The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 29, 1869, Image 3

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    Uke 61,0 ht.
Wednesday morning, Sept. 29, 1869.
MI, Moriah Lodge, NO. 300, A. F. DI, meet,, second
Monday evening ot each month, in Brox tin building.
Standing Stone If. X. A. Chapter, 11 o. 201. meets the
Orst Yureday evening of each month, in Brown's building.
:Juniata Lodge., No. 117, 10. 0. F meets every Friday
evening, third floor, in Leister's building.
Mount Hoe (tamp of 1. 0. 0. F., meets every second
and fourth Tuesdays, in Lelster's building, third floor.
Standing Stone Lodge, No. 84.1. 0. G. T., iiie, to every
Tuesday evening In thin! floor of Bead's
..irrapahoe Tube, M. 68, I. 0.0112. AL. nit eta every
Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's
Young Mat Christian Assocktion tinets the first and
third Mondny evenings each month, in Brbwn's
Post 33, C. A. It., meets Third Mondry of eadi mouth
in Court Baum.
2bwn Council meets the first Friday evening of each
Huntingdon Cadge, No. 149, K. of P., Imeets every fat
urday evening, to Ulster's building.
lUhur6 hes.
paptlst Church—Washington Street, Rev. T. W. Plan.
nett. Services on Sabbath : 10?4 a. Tn., Tp. m.
Catholic—Washington Street. Rev.o. P. Gallaher. Ser.
♦ices find three Sundays In every month.
Evangelical Lutheran—Ditain Street. Rev. J. J. Sem
Services on Sabbath : 1014 a. m, 7 p. m.
Gengan Reformed—Church Street. Rev. S. D. Steckle.
Dervice on Sabbath: 7. p m.
Methodist Epitieopal.-Chnrch Street. Rev. R. E. Wi13014
Services on Sabbath: 10/4 a. m., T
'roteetant Episcopal—llia street. Rev. A. IT, RN
Services on Sabbath: 10% a. in.. T P. m.
mabytetian—lflll Street. key. 0. W. Yatather. Ser
vices on Sabbath: 11 a. m , 7 p.m.
Drier Items.
7%0 Altoona hall seats 1200 persona.
'The State Fair at Harrisburg opens to-day
Our citizens are busy laying in their coal
fur winter.
Harrisburg had a grand colored tourna
went recently.
Centre county has a miss, fat and thirteen,
who weighs 240 pounds.
The Altoona Vindicator office was sold at
Sheriff's sale for $1538.
The Herald says Tyrone should have a
bath-house. We do not doubt it.
The Centro County Fair is to be held on
the sth, 6th, 7th and Bth of October.
The colored congregation of this place hold
a festival on Friday and Saturday next.
A bald eagle measuring five feet, was cap
tured by dogs in Indiana county recently.
The historic village of Bloody Run, Bed
ford county, is organizing a militia company.
No person should fail to take something to
the Fair next week, even if it is their baby.
Three horses belonging to David Carna
han, in Indiana county, were recently killed
The editor of the Newport News gives his
views of courting. He speaks his sentiments
as if he was just there.
Peter Duff, Esq., founder of the college
which bears his name, died in Pittsburgh,
recently, aged 67 years.
The Union Sabbath School in Smithfield,
organized by the Y. M. C. A., promises to be
asuccessful institution.
The lady's cape which was lost and adver
tised a few weeks ago, has been found, The
owner Will please call for it.
Shaeffer has received his Fall stack or
Booth and Shoes, for ladies and gentlemen,
old and young. Call and see them.
The earner-stone of the new Presbyterian
church at Hollidaysburg was laid on Thurs•
day last with appropriate ceremonies;
Isaac Gordon, a barber - at Bloody Run,
wounded himself by letting the hammer of
hid gun strike a stone, while out hunting.
John Lininger, an old German, was found
dead in Latterkenny township, Franklin
county, on the 16th inst. Ile died of apo
Merchants and others wanting to do a good
business next week, should get their circu
lars, handbills; posters, &c., printed early.—
Call at this office.
Lewis llolsner, the murderer of Philip
lon, in Cambria county, was last week
sentenced by Judge Taylor to ten years im
prisonment in the Western Penitentiary.
Our cotemporaries are bragging of their
Gordon job presses. We have a Newbury,
which, we think, for cards, tickets, small
tcliculareilabels, etc., ban% be beat.
. • .
Persons with effervescing temperaments
are recommended to draw a lesson from the
self-sealing jar. Those afflicted, male or fe
male, Will just keep their mouth Closed.
The wealthy men in Porter township, Cen
tre county, are said to be backward in sub
peribing for the grading of the Lewisburg,
,Centre and Spruce Creek Railroad. Pity
And shame, if truo.
Some wag burlesqued the Presbyterian
pia-nic which came off on Saturday last, no
a "Grand Blue-Stocking Dance," and so ad
vertised it by.written posters. The cream of
the joke is lost, as the author forgot the im
"Familiarity breeds contempt" is an adage
which does not hold good in the advertising
,business. A merchant or other business
man can become very familiarly known to
.the public by advertising and yet receive no
contempt from his patrons.
Persons coming to the fair next week will
,have a fair opportunity to subscribe for rkfair
.paper like the Globe, at a fair price. It is
nothing more thin fair that those who aro
indebted should call round and give a fair
equiialent for what they have received.
An excursion party. composed of men rep
tresenting all trades and professions, passed
,through this place on Thursday evening last
on their way from San 'Francisco to New
:York, ' distance of 3,187 miles. They had
Pullman sleeping cars, and were on the rail
,six days.
;Now is the time to repair our county roads
'We hope supervisors will attend to this mat
,ter, and make such improvements as will be
.lasting. A road repaired substantially will
,ease the townships great expense and the su
tpervilarsmuch trouble and labor in the fu-
%Ve call .attention to the new partnership
of Ilenry .t tCo„ in this issue. S. 11. Isen
berg and 33. F. Isenberg have been added to
the fine, and it is an A No. 1 business team.
A. personal acquaintance with each one of the
firm should be sought by every one, and to
get it we would recommend the public to
Zivp them a call.
