Elje 010 HUNTINGDON, PA. , i We4Lesday morning, Sept. 8,1869, 'Mil LEWIS, IIIUGH LINDSAY, 1 1I'DITORS Tho,"Glole, has tbe,,tar#est , number of 'Oedders of - a 4 other 'paper published in the litoltuty. ~ '..4deMisers should remember this. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. • FOR GOVERNOR:, JOHN W. GEARY, OF CUMBEiIt.KND COUNTY. RA411,99E SUPREME COURT: NAY W. WILLIAMS, OF ALLEGLIEfs COUNTY. • DISTRICT AND COUNTY TICKET 4 SatilnLY, - fyi; ,7 JOHN N. SWOOPE, Alexandria. . t C i . •.DISTILICT ArrOliNEY, .IiIILION S. LlTLE,'lluntingdon...'- q rainiKNoranY, - T. S. EOPSE, lluntibeon. : RECIISTIITC'ANI/ RECORDER, J. E: SMC:CKEK,IErady telinship. V. NeK. tiA30,014; ilanfingdon. COUNTYCO3I3IIB3IONER, „ „JACKSON LADIBERTSON, Springfield tp. DIRECTOR OE TlltyoOß, lIARRIS RICHARDSON, Lincoln twp . . AUDITOR, BARTON GREEN, Barree township. •i:"THE GLOBE." i- i•tifY dents for Three Months. •ThO'CattiPaiin - promises to be lively, • ititoresthig and important, 'and— we im`3.6 . 0 to fakti. Subscribers for the .. f .earnpalgo, or. three months, for. Fifty Coati,- in' tidvafihel,' Oui.'friends will s ,aid the.euuse by helping to circulate ;10 Gtons. All the nominees; State, :111Stiiet and, County, shall have our ( earnest support. LENIS & LINDSAY A MEETING Of the Republican County Commit ectOrdance with the resolution of the late :Republican Co. ,Co i n'yention„wilf be held at the Court House in 'Huntingdon, • on WEDNRS- D . AY, Sept. 15, 1860, at 1 o'clock, P. 711 The following list of Committee . men, has, furnished by- the dele- gates to the late Convention from the • districts named•:—delegatea to the late Coneirtioiffrom all other districts are their Committee Committee trim with the. proper, credentials, it not being known who they have ap ' pointed. • . windyl. - -ith:ani S. Greent'll. L. Shaffner 'Brand Top a ty—Thomaa Cook, 'Wm. 4mmermon. "grATJsWeit°°n• . irttiPM.4 o .l.2 Mau X.ll u —away B. Bilearer,.Darid timer. 'lleiniereon—Geo.l9. Warfel, &mie!' Poem . Hpporepr-poorgo W.• Putt, Wtp.,Bnyeart. - liantiosdoo, Port, Janes Bricker. G.W. ;depleten—Luther Re; Allison , Hester. :Minot 17nton Dhot.--4110 Cob K. Paterson, Isaac Swoops. 'tJ Oneida—A. ftWtoltr, Joseph McCracken. • . Death-17eorgo Garner, Daniel Harris. • • Pinter—Robert' Laird', David McCaban. - Dhirley—RobertMinktuon, Wm. Spenogle. Sp n —JOi 1:1 eeaF a lll Weight. r6 ll yok V 6,ilmlo. Tod—G. W. McClain, Isaac Curren's. number of. the; Committee men Who have been ruled out by Mr Lo . gan and bia aggkiate disorganizers .have requested us to majcp the above _vall,,and-we,hope there be a•fall .'attendance of men loyal to the Repub lican party; and the - whole County, District and State ticket. Now is the •,:,iln2Le:t , p; save the great Republican par ity frour,def . eat in the good old Repub. dlictui , Coubty of Huntingdon. • ` ° 'llVi'ktiOw, and every Republican in the County knows, that the ticket •at our masthead was regularly nomi• „tutted by a Republican County Con .l-Veittion, mid wo irqerfd'io.tilipp6rt and aii.th j e..tickiliOf the party ..against any and all,guerrillaism and disorganizing influences that may be •-:brought against it.. We have been • educated to oar present convictions of party justice, in ;part, by some of the men Avlio., aro HOW disorganizers—by men, who have been honored. by the party organizations they now seek to destroy. Weho r po we may never fall to their political leirel: . THE nominees,. on the Republican ticket , not 'accepted " or "ratified " by the "ring',' Committee—Fouse, , Williameoti;tambertson and Richard. ien—rlave afwitys been active and true ::,Repu,blican . men, and they are worthy 'and fully competent to discharge the duties of the offices to which they have been nominated:' But—they are friends of Wm. Th'Woode, and -for this, and no other important reason, the "ring" will try to defeat them. The One Man Power. Andrew Johnson attempted to con trol the Republican party by the ex ercise' of the one man power. He went too far, and fell. Mr. Logan, only an agent to carry out, as far as it is possible for him to do so, the com mands of the "ring," will, as soon as he gots through with his dirty work, also- fall beneath the contempt of all honorable party men. THE MEN who aro acting with the "ring" are working to defeat the en tire ; Republican ticket of the county and district. Perhaps Geary may be defeated by a fow hundred lost to him by the disorganization of the party in this county. Who. will be to blame, the disorganizers or the men who stand by the action 'Of the County Convention ? The " Ring." The Republican party of the county must understand that a " ring" exists in the county—and has existed for years. This!! ring" must fight some body every fall to keep in working or der. It has for several years' been fighting Wm. t'Woods and every= body in the party not willing to join in with the members of it in denounc- Ing,ldr. Woods. They hava been per secuting Mr. Woods and all who would not bend thr) kneeii3thern'un'til Needs and his friends are somebody in a party contest, and now that the " ring" has lost the power to rule, it