tPIEI*tI liIiIfAIRRi Cunningham & Carmon's, Comet of Railroad andridontgomery Ste. HUNTINGDON, PA. E would call special attention to the daily arch's! orCIWICE AND BEAUTIFUL Goo s, which are offered at Tempting Prices, Consisting of Beautiful Silks of all shmlos, all woo Poplins, Alpacas, Melanges, Amines, Chtrams, a most beantlfal line of fine Carobs-Ms, Barred Muslim, Nola souk., GlingMuss, and Obembrayi, ALSO. a full of Domestic Goodo, ouch as HEAVY BLEACHED TESLINS, Fine Brown Muslin, 40 footles wide, Bleached Muslin from to 234 yards wide, Kentucky Jeans, Farmers Csat!mere, Jhc,, &o. Our stook of 6 HOE II excels anything of the kind this eldo of Philadelphia. ALSO, a large and well selected stock RATS auk able for the season. CARPETS• We make a specialty of this article, aad Lave en hand a my Am aseortmeni of DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which will to sold lower than CAN bo sold by any other Louse outside of Philadelphia. We base also on band a large ,tack of tin AIND SALT which we are Belling very low. In order to be oonvlnsed that ours is the place to bey, call and examine our goods and prices We take pleasure in showing our goods, area it you do cot wisla to buy. Bo you will please call and got posted CUNNINGHAM & CARMON. Oft. 28, 1863-4 f. JOHNSTON &WATTSON TAKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Huntingdon county and vicinity that they have just returned from the Bast with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS Which they have just opened out at their new atm, IN SMITH'S NEW BUILDING, Their stock consists of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR-WARE, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &0., DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &c. &.4 They hem a large stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Conetsting of BILES, MOILAIRS, ALPACAS, Poruna, LUSTRE% OCCITIAXI, XERINO3, PLAIDS, IM LAMES, de, at., "co, Also, s large assortment of PRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE HY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, ke AYULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS We will sell WROLESALE end RETAIL An good' delivered to residences to town and devote, Me of charge Give no a trial before purcbulog elorovbere. JOHNSTON 4 WATTSON liputlagdotr. April r,1562 THE CELEBRATED ---- - GROVER & BAKER Sewing Machines. *Ey THE BEST FAMILY SUITING MACHINE IN USE. For Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch, For Strength and Durability of Seam that will not ray. el. as both thread. are used direct from the spoole ' and no scams have to ho fastened by band; no waste of thread, For nimplic.ty and perfection of machinery. It stitches, Lem, fells, tucks, braids, cords, and em. brolders beautifully. klaohluee fully Warranted and full Instructions glean. Sewing machine cotton, talk, &c.. on hand. For sale by GREENB & BROTHER, febl6.C9 Rd floor Leister's Building, Huntingdon, Pa. BM MICCAVS7IIEI Sewing Machines 1T137.11 Oldest Established of any in the World Over 50,000 Sold in 1868. These unequaled machines are adapted to every eerie ty of sewing for family wear, from the lightest muslin, to the heaviest clothe, and to the use of Seamstresses, Drees Makers, Tailors, Manufacturers of Shirts, Collar., Skirts, Make, Mantillas, Clothing, flats, Cape, Comets. Ladies• Boots and Shoes, Linen Goods, etc. They work equally well upon Bilk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind and perform every species of sewing, making a txman] and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article sewed. Over 50,000 of these an rivalled machines were manufactured and nom during the year 186 S. This is unprecedented in the hlstery of sewing machines, and is another proof of the great popu larity of the now° Machine. They have invariably won the highest honors at the great Exhibitions of the world, culminating at the late Exposition Univereello at Paris, where TUB GRANDEST COMBINATION OF PRIZES EVER AWARDED AT THE EXHIBITION TO ANY EXHIBITOR, FOR ANY GOODE WHATEVER EXHIBITED, was awarded for THE HOWE MACHINE—the noes , fel Prize; the Cross of the Lrgloll of flown ; a Gold Med al, tho highest prise within tho gift of the Jury, being the result of he EVIDENT EXCELLENCE. Our Interest not being second to that of purchasers of machines, in their successful operation, wo hold our selves In readiness to render any necessary and practice. ble assistance, by correspondence or otherwise, for this purpose, and for faithfulness In this respect, reference is made to the tens of thousands now using them mulling. SIBLEY & STOOPS, GENERAL AGENTS FOR PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JIM BEY, DELAWARE AND WEST VIRGINIA, Ottice 23 S. Eighth St., Phila'a, Pa fay-William P. Rudolph, cola event for this county fob. 2(.3m. WHEI'LEBLIAILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Lin gIX 8733111 Sewing Machines, Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, 1867• They are adapted to all kinds of Family flowing, and to the use of Seamstresses, Dressmakors, Tailors, Manu facturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, flats, Cops, Corsets, Linen Goode, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fall, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article sewed. The qualities which recommend them ore: 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both Wei of the fabriesewed. 