We have received two specimens of silk
picture wo i rk, executed on the Jacquard loom
at the Tioga Silk Works at Philadelphia.—
They are representations of the popular Dry
Goods House of Eyre & T..ftridell, who adver
tise in this paper—one on a dark and the
other on a light background. They are won
derful and beautiful.
The Penna. Railroad Company are reduc
ing their force of employees all along the
line. Hereafter no work is to be done on
Saturday afternoons, at any of the shops, un
til the business of the road shall increase.--
Twenty-four trains now run daily, but after
the first of next month the number will be
reduced to twelve, and two engines be at
tached tg each. ' _
The Approaching Fair.
The tenth annual exhibition of the
Huntingdon County Agricultural So
ciety will be hold on Gen. Wilson's
ground, at Huntingdon, on the 6th,
7th and Bth days of October. Conve.
nient sheds have been erected for the
exhibition of cereals, vegetables, and
all articles of fine or coarse texture.—
There arc also stalls for the accommo
dation of horses and cattle; The track
for the display of the speed of horses
is one-third of a mile in length, and is
in good condition. Excursion tickets
on the Penna. Railroad and Hunting-
don & Broad Top Railroad Will be is
sued each day of the fair.
Our people, and the Citizens of
neighboring counties, aro ihtited to
put articles on exhibition. The pre.
mium Net includes almost everything
in the agricultural and mechanical de
partments, and exhibitors are guaran•
teed ample protection. Read the list,
and bring anything you have that you
would like anybody else to see, and
come with less expectation of getting
premiums than of affording gratifica
tion and information to others.
It is said that Calisaya Bark has a pecu
liar effect upon the liver, and guards the sys
tem against diseases by exposure and irregu
lar diet. It is conceded that the great suc
cess of the wonderfnl Plantation Bitters,
which, previous to our late unhappy difficul
ties, was found in most southern homes, was
owing to the nstract of Calisayo Bark which
it contained as one of the principal ingredi
ents. In confirmation of this we have heard,
one of our distinguished Physicians remark,
that whenever he felt unwell from ordivary
dietetic or atmospheric causes, he invariably
relieved himself by Plantation Bitters. We
speak advieedly when we say that we know
it to be the best and most popular medicine
in the world.
MAGNOLIA WATER.—StlperiOr to the best
imported German Cologne, and sold. at half
the price. tf
A son of Henry Honstein, of this
borough, who has been employed as a
boat driver, met a serious accident on
Wednesday last. At Jackstown, near
Lewistown, there is an embankment
forty.five feet in height, along Which
the mules aro driven, and it was while
at this point as be was sitting on his
mule, the animal stumbled and the boy
losing his balance was precipitated
headlong amid the rocks below. His
head and body were badly bruised,
and he was picked up insensibld: Ile
is now at home receiving medical
treatment, and is recovering slowly.
NEW Goons.—Our readers would do
well to notice that J. R. Carmon, of
the firm of Cunningham & Carmon,
has just returned from the east, where
he has purchased a very large stock of
seasonable goods which will be dispos
ed of at reasonable prices. They are
now selling Groceries and Dry Goods
lower than any house in town, and
persons desirous of purchasing their
Fall goods would save money by call
ing on them. They take all kinds of
produce, such as grain, potatoes, eggs,
butter, etc., in exchange for goods.
Mrs. Gen. Grant writes :--"It affords
me groat pleasure to bear witness to
the excellence of the Grover & Baker
Family Sewing Machine. I have had
one in my family-for some years, and
from what I know of its workings, and
from the testimony of many of my
friends who use the same,l can hardly
see how any thing could be more com
pleto or give better satisfaction. The
machine i have is one of the most ele
gant I have ever seen."
Home once More
Henry & Co. have just returned from
the cast with the finest lot of goods
ever brought to this town. Tom un
derstands buying and has bought a
selection to please all. Ho has given
special attention to ladies dress goods,
Furs, Ladies' saeques, and the pret
tiest shawls. Why ho has! Go see
thorn, Ladies.
Millinery and Dress Making.
The undersigned respectfully informs the
public that she still continues the Millinery
and Mantuatuaking at her residence, on the
corner of Mifflin and Bath streets, in the
building Occupied by L. Frank Wattson, in
all its various bronchus.
Gentlemen's Shirts made to order, and
satisfaction guarranteed. Paper patterns of
all sizes and shape, from the Eastern cities,
constantly on hand, at liberal prices.
Thankful to the public for the very liber
al patronage heretofore extended; she re
spectfully solicits a continuance of the same.
seB MRS. L. A. lIAMER.
Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing
Mrs. B. Annie McCabe respectfully in-
forms the public that she has removed to the
house formerly occupied by H. McManigill,
on Washington street. and is prepared to
make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Clothing, of
all kinds. She respectfully invites a full
share of patronage. 4137
VEX. Motattahan, Stone & Isett, sole deal
ers in the Geiser Thresher and Separator and
triple power. jel6-51n
WA- The best Drills at bleLanabau, Stone
& Isetes, Hollidaysburg. jel6.4in
far MeLanahan, Stone Sr Isett keep the
repairs of all their instruments, and can be
had any time. jel6.sra
Dar Farmers, go to McLanaban, Stone &
Isett, of Hollidaysburg, and buy your Agri
cultural Implements, for they have the best
assortment of agricultural implements in the
State. . jelG•sm
Carpet Weaving
Mrs. Matilda Pheaeant is prepared to
weave rag carpets, and solicits patronage
fom a generous public. Residence Wash
ington Street, West Huntingdon. tf
SaarGo to Henry & Co. if you want
a stylish Shawl, 8 ett of Fure, new
style Sacque. it.
In this place, on the 16th inst, by
Rev. R. E. Wilson, Mr. MILES .04Y14,
of Alexandria, to Miss BARBARA Hu
mour, of Huntingdon.
Sept. 16, by Rev. J. J. Kerr, Mr. S.
EBERT, of Huntingdon,' Pa.
Sept. 22, by the same Mr. W. H.
PRICE, - Schellabnrg, Bedford Co., Pa.
and Miss MOLLIE 4. COMPHIR, Newry,
Blair county, ?e.
Sept. 23d, by the same, Mr. W. S.
CARSON, Newton Hamilton, and Miss
CHARITY GUFF, same piped.
On Thursday 16th inst., at the
bride's father, Mr. OEo.-W. .130)VE!t13EX
of Shirley, to It M4ny 11. SUNDER
LAND, near Itlc-Veytown.
Sept. 224, in Huntingdon, KATTE
KURTZ, daughter of gp. premiah and
Mrs Christie Spouse, nged 2 *years, 11
Plonths and 1§ days. •
Mn. EDITON:—In allthe history of
Huntingdon County, I dare say, there
never was a man who stood so high in
the estimation of the - peoPlo - as our
present United States Senator, Mr.
Scott. It was not ddivided honor, as
far as parties were concerned, but the
feeling was unanimous; his name was
echoed far and near in words of praise
and honor by the members of the De
mocratic as well as the Republican
party. Why, sir, the people almost
worshipped the man, whose principles
seemed based on a foundation as that
of the everlasting hills; and whose
sense of honor and integrity towered
(like the Egyptian Mountains) far
above the common mass of party cor
ruption and littleness which floated
around him. Then he stood like the
towering oak, looked upon by his less
er brothers with awe and reverence,
who with mingled feelings of pride
and respect, to think that one of their
number should have been lifted to such
an- exalted position, looked up from
beneath the shade of his outspreading
But alas for the frailty of human
hopes and idols; they alike, when
brightest and most de% oitly wo'rship•
ped, crumble into dust and are looked
upon with disdain; and it may be, per
chance, a sigh is heaved
„as the be
holder thinks of bow it might have
There is at the present time, as your
readers aro all aware, one of the most
exciting campaigns, as far as the °lee•
tion of county officers is concerned,
that the county has ever witnessed.—
The cause of which is, the endeavor of
a certain faction of the Republican
party (at least they wish to bo known
as members of the same) since they
have found they can no - longer hold
the reins, to split the ticket and in
that) way defeat those who have
already defeated them, and that, in a
'Mare honorable and principled man
Among the leading Members of this
faction or 'Piny; is the above mentioned
Mr. Scott, .IsTow let mo ask the ques
tion---was Mr. Scott supported by the
whole of the Republican party or was
he supported by only part of it? Most
assuredly by the whole of it. Then
why does he turn round in the face of
all this, and endeavor to defeat his
own patty, aye I his own neighbors?
Mr. Scott should remember the "Gol
den Rule," of at least the "Silver Rule."
And in the eyes of all sensible persons,
it seems to be the least thing that a
man, holding the position ho does,
should stoop to attempt. Why it
would be a small enough matter for a
potty politician to resort to, let alone a
statesman holding an office, if any
thing, superior to that of President, as
far as the interest of the people are
It Air. Scott desires to retain the con
fidence and esteem of his fellow-men,
let him remember that he will not do
so by attempting to defeat the nomi•
neon of his own party. ANON
Superfine Flour per barrel... $5.25@5.75
Extra Flour per barrel $5.75®6.25
Bye Flour per barrel $615®13.50
11.1 Wheat per bushel $1 36@1.50
Rye per bushel $1.12(4)1.20
Corn per bushel 1.16g1.18
Outs per bushel 50@57ct8.
Paranyrion, Sept 2 7,1509.
Spring Wheat Flour per barrel $600(916.75
New Wheat per bushel $1.39@1.35
Corn per bushel 95@1.00
Cala per busbel brals2cle.
llys per bushel $1.19®115
Tae Toss, &pt. 27.—001 d eloped at $1,35.
FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel, " $4.50
Extra Flour, do 5.25
Family Flour, do - 6.25
GRAIN—Rod Wheat, per bushel, 1.10(0.1.25
White Wheat, do 1.35
Bye, do 1.00
Corn, new, 750 do old, 90
°Ate, do 40
Barley, do 1.20
Seen—Timothy, do 4.00
Flaxseed, do 2.00
Cloverseed, per 64 lbs. 7.00
PROVISIONS—,Potetoes, per bushel, 36
Dried Apples, do 2.00
Corn Meal, per cwt., 2.25
Dried Peaches, per pound, 18
Dried Beef, do 22
Lard, do 20
Pork, do 12
Butter, do 30
Cheese, do 20
Eggs, per dozen, 18
11 am, 23
Side, 20
Shoulder, 18
Cont.—Hard coal, per ton, 7.00@7.90
Broad Top coal, do 3.000/ 3.50
LIMITER, per 1000 feet, 12.05®,30.00
&moues—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00(0,12.00
Joint Shingles, do 5.00e1.6.00
MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, . 7.50
Bran, per cwt., 1.25
Hops, per pound 40
Wool, do 45050
Hay, per ton, . 10.00
.11ides, . 6@7
Green Apples, do 5005
Onions, do 75
Um centered to the second floor in Read's Now BnPd.
ing, uhere he intends to keep constantly on hand the
latest styles of
CLOTHS, CASSINIER 1.. a. AND vEc.pf3lg.
Being a practical N‘orkinatt of wary yewsekpel loam.
ho Is prepared to make to otd.r Clothing for nom and
boys, awl guarantee npat, dur,tb!e and fashionable work
manship. Ile is determined to please over body.
,f -All are Invited to call nd examine my' new
stock of beautiful patterns before purchasing elsewhere
Huntingdon, 'Mph. 9
SELI,. . .
The partnership lieretufoto existing between C. a
Baird and Wm. D. Eras, tinder the firm of Baird 4 Leas,
near Shirleysburg, in Einar:tin Ettd'Milling business, has
this day been dissofved by inittnal consent. The Mill
books and all of the elltfins difo sato Sera ore is the Londe
of Win. B. Leas, and 'MO duo lam, by an arrangement
made in our settlement. Ali pereOnslittiebieti ore urged
to call and pay up. C. G. BAIRD,
Sept. I, iota. WM. It LEAS.
The Milling and Sawing will be conducted by the on.
dersigned, and be hopes' 'by a close attention to business
to receive 11, Ilherarldfitte of public patronage.
• sel6.4ti. ' C. G. BAIRD.
From the kiln of Geo. Taylor, Markleabnrg, prof.
y chemical annlysia to ho of the boat quality, pm
atantly kept and for Bale ill any quantity, at tiiii depot pf
the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad,
az-Apply to Henry Leiner, Prop - bier of the "Broqd
'1 . 9 House,' •, jilue?o-tf
444 4 4 4
Ladies and Gentleman's Sizes,
Also, •
The Tourist or Grant Hat
Olk 'TAME/11
Candy Manufactory,
r HE undersigned have fitted up It
first-clan; steam BAKERY at the Castilian Gordon
on Church street, and are prepared to furufah all kinds
Plain and Fancy CAKES, &c.,
In large or smell quantities, et reasonable prices.
We would call especial attention of country dealers to
We manufacture all kinds of Fancy and Common Con•
fectlouerles. equal to any that cones from the city, and
am prepared to fill large or small orders on short notice
and at CI rY PRICES.
We oleo keep on hood a largo and constant supply of
which they will furnish at reasonable rates.
The proprietors natter themselves that it needs but a
trial to convince the most sceptical, and please the most
We respe:tfully solicit a liberal share of public patro
nage, and shall endeavor to merit Ito continuance.
5e1,1869 SUMMERS de Ithl LEY.
Farmers Wanting
NEW YORKER, or any other Reaper or Mower
with Self Rake, Dropper, front or rear cut, or a machine
that cuts both front and rear, nod has no point that the
knives do not work freely; Pratt and other Hay Bakes,
Gum and pin Drills, Grain and Clover Separators, Shovel
Pion a and Cultivators, and any implement of any descrip
tion, should order them of Altietenahan, Stone & Isett, or
their agents, for they Ran the largest and beat assort
ment of Agricultural Illepletnen Is nod their repairs that
is In the State. Farmers look to your own interest and
buy lour Machines where you can got the repairs In n
minute's warning.
Mannficturers and Dealers in all kindc of Agricultural
Implements, Gaysport Foundry and Machine Shop,
Hollidaysburg, Pa. apill '65-01n.
Owing to the demand for our 51achines we hare decided
to tnke all Linde of Machines in exchange for the GRO
Wo will also exchange new machinsa for old Grover &
Baker that are wenn out on out of repair, on reasonable
We base for sole thn following Machines which we
hose taken in exchange for the Grover &Baker :
1 Sing., Machine, cat sfs, will take $l6
1 Flu kerdo " 45, 29
1 Singer do ta - ill • 50
& Gibbs do " '-50. 35
1 Singer do" 60, " 45
I Parker do 60,30
All orders for the sbove;ani fur the celebrated GROVER
& BAKER Match Ines, nddress
eel Lefiter's Building, Iluntingalon,Ta.
I have been requested by the ownors of the following
Sowing Machines to digress of them If possible at the
prices annexed,. they wish to procure Singer machines
in their place:
One Grover & Baker Machine. loop stitch, in good run.
ning order, cost $OO, will take $5O; ono Florence machine
with tucker & e, cost $BO, wilt take (good order) $53,
one Grover & Baker machine, loop stitell, with box cost
$6.5, 0111 take $45; one Wilcox & Gibbs, coat $65 . %HI
take $3O; one Grover & Baker machine, good running
order, cost $55, will take $4O; one Parker Machine, with
cover, well finished, coat $6O, will take $35, ono fine
Grover & Baker Machine, never been used, coat with tuck
cr. ears hemmers &o 478, will take $7O.
Letters for information and orders for the Celebrated
Singer 3laphinp to be addressed to
July 28-tt J. C. BlAlR,lfuntingdon Pa.
TUESDAY, QCTOBER 12th, 1869.
Pursuant to tin Da of the General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act rota.
tang to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved
the second day of July. Anna Domini 1830, I, P. It. P.
e high Sheriff' of silo county of lhintlngdon,
Pennsyylania, do hereby wake known and give tuition to
the electors of the county aforesaid, that on election will
be held in tho said county of Huntingdon, on the let
Tuebtlay after the second Monday of °etcher. (being the
Lab day of OCTOBER.) at which time the following of
ficers will be elected:
Ono person for the office of Governor of the Common
wealth of Penns3lvanta.
One person for the office of Judge of tho Supremo Court
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Two persons to represent tho counties of Huntingdon,
J JJJJ iota and Dlifin , in the House of Representatives of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania..
one person for the office of District Attorney of Hunt
ingdon county.
One person for tho (Mice of Prothonotary of Hunting.
don county.
one petn for the oftico of Register and Recorder of
Ila nti ngdon county.
Duo person for the calico of Treasurer of Huntingdon
One person for the Oleo of Comity Commissioner of
Hun t ingolon county.
Uuu Peteon for the office of Director of the Poor of County.
one pet eon for tpo office of Auditor of Huntingdon Co.
In pursuance of hid 'act, I also hereby make know n and
give notice, that tho places of holding the aforesaid spe
cial election in the sordid election districts so ithin the sold
comity of Huntingdon, aro as follows, to nit:
Ist district, composed of the tow nship of Henderson, at
the Union t . lchool House. '
2.1 dirt lot. cotnposed of Dublin township. nt Pleasant
Hill School house, near Joseph Nelson's, in said too nship.
district, composed of so much of Warriorsmark ton rt
ship, as is not included in the 19th district, at tho school
Imnse adj ll lllillg the town of WOrriOrtiMark.
4th .Ih.t I let, composed of Duo township of Hopewell, qt
though and Ready Furnaco.
Ms fifth let, composed of the township of Barrett, nt the
home of James Livingston, in the town of Soulsburg, fu
said ton nshin.
Oth .list ict, composed of the borough of Shirleythurg,
and ail that part pf the township of Shirley not Meiotic,'
nithin ilia limits of District No. 24, RS hereinafter men
tioned nod described, at the house of David Flukey, dec'd,
hi Shirlossburg
tw r i tt
district,composed of Porter and part of Walker town
g r
Throbuinat.lacr,iieosi, to
an:s wit:
P ant eg l
ship, nod so much of West tqWnElhip is included in tho
l i r
lotnintc bank of the Little
l i ng at the south-west
Juniata sleet. to the lower end of Jackson's narrows,
thence in a northwesterly direction to the most southerly
part of the Lien. owned by
m ß r
Michael Maguire, thence north
40 degrees nest to tho top of mountain to inter
sect thu lino of Franklin township, thenco ntdhg the said
Into to Little Juniata ricer, thence down the same to the
place of beginning, nt the public school limbo ohp'othe the
German Reformed Church In tho borough of Alexandria.
Ith distt ict, somposed of the township of Freohlin, at
the house of Geo. IV. 3latterit, In said tow
9th district, composed of Tell township, t the Union
school house, near the Union Meeting house, in said tire.
10th district, composed of Springfield township, at the
school house, near Hugh Maflerl - 11. irl township.
11th district, composed of Union township, at Grant
schoollousq, in the borough of Mapleton, in said twp.
12111 istriet,cohipeoed of Brady ton nalhp, at tho eentre
school I ohm, In sold township.
13th district, composed of Morris township, at public
teb o 9.llloigto Np. 2, in said township.
14th district, composed of that part of West township
ant included in 7th and 26th districts, at the public school
houtto on the them now owned by Mileti Lewis, (forniorly
owned by James linnle,) In said township.
15th district, composed of Walker township, tt the house
of Benjamin Magahy, in Ill'Connelistown.
16th!diptrict, composed of the tmettahlp of Tod, at the
Hteell echool bodes, in sold ton hellish'
17th district, composed of Oneida township, at the bdrise
of William Long, Warm Springs.
lath district, composed of Cromwell township, at the
hope now occupied by David Ethics, Iq Orbtsoni is.
Igth district, composed of the borough of Biril nglieni,
with the several tracts of land near to and attached tq the
same, now owned and occupied by Thomas M.Owens, John
K. McCahan, Andrew Robeson, John Gensiroer and Wm.
Gonsimer, and the tract of land now owned by George and
John Shoenbergrr, known as the Porter tract, situate in
the township of Warriorsmark, at the public school house
In said boiough.' :
. 20th district, ccimposcd of the township . pf Cash pt the
public school house in Cassiille, in wild tdwinifilp.
21st district, composed of the township of Jackson, 00
the public house of Edward Littles, at bicAleavy's Fort,
In Bald township.
22d district, composed of the tbulishlp pf Clay, at the
public school house in Scottsville.
23d district, composed of the township of Penn, at the
public school house in Marklesburg, in said township.
24th district, composed and Created as follows, to wit:—
That all that part of Shirley township. liquiipgdon coun
ty, lying and being within the following deset Wed boun
daries, (except the borough of Mount Union,) namely ;
Beginning at the intersection of Union and Shirley
township lines aI th the Juniata river, on the south this
thereof; thence along said Union township lino for the
distant° of three miles frem said fiver; thence east
unrdly, by a straight line, to the point where the main
from Eby's mill to Germany valley, crosses the summit of
Sandy ridge; thence northuardly along the summit of
Sandy ridge to the Fiver Juniata, and thm,ce up said river
to the place of beginning, shall Id:Miner form a separate
election district; that the qualified voters of said election
dish ict shall heicafter hold their genend and township
elections in the public school house in Mount Upiqn, is
said district.
23th district, composed of nll that part of tin Borough
of lit.ntingdon, lying east of Both street. and also all
those parts of Walkerland Porter townships, heretofore
voting in the Borough of Huntingdon, at the c .st win
dow of the Court House, in said Borough.
2611, district, composed of all that part of the Borough
of Huntingdon, lying west of Bath street at tho west
window of the Court How, in said Borough.
27th district, composed qr tlio borough of Petersburg
and that part of West toWilsitiP, ivest and north of a line
between Henderson and West townships, nt or near the
Warm Springs, to the Franklin township line on the top
of Tussey's mountain, so as to include in Ilia now district
the houses of David Waldsmllli. Jacob Longenecker, Thos.
Ranter, James Porter, and Jolin Wall, at tho seitoot-house
In the lailhhgb of Petersburg:
28111 district, composed ofJuniata township, at the house
of John Peightal, on the lands of Henry Isenberg.
20th district, composed of Carbon township, recently
erected out of a part of the territory of Tod township, to
wit: commencing at a Chestnut Oak, onthe summit Ter
race mountain, at the Hopewell townshliflino opposite the
dividing ridge, in 800 Littlo Vnliny; thence south fifty-two
degrees, east three hundred aid sixty implies, to a stone
heap on the {Vested:l Summit of Broad Ton mountain;
thence nbrth sixty-coven degrees, east threo hundred and
twelve porches, to a yellow pine; thence south fifty-two
degrees, east seven hundred and seventy-two perches, toll
Chestnut Oak; thence south fointeen degree., efilt Hiroo
hundred and fifty ono retches, td :: Chestnut at the cad
end of Henry S. Oreen's hold ; thence south Oda and
a half degrees, oast two hundred and ninety-four perches,
ton Chestnut Onk on tile summit of n spur of Broad Top,
on the western side of John Terrel's facto; south, s
flea degrees, cost nine hundred and thirty-40pr perches, to
a stone heap on Otto Clay Wh:ship lino, nt the Public
School House, in tho village of Dudley.
30th district, composed of the borough of Coalmont, at
tho,publio school house in said borough.
31st district, composed of Lincoln township, beginning
at a pino on tho summit of Tussey mountain on the lino
between Blair and Huntingdon counties, thence by the
division lino south. firty.eight degross east seven bund;
red :UM ninety-eight perehos ton black oak in middle of
township; thence forty-two and one half degrees east
eight hundred and two perches to a pins on summit of
Terrace; thence by line of Tml township to corner of Penn
township; thence by the lines of the too nship of Penn to
the:tun:hilt of Tussey mountain; thonco along said sum
mit with ine cif Blair county to place of beginning, at
Coffee, Ilan School House.
32st district, composed of the borough of Mapleton, at
ho Oraut school house in said borough.
district,composed bf lila borough of Mount Union,
t school house No. 1, in said borough.
31th district, composed of the Borough of Broad Top
City, at the Politics School house, to said Borough.