will try to ruin. We know Mr. Woods to be a truer man to the Republican party and its nominees than any lead er of the "ring" can with truth claim to be, and we will , not agree to stand idly by and witebsethe attempt to use the party organization to fight a wor thy • and prominent member of the party. We too, of course, have come in for a good share of abuse from the "ring" because ,we act indepOdent of it. We lived.while we were outside of the party organisation, and we can live•the better new that we aro fight ing for the. party 'within its organiza tion; and having bad considerable ex perience " outside" we intend to profit by it and amuse ourself fighting those who were in then but are now out. The " ring " shall receive our attention, as much in self-defense as with a pur-, pose to defend unjustly persecuted members of the party. Defend and Vote ' the Whole Ticket. We earnestly urge every Republi can in the county to `support the whole ticket nominated by the Republican Co. Convention, Swoope, Lytle, Smuck er, Foul), Williamson, Lambertson, Richardson and Green, are all true party mon, aro worthy yout support, and will make good offiaers.,. What ever of personal fights members of the party may have with each other should not he allowed 'to distract the party. It may be important to' some gentle men to secure control of the party to fight their personal fights, but if the party yields to.sueh a demand the party must be defeated, and the Dem ocrats will rejoice . in a victory over every candidate on our ticket. Re member, ono, two, three or four candi• dates cannot be selected and stricken dovin without endangering the success of all. The proscribed candidates have friends who will most likely retaliate if leaders of the party attempt to justi fy the repudiation any part of a 'regularly nominated ticket. There\is only ono way . to save your party from defeat, and that way is to give a' uni• ted vote for the whole ticket. Those who work to the contrary may expect in:ii;o rocognition they well deserve. We will see whoth er.the party will agree to forget its in crests to gratify the personal enemies of Wm. H. Woods and his friends. Such fights should end with the, adjourn ment of every County nominating Convention.. Stick a Pin There, We copy from the "full report of the proceedings" of the late Republican County Convention, as reporte.d by Robt. McDivitt and published in the Journal do American, the following •. On motion, THE DELEGATES TO THIS CONVENTION WERE AUTHORIZED TO NAME THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COMMIT- EMI With this action of the Republican County Convention staring Mr. Logan in the face, ho, obeying the instruc tions of the "ring," proceeded to reject the men named to him by dclegates,for no, other reason -than that_they could not be influenced to do - anything',to disorganize the party or to' defeat the ticket put in nomination by the Con vention. And on the day when Mr. Logau's Committee met, be insulting. ly' denied life-long Republicans who claimed seats with the Committee, the right to be heard. Perhaps, yeS, it may be a certainty, that Mr. Logan is to receive another fat office outside 'of . the Republican . organiiatimi for aiding in the "ring's" rule or ruin fight. • WE BELEM, if ever, fail to defend the men who are unjustly persecuted. In years past, we defended Mr. Scott and Mr. Dorris when they were de. 'flounced by the very men they aro now working in harmony with to dis organize the Republican party. As men and good citizens we respect them—as party men now—as disor ganizers—we-well,. they, cannot ex pect to have the respect of men who desire the success of the Republican party in the County. It is unpleasant for us to politically fight many men, bat as an honest party man we can not do less than oppose all opposition to the success of our party ticket and our party organization. Ws understand that Brice X. Blair, Post Master at this place, appointed by Gen. Grant, is acting with the " ring'.' to defeat the Republican,coun ty ticket. Good-bye Gen. Grant and Gov. Geary if the men who hold office under you are to be permitted to use their influence to defeat your party organization and its nominees. WE double the stakes and go ono better. Who is "Vigilance ?" We are anxious to know the man whose "prominence and influence are felt" who would dare to strike at—well, no matter—who is " Vigilance "? Meeting of Logan's Packed County Committee. We shall endeavor to give a cor rect report of tho, - .proesedings of Mr. Logan's packed, Committee which met in Hantingdon on Friday last. At 2 o'clock Mr. Logan 'gave Public notice in frptit.of 'the Courf,' House that the - Committee would noel in the Grand Jury room, and immediately a rush was made for the room, Mr. Logan act- Inv's door-keeper, and trying to pre- Vent any from entering the room but those he had appointed on the Com mittee, but a.large. number , of other tri bomitten• mob, I who .had been ap poiated by delegates of the late County Convention, in accordance with a mo tion, adopted by Ihe Convention that the' delegates should name the County