The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 25, 1869, Image 3

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    Eije 61,nbe.
Wednesday morning, Aug. 25, 1869.
Noricds Lodge, No. 300, A. Y. If., meets second
Monday evening al each month, in Brown's building.
Standing Stone S. R. A. Chapter, .No. 381, meets the
first Tuesday evening of each month, in Braun's building.
Juniata. Lodge, ho. 117, I 0. O. F., meets every Friday
evening, third floor, in Leister's building.
Mount nio- Lump of 1. 0. 0. F., meets every second
and fourth Tuesdays, in Leister's building, third floor.
Standing Stone Lodge, No. 85. I. 0. G. zonoet. every
Tueulay evening in third floor of Read's building.
Arrapahoe Tribe, /Co. 68, 1. O. 4f R. At, meets every
Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's building.
Young Men's Christian Association mt.ets the first and
third Monday evenings each month, in Brown's building.
Post 33, G. A. R., meets Third Monday of curls mouth
in Court House.
Town Council meets the first Friday evening of each
Huntingdon Lodge, N 0.149, K. of P., meets every Sat
urday evening, fn Leieter's building.
Baptist Church—Washington Street. Rev. J. W. Platt.
nett. Services on Sabbath : 1034 a. m., p. m.
Catholic—Washington Street. Itev.o. e. Gallaher. Sea
vices first three Sundays In every month.
Evangelical Lathemn-1111111n Street. Rev. J. J. Kerr.
Services on Sabbath : 1034 a. m.,7 p. m.
German Reformed—Church Street. Rev. S. D. Steeds
Service on Sabbath: 7. p. m.
Methodist Episcopal—Church Street. Rev. R. E. Wilson.
Services on Sabbath: 10% a. us., 7 p.m.
Protestant Episcopal-11111 street. Rev. A. H. 8010,
Services ou Sabbath t 10M a. m., 7 p. m.
Presbyterian-11111 Street. Rev. G. W. Zahnlser. Ser
vices ou Sabbath : 11 a. ta , 7 p.m.
Hrlef Items.
Spreading themselves—the rule or ruinites
, When the ball opens there will be some
There is a law requiring guide boards to
be placed at the forks of every road.
Marrying a woman for her beauty is like
eating a bird for its sweet singing.
Edward Hughes, aged 67 years, died sud
denly at Altoona last week.
• A common hen in Mifflin county laid an
egg 6 by 71 inches in circumference.
Our former townsman, "Boas" Levi West
biook, is in town, and looks well
A man in Lewistown is going to erect an
ice-house capable of holding 600 tons of ice.
A. basket, baby, bottle and note were left
on the porch of a gentleman's residence in
Blair county, recently.
Slanders issuing from red and beautiful
lips are like spiders era - aging frdm the heart
of a rose.
In proportion as we ascend the social scale
we find as much need there asbelow, only it is
Lard and gilded.
Seven eistera work their father's farm in
Wright county, Minnesota. They raised and
sold last year 1,600 bushels of grain.
"J. N.," the immortal and übiquitous, is
to splurge on "Truth" in Altoona next Fri
day evening. More pressure.
- Some of the boys drove a brisk trade in
peaches, apples, etc., during Conrt and since.
Tall oaks from little acorns grow.
A thief stole twenty-five yards of carpet
from the floor of the Presbyterian church at
31cVeytown recently.
Some 'sharpers in Philadelphia recently
ileecedMr.Craford Gallagher, of Clearfield
•coooty,out of $560.
•While a mother was brooding over her
poverty, her little son said: "Mamma, I
think God hears when we scrape the bottom
of the tairrel
A warning,to ladies—Orlina Lybarger, of
Indianapolis, wanted to draw her corsets an
inch tighter, and bust a flue. Sho is now a
"cold corpus."
When business men write their bill-heads,
letter-heads, &0., instead of having them
printed, it is a clear sign that "time hangs
heavy on their hands."
Out of two pounds of the Early Rose pota
toe planted last spring, Dr. R. Clark, of Bell's
Mills, Blair county, raised two hundred and
ton pounds of potatoes. Can that be beat?
Potatoes 35 to 40 cents, Apples 50 cts, to
Si, Peaches $1,50 to $2,00 per bush., Onions
75 to 85, Tomatoes $1 per bushel, Butter 25,
Eggs 18. Limited quantities taken in ex
change at Red Front.
Bishop Simpson preached in the M. E.
church in LewistOwn recently. A $3OOO
subscription was raised, which is to pay off
the church debt. There are few ministers to
equal the Bishop in settling up old scores._ _
A case of fornication was tried in Frank
lin county, this State, recently, in which the
prosecutrix was only 15 years old and the
defendaat 16 years old. The defendant was
proven guilty and a light penalty inflicted.
