The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 28, 1869, Image 2

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    6111 b-e.
Wednesday morning, July- 28,1869,
_The 'tplobe"
,kas the largest number of
readers of any - other paper published• in the
county. Advertisers should remember this.
Republican County Convention,
A Convention of the Union Republi.
cans of Huntingdon county, will be
held at the Court House in the bor.
ough of Huntingdon, on TUESDAY,
AUGUST 10TH, 1869, at o'clock, p. in.
This Convention will be co - imposed
of two delegates from each township,
borough, ward and district.
The Republican voters of the county
aro requested to meet at their respec
tive,places of holding elections (except
the West Ward of the Borough of
.duntingdon, who will hold their elec
tion,at the store room of N. C. Decker
lately occupied by Johnston & Mat
son) on Saturday, the 7th day of Au.
gust—in the townships, between the
hours of 3 and 7 o'clock, p. m., and in
the Boroughs between the hours of .6
and 9 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose
of electing delegates to, this Conven
You aro also requested to vote by
ballot at the same time for or against
the adoption of the Crawford County
System, and instruct your delegates
Chairman County Committee,
..Can any one tell us by what
role Asa Packer is called the "poor
map's candidate?"
Ur•A Connecticut Yank is not at all
repulsive to the Democracy of Penn
sylvania after he becomes worth $20,-
116'We can't expect to hear Demo:
crats complaining about bard times,
since Packer is nominated as their can
didate for Governor.
sg.The friends of Cass and McCan
dless boldly assert . that Packer's mon
ey bags blasted their chances for the
nomination for Governor.
serThe Harrisburg Patriot modestly
claims that Asa Packer was*the "sol
dier's friend." We as modestly ask :
When, where, how and what for ?
tgx,.Can any one give us a good rea
son why Asa Packer should be elected
-II if. hileflllBo be is worth
$20,000,000? If not, what has ho done
that entitles him to the position P.',
,91oNswr Irotrw."—Wias not Asa
ranker nominated for Governor be
cause of his great Wealth—his $'20,0,00,-
000 ? Would he have been nominated
in the absence of any great wealth.?
. .
siiir Didn't Asa Packer go to Europe
during the War and stay there a year
or two in order to keep out of the con-
test, and Were not all his - sympathies
iu 13Aiir i thon.viith the'Democratic party.
rr-oti` . the'eide of the South ?
, has become a pretty well sot:
tied fact that Asa Packer's money..
bags secured him the nomination. It
was first put down at $lOO,OOO. It
may have been more but we do not
think it was less. Fie ! . Fie!
Seir"lavisible," of the Blair County
Radical solemnly denounces , tbeMa
jority of the Harrisburg Democratic
Convention "As-a Pack-er rascals."
That's a pretty severe pun, but take it
as joke and it will go down easy.
iter•We thought of writing a history
of the Democratic Convention, but after
due and matuVe dOjiberation we .have
concluded to accept Brick ,Porneroy's
version of it, which was short, sharp,
and expressive—"it was a -'red-hot,'
• ilifirThe Now York Times says they
put too fine a point upon it when they
litiy that Frank Blair, in the army re
'pion at Long Branch, was the "right
man in the right place." Not to put
too fine a point upon it, ho was a tight
>n 4p in a tight place:
~;Democrats feel glorious over
having a rich candidate. It is true
enough a twenty million candidate is
a big thing, but should that make one
vote against Gov. Geary, who is not so
rich, and who during the war did not
stay at home waking money ?
I:EV - Cyrus L. Pershing, the Demo
cratic nominee for Supremo Judge,
was known during the war as one of
tho most violent, bitter and unrelent
ing partisans belonging to the Demo
cratic faith, and is, therefore, totally
unfit to occupy, a Seat on the Supreme
On Monday evening, The Perna•
oratie eandidates,- were .serenaded, ,at
the' hjernhapts hotel in Philadelphia.
11.r.-Tactkor 'Thad© 'a 'op'ench' 'tibial)
; • . -
"1.. ill endeavor to do, my
lead you, as you have placed me in4he
van, to victory, if possible—and if
I ant
.certaln,tbe defeat shall not be
attributed to a lack of any thing that
I can do. Applause and cheering.)
We conclude that "anything" means
money, of•which he has enough and to
?Tara to got out a full Democratic vote
gnd perhaps bribe c row RePUblfeimo,
"Honor to Whom Honor," &o.
The Press has a word for,ithe Phila
delphia Democrats in BillylleMullin's
Convention, and "resents the peculiar.
ly olfonsive'language and disagreeable,
insinuations which were so freely used
in that Cativentien against the-Phila.
delphiaDemo'crats" which it considers
"unkind, uncalled for and altogthor
discourteous,!' and the
~enuse of, Um
Democratic press in keeping, them up,
as "still more needless and irritating:"
The editor also objects to the language
of Hon. Frank Hughes and the Hon.
Wm. Hopkins, about pickpockets and
roughs, which he considers unpaylia
mentary, and the incessant`ropptition
of similar kings in country journals he
denounces as unprofessional and calls
upon Mr. Galbraith to stop it. In sup
port of this defense of the Alderman
and his co-adjutors,the'Priss continues:
"We are locally proud of our De
mocracy such as they are. We will
put the Fourth.ward against the Five
Pointe and ask no odds. We can show
as noisy and dangerous a convention as
New York. We have as many candi
dates who can boast criminal indict
ments as brevets for ,gallant and mer
itorious party• service. The Quarter
Sessions is almost as strong a power in
our local politics as in those of Goth
am. We killed and wounded as many
men last year on election night as ever
did New York. We honor and regard
a Democratic whisky still next to a
Democratic judicial decision. The 10.
cal reputation of the Democracy is sec
ond to none; and finally, to conclude
the whole matter, we unhesitatingly
affirm that at the worst they are not
more disorderly . or, law-breaking or
worthless than the Democracy of any
other city of similar size."