Committee, also _presented themselves and presied their way into the, room, as also did other Republicans. who were anxious to witness the work of the "ring" of disorgatiizers., Mr. Lo gan called his, committee to order, and gave notice ''that ho would call over tho list of his committee, and all WhOse names were net called shouldjeave, the room. After the Mt' bad beee called we presented a paper frOrn James Port appointing us his substitute _to act as a member of the comthitteo, 'at the same time offering a resolution which the Chairman would not allow us to read, when David Blair moved that no sub stitutes he permitted' to apt with:the Committee, which Mr:Legan declared carried, and wo were' through and re tired., Legally appointed members of the committee, appointed by delegates of the late convention,, also made an effort to be hoard, but Chairman Lo gati applied the gag and they too were requested to retire, which they did.— Before we had retired Mr. Blair Moved that the Committee adjourn to the Court Room to hear john Scott road and explain a Constitution said to be the Constitution of a secret political organization in existence in the county. A committee was appointed to wait upon Mr. Scott: The committee then adjourned to the Court Room where Mr. Scott soon made his appear ancei and the 'Constitution was read and' Mr. Scott's remarks condemning the organization were heard by the Committee and,a large number - of out siders. The chairman then, requeited that the committee again,roturn to the Grand Jury room, when on Motion of a member of the committee, reporters for the press only were to be admit 'fed. The committee and reporters agairi assembled in the jury robm,When on motion public meetings were order ed to . be held during the campaign, at Shirloysburg, Mt. Union, Alexandria, Manor Hill, Orbisonia, Mapleton, Cassvillo, Coalmont, Petersburg and Shade Gap... David Blair then moved that the party do all in its power to elect Gea ry and Williams, which motion,'aftor a speech-from Mr. Blair, was put and carried unanimously: Joseph John son, of Petersburg, then moved that the party unite in favor of the election of John N. Swoope, the, Republican candidate for the Legislature. David Blair, of Huntingdon, H. C. Robison, of Dublin, David Hare, of Porter, and others, objected.. Mr. Blair took the the floor in opposition to the motion and objected'to Mr. Swoope's nomina tion because le.had been nominated with the aid-of Wm. Woods and his friends. He moved to amend the mo tion by substituting the name of Rev. Guyer of Warriorsmark. David Hare denounced the nomination of Mr. Swoop°. Several of the committee expressed themselves willing to assist in defeating the ticket. Mr.'Stone braker was opposed to nominating a new ticket. 1). Blair said it was pro bable that Mr. Swoope would decline if Hr. Guyer should be nominated.— Mr. Phillips, of Alexabdria;anid Mr. Swoope 'did not intend' to deeline. 7 --- John G. Stewart, of Mt. 'Union,. said the Committee had no right to make nominations: 'Mr. Dean. of Cassvillo, opposed the nomination of a 'now tic. ket. 'Mr. Briggs, of Tell, said ho would not support the ticket nominated 'by the Republican County Convention.— Mr. Blair took the ground that the tic ket must be defeated to defeat the'ma jority that put it in nomination. , Mr. Briggs moved that the'Committee 'pro ceed to nominate a ' neiv ticket—yeas, 16, nays, 20.' Orbisonia; Briggs, Robison; Rare; and others whose'names we cannot'reiriein ber. The 'chairman, Mr. Logan, said it did not necessarily follow that "we" must support the ticket nominated by the Republican County'Convontion be cause' we" refuse to nominate a new one. Mr. Hare said, "we" will kill the ticket and. elect Demodrats. Mr. Briggs moved that Mr. Lytle be ac cepted as "our" nominee. Capt. John son suggested that the committee ad journ.' M.r. Blair reminded "the chair that Mr: Briggs' motion 'was still be fore the committee. 'Mr. Spatiogle, of Shirley, moved that "we" ratify Mr. Lytle's nomination, Mr. Isaac Swoope, of Mt. Union district, moved the ratifi cation of the wholemonnty ticket. Mr: ,Blair moved to include in Mr.Spano gle'e motion, S. E. Smucker and Bar ton Green—carried. Capt. Johnson moved that "we". heartily endorse• the nomination of John N. Swoope—car ried, with several objections. Mr. Stonebraker, of Mill Creekontid he would not support all the candidates put in nomination. Some member .moved that "we". only indorse that part of the ticket "we' •havo accepted. Mr. Blair. suggested that "we" vote as -"we" please, and defeat all suspected of belonging to the secret order. A committee of three was then ap- pointed to consider the Crawford County System, or the reduction of the number of delegates to a county convention, as suggested by Mr. Blair, and to report at the next meeting of the committee. Mr. Estep, of Coal moat, moved that the chair call a new County Convention. Ruled out of or der. Mr. Blair moved that the full proceedings be published. Agreed to. On motion adjourned. The foregoing is as full a report of what was said and done by the packScl committee as it was