Cly 61,9 be. HUNTING-DON, PA. An Honest Now York View of tho tVEitalsylvania-P atfom:' The New York Citizen, an able Dem ocratic paper, in a long article on "Dem oeratieTriricipleS , add' Practices," has the following remarks applicable to' the Democracy that tint in conventions lately at Harrisburg '-We hold that the Democracy, to succeed, must discard old issues, and brini ilself-fairlywitm-the times. ,;.11, is useless to quarrel over questions that the force of circumstances has settled, we cannot re-enslave the negro if we would; our Southern brethren placed a whip in the hands of our enemies to drive us oakelAhrough ,tlityNogkl; the web r elttateS-Of their own 'motion--went out of the Union, and they had to be brought back by "military despotism," nov'er would have comq.back tit all:" IL — Was to the milithry tyriiM nies of Sherman, the violences of Sher idan, the ,impositions of Hancock, and, the peisiStencies'olCrahi, that wo owe the restoration of the Union on any terms. "What is-there in the Pennsylvania? platform ? The first three clauses are devoted to the negro, as if everybody .did not know that we do not approve Of negro suffrage, but that at the same time we cannot help ourselves, and have to thank the obstinacy of the for mer Ovoll4lArs,voven - ,:aftpr_defeat in arms, ftii t is etiferde me n t 'of so unwise a principle. Then we have a word in favo,r, .4....reformk.a / ral an other .in p pcief.KaTrepublman measure, to a - siist laboring men. Nest, there is a denuni elation of the last Congress, which is wellroughoed certainly fully-jysti -0- tho .ppinion of the eniWnotin iiY. Then - comes a clause for •the.sol diersi bat not a ; word for the war in -- which 'they foulikit.' Alter that we find a paragraph about foreign mutters, which means , anything or nothing; .aad the' Whole Winds - up with a denun ciation of the present revenue system. "This is all. Not a sentence on the subject of the Alabama claims or the Cuban queitioh, or of 'the tariff that wrongs the poor man to help the rich. No condemnation of the rebellion against which the soldiers fought, even, though the soldiers are praised—the omission being an insult, if any refer-:, ence to - the subject were proper: No fitting expression in favor of - economy in public expenditures'; nothing, in fact; first or last, but , tho old ne"ro question and general abuse of Republi cansr, -The self -same -grAtinbling with• &tit; Proposing *an impro‘enient; the same refusal to understand the altered position of the whole country, which has led to defeat so frequently. The nomination of a man with nothing to recommend him but the faculty of liarag• - • up 'wc.:-..ilth,'"W . ith no record 'NV tirtti 'nfehtitrnin - g, and nothing about him to arouse enthusiasm but his mon oY:' * NOV the first•iign o f tine loyalty nor the least evidence of devotion to the best interests t the whole country. Under such circumstances we do not ex pect nor wish that the Democrats should carry Pennsylvania. "We do not wish this simply be cause it would be a triumph of the Vallandighams and Peridletons, and the old school that never learns and neverlorgets; the for Mer slave power toadies, who imagine that slavery was t thing - of beauty and a joy forever, instead of being at best but a cruel ne •cessity of the Constitution. A triumph on Buell principles and with such can didates would only revive the dead men of the North and the South, the putrescent bodies which have been .smothered under the loyalty of the tuithm ; the, malignant rebels, whether th4Yegisteellimnselves as eneMieS of the natiotriu Cincinnati, Harrisburg, orAvv-,-Orleans.