Libby PridOil, litis - fedet\tly'betim 7. 0 d. and, is nom oceitpidd).)y parties en-, erimae And bones. • It' is proposed to:cut a canal,.frsp five iakcs in. South. C'dziOliiiai`lorm ,ing.the'boad waters of the Ashloy!rit: .er t •to-tlie navigable portion, of the,riv-, order to secure easy •transtiortit , tion for 'the phosphates. recently dis cOvered there. Co.,..Arnold, Constable & Co., and other largo Neiv 'Yerk ostablishtneMS,Wbo advertise tonsi7ely, _gener437 give the . prices of the articles advertised. Thia,is.a pod -rule; and aboalcibbefollowed!fiy: all; ad- Vertisers whenever practicable. , OUR COLT O FOR THE PEOPLE. . -F:74REM.F.RONT 3 t :$4 - . gt54 ,4 , 1 -• - d:eir ‘,., - 4 1 • • • `.5 -iir.'45%%%%7 ..:. - ',1;; 7 1 . ? -,,', ENTERPRISE STORE. Sugars. All kinds, at very small profits. ..Not offered low to draw, 'you. on ,on other goods. „Oat._ prices W. : continue ° IoW, regularli. _ Syrups. The best Silver and Golden Drips, genuine Lovering and other Syrups. New Orleans and other Baking Mo- lasses. . . „ A variety of kinds of best al w - sys.on birocrcheap.:. =, Coffees. Roaated - •nnd;Greoti, , theiiir 'AA the oheapeet for the same quality Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Beef, t — - tAieese.- Mill best'M Y. State Gdsjien and -Ohio Owes°. - ~, I:Va*ndies., ',', • The best stick and 'other candies, wholesale and fetail. Flour. „The best Flour ,by the barrel, 's'ack .ebeaper . for the,eame qual ity•tban'elsewhere, Feed By thelundred or srnaller,quaolity `GLASS lel QUEENSWARE. A, large stoa,k of - Ironstone and,cloin• mon warei•in gotta or by -the piece : — , Glasen - are, Earthenware, Fruit :Jai's, ete , at Red Front, cheap. Wood and Wfflow-Waie. :A.,fjarge ‘ assoktment of Baskets, Buckets, Cliurtis, Tubs, etc etc., at Red .14'ftifit. &e. Dried Peaches and Apples, Raisins Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,- 7 Can ned Fruit and Vegetables, etc. 1: '", • • ?,:`,;;:;;;; By the sack or bushel. Also Dairy Salt. - I • p e gPicee; ; and a gieatttvh riety of ,notions,_ Soaps. of all kinds and cheap. ' l} • 1;:r • .= Pickled Salmon ; Illaddeek, Shad, Trout, White... Fish- Mackerel, Dry Salt, Quoddy, Labrador, Lake and smoked Herring, by the half apd guar. for barrel, kitt, pound and dozen.' All '\\; arranted, and cheaper than else \vbere. Tobacco. The best - quality' of Tobacco, and cheaper than any otbotstorc in town. RED STORE. Variety. For what you want first call at En terprise Heaclquartcra where prices will bo kept regularly-low. ENTERPRISE 'IIEADQUARTERS TiU.NTIIs.IGDOX; 'PA; E==all REIS . • i • - -eats Salt =ME =I U - ifE4DAG RAll,C i iiji*; ,! Wp;,TER, ARRANGEMENT MONDAY, SIiPTE3IIIII/1. 13, 18C9, ti Ii EAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE 11 / 4 _3l%Nortb and NortlplYest foarHAßat,puts, Ntiv iraFfzitt/IdluqdfratHAX - 1 74Ds, SI - IA*1:11 taiIIANON ' LEINITO*4 • Krbor,lttsrla traTri, LaidfaA TER, CULl:Jtri Oit. ll, &C. Trains lease Harrisburg for New York, as follows: At 2 le. 5 20 8,10 and 9,40 A. Ir., and nt 2 00. and 4,45 p. m., connecHirg witkaimildr trs.ips tho Pennsylvania 11.11, and arriving pi NewXotivat 10,0001,45, a. tn., 3,55, 025 and'lo,2o p to., respectively. Sleeping cans accom pany the 2,10, and m trains without change. . . la.avo flat rishurg for Reading, Potts, file, Tamaqua, Mineramlle, Ashland. Shamokin, Pine Ore. e, Allentown, and Philadelphia at 810 A. Al., and 200 and 4 10 I'. 