TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Per annum In advance Ks months throe months TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 time. 2de 3do 1 mouth .4 75 ..... $1 25 $l5O $1 75 ... 1 60 ..... 2 26 2 75 325 ... 2 25 ... 3 26 4 00 4 75 3 months. 6 months.. 1 Year One Inch, or less S 4 00 $0 00 $lO 00 Two inches 6 26 9 00 15 00 Three Inches 8 50 12 00 20 Oil Your inches 10 75 16 00 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00 18 00 30 00 blalf column, 20 00 SO 00 ...... ....45 00 One column, 30 00 45 00..........80 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, Ono year $5 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notice., 0 time., $2 60 Auditors' Notices, 4 time, 2 00 Xstray, or other short Notices 1 50 Advertisements not marked with the number otiose, liens desired, will be continued till forbid and charged sc. cording tertheee terms. Local or Epeeist Notices, 10 rents a line for Engle in• sortien. By the year eta reduced rate. Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbill., etc. are reasonably low. Vrofessionalt gusiness garis. One inch, or leas. Two inebee,—...— Three Jarboe,..... T DE BURKHART, M. D., Physi. ty • ciao and Surgeon, in located in Uuntingdon. and .tandsrs his services to this and neighboring community Vice on Railroad street, near the Depot. fe24Sm• DR. A. B: BRUM.BAUGH, Having permanently located at Huntingdon, otters hi. prof...4onel services to the community. °lnce, the same as that lately occupied by Dr. Laden on 11111 street. ap10,1V043 11. JOHN MeOULLOOII, offers his professional services to the silicone of Huntingdon au vicinity. Mice on Hill street. one door east of Reed's Drug Score. Aug. 28, '55. R ALLISON MILLER, DE IisTTIS T, Hu removed to the Brick Row oppoelte the Court llouto. April 13, 1819. "El J. GREENE, • DENTIST. 'rigrmia Woe removed to Leistsr's New Building, Hill street, Huntingdon. July Sl,lStir. P. W. JOHNSTON, - 41iVEYOR & INSURANCE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Office en Smith street j A. POLLOOK, MA rzrart& REAL ESTATE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Will attend to Surreying in all its branches, and will buy and eon Real Rotate loony part of the United !Rate.. Rend for circular. dec2il4f A C. CLARKE, AGENT, ° Wholesale and Retail Dakar In all kinds of Zitai2[a VODAMOP lIIINTINCDON, PA. Opposite the 7ranklin Henze, in the Diamond. Cbuntry trade ruppried. apl7lB JSYLV &NIIS BLAIR, • ATTORNEY AT LATV, 11171iTINGDON, PA,