(be Otobe. HUNTINGDON, PA. _ A ) "t)ROCLI ATION .---1 V lIE H HAS, by a precept to me dii cited, dated at Huntingdon, the 2ii of April, A. D. 1860, ender the hands and bull of the lion. gem go Taylor, President of the. Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail etehi ory of the 24th Judicial Dt,tiict of Pen usyl i Wilily compo sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Calabria counties: nod (ho, Hons. Anthony J. Beaver and David Clsil,sen, losossoco ales, Judges of the county of Huallaga., justices as signed, appointed to hem, try and determine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the Inns of the State ate mielo capital, or felon Wes of death, and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crime, aforesael-1 nut commanded to make public proclamation tin oughuut sty whole bollix ick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter S.esslons uill be held at the Court Home in the borough of Huntingdon, on tho second Monday (and Oth day) of AUGUST, 1869. and those NlllO Will I. wecuto the said prisoners, bo then and there to prosecute them as It shall be just, and that all Justne, of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said Leanly, be then and there In their proper pers.,. at 10 u'dock..l. tn. of said day, 511th their records, inquisition,. exaalinations and remembran ces, to do those things which to their olliges respectil ely appet tam. Dated at Huntingdon, Nth day of July, In tho }ear of our Lord one Omutand eight handled and sixt)-nine, and the Old year of American Independence. D. It. P. NEELY, .5./icriff. 111110ROCLAMATION.---WILEREAS, by a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Coin. 111011 Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 24th of April, A. P. 1809, 1 um commanded to make public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court House In the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and 16th day) of AUGUST, A. n. 150, for the trial of all is sues in said Court which remain undetermined before the sold Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses, and suitors, in the trials of all issues are iequired. Dated at Iluittitigdou, the 14th of July, in the year of our Lord one thouoind eight hundred and sixty-nlue, and the Odd year of American Independence. D. P. P. :NEE Ll', .31,erif TRIAL TOR AUGUST TERM, 1869. FIRST WEEK Samuel Menerran,NA !leer; Focl.l‘ r. Eli Sankey - for - ye 31ai tin Walker. Wood 'Bacon • is A. 1". Hannah So oopo et al s s G. Dui be) Green. John SleColian's ears. vs A P. Wilson C. W. Ashcan Is D. G. Costner. SECOND WEEK.. vs John Morgan at al, JOhn.l3ell et al.. TLu Presb)tenen Ch urch of Shirley aburg, Ns William Clancy. Martin V. Miller To Lea is Sinowlty a al. Wm. 11. Cornell fur 1180 so The Columbielna. Cu Easton Blake ' *. . TS W. F. Cunningham. John hfcComho Is. A, 11. Bauman; Waisiwright & Co: vo,Banmel Miller.. . David Beck so Aaron Mothersbaugh. Prank, Brothers & Co. va J. O. Covert et al. John Danis et al NS J. P. Dole et al. E. L. Benedict's use se Lydia Civila. J. It. BI3IPSON, Prothonotary Prothonotary s Office, July 1-1, 1869. Juiy List--August Term 1869. GRAND JURORS. Jackson Briggs,,farmer, Tell J. 31. Boolier, Sr., farmer, Cromwell Edward Beigle, mason, Morris Daniel Brode, farmer Carbon George W. Cubell, farmer, Clay George McCrum, Carpenter, Barre° Robert Graffius, farmer, Porter RobereGuishorti,larmer, Tell ' Philip Hooper, laborer, Mapleton George B. Hudson, farmer, Clay Joseph Hudson, farmer, Dublin Fredrick Harmony, farmer, Shirley Edward B. Isett, farmer, ranklin Jacob Kling ' farmer, Tell George H. Lang, farmer, Walker Castner aborer, Mt. Upton John S. Miller, farmer, Porter Thompson Martin, former, " John Porter, gent. Levi Putt, miller, Hopewell Thos. Roddy, farmer, Dublin Walker, farmer, Oneida Martin Walker, farmer, Baum Jacob Wible, farmer, :,:pringfield TRAVERSE surtoas—FlßST WEEK. John Alexander, farmer, Shirley. Richard Ashman, merchant, Clay John Barr, farmer, Jackson Charles Bowersox, cat pouter Shirleyehurg Lewis Bergans, farmer, Henderson Samuel Brooks, gentleman, Coalmunt John Bolinger farmer, Clay T F Campbell, M. D, Alexandria Thomas Cesney, farmer, Tell Reuben Duff, farmer, Barree Timothy Daily, farmer, Barreo A W Evans, J. P, Cassville