41., stopping at Lenattc n and pt Mental way stations; tho 4 10 p. to. main nothing connections for Philadelphia Potts ville and Columbia only. For Pott9villo, Schuylkill Ha ven and Auborn,tll.l Schuylkill a6dfiusqllahlikna Icavellairtilatrg , at, 310 M. t . Petal fling, leave New-Yong at 0 A. 41., 12.00 noon, and 5.00 and 5..0 P. m Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M.. and 3.30 1' MA Sleeping cars accompany the 0.00 a m and 5.00 and 8.011 p ta trams front New York without change. Way pabb,enger,train• leaven Plaladelpldadtt 7 30 A. 01. connecting :Eilt/O.Sintilai• train 01Y. lintd, rental liallruarl, tam ning from at 630 p in stopping at all eta rotkit'illo at 5,10 and 900 A. 31., and 2 45 P. 31. llorndou at 030 a to, Shamokin at 5 40 and 10,55 n rn. Aeltland 7 05 a m. and 12,30 noon, Tamaqua at 8 33 n in, and 2,211 1'.31 for Pitlladephia nod Nedv York. Leave I!eitt'avilloi Via; Bch 'kill and Susquelianna mai at 8 15 n. In. for lint tishurg, 1130 A. 31, for Pine Gwen and Tremont. • An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves Pottsville at 5,40 a 20, passes Beading at 7.30 a m. urtiving at Phil adelphia at 10,15 a in, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 5,102.:31 t Poetstbwn Accommodation Train Leaves PdttstOwit 6,25 a. in., retooling leaves Philadelphia at 4,30 p. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Beading at 7l^ A 3f., and 0 15 I'. M., for Ephrata, Linz, Lauemitnr, Col- PerljOnten Railroad trains leave P,iirkioaten ,Junction at 0.00 a in 6.00 end 11;15' p m returnitS, : leave Sehwenks ville`at 5,55; 102" a an, and 12,55 mann conflating with similar trains on Br-tinting Railroad. Culeln col:dale railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 5-40 a In, and 0,50 p nt, returning, leave Poyerton n at 7,25 a an, arid It, .O-noon, Connecting with .simi tar trains .on Reading railroad. Chester Valley railroad Trains leave Bridgeport nt 8,45 a in, 2,20 and 5,35 p to, satin nlug, lease Downingtown int 4,11.1 a in, 1,00 and , 5,45 p m, connecting with trains on Reading fail:owl. • On Sundays, leave New York at 5, 8 00 p m, Plitindel• phut, 8 ant mid 3 15 P. 31., the 8 a al train running only to Reading. ' Pottsville 8 A. 31., Ilarri burg,s 20 a - In, and 4 tu and 440 p In, and Reading 1235, midnight 7 16 a.lll for Ilat risburg.o lid 7 05 a. in.,and 0,17 p 11l for New York, and at 0,40 a.m.,and 4.25 p.m. for Philadelphia. COMMOTATIONMILLMIE, bEISON, 5C , 100L, and I:Walston Tim.t.Ta to and from all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked tin ough: 100 pounds Baggage allowed each l'sosenger. ' • ; . _ • O. A. NICOLL% Rending, 5ept.13,13C9. General Slyerintrndent BROADTOP .11 u ' TINGD I G AI N iitoa & n. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after THURSDAY, SHPT. l6ttr, 1860, ralson• get '.frnina tell l arrive and durtrt as feltowap UR . TIt Al NS. D-OWlnltAftiS. MEI Ea= STATIONS P.M. LS 5 55 602 6 17 6 2 6 40 6 56 7"03' lb' 724 Hun tingdon,. ..„ Long Siding MaConnellstan Pleasant larklestourg, ' Coffee ]tun.._ Rough .7t. EU MM= MEI Saxton, Hopewell, ....... Piper'. Boo r " 'Totem the Bloody Run,.... !Mount Dallas,. EIS I 11 5 AT 11 52 SHOUP'S RUN BRAN( . 11'1 . :g0 1 8axi0n,.1...i. -3 _ .. I]o 45 Coa!moat, 10 50 Crawford, .......... ...., An 11 00 Dudley, 'Broad Top City,'....: , 22,'69. JOHN DP IMO 8 10 AR 8 2J 'lluutingdon'Sop • pIONNSYIA/ANI . A. Its` I TI)IF: OF LEANTNO CF JrLvm'R A/?Rif GE l'" N a o N ~ G f.. P S ATION ,- _ ', N. Hamilton, Mt. Union,... Mapleton, Mill Creek,... Huntingdon, Poterelittrg,;,.. 11arren, ' 'SpruceCreel., Dinolngham, Tyrone, Tipton Boirs_ , lllllw, t. 4 ,1 A 51 The PniLA EXPRESS Eastward leaves Alton; 31. and arrix en at Huntingdon at 10 12 P. 31. The FAST LIKE Eastaard leaves Altoona at 12,20 A; 51./and art l' es at Huntingdon at 1'34 A.M. ,-3115 CmaNNATl',Exraest Eastward 1 9av03 Alta oll a - at 5'33 I'. 