The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 02, 1869, Image 3

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    qe illobt.
Wednesday morning, June 2, 1869,
NI. Alariale lodge, 2111. 300, N., meets second
lionday evening ot each month, in Brown's building.
Standing Stone Ir. R. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the
first Tuesday evening of each month, hi Brown's building.
Juniata Lodge, /VO. 117, 10. 0. F., meets every Friday
evening, third door, in Leister's building.
Mount Mr amp of I. 0. 0. F, meets every second
and fourth Tuesdays, in /sister's building, third floor.
Standing Stone Lodge, No. S 5. I. 0. G. T., Insets every
Tuesday evening in third floor of head's
= Tribe, N 0.68, I. 0. of R. N., meets every
Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's
Toting ELT's Christian Association meets the drat and
third Monday evenings each month, iu Brown's building.
/hit 33, G. A. 12., meets Third Monday of each mouth
in Court (louse.
Town Cbunca Locate tho heat Fthlay violin; of each
Baptist Church—Washington Street. Rey. J. W. Clan.
nett. bercicea on Sabbath : 10%a. in., 7 p m.
Catholic—Washington Street. Rey. 31. Murphy. Ber,
vices first three Sundays in every mouth.
Brat:gen.! Lutheran—Millitn Street. 11ev. J.. 7. Rerr.
. • Services on Sabbath : 10%. ni..7 P. at.
German Reformed—Church Street. Der. S. D. Steale
Service on Sabbath: 7. p. tu.
Methodist Episcopal--Church Street. Rev. Tt.l: ;Wilson.
Services au Sabbath,: 10% a.m., 7 p. m.
Protestant tlpiscoratl—litil street. Rev. A. 11. Boyle,
Services ou Sabbath: 10% 2 ' a. els., E p. m •
Presbyteriau—llill Street. Rev. G. W. Zahnisar. Ser
'Wee!: on Sabbath: 11 a. en , 7 p. m.
brief Items.
The 31eVeytown paper mill is turning out
from'l,ooo to 1.500 lbs. of straw wrapping
paper per day.
Some scamp entered the residence of J. R.
Simpson, Esq.,last woek,*and stole a fine pair
of pants that were lying.on his bed.
Tla!hour of the public daily prayer meet
ing in - the room of the Y. N. O. A. has been
changed to commence at half-past roar.
A railroad employee named Henderson
'was recently run over by the Cincinnati Ex
press at Woodville, Cambria county, and in
etantly killed.
The 'Fourth of July this year falls on Sun
day. Would not a prayer in all the churches
for our nation and its legislators be very iv
propri ate ?
Fishing with rod and line is quite popular
since seining is done away with by law. The
change - is bettor for the quality of fishing if
not for the quantity of fishes.
A. Boston paper is in favor of women vot
ing, if they want to. A western paper would
like to eee the man who could make them
vote if they didn't want to. - •
Country cousins may soon expect to be
troubled with bugs—the June bugs that no-
Aura sends to eat up the vegetables—and big
bugs frem the city.
AarOn Gilley, of Granville, Mifflin county,
• bail been lodged in the Lewistown jai), on
.suspicion of taking $2O from a loiter which
was sent to his house by mistake.
A:flash of ligtning on Friday evening last
-struck a pine tree on Stone Creek bill, rend
ing it from top to bottom. Mrs. Isaac Long
was stunned by the shock, but soon recovered
If we were only half no lenient to the liv
ing as we are to the dead, how much happier
might we render them, and from how much
;'vain and bitter remorse might we be spared.
decoration of soldiers' graves, we
think, should be observed on the last Satur
day Of May in each year, as then more peo
ple can.cngago in the ceremonies than on any
other day,
Do not allow a bird to be killed in your
orchard this season. They compensate for
your neglect to•the trees. You do not know
,how much you owe them for the fruit you
The brick-work on the new engine house
7 11 as 'l)te.r. sompleted. We have now the
:-:11 . ouse; but where are the engines to suit ; and
. again, whore are the water-works to suit the
0 enginest
At no moment of difficulty does a husband
knowing his own utter helplessness, draw so
closely to his wife's side for comfort and as
sistance, as when he wants a button sewed
on his shirt collar.
Aheavy clap of thunder on Friday evening
last frightened a four-horse team belonging
to Mr. Daniel hyper, that was standing in
the Diamond. They ran furiously down
street, but luckily no damage was done.
We - are informed that there are forty.three
spring colts in Henderson township,' this
county. We doubt whether any other town
ship of its size in the county or State can beat
it. If there is, just inform us.
There is an intimate connection between
the nerves and muscles of the face and eyes,
and allowing the beard to grow strengthens
the eyes. Probably that is the reason some
of our young men do so much coaxing with
their moustaches.
We learn that several of the tumblers
which held tits bouquets that were placed on
the soldiers' graves, were stolen before they
were on twenty-four hours. The individual
- who would do this is mean enough to whip
his grandmother, if he has any.