2. Strength, firmness and durability of sena, that wilt not rip nor ravel. 3. Economy of Thread. 4. Attachments and wide range of application to purpo. see and materials. b. Compactness and eleganco of model and finish. 8. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 7. Bperd, ewer of operation and management, andsulat nese of movement. lestructicno free to all. Machines 7.'ept in repair one year tree of charge. B. LEWIS, Agent, FICNTINGDON, Ps 1= REMOVED TO THE N. E. CORNER OF DIAMOND. Boot and Shoe Emporium, J JOHN H. WESTBROOK Vi Respectfully informs the h citizens of Fluntingd . on and vicinity that he haajust received from the city a ow and splendid stock of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. all of which he Is prepared to eell at greatly reduced prices Don't forget tho new stand in the Diamond. Old mato. seers and the public generally aro invited to call. Huntingdon, ap. 7, 1860. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WAI. AFRICA llnforms the public that he has just opened at his old stand in the Diamond, Huntlagdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES , For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which he will sell at fair prices. Quick sales and Call and examine my stock. Manufacturingand Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon, Ap. 14, 1869. GEO. SHAEFFER fine Just returned from the east with a SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Which he offers to the inspection of his customers and the public generally. He will sell his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and therm who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS ct SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the noateot and most expedi• Gorr, manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on Hill street, a few doors west of the Diamond. ap. 14, 16011 OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, Arx rze I=l. 311 Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Bill et., Huntingdon, in the roar of George W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry storeiwhere ho manufactures and keeps all kinds of garniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to giro him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. afar Also, Undertaking carried on, and Collins made in any style desired, at short notice. • Tho subscriber has a • ArBIVAND ELEGANT lIITARSE and is prepared to attend generals at any place in town or country. J. 1,1. WISE. Huntingdon, May 9, 1866-tf LEWIS' BOOK d; STATIONERY STORE. I luel, Subscribe for THE GLOBE. TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS uLL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE 11DAPER ! PAPER ! ! Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap--a good assortment for sale by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at 11(3' . a€3'e34). A . E. STEWAUT. FRANK W. BTEWART A. R. Stewart & Co. HUNTINGDON, PA., DIiALBItB IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES, OILS, LAMPS, ROPES, NAT Immo, Scythes, Snaths, Grain Cradles, Sad- (fiery and Carriage Goods, Hubs, and Spokes. NAILS AND IRON, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, DRAIN PIPE, ISTC>Ma3N7I7.6I.II.XI, and an endless variely of goods in his line We are receiving goods almost every day from manufaetztrers, and in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and our experience In selecting best brands and reliably qualities of goods, purchasers will find it to their advantage to examine our stock. THE NEW PATENT ECLIPSE COOK STOVE, which throws all others in the shade, is still increasing in popularity, and pleases so well that everybody wants THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT TIDE BIG PADLOCK SIGN Huntingdon, Jan 13, 1860-tf, 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 NV H. T. HOPKINS Has removed his Manufactory and Salesrooms to No. 1115 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Whore hie "Own Aleke" of Champion Hoop Skirts, esp. dully adapted to First-class Wholesale and Retail trate, will be Mend to embrace the most extensive assortment in tho Union, and all the Went and most desirable styles, shapes. lengths and sires, 2, 2 1 4, 2%, 254; yards round, of plain and gored Pante., Walking Skirt, Reception Trolls, Ac., Lc., together with over ninety different verie tiee of Misses and Children', Skit ts, all of which for gym• metry of style, finish, lightness, elasticity. durability and real cheapness, are unequaled by any other good, in the market, and aro warranted in every respect. Skirts made to order, altered and repaired, wholesale and retell. Full lines oflow priced eastern made Skirts, 15 springs 35 cents; 30 opting, 46 cents; 25 springs, 55 cents; 30 springs, 65 cents; a nd 40 springs, 75 cents. CORSETS I CORSETS I t CORSETS 11127 different etyles and prices, from 85 cents so $7.00, embracing It. Walley, "Rocket," "Glove Fitting," Madam Foy'e Corset Skirt Supporters, Mrs. Moody'a Patent "Self-AdJusting Abdominal," Cornets, French, Englielt and Domestic