31. and airi,im at Iluntmgdon a 66 tit) 1' 31. l'Aenac Exenk.f.a Eastnard, leaves Altana% at 12 03 A. 31. and arrives at Huntingdon at 1 10 A: PI: CINCINNATI EXPREsS It estward It oven Huntingdon at 3 01 1. viand arrive' at Altoona 4 21 P of The FAST LINE Westwatd, leaves llnntingdon at 431'., M. and art fives at Altoona at 8 45 31. McGUIRE'S SPANISH HAIR DRESSER ; Fan 14101 , 1071N0 TAY. GROWTH., IlEfrtirYlNClTimpiva, And rendering it ilark‘and"glossy. No oilier compound poefienee the peculiar Properties which' Cliactiy suit the various conditions of the human hair. The use of this oil tufa hair dresser Lab been unirerlial In every sec. tion of the country in the Spanish Main for centuries.— No timelier/aloft of act could give thakclegent luxuriance and abundance of hair which have no often heed tho oil mitalion of travelers in Spain. 'lbis oil is highly and delicately perfumed, funning on article unrivaled in ex cellence end upon which the Spanish people for runny yearn pure set Its seal of enduring appioval. -0— McGUIRE'S Exton FloworsShamioo Lotion For ramming Mind:nit nktrscurf frihn the brad, whiten leg akd pet fuming the skin., This article is entirely dif relent nom anything of the kind ever offered in this eosin try and is warranted free, from all poisonous substances '1 his valuable lotion was used by the Emperor Maximit inn, nntl,Eniptess „Vat tolls of Mexico, and ,unis;ersally used ; by klmorans for:Mimi huddled years.i As a u esti nettle head—it It cooling, thanking mid refreshing.— n thus used it at once relieves • - r.> - - C 371 T E' g • r t ;TEM - - - WILD FLO -wEft o All thoho who aro in favor of intuit° teeth and a pleasant and perlpmed breath, ,should at,Onre P4 O Wild Flamers for the Tectin.v -All. these' Pr eparatictitio aro put up its the most elegant and ornamental manner. Ire make no exception in saying that they ere all on nement to a lady's toilet table, and none complete w ithout them. %Verrented satisfactory or money nefitrled. Dealers mill bear this in mind. Sold by re4pect.thltt Drug gists in the United States nod Canada., • Addrest antlers to RICHARD McGIIIRE, Depot and 3Linufactilry, sefLy 203 North Second Street, Philadelphia For Sato at Lents' puoy,..tore, Ituatingdott. -MOBBINS' ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH Makes a Lasting Shine Thorp mho black their boots on Saturday n Ight with ordinary blacking. don't have much shine 'on Sunday; As the polish fades off; but the shim, of 330/031N4'. 13LA:•PRING Lasts SlitniditY Night and 'aii day Sunday. IT•DEAtS ANY 13131fili IILACHING MADE, I%lannfactnrerl only by J. 11. DOBBINS, at his immense soap nt a l Blacking Works, Sixth btrcut and Clanton to, n Avuntto, Philadolphia, Pa. ,'Nor oala byiNasday Co., atlibinlng Loris' hook Stare, lluntingdou, Pa. nova:. pAP,E4 ! PAYIII , I.-q,!, .?APllll,t !!! Trncing raper.'. •• , : i• ,! •Impreesion • • Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, , , Paper for FloWora, • " Perfoloted Paper, , I ristol Board, „ _ Flat Cap Paper, -- , . . Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, .Commercial Note Paper, ,Ladles' Oilt Edged Letter atiL .loto Feuer, , Ladies'•Plain and Fancy hidu Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, or sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. -V4NVELORES- , t , By tleo box; Tiock; orloos quantity, foi ealo nt LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR:: TAB ' A superior articlo of trqte Paper. and EllrcicP o auitablo for confidential correspouttenteifprealu at LEWIS' BOOK ell STATIONERY STORK IDAPICR!