The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 26, 1869, Image 3
E4t Stoic. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, May 26, 1869, LOCAL & PERSONAL. Meetings Mt. Moriah Lodge, No. 300, A. Y. DL; meets second Monday ave.:lingot each month, in Broun's Standing Slone H. IL A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the first Tuesday everting of each mouth, in .Brown's building. Juniata Lodge,Aro.ll7, 7 0. 0. F., meets every Friday evening, third floor, in Lelster's building. Mount Hor Camp of I. O. 0. P., meets every second and fourth Tuesdays to Ulster's building, third flour. Standing Stone Lodge, 110. 81,1. 0.0. T., meets every 'Tuesday evening in third floor of Rmd'a building. AsTapaltoe Tribe, No. 68, I. 0. of IL H., meets every Thursday evening, third floor, Leisteeo building. Young Men's Christian Association mots the first and third Monday evenings each mouth, in Brown's building. Put 33, G. A. It., meets Third Monday of each month In Court Homo. Toton Council meets the first Friday evening of each month. 1:33113= Baptist Church—Washington Street. Rev. J. W. Plan. nett. Services on Sabbath : 1034 a. m., ip. m. Catholic—Washington Street. Bev. M. Murphy. Ser vices first thred Sundays in every mouth. Evangelical Lutheran—Mifflin Sheet. Rev. J. J. Kerr Services on Sabbath : 1034 a. m., 7 p. m. German Reformed—Church Street. Rev. S. D. Steckle Service on Sabbath: 7. p. m. Methodist Episcopal—Church Street. Rev. R. E. Wilson. Services on Sabbath : 1034 a. tn. ' 7 p. m. Protestant Episcopal — Hill street. Rey. A. 11. Boy le, Services on Sabbath : 7034 a. m., 7 p. m. Presbyterian—Hill Street. Rev. (7. W. Znhniser. Ser vices on Sabbath : 11 a. m , 7 p.m. lister Items We will have no more spring elections, under the new Registry law. The Soldiers' Monument for Juniata coun ty is a fixed fact. 20,800,000 feet of timber have been cut and put into Beech Creek, Centre county, this Beason. Hon. Andrew Gregg died in Centre county on the 14th' inst. He WAS distinguished as a soldier and politician. We publish in another column the result of an important ejectment suit between Win. Colon and John R. Hunter. Read it. Our subscribers should preserve a copy of this number, as it contains the list of many .of tho dead soldiers and other information. Mr.-Jackson White has our thanks for a present of some of the largest and best stalks of rhubarb it has ever been our pleasure to try Grateful, very grateful, should every one be to witness the glorious prospect of an abundant crop of fruit, grain and'vegetables, that everywhere meets our gaze. James Snyder, an employee on a wood train, had his leg broken on Wednesday last by being run over with a car wheel, a short distance below this place. The Huntingdon Silver Cornet Band has been engaged by a fire company in Altoona to - attend the firemen's parade in Harrisburg -which takes place to-day. A gentleman named James Peck, hailing from Juniata county, was pecked by a confi dence man at the depot in Pittsburgh, re cently, of the sum of forty.five dollars. The Standard man will continue to spell arctic with only one c, thus—artic. Thee had better start on an "artic" expedition, friend T., or quit drinking 'artic' soda water. To cure the toothache saturate a piece of clean cotton wool With a strong solution of ammonia, and apply immediately to the af fected tooth. The relief is instantaneous. If one enterprising man in'a town begins -to 'scratch' he starts everybody else to doing likewise. We don't care how many scratch, providing they don't have the itch to pull ev erybody else down. The Union Ilan of Johnstown has been -rented for $BOO per annum, by lion. George Taylor, President Judge, and Hun. Ceorge N. Easly, Associate Judge, for the use of :he "District Court. Mr. Jas. E. Robb, as will be seen by ad vertisement, Hill offer for sale on Tuesday next, one of the best farming lands situate in this county. Those desiring to purchase should not fail to be present. Improvements are still on the increase in "ye ancient borough." The foundation for Mr. Brown's and Mr. Yenter's buildings has been completed, and other buildings are being rejuvenated with fresh coats of paint. We direct attention to card of Messrs. Musser & Fleming, Attorneys at Law, in to day's issue. These young men we have no 'hesitation in recommending to the public, as they are both talented and possess the "points" that constitute a lawyer. The new engine house is being rapidly pushed upward to completion, under the di rection of Mr. John Carmen, who has the contract. It will be two stories high—the lower one to be used for the engines and the .upper room as a council chamber. We are glad the principle of patronising 'home industry is being carried out in prac tics by many of our business men. Those who don't do_ so, show by their actions that they don't want their own home support, and of course they shouldn't receive it. A Rochester gentleman saw an advertise ment that