TERMS OF TEE GLOBE Per enunm in advinCe Mr= Three months TERMS OF ADVERTISING 1 time. 2do II do I month -4 75 $12 5 5 $l5O $175 - 1 50 225 2 75 325 .. 2 25 325 400 476 One inrh, or less Two Inches, Three 8 months. 6 month/. I,Year One loth, or less,.:.. ....... $4 00 $6,00...i slo 00 Two inches , 6 25 9-00 lb 00 Three inches 8 50 12 00.— ....... 00 Poor inches 10 75 16 00 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00 18 00'AO 00 Holt - column, .9 00 ' ,$(1 00 45 00 One column, ' ' 30 00 45 00. A. ..... .80 00 Professional and Easiness Cards not exceeding six lines One year, $6 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 6 times, 92 50 Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 Estray, or other short Notices 1 50 . . Advertisements not marked with the number of inser ons desired, will be continued till forbid and charged as 'or ding to these terms. Local or Special Noilces,lo cents a line for Bugle iw section. By the year at a reduced rate. Our prices for the - printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc. are reasonably low. Vroftssional'& NusintssAds. PI;. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, , • Having permanently located at Huntingdon, offers Id professional services tp the community. Office, the saw. as that lately occupied by Dr. 'olden on Hill street. aplo,l VW FIR. JOHN bIeCULLOCH, offers his professional eervices to the Citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office ou Hill itreet, one dooreast Itteers Drug Store. Aug. 25, '55. - lop • ALLISON MILLER:, _Lap. ..... DE ?V"TIST, am removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court Rouse. Apr 1113,1859. J. GREENE, —EU • DENTIST. 41 7;ZZ Office removed to Leister's New Duilding, Mill street. Huntingdon. Juty 3t, 166 T. A. W. JOHNSTON, SUl a t VEYOR & INSURANCE AGENI; HUNTINGDON, PA Office on Smith street. ; Jr A.-POLL'OCK, ,sUlt YEYOR &REAL ESTATE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Will attend to Surveying In all Its brandies, and will buy aad erll hurl Estate loony part atilt, United :totes. Scud for circular. dec29-tt SYLV ANUS BLAIR, ATTORIVE Y AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. OMeo on 11111 greet, three doors x eat of Smith. 0ny569 -3. PALL PUMP. M USSER & FLEMING, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA Waco oreond,floor or Ulster's building; on 11111 area. Illenelourand other claim promptly collected. my 26'67 A GEENC Y FOR COLLECTING li SOLDIERS' CLAI3IS, COUNTY, BACK PAY AND pt.r.sIONS. All who may have any claims against the Government :for Bounty, Back Fay and Yensioue, can have their claims ,promptly collected by applying either is. person or by let ter, to W. 11. WOODS, A TTORNLY AT LA H. HUNTINGDON, PA 5ug12,1663 2011% FICOTT, SIYUELT. BROWN, The name of this firm has been (than& ed from SCOW & Ilift)WY, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, .under which name they will hereafter conduct their iaractice air ATTORNEYS -AT LAW, HZINTINCIDON, PA. TENSIONS, and ell claim ofsoldim:.eud heirs •ag+iutt the Government, will be promptly prosecuted. May 17, ISG:•-tt. '• • .s,••• 110 COLL 'OF N ECTIO o PA. IC ALLEN LOVELL, District Attorney of Huntingdon Ootuity, ' • 11URTINSIIION,, rA. OFFICE—In the room lately occupied by R. M. Speer. jan.l.lbli7 P. N. Lytle Biiiiltob. S. Lytle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA., Have formed a partner Alp under the name and firm .9( P. I. & M. S. LYTLE, And have removed to the office on the touch aide of Hill street, fourth door weft of Smith. • They will attend promptly to all kinds oi legal butt. neat; entrusted to their care. ap7-tf. JOSEPII ABT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN 'WILLOW AND SLEIGH BASKETS, _ - - Of all sties and descriptions; ALEXANDRIA, HUNTINGDON CO., PA. Juno 9,1969-H mar For neat ,JOB PRINTING, call at Mlle "GLOBE JOB PRINTLNO CFFLCU," at Hun tingdon, Pa • NEW LEATHER STORE: 9 1 BE undersigned would respectfully j_ announce that, in connection with their TANNERY, Alm s have Just opened& splendid assortment of fINE LEATHER, Consistin g in past of :FRENCH CALF SKIN, • -. MOROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER, 7. -- ,c,7! I , ' HARNESS SKIRTING, &C., • Nogether with A general r assortnient of TURIDEIRMt-. . . TtMtvade is invited to call and :eximilie our stock.; Store on HILL street; two 'doom west of the Presbyte &lan church. The hi g hest price paid for HIDES and BARK. - 0:11. MILLER & SON. uunungaop:ciiO4nies • , 'NE - IN: LEATHER.HOUSE. 