Hand-made Cornett, and superior French Patterns of Co. tell Corsets., "Our Own Make" to which we invite espe• dal attention. Complete asaortment of Ladies' Under Germ ente, at very low prices. GENERAL AGENT for the BAITTRAM A FANTON FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, superior to any other before the public. Fifty-too of these No. 1 Machines, Price $55 each, are being given away to our customera, in order to get them introduced. Every person in Wont of articles In our line, should examine our goods before pur chasing elsewhere. Call or send for =cola:a, at our man ufactory and salesrooms, No. 1115 Chestnut St.,Philadel phia. mh3o-3m WM. T.II.O.KINS. JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA THIS MILL is a complete success in the manufacture of FLOUR, dm It has lately been thoroughly repaired and is now in good running order and in full operation. The burrs and choppers are now and of superior qual. ity—cannot be excelled. And we are gratllled to knew that our work has given entire satielhetion to our custo mere, to whom we tender our thanke. We have In our employ ono of the beet millers in the county, and &faithful and capable engineer. Thus equip pad and encouraged, we are determined co persevere in our efforts to accommodate and please the public, hoping thereby to moth and receive a liberal share of patronage to enetain us in our enterprise for the public Interest. Market price paid for the different kinds of grain on delivery. Floor and Chop, on hand, for sale. JOHN K. McCALIAN A SON. Huntingdon, Nov. 20,16167 READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY AIAItRIED AND ALL IN WANT nr New Furniture, , Stc. ►ITHE undersigned would respectfully _L announce that be manufactures and keep constantly on band a large and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS WASU AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor sad cane seat chairs, cupboards, gilt and rose wood mordding for mirror and picture frame., and a earl. My of .ticien not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to be eatlefactory. He is also agent for the Vell known Bailey a Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. Tho public are invited to call and examine kle stook before purchasing elsewhere. Work and calm room on, Kill street, near Smith, one door weed of llonter's store. JAMES lIICIOINS. Ifni Ungdon, Aug. 1,1866 Tgamatvale I J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer In \\ HARTON & lIIAGUIRE, HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE 83 RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, BrIMAY, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, hi Invited to the fact that vre are now offering a BETTEIt ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE CUTLERY &C • I than can be found elsewhere In this part of the State, at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises all articles In this Eno of business, embraoing a general assortment of TOOLS and DIATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON hIAKERS JOINERS, &e„ &c., together with a large stock of Iron, &eel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and _Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, .111111 and Cross-Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coat Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans Au excellent assortment of 1 71 .1113. e. eCiu.tiesc-sr, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general assortment of material fur their too consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and (in amelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &e. it= irrek•iir 11'41 Can be supplied witb ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Steel CARPENTERS: Will find in one estoblishrnont a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS ) HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, lIINGES, SCREWS, LOCHS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASTI-UORDS, &C., Joe. • VINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and,SPIXES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, uOAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. Faanct:Learls3 Can be accommodated with everything in their line from • Grain loparator to a Whet-atone. Mtvd..l..ciferis •re especially Invited to cell and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prize with others. Agricultural Implements, Comprising the famous Remit Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Minden First Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes, Hay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, Breast amine, Cow The, Curry Combs, Cards, &c., to., to. Among the specialties of oar Houle, we desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested In no. Bond for acircular and get full particulars of same, and satisfy yourself °fits superior qualitiss. SCALES. Scales of all sizes and doecriptions, including Tea and Counter &ales, Platform Scales; Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, .Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, Hopper, Miners and Trans. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASII PRICi.S. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Beer offered in this plt4eo. A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very total Brat Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON.BOXES, CARRIAGE' SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE, Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By tho barrel or gallon, at vory low flguroo. Qy A. call is respectfully solicited, fooling cong. dent that our goods and prieos will not fail to pleeugh-ipg • WHARTON tir. 141AGUIIIE, nunlingdon, 3193 7, 1867. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such' as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty , sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can ba found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CEIRMSTS, LOWELL, MASS. P33101E1 $l.OO. JOHN READ, Agent. sel6-13, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lana; such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history of medicine, has anything won so widely and so deeply Upon the confidence of mankind, as this exvellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, and among most of the races of men it has risen higher and higher in their estima tion, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a t v. liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disem:e and to young childi en, it is at the same time the most effectual lainedy that can be given for incipient consumption, and the gerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a pro. vision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought In curable, still great numbers of cases where the dis ease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete Is its mastery Over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obitinate of them yield to it. When noth ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pec toral they subside and disappear. Singers and Public Speakers find great pro tection from it. Asthma Is ahkays relieved and often wholly cured by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. So generally are Its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Paver, &c., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. As Its name implies, it does Cure, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise injures any patient. The number and importance of its curet , in the arm ills. tricts, are literally beyond account, and we brelieve without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments aye receive of the radical cures efreei , Nl in obstinate Muses, and where other remedies lind wholly failed. Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be pro tected by taking the Af; TrE CURE For Muer Complaints, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it k an excellent remedy, producing many truly re markable cures, whme other medicines had failed. Prepared by Da. J. C. Avert Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. P1210.E., $l.OO PER BOTTLE CARDEN SEEDS Of Choice stock and true to name of our Growth of 1868 Every variety of selected GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS. Flaying over 200 acres dovoted to Seed Grow log, al wanting Pure Seeds direct from the GROWER Should send their orders immodiAoly to us. Descriptive catalogue and plice•liat furnished on np plicatiou, gratis. COLLINS, ALDERSON & CC, 1111 & 1113 Market St., Philaila., Pa. Seed Farms and Garden near Haddonfield, N. J. - N. D.—The trade supplied on liberal terms. t021.2m rllO THE LADIES ! A The eubserlbere hare recently dlecorered ¢ tin aLLiclu—tho ESSENCE OF STARCH. In calling the attention of tho ladies to our Starch they will find that it economizes labor, produces a BEAUTIFUL GLOSS, Much superior to common starch, and easier to iron. In fact if you want a beauticpl gloss on your skirt, or your husband's shirt or collar, procure a box of our Essence of Starch. The cast is trifling, only 15 cents a box. Try a box and bo convinced. Every Family should have a box of the Essence of Starch. For sale by all Grocers and dealerdiu tbo United States. Manufactured only by 3311T11, MAMMON & CO„ solo proprietors, No. 1113 Harmer strap" Philadelphia. For sale at MASSEY .!1 CO'S. Enterprise Head quarters. feb9 THOS. 13171{0}1INELL WM. E. BURCLIINELL THOS. BUROHINELL & SON, MINCIFACTURERS Of SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all kinds of Building Material, HUNTINGDON, PA. 31c1025-0 500. d. STILL. MILTON 8. LITLII. !SMUTS A. STEEL. THE FIRM OF STEEL, LYTLE & STEEL having located on their tract of land with al two miles of the borough of Huntingdon, a STEAM SAW MILL, are prepared to manufacture all kinds of OAK AND PINE ',UMBER. The mill will be rim to its utmost capacity and will ho tq operation during the entire INlOnour and part of the autumn months. They will tou enabled to furnish Lum ber in larguquantities, and of all dimensions, at the low est cash prices. Orders respectfully solicited. Lumber delivered at the Penna. Railroad, or canal. Huntingdon, April 22, 18684 f LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS. HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, Boards, Plank. Shinglos, Phistering and blilngling . Lath, constantly on hand. Worked Flooring. Sash, Blinds, Doors; Door and Win. dow Ironies, fmnished at manntlic urers' prices. Uralu and =miry product generally booglit at market mtgs. 