A MISERABLE SHEET.—Not 000 of our
Republican exchanges is so full of vile
scurrility regarding the nominees of
the Democratic party as the Hunting.
don Globe. The immense wealth of
Hon. Asa Packer is the subject of ten
separate articles, while the legal abili
ty of Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing is im
pugned in a contemptible manner. The
editor of the Globe is that meanest of
all mean things—a renegade. Of course'
it is necessary that he should. wade
neck-deep in partisan filth in order to
maintain his reputation as a faithful
vassal of the Radical party.
The above delightful paragraph
it necessary to tell -it ?) is from the
Altoona Vindicator. We are very sor
ry we have offended the moral and re
fined sensibilities of the pattern of mor
ality and refinement who conducts
that sheet, by informing our readers of
the "immense wealth" of Asa Packer,
the Democratic candidate for Gover
nor.' Paeke'r is rich, and the Vindica
tor man can't lie out of it, and he can't
deny that this fact made • his nomina
tion. We declare .we do not know
•how we have "waded neck-deep in
partisan filth" by telling our readers
those facts. We have not: villified
Packer, nor do we intend to, , but can.
the Vindicator say as truthfully that it
has not, nor will not, . traduce crover 2 "
nor Geary. - ; We are, heartily' glad that:
the Vindicator has seen fit -to , notice
our course -as a Republiban -journal;
but we *dat assure, 'that , joarlial,' and
our readers, that we 'do' nat seed to
"wade neck-deep in partisan filth" to,
•maintain our reputation as a•first class
family neivspaPer and-faitbful exponent
of the•principlos of the Republican Par
-, , .cr •
ty."' s inimense .wealth is not
all that,we may,, have to,npeak•about
in. the campaign just. opening, but
while that" is enough to induce Voters
to 'vote that he , 'nhould home,
his'Witr record is Buell as to need,
notice at our hands and we shall do it,
without :listening to: our soreheaded
neighbor. ;'! • '
sea.We hear it said that many:Re
publicans are dissatisfied' with' their
party's conduct during the past Year,
on national and local questions.'" - Let,
all suclaxemember that no party is in
fallible—there aro bad 'men in , both
parties. It was bad men who,brOught
disgrace on the Democratic ;
once triuMphant;_and can any party
in power expect, to be ,totally, rid of
bad men. The fault of evil lies within
the party itself, and a remedy for that
evil cannot be accomplished by a change
of adminietration. ' The Democratic,
party leaders in the South brought the•
war upon the country; and the stigma
so appropriately attached to, 'their
crime has brought defeat upon 'their
allies in the North in, every former
campaign. The faults of the Demo
cratic party should not be forgOtten by
dissatisfied Republicans in their haste
to pick a flaw in the conduct of their
own party.
otirln a conversation' with a well
known Republican, recently, a promi
nent Democratic lawyer, who resides
in the western portion of the State, in
in a strong Democratic County, de:
clared that the nomlnation 'of tif.r.,Per
shing was anything but satisfactory- to
the Democracy of his neighborhood, as
ho was known as a:very common law.-
yor, and totally lacking in all the re.
cluisites for a seat'cin the SuProme
Bench: i 1 further remarked that he
was a bitter uncompromising partisan,
and he thought that no map ought to
be placed i on the
. Supreme Ben* who
entertained, Opinions as one bided:on
allquestions,,ataty,,gorshingis known
to entertein.; ' • , •
Tt . stitS ono 0r,..13 !Ake
Behool•bevomer,a , dead,letter?-:•We
ari3 often:asked aboatit,andlming -aux
ious to know somedi - hfg'6l
Lion," Ne.simplx ta_ayeAbo„ inquify of
the gentlemen-mho..l44o,7tibe.:matter,in.
charge that we may be able:to• answer
satisfactorily, any questions.that maY
~ n •• t 59.1
1.)C7 to'ns herbafter.
likirThe Now York Tribune thus
sympathies with the Democratic can
didate foiGo'vernor :
"We'caneot say' how sorry we are
for Mr:, Packer, the"Democratie" can
didate' for 'Governor in Pennsylvania.
He is said to be , worth $20,000,000, and
the way in which he will be phleboto
, mizod by the,party is painful to think
of. Ho was rich enough to buy the
nomination, but ho isn't probably rich
enough to buy an
_election. Great
riiiiiibors fin ngr'y gl eine 1 'profi t
by the•deplction of Mr. Packer's purse;
but it is pretty hard that the man
should be forced to pay for the pre
cious rib roasting which p• in store for
him. We have alWays thought that
"Democratic" ditailidates - shOuld be
handsomely paid for running ; but here
is an unfortunate .who is set up to be
knocked down, and then has • to foot
the bills !. Poor Mr. Packer !
Again the Tribune says :
The • Lancaster (Pa.) Intelligences
gives us the 'gratifying intelligence
that the Hon. Asa Packer "in the gub-
ernatorial chair will form a rampart to
the rascalities of corrupt 'legislators,"
which is a nice thing to say to a man
who' notoriously bought his nomina
tion. Gen. Jackson defended New,
Orleans behind a rampart of cotton
bags : aro we to understand that the
Hon. Asa 'will defend the Pennsylva
nia Treasury behind a rampart of his
own moneybags? If the Hon. Asa
Packer has assumed the responsibility
of supporting "corrupt legislators" out
of his own pocket, so much the better
for his State; but the human nature of
Mr. Packer being like human nature
in general, we fancy that, under any
circumstances, the shrewd gentleman
means to make himself whole. It is
poor Pennsylvania that will bleed at
The Savannah Republican, a Demo
cratic paper saYs: ,
"It is a rare thing for the Northern
Democrats to make, a judicious nomi
nation. * * * Theparty appears to have
lost its brains. * * * '.CJ ey appear in
capable of learning anything from the
past.. * * * The Pennsylvania nomi
nation on Tuesday affords a striking
example. They could have had the
services of Hancock by anything like
a unanimous nomination, and his name
would have put a Democratic victory
beyond a peradventure; but no, they
must go off into a wild goose chase after
a 'Copperhead' nominee, a well4cnown
partisan, who will keep' his minority
party together and the opposition
quite as firmly united."
Asa Packer, like Hon. Henry
W. Williams, is a native of Connecti
cut. Will the papers which two Years
ago raised the • cry of carpet-bagger
against our distinguished candidate
continue their howl ? Wo have a Yan
kee now on both tickets, the only dif
ference being that on the Democratic
one he leads. Will the Democracy
continuo their assaults on New Eng
land and New England politics?
Im.lf there dre any Douglass Demo
crats now acting with the Democracy,,
it may bo interesting forthem to know
that Asa, Packer, was a deleiate to the
Charleston, National Convention in
1860, from ivhich!he bolted and'uniteil
with thi3;Sbuthern ' Secessioniits, in
un s minatini l Tohri'q..Dreckinridge as the
secession , candidate to defeat,St.ephen
A. Douglass, the regular Democratic
'nominee. • '
ts.,lt can be truly said .of both
Packer and Pershing, that the office'
sought the man, and not the man the'
office.iNeithor•woro at. Harrisburg
when the convention' nominated them.
—Clarion Democrat. , -
Just so. But Packor'S moneybags
were on tliegrouhd - oarly, , and soon
made naince-ineat„pf all, other . aspi
rants. :
I),emocraey •• ,throw • over
board the.only man ;they•could possi
bly haire succeeded •with;.• and then
turn round and insult' by dubbing
Packer us the "Soldiers'• friend." In
his "banishment," Hancock, ae in no
very amiable, mood toward the "high
toned," constitutional party.
A W.saNusrp.-- 7 Another 'defalcation!,
Another' individual in'titich haste to bo
rich that he does dot scruple to crimi•
pally `rielfin speculation money which
doss not belong - to him." Carrnothing
bo done to stay this madness ? Scarce
ly a paper is opened 'which does not
'give particulars of some now departure
from thb straight and simple road.—
The' Prevalent mania for speculation
and the no' loSti to be deplored-extrav
agance of -eity•life have led to a dole
ful state of buSiness morals.' The cor
ruption affects'all classes, the highest
as -well as the' , lowest. , Mr:t Bullard,
the Sedetary' of •the Security 'lnsur
ance Company, 'and who has abscond
ed with 03,000 of the company's
funds, was very prominent as an officer
of the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion. His connections wore all of this,
character, and, perhaps, no man in
New York was further above suspicion
than ho. .It seems incredible that he
should have done this thing, yet do it
he did. • It is another sad illustration
of the familiar words of Friar Laurence
in the: play :-“Wisely and slow : they
stumble that run-fast."
U. S. Sonatorfrom Illinois, in a recent
conversation with, Brighain Young in
Salt Lake City, was told by,Brigham
that on returning to Congress ho (tho
judge) might hear of obnoxious Fede-
TO officials being putout okthe Terri:
tory, and he might be suro it
for just and, good reasons. , Trumbull,
replied that before. he (Young)
• took
such a step he.iffiould make. known his
grievancee,;to: PresidOnt:, Groat, who
wp,uld,not permit, a t v.iptation 9f law to
go unpunished, and adding • that. it
would 6!not,he,eafe,to molest public of
. discharge of their, duties.
The, Judge, No, read, llien asked,
Young if he promised Obedienee, to the'
p g ps,t,iwt.i 9 nt‘ro ; ol.p. lawa,p(tho, JJni- ;
b!4 ,1, 49. MOO f'9W? , cnactill9nPit4at
the :4, qPinclits WD.ll4;Pot,9beYll',,panie
jy,,,the 9fi r c,,f9,rlOddipg pplygq!u. ,
A ii::•s • ~
.iegio ip
rIVNP.),‘FIL4/05,ed' 4Vll,lo,•DiliP i
The preliminary steps have been ta
ken for the organization of a company
view the boldindof a World's
Exposition of - Manufactures, &c.;;in
Washington, a year hentie:
• •
Wm. A. Galbraith of - Erie - has been
appointed Chairman of the Pennsylva
nia Democratic State Executive Corn.
mitten, by ex Senate'. BaUkalew, Pres
ident of the late Convention,
'Atr Omaha dispatCh says that•a man
named Broyldon, postmaster and ex
press agent at Pacific City, lowa, de
camped with nearly $20,000 of the
Company, and Government funds on•
the 19th inst.
' M.. There is a highly Judaical • old
gentleman in Illinois who expects an
other' flood, and has constructed an
ark itr which - to save himself and his
goods and chattels.
flef•The steeple of Christ Church,
Philadelphia,com . pleted in 1775, is said
to be the Most durable and substantial
in the city. The chime of belle hang
ing in it was the first imported into
the United States. •
The official return of the vote in
Washington Territory, gives a total of
5,238—an increase in two years of 698.
The majority of Garfield, Republican,
for Delegate to Congress is 148. The
vote on _the question of a State govern
ment was very small, being 300 in fa
vor and 688 against the proposition. •
rie-Illighty-four counties in Virginia
give, Walker 23,000 majority. The
Senate will be composed of thirty-ono
white -conservatives, eight white and
four colored radicals. The House of
Delegates will have ninety-seven white
and three colored conservatives, and
thirty-three white and eleven colored
radicals. - '
lerThe old "Temple Farm," near
Yorktown, Ye., upon which Lord Corn
wallis surrendered his forces and sign
ed the articles of capitulation, has just
been sold. by public auction. It con•
tains from four to five hundred acres,
cud is said to be ono of the best culti
vated farms in that portion of the
State. It brought $8,005.
The California Republican State
Convention was held in San Francis.
co on the 22d inst. Lorenzo Sawyer
and O. C.Pratt were nominated Judges
of the Supreme Court. Among the
resolutions adopted was ono opposing
China suffrage in •any form, and any
change in the naturalization laws of
the United States, another approving
the eight hour law, and a third indor
sing the 'action of Congress on the
Alabama claims question.
zni-Col. C. G. Hammond, who was
appointed General Superintendent of
the Union Pacific Railroad, has accept
ed. the position on condition that the
differences with the Central Pacific
Railroad be 'compromised, so as to ad
mit of good service to the public, and
fair rates bo established. The compa
nies have agreed to carry freight to
New York at five cents per pound,
greenbacks; also to furnish emigrant
trains at $5O per passenger from New
York, and. $3B from Chicago.
66 - An Englishman in Naples made
a bet with some young Italians that he
could sot running all the lame and par:
alyzed , beggars crouching in a certain
corner of 'that city. Matters baying
been arranged, the Englishman •rotir- .
ed, and after a while -came rushing
wildlyround the nearest cornerffollow
ed by a,rabble, all phouting, "The tiger
is loose! the tiger is_comingl" -and dash
ing madly,past, the beggars,.th,cy, in
their terror , forgot , their professional
-laickery, apd leaping .to their.,,feet,
fled-with-the - crowd.. • ,
A CURIOUt3 CASE.—The detectives of
"working up", a curi
ous ease ocleception and robbery. A
'servitiit "girl living, in familY pear
that city, visited, last spring; a band of
Gypsies and had her "fortune" told by
to One of 'Ahem. The crafty ; old ,womanwhomshe applied after onepr
interviews told her illat„Sh'iiMust not
"marry a certain' person—naming axe ,
spectable young farmer to whom she
was engaged—that If she did, great
harm would come to her, but that a
brave heart %sae dying for her line—
that it would come in the shape of a
yaiing' man with a dark eye and black
shining locks—that the young man
would love and wed' her—would turn
out to be something 'br other in dis
guise, and'hor life would be so full of
happiness that a drop more would spill
it.' Soon after, she saw a man answer.
ing to the above description wandering
about the farm, became acquainted
with him and finally eloped with him.
On arriving at Chicago he robbed her
of the little money she bad saved and
left her. She found, work hi Chicago
and remained' there until a week ago,
when her old lover found her out and
married 'her.
The undersigned respectfully nunonnces himself as a
candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the de
cision of the Union Republican County Convention
Springfield township, July 28,1869, o
Idnrsna. EDITORS :—I respectfully announce myself as a
candidate tot the office of County Commissioner of Hunt
ingdon county, subject to the decision of the Republican
Comity Convention. If elec'ed, I will discharge the du.
ties Of the office with fidelity and to the best of my abil
ity. I was born in Huntingdon county, and tho first
rota I ever polled was for 11 illitun Henry Ilarrieon in
1810. In August 1862, when all was gloomy end dark
and our country And union in danger, I volunteered my
services in Co. 1,12511, Regiment, not for large bounty or
big pny, but for the good of my country. On thu lith
September, 1862, while engaged, was wounded in the
ern!, rendering it almost useless.
Lincoln twp , Juno 16
We, aro requested to announeo Mr. LEVI SMITH',
of Union township. as a mandato for Director of thu Poor,
subject td tho decision of the County, Union Republican
Convention. Juno 30, 'O9.
I rasps:trolly annifunee myself us a candidate for Die
office of Director of the Door, subject to the decision of
the Union Republican County Convention.
Cassvilie, July 23. 1869.* ' DAVID STEW:R.
I respectfully nonounco myself as a candidate for tho
oflico of Director of the Pour of Huntingdon county, sub.
J Oct to the decision of the ltepubltenu county conseution.
A. G. 1110.008.
Tell tsvp., July 14, 1869.
nu undersigned offers himself ns a candidate for
Director of the Poor ' Illibject to the decision of the Union
Republican County convention.
Juniata twp., July 14 ' 1031. DEAN.
I, announce NJ self as a. candidate for the office of
Direptot of am rota; aubject to the decision of tit.) Union
Repnblican Convention. • 11AltitIS ItICUARDSO2 , I.
Lincoln Imp., July 14, 'CO Ig.
therebi announce myself as n candidate for thd taco
of County Tr:rummer fur ,Huntingdon county, jsubjcet to
the decision of the county Republican convention. If
:nominated anCelixited,' I pledge myself to' dlschargo the
duties o! , tho offico with.. fidelity, and to tho best of m y ability. , • •`) A. W. RSNYON.
Eattee twp., ' , ' '
I hereby annonuco myself aa a caffilidato for the office
of Treasurer of liuntinVon county, imblect to tho deli.
slow' Of the Republican couuti• contention. If 110111illa•
t:Odt and: cippled, pledgq inyaelt to discharge the trust
confided to with fidelity and to the beat of my ability.
Cromwell top., blityl2* S. J. CLOY).
.42 ttha ,Point Sbinglei for - salp by
• lIENRY 5: CO.
A ssEgpLy. -
. • The friends of JOHN N. SWOOPS, of Porter form
e • p, anntimtee him es a•earul Witte for Assembly. subject
to the approiral - of the Union Republican County Con.
caution. junolitl, 'CO.
'he name of T.H.CHEMER, of Huntingdon, will
be submitted to the nominating convention of the Repub
lican party us a candidate for bald office.
Huntingdon, May 4, WO.
" The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a
candidate fur the Wilco of Prothono•ury of Huntingdon
county, eel Jeat to the decision of the Republican county
convention. F. S.
July 21, 180
I reaoretinll3 announeo myself as a candidata for the
°Rico of lquilaniolaty of Ilunthigtion county, subject, to
the decision of the Republican County Convention.
1111101.10 mi. .7tme lb, 16C9
- • he mune of 11 - 31 IT.*FLENNER. of Franklin town
eh:p, will au/ witted to the nominming convention of
thu,llepublic in party one cnnd j for tho office of Rtg-,
inter nerl Recoider
Franklin twp., hlny 26 ,
We ...tier for renomination td the office of ilegibtor and
Recorder. J. I& SMUCR E. 0., formerly of Brady top.,
owl the pits. it eesa mtt at sital alike. Mr.S,lB a disa
bled halaler bat a e claim nothing mole for him as a sol
dier, than has been given, for the last I'm ty-tivo 3 ears to
civilians holding that olllcc, namely a ienoininiubm.
July 14,'1.9 tc. BRADY TOWNSHIP.
A GOOD STEA 31 ENGINE, 17 horse power.
Can he seen in opmalien at Bloody Bun Oro Mines.
Fur particulars apply to JAS M. WATTSON,
jy26-St Bloody Run, Pa.
The second qUarter of the fourth term of this School
will open the 6,cond day of August, 1669.
For particulars nddross
D. 11 SHULTZ, Principal.
It Box 16. Mt Union. Iluntingtioa co Pa
I hove been requested by the owners of the following
Sewing 3lochloiro to dhipene of t hem if possible et the
price, annexed, as they tail, to pi °cure Huger machines
in their place : '
One Grover & Baker Machine, loop stitch, in good run
ning order, Con $5O, will take $5O; ono Florence machine
with tucker & c, cost . $BO, will take (goodbrder) $53;
one Grover & Baker machlue, loop stitch, with box cost
$65, Will take $l6; 0110 Wilcox & Gibbs, cost $O5, will
take $3O; one Gruver & Baker machine, good running
older, cost $55, will tekallo; one Parker Machine, with
cover, well finished, cost $6O, will take $35 ono fine
Grover & Baker 31achine, never been used, coat with tuck
or, extra hemmers &c , $7B, will take $7O.
Letters for Information and orders for the celebrated
Singer Machine to be addressed to
July 28—If J. C. BLAlR,ltuntingdon, Pa.
4031EX3M..a.1:' -XZECZ)IId(3IEIO3.
Will be sold at public solo, without reserve, on the pro•
On ,S'atliiclay, August 21st, 1869
Commencing at 11 A.M., 80 acree-of land, part of the
George Lowman survey at Figard's old stone mill on Six
Mile Ron, one toile above itiddlesburg. About one-ball
of this property bus been laid out in town lots of 50 by
15U feet, with wide streets. The balance is, divided into
lots clone to fi ve acres for timber and pasture lots. The
water power and three men will bo sold together. Situ
ated between two large collieries and within one mile of
the extensive lien Works at Riddlenburg it is the best
location in the legion for business men. mechanics, min
see, and laborers. The town site is pleasant and petty,
with abundance of miter. It will be sold to tho highest
bidder to close a partnership. A tract of ten acres war
ranted in name of J. Figard, with coal,right, will be sold
at same lime. Passongere by morning train from Runt
ingdon or Bloody lien, can return the same day.
July 24, 1869 -td. 1. T. WATTSON.
The Union Bank of linntingdon,
(Lato John Dare & C 0.,)
CAPITAL, paid up, $50,000.
Solicit acconnte from Ilarika,Bankeril lind'others. A
liberal Interest allowed on time'lletmeits: All kinds of
Securities, bought and sold for tho usual commission.—
Collections made on all points. Brach; on all parts of
Europe supplied ;it the usual
Persons depositing Gold toil will receive the
In same ram n smith inmost. Teo partners are individ
ually liable to the extent of their nhoie property for all
Deposits. „ -
'Thciontliiished business of the Into firm ofJohn Bare Sc
ill be completed by Tim Union Bank of linntingdoii
.1y2.1, ' O. C. NORTH, Costlier.
The International llipliocoilliquo
New York circus.
' 150" men nod horses. -The largest - mid Most legitimate
Circus traveling. , ; o , , .
The Most Wondoriul and Daring Acrobats, Tumbler
and Leaver in the world,
- -
Everything New, Novel and Attractive. See Pro
gramme and Posters. "
Price of Admission 50 chi. Children. 25 cts
HUNTINDDON, Saturday, July 31.
ALEXANDRIA, Friday, July 30.
MCVEYTOWN, Monday, August 2.
Don't forgot tho day and data.,
Remember the show is given inside and not on the
S t ree t, - July 21.21
4869. -; - . ;1869.
For Oentlemen , s &thing of the beatmaterlal, and made
in the beet workmanlike manner, call at
oppoelto the Franklin Howe in Market Square, Hunting'
don, Pa.
the most complete of ney•in the country, and pos.
sasses the meet ample facilities for promptly executing in
the tat style, every variety of Job Printing, such as
. • .
BALL TldlCo§,
1:% • • BLANKS,
-..LABELS,, &C., &C., &C
:; ,
A li OltD TO
- -
Being a short and practiral trentiso on thonature, sous
es And symptoms of Pulnuntorte Consumption, Ilronehtlie,
add Astfintl; untrtheir 'prevention' .trentmeat. And core
by inhalation. Sent by wail , freo. Addrene. Q. VAN
inixtmELL, N. D., 16 West Fourteenth St, N. - y. jlyl4-ly
ytEo,Go to Red Front fOi• Glassware,
Queeeswqrp; Stonewve, Willow
. and
Octinrwitro, plc" etc.
Scottsville Classical, Scientific and
C,mumerckal— Academy.
This situated in the
villagei of Scottsville, location of unusual salu
brity and remarkable far picturesque scenery. The ad
jacent mineral springs are :held in high estimation for
their medicinal properties. Few locations possess equal
advantages for educationalp4oses. There are churches
in the village' affording ampl a ,opportunities for moral
culture: No alcholic drinks sold within seven miles,
and the committal ty la moral and inti Iligent. The course
of . .iitetruction will be full and comprehensive and lea
[urea- will be given on educational topics during the
Session. - First term opens AUUUST 2i, 1869.
' =463-For further information address L. If. 13E140,
edji., Prlncipal,-Ecottavilla, iluntingdowao, l'iLjy2l-1m
Teachers BOtrhairtlass
PETERSBURG, Hunt. Co., Pa. -
, To commence MONDAY, AttOTJAI: ad, Ma, and coq .
Dune Mx Weeks.
Those expecting to teach during the coming term will
find it greatly to their hdrantago to attend.
'Electors visiting and noticing can select their Teach
Our worthy County Superintendent, will ho Instruc
tor, and a graduate of the state Normal at Millersville, is
expected to be with us..
Eoucators and friends of education are invited to visit
and co-operate. J. A. STNWAItT, A. M.
Shaver's Creek, July 21-3 t. ,
Buy Lots from first hands at - •: 7 '
Purcbasers desiring to build can have very liberal
terms as to pap:gents.
_Now is the time to invert. Ap
ply to [jy2ltf It. ALLISON MILLER.
QHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
Lysundry write of Tenditionl Exponas directed to mo
I 0111 expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House,
in the Borough of Huntingdon, on 310NDAY, , the ten
of AUGUST, 1869, at two o'clock, P. M., the following
described propet . ty to wit:
titlo - and interest of
the defendant in all that certain Houee and Lot situate
in the borough of Huntingdon, bounded en the north by
lot of Frederick Picket, on the east by Isaac Long, nest
by Penna. Railroad, on the south by 15 feet alley. Seized,
taken in execution, and to ho sold as the property of
George Sellers.
NOTICE TO PURCHASERE—Bidders at Sheriff's Sales 'off
take notice that immediately upon the property being
knocked down, fifty per cent: of all bide under $lOO, and
tvienty-ffie per cent. of all blds , over that - sam, must be
paid to the Sheriff, or the' property be eatup again
and sold to other bidders who will comply with the above
If court continues two weeks deed acknowledged on
Wednesday or second week. One week's court, property
knocked down on Monday and deed acknJwiedgedon the
following daturday. "
D. IL P.M:ELY, Sheriff.
Huntingdon, July 14, 1869.
AEGIST.tR'S IstOTlCE.—Notice is
hereby given, to all persons interested, that the fol.
owing named persons have settled their accounts in the
Register's Office, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts
will be presented for confirmation and allowance at an
Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the
county of Huntingdon, on Monday, the 9th day of
AUGUST next, (1869,) to wit :
1 Administration account of Noah A. Elder, adminis
trator of J.lllO Templeton, late of Shirley tp., deceased.
2 Administration account of James Coulter, one of the
administratols of Nicholas Goshorn, late of Tell twp.,
3 Administration account of Mary Miller, ndministra•
trix of John Miller, Into of Shirley twp., deceased.
" Administration account of Pr WM. P. McNito, ad
ministrator of Joseph Postlewait, late of the borough of
Fliirleysburg, deceased.
ii Administration account of Nathan White, adminis- -
trator of David Mountain, into of Iluvowest township,
deceased. .
6 Adminieration account of David Mack, executor of
Abram McCoy, late of liantiagdon borough, deceased.
7 Final Administration account of John Horton, nc
lug executor of Josiah Horton, late of Tod township, d
8 Administration account of David P. Tussey, executor
of'tho estate or 'Morena et Owens, late of the borough of
Birmingham, deceased. .
9 Administration account of Caroline ,C. Roach, ear
riving administratrix of the white, of,l2Nrld, F. Couch
late - of Barre° township, diceneed.
10 'Trust 'moonlit of Petry Moore, trustee to sell th,
real estate of Daniel Shultz, late of orris township, do
ceased. .
. .
11 Administration neconnt of James Cree, executor of
the estate of Rohm t Cree, late of Dublin tap., deceased.
12 Accoant of Samuel Steger, administrator and trtis
tentd geirtite erState of RobEit Miran, fatti - of Jack
son tonmship;deceased.
13 Supplemental Administration account of, Alvah
Chilcote, executor of Samuel goober, lute 'of' Conmell
township, deceased.
14 Guardianship account'of Daniel*Dare, guardian of
Elizabeth Dare, now deceased, daughter of. John Rare,
deceased. '
15 Huardiansliip account of John Wertz; guardian of
•Frances S. Walters, minor child of John Walter, late or
Huntingdon county, deceased.
la Administration account of James Fleming, admin
istrator of Jane Leonard, late of Jackson twp., deceased.
17 Ouardlanship account of John Clark, guardian of
Mary Francis Doyle, minor child 'of Edward Doyle, do.
ceased. ..
18 Administration account of Perry Moore and Georg,
Shultz, admit.istratore of • the eetato of Daniel Shultz
Into of Morris township, deceased.
negistor's Office, 1
Iluntingdoir.July,l4, 'CO.; j
NOTICE is hereby,,given to all per
v;titilAKia-tid 0:4 the 'll,l4 . 4lti.frisentories of
the'go site, Chaltai set to %%loud, co d er the precis. ,
tons of the act of 1411, of April, 1811, have been filed in
the office of the Cleik of the Orphans' Court of Hunting._
don county ,111111 praseated for '-at proval•by the
Ceurt." - onitiodnesday the llth orAt 7o uer,*(l BB9 ,)
,fluienjciry And appreigement lot Hie gkodyffill khattels
*mob Werdot - Samuel - Harr% lato - of Tenn ficwriship,
ceased, as taken by his widely Mary Harris.
Inventory end appreisement of the goods and chattels
which were of David Neff, of Porter township, deceased,
as taken by, his widow Mary J. Neff. . •
, • ,- 11,ventbry dud appraisetnetitof,the goods aild , chattels
whicit witt-9 of. Andrelv Iloffi late of ‘ Clay.towdelfip, de
ceased,qciken Vhiten - vidon Alarglfrit lieff;
Inventory and appraiament of the goods and chattels
which .were of Henry Lee, bite of. Jackson foolishly, de
ceased; taken by his widow Christiana Lee.
Inventory sod appraisement of the goods and chattels
which were of Charles Boller,late of Hopewell• twp., de
ceased, as taken by his %skims , Catharine Boller.
Inventoryand appraiseniontaf Ihe , goodsafid,cliattels
which "%coma !Michael' Stone: 1 4 63 of;'-rod V t*M hi Pt de.
.ceasedike taken by his widow Catherine Stone'
' " . Clelk Orpheus' Court.
' Huntingdon - , July 14, 1860.*
• 'A' • -
i" IN '
Huntingdon, April 7, 1861
We offer to Farmers, the present fall season, BAUGH'S
highly improved.,
Baugh's Raw Bono Super Phosphate is, as its minie in
dicates, prepared by, dissoltin g liaw Bones in Oil of YR
riot—that is, buttes that have not been deprived of their
organic matter—the grease and glue—by burning or ba
king. It, tlierefere. presents to the use of the farmer
all the valuable !novel ties of Raw Bones ix a highly con
centrated form—tenderiug it at once iinick in action and
very permanent.
Ik9— Vat niers nro recommended to purchase of the deal
er located in their neighborhood. In sections where no
dealer islet established, alto PIiOSPILATti may bo pro
cured directly from the midemigned.
BA - UGH & soNB,
icy!aps, lii
,1:sio. 20 ;newE ,SolIti,Delawajle Avenue,
31dGfidu iitiiirickLblitiji'.- ; : z; IP
From the kiln of . Geo r Taylor, Murkiest , mg, Fr"'
en by cut in teal anal) to be of the beet quality, con-
Mently kopt and for sato in any quantity, at Uni depot of
the Huntingdon and Broad '1%4, Bailroad.
AZ-Apply to ilonry LeistOr, Proprietor of thooßroad
Top youso.." lune3o-tr:
W ily
don't you.go to Henry & Co.
W and, by your googenf every deqcription at the
vary - lowest prices, and eavo tile trouble of'pelng Irons
atom to btoro to sa t what ? , ou want. tach2:l-tf
• - • •• ,• -
(Estate of DANIEL MYERS, deed.l:',
- Letters of administration upon" the estate Dauld
Myers, late of Pena townehip, deceased,' hivlnz been
granted underelgued;all persons indebted to the
estate will mako payment, and those haying claims will
,present them for settlement • •' ' r:
James Creek, July 13.60 Admintstedber.
[Estate of WILLIAM CHILCOTT. ifeol.] '
tters testamentary, on the estate of .W,m. Went!,
late of Union tp., Huntin g don county,.deceased., Baying
been granted to the undersi g ned, all persons indebtect
•to the estate are requested to make immediate paymet h i,
and those barin g claims ; to present theta duly, antbentss
toted for settlement. • • ' , • • ' •
• 3 • • 1110114 RD Curmyrr,
Colfax, June 30, ' Excautora.
134%i•tOi'cam' dal®
T_Tiave just rodeiVed - frorri_thcfEtiftern
Cities a large and well selected:stock pi:Goods,
wince they are uow opening In ihnith's New Building,
ono door acct of Geu. A. P. UriWon's residence, coneisting
Silks, Braise, Mohair and Alpaca Lantern, Popprrating.,
hams, Alpacas, Calico and all kinds of Drees Maids of Wino
latest styles and best quality, also Manlius, blelichod arta:,
unbleached, Jeans, Ticking, Blue drill,.Cottonales,
Cloths, Cassia:tares, Satinets and Beaverteen.
GROCERIES Ofr irizip'si,
Stich as,Synipe r N. 0. MolassaW Sugers, Coffee, ea, — Bpi
ces of ell kinds, Cheese, Crackers, Dcitsl and Otpace93
Shoes and Boots, Gaiters, Brogans for Men and Boys,
Soaps, &e; Tobacco, begets, Sioux, Bacon - Fish, Sidi.
Glues and Nails and every thing union, kept In a firs*
class store. Call and see our goods and be convinced
that we are not undersold By nay hot - so thle aide Of Phil
dountry produce of all kinds taken let exchange
for goods. ,
45Y . Vou't forgot the place, Smitlis Now Building
juue3o-tf. 8A11T0,L,4 DALE.
rI~~I~I,~M~~~t~~I'~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~
~- ..
-:: ~:~
Lazarus &
The large and increasing sales of these
Is a sure proof of their usefulness. We wore satisfied
that they would be appreciated hero as elsewhere, and
that the reality of the advantages offered to weal rs of
our beautiful lenses. viz.: the ease and comfort, the as
sured end readily ascertained improvennotmf.the eight,
and the brilliant assistance they,give in all cases, were in
themselves so apparent on trial, thit the lesfiltcohld not
be otherwise than it has, in the almost general Adoption
residents of this locality
With a full knowledge of the 'value of the assertion,
we claim that they'are the most perfect optical aids ever
manufactured. To tho•e needing Spcctaeles„wo afford
nt all times opfortimity of procuring the,bei4 and
most desirable.
Tins always on hand.a full assortesont, suitable for
@very difficulty. • ' - • _
We take occasion to notify the public that.sseewpfay
no peddlers, and to caution them against Those Mend
log to kayo our goods for sale. • ' -,103*1f
,Thic,lnstitntlon is situated in the.beantifuttralley
liishacoquillas ' in the midst of an Intelligent and highly
moral people. fiarrounded by mountain chains and sups
plicchwitb an Abundance of pure water and of the freshest
mountain air„the location is unrivalled for Iltralltsamil
for the elevating and refining influences of natural ace&
cry. .Corps of inetructme , every departroent,,experi-
Vneed and competent. Ear. D.B. 11. McDonald, formerly
tutor in Pi incetan College, N.. 14 of large end successful
rixperienEdlitttenehing, has chtirgeof Ancient Lariguages
and Higher Mathernatica A ladY•froinlfildassehbsette,
of syperior qua' Dien tione,..wi II ; teaehlloglielrAlteraturo,
Paihtind,`Dniwilfg, French and Gerthan. •
Profissor J:..W.7-Shocmaker, of , Philadelph*ale en-
gaged to giro a course of lessous in Elocution daring the
lull term. Alias E.-It. Bighorn.. of -Was4lugtog county.,
Pa., tine charge - Of InetrumentniMuale.... ,
' LSbIIOLASTIC YEAR OPENS din or A:;l76,lfdT.
Expense—Tultion awl Board, peryean $2OO (gIA
For Catalogue, address MARTIN MOIILEII, A, 31.,
Principal,,Kishaconuillas, Militia county, Pa.
Beier to Bey. q,• ; o„:olcClettirr Irewiptown, Pa., Hon. B.
S. Hop, dor,. Larfstown, ; IMO-4W
- -
It Is warranted not streak, or in any manner injure
the finest fabrics.
FOR FAMILY USE Sold • In FIVE' cents; TEN cents,
'and TWENTY cents boxes.
, Bashi' W.ENTIi coals boa, besides basing ETV.* TIMES
xericb blue aa:tlje_ PIM cents box, 'Soul/duo it:pocket
pin eusbion or ornery bag. , -
For tiotoband large Laubdry 'use, it is put up In ti 00
boxes.., •
SeelbatSaab komkas proper Trade Mark.
For Sale at :MASSEY '&"66. Grocery
Boehm... With full 1/abalone and Forme kir all rims
actions In" every State, by Theophllue Parson r "D.,:L. D.,
Professor ofEaws in Harvard University.-_A new Book
for everybody. Explaining every hind of sontrait and
legal obligation, and showing bow to &air eafid/ amok,
them. The highest and best authority in the lanersPend
for our hberal (MISS also,fore our PUtept. Bate .Pripec.
fus. SENT FAOO. 'PARMELEE& CO., Phila..Penn.junNus
11. 0.R01141
China, Glass & Queensvyare,
June 30,1869
1, • - , -,,, 4, , .-,-•
; , .!.. ,c,N.,,::,',,..).
Manufacturing Company,
Is now prepared to fill erdora for
And in olhol:t 'to all lqndi 'Of Ciirpentep
- Ivork--
io famish 11UpS, SPOKES and FELtags,
; i p ,civ a ntitips, and receive orderiTOi
•• „ .
orders should he addressed-Icrt
I 1
GEO. ' W. Ell.lB
4 1 i11 SASITI