The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 15, 1869, Image 2

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.11, - O:NTINGDON, • PA
*irinesday morning, Sept.. 15,1,869,
: The,;',Globe?' has the largest number of
xeudecsiof - ang other paper published in the
trounty. Advertisers should remember this. •
Cu'3ini:nr:AND COUNTY
i IOIINN. SWOOPE, Alexandria.
7.:T. F, McCOY, Lewistown, . , --
' MILTON S. LYTLE, Huntingdon.
F. S: FOUSE, Huntingdon.
J. E: 01.13 . P.E11,.8iady township
N. Mek., !ILLI,III 4 ISON, Huntingdon
—BARTON GREEN, Barreo.township
Fifty Cents 'for Three . Months
The:earup,dign promises to be
intorestirg. And , :impoßaiat,. and we
propose to take ' Subscribers for the
campaign, or three months, , for.Fifty
Cents;• iri
,advaned. Our friends 'will
aid the cause by helping to circulate
TITE GLOBE. All the nominees, State,
District, and ,County, shall have our
earnest Support
. - A(MEETINC . •
Of ihe Republican County Commit
tee appointed in accordance with the
resolution of the late Republican Co.
Convention, will-be held at the Court
House in. Huntingdon, on WEDNES
DAY, Sept. 15, 1869, at 1 o'clock, P
.AL I 2 The followino. list'of Committee
'furnished by the dole
et.csito.ilielat.e.'conv,erition from the
districts namcd-Ldelegates; to- the late
Convention from all other districts are
re4licsied to furnish-their Committee
Wien' - with ',the: proper credentials, it
not -known -whoAber •have ark
d . •
- firiiS3, l 24-Imiva . ra S. Green, Iff Shaffner • '
Brand Top City—Thomas Conk, Wm. Ammerman
Carbon—Joseph Hanley. Wilson Berson.
C6ntinOtiV.--I.eviErons,Trill Worn. • •
`AC9ssvillo,-ti. B. Walson, Thom is Dean.
rer, Da‘l , l Cisnes
adersah—G co. W. Warfel, Sarnuallause
,Ilopeuell--Grorge IV. Putt. Wm. Enyeart.
-11uutingdOn, W. W. James Port, James Bricker.
'-lincolti—Wm.Smith, G. W. Shoutz.
Navieton—Luther Rex, Allkon heat er.
, Yount Union Dißt.—Jao Ob K.' Peterion, Isaac SWOOIIO
1.00.110— , A. P. White, Joseph McCracken.
Ti.lin—{jleorgti Gat tier, Daniel ITorrio.
'i - POtter:-Robert Laird. Bavid 'McCaltan.
Shirle.y....Bobert Bingham, Wm. Elating's.
'Springfield—John Ramsey, :Runnel Weight
Okeson, William Jeffries. ,
Tod—O. W. McClain, Isaac Coffman.
nurabbi of the Committee men
whodia.lre been ruled out by Mr. Lo
kifnl and 'his .tsscieitite disorganizers;
tave're uested - us to 'make the abbve'
call, ,and we hope there will be a full
attendance loyal to the .Repub-
Fenn:partY'", and the whole County,
Pistriet and State ticket. Now is the
time tolrave"the great Republican par=
ty from defeat in the good old Repub-
lican County of Huntingdon.
-The Democrats are anxiously waiting
for the promised disorganization of the
Republican. party:. Verhaps,when the
Iliount , llnlon disorganizers! ‘!organ"
makes its appearance they will, feel
ra:ofeeertaia Of running in their Own
iuen. 5
, 111,
-t;Our,Legislative Tiolot Complete,
, , .
The Repti.tiljonl cpeferopee met at
Lewistown on Friday, last and put , in
rioniiriation - as the Republican' candi
dates for Assembly for this diStriet,
Gep. T, *.Alopov, of Lewistown, and
.ThinctN:,..SwoorE, of this county. A
godd , tieket and it , . should receive the
earnest — support of_ every
the name Briggs .„.
from Tell asserted in Logan's
pekedt•Oommittee that there were
; only two B,epdblicanS•jp township
.i.hatWoald vote the lthiMlifician-cciun
,ty ticket. Briggs fives, at once recog
nized by the disorganizers as•tho right
- man for theiryurjiosesomd We would
•not:hp surprised if he should receive a
:call , to fill a small. officoas a reward for
valuable services. The vote in Tell
- Or qlii i whole ticket"' will tell that
what he might have .
icnown•to- be false. • . ,
.11Eig.A; now paper to be published by
The`o.ll. Cremer at -Mt. Union, is pro
mised this - Week. .ICis to bp ! conduct
• the interest of the. disorganizers.
•Mr. Cramer was's, eandidate•before the
'late Republican Conien'treM for :no - mi.
nation for Prothonotary' sod Was do.
,featnd by Mr, Fouse, a goividedj,s2l
- Mr.- Cremer is willingito
hie:defeat. Mr.:Fousd is ' front
btoek Idsi; two
R r791":7
..ia,ro,tnerft in The disoi.gani
i-zerii' love tor. Out upon
I Birch :rank hypocricy. Cromer
• hit§•liad his ihareof office, - especially
ther.g.4o:„etheil t prillpnß,e, ct, :; itt ;. , the
party worthy to-fill them.
Then and Now.
Some of the disorganizers whp can
offer no sensible or reasonablcOixcuse
for opposing the election , gentlemen
on the RepubliAn'ticket,i4iy they are
acting no work, ti:X7 t Viirds the party
than we did three years - ago when ive
refused to support Gen.,Petiry.•• Then;
when we could not, consistently with
our political feelings, support the nom
inees of the iitirtY,'Ave acted the' mare
honorable part, and did "not claim 'to
be a member of the pert:) , organization.
If, as they then said, and now say, we
were wrong, aro not the disorganizers
doubly - guilty of injustice te'their par
ty, by trying Co do just what they ac
ruse us having tried to do then. We
were then openly opposed to the tic
ket and the Republicamorganization—
but the disorganizers claith member
ship in the organization they are try . -
ing to defeae.„ 'TheY are enemies in
disguise to the Republican party—as
sassin-like they 'would stab the party
they' claim to act:with ; assassin-like
they stab 'at tliO hand that 'feeds them,
and-has _given 'them all, the political
notoriety they. have., • • •
We coidess to our error three years
ago, and claim to be in good standing
with the Grant-Republican party—we
having advocated the nomination of
Gritrit when leading- Republicans and
leading Republican organs all over the
State were denouncing, him, and we
intend to hold every man claiming to
be a-Republican strictly to his duty as
a party man. Our many years of ex
perfonee'in.Ood out of party, organiza
tions gives 114 some; advantages over
the present stock of disorganizers we
shall not fail to make good use of.—
They must take the water as we did,
or prove themselves by their works
.91. the confidence of the
Grantißepublicarn party organization.
They can make choico , doon -of the'
company they wish to be found in, as
Andy-Johnson-LogOotana _ must be
played out as effectually as Andy
Johneun himself was played out.
te e BULLY for the Joitrnal & Amer
ican. Last week's issue s'UyS:
"Our duty becomes a - plain ono. It
is, to urge, upon every Republican in
the County the undivided, entire and
earnest support of our State, District,
and County ticket, and to use all bon
()ruble means to secure its election."
That's right. That's -flatfooted.—
But bow about the disorganizers—do
you intend to 'give
,them thd use of
yoUr•bolumns to aid thernia their ef
forts, to,clefeat,the ticket you feel, it
your.duty as a party organ to sup
-Why;:itot give the Democrats
the aseofyOar i Columns? 'Their par
popLw6ul9.4onj.y. fie tb : di4Organize our
paz uu:11 pur
pose of the disorganizers is the same,
and they should be treated with less
respect 'than - an open cuddly. ' The
proper and only honorable place for
all who:will not submit to the will of
the m'ajoritY 'of the Republican party
is outside of the organization of the
party until they are willing to work
with the party
,and for the success.of
the ticket nominated Valle only rules
to, and recognized by-, the
tY organization. Give the dis Organ
izers their,proper place, and their influ
ence with true and honest party MOW
to defeat the ticket you feel it your du
ty to use'nll honorable means to elect,
will amount to nothing. The Coality
Committee you endorse is a part of
the disorganizers' scheme to defeat the
Republican ticket. The Committee is
not the"one appointed by the Conven
tion of delegates that put in nomina
tion the ticket you are willing to sup,
port. Then why accept the%Pommit
tee as all right ? Do you propose- to
hatinonize witli the . fliti . Oegatfizers by
placing,-, in t their hands, the control, : of,organization- that .they, may
sneakiffoly undermine the strength a
p . ailY'Tiothitiation should •have ? We
honor : 'positive inen- s -positive Peal
tions.: .you are honestly for the
ticket—for• the success of the ticket,
and the' success of the party, remove
from, the columns of your paper every
thing - calculated . to have an influence
against the success of the ticket.—
You cannot expect victory to come
from a mixture' of' cliscirganizers'and
- ' 3
in e men. The senttne El on th o r ut out
posts must be true; 'or the enemy will
storm our camp. -
AttornefGetuiral Hoar has rcn
deod. opinjoP' regard to the sta.
tus "of V?rs'giit i
g i that the:Lag's
lature must as prerequisfte„ Aubmit
the constitution, tind.their action there-'
"op to, Congres, for , apProval.l -In' tliis
the .eseoht..ll will not be required.
the Constitution atidthe . Pction of thp
Legislature meets7ith.approval, thou
tbeLeislature, becomes the Legislature
of the State of. Virginia; but before such
appre'val by Corigress;Virgini'a'n'ot be
iifa)l-re'siiei'As n State of the IlniOn,
tbe,Legislatu . re f as.4 ,pr4isional,)3ody,
cannot pass laws, witliont its members
• tab Alio • test .oath. , 7t'..must 'also
ratify thefifteenth amendment . , before
it can be'en'titled CO 'representation.
it is reported and believed that 'AI,
.M, ..4ogan will receive a fat office „
• Washi ogton - or Somewhere else, .; as
a reward for 'hie willin'griess 'to be
'Wed. by 'the disorganizers: ;We shall
:4(177 hf.. . •
ge. falling • from grace
n'iiw-l!the'RepuliCatiii - , NOM `liresup
portng the MAIO
irho,rofuse,t9 .4upp,9ll. , ft party
nominations? - "
kler - On Friday last Mr. M.M. Logan,
Chairman of his packed County Com
mittee, ktired us for publication, let
ters or pflidavitswe did not read
them—defending , thciOaritoter of the
dieorganizers'. - VolunAdt candidate for
COunty Wretprer,'Satiquel'l. Cloyd.
It matterernothind to ne.::Whether Mr.
Cloyd wits of. warnot *a good soldier.
Wo know he is not the Republican
nominee, for the Wine
,he and, his dis
organizing friends want to secure,
and we know further that Mr. Logan
could not have been elected Chairman
of a County Committee 'had the dele
gates suspected that he could be used
for the purpOse of disorganizing and
defeating the party that made him all in politics. Mr. Logan and his
associate disorganizere must under.
stand that we cannot blow hot and,
cold at the sane' time—that wo can
not play fair and false to our ticket at
one and the same time—that we can
not be used by himself, Mr. Cloyd, or
any other disorganizer, to aid in the
efforts making to defeat men placed
in nomination by, the Republican
County Convention. No soldier, no
matter: how worthy as such, can in•
duce us to play false to' party voodoo.
tions. Mr. Cloyd took his chances be
fore the Convention—ho was honora
bly defeated by as good a Republican
and as clever a man as there is one in
the County, but who is not a member
of the "ring," and that's Nyhy the
"ring " and its influence is thrown in
fm;or of the wounded soldier, Cloyd,
not that the members of the. "ring"
love tho soldier—not a bit of it—for
wo find the same "ring" opposing
Mr. rouse, also a wounded soldier,
and who lost two brothers in the ar
my. Get out, you hypocritical would
be leaders.of the Republican party.
Asiir.WE are very glad that the Jour
nal and American of last week Went as
far as k did in the support of the reg
ularly nominated Republican County
ticket, but while it recognizes the ac
tion of the County Convention in the
nomination of the ticket as the action
of the party, which should be binding
upon.all party men, it also recognized
the action
,of• the disorganizers in the
appointment of a'County Committee
which was not Only not authorized
but denied by the Conv'sntion. •The
same power that made the ticket se
lected •u Conn ty :Committee, but Mr.
Logan turned traitor to the Conven
tion to accommodate disorganizers,
and pacl.ed a Committee to suit them.
Mr. Logan's Committee is only a
ptieked Committee in the interest of,
the "ring" Of disorganizers,. and eari
not,claitn to bo the Standing Commit
tee of the Republican organization of
thA;County- It is expected that the
right Committee will assemble here
to-morrow;•ZPodnualayr-. cummktun.
tliat will act in hatinony with the
Convention that' nominated our coun
ty ticket, and if Mr. Logan refuses to
act with the Committee in support of
the whole ticket, he should be uncero r
moniously dismissed, and a truer man
to the patty and its ticket appointed
Co act as chairman—then perhaps our
neighbors of the Journal & American•
will be able to see the mistake they
made in supporting the disorganizing
"ring" Committee.
Ekir A certain paper said to be the
"Constitution' of the People's League;h
a seerot pOlitical organization said to
he in okistence in the,County, was
published in the Journal& American of
last week'. The document was not-of.
fered us for publicattoe;lo thered.Son
we suppose that we' too'are,denouno.
ed -by .the,"f ing " as a member of the
League. Whenever the "Constitu
tron'"' ih "located" beyond' d . doUbt;
we will publish but we must con
fess that the [pore me.hear, the matter
discussed or talked about, the stronger
aro our convictions that the noise and
confusion is made to throw the respon
sibility off the Shoulders of the guilty
in the ".ring" of disorganizers There
is no necessity for such an organiza
tion in this county. The gentleman,
Mr. WoOds;said to be by the '• ring"
at the head of the League, is abund
antly able to speak for •himself, and
we •baveno' doubt he will speak in
Stilfideferico' whenever he feels so in-
dined, As we nre,unjettly persecuted
with ,him our columns eIMII . , be open
for auy defence he may have to offer,
and more than' likely' somebody's fish
will then be in the fire. Mr. Woods
hits always
,been a, consistent and
,earnest Republican Rnd a hard worker
for.the success. of the party, which is
more than can •he said of most of the
'men who are prominent in the didor
,fight against him and his
friends, 1) :
irrit• A Deniocrat Asked us the other
day whether we, knew„ how much of
the" Packer money the ,disorganizers
had received to !help them• fight the
Republican ticket: We are not in the
"ring," therefore we cannot say what
amingements have been Made by the
"ring" with the Packer interest.—
That others than some of the leading
disorganizors, are helping to pay ex
.PiifiCs„,W j
O, are hoified, in feeling very
,sure of; for wo have never known them
to be very liberal in holing to pay
the •noi:egsary,expensce of important
campaigns. '• Republicans" who aro
now,,,proseiib'ed: by the ," ring," Con
tributed jive dollars to secure the elec
tiOn of Grant to every ono:contribtlted
bY • any 'cilio'of the clisersanizers, and
yet•the disorganizers.clmm the exclu
sive :rigbt to.. dictate who, shall-hold
the-offices under Gontrai Grant's ad
The Avondale Calamity,
We publish this week ' one of the
most heartrending calamities that has
over occurred in the history of our
State. One, hundred and eight ha- -
man . beings suffocated - to -death over
two hundred feet below the surface of
the earth in a coal mine at 'Avondale,
in Luzerno couuty...-.The particulars
are' heartrending in the extreme. A
fire broke ontin the mines early on
Mondailnorning, and beneath the fire
were the miners, who had no other
chance for escape, but through the
opening from which the flames were
escaping, and they remained in the re
cess of the mine until Wednesday mor
ning, forty eight hours after the firo
broke out, when they were discovered
dead and piled one upon another. Ex
traordinary endeavors were made . to
extinguish the flames by those around
the opening of the mine, and after the
fire was put out, the passage had to be
cleared of tIM rubbish which had- fal
len in, and even' then it was some time
before a descent could be made, on ac
count of the fire-damp. The bodies
of-the men were taken out and decent
ly interred. Subscriptions aro being
raised for the families of the unfortu
nate men, which can be sent to Thos.
P. Hunt, Wilksbarre, or George 11.
Stuart, Philadelphia.
Considering the extreme possibility
of a repetition of such a calamity, and
as our county is one in which mining
operations are extensively carried on,
we agree with the suggestion made by
a cotemporary that the State Legisla•
tare should provide the safeguards
against those terrible disasters which
the experience of other countries has
shown to be highly useful. Miners
have a perilous life, and corporations
having them in employ should at once
see to it that such a calamity as that
at Avondale does not happen to them.
We believe the operators in our county
aro ever ready to put in execution
any plan for the safety of their men,
and they will not fail to profit by the
fearful lesson of Avondale.
Something Wong.
We aro informed that the Globes of
last week had not reached the post of-,
flees on the cross route from Mount
Union on Wednesday or Thursday,
and that the package for Mill Ci.eek
bad not arrived at the post-office in
that place on Wednesday evening.—
Now, we inform our patrons that the
Globes for all the offices east and west
were put in the post-office at this place,
of which Brice Y. Blair, is Post master,
on Tuesday evening, and should have
been' received. itt Mill Creek and Mt.
Union early on Wednesday morning.
We do riot want to charge the
Post-master here with the detention
of - Otit impors;:bnt We - do'sny that it - it
his business to know why the papers
wore'not received at other offices at
the proper 'time. The Globes west are
mailed in time for the Tuesday evening
way mail, The Globes east aro mailed
in time for the Wednesday morning
way,mail, and the Globes for the town
ships on the Bread Top Railroad are
mailed in time fur the Wednesday
morning mail. Any of our subscribers
not receiving their papers at the pro
per time' will please: inform us and we
will try to have the Poet•Of)ice De
pertinent! find out where the fault is . .
Mr: Blair's connexion with the dis-"or
gan"-izers may have something to do
with ; the delay of our papers.
SO - SoMO of the prominent disor
ganiiers are already,tallting of start
ing a neur party. They have -almos
worn them Selves out with honest Re
The Avondale Calamity.
Exploration of the Mine—An appall
ing Spectacle,—Two hundred and Three
Dead Bodies Found.
AVONDALE, September 8,3, A., M.-
An entrance to the mine was effected
about halfaWhour ago. The chum
hors : , were reached without serious
difficulty. The first body discovered
was that of Mr. Steele. %Further on,
and in the most remote chamber an
appalling spectacle presented itself to
the explorers. There in a heap and
in all sorts , of positions in which their
last agonies had placed them, lay the
bodies,of two hundred and three dead
men,' not a vestige of life: being visible
in the countenance or, form of any of
the unfortunate men who had ,mot so
'untimely and-bornible a death.
. The wildest excitement prevailed at
the entrance to the shaft, and, the
shrieks of the friends of the dead, as
the bodies were brought up, were deaf
ening. Nothing can approximate to
a description of the scone; no pen . can
portray it; the pent up grief,of those
who still hoped against fate, went
forth in %rails of heart-breaking ago
ny ; the endearing or tender words of
the mother or wife, as she grasped the
lifeless form of her son or husband and
tried to bring. it again to life, refasing
to believe it could be dead: and defen
ding it against all attempts ,at remo
1 3 1.vmouTu, September S, 11:00 A. M.
—There have been one hundred and
twenty bodies brought up out of the
mine, and they aro still being piled
into the basket below. 'rho features
aro not'•contorted; they look natural
and easy .of recognition by friends
and relatives. -,The bodies are being
'Placed Some of 'them aro .be
ing• removed to their former homes
and privately cared for, while, the ma
jority aro allowed to remain anti'
preparations are made for their funer
als. Many of•them will be buried to
:gother. • 7 •
rte..:Blank Books for tho desk and
pooket, for sale at Lewis' Book Storo.
• TIIE GrLonu 7 -Fifiy• oorito,-for„threo
months, • '
--- •
Y [Estate of lIENJ A MIN GROV NI, deed.]
Letters testamentary, on the estate olLlenjamin XI rove.
late of Penn twp., Iluntingthin calmly...deceased. having
been granted to the- undersigned; all persons indebtog•
to the estate aro requested to malts immediate payment s ;
and those haring claims, to present them duly nuthonll
cated for settlemeot.
Pleasant Grove, Sept. :5, , 63-ei. Executors
The partnership heretofore existi •g batmen C. 0
Baird nod Wm. B. Leas. under the trio of Baird Fe Lois,
near Shlrleysbtrg, tllo Grain 'and Milling hnsiness, has
this J lily been dwaolved by mutual consent.. The Mill
hooks and all of the claims due alit: firm wt e in the hands
of IVm. B. Teas, and one doe him, by an ariangement
made in our north intent. All pereons indebted are urged
to call anal pro op. C. O. B Anti).
Sept 1, 1869. WM. CI LEAS.
The Milling and Sawing u ill ha conducted by the un
dersigned, and he hopes by a close attmitiou to business
to:reer ire a liberal share of pnblic patronage.
501.5-40 C. O. BAIRD.
HARVEST 110S111.1 :
on Friday and Satm day, SEPTEMBER nth &Mit, te9 .
A fie: mon nod evening.
The Amusements of the afternoon will consist of Star
shooting mitt. Mlles. fur men, and Vying Mild, for la
thes. The best shot nt target will drao a prize. Alen,
flopping In a Bag, for Bo3s, and climbing a smooth pole.
Ac. Befreshinents"set ved on the g$ sand. A:1 let calls of
sociable lmbits and desk ing pleasure. are cordially invi
ted. Ball In the hall in the evening. Thu Unntmgdon
Band will be present. - sollAt
Surveyor General's Offioe,
ENTED [ANDS: ' _ •-
- -
in obedience to an Act" of trssembly, apprdred the
eighth day of April, one thorNand eight hundred and
sixty-nine, you ore hereby trended that the "County
Land Lien Docket," containing the lint of unpatented
lands for Huntingdon county. prepared under the Act of
Assembly of the twentieth of May, one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-tour, and the supplement thereto,
has this tiny t ern forwarded to rho Prothonotary of the
county, at nho.o office it may be examined. The lions
can only be liunidat, d by the purchase money, interest
and fees, and ruching pair nts through this Depart.
Surveyor General.
, 't. pt. 15,6 n
Olt ing to the demand for nee Machines wo have decided
to take ail kinds of Nlachinea in exchange for the GRO
We will also exchange new machines for old Grover
Baiter that are worn out or out of repair, on reasonable
tel me,
We have for sale the following Machines which us
her e taken In exchange for the Grover Sr Baker
1 Singer Machine,. cost $O5, alit take $46
1 Parker no .0 46, '• 28
1 Singer do r 00
1 Wilcox & Gibbs do it .60. " 36
1 Singer do " 60, " 40
1 Parker do, ", 60, , " 30
All orders for the abors'ani for the celebrated GROVER
A BAKER. Machines. °tidiest
eel leister'a Building, Huntingdon, Pa.
S['BLUFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
sundry writs of Yenditioni Menem. directed to roe
I will expose to public sale or outcry. nt the Court Ilonso,
In the Borough of Huntingdon, on THURSDAY. the 2.oru
of SEPTEMBER. 1869, nt 2 o'clock, P. 51., the following
described propel ty to suit:
A lot of ground in the borough of
Camille, containing. a lot of flea acres, Lorded by lot
of D. itenrer on the north, by tract of to 111108111 land ou
the oast, Tandy of D. Clarkson and M. ii. Church lot on
the south, and land, of Dr. Thou II on the scoot, hosing a
two stoty log do oiling-liens° and stable thereon.
Also—Defendant's interest in a oast of meadow land,
situate in Union ton nchip, bounded as follows : On Die
north by lands of A. If tight, on the east and booth by
public toad leading front Co.9lViliC ng Iltintingden, and
west by. lands of Ol.Vitik add Daniel ltnm in, containing
about 51, nrles.F. iced, mken In execution, and to bu
Hold as the property or Nicholas Miller.
enKain' lot and house situ
ate in tot tstonn in the borough of linutingdon. fronting
on sheet, najoinolg lot of Adam hi on the
east and the Juniata riru on the south. haTinA thereon
Fretted a new (Inviting I One. Seized. taken In execu
tion and to he sold as ,he propel by of Wm. Hatfield.
D. It. P. NI:ELY, Shoriff
Huntingdon, :cut. 14, 18:9.1
TO BE I1 )0N
Puri:tont to an net of the Genet at At...wieldy of tho
Common ,ealth of l'entetAvania, entitled ••An Act reln•
ling to the elect 10113 of title Conanona el:lth," opproN ed
the seeond r.f
IliFttlf of thy county _of Huntingdon,
Pentm.ftlania. do het teal, hnowit'and gRe notice to
the electots of the entinty nfote,a'aid. that an election will
be hold In the Said CoUlle3 of lthntingdou: on. the let
Tuesday often the 0. c tel Identity of Cold or (being the
rah 11.1) of OUTOIiEIt,) at which tinte the follon ing of
!leers aril be elected:
Ono pet,on for the taco of Governor of the Common
wealth of Pell.)
0110 pel.n for the Wile° of Judge of the Stun emu Cour
Of tho Commonuealth of Penn”
Two portAtul to teuresent th; rountie, of Huntingdon.
Juniata old in tho House of ftepre.titatnes of
the Conunonu cant, of Penni) it anin.
One person for filo office 01 List' ict Attorney of Hunt
ingdon county. '
une person for the (nice of Prothonotary of Hunting
don county.
One petiiiin for the &nee of Register and 'Recorder el
Huntingdon count)•.
One person for, the (Alice of Treasurer of Huntingdon
Otte person for the °nice of County Commissioner of
Hun t ingdon count•.
One person for the onice of Director of the Poor of
Hun, i ngdnn count•.
One person for the office of Auditor of flun lin gdon Co.
pursuanco Of said act, I also hereby make latown and
give notice, that the places of holding the aforesaid spe
cial election in the several election districts within the sahl
county of Huntingdon, are as follows. to o it:
Ist dish tct, composed of the tounship of Heinle, son, at
the Union School House. ' ' '. :
. .
2.1 diet, let. e - ompoSeil of Dublin too nship. at Pleasant
Hill School lion-,., ne.irJo,epli Nelson's, in said tounship.
22 district, composed of so Much of Wm riorsinatk too in
ship, as is not included in the 19th district, at the school
house adjoining the town of Wairiorsmark.
dth , distiict f codiposed of the township of 11nPoirell, at
Rough and Ready Furnace.
sth district, composed of tho township of Berme, at the
house of James Livingston, in the loon of Eaulsburg, in
said township.
6th district, composed of the borough of Shlrleyaburg,
anirrill that part of the too nship of Wiley not included
within the limits of District No. 24, as hereinafter•men
tioned and doe' ibed, at the house of David }Taker, deed,
Shirleysburg. . • • • c
ith ilktrieLcomposed of Pcirteranii partdf Welker town
ship, and so much of West township as is included In tine
follouing boundaries. to nit: Beginning at the soutlnwest
corner of Tobias Caufman's Ruin on the bank of the Little
Juniata liver. to the lower rind of JaCkson's narrows,
thence in a northwesterly direction to the most southerly
part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north
40 degrees nest to the top of Tussey's mountain to inter
sect the line ol Franklin too nship, thence along the said
line to Little Juniata river, thence don is the saute to the
place of beginning, at the public school lithise opposite the
German Reformed Church, in the bortrgh, of Alexandria.
Slit district, - .unloosed of the township,of Franklin,: at
the Bounteror Geo.'lV. Mattern, inlsOld township.
Silt dish iet,composed of Tell township, at the Union
school house, near the Union Meeting house, in said twp.
10th district, composed of Springfield ton nallip, at the
school house, near thigh Madden's. in said township.
11th district, composed of 'Union township, at Grant
school house, inn the borough of Mapleton, inn said twp.
12th district,composed of Beady township, at the Centre
school horse; in said townslifp„ •
lath. digtriet; composed of. Morris .tOwn4lifp, at public
school house No. '2, in said township.
14th dish let, composed of that pmt of West township
not included in 7th and SW) dist' lets, at tbo public school
house on the farm now owned by Miles Lois, (formerly
owned by James Rutile,) in sahltot nekip.
loth district, composed Of Walker township, at the house
of Benjamin Magahy, in M'Connellstown.
113th district, composed of the township of Tod, at the
Green school house, in said too nship.
17th district, composed of Oneida township, at the house
of William Lung, Warns Springs.
ISth district, composed of Cromo ell township, at the
house now occupied by Mold Etnire, in Orbisonia.
19th dist, let; composed of the borough of Birmingham,
with the several _tracts of land nod attached to the
same, now owned and occupied by Thomas M. Owens. John
K. McCalmn, Andrew Robeson, John Gensimer and Wm.
(Buettner, and the tract of loud now owned by,Georgeand
John Shoenberger, known as the Porter tract, situate in
the township of Wartiorsmarli, at rho public, school house
in said bin (igh.
20th dish ict, composed of the township of Cass, nt the
public ochoot house In Caisviltoi in said township.
2lst disht let, composed of• the towiAlip of Jackson, at
the public house of Eduard Littles, of 31cAlency's Foot,
In snid township,
2'2,1 district, composed of the township of Clay, at the
nubile •elmol house I n SCOI
23d distriet, composed of the ton nsidp of Penn. et the
public school house in :Atari:lesion g. in said too estop.
24th dish let, compact) and created as Milan s to wit:—
That ell that Part of Shirley township.ltuntingdon coun
ty, lying end being NI ithin the following . described b runs
dories, (except the borough of Mount Union,) namely:
Beginning et the intrn a •ct lo■ of Union and Shirley
township linen xi 4th the Juniata river. err the sunlit side
t heteof ; thence !dung Rohl Union ten whip line for the
distance of three miles ireta said over; thence east
nardly, by a ntroight line, to the point where the:main
from lilky's will to lien many sal ley. crosses the smn mit of
Sandy thige; thence northxadly• along the summit of
Sandy ridge to the river Juniata. and t liebee up said river
to the place of beginning, 'shall hereafter form a separate
election district; that the qunlified voters of said election
district shall hereafter hold the,r gene.' and township
elections in the public school honso in Mount Union, iu
said district.
~ • .
25th district, composed of all that part of Om Borough
of Huntingdon, •IYlng cast of Bath stteet, and also all
those parts of Walker and Porto , ' townships, heretolore
Noting in the Borough . of Huntingdon, at tho o ist twr
door 01 tho Court lion-c, in said Ilm ongli.
2511, district, composed of oil that pant of Om Borough
of Huntingdon, lying nest of Both street. at the nest
window of the Court House, In said Borough.
composed of : the borough of - PetorabUrg
and that - part - a West township; *O4 and north of a lino
beCween Hunderstiu and West townships, at or sitar tho
Warm Springs. to the Franklin township line on the top
of trusspes mountain, so as 'to include in the new district
the boisesof David tt'atdnmlth.Jacob Longanecker,Thos.
tinnier, Joules Porter, and.iohu ; \Ball, at tho schoolhouse
in tho borough of Peterslinm. '
25th dist, let, composed ofJuniata township, at thotiouse
of John reightal, on the lands of Henry Isenberg.
- 2911,. district, composed of Ctrbon township. recently
erected out of a part of Iho thrritamof if township. to
wit commencing at a CheatniiCOnk r onstie summit Ter
race mountain, at the Hopewell townshiplirromsite the
dividing ridge, in the Little Valley; thence south llftytwo
degrees, east th len hundred and sixty porches, to a stone
heap on the Western Summit of Broad Top mountain;
thence north sixtyttieven degrees, east three Inmate and
twelve perches, to a yellow pine; thence south Mb -two
degrees, east seven hundred and Soventy.two perches, ton
Chestnut Oak ; Ahem., south fourteen degtee,, cast three
hundred and fitly one perches, to a Chestnut nt the east
and of Henry 3;iireen's laud ; thence south Chit ty-oue nod
&Mir tleirees. east too hundred and ninety-four perches,
tan Chestnut Oo,h on the summit of a spur of Broad Top,
q the Western:aye of John .TerrePti form south, a xt.Y
five degrees, mint nine hundred and thirty-four porches. to
a stone limp on the Cloy township line, at the Ptiblic
House;in• the 'ittlinge ofDudiey.
' 30th district, composed of the borough of Coalmonti nt
the public school house in said boroughs.
31st district. composed of Lincoln township, beginning
at is pino on the 811111111 it of 'l•ussey maintain ott the line
between Blair and Ilnutingdon counties, tIIOIICO by the
divitiou lips south. fifty eight de toss east seven hund
red and ninety-eight perchos ton black oak in middle of
township; thence forty-two and ono half degrees east
eight hundred and tuo perches to a pine on summit of
Terrace; thence by bile Of TOd township to corner of Penn
township; thence by the lines of the township of Pen si to
the summit of Tie,sey 1110Untain; thence along said 811111-
. . .
it N. ith lino of Blair county to plaen of beginning . , at
offeo Ron School House.
ti2at dist: ict, composed' of the borough of 'Mapleton, at
the Grant school house in said borough.
33d district. composed of the borough of Mount Union,
at school house No. 1, in sold borough.
2-Ith Map let, composed of the Boronglt of Broad Top
City, et the Public School Homo, in acid Borough.
1 aim make knotsa and giv - e notice, as in and by the
12111 archon of the aforesaid act lam directed, that ..ett.
. .
ety venom exceptingjustices of the peace, who shall
hold any office or appointment of ',tont or trust under
the got et nment of the United Slated, or of this State, or
of any city or corporate(' district, whether a comnsission
ed officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under
the legislative, executive or judiciary depot intent of this
State, or of the United States, or of any city or Income
rated district, and also, that e‘ery member of Congress,
and of the State Legislatin e. and of the select or COlll
- COMICH of any city, commissioners of any incerpora
led district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising
at the same time, the office or aprOilltlllollt of judge, in
spector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and that no Inspector or judge, or other officer of any
such election shall be eligible to any office to be then so-,
ted for."
Also, that in the 4th section of the Act of- Assembly,
entitled "An Act relating to executions and fur other
purposes," approved Aprill6th, 1840, It is enacted that
the aforesaid 13th section "shall not ho so construed as
to prevent any militia or borough officer from sal ring /I 9
judge, or inspector or clerk of any general or special
election in this Commonw calth."
To - accordance with t e pros ision of tho Bth section of
an act entitled •Vi. fut thee supplement to the ejection
Insets of this Commonwealth." I publish the following:
Wm.:nets ' Uy
the Oct of the Congress of the United
Status, entitled "on act to amend the several acts hetet°.
fore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out of
the national forces, and for other purposes,"and approved
March 3d, 1865, nII persons who have deserted the milita
ry or naval service of the United States, and nit i have hot
been discharged or relieved from the penalty or disability
thet oin provided, ore deemed and label' to have volunta
rily relinquished and forfeited tin it rights of citizenship
and their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of
exercising nay rignts of citizens thereof; -
And whereas, Persons not cit 'MIR of the United States
are not, under the Constitution and laws of Pennsylvania'
qualified electors of this Commonwealth
SECTION I. .13e. t enacicd., That in all elections here
after to be held in this Commonwealth, Ashen be tinlaw.
ful for the Judge or inspect°rs of any such election to re
ceive any ballot or ballots (loin any poison or persons
embraced in lino provisions and subject to the disability
imposed by said act of Congnces :motored March Sd, 1865,
and shall bo onlanful for.nny, such
„poison to otter to
voio Ittfy i ballot or 12alIots,, '
i •
SEC. 2. That tinny such Judge and inspectors of election - ,
or nny ono of tlyun shall receive or consent to recluse any
such unlawful ballot or ballots flout any ouch disqualified
person, he or they so offending shall be gfult3 of a mis
demeanor, and on conviction thereofiu any court of quer
ter sessions of Ohio commonwealth; lie. shall for each of , ,
forme, lie sentenced to pay a lino of not less than one him
dred dollars and to linden go all imprisonment is the j tit
of the proper county for not less than sixty days.
SEC. 3. That if oily person dept irod of citizenship, and
disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any election hereafter
to be held in this commonwealth, vote, or tender to the
officers thereof, and offer to vote, bal lot or ballots, any
pm son so offending shall be decinod guilty of a inuide•
meanor, and on conviction thereof In any court of gnarl,
sessions of this commonwealth; shall' for each oflence be
pumped In tiles manner as itt provided ,in the preceding
section of this act in cons brollicers of eloanin receiving
any such unlnu fat ballot or bollots.
Secrio:l 4. That if
,any person shall hereafter persuade
or nth tee nny person or portions. dept ived of citizenship
or disqualified us aforesaid, to offer tiny ballot or ballots
to the officers of any election Inn cartel to be held in this
COMlllolllleAlth, or 4lifill persuade, or 0115150, any such
officer to reecho any ballot. or balots, from any person
deprived of citizenship, and distill:Milled m oforesnii/. such
pea son so unending shall ho guilty of a misdemeanor. and
1111011 cons il.llOll thereof in tiny cunit of quarter sessions
of this Common calth, shall be lnrnisl Oil in manner
is provident in the second hoot ion of this net in the case of
ofliceis of such election Leta:living such unlawful ballot or
Particular attention is ihit ected to the first section of
tine Act of Assembly, jid,isl much d ty of Its eh A. IL,
1860, entitled -Ant Act regulating the manner of Voting
nt all Elections, in the net oral counties of dm Connitoll
- th ;"
"That the quell flid voters of the set en al (nun (09 of this
Commonnealth, fit all general, ton mhip, [enough and
special elections, lire het eby, heietifter, anthot itvd and
requi rod to vote by tickets, minted or written, or pat tly
pro lent and ',nib written. severally classified ati lot loos;
lion tick et shall, mbrace the names of all Judges of courts
voted for. and be labeiled outside onliciary ;" one ticket
sh oil embiaco all the names of Mato ollieets voted tor,
and be labollierbState;"..onn ticket shall mutual:o the
moues of nll comity °Meet s voted ior. including onice of
Senator. member:and menthe: 0 of Assembly, if voted for,
aml members of Congte+s. if Nottti,tur, and labelled
"county one ticket, shnllontbrnce the:naroetinfiglltd‘ett
ship officer, voted fur, and . be labelled .toNrre,lftp* ; olio
ticket shall eoilm ace the names of all borough officers
voted ler, and be labelled ••li. rough ;' and each elms shall
he ilopn.ited in Cl. 11111,0 31 .• •
.r --- Tdairrn no pros isionsc77lt7ned in the fiTth section
of the act afolesaid, the judges of the uferoadd "db,triets
shall respectively Mho &huge of the cettilleate'or rehire
of the election of their ! espeethe diati lets, and produce
them at a meeting of one of the jildges from each district
at the Court house. in tho belong!! of Huntingdon, on the
(hind day aftet the day of elect ion. being for the pt c,ent
year on Si Way. the hth of NOVl.lllber net, then and there
to do and perform the duties nequfned by law of said
Also, that •t, here It judge by sieltnetd or-unavoidable add
dent, is unable to attend said meeting of jialgtja, then - the
certificate or return aforesaid shall be tnhen In charge by
one of the inspectors or elm ha of the election of mud dis
trict, and shall do and perform the llutrei required of said
judge unable to attend.
Alen, that m the 61st section of said act it is enacted
that “esery genet!!i and special election shall be opened
between the hours of eight end ten in the forenoon. end
shall continue u !them intertuption or adjournment un
til seven o'clk. in the evening, taboo tine petit Ow) be
Chvhe under my hand. at Ifuntingdon. the 14th day of
Sept., A. I). IS6 and of thblndopendence of the Uni
ted States, the ninetp,second. '
P. 143 g fat, Wryf.
Huntingdon, Sept. 15,'57,} ; •
. [Estate of 0 E0h01.: PA leg, dec t d t
esters of administration upon the estate of Daniel
Myers, Into of Penn torinship, dseensed having been
granted to the undersigned. all persons indebted to the
estate will make payment, 1111.1 these hitykng claims will
present them for settlement, ' -
James Creek, Sept. Mt.* Adel iniatratrix
To meet on the 23rd of Sept. at the School House in
Shirleysburg at which time the County Stmerintenclent
will be there for the purpose of examining Teachers
At the same time orders will he lot for Fool- for the
School Houses, By order of Board of School Directors.
W. F. CLAD KB? Ser'y.
TAKII NOTIC(, that the undersigned having purchas
ed at Constable's Sale, the faun log named, property, be
ing sold as the property of Henry Igppla. ivhicl(l noiv
leave In the etireandArtist of Mrs: teals. nntil .1
shell net proper to rentovoittvits, viz : line Bedstead and
bedding, oue Tnenel , ltedat sad and bedding, ope Sufi? end
Boteral one Parloi , Stove and yir4 one set Chairs, ono
ek 'Stove MO fixttirja, tine Il6io..ontrbag:lttrlty,
one Mantle Cloak. two dlviwts, all the prsperty belong
ing to the said floury Ripple. I forewarn nay and
all persons from meddling or interfering with the aboro
named property.
Dorm UNroN, Sept. Stb,
Candy Manufactory
THE undersigned have fitted up a
tirsenthes idenin BAKEitY at thd Castilian Canton
on Church street, aud pro prepared to furnish all kithls
Plain 'and Fancy CAKES,- &c ,
In lm ge or small quantities, at reason tide prices
.011 id call k , 1,01:11l1 Mb:MI(111 at country do tiers to
We manufacture all kinds of Fancy and Coninton Con
fectioneries. equal to any that comes from the city, and
are prepared to fill large or small orders 011 short notice
and at cm
NVO titan keep on hand a huge and ethiStant supply of
Frtuus AND NUTS,
which they urn ferule], at reasonable rates.
Tha Isom ietort flitter themselves that it needs hut a
trial to convince the most sceptical, aud please the most
fastidious. '
We respe:tfully solicit a liberal .lino of public patro
nage and shall endeavor to merit its continuance.
. _
H .1\ 1 T G D O f iN, L I VEHY STABLE
no undersigned. having purchased the Lively amble
recently owned by Mr Simon
,Waston, ale now, pre
poled to acconimoriath the Borneo and Calri
ages on reasonable tenths. .Ir. a 1 . • ,
Stable at the rear of the Jackson Rouse, near thri B. T.
Railroad. .
ang2ls'6o:' , ' & MAROS.
'rem the kiln of Geo. Taylor. Malkleshurg, prov
en I.) , ch mica! 8001300 to be of the beet quality. con
/axial}, kept and for sale funny quantity, nt the &tan of
the Huntingdon and Broad r p Rei'road.
itt.Apply to Henry beilter. Propr(etor'of the "Broad
Top tioniu.'. jiiiicßt•tf
LIFARD anil So 4 Coal-for„saln!by
LI; — nich2.4:tr • •I#,'/Ci.P• CO.i
Estate of Robert Wilson dee'd.
The undersigned app.,inted auditor by the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon County, to distribute the balance
in the hands of Saniuel Eteffey, administrator and trus
tee to sell tbo rent °stets of Robert Wilson, late of Jock
eon township. deceased, hereby gives notice total persons
iittereeted ,that lie will attend et the office of Simpson k
Armitage, in Huntingdon, en SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER
18th. IEB9, at 1 &cheek. P.M • for the purpose of making
said distribution, at which place and time all Persona irt
tprestee are hereby notified to present their claims.
sot G. 11..ARMI rAGE, Auditor.
[Estate of JOHN STROUP, deo'd.J
Letters of administration upon the estate of John
Stroup, late of Huntingdon bor., deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the
rotate will make immediate pa3ment, and those having
chats will prevent them for settlement.
Iluntingdou t pug. 18-Gt
[Estate of DAVID S. BAKER, deed.]
Letters testamentary on the estate of David S Baker,
late of the borough of Orbistonia. di cease*, haring boon
granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted are re.
quested to make pa) meat and those basing claims to
pleura them duly authenticated fur settlement. -
Executor. -
Orikoriiit, August 46t•
The undersigned Were at private rale the farm knower
as the upper Homer Niece place, situated in Huntingdon
County, two miles from Mapleton, adjoining lands now .
occupied by Homer Neice. Eplii aim Thompson and others.
Containing 146 acres more or ices, about 60 acres cleared,
and under cultivation, the balance In good timber.-•A
lunge number of fruit trees, cherrieq, apples, peaches on
the place Will be sold en very reasonable terms.
thrFor further Odmntation, apply or write to the tin 6.
donigned et Broad Top Railroad Office. Huntingdon, Pit.'
aug 10, ' . • • ROBERT U. JACOB.
- - -
➢ay Lois Lom first hands at
$2OO . ' ,
Purchasers desiring to build can have very ligersi
terms as to 1.33 meets NOW is the time to incest. Ap
ply to Lb:Zitf] IL ALLISON MILLER..
- g -1 011, SALE CHEAP
18 horse power.
For particulars address J. W. DICKERSON or
Bedford, Parma,
4' 4
Ladies and Gentlemen's Sizes,
The Tourist or Grant Hat
AaolVir. , s
— , rbn.,-ro.titattoisa.s-altneted-in tho heautifill Valley of
lisrluicoquilla., in the midst of an intelligent and highly
metal people. Sin to by mountain ohnina
plied u it li an oliundance et pure Water and of tho (roiliest
mountain Mr, the location i, unrivalled for health and
lot the elevation and ; alining influences of naturel seen
el y. Cm pa of instplctoi a 71u - eserrdepnrtment, experi
enced and,c6aspetent. Rev. S Mcbilitilld, formerly
tutor in F, inert m College, N. J.. of large an.l ottccessful
experience in teaching, has charge of Ancient Landuixes,
and higher Mathematics •A lady from Maisgclmgette,.
I+upettor onalilication,, mill tench Etiglibh LAteruturo,
Pain ting„ - Drawlng, French and German:
Prot .nr J AV. Shoanialter, of - Plidadelphin, is en
gaged to given course of lesions in Illocution during the
fill tern, Miss H. lt. Bighorn of Washington county,
In., lion charge of Instrummtal Music.
Expense—nation - and Huard, per year. 5200 00.
For Catalogue, ,iddless MARTIN MOHLER, A. M.,
Principal,,Hishacoquillas, Nlifilip,conoty, --,
,Refer to Roy. 0, 0. MaHaan, Lowistom2,- Pa .," S.
S. Woods, Lewistown, Pa. ,
THIS Institution will open : the first
Montioty of October next. •
'rho Term will contiutie 11 weeks, and pupllo of both
sexes rill be tot:civet'.
.'llie Course of Study will ombrnco a full Academic' ed
ucation in Common English; also In Scientific, Melba.
matieul and Cln• steel Literality°. -
Hates of Tuition, $10,512,50, am:17.145 per Term. ,-- -
If moderate °num agement be received, earnest 'efforts
will be made to t•atabliall it successful and permanerit
Fchool at ibis place; and In this e fferpritio the confl
dence,of-ilfe, emu nun is most l.pcerfully sol fp' ketl. „
• Burnie,' information CAB be''.l,4o, by addressing I 1
JAS. A. eTEIVIIENa. Principal,
. • 7 New Bloomfield, Pa.
.02-Z- After September 20, Iluntingtlon, Pa.
August 4, 1700-tf - ;
The Union 'Bank• of flunting'dort;
_,(Lato_4lln-Bare.A : Co.,), -
CAPITAL, paid up, $50,000
accounts. from Bitilis;.Darikgrs''and4:4os. Y
liberal' Interest allowed on time Deposita. AU kends. [
Securities, tiouklitand sold for' tho , uSual
Collections made on ell points. Drafts on all parts of
.Europe supplied at the usual rates.- -;
• Pereous depositing Bold 'find Silver 'Will 'receive the
in same return with interest. Tee partners are individ
wally liable to the extent of their whole property for all
The pnflnished business of thedate iltureftlohn7Banytt
Cd. a ill - be completed by The Union Dahlrof Hen tingdou
Y•2l,lEien‘tf -- •`.-- -• O. C. NORTH, Cashier; •
I have been requested by the owners of the ,following
Sewing Machines to dispose of them if possible at the
prices unnexcel : rie they wish to procure Singer machines
in their place:
One 0, over & Raker Machine, loop stitch, in good run
ning older, cost $OO, will take $5O; ono Florence machine
wills tucker & c, cost $BO, - will talus (good order) $53;
one Grover & Baker machine, loon stitch, with box, cost
$6O, will take $45; ono Wiicox 4, Gibbs, cost $6 5, will
take $3O; one Grover & Baker =Chine, good running
order, cost $55, will take $(0; one Parker Machine, with
cover, nett finished, cost $6O, Will take $35. one fine
Grover h Baker Machine, never been used, cost with tuck
er, extra henitnera &c , $7B, will take $7O.
Letters for information and orders for the celebrated
Sirg, r Machine to be addressed to
Jul) :28—tf • J. C. BLAlR,Tiontingdon, YrH
11 4 1 X A Al INA 'I.IONB.
Teacher's Exanduations for the present year may.
ho expected as !allows:
Wednesday, Pert. let, Franklin district, Emuklinville.
ThmroJny," 24, Warrlorsmark Jo, 11'arriorsmark
Friday, 3d, Morris do„ 11tafferavillo
eatinday, " 4th, Porter & Alexandria, Alexandria
Mnday, MIL West do, Shaven Creek. Bridge. ,
Tin inlay, •, 21h, Barren do, Manor 11111
tl ednoeday, " Bth, Jackson ,10, Mc Mani l a' Font
Thursday, ; • oth, uniting do, •t Cooler S
' "l Oth,'llenderson do,` • "Vhion S 11,
Monday, , 13111, Walker. de, McCounellstown
Tuesday, " 14th, Cailion& Ceninlnift,r, : !Coalmont
Wednesday, "did,, Lincoln&Coffee Hun
Thursday, i‘ - Rah, Tod, - „ Nowlierg
k Edify, • ~ Faun, M
, aKlilestilirS"
Monday, 20th, Deftly, Milli Cheek
Tuesday, a '2lstc•Mtiploton born . , • MaPletrui
Wednesday, " 22d Mount Union, Mount Union
Thin edify, .• 234, Shirley rt Slifrloysborg, Shirlfylblf
'Friday, a 24th, Canowell & Orbisonin, • Grbisonia
•Satui day, "'2sth, Doblin," Shade Gap
Monday. " 27th ) roll.' • Doll ingortown
Tuesday , 2Stli, Sprin g field, Meadow Gap
Wednesday, " Nth,' Cloy. bcottaville,
Thursday, 9 30th, Cass & Casscillo, emeriti°
FlithlYi Oct. lit, - Union, Pins Glove 911
hiturelay, 2d. Janiata, Bell Crown S 11
The Ex intinations will commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. '
Meat:hers oho are talk . .us inn:mime need not expect .
suns 0110 ire to tlek habit; of using intitcleatingli;
limns as a beverage or nlso are not of good moral charac
ter heed net apply for examination.
Appticants efiltbe'examlneirin the districts In winch,
gimp apply for schools •
'Directors-are &tattooed withal enii,loylognity one to,
teach fo; single day without a valid certificate from the
proper authority. -
The school boards of- Darree, Drady, Cass, Clay, Car- .
hoe, Cromwell, Dublin, eranklizi, Henderson, Jaakson,
Mapleton', Morris, Porter,- rldrley, Tell,' Tod, Union,
arriorsiark and West dist, fete nip nieeq ory the day
and-at:the place ul tamuinallui) in their respective' die,
grins for the purpose of employing their teachers.
Th.-public fro respeetfuDy:inYltell to attend the exam-
Mations, • •
4) 1 13 , 1 ° 1 .5 4. 1869 • D. F. TOSS Y, Co. Sti'kt,
7.0169 NORM,