'WAGONER A tiltU o aug2B-tf Ph it ipsharg, Centre co., Pa. FOIL THE LADIES. A superior articlo of Note Paper and Ensolope suitable for confilentiat correspondenco, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK i STATIONERY STORE. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It you ward your card neatly priuted ou envoi open, call•nt LRIV BOOK" A ND STATIONERT AT'ORE. tlilabelpl2ia Ilirertistntents, FINE OUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR GENTLEMEN All the LEADING STYLES on hand or wade to mom urn. Prices fixed at LOW FIGURES. An Illustrated Price List with Inatructiont for self measurement sent on receipt of Post Ofßeo address. WM. F. BARTLETT, 33 South Sixth Street, above Chestnut, MIMI AGENTS WANTED FOE NIGHT•SCENES in the BIBLE. BY REV. DANIEL MARCEL D.A. For full, free, flowing, clear, sparkling, pure wed grace ful style• ler poetic genius; for beauty of thought and rich glee ieginiagination; fur nice analysis of character, gra. phic delineations and ripe scholarship; for life•like pic tures, F low i n g words and hnppy illustrations, Ibis work has uo equal. Such commendations us the above have been received from Bishop Simpson, lies. Albert Barnes, Noah Porter, D. D., Lb. D, W .n. Stearns, D D, George Dana Boardman, DD., I. W. Wiley, DD., :magi W. Sieber, DD.. Li,. D., and leading Clergy noon and the press of all denominations. Send fur circulars containing the same. Agents are every where meeting with unparallel ed success. It is a meat beautifully illustrated and ele. gant , y bound book, and pleases everybody. Commisbions, $lOO to $2OO per raontb, according to ability and energy. Address, ZIEGLER, 51cCURDY .b CO., Philadelphia, Pa., Cineinnatti, 0,, Chicago, 111., de2S-em or St. Louis, Ma. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. GREAT REDUCTION OF TOLLS DAILY CANAL LINE From Tidewater to all points on the Susquehanna River and its Branches, Tie. Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, Tide water and Pennsylvania Canals. By Regular dally Tows of Canaf ?huts from PhiWel- Oda to all places on ihnisioiquelinuns Hirer nail branches. Goods consign-d to the shove points fi out Philadelpela and Baltimore will he received, carefulli handled. and forwarded by Canal Boats, which aro constantly arriving for freights. Ample arrbou•c and wharfage room (under corer) provided for loaded cargoes. Shippers will find it to their advantage to send for ward their cousignmenta to receive quick dispatch. For further particulars, apply to HOPPMAN & KENNEDY, • Ne. 304 North Delaware Avenue, PIIILADELPFIIA. or JOS. SAS. TAYLOR, No 212 beet Falls Avenue, BALTIMORE, MD. June 17,1808-Iy. ;Ica UIRE'S SPANISH HAIR DRESSER ' FOR PROMOTING VIE GROWTH, BEAUTIFYING TEM HAIR, And rendering it dark and glossy. No other compound possesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human heir. The use of this oil as a hair dresser has been universal in every sec tion of the country in the Spanish Hain for centuries.— No preparation of art could give that elegant luxuriance and abundance of hair which have so often been the ad miration of travelers in Spain. This oil is highly and delicately perfumed, forming nn article unrivaled in ex. cellence and upon which the Spanish people fur many years have Bet its seal of enduring a i ipreval. McGUIRE'S Yoxican)Vil4 Flowers Shampoo Lotion For removing dandruff and scurf from the head, whiten ing and perfuming the skin. This article is entirely dif ferent from anything of the kind ever offered In lids coun try and is warranted free from all poisonous substances- This valuable lotion w as used by the Emperor Meximil• inn, and Empress Cat loan of Mexico, and universally used by Mexicana for three hundred years. As a wash for the head—it is cooling, cleansing and refreshing.— When thus used it at oudo relieves headache. -0— AIcGIIIRE'S WILD FLOWERS FOR THE TEETH. All those n ho are In favor o f white teeth and a pleasant and perfumed breath should at once use Idettuire's Wild glowers for the Teeth. All these preparations era put up in the most elegant and ornamental manner. We make no excoption In saying that they are nn ommment to a lady's toilet table. and none complete without thorn. Warranted satisfactory or money refunded. Dealers will bear thin in mind. :old by all respectable Urn gists to the United States and Cantatas. Address orders to RICHARD McGIIIHE, Depot and nanufactury, ectt•y ' =North Second Street, Philadelphia For Late at Lexie' Book :gore, Huntingdon. D O.BBINS ELECTRIC BOOT POLISH Makes a Lasting Shine. Thom who black their boots on Satnrday night with ordinary blacking. don't have much shine on Sunday, as the polish Wes off; but the tibiae of BOBBINS' BLAcirirm Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sunday. ID BEATS ANY OTHER BLACKING MADE. Manufactured only by J. B. DOBBINS, at his immenao Soap and Blacking Works, Sixth West and German town Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For tale by Massey & Co., adjoining Lents' Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa. novlg 727 CHESTNUT STREET 727 Reduction in the Prices OF DRESS GODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER TODAY 50 Cases of Imported Dress Fabrics, at 25 Cents par Yard, Worth Double the Price. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 chestnut street, dee2.-ly Philadelphia. Al , ONTBLY TIME BOOKS, For nal° at L.EWIS'BOOIC AND STATIONERY STORE ENRY & CO. will do more to ac commodate their customers than any other Holm n the neighborhood. uarb24 tt EASE AND COMFORT THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT. There is nothing so valuable as PERFECT SIGHT, and PERFECT SIGHT can wily be obtained by using PERFECT SPECTACLES I The difficulty - of procuring which is WELL KNOWN. Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, Occulists and Opticians, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, PIIILADELPIIIA Manufacturers of the Celebrated Perfected Spectacles Have, after years of Experience, Experiment and the erection of costly machinery, been enabled to procure that grand desideratum, PERFECT SPECTACLES I which have been sold with unlimited satin- , faction to the wearers in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire,, Vermont and Maine,. during the past nine years. Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacles never tire the eye, and last many years without change I Messrs. Lazarus Morris have appointed. Mr. AARON STEWARD, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Sole Agent fur HUNTINGDON, PA. air- NO PEDDLERS E2rIPLOYED. -ea UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAIM AGENCY SOLDIERN HEIRS, ATTENTION ! The uct of Congress approved March 2,113 M, gifts to Mira of Soldiers who Wad prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the time the soldier was so held a prisoner, at the rate of twenty-live cents per day, to he paid in the follow ing order: lat. To the widow, if unmarried; 2d. To the children; Id. To the parents, to both Jointly if they are tieing, if either is doad, to the survivor; 4th. To the . bre , there and slaters, The act of February 29,1967, provides for the refund ing of the $3OO Commutation Money, where the maim per• eon wa,s again drafted, and was required to inter the set• Nice or furnish a eubstitute. • DISCHARGED SOLDIERS The actor March ; 1867, alto makes prortelon , l far the. payment of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOIINTY to such ooldloro as have scaldoatally loot, thole distills., hoe "All persona having any claims tinder say of the above mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim &gaunt the United States or State Governments, can have them promptly collected, by addressing the undersigned; In• formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiers or their friends, free of charge. •"- - - - W.ll. WOODS, Authorised Army and Navy War. Claim may 9,2107 HUNTINODOS, lluatlngdon co.,Pa BOOKS STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, WALL PAPER. CHEAP, Lewis' Book Store, School Boolce and Stationery, Bibles, Hymn Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Sunday School Books, etc., Inks of all kinds, Notions, Perfumery, Pock et Books Pooket Knives, Musical Instru ments, Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, etc., etc., etc. [no, MT fi*~~i+SF.~~t~Zi]}. MARBLE YARD. J. M. GREEN & F. 0. BEAVEk Having entered into partnership, tnform the pfiblic that they aro prepared to execute all styles of ' Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building Work, at as low prices as any shop In the county. Orders from a dietaries promptly attended to. Shop on &HEFLIN strut, a few doors east of the Ls. theran church meh6 t l . oEl2 7 - aTARBLE YARD. The lAn t dprsigned. : , would respectfully call the ektßfnticti of the citizens of bluntingdaqnnd the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful Marble now on band: Ile le prepared to at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian ei Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. priate devices, or plam, as may suit. - - Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges Igniself to furnish material and work manahlp equal to any in the country, at a fair price.,Ca • and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on th orner of Montgomery and Mifflin eta., Huntingdon, Pa WM. WILLIAMS. • lluntingdon, May 181855. BLANKS! BLANKS! BLANKSI tioNSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACR'T EXECUTIOI4, ArrACIIMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPIENAS, MORTGAGES, 0011001. ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR ROUSES, NATURALIZATION BUM. • OSIMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, s. WARRANTS, FEE lILLI4, NOTES, with u waiver of the $3OO LAW. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of ttio POS Law. ARTICLE 3 OF AGREEMENT, with' Teaeltenff MARRIAOE CERTIFICATES, for Juetices of' the Peace and Slinieters of the Oospel. • • . COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. - • • uGIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment, COLLECTORS' RECEIPTo, fot!•Stata, Countyi School, Duroughuittnt Township Taxes. - •• • - • . Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the 011ee the HUNTINGDON -11•41JOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to Order, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. II UN TINGDON, PA AND ALM' Huntingdon, Pa.