- A-victory now would bring , the 'extremists-`hack to life 'and power, and with them another defeat in 1875. The Republicans aro begging for admission amongst us, provided they can come in with honor; many old Democrats aro anxious 'to rcturn to their first love; ,btA they will not leave their`loyaltY or self-respect be ,hind. • Accept ~pertain, results, of the war, exhibitan understanding of -the altered phase of Some public matters— concede even something for harmony, and' the Democracy is as sure t o carry the next national elections as that the sun shall shine in summer and the snow, fall in winter. Continue in the old rut, and we shall suffer fresh and more overwhelMing defeats under the increasing patriotism of the people, And the daily augmentation of their imtural pride in their success in the war; we shall be beaten at all points until our party falls to pieces from very rottenness !" DiirA Southern_ paper, narrates a comical incident of "the ate unpleas antness" Ono of Sherman's bummers meta countryman in the course of one of hiss excursions, and-stopped him. "Come out from under that hat," ex claimed the bummer, "I see you there." The unlucky victim delivered his hat. "Nom nome out 'of those boots," said the bummer. His orders were obeyed. "Crawl out of that coat," said he ; "and be quick about it." Having subse quently robbed tho man of his shirt, his trowsers, and a finger-ring, the bummer was riding off, when his vic tim stopped him. "Look here, mister," said he, "you forgot something ;" and Pulling out a quid of tobacco from his mouth, he handed it to him. "You'd be ruined if yon left that," be remarked. MIESIIEN SALT FlSlL—illany per -01113 who are in the habit of freshening mackerel or other salt, fish never think that there is a right and wrong way to do it.. l ,Any person who ha s seen the process of evaporation going on at the salt works knows that the salt falls to the bottom. Just so it is in the pan whore your mackerel or white fish lies soaking; and as it lies with the skill' Side down, the salt will fall to the skin and there remain ; when, if placed with the flesh side doWn; the salt falls to the bottom of the p4ti, and the— fish comes' out freshened as it should In the other case, it is pearly-as salt as when first put in. iNSY.A. country magistrate, being call ed on to Inarry . a couple, said : "I pro noncee you man and wife, and may God bare mercy upon your souls. Amen." . ViirGo ,to Ated,Front, for Flour and Feud, 010 , ote„ GREAT BARGAINS Cunningham & Carmon's, ENNIS Corner of rtailroSd'aina Montgomery Sts IHMTINGDON i PA, WE would . call special attention to the tinily arrival of CHOICE AND IIt:AUTIIPUI GOODS, On ich are offered at Teraptiug Prices, ; Consisting of 13°111111ot Epys of all tides, all noo repline, Mom, 'Mellinger, Armors, Chintzes, a:most , bono Ulu I lino of fine Cambrics, Barred Muslina, Nain. Ginglinats, and Glintilbrays. ALSO, a full line of Domestic Goofs, puch a. HEAVY BLEACHED MUSLIM, •Fifyi Brown '410410, 40 !lithos wide, Bleached Muslin from !):; to 2;4 aids uido, Keuttidy Jenne, Farnwre Cuts!mere, 4.e,, 4.c. • Our stock of E HOES cmcols 003 (king of the kind Ode Fide of Philadelphia 41.A.10,5s 1.0 ge nud sdl selected stock HATA suit able for die season. ,CARPETa: .tro mile cypeciAlty of this nrthle, and linrcon lord a tory fine essortinent of DESIRABLE PATTERNS, it lath sold lower than CAN be aObi by nny other liowonnt.shlit of Pfialtnllll;hin. IV° have R:31) on Zin n large block of PM it BMA htet uo urn selling Tory low. In order to be con vinLed that ours is the place go bay. call and ex.tinine our goods and i' wes. We tali., pletonire in Flowing our goods, oven if you do not wi3il to buy. So you rime roll and get Foaled. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON. Ott. 'IS, IPCS-1/ N 14.61113 WillaP, J . -431-2EL303E111V30, Ettecoteur to It. 31. OItiENE, EMEMEI STEIN WAY & SON'S PIANOS, And other mates, MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, Mel. aeons, Guitnra,Tlolius, Flfcc, Flutes, Accordeuns, dc.. dc. 218-Bisuos, Organ., and Ideltnlentes 'Warranted for five yearn. = MVO are Ilene en ableication. • - -; • • . Address I:. J. onERNE, Huntingdon, Pa, ja1t?.7,40 • „ 2,1 fluor Lender's 'New Building. READ AND BE ,POSTED ! TO THE NE WL Y ; ,11A IMIED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Furniture, (ie. THE undersigned. would respectfully announce that he manufacture. and keeps coliatawtly on handa large and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, - BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cane seat chairs, cupboards, gilt and rose wood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fall to