LIST OF PREMIUMS AWARDING COMMITTEES, For ttit alatb Aunt:tat' gabibitlon r6r3146 lirrntingdeu County Agricultural Boclety,to be field Iluutlngdon 0111 tbo ettUyek,and Bib of o , c4ober t 1689.:.• ' - 6, Bred Stock Class 1—:-Hors 3rd beet 2 Beet brood mare 8 2nd beet 6 3rd " 4 Beat 3 year old ' 6 2nd beet' 3r9 = ": 4 ..' ' ' ' 74 4 4 ' ' 2 Best 2year old - 4 11 beatß 2 Belt colt 6 Inchdbe old or " under 4 2nd beet 3 3rd " 2 Beat Stallion, $l4 Second best, 6 Third " a Best 9 year old, 6 Second best 4 Third _"_ • • 2 Best 2 yetiVold, - ~4 3 2nd best ard " 2 Best yearling, 4 2nd best _: -,:- '`' ' ,9 Soi " 2 Best Gelding, C Bud beet 4, • °lies 2—Con Best draught Stallion 96' 2nd bast 4 3rd " 2 Best 3 year old fi 2nd best, 3 Srd 1' 2 Best 2 year old , 4 2nd beet ' ' 3 3rd " 2 Best yearling 4 2nd beat 3 Ord " • t' -. 1 Best brood mire, -'4 4 2nd beat • ' ' , , , i ,2,,, 4 3rd ."- 8 . Best 3 year old 4 2od beat , S '2 Best 2 year old , 4 2nd best ' 3 3rd " I 2 Best yearling, 4 2nd best, 3' 3rd .. 11 mon stock. T3rd " 2 Boat draught horse or mare 9 4 2nd beat 3 3rd " 2 Beat riding do ' 7' 4 2nd beat , '3 3rd " "2 Beat famili , do. 2nd best 4 3rd " 6 2 Best pair matches, , - . 6 2ndliest , ' ,'. , it, 9rd " 4 .Beat pair Mules ' - 6 2nd best 4 3rd " 2 Best trotting home or' more , 6 2nd beat ' 4 3rd " Bast racking do 4 2nd best 3rd " ~ Beat walking do 2nd beat 3rd " . Boet colt, 0 menthe old or under 2nd beet The committee respectfully recommend that no person be allowed to enter any horn or mare for more then one premium M be -, 'allowed to change from one to another clam ' All Meek of thd above Mesta moat he entered on or before 11 o'clock of the second day. AWARDING CoIIMITTES.—John S. Miller, A G.lllcNeal, Marry Cooke, R. 0. Morrison, Thoo. 11. Holing, James Illyton, 1.1. Class — 7 .. S Short Horn Beat Bull 2ud beet Beat Cow 2nd beet, Best heifer 2nd beet Beet calf 2nd bat eat Stock Devon. Beet Bull $ 6 2nd beet 4 Beet Cow tl 2nd beet 4 Beet bettor 4 2nd beet a Beet cell 3 2nd beet. 2 :5 4. Common. Alderney. Zest Bull $ 5 2nd best 4 Beet Cow 4 2nd best • 8 Beet heifer 3 2nd beet 2 Beet Calf 3 2nd beat 2 Beet work oxen 2nd beet Belt Bull 2nd best Best Cow 2nd beet Beet better god beat Beet Calf 2nd beet AWARDING COMMITTEE.--Yrtyli Hamilton, George Bell Andrew G. Neff, Wm. Briggs, Isaac Odenkirk, J. Q Adams, Thos. N. Colder. Clue 5--„Hogs $4 Be litter of rdge 1 3 8 2nd beet 2 3 Beet Cbeeter White 3 2 2nd beet 2 Best Boar, 2nd best Beet Bow 2nd brat AWARDIPG Comurrsic..—Jamea M. Stephens, Benjamin Isenberg, Reuben Massey, Geo. Bwine, Yred Schneider. Class 6—Sheep. 'Best Longwool Ewa $4 2nd best a Best 6outhdown, 4 2nd boat 3 Beat Merino ;4 I2nd boat 8 Boat lot common Amy 4 Num 51. Neff, James Lloyd, John Bucher : :ural Implements. 2nd best 1 Beet hand corn dialler 2 2nd best 1 Best Clover• Miller 2nd beet 4 Beet hay and grain rake 5 2nd best 3 Best Cidor mill 4 12nd best-, . 2 'Beate Sorghum 111115nd Evaporator,B Beat 4 hone threobing machine 6 2 horse threshing machine 5 Beet barrow 2 2nd beat 1 Beat wagon lifer 2 12nd best 1 Beat Long Wool Buck $4 2nd beat 2 Beat Sonthdown 4 2nd best Best Merino 41. 2nd bast B Beat mixed breed 4 AWARDIAO COMMITTZE.