Caleb Evens, teacher, Hendersen Thomas Fisher, merchant, Huntingdon Benjamin Fleming, farmer, Jackson John Flenner, gentleman, Penn Henry Graffus, farmer, Porter George W. Gearhart, farmer, Barna George Goshorn, farmer, Tell Thomas Green, farmer, Cass J E Glasgow, surveyor, Casevillo Jonathan Huff, farmer, Barree A S Harrison, painter, lluntingdon JE Harper, farmer, Dublin Jackson Harmon; cabinetmaker, Jackson Henry F Horton, farmer, Tod E B Hissong, potter, Cassville Jacob Hagy, jr., farmer, Tell W F Johnson, merchant, Huntingdon John Jones, fiirmerjell Thomas Kelly, farmer, Cromwell Jacob C Miller, farmer, Barree James McNeal, farmer, Tell . John F Miller, gentleman, Huntingdon Henry Oakcson, farmer, Tell John Piper, jr, farmer, Porter Alexander Rainy, farmer, Banco John II Russell, farmer, Hopewell Harris Richardson, farmer, Lincoln Jonah J Reed, butcher, Carbon Peter Shaver (river), farmer, Shirley Henry Shultz, farmer, Lincoln John A Shultz, farmer, Henderson John Shoop, farmer, Union Frank D Stevens, merchant, Mount Union John M Stoneroad, carpecter,Varriorsmarl George P Wakefield, fernier, Shirley F B Wallace, merchant, Huntingdon TRAVERSE JIIROES„—SECOND IVEEN. George S Baker, farmer, Springfield David Boyer, farmer, Shirley_ George Bowcrsux, carpenter,Shirleysburg John Beaver, farmer, Lincon A G Briggs, farmer, Tell P H Bence, cabinetmaker, Clay David Caldwell, gentleman, Huntingdon Henry Chamberlain, inn keeper, Alexandria J W Crownover, miller, Jackson J S Gunman, editor, Huntingdon WM Cornelius, farmer, Cromwell John Douglas, farmer, Shirley William Ermin, farmer, Tell John Ebberly, farmer, West P Gwin, merchant, Huntingdon John Aefiner, farmer, Juniata - Benjamin Huff, shoemaker, Hopewell John Hamilton, carpenter, Continent George Hamer, farmer, West Theopholus Houck, farmer, Ted Joshua Johns, farmer, Union William Geith, farmer, Clay William Livingston, farmer, West Charles Miller, tanner, Huntingdon William McClain, farmer, Tod Thomas Montgomery, gentleman, West Luther Moore, gentleman, West Robert McNeal, farmer, Dublin Peter Shaffer, jr, farmer, Morris John B Smith, farmer, Jackson ADorris Stitt, farmer, Dublin E S Swoope, blacksmith, Clay George Swine, sr, farmer, Shirley Samuel Smith, farmer, Union George W Withington, butcher, Shirleysburg William Wray, farmer, Franklin Farmers Wanting BUCKEYE, OHIO HARVESTER, NM YORKER, or any other Reaper or - Mower with Pelf Rake, Dropper, front or rear cut, or a machine that cuts troth front and rear, and line no point that the knives do not work freely; Pratt and other Hay Rakes, pum and pin Drills, 0 rain and Clover Separators, Shovel Plows and Cultivators, nal any implement of any descrip• tion, should order them of 31a:timbal], Stout ds Isett, or their agents, for they has o the largest and best assort ment or Agricultural Implements nail their repairs that Is In the State,. Farmers look to your own interest and buy your kfachines whore you can get the repairs In a minute's warning. IdcLANALIAN, STONE' k ISETT Ilanuacturera and Dealers In all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Gaysport Foundry and Afachino Shop, gollldayeburg, Pa. april 14,'69-6m. ENVELOPES- Jul By the box, pock, or lota quantity, for gale at • BOOK' AND STd TIONER YSTORX GREAT BARGAIIS Cunningham & Carman's, Corner of Railroad and Montgomery Ste HUNTINGDON, PA. WE would call special attention to the daily or f Ival WT110101:I AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS, which are offered at Tenipting Prices, Consisting of Beautiful ilk of ull bliades, all woo Poplins, Alpacas, Melanges, Arnaurs, Chintzes, a most beautiful line of flue Cambric-a, Barred Muslins, Nain• cooks, Gingherns, and Glatubra3s. ALSO, a full line of Domestic Goods, such 119 HEAVY BLEACHED MUSLINS, Fine Bro!I. Muslin, 40 inches wide, Blearlied :Muslin float to 2‘,C, yards Aside, Heniuelii Jeans, Partners Cassitnere&e„ &c. Our stock of S HOE S excels on) thing of the kind this silo of Philadelphia ALSO, a largo and cell %elected stock U ATS s a lt• able for the season 'CARPETS. We make a specialty of this article, mai have on lama very fine assortment of DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which will be sold loner than CAN be sold by nuy other hour° outside of Philadelphia. We hare also on Land a large stock of ABM 'IVV-1 which We are belling very low. In order to be convinced that ours is tho place to buy, call and examine our goods and prices We tnko pleasure in showing our goods, oven If you do not m ish to buy. go you uill please cull and get potted. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON. Oct. 28, 186S-t[. NIIIBID ,E(teoßfeii.4 ," _ DO. ar . - Cir.IL=I.3O.IMTV.IO, EIICCebEUr tO B. M. GREENE, =I STEIN WAY & SON'S PIANOS, And other multem, MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, Melodeons, Files, Flutee, Accordeons, Lc.. de. AYl'ianoa, Organs, and Melodeons Win ranted for fire •ears. Circulars bent on applcation. Addieds E. J. GREENE, Huntingdon, j5u27,69 2,1 floor Leister's New Building. READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE IV E TVL Y ALARMED AND ALL IN WANT Or New Furniture &c. I UIE undersigned would respectfully announce that ho manufactures and keeps constantly on hand a largo and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS WASII AND CANDLE STANDS 'Windsor and cane seat (lairs. cupboards, gilt and rose. ',rood moulding for 'mirror and picture frames, and a vari ety of us tidies not mentioned, at prices that cannot fall to be satisfactory. Ho is also agent for the si ell known Bailey & Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The public aro invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsen hero. Work and sales room on 11 great, near Smith, one door west of Yeuter's store. Huntingdon, Aug. 1,1860 TO ° MatTEalt I J. M. WISE, - Manufacturer and Dealer in 35"' 111:1" ..I\T 3E1.. 3E1 9 Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to kis stand on 11111 it., Huntingdon, in the tear of George W Swartz' Watch and Jen elty store, where ho manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per eons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a alit. Remitting of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. lifir& - Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, at short notice. astaws Thu subscriber has a HD ELEGANT HEARSE and is prcpated to attend Funerals at any plane in town or country. J. M. WISE. nuntingdou, May 9, 1869-tt • pAPER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER !! ! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Dranlng Paper, Deed Paper, Tisnto Paper, silk Pape• for Flowers, Perforoted Paper, I iistol Board, tat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Nolo Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged hotter ara Note Paper, Ladles' Plans end Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. So REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LETVIS' BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. HENRY & CO. will do more to no commodato their customers than any other House nu the neighborhood. Inch24.tt a.'<l. a€3VbQ I= A. R. Stewart & Co. HUNTINGDON, PA., HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES, OILS, LAMPS, ROPES, 11/0 Scythes, Snafus, Grain Cradles, Sad- dlery and Carriage Goods, Hubs, and Spokes. NAILS ANT) IRON, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, .S•M'C>ZIMNA;7'..a.Z9L3M, and an endless variety of goods in his lino We aro receiving goods almost every day from manufacturers, and in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and our experience in selecting best brands and reliable qualities of goods, purchass will find it to their advantage to examine our stock. THE NEW PATENT 7CLIPSI' COOK STOViii, which throws . hll others in the shade, is stil increasing in popularity, and pleases so wel that everybody wants BIG PADLOCK SIGN llttutlngdou, Jun 13, 1800-tf. THE; CELEBRATED GROVER & BAKER Sewing Machines. Rat. TILE BEST rAttim SEWING MACHINE IN USE . For Bend) and SI istlelt3 of Stitch, For Strength and Durability ut Scam that will nut Car el, as both threads are used diaect from the Spools ' mitt no beams limo to bo Inert nett by band; no %vista of thread, }or sintphc ty und perfection of unielliarl It stitches, lien., tells, tucks, braids, colds, and ant i,' mins beautifully. Machin. fully W arranted anti full instructians girt L Sowing machine cotton, silk. Ac., on hand. For sato by GItES E A BROTHER, LIAM floor Water's Building, Huntingdon, Pa, _ \\ - 11iii i LER &voLsoNis HIGHEST PREMIUM Kirx Virnesl Sewing Y_ • NtaellileS / =I Received'the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867. They are.adapled to all kinds of Family Sewing. and to the use of Seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tsilore, Manu facturers of Shirts, Collate, Skirts, Cleake, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Cape, Comets, linen (Mods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally 'well upon silk, linen, uooien and cotton goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They 'sill seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and per feral every tpeciee ofacwing, making a beautiful and pet feet stitch, alike on both sides of the article sewed. The qualities which recommend them are: 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, abbe on both sides of the Barrie sewed. 2. Strength, firmness and durability of senm,thot will not rip nor ravel. 3 Economy of Thread. 4. Attachmonta and u !do tango of application to purpo- sea and materials. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish _ . 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 7. Spud, ease of operation and management, and quiet ness of movement. Insiractiens free to ail. Machines !apt in repair one year tree of charge. Mill p& HENRY HARPER, PHILADELPHIA, Has a largo stock, at low prices, of flue WATCHES, JEWELRY, Solid Silver-Ware, !'LATE•D SPOONS, CASTORS, TEA SETS, tIC. apl3.3m• PAPER! PAPER ! ! Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for sale by tho ream, half ream, qulro Cr sheet, at g i tis COUNTRY DEALERS can buy - CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. U. ROMAN. FRANK W. STEWART =I DRAIN PIPE!, THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT THE -:•;jt! 11, B, LEWIS, Agent, HUNTINGDON, PA LEWIS' BOOK & STATIONERY SCORE WHARTON & IrAGIERE, . iiILL STREET, HUNTINCDON, PA., WHOLESALE &: RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HAIM ARE, at 1,2, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUITIDELIS, and buyers generally, Is Invited to tho fact that we ore now• offeting a BEfTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can he found elsewhere in this part of tho State, at prices to suit the Runes. Our stock comprises all articles In this Eno of buoluens, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, Sc., Sc., together with a largo otock of Iron, Steel, Halls, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross , Cat Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low ITTare. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Plwder Cans An excellent assortment of F 9 O ~7~3t10~g~ Curuprlslitg KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, MIS— . ORS, RAZORS, &O. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural - and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improred patterns, CONSTANTLY ON ILANDAND FOR SALE A ratAiNTUFACT URERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general asset lineal of mates Int for their use consisting In part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, d-c. 131-I.4l6o3.eslisEr r i ° l - I.Ss Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE .ANJ MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Steel CARPENTERS Will flud in our cblablialunont a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASII•CGItDS, £O. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all variation BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, uatt PICKS AND SHOVELS. ~ax~~®~ ~ Can Lo accommodated with everything in thoir lino from a Grain Separator to a Whet-stone. 3313..1.1c1etz•m Are modally invited to cull and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with others Agricultural Implements, Comprising the famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, liuudoll'e First Premium HORSE PITCIIFORK, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes, Hey Forks, trace and Halter Chains, Du MC Chains, Cow nos, Curry Combs, Cards, Le., he., &c. Among tho specialties of our House, we desire to call attention to the celebrated 01110 PUMP, The exclueive right to sell which is vested is us. Pond fel acircular awl got fall particulars of sem, and sidle) yourself slits supetior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all sizes and descriptions, Including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Porl, Port• able, Hopper, Miners and Trans portation; Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASII PRIC. S. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By tho keg. Very low I Beat Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON , BOXES, OARRupg SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lad, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at very low figures call Is respectfully solicited, feeling copll dertt that our goods and prices 14'1 not fall to plcaao.naAt WHARTON & MAGUIRE. Huntingdon, May 7, 1867. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application.- Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOAVELL, MASS. PRICE $l.OO. JOHN'HEAD, Agent Ayer's Sarsaparilla, EONS PIITIIIIVICING 'R'EIIC BILOOM The reputation this I ex `` ~ cellent medicine enjoys, it,is derived from its clues. /jr-,,--- ; 4, many of Which are truly C— ~ 7 , ----- ',:u.L"Lc i o h ,?"4 . ,•.ror i ,:gte.` , o wi t s e_ 0 1 Ail ease, whore the system '' seemed saturffled V. iill 4. ,:ti '4 ''' ' , -.- i -;,... corruption, have been .. '-,,,,-- (I purified and rut ea by it. • 1 j . ..._— ,- .1...„; Scrofulous a ff ections tint . 4, i ,---, disorders, tvhich were ag ,..V7, --. ..e:v"."...2X,ccar gnat atoll by the se, aft!. lous contamination until they were painfully afflicting., have been tatheally cured in such groat numbers in alino.t every rec lion of the country, that the public scarcely oiled to be informed of its virtues or ores. Scrofulous poison is one of the most (Intl/1(4,1re enemies of our race. Often, this uween and unfelt tenant of the organism limb:mit net. the constitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its pie:mice. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, mut then, on some favorable occasion, I smit' develop into one or other of its hideous tot ins, either on the surface or among the vital-a. In the halos, to:we eks may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, on' it shoos its presence by eruption, on the skin, or foul ulcer ations on sonic mot of the body. Ilence the occa sional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is ad visable, even when 110 settee symptoms of ilkease appear. Persons afflicted will . , the following com plaints generally find immediate teller, and, at length, cure, by the use of this .9.4.707.1P.1R fI LA: St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Teller, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, told other eruptions or visible forms of Ssuofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, J.tropsy, Ileart Disease, Ills, Epilepsy, Nenr«lynt, and the various facesous affetttons of the muscu lar and nervous systems. Syphilis or riuterml and "Ifereurtal Diseases are cured by it, though a Mug time is required far subduing these obt-linate maladies by any medicine. But long continued use of this meilieine will cone the complaint. leneorrhwa or nlt ices, Uterine Ulcerations, rind rtinute Disrusts, ate com monly soon lettered :mil ultimately cured by its puritying and invigorating elect.itlinute Dime- Cons for each ea- e ate found in our Almanac, sup plied gratis. Rhstrtmaism and Gout, It hen caused by acemufflations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quiddy to it, as t&o Liver Complaints, Toppi,' it, 1, Coup's: ion or In fro in litatiOU of the Liver, and Jaffna ice, m hen arming, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great le blower for the sin ength and vigor of the 'system. Those M Ito are LaW/Ithr and Listless, _Despon dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nerrons Ap prehensions or /Wm:. or any Of the affretions symptomatic of Wertleuegs, will find immediate, relief and convincing, evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED BY Ir. X. C. ATESC .S CO..Moslei!, :llaso., Practical and Analytical Clicntirts SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE THE HUNTINGDON Manufacturing Company, Is now prepared to till orders for WEATHERBO ARDING, FLOORING, DOORS, And in short to do all kinds of Carpenter \ Ork- To furnish HUBS, SPOKES and TELLIES, in quantities, and receive