ire 61obt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Sept. 22,1869. LOCAL & PERSONAL. Illeetinge Aft..liforiah Lodge, No. 800, A. M., meets second 3loaday eceningot each month, In Brown's building. Standing Stone H. R. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets tho first Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Juniata Lod No. 117, I 0. 0. F., meets corny Friday evening, third floor, in Leister's building. Mount liar Chmp of I. 0. 0. P., meets every second and fourth Tuesdays in Leister's building, third floor. Standing Stone L odge, 110. 85, I. 0. G. 2' meeta every Tuesday evening in third floor of Read's building. .Arrapahoe Tribe, No. 08, I. O. of R. It., meets every Thursday evening, third floor, Ulster's building. Young Nen's I7aistian Association meets the first and third Monday evenings each month, in Drcwn's building. Post 33, G. A. R., meets Third Monday of each mouth In Court Rouse. Town Council meat the first Friday erecting of each month. Huntingdon Lodge, No. 149, K. of P., meet% every gat urday evening, in Lehner's building. Churches. Baptist Church—Washington Street. Rev. J. W. Platt nett. Services on Sabbath : 10% a. m, 7p. m. Catholic—Washington Street. Rev.°. P. Gallaher. Ser vices first three Sundays in every mouth. Evaugellull Lutheran—Mifflin Street. Bev. J. J. Kerr. Services ou Sabbath : 10M a. m.,7 p. m. German Reformed—Church Street. Bev. S. D. Stecklo Service on Sabbath: 7. p. m. Methodist Episcopal—Church Street. Rev. R. E. Wilson. Services on Sabbath : 10% a. m., 7 p. at. Protestant Episcopal—Bill street. Rev. A. 11. Boyle, Services on Sabbath 1014 a. trt ,7p. m. Presbyterian-IBH Street. hey. G. t 9. Zalmiser. Ser vices on Sabbath: 11 a. m , 7 p.m. Brief Items. Dan Rice has a $20,000 barn. Scarlet fever is in Harrisburg. Bedford Springs are closed for the season. The Offiee'of the Altoona Firidicaiai:Jias been sold by the Sheriff. Pic-nice don't pay. The sheriff of Bedford county took Six pris oners to see Pittsburg through iron bars. The Warriorstuark Good Template held a pic-nic last Saturday. Young men between 21 and 22 years of age must be registered, if they want to vote. Almost every county in the State has four days of Fair, except Huntingdon. The Academy building and surrounding at this place, are undergoing repair. The Penna. railroad shops at Patterson are to bo removed the last day of this month. Pennsylvania spends yearly for "drinks," s3l,ooo,ooo—for schools $5,800,000. The days and nights were of equal length on the 20th inst. Nights are getting longer. A Union Sabbath School, under the aus dices of the Y. M. C. A., was organized at Smithfield, on Sunday last. The Presbyterian Sabbath School and con gregation will hold a basket pic-nio at the Cottage Grove on Friday next. Republicans, examine the registry lists, at once. If you delay in this matter it may deprive you of voting. A courteous wag in the excess of his po liteness never swallows an oyster .without saying "Good by-valre." George, son of Mr. John Foster, formerly of this place, had his arm broken at Wil liamsport recently. And another change of postage stamps is proposed. When will they stick to_ envelop ed substance? - Of seventy women who went to _Oregon from Massachusetts two years ago sixty-nine are married. We suppose one died. our papers 'should fail to - 'roach our - stab scribers in the country at the proper time, the fault will not be with us. 'Munson, Jones & Co's safe, at Philipsburg, was blown open recently,.hut the rascals be came frightened and stole nothing. Ebensburg had a murder trial last week, and in consequence there was "much peo ple," much whiskey, and much rowdyism. Has the Catakill Recorder d Democrat cut our acquaintance, or has its model publisher shuffled off his mortal coil? We have been waiting fur it three weeks. A temperance meeting was held at Peters burg, this county, on Tuesday evening last. Addresses were delivered by J. R. Simpson and G. B. Armitage, Esqs., of this place. A large and interesting Sunday School celebration was held at Miil 9!eek on last Thursday.; Nearly two hundred and fifty children 'were in the procession. Isaac llill, a brakeman on the Pacific Ex press, was killed at ,Manayunk recently, by falling between two cars upon the track, and a portion of the train passing over him. The sheds and stalls for the accommoda tion of articles and stock for the Fair, are going up. Tho people of the county, one and all, should prepare at once. - Lewis Ifolsner, who killed Philip Phalon, in a.drunken row, in Susquehanna township, Cambria county, on the 21st of July last, was convicted of murder in the second degree Bedford had another railroad meeting last week at which propositions for the construe• tion of a road from Harrisburg to that point were submitted. $30,000 have already been subscribed, and only $20,000 more required. The Assistant P. M. at this place,•J. C. Blair, informs us that our papers two weeks ago, were thrown into a and car ried on to Harrisburg or Philadelphia, there having hien no postal car furnished by the railroad company. The bones of a human skeleton were found in Clearfield county lately. They were the remains of a Mrs. Burge, who has been miss ing since the fall of 186 G. At that time she started from-her, home in Clearfield county, to..visit some friends' in Cameron county, and ,got lost and was either starved or frozen to death. — A. great many side hits are being made'ot the PLANTATION Dimas by a score or two of disinterested friends, who are endeavoring to imitate or counterfeit them. 'lt is all of no use. The people won't be imposed upon.. PLANTATION BITTERS are increasing in use and popularity every day. They, :are in the same sized bottle, and made just as they were at first. They make the weak, strong the languid brilliant, and are exhausted na ture's great restorer. The recipe and full circular are around each bottle. Clargynieu, Merchants, and persons whose sedentary habits induce weakness, lassitude, palpita tion of the heart, lack of appetite, liver com plaint, &c., will find immediate and perma nent relief in these Bitters. But, above all they are recommended to weak and delicate females and mothers. • MAGNOWA. WATER.--Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and eold at half the price. tf Farmers needing a Grairi-drill, will do well to call on Wharton & Ma guire and examine the Willoughby - . gurn-sprmg grain drill, either with or without phosphate attachment, before purchasing, tf ,SleLanahan, Stone Isett, sole deal ere in the Geiser Thresher and Separator and riple pottier. jol6-5m ser The beet Drilla at MeLanahae, Steil() & Lett's, Ifollidayebarg. jel6-laa Republican County Committee Meeting. A meeting of tomethirty committee men, appointed by delegates to the late August Repablican county convention, in accordance with a resolution of the convention, was held in the Court Room on Wednesday last, the 15th inst. Mr. B. A. Green, of 13rady twp., moved that a committee be appointed to wait upon M. M. Logan,.chairman elected by the late convention, and inform him that a por tion of the county committee appointed by the delegates that elected him were in wait ing and ready to orgonize. A committee of three was appointed, and in a short time the committee returned with Mr. Logan, who said that he did not recognize the committee as "my committee" and refused to have any thing to do with it, and retired. Mr.:Green was then chosen temporary chairman, and Mr. E. Baker, Secretary. The list of ,committee men appointed by delegates was then called over, when the fol lowing (as far as it could then be ascertained) were announced as members of the Republi can County Committee : Alexandria borough-0, W. Hewitt, W. S. Walker. Barreo—Silas Gibbony, J. A. Green. Brady—}.l A. Green, Henry Musser. Birmingham—it.Zeick, E. M. °radius. Broad Top City—Wm. Ammerman. Thos. Cook. Carbon—W. L. Benson, John Henley. Cass—Jos. Peak, Jacob Stever. Cases ille—Thos. Dean. E. D. Wilson. Clay—S. L. Glasgow. Wm. Ilampeon. Cromwell—Josh 'Molter, Thos. Lovoll. ' Continent—Levi Evans, Paul ;Conn . Dublin—ll. It. Shearer, David Cis nay. Franklin—D. Conrad, S. Tomilson. Hopewell—George Putt, Jackson Rnyeart. . Henderson—Geo. Warfel, Samuel Foust. Huntingdon, E. W.—D. Blair, Joseph Cannon. Huntingdon, W. W.—James Bricker, James Port. Jackson—James Smith, James Los. • Juniata—Samnel Hawn, Levi Ridenour. Lincoln—Win. Smith, 0. W. Shoutz. Mapleton—ll. L. Rex, Allison ureter. Morris—J. R. Templeton, D. Shoff°, Mt. Union borough—R. Myers, PAL Itadrison. blh Union district—J. K. Peterson, Inane Swoops. Oneida—James McCracken, Adolph. White. • ' Orbisonia—James Burkett,Abrm. Carothers. Porter—. Robert Laird, Diald McCaban 4 - Penn—Daniel Harris, Geo. Garner. Petersburg—J. T. Dopp. J. Dryninger. Shirleyeburg—Wm. Ilertzlor, D.P. Banker, Shirley—Robert Bingham, Wm. SPaR O EIe. Springfield—Satoh Weight. John F. Ramsey. Tod—lsaac Curium's, 0. W. McDlain. Tell—Wm. C. Jeffries, Henry Oakson. - • lint on—W. Wright, D. pheasant. Walker—J. Brun Eder, S. Paightal. Warriorsmark—A. C. Hutchison, 11. Heider. Upper West—A. Myton, J. H. Neff. Lower West—James Maguire, 3. Isenberg. Delegates will observe that where no names bare been furrdelted by them for the Committee, their own nemes have been placed en the Committeo. I would thank the Delegates to send tiro names they wish pint on where they do not jamb to net thsmeelvcs. - ~D M. PA INTER, Chairman Republican Co. Committee.. A committee was then appointed 'to wait upon Mr. Logan and ascertain from him whether he would place upon his committee the names of gentlemen appointed by dele gates in accordance with a resolution of the county convention. The committee retired, and returned with Mr. Logan'e arniwer that he would not place upon his committee the gentlemen named by delegates. After a few remarks by several members of the committee, the committee unanimously elected D: M. Painter, of Brady; permanent chairman of the Republican County Commit tee. Mr. Painter was present and took the chair, and after some appropriate remarks announced the committee ready to proceed to business. A committee, Levi Evans, 0. • K. Horton and M. L. Rex,, appointed to -draft resolu tions, reported the following, which were' unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we heartily endorse the ad ministration of President Grant, as wise, pa triotic and economical. Resolved, That Governor Geary by his ad ministration of the affairs of this Common wealth during the last three years, has pro ven himself a worthy and faithful executive and deserves to be re-elected. Resolved, That in John N. Swoops and Gen. T. F. McCoy, our candidates for the leg islature of this Representative district, we have those who are true to Republican prin ciples and worthy of the support of the Re publican party. Resolved, That we cordially and heartily endorse the whole State, District and County Ticket, and promise to give them our cordial and active support. ' I Resolved, - That the Globe and Journal tf; American, fur the firm stand they have taken fur Republican principles and the organiza tion of the party and against all guerillaism, deserve the thanks and are worthy' the sup port and patronage of the whole Republican party, and we urge upon all good. Republi cans who have not yet done so to subscribe for these- staunch Republican 'papers, and those who are subscribers, to use their influ ence in further extending their circulation. On motion, the chairman was instructed to write to the delegates from districts not rep tesented on the committee, and ascertain who they had appointed or desired should be placed on the county committee. On motion, the chair was instructed to call township meetings when :and where they might be called for.. - On motion, that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Globe and Jour nal (ET American, On motion, adjourned to meet again at the call of the chairman. D. M. PAINTER, Chairman. - E. BAKER, Secretary. Altoona Park Association. The first Annual Exhibition of the Altoona Park Association, at Altoona, Pa , will be held September 28th, 29th and 30th, and October Ist, 1809. The Premium List foots up $2,750. On stock, the premiums range from $5 to $5O, according to grade and quality. On manufactured articles, cereals and vegetable, the. premiums are equal to those of the State Agricultural Socie ty, while $1,050 will be awarded to owners of fast horses, including one premium of $5OO to the fastest trotter —mile•ificats—best- three in_ five.— There ie atc'eXcellera half bile bourse, forty' feet wide, and of easy' grade, within the Park.' There will be a grand Fireman's Parade and a trial of Steam Fire Engines, for a purse of $25 on Thursday, September 30th. Also, slow time, and velocipede races, and a race between a fast horse and a steam velocipede. All entries, except horses - , entered for speed, ARE FREE, and com petition open to all parts of this and other States. Excursion Tickets will be issued from all stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and all stock or salleles,shipped over the road nam ed, on which full faro, to Altoona, has been paid, will _be returned FREE or cmutor.l.kny turtheriddrmation do siredt.may be had by addressing E. B. Itlcertim, Searetary of the Association, at Altoona. par Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher writes to the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company : "More than two thirds of all the sewing done in my fa mily for the last two years has been done by Giover & Baker's Machine, and I have never had a garment rip or need mending, except those rents which frolicsome boys will make in whole cloth. - It is, in my opinion, by far the most valuable of any I have tried." seir NVm. B. Zeigler has just return ed from the city, where ho has pur chased large quantities of goods as ad dition to his former• stooks Also, a full assortment of fine Family Groce ries, all of which aro 'now offered for sale very cheap. Se—Farmers, go to McLunation, Stone it 'sett, of Hollidaysburg, and buy your Agri cultural Implements, for they have the . best nesortment of agricultural implement's in t 4 State. jel6-5m Carpet Weaving Mrs. Matilda Pheasant is prepared to weave rag carpets, and solicits patronage, fom a generous public. Residence Watill intuit strect, Iluntingdon. tr, A Living Rat in the Stomaa h The Altoona Tributiltniii: We call ed at the house of.,Mr.James 11. Mann residing on trirrin. st'reet, on Monday evening last, to witness . a live rat which had -been ejected from the stomach 'of -a little boy, {about_ five years, of age', the son of Mrs., Sarah Rogers. The: little 'stated by the mother, bad been playing around the yard, when -fooling no doubt uncomfortable; he canto to his Mother and displayed restlessness and sickness, with frequent evidences of strangulation, exciting the mother's fears that something serious was about to transpire. After great exertion, he threw up, to all intents and purposes, an actual living rat, : which, so far as the mother could tell, might have been swallowed by the boy, but in what way or manner will perhaps re main forever ,a mystery . The rat could not have been, from all appear ances, more than three or four days old, as it was entirely hairless—meas uring, as near as, we could judge,-not having a rule at band—an inch and a half in length, alive and kicking. A number of our ,eitizens have been call ed in ; in order to determine its pater nity and the circumstances .connected with the strange occurrence. MEM In view of the increased tendoney of public amusements in oar" commu nity, in the fortri:Wdences,,with usual derno - ralikfng accompaniments; and in view of omi - danger ordrawing• away, unestablished Ile& weak ohms tians' frOM!their "oblikatiens'lo their Lord - Jisus Christ We' the pastors of the Evangelical 'churches-residing in Ilentjagdon, unto in entering our solenin protest' tikainst the participa tion therein by : the Anembers of our! several churches, and earnestly call upon them `in - the name of The Lord to exert theirinfluence by. precept and example over those within their reach; and that they fervently pray that God may'-grant .U 8 deliverance from all love of the sinful pleasures of this world, which aro ruinous to the soul, remembering that God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sOweth that shall he also reap; whosoever soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap cor ruption. L. D. STECKEL, J. W. PLANNETT, R. E. WILSON, JAMES C. CLARICE, B. B. HAinnt, a W. ZAHNIBER, 7. I. KERR. HUNTINGDON & B RAILROAD. WINTER ARRAN° EXI On :and after THURSDAY, 'SEPT. ger Trains mill arrive and depart Re ful UP TRAINS. EXPRESS] AWL I Exrnies.l 11.1Au. '• STATIONS. I P.M. A. M. J A. M. I P•5l. Li 65 Li 40111untingdon;. lin 10 101 .484. 20 02 46 Long Siding . 10 02 4 12 17 00 McConnellstown 9 46 a 55 24 07 Pleasant Orovv, 9 37 3 48 40 22 31nrklestung, 9 22 3 32 56 38 Coffee Hun,— 0 03 3 16 7 03 46 Rough & Ready"... 8 55 9 OP 718 1 01 COTO, 840 255 724 1 05 FiellernSununit 836 251 an 7 411 10 20 Briton, , is 8 22 2 2 10 43 Rlddlesburg. ...... ... 2 08 2 I 10 52 Hopewell, ........,,... aOO - 11 lo Pipeen Run • 140 11 29 Tntesvillo, 1 20 11 45 Moody-Run,. 1 05 Al u. 523510unt Dann% Lil 00 Crl. ..... lan 8 oulmt 225 • 7 551 210 7 501 2 05 I LE 7 40ILE 1 66 Suours RUN Dlt.Vf La 7 504. a 10 20 1 2axi0n,.... 8 05 1 10 451Conlmont,. 8 101 10 50 Crawford,. as 8 20 AR n 00 Dudley, Inroad Top City,. Ilutitingdon,2ep .1011 N 01' Large Tree. There is a Maple tree on the farm of John B. Shenefolt in Cromwell town ship, this county, measuring twenty five feet and eight inches in ciretimfer once. It branches out into four dif ferent trunks fifteen feet from the ground, the main ono measuring over fbur feet in diameter, the other three from twenty to forty inches respect ively. The tree is sound and in a growing condition. Millinery and Dream Making. The undersigned respectfully informs the public that she still continues the Millinery and Mantunmaking at her residence, on the corner of Mifflin and Bath streets, 'it!' the tuilding occupied by L. Frank Wattson, in all its various branches. Gentlemen's Shirts mode to order, and satisfaction guarranteed. Paper patterns of all sizes and shape, from the Eastern cities, constantly on hand, at liberal prices. Thankful to the public fur the very liber al patronage heretofore extended, she re spectfully solicits a continuance of the same. scB MRS. L. A. lIAMER. Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing Mits. B. ANNIE MCCABE and Miss MARY REEVES respectfully inform the public that they have removed to the house formerly occupied by 11. MeMan igill, on Washington street, and are prepared to make Ladies'Dresses and , Boys' Clothing of all kinds. They re spectfully solicit a full share of pat ronage. ap7,-tf. William Penn's old family carriage has come into the possession. of the Michigan Central Railroad. The relic is over one bandied and sixty years old. A gentleman of Jackson, Michi gan, either purchased or fell heir to it, but on arrival he failed topay express charges, and .so the company took possession in default. It is ono of the most interesting relics in the country. Wohld it not be well for some of our city or State authorities to endeavor to get possession ofit? In New Jersey they have had no peach crop equal to that of the present season since, 1865. In 1860 the crop. \yeti veiy:fair. •In .1867 there, was' a. good yield. In 1868 the crop was al most a complete failure.. It'is believ ed that the crop of the year will ex ceed that of 1867 by 500,090' baskets; reaching the aggregate of 3,000,000 baskets. Some dealers estimate as high as 4,000,000. A GOOD P.LA V.E. TO STOP The FRANKLIN Revd., in the Dia: mond, in this place, S. D. iIErFNER, Proprietor, is the place for travelers, business men and the people generally from town and country to gap: The best accomodations may always be ex ( . • ?::r , :AL; Tun Jews celebrated their Noir Year on the sth inst., being the begin- ning of the year 5360 according to their chronology. A. beautiful infant girl was found in Pitt'Sburg the 'abet' day, Nv hich :,114(1: many admirers. It is to . be sold it; the laighesti•bidder at no distant' da:,; zaar MoLanaltan, Stone & Isett keep the; repairs of all their iostvuments, and can be bad any time, jel.G-sia • On - tbo 4th inst., by Rev. J. W. Love Mr. T. GEMMILL ESTEP; of Juniata iron Works, to Miss LORETTA BAKER, of Alexandria. At Danville, Pa., on the 7th - inst., by. the Bev.. Mr: Hodson, ISAAC•• D. CREIVITT; formerly of this place, to Miss Ei.r4A..WOODS„ of Danville.. At the feSidence of the brideqtath. or, in - Shaffersville,•on thetlth hist, by Rev. A. H. Aughey, Mr. M. B. BnEsis- MAN to Miss. ANNIE At. 'SHAFFER. . Sept. 10, 1869, at Newry, Blair Co., Mrs. M. SuE BAKER, wife of Dr. G. 31. Baker, of Shirleysburg, aged 25 years and 10 days. In this borough, on the 16th inst., at the residence of her son, G. Ash man • Miller, Mrs. HARRIET, wife of Jacob Miller, dec'd., aged 78 years and 11 months. - PHILADZLYNIA, Sept. 20, E 360. Superfine Flour per barrel . 0.5006.60 Extre Flour per turret $5.50®0.00 Bye Flotir per barrel 024410.50 lied Wherititer bushel 0 .50(411.55 nye per bushel 0.156110 Corn per bushel 1.16®118 Onto per bushel 50@57cts. ' Prrrentiacill, Sept. 13, 1869. Spring Wheat Elonr per barrel $6.00!¢113.75 Now Wheat per bushel , 51.30Q1.35 , . Corn per bushel ' 95®1.00 Onto per bushel 50@52ets. ltye per bushel ' $1.10(31.15 NaN YORE, Sept. so.—gold closed at $1,35%. • HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY HENRY &CO. ,WLIOLESALE PRICE& , noun—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $4.50 Extra Flour, do 5.25 Family Flour, . do 6.25 GRAIN—Rod Wheat, per bushel, 1.1.0®1.25 White Wheat, do ' • 1.35 Rye, do - 1.00 Corn, do 90 , Oats, • do 35 Barley, do , , 1.20 SEED'—Timothy, .• ' 'do •• • 4.00 Flaxseed, do 2.00 Cloversced, per 64.1b5. • 7.00 Paortmons—Potatoes, per bushel, , 40 Dried'pples, do 2.00 Corn Meal, per cwt., 2.25 Dried Peaches, per pound, 18 Dried Beef, do 22 Lard, do - 20 Pork, do 12 Butter, do 30 Cheese, do 20 Eggs, per dozen, • 18 11am, 23 Side, 20 Shoulder, 18 Conr.—Hard coal, per ton, 7.0060.90 Broad Top coal, do 3.00®3.50 LUBBER, per 1000 feet, 12.00®30.00 SIIINGLES—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00012.00 Joint Shingles, do 5.0006.00 MT.iCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, • 8.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.25 Hops, per pound 40 Wool, do 45®50 Hay, per ton, Hides, • ' 6@7 Green-Apples, do - - 50®75 Onions, do 75, , • BOURDON'S 16 JOUVIN'S KID CLOVES, Ladies and Gentlemen's 81zes, ALSO, . The Tourist or Grant Hat ,• AT • 'IMEIPaan CORNER OF THE DIAMOND, • • HUNTINGDON, PA. , , OAD TOP ENT. 16th, 1869, Raesen Iowa: DOWN TRAINS. 'KILLIPS, Supt W. U. WOODS, I=l The tirdorfßank of Ihanthxgdoi', CAPITAL, Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. liberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds f Securities, bought am! sold for the usual cominission.— Collections made on all points. Drafts on all parts of Europe supplied at the usual rates. Persons depositing, Bold nud Silver will receive the in same return with Interest. The partners aro indirid orally liable to the extent of their whole property for all Deposits. litte unfinished business of the Into firm of John Bare & Co. will be completed by The Ilnion Bank of linntingdon y21, C. C. NOIITII > Cashier. SEWING' MACHINES FOR SALE CHEAP. ' • Owing to th . e demand for our Machines we bare decided to take all kinds of Machines in exchange for. the ono- VEIt & BAKER. We will also exchange new toschinos for old Grocer & Baker that aro worn out of out of repair, on reasonable terrnm, We have for sale the following Machines which we Lama taken in exchange for tho GrOfer &pilfer : 1 Singer Machine, cot $O5, will take $45 1 Pinker do " 45, " 28 1 Singer do ' 80, 44 n 1 Wilcox & Gibbs do " SO. 35 1 Singer do', • , "„ 60,. " 40 t Packer do - " 30 All mien for the above and for the celebrated GROPER & BAKER Machines. address • • • .• OREISRE4 DROP HEE, eel Lender's Building, Huntingdon, Pa, BARGAINS. - I have been requested by the owners of the following Soiling Machines to dispose of them If possible at the prices they wish to procure Binger machines in their place: Ono Grocer & Baker Machine, loop stitch, in good ran. n Ing order; cost $OO, will take $5O; bno Florence matt:lnc, with tucker & c, cost $BO, will take (good order) $5 3 , one Ororer & Baker machine, Wei stitch, witlubox,- cost $65; will take $45; ofin c 08 1 1,6 5, MU. lake $3O; one Grover &... Baker machine, good running order, cost $55, will take $10; one Parker Machine, with corer, well finished, cost $OO, will' take $35; one fine (Ironer & Baker Machine, never,been used, cost with tuck or, extra hemmers &e , $7B, will take $7O. Letters fm information and orders for the celebrated Singer Marhine to be addressed to - !July 28-tf - J. 0. BLArn,frunerngdo., Pa. - H UNTINGDON LIVERY STABLE. Thu undersigned, having purchased the Livery Stable recently owned by Dlr. Simon Weston, are now pro. Pared to accommodate the public , will. Horses and Carel. ogee on rensOnablo terms. :gable at the rear of the Jackson Renee, near the B. T. Railroad. nue4s'69 ! LAMBETITSON Lim' .. . . , From HO kiln of quo, Taylor, Idarkleaburg, prov y chemical analysis to' bo of tho best quality, eon. etantly kept and for mlo in any quantity, at tho depot of tho Iluntingdan 104 Byoad,Tep linßroad. : AM-Apply to Henry Leister, Proprietor of tho "Broad Top !louse" june3o-tf ' " ' V01Itl: " From $2.50 upwards, atLowis Book Store. Accordnons. From $3.00 upwards, aI.I.IOWIB' Book 'Store MARRIED, DIED; MARKETS. EE:= EiEI2EMI R. 11.1£.15, DAVID MIMICS' (Leto John Bare & C 0.,) HUNTINGDON, PA $50,000 paid up, OUR COME FOR THE PEOPLE. RED FRONT ENTERPRISE STORE. Sugars. All kinds, at very small profits. Not offered low to draw you on on other goods . . Our prices to continue, low,' regularly. Syrups. The best Silver and Golden Drips, genuine Lovering and other Syrups. Now Orleans and other Baking Mo lasses. Teas A variety of kinds of best always on band cheap. Coffees. , Routed and Green, cheap as the theapost for the same quality. Meat. Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Beef, nt living prices. Cheese. The best N. Y. State Goshen and Ohio Cheese. Candies. The best stick and other candies, wholesale and retail. Flour. The best Flour by the barrel,..sael: or pound. Cheaper for the same qual ity than elsewhere. Feed By the hundred or smaller quantity GLASS & QUEENSWARE. A large stock of Ironstone and Com mon ware, in setts or by the piece.— Glassware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars, ate , at Red Front, cheap. Wood and Willow-Ware. A large assortment ,of Baskets, Buckets, Churns, Tubs, etc., etc., at lied Front. Fruit, &c. Dried Peaches and Apples, Raisins; Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,--rean nod Fruit and Vegetables, etc. Salt 13y tho sack or bushol. Also Dairy Salt. Spices, &c. All kinds of Spices, and a great va riety of notions. Soaps of all kinds and-clioap. Fish. Pickled Salmon, rladdoek, Shad, Trout, White Fish, „Mackerel, Dry Salt, Quoddy Labrador, Lake and smoked Herring, by the half and guar. ter barrel, kitt, pound and dozen. All warranted, and cheaper than elsewhere. Tobacco. 'The beet quality of Tobacco, and cheaper than any other store in town. RED STORE. Variety. For what you want first Call at itn terpriso -..tioadquarters whore,priues will be kept regularly low. ENTERPRISE HEADQUARTERS, 11UNTINGDON, GREAT BARGARN Cunningham&Carmon!s, Corner of Riilroad andNfontgotibry diet HIINTINGIION, GCWvi would call special attention the daily arrival of 011010 E AND DEA UT/FIZ , I S, which are offered at Tempting Prices , Consisting of Beautiful Stilts of all sbaici, all woo Poplins, Alpacas, Kolanges, Armors, Chintzes, a:most beautiful lino of flue Cambrica, Barred Mullin, Nola nooks, Gingham', and dritambrays. ALSO, a fall lino of Domestic Goode, inch as HEAVY BLEACHED MSLINS, Ftne Brown BlueHu, 40 incites wide, Bleacheddfueltn from %, to 24 yards wide, Kentucky Jeans, Farmers Cassimere, &e„ &c. Our stook of SllOES.omcols anything of tho kind this side of Philadelphia. ' " - ALSO, a largo and well 'elected stock HATE Bulb able for the amen. CARPETS. We make a specialty of this article, and bare en hand a emir fine assortment of DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which will ho Bold lower then OAN bo Bold by any other house outaldo of Philadelphia. We have alio on hand a large dock of rign AND Mb? Which we are selling very low. In order to be convinced that outs In the plate to buy, cult and examine our goods and prices. ' We take pleasure, in showing our goods, even If you do not whits to boy. I% you will plena° call and got posted CUNNINGHAM & CARMON. Oct. 28, 186 e-tr. EMBIZE! NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS ! 33a,x-tc•3. do 321a1e, We are now offering an entire dock of goods at reduced prices, to order to make room for our fall stock. Wo will nil Malta, 0110 to 18 ceoto per yard DeLain, 018 to 28 " " Ginobom, @lsto 35 " Bogor, ®ll to 18 per pound• Blolimeo @soto 00 per gal on ~. ~ Best Lovering Syrup, at 112. Shoulders! 10 per lb Hams, Plain, 23 cents per pound ; Clear Sides, 21 per lb. Shore Mackerel, No. 2, $5,25 per I d ( barrel. Shoes and Boot■ at greatly reduced prices. Come and see warped' and be convinced that It will be to your interest to buy from in. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA g°mtearblkt that be a t idn,eAl.l. o o2 Huntingdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which 1M trill sell at fair prices. Quick sacs and smaft prefaa. Call and examine my stock. Menufacturingand Repairing done to order an usual. Huntingdon, Ap. 14, 1169.' P,M I I/107 . .M1) TO THE N. E. CORNER OF DIAMOND. Boot and Shoe Emporinin. J JOHN IL WESTBROOK- Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that ho has iiist received from the'city a Raw and eplendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, & CAPS, Irosiery; Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, , Trunks, (ke;, all . of . which he is prepared to ecll at greatly reduPod prices Don't forget the new stand in the Diamond, Old Gusto, snore and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, np. 7, 1869. • rt , .9E0 7 ,S H r AEFFER mpUttejust returned from the east with a SPLENDID •gTOCK OP BOOTS, arrows; 0417',708, 40„ Which he offers to the inspection of Ids customer! and the public generally. Ile will sell his stook at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purohafie once will surely call again. BOOTS & §IIOES_IgABE TO L OBBER, . and REPAIRING done in the neatest and most expedii flout manner. Call upon Mr. Bohaeffer at his shop in Mu street, it' few doors weal of the Diamond. • ap. 14,18619 T IlpW .c ß? o .T§ AND SHOES LEWIS RICHTER'S Boot & Shoe Maquittotory. • French Calfskin Boots, stitched, , : ', poo R ; li , tt 's FO°t l { , g , , •1 , , - , liegied, • 6:00 • , ... ;-- ;, ._, • , , stitched, 00 French Calliligh Vahing 3hoe, patched, 5;00 I pegged, 4i50 French Kip Boots, stitched TM • 441, 41,1 41. PeliSodi 6KKI. Rip Brogans. -.- 3,116 Thli le *heti. an do fir cash. come and try me. ill hinds of repairing done (it reduced prices pod at the . • , . -.. . shortest notice. AugloW , at. awls RicaTER,- ~ ,Viturtistmets. GET THE BEST . : 4E 11.33 Y BOOFZNO,. Suitable for alflinildinie, DweHinge, Harney bhurcbes Factories,•dc., and for all climates': equally adapted to Sat or 'etbep roofs,' and rem be applied by any ordluar t workman: Trig itteby ItOOFIg4 • 'le thbrit dursihln flan thi, and does not coat Onie ' llailea' much. It to cheaper than shinglea, far xlibre dnrabla, and nr.Proof. It Is ymuld'of the hear Mat fabric ever used, for the purpose, and input up' in rolls ready forshipment te any part of the world. Bend for circular mat samples.' ' (Sent free.) GitAN.Vit, CEMENT; •.• , , Vor repotting elf'luderof leaky ioora; Chinn:ula, sgy , lights, AC: .71118 Rooffing Cement forma a permanent ruk heslre coOlhg r ov`or.the Whole surface of all roofs, whelk , . er tin, shingle co' composition, coMplotely closing fill` leakagos, and being ovripaced largely of gmund granite, idler sets arid fiardezis, and soon becohles an artificial' Blatt or Stone coverlog. ROOF PAINT, For coatitig , Tin Miff all kittdit of metal and'cotfifoettliin: roofs. It will not run, crack, or peal off, but form a per-' manent and perfect protection, wherever placed. It la' furnished at balf.the cent, and poesemee twice tbd Mint' btlity of the common oil palette need for attar purp4eo. • 'County rights for ale. FOT Circulars and all partlanlare, Aachen' BEADY ROOFING COMPANY, 81 MAIM LANE, N. Y. x el-9m 3349\37431-33%; RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, ?BADE MARK ................. STANDARD WARRANTED. We offer to Farmers, the present fall season, BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME as b.ln highly improved. Dough's Raw Bone Super Phosphate Is, as Its name In, dicatee, prepared by dissolving Raw Bones In 011 of Vit.- riol—that is, bones that have not been deprived of their Organic matter—the grease and glue—by burning or ba. king. It, therefore, presents to the use of the farmer all the valuable properties of Raw Bones in a highly con centrated form , -rondering It at once quick in action and . very permanent. IEO-Farmers are reoomnionded to purchase of the d er located in their neighborhood. In aeCtiona where no' dealer Isyet established, the PHOSPHATE may be pre. cured directly from the undersigned. BAUGH & SONS, MANOI , 6OII7II=I, Ofeoe, No. 20 South De!wrist° Avenue% rjulyl44m PHILADELPHIA. DRY . GOODS.' EYRE & LANDED FOURTH AND ARCII.STiEtTS, PHILADEDPHIA, CASH DEALERS IN THE BETTED CLASS OF , DRY GOODS. Good Black Silks, Melodeon Covers, Expensive Shawls, Fine Piano Cov ers, Fine Dress Goods, Double Da.• mask Cloths, Pillow Linens, Finest Black Mohair, Fruit Doylies, Good Plain Silks, . • Moire Antique Napkins, BLANKETS. R. B.—We keep a stock of Goods, adapted to ti; daily wants of families. , 601,41. KREMNITZ WHITE LEAD, ZI.NO, AND COLOR WORKS. 1=1:3=3 We manufacture a %mica, Pure OAIIHOWATB OW LIM% Also, Manufacturers, imparters and. Deniers tri all grades and qualities of LEAD and ZINO PAINTS, COL. ORS; &c, . . , , . . . Sole Manufacturers of the celebrated Perinanent BYR.. lAN GREEN, with more Brilliancy, Beautiful Shade O R , Color, Body and durability than any other Green in tiro market. Also, Sole ManuSictorers of Ma. & Co's .celebrated JAPAN DRYER, very Ran, light Its color, free or sad, meet, and very strong. Defilers also In 0118, Trirpentlno, Varnishes, Wlnactvt Glass, Brushes &c., 4e. Prlcea low, and all goods Warranted as reiresenterl. NeRNIORT & 00., littigacOmerif, bnportore*olesalepecdera,' TWENTMECOND AND DACE ST3., leLBend for TRIOS LIST A GOOD THING I tnliortant to Housekeepers, Hotels, Beaks. Offices, &sc. • THE PATENT WIRE Adjustable Window Screen WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, 0110 ventilatiop and light, • "Screen from view and exclude FLIES, BIOSQUITOS MID OTAII)R T 1114009. For solo by Dealere in rfouserFurulehlng Goods, The Adjustable Window Bonen Compaq, SOLE ItIANIMOTtIItHRS, 623 Market Street, Philadelphia. June23-3m State Agricultural Society. THE Pennsylvania State Agricultu. rat Eociety will held Its next R011;41011 at . ~.~.~~~sßv~xca-, TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 28, 1869, EA 1 214 to continue YOUR DAYS Exhibitors will not be required to pay an Entry fee—.. but will make their Entries under the usual regulations at the office of the Secretary, free of charge. Entries will open Sept. 7, and close Monday evening, Pept.27, et 10 o'clock, P. If., at the office ef,tlae Secretary , in Ilarrisburg, after which none will be received.' , For Premium Lists and.other Information address tLer of the Secretaries, at Ilatrieburg. . . : • •• ADIOS E. KAPP, President. D. W. SELLERS. Rec. Secretary. ELBRIDOE M'CONKEY,Oor. Secretary.' sof.M • • • • qovioxoirs omaremt • Caps; Catiei, • Campaign Torches. AI •p , Pried of Torches; $25, $2B; $3O .Urs K L 4.. - W• prdil VG p era n h d n engroray inS CAP & al e.. 0 PHILIP llLL,3annf r e ; `_V A• 204.CHUROB Bet. 2d and Bd, ab Market, !+:!•' BIEILADILP1114; *it-Military 'Companies! Uniforms made to order, sel4t -.2zr. CONRAD MEYER, Inventor iind Blaialoharor of the Celebrated "'bolt - Frame Pianoes, WAREROOSIS, xO.722 . AnCU ST., PLITLA4 i 143 received the Prix° Modal or the World's drew . Exhibition, Lon don. Eng, 'Ti" highest Prizes, awerde4 when and wherever exhibited. A4t.11-341 ur,BTAIILLSta 11319 . .] ' coNseiflolivEs: - - Being a abort and prinavol.trentlee on tb6 . notnro, 044 en , n o symptoms of Pulmonary Ontsuinplion,, Bronchia* , and Asthma; and their prevention, treatment, and cur* by inhalation. Sent by ;knit =free. Addrene Q PAN RUMMELL, M. D.„16 Want HourteenthEe, N. 1", 141V17, MONTHLY .TIME, 'HOOKS, ' ' vor age at ". • AND' STATIPNERY BTO4g WHY don't you n go to Henry & and by your anode of ovary description at tbit You lowest prices, and sore tbo trouble of going front Stop to store to get Oat yonwant. inch2ibtf - We alsó aiannracture Paminapau, Aug.ll-14