-41 Robt. °shorn, TI. B.Oreene Class 7—Agrioult Beet plow $4 2nd beet 3 Best Subsoil do 2nd beet 2 Beet double shovel 2 2nd beet 1 Beet Corn Maitirettor 2 god beet 1 Beat hill plow. 2nd beet Beet Windmill 8 2nd beet 2 But Grain Drill 4 2nd beet Beet Coplanter 2 2nd beet rn 1 Beat Mower it Reaper 6 2nd beet 3 Beet straw and fodder cut tar 21 No premium to be awarded except to the manufacturer or his agent.. Awasbuta ComUrrrar.— 11. C. Weaver, Livingston Robb, Samuel Crotaer, Miller Isenberg, Jobn Laport. Class B—Grain, Seeds, Flour & Meal. second beet 50 best cloversecd 1 00 second best 60 best timothy seed 1 00 second boat 60 beet barrel Odle wheat flour 2 00 second best 1 00 beet barrel red wheat _ _ Best bug. white wheat $2 00 2nd beat 1 00 Best bus. red wheat 2 00 second beet 100 beet ,bnehel of rye 1 00 sectind beet • 50 best bite yellow corn 100 second beet 50 boat white corn 1 00 ao' oo 50 50! 25 1 00 50 100 60 1 00 sour . 2 00 second bast _ 1 00 beet barrel rye flour 100 beet 60Ibs corn meal yellow 1 00 best 601bs. corn meal, white 100 beet 60Ibe. buckwheat amid 100 second beet 60 !mond best best aweet corn second best best pop corn eecond beet best oats emend best ' • best barley second beet Beat buckwheat Away:arm Oonxinns.—H. O. Maher, Edward leen, Henry Holtaapple, It. Meßurney, Andrew Heffner. Class 9—Mechanical Implements and Utensils. Best 2 horse carriage $2 00 beet and greatest verity best buggy 100 stoneware and earthen . _ beat sot single harness 200 ware 10) best set farm harness 200 beet washing machine 60 beet saddle and bridle 10) beet churn 100 beet pair of boots 1 00 best meat vessel 1 00 beet pair of Abseil 50 bast specimen of marble beet side solo leather 100 work 200 beet kip and calf skin 100 beet cook store 1 00 best side harness and best pair horse shoes 00 upper leather 100 best cornbroom 50 beat lot cabinet ware 200 best rake 50 beet and greatest vane- beat shaking fork 00 ty of tin-ware 1 00 second best 25 AWARDING COMMITTEL—F. B. Wallace, Shedrick Cha nen Samuel Cummiuge, Samuel MOVltty, John Silver thorn. Class 10, No• I—Fruits Beet and largest variety than 3 each labeled 200 of apples, labeled, not second beat 1 00 lees than 3of each $1 00 boat assorted basket or second best 60 dish of peaches 100 best dozen'fall apples . second boat ' 50 labeled . lOO beat basket or dish of seeend beet 60 quinces 100 beat dos. winter apples • - second best 60 labeled - " 100 beat collection of plums second beet - 50 6of each labeled 100 best and greatest variety second best ' 50 of peaches, not less AWARDING COMMITITC.--Joho noUghair, Sante/ Graf. flus : James Wilson, John Vandovender, Milos Lewis. Class 11, No. 2—Fruits Best and largest variety best end largest collec of pears, labeled, and lion of grapes grown not lees than 3 each 100 in open air, labeled 100 second best • , 00 second best ba bees doz. fall pekrs, la• beet basket or dish or baled - 100 native grapes, labeled 100 second beet 60 beat and largest variety beet doe: winter peace, ' grapes grown under labeled 160 glare, labeled 100 second beet 60 second bust 60 AWARDING Comaurrau.—R. A. Miller, R. C. Robinran, tHlbert Horning, Hugh Cunutugham, Jacob C. Miler. Class No. 12—Vegotables Best Matson potatoes 100 second beet 60 best early goodrlch 1 00 second beet 60 best monitor 100 second best 50, best pinkeye(' rorticoat 1 00 second best 60 best spotted mercers 100 second best 50 best white mercers 1 to second best 60 best peach blows 100 second beet 50 best prince albert 1 00 second beet 50 best cusco width 1 00 second best BO best garnet chile 1 00 second best 50 best other variety 100 second best 50 best sweet potatoes ' 1 00 second best 50 best early rose 1 00 second best BO best lot goodrich 1 00 I secoud best . 50 AWAY/DINO Cowan - EFL -3i George Ham, David super', Clans Ni); 13. ohn 8. laett, David Hare, t, RIWm Shoemaker. ro. 2—Vegetables. Best rota bags iO 60. best cabbage; 1 00 second best 25 second best ' 50 beta sugar beet 60 best mange! . ..recite) 60 second beet 25 second best 50 best second best 26 second boat waterelon best peppers best tobacco se, best egg plant second best2s'secend best , beet parsnips 60 boat turnips ' best carrots 60Isecond best beet onions ' 60 best tomatoes second beet, . 251 second best best celery 60 beet and greatest variety second best 25 of tomatoes 100 best cauliflower 50 best muskmelon 50 second best 25 second best 25 best pumpkins 60 best beans 50 second best 251 second beet 25 best pie pumpkin 501bestas 50 second best . 251sacond pe beet 25 best squashea 50 beet foil or win. lettuce 60 second best 25 second beet - 25 AWARDNG COMMDZIWD—Thomas IC. 'Orbison, fuse Hor ning, Jo an Rhodes, Rens). Marks, Col. Joim Hewitt. Class 1 4—Poultry. Beat and largest variety second beet 60 pare bred fowls $2 00 best pair or trio of Po. so-mud best 100 lands 100 beet brlshinaputras 100 second beet 50 second best 50 boat turkeys / 00 best dorkingi 1 00 second beat 60 second beet 110 beet gulaea fevele 1 00 best spangled hamburg 1 00 second beat 50 Emend beet tOj boat docks 1 MI bon game 1 00 second best 50 second beet 60 beet geese 1 00 beet black opentett 100 second beet 50 trauma Comrerst.--B. R. FOUit, Lewis 15,3000, 3,e. Sate, m Moan Illortin, Robert ?laming. L'AItTMENT. ad, Cakes, &o. Best homemade bread $1 00 second Kit 60 best roll butter 0 00 second best 1 00 Open to competttlon for married ladle.. LAIAKB' DE Class 16—Bre Beet homemade bread $1 00 second best" 50 beet roll butter 2 00 Inwood beat 1 00 Open to competition for unmarried Indira. . 13est - lisket r ikreted 1 'OOl second beet - :: ~ 60 best pound 6kke., •-• 1.00 second beat 60 beat sponge cake 1 00 ectond best 60 beat fruit cake . 1 00 second host 50 beet jeUy cake 1 00 second bast 60 beet lady cake 1 00• second beet 601 beet pie 1 00 second beet 50 Stet custard 1 00 beat pearl cake '' 100 second tuft , BO beet goldcake 1 00 second beet 00 beat silver cake 1 00 second beet 50 best ginger coke 1 00 second bait 50 best sugar cake 1 00 second beat LD bestjumbles 1 00 emend best 50 best ruck 1 00 t accond beat 00 best biscuit 1 00 seem' .I>est - 'SO second bep - 60 AW1117,7N6 Ciocirrree—Win. Less; D it John T. Whit taker. Alto Martha Cheney, Mrs. George rheum:it, ?the. IL L. Brown. Class 16—Cheese, Honey, &c. second beat $0 50 best grape wine, bones made, 10.0 second best- - ..—,— 60 boat blaKberry ulna 1 00 second beat 60 best strawberry wine 1 00 second best 50 beat other , home•made wine e •_--I bo second Viet -- 50 best domesttt — ardlal 100 ei! .. 