11111 E, FIRM OF , LEAS & McVITTY, baye leased the large five story Leather House, 4 ,lrum . Jariva , , ,NO. }32, NO'ILTLI TEMP ErritHET, And intend doing a hide and Leather Commisajon Dust. . . . Their sone D. P. LEAS, and T. E.IIoVITTY, are there, :and authorized to carry on the business for them—as ;bey are young men of good moral character, , and lino busluessw qualifications. They solicit the patronage of their brother Tanners in the county and elsowhore. AM.-They still will continue to keep a good assortment .of Spanish and Slaughter Sole Leather on hands, at their Tannery, near Three Spring?, Huntingdon County, Pa. tuar3tr. • ' ' • LEAS & McVITTP. -- ft" • ISAAC -lISTAUFFER - a •-it.k.Td/LES"a ` JEWELRY, " - •1• 7 ! • No 118 North 2d Street, corner of Quarry„ - elln assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. $ ' • AGrßepalting of Watches and Jewelry promptly at ' $ tended to. • • 'Aug. 11.1 y U. S. REVENIIE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEIVIS' BOOK STORE fiLINTJNOPOM PEN,NA, .$2 CO . 1 00 Ljt WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL, XXV. CARPETS. NEW STORE IN HUNTINGDON. JAMES A. BROWN has just opened a largo T O CARPE ST RE on the second floor of his brick building, where buyers will find one of the largest nud best assortments of BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, DUTCH WOOL, COTTON, • RAG, LIST, VENITIAN and SCOTCH HEMP 1 0 1 EtirlP EA'S Also, COCOA and CANTON MAT- ZINGS, and FLOOR ' OIL CLOTHS, Ever offered in central Pennsylvania. It is well known that a merchant who deals entirety in one line of goods buying largely from manufacturers Is enabled to gitb his customers advantages in prices and assortment (in that line of goods) that are not to be found in stores professing to do all kinds of business. 1 shall aim therefore to make it the interest of all In want of the above godda, to buy at the regular Carpet and Oil Cloth Store. C e S_Dealers can buy of me by the roll at wholesale prices. uphrG9 JAMES A BROWN. inylVG9 West Huntingdon Foundry. JAMES SIMPSON PLOWS, THRESHING MACHINES, FARM DELLS, SLED AND SLEIGH SOLES. • VAGON BOXES, IRON KETTLES, C'exAsstlia.gas Fur Furnaces, Forges, Orist and Saw Mille, Tanneries as linckialdn, AND SOB WORN TN GENERAL. l=!1:! ARCHITECTURAL A ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Iron Porticos and Verandahs, Balconies, Columns and Drop Ornament for wooden poi tiros and verandahs, Window Lintels and Sills, Cast Ortinruouts for woodeu lintel; Cellar Window Guards, all sizes, Chimney Tops and Flues, Sash Weights, Carpet Stripe, Registers, Restore, Coal Grates, 'Vault Castings for coal nod wood collar; A rimrs, Tree-boars, Lampposts, Ilitching.posts, Iron hailing fur porticos, voinudalis, balconies, flower. bods„ Yard and Cemetery Ponces, etc. Particutex'allention paid blowing Cemetery Lois. Address JAMES SIMPSON, a. 23,68 Huntingdon, Pa. =I HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. EASTON BLAKE. M. MARION MCNEIL BLAKE & McNEIL, tn J. M. CUNNINUIIAM & SON,) Ironand Biass_Founclers. L _ HUNTINGDON, PA. IRON and BRASS CASTINGS made in a Brat class Foundry. %In have always on baud all .0 • kinds of Plow and Stove Castings Waolt r..„ Kettles, Cellar.a indou s,Grate,,,COal hole. Cantinas for pavements, Window weights ,u ell wars and weights. Pipe Joints, Sled and w e igh so l es, Wagon buses, Machine Castings, for steam and water, grist, s.t w, sumac ant plaster mills of all descriptions. •lIBATERS AND IRON FENCES, of the moat improved at) le, men deers and frames, door sills, and ht fact ever) thing snide in this line. We have n larger stock of pastes us, and can furnish can. tinge at short notice. and damper then they can bu had in the country. [laving a good drill, we are prepared to do drilling and fitting up of all kinds. °Mee in'Llest‘ne Aety Building, llßl street, Ilunting don, Pa. Bleb. 1i,1869. • MARI{ & JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA ►THIIS MILL is a complete success in the manufacture of FLOUR, to. It has lately hams thoroughly repaired and is now in good running order and in full operation. Tho burrs end choppers are new and of superior goat IV—cannot be excelled. And we are gratified to knew that our work has given entire satisfaction to our custo mers, to whom we tender our thanks. We have In our employ ono of the best millers in the county, and a faithful and capable engineer. Thus equip pod pud encouraged, we are" determined Co persevere in our efforts to accommodate and please the public, hoping thereby to merit and receive a liberal stare of patronage to sustain us In our enterprise for the public Interest. Market price paid for the dlilerent kindest Arian on delivery. Flour and Chop, on hand, for sale. JOIIN K. McCAIIAN & SON Unntingdon, Nov. 20,1887 NOTICE TO ALL. HILL STREET MARKET, Opposite Leister's Building. lop G. MORRISON respectfully in • forme the citizens of Ilontinndon and vicinity teat be Continues the meat market business lit all its va rious branches, and will keep cunstnutly on baud Fresh Beef, Pork, Pudding and Sausage, salt Beef and Pork, Conned Prutiand Vegetables, Spices of all kiude,Catuttps and Sauces, Toas, Soaps, Cheese, Salt Lard, fic , All of which he will continue to sell at ran/tunable prices Thu highast prices paid for hidea and tallow. Thomas Colder, at Alexandria, and March & Bro., at Coffee Run, aro my agents to purchase at their places. Thanklul for put patronage, 1 solicit a continuance of the some. It. O. MORRISON. Huntingdon, Ap.1,4, 18t9. _ LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID HUNTINGDON -INSURANCE AGENCY. I G. B. ARMITAGE, HUNTINGDON, PA. Represent the most reliable Companies in the Country. Rates as low as in consistent with reliable Indemnity. imp 2, 'be. pital Represented- over $14,000 OIL : CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, , BAILEY'S:FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TARSALS LL AE£OVTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE LBTABLIIIRED 1867. A. G. POSTLETHIVAITE k. CO General Commission Merchants • Wheyt, Corn, Oita, Rye, Bark, Putter, Egge, Lord, Poultry, La., No. 264 South Front Street, Philadelphia, A. G. reAtletb wed's, J. O. MeNsughloa. - pia.y26-1y =3 YOU THE gILE Pr. HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 18, 1869. NiislllllErillik! Cunningham & Carmon's, Corner of Railroad andldontgomery Sts HUNTINGDON, PA. WE would call special attention to the daily stiles! of CllOlOll AND BEAUTIFUL. GOODS, which are offeral at Tempting Prices, Consisting of Beautiful Silks of all alnico, all woo Poplins, Alpacas,- Melanges, Arming, Clanks's, arrnoet beautiful line of fine Cambria, Barred Sideline, Naia• soak Glneams, mid Ghambrays ALSO, a full Moot' Domeatic Good., each as HEAVY BLEACHED KURIA Flue Brown Muslin, 40 turtles wide, Bleached Muslin from fi,", to 2% yards wide, Kentucky Jeans, Ferniers Cassimere, /m„ Lc. Our stook of SHOES excels anything of the kind this side of Philadelphia. ALSO, a large and well .eleoted stock lIATS auk, • ble for the lemon CARPETS. We make a specialty of this article, aml have en hand a very floe assortment of DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which will be sold lower than CAN bo sold by any other Amuse outside of .Philadelobla,_ Wo have oleo on hand a, large stack et F 11344 AHD BALI which a e ure selling very low. In order to be convinced [bet ours Is the place to buy, call and examine our goode and price. We take ploaeure In Ossining our goods, even If you do not wish to buy. tIo you will please call and get posted CUNNINGHAM &CARMON. Oct. 28, 1808-1.1. I=l NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS ! 