the recipe for the cure of dyspepsia might be had by sending a postage stamp to fthe advertiser. He was a victim and sent ;his stamp. The answer was—" Dig in the .garden and let whisky alone." - An - exchange warns the mothers and cur ses against"the too prevalent practice of drawing little - children around the streets backward. It has been known to produce insanity. If you value the health and coin fort of your little ones, get them a carriage in .which they can ride naturally and enjoy' it. Bishop Kingsley, of the M. E. Church, is About to start westward, on a trio round the world intending to hold conferences and at tend to the business of the church in Califor pia, China, India, England and other places t on his route, and return to New York in ,something over a year. A friend suggests the propriety of numbs aing one of the neighboring hills fur a water : reservoir, before other improvements make ,them cost three times their present value.— We think this is a wise suggestion, for we past have water works some day, and the _sooner a company is formed and the ground purchased, the less will be the expense. See card of .A. G. Postlethwaite & Co., „General Commission Merchants, 264 South Front Street, Philadelphia. Mr. P. was for merly a resident of Mt. Union, this county, And we would advise our merchants when in the city t• give him a call, or send their or ders, as they will dud him just the man to ,deal with. One of the beet illustrated weeklies that we receive ie.the and Home. The number for Nay 22 contains the beginning ,of a good story by R. B. Edson, entitled "Marrying Well." Besides this it has Luang instructive articles in agriculture & house keeping, &c. Address Dearth and Home, 37 Park Row, Dievr yorif Dead Soldier. The following is a partial list of sol diers from this county who died or were killed in the service, or have died since their return. It is hoped that by making additions on each re currence of "Decoration Day" a com plete list will be obtained before many years : Lt. Col. Geo. Dare, of Huntingdon Furnace, sth Reserves, killed in battle May 6, 1864. Major Frank Zentrnyer, sth Reserves, killed at Fredrricksburg, December 13, 1862. Lieut. Israel R Kinch, Co I, sth R. killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Lt. Col. John B. Miles, of Huntingdon, 49th P V, killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, '64. First Lieut. Decatur H. Lytle, of Spruco Creek, Co H, 49th P V, wounded and cap tured at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864, died June 28, 1864. Col. Isaac Rodgers, 110th P V, died May . 28th, 1864, of wounds. William Barry, died at Andersonville. John Kuhn, Co M, 9th P Cay., killed at Per ryville, Ky. David Kuhn, Co C, 125th P V, killed at An tietam, September 17th, 1862. William Monroe Clarkson, Co G, 140th P V, buried at Cassville. Charles Mardian, 22d P Cdr., buried at Cass John Hain, 11, 188th, buried at Cassville. Nale, D, 49th, buried in Union twp. George W. Montgomery, 0,53 d, buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Philadelphia. Isaac G. Hooper, B 110, died at 'Winchester. John Walls, B 110, died at Stoneman's Gap. Marion Brumbaugh, B 110, unknown. Isaac N. Heck, Ist 11, died at Cumberland. Andrew Keith, G, 12th It, killed at Malvern Hill. S C Hempson, M, 9th Cay., died at Louisville Jas. Falkener, M, 16th Cay., killed at Haws' Shop, Va. Saml. Skipper, Cr, 12th R, died at Ft. Monroe Oliver Baker, died at .4.ndersonville prison. Shade Baker, " rr Allen Thompson, M, 9th Cay., died in Tenn. Amon Madden, died in Tennessee. Alexander Park, 184, killed at Cold 'Harbor. James Park, 184th, unknown. Abel B. Corbin, 11, 22d Cay., died in Clay tp Wm. Reinhart, I, 12th R, John Kelly, B, 39th 111., died at Ft. Monroe. B F Liveringhouse, I 12th it, Andersonville. John Dearmitt, " Richmond prison John Rinker, " Orbisonia. W II Carothers, ‘‘ Capt. James Baker, " Harrison's Land'g Hugo Bush, G, 12th R, Orbisonin. - " B F Martin, I, 12th R, Barree Forge. C Wagner, I 12th It, killed at Sth. Mountain John Liveringhouse, B 110th, Hatcher's Run Solomon Barber), B 110, died at Alexandria. Valentino Stewart, " killed at Petersburg Philip Piper, " front of Petersburg. Edward Plimpton, " Port Republic. Noah Stewart, " North Ann River. John M Moore, " Hatcher's Run. Peter Linn, " Port Republic. Peter Hammond, " died at Mt. Union. Washington Clapper, " died in Cromwell tp S B Chileott, I 21st cav„ died in Cromwell tp Thos. McElwee, F 77, killed, P'bg Landing. Daniel McElwee, 1107, died at Alexandria. Peter Cornelius, F 77, died at Andorsonvilla. R A Carothers, Ist U S I. died at N. Orleans Nicholas Ripple, F 19th eav ' died in Tenn. R Hamilten, F 210, died at City Point. Samuel Booker, K 202, died at Fairfax Samuel Chilcott, M, 9th eay., died in Tenn. George Bush, D 100, killed at Petersburg. Brice Hooper, died at White Planes John norabaugh, G 12, died at Andersonv9e Wm. Ripple, E, 39th ill, died at Alexandria Samuel White, F 19th cav, died in Tennessee Levi Kelly, 6th U S cavalry John Laughlin, E. 39th Illinois A McConnaghy, 205, died in Cromwell twp. Oath Ainsworth, L 19th car, died in Tenn Calvin Hammond, lost in Wildnerness John Miniek, 184, died in Dublin township ColumbuslViser, 143, 'Wilderness 'William Mille, killed at Cold Harbor M=Ml John Corbin IM=EM William Campbell, 190, Andersonville Peter Minick, 1 149, front of Petersburg James Blair, " Gettysburg H S Moore, " Wilderness M Laughlin, " lost at Gettysburg John Mills, " killed in Wilderness John Paul, .4 gl Lt. Zimmerman, " " Nth Ann River John North, Thomas Appleby, " died at Andersonvle J L Seibert, " Frederick city harts Z Drake, " killed at Gettysburg William Erb, ‘, " J. Mernineh, If " n Brice McClain, Stoneman's Switch William Roddy, killed • &tell Ynter R F Scott, C 208, died in Dublin township Levi North, 12th Art, died at Annapolis S S Campbell, " died at City Point Jacob Hassell James Isenberg, G sth R, Chancellorville George Sneath, 0 28, killed Linden Station J W Harvey, I 12, died at Washington Leas Price, M 19th cav, died in Tennessee W F Harmony, I 49, killed at Gettysburg John E Thompson Barton Hudson, I 12 J A Elliott, I 12, died S L Foust, I 149, died at Andersonville Mishit Price, died in Shirley township David Straub, G sth R, died in Shirley twp Thos. S Kelly, I 12th R, died at Alexandria Samuel Hockenherry Aquilla Hancock, I 12th R, Fredericksburg John Baker, 0 49, Fortress Monroe B F Hockenberry D P Crouse William Copenhaver, I 190 N C pinliarer, I 149, killed in Wilderness J II Farmer, 1 149, killed in Spottsclvania James Meßinstry, 1 149, died at Shirley Maj. G W Speer, 149, died at Mount Union William Hardy, died at Mlpleton. Edmund Morrison Jesse Johns, 0 28, killed nt Antietam D W Stevens, I 122, killed at Spott4ylvania Amos Stevens, G 143, killed in Wilderness Silas Sellers, - G 143, died Saml. C Baker, 1) 110, died at Winchester J B Baker, I 12th B, died at Springfield Solomon Locke, G 143, died at Saulsbury Simeon Locke, " William Locke Abram Ramsey, G 143, died at Springfield T Ramsey, I 12th 11, died at Alexandria Jonathan Locke, D 100, died at Saulsbury S Rohrer, 184 Abraham Catchall, killed in Wilderness Eilder Stains, lost in Wilderness John Briggs, I 12, prix., died in Wilderness I) Madden, G 143, died in Andereonville W Brown, 0 , 28, diod at Alexandria John Creamer, died at Springfield Samuel Wilson, loot Robert Buoth, died at Springfield John Parsons,4 110, killed at Wilderness Forner Alex. Vann, I 149, killed at Cold Harbor Thomas McClure, I 149, killed atGettyeburg David McClure, I 149, died in Tell township IV Gooshorn, " George Rhine, 1149, died at 801 l Plains J McDonald, 1149, killed at Gettysburg J M Gooshorn, 1 149, died at Bell Plains Geo. Grubb, I 149, died at Andersonville Bank Robbers Arrested Two of the men who robbed the Clearfield Bank of 819,000 recently, wore arrested . on Thursday last near Bedford, by the Deputy Sheriff of Bedford county and - a hack driver. The robbers were brought to this place on Friday, lodged in jail over night, and taken to the Clearfield jail. on Saturday. The same men stopped in this place on the Wednesday night be fore the robbery took place We un deratand that 'amp mop had but a small share of the atolop roopex, the principal thief being ,sti!l at large. The New York Express says that in the incomes of business men of that city, "those who utlycrOse mado the h;krpsp Fqr:ip(? Meeting of Conferees A meeting of the conferees, selected by the Union Republican party in the Senatorial district composed of the counties of Blair, Centre; Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry, was held at Tyrone on the 18th inst. Said meet ing was organized by.electing Prof. A. L. Cuss as Chairman, and Thomas McCamara as Secretary. The follow ing persons appeared and presented claims as conferees from the respec tive counties, viz : Blair County.—Caleb Guyer, Joseph Robison and Thomas McCamant. Centre County.—John G. Lore, S. D. Gray and P. B. Wilson. Huntingdon County.—Prof A. L. Guss, Hon. A. J. Beaver and H. Clay Weaver. Muffin County.—David W. Woods, Henry Garver, J. Woods Sterrett and William Alarm Juniata County.—W. W. Davis, Jer emiah Lyons, J. W. Muthersbaugh, John J. Patterson, Wm. 11. Patterson and Lion. John K. Robison. *Perry County.—Jesse L. Gantt,Abra hum Grubb and W. Hays. The seat of J. Woods Sterrett, one of the conferees elected from Miffiin county, being claimed by Wm. Mann by virtue of a• letter of substitution, and there being two sets of conferees claiming seats from Juniata county, it was resolved that the claimants be al lowed ten minutes each to state their cases. After hearing the 'proofs and statements of the parties they were requested to retire from the Confer ence, and it was then resolved, after mature deliberation, that J. Woods Sterrett was entitled to his seat as a conferee from Mifflin county, and that W. W. Davis, Jeremiah Lyons and J. W. Muthersbaugh be admitted as con ferees from Juniata county. William Lewis and David W. Woods were unanimously elected delegates to represent the Senatorial District, com posed of the counties aforesaid, in the next Republican State Convention. The following preamble and resolu tion were then read and adopted, viz : WHEREAS, The sentiment of the Union Re publican party in the Senatorial district com posed of the counties of Blair, Centre, Hunt ingdon, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry, being undoubtedly and decidedly favorable to the re-nomination of our present true and loyal Governor, Genl. JOHN W. GEARY ; therefore, Be it resolved by this Conference, that Wil liam Lewis and David W. Woods, tho dele- gates now elected to represent the district aforesaid in the next Republican State Con vention, be and.they are hereby instructed to vote for and use all fair and honorable means to secure the re-nomination of Geld. John W. Geary, as our candidate for Governor at the next ensuing general election. On motion, the town of•Huntingdon was recommended as a proper place for the meeting of the next Republican Senatorial Conference in this district; and on motion it was resolved that the proceedings of this conference be pub lished in the different Republican news papers published in the Senatorial dis trict. There being no other business before the conference, it thon adjourn ed sine die. A. L. GUSS, Chairman TAOS. 11100AMANT, Secretary. Decoration of Soldiers' Graves, HEADQUARTERS, POST No. 33, DEPT. OF PENNA., G. A. R. Huntingdon, May 22, 1809. GENERAL ORDERS No. 2.—This Post will observe Saturday the 29th inst., for the decoration of Soldiers' graves. The Court House boll will ring at 1 o'clock, P. 11 L, on that day, for assem bling. At 2 o'clock, the procession will move in the following order: Huntingdon Silver Cornet Band, Marshal, Clergy, Colors and Guard, Bearers of Wreaths and Flowers, Members of the Post, Officers of the Post, Soldiers not Members of the Order, Soldiers'Orphane from Cueeville School, Citizens After arriving at the Cemetery the following will be the ceremonies: Hymn, Prayer, . _ Reading of General Orders from Head quarters Grand Army of the Republic Oration, Decoration, Doxology :—"Praise God from whom all blessings flow." Benediction The Post respectfully request the citizens of Huntingdon to display their flags at half mast, or draped in mourn ing. It is also desired that places of busi ness be closed from twelve to four o'clock in the afternoon. By order of MILTON S. LYTLE, Post Commander. M. M. LOGAN, Adjutant. Lines written on the decta of Miss Sallie [laugh, of Warriorsmark Now the buds and blossoms waken At the breath of flowery May; But the dear one from us taken, Was more beautiful than they. Gone, our darling, to the blissful bowers, Where abides eternal spring; Where shall bloom earth's gathered flowers. Ard supernal raptures ring. Earliest culled the fairest flowers, Gathered first the fairest sheaves, Woes of earth, thy chilling showers Never, never fall on these. Loved one, oh I we miss thee sadly; But we know thou'rt safe on high— There we Boon shall meet thee gladly, Never more to say good-bye. Comity Superintendents. The following is a list of county su perintendents elected for .neighboring counties, with the amount of salary attached: Blair, John B. Holland, $lOOO. Cambria, T. J. Chapman, 1000. Centre, R. M. Magee, 1200. Clearfield, Geo. W. Snyder ; 1200; Franklin, Samuel Gelwi, 1200. Huntingdon, A. F. Tussey, 800. Mifflin, John M. Bell, 800. Perry, Tfeyvie B. IZorf, 500. Juniata, George W. Lloyd, SOO. Bedford, Henry W. Fisher, 1000. Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing Mite. B. ANNIE INICCAI3E and Mien 117ARY REEVES respectfully inform the public that they have removed to the house formerly occupied by it Moilian igillr Washington street, and are prepared to make Ladies' Dresses and Boys' Plotting pf all kinds. %Inv re- Spa,ctfully fo)l oharo of pat• roPAP: OUR COLUMN FOR THE PEOPLE. Fish. Pickled Salmon, Haddock, Shad, Trout, White Fish, Mackerel, Dry Salt, Quoddy Labrador, Lake and smoked Herring, by the half and quar ter barrel, kitt, pound and dozen. All warranted, and cheaper than elsewhere. Flour. The best Flour by the barrel, sack or pound. Cheaper for the Same qual ity than elsewhere. Sugars. All kinds, at vary small profits. Not offered low to draw you on on other goods. Our prices to continuo, low, regularly. Syrups. The best Silver and Golden Drips, genuine Lovering and other Syrups. New Orleans and other Baking Mo lasses. Teas. A variety of kinds of best always on band cheap. Coffees. Roasted and Green, cheap as the cheapest for the same quality. Meat. Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Beef, at living prices. Cheese. The best N. Y. State Goshen and Ohio Cheese. Fruit, &c. Dried Peaches and Apples, Raisins, Prunes, Currants, Elderberries,—Can ned Fruit and Vegetables, etc. Spices, &c. All kinds of Spices, and a great va riety of notions. Soaps of all kinds and cheap. Tobacco. The best quality, of Tobacco, and cheaper than any other store in town. Variety. For what you want first call at En terprise headquarters where prices yvill be liept regularly ENTERPRISE HEADQUARTERS, ff-T,INTINRPONI Carryllle Soldiers , Orphan School . Thi.Boldiers' Orphans at, Cassvillo gave very-successful concerts-at Soh ns town:last week, the proceeds to bo ap plied to recruiting their stock of Sun day School Books, etc. From the Tribune : we take the following facts furnished by Prof: , Guss "This'sohool was opened Nov. Gth, 1805. In one month it numbered 108, in six months 155,-,and then stood at about 175 for two' years, and during the last eight months it numbered from 200 to 210. At present we have 202. The health of the children has been most remarkably good. We have not had a case of real .sickness for eight months. Not . a 'single child has died. If I had time I would like to give my method of accounting for such remarkable health. It strikes me there might be a lesson learned from it of great practical benefit. 1 keep these pupils by contract at $l4O per year, payable quarterly. For this I have to furnish the buildings and ac commodations, boarding, lodging, teachers, school books and stationery, fuel and light, washing and mending, nursing, and pay the doctor—in short everything except new clothing. Any business man may easily see that it takes "tact, talent and good manage ment," to make things meet and move along smoothly, I have tried to meet the requirements of the law and be lieve with no little joy that my su perior officers, the public generally and my pupils give me credit with having made the school a success. Our school is so completely graded, classified and systematized that wo have eight hours school each day, and each pupil six hours and at some work' two hours under instruction. We have seventy-five recitations every day. One teacher has charge of the study hall, in which no recitations are hoard. Wo do not propose to give brains, but there is a splendid chance for improvement in an institution like this. Our girls get two hours each day every third week in the sewing department, and during the other two weeks take their turns in the laundress, baking, cooking. and some other de partments. We turn out some very respectable housekeepers at the age of sixteen. Our bop help do all kinds of out-door work. We aro into the gardening business somewhat exten sively—raised seven hundred bushels of potatoes last year. Most of the boys relish this exercise and it dons them good. LOCAL CORBESPaNDENCE. MESSRS. EDIToRs:—In my last I clo sed with an appeal to our wealthy men to invest in manufactures. I re leut the appeal. We are glad to see a fewof our men of means that have in. vested in something at home,and we can not but believe that their investments have paid in more ways than one. It has paid not merely in the accumula tion of capital, but it has paid in the pride which every man must feel who. has the heart of an American local cit izen, in seeing the edifices which have gone up to beautify the town and the number of men whose hearts have been gladdened by the employment they re ceive. It is a source of satisfaction to any man, who has not his heart seared by a too fond desire for money alone, to help his follow-man. This. in our opinion is far greater satisfaction than the hording of oceans of wealth or the possession of hundreds of acres. But all men do not look at it in this light, and we must keep speculations to our self. Money is the touchstone to every improvement, and is the incen tive that moves the purse-string of the capitalist. Looking at in that light then, wo must consider whether it pays to invest at home, pecuniarily. We answer that it does. Of course judgment must he used in what to invest, and discretion must be exer cised. in the manner of investment. Somo things pay better than others; but in a town with the facilities of Huntingdon we scarcely know what manufacturing interest would not pay, providing there would not bo too many of the same kind, and in this too many err, for when they see that one man gets along well in a certain busi ness they invariably follow in the same way, and thus one kills the other. Moro anon. .I.3IFROVEMENT. gerThe vast amount of Plantation Bit ters being sold and shipped from New York is almost incredible. Go when and where you will—along the wharves and piers, and at the depots—you will see great piles of these Bitters awaiting shipment and convey ance to every nook and corner of the country, and to the hundreds of foreign ports. They are very popular among all classes of people, and are conceded to be just the thing for this climate, No Bitters have yet been introdu ced which have become so deservedly popu lar and worthy of patronage, to all who re quire a tonic and stimulant. They are pre pared with pure St. Croix Rum, Calisaya and Cascarilla. Bark, and all the world knows full well what beautiful results accrue from these combinations. MAGNOLIA WATER.