000,1 Vest ISO I. W. Jobbton, Gent, Jobn .11. narper, Wm. A. Fraker. )13, Jellies and Jams. best appte , Jelly 60 second best 25 best currant 5,0 second beat 25 beat guinea 50 second best 25 best raspberry 60 second bent 25 best blackberry 60 second best 25 beat grand 50 second bust 25 best elderberry jam 50 second beat 26 best raepperry 50 second best 25 best dewberry 50 second best 25 beat blackberry 50 second beet 25 r. J. C. Clarke, slrs. Caroline le, Sire. James Wilson, Sirs. Beet cheese $1 00 second beat 50 best honey, 2 00 second best ' 1 00 beet cured ham , - 2 00 second beet 1 00 bent bard soap 1 00 second best 60 best tallowcandies 1 00 second beet ' 50 best dried beef 1 00 second best 50 best currant whae 1 00 AWAIDINO CoIIIIITTIL. Blelemb, ltobt Graftus,.llrm. Class 17—Preserve! Best presorred straw berries $0 50 second beat 25 beat pineapples 50 second best 25 but quinces 60 acwond beet 25 bent peaches 50 second boot .25 best plums 50 second beet 26 best pears 50 second best 25 best crabapples 60 second best .- best cherries 50 second best 25 beet tomatoes 00 second best 25 AWAIIDINCI CoMmirraz—Re • Miller, Mrs. Wm. McM ndr John Jackson. • Class 18—Sugar, B Beet domestic sugar $l. 00 second beet 50 best maple molasses, 100 second bast 00 beet sorghum molasses 1 00 second beet 6B third best 25 best tomato butter 100 second beet 50 beat grape butter 1 00 second best 00 beet apple butter 1 00 tecend best 60 best pear butter 1 00 second beet 60 Awarding Committee —D (hike, Alfred Porter, Hrs. HI Hyper. Clase 19—Domes fleet woolen carpet not less than ten yards each $2 00 second beet 100 best rag carpet not less than 10 yards 200 second boat - 'I 00 beet fennel not less than 10 yards 2001 second beet 1 00 beat hearth rug 1 00 second beet SO beet coverlet 1 00 second best , , ' 00 1 boatpatchwork quilt 1 001 second beet 50 best counterpane 1 00 second beat 501 Aviannuta Comurnazi—Matthialifieatloy, )ties Susan Smith, Mrs. W. Buchanan, Mn. A, B. Stomata% Wes Boil Harmony, Class 20—Linen and Fancy Work Manidacturers East 6 yards home•medo best worked cushion linen $2 00 and back 200 second best 100 second best 100 best 6 yards linen die- . best worked reception 'I , per . 200 chair . .:I2 Od secoad best 1 00 second beet 1 00 beet 6yds tow cloth 2 00 best ottoman cover 200 second best 1 CO second beet 100 best homemade shirt 100 best lamp stand mat 100 SO eetond best 5C beet flowar.rame inst. 100 second best best pound of linen law 100 second best 60 tug thread second beet AWARDING Couumrsz.—Dr. S. Thompson. tire. Rudolph Neff, Miss Sue Grafflus, Miss Prudence Jackson, Mrs. use. npea.. - - - - - - - Class 21—Bonnets, Embroidery, dm. Beet bonnet $2 00 best embroidered lady's second best 100 skirt 100 best worked child's second boat 50 2 00 best embooldored pock -100 of kandkerchlor 100 second boat 50 dreas, muellri eocond beat beet worked obild'e 2 00 beet embrotdrrod slip -100 pore, Bilk 100 ercood beet 60 1 00 beet embroidered ellp -50 pen, worsted - 10 1 001 beet crotchet shawl 100 dress, worsted second best boat embroidery on muslin second beat best crotchet tidy AWARDING Comszrrsc,—Dr P. Greta, Mn.s I. A. Pol lack, Mrs. Wm. Williams, Mrs. I. A. Oaks, Mrs. George Eby. Class 22—Shel'work . , ike Beet ocean shell and 'best Salo wax flowers 200 moos work $2 00 second best 1 00 second best 1 - 06 beet epecimen of Wax best bend work 100 fruits second best 60 second beet best leather work, or- best hair flowers namental 1 00 second boot second beet 60 beet seed Bowers best wax vase 1 00 second best _ _ second best AWARDING C031311217.F. —M. H. Mammy, Mr•. David Blair, Mae Margaret. Snyder, Mita D. Mara, Miss Corne lia Iraiatliag. Class 23—Floral Department. beet collection panne 100 eecoudbest 00 Beet Elora! design £2 00 second beet 1 00 beet table 'Vase of cut flowers second best . _ beet vale of growing flower's 60 cocoon best 25 best round hand boquet 501 second beet 25 beet flat coquet 50 second best 25 best collection dahlias 2 00, second best 1001 beat collect'n verbenas I 00 second best 50 boat collection rtetnnas 1 00 second beat 50 beat colleet,n gemnluus 1 00 second beat 50 AWARDING 001111ITTCL—WiliiiIM Dorris, Mrs. William Corbin, Mlle Kate Stewart, Ws. Joseph Watson, Mrs. William A. Orbhon. 'CI aes 2.4.--Taintin. • ' . t'' Beet en paidting fruit best ceblred crayon or portrait $1 00 drawing 100 second best 50 second beat 50 best oil painting on best India ink draw glass • , , 100 lug . 100 second best 50 second best 51 best landscape, 011 100 best painting in seater . second bmd 50 best landscape from no• turh 1 00, second best 50 best lithograph, oil 1 00 second boat 50 best pen or pencil • &suing 1 00 second best 00 AWARDING COMMITTEE,-11 Africa, Miss Mary Robb, Mrs son. Class 2 Your Committee think there Ai oiftd he a plied about It or 18 feet square for all the title girls and boys to fill up with notions of their ou n, and committee appointed to award premium, not to exceed 60 tents on any article. The committee to art with discretion on raid articles. ' Committee. R. DI. STEER, S. T. 111101 W N, Mrs. BENEDICT, Mrs. %AIINIZEIC, READ. Marshall—SAMUEL 11. SHOEMAKER. Ducrettonary committee—lt. 111 getrikin, Perry Moore, Samuel Brooks, A.M. °elm, Samuel Peightal. A. B. Silent , . felt, Lewis Demons, John Zeotmyor, Adam Warfel, David McGann, Levi Evans. Respired. That when a majority or any Committee are present that they ghat/ constitute a quorum and that no pereon !shalt be taken to till a vacancy- By order of the Committee. R. 0. MORRISON, Chairman ORAFNUS MILLER, J .9. MILLER, DAN'L WOMEL9DORF, HENRY MARKS. 50 25 60 26 1 00 PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !I! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tisane Paper, • „ • Silk Paper for Flowere, _ t; , Perforated Paper, I ristol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, , Commercial Note Paper, Ladlea' Ulltlldged Latter and Note Paper, Ladles' Plain and Panay Nato Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, In Packs and Sheets, °male at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Mtudo Store. tNVELOPES- Dy t o box, pack, or lose qtuttally, for sale at DEWS' DOOR: AND SX'ATIONEEKSTORE. Olt. TIIE LADIES. r ' .upeor articlo of Note Paper find Envelope outtablo for confidential carrenpontionce, for rah at E YrIS" BOOK 0 , STAT79Nrq:c...CFCI74. aci