The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 14, 1869, Image 3

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    Elt 6lobe.
Wednesday morning, July 14,1869.
1.- Meetings
AIL Marie , Lodge, No. 300, A. F. At., meets second
"Monday evening ot each month, in Brown's building.
Standing Stone IL IL A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the
fist Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's building.
Juniata Lodge, N 0.117, .I 0. 0. F., meets every Friday
evening, third floor, in Leister's
Mount /for Clung of I. 0. 0. F, meets every second
and fourth Tuesdays, is Leister's building, third floor.
Standing Slone Lodge, No. 80, 2. 0. C. T., meets every
Tuesday evening in third floor of Bead's building.
Arropahos Tabs, No. 68, .7. O. qf R. IL, meets every
'Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's building.
Fining Neves Mristian Association meets the first and
third Monday evenings each month, in Brown's building.
l'ost. 33, G. A. R., meets third Monday of each mouth
in Court House.
Toton Ommil meets the first Friday evening of ouch
month. -
DaOat Chatch—Washington Street. Rev. J. W. Sian•
nett. Services on Sabbath : 104 a. m., ip. m.
Cathol fo— Washington Street. Rev.:). P. (la Ila h cr. Ser.
vices first three Sundays in every month.
Evangelical Lutheran-3111E1n Street. Rev. J. J. Kerr
Services on Sabbath : 10%a. m., 7 p. m.
•German Reformed—Church Street. Bev. S. D. Steckle
- .
P.onice on Sabbath: 7. p. m.
Methodist Episcopal—Church Street. Rev. R. E Wilson.
, Services on Sabbath: 1014 Di., 7p. m.
)Protestant Episcopal—lntl street. Rev. A. 11. 'taste,
Services on Sabbath : 1034 a. m., 2 p. m.
.Presbyterian—hill Street. Rev. G. W. Zahnieer. Ser
vices on Sabbath : 11 a. m , 7 p. m.
Brief Items.
Played out—strawberries
Playing out—cherries.
Playing in—blackberries and cream
Let us treat each other as coolly as possible
during the hot-weather... •
The o.;tholic pic-nic at Burchinell's grove,
on tholl,inst., was a grand success.
The district court of Cambria county was
formally organized at Johnstown on the sth.
The annual e;;hibition'of Milnwood Acado
mq,-SlittaeVap; takes place on the 14th inst.
Don't pas's' Africa's store, without indulg
ing hut glass of tip-top Soda :Water, or a
plate - of ice"cream. ,
The editor of the Lelvieto-n Gazelle tali
on invitation: to go alshing in the
..`,l)istanee lends enchantment."
'Onions are recommended to persons with .
weak nerves; they are also good for a weak
• Cholic pills, made up in green doses, aro
now indulgodin by all who can afford them.
We refer to peas, cabbages, and Bich.
Soda Water, Ice Cream, and other summer
luxuries, in profusion, at Rudolph'e Saloon,
in the Diamond. _ _
:Sirioliers r e'irbscribe:fer.Your county paper,
if you have to smoke one cigrir leas every
week. You'll feel the better of it.
An interesling communication from the
vicinity of the Antietam battle-ground will
be found on the first page.
- -
For a4mucer of delicious 'ice cream go to
Agent Africa's , saloon, s on Railroad street.—
Everybody likes the ice cream he makes.
A one armed soldier perambulated our
streets oriThursdity last with 3 hand-organ,
arid wtis well:paid for his music.
s: T. Brown's three-story brick is inder:
roof Ittis the litrgest dwelling house in
totin. -•-- • 7
The excitement of the national holiday be
ing over, our - people- have resumed the even
tenor of their way. So have we.
Wilson fletiry, a mail agent on.tbe West
ern Vermaylvania Railroad, while" in a fit
of insanity, shot himself through the heart.
A lad named Benjamin -Young was placed
undeihrresf for attempting to fire theVine
brenarian church in Altoona.
Thomas Clark, of this place, who was run
over by the cars some time ago, is rapidly
recovering. Ile vitt not lose a limb. -
-A gain° of baseball was played hero 'on
the sth between a colored club of Hollidays
burg and the colored club of this place. The
latter were beaten four.
Rev. J. W. Plannett delivered the sermon
ii the open air on last Sabbath afternoon.—
One peculiarity of this kind of service is that
it reaches those who seldom attend church.
A number of members of Juniata Lodge,
1. 0. 0. F., went to the celebration at Broad
Top City.' Everything was passed over
pleasantly, except the switchbacks. _
Our young friend John A. Willoughby is
in town looking hearty, lie left us this
morning for the West. We are pleased to
hear of his prosperity. -
Our citizens were not the only ones that
were "sold" on the Fifth. The citizens of
Harrisburg lost their patience in looking for
a balloon • ascension which didn't come off.
The .A.ltOnna Vindicator is to get the ben
efit of ; a pi;inic on the 18th and 17th mete.--
We wish hiS brightest anticipations of a "fat
take'_'•may_ belealiy.edi,but hope-he will hon
or hie own stiggeetioci firid adtkeeplate hOuFs.
The filthy custom of pasting one wall paper
over another till a thickness of an eighth of
an -inch or more is accumulated is too com
mon; and is .attended with the worst conse
School No. 1; of this borough; taught by
Mr: S. B. Ti:ylor, enjoyed a pis-nie on Friday
the gd idat. .A shower compelled them to
take: poseession" of. the school-room. The
sohOar.S . . ,... ijiyeourthanks,for remembering us:
Therwi were twenty- °amities from' fire
workeln New York on the 'fifth' And ten in
rooklyp, and thirty fires in both cities.—
Philadelphia had forty fires the same,day.—
The.fires were not serious. •
excursion party front Lock Haven,
Pallor()lite and vicinity, numbering 190 la
dies 'and gentleman, 'wen t. Creeson the
3d and stopped tovisit the shops at Altoona
on their,returm
n this, county there live three'intlividuals
calling themselves men, now camping out,
who ate. one bushel of potatoes in two' , 4a9 6 .
.Farmers need have no fears of finding a real
dy sale-for that product this year. ' "
The Crawford County System creates some
'dissatisfaction among Republicans in Somer. ,
- set.eouuty. ..600 Democrats and boys were
allowed to assist in choosing the ticket to be
'supported by the party next fall.
A girl namcd Margaret Jane Plenner, of
ilicblabd township, Cambria county, while
in,a field where there were some horses, was
kicked by one of L tliem in thebeck of the neck
and al'mo'st
Always make 'the beet of egerything. • If
you keep house inekilbe 144 of bread and
things.: if out in the mill without an umbrel'
la, ake thii beet of 'time for a shelter, but
don't get under a railroad car.
Badly Hoaxed—A smell party that came
froln,a station op the P. It. It., pot one hun
dred miles away,to see the Stearn Fire Gin
g,ine. Come around and sec our Phoenix and
Juniata when up this way again.'
A gentleman wants to know why our ice
cream dealers charge fifteen cents a. @antler,
when the [lame quafitity can be had in neigh"
hosing towps for ten cents. lye suppose the
reason is our people are accustomed to pay
ing fifteen cants, •
Last week a number of beardless youths
started last week to seek their fortunes in:the
far West. Like the olden - emigrant their
motto is "Pike's peak or bust," but like him
we trust they will not return exclaiming;
"busted, by thunder 1"
Emma Light, daughter of 'Rudolph Light
of Julian Furnace, Huston township, Centre
county, while stopping at a hotel in Pitts
burg on her way west, last week, omitted to
turn off the gas on retiring and was suffoca
In an lowa saw mill, recently, a visitor
touched a swiftly revolving circular saw with
the finefinger of his right hand. and it was
cut off. In describing how the accident hap
pened, the visitor reached out the left fore
finger to the saw, when it too was cur off.
We commend the patriotic spirit which in
duced Mr. Jones, the publisher of the Tyrone
Herald in issuing a red, white and blue
number for the National holiday. We have
seen many attempts at such enterprise, but
the number of the Herald boats them all.
A couple of strangers recently entered a
field belonging to John Shoemaker of Bed
ford county, and took therefrom thirty head
of cattle belonging to George A. Smith. The
thieves were overtaken about eight miles
from Bedford and arc now in jail.
The Grand Lodge officers of the I. 0. O. F,
are expected to visit our town on Saturday
next. There will be a special meeting of
Juniata Lodge; No. 117, in the evening, at
which the officers will be present. The-bro
thers of neighboring lodges are invited to'
Hon. John Scott, Hon. Daniel J. Morrell,
and other distinguished gentlemen, are at
present on a tour of inspection through Mis:
souri, Kansas and Colorado. Their object is
to examine tho railroads of that portion of
the Union and inquire into its mineral and
other resources._ _
William Leob, an employee in the Penna.
Railroad shops at Altoona, while oiling the
hanging pully weeeLs, waS caught by the ma
chinery and whirled around, for one or two,
Minutes, at the rate of one hundred and fifty
revolutions to the' minnte. 'MS feet and legs
were shoCkingly mangled, from the effects of
which he died.
The Fourth In Iluntingdon
We did not have a general celebra
tion of the National Holiday in Hunt
ingdon, notwithstanding the opportu
nity was given to observe the 3d or
sth, as inclination tended. The 3d
was observed by the Catholic:denomi
nation in a grand picnic at 'the :Cot
tage Grove, which was a success, and
helped to-give more prominence to the
day than it would have had otherwise.
The Fourth, Sunday, was observed as
Sabbaths habitually are, by guy .citi
zens generally attending divine • ser
Grand calculations were made how
ever for Monday, the -fifth. On that
day our citizens expected to see the
Altoona Steam Fire Company, who it
was said were to give a grand parade
and show their apparatus. But they
didn't put in an appearance. The
circumstances of this disappointment
are as follows: On Tuesday previous
to the Fourth, a letter was received
from somebody in Altoona, represent
ing that a majority of the Company,
who had been kindly treated by our
citizens during the war, as soldiers,
desired to come to Iluntingdou on the
Fifth to "return their
and all they wanted wasUminVitation.,
Our citizens wore galled- upon and
shovied their willinghess to, entertain
them. The letter• of invitation was
sent, but unfortunately the °facers - of
tho Company- never received it; and
what is mOre singular neither the offi
cers nor the majority of the Company
knew anything of an invitation having
been sent until Fridafafternoon, nor
did'they know anything' of the pro
posed visit' o liuntinidon, as repre•
sented in the letter. Of course it was
too late then to make arrangementwto
come, and word was received that
they - would not be here. Our citizens
were sold by the statements in the let
ter, and,the grand parade was a grand
hoax. The author of the letter was
soon discovered and got his walking
papers. Wo can assure our citizens
however that the officers of the Com
pany are reliable men, andlelt the in
dignity and disappointment as much
as did our citizens. They will cordi
ally accept any timely invitation we
send them in the future; and we hope
the day is not far distant when we
can give them a hearty welcome.
Being disappointed in a "Grand pa
rade," a large party enjoyed a trip to
the Warm Springs, while the Couldn't
Get Away Club did what they could
to celebrate the holiday at home!
,P4rFarmers will save money and time by
sending to McLanahan, Stone & Isett,
daysburg, for Harvest Sharpener, to sharpen
their Mowers and Reapers. Knives must be
kepi eberp to' do - good work. Sharpener sent
pro paid to any. address on receipt of $l.OO.
Emery 'Scythe Rifle 75. Sharpeners arid
Rifle on receipt of $1,40 cents. j23lm
Attempt. at, Burglary
An attempt was made early on
Thursday morning last Lo enter the
hardware store of A. It. Stewart & Co.,
in this borough. The burglars first
bo'red a Bole in the back door largo
enough to admit an arm ' but finding
no key in the' lock they found admis
sion through the door, was impossible.
They next tried a Window, and had
succeeded in getting the shutters open
and were about raisinc , the window,
when they were heard by Mr. Jas. A.
Brown, who sleepsln the
a lamp; which - the robberS"saw,
and ran. Mr; B.: followed a• Limn up
to the coal wharf and arrested him,
but on examination noi.hing was found
to'convict him. - A leather' sack, don
tainingJa new auger and • some cake - ,
was left by the robbers in the hack
yard. It is supposed they were from
Aleir•Farmers, go to MeLinehan, Stone &
Isett, of 'flollidayiibuig, and buy your Agri
cultural Implements, for they have the best
assortreept of agricultural implements iu the
• • jel6-sra
Ontnp Meeting !
There will be, a camp meeting held
on WC "Old Taylnr Ground," Cassville
charge - , Central Pennsylvania Confer.
once, commencing :Monday, :August
.23d, and closing the following Satur
day. S. A. °REVELING,' Pastor.'
. .
Aer McLanehan, Stone & leett keep the
repairs of alltheir instruments, and can be
hsd any time. • jelQ-5m
The sand works of A. H. :Bauman,
near Mapleton, were completely de :
etroyed by fire on Friday evening . the
2Gth. LOBl3 about $2500. There ie no
(leek the fire was the work of an in
A singular and seriouS accident be
fell two cloth- citizeriso nained George
Conrad and William' White - '
on Thurs
day Matting last. They belong to
the'lleatiiii, gang in the service of the
P..R. R. Co., and were
,employed at
the coal wharf abolie town. shortly
after 'going to work a rain came up
and they with two other men took
shelter under .a cur that was standing
on the siding. While there the curs
were suddenly backed , by an en
gine that had' come on the siding
to avoid a passenger train. White
and Conrad at that time were
leaning against the axle and as
the car moved ' they were both
bent double, and were dragged some
distance by the trucks, Mr. Conrad,
we learn, having his head before the
wheel was pushed along the track
some twenty :feet. The wheel did 'not
run over him, but his ears were cut
and mangled, his hip Was die,
placed. • Mr. White 'suffers fi'orn his
spine being badly 1116 c-rated. The
other men escaped miraculously. with
out Scratch. Drs•-Bremiiatigh and
Duller the sufferers every
attention. By "commendable skill they
succeeded in a few l ininntes in repla
cing Mr. Cotirad's hip, and it is thought
both men will'reeover.
GesS a son Of Dr: A. 33. Bruthbaugb;
was run over by a wagon on .Monday,
the sth inst. The mules in wag.
on knocked him dckru...and ;the wheels
run over both his logs, but fortunately
the wagon nfls empty 'AO - all the in
jury ;lid sustained' was soiWe b,i , ufses.
On the afternoon of the, s'ame,day,
Homer, it'dori of Mr. : Jimeb, Africa; pf
this place, was knocked down and
tramped on the bead by a horse whiCh
had become unmanagmble. He is re.,
covering. - -• •
On Saturday theld, Mr` Itionberg,
foreman in the new Furniture Factory
had,thejittle finger takenofy and two
other fingers on his right hand, badly
mingled' by qo ITO ngf . 4l"; rcontact , -.with
the circulur saw,.;'which was in„ope'ra
tion. „
Mr. Jacob Baker; a carpenter of Al.
exandria, fell from a ladder on the
29th ult., and broke his leg in three
,The ladder broke which caus
ed the accident. Two other men, ono
named Mr. Dan'l. Keller, and Winfield ;
a son of Mr. Baker, fell from a scaffold
at the same building, but neither were
seriously hurt.
Mr. Isaac, Lamp, a bricklayer of this
place, while at work on the ; German
Catholic church in Johnstown, fell
from the scaffolding. on the 3d' inst. )
and was seriously injured.
a daughte of Mr. G. Miller,
of this borough, aged 13 years, died
suddenly on the 30th ult., from the ef
fectS of eating cherries together with
the "seeds'. '
ItEa.Go to Red Front for Glassware,
Qu - eensware, Stoneware, Willow and
Cedarware, etc., etc.
WY...Where is Drake S. T. 1860 X F" WO
have heard this question -asked ulany_timps,
and for all we know for a year past he
be dead. Recently, in New York, we celled
at his Laboratory' in' Liberty St., and 'there
found this' gentleman barricaded behind a
tremendous pile uf hazes; 'd istributing funds
to a Sunday SehoOl 'CoMmittee. Our busi
ness was to secure an advertisement. He
said : "My dear sir, what is the use of ad
vertising the Plantation Miters? They sell
betterfieW.than when I„adVertised 'at' such.
enormOus,exponse, and now have not made
a contract for a'year. I have all this amount
to give to the. poor. '.go.satisfy the Press,
however, who have always been my friends,
I think I will give you a little something to
do again, for I have improved the Bitters
greatly, and it may be well to have you let
the people know it." And so he ran on in a
happy, cordial, appreciative manner, showing
us the wonders of his place and the cords of
certificates. Everything is on a magnificent
scale, and is done with neatness and prompt.
ness. While there we saw at least forty or
ders come in fur these . celebrated Bitters.
Cases were being shipped to the four corners
of the world. Drake is not dead, nor his
Bitters either.—Exchange
MAGNOLIA WATER.—Superior to the beet
imported German Cologne, and sold ne half
the price. tf
/IRPA.leLanahan, Stone k [sett, sole deal
ers in the Geiser Thresher and Separator and
triple power.
INTENDENTS.—.Prof. J. P. Wickersham,
Superintendent of Common Schools of
Pennsylvania, has issued a call for a
State Convention of School Superin
tendents, to meet in Harrisburg on
Tuesday, July 20', at 2 o'clock. P. 1112,
The object of the convention is the
"transaction of business and the secur
ing of as great efficiency as possible in
the edueationalvwork to be done dur-'
ing the present term of the' Superin
tendency." Various questions will be
discussed, with a view to the fact that
a new educational campaign is about
to commence in this State, and success
cannot be'expected unless a good plan
is devised and a resolution"made to ex
ecute it vigorously. Return tickets
will be issued by the railroad compa
nies whose roads run to Harrisburg,
and the hotels of the city will enter
tain delegates at reduced rates.,
Afir The best Drills at MoLanahan, Stone
& "sett's, Hollidaysburg. jel6--1n
tap Miss Alcott'a Magaztne, Merry's Mu
seumyfdrjuly, contains tha commencement
of a story entitled "An Old-Vashioned Girl,"
by Louisa AI. Alcoa. The-authoress has
chosen a good subject, and judging from the
first chapter she intends tu pursue an opSili
straightforward policy in exposing the foi•
bles of her spx, gag in an attractive manner.
Other tales and sketches comprise the num
ber before us. TONIIP, $1.50 a year. Speci
men numbers, post-paid, six cents. Ad
dress, Horace B. Fuller, 14, Bromfield street,
One of the best agricultural journals
of the time is the Hearth - aridlloam, pub
lished by P4Ficriiill; 'Rates & Co., 37 Park
Row, New York, It Cootaine ft . great variety
of reading matter, panic tarty forAllaTlap:
tiler. The publishers give notion luit No. 3Q
will contain the beginning of a very interest
ipg story, "rho Romance of a Rich Young
Oirl,i' by Octave Fouillet. Spud for a copy,
MSY - The Corner Stone of the now
Methodist Episcopal Church, at Alex:
andrip, will be litid on. Saturday,
7th; •18.69: at , 1.0 o'clock.- It. is elgiac 2
ted that the address will be delivered
by the Ilev..l7.ll.aralin, P. E , and ot4 :
or prominent ministers will be present.
:The pulgin pro invited to attend. „
• • ' NEFF, Secretary.
. .
Set' A largo assortment of Hannon, Hay
Rakes and Forlp, alid'their ienairb,'at Me:
Lanaltan; Stone & !sett's.
Div-The' Hon. ,Tohn CovO'do has been
appointed. Chairman "of, the Repu4
Rn Stilt? Cent.rp.i Cornrcli4e,z,:
voTE --„,
Wood and Willow-Ware.
A :largo assortment oft Baskats,
Buckets, Churns,' Tubs, etc., etc., at
Red Front.
The best Flour by the barrel, sack
or pound. Cheaper for the same qual
ity than elsewhere.
By the hundred or smaller quantity
A large stoek,of Ironstone and,Com
mon ware, in setts or by the piece.—
Glassware, Earthenware, Fruit Jars,
oto , at Red Froat, cheap. -
All kinds, at very small profits.
offered low to draw you on on other
pelle t 1 : Out' prices tpArotitinUe hatyi
regularly. • .!
Syrups. ; ;.
The best Silver and Golden Drips,
genuine Lovering and other Syrups,
New Orleans and other Baking' Mo
525 Cliki_BEß SETT
A variety of kinds of best always on
hand _ • •.
Roasted and Green, cheap as the
cheapest for the same quality_
Darns, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Boof,
at living prices.
The best N. Y. State Goshen and
Ohio Cheese.
The best stick and other candies,
wholesale and retail.
Fruit, &e.
Dried Peaches and Apples, Raisins,
Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,—Can
ned Fruit and ,Vegetables, etc.
Salt .--
By tho sack or bushel.: Also Dairy
Spices, ' & c.
All kinds of Spices, and - a - greitt va
riety of notions. Soaps -or all-kinds
and cheap.
Pickled Salmon, Haddock, Shad,
Trout, White 'Fisb, Mackerel, Dry
Salt; Quoddy Labrador, Lake' and
smoked Herring, by the halt and guar.
ter barrel, kitt, pound and dozen.' All
warranted, and cheapeitban elsewhere.
best quality
,of trob4eco, and
ohdapee tbun=uuy'othorstol•o'iil'tbwn.
For what•yon l want tint call nt En
,terprieo goadquartcps _where. prices
gill be kept regularly low.
,w;• ,;,: , +- • _
.~t~~t~~teti~N~ g~;
• ;
lingruk rauToßB:—Thd question of
improvement is one that should bo
considered thoroughly, and as f have
ventured to make some suggestions,
in formes numbers of; your paper, I
MVOs - throw log out
hintentitil feat; tliinkbeeo
believe that the spirit of enterpOso
should be, instilled • into the rising gen
erationtin due ? haVe looked
long and patiently for the "!good
works" of the older citizens, but We
have looked in vain. True, it is not
too Into for them to begin now, as the
field is still open and large enough for,
everyzene artheru to tkrOw _in : their:
mite, and contribute to the prosperity 1 ,
of the town. But after all it is the
young men, who should possess the
spirit of. enerprise. We think ours
are very deficient in that qualification.
Few of them have ambition above
swinging a graceful pen or making a
good mechanical servant. They, to a
pretty general extent, possess the
spirit of their fathers, and would you
broach.some enterprise to them they,
Wouldkiell you "Oh-it won't pay,''Vith'
the same degree of assurance as their
paternal instructors. We do not in•
sinuatetliat onriyoUng men ( are, not
as good as other yonng men: in their
respective callings, but we verily
lievethat but few could be found who
have in view the prowess of their
town in the arts and sciences, by the
establishment of more mills, factories,
academies, &c. We want to see the
disposition of our young men in this
respect improved now, so that it will
increase with their growth. 'I he
young men of to-day should bo tne
pioneers for the future, and if our town
is to bonny thing at all, we must look
to them to make it. Let them not
fear the. venture. Enter the arena
with the motto "There is no such
word as, Keep the ball of en
terprise continually iri - niotion, and do
not despair at ono disappointment,
but make - it the incentivelo something
else in another direction. The bee in
gathering, honey goes from flower to
flower, and so, young man, should you
lay up for your temporal storehouse,,
never growing weary in doing 'good
for yourself and others.
SHADE GAP,. July 1,
Dear Globe:—Evorything is flourishing as
usual in this'place. The prospects of itsond
fruit crop aro splendid and a gravid oldigfain
harvest, such as has not been for many
year, may be expected by our farmers in this
"Lower End."
Our Academy.-eleftea, l iter,ipreepat- session
on the 14th inet. ' On thiefterian 4 at '2 of
said day Rev. J. N. Hays, of Chatnbersburg,
will deliver the "Oratio Anniversaria" and
iii tlio eve :at 7 P; M„ will be a raiodi - stilay
of musical'and otititorioal talent ,byith'f. etu:
dents of Old Milnwood who have theit.'anual
exhibition on that eve.
"The 'roadies," an excellent drama and a
general favorite, will,be playek-amd , thoug4
we will not promise you it,will be.pqt upon
thiistage a la Arch' street; we Will promige to
please you, should you dr tiny of youiereaders
visit our little town upon that eve. When
did any one Attedd Im:6xhibitioh,4l3filnwood
and go borne disiatisfled df hunter ?
Your correspondent can not remember the
The public Examination takes place on the
13th, Tuesday. • Qum. -
Vailiefi preset's' and Boii 614 thing:
Mus. B. ANNIE McCiaE and MtSs
MARY REEVES respectfully inform the
public that they 'havo.iemoid to the
house formerly occupied by EL. MelSian
igill, on Washington! istreet, and are
preparOd to make LadieS' Dresses and
Boys' Clothing of all kinds. They, re
spectfully solicit a full slyire;of .pat
The FRANKLIN HOTEL, in the Dia
mond, in this place, S. D. HEFFNER,
Proprietor, is the place for travelers,
business men and the people generally
from town and country to stop.
best accomodations may iihyays be ex
pected. tf.
mia.Go tolled • Front for fine fat
Mackerel, Salmon; Trout:-White, Dry
Salt and pickled -Herring, - Haddock,
Lako - Hefring,!etc., ete: - - '
Its„.Go tb Rod Front for Sugar, Table
Syrup,- ,Choose, - Ha'nts, 7 Pried . Reef,
Sides; Spicoo,. Teas,: Coffed,'Pare Cider
Vinegar, etc., etc.
00 - Go do Red Front for Flo - ur and
Feed; elespete.
PUILADECPEtIA, July 10, 1569.
Superfine Flour per barrel . - $5.01:05.25
Extra Flour'per barrel ' .s6.ooo6.s o Extra Faintly Flour par barrel ' ' ' 400009,25
Ityo Flour per, barrel • $6.00@i6.25
Exit Wheat per bushel - $1401513
Eye par bushel -- - ' g 1.2001.30
Gun per bushel . . r
' ' Intgaillets.
Oate por bushel - 76@7tlets.
. ,
,t• Pirrsauiwa; .I ;•
nly 101860.
rhite Wheat Flour per barrel -' • $7.0007.90
Red Wheat Flour per barrel ' .$6.60@6.90
Winter Wheat per bushel • ' $130,51.38
Corn per bushel ' 80(4182ets.
Oats per, bushel - • 65C888cts.
nye per bushel $1.1.0@1.15
Cured Home ' '''• l / 4 ,' " alVete.
Cured Shoulders - '''.. n; • ' 'l4octe.
Clear Fides 18 3 ets.
~,•_Nnsse Zone, July 10. , —Cold eleidd -a1 , ..51,38,34..:'-':
' ' '... .IdIINT.INGtiON ` MARKETS.
1 pour!EgrED-wEEKLY ...BY 'Wig ~ t Cq. : .,„ —,
FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $4.50
Extra Flour, . do •.• -..-5.25
Family Flour,'
~ do , '6.00
GRAIN—Red Whitit, per liusbcd, , , 1.15
White Wheat, ,- do -
.• 4.25
RYP , „ . ;:'..:44, '.. '''' ' ' 1.20
• Corn, ' do ~ • . 80
Cits, do . . 60
Sntn—Timothy, ' .do • 2.50
Flaxseed, ile„ 2.25
Cloverseed, per 61 lbs. : 6.00
Faov.r.sp:vs-,-Potatoes, per bushel ! . 60
Dried Apples, '-' ' do' ~. , 2.50
Corn Meal, per cwt., ~..., ' ~, - 2.25
I Dried peaches, per pound,;; ',',. .: ': 20
Beef, ' do 22
Dark do '' ''' - - '':' 20
Pork, do " - '" 'l2
Buttizir; ....,' -:l. , d'OT- )- 1 - . 1 25
Cheese, do , ,: -25
Eggs, per doon, 18
11arn, p - .lfi• - ..‘ i'• ~; ', '; 4„,`! '' 4 ,-; 20
sioi .......:4 iti:iit itsri..:...
..i .
Shpulder,7 :, - 1 - 2 : 0 5. - ::
.. iti
COAT.—bard coal, whin,. , .. 6.00
' Broad Top coal, do 0.0003.50
,LUMBER, per , 1000 feet; 12.000,30.00
S'ittrmicts.t--Eap, per 1000 ft.; ' '10.00012:00
Joint Shingles, do -. 6.5008.00
INItseULANEous , ,-Berk,.per cord ! , , , ', 8.00
Bran, per cwt., '1.25
Hope, per pound 40
Wool, do. ,•. • , 15050
, ' , . .•
Hay, per ton,. ~ . , „ 8.00
Hides, -, , ; ~ „; , ~00,7
Green .4plee, ' do L5O
Onions ' • do' ' Th' -1 1.00
_ .
HENR & CO. do ji - oro , lo as
commodthe their customers num any other Ffeirse
ttt the neighborhood, • • Eit2W
- A:'.s2s;:citAlytHEß gP.r.r7
Vote,Earlyi Vote Late, Vote Often.
You don't have to pay fora vote , at
Enterprise Headquarters. ' You' get
the worth of your mopey in what'you
purchase. Enterprise Headquarters
stands ,the the presents- 7T
we:onl3r want the people to name by
their votes who aro to receive them..
The ClergyMau (or Clergyman's fam
ily,) receiving the highest number of
votes will receive the 825 Chamber
Sett—the four families receiving the
highetit nainher of votes will receive
the four sacks "of flour. The contest
will not he . confined : to Huntingdon
borough—every Clergy,man, (or Cler
gyman's family) in the county can be
voted for. The voting 'of flour will
also be to any family in the county. "
'' The Chamber Sett of fourteen pieces
is now on exhibition ut Red Front--
6W and see it., '
We wnrit,ap
,intoresting tirno and
guitrantee.s. l'ai'r' election. The votes
will be counted on the first of August,,
- 4untingdon, july 1, 1869.
June 24th, by. Rev. J. J. Kerr, Mr.
both 'of Dudley, this county.
July Ist, by the same, Mr. W. W.
MILES of Tyrone to Miss EDINA W.
bIEDAUGH, of Spruce Creek.
At the :same time by the same, Mr.
JOHN MADDEN of Orbi6oDift to Miss
KATE W. SMITH Of Coffee Bun.
On the 24th ult., by Rev. Wolf, Mr.
4 . 9,11 N D. Kocn, of Altoona, nod Miss
MA WETCIIEII, of Petersburg, Hun
tingdon' County..
At the residence of her father;JEN
vim B. youngest daughter of Graffas
and I. V., Miller, aged 13 years and 2
months; •
0. On the Bth of June, - 1869, at Oarnp
arney, Oregon, of .Consumption, , E.
GaEnrinmtax,Donsnx,son of the late Dr.
J,. ,11. Dorsey, of this place, in.the 86th
year of his age.
• Juno 29th, ELLA May, daughter of
J. E. and S. 0. Smucker, of this hero.
ao'di3'.2..Y - Oars'hnitil days.
"Weep no more mournful parents,, weep no more, ,
Fdr; IMhy, ,cw
cent. darling , is net 'dead; ", 1.• -
Prink though oho be beneath the watery Door;
ho sinks the daystar in thoocean bed, ,
And yet anon repairs his drooping head,
And tricks his bentns, and with new.spaugled ore
Flames In the forehead of the morning sky;
Thu Ella May sunk low, but mounted high
Through the dear might of Flim wSo walked the waves;
Where, other groves, and other sternum along; -
With nectar pure her flowing locks she laves,-
And bears the unexpressive nut tint song.
In the bleat kingdoms meek of joy and love.
There entertain her all the saints above,
Lt solemn troops and sweet societies,
T fiat dug, and, singing, in their gamy move,
:Atl wipe the tears forever from her eyes." Y. J. B.
In the Tillage of 311111 Creek. •
Ily virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Hunt
ingdon county; there u ill be exposed to public solo, on
the premised, in the village of Mill Creek,
On, SaiUrelay, July 31341869,
at 2 o'clock, p.m., the following described real estate, to
Situated in the village. of Mill Creek; county of Hunt
ingdon, Fa.•,,each lot fronting about OB feet on the turn
pike leading Rem Huntingdont to Lewistown, nod ex
tending back at right angles about 154 feet ton sixteen
feet alley. The one lot hoe erected thereon
Being 23 feet front by 41:1 feet back, n flame office for a
physician, a good frame stable, with carriage house nt;
Inched, nod all other nocessmy outbuildings. +Both lots
ore well lanced, nud linvb a variety pf fruit trees thereon.
It Is an excellent location for n physicist. s•
TERMS OF SA LE.—One-halt of the purchase money to
he paid on confirmation of the sale at August court,
when the deed will be made, and tho residtm in two
cited annual payments thereafter, with interest, to be
secured by the judgments of the purchaser.
June 23 Admrs. of Dr. -W. H. Herr, deed.
On . Saturday ) the rith of July, 1869,
at 10 cr'eltick, Wei' Of public auction, near
the premises, the, Lot and Building.) situated on the co ,
ner of Alontgoinery and Railroad streets in the borough
of Huntingdon, formerly known as the
• "
'rho lot fronts 55 feet 9 Inches on Montgomery street,
aud".so' feet on hell& nd atreet, , Withii Palmtop:ant alley
between It and the hotel property of Henry bolster, ten
feet wide and extending back 100 feet:to the McCalmn_
lot lately sold to JOSIOL Cunningham; the rear of the lot
new offered for sale also extends along said alloy back
of Mr. Cm bites thocery Stare and Mr. Cunningham's
stable, 100 feet to the 51cCahan lot aforesaid. • ' •
The lot Is free from ground rent, and the buildings in
good repair and all well rented by good tenants.
The terms of sale and a map of the Lot, de!, iv.lll -be
posted on the promises the day of sale.
je22-it D. BLUR.
. OR RENT. • •
nte, undersigned will sell nt private sale, that certain
Louie and lot, situate in the limn of Unntingdet, on
Railroad Street, which seas formerly occupied by .1 =ea
Steel, Esq ' late of Huntingdon, deceased. If said prop
erty is net sold before the first of August next, it will
then be for rent, ,]Sop further.particulars apply to •
,JC9 7 tV. • $ JA R 'TEEL and sisTrdis...
SALB 0114A1'.
For particulars n44rep Y. D.T.4BBSON or
ntehli•tf, . Bedford, Pernik
1869. - . 1869 i.•
- '0 L 0 TAT I N;G•'
•; . • 7 - • 4'DB
ppiraNa.• 2 liii' BtiivINLER,
• 1,E4,
"11'0'11. S
For Gentlemen's Clothing of the best material, and mad.
in tho heat workmanlike manner, call at
H. 13. 0 31,A W ' '
oppoatte ma Franklin house Ip Narlret dguare,ll77nOrtry
don, Pa. " . .
Farmers Wantmg
"•. . :•;
BUbliErgi, - OHIO' 11A1tVESTEIt,
NEW TERRIER, or any other Reaper or Mower
with Self Rake, Dropper, front or rose cut, or a machine
that cuts both front and roar, and has tin point that the
knives do not work freely; Pratt and other Ray Rakes,
0 on! and pin Drilla, G rain and Elo'ver Separators, Shovel
PiOWd and CiLl!leators, qmd nay bnpleinent of any descrip.
tion, should order thdm of McLanaban, Stone A; boo, or
,their agents, for they kayo the largest and best assort
; ment o r Agricultural Implements and their repairs that
'is in the State. Farmers look to yopr own interest and
buy your Machines whore you can get Om repairs in a
minute's unthing.
Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of igriculiural,
Implements, Oaysport Foundry and Machine Oler,
yollidlshurg, Pa. aptil Id, '6o.6!nz • t
18 hope power.
Cunningham 8 Carmonrs,
C;ciplr of 13.ailyd4d and Montgomery
WE would call'§pecrdl' at ten troll ta•
the daily arrival of CIIOICE AND IIRAUTIF111.•
aboup, which are offered at
Tempting Prices,
Consisting . of , f4alitlfol Bias of• alt eliades, all woo;
roPllns, Alpacm& Melanges, Armors, Chintzes, edmo4
beautiful , Ilne of lino Cambria, Barretl, Minting, N2ill,
soolie, Gingham) q d Ghambrays
ALSO, a fall lige of Ltonicatiogooda, sucicaa
Pine Brown Muslin, 90 'tubes Blimohed Muslin.
from to 2 yards wide, lienfucliy, Jeans, Zanneht
Cage'mere, &c„ &c
Our stook of SHOES excels inythfog of the Igturtlliij
aide of Philadelphia.
ALSO, a largo and - well ;sonde,' . stoc4 HATS Buli
able for the Beason
We itieUe a specialty of. this tiTticic, aid have oiniae4
a - veiir fluo ztesortment of
which will he sold lower than CAN ho sold by any Other .
bthae:olitside of Philiidelphiti: Wo'hayo'tdso on 'band a
t:.dt •
width we lira aellini very low
In order to be convinced tbet'obre le the place to buy,
clAl'andex t atiiirio oat soodeaud piiEde..
t; 1,,fr,r,;(41
We tako pleasure in shiliving:dor'g r aodU, '4 l ;4El' 1641 h do
not wise to buy. :to you will please 6111 'find got 'posted.
Oct. 28,'1868—tf.
14.EW : 13TORE and S4"IN GOOPS;
• Benjamin Jacobs
Respectfully Informs bin old friends and the .publin
generlly, that be - lms again located in the borough of
trpspriontecf, and has opened a very large and entire now
stock of Goods in I,Otxtcia's Storo Hoop opposite Lewis',
Book Store. censistlug.of
TO be found in the best stores in the all of which
ho will sell at prices to suit the times, and hopes to re..
ceivo a liberal share of patronage from a generous public..
.Den't forget to give me a call and I will try to pleaso
you with Goods and prices. • . .
Sept. 30, 1808
. •
Why Not Make Money
With 011 C STENCIL AND Rev Cann 017TFIT, and by selling.
novel anti attractive articles 7 Circulars free. - '
fe23.4w STAFFORD MM. CQ., 16 Fulton et., Now TqFk. j
. .
Beending 35 cents, wick nge, helght,talof of eyes and,
hair, you will recelve;by return mall, a correct - pV
Imo of your future husband or wife, with name and Mao,
of marriage. Address -W. 'P. 0; Drawer No. 2.1;
Fultonvillo, New York. julet4if,
Cirppkv ithrrrwa.—
{lOO tits of tbo Vroota.c9r...El
C‘m3BID V'''"' itoclrOglbli:%sful.ll
376 I, , n me sv . e s x:,
~,,Tcn,cri4 voy,
005 f '1.,,T,,1tD. % 7;1:141Ant:"
Secrets of the
Great City, - ,
A WoRK diacriptiv'e of the TIRTRES, apd tiIeSICESs•
the MYSTERIES, slid , MITRES of
, Now York City.) •, ••
It contains 35 fine trigrdvings; and is the SPicieM, most
Thrilling, Instructive, and cheapest work published.
Agents are meeting wills unprecedented success. Orus
in Marlborough, Mass., reports 30 subscribers in a day..
Cue In' pizernd C0.,..Pa.. 44M a day. One In Meriden, fit,
08 in two days, and a groat many others from 100 to 200
per week: bend for Circuldrs and see our tetras, and rk
full description of, the work. AddrBos t lgNi BROTH.
kitS k CO., Philadelphia, Pa. • • jnlti-tili • "
PUBIASLIFD tY norir Egpten on, OEHMIiF
A f p T s WANTED FOR Tul l ,
BEST 80,031 of the PERIOD ;
Or; The ;Unger 'World of the Great City.
Tho most startling revelation of modern times. New
York Society Unmasked. uThe Aristocracy," "Woman
of Yleaturn,'.9laryiediyoreen," and all classes
iy yhtilate'd. 60 Ithistrations. 'Address at'Onca
4w The New York Book Co., 145 Nassau, St., Now York'.
,3 F -31. iYOU , TAKE,
INI/EN , yptt nroxbauplod :over work'nf,hto es
"hand, and feel the neitl'Of soniethingliivigorating,
'don't dripit whiskey nor any intesipatipg thing, whetted
under the name of Bitters or: otherwise. Such, arts clog
„ give jgat.fts inugh strength to yopr weary body and mind
as the whip gives to the Jaded parse, apd Po more. Moo :
giolic stimulants are injurious to Nerve-health, and are
POdd I S NerVilie & Invigorator
'tended by REACTION. What it gains I°r you it Mail.
tains. When it refreshes body or mind, it refreshen With
`mendingngt that COMPS to stay: We lire not reeom
teetotalism In the interest of .ang faCtion; b pi
long and extended observation tenches us that he who ye:
sorts to the bottle for rest or recuperation, will find,;na he
ltsCps at it, that he is kindling ,a fire in Otis bones which
will consume like the (limos''s(' perdition. Tarn front
t. Tako a tonic that will refiesh and mit 'deetroy. Dodd''
Nervina Is for sato by all Druggistvi. Pries' Orio'Dollar.
See book of Cortidcatos that accompanies each bottle. 4itt
Newspaper and Jobbing,
11ta Kuickm borlief Gird Manufactory, No. 77 & Tfl
Fulton Street, New Yorlf,, ie now furniehlug9*rinters'
Cards at a lower figure than any other houhe ht the froth,
-:..furies and /. ! !ef of Fticce !nallet,l on application. jul64pi