The business men generally, with cam
xnendahla spirit, made an effort to close their
stores during the ceremony of decorating the
soldiers' graves. Notwithstanding the press
of custom, we are happy to state that many
succeeded in their endeavors.
Only eix - millions of dollars are spent an-
nually to keep six thousand ministers in the
United States, while lawyers get thirty-five
millions, criminals are kept on twelve mil
lions, and it takes ten millions of dollars
nually to keep the doge alive. -
• A man in the West has made a will in
which he provides for the erection of a cat in.
Armory after his death. No male person is
:to be permitted to enter the sacred precincts
of this eat-heaven, and in the name of all
,that is precious we would ask, who would
want to?
Rev. Father Murphy will preach his fare
wall sermon in the Catholic church of this
place on Sunday morning next. lie has
been in charge bore but a short time, but his
congregation regret his departure. Ho will
be succeeded by the former pastor, Rev, O.
P. Gallagher.
The Harrisburg Patrioe of Thursday last
pays the following compliment to our band :
Huntingdon cornet: band attracted a
large crow yesterday at' the Bolton House
by its-excellent music. Its merits were ex
tolled biall'MUsleal judges. The men com
posing it a;re a fine looking body, and won
golden opinions during their brief sojourn.'
The Legislature appropriated for common
scbools $500,000. The amount paid to
Superintendents is deducted from thi;
9unt, also some special appropriations, such
as Normal Schools. The balance 'is then di
vided among "the - difi'orent distVidis of the
pate on . tilio 'basis of the number of taxable,
all disrluts receiving SO cents per taxable.
Deeoration Day.
Saturday last will be a day long to
be remembered by our citizens and
those who witnessed the ceremonies of
decoration day in our borough.. The
principal ceremony was the strewing
of flowers and wreaths on the graves
of the fallen braves from this county
that aro buried in the Cemetery—a
tribute of respect and gratitude to the
heroes that we trust will ho kept up
until our nation shall cease to exist.
At an early hour in the afternoon the
Court House was filled with people,
and the lino of march was shortly ta
ken up toward to the Cemetery bead
ed by the Huntingdon Silver Cornet
Band, which. played the Dead March
in such a sweet but mournful manner
that not a few were so impressed with
tho solemnity of the occasion that the
tears started to their eyes. A silent
prayer was offered up for the brave
fathers who slept as the boys and girls
of the Cassville Soldiers' Orphans School
rnarched past neatly dressed in army
blue, and thankful indeed should every
patriot be to see the loved ones of the
dead Soldiers fondly cared for arid in.
structed at thee° homes which grace
our Commonwealth.
On arriving at the Cemetery the
order of exercises was opened by the
Orphans singing "My country 'tis of
thee," after which Bey. J. W. Plannett
offered a prayer. Next followed read
ing of the General Orders of the G. A.
R. in relation to the ceremony, when
Milton S Lytle, Esq , then delivered
the following address :-
SOLDIERS AND CITIZENS :—On this memorial
occasion, this second recurrence of our new
national anniversary, we have assembled at
the request of the surviving soldiers and in re
sponse to the sympathies of our own hearts, to
render some token of honor and veneration
to those who went down to death in that
great struggle which is still so fresh in our
And in doing this, is it not in accordance
with the motives which should actuate us to
hope for some incidental benefits to ourselves?
May we not experience a renewal of our pa
triotism and feel a glow of gratification and
delight in contemplating the perpetuity of
national life which has been secured for us?
If it be of any value to observe with fitting
ceremonies the day that gave birth to our in
dependence, how much more important that
we commemorate, appropriately, the services
that saved us from the most inglorious death
that could have been aimed at a nation. Let
us, "by public assembly and by solemn obser
vance, by anthem and by eulogy," extol the
valor and achievements of our national bene
factors and render thanks to God fur eminent
blessings, early given and long continued, to
our highly favored country.
Wo are here, my friends, for the purpose
of placing wreaths of flowers and evergreens
on the graves of our fallen comrades, whose
remains lie in this Cemetery. This simple
service is in honor of men fur whom the last
sad rite was not performed when they were
borne to this final resting place—men who
took their lives in their hands and boldly
ventured and lost them in defence of the
country they valued more than self. If we
were to come here with each return of this
beautiful season, and place the richest gar
lands on their mounds, if we were to shed
floods of tears that could TERSE be dried, if
we were to inscribe their names on entabla
tures bread as the earth itself, the debt which
we, as a people, owe them, could never be
paid. How spiritless, how inexpressive; how
insignificant is all that we can do or say to
manifest our admiration and gratitude, com
pared with what they deserve?
Peace to the patriot's shade? Let no rude
hand disturb the laurels that lest on his tomb!
'Lot orphan tears bedew his sacred urn.
Aud [sine's lend truinp.proclaint the hero's Same, •
Ear as the cit cult of the spheres extends."
