Olobt. P-A. Wednesday .morning(APrit 7,1869. L!, PAP-'54:-.I"IE#S9I-AL I AIL Mokah Lodge, .so., 300, A, IL, meets second 'Monday evening of Lodg e, iu Brett EN building. Standing aone .A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the tint Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's building. .Juniata - Lodge, No. 11•4 - /,0. Cr. F.,•lnecto every Vidn.9 - ,evirtinga.thfrd floor, in' Leister'e bulldiug. • ' Standing Stone Lodg.s, No Bb, I. U. meets every ,Stsestilicy eV - suing ih third floor.of Iteeid'e 4 butiding , 4 ::„.I..errapahio Tabs, No. 88, 1. 0 of R. W.. meet& every ' - Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's 7oling4deit's Chris/fan Arraciaikallottoas_tlie nest and third Honda . y evenings each month, in Brown's building. fost,33, 0. 4. R., meets 2litrd Monday of each month • in Court Haase. • .7bton Council meets the first Friday evening of each • ' ' —Read "our column for the people." ' Improvement is signin the order of the day. ..• 'The Herald deities.that 'the Tyrone schools have stopped for want of,funde. West Huntingdon is . bonefitted by a nightly tonseer:" Free; of dotiiiir.' Thirty-six trains pass over -the • Penna. Jails every twenty-four hours. •Signor,Bjitz is traveling with his show.--• stop here. r:' , Aia elephant Went over the • rails to Phila delphia the? , 7 °4'60 vitfrik: - :" '" • Blair county ts.Organtaing !militia comps- - vdes, and is theyeforealidadtof Auntingdon. ii,;; - firy Tor - tufaXdo s t ilieFu s p r hitiTtatio ' n' ido otii r kre e tn. Jaates,Mhgwire,.:43l WimitifoWnship, has a sale edvet.tised , for the Bth inst.,.Bee adv. :::z•:.; , •..We:dould not getralcing Without the Phil- S'Au:4' r ,,,.7:yrone Herald.' ptle , f Gh.dtd f)ulol,ishe4 L .umn of itatf(ltt ildib6Ve l einer i tti.' which will, ,bring the snug suttilofl22o,. .Arar , s? diell jn, ilitgals is toast, jack:tee. It is. , esid'isi regenfillertilhet 7 ~tX !li p„IUTI‘V!„ Th a nk " l tse turkey, /",';'„;diOpli gorhaa; Olt.Thainberahurgtit7hker.his ‘leg while trying tolide a relocipede.• 'Bring; on your next bone-bruiser. , ‘• We are sorry that the Oditoi of the Watch :hart has suffer - ea from reading ; gdmek of our P un° ,-' s li •9. v t`..!!l l : l ,T. t •a Our Methodist friends and .the reading publico,l I y . pstaq ing: the eitiele, on lay-,Delegntiun,ort. the fret page of this paper. ( " . 1 %3ciurity, Outee all hie racinef, arChi6.go, a'ievr days ago: Re mart have been a fresh traveler.• • , We were• mistaken , in saying last week J.ainee Orbison, Who has returned from jatia,';Wa'S a eon of *m. Orbison, , Esq..;=Fie ii;"only a brotheri' Mr. Zach Yenter and Mr. Semi. T. Brown hare commenced 7 the -iazeeing of the old ~buildingson,their lots jrt.fluntingclon, pre paratory to efeethfgll.Wee story bricks; AicoMprotriliihas bqn made between.lifing indlehort latter to ,he Worn ty.hidiee'with feet,hile'tlie others 'Ts to be allowed to sport trails. IF &ou - go-into a store anti -find boys lying on the counter asleep, yonpay.jyyt i beyour bgto2io)lny ;1414 tile. yiitaini . entered, the Unionchurch in county; - and cornidete lly. 'demolished. the lahandolicri and ladtps 1 - .. , It'rOd it:tipped - upon the bible:: -• ~• Thieves still 'flourish in L'elyfsto*n, end lieriefit-4f;a half column notice in !' the phpers:i A notice id the- court proceed ; trigs would be less to their Nothing-adds more id . the appearance of a town, or public comfort of its inhabi. tantsohrin fine shade: trees along the front tralls.. It irrihis thatAnakos- the ‘streets of Ifuntingdon so beautiful. We are pleased, - t6-see that Wm. Fentiman an itinerant umbrella mender, whose home is here, announces his arrival in the newtm,a• PfrePf ilietown'ece7hiah he gnutc.;.' : `-tese'riothink by follolfriiiZ this - eanrae. The new liquor law for this county, be fore the ,-Legislatuye - , ) is eaMing considerable vornmell "Gio'a i diiqh i n t r i ," ire hearda man -fay, "wont hurt anybody." Ay, there's the rub. The trouble is, too many men are their OVCIVI,ItyIiCeciOrS.-:,i,: • ;., -, "" • Oeti o r ' f rt ' f; f 'ow E! um. or mu ,w at- ever pursuit; leUnake-known.itheit busineas, • and extend me invitation to the th ddll eridiee'therd:Whieh throUgh 'the Coltnims of your beine'neiv'tipa" Pet, H O - r' by _