be satisfactory. Ho is also agent for the 34°11 known Bailey d Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The r ublic ate invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' Work nod sales room on 11111 street, near Smith, ono door west of Yeutcr's store. lluuting4on, Aug.], 1860 nmatamam J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and - Dealer in ]E-17-101.1V `1" 3E3', Respectfully Invitee the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill et., Huntingdon, in the rear oftleorge W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, whore he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to pnrchaee, ss ill do u ell to give him a call. Repairing of all kiude attended to promptly and charges reasonable. AY Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins mado In any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber bee a ' ' "11 • 1 ! NEW AND ELEGANT ILEA ESE and is prepslositehttesid ru a aralsist any piece 3l iu cone or country.' - 11untingdon, Slay 9, 1866-tt U. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE HUNTINGDON, PENNA.' _ . From theailo of (3 9o..Tttylor,Igarklea,bleg, prov en by, chemical. anolyhte to Iwo!' thoThest quality, con. 6 tautly lieficit.allo'r onto to any quantity, at tho depot of the Illtuttogdod aria Droad Top Railroad. Ar6--2typly to llppry Water, Proprietor of too "Broad June2o.ll Top llousep - - - - - ENRY .0 CO. will do more to p.c. cornmodatattp M r cnstomera than any other usa tee neighborhood. • snah24 tf ENVELOPES ityL'tho box,imok, or Wee quantity:tor rale ' EWIS' 1100 K AND STATIONERY STORE Air School Books of •all kinds for sale at Lewis'. Book Storp. - tf a4mt aaTA, . 4: R; A. R. Stewart & Co. HUNTINGDON, PA,, lIARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES, OILS, LAMPS, ROPES, AM IDUS, Scythes, Swaths, Grain' Cradles, Sid- dicry and Carriage Goods, Hnbs, and Spokes. NAILS AND IRON, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, iSTC:OZT3OW.4I.IEILMI, and an endless vnriety of goods in his line We are receiving goods almost every day from manufacturers, and hi view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and our experience in selecting' be'st brands and reliable qualities of goods, purchasers will find it to their advantage to examine our stock. THE NEW PATENT IGLIPSE COOK STITE, which throws all others in tho shade, is still increasing in popularity, and pleases so well that everybody IYllllth BIG PADLOCK SIGN 1k:311,104m, JIM 13, 1839-tf, T HE CELEBRATED GROVER & BAKER Sewing Machines . tis,. TUE DEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IN USE. For Beauty mid Elastisity of St tell, For Sts °Oath and Durability of Seam that will not rav el, no both threads are used direct from the spools, and no seams Intro to Ito fastened by hand; no waste of thread, For simplic ty and perfection of machinery. It stitches, hems, fells, tucks, braids, cords, and mu broldota beau t fruity. Machines fully ‘Warrstited and full instruct( MEI given. Sels mug. 'onetime cotton, silk. itc.. on hand. For WO by GREENE & BROTUER, feble.'l:9 Ed floor Leftist's Building, liontlngilon, Pa. VCHELER,Bz \kILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM , 1 1(.0 1 V4 LITIVI SeWillg Machines, JA3IES HIGGISS Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867. They aro adapted to all kinds or Family Sewing. and to the use of thmmstressea, Dressmakers, Tailors, Menu factiirers of Shirts, Collars, -Pkirta, Clesks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Cope, Corsets, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. Thy pork equally well upon silk, linen, %Wen and cotton , goods, with silk, cotton' or linen thread. They seam, quilt, gather, hem, fall, cord, braid, bind, and perfcrm every species o farming, making • beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article sewed. The qualities which recommend them are 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, Mike on both sides of . . . the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, firmness and durability of seam that wilt not rip nor ravel. 3 Nconomy of Thread. 4. Attachments and wide range of applicatlon to purpo- see and materinle. 6.• Compactness and eleganeo of model and finish 6. 6impliclty and thoroughness of mush nation. 7. Speed, rear of operation mud management, ntul_ quiet ness of movement. bistruclicus Peet* tat.- Machines - dept in repair one year tree of charge. 1= cjki f; • HENRY HARPER,, 520 A. IR 14. . PIIILADELPIIIA, Ilas a largo ;lock, ni low prim, of fob WATCHES, JEWELRY, Solid Silver• Ware, MOD PLATED SIOANS,i 'I .ISTOES, TE_4 SETS, dO. apl3-3m• DAPER !TAPER / Note Foot, Commercial, Foolscap and lqatcap—a good aoooriment for We by tho roam, half room, quire tir shoot, at • LEWIS' BOOK h ICT , ,TIONEI - 0/ SCORE. CPUNTRY, DI4LERB can 9k - buy OLOTIlliiO from me In Huntjuston at WHOLESALE as 'Olen , an'they :111 0. In the cities, as I bate a erboyeale store Ppadelpb , gr. HAM I= EMIEUE DRAIN PIPE, THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT THE U, S. LEIWIS, Agent, HUNTING/WY, PA WHARTO.), & YARItE, -RILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PIL, WHOLESALE &RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CGTTLPRI, , , Tho attention of' BIECIIANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers growl oily, is invitoll to the fact that on e.e how offering a ttt:fTttt ASSOIiTiiIKYC of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., Ilan can be found elsealtere In this part of tho State, at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises nll articles in (lib Lae of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS awl MATHRIALS used by cinpxxTrits, BLACKSMITIIS, CARRIAOI3 nail WAGON MAKIMIS JOINVIS, dc„ Ac., together atilt a largo stock of Iron, Steel, iYails, Spikes, Railroad and Alining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, _Mill and Cross• Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware.' Coal Oil LampS and .Lanterns, Oil and P9wder Cans. =9 35"lia.ez, Cutlery, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS— , • ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, horticultural and Fahn . Iniplonents, Of the later{ and most improved patterns ; CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND NOlt SALE A T MAN UFACT URERS PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general assortment of martial for their trio consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings; Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springi, - .Nuts, Bolts, Tirashers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and cnamelledbeat her, IVltips, Tongues, Soc ket& Shafts, if-c. Ic=i l AFF4lLiklAt - NC•flikTe*virliic;tlL4zl Can be supplied uilk ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, lIKNIMERS, HORSE ANJ MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Stee CARPENTERS ,Vill find in our tntatilishoient a hovel ior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASILCORDS, &C., &C. ]LINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all - varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, uOAL PICKS AND SHOVELS.' 1 .51 "I"3tr:L r Can ho nrcommoditted with everything In their !Inc from a Grain kepera for to n Whet-stone. 3131.11.1/C/ter Arc couctinlly Invited to call nwl examine, our block of BUILDING HARDWARE, and co:upnro our prices with Agricultural Implements, Comprising the famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundell's Premium 11011.11 PITCHFORK, Rakes, dc) (hes, lluc • [ley ro,ks, Trace and Halter Chains, 13rtas Cow Ms, Curry Combs, Cads, &c., &c., Le. Among the specialties of our Ilense, wo desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested in us. Send fm ncireatir .tti I git full particulars of same, pad satisfy 3 ourself el its bovirior qualities. SCALES. Socks of ell sizes told dean fiions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, • Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port. able, Hopper,Winers- and Trans portation, flay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRIC: S. The lar . gest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ercr offered fdace A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & , PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS, AND BEADS, By.thelcei. ' Very lovir 1 Best Mornay nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGONsBOXES, • CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lad, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at very low llguree 41 A WI la respectfully solicited, feeling confl deut That our goods and prices, Will not fall to WIIIAATON & MARVIRE, Huntingdon, May 7, 18137. Ayer's Hair Vi: or, For restoring Gray Hair' to its natural Vitality, and Color. A dressing which is, at once agreeable, healthy, 'anAilVetual for ' preserving' :the hair. Faded or grag hair is soon vectored to its original color with the, gloss, and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick= cued, fulling hair checked, and bald ness often, thOugh not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the 'glands atrophied and decayed. But, such' as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will' prevent the hair from turning gray or falling ,off, and consequently prevent baldness... Free from those 'deleteriouS substances which Make some preParationd dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor ,can only benefit but riot, harm it: If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr,. J. C. Ayer & C 0.,, PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CIIREIISTS, .T.OSVELL, MASS. PRICE JOHN READ, Agent. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR 1' EIVIIIFIVING WILE 111LOOD The reputation this ex cellent medicine enjoys, i n s n ' t i n e yl e f ti n f 'Nell i a t t s •e c l i gl s ; j ' Q M . ' Cases of 'Scrofulous disc ease, where the system scented saturated - with corruption, have been ; purified and cut ell by it. Set ofulous affections and disorders, which were gravated by the scrofu• lints contamination until they were painfully Minding, have been radically clued in such great numbers in alutoq evety sec- tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or w-es. Scrofulous poison i, one of the most destructive enemies of our rare. Often, this mr.een and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the eonstitution, and invites the attack of enthebling or fatal di , etves, without exciting a suspicion of its pretence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable oectoion, rapidly develop into one or oilier of its hideous forms, either on the surface or amine the vitals. In the latter, tuber chin may lie suddenly dcpo , heil in the lungs to heat!, or tumors formed in the liver, or it slum, its pt esenee by eruption, on the ',kin, or foul ulcer ations on some part of tlw body. I knee the acre. stoma use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is ad visable, even 1% hen no relit e symptoms or disea:e appear. Persons afflicted a ith the following com plaints generally find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this SA7LS.II'.I.ItIL LA: St. Aothooll's _Vire Doge or Erysipelas, ftetter,Satt Ithoool,Sea'fit dread, Ritqeertn, Sore Ernes, Sore Ears, and other erutions or visible forms of Seroptlons disease. Also in the more concealed form. Th/t9W)..1”. Dropsylr heart Disease Ells, Epilepsy, :Venn - auto., and the rations Disease, affections of the in uscu. Inc and nervous systems. Suph Ws or l'enerealand ,ltereurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long tinsels required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. .Leurorrhatt or Whites . , Uterine Uleeratioos, and Pcnialr Di,errses, are com monly soon relit:sett and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating client. :Minute 'Oh ea tions'for crisis case are round in our Almanac, sup plied gratis. Rhelanati.snt and Gout, when caused by neemnulations of extraneous matters in the brood, yield quiekly to it, as also Liver Complaints, torpidity. Congestion or.infi:ant- Tit at ton of the Li err, oud Jauadiee, triton arising, its they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SARS.II'.IDIDLA. Is a great re storer Mr the sit ength and vigor of the system. Thorn ‘ O,O e L unyaidand Listless, Despon dent, Sleepless, and doubled with iVerrons Ap prehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic or Weakness. will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED 117 Dr. s. C. . 