—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. tf MISS M. E. ISENBERG I= MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING The undersigned tire now prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining "to either branch of their business at short notice and on reason able terms. Gentlemen's shirts made in the best style. A liberal share of public patron age solicited and satisfaction guaranteed in all _Residence on the corner of Bath and Mifflin streets in the:same building:With LI Frank Wattson. Iklßs. L. A. IDNER, Miss M. E. ISENBERG apl4 A GOOD PLACE TO STOP. The FRANKLIN .HOTEL, in the Dia mond, in this place, S. D. HEFFNER, Proprietor, is the place for travelers, business men and the people generally from town and country to stop. The best accomodations may always be , ex pected. tf. ilfdr- Mrs. Hamer has a fine stock of Millinery goods which ladies should go and see. Store on 'Aliffiin street. MARRIED, On the 11th infit.,.at the Reformed Parsonage, in Alexandria, by - Rev. J. IY. LeFe, Air F. A. BLACK, to -Mies .11AbffEr ! A: SHAFFin, both from near - Yellow Springs, Blair county, Venn'a. DIED, Of consumption, at Warriorsinark, Miss SALLIE 4ATJGH, aged 21 years. At his Barre° township gay 6th, 1869, Wm: COUCH in the 70th year of his ago. The deceased was a deacon of the Baptist Church of Stone greek for about thirty years. What Have You Lost? and What Have Yon Gained ? by Patroni zing 'Enterprise Headquarters. The whole community have gained, not lost, by patronizing ENTERPRISE HEADQUARTPACS. Prices in Groeerieis, Flour, Fish, and everything else sold at ENTERPRISE HEADQUARTERS have been reduced to living prices since it has been in successful operation, and reasonable and living prices be continued as long as a generous public continues to encourage Quick Sales and Small Profits. Presents to customers the first of each will be ,;:ontie ued from - month to month for a year to ➢lay 1370, to which time we have paid a heavy tax •for'the 'privilege of dividing our small profits with those who patronize Headquarters. The following presents, and others, will be distributed on Tuesday the first of June: Webster's (new) Unabridged Diction ary $12.00 Gold Pen and Pencil 8.00 50 lb Sack Family Flour 2.25 Sugar Cured Ham 3.00 The Hero Boy 2.00 Maguire's Toilet Set 4.00 Photograph Album 4.50 Pocket Knife 1.50 Hair-brush and Comb 1.00 Babbitonian system of Penmanship 1.50 25 lb Sack Family Flour 1.13 One Doll 1.00 Rein-deer and Sleigh 1.50 One package Candy 1.50 One Package Roasted Coffee 32 One Can Preserved Fruit 60 One Can Spiced Oysters 40 One Lady's Work Box 1.50 One pound Babbitts, ono pound Laundry, ono pound Magical, ono pound Oriental, one pound Dexter, one pound House Cleaning, one pound Dobbins and one pound Olive Soap, and a number of other presents. Thankful for past custom, we will use every honorable means to deserve a continuance of, a liberal patronage. Call and examine goods and prices. ENTERPRISE HEADQUARTERS Huntingdon, May 1, 1869. MARKETS. I= PIIILAMPIIII, May 22, 18E9. 4/.00@5.25 SupeLllne Flour per bat rot Extra Flour per barrel Extra Family Flour per barrel $6.50 . 6.1700. Eye Flour per barrel 90.§1.9,5 lad Wheat bushel 5061.0 Ityo per bushel $1.42@1.45 Corn per buslml • E76BBeln. Oats pet bushel Barley per bushel Closet need per bushel Timothy per bushel.... Flaxseed pet bushel... EMMERT/lOU, May a, 1869. While Wheat Flour per barrel $7 50@7.75 Red Wheat Flour per barrel $7.00@7.30 Winter Wheat per bushel sll3@l .60 Corn per bushel. Oats per bushel. Ilya per bushel.. Cured Hams .... Cured Shoulders Clear Sides Ml= New roue, Mny 22.—G01d closed at $3,413. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY By HENRY A CO. WHOLESALE Forces. FLOUR—Superfine Flour, per barrel, $5.00 Extra Flour, do 6.00 Family Flour, do 7.00 GRAIN—Red Wheat, per bushel, 1.30 White Wheat, do 1.40 Rye, do 1.20 Corn, do 00 Oats, - do 60 Barley, do / 1.20 SEED—Timothy, do 2.50 Flaxseed, do 2.25 Cloverseed, per 64 lbs. 6.00 Paomtobts—Potatoes, per bushel, 76®85 Dried Apples, do 1.50 Corn Meal, per cwt., 2.25 Dried Peaches, per pound, 20 Beef, do 25 Lard, do 20 Pork, do 12 Butter, do 30 Cheese, do 25 Eggs, per dozen, 15 Ham, 20 Side, 18 Shoulder, 16 Cont.—Hard coal, per ton, 6.50®8.00 Broad Top coal, do 3.00@3.50 LUMBER, per 1000 feet, 12.00@30.00 SUINGLES—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00®13.00 Joint Shingles, do 6.50®8.00 MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, 8.