love PREinutiv AWARDING CONtIVIITTEES t rf-, got U, anal A fthr a ltion"off the' ghntrditdoi, ool& A lg. idOltuier goeiityi to be Mad AE- untlugdori on the 6th, 7th, and Bth of Otottet,, 1669, ~Claai'l, - " T iafaa' s ,`lkkeA§olli:k Best Sta Moo, 610 3rd boot ~ Second best, 6 Bast brood mare, Third .. il ri . 1' i', 1, 3 2talbelt ', ; '; ~ Beat 3 year old; " 6 3rd " " Secopd,best , ,• .4 Beata year old 6 Third - ..• .- 7 ' ,' , 2 '2nd best , . • ..4 BeStf,,Yea,i,. 2 olsl,, ','' , '"4 3rd ... 2 2p4 belly, - ': • ,' , 3 Bost 2year old 4 3rd' ",-. '' ". - _ ~... 2Mibest ~ , , ,; t ~: 3 BekrYsierline 7 - 4 3rd .. , . ~2 2nd beat, .. 3 Best colt-9 months old or Srd .. - ' '0 'under''4 Beat Geldlng,„ . „ ~,, , 6, . , ... 3 2nd beet , I •,,,, i . ' 4 3, , a 1. , _ ~,,T , 2 Class- 9 —Common. mon. Stock. IrestMOnsght Stall 2 ion 1 , ; s6.3rd '- .. ' ' . 2nd best - ' ' ".' - '4 Best draught horse 'or' 3rd ... - 2, . :' :;; ` • 2 mare - " $ 4 Ben 3 year'Old . ' • 5 2nd beat,.. , ' , , , 6 Zed best; ..,. '-- '- 3 3rd •'" - , •. .2 3rd " 2 Beat riding do ' 4 Beet 2 year old 4 2nd best 2 2nd beat ; i 3 Srd' i". ';',i, 2 3rd " " "2 Best family do. 5 Bent yearling ~, !, ~., , 4 god be t , _ 4 2ndliest ~ . . ~, 3 3rd, ." '2, ~ , , 2 Srd'„" ' , ..„ , , ~. , ',2 tipt pair matches,, 6 Best broo dmare, . - , 5 2ndpeat . ' . 5 2nd best " . .., . , • _ '' 4 3rd " ~4 3rd .. ' 3 Beat pair mules ' 5 Best 3 year old 4t 2nd beat- • • „ , 2 n d beet 313 rd 2 Brd" . , . , ~, .2 Beat ,trotting,,horse or ; Beet 2 year oh' ' ' ' 4 mlire 5 2nd best,. . . ,3 2nd Mi' 4 ,;' r .1 , - 1 / ~1 2 : . 4 3rd " 7 7 ' ' " ". '2 3rd . •- •2 Beat, yearling, , .„,„ ~ ~ f,Beat racking do 4 2nd 'best, . - 3 2ud beat ' 3 3rd " _ ~..„ .,,,1 30_,." :„; „ ~,„_ ' 2 Beet colt, 6 Molitlie abler ~ 8e56tra1312.6-S0 4 under 4 2nd beat 3 2nd beat '' 1; :213 3iVIJ/J, Iri 2 The committee reartectfolly , rfcommend that no portion by, 6.l)ter ant lidlio. oi:friaid ta• tiioN Mal l 006, Uskinblarl oi be 2 allowed floclinbgb 7 frold , orld to 2 sMother. class. All stock of the above classes must be entered on or before 11 o'clock ofthe•second day. AWARDING Coomirresl l -John 13.31111nr, It o.locNeal, Marry Cooke, K. a, Morrison, Thee.. 1.17, Meiling, James 313 ton, 11.51cMardial:- . Class 'B-4N:eat-Stock. Short Horn Best Intl I 2nd boot Beet Cow 2nd boot, Best heifer' tad boat 2nd.bist, I Best Bull s' 3 2ud be 4 Boit Cow 5 2ntl best . 4 Rest heifer - . 4 2nd Lest a Best " ••3 12nd best. • c c ••' a 4. ": -. ,• Alderney.- • • Beet:Atilt 2 3 2ud-Lest Beii Cent. ; :, • „ 4 frudbent. - • • . 3 Beet belfe'r a tad beat., • Beet Calf.... , , . .'