I also make known and give uoliee, rla lu null by the
13th section of the aforesaid act I am directed, that l•ev
cry person. excepting.justices of the peace, who shall
bold any office or appointment of profit M. trod under
the gore' intent of thu United States. or of this State, or
of any city or corporate,' district, whetlibr n coininisslon
rd officer or agent, who is or shall be employed tinder
the legislative, executive or Judiciary department of this
State ' or of the United States, or of any city or intorPc.
ratedilistrict, and also, that every momber of Congress,
and of the State Legislature, and of tho select or coin
mon council of any thy, conuuisaioncrs of any incorpora
ted district, Is by law incapable of holding or exercising
at the sante time, the nillce or appointment of judge, in
spector or clink orally election of this Commonwealth,
and that no inspector or judge, or other officer of any
such election shall be eligible to any oMco to be then vs.
red fur."
Also, that in the 4th section of the Act of Assembly,
entitled "An Act rotating to executions and for other
purposes," approved Aprillt3th, 1840, it is enacted that
the aforesaid Ilth section "shall not be Fs, construed as
to prevent any militia or borough officer from serving as
judge, or inspector or clerk of soy general or special
election in this Commonwealth."
By the net of Assembly of 1865, known as the Regis
try Law, it is provided us follows:
1. ' , Election Offiem Id ere to open the polls between the
hours of six god seven, A. M., on the day of election.—
Before six o'clock in the morning of second Tuesday of
October they are to receive front the County Commis
sioners Ono Registered List of Totem and all necessary
election blanks. and tinny are to permit no mon to vote
'show name is not on said list, unless lie shall make
proof of his right to tote es follows:
2. Tito persen wham name is not on the list. claiming
Ilse right to vote ffillst produce a qualified voter of the
district to swear in a wt itteo or printed affidavit to the
reside ace of the claimant in the district fur at least ten I
days next preceding said election, defining clearly
when the residence of the person was. '
3. 'I he party claiming the right to vote shall also
make an affidavit, stating to the Mot of his knowledge
anti belief where and when he was born, that Ito is a
citizen of Pennsylvania and of the Unitedstates, that he
has resided to the State one year, Or, If formerly a att. '
eon therein and removed therefrt, thilt he Inns resided
therein six wonting next preceding said election, that he
has not MOM into the district ror the purpose of voting
therein, that he has paid a State or county Mx within
two years, 1411'6 11118 assessed nt least ten slays before
Ono election, and tine nilidavit shall state when and
where rho tax was toxessed and paid, and tile tax receipt
must ho produced nukes the ufflant shall. elate that It
has been lest or destroyed, r that Me received none.
4. If the applicant be a anturnifieni citizen, he must,
in addition to the foregoing proofs, slate in his affidavit
when, where, and by what coin t ho was naturalized and
pi Mao his certificate of naturalization.
5. Every person, claiming to ben naturalized citizen.
aluither on the region y hgt, ur producing affidavits us
aforesaid, shall be required to produce kis naturalization
certificate at the election In fore voting, except where be
has been for ten years consecutively a voter in the die
ti Jet %here he offers to vote; and on the vote of such a
person being a eceived, the Election Officers are to wilts
or stamp the word "voted" on Ids certificate With the
month and year, and no other veto call be og,t that day
in via me of said certificate except where soils ate entitled
to vote upon the naturalization of their [admen
6. If the person claiming to vote who Is not registered
shall make an affidavit that he Is a native born citizen
of the Uultad States, or, if born eletra bore, obeli produce
evidence of his naturalization, or that he Is entitled to
cilia, nship by reason et his father's natutalization, and
further, that he le between 21 and 22 years of age, and
Imo resided In the State one year, and in 'the election
district ten days next preceding o election, be alien ins
entitled to vote though he shell net have paid takes."
In accordance with t no provision of the Bth section of
an act entitled further supplement to the election
Leas of this Commonwealth," I publish the following:
WIILREAB By the act of the Congress of tine United
States, entitled "an act to amend the several nets hereto
fore pawed to provide for the enrolling and calling out of
the national forces, and for other purposes," and approved
Starch 3d, 1865, all persons who have deserted the milita
ry or naval service of the United States, and who have not
been discharged or relieved from the penalty or disability
therein provided, are deemed and taken to have volunta
rily relinquished and forfeited their rights of citizenship
and their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of
§Tercising any rights of citizens therebf;
,}nil whereas, Persons not citizens of the United States
are net, under the Constitution and laws of Pennsylvania
gunlifled electoi s of this Commonwealth.
Scampi 1. Pe it enacted, rfc, That in all elections here.
after to ho held in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlaw
ful for the judge or inspectors of any such election to re.
delve any ballet or ballots from any person or persons
embraced In the provisions and subject to the disability
imposed by said act of Congreseripproved March 3d, 1865,
and it shall be unlawful for any such person to offer to
rote nny ballot or ballots.
s re . 2, That Irony such judge and inspectasof election,
or Inv mu of them shall receive or consent tv receive any
tullua fill ballot or ballots from any suet disqualified
person, he or they so offending shill be gui ty of a mis
demeanor, nail on conviction thereofin any ourj'of qua
ter sessions of this cohfinenwealth; he shelf for each of
fence, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less then one bun
dred dollars ; and to undergo ant imprisonnleqt is the
F ill
of the proper county for not less than sixty dor.
Sec. 3. That if any person deprived of citizenship, and
disqualified as aforesaid, shall, nt any efectioq here:titer
to be held in this commonwealth, vote, orleipler'tir the
officers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot dr halloo, any
person so offending shall he deemed guilty of a tubules
meaner, and on conviction thereof In any court of garter
sessions of this commonwealth, shall for each offence be
pimithed in like manner as is provided in the preceding
section of this net in case of officers of election receiving
any such uniaa fel ballot or ballots.