`PAPER:r i ~ ; ..L....Nota ; Prat, • Conirdorohd, good =utmost ror.ralotptho reamiltalf.rtam,.ryulre or rkirrt, no ' • , 1)71 LEWIS' 1190K - k STATIORERY,STORE,.. • Pri. GE,OVER &' BAKER , ; ', : so*itii.,l l 4l,olop,s. ita..'lllß liES;1! FANuLy SEWING MACIIINE IN DBE. rind hlivttirity of St fell; For Strength and Durability Of Scant that Will not Div el. no both, threads are need direct from the Spoolts, and no aearne tiara to ho fastettedlty band; no waste of thread, For 'allitulie,ts and perfection of machinery. It ttitehea, beam Ladle, brairig, cord'', and ern 'it:l.ol,lola beautifully. - Itinebluea fully Mu routed and lull inatructidus given. SeNViug machine eutton, hilt:. Sc.. on band. ' Fur talc by 0 ItEDNE .b BROTHER; felting lid fluor Lelater'e Building , itoottngdon, W - 1111 1- 18z AILSOIVS HIGHEST PREMIUM .'-a)(slgg gavel' 1111 Sewifig Machines, Received the only GOLD MEDAL. at the . PARIS IOcPOSITION, 1567. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Earning end to the tuo of FeamstresSes, Dressmakers, 'Pakten, Mano r term, it of :Ants, Collars, ;duets, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, lintr. Ceps, Corsets. Linen (10011F1, Umbrellas, Deutsch, etc. They pork equally well upon silk, linen, woo!eu and cotton ~ g oods, with silk, cotton or linen thread.' rhey will's:ant; gnilr, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making Petuttlful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article sewed lEstmEss I A. M. jut 10 101 10 02 9 40 9 37 31 tn. • 'VI. 404 10 4 12 .1 55 3 40 3 32 3 10 a 09 2 55 2 51 2 20 9 031 55 1 8 40 8 NI The qualittes.which t ecommend them are: 1. liesinv Hod excellence of stitch, al.ke on both tildes of the Eau ic boned. 2. St r• ngtlt, Si mores and durability of scant' that will not lip nor ravel: S Economy of • 4. Attachments and aide range of appliCation to Purpo ses and materials. " 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish: ..• 0. ;1114 iCiey and 0101011101110.19 Of ecustructign. ' 7. Spout, mar of operation nod' managontent: and quiet ness of moven:out, - tirnetie the free 1. alb „Machines Lop reixtir one . year ace of charge., . „ ffiri 1 05 LEI 00 [CM ITIE OE 7 50 Ls 7 40 2 05 Le 1 55 BOOKS 'KILLIPS L TRAINS MEiVT. "'PAsTirARD STATIONERY M t N ~ ~~ OF ALL, ifINDS; WALL PAPER. HLgK~ I TEM I CHE P, ~.®.~ Lewis' Book Store Huntingdon, Pa. School Books and Stationary,tibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday' School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pock et Knives, MuSical Instru ments, Wall Paper, -Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., etc.. - [novll.tf. WINDOW CURTAIN' PAPERS A - LARGE ASTOCIrc AND. SPLENDID ASSO RTMENT . OF Window 'Curtain Papers, . 'JUST RECEIVED ; LEWIS' BOOK STORE. /\ AZURENE. J , [ CON GEN 'MATED INDIGO.] ":' For the LAUNDRY. It is •tarranted not to streak, or in ally matinee injure tho finest Worms. FOR FAMILY USE Sold mR,YI VII cents, TEN cents, and TWENTY cents boxes. Toth TW EN !'Y cents box, besides having FIVE TIMES as touch t bluo ys tho FIVE cents box, contains a pocket piu cushion or calory bag., For !lota and largo Laundry Use, it is put up in $2 00 bases. • See that each 80X,1138 proper Trade Mark. For AS'aleai .211A,SSEY & CO: Grocery JOB PRINTING OFFICE. THE "GLOBE: ,J 0 413, OFFICE" the plevt complete of any „in the country, and pos• losses the itto,t ample facilities for promptly executing in jlut best at) to. trtury variety of dolt Printtug, such on lIAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, JAI' 1)S, CALL %ND EXAMINE SPECIMENS OF WORN, LEWIS' noun STATIONED!! 86 MUSIC swonu LUMBER ) SHINGLES, • LATHS. EILOCK, PINE BILL STUB,H :loardn, Plank. Shingles; Plastering •and , Shingl mg I f ath,constautlx on halal. , 'Worked lolouriatt DooracDilor and Witt. dow Frama, fm nished at innaufacturm! prices. j - Grain and pAtutry,,proAuct generally bought at market eaten. , „ , WAGONER & BRO.. aug'44.tr , " ' - rTi ' l 1'11144,1145, - O.We en; Pa. = U. B. LEWIS, Agent, ItuNriNanoN, PA _A.TI:3 BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, LABELS, &0., &C., &O \v - 7 - A3fOI,ImAGUI: ,1; :1,. 7:1 „.. 013-ILL STREET,' -• ;! n ,-" ••n• - , i! • 11UNTINCD014, W. 1101 45 2 A,-Te, ..„ , 1 " lothliams . 4ti „ F:Qt6l6o . '!',4otlTtomo.stiw,t,; 1 II r , r, ', s , .BI I. TDERT,;'II • ' " The atterifion" , or - ,•••:- 11-IECRA:IOS, rARSIF...4s, !; Bp,ILIY4Rs; and buyers generally, In Invlted Ito the fattAlhat :we are now offering a BETTER ASSOILTMEINT of • •, _ HARDWARE - 'CUTLERY'. -&C:, can be Amid olslmlairo in MIS linreorthe •Bints, r at prices to snit the timee. snick Coinpriscaall articles in this Ene of business, ettibraclng A genera! assortment 'of TOOLS and MATERIALS need by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS., CARRIAGE awl IVAGON AI-AKERS VAS, ac.; Sc., together with a hirgo stuck of Iron, Steizl,l‘rads;' SpilAdßailr'oad and, ,Mining ;Slipplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains; -GrinAtones, Circular,. Mill and Cross. Out Sams, • Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hot. Lou! • Ware. Coal Oil LaMps and Lantermir ' Oil and Pew{let• Cans An excellent ninortinOnt of 3F . °l3a.c), 40-ixtlex•3r, Comprieh3g ' KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS- ~ ORS, RAZORS, &O. BRITTAN IA & SILVER PLATED WARE Houseliold; ` llortii~iiltii"ral. and • Fang Of the latest and most iinfii•ovedpaiterns. , CONSTANVIKO . N Mip:FOR BALE ; AT MANUPACT . U.R,ERS PRICES. CARRIAGE &WAGON MAKERS wsi's,.;/h• gSnernl inetoitment of mnterini . fer their me ennbistfint in part. of 'darricigi Itintmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles,• Springs, Nuts, Bolts, ' Washers, Malleable Irons, tent and enamelledLedther, Whips, Tongues; Socl' ketp, 33x...A.4c,mos3aiumiact Cep be ebpylibil Kith • ANVILS,"BEIP)WS, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, - HORSE ANA" MULE SHOES,' : ' Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Steel CARPEIT RS Will find In our tatablialionad a 5%311,110r ,tock of PLANES, SAWS, •i ' • •'. AUGERS, HATCHETS, - - • -liA3 ; INIERS, - FILES, ' CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, 110LTS; •• .• • PULLEYS,' ' ' ' SASH-CORDS, &p., AND lIIINEIIg' , OOOB. NAILS and,SPIKES, of all varieties • BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, t,I9A.L , PICKS AND SHOT:ELS. 3Plastx•icea.e.x•Ei 'Grin Le ateoriiiiiialaied with eveiytliiiig trificatr lino frOm a Grain Separator to a Whet-stone.; Are especially invited to colt and examine our etock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prlceu with otheru. Agricultural - Implements, Comprising filo famorto Rueierll Reaper, Mower,•: and Dropper, combined, Runde First Pim HORSE raciiroftx; • ' ltakee,• • • •.: '•••/ • • s ; • Buythee, •. • .'1 Mee, ,flay Forks, - Trace and Halter Chains, Rrn ant Cow Ties, ••• '••'• • • Curry Omits, Gods, &a. &C. 4.c Among - tho aped:Mies of our Maio, wo desire to call attention to tit° 41alitated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested lu us. Head fot acireular awl get full particulars of same, and sutisf yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. - Scales °fall sloe; uud descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, . Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling _Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, llopper,".illin erS.'and Trans-. portation, Hay, Cattle and . . ; - Coal &ales, - • FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' • CASH PRIC..S. ' The largest and best assortment" of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever oirectel in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF - COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES 01? NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very low! Best Norway nail, rod, bar an boon Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON.BOXES, ' CARRIAGE SPRINGS,. • IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard,,Lubricating and Conl:9ill' By the bariol or gniton, 'at rosy low Ilaures. 4,-V-A call is respectfully solicited, feeling coati dent that one goods and prices sill not fail to please7lllt 'WHARTON & NAGUIRC Mny 70867. `,`VitatiOrditt)iNt'tifisiutatis, (OW 1 iiioNVORD , :comisvisT,TivEß , ! lieing,a.el)orto.q4 prilctical,tteroe 94 , , hoTt , irj.cPuß' us, drid 35'mpi6ms clPPuimonetrti Ct?Litimption, yob ehieu Ana, Asthmaaituti Oeirt in-rven(iott, trectintzgi L abil "qurc •by inhalation. 'bent, - by "mail 'fro. 'Add! eini Q. VAN, llUNbi tveikroilitedntti:BC, WY. 115•14 Y. • '"" ''" blE0? W:172,4' r• , • •••••-•Ter , ••••114 , $.Ol 146!,T=ICIVE , AND W.I.IoLEsO4I ,Chinq; , Glas& Queeliswqre,' 433 MAEASET ST., - .NORT giDE ' • • •PiILQW FIFTH STItiET, • • „: • -E.lll - LADELPIIIA, PA..,.;;;.., •••;Juno3o,lBGO:' r . • ro • .1 - dbistßAD nitYtri' 7 1 1' 1 . • '•( InVeValo/riiid •• , F I ; Celebrated Iron Frlive Planers : 5 1;11,49‘00315j.N0..122•AAC11:5T.,) , 1144., Mu ruc . oivai! 1170 3 rV.? Medal chn Ayoks, Gene. : • Exbibition. 1 . 119 liighest%i!rizeti oy , erded ~ , ,sheiiorer exhibited. 4 Ang.ll-31u • , ' 7 tIESTABLISIIED 1823.1' Vit*D-I.4..atzi 'B77ETgR7~- CLO~I'~Y~, ' MAN Cf NACI:UIt ED' BY ; EL.ILERS','BROTHERs,' ~":628,171arket , St., ; l'(ijladclplain. REMPPTV. i - WHITE LEAD, AND, COLOR' WORKS. We manufacture a Chemically Pura CARBONATE - 6F 1.1;A1). Also, Idnnufnknrers,' Importers and Dralers in 'all grades and qualities of LEAD and ZINO PAINT:7, 014,• VHS, &c. . . . . i....ii, . solo Mnimfneturerir of I lici,iiilebrated Permnnont sylt. lAN GREEN, It ith more Brllllitt:cy. , Beantiful ;lade iof Color, Body , mid tamability Ulna my other Ureen in i miq market, - Ann, Sole McK.,'Co',l,crlei,inted JAPAN DRYER, very thin, light in poior k iron of ,gsdi— .lll4,ne, and very etrang. 'Denim aka in Oila, — Turiiinifne: Voin):sheW, .01asa, Prices low, and all goods marranted as rovresonted. „ McKNIGHT & CO.; Mannfactureis, Importers, Wholesale Dealers, 1 . 1 . ' 11VENTY-SECOND . AND 4A CE $.1. ; 8., • • IM.Send for PRIG' Atig!lthi 727 CRESTND T STREET , ' ;,-727 " ; Reduction in ilibi.Prig!!'"'? ,I)'RI I IJSS , r:6-'ool*. RICKEY, SHARP-: .CO; NO 727 CHESTNUT , • ,OPFER:TOODAYs, of:7 50: Cases of Impcirted DresS 'Fabrics; at 25 Cents ; per . Y . ..ll3,"Viortli:.o'Oiri:4 the Price • MaNEY., S [TARP & CO.; • - ' - , ghetnut ; dec2.-ly '-' : ' AliVu'ill'2ll,l;&.. DRY GOODS. . •,„ 'E IRE St - , LANDELL •,•,; , Q, STLEET'S', r PIIILAREDPIITA, PA.; CAgtf'DEALER S IN Tilt 13ETTki • - ;CLASS OF • .! 7,• „ D'fi Y GOOD S, Good 'Black Sill.P, MOlocleon priV q rs ' E:ipensive Shawls, Pine Coy ”' eh},no' Dct,3SS mask 1114* ' Doi lies."G'ooil i Moire Ant.iqat3 r NtphiSa BLANKETS) "i r. P. 8-We keep n stook of Good Goods, adaptod to the day wants oft - mollies. — s td..6t TRE NATIONAL BITTERS''' Has cured cases orrIYSPEPSIA, more cases of LIVER COMPLAINT, inere , ciiseli, •pf NERVOUS IIEADApIIE, FEVER AND "AGUE:find more enses of DEBILITY,' than any other remedy before the public in'the came eptice of time.' ...,t• t. IT PURIFIES''THE:BI.OOD, CALMS THE MIND, RESTORES'SLEEP, id an Excellent Appetizer, and 'a general' . Invigorator of the System. WALToN.& ZUG, Proprietors, . No. 9, N. Seventh St., Philadelphia. ' Sold by Druggists, and Dealers generally. T—TGEL -0 .611' RAW BONE : BONE • , SUP Eli-PHOSPHATE - OF 'LIME., ADE NARK,, t . .r, • • STANDARD WARRANTED. We Offer in Formers, tht present fall season, BAUER'S HAW HONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME as being highly improved. Baugh's Maw Bono Super Phosphate Is, as its name in dicates. prepared by dissolving haw bones in 0,1 of Vit riol—that Is, bones that have not been deprived of their organic matter—the gt ease and gine—by burning or ba king. It, therefore. presents to the use of the farmer all the voidable properties of Haw Bones in a highly con centrated form—rendering Mat once quick In action Bud very permanent. ke., Formers aro recommedded to pin:chnid of (bedsid e], located lu their noighhot hood. In orations, where no dealer is yet established; the 'PHOSPHATE may be pro cured directly from the undersigned. 8.A.13GH ''SOITS II MAY=lOll=llll Office, No. 20 South Dolawaro Avenue, Julyl4-3rn PHILADELPII6,, J. SPECTACLES .. t ~e ~~ , _ —_ ~. Al flue and large assortment always-on d • , bend,,,i . T LV'' BOOKST au 0: "For 34itAnilousii? Aniheto% Coal." + 4 143 kitkiblillED itrjt 4:1 - \. IP. 'COithEti, 13Ta.allo FILBERT STS. , f Mil' A ,Wiffiigehß A 7.flfw,efffeW Solo Manlea9t_lirbre of the Celebrated _ ..WBOUGIIT-TRON;AIR-TIGHT, GAS - CONSUIVIING:M EATER WITH RATENT.IHIST SOITSHN, • BESTS,•and The, • • ,• "•;.1 Laa:raD se treaters aremadepf heavy 'ProughtTron, , welt rivettel together', the , " sure'pre'yee - tt , ert 4 ,Mnsidos escape ey Gas They4ce ' easqydruptsged, nilleVett any dampers, ,The Patent Radiator` rotolds the - ule and aunt') anecs of hams, and 11, pertiakintly stitAilted' lo the neater. MIR Ie the meet' durable, almilit;econenti. cal, and popular Meiling Apparatus eveml - ml-l a r, tale , They are nll guaranteed. COOKING RANGES for hotels and families, v.' • •T- YGRTABLR'TIVATERS,'. (' • LATRORE ,lIEATB RS?? lOW IV N GRATES : SLATE M A N'F, REGISTERS , iNir'VENTILATORS., -Pe are IMMuldeturing " NEW FLAT-TOP :HEATING ;RANGE." t'A Pend fur our Illustrated Pamphlet. , akiPT L~ UNFAILING EYE PRESERTEBSI : .., i j : . ,:, ~_ --....:. -,,{• -_"_,•!,..., ," ;,...• ~,,, ,,,,,,,: ::q .u.',0"0 . 4);- ^ l, 7,• -JI --... .1 I, . .. ' ' L ' ,, *" -,•;••sli 111 , 1 ''....1: 111) L .;. -14 . :- , 14? - 7 " c: _ , - taiarus , 84 Biorrit' 11•1111•11 M 11 ET TIT - E • ' nw:•T REA33Y: Ito° Flriita • . • . , •Suitithle for riirlinildidas, . Tiarns, Cnnrches fqr oil climate:l; adopteato 'fiat or strop rqote; and con he 01.0041 by any ordinary !. , :• '• • •• •- ' • 73 OLDIEltir Etil/18, 'ATTEititOkif .The net of 'bongress'apprioredtee( to Heirs ofSoidiers who dit d prisoners of war, „ civ a ! COSllllT'A'flo'itFOlf RATIONS.; o for the time the 4ohlfer,crieleb • hetd - a•r`Priedimill'it'llie rote of,twooty-tivo cents per Mtn to be void 'lithe, folipw • loir order , : 4 st: To ttoi widowilf• 2d. Tb thn children ;f& To. Om pnrents,,t q te4jnintly they"; lire if either te demi, survivor; 4th. To the bro. Plerdftnq aluOra- • :• : - , •-•t• •-•1 1111 - - v,v 11Y d fi' t' ci 'go' to Ile ry Tt oiud by; ydur:goody.ebilvery.desorlptteitt very to vet pacei, and save the trouble of , x,oing,44.••.robs store to stole to get ultra you u ontell•IPI • =9 CELEBRATED , ; s , PERFECTED- SPECT4'CLESc AND EYE gLASSES. " 'The'large and increoshig sales oC these S UPERIOR"G LASSES la' 4 ' aura proof 'of theit'qeoftiluess." We 'wore sittliffed ,that they.,would ho appreciated here as elsewhere, arid Thal the reality of the advantages offered to wearers of .our. beauttful lenses.lviz.: tho ease and edinfottjhe aa 'tiered end readily uscertained Improvement of the kfght, and thpbrilliant assistance thoyitiie noire in tt.'en“elves ee apparent on tool, that the result enulOiset be otherwise, than it Ifay..in Inloptlen of our CEI, VilitAT ED PEllyt.qEl)4Y,E(.7.ls4.Etil by,tho residents of this • ''• " With a full knowledge of the value,of, the assertion, Chilllifiat hey nerithil fulA rp . firf6t'op Mar aide ever nitinufactured. 4;4,1010-ft tlertlingNifteekohigireisfford tit all Ifinefi * .opporlimpy of procuring the beet and • in ""ira l •/i: 1•I es Mr. AARON STEWARD;'" Watchtitakbr'aid'ilvielleii;, l • , •• 1 , ,9•1 ITi7I4.INGDo.re," Has alwamon.,hand a A - nil assortment,•sultable every iliflicelty. • , _ e..• 1 We fake oceavlon to notifyt tee. public' that wo mploy no peddlers, and to milieu them egaluot,these,pretenti lug to have our gotels for dale. , l, • ,'; •' • . le3if.ef • • 1 •••••!4.,, T IiEADVIZOOFING- - . , ,T. 1/ 9::7 Ts tnnee"durnl;lo lain tin, nod Bona not costopolnif as ,much., lb i§!cltenia•r: than at , , and fire-proof. t it Ix made of IlkOenviest f.,bileuvek.tkft.l fot, the pnrposo, np iA rolle for Attlinnext to any port of,lll9:rprlti,. Sef(l circulnrlgntrennigeso (sent Irce.)"" ' We also Ilmitytcturo , t • ,pRANIrP,F, ropalring ih of lenky roofs; 'cldinno3 s, sky. c, , Tli y noting Cerra t forfim kperni4nontml - over' thu it hole surfico grail rOofs.,wheth or tin, slang!, or sommisition; for sidski . :iip lealtagel, nod being composed mrsey of groung 4 gritpito, witstll mge sr.{ bar dray, and soon,lieCOnies Slat° or S!tolif Coyel hog. ;;; I,sin J. = • 77 1 . 1 9 0 ,1 -- 'VINTI ;,,- , • ;•'). 1.•. ;tror coitiriall'idend'all Meial roof+. At out run„crack, or peal off, but form ./spEr ma and compoeltlan ll olit PerfcCFPidti ct ion, wherever bliiCell.")t 'ls forilialird at half tho cot, nod ppasesees ttiicethOslida ' bility of tiro common oirpsiots used for such purposes. • '•• vkair,•ll • County rights forisale. " • -•-•• •" •• 'Foe uliculars and allPsrelculars, Address •z 1 311 , 0 )1,7; READY .1100 FIN G.;.(1011.-PANYpi eel-Dos ; r , _ •: ,81 MAIDEN :I:At4E;le. Y:t • !.UNITED ISTATBS , r.ti 071 4utliorize,(l - WAIt °Lint fGgNCY The act or February 28, 1967, provides for the 'iertftid log of the $9OO Commutation Money, where the same per. 5011,11119 again Malted, auti,wm,required to tmtpr the ser• 'vice or litruietii'substithte."' ' 1 IDIS CIZARGED: . SOLDEORSPI acb ofJferch.2,lB67; slat; mikhs ITrotrillbitTcirliie pay meht of the' . . v • v iv, • • itr - ADDITIIINAL BOUNTY • „ „; ;to ouch soldiers las have acaldebtiliPlesti Their diech , ex ges ..!: . All persons haring any claims under•eny of thet,abotte mentioned Atte, or any other kind' of claim 'againtit the United Staten or State ,Governmente,, can „have .them promptly collected, by addrmeing the undersigned. In. formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiets or the'o friends, flee of charge. W. U. WOODS; Authorind Army and Navy War•Ctaim Arient,,ott may 0,21807 . HUNTINGDON, /11101111ga011 . CO, Fa., 1 - 11LTZT90,1 - 101"GraCK=01W 4:4 ME I.IAIBLE YARD„ J. 111. `OREEN= R . P: 1 O. BEAVER 'laving entered Into 'patquerel4, lebrixt the Public that they aro prepared to execate all Eagles ' Plain' and , ornamental 141drb1eiVorli . . . . . lIPAIigToNES; oleo Building t•On i ff re i tTn ' e n e a lf i r n oMp a l o y p a i t7e l o h d d ed ° t u o 4 . lY ` LA"' ' Shop on.II.IIFILIN Lareut, a tow.doore'vise. therau church,' . ,• thar.7.69 • • .1 .14311 , I I[ARBLE 'YARD, _Tile Ainciergiggo, wowld respectfully call theitttelition Itge'ettliorte o 1 ontingdon end tho adjoining countica to the stock of beautiful nutria?" now on hand. -He 10 .piapared - lo famish at the idtortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables end , Stones Of etbry,degired diztdand.fofni of•ltallein•Or liobtern Marble, highly flitiehed, and caryudoelquipprige priato devices, or plain, diftnitfigulti ta't building plarble, Ilpgr umit,lVintloW ,81.1119) 400,1114,h furnished to order. " W. W. l pledges,liimself: to .furnteb` materlolletldrreork monslap equal to any ju the cOnntry, at a fair prfoo, Ca and.eoe, beforo .yon purchase. olsowlaoreiliCh4OtlrViti artier of .4gotgoluo . ry and NUlliq l 1 tutAlog IIdoXISIS: n,..Pa • • 5.1 :IYIL gontinf,doti o Moyl6lBos. , - • • ,;;.tat.