• ;3 , 24 l/enf,,. ,•• •,.• •;-• . 21 • Common. Beat Bork oxen - 2nd beat , • ' 4, • tr It. 2nd boat ' • 3 Beat Cow 2nd Beat 3 Beat,hoifer 3 beat 2 Beat Calf, 2nd beat Anaanma,ConNitrag.- - Ilays Hamilton, George 13011, Andrerr G. 'Nett; Wm. Briggs, Isaac Odenkirk, J. Q. Adams, Thos. N. Colder. Class .5--..Tiogs:" , ',---- ' Best Boar, ~k;v, 41 Best litter of plgs 3 2nd beet 3 2nd beat 2 Best Sow , „ , ,3 Best Chester White., 3 2nd best 5, - -.5' lc: - z - . 1,•! z i t24d - best.,,' ~.;! 4 , ." a AwenniieitOmititrzs.--;tainbilid. SteplierTs, 4). Benjamin Isenberg, Reuben Massey, Geo. Swine, Fred Schneider. Class 6—Sheep. r Bestlioggw f pcti /)acll ;$4 Ifast angwool liwis 44 2nd host? ' r - ' , , 2 2nd beie • . .' i. k k 3 Beat Southdown 4 Beet Southdown, 4 2nd best ' l' -, ', i '1 . 3 2nd best- - I 3 Best ?Serino . " 4 'Best Merino 4 2nd best • ; 312nd best 3 Beet mixed breed 4 Best lot common sheep 4 ‘4lTheanpree ,Contenerais.—lsaac 51.'NelI, James Lloyd, ROW: Goshbrn; 11:8: Greene, John Bucher. - - - Class 7—Agriaalturallmplemonts. /test plow ---_,, , 7 ~.., ft 2a4 best- • . cv 1 2nd best • s •-.- v.. , 3 Best hand corn tslteller 2 Best Subsoil do 3 2nd best 1,rl ...:, 0,„,12 Best-Clover-huller ' •-.-, 5 Vest double shovel ' - " `',2 2nd bee; ,. -- " ' - ' 4 Ind beet; .kit . " . 1 . - ,.fr ;1 Seat hay and grain' rake . 5 FENN 2nd beet. i , 3 Beet Cider mill " • 4 2nd best • 2 Beat Sorghum Mill and Evaporator, - - 3 Beat li.mrsetlireahing machine 6 2 horse threshing machine 5 Bost barrow 2 2nd beet • 1 Beat wagon lifter„ 2 2nd best -; ' 1 Beat cleft eulflvetoT , 2 2nd beet 11 B tn e d t te ll at Pl-RW: y d Beet ;81 Ind best 2 Best Orain Beln 4 2nd best - • 3 Best Cornplanter ' 2 2nd beat ; 1 Boat !dower Reaper 2nd bed 3 Beet Strew sad fodder cut ter'- - • 2 "No premiiins to be awarded ixceskto ,. /he manufacturer .or his ag e nt srst"zr S. ke , ... 4 , '''; , . ? N _ : .. 1 .::... -...4 AWARDING ‘AldiliflikL" , if. V. We'aelf,Aivlngston liobb„Sertoel Crotrey, stillerDresher& John Laport, h 6313 C B .7 — Orflinj ; Seods„ klotri§zAreal• Best Ins.4iirig"irisea s t $2 WWediirbeit '' 50 'ad has. 1 90 best cloversecd 1 00 Best bus, red wheat 2 00 second best 50 aucondllsolt , 4 Tit CS est, 1 00 best timothy seetl..•.:• : 1 00 best bushel of rye 100 second best ~. ;60, slc,oltd bf11t....-, -. „ 50 hcst barrel w hite wheat.. hop, 'ils.'rellowlcorn 'i. 00 , flour second best ' ' 501 second [fist 1.03 bcstis bite corn 100 best barrel red wheat' second best,'' -' ' ' 60 Hour 7 ' ' " '2 00 tialt'ilesset orn • 100 second bast .' - I 1 00 second best ';" - ' ' • 50 bbst barrel rye flour 100 best pop corn 50 best 501ba corn meal second Vest t • 3 I "25 yellow 100 beet oats L .. , , . 1 00best 50Ibs. corn meal, second best 50 white. . , 100 beat. barley ._ •; ; , ; 100 best bOihs. buckwheat • second best - '''' ' 50 Meal - ~ 100 Best/mckwheat - . / 001 second heel .60 AWARDING CSlrsuirr.s.-11. EL Fisher Edo and belt, henry 110/trappls it.',llßllliiiity, Andris ' W-irefiner. Class-9-- I llocb*nical. Implements ants l . ', 01:1B. §1 - ,• : '... •a. -. . - '• . Beat 2 /torso : carriage $2OO best and greatest rarity beat buggy 100 stoneware and earthen beet set single harness 200 ware ' -I 03 best Set farm harness 200 best washing machine 50 best saddle and bridle 10) bettrchorn ~ , ," 's 10 0 best pair of boots 1 00 beet Moot Teasel 1,00 beet pair.of shoots 50 beat specimen of marble' 1 best olds solo leathir ." 100 work .` . ' ''" : 200 ' best kip and calf skin 100 best cook store 1 00 best side harness and best pair horse shoes 60 tipper leather . ' 100 hest cornbyoom ;' 50 beat lot cabinet ware 200 best rake I - ' SO best and greatest sank. beet shaking toxic ;L o iVill l 9l're WO ~(to ..icP" beet_. l i '' ;, t i'i ? 5 , AWARDING CGIIMITTED,,F.... Wallace , SD eurieD s 'CDR - 1 ney. Samuel Cummings, 'Satduel•McVittyi John Sit vet , thorn. Class 10, No• I—Fruits. Best mid largest variety than 3,each labeled 200 of applei,labeled; not . second Lea 100 lees titan 3 of each, St 00 beat assorted basket or second best 30 dish of peaches . 100 kelittiozeteall apples '.•._•- Second best r • - 50 labeled 1.00 hest basket or dish of a.ond best - ,00 'quinces 100 beet dopoviolor 011400, tpeong beat „ —. . 30 labeled!' i' - i"' - 100 beet collection of plums second best 50 oof each labeled - 100 beet and greatest variety second beet. 50 of peacileh pot less i ~ , .., , • , kw/mat.oo o,oo,timtz.—John BOagberly, Israel Ore flue, Jam. Nilson, Jobs Vandeverider, Mlles Lewis. -- ... Class 11; No. 24-,Froits.,H I Beat and largest Yarlety best and /argent collee-' i •.! of peals, labeled, And - tion-of grapes grown not less than 3isch 'A-00 -, iriopen Mrilabeled 100 reeoutt beat - ": ~ il 1? . .? second best . 50 bees doz. falr pears,' la- ' best Minket Or dish of beled ~. , ~; ,1 00 native grapes. labeled 100 second beet • 50 b eat and largest variety beet ooz:winter peers, ' .: f grapes gtown under - labeled, ;.. ~, ~.r1 GO glue. labeled _ 100 second best .%: '•i. • 00 second best ' : ' .50 AntAingeri bolainrrri—R.. k.. Miller; 11, 0. noloineam, Gilbert /Leming; Heigh Cm2olngbetn, - ..TatebC. Miner,. Clasallo.' 12-L•Vogetables: - '' ''-•• Best forminin potatoes. 1 00 'best piince albert 100 second best 60 second best , ;,I f•••• ',5 .50 best daily goodrich ' 100 best cum* white ;•., t o , 'loo eecontLbest._ _ .... 50 second best 50 beeka w pit. F., ,,,, „..„,.,,,,-, ;,,,1.00 best garnet chile 1 00 seeonnebt ~., 'AO Second best r 50 best plea:Vita ape[ E1•.00 best other variety : 100 second bast, „. • 60 second best . - 60 best spotted mercers, 100 bpkt sweet polntoe,,i , 100 seebW Zest) I Ill) IfliiJio taCOnd best,.. , .--:" ~. SO bask white mercers' . ;LO beet early . roe? .-..•Yr,• :. , ..? 00 second best - 60 second best's. , . ;-..r. 45.; •50 bect-Pedila blows . .' 100 44 lotfeodtch ,•,,,, , d ,l 00 second'best' ;,'', , DO secondtbest: , `' , ,..i.; . t., t.-,AO Awennxxo comartua.---.101,n 02,1844 . 11)0:61 4 Va, otiorio nahn;llavld Rupert, ZlialAnShrtna,,:k .,se4V ' '''' ' -- , lnts, 0a.....-.,a. Citifll3 .N 0 .1 .13. No. 2—Vegetables. Best rate liege s)lll.ll e .s t -eittll'ac.: '-" ' ' ' ' l4 i lio second best 25 second best 4; . 50 bets anger beet - - 50 best mange! werttel - -60 secostfildrlTTZT,T a 2, cturd-imt 25 beef re ` -- " ----- - 50 tfist waterMelmi -- - 50 second beet 25 second best • . . 25' best tobacco, ,r 1 1 , . fdilbest egg plant CO second beat - ' '25 second best " ' ' 25 be" ? 4"4 i n i q r irbi l ltlr iP il'fl . t ; '' be l Wit ciflids '-• •••••• 8 , kr eat ..,. , . ~, 25 best °Moms- i ll .r), jro,_ so tb°"o - 2m 810 9 3 . „...1 00 second best' '-- - - 25 Sabena - best " " $0 bestnelery , , 7; 'ii i' 1 •50 Ifeetand greatest variety ; ; amoral beet,.,, i , ~,,,,,i 25 yof tomatoes , . . ;00 best cualiflewer 50 ,beaktuutllotelon' , ; :- , •)50 second best.- . .-. ••11 El A, 400 0 )td,best. .. 25 beet purnPlfins' ''''" '5O bbStbealm' -• ' ' 50 Becold best - 55 second best 25 best pie pumpkin ii-,6oll,ip,SOPßan. 60 second best , ...2.srecond_bpst ~..... ~ 25 beste d qloittnis ' 1 / . -sa bSsifftlltf;sin.iottleel 50 INC01:1.,L(14 I ! j j 24 eigpbdA4 4 /.., 11i 25 ~,I.wsluntss Comnrmuo-.Thomas B.,'Orbison, ssopo,,Bos allgi J ° h p RbodY4 Slangy - Xcrks, Cal. John file)vitL, , ',Cr r) ~. Class 1.4.7 , -Poulti7. ' . ... :. B/vidulitttgist icitteti ''''• secOnd 'Lela - '' • ' 1 3 Irr( dl7 ' pore bred fowls-. - $2 00 beet pair or trio -of Po.----- second beat ..? A ()Li 4 00 []ands -/ ,i i ~., : r t per best brahmaputraa TOG senOnd, . beat • i 5 6, second,best -., ~,,,,,-•,.ig . 1 lCal• tPfltere" . ' . . 800.. beet ddrliinki . ••••"^'"l Stetted beet ' ••t•.• • c . 6 0 j sdcollirkest — . -,., 50 beet - guides fowls ~1 00 best a/tangled lismoufgl(oo 110