1 9.11 - 7,1 r. ei CO., 11:ou ell, Musa., Practical and Anaryticed Cllcinists SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE THE HUNTINGDON Manufacturing Company, Is now prepared to 1111 orders for WEATIIERBO n ARDING, FLOORING DOORS, Mid in short to do nll kinds of Corriater work--22. To furnhill HUBS, SPOKES and FELLIES in quantities, and hicoirc orders for 3E I III3I.IOTX`I'TS3EI.. wirAll orders should be addressed to D. W. AItTLEY, President, Huntingdon, Pa June IG, 1569-tf. 13=1 THUS, BUROHINELL & SON, = SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all kinds of Building Material, HUNTINGDON, PA MEM UEO. A. ETELL , MILTON S LTTLE. - SAMUEL A. STEEL. rrIlE FIII3I OF STEEL, LYTLE & STEEL hosing Icented on Moir Hoot of land with in two mile., of tho borough of Huntingdon, a STEAM SAW MILL, ttro prepared to matuffacttiro all hinds of OAK AND PINE LUMBER. The mill will be run to its utmost capacity and sill bo In emotion during the entiro 'bummer Mid part of the autumn months. They si 11l be mudded to furnish Lam her in tm go quantities, and of all thmensions, at the low cot mat ',rms. Ceders respectfully solicited. Lumber delivered at the Penna. Itndtoad, or c a nal. liuntzugdon, Apt II 22, ISGS-if LUMBER SHINGLES, LATHS, HEMLOCK, PIN BILL STUFF, Doards, PlankAbinkles, kasterifig and Shingling Lath, constantly.on hand. Worked Flooring, Seek, Blinds, Doors, Door and Win dow Frames, furnished at manufacturers' prices. " Oraiu and country produot generally-bought at market rates. WACIONER'tk 11110., tmg2B4l 1131IIPSburg, Centre co, Pa. Vhilabtlphia 'Abindistmcnts. FINE CUSTOM' MADE BOOTS 'AND STIOES FOR GENTLEMEN, _ All lite, I.EADING STYLES on Lind or nolo tmnens irei ihrtl, at 1.61 W FIOUILES. An Illusttalo with in,structlons for' calf znmtn urneni nut on 'receipi of l'Ost in - * address. 13APTI cIP 33 South Sixth Street, above Chestnut, ,n0194y PIJILADELPIIIA. TN consequence of the disastrous fire, iihtch in January liiht lkstro3ed their time and its ruatento, J u ECA,LDWELL. &CO. J E \V EL ERS, tivele ecpecially to their order lu Europe illtd it. Amerkft, on mutely NEW STOCK OF CHOICE GOODS, {{hick nra nee• opened nod ready fur examination: Very Fine Paris Mantle CLOCKS, (Mery movement uitdi tbu nee imp rovementz;) ' New Side Ornaments to Match. BRONZES, GROUPS and FIGURES, COBHAM NAM3I"O CO'S FINE ELECTRO, WARES, BEST STERLING SILVER WARE, New designs. WATCHES, JEWELRY, te:C., eeryi futt nanortmant at - very MODERATE PRICES Poi the present at 819 CHESTNUT STREET, PHIL4D'A apiti pIIOcLADI 1T TO ALL THI? WORLD THAT THE NATIONAL BITTERS Has cured cases of DYSPEPSIA, more cases of LIVER COMPLAINT, thorn cases of NERVOUS HEADACHE, FEVER AND AGUE, and Inure cases of DEBILITY, than any other remedy before the public in the slime space of time. IT PURIFIES THE BLOOD, CALMS THE MIND, RESTORES SLEEP, is an Excellent Appetiker, and a general Invigorator of the System. WA LION & ZUG, Proprietors, • No. 0, N. Somali St., Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists, and , Dealers generally. marlo, 6m. SPANISH HAIR DRESSER FOR FROMoTtNCI ' TIIF. CROWTII, 11111 VS: TOO HMI; Mal rowleting it tuft and 1210,y. No ether tonunnunl possesses the peculiar ploper tiii o hich so exactl3 snit the sarions soutlitiohh of ilnc• human hair. the Doe of this oil al .1 hair site-set hat Io 111 IVely sec tion of the to o ocore in ths sp ILI" for No ptcpsratum of at t c0t.1,l give tltAt and abundance of hail hays 50 often he. 3. the ...I. Inication of 1 tat 01003.1 In I - pain. 'I his oil I- 3 and delicately nolo; on Al heir 11111i1.01.11 in ex. cameo and upon a loch 11/.. ilt•opit, for amity ycats baba tot it, ttA of othlut tug :1, -pt, ltd. Mt GU iI;I:") Maim Wild FlowcisSliacydo Lotioll l'ol tenter trig d nun f from lie bead. whilrn ing and pet I taming. the :kin. 'I hie hi idle nth dif fetent tient inns thing ~f the hind eNer offeleil in Oil, collo try nod is tt.n tante,' free front all pelsonotil substani es 'this t Ililllllllo lotion wee used by the liniperor lain, and Einpreb3 Conlotta of Mexico, rind unisersaily tried by Mexicans for three Jonah, }care. As n mash for the head—it is cooling, cleansing and refreshing.- 11lii ti thus used it at. once lelitt e, WILD FLOWERS FOR THE 'METE. All those elm are in favor of is bite teeth and a pleasant and pet fumed lee ith should at once use Melluise's Hovels for the Teeth. All these preparations are put up in the must elegant and 01 unmental manner. We make nn exception in saying that they are ornament ton lady's toilet table, Mid nests p.ll”piet, althorn them. Wan anted sal isfiiclory or money rerandCd. Dealers sill hear this in mind. hold by all tespeetablo Drag gists in the United Stated and Canada.:,. Addtess erste. to RICHARD MeGUIRE, Depot and Ilannfactury, so9-y 203 Ishnth Second Street, Philadelphia }or rale at Lewis' Hook Store, Huntingdon. D 01313 S' ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH AND SASII Makes a Lasting Shine , 'Mow ho black their boota on Satnrdoy night with ordinary blocking. don't kayo much chino on Sunday, as tho polish fad. off; but tho allinci of ' BOBBINS' BLACHING Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sunday =EI ill: unfactiircd only by J. B. BOBBINS, at his iniinentio Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth tied and talon Atomic, nit Pi!. For aalo,by Moor) & Co., adjoining LCIVie Book Storo, Huntingdon; N. novlB 727 CHESTNUT STREET 727 Reduction in the Prices DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., =I NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, 50 Cases of Imported Dress Fabrics, p.t 25 Cents per Yard, Worth Double the OM _RICK 111 Y, S P CO., 727 Chestnut street, MEM SPECTACLES ftisr • ' A find and hirgo assortfnenf,liiii;a3:s . bn' • hand''' AT LETVIS' 'BOOK' SeTOPE.. BOOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of ;miscellaneous and Sam Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial , and Nato Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes--Rod e Blue and'ldack Inks— Blank Books of numerous otena-,YOIIB, Pencils, Pocket and Dook,lg4stands, and 'every other article usually found io a Book MA Stationery Store, can be had at fair prices at . , BOOR, STATIONERY h MUSIC STORE. EADY. RECKONER ' A comittlete rocket +Ready Reckoder, in' ollars cents, to lvhfch aro added farms of. Notes, Bills, Re ceipts Petitions, &c.,together with a sot of useful tables containing rate of In terest from one dollar to twehethotat• and, by the singio day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day. For sale at Entirely new McGUIRE'S -0— McGUIRE'S OFFER TO-DAY PhII ttklphi LEWIS' BOOK STORE. „ For Bituniinone,or, Anthracite Coal.” ESTADT.IiiIEDIM, ‘- • J. REYNOLOS,& SON, N. W. corkNER idTII AND VILBEitt STS., PHILADELPHIA, So :e Manufacturers of DleCenbrated 0.013 T- RON „AIR:T - 1411T, GAS - CONSUMING:Ht ATER, WIpIyATENT DUST SCrt GRATE BAR RESTS, anil WROUOIIT-IRON:RADTATOR: These Ilcater:s , arc made of heavy' Wrought-Trop, weir riveted together, thl2 only BIM prevention against the escape of One or Dust. They are easily managed, without nay dampers. ThA Patent Radiator - ayolds the Use and annoatices of ,1 4 urns; and is permanently attached to the Heater. Tile is the moat .durable,- simple, ecanomi. ea I, nod popular Heating Apparatus over ornireol term', They are nit guatanteed. COOKI,N,G, RANGES, for. hotels and families, PORTAIBLE YI ATERS, LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN mum's, Staan MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS.. We aro also manufacturing a , NEW - FLAT-TOP 11. L .'.rfico ta,Sell fa our Illustrated Pltipldet. UNITED STATES Authorizedlll . LAIM AGENCY liAv ; E • • SOLDIERS' HE ATTENTION ! The act of Congress appro% ad '3larch 2, INT, gives to liens ut Suldius who died prisoners of war; CO3I3II I TATION Edit RATIONS, for the time 1110 soldier was so held a prisoner, at thb I ate of taco ty.fiye rents per day, to be paid lu the follow ing el ice : Ist. To the 11 . 