The canary-bird has been an object of traf
fic for five centuries. Five ',hundred years
ego there was but one kinirof canary-bird,
but the original stock has been so mixed and
adulterated, that the varieties now number
at least fifty.
A western paper announces the illness of
its editor, piously adding: "All good paying
subscribers are reqUeiled to mention himin
their prayers. The others need not, as the
prayers of the wicked. avail nothing, accord
mg to good authority. •
The Altoona Park-Association is to hold 'a
fair at that place on the 28th, 29th and 30th
of September, and let day of October. The
premiums amount to $2750, and among the
attractions Will be horse-racing, parade of the
fire depart:bent and a velocipede race.
• The Gilfort Brothers performed on the tra
peze in the Diamond on Thursday evening
last. Judging from the manner the perfor
mance progressed, they would not make
good harvest hands, although their proper
pens did show off to advantage.
Aeon of Germany recently came home to
his family in a rather how-come-you-so con
dition, when his dearly-beloved berated him
in a manner. eminently fitting an offended
woman, and' "told - him he could just run off
from her whenever he had a mind to. His
Teutonic majesty; recalling the days of yore,
when love held away, blandly • replied: "1
will my dear , if vou go 'long.'
The Altoona papers should, by this time,
we think, have seen the folly of allowing
their columns to be used by one person to
yillify another. The "letters from the peo
ple" could be good things, but when they are
liathing but a repetition of personalities, they
bring the journal into disrepute, and the mo
ral standing of the community is very materi.
ally lowered thereby.
:There are but forty-five persons living in
3hambersburg, who were born there sixty
years ago, and of those born there fifty years
ago only 'sixty remain. Huntingdon could
furnish a better record than that, but unfor
tunately the law for publishing marriages
and births is a dead letter, and we fear to of
fend by giving facts from the "oldest inhabi
tant," as too many compete for that honor.
The Altoona Tribime . furnishes pgroitipns
the following advice, gratis, xve presume :
give:ling:lon will bp left pot In the cohl. !p
-lus her people burry up a Town llall. By
the first of October there Will be a hoe of ex
cellent balls from Pittsburgh to Ilarrisburg,
by way of Bellefonte, Lock Unveil and Wil
liamsport, and :ill entertainments will leave,
pr strike the Pennsylvania railroad, at Ty
rone, unless the people down the river °rec^
11 . 9.1113 to accommodate them."
Murder on Brood Top.
A most cowardly and cold blooded
murder was committed on Broad Top
near Dudley on Saturday evening the
21st inst., between nine and ten o'clock.
Patrick Mackey, a miner, working in
the coal mine of D. Blair, on his way
home Saturday night from Dudley to
Barnotstown was waylaid and mur
dered near the Barnet Bank ; he was
struck across the back of the neck
and across the forehead with 'a piece
of flat bar-iron, breaking the skull and
injuring the spine. He lingered un
conscious for several hours and died
Sunday morning. Several parties are
under arrest for the commission of the
offence, and warrants are out for oth
ers. We understand that Mr. Mackey
the man who is thus brutally murder
ed was a peaceable, industrious and in
offensive young man. He leaves a
brother and two sisters to mourn his
untimely end. It appears from what
we can learn, that there is a Miners
Union League or Society on Broad
Top which undertakes to regulate the
price of mining coal and other work
in and about the different coal mines;
and on account of one or two men,
members of this League, not getting
the work and the wages they wanted,
no work was permitted by this League
to be done at the Blair wine for the
first ten days of this month. A new
set of men, of whom Mackey the mur
dered man was one, started the mine
and were deriounced,as "black sheep"
by the members of this Union. This
difficulty no doubt led to the murder
of poor Mackey. But as the whole
matter will undergo a thorough legal
investigation we forbear to say any
thing more at present.
On Tuesday night of last week Mrs.
Caroline E. Spaulding, wife of Wm.
Spaulding, formerly of this place, but,
lately of Bridgeport, Huntingdon coun
ty, committed suicide , by banging her
self with a clothes line to the grape
arbor in H. M. Pratt's yard 'in this
place. She 'was found hanging and
dead by Mr. Pratt about 10 o'clock.
Coroner Miller was apprised of the
fact, and held an inquest, the jury ren
dering a verdict of death from suicide.
SpaUlding was 87 years of age,
and had been married a number of
years, but left no children. For five
years past her health had been very
poor, and she became subject to fre
quent fits of melancholy. These seem
ed to be aggravated by the religions
revivals or excitements of 'last winter,
since which time she has repeatedly
expressed the wish that she were dead.