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.25 Hops, per pound 40 Wool, do 45®50 Hay, per ton, 13.00 Hides, 6®7 Green Apples, do 1.50 Onions, do 1.00 SPECIAL NOTICE', More Freelone Than Female Suffrage. The Cientor has endowed woman with a most wonder tel organism, but it is often sadly impaired and wasted by peculiar ills and wearing pains. The female sex will find in lIERD BITTERS a rare specific and tonic fur every period in life. It will rescue the sex from the perils and dangers that threaten during the most critical periods of their existence, currying them safely through every trying occasion, curing their !or ator weak and sickly constitutions, driving away all chronic, scrofulous, organic, nervous, bilious and oilier disorders that have made their lives miserable. MISR- I.Eit'S HERB BITTERS will cure all forms of female dif ficulties from the earliest stage of female suffering, and in every condition of sickness peculiar to them. It will impart strength to the system, preserve and restore the beauty of face and form, and insure permanent health. Sold only by respectable druggists. ruylo-hem. PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND 01:11B119.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Company ale now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Du rable Paint in sea; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Ml:laced Oil, will last ten or fifteen years • it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and. can bo changed to green, lead, stone, dial), olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Hou ses, Fences, Barns, Carriage and Car makers, Pails and Woodemmaro, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Boot's, (It being Fire and Water proof,) Fleet Oil Oloths, (one Alanufacturer having used 5.000 bbis. the past year) and as a paint for any purpose Is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. _Mice $0 per bbl. of 300 lbs., , which will supply a farmer far years to come. Warranted in all cases as above. Fend for a cir cular which gives full particulars. , Nena'gennino unless branded in a trade mark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Per sons can order the Paint and remit the money. on re ceipt of the goods.. Address It, L. FAIINESTOCK & CO., Pittsburgh, Agents fin Penns. lvnaiu. -Oil- For sale by the pound or barrel at Lewis' Book Store. nov/8.6m BADNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARRH treated with the utmost success, by 3 . OAACS, M. D., and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of Pennsylvania,l2 years expo . , fence, (formerly of Leyden ' Holland) No. 805 ANCII Sc., Philadelphia. Testimonials can ho seen at this office; Vie medical faculty are invited to accompany their pa• Heats, as ho has no secrets in his placticc. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Juno 17,1.868.—1ybin. 3 1869. 1869. - CLOTHING. • H. ROMAN. NEW ' 014)THING FOR SPRING AND summr#, • JUST .11.(71`,Pnp ROMAN'S, CHEAP ,CLOTFITNO 'STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of tbo heat naatoriel,ind,mado in. the beat workmanlike manner, call at - 11. •R 0 M S, oppoaito the Franklin Rouse in Market SquarPo llunting don, Pa. . Ater For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "GLOBE JOB PRINTING OFFICE," at Hun tingdon; Pe. "For Bituminous or Anthracite Coal."' ESTABLISHED 1551 J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. CORNER 13T0 AND FILBERT STS.; PIIILADi:LPII I•A, PA., r i Qol Manufacturers of, ther C I Vvi-i6T10141.; -• ' 9 : b ! a t e i AigttoEur , GAS , CONS - LIMING R, WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, •• ORATE BAIL RESTS, and WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR r - These Heaters are made of heavy - Wrought-Iron, wort' riveted together, the only' sum prevention against Sho escape of Gas or Dust; - They are easily managed, withont any dampers. The Patent Radiator avoids the use and annoyances of drums, and is permanently attached to tho Heater. This is the most durable, simple, economit cal, and popular Heating Apparatus ever offered ler sale They are all guaranteed. COOKING RANGES for hotels and families, PORTABLE HEATERS, LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN GRATES, SLATE IIIANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. We are also manufacturing NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE. Itta,Send for our Illustrated Pamphlet. ap2l-y READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, MONDAY, APRIL 20, MO. fIREAT TRUNK LINE FEW' TIIE ‘_A North and North-West for'PrutiisEirms, NEW YoRM READING, POTTOVILLE, TAMAQUA, ASHLAND, SHAMOKIN LED ANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EPHRATA, LITIE, Liam- Ton, COLOMBIA, be., &C. Trains leave liarrisbmg for New York, as follows: At 2 35, 5 20 and 8,10 A. M., 12,25 Noon, 2 00. and 10,53 p. nr., connecting with similar trains on tho Pennsylvania It. it, and arriving at New 'York at 9;45, 11,45, a. m., 3,50, 6,45, 0.30 p: En.pancptoo a: ai., ralpectively. Sleeping care accompany Gm 5,204r:1n, And 10 55 p. m., trains without cluing& ` • Leavo Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersvillo, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown-, and Philadelphia at 810 A. M., and 200 and 4 P. EL, stopping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations; the 4 10 p. m. train making connections for Philadelphia Potts ville and Columbia only. Fdr Pottsville, Schuyilcill Ha ven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna It. R, leave Harrisburg at 3 30 P M. Returning, leava Now-Your at 0 A. IL, 12.00 noon, and 5.05 rued 8.00 P. rs, Philadelphia at 8.15 A:114 and 1.30 P M; Sleeping cars accompany the 0.00 a en and 5.05 and 8.00 p m trains from New York without change. Way Passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 90 A. AL connecting with similar train. on East Penna. Railroad,: returning from Rending at 6.30 p m stopping at all shit teens ; Pottsville at 7,10 and 8 45 A. M. and 245 P. M. Shamokin nt 5 25 and 10,35, A. 014 Ashland 700 A. M. and 12,30 noon, Tamaqua nt 8 30 A. 31., and 2,20 P.M for. Ibiladephia and Now York. Leave Pottsville, via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road at 7 00 a. m. for. Harrisburg, -and,ll 30 A. Dl, for Pipe Grove. and TromonL. ' ". An'Accdmmodntipn Pnissehger Train leafett READING at 7.30 A. DI., and retards froin PHILADELPHIA ht 5;15 P. M Pottstoa n Accommodation Train: Loaves Pottstown a 6,25 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4,30 p.m. Columbia Railroad Traine• leave Reading,at ;7.00 A St., and 015 P. 11. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, CAA; umbin, &O. . iToi4o so $1,75 .05G2 .70 ..75C05cts. . 6706Ects. $1.20g1.80 Igete. 1 cts. . rots. Pen kiomen Rath oat trains leave Perkiemen Junction at 0.00 a m and 600 p m returning :Leave - Skippacic at 815 a. m, and 1.00 p. in,connecting With similar trains on flaunting Railroad. On Sundays, leave New York at 800 P. 31., Philadel phia, 8 a m and 315 Pt 31, the 8 a m train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8 A. AL, Ilarri burg,s 50 a m, and 4 10 and 10.55_p m, and Inandmg 1355, 2,54 and Zl5 a. 131., fi;r Ilarrisburg,und 13 55 and 705 a. m., fort Ndw :York ; and at 9,40 a.m. ' and 1.15 p.m. for Philadelphia'. COMMUTATION, 5/ILEtae, SEASum, SOOOOL, and Bqeintstett TICKETS to and from alt points at reduced rates. , Baggage checked through: 100 pounds Baggage allowenl each P.msenger. G. A. NICOLL% Reading, April 213,1864. General Superintendent H UNTINGDON & -13 RAILROAD. I=3l On and after MONDAY, MAY' 2 gerTrains will arrive and depart as fol MEM NIA L I A. M M. 8 4 I= I. STATIONS LE 5 55 6 02 6 17 6 2 0 6 40 656 7 03( 7 ISI Long Siding McConnelletown, Neiman tGreve,., Meeklesburg, Con. Con,.— Rough & Cove, EMI Mil 9 19 AR 0 20 es SHOUP'S RUN BRAN! Le 7 50. ' 1.E 10 30 1 Saxten, I S 051 10 45 Coalmont, 8 10, 10 50 Crawford, AIL 8 201011 11 00 Diulloy, I 'Broad Top City, Huntingdon Slay 21,'60. .10115151' PENNSYLVANIA. Ri' 1 TIME OF LEAVING OF SUMMER ARRA& WESTWARD. 6:1 P.M.I A. 31.1 A. 74.1 A.M. 1 P. 14.1 P.M. A.M. 5 05 11 55 Nalamilton, 6 17 7 59 5 14 12 04 Mt. Union,... 5 08 7 50 5 5.3 . .... 12 13 Mapleton, 5 00 7 42 5 33 1222 ' Mill Creek,— 4 51 7 31 5 48 74012 40 332 Iluntingdou, 8 35! 436 7 18 605 12 58 'Petersburg,— 1418 7 00 615 , 1 081 'Barre° , 4 10 0 12 8'22 115 " ISprucoCreel,l 4 021 646 6 35 1 20 Birmingham, ..... 3 501 6 33 6 44 8 25 .1 38 4 1-ITyrone 7 50 3 41 6 25 650 160 ' 'Tipton, 330 614 7 03 1 57 Fostoria, 3 24 :6 OS 7 08 2 02 Bell's Mills,.. 3 19 6 03 7 25, 855 2;201 445 Altoona,. 720300 5 45 P. 31.1 A. M. P.M. A.M. A. IL P. M. A 3; The YUMA. EXPRESS Eastward leaves Altoona at 9 30 x. and arrives at Huntingdon at 10 46 P. M. The FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 12 28 A. M., and arrives at Huntingdon at 1 34 A. 31. The CINCINNATI Epness,Eastwurd loaves' Altoona at 5 45 P. 11. and arrives atlluntl4,don at 7 00 P M. SOUTRERX EXPRESS Eastward, leaves Altoona at 9 50 4. • at., and arrives at Huntingdon at 11 05 A. at. Tho FAST LINE Westward, leaves Huntingdon at 7 43 P., M. and arrives at Altoona at 8 55 P. M. The PITTSBURG EXPRESS, leaves Huntingdon, at 6 40 A. arrives at Alltoona,ll 10, 44 M. , ' April 28;1590: HEAP "QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIO THAT HE HAS`•' JUST •OPENED SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS CAN'T .11E BEAT !.~,... onEApiNTEs,s:A,Np QUALITY, COME AND SEE Huntingdon, April 7, 1869. COUNTRY DEALERS can , buy PLOTITINOk iron use In , Ibuttiugtien at P/Uff - WHOLESALII as cheap as thoy ran in tLo cities, as I have a wholesale store in PhiladtaPhic , , - 2. -- tr. ROMAN. School Books of all-kinds sold at wholesale prices. Parents should see that their chil dren are not directed by teachers to get their bookewhere they hare to pay 30 per cent, snore than at Enterprise Headquarters. -. MI OAD TOP ENT. '4ta, 1899;, ?Resell lows:: ; • oym TRAINS. Mt= MI A. 31. An 10.10 10 02 g'27 9 22 9 01 8 55 . Fishers Summit Saxton, 836 Le 8 20k 7 46 7 38 1 7 17 Riddlesburg.. Hopewell, Piper', Run,— 'retest?!lle, Bloody Run,.. Mount Defoe, 1 05 kEI 00 6 46 1.66 36 = 7 50 la 7 40 3= E 012220 L ROAD, TRAINS MENT, BASTIVARD K o na P. .. STATION B. TII: T IN:. lfol•