334strtcal. t.t 30.stata We are now offering an entire stock of goods at reduced prices, in order to make room for our fall stock. We will salt !dna ®lO tc 18 coats per yard DoLain, ®lBto 20 44 4, 44 Ellogbana, 15 to 36 44 kl 41 ®ll to 18 par pound. idolaaaes ®6O to 90 por Best Lovering Syrup, at 112. Shoulders 19 per lb Hama, Plain, 23 cents per pound ; Clear Sides, 21 per lb. Shore Mackerel, No. 2,55,25 per barrel. Shoes and Boots at greatly reduced prices. Come and see ourgoods and be convinced that it will be to your luterest to buy from us. • DA1)811(6 gt - lotai . V I. ' ` l , - It * 'M • ; , •-.. ..,(e).4 9 _ ~.. =A ..MIS ar. 1'art361331M4T30), .. : iucCessor to R. AL GREENE; ' • - DEALER IN STEINWAY Fi SON'S PIANOS, And other makes, MASON & lIAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Finks, Accordoons, An, dc. AAR-Pianos, Organs, and Melodeons Warranted for ht • years. Circulars sent on application. Addrest E. J. GREENE, Huntingdon, Pa., jau27,69 .2d floor Leistcr's New Duilding. _ N -EW BOOT AND SHOE STORE AyitleA llnforms the public that ho has just opened at his old stand in tho Diamond, llontiagdon, , A Fine Assortment of 'all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. MI of wbbb ho will sea at fair prides. Quick sates and Mai/profits. ('all and 6141111110 my stock. • Idenuactnringand Repairing done io order as usual. HilAlingNit Ap, 13, 3 919 4• ' 0 • • THE HUNTINUDON Manufacturing Company, a now prepared to fill orders for WEATHERBOARDING, FLOORING, DOORS, And in abort to do all kinds of Carpenter . work— To furnish HUBS, SPOKES and PELLIES, in quantities, and receive orders for 3Frt7II.MZITTINUE3I. ter.A.ll orders should be addressed to D. W. ARTLEY, President, Huntingdon, Pa June 16, 18G9-tf. FASHIONABLE .GOOBS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR GEO. F. MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR, fins removed to the second floor In Rend'e Now Build• log, where ho intende to keep constantly on band the latest styles of PIFJOM GOODS , comprising AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND TRENCH CLOTHS, CASHMERES, AND VESTINGS CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, AND VI/MINOS CLOTHS, CASHMERES, AND VESTINGS Being a practical workmen of many years experience ho is prepared to make to order Clothing for men and boys, and guarantee neat, durable and fashionable work manship. Ile le determined to please swerYbedy. JEis- All are incited to call end examine my new stock of beautiful patterns before purchasing elsewhere GEO. Pj BIARSH. Huntingdon, Oct. 4 BEAD AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY ALARMED AND ALL IN WANT 01' New Furniture, die. r rHE undersigned would respectfully 1 announce that Ite manufactures and keeps constantly on bend x largo and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREARFAST TABLES, BUBEAUS, BEDSTEADS WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windeor and cane seat chairs. cepbonrds, gilt and rose. wood moulding for mirror and picture frame, and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to be eatisfectory. ]lo is also nom t for the well knoun Bailey 14 Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The public are Invited to call and examine hie stock before purchasing elsewhere. Work and sale. room on URI street, near Smith, one door west of Yenteee store, lloutlngdun, Aug. 1,11366 'NI - Mal - VAT' I J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in 30" 'ICJ' EL IV X %I XIL Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to hi■ stand on Hill et., Huntingdon, In the rear of George W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, where ho manufactuiee and keeps all kinds of Furnitnre at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. Aleo, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber hes a NEIV AND ELEGANT HEARSE and is prepared to attend Funerals at any place In town or country. • J. M. WISH. Huntingdon, May 9, 1.1368-tf camem W. 11. WOODS, W. D. LEAS, JAMS MUHL R. MILTON SPEED, DAVID MIMICS The Union Bank of HEoltingdor, (Late John Barefr. C 0.,) HUNTINGDON, 'PA. CAPITAL,• paid up, $50,000 Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. AD kind. f Securitice, bought,and sold for the usual commission.— Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parts of Europe supplied At the usual rates. Persons depositing (told and 'Silver will receive the in same return with interest. The partners are individ ually liable to the extent of their whole property for ell Deposits. The unfinished business of the late firm of John Bare & Co. will be completed by The Union Dank of Ilnntingdon y1t,1869.tf C. C. NORTH, Cashier. BOURDON'S & JOUVIN'S KID CLOVES, Ladies and Gentlemen's Sixes, Also, • The Tourist or Grant Hat AT 725111? OT MAMMY.] CORNER OF THE DIAMOND, • HUNTINGDON, PA. ENRY Br, CQ. will ."clo, more to,'nc•' noinmodate theft. customers than al:Toth/a Ilona. poobooma, Pah24-tr -PERSEITERE.- AND SASH, JAMES HIGGINS z .i.l - :..;.. - :.4 .. 4 1 1- ::.::-..i . - -- (.... - :,,.' ,0: ...,-':::''''.l''',--L-..-..-..'.--:* I ,'-,:,_,-.:.' ( _ --,,, BOOKS AND STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, WALL PAPER. CHEAP, Ai.T. Lewis' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. School Books and Stationery,Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. • RLANKS BLA. '6ViSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACIFT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SURNENAS, ' MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION D HS, 4.'031310N BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in cue of Assault and Battery, and Affray. MERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the 00:10 o the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. KS ! BLANKS 1 WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. T OOK HOW BOOTS AND SHOES j_j are down In price at LEWIS RICHTER'S Boot & Shoe Manufactory. French Calfekin Boots, eti!ched, pegged, stitched, French Calf high walking/boo, stitched, 6;60 • •• Il• •• 7 14 1313. 6 1 4:50 French Kip Boots, hitched 7:00 pegged, 6:00 Kip Brogans. 3:00 This Is what I can do fa cash. Come and try me. All hinds of repairing done at reduced prices and at the shortest notice. August 18, It rooting, GEO. SHAEFFER I .llolJust returned from the east with egg" SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Which he offers to the inspoctlon of hip customere and the public generally. Ile will sell his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING dons in the neatest and moat expedl• tions manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 atreet, a few doors welt of the Diamond. ap. 14,1889 BARGAINS. I have been requested by the owners of the following Sewing Machines to dispose of them If possible at the prices annexed, as they wish to procure Blitger machines fu their place: One Grover & Baker Machine, loop stitch, in good run. ning order, coat $OO, will take $5O; one Florence machine with tucker & c., cost $BO, will take (good order) $53, e Grover & Baker machine, loop stitch, with box, cod 5, will take $45; one Wilcox & Gibbs, cost $B5, will take $3O; ono Grover & Baker machine, f l ood running order, cost $56, will take $4O one Parker achine, with cover, well finished, coat $6O, will take • 35; one fine Grover A Baker Machine, never been need, coat with tuck er, extra hemmers &c ,$78,,wi1l take $lO. Letters for Information and orders 'for the celebrated Binger Machine to be addreated to • July 28-tf J. O. BLAlR,Runtingdon, Pa: WM. B. ZEIGLER =MEI Furnishing, Fancy, 1:8=11 DIM MODS. Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, • DeLainee, Lawrie, Gingbame, Prints, Hue Cambrics, Muffling, Denims, fine LIMO, Mar seillea,Plcquas. India Twills, Ac. A largo assortment or Ladies' Fashionable Ben Trimmings Silk Fringes, Buttons. Bogies, 'Velvet. Ribbons, etc. Furnishing Goode, grOckings, Moreno, C.pttoo, Wool, dm GAcyviress, Rid of all oolore, Bilk, Thread, Cotton, Ac., of all linal, and latest styles, Under garments of all *kids, fa .J 4• dies, Gents and Children. - , Table Linen, Maeline, Napkins. Boyne* : ' Ac. Blkeeting and Shirting, Brown and Bleached, from 8 tents op. WITRAW :1000,0 large stock of the latest er Stoat th of Notions, Zephyrs, 'Yarns, &c. , All ,ebeep Allah e cheapest, 45PRO6m, oppoelle the First Natlorial Bank, Hunting. doe, Pe. TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. Eta lobt. HUNTINGDON, PA. BY MRS. BERRY WARD BEECHER In a recent number we defiled a scrap of poetry with this siinificant title. It struck us very forcibly as containing a profitable lesson, and has haunted us daily, ever since. ' We have been sitting, this rich, gol den afternoon, on our veranda, all alone. Before us stands the grand old hill; on our right lies the beautiful Hudson. The air is laden with rich perfumes from a wilderness of flowers; but no wind disturbs the trees, or makes music in their branches. The bees are so busy with their provident labors that their song is very low and gentle. The humming-bird, darting in and out of the honeysuckle over our head, though equally industrious, is more demonstrative in his wonderful activity. The patient old mother tur key's "cluck, cluck," by which she calls her numerous *brood about her, and their "pe-ep, peep," in reply; the self-conceited old gobbler,as he spreads hie train and brushes the ground with his wings, in faint •imitation of far off thunder, or his arrogant "goble, goble" in defiance of some imagined enemy; the roll of the carriage, and the swift, glad music of the horses' feet on the smooth road below, are almost the on ly sounds or signs of life we hear. The husband "house•bond" the most sweetly significant word in the Eng lish language, is toiling in the hot and dusty city; the children are all scat tered; the grand children, mischievous, merry little rogues, are not as they should be, near grandma's chair; and the servants, in the kitchen or laundry today, move as quietly as the wind on the tree-tops. It is so still ! We could hardly be more alone if we were on the highest peak of "Castle Hill," and, as we sit in this wonderful quiet, those words, "If we Knew," are stir ring our hearts with a strange and solemn power. Ah ! if in early youth "we knew !" If we could look along the map of life clear to the end, and see all the break ers and quicksands which, by patience and self-control we could have avoided, how different would be the •view we now take of the "backward track 1" No doubt, it is well, in many ways, that we cannot read the future ; trials and sorrows that no skill or foresight could have turned aside, would have been doubled by anticipation and fore knowledge; and yet—we doubt if there are many, who looking back from the "halfway house," would not willingly endure the double pain and sorrow, if they might have bad the power to force the inevitable result of certain courses, and profiting' by this fore knowledge, have avoided the danger of the sin. $9:00 8:00 6.00 5:00 I= Brother! Sister 1 Would you be impatient or cross to your little play mate, "if you know" those little "baby fingers" would "never trouble you again ?" Two little boys were at play—one of three years, the other but eight months. Both wanted the rocking chair. Full of health'arid'inimal spir its, the dispute ran high, and, at last, the older struck the little one. Only a few days and the - baby's hands were folded in "snowy grace" upon the cold and quiet heart, and laid in the grave. A short time after, he - tiring bitter sobs in the garden, the mother found the lonely brother—himself but just past babyhood—lying under the peach trees, watching with eager eyes some birds flying over,his head, and calling between his sobs, "Oh, birdies! little birdies! Fly up ! Fly up higher ! and tell Jesus Christ if he will only lot Geordie come back to me, he may have the rocking-chair all the time; and I will never, never strike him again—never! never !" Oh, Father! Don't be harsh,with your son. He disobeyed your com mands, and of s ,course 'he has done wrong; but he is only a little child.— It was overflux of exuberant life, and not:Wilful disobedience. If you could look forward' to what soon may, be, him leniently would you judge—how gently would you chide ~, by your gentleness secure the obedi ence much more effectually. Ab, poor, ,tried mother ,!.; You are very weary, and half sick: ' YouirOyeti, are heavy for want of sleep, iiUd t ydur head throbbing _with ':the : noise-and shouts, and, wildfrolics . - Of your:little ones. But it iS,_baalth and strength and life, Be Patient.• 'lf, soon, with hr/Vaud tearless' eyesi you watch by 4,1 M little , crib "where fever may con quer that life, but late so joyous and full ,of activity, cad you endure what, • "may: her if you have scattered, NO. 18. "If We Knew." TO SUBSCRIBERS. Those subscribing for three, six twelve months with the understanding that the paper be discontinued unlesi subscription is renewed, receiving a lilt: per marked with a before the name will understand that the time for which they subscribed is up. - If they wish the paper continued they - will renew their subscription through - the mail or otherwise. tf. um. All kinds of plain, fancy and ornamental Job Printing neatly and expeditiously executed at tho "(hone office. Terms moderate. "thorns, not roses, for your reaping by and by ?" "1 have asked you twenty times to mond this coat, and it's not done yet. 'No time !' How lona ° would it havO taken ? But, well — l can go ragged, I suppose. You take little heed to my wishes or advice. You must take your own way, or you'll not be satis fied." Husband I you love your wife; yoU would be indignant if a looker on should hint that you misjudged, or were over-exacting. Why do you say such ugly, bitter things? Your heart, or that Silent monitor, your conscience, tells you that she did not mean' to disregard your wishes or ad vice. She was tired, or overtaxed with care and frequent interruptionsl or, perhaps sickness is creeping upon her. Whatever the reason, the offense was but a "little thing." Even if she was self-willed, or irritable, be patient with her. You know a certain tone of your voice, or a love look from your eye, would have brought her to your side in an instant—sorry, self-upbraid ing—loving and honoring you with her whole heart. Ah, "If you knew !" These first morose, fault-Mai:ling words, perhaps are "leaving on her heartra shadow—leaving on your heart a stain" which may bo the beginning of coldness, mistrust and ' defiance—or possibly a deeper sin, where, but for them, you could have secured joy and gladness, growing sweeter and purer dayby day! Deal gently. You, her husband, can make her happy, loving and good ; or you can make her irrita ble, unloving and evil. yea "John! Why' do e always wait and wait, and hinder me so ? You can come when I call you, just as well as to keep me waiting; if you only chose to do so. But you are always so obe diently bent on taking your own time; regardless of other people's comforei Wife! It is just such little" impa-' tient, waspish words, that tempt your' husband to seek quiet;conifort and ati: - preeiation away from your side. Yo' matter if he speaks "just as impatient- - 1y" to you "fifty times a'day," show' him a bettor way. Why retort, or' shrink from the "little shadow's" which . you cao, by gentleness, dispel? You have even more power in your gentle- ness, than your husband has in his strength. Yield a little, it is not bard, and you reap a glorio'us reward. Is not your husband's love and confidence worth keeping by a little patience and forbearance? Bat if not for present joy, to ward off futtire misery at least, "set a guard over the doors of your month that you sin not with your and to tread life's pathway with him to whom you have vowed a wife's, fealty, and if called to sit in the lation of widowhood, there shall nob. be added to that sorrow, the anguish, of. self-upbraiding, for little services,' impatiently rendered or love requited, by coldness or irritability. When we have passed through all' the labors and trials of earlier life, : and, in full maturity, or just on the decline, recall the friends of our youth, and. sweeter family ties, how the _hear& aches with the memory of "Hasty words or aStionn Strewn along our backward track,'," And vainly yearns for one more•op-- portunity for the better perfokniatioe of our whole duty in all love, and patienCe.. ,But God . "Pity us all, Who vainly the faults of youth recall:; - For of all sad words of tongue or pen,. The saddest are these might have been in* —The Mother at Home, : At a. Sheriff's sale at Wilkesbarre recently, after- eome very lively bidding 'upon come property, which had been run up to the cum of $lOl, a bidder went one cent better, a sec ond bid one cent, 'When a waggish atter - nig bid "one hundred and one dollars - and tbiee cents and a - postage 'stamp that had' been used once." The bid - was taken, the condi tion with, and the matter ettinde of record in the Shiriff's office, duly receipted on the writ. _ . scrbfake'a slow answer toa hasty question , wt. A young man idle, an Old man needy. Itm. No tetiobei.is i A9os . l enough , for beginners . but the best. • Religion fs . tho 'beet armor in the.world,but .the worst cloak. sei-pratitude preserves old friend -014, and procures new. -; • •; - Ono hour's sleep, before., mid night is worth two hours' after. air . teach Tabje9is;,nd not bo - oks; pri . noiplpq Igor!, Wan fi ifir GOd' giv :(5` loud, but does not put it , intoiho neat.:. OrdMivtieMade foi the family, and not the family for order. Mir Better untaught than ill taught Mil