SOCTION 4. That if any person shall hereafter persundo
or nde Ise any person or persons, dept 'Ted of citizenship
or disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any hallOt or ballots
to the office's of any election hereafter to be held in this
Commonwealth, or shall persuade or (Idyls°, any such
officer to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person
deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, such
person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
apon conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions
of title Commonwealth, shall be punished in like manner
Is pros bled in the second section of this net in the case of
officers of such election leeching such unlawful ballot or
Particular attention is directed to the first section of
tpo Act of Assembly, passed the 30th day of Match A. D.,
1596, entitled "An Act regulating the manner of Voting
Rt. all Elections, in the sel•eral Counties of fills Common
"f hat the qualified Voters of the several (mingles of this
Cominfinuenlth, lit all general, township, borough and
special elections, ire hereby, hereafter, authorized and
required to vote, by tickets, printed or written, or partly
Printed and partly n alien, severally classified as fol lows:
One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of courts
voted for. and be labelled outside "Judiciary ft" one ticket
Shall embrace all Ills names of State oMeers voted lot,
and be labelled "Plato ;" one ticket shell embrace tho
names of ell county officers voted for, including office of
Senator, member, end members of Assembly, if votell for,
and members of Congress, if voted for, and labelled
"county iu One ticket shall embrace the names of all town
ship officers voted for, and be labelled fftownehin;" one
ticket shall inribrace the names of ell borotigli olficerS
voted for, and be labelled "borough ;" and each class shall
be deposited in separate ballot boxes.
ru, ,"ant to the proyisions contained in the G7th section
of the nct'eforGsaid: tIIG judges of tho aforesaid districts
shall respoptively folio elierge of the certificate or roturh
of the election of their respective districts, and produce
them at a steeling of ono of the judges from each district
at the Court House ' in the borough of Huntingdon, on the
Haiti day after Lino day of election, being for the present
year on Friday, the 6th of November next, then Mid there
to do and perform the ditties required bylaw of cold Judges.
Also, that miters &judge by sickness or unavoidable sect'
dent, to unable to attend said meeting of 4pdges, then the
certificate 'or return aforesaldaltall be token in cliai•go by
one of the Inspectors or clerks of the election of satti
triet, and shall do and perform [lto duties required of said
judge unable to attend.
Also, that in the 61st section of said net It is epacted
that "every plena add epeolal election email he optined
between the hoots of eight end ton in the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjournmeqt fin
11l seven o'clk. in the evening, when the polls shall be
closed: ,
GIVEN under my hand, at Huntingdon, the 14th day of
Sept:, A. D. 1809, and of the independence of the Uni
tpd States, the ninety-second.
D. IL P. NEELY, Sheet!.
Hiptlpgdou t Eept. 15, 1849
Cu niughain& s)
Cdrner of rtgload akdritontgolitery St!.
E would call special attention to
the daily antral ofCIIOIOE ANDISNAUTIVPI.
GOO S, which aro offered at
Tempting, Prices ,
&lodating of BeautinilWs of all *bade., all Woo
Poptine, Alpaca., Melange., Armnra, Chintzes, arnOst
beantifol line of fine Cambrioe, Barred Afd4lp,➢jtln;
looks, Oinghams, and fitherithraya.
ALSO, a full lined Domestic Goode, iamb as
Flue Brown Muslim, 40 luphoe wide, Mengled Muelip
from to '414 inrila wide, icePtIAF Jee Ftmmere
CoNaivete, p„
Oqf stock of SHOES excels anything of the kind this
tide of Philadelphia.
ALSO, a largo and well selected steels H4TS saw
üble tar the season,
We make a specialty of this article, and have en hapd
q Tory fine aesortment of
which will ha sold lower then CAN be sold by any other
house outside of Philedelphld. We hap olop pp hlmil n
largo stock of
which wo ore sellitig eery low.
In order to be convinced that ours is the place to buy,
call nod manilas Mir good' and pieta
We take pleasure in shdwidg oUr goods, even If Soil do
not wish to buy. the you will please call and get posted
Ott. 28, 1668-ti.
Bartol cits T:Seile)
We nre now offering an entire
stock of goods at reduced prices. in order to make room
for our tall stock. We "kill cull
Menu, @loto 18 onto por yard
DeLain, ®lB to 20
Oinghatit, 30 16 to 36
Yugar, igill to 18 per pound
Molasses @soto 00 PM gallon
test Lovering Syrup, at 112. Shoulders 12 per lb
flame, Ploln, 23 holt/A per pound ; Clear Sides, 21 per lb.
Shore sbicerol. No. 2, $5,26 Earl< barrel. Shoes and
Lomb. at greatly reduced priers. Come and see ourgoods
and be convinced teat it 'will be to your Interest to bay
informs o, tho ppwlc that he hag Put
101 oponed at him old atapd hi the Diamond,idke
A Fine Assortment of all kinds of
For Ladies, Gentlemen nn# gPilldren.
All of which he xlll poll at fnle. prlceo. Qyipk mks and
sfitall pr.fils. Call and examine my stock.
Manufacturing and Itepntrlng clone to ordpY 9a penal.
Iluntlngdnn, Ap. 14, 1089.
Boot and Shoe Emporium,
Respectfully infertile the citizens of IlontingdOn and
vicinity thdt ho hasjilat reeelted (him the city a time and
splendid stock of
Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks,
Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c.
all of 'glitch he is prepared to fell 4t greatly reduced prices
Don't forgot the new stand in the Diamond. Old Gusto:
mere and the public rare invited tR i ill.
Huntingdon, ap. 7, 1860.
'ft•-ilnsjust returned from the east with 0 64 "
Which ho offers to the In s pection of his customers and
the public generally. Ile Ipl Egli his Mock at. the meet
and those y ( lm purchase once will surely call again.
and REPAIRING done in the neatest nod moat expedi
tions manner.
Call upon Mr. Schaeffer et his shop on 11111 street, a
few doors west of the Diamond. ap. 14, 188
are down In Woo at
BOQI, & ShQ MartgadOry,
'French Calfskin Boots, 'Welted, 85:00
u • w w l+o
ootiu g ,
CI pegged, 6:00
cdtched, 5:00
French Calf high walking Shoo, stitched, 5;00
French ICI Boots, age%
- P, : LOP
Pegged, 6:00
Sip Brogans. 3:00
'lbis to what I can do br cash:. Couto and try me. All
hinds of repairing done at reduced prices and at. 114
"hottest notice.
Augu4 18. 31.
.F,1848 111-11TEB
•, • •
titer A,bin.tfistintnto.
READY fl.l)l3•FtliG,
Suitable for all Buildings, Drreßinge, Willi, Ciiirriiima
Factories, dp, apd for all climates; angel!) , adapted to
Hat or steep l•oofe, and can be applied by any ordinati
Is more durable than tin, and does net cost otifvhali
much. It is cheaper than shingles, far more durable,
and fireproof. It is made of the heaviest Wide ever mpg{
for the purpose, and is put up in rolls ready for shipment
to any part of the world. send for circular and samples
(sent free.)
Wo also matofacturo
For repairing nil kinds of leaky roofs, chimneys, sky
lights, to. This Booing Cement forms a ppm:nal:malt asis
hesiva coating over lbw b-hgre spribcO7S nil roofs, '4014-
er tin, shingle or composition, completely closingJß
leakages, and being composed lai - gely grgund grau p,
and hardens, mid coop pecptiae
Slate of Slogs covering.
For coating Tin end all kinds of metal and cotnpositioti
roofs, It will not run, crack, or peal off, but form a per
manent and perfect protection, wherover placed. It IS
furnished at half the cost, and pommel twice the dnra•
Willy of the common oil palate peed for ellcb purpose*.
County right! formic
For Circulars And all parOcolora, Ad4reas
sel-9m 81 MAIDEN LANE, N. yi
- 33 .A.T-Maartalf -
47 1 04'.
We oiler to Farmers, the present fall season, BAUGWS
highly improved.
itangh'e Raw Bono Super Phosphate is, as It name in
dicates, prepared by dissolving Raw Bones in Oil of Vit
riol—that lb, bones thatimro not beeq dem of their
organic matter—the grease and glue - by bu rpin g 4'l*
king. It, therefere. presents to the Iles of thhe farmer
ell the valuable properties of Raw Bones la a highly ppm
centrated form—rendering it at once Elulck in action and
very permanent.
Farmers are recommended to purchase of the deal•
er located in their neighborhood. In sections whore no
dealer layer established, the YIIOSPHATIC may bo prof
cured directly from the undersigned.
office, No. 20 goi4v4. Delaware Aireritre i
' CLASS op -
Good Black Silks,
Melodeon Covers,
Expensite Shawls, Fine rigon OnPi.
ore, Fine Dress Goods, Double p 4:
mask Cloths, Pillow Linens,
Finest Black Mohair, Fruit
Doylies. Good Plain Silks,
Moire 'Antique Napkins.
P. B.—We keep n eteek of Good Geode, adapted to {bp
dolly wants of families. e 01.6
We manufacture a Chemicaliy Pure OARBONATS
Alms, Manufiseturern, Deportees aril Dealers in 01
grades and nualitles LHAD pad ZINC won, Mi r
Solo Manufacturer:l of the celebrated Permanent BY&
lAN ()BEEN, with more Bri'Nutley, BEaktital &ado or
Color, Body and durability tßau auy other Grata in Om
Also, Solo ithsoufeeturers of ncl. 4, CO's gelehmte4
JAPAN DRYER, very thin, light in color, free of sedk.
moot, end very strong.
Dealers also in Oils, Turpeutine, VaTnlqiel, 19111 1 1 , 0!
Glass, Brushes, &c., &c.
Prices low, and all goods warranted as represontal,
xcx,Niairl. ge go„
Manufacturers, Invertara,l7l4esalupealera,
llS.fienil for PRICE LIST
State Agricultural Society.
TDenveylvAnia State 4 .vgriewto:
rid Society will hold its ilext E.Odbitioh at
;And to continue FOTIR DAYS,
Evhlldfors got he yeguired to pay lin Entry foe-.
hut will make their kotrlelt - lander the usual regulations
at the office of the Secretory, free of charge.
Ehtries will open Sept. 7 , apd close Monday evening,
Pept.27, at 10 o'clock, P. M., at the of of the Secretary
in IlerrisPurg, Wet which none will ho received.
For Premium Lists and other information address el.
tier of the Secretaries, at Hat rieburg.
AMOS E. KAPP, President.
D. W. SELLERS, Ree. 'Secretary.
ELDRIDGE SPCONKEY, Cetr. Secretary. , eel-td
H. C. Roux
Xlr#.s;)Prl9ir ckt MIAXAMSS,
China, Glass & Queensware t
mtiff.#;.wr ga, NORTH SIDE{
Jana 30,1809
wir.7' R CONRAD NEYErc
Inventor and Manufaotorer of tho
Celebrated Iron Frame Pianoes,
- WARNROOMS, N 0.722 ARCO sr.,
Iles recetTod Om Prize Medal of the Wprldle Oro*
Exhibition, London, Erlg. 'rho highest Prizes nwordel
IFloso and eihorover e.Thibited.
Ang.ll-31n [E.STABLISIIED 1823.]
623 Market St., Philadelphia.
Being a short and praetteal treatise do the nature, owls
he, and eymptoins of Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchitis
sand Asthma: and their prevention, treainteat, and rare
by inhalation. Sent by rani! free. Address Q. VAtt
RUMMELL, M. R.,16 West Fourteenth Se, N.Y. tlyl7
Surveyor General's ()Moe,
ffARRISB S Ell. 8, •no.
In obedience• to ito Act of Aesembly, 'approved the
eighth day of April, opo thousand eight hundred 0)14
eixty-nloo, YtY4 are hereby notified that the "VoUPTY
Lana Lien Docket," containing the list or rloplichted
lends for liuntiqgdqn count, prepared'undor the Act of
Assembly of the tw entieth of May, one thousand eight
hundred and eixty-folir, and the supplordent thereto,
has this day been forwarded to the Drithdnotorf of the
ciiiintY, at whom office it may be examined. The liens
can only hellgradated by the virefatailoorsey, interest
and fees, and• receiving points through 'thla Deplett•
Sept. 15,-6n
- -
HAIL!) and Soft, oPal for 8J J 0 6y'
• • T ci,„24l •
,{I4NRY & CQ
OZO : W. Ewe