1.101 V, It. unmarried; 2d. TO the cliiithult • J.I. To tho parent:. to both jointly if, they, MO hung, it either is need, to the north'. To the bro thurs and sisters. Tho net of February 28, 1.867, provides for the' refund; log of the $3OO Commutation Money, who're the same pot. son rite, o,oin drafted, and VMS required to tutor the Od vice or lot dolt a subetitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS The art of March 2, 1867, elsrimakes pro:111,1one for the 1,03 moot of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOIIgTY to melt soldiorti , nl havc accipntally lost their dleehar ges All pereoim haling any claims under any of the above mentioned Acts, or any other hind of claim against the Wilted htutc4 or Suits Umerontonta,. can , have them promptly collected, by addressing the underalgood, f'•uumon and 116103 ahem I ally givan to soldiery or their 111(.4 five of chat go, : ;,, • .' - W. 11. WOODS, Aullgorizr.l Ana!, rind Navy Wirr-Claim Ageid, '139;21567 Ituarmoomylluntlniglon,co., Pa. . TO. l ir 10, s AND STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, 1 WALL PAPER. . ~ .4:.1.,a0.11141!1iir.i'i:m.34;;!1:1 .5-o`—'lll Triu'''7s-?,11-firrt.114a,3:,::. :-.. ..,' 110 : 1,t... - }- ii.*.fle.h:4l,l Itir , r. 4.,...i -- 'sztil , . - :'' , l' t At'i: 4! --- , t i,10,, -- ' , ‘ . . , ,,-/,' I - 7.4-P. -A,' . .i_'. ,-/ k-rlSl7.l'l ~• :..( A . 1 ,1 7. A t - ' 7 ' •.;" .. V.' :W. .--,' - ", - 7. ,- v ii.l* 3 ,6*.:.64V 9. k ':,E , Of g 2 lClr' : g 4 ') I s , :` ,4 • ';:i '''l• . "IL' - '''',34 1,7 13 - A ' 1-' 4 - -I t -., ' 7 O ~,- . .,5•-• ./ .:-..z" - - , 4•4k... 1 4, i...,„ -, f';' kt::: f 43 - ' v-Rc-" - iszffigy 4. I ~, .5 4'... 6-g-ti - nlf*" . - --- ' -- E4'' - :-'2 l : - /- " ' . /;" 4..t•.i.iia-„_,-. . - 1..' --;-7' t E A Jar i T Lewis' Book Store, auntingcion, Pa. School Books and Stationery,Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscollanorius Books of all - Blank Books, , Sunday School Books, • etc; Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery; Pdck. et Books • Pocket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades: and; Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. [ Pie* r Ei 0 O f N .., i ~.) ~,. -, MART_ J. M. GREEN & F• O. 13EAVER Having entered into pat Worship, Int trm tho public that thoy aro prepared to execato all styles Plain and Such ns MONUMENTS, 11E.ADTONES, also Uullding Wolk, at as low prices as any shop in the (aunty. .'••• Orden irons a distance promptly attended t 0,." - Shop on 31IFFLIN street, a few doors east 'or the Lu theran church l tnch64lsol• 6 iis o . , 5 1 A wo llß d I re f s E pec i t r fi j d ‘ b) ll :c p all . tile T at i t i o e ntio U n li o d f?h7c i t e ti of Huntingdon and the adjoining bounties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hainll • Is prepared to furnish f • nt tho shortest notice, Monumental' Marble, Tonstri %Weil and Stones of every desired alio and form of Itallkedi Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro• priato tiovirl,s, or pinto, no may suit. Building Marble, Door and, Window Sills, &e., win be furnished to order. W.' W. pledges Minitel(' to furnish Material and wordi t manship equal to ally in the country, at a fair price. Ca-, and see, before you purchnee elsewhere. Shop on th ornorof Mootgoinery and Pn „ • WM.. WILLIAXIS. 11untingdon,gly 16 1855. KS! 'BL`A-NKS?i BLANKS I' BLA - :1 lo 0 •Iss UuNS3'ADLEJS SALES,. ArrAcirrExspubms, ATTACII3IENTS, - EXECUTIONN, . s _ SUMMONS,DEEDS, , SUBP(ENAS, • MORTGAGES, s SCROOL ORDERS, ' JUDGMENT NOTES,: LEASES FOR lIGUSES, NATURALIZATION WICB, POMMON BONDS, , JUDGMENT BONDS, • • WARRANTS, PEE BILLS; NOTES, with a 'waiver 'of The $3OO Law. JUDGMENT-NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO LaYr. ARTICLES Oh' AGREEMENT, with TeaCfiers. "s 31AltRIAGit CERTIFIGATES, for Justidea thel'elco and Ministers of Oho Gaspe]. s " • 'COMPLAINT, 'WARRANT: and COMMITMENT, a 'cue ana,Batters. add Affrap.'lsZts sI is 111 "s,thl; soi ERE FACIA.% toegoveonsnonat ofpitment. COLLECTORS'V.W.I llEC'S;TteState,' riutfty; School Borough and.Tesvn.hip Tavel. ) „ , ,e 3„. Printed on - superior papa., and for sale at the 'Ottlee 0 the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. •• s.' BLANKS, of eery description,,' printed to order, neatly at abort notice, and on, g0,01 , 1V - Ir., _ - ' 3. Subscribe for TIIE GLOBE BE = tl :b 62 II ri