71. ,TEI2 i MS ar TILE (11,011 - co, e - .3 Per iOunm iti!../olveince ., • Six thoritha • ' three mouthn TERMS OF .6.IVERTIBING. 1 Bon, r• 1 22 do '":3 do 1 month .3 76 1.125 31 50 31 75 1 50 2 25 2 75 3 25 One inch, or lo=s Two inches Three ittchen,..... 2 '''S 3 25 400 475 sta 3 ntuntb•. 6 month% 1 Year Oge - iiith,-orless ~ .... ~.....2,4 00:».....56'00,.;.;...3.1 0 00 Twcf 5 inchee,.........A:...a.... 13 2b...13.... 900t..4'....415` 00 ?Titre° Inches t- '''''' f t:,"8 30 . ''''' 12 00/...1.4:.•.. 3 1 00 'Four inches 10 75 16 00 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00 18 00 30 00 Ititlf column, 20 00 30 00. ..... ....45 00 One column, - 30 00 45 00.........5 0 00 yrolegalOnal and Bthiness Cards not exceeding Fix lines, One yenr, 4.5 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 6 tiIIICR. $2 50 Auditors' Notices. 4 times 2 00 Betray, or other short; Notices 1 50 Advertisements not marked nith the number of hoer one desired, will ho continued till forbid and charged sc.• .s,O, OAS to? there terms. , ~ . , 7 :. ~. :.;-; .. - 4, , ,, aifittl t orliteclal.•Notlccs, 10 cents a,lino_iorsingilspi ., seAlen. fly Ole' year st a reduced rate. - Onr prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc. aro reasonably low. , • - , Vro ustonalic 6usiness (rails. 1fR7A713718.,Rt 154 VgaEla!E having permanenhy located at Ifuntingdon, offers his Professional services to the community. Mice, the same as that .lately ‘ occupled by Dr. Laden 'on Eli e; ' , azilo,:latt - - R. JOHN McCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon an vicinity.. Opice on Still street. one door east of Reed's Drug' Zto're. -, • • - ', - = ' ' • • -Aug: 23, '55. n ALLISON MILLER, - 7 0 = - - - t : ...i..i, • . •.. i . , q:".•_7 •L'h D B N. T IS T, igii="i' tr.e removed to the Brick,Row opposite the Court Illuse. Aprill3, 1859: Z.. GREENE; ~; " .. --,-,---- ,--,.. ...-;. I ... ,1 13IPT- - -, - !filia•.. ' 4, olhere - reinietedlo Leierter'infilii:itilidini, ' J , :- Kill etreet. Huntingdon.. ' "13 " 1 §F* '., 1' -- ~ •`:I .' : • ' . „ A P. IV. JOHNSTON, Office on Smith street. r0y1269 All(ittOCK; WO? fErOI?&I?EAL ES4TATS2OI7:kr, lIUNTING DON, PA.. , . Wiltafteaden pnryeyinF in-rdliits,branches, and will bufia.ntrualt Baia tatedn any-part-of theithaitetate , i, Send for circular. dec29-If SY,.PX ; .A.NUP, BLAIR,,, f ;'xATTORNEY AT- LA 11r,''' it)INTINGLION; office on at ' reel; tbree'doore west of Smith. ySTO i ._HALL MUSSER. - NIUSSER & FLEMING, Yq-A i' 7 .:LA IV, 1111NTINGDON, PA Office second floor of Le;ster's building, on TIM street, renstone and other claims promptly collected. my2o'69 Ae GEENCY FOR COLLECTING ,ii.,sl VALplillS' CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND All Bbo may bade an} nlatnis sifting:dm GorernMont for Itonnty. Back Pay and Ponstour, can have their claims promptly collected by applying tither in prmon or by let ter to_ r• t , t) p -1 7 MIL W00D,9.1: TTORNET 112'1,1 PA. ang12,1563 ISAM,UEL T, 1)/101%N, 1= rphenameof this firm has Veen ehang ed from scot' k 1111015'N, to SCOTT, BROWN &.BAILSY„ -" • ' under which nettle they' will' (winner cUnduct them practice as ATTORNEYS AZ' VA ii, Hmi+riv 'DOA, PENSIONS, and all claims of koldist and soldiers' heirs against the Gorermnetit, 'IN ill ho promptly prosecuted. May 17. 186:%—tf. ~t 1 COLLECTION Op . - 4 -- •- .• 1 OF K. ALLEN LOVELL, • • • District Attorney pf Huntingdon County, lIUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE—In tho room lately ocettpied by It. M. Speer. jpp.1.1667 P. M. Lytle & Milton S. Lytle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - 11U71NGDON, IlniO formed h partnerthip ander the mane and firm 111. S: 31. S. LYT,LE, And hese removed to the Mee on the tenth tide et street, fourth door went of Smith. • They wits attend promptly to all kinds 01 legal bust nese entrueted to flair carer - , ; t! r ap7•tf. JOSEPH ABT, , MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN WILLOWIND"SLEIGII 'BASKETS, 703caCiliEcilind dese • ditions, - : i 3 z ALEXANDRIA, HUNTINGDON CO., PA. June p, H69-tf - • " " • • Stir For neat, _JOB, ,PRINTING, call at the “GLonE Jai; "Patinisc Oii , icc," at Hun tinadon, Pn NEW LEATHER . -.STORE. ,` r THE undersigned would respectfully anneoncedhat, in connoctionicith; their TANNERY, they have jnat opened a splendid assortmeiit of FINE LEATHER, Consisting in part of FRENCH CALF. SKIN,V.-$ KIP; 7.:= MOROCCO, • • - BIND INGS,;, SOLE, UPPER,_ • 1 1 -r4ROlt:ss, sl - SKIRTING, o:; Together with a general, assortment of ; • • • / • • ••.[HRIDgiTnt. ' The trade is invited to call and examine our stock, Store on HILL street, two doors }vest of the Presb) to. rion church.: tho highest price paid Air RIDES and BARK. -it:, a h • :(3.; MILLER 4 SON. , ' ' NEW-LEATHER , HOUSE. Trrin FIRM dr 'LEAS '& MoVITTY, . . have leased the large flee story Lcother House, from Jaines Naulty. N 0.432, NORTII THIRD STREET, PIIILAPELP 111 A, And Intend doing a Pkde, and Leather Conluidssion pest. n 1.. E. u . and ant toriEed to carry on tho thisintss for then—n, they are )dung men :of .goetl' moral character, and fine business qualification's: They solicit the patronage of their hrothor Tanners irrthe county and elserilterp trip.TheY still hill donli nue to keep n good Assortment of Spanish and Slaughter 'dole Leather on hands; at their aolinerk, near Three Springsi-Runtingdon Canuty, Sa..= , LEAS lc AIuVITIY. ; ; ISAACA3TAUFFER •, „1V A .M44:t5 % q 7 1 4, . JE :W E r [llt • lr , No, 148 North Id Street, corner An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on band. 1!--z - . • Atit-Repairinp, of Watches and Jewelry promptly at fended to. Aug. • , uy,N.TT, , y,-s4.n FOR - SALE AP LETTrIA' BOOK STARE. PENNA`.;-, =I P 00 • POO =EI HUGH LINDSAY, voL. xxv. • NEW STORE IN HUNTINGDON. JAMES A. BROWN has just opOned a,largo GARpor STORE , on tho second floor of his brick building, where buyers ,will find ono of the largest and beat assortments of BRUSSELS`, '', :: 4 ,'• INGRAIN, DUTCH. WOOL, COTTON; RAG, LIST, , ITENITIAN'atid SCOTCH HEMP C4gLi e ,r) DS, Also, COCOA and CANTON MAT TINGS, and FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, - ; F.Ner offered in central Pennsylvania. It is well known that a merchant who deals entirely in one Una of goods buying largely from manufacturent is enabled to give hie customers advantages in pikes and it,ortntent (in that lineol goods) that are not to be hound in stores professing to do all I. inds of business. I shall nini,therrfore to make It interest of all in want of the Above. goods, to buy at the regular Can pet and Oil Cloth Store._ ta,thalers con buy of me by', the roll at wholesale places. tipl3'o3 JAMES A BROWN. BIES West Huntingdon Foundry. ._JAMES SIMPSON trAsOrdtscazat' ; , PLOWS, THRESHING MACHINES, FARM DELLS, SLED AND SLLIOII SOLES, WAGON BOXES, IRON KETTLES, cialst.clags For Fm naces, Forges, Grkit and Saw Mills, Tanneries -• , • and Brickyards, AND JOB- WORK IN GENERAL. ARCHITECTURAL & 01INAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Iron Pdrtleos add erandalis, • • • Ilitleonies tolurnsi, and Drop:Ornam'ent for weaden porticos and verandahs, Window Lintels and Sill., Cast Ornarnonts for wooden'llntels, •, Cellar 11 lialutv Guards all sizes, "Chlinnjy Tops and Flues, Sash Weights, Carpet Stripi, , „li . egiaters. IleAters,,Cold,Grates, ault,Castings for coal nail rood cellars, , • Arlirs, Tree.tioxis, Lanip , potts, Illtehing-posts, 1. Iron Railing fin pot ticos, ‘eiatidalis, MICMAC% flower. Beds, , Yard and Cemetery Fences,,ete. , licul , r attention paid fo,feßeing Crnietery Lots. Address JAMES SIMPSON, ,e 23,68 • • Huntingdon, Pa. •H. ',EMl's° JOIIN M. BiILET HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. EAsTON BLARE. M. MARION McNEIL. BLAKE '& McNEIL, E.SnctTsrrs to J. M. CUNNINOHAM & SON,) Ikon and Brass Foundersy, II UN TING DON, PA. IRON and Olt ASS CASTINGS made in a first class Laundry. no have always on band all kinds id Plow and Stove Castings, Wash Wiiifi Kettles, Collar.a lotion 5, Grate+, Coal hole 441{4. , :,W. s 7 Castings for pavements, Window weights • 0.1 all sizes and heights, PipuJoints, Sled kn i t s, IVagou boxes, Machine Castings, for steam and motor, kulst, saw, sumac ant plaster mills of all deseliptiOns. :11EATERS AND IRON FENCES, of 11,0 most improved sty to, oven doors and frames, door sills, and in Net every flung mode in this line. Italia's,' a huger stock of patterns, and can furnish cas tings at elwrt notice, und,cbosper than they, QM be had in the country. tinting a good drill, wo are prepared to do drilling and fitting up or all kinds. Mee in Liestars' Now Building, Hill street, Hunting. don, Pa. slob. 1,, 3569. . , STEAM PEARL MILL, THIS MILL is a complete success in i o ant ) facture of FLOUR, Sic. It Ju t s lately bassi thorou g idi repaired and is now in 'good running order and in fall operation. The home and choppers are new snit of superior gnat. ity—cannot be excelled. Antl •we tore gratified to knsw that our work has' giverientire:s i atisfacifo . o to our custo mers, to whom wo tender our thanks. , , • • We have in our 'employ one of the best millers In the county, cud ocalthful cud cOpahhionuinner: ',Thus equip ped and encouraged,,vre are determined to persevere In our efforts to acconimodate and plealio the public, hopini therebi to . tnel it Mid melee a liberelithare,M•patriMade to sustain us in our enterprise for the public interest...: Market price pitid for the dilTorent kin& of grain on ,elivery. , Flour and Chop, on lind,Cor snip, , , . . i JIM'S K. 111cOAIIAN . & SON Huntingdon, Nov. 20,1801 NOTICE TO', ALL. HILL, STREET MARKET, - ,Opposite TiPioter's Building. R G. MORRISON respectfully in. 1V• forms tho citizens of Huntingdon find vicinity snot no continues the meat market business lu all its va rious branches, and will keep constantly on hand Fresh beef, Pork, Pudding and Sausage, salt .• Beet and Pork, Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Spices of all kinds, Catanps and Sauces, Teas, - Soaps, Cheese, Salt Lard, d..c All of ullich he will continuo to soil at rensonablo prices The highest prices paid for hides and tallow. Thomas Colder, at Alexandria, and Minch & itro., at Coffee Run, ore my agents oAniechnite at - their ?latch. Thankiul for"past potrounge; I solicit a continuance of the some. R. O. MORRISON. • Huntingdon, • LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID HUNTINGDON INSURANCE AG r ENOY. ••, ii '.•• - ,t - Cr. B r ARIVI.T.T.GE, HUNTINGDON, P. ;,-Ilepresent the most tellable Companfotlin the Country. Rates 11 tow as is 1011818ICUt with reliable indemnity. sep 'US. t 'pit's' Represented over $14,000,0 OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, , - MUSLIN SHADES, ..94LE:151;'.8`4,6U:RES; - TAPE: CORD AND TASRAL,S LL .A.F.:OIIIS.IENT „ „, AT ,BOOK STORE YATADLINII 1667. AYPSTLET WAITE & 'CO.,CO General Commission Merchants Wheat, Corn, Oats, Rye, Rork, Iluttyri Eggs, Lard . Poultiy ' " G. Postletliwnite, .7. 0: MCNAriqb ton. wxy26-13, =I ~ I JUNIATA lIUNTINGD(W, PA FOR TUE SALE OF No. 264 SoutkFront Street, phibidelphia, ME MEM ) IMEI =I _HUNTINGDON, P 4., WE:ONES - NM OCTOBER 27: 14. : ! , GREAT BARGAINS Cunningham & Carmon's, Corner of Raihone!, and Montgomery Ste HUNTINGDON, PA. WE would cult special attention to the daily arrival 1:4'011010E AND BEAUTIFUL 000138, hich nr?offered at Tempting Prices), Ponaisting of Beautiful , 51114 a of all abodes, all woo Poplins, Minim, igelangea, Armors, Cbintzas, n moat beautiful lino of flue Cambric .% furred Mullins, :lain gooks, Gingham, and Ghambroya. ALSO, a foil lino of Domestic Goods, such as HEAVY BLEACHED MUSLINS, Fine Drown rifttslin,. 40 Indica aide, Bleaclital nualin front : 74 .to 234 pm.l4 wl4o, Kentucky Jeans, Formats Cdsainicire. Le„ &e Our stock of SHOES encels anything of tho kind this side of riallatlelplttes.• • ALSO, n ‘ layglmul ,wcil.,eleoted stock : HATS suit nillo for the Benson. CARPETS. • We Make n siecialti• 'or this article, lOW have en hand a veiY tine'eacortiaCtit'oe DESIRABLE PATTERNS, 'whlcb gill ;obi lower thnn CAN Lo aold•by any other home °nista.; Of Plilliolulphin:'ltiii 140 nbio 'on llot'u'd Inigo stock of fl6l‘ 4ViD SALI which we lire selling you low. In order to be convinced that ours is the place to buy, c.. 11 and examine our girds and prices tnke pleafiuro In stnin Ing our goods, even it you do not with to buy. bb, you hill pleas° call and get posted c*lNGtiAlviii.c/100,i'.. ?1) 2't1","711' STORE, • • ' • -;*.-Iriz)ir.. V.4lf - ATV :fry . "'" • " •It :0 • Ama Yi p * M. 3. 40g-XLMMWM, Enamor to B. M. GREENED ETEIM STEIN WAY & SON'S PIA NOS, And other makes, MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, MeMeow; Guitars,Violine, Fllea, 'Flutes, Accordoons, &c.' .6i3-Olanos, Organs; and Melodeons Warranted for Jiro years. Circulars sent on application. Addreds E. J. GREENE, I Huntingdon, r jantH,69 25 floor Loister's New Bulldiog. HEM) QUARTERS FOR • NEW GOODS. D. P..CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT lIE HAS JUST OPENED SPLENDII 6TOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT CIIEAPN,ESS AND QUALITY COME AND SEE. ,„ D. P. brWIN llnntingdon, Oct. 4, 1869 -I ' EADY RECKONER - A completo r 9 cket heady , Reckoner / 16' dollars anV cents, to which - are added forms of Notes, hills, Re ceipts, Petitions, &c., together with a set of useful tables ran Mining rata of Intorest from ono dollar to twelvethous• and, by tho ainglo day, with a table of wages, and board by tbe weak and day. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STOKE. ~Go to Rod Front for Glassware, Quceni,si!arn, Stoneware, Willow and Gedarivare, etc., etc. ? J,oint Shingles for sale by . L A , •' sh usy s. co, . -PEASEVERE.--- TIIEIII.INTINGDPN ' 'lVlaptifacturipi ComPany, Is now prepared to fill'ordors for. WEATIIERBOARpiNG, F1.90111N4, ll= And in abort . to 'do all kinds of Carpenter work— To furnish HUES; SPOKES and FELLIES, in quantities, and reeOve orders for FrET3EtNXix - rrilm. ITED-All orders stioulddp iiddressed to D.,W.ZARTLEY, President, :,.!luntingdon, Pa. June IG, 1860;t1, FASHIONABLE •G 400335 EALL. AND WINTER WEAR GEO. F. MARSH, IVIERCHANT:tAILOR, • .llns removed to the second tloot in ROW& ,Now Buthl hig7 whore he intonde :to keep cionnt'untly• : On 'hood. the Intent 'tyke P=o_ 0-,003D5, comprising AMERICAN, ENGLISII ANI) FRENCH CLOTHS, CASSIHHHES; AND yEspxas CLOTHS, CAtisinttEe, • AND '' 7 VESTINGS CLOTHS,. • ,CASSIAERES, 'AND VESTINOS. tieing n practical workinkn of :131,94 Are iiperienro be Is wants' to make to order:Clothing , turn and boys, and g'uninntee neat, duiltble funialunablo work numeldp., Ito is determined to pleas everybody,' i /2 - 47 All are invited to WIN/ Ant eaSnitni, my new stock of bmittiful patterns befolo, purchnsing elsowiteto Huntingdon, Oct. 4 • ' READ AND BE POSTED ! T 0 - YIIIJ ---Arl?1VII AND ALT. IN WANT OF Now' Rugiture; (ic. r pnE undersigned would'respeetfully nunouneo that ho manninchlres and ketpx constantly on hands la:•ge and splendid assortment of = EtEtEtleilMatill WASH AN I) UANIt LE STANDS Windsor and cane seat chnits.,ctipboartle, gilt nail ruse. uood monldini for Mirror and plot uto frames, and a vari ety of articles not 111.10431m1, nt prices that cannot fail to hu aathfactory. ❑u Is also agent for the welt known Halley R Decamp patent opting Bed Dutton, . _ , • • - Tho public are Invited to 'call and examine his stack before purchasing, elsewhere. Work and sales room on 11111 street, near Smith, ono door west of Yenter's atoro. • ' • 'JAHNS HIGGINS. tingdon, Aug. I, IKM ,• • . nmanigal J. M. WISE, =1 Manufacturer and Dealer in g' ITT 3E t 'BT I V' ILT 7EL 30, RespeCtfully invite's the 'attentien'of the Public to his stand on Mill et., ituntingtion,,in the rear of lieorge W Swerte. Watch and Jewelry store, Whore he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Fnrnttute at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges, reasonable. AM- Alto, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any styio desired, nt short notice. The enibecrlber hash NEW ELEGANT HEARSE and lb prelim ed to attend' i'tnieriihi nay' glace in town or country. Iluntiugdon, May 9, 1866-tf W. W. WOODS, R. 1.111:10:1 121113121 The Union Bank of 'llmatingdor, (Late John Bare d• C 0.,) HUNTINGDON, PA CAPITAL, Solicit accounts train tanks, Drinkers and others. liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits., All kinds f Seciiritlee, bought:and sold'for this usual commission.— Collections made on all 'poinis. , ‘ Drafts on all parts of Ilinepe supplied lit' the usual Welty.. Persons' depositing (laid Silver will reerivo the in some return with interest. Tee pat tours urn iudivid sally liable to thu extent of their N,110.0 property ter all Deposits.' ,The unfinished business of ihe Into flint of John Core & Co. will 'he completed by The Ull6llinink Of liOlitltig4oll y 21,1801141 ; C. C. NORTH, Can Wei. .1 § § BOUItDON'S KID. CLOVES, ~•, • . , Ladies and qentlemen's Sizes, • •• :II : ALSO, The Tourist or Grrant Hat AT • • 1(2T.71 - `, ilrg'o74•Mglfbr2l CORNER OF Tgt DIAMOND„. lItiNTINGUUS, h.\. .1• -HEVE? CO. moro.to as commodato their cmtome ' rb thou aii i y otter trouuo 141,3 nutz,la,Othqoa. ""• " =II Doolls, AND SASH, MEM JAM EA NORTH. %TM' DAIIRICY $50,000 paid up, 1 -I'.•t. • '! .... . i. .!' . - ::.1.1. ... ,: ' ,- •- - ~,!•;,- • . '. '....!!..,' „:.,.i : '•. p ' , 1.:• :: . 7. , '-'' '',.,.-•:), - :• 1 '.-..-: 1. . . # ''-'''' a • , ~. ..,.., v i ..,,; . l . „ 1:. . „:.2...,„... ~ ....„.st. .% ....„.,.....„..........f..•,....., ......p. 5‹,.... REP ~~ 051obt. HUNTINGDON, PA., [For the globel A. TRIBUTE fly UnLti E , ,OCer them . w eep, And soft vigil.keep; , Silent they lie—., Ah ! not'all of life; We lic:o in the strife, • Nor of death wo die Sweet flowers Rtrey, ' Over kindred clay, Love strong in death— .. What is like thee, Or purer enn'be, Outlasting the breath. Buds at their head, . Fair as the dead, Gleamed in the light- 7 A wrath lay entwined, ' And shimmered and shined, Round her name bright. Fund hands hurl striven, . Nor soon would hove,given E'en dentli his due— When a voice seemed to any I have walked the dark way, To lead her through. The bud and the flower, Both fell in the shower, Gathered above— And though death may win His hand cold and thin, But sealed their' hve.' Strong, strong, is thy woo Oh ! husband we knoW, Deep asitheigrare= Death,eornes,no mine • • , When we rush the blest shore, ' Bright waters 'lure: • •. „. .. • , Oh I .‘ inother love friiught, • With the lesson we're taught, Death not. so strong, This, this, tells the lenght, The depth', math() strength, „ Reart.yearning-long. • • Over them 'weep, • ' Anti i.oft. vigil keep, ' Silent they lie— ' Ifithroken 'her rest, , i'ller b be on her breast, Dreams not !tarot nigh . • ~Seraphs might bend O'er their sweet tragic end Wafting a tear— O'er picture so fitii•• Our deep grief to share, Sigh o ' er their bier. "Tailings" of allotelßook. We take the following from.a letter to the Sacramento Daily Bee,. as illus trative of Western life, but• more par ticularly-to gratify our friend (and everybody's friend, as well) Bob Stew. art, who is a conspicuous character in the "Tailings.:" • .1 - inr.rons : Talking of dogs, calls to mind• Rob Stewart's dog, "Keno." CaPtairi Bob' is the C. P. R.. 8. Co's baggage master at Pro. montory, and here was "KenVel'' field of usefulness. Ile was the pride of his owner's heart—the best cayote dog in all that region. "Big, money" had time and again been offered and refus ed for him. - Bob-Would bet' high - on Keno—not.on the game., you knoW; but . on ,its game name sake, used to tell of, that other dog, tho,obase , be tween which and the wolf was "nip and tuck—the dog a' little 'ahead," never failing to add that Keno was not that sort of a dog—not. much ! Are you, Keno? he would ask, and there upon ,that invaluable animal would Start 'to burreiving,in,the hard soil with wonderful energy and zeal or fiercely worry any old'-boots or clothes or other dead objects within reach:— Bob,,ltwakening to the truth of, the, mutter was sudden, cruel. Looking forth from his caboose car soon after day-light: one morning, to his great mortification be saw Keno traveling, into camp at a very , rapitk rate, and not far behind Was a coyote which, fearing to urge the pursuit farther, turned round and walked leisurely off. Bob now came to the door, but did not' "let on" that ho had seen anything out of the way. Keno glanced inquiring ly into his master's fade, and seeing him yawning and rubbing' his, eyes; took it for granted ' that he had 'not' witnessed his ignominious retreat.= Keno, too, yawned and stretched as if he had just awakened, from a .sound sleep. Bob pointed ; to, ,tlie Quote, and Keno wagged his tail and'capered=he could see nothing but his'beloved thus.: ter.' when ho could no. longer.' ignore the matter, and when the coy ote had, got a, good,,start and was qUickening his pace, Keno suddenly seemed to comprehend his master's meaning, and :affecting surprise 'and delight. at the discovery,of the retreat-, ing cayote, started off in . pur,Eiukt, qv. idly at first, and then mop moderate-, ly', as'if husbanding his 'Strength Mid' wind for the brush. All at once' the'' cayote stoppedosquatted on'his haun ches, and took a deliberate view of the, situation. /Vet and attitude ,were_alllfe, expressive of 'utter contempt. This, the other must have:felt, but was toe' prudent a dog to give way to his; feel ings. Instantly . Keno seemed to lose sight and scent, and with nose to the ground, went searching for the trail right and left; forward and: backward -but rather more backward thin for ward.' By and by, the coyote- moved leisurely OM-and Keno was Soon again: in ;mild pursuit. This preceeding Was r4pdated liigain and agan,":until' both crossed a,slight ridge andr,wereJlid den ; frbm -The moment ,Keno himself out of his master's sight, he evidently changed- hie -course and went'in an opposito.directibn to: that which the coyote was following.' Soon after, Bob saw the form of the hater relieved against the light covering of no*: fallen snow, jogging'quietly along a hill side a mile or more away; and in tho course of events K,etio made his fi . r TERNS, $0,09, a year in advarice. appearance at it ptiin't . hir to rho right of thrit where• last 'seeri,"and came slowly bitt dignifiedly into:;camp, ex hibiting every sign•qf .fatigue:and.Dx haustion. after the, hot pursuit : , and fierce struggle,' but intimating by a kmiwing look end wag of the tail that .ho•bad:essenfirdip"settled- the' hash" of that individual coyote. Bob,'a eail 7 der,. but a wiser man, patted and .wel comed him as usual. ~ But.this ,revela- Lion shed'a floceof light th4t made clear to him thiligiti,thitt had hitherto been involvellin mystery and doubt. Yenisen;;rabbits;etc ,•had , frequently ,disappeared fromhis ,y,ory iloor, at the sMe of which he 1 was wont to hang oVer-night the materials for the'mor row's 'brdalifase 'itri'd 'l:Winer, relying for. their safety on the aiigilanconf the faithful guardian of theroatup. Tinsl ly he canto to snspect Keno ! ,Ile could doubt his integrity';'btit hie prow 'age—never Well, well, thought Bub. `suppose ho•do - es once in:a'while nip a rabbit or'a venison siteak,What harm ? he, gets, cold and hungry in watching all ,night ; and he earns it. But at last these once-in-a-while became altogeth er too frequent—of nightly occurrence. Keno was carrying the matter too far —presuming - on good nature. Bob had about made up, - his mind on the course, to be pursued in the 'premises. Ho would watch—catch him iii 'the act—give bira s a blessed good jicking— and then, present him as a token of affectionate regard to a beloved friend,_ neighboring camp, avlio bad often expressed a desire to be the possessor of such, a• prize. Indeed,. it was for this very purpose that,lleb was so,ear ly,,artir on the morning of the start ling diSboVery 'Uterttioned.' • 'HO knew •nowiwho' wore the thieves—lkneW that the cayntes enjoyed the unchallenged freedom of the camp, every t night, while its trusted sentinel crouched and . trembled and feared even - to whimper, he `should ''bti'pOtineed'Aupon and eaten pts they:bad:v taste . of hirit- and evidently relished.. the .morseL. For Bob,, now, saw, that that. was What had becoMo the tkriie 'and 0- half MA - 4'ra tlie' Ker4s tail— which amounthe Wit'Sleund to he'short one day en' coining.into Camp. Keno never opened his,lips, about this : mat, ter.. For a fow,days he wore that .ap- Vanclage carefully concealed between his legs, fondly fancying that the 'cur tailment was not noticed'generally or particularly. "And• 'Why ; after, find= ing him such an arrant coward,, such a base Itypoerite - , — ia ho still in, such good favor with you, Captain "Well," replied 'Bob',' laughing and shaking all over, "I like the fellow for his cool effrontery: his immense 'cheek,' his powers of , mako, believe; like ~him for the thoroughti , et of his, humbug, and the very large per tentage of ha man nature generally 'which he mani fests." This very romarkable - dog was of no .particular breed., Indeed, par ticularly.speaking, of, no breed what ever. -. His genealogy is brief and clear as it is peculiar and 'original. The Captain 'braised" him by paying a chap five dollars in. coin to steal' him from an emigrant train. This fact, of itself is a touchingly suggestive comments= ry on: the.immaculato 'honesty. of, the mountain.men in the pre-railroad•age, that is the.times just , anterior. to %the, immediate connection of the C. P. and the P. iron—the positive•and neg. ative "poles" which were• to establish the full "circuit", Of commerce, , enter prise, and all that, and drive all such simple notions of life and business to the wall. 'nen, men it seems, •had actu ally to be hired to steal. Now;that I railroad communication • is complete,' and commercial enterprise is , tho' der of,the day, stealing is conducted at a very large discount on the rates , named. ,Keno was stolen I Yes, stol en ! Stolen at par I Probably by some ono of the numerous "Commercial Parties" which • have ,of late peso& over the railroad, as • missionaries to teach us benighted Californiarie Low to "do" mertand.•things. This was not becadee ,Keno' had 'depreciated,.' 'but , was owing. , •to the "new business ideas" referred to: Stolen ! Stolen I Sad story ! .This was the third and last,of,Bob's pets. • At Aladin he had a find game roos ter, the pioneer•cbanticleer of that re gion., For sheer lack of anythingielso to tight, one day ho picked tuquarrel: with the cat , of-the period,tand in•ro-• turn picked- out- both • his eyes. Bob, like a philosopher—life 'in the wilder ness.begets philosophy—swallowed bie sobs and a.goodly portion (tithe rim= ter.in the,form of a pot-pie, and forth with adopted the conquering quedrupg eat as the reigning pet. , For he has !'st" longing fur ' "Something to love me,— Something to love." 'Alas! iAt Monurfientin •some blast ing'operation,-the''datiiVas' blown" '4; losing all'-her "bleat liiiir"ivhie,h"to her credit ft may be said; waS'lier eivn . lose—and seven o'r eight of her nine "Senne`how she never seciried, herself after` that," said Bob, sorrow fully; and' wo may readily. iiritirino tharshe soon 'either naturally' "jie'dg ed out" or in turn fell an easy 'preyle the more vigorous Keno,' who Suceiebtl cd her in Bob's affections: ''Vliese ciderits by no means indiesite tickle= nkss on Bob's'prart..- Indeed,-thei' con trary ; as in each instance it' iS • sho . ii'n be loved to the last. A hankering af ter pets is.sai'd to'be airihfallible symp tom '-of old 'maidenhood'' iit'isyinp toins'sometimeslail: Insturicet°i on, has the symptoms, and in' very Inark . -.' ed form,' but I am. satisfied; has not the complaint. Ho is, however, a bachel r cir. iQaere: May there 'not'be some symptoms common alike to both sexes ut this Stage: I not of a• ,good looking bachelor who once•.topk,to ge, rauiums and things, and was ; married in a twelvemonth. These affairs,' you see, require great circumspection'. cool: ness, caution. Qn the lose of Keno, , J. 1 1 i, ME li )..11 I: anzi; ; =I NO, 16. gaiß34crt,,7Es. Those subscribing for three, six or twelvo intletti r -viith tbeliiideilfanding that the. paper be c diseenti9pßiAr,tinl,eas • • „ 1, i• kr,ilaperlpupn la_ iy3Tffe e d;.reM , ving a pa per markecirwith a t befere the name will "understand' :th - at = the time for "Vhieh - tlieT'SkihS - cribed - is up., If they 'wish the, , ,,ptiper, continued their, will renew' their littbieription'through the mail or,other7ise. tf. tt All kinds of. plain?? fancy' and ornamental Job Printing 'neatly-and expeditiously , executed at the "GLon' office. Terms moderate. Bob.S. iin'rmidiatelywentAasti to 'els , swage his grief and to Ivisit•A‘the. old folks." .110 may, possibly, call on some of.tho.young folks, also. !'Bundling," they say; is still in vogue in :Pent:4l - and a bundle of Ainsity, - bailee, ote. l may bo hie ;next .pet.,, - He. may , heco're t e l ..inlirrieci • ere return;' for "Bali is liortlY,""gocidllociking,"aiid' an adorer,of the gentle sexil Helium -43k haustekall the,o,ther laXeitements-And sensations of life lest,.indeed, it -be i .a parrot or a peddle: . f tßeware,9l:peta ) Dog and eaY6t4,:referred' td'previ platy, call to ,mind the buxom. maid en from Yol'o'i,plains; vw some timepiece tered"a`J Strtiet 110666:if:Wan a kit*, ed for a!-Work`called - Dog:and-daYote. '?No. suck! work in .the store leek', said the cleric: q3ut there .should , -befift you pretend to keep a book, store,,", ,02 . 9, tidently respondeCthelair:":etistomer. ,SpuKre4,by_tile remark; and to gratify the lady—as she Iras,decidedly f p.rcltty ••the clerk ransacked hie shelves, but in vain. that ransaaked'his' brain for her ineiming.l' A thought odottired to him, and coming down' from hie ladder, ho asked, , "Do ,you not .mean 'Don Quixotto,' Miss?" giving it, of course, the accepted pronunciation.-- "Certainly, sir,' replied the lady, _with quiet ctigoity,•!ghat is the work in, quired for--=how Mach is it? "Ali ! per mit me," said tho clerk, in his confusion;. Hewes about.toadd—,"to but the, lady, too quick for him, accep ted tho "proffered ,volume, 'as also the implied aPolOgy,end said. "Aii,Abank you," Most; sweetly, and with it"cgikid morning, sir" and a politeAowvieft the bewildered—clerk to figure up the exact amount of profit•and less on' that transaction.:: •This,,again suggests an incident of quite recent occurrence, recent,,indeed, that ,ariswersto letters of inquiry concerning detaile,_litive,ndt, yet been-received'frod ecertain forma tfrailroad! town','! at that. , a.,mOuntain home, -wrote to a female acqaa,letaece in Sueraiiiente incloeing the requisite funds,,u.nd requesting her:to purchase for ; the, ~writer a number 4 spe,cificti articles of BolOgna JoWelri", The: ' lady iciCeivitig' - the Co thni eel o thought that poSsibly her 'mountain friend might have intended to' specify abelone shell jewelry, but not feeling sufficiently sure to warrant 'porches : . ing, ha§ w ritten back flit; 'farther in, structions While awaiting which,' I sign, myself, . • 0'.14 ;.,1 , .• Fifteen : First—To think 'that the; more •ni man, eats the fatter.; attd:strongeri•he will peeomo. Second—TU believe that, the taro, hotirS fag tor they learel:. •.• ' '. O " • •' ' Third—To conclude that if exercise is good for the health, ~the .morn lent and oxhausting i it,iy, the. morn goad is 'FOurth—tO imafgitieih'at every:ll - our taken from sleep is an hour gaidedl/' 3 Fifth—To act on the presumption that the smallest room-in the-house is large•enough• to sleep in. _ Sixth—To argue that whateverreinl , edy ,causes one to feel„ hetter is "good fpr the system, with: of t regard to more ulterior effects.:4 The "soothing ,syrup,"' for' eianiple,' ,does not stop tile cough of-abildren, and, does arrest diarrhea, only,to oause a little later, alarming convulsions, or the more fatal inflaniation of the brain,- ' or wan on theXidin, ht leaet;'alWays portraits the disease. • ' 1 •• ' ~Sevanth—To commit an act Whic is loft in ,itsolc.tabo,prejudieial i hoping. that somehow. or other jt,may, ba,dona in your . ea,s6" with impunity. ' Eighth—a'q aclvite,ariother :to -take a remedy whie,hy,qe have, 110 t on' yourdelf, qr without making sp,eoutl . , inquire whether all the conditions' are alike.i: , l I'. -Nitith-- .7 T0 eat without an appetite, , ‘ or continue g to : eat ; after ihas, : been,, satisfied, morely.to gratify the t.aqte.. - Tenth—To eat a hearty salver for, the pleasure' experienced thii' brief time it is passing down thethroati; at the expense of ,a,whole night of; dig' turbP,O) C'le9pf. Ti° l4 ol*qiir.Y„WO!Rll ig, th'e morning,, ElOventh-l-To'retne - Vea Porthikrot" the clothing• irtimediatelynafter e xec=" cis°, when the most. stupid draymais , in New York knows ,that does not put cover on hie horse : the moment, he ceases mirk in' winte'r;*he Will lose in a few' daYa-bY pnennionie.' ": ' Twelfth . '-'To' contend that because , . the dirtiest children in the street, m'l in the highway, are hearty and heal thy;. therefore it lit: healthy to be dirty; forgetting that-continnous exposurfp to the pure outdoor air in joyous, ue 7 ; restrained activities, is such a power ful agency for health; that these whq liCes thus'aro well,. in spite'-'of raga and filth. • • , ..1 •• • Thirieently-•;-To presurno,or = repoat later, ig i lile, without injury, the !tulip-, cietions, expOsureii; and intemperances,, which'ia'the flush of yob th' werelnlip=.l deed With impunity! •-• • ' !Fourteenth—To- belieVe that• warm,' necessarily impure, or,, that pure,. • cold air is necessarily, . more ,healthy,, tliuu the confined. air, of close and. ; crewde'd' vehicles ; the Liatterl• at' the'' most, will only ocause' !ftkiiititig•-•'an4 nausea, •whilo entoringvlbe-. convey;•• 'ance after, walking,briskly, ;loweriFtgl,, a w iodOn;;,thus,,while posed to a'draft - will iive a i ; od libly;'or adattfiak' Of' pleuri,Sy Or 'Med.', monia; which , will -cause mouths ef,sufferinwitif not actual death 7 ,. . , • ' - Fifit enth-'=To't rememhor. . the Sab- ii by • working ' haidee , later on Saturday than' on any' . nthef day,in the week, with a view.to• sleep late the next rneraing,,ap4staying,,at, home all day to, rest, conscience hejpg,, t , quiete'd by the plea of not'feelirig very , well.—Hall's Journal of Healt4, MEI=