But the purpose I have mentioned is not
the only one fur which wo are here. Great
and grand as that purpose is, yet the time
1 and the occasion rise into sublimity when we
remember that the ceremonies of to-day are
figuratively designed to recall and preserve
the memory of that vast army that lies in
trenched on many fields. Those who sleep
in honored graves among their kindred are
but a few when we think of the thousands
who went and returned not. I know that of
this large assemblage of the living, by far the
greater portion do not find hare the more im
mediate objects of their affection and rover
, Once. Each heart reverts to the scene of car
nage in which it was bereaved. The name
of every battle field is in our minds or on
our lips. Touching and melancholy as it
might seem, it would, nevertheless be a pleas
ure to tell you where and how those brave
men fell, to recount their gallant deeds, their
patriotic endurance and their self sacrificing
devotion. But I cannot go from Gettysburg
to the Rio Grande to point out each spot that
was crimsoned by a soldier's blood. From
Sumter to Appomattox, though but a few
years, in point of time, embraced the events
of ages. Those things have passed into his
tory,- and already fill a considerable part of
its volumes. As we comprehend the extent
of the theme, we see the inadequacy of
words to do justice to the memory of the
dead or to repay the services of these who
With peculiar propriety, the humble trib
ute we endeavor to pay, by strewing the
fresh flowers of Spring on the graves of de
parted worth, comes rem the hands of sol
diers. It is the work of those who werecorn-.
pardons in the hardships and participants in
the perils of the fallen—the veterans who
have resumed the garb of civilians and re
turned to their peaceful pursuits and to their
accustomed places in the community. If moth-
ors forget not their sons, nor wives their hus
bands, not' orphans their fathers, per sisters 1
their brothers, neither will these men forget
the comrades who fell by their sides. My
voice is heard by ears that have caught the
last words of the dying—flowers will be
strewn to-day by hands that have closed ex•
piring eyes, and laid the dead to slumber,
with no "useless coffin" to enclose his breast,
no "martial cloak" but the rough blanket in
which ho had often rested his weary limbs
after the day's march. The performance of'
these tender and brotherly offices was a duty
surpassed in sadness only by the necessity
which sometimes came upon us of surrender
ing the field to an enemy that cared not to
give decent sepulture to our dead and who
buried them, if buried at all, where the
graves will be forever unmarked and un
Among the many results scoured by these
annual offerings, of honor and respect, the
soldiers, who are now here as citizens, net
only re-open the hearts of a generous anti
grateful people, but keep alive fraternal feel
ings among themselves. They are reminded
-again of the many occurrences of the war—
the earliest as well as the latest. They
think of the conflicts on the Peninsula, com
mencing almost with the disembarkation at
Fortress Monroe, continuing up to the very
gates of Richmond, including the Seven Dap
Rattles, and ending when our army OA re.
fuge at Harrison'a - Landing. Then followed
the witdrawal - from the James river,' the sec
ond disaster at Bull's Run and tho retreat in
to Maryland, where, under Providence, we
were permitted to retrieve the glory and re
putation of our arms. I see those here who
may well remember that September day on
the banks of tho Antiotard. They have not
forgotten the sifetit •mitreh'of the night be
' fore, when not even a whisper was allowed
in the ranks, not a sound that could warn
the enemy of their movements: Rapidly
passed the remaining hours that separated fee
from foe,
and soon ES the dawn dispelled the
'me aftrightedalr with a shudder bore, Like a herald in k. har to the ohieftoite door:
The terrible grumble and linable and roar'
Telling the tattle was on once store" . ''
I Then came the hurried order to "full in,"
I and the. ready • obedience on the pact of the
traems. The' long line was formed across
the fields, and the steady advatiee' begaO.
Forward the 'Column went, over the ground
, .. • .• .
newly turned for the Autumn crop, through
the woods that hid for a moment the battle's
smoke, over fieldijerell filled with the ripen
ing corn, and over feiMes that intervened.
On, still on, they pressed, undismayed by the
bullets that whistled above their heads, or
the gape that were" made in their ranks.
There was no hesitation, no halting, until
volley answered the deadly strife.
"Bee the smoke, how the lightning is cleaving asunder ,
nark] the guns, peal on peal, how they Loom la their
However minutely I might describe that
drama of danger and death, I could add no
thing to the knowledge of those around me
who were actors in IL Perhaps I can re
mind them of nu circumstance they are not
already familiar with. Be it said to their
lasting honor, that they went on that day
where troops had never gone before, and
where none went afterwards.
The limited time I can occupy to-day will
not permit mo tb give even a passing notice
to the More important of the battles in which
soldiers from Huntingdon county were en
gaged. They fought and - fell,' not only on
that line runningdirectly south of us to the
Potomac and beyond--net only in those con
tests which could almost be heard roverbeia
ting among your own hills—not only at Get
tysburg, but at Chickamauga—not only in
the Wilderness and at iiichmond,but at Look
out Mountain, at Missionary Ridge, at Boso
m, at KO/108(M, (111(1 at Atlanta. They were
in from the &rat to the last, and went out not
until the rebel chieftain had surrendered'for
ever the' miserable pretensions tb nationality
that had been made by the pseudo power he
Nothing , Its.been more thoroughly tried
and proved la experience than the qualities
of the American soldier. So numerous, in
deed, are the evidences of his courage, his in
trepidity, and his steadinessin battle, that it
isimpossible to fell what particular instance
most demonstrates his Merits. Ile has been
described as the civilized, sober, well educa
ted citizen, animated with the consciousness
that he, was fighting fora great cause, in the
success of which he and his children had a
deep, personal interest, and who learned obe
dience because both his common sense and
his sense of duty recognized the necessity. I
have said that he has returned to his peace
ful avocation. Long may it be until he shall
be called from it again. But we may feel a
safe reliance on his strong arm, if it shall
ever hereafter be needed to defend our coun
try's interests against any foe, he it British
dominion on the north of us, Mexican anar
archy on the south, or Spanish despotism on
the islands of the se.i.