possible for us to note down in the general confusion that prevailed. Mr. Logan appeared to understand the "ring" rules• well ; they, wore that the gag should be ap- plied to every trite party man in favor of adhering to party nominations, and who appeared there and claimed a seat by appointment, as. had been directed by the convention that elected Mr. Lo gin chairman. A half blind man could easily see in Me;togares conduct towards old and well.tried Republicans that he was:only carrying out the in. structio p s of the enemies of William Woohfind that be was thewilling tool of the "ring" or "literati":that has. kir several years attempted to 'defeat one or. more of the'lzattr,noinineete -'.'That "ring" defeated ilteVittY , .; - -two years ago.. That "ring" .mode - :an .extra ef fort to defeat Capt....breelyjaat fall; and but for Mr. Wood's and his friends, and othir true, party. men all over the ceti44.tapt. Neely would have been defeated`f —Logan is onlycarrying out what the "ring" directs. It directed him to pack, the Committee . sufficiently strong anti-Woods men that Mr. Woods' most . bityr enemies, could use it to help them to injure him as a party man and a citizen, and 'to defeat any of hie friends put in nomination on the county ticket. Mr. Logan, thus far, has obeyed the instructions of the se cret political "ring," and has succeed, ed, thus far, in worlcing his committee in the interest of the party opposed to Gon. Grant, Gen. Geary, and the suc cess of the Union Republican party. We wish it to be distinctly under-. stood that we tried to get a seat with Logan's committee for the purpose on ly of hearing what,Might.,be said and done by,the traitors to their party or ganization on that. committee, and to I make an effort to secure seats for men who had a right to be there 'but had been rejected by order of the "ring." We did not then, nor do we now rec ognize that committee as the commit tee authorized by. the County Conven tion. It was packed by disorganizers for disorganizing purposes, and cannot honestly•claiin.to have the right to speak for the Republican party of the county. We reject it—and the party of the county must, if the success of the party is desired by its friends. Who are the Disorganizers ? The gentlemen who are active in their opposition to the election of the entire Republican county ticket as nominated by the late Republican County Convention, certainly will have no objections to their names go ing before the public in the columns of the Globe, that whatever influence they may have in disorganizing the party may be feit .. as soon as possible. We give the names we can just now remember; as follows Theo. H. Cremer, a candidate for nomination `at'; he: late Convention, but was defeated. by the wounded sol dier F. S. Fouse;.David Blair, Brice X. Blair, Post -- Master; Hon. John Scott, U. S. Senator; Wm. Dorris, H. G. Fisher, who couldn't ,be elected a delegate; M. M.Logan, County Treas urer ; Dr. H.. Orlady, Master of the "ring," rand others we will give here after that the iarty'maY have a rec ord of the men who are willing to see the party defeated and destroyed for yeais„to come: • "r Lytle, Smucker, and Green. These geklemen, regularly nomi nated by the:- late Republican County Convention, were accepted by the dis organizers as their candidates, and Mr. Swoops also, conditionally, that ho is not a friend of W. H. Woods. What position aro these gentlemen placed in !J.} , their disorganizing friends? Aro they thus publicly set up by the disorganizers to be knocked down by the friends of other gentle men on the ticket the disorganizers refuse to : aeeept as party candidates? W hum .all true Republicans will overlook• such reckless proceedings, and not' hold the 'clecepted:candidates accountable for the foblish proceedings of their would-befriends—we may say their :worst enemies. Somo ono in Connecticut, Sends a .proposition , to the New York Tribune, that the N4tional Debt shall' be paid off by voluntary' subscription—no one to be,alic,w,ed to subscribe less than one. million islollars.' That• fellow evi• dently waht§."tb•get out'of • paying his Olaf° of Vici'debt. Tribune 'lays Alid s enlire fortunes of all citizens of ihe'United States, worth $1,000,000 or over, would not suffice to pay the debt, and that wo must all help, as we aro now doing, and not allow a few to pay it and receive all the credit:: . . The Secretary of the Treasury has instructed his.assistant at Washington to continue ,:through September the weekly' purchases of Bonds and sales of Gold which have been made through out, August. Any ono who pleases has a right to guess that Mr. Boutwell moans to keep doing so until directed by Congress to do otherwise.- We heartily trust that such is his purpose, The best answer to the .demagogue cry that the Debt can,never bo paid is to persist in steadily paying it. Is That the Reason Why? A gentleman at our elbow tells ns that every than on the Republican ticket, for one in several years, has been a Republican since the party took that name. Before that they were Whigs. Nov, it may bo, that the ticket is objectionable to some gentlemen because it is not mixed enough with their kind. We think it is time original Republicans should have some show for the offices. THE Logan 'Committee, on motion of David.: Blair, denied us a seat with the Committee , as . a substitute, but permitted other subetitutes Who were willing to 'play disorganizers to act as Committee men. The disorgani zers didn't want to give us an oppor tunity to blow them up in their own house. We bad the powder on hand. Spain is fearful that our Govern ment will recognize ; : Cuban bolligor enoy: Who Pays the Piper. A favorite Democratic argument in favor of. Packer's election to the Gov ernorship is,the statement that be has exercised great:shrewdness and skill in tkilieanagement of hie own affairs;_ and basamassed an immense fortune:, About the truth as to his shrevrdneiii in money matters there can be no doubt, and more evidence is accumu ,lating.every.,day—Por instance it is said he paid oyer,Bloo,ooo to the r .l?e, / mocratic State Committee, last week, for the purpose of running the cam paign; and raised the tonnage upon coal fiftpfivn_cents porton, on the Le, high Valley Railroad, of 'which ho is principal owner.--No person can doubt the shrewdness of this operation, nor that the man who conceived it is emi neatly fit for the position of Governor. The additional tonnage, which mast be paid by the consumers, who are chiefly poor - Men and laboring men, will Make up that $lOO,OOO and Packer will have the credit of furnishing it. It is'not surprising that the man- who can innnage to Make' the consumers 'of coal pay the expellee of electing hitri Governor, should have accumula ted a fortune. It is•possible that the consemehr of coal may object, we don't knoW, but we call their atten tion,„ to it that they may reflect on the Wonderful financial skill and shrewd ness of the DeraOcratie candidate for Governor. IN TUE Logan Committoo;:on a mo• Mon to nOrninato a new ticket,` 16 vo tad yea, and 20 voted 'nay—three short of one half the packed Commit tee of 78 members. • Logan hadn't the Committee packed quite as strong AS ho and hie associate disorganizeri thought they had. IT is alleged by two gentlemen re siding in tho neighborhood of Peters= burg, who were "in," that the-,"Consti tution" read in tho Court House by Mr. Scott, is the same as subscribed to by them in presence of a prominent leader of the disorganizers. . : AN'OLD NEGRO AND HIS CRiCKENs• Dr,'Peters; the eminent astronomer connected. :with Hamilton College, went.weist•Co Observe thelate eclipse of the sun. While there an amusing incident occurred which is told by a gentleman present at the time, Who says that the effect upon the animal creation has been exaggerated. Hor ses or cattle paid little or no attention. Creatures that are accustomed to go to some particular place at "dark did shirt for their places, and undoubted ly in some dismay. Birds were ap. parently astonished by being sudden ly caught out late, and must haie fan cied- that they had absent mindedly neglected to notice sunset,' They flew rapidly. An'old' rooster took to" the fence' andlolded liiniselt tip; blirin :two minutes and fifty-two seconds. he crowed lustily. It was a very, short night .to him. -- Saturday 'morning Dr. Peters re quested an old 'negro living near his observfftory to watch carefully his flock of hens, for at 4:45 they would go. to roost. After the eclipse was over he came, evidently much excited. "How was it ?" said the doctor.-- "Beats the debbil," said the negro. "When the darkness come ebry chick'n run for de bole in do barn.. Do filet ones got in, and do next ones run ober ono anuder and the last (nes dey just squat right down in de grass. How long you know dis ling was a com ing?" "Oh 1•1 , reckon -we knew it more than a year," said the doctor. "Beats de debbil ! Hero you away in New York knowd a year ago what my chiek'ne was ,gwine to do die bery afternoon, an', you nebber see de chick'ne afore nudder 1" ter Somebody has started the re port in Philadelphia that our worthy townsman (whom the Democracy would take away from us and transfer to the insalubrious atmosphere of Harrisburg) raised and equipped a regiment of soldiers during the war— ',Union. soldiers, 'we' sUppdse; is meant; 'the report' does not say, which. • But Nye , are, able, on the best authority, to brand this story as a base slander, concocted to injure him with that class of voters who were in the habit of de nouncing the soldiers for the Union as' "Lincoln hirelings," &c. Not a person here in Mauch Chunk, his Sp parent residence, would have the hat , dihood to charge that Judge Packer over equipped or recruited a single soldier during the late war. The nearest approach to it was his well known offer on - behalf of the "Lehigh Valley Railroad to its eniployeeS— who might volunteer to defend its and Judge Packer's property from., the rebel raiders.