orders for 2P9r=_ZWIWTS3ELM. ,fit 'All orders shonld be addressed to D. W. ARTLEY, President, Huntingdon, Pa June 16, 1569-lf. TIIOB. DURCIIINELL 11 X. H. BURCIIINELL THOS, BIIROHINELL & SON, !lAN Men:WU OF SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all kinds of Building Material, HUNTINGDON, PA. 31e1125 tf ULU. A. STEEL. MILTON B. LITLE. BOITIEL A. 00}..E.L. •JIIIE FIRM OF STEEL, LYTLE & STEEL liming locumd on their tiact of land with two miles aline borough of Huntingdon, a STEAM SAW MILL, ale prepared to manufacture nil kinds of OAK AND PINE LUMBER. The mill w ill 110 101110 114 utmost capacity and w ill be iu opmation during the oldie summer mud pal t of the autumn mouths. They will be enabled to furnieh Lum ber in large quantities, and of all dimensions, at the low• est calli prices. Orders tespectfully solicited. Lumber deliveied at the Penna. Itailioad, or canal. Huntingdon, Apt it 22, ISGS-tf LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, EMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, H Boards, Plank. Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly on hand. Worked Flooring, &mit Dlinds, Doors, Door and Win dow Frames, furnished at!manufac•nrera' prices. Grain and country product generally bought nt market rates. WAGONER ,k BRO., limburg, Centre m.. =3B AlhittMlpVa P,lntiisinituts FINE CUSTOM MADE • - • BOOTS AND SHOES , FOR GENTLEMEN. All the LEAD! (I STYLIN on hand or made to moan mO. Pticas ibad at 11W Fir, An Illustrated Pt leo 1.. t oithinsttact.ons L,r zellmeasurenient sent ou receipt of Post 0111 co uddre o. Will. F. BARTLETT. 33 SouthSiztb Street, above Chestnut, N coneeqeenee of the clisautrene fire, .I:nuttry Lot clettrop.,l their slot u and Ito contents, ' E n UALOWELLZ. CO • J k,"\s,V EL ERS Have made especially to Hick order in Europe and in Amu lea, an entirely „ NEW STOCK OF CHOICE GOODS, Which ale now opened and ready for examination. Very Fine Paris Mantle CLOCKS, (Lvery movement uith tho new Improvements) New Side Ornaments to Match. Enthely new BRONZES, GROUPS and FIGURES, GORHAM MANUFG CO'S FINE ELECTRO WARES, BEST STERLING SILVER WARE, New designs. TVA TORES, IVEL RY, &0., &C., A very full aa,ortment RE i ely MODERATE PRICES Fo: the pre,Eo4t ut 819 caEsTrluT STREET, PEIILAD'A apl3 SPANISH HAIR DRESSER FOR Pnoiortxo rite. GROWTH, lir writ - m. 6 TOE Limn, And tendering it &dr and gloomy.' No other compound possesses the peculiar propel Pea which HO exactly suit tho violaus conditions of the hunian hair. The use of this oil as a hair dresser has been universal In et ery sec tion of the country in the Fpanish Main for centut lea.— No preparation of at t could git o that elegant !Willi itince and abundance of hall which have to often been the ad miration ut effete 111 Opaill. 1 his Oa to highly and delicately petfumnt fot ming an article unrivaled in ex cellence and upon ',IMO the tipaiii,lt people fur many years has e set tie teal of cutlet nig umuoval. selG•ly NoxicanWilq Floworn Shampoo Lotion For rectos log dandruff and .scurf front the !WWI, Ulliten lug and pet fuming the 2.hin. This on Urfa tot ntirely air leteut nuns at* tinting of tha kind tsar offered in this count tty and is wall OH LOti lice front nil poisonous subilatices- Tlins minable lotion Inas used by the Emperor ytdxunil• and Empress Cm tutus of 3:exicm, nttd univeleally nerd by 31extratn, fm three Inindred years. An IL Inns?, for 010 Lend—it is coaling. cleansing and reft reining.— It hen thus used it ttt 01140 i cites es itead,teh.. WILD FLO AVERS FOR THE TEETH All 1/.0 , 0 tt he one inn ins m of n bito teeth and a pleasant nod pen honed bra tin ehuulJ nt once Unt ... .1/C6 Oil We, it lid I 11. M eta for the Teeth. All theAo preparations me pot up hi the matt eteppt and onnnnicntnl 111111111., tla nu.ke Ho exclaim ! in ta3 lug that they are On ornament to n tonkt table, and Hone complete u ithout then, Wan :ante,. oti td telm.y or looney refunded. Deqlen s m ill bear Iluv no none!. :tad lip all eapeaablo Drug gists int time United 5W03 hud Gtmutta. Address ordain to RICHARD INTeGUIRE, npot and :Ilanufactury, bce.y 1113 North Second Strcot, For sale at 14. m in' Book Stole, Huntingdon. ID 4 f ‘ - 'ge . • ae' -- 4 - ::::: Pe ' % . .4`',..•''s,olitile ''' --::-:::: ~- < 4 SF I ir. ' - j . • ''''': ").- , '•,,V - -==-,.. ---!---. / ;;;. __, t &: R. 4, - TDE MARK p ROCLADI IT TO ALL THL WHIZLU THAT THE NATIONAL BITTERS Has cured cases of DYSPEPSIA, more cases of LIVER COMPLAINT, more cases of NERVOUS HEADACHE, FEVER AND AGUE, and more cases of DEBILITY, than any other remedy before the public in the same space of time. ' - IT PURIFIES THE BLOOD, CALMS THE MIND, RESTORES SLEEP, is an Excellent Appetizer, and a general Invigorator of the System. WALTON & ZUG, Proprietors, No. 0, N. Seventh St., Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists, and Dealers generally. marlo, Gas. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC BOOT po T Isla • Makes a Lasting Shine. Moro mho black their boots on Satnrday night with ordimuy blacking,. don't have much shine ou Sunday as tho polish fades off; but the alibi° of q^ BLACK:MG Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sunday. IT BEATS ANY OTHER BLACKING MADE. Manufactured only by J. B. DOBBINS, at his immense Soap and Ilinvlung: Wurlo, btreet and German ton n Avenue, t'hdadelphut, Pa. Poe sale by Massey & Co., adjoining Louis' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. novlB AND SASII, 727 OHESTND T STREET 727 Reduction in the Prices or DRESS GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP it CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER TO-DAY 50 Cases of lmpoited Dress Fabrics, at 25 Cents per Yard, Worth Double the Price. RICKEY, LEARP & CO., 727 Chestnut street, I ke2.-ly SPECTACLES, • r A fine and large assoi•tinent always on hand AT LEWIS BOOK STORE. BOOKS AND STATIONERY.-- A good as;ortment of miscellaneous and Schoo Rooks—Foolscap, Lotter, Comm eial and Note Paper— Nab, and E l ncy elopcs—Red, Blue and Clack Inks— Blank Rooks of numerous sues—Pear, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found ID a Book and Stationery Store, can he had at fair prices at howls' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. READY RECKONER A comploto Pocket Ready Reckonor, In dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitions, Be., together with a Eat of useful tables containing rato of Into est front ono dollar to tivelvotbous• and, by the single day, with a table of wages, oud board by tho week and day. For solo at z-Eiris , BOOS BMW? 31 cG UIRE'S McGUIRE'S .IcOUIRE'S "For Bituminous or. Anthracite Coal." =EI J. REYNOLDS & ,SON, N. W. CORNER 13TH AND FILBERT STS., PHILADELPHIA, PA., Eule Manufacturers or the Celebrated WROt G HT-IRON; AIR TIGM GAS=CONSUMING HEATER, EU. PATENT DUST SCREEN, ORATE - BAR RESTS, and _ WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR,. These Heaters aro made of heavy Wroughtaron, ducted together, tho only sere proventien against the • escape of Gas or Dust. They iireealily irinUaged, any dampers. The Patent Radiator :avoids the use stall anno3ances of drums, and is perinanently attached to. the Heater. This is the - Most durable, siniple, economli, eat, and popular Heating Apparatus ever'.affereiPiiir Cale.• They are all 'guar:inked. , - COOKING RANGES for hotels diidTtimities*,. PORTABLE HEATERS, „ LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN GRATES, - SLiTE - MANTILLS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. We are also manufacturing a • • NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING .11ANGE, .—Send for our Illustrated Pamphlet UNITED STATES . Authorized WAR CLAIR-AGENCY EIUNTINGDON;•PA SOLDIER3' HEIRS; ATTENTION ! The net of Congress approved March 2,186 f, giree to Helm of Soldiers who died prisonele.of war, - 0031 MUTATION F 01: RATIONS, - for the time the soldier wol so held a prisoner, at the rate of twenty-live cents per day, to be paid is the follow ing order: Ist. To then idew, if uninariied; 2d. To the el/adieu; ad. To the percale, to both jointly if they are ll\ iug, if either to dead, to the survivor; "-lth. To the'bre• thereat:ld edsteic. . The act of February 28. 1881, prorbl,B for the refund. tog of the i`,200 Commutation Money. ohnro the ensue per sou u,u a,aln drafted, and was rennin:Ct.) Color the nor vice or turnibit n bUbStitllto. • . „ DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. ' Tho act of March 2,160, also makes iircr.lsions for the payment of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to` such soldiers as hare tiecidelititllk lost . ihoir tiled= ges All persons liar ing any claim% molar any pt the above. meritioned Acte, or any other kind of chtlin against the United States or Stato Gavel ma n tle, can have them promptly collected, by addressing the umlersigued: formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiers or thole friends, free of charge. 11: WOODS, Authorized Any and 21i.tvy Illtr-Ctaint Agent, m0y9,218t.,7 , - I iUNTIMIDUN, lluntingdou ou,; B 0 1 ; s AND STATIONERY OF ALL Km os., WALL PAPER. ,-,,i,q-4001111111.4,A;-:4, - 1,,,, : „ . _, : ,,,., ; _zp,,- , 0..iie.4.!1 ,.7 71 +llly ~ 1 ',NP-, )- ,;1;,1,.;:::.-2.?.> -4 , '..-: ,:I.' - ' • Pdliy--, y.l: l'tz -, :..-„; • 11 c•ti-t_&a-i.:1" ‘ \ .-: ,:A: " , ~, 1,;(.-----.---:-,..,.;_. I.'-',---'-ti .11.7:ftri '-` , `.S•lf - '.',, ) : ,;•., . -:,.?71 ..:' :: r - it - L . ". '• l' -4 - - :I'4l'i:A .71 •'-... - ~, ~,cv1:,, , ,- . ...,;;,, :- ,- / t.:), ,, i'- . ::if f - ipa:. , ; , i:4? - 4 :--'l f . ,iii'l•::;'Api' . : , - -1.- : tir-i.l 'rt.: , ,- ;-1;.! , .,, , V a ..;,,Y. l ; ;, :.;:,-; 0:Fil. Q-_,::°----ir'...,..0. ,- -tx: 4/. / .. : ..,.:, ' , —..,. 6,,,,._ T'4 AIM° Lewis' ' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. School Books and Stationery,Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of "kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School :Books;'-•etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions,_Perfurnery, ; Po4- et Books Pocket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window' Shades and Fixtures,' etc., etc, etc. • [uovll.tf. ..TMITZWIMI.244T4. , -... Q . ..- --.. .; - * 7 441;1 3 1p • /-4,54 . - ..votriizi.Li tas E-1 fiffMnrerViiilltlA-A ~ k l.V l 4.;fiviglfo -. ,al • , f ', V'rri s t .;, •"- wiippi - ',7 -.- .tp- - Pl' ff, , P1111" 1 , 4 1.1qy dt: . , -.., , 14,..t -eve k ,-- f. t -- , ,;:- . ::A -I ,• ,:____. 4 ,1 / 1 1; Q •. I;;',l4i:lfT-ii Idi ' , - ''''''''-` ''''''•• IV CI: 1 1;11•61 . ': 4-1} , 1 : -••••••• :• tiL4 . 1%.412,1 , _ lc, • t y i • , gq , - - 0• 1 1. • ° V ••• — , -- _--. ll i •• C ' ; 9 ~.., f.N..cl7a. ,-..., -- .1 - - - ,,, , ....1N ~,,,,:g....L,i,.. : g.... L , i ,.. :.,.= . p m i - - - 2-....-- , ..rt.A..1, 1 •S MARBLE )_TARD. J. M. GREEN & F. 0. , BEAVER Having entered into partnership, Int 'l'm the piddle that they are prepared to execute all stylebot Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such na - MONDMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building Work, at us low prices Its any chop in tho county. _ _ Orders &onto distance promptly attended to. Shop on AIIFFLIN etroct, a row &up era of.tho L. theran church .mch6,1607 MARBLE YAED. - undersineg would respectfully call the attention bf the ettizene Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful nimble now on hand. lie is prepared to furnisli at the shortest notice, Monumental Mat blot, Tomb, Tabled said Stones of every desired size nod form of Italian od Eastern Marble, highly finished, end carved with (wire . - pi late devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, fic., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledzco himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price.. Ca and ice, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on th outer of Montgomery and Mifflin s's.. Huntingdon, ea WU. WILLWIS.. Wintingdon, May 16 1855. BLANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! ATTACIPT EX ECIITIONS, EXECUTIONS, DEEDS• EtiNSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACHMENTS, SUMMONS, MORTGAGES, SUBRENAS, SCIIOOI. ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION WKS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, . FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the S3OO Lose. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Mmisters of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, In MO of Assault and Buttery, and AKIN , . ECIERE FACIAS, to recover Bonnet of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper, and formic at the Octet) 0 the artirIiTINGDON GLOBE. -. • • BLANKS, of every description; printed to order neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. • M.,. Subscribe for TILE GLOBE. ap2l-y m::›Za . I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers