TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per annum in advance 91.: month. Three months TERNS OF ADVERTISING 1 time. 2de 3do 1 month' ...$ 75 $1 25 $1 60 ..... $1 76 .- 1 50 2 25 2 75 3 25 ... 2 25 325 400 475 3 months. 6 months. 1 Year One Inch, or less $4 00 $6 00 $lO 00 Two inches 6 25 9 00 16 00 Three inches . 850 12 00 20 00 Four inches, 10 75 16 00 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00 18 00 .30 00 kalfcolumn, .20 00 30 00 45 OD One column, 30 00 45 00... ..... .80 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, Ono year, 9 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 6 times, $2 60 Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 Betray, or other short Notices 1 60 Adeertisements not marked with the number of inter. tlons desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac. cording these terms. . . Ono inch, or leo Two inches Three Inches,..... Load or Special Notices, 10 cents a line for Ought In •ertion. By the year at a reduced rate. Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbill", etc are reasonably low. rofessiona[ Nusiness garbs. T DE BURKHART, M. D., Physi c; . clan and Surgeon, has located in Ituntingdon, and tenders his services to this and neighboring community Office on Railroad street, near the Depot. fe24-taev TAR. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, Having permanently located at Huntingdon, offers his professional services to the community. Mace, the same as that lately occupied by Dr. Laden on 11111atreet. aplo,l 166 R. JOHN MeOULLOOII, offers his professional services to the sitizens of Huntingdon sus vicinity. 031. on Hill street. one dooreaet of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '55. 10 ALLISON MILLER, 18 8110 ma D E TIS T, Hu resumed to the Brick Bow opposite the Ockort Home. April 13, 1819. J. GREENE, DIiNTINr. %a • 124 • Moe reword to Leieter•e New Building, Nut street, Huntingdon. July 31,1867. P. W. JOHNSTON, SURVEYOR & INSURANCE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA on Smith Street. J A. POLLOCK, . NIATEYOR&REAL ESTATE AGENT, UUNTINGDON, PA. Will attend to Surveying to Ml Its brandies, and will buy and 1.11 Baal. Nat►te in any part of the United diatom. Nona for circular. dec29-tf A C. CLARKE, AGENT, ° Wholesale ►nd Retail Dealer in all kinds of - inihAat voan.atoSl HUNTINGDON, PA. Opposite the Franklin House, In the Diamond. amedryirads supplied. apl7'6B T SYLV ANUS BLAIR, J • ATTO.R.ATEY AT LA TIONTINGDON, PA, (Meson MI street, three doors west of Smith. my 6'69 J. 2,11. LL riveara. MUSSER & FLEMING, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LIUNTINVDON, PA Office second door east of Court house. Penslo ns and other claims promptly collected. ma) , 26-6m* J. Z. SUCPSON, 0.11. )3014111036. SIMPSON & ARMITAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, , HUNTINGDON, PENNA. OFFICEIN CRICK .110 W ormnrs TICE COUitTIIOI7.9I% Jan. 27, - 157.S.bni.' • 11.. G EENC 17 FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND AU who way have any claims agalnit the Government for lionnty, Back Pay and Pensions can have tbelr claims promptly collected by applying either iu parson or by let ter to ATTORNEX AT LAW; HUNTINGDON, PA 1351221 11=1 =EI rjlhe name of this firm has been ehang i. al from SCOTT & BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & under whichname ,they will hereaftor needed their piaedee as .• APTORMEWS AT LAW, HUNTLY(WON, PA. _PENSIONS, and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs *visit the Government, will be promptly proeecuted. May 17, 186..;-tf, . 00 COLLECTION 0 Pp vP OF ,K. ALLEN LOVELL, DisiriOt . :446rney, of Himiingdon. County, . LICINTINODON, PA. OfFiCit—lia the tooriihtelioccupled by R. M. Spoor. fIu:LIAM P. M. Lytle & Milton S. Lytle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA., Have formed a partnership under the name and firm of P. DI. K. S. LYTLE, , And have removed to the office on the south side of 8111 street, fourth door west if Smith. Thy will attend promptly to all kinds of legal bust. Nam entrusted to their cart. ap7.tf. "1 1 .1-i.h.l 0-I_IOMM JOB PRINTING OFFICE. 9111E"GLOBE JOB OFFICE" the most complete of any in the country, and poll. enema the most ample facilities for promptly executing in she but style, every variety of Job Printing, each as HAND BILLS, ~- . ~ • , . - • CIRCLILARs. BILL HEADS, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, Ch-APP, PROGRAMAIES, BLANKS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C CALL AND ALAN= ISPECOICLIO or WORN, OW/8' 8008, STATIONETCY & MIIBIC'STORE 10IIN Wm, w. in. Tenons, w. n. /WU lantSll, B. 1111.7051 JOHN BARE 4 CO., iStaCILALE.:.-41aX' Sig g lIUNTINGDON, PA. CAPITAL $50,000. jsofjcit ineconota from Banks, Bankers and Others. A 4iberal Interest allowed on time Deposits. All kinds of BecarWee, bought and told for the usual commitsion.— Collections made on all points. Dratta on all parts of Europe supplied at the usual rates. Person. depositing Gold and Silver will receive the in'same return with interest. The partners are individ ually liable'for - all Deposits. Jr/2,181,8.0 Spring Arrivoj of Gent's Goods. . , H. ROBLEY IVI.ERGIIANT TAILOR, Ilas reMoved to the roots OVerlobn Bare & Co'a Bank, (Old Broad Top Corner.) i yhere be is prepa r ed to do all kinds of work in big lino of business. He hes Just reedy ad a full line of CLOTHS, VESTINGS, CASSIMERS, CORDUROYS, &c. TlMnithil for past patrona g e he Solicits; a pontioni t nce et the same. The attention of the public is called his wick '