The presence of so many of the people of
this community and county hero to-day,
shows that our eyes have not grown dull, our
hands slack, nor our hearts cold in this sa
cred trust. The spirit that has brought us
here, is very similar to that which has been
displayed in other places by the erection of
memorials to render secure and enduring the
name and fume of our heroic fallen. How
soon shall a monument rise heavenward from
this ground to acquaint future generations
with the mighty deeds that have been done in
these days! Let us, in the first place, per
petuate the records of the men who accom
plished this great work, and then transmit a
knowledge of the means by which it was done.
Let the hardships - that have been endured,
the difficulties that have been encountered,
the perils that have been met, the examples
of unselfish patriotism that have been given,
and the romance that has been added to the
story of the human race, go down together,
unforgotten, through nll coming time. I
would embody in marble and brass the senti
ment of the poet;
"Abek arbentlieir statues are placed on high
Under filo dorm nt tho Union sky,—
Thu American soldier's temple of Fame,
There Aria. the glorious General's name,
Ile it said in letters both bold and bright .
Hers is Vic steed Mae saved the day
By earr,ying Sheridan into thefighl
From ifinc4ester—twenty miles away."
I cannot believe that any fail to realize and
appreciate the sacrifice that has been made
in defense of our personal safety, in mainte
nance of free government and in support Of
the integrity of the Union. Though we are
not here to do honor in the durable and last
ing manner in which it should be bestowed,
though this ceremony is to be plain and Un
ostentatious, yet we may trust that it will so
sink into our hearts that the glory of their
deeds and the light of their example will
never fade.
After the address the Orphans sang
a' piece entitled "O'er my Father's
Grave,"after which the following poem
was read by Mr. Robert McDivitt:
COMO I -cliff-girt Juniata,
Thy pities' /Dam moan!
Some "Storied Urn or Statue,"
Shall cheer the gloom
Of their dark tomb,—
The good who bled,—
Thy honored Dead
And bravo of "Standing Stone."
When Freedom's loud Reveille
Stirred Gettysburg's dark field ;
And Fiend of fell Rebellion
Piled hill and plain
With her brave slain;—
Their memories claim
A greener fame
Than stone and marble yield.
Comrades in death shall greet them
From many a field of gore,—
Bull Run and red Ardlotatn,—
Whore fierce the strife
'Gainst Freedom's life,
By Heaven accurst,
In thunder burst
Above Potomac's your.
From Hundred of Bermuda,
From Richmond and Shiloh,
Atlanta, Chattanooga
To patriot eyes,
Her heroes rise f--
From every sod
Pale Freedom trod—
In those dark days of woe.
Shades of departed soldiers!
"Comrades of battle" elain !
Though the marred body moulders
In earth to rust—
Yet, o'er your dust—
Shall laughing May
And Flora gay,
Their wreathe and laurels train.
When blushing, Borealis,
To north, wins Sol abroad;
Spring peeps o'er hilts and valleys;
With emerald sheen
To dock the green
Sward of the grave,
Whore sleep the breve
Till roused by tramp of God.
So as, from east, Aurora
Gilds earth with gorgeous day,
May soldiers' graves of glory,
Through tears and blood,
in beauty—bud;
And fragrant floyfpr,l,
In crimson ehtivrera,
Be wept upon their cloy.
The members of the Post at this
place then formed in lino and marched
to the graves of the soldiers, where
they strewed the flowers and wreaths.
The ceremonies throughout were
conducted in an acceptable manner—
only one objection and that was the
want of shade where the speaker stood
—and the large number itkattendaucc,
from near and far,'appear4 grafifiod
that they witnessed the voceeciinvs,
— MI Vh9 are a \19,0 , 9f 1 9 00 ave
Cutlery, c., go A. A. V I . Stewart &Co
at 09 iAig,
cinfoo; We temperance lee
ie inovgn to, many of our citizen., has, it is
said, gong to drinking again.
—To buy your Hardware, Cutlery,
go to 11. Siewart &.; Co. It
- Pickled Salmon, .Haddocl4 Shad,
Trout, White Fish, Mackerel, Dry
Salt, Quoddy Labrador, . Like 'hnd
smoked Herring, by the ball and quir
ter barrel, kitt, pound and dozen. All
warranted, and cheaper than chhwlicre.
The best Flour by the barrel, - suet;
or pound. Cheaper for the : Bathe qual•
ity than elsewhere.
All kinds, at very small profits. Not
offered low to draw you on on other
goods. Our prices' to continuo low,
regularly. • . .
The bent Silver and Golden Drips,
genuine Lovering and other Syrups.
New Orleans and other Baking Mo
A variety of kinds of best always on
hand cheap.
Roasted and Green, cheap as the
ehearest for the same quality
Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Dried "Beef,
at living prices.
The best N. Y. State Goshen and
Ohio Cheese.
The best stick sin other candies,
wholesale and retail.
Fruit, &c.
Dried Poaches and Apples, Raisins,
Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,--Can
nod Fruit and Vegetables, etc.
11.301) 3Fsi:LC)IO-"X".
Spices, &c.
All kinds of Spices, and a great va
riety of notions. Soaps of all kinds
and cheap.
The beet quality of Tobacco, and
cheaper than any other store in town.
For what you want first call tlt
terprise IXeadquariers whers prkeps
Mitt be kept regularly low:
, fruq_eatalso!...9nakAPAPr.v,•••„, ,
The jcilmatown - Tribune gives a leng
descriptiOn of the visit of the.Soldiefs'
Orphans' of the Caesville School to that
place on..the,l9th and 20th ult. The
entertainment which the 204 pupils
received was highly satisfactory, and
the,entertatnments given by the pupils
'Fore well received by_th . e,eitizena, The',
reeeil)t4 "Of' the entertainments
were $577,21 including a special done
tion of 8120,50 to buy. a school room
cabinet organ. ' The following statis
tics aro published:
`This institution haf3,lloW been in op
eration for three and a half years, and
the following statistics may be inter
esting ,
• Of the Whole number admitted; there
were 156 boys and 121 girls. Of those
now present, thoro are 109 boys and
93 girls. ,-,Of the whole number ad
mitted, there were 00 from Hunting
don county, 69 from Blair, 47 from
Center, 31 from Cambria, 26 from
Clearfield„ 1.3 . , from Bedford, 1 from
Franklin. These from 'Bedford and
Franklin were transferred to White
Of those who have been discharged
atthe age of 16; there were, froth Hun.
tingdou, 1I boys and 5 girls—total, 16 ;
from . Blaiy,.l2 boys and 3 girls — total,
15 ; from. Center, 6,boys and 8. girls—
total; 14; front Clearfield, 3" boys and
2 girls—total, 5; from Cambria, 2 boys
and 3 girls—total, 5. grand total, 34
boys and 21 'girls. • ••
The whole number admitted into
the school represented . 132 different
families, of which 2 had 5 children
each :13 had 4 children each; 23 had
3 children each ; 52 • had , 2 children
and 42 were represented by 1 child
Of the whole, nu rubor admitted, there
were, of Methodist pai•entago; 131;
Lutheran, 29; Baptist, 16; United B.
17; Presbyterian, 13 ; German Reform
ed, 5; Roman Catholic, 5; Disciples, 5;
Dunkard, 6; Church .of God, 5; Con
gregationalist, 3; Universalist, 3; Ad•
ventist, p; Albright, 2; and 35 aro not
, The faculty of the Cassville School
is at present composed of the follow
ing persons : Superintendent, Rev. A.
L. Gass; Teachers, Messrs. A. 11. Weid
man, Wm. Lyttlo, W. L. Onien, S. W.
Heaton, and Misses C. A. Phillips and
A. L. Ship:ada. The Tribune con
cludes: The Soldiers' Orphans have
come and gone ! Their visit has been
as already reniarked, an 'occasion of
great pleasure to them and to all our
citizens. But it has been more than
this. It has dispelled a vast amount
of prejudice against the system which
established and niaintaink. these Or
phan Schools, and our people have
learned by eye and ear experience that
'the Cassville.Sehool, is one ,of,the best,
if not the very boat, of its Class. The
appearance, - manners, attainments and
spirit of the Orphansthemselves tell
the whole story. They aro well cared
for, properly educated, and contented
and happy. What more could be de.
sired for them? What man of patriot
ic and benevolent instincts:would give
them loss ? -
DARING ROBBER.--0a Friday last
a Gelman emigrant 'was robbed of '4,-
000, francs between. Mifflin and this
city.i The - German bad the money
in a belt buckled around his waist, and
says that when be arrived at a sta
tion west of Mifflin he went to a res
tatirant to 'get a glass of lager,' and
while there felt some one feeling about
his person; but did not discover his
toss until the train had proceeded seine
distance toward this city. The station
spoken of must have been Huntingdon,
that being the only station between
Mifflin and Altoona where trains stop
long enough to allow passengers to
partake of refreshments. The belt
was cut and slipped off'. Another
German having paid fair in the cars
(an unusual occurrence among emi
grants) to this city, on the arrival of
the train suspicion rested upon him,
but after diligent search, no clue what
ever' could be found to his whereabouts
—Altoona _Radical.
A Scare•
At a late hour on Wednesday night
last a number of citizens of our town
were'aroused by an agonizing cry of
"Oh I" which was continued about
eight or ton times. The fears of those
who heard it were awakened, and
a . dozen or more Caine to the Franklin
House to see -what vas the matter.—
The lower rooms were searched, but
nothing was seen to verify the =suspi
cions of some that a murder or 'some
other awful tragedy had been commit
Led. We were on the grounds ready
to take notes, but our calculations in
regard to something terrible to tell our
readers, were somewhat frustrated by
being informed that the unearthly
noise was occasioned by a man in ono
of the upper rooms of the hotel, who
it is said makes such yells in his sleep.
We would advise him to eat light sup
pers and yell so no more.
.Z'.rt'•act from a liter from lent,Taleta,
"We started early to ascend Mt. Olivet, to
behold the sun gild the minarets and towers
of the devoted city, front the place where
memory, stirred by a thousand associations,
should exult the mind as well as the eye to
the inspiration of the scene. Well is the toy
a er•repaid for long travels, horrid roads, an
tediluvian cookery,' squalid companionship
and , the importunities of begging, thieving
Arah;'. Well would' it have repaid you, oh
man of commerce and crucible ! and well
might you have been reminded of your own
city, fur here, painted upon aboard nailed
against one of the huge' ancient olive trees,
under which the sacred martyrs toiled for the
sins of the world, eighteen hundred years ago,
were these familiar figures, S.
We do not know who did it, blt no doubt
some poor invalid traveler, cured by the
Plantation Bitters, wishing to advertise their
virtues in a place from whence. all knowledcre
AlAosous. WATER.--Superior to tba best
imported Cloripan Cologno, and sold at half
flip pricq, tf,
. .
MD - Somebody "v:4E11401(01 , 70 young
ladies hp good circumetanees, who help
the V4l4lthers to get breakfast and
wash tht? dishes." We don't know
bow is ip bepightod country
diistridtsoshut Out frOm-th6latest lash-
ionsand the.hoapted lights of the pine
teenth century—we don't know what
-Is4.o,tsi'etingt.Poe!B Eg;?: in such
Secluded d'istrtetei 'but -the '4welve"
need net b,e sought fet• where the lights,
of the century and fashion have follekt
such places the ttTt4* js, no longer
-4. IL: Stewart Ai Co. have' jest ro.
cei t veci a, largo stock 0c,,, #arciware,
CatlOt7, 5 c., suitable for t4e , i , ants of
tho farmer, carpenter,
painter, Week
tpAith, wagentoakor and others. if
.11.Essas. &Noes considering
the question whether it pays a man to
invest ut hOtne, there are some things
to be looked at. We have intimated
that it depends upon what a man in, and the discretion - be uses.
A man might throw his money away,
very easily: For instance; somebody
wants to make a speculation in oil, or
in some other imaginary article (for
which it requires a great deal of faith
to realize the substance,) and away
men go after the fancy idol, and in, the
and they lose their money, in a major
ity of instances. In this connection
we might also mention lotteries, where
a man will go ten or more dollars in
the wild. dream 'of
,realizing ten thou
sand.", Numberless other - ways might
tie,Montioned, but ono which claims
particular, attention, and which we
hinted ae,before is. the too great desire
of many. to follow in the same steps of
another, instead of taking some other
direction; in other words the folly of
too many in starting the same kind of
int - sinus. - ,We have noticed that in our
town no new thing lasts a year of it
self. An enterprising man sees what
the town wants, and ho goes to the
expense and trouble of getting it.
When once in operation the hawks are
around to find out whether it pays,and
Wit does, np starts a few more institu
tions of the same kind, - which has the
effect of disheartening the enterpris
ing man, and fooling those who expec
ted to make a fortune. Of course, the
people are the gainers of the competi
tion that immediately follows, but
would it not be wiser for those who
have money to invest to give it to,
some new object? IMPROVEMENT.
The following numbers for Kay are
entitled to presents at Enterprise
Headquarters :
3220 Jumping Jack.
.2562-Found Coffee.
'11436 Wisp.
3952 Sack Salt.
10779 One Lady's Work Box.
6557 One Can Spiced Oysters
10445 One Can Preserved Fruit
3619 One Package Roasted Coffee
6901 One package Candy.
6572 Reindeer and Sleigh. •
4544 One Doll. '
10624 25 lb Sack Family Flour.
672 Babbitonian system of Penmanship.
11399 Hair-brush and Comb.
6479 Pocket Knife.
8370 Photograph Album.
9939 Maguire's Toilet Set.
7351 One pound Babbitt's Soap
6435 " Laundry Soap
6534 " Magical Soap
5339 " Oriental Soap
11222 " Dexter Soap
7751 " - House Cleaning Soap
7329 " Dobbins Soap
10005 " Olive Soap
6874 The Hero Boy.
8115 "Sugar Cured Ham.
6682 50 lb Sack Family Flour.
839 Cold Pen and Pencil.
6955 WO:steels Unabridged Dictionary.
LaUle■ Promos nnU Hoye Clothing
MARY .REEVES respectfully inform the
public that tlidy Lave removed to the
house formerly occupied by H. MeMan
igill, on Washington street, and are
prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and'
Boys' Clothing of all kinds. They re
spectfully solicit a full share of pat
The undersigned are now prepared to do all
kinds of work pertaining to either branch of
their business at short notice and on reason
able terms. Gentlemen's shirts made in the
best' st,yle. A liberal share of public patron
age solicited and satisfaction guaranteed in
all cases. Residence on the corner of Bath
and Mifflin streets in the same building with
L. Frank Watteon.
apl 1
The FRANKLIN ilorm, in the Dia
mond, in this place, S. D.,
Proprietor, is the place for travelers,
business men and the people generally
from town and country to stop. The
best accomodations may always be ex
pected. tf.
On Thursday, 20th inst., by Rev. J.
Frazier, Mr SAmuEr, J. HETRICK, to
Miss Al<tal. , A. SMELSER, all of Hun
tingdon County, Pa.
In Jlaryville, California, May 10th,
at the residence of Mr. Van Dyke, by
the Rev. Dr. M.cKaig, Mr. BENJAMIN
of Huntingdon, Pa. [Lewistown pa
pers please copy.]
On the 27th ult., at the residence of
the bride's father, by Rev. G. W.
Gwynn, Mr. Hums T. JOHNSTON, of
Mooresville, to Miss HENNIE OAILS, of
Masseysburg, this county.
On May 254 h, by Rev. George W.
Zahniser, assisted by Rev. 0. 0. Mc-
Lain, JOAN M. BAILEY, Esq , to - Miss
'ATTIE B. FISHER, both of Hunting
don, Pennsylvania.
The happy couple have remembered
us in the midst of their felicity, and
we take occasion to add our good wish
es to the many now pouring in upon
them, and sincerely hope that their
brightest visions of future happiness
and prosperity may be more than re
alized, and that no cloud of adversity
may over even for a moment cast its
dark shadow across their pathway, of
life, and may they find never-ending
happiness in the world to come.
In Hill Valley, May 24, 1862, SARAH,
wile of Henry Rhodes, used 5 . 0 years,
rf months and 0 days.
'!She sleeps in Jesus; happy thought;
Has reached pt last the rest she sought,
Front stems without and fears
the rests see re from pain and sin ;
"Long she had vraiked life's weary way,
And 'wondered at his lengthened day l.
At last a light shouo in her room,
And deStii whispered, 'Child, come home.'
In this borough on the 25th alt ; ,
Mrs. SUSAN NEwiNnaAsl, aged 89. yrs.
3 months and 2 days.
The demised was the oldest lady
in this hermit], of which she has been
a resident since a, child, when the In
dians were among its inhabitants. She
would often repeat the e4citing inci
dents in which' she participated and
which she ohserved, while they re
ma.ined• here . lint now hen VC* is
hushed in death; she gassed the allot
ted time of three-score and ten, and
we trust she has gene to bar eternal
home in heaven. kioW glaDY* of Ale,
new living, And knowing the deceased,
will live to the age She attained ? Ah
we can truly exclaim, few indeed ; i r t
Preet one Than Femlik . fintTrag . i..
The Creator has endowed woman with a moat wonder
ful organism, but it to often sadly impaired and wasted
by peculiar Ills and wearing pains. The female eex,will;
had ia bII,SFELER'S ILERB BITTERS a rare Weak cad
tonic for every period in life. It will mar i ne the sex
from the penile and dangers that threaten fluting the
moat critical periods of their existence. parrying themaafely through every trying oCCRAMS, existence,,
DM' weak and sickly, constitutions, drirtag away, an
chronic, icrofultma,orouic,' nervutie, bilge:o,lnd other
direrdeni that hove inwidaheir Item tafaerablq:::llllgike
• LlllVll'lfralt BITTERS will cure all !coati of ratline dif
ficulties from the earliest stage of 'female iniftailitg; iintl
in every condition of Winnow peculiar to thorn. It wlll
impart strength to the eyetem, preserve and restore the
beauty of face and form, and insure permanent health.'
fold only by respectable druggists. myl9-bum.'
OTHBRS.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Company
are now tuanufactnringAlte,Best, Cheapest astd.paost
table Paitlt Jil met' twii Coats well riot ma, mixed with
Pura Linseed Oil, Bill lest ten or fifteen years; it is of
light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be
changed to green, lend, clone, drab, olive or cream, to
cult the taste of the consumer. It is valuahle far gen
res, Fences, Barns, Carriage and Car makers, Palls and
Wooden-ware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats,
Vessels and Ships Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shingle
Boobs, (it bking Piro and Water proofD.Plbor Oil Cloths,
(one Untnifacturdr having need 0800 bbisthe past year)
nod as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body,
durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. Price $6 per
bid. (Ink lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to
corns. Warranted in all cases as above. Fend fore cir
cular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless
branded in a trade mark, Grafton' Mineral ppintit - Per
sona can order the Paint and red& the trjobeys gp re.
ceipt of the 'goods. Address
It. L. FAIINIZTOCK 'k CO., Pittshargh,
Agents for Pennsylvania.
RSA lor sale by the pound or bagrel at Lewis' Book
Store. nov,l6lm
TARitIf treated with the utinost neon, by J.
IemAC,S, M. D., and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and
Ear in the Medical College of Pennsylvania, 12 years ever,
fence, (formerly of Leyden, Liollandj N 0.805 Aitelt§t.;
PialAdelpida. Testimonials' can be seen at this oftico,;
,The medical faculty are invited to accompany their pa.
tiaras, as he has no secrete in his practice. Artificial
Eyes ineerted without pain. No charge for examination.
June 17, 0808-lybro,
PIWZDELPLIIA, Itaz 20, 1860.
iSjipp thus Flour kierlliti.rol....., --- f ' r 55:600 - 5*
I,2tra , Floiir per .harrel • " -" '. :-_' 45.7505,00
Extra Family Flour per barrel - - $5.5007,00"
Bye Flour per barrel $5.7507.00
Bed Wheat per bushel $1.3001.85
Eye per bushel - $1.4901.45
Corn per bushel 04005cte.
Outs per bushel' -75077etti.
Barley per bushel
Cloverseed por bushel " ." $0 15000.60
Timothy por bushel $4,75
Flaxseed por bu5he152.6502.70
_ ... .
Prirssinuri, 31ay54;1889.
White 'Wheat Flour per barrel ' ' ' • $7.150i2H.Y4
Red Wheat Flour per barrel.-- ........ .....$7.0tg7.30
Winter Wheat per bushel ' 1145@i1.60
Corn par bushel .76@f78ets.
Oats per bushel 67068a5.
Rye par bushel $1.20e31.30
Cured Hams 19ete.
Cured Shoulders • • -.....,.1det5.
Clear Sides .-- ''
' /TOE!.
Nsw vase, May 29.--Gold closed at $1,41%.
FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel,. t• 5.00
• Extra Flour,. ,
.. do _ 6.00
Family Flour, ' . 1 :"..-' del: , .--'1,4 0.00
Gantx—Red Wheat,'per bushel, - 1.30
White Wheat, do 1.40
Rye, do , ' ._L2O
Corn, do . •Pri
Oats, do ' . 60
Barley, do ' ' 1:20
Soll—TiMOtily t do 2.50
Flaxseed, . .do , .. . 2.25
, • Cloyhyseed, per 641bs: ! ..` '' , i 6.00
Pinvistoss-Potittoce, per builiell2 , -;7085
Dried Apples, do 2.50
Corn Meal, per cwt.,. 2.2,5
Dried Peaches, per pound, ' • '2o
Beef, ' • do 25
Lard, .- . • do - '..... • --.20
Pork, do 12
Butter, do ' . .: 30
Cheese, .do . , . 25
Eggs, per dozen,
' • :Haw, - •• - •i' • • ; = • ;-y
' Side, . ' -•-- • - "--• 18
Shoulder, . - le t
Coat—Hard coal, per ton, 6.50®8.00
Broad Top coal, do 3.00®3.50
LURDNR, per 1000 feet, 12.00®30.00
Sur arcs--Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00®13.00
Joint Shingles, do 6.50®8.00
MLSCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, 8.00
Bran, per cwt., _ _ 1.25
Dope, per ,pound . _ ~. . _ .., .. 40
Wool; 'do :1 ; I , ...- , , ;;o®so
"{RS , ' pei:tdd, ; , ~ :! ; ~ : ; - 18.OQ
Hides, ' • '' • " - '6"(4.f7
Green Apples,
,• .do -, r , i :.1.50
Onions, .
~ d0...' ' .;,, j 1.414
' , For Bituminou,s or ,An#lraci,e,Coar,
EWP MIMED 1151..
8010 naaufaelurera of the Celebrated
ROU G 11.T ; p0p1, RADIO YOR-
These Renters are made of heavy Wrought Iron, well;
riveted together, Rio only sure prevention against Dm'
escape of Das or Dust. They amorality managed, without
auy dampers. Tiro Patent Radiator avoids the nse and
annoyances of drums, and la permanently attached to'
the neater. This is the most durable, simple, ecoaoral!..
cal, and popular Heating Apparatus ever offered for salt.
They are all guaranteed.
COOKING RANGES fOrliotels and families,
We are also Taaufpitlviag
yo—Send for our . lpustratedh,tnA4l4. y 921:y
Eucceseor to B. At t EIREF.NE t t
Agd other mnkee,
Meta doom, nivatenn, Violins, Find, aics,.oid‘ran,
49r-Pnatios, Organ" "pq gelodirolim Sipt i rVet . .l for:
Cironiarq trait on a?kdinntianii..
- J. OREWead,
Auutingdon. Ps.,
48.121,64 'l i j , floor Lniqor's New Branding.
,5 d
1:48 a largo stock, at low Prices, of qq? ,
WATCAES, JEWELRY, Solid airtiee:lNA