In consequence apprehensions had
been entertained for some time by her
friends that she might some day at
tempt to destroy herself, and her
movements were therefore generally
watched. Her maiden name was Tay
lor, and she was originally from Corn
wall, Conn. She was a cousin of Mr.
Pratt, and was on a visit to his family
at the time of this sad occurrence. Her
remains were interred iu the Presby
terian cemetery.— Lewistown Democrat.
far On Wednesday last, a party
hunting berries .on the Cross Moun
tain, South of the Little Cove, found
the remains of a child, which upon ex
amination proved to be those of the
little daughter of James Strealy who
was lost in the Cove Mountain about
three months ago. It seems that after
becoming separated from her compan
ions, the little creature wandered off
four or five miles among the moun
tains, and then t erished from hunger.
At the spot where she was found, a
quantity of moss had been collected
which she had arranged in the form of
a playhouse, against or under a lodge
of rocks. The remains of the child
were identified by means of the hair•
and vestiges of clothing which were
strewn around. The remains were
brought back to the home of her par
ents, where they were interred, the
community manifesting deep sorrow
a❑d sympathy with the afflicted par•
ents. The spot where they were found
is not more than two miles from the
residence of Solomon Heiser, Esq.,
who is well known to the people of
this town.—Franklin Repository. -
Bqr Wo are glad to learn that our
enterprising men, Messrs. W. H. Ro
sensteel & Son, who have been so suc
cessful in their business at Mapleton
station, have leased the largo and ex•
tensivo Tannery recently built by Jno
Bare, of Mount Union. The Tannery
is built on the most appropriate plan
having introduced in it all the modern
improvements. Among'the most im
portant is the Allen & Warren system•
of leaching bark. The .Tannery has a
capacity for thirty thousand sides of
heavy hoes and belt leather, equal to
sir.laundrOd.aiad fifty thousand pounds
of leather, and will consume annually
at least twenty-five hundred cords of
bark. We have no doubt from what
we learn of this firm, with their com
bined skill and energy, and the already
established and enviable reputation for
the stock, they will meet with like
success in their new place of business: ,
See their advertisement in another
column. It
ler The following cases wore dis
posed of during the second week of
Court :
Martin S., Miller vs. Louis Smawley,
It. Bruce Potriken
_and Joseph Lam
may. _ Action—summons in debt.—
Verdict in favor of .Plff. for $125.60.
John MeCombo .vs. Allen 11,,.1;low
man. Action—ejectment. This was
an appeal from an award of arbitra
Levihe plaintiff took a non-suit.
l R. Chaplain,,convicted.of pg•
gravated assault, was sentenced to pay
a fine of 85,00, and undergo an impris
onment in the county jail for five
The Altoona tribune commenting on the
sale of the Bellefonte National newspaper of
fice by the Sheriff, says : "Our motto is 'Live
and let live,' and when we eannot get living
prices for executing job-work, in the printing
line, we will gait the business and go at some
thing else." "Them's" our sentiments to'a
T, and we will add that they who expect
printers to work for nothing or wait for their
pay, fall far short of showing a )ibera ), home
patropiF,ing spirit.
—Buy the Eclipse Cook Stove, the
Best in the market. llie,bly recom
mended by all who have it in use, Call .
and see it at the Hardware Store o
A. It. Stewart & Co. 2t
has retired from the editori
al management of the Juniata tS'entiz!s?, and
is succeeded by *. ji..T d itgefield 4 Co. lyet
midi' the parties success.
Skir The beet Drills at 24eLanaban, Stonp,
'sett's. Hollidaysburg. jel6-4m
The Newspaper Cask System.
The Wisconsin
‘ editors have been
holding a convention at which the prop,
osition was broached for establishing a
general newspaper systein out there of
cash payments. • Why not every
where? It is the only proper way.
Most-of our country newspapers live
half-starved on the credit system when
they might get fat and Saucy on the
cash system. Our war correspondence
for instance, during the fate rebellion,
cost over half a million in cash. We
could afford it with our cash system;
but whore would we have been under
the old stupid Credit system ? No
where. Of all things in the world
newspapers call for the cash system,
and it is always best for buyer and
seller. "Mr. Speaker," once said Sohn
Randolph, "I have found the philoso
pher's stone. It is pay at you go, sir,
and be paid as you go."—N. Y. Herald.
Exactly so. But not only printers,
but every class of society would be
benefitted by a strictly:cash system.
There is nothing to prevent it, hut a
fear of losing, which is only imaginary.
People must' live, and. just so long as
money circulates, somebody must get
it--:•then why not pay as you go. •It is
much easier to do this•than to wait
and let the sum accumulate to fright
ful proportions, when the possibility of
paying that:thou c:weSt is infinitely
more uncertain and distasteful: We
are pained to heai of the complaints of
men in
c verrposition - about, the' tight
nesi nioncy. such man's "plea is,
that man • owes `ine7 and I owe you;
when be pays -me I 'will • pay you.
There are- too many drawback's in the
world, who, like the miser, scrape up
the dollars and cents i cheat:their cred
itors, and thus ,make themselves rich
er and the poor Omer. , The cure-of
this great evil is- in •the cash system,
and, no matter if seine do think it im
practicabiei, we are of the opinion that
the sooner all . business men adopt it
the better for society and for, the coun
Chicken Choleen
A correspondent, writing to the
lowa Department of Agriculture, says:
My chickens have been dying of
cholera for the last two years—even
turkeys have died of the same disease.
When the hens begin to droop and look
sleepy, give thorn three or four table
spoonfuls of strong alum water, and
repeat the next day. Also mix their
feed (say Indian meal) with strong
alum water, feeding twice a day for
two or three days—afterward once a
Another gentleman, writing to the
same department says :
Take two eggs, one tablespoonful' of
finely pulverized alum, and a sufficient
quantity of flour to make a thin paste,
and force the chicken or turkey to
swallow a portion of the mixture, and
there are two chances to one that it
will recover. I have also used alum,
once a day, in their food as a preven
tive, when this disease is prevalent.
Fowls should never have access to
swill tubs or any other kind' of sour
WY-The Phrenological
,Jeurnal for
September contains the portraits aud
hiographies . John . Rogers; the de
signer and modeler of the well known
"Rogers' GroupS;" Jos. A. Wright, ex
governor of Indiana, and late minister
to Prciesia; Von Baer,• the Russian
Naturalist; Vinnie Ream, the Wash.
ington Sculptress; besides interesting
articles illuhtrated and otherwise, on
Reads large and small; Personal Beau
ty ; 'St. Mark's Cathedral at Venice;
Apoplexy, or • the Philosophy of Sad
den Death; the Rhinoceros; Centro•
versy, its Uses and Abuses; Life Sav
ing Apparatus; True Relation of Sexes;
A Visit to a Cloister, or the Ape men,
by Carl Vogt; Presentiments, etc.
Price 30 cents, or 83 a year. S.•, R.
Wells, Published 389 Broadway, New
ROAD LAW.-WO have received from
George F. Worrell, bookseller, West
Chester, Pa , a copy of the General and
Special Pennsylvania Road Law, a
book just issued by Col. F. C. Hooton,
District Attorney of Chester County.
The book gives a short statement of
the method of obtaining a new road.
It gives the power and authority of
Road Jurors; the duties of Supervisors
under the General and Special Laws,
and the duties of Road Contractors.
Every Supervisor, Justice of the Peace,
Road Contractor and Surveyor, should
have a copy. Every man accustomed
to serve upon Road Juries, and every
man interested in knowing just what
the law of the road is, should have a
copy. A-copy of the book sent to any
address on receipt of fifty four cents.
All kinds of Stock-keeping, Farm and
Dairy matters are treated :of in a
clear and popular style in this Journal.
Its articles-are all timely and full of
interest and should be read by all hav
ing the care of Farm Stock of any
kind. The recipes it contains for the
cure of sick, injured or diseased Ani
mals are worth a hundredfold its cost.
Specimen copies sent free. Address,
N. P. Boyer & Co., Publishers, Parks
burg, Chester Co., Pa.
Reader, Think of
An exchange aptly and truthfully
says of local papers, that they enhance
the value of property ;that they bene
fit particularly merchants and real es
tate owners thrice the amount yearly
they pay for the support. • There is no
thing that would do a puce more harm
than to
_he without a newspaper, This,
every sensible 'man knows. A local
newspaper then, is a necessity. It is
a sacred day to support it. You need
not think, that the publisher of a paper
can run it for Your benefit and pay ex
penses out of his own, pocket. Give
your home paper good advertising pa
tronage, and a respectable list, and you
will then have just such a paper as you
Ladles Drawls and Itloys Clothing.
MRS. 13.. ANNIE MpO4n 4nd Miss
MARY REEVES respectfully ., inform the
public that they have removed to the
house formerly opnipied by 11..•MeMan
igill, on Walshitigton 'Street, and are
prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and
Boys' Clothing of all kinds. They re
spectfully solicit a full share of pat
ronage. ' RPir:tf.
—Farniera, 'Any; i q Stillpenup Pre 7
mina► Grain 'Drill. beat'ardthe
Cheapest Price s7o,..Pcir
8* by 4. Tt. stowarcsr, co. • '
McLaiiahan, Stone Isett,eole 491-
ors in th 9 G'aiger Thr9Bll9r yaA
triple r ower. 1016 . 5ni
All kinds, at very small profits. Not
offered low to draw you on on other
goods. Our prices to continue low,
The best Silver and Golden Drips,
genuine Lovering and other Syrups.
New Orleans and other Baking Mo
A variety of kinds of best always on
band cheiip,
Roasted and Green; cheap as the
oheapost for the same quality.
Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Boef,
at living prices.
The beet N. Y. State Goshen and
Ohio Chem.
The best stick and other candies,
wholesale and retail. •
The best Flour by the barrel, sack
or pound. Cheaper for the same qual
ity than elsewhere.
By the hundAid or smallerquantity
A large stock of Ironstone and Com
mon ware, in setts or' by the piece.—
Glassware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars,
etc, at Red Front, cheap:
Wood and. Willow-Ware.
A large assortmont of Baskets,
Buckets, Churns, Tubs, etc., etc., at
Red front . ; , '
Fruit, &c.
Dried Poaches and_ Apples, Raisins
Prunes, Currants,. Elderberries,—Can
ned Fruit and Vegetables, etc.
By the sack or busbol. Also Dairy
Spices, &c.
All kindsi of Spiees; - an4 a great va
riety of notions. pop of all kinds
and cheap.
Pickled Salmon,' Raddock, Shad,
Trout, White Fish,' Mitekerel, Dry
Salt, Quoddy Labrador, Lake.:and
smoked Herring, by, the ball and guar.
ter barrel, kilt, pound and dozen. All
warranted, and pheaper,t4an elsewhere.
The best quality of, Tobacco, and
cheaper than any other store in toxVn.
For what you want ffrot pall at .h3n
torpriaa I.leadquart,or9 'where. winos
Ivlll ho kept regularl'
Mxssas Entrons :—Apropoe- 'of the
subject upon which I am writing, I
see in a western paper an account of a
speech delivered by Hon. John-Sher
man, at Canton, Ohio, on the 14th inst.
In :his remarks, ho referred to the
prosperity of that town, which a few
years ago had the reputation of being
a sleepy-going town. It, like Hunt
ingdon, Was not improving, and there
was but little • employment, except
that given in a few stores and shops,
while there was the ward number of
nomproducers, lawyers, doctors and
preachers. Now, the population of
Canton is doubled, and property val
ues trebled. Every industrious man
who wishes employment can have it.
Its workshops now produce annually
more than .a million dollars worth
of machinery, ;the raw material for
which is found mainly in neighboring
soil. Mr. Sherman asks: "What is
the cause of this change? - Ibis in the
diversity of employment, and the di
version of labor. No nation can be
great without this. We must develop°
agriculture, mechanics and commerce.
When liberty and property are secure
then the great object of civil law is to
develop 'industry. The diversity of
its industry is, the gauge of its pros
perity. The mechanic and the farmer
should each produce what the other
wants, and the exchange of these pro
ducts should take place near to each
other. Then the surplus, products of
both goes off 'into the 'market in its
more valutible form. You may at
tribute your prosperity to the fact that
your county is underlaid with coal and
iron. This is indeed of' greater value
than your surface soil. But it is of
equal value to your neighbors, for the
cost of transportation has been so
greatly cheapened by railroads that
your coal and iron is as valuable to
other places as to you."
We have repeatedly commended the
energy in western towns, but as it is
in Canton, so it can be in Huntingdon.
No town will prosper so long as it
does not seek to improve ite own re
sources, and draw from its own ma
terial in the manufacture of its' own
implements. As Mr. Sherman says of
a town : " Tho diversity of its in
dustry is .the gauge of its prosperity,"
and that sentiment should be the
motto of the people of , every town.
One branch of industry alone- should
not, be cultivated, as that would cause
such competition that there would be
a ruin in prices;
but in diversity there
would be mutuality, and each branch
would Assist the other in,. developing
the grhateit'proportion'of our resour-•
ces. In how short a time would
Huntingdon rival the most enterpri
sing of towns if the works of art Were
only more extensively introduced and
diversified in our midst; but it cannot•
bo done unless steps are taken to pro
mote such a desirable result, and a
full and hearty co-operation is exten
ded by every cien. . .
From $3.00 upwards, at Lewis' Book
Store. -
Tribute of Respect.
At a' triceiing'of . Mount Hope Ledge No,
209,1.0. of G. T., at - Petersbkg,July'net,
1869, the following resolutions were adopted:
How oft we ale called to realize the sol
emn truth that we are mortal—that iin the
midst of life we are upon the verge of the
grave, and that our time upon earth is but as
a moment when compared with the vast eter
nity before us. The grim monster Death has
taken from our midst one of the leading spir
its of our beloved Order; he who of all others
showed both by precept and example that-he
was in earnest in the Temperance work, In
his Christian life he has left us an example
worthy of imitation. He has left us; but we
mourn not as those without hope. He died
as he lived, in the enjoyment of a good' hope
of immortal bliss. ft was our privilege to
visit our brother during his lust illness, when
he told us that his work was done, and that
he was, resigned to the will of his Heavenly
Father. To-night he sleeps his last sleep.—
We miss him from our councils. No more
shall his stately form - be seen among us ; no
more his wise counsel guide`us ; no more his
kindly greeting meet us; but our less isihis
gain, and we feel that we canlatiy; "Thy will
be done."
In view of, the above, your, committee
would offer the following:
Resolved, That in the death of our brother
STEvENs, this Lodge has lost One - of
itq brighteit ornaments, and ono of its'roost
useful members.
Resolved, That in the death of our brother
we are again admonished of the uncertainty
of life, and of the importance of being pre
pared for death, so that,•like him, when call
ed away from earth we may have on the wed•
Resolved, That to the mother and relatives
of the deceased, we tender our warmest sym
pathies, feeling that their loss is irreparable,
yet rejoicing to know-that he has gone to a
clime where:
"Sitikness, sorrow, pain and death
Are felt and feared no more."
Resolved, That as a token of respect to the
memory of our departed broTher, the charter
of the Lodge be draped in mourning fur thir
ty, days.
Resolved, That a copy of the above reiolu
tions be transmitted to,tbe mother of the de
°eased; 'and that they be published'An the
county papers and in the Temperance 'Vindi
JoriN T. Dun",
Froin 62.50 upwards, at Lewis Book
BET' And when 'Abraham and the people
beheld the,wonderfnl'eures which were pro
duced by ,this. drink,•Abraham said: "My
children must not suffer'; give me thy drink
to.drink, and' I will give it a name." .
And so Abraham drank, and said there
was nothing like it, even in Sangamon
that it was bitter to the lips, but good for
the stomach ; and because there were bitter
times in fighting the masters of the planta
tions, it shall be forevermore called Planta
tion Bitters ; and so it has been: ,
And the,wonderful work Avhieh
formed is witnessed at this day in very tolyn t
pariah, village and hamlet throlighquVDll the
world. ,
. .
And he "Let'it be proclaimed
throughout the length and hreadth pf the land
.trom the valleys ancfaiountale-tops,, that.all
whe suffer frptptesirs,.dyipePein,:lveillitiliel4
loss pf' appetite, 'Aniline headache; and:mon-,
tea:deapoudency, will find relief through did
Plantation Bitters.. They add tone to the
stomach, and brilliancy to the mind, of,sylliph
0 people i am a living , -
Mitaxopr.s. WATce.--Superier tq the beet
imported 0;4111Rn (Magna, and, half
the price. , • tf
lap. Far mere,go to 141;optinthen,. Stone .8s
Ise% of Hollidaysburg, and buy' your Agri.
cultural Implements, for they have the, best
assortment of egrieultUrel iroplemente in the
Staff. - - •jel6.snt
7.-4. It. Stewart . eiCo. are selling the
purest anti ljest White Lead fp town.
ThO FRANKLIN .blopt,, in the Dia
mond, in this place,. R. D. HEFPNER,
Proprietor, is the place• for travelers,
business men and the people generally
from town and country to stop. The
best accomodations muy always be,ex
ge., Farmers needing a Grain-drill,
will do well to call on Wharton & Ma
guire and examine the Willoughby
gum-spring grain drill, either with or
without phosphate attachment, before
purchasing. tf -
/gr McLnnahan, Stone a rsett keep the
repairs of all their instruments, and can be
had any time. jeltl•sm
—Keystone Cider Mill for - sale by
A. R. Stewart & Co.
At Huntingdon, on Friday evening,
13th August, inst., MR, SAMUEL
ENT, highly respectable citizen of
this place, in the 81st year of his age.
The deceased was born in Philadelphia,
and spent hie early days in that city and on
the seas. He removed with hie family to
Huntingdon about the year 1845, where he
has since continued to reside. The desth of
a kind and affectionate wife, his companion
for nearly forty years, a little over one year
ago, was a shock from which he never re
covered. Mr. C., many years ago became a
member of the Protestant Episcopal Church,
while yet in Philadelphia; and ever since his
removal to this place, has been a consistent
member of St. John's Protestant Episcopal
Parish, and an efficient member of its vestry.
The funeral took place on Sunday the 15th
Aug., inst., at 4 o'clock, from his , lab resi
dence in the following order: After the
reading of the beautiful funeral servicevip
pointed by the Church, his remains were
escorted to the cemetery , by the members of
the Mount Moriah- Lodge of Free Masons,
and a large concourse of friends and neigh
At the grave the ceremonies were conduct
ed wholly by the brethren of the masonic
order. By many present the funeral rites
and ceremonies of this ancient and honorable
order were seen and heard for the first time.
They are certainly grand, beautiful and hn
pressive beyond 'conception, and in paying
the last tribute of respect to the memory of
their departed brotheroley did 'not felt to'
present them in their moat attractive form.
When the young and middle aged die, a
feeling of sadness net easily suppressed will
overshadow us. We weep, because•-to us
who see through a glees darkly, the time of
-their departure seems too soon. how unlike
this is it when the good old man, full of years,
after having'snecessively passed
,through the
spring;Mimther and autumn' 'of' life, and at
tained te 7 almost partriarebal age, is called
hence to receive his reWard.',!Like fruit fully
ripe, lie drops into the earth and is hid from
our view, only to reappear-in' a• form more
majestic and beautiful among the first fruits
of heaven's immortal ,spring . - :surely there
is no cause of sadness in such a death, hilt
much of joy. •,• , : - F. B.
PIZILLDELPUIA, ' Aird , 2i, iSG9. ,
Super One Flour per barrel $5.25e.5.50
Extra Flour per barrel .$5.50(&6.00
Bye Flour per barrel $0 00(36.37%
Bed Wheat per bushel $1 58(01.ea
Rye per bushel $1.9.0(g1.24
Cora per bushel 1.10(31.20
Oats per bushel 65@91ets.
N1T813110.011, Aug. 21,18G9.
Spring Wheat Flour per barrel $7.00ff7.75
Now Wheat per bushel.. $1.29®1.40
Corn pot bushel 05@1.00
OW per bubhol ' 45©5901e.
Ilya - per bushel 81.1664.18
' NEB' ions, Aug. 21.--Oold closed at $1,32.
P7801.721d1S PRIM.
FLotrit-•Superfn Flour, per barrel, $4.50
Extra Flour,. do 5.25
Family Flour, ' ‘. do ' 6.00
altAlN—.Red Wheat, per bushel, 1.10®1.25
White Wheat, do . 1.35
1; e, do 1.09
Corn, do 90
Oats, do 30
Burley, do 1.20
Sami-rTimbthy, do • ; 2.50
Flaxseed, • do' ' 2:25
. _
. - •
' Cloverseed, per 64 lbs. ' ' 0.00
PROVISIONS—Potatoes, per bushel, ,' 40
Dried Apples, do _-. - ' 2.50
Corn Meal, per cwt., •---*- • - 2.25
Dried Peaches, per pound, -. . _ •18
Dried Beef,. • , do . 22
~ do "„..., 20
Pork,. -- do - •• ..' --' 12
Butter, do ••- , 25
Climb, -- do . ' ' -... 20
Eggs, per dozen, - -- ' lB
llaro, 20
Side, - -', -18
Shoulder, 16
COAL.—Hard coal, per ton, 6.00(0.00
Broad Top coal, do 3.000,3.50
LUMBER, perlooo feet, - ' '12.00 30.00
SHINGLES—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00 12.00
Joint Shingles, do 6.00 a 7.04
MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, 8.00
Bran, per'owt., 1.25
Hops, per pound • 40
Wool, do 45®50
Hay, per ton, 8.00
Hides, qv
Green Apples, (do 75®1.00
Onions, do - 75
, .
• • ••••77-
CEO. , F. , MARSH,
. .„ . . . r.
Has rtinMafe the second tie r e to Eead'e Now
log, where he Intends' to keep constantly on hood the
latest styles ei
Betsy . ,
it ; Practical werknian of rooky years eFprrieneo
he is prepared to -make to ; order Clothing for men end
boys, and guarantor neat, durable and fashionable work
manship..lls IA determined to please everybody.:
„are Invited - to call ttn.l?samine Rty new.
stink - Of belMiliul patterns I.Mtoro tmihaelog plenbero
, •
Unntingdon, Meh. "; ;,,
I bare been requested by'the menorah( oe - following,
Sowing Maokincie to dispose of ,t hein - ,tf pooslblia_at the
hnnexed, the - y.)1;119 i to prpotfre Singer machines
in thele'pinoes •
Oqo Grover & Baker Machine, long stitch, in good run
ning order, cost $OO, will takr(sso; one Florence machine
with tucker &c, cost $BO, will take (good order) 568;
ono Grofer & Baker machine, leap stitch, with box, coat
565 ; will take $46; one IVltox. & Gibbs, cost to, will
take $3O; ono Grover 5' Aiken machine, good running
order; cast $55, will take .640'; one Parker Machine, with
cofer ; 'yell finished, omet, $00,„ Mite $B5 . one fine'
Grover`dt ilaker;Blactibie, never been used, cost with tuck
or, extra liiiinmera &e 478, will take $7O. ' • _
Letters for information and orders for
_the celebrated
Stager liffiehino to be addressed to, • •
• July 28-tf '' 'J. o:BLeillt ; Thmtingdon, Pa.
,11E. -• •
' From lir kiln of gen. Taylor, ?darkleldrarg, pro,-
chemiCal analysis to be or the beet quality, con
stantly kept and Tor 'gale in any quantity. at 'the depot of
the Iluntingdon ond goad Top Rat 'road. , -
JZ,ApPIy to lialjry Ldster; Prokirtetoi of Ills "Broad:
Top House?. •,• • kinego4l •
IVHYtionq you go to - genry,O - Co.
arid by your goods ofavory - dulid4dioa at Abe
very lowest prieoe, and save the youbla going' from
afore to !tore to got_
Trbatyou lueb2ttf
Cunningham& Carm6n
Cotner of RailroadLcu4Vont i goih'eik St
000 8,
would call special attention to
the daily arrival of MICE AND BEAUTIFUL
8, which are offered at
Tempting Prices,
Cousistiug of Beautiful alike of all ebadee; all wog
Popl/pe, Magma, Melanges, elralura, Cbtnizes,!yn*
beautiful Hue of fine bautbriee, Barred Moline, Naha:
looks, alUghame; and Ghambrays.
ALSO, a full Hoe of Dwindle Ouo4 gulch an' -
Plfto Drown' IttteHa, 40 tattles wide; BlOoPlie4 2 4". 11 i4
from to 21,4,
Ceaafinet; &c,, &c
"'Our stook of 6110.1118 excois anytkhig of qu,lai l q th
side of Pklllulelpkia,
ALSO, a largcijlng well selected atods
. 74 41e . 4% rot.
able for the semen
• . Are make a specialty of thin article, sad have en Itazi4
cety.tine assortment ' . `;
Wiifell will be sold loli'er'thiuk CAN be field by any Other.
house Outside of .Pbiltulelphla. Wo biiyo also OP bend q
InrEo Block of
which we are eelthig very:loW.
In order . to beConvincadtharours is ihapNO to bpy,
ea)l and exaininO on? goods and Prim:
We take pleasure to abovringper goods, eye!? Wyatt do
oot wish to bey. Bo yow will peittio 40.
Qtt. 28,:4868,tf.
4 4 . 4 4 1 1 1
Ladies and Gentlemen's Silts,
The Tourist or Grant Rat
TME ) IiEt
.1216NTI.k6poil, DA
i i
1 3 ,,,.X 1 4 1 01,;EF1l
Furnishing, Fancy,
• .
Alpacas, , Pdplins;;PlMß, DoLolues,
Pylnkt64l4o Combrice,lslusline Detains, fine ;Linen, Man.
sallies, P:equas. India Twills, ha.
A lore aysortanwat of _ -
•- - ;
Ladd',ash' ollato res Tfizmillik
Silk Fringes, Buttoriey Bugles; Yelyei Ribboiis t etc.'
Furilishiqg qopde, StroCkluily IS 1 0:10, Cotton s Woos; &r.t
; Kid of ail colors, 811 k, Thread, Cottof,,lrd.,'sgall - stzess,'
and 111iPit
Atyles, Undff Oftneats: of:nil kinds, for La..
dies, (lents and Childrep. , .
' 'ratite titlirsf,'Bfasitis, Napkins. Doylies, &c. Shearing.
and Skirtibk, Haim:rand Blenched, from 8 ceiats tsp.
wiram Too Dal
A large [dock of the latest atyteo. A large stock at
Nottoira; ?Aphy - rti;' Virna Ac. AU cheaper thaii
chaaPeat, ; • r •
ourotdto ths, aitcst Naktionfdßankr,
don; *** -• •
Aqp,O,I3 I THING: •
trtont to llouseltooparo, Hotels ) ,
,Booko, -
Offices &c
PidiugOle Window Somm
Glyn voutplitiLin and
ACrcen from ylow omieOltil?
for Dealers IP HMO ar"14 , 1;1 91944 1
The:ll4lmtable Window Berpep. Oampany,
faP. ArPTlCeit PtraPtl
Ig6:l3lan * - 130oke-for the 4esk , Thed-
poeyet,fety,eale at Tie•Whe Alai* Wre,