—Mauch Chunk Gazette. Washington News. The Secretaries are coming home from a vacation. The new twenty-five and fifty cent currency will be issued this week. There is a vacant mission to China, and there is a scramble among tho of floe seekers. ' General Howard's carriage was up sot by lightning last week. The Gen oral pioaped:ivith.it ktialguises. _ . Gen. F. D. Sewell, late Inspector General'of the Freedman's Bureau, has been appointed ,by • Commissioner De lano to superintend the re-survey of all the distilleries in the country, and he is to commence the work at once. "Can a leopard change its spots?" queries tho punster. "Yes," he an. swors himself, "If be don't like one place he can go to another." It is pretty much so with the so called Democratic party to-day ; for in almost every State the party has a different platform. So that if a Democrat don't like the platform of one Stato, all he has to do is to cross the horde,: into another. You pays your money and takes your choice. Packer handed over to the Demo cratic State Committee a first instal ment of $lOO,OOO for campaign purpo ses, last week. He will have to raise, his stake several times within the next' six weeks to be elected. HIIRRYGRAPHS. A Wisconsin . paper gives the follow ing regarding ,the -corn crop with cheerfuOolefulnesss "The corn crop is a pigmy, it) ta a nonentity, it is a. factotum,' a Ilutiit),ag, , a bankrupt.— EVailiedy seetaslo tiityo planted the, email yellow kirid;'s,rift , as emblematic of its•gimenpßeas-Jt;is wearing the, weeds of utter aliecinsolateness. It no" morn appears in silks and tassels.-- 7 " Joseph of old would make a poor stag , ' ger baying - corn the corriiogliaMiSt.q , The SOCfety if; CSlifoiniaVioncers i in San Francisco, have purchased a cane, valued at one. thousand dollars, for presentation to VV. H. reward, on his return Vona Alaska. The head of - the stiCk . ii composed of forty-one tri angular pieces = of gold-bearing quartz froth the leciding'inines of , the State, set in gold. A shoveler named John Marshall, while engaged in loading a boat at Buffalo, recently, became tired, and rested in one of the compartments of the .boat, when he was smothered by a deposit of Wheat thrown upon him. After the removal of 2000 bushels of grain the body was recovered. The fashionable drinks in Boston just now are' root beer, New ,BOgland root beer, old fashioned' "root beer, Ottawa beer, -'Chickasaw beer, Choc taw beer, ChipPewa beer, and all ; kinds of beer, except lager beer, whiely: , is'-prohibited by the prohibitory, ,law. Areve of ninety head' of - Texan cattle got loose in -the streets - of Buffa• lo,lecently, and gored and - I:ramped everything that came in their way. Ono'man Was tossed, a woman was fa tally gored, and several other persons were injured.' The last society spoken of in Cali fornia is the "Pay-Nothings !" It is said to be alarmingly prosperous.. The password is,"Lend me 'a dollar F" the response,, "roke!" It is composed airiest entirely of editors. • latwies(n pos,.prevtlilo . Naer - ford county, Tennesode. The ,negroes are the objet Of , vengehiicit,'- and it is thought the planters will have to or ganize forfself-protection. The boiler of the Phcenix Iron Com pany at Phoenixville, Pa., exploded on the 30th, killing four men and damag ing the building. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. (Estate of GEORGE PARK, dee'd.; tters of administration upon the estate of Daniel Myers, late of Penn township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate will make payment, and those having claims will present there for settlement. CHRISTIANA PARK, James Creek, Sept. B•Ct. . Administrate: WANTED Fox SHIRLEY TOWN ELEVEN, (11)003IPET.ENT fiCilool,, TEACHERS, To meet on the 23rd of Sept. at the School Rouse in Shirleysburg. at which time the Conn!) , Superintendent will bo there for the purpose of examining Teachers:— At the same time orders will be let for Fuel for the Scheel Rouses, By order of Board of School Ditecters. W. F. CLARKE, Sec.y. N°T'°L" TAKE NOME, that the;undereigned having purchas ed at Constable's Sale; the following named property, be leg mold as the property of Henry Ripple. which I now leave in this contend trust of Mrs. 'bury Ripple, until I allot!. see proper torewove away, wiz : Ono Bedstead and bedding, oca 'fennel Bedstead and bedding. one'Befo and -Parent, one Parlor 'Store iind - Olio, ono not Chairs, one CookSioro Pipe and flatting, one Table, one Douglitrny, one Mantle two Shnatielltica_pn.pantcn-cetwa.- ingle - the - Ripple. I forewarn any and all person. from meddling or interferlug„vrith,the above named property. - • Motor V P :U. E. O. SIMMERS UNION. STEAM BAKERY AND Gandy Manufactory, HUNTINGDON, PA. T"- , underalped ~ have_-fi.tted-- , iup a firreclaqa Warn IfAKERIrat tho Castilfin Carden. on Church etreet, and orp,proparod to furnish all kinds of BREAD, ROLLS, BISCUITS,-PIES, Plain and Fancy CAKES,Ac., " ttiroToTi n gil rgir:ta l irorc b o l L i g i s l.;mors to OUR CANDY MANUFACTORY. We manufacture all 'kinds of Fancy and Common Con fectioneries. equal to ony.that coaxes from the city, and nro prepared to lilt largo or small orders on short notice and at CITY PRIORS. We also keep on Land a largo and constant supply of FRUITS AND NUTS, which they will hernial' at reasonable rates. 'The proprietors flatter themselves that it. needs but a trial to convince the moat sceptical, and please the moat fastidious. . Nc respectfully solicit, a liberal !Intro of public patro nage. and shall endeavor to merit Its continuance. ae1,1860 ' SUMMERS do ItEILEY. 4 XAIIINATIONS: - .i , =- - - r. - • ‘ -toreacber's Bain!nations 'ffir the preson lyear may be expected as follows: -- Wednesday, Sopt.lat, Franklin district, , FratiklinVllle Thursday, - - ° 24, Warribrantaik'do, Warden:mark Friday, 0 3d, Morris do. Chafferevillo caturday, 0 4th, Porter & Alexandria, Alexandria Monday, -" - 6th. West do, Shavere Creek Bridge Tuesday, " 7th, Barren do, Manor Hill Wednesday, " Bth, Jackson do, • MeAlavoy's Fort Thursday, " oth, Oneida do, Center Union 8 R Friday, " 10th, Bendel - son do, Union 811 Monday, " 13th, Walker do, McConnellstown Tuesday, 0 14th, Carbon & Coalmont, :Coalmout Wednesday, " 15th, Lincoln & Hopewell, Coffee Run Thursday, "16th Ted, Newberg . Friday, " 17th: Penn, MarkiesOurg , Monday, 0 20th, Brady, 51111 Creek Tuesday, " llet, Mapleton born., Mapleton Wednesday, " 224 Mount Union, Mount Union Thursday, " 23d, Shirley a Shirlemburg, Shirleysb'g Friday, " 2411,, Cromwell a Orbisonia, Orbisonia Saturday, 0 25th, Dublin, Shado Gap Monday. " 27th, Tell, Bollingertown Tuesday' 't 28th, Springfield, Meadow Gap Wednesday,' " 20th, Clay, Scottsville Thursday, " 30th, Caas a Casaville; Cassville Friday, Oct. Ist, Union, Pine Grove 8 II Saturday, ~ 0 2d. Juniata, .... . ..... 801 l Crown SII . - . Thaliaininattons will commence at9,o'clock, A. M. Teachers who are tardy lu attendance need not expect admission into the cla-s. Persons who are in the habit of using intoxicating li quors as a beverage or who are not of good moral cherea ter noed not apply for examination. Applicants will be examined in the districts iu which they apply for schools - - Directors are cautioned against employing any one to teach for single .day without tr valid certificate from tho proper authority. The school boards of Barren, Brady, Cass, Clay, Car bon, Cromwell, Dublin, Franklin, Henderson, Jaskscn, Mapleton,' Morrie, Porter, Shirley, Tell, Tod, Union, Warriorsmark and West districts will meet on tho day and at the place of examination in their respective dis tricts for tho purpose of employing their teachers. " The public aro respectfully invited to attend the exam. !nations. Aug. 26,1669 " D. P. TUSS Y, Co. Supt. GRAND CORN DANCE AND BASKET PIC-NIC, ARRAPAHOE TRIBE, I. 0. of R. M., at COTTAGE GROVE, HUNTINGDON, ON SATURDA Y; THE 11TH DAY 01? SEPTEMBER It is the intention of tl,o Committee to spare no pains to render this st first class entertainment. A suitable tango will be erected where the lovers of the Terpsichor ean net can "trip the light fautsetic toe" to the strains of delightful music. Refreshments will be on the ground and servo.' to vie. Rare at a trifling oust. The public are cord - ally invited to Munch A proses elon will leave the Wigwam at 9 o'clock, a. In., end pro coed to the grove in full rtguliai A. 11. FLOOD, L. FRANK WATTSON, J.D. JAMES BODIAO, J. J. 11Eltill,T, auglB.t4 CulimiittLu of Arrangements. Ic.*IJDITOR'S NOTICE. 'Estate of Robert Wilson decd. undersigned appointed auditor by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, to distribute the balance in the hands of Samuel ateffey, administrator and trus tee to sell the real estate of Robert Wilson, late of Jack son township, deceased, hereby Elms notice to all persons interested that her pill attedd tet the office df Bittipsoh Armitage, In linntingdsrd, 0p BATURDAt SEPTEMISEII 18th, 1869, at I o'cicCit; P.M , let the phrpose of Making said distribution, at which place and time all perseus in terestee are hereby notified to preseht their claims. eel G. B. ARMITAGE, Auditor, AFAIINISTRAtOR'S • [Rotate of :JOHN STROUP, deed:j Letters of administration upon the esinte of John liltroup, late of flontingdon tior.; deceased, baring Peen 'granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted toll+, -earthtl will make Immediate payment, and those basing elaims-will present them for settletnetif. 'IIOIIRRT •• - Adriduletraton .I!t , tlytjritUocl,'atik. 1676 t.. EXECUTORS - (Estate tif.D.VVID 8. BAKER, deed.) -Lettere 'testamentary on. the - estato or David 8 , Baker, late or rho borough or Orbisonia, deceased., basing been granted.to the rindersigned,all -persona indebted are re- quested to make payment rind those Jurrlng claims t 8 presetit them duly autlioutieltel yor ; settlement. ; * • ia;; , w,R,BAKErt. Orldsunlo, August .1.6' Execnttrt, GOOD,ARM.„ - , f SALE , CHEAR "• Te undersigned offers at private onto~the farm knowtd no the upper Hamm. Niece place, sitnatrd fo Huntingdon County, two miles -from bloploton ' - adjoining labds•nont (moulded by Homer Neice,EphrahnThonap4on and others. Containing 146 acre, more or Ina, Abet 50 acre. cleared,- and under cultivation, the balance in good atabet: A large number of fruit trees, cherries, apples, peaches on' the place Will be sold on very reasonable. terms. - . JiWßor further information, apply or write to therm , &reigned at Brand Top Railroad Office, Huntingdon. Pa: aug '6Btf. ROBERT U. JACOB: MTN: LOTS FOR , SALE„, „ IN WEST HUNTINGDON - Bay-Lots from Brat hands nt $ 15 66- 1 ' 7„,:;, , et„ -- hlibapers.dpalidog to build can have vary liberal terms aeto poymento.' Norris tho Umo to triftst. .Ap• ply to [jy2ltt] It. ALLISON MILLED. F OR ..! , - 1. GOOD NEW-STEAM ENGiNi; 18 Doti% Pomp!. For particulars address J. W. DICKERSON or E. F. KERR, Bedford, Patina, =11174 4 4 4 4 4 4'l BOURDON'S è JOUVIN'S KID GLOVES, Ladies And_ Gentlemen's Sims, ME The.Toiirist or Grant Hat AtirClV'ca,ll. 9 m 1r22212 OT P4lttElllos3 CORNER OF TUE DIAMOND, ~__~ ~, KISIIACOQUII44AS I'ORBOTII SEXES:" ' This institutfonas situated in the beautiful valley of EishaeoguillaS, in the midst rif in intelligent and highly moral people. Surrounded by mountain eludes andanp. plied - with an abundance of pure water and of the freshest mountain air, the location is unrivalled for health and for the elevating and refining influences of natural aeon. ery. Corps of instructors 'in every department, expert• enced add :competent.:. Rev. S. 11. McDonald, formerly tutor In_ Princet m College, N.. 1., of large and successful experience In teachingt has.charge of Ancient Languages and Higher Mathematics A lady from Massachusetts, of superior qualifications; will teach English Literature, Painting, Drawing, French• nod German. Prof• ever J. W. Shoemaker, of Philadelphia, is en gngeil to give a course of lessons in Elocution during the fall term. Miss E. .11...111gliam of _Washington county. Pa., has chargo'of Instnimentiii • -- _SCHOLASTIGyEAD. DUNG 4rn'er AUGUST. LURE REILSY. Expense—Tuition and Board, per year, $2OO 00. For Catalogue,' address ,111ABTIN 'MOHLER, A. M., Principal,,Kishacoqulllaa, Mifflin'eouhty, Pa. • Refer to Rev. 0,1). McClean, Lewistown, Pa., Hon: $. S. Woods, Laitlitoplit,, •, • , jel6-4m HUNTINGDON ACADEMY. ME THIS Institution' will open the'fifst Monday of October next: • , • The Term will continuo 11 weeks; and pupils of 'loath sexes will bo receiv,gd, , The Course id•Studj, Will embrace a • fall Academic ed ucation in, Commow pis°. in Scipntific y klathe- Matical iitid•Clasaleaf 11,Iteiatnrel, f-_ Itates of Tuition, $lO, $12,50, and $l5 per Term. If moderate encoUragament be reColved, earnest efforts will be mado to establish a successful and permanent Fchool.at this place ;.• and in; this enterprise the confi dence of the community Is most respectfally solicited. Further information can be had by addressing - Principal, •- - ' Nett Bloodafletd'Pa. •;41 , ,AriveSepteniber 20,11Mitingdon," Flu - August .4, 1100.11 •- •I• 1111 ireif6obs; B. MILTON SPEED, The Union. Bapit,:cd, HD;atiggdon, (Lite C 0. ,) , - - PA CAPITAL; - paid up, Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and otheral A liberal Interest allowed on time Deposita. All kinds'el Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission.— Collecllonsmadaotfiall3Mintat DritftratiAllTAlN!tdr Llltepe Suolled at tlieusnal,rates. , Pirsons-depositlng , Otild-mmi.Sllvor'wilt receive-!he in same return with interest. Toe partners are individ ually liable to the extent of their whose property for alt Deposits. The unfinished business 'of the late firm - of John Dare Co. will be completed by The Union Bank Of linntingdota y 21,115694( C. C. NORTH; enabler. BARCAINSp' I have been requested by t a owners of the following Sowing Machines to dispose of,t hern if possible at the prices annexed : as they wish to procure Singer machines; in their place- One Grover b Baker Illathine; loop stitch, in good ran. ning order, cost $00„will take $5O; ono Florence machine with tucker &:0., uest $BO, will take (good order) $53; one Grover & Bakerinachine, loop stitch, with box cost $55,•wi1l take $45; one Wilcox & Gibbs, cost $O5, will take $10; one Grover & Baker, machine, good running order, cast $55, will take $3O; one Parker Machines with cover, well Anished, cost ; $6O, will take $35; one Sins rever_allaker Machitie,nevor been used, coat with tuck or, ektre hemmer/Mc , per, will take $7O. Letters far Information and- orders for the celebrated. Finger Machine to 'beuddressed to ••• • , July 28-tf J. C. BLAlR,Utintingdoin, WANTED, ' At the New Tannery In.3I9UNT jiNION,onP, R.R; 2500 Cords bli:aid 6plock 3 _am 3Et I. CASH PAID ON DELIVERY. Address, W. H. ROSENSTEEL & SON, Aug234m WeUNTINGDON LIVERY STABLE. undersigned, having purchased the Livery Stable recently owned by, Mr. Simon .Weaton are now 'pre pared to accommodate ' the public ,11.ortinuand Carri ages on reasonable terms. Stable at the rear of the Jackson Home, near the D:T ; Railroad. aug26'69 LAMBEItTSON 31A.801% LIME. From tho kiln of Geo. Taylor, klarkleaburg, prof, en by comical analysis to be of the beet quality, con-. stantly kept and for sole in any quantity, at the depot of the Iluntingdon and Broad Top Railroad. .ddr-Apply to Geary Leister, Proprietor of the "Broad Top House.. june.lo-tf ETAltll and Soft Coal•for sale by • uufi2.l•tt ItENny CO ' ' • Arzo, 111 lii =1 IIyNTIN ' ODON, PA -~-~- Vg2l T. n. !xis, JAMES NORTH, DAVID BARIUM $50,000; MOUNT UNION, PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers