LIST OF PREMIUMS AWARDING COMMITTEES, For the tenth Annual Exhibition onto Huntingdon County A gricultural Society, to be held at Huntingdon on the Otb, 7th, sod Bth of October, 1869. Class I—Horses, Bred Stook. 3rd beet 2 Best brood mare 8 2nd beat 3rd " 4 Best 3 year old 6 god bent 4 3rd " Beet Stallion, Second best, Third ‘e Best 3 year old, Second best Third " Beat 2 year old, 2nd best Brd " Rest yearling, 2nd best and Bent Gelding, 2nd beet • • Beet 2year old . god bent 3rd Beet colt 6 months old or under 2od best 3rd ,d mon Stock Clues 2—Co Beat draught Stallion $8 3rd " 2nd beat 4 teat draught horse or 3rd " 2 mare $4 Best 8 year old 5 2nd beet 3 Zed bee; 8 3rd ". 2 3rd " 2 Brat riding do 4 Beat 2 yuar old 4 2nd beet • 3 2nd beet 3 3rd " 2 3111 " Inca family do. 5 Beat yearling 4 2nd beat 4 2nd best 3 3rd "._ 2 Boat pair ma Mlles, 2nd beat 3rd " Pest pair mulea 12nd beat 3rd Best trotting home or mare 2nd beet , 3rd Bust racking do 2nd beet 3rd Boat walking do 2nd best 3rd Pril .. / Beat brood mare, b Tod beat 4 3rd " 3 Beat 3 year old 41 tad beat 3 1 3rd " 2 Beat 2 year oid 4 2nd be 3 3rd " 2 Beat yearling, 4 2nd beet, 3 3rd " 4 1 Debt colt, 8 inentbs old or under 4 . 2nd beat 3 The committee respectfully recommend that no person be allowed"to enter any bone or mare for more than one premium or be allowed to change from one to anotbor clam. All stock of the above classes must be entered on or before II o'clock of the second day. AWARDING COSMISTEE.—John B. Miller, It o.llcNeal, Harry Cooke, It. G. Morrison, Than. 11. Holing, Jame „Myron, 11. McManigal. Clam 3—Neat Stock Short horn. Best Bull $ 6 2nd hest 4 Best Cow 6 2nd host, 41 Bost holler 4 . 2tld best Best calf 3 2nd best • - 2 Uhl' Alderney. 1 Best Butt 2od best 4 Best Cow 5 2nd best 4 Best better 4 Bud best 3 Best calf 3 2nd best. :84. Common. Best 'wink oxen 2nd beat Best Bull 2nd bed Best Cow 2nd bed Bed heifer 2nd bed Best Calf 2nd beet tea Mill 2lud best IS st. Cow 2nd best Itest bolter 2nd befit Best Colt 2nd beet AWAIMISCI CommiTTEL—lfitys Hamilton, George Belt, Andrew G. Nr(f, Win. Briggs, Isaac (Monkish, J. Q. Adam, Thos. N. Colder. • Class s—. Hogs, Best Boar, $1 Best litter of pigs 3 2nd best 3 2nd best 2 nest Sow 3 Rent Chester White 3 ittld best - 2 2nd best 2 Awswelsit Condirrisx --James 3f. Stephens, Benjamin Isenberg, Reuben Massey, Geo. Swine, Fred Schneider. Class 6—Sheep Beat Long wool Buck $1 Bent Longwool Ewe $4 2nd best • 2 2nd beat 3 Bent Southdown 4 Beat Southdown, 4 2nd beat 3 2nd best 3 Best Merino 4'Beet Merlon 4 2nd bast • 312nd best 3 Beat mixed breed 4 Beat lot common sheep 4 • A wannsmo ConwirrEs.—lsaac Si. Neff, James Lloyd, ROL Goshorn, 11. 8. Greene, John Bucher, Class 7—Agricultural Implements. Best plow 51 2nd beet 1 2u d best. 9 Best band corn shener 2 , Best Subsoil do 3 2nd beet 1 2nd beet 2 Best Clover-huller 5 Bent double shovel 2 2nd beet 4 2nd best 1 Best hay and grain rake 5 Beat Corn cultivator 2 2nd best 3 2nd best 1 Beet Cider mill 4 Best hill plow 4 2nd best 2 2nd best 31Best Sorghum Mill and Beet Windmill 3(Evaperator, 3 2nd bent 2 Bent 4 horse threshing Best Groin Broil 41 machine 6 2nd best 3 ,4 2 horse threshing Best Cornpianter 2 machine 5 2nd bent 1 Best barrow 2 Best Slower .4 Reaper 6 2nd beat 1 2nd best 3 Best wagon lifter 2 Beat straw and fodder cut- 12nd beet 1 ter 2 No premium to be awards or bin agents. AWARDING COIIMITIEN..— Robb, Eamuel Crofter, 31111 e Class B—Grain, Se Peat wheat $2 00 god beat 1 00 test bus, red wheat 2 OD second beet 1 00 "best .buabel of rye 100 second best 50 beat bus yellow corn 100 second best 55 beet a hits corn 100 second brat 50 best sweet corn 100 errand best 50 bon pop coral 60 second bent 25 beet oats 1 Of) second best 50 beat barley 1 001 • d except to the manufacturer r i. C . . l; 19 rp e . a j r . e i r ,t, Livingston ods, Flour & Meal. ascend beet 450 best clorersccd 1 00 second beet 50 beat timothy seed 1 00 aecond best 00 beet barrel white wheat flour 200 second beet 1 03 best barrel rod wheat flour 2 00 second bast 1 00 best barrel rye flour 100 beat 60Iba corn meal yellow 1 00 best 60Ibe. corn meal, white 1 00 best 601ba. buckwheat necerttl beat Beet (mom heat meal ascend best ; Aweßma CostiurrB6-11. G. Fisher, Ede.ard henry lioltsapple, It. Mcßtirney, Andrew Class 9—Mechanical Implements and Utensils. hest 2 horse carriage $2OO best and greatest rarity beet buggy 100 stoneware and earthen beat eetsingle harnees 200 ware 10) best set farm barneas 200 best trashing machine 60 best saddle and bridle lOu best churn 100 best pair of boots , 100 boat meat Teasel 100 beet pair of shoes • SO best specimen of marble best aide sole leather 100 work 200 beet kip and calf skin 100 beet cook store .1 00 beat aide taxmen and • • beat pair horse %hoes 60 upper leather 100 beet cornbroom , 60 beat lot cabinet ware 200 best rake 50 beet and greatest earls- best abaking fork 60 Cy of tiu-wate _ 100 second beat 01 AWARDING 00311‘11726.—k. 8., Wallace, Sbedrlck Cha ney, Samuel Cummings, Samuel McVitty . , John Myer thorn. - Class 10, No• I—Fr u its Best and largest variety than a each labeled 200 of apples, labeled, not second best 100 • less than 3of each 0. 00 best assorted basket or second beet 60 dish of peaches 100 best dozen fall apples second beet 50 labeled 100 best basket or dish of second beet 60 quinces 100 beet doz. Winter apples second best 60 labeled 1 00 best collection of plums second best 60 3of each labeled 100 best and greatest variety second best 10 of peaches, not lees .. , - - ARAILD/NO Comange.-7ohn Gate:tarty, Israel Graf fito, James Wilson, John Vandevender, Miles Lewis. Class 11, No. 2—Fruits Beat and largest variety beat and largest collec wf pears ' labeled, and Bon of grape. grown • not leas than 8 each 100 In open air, labeled 100 second best GO second beat 00 bees doz. fall pears, 11l- best basket or dish of beled . . 100 native grapes, labeled 100 second beet . 60 best and largest variety beat doz. winter pears, grapes grown under labeled IGO glass, labeled 100 second bps; -. 66 second best 60 Awaa.orsa Comastriza.—R. A. MMar, Si. C. Bobboaa, Gilbert noroing, Hugh Conoingbam, Jacob C. Class No. 12--Vegotables /lest barrison potatoes 100 second beat 60 beat early goodzich 1 00 second beat 60 bent monitor 100 . second beat" 50, best pinkeyed rosticoat 1 sio second beat'. 50 beat spotted mercers 100 second best ' 60 beet wbito mercers - 1 tO second beet 50 beat peach blows . 100 second best -- 50 beat prince albert , 1 00 %sesta beet 50 beet casco white 1 00 second best 50 best garnet chile 1 00 second beet 60 best other variety 1 00 second best 60 best sweet potatoes 100 second best 60 I best early rose 1 00 second best 60 best lot goadrich . - -1 00 second best -- - 50 AWASDISQ Coincrens.--71 George Rahn, David Rupert atm S. Ise% David nava, t, Elisio' Shoemaker. . . ~. . „ .Otass.No. 13: - ' , -No. - 2--Vegelables. Best :Ma bags $0 50:best cabbage _ 1 00 second best 25 'second best 50 _beta sugar beet 50 best mongol wertzel 50 second beet 25 second best 25 best peppers 50 best watermelon 50 second best 25,itecond best 25 best tobacco - 50( best egg plant 50 second bast 25 second beet 25 best parsnips 50 beat turnips 50 best carrots 50Iseconi best 25 best onions 50 beet tomatoes 1. 00 second beet 251 second beet 50 best Celery' 59 best and greatest variety second beat 25 of tomatoes 100 best cscilitiarrer - 00 best muskmelon . 60 second best • „" - % -.! :25 secoadlbeit . • 25 beet pumpkins 50 best beans 50 second best 25 second best 25 best pia pumpkin 50lbest peas 60 second beat 25 second best . • • 25 best sguesbee SO best WI or via. lettuce. 60 second best 25 second best 25 • ANPLEDIIKI COSlMllint—Mitinan B. 'Otbleork, lease Ilor• sing s Jobs Ithodes, iteztry Werke, Col. John Hewitt. Claga 14—. poultry. Best and largest variety second beat 60 pare bred fowls $2 00 best pair or trio of ro second beet 100 lands 100 beat brahmenntres 100 emceed beat 60 second bail 50 beat turkey. 1 00 best olorklega 1 00 second beat go LO second best - 50 beat gut aea foals beet spangled hamburg 1 00 treoond beat 50 aecond best LIR beet decks 1 00 beet game 1 00 / second beet 60 second best 50 best geese 100 beet Meek spanish I 00 second beat 60 AWARDING Comenvess.—B. ft. - Bonet, 'Lewis Knode, Jas. Mil, Thomas Martin, Robert Firming. LADIES' DE Claes 15—Bre Beet bomemado bread $1 00 eecond beet 50 brat roll butter 2 00 second beet 1 00 Open 10 Competition for - ustnarrled ladies. ' i Best baker's broad 1 00 second beet 501 brat pound cake 1 001 second beet 60 best sponge cake 1 00 eceond best 60 best fruit cake 1 00 second best 50 best jeldy cake 1 CO second best • 50 beet Indy cake 1 00, second best 50i best pie 1 00 xenon.] beet 60) best custard 1 00) second best 60) Asuman Conureren—W, taker.Blies Martha Chaney, 11. L. Drown. Class 16—Che , Bost cheese $ 1 00 1 second beat 60 best honor, 2 001 second best 1 00 best cured ham 2 001 sccond best 1 00 best held soap 1 00 second best 60 best tallow candles 1 00 second hest 55 boat dried tree! 1 00 second best 60 best currant wise 100 AMARbING Corssrieess.-0 McComb, ltobt Granata, Win. Class 17—Preserve; Beet preserved straw berries $0 60 second best 25 best pineapples 50 second beet 25 beat quinces 60 second beat 26 best peaches 60 second best 26 best plums 6O . second beet 25 best pears ' , 60 second best 25 best crabapples 60 second beet 25 best cherries 50 inroad beat 25 best tomatoes 10 second best 25 Devon AWARDING CGIIMITTEL—RR Millar. Mrs. Wm. McMurtr Johu Jsckson. Class 18—Sugar, B Best domestic sugar V. 0 0 Second best 50 best maple molasses, 100 second best 50 best sorginun molasses 1 00 second best 10 third beat 25 beat torusto butter 100 second_ beet 00 beat grape butter I 00 second best • 60 best apple butter 1 00 second best 60 best pear butter 1 00 second best 00 Awarding Committee--P , Oaks, Alfred rorturOlro. Kyper. Class 19—Domes Beat woolen carpet not less (Lau ten Yarda s2 00 each second best 100 beat rag carpet not less than 10 3 arda 2 001 second beat 1 00 1 beat flannel not toes than 10 yards 2 00 second beat 100 beat hearth rug 1 001 second boat 00 beat coverlet. 1 00 second best . 50 beet pnteltwork quilt 100 socouct bed 50 beet coup terpano 1 00 secobd fleet 50' AWAFDING Cohininze.—Matthfas Keatley, MIS. eman Smith, Mrs. W. Buchanan, Mn. A.B. Sheridan, Mite Belt harmony. Claes 20—Linen and Fancy Work Dee! 6 yards bome•mada boat wonted cushion linen 2300 and back 200 second beet 1 00 secondliest - 100 twit Wyards linen die• beat worked reception per 200 chair , 200 socoed best 1 00 second beet 1 00 best 6yds tow cloth 2 00 best ottoman corer 200 second brat 1 00 second best 100 best homemade shirt 100 beat lamp stand mat 100 second boat 50 second beat SC best potted."( linen sew• beet flower-rose mat 100 Mg thread 1 00 precood best 60 second beat 501 AWARDING 0014,11EILL.—Dr.8.11mtopson. Mrs. Rudolph seo Mies Sue Grafting, Mlis Prudence Jackson, Mn. 1300. 2pear. Class 21—Bonnets, _Embroidery, ttas. $2 00 beet embroidered lady's 100 skirt 100 second bast best embeetdered peek. 2 et bandksicbtet 1 00 Isecond best 50 best embroidered slip. pen, sllk '1 00 second best - 50 best embroidered slip• pore, wended 50 pest crotchet shawl 1 00 le P.- Orrin, Mrs. I. A. Pol. des. 1. A. Oak., Mrs. fleorge F rl2=Elll beat worked child's dress, muslin 2 00 second be et 100 beat worked child's dress. worsted 2 00 secorhl 100 beet embroidory 00 - muslin 100 second beet 60 best crotchet tidy' 100 AWARDINO COKMIZTRE.— Inck, Mra.49m. Williams, Eby. Class 22—S1 fleet ocean shell and moss work $2 SO 1 second beet 1-00 beet bead work 1 OD second best 60 bast leather work, or natnental 10D second beet 60 best wax rase 100 second best 50 AWARDING CONNITTICD.-31 Blair, bliss Margaret Snyder, lie Weistling. Class 23—Floral Department, Best Floral design $lOO beetcolleetion panne 1 00 second beet 100 second best 60 best table wise of cut beat collection phloxes 1 00 flowers 50 second best 60 second best 25 best collection asters 100 boat 1160 of growing second best 60 dowers 60 boat collection of crysau seconn beet 25 them . 100 beet round band boquet 50 second beet 50 second best 25 beet cone-alma roses 1 DO best flat coquet 60 second best 60 second beet 26 best banging basket boot collection dahlias 200 growing plants 100 second best 1 00 second beat 50 best collect's verbenas 1 00 best Is anglng basket second best 50 cut flowers 100 beat collection petunas 1 00 second beet 60 second best 50 best collection or pot but collect.n geranium 100 plants 200 second beet 60 second best 1 00 AWARDING COIGNITTZE.—IVIIIhn Dorris, Mr.. William Corbin, ?dist Kate dtewart,,Mrs. Joseph Watson, Mrs. William A. Orb hon. Clam 24—Painting. best colored crayon drawing 100 second best 60 best India ink draw• big 100 second best BO beat painting In water I colors 100 isecond best 50 byst specimen of marine drawing 1 00 second beet 60 boat oriental painting grecian or italian 100 second beat 50 Meet ell paidting fruit or portrait $1 00 aecoud beat 60 boat oil painting on glue 1 00 second best 60 beat landscape, Oil 1 00 second best 601 best landscape hoot na• turh 1 00 second best - 50 best lithograph, oil 100 second best 60 best pea or pencil drawing 1 00 second best 60 AWARDMI COMMITTIN.—{ Africa, .11iss Mary Robb, Mrs SOLI. Class Your Committee think there should be a shed about 18 or 18 feet square for all the little girls end boys to fill up with notions of their on n,, and committee appointed to award premimis not to exceed 80 cents on nay erticle. The committee to act with discretion on said article*. Committee. It. M. SITES, S. T. 1111014 N. Mrs. ONNEDICT, Mrs. Zstibilltat. Mrs. JOHN READ. - .AfarshaU:—SAMUEL H. 131101831AKE11. ' Ihrereleonary ammilete.—R B. Petriktn, Perry More, Samuel Brooks, A.M. Oaks, Samuel Pelghtal. A. B. Sheno. felt, Lewis Bergen', John Zentuiyer, Adam Warfel, David Id cOarvey , Levi Evans. Resdeed, That when a majority of any Committee are present that they shall constitute a quorum and that no person ahall ha taken to fill a vacancy. By order or the Committee. . . . TAPER 1 PAp.ERI I PAPER 111 Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, 811 k Paper for Flower., Perforated Paper, Flat Cap Paper, Pristol Board, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, ' Commercial Note PePer, Ladle,' Gilt Edged Letter en.. Note Payee', Ladles' Plain cud Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs end Sheets, °roads et LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Munk. Store. ENVELOPES- Hy the bor, park, or boa quantity, for hale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY MAW. taVOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note taper and Enviolorn, " table for confideliAW correipondeace, for eal. at LzIV.IS' BOOK d STATIONERY STORE. MEI= ad, Cakes, &C Best homemade bread $1 DO second beat 00 best roll batter t 00 accond beat, 1 00 Open to Competition ter married toilet. I beet pearl,cake 1 00 seennkbeat - 10 beet gold dike 1 00 second beet 00 beat *liver cake 1 DO second beet 50 beet glares cake 1 00 second beet 50 beet auger cake 1 00 `seconda beet BD ibeatjumblos 100 (beet boat 60 ibeet rusk 1 00 'second beet 50 beat biscuit 1 00 J second best 50 . Lane, Itre.John T. IVltit lilre. George Pheasant, Mrs, ese, Honey, Ice , second beat $0 50 best grape wine, home made, 1 00 second beet 50 boat blackberry wine 1 On second belt 50 last strawberry wine 1 00 second best 50 best other home-made wine 1 00 second bed 50 best domestic cordial 1 00 its/mind best - 50 ' .W. Jobaton, Gant. Jobn .11. limper, Wm. A. Vraker. s, Jellies and Jams. t... 5. apple Jelly 10 second best 25 beat currant t 0 second bent 25 boat quince 60 second beat 25 best raspberry 50 ,second best 25 best blackberry 60 second best 26 best grape 60 second best 15 boat elderberry Jam 10 second best s 6 best raspberry 50 iaecond best 25 beet dewberry 50 second beet 15 btst blackberry 10 second best 25 v. J. C. Clarke, Mrs. Caroline le, Mrs. James Wilson, Sirs. utter and Pickles• be quince butter $1 00 second beet 5 best rafroil pickle§ 1 00 second beet best cucumber 1 On second beet 25 best pepper riu :world beat 26 beat tomato LQ second beat 21 boot centelope SO second bat 26 beet tomato eattup 100 second brat SO beet cider vinegar 3 00 !WOW beat 50 . II B. Irefatltng, Mr.. H. zabothCoablit, Mrs. Amid tic Manufactures best table corer second beet best pair woolen knit stockings 1 00 second beat 60 best woolen socks 1 00 second beet 60 best pair linen knit stockings 1 00 second best SO best pair worsted stock ings 100 isecond best SO $lOO 60 beet pale cotton stork tags second best boot woolen glove' beet woolen mittens Manufacturers ellwork, d:c beet Yale Wax flowers 200 eeeond best 100 bei epeciMell of Irma trona 200 second beet 1 00 but hair flowers 200 Isecond best 1 00 best seed flowers 2 00 second best 100 .1. B. Massey, Mr.. Da Id Mu D. Hare, Miss Cone- Mara InMama, Mrs. J. 8 .8.8. Petrikin, Jerry Watt. B. O. MORRISON, Chairman GRAITUS !MUM, .7 .0. MILLER, DAN'L WOHNEADORF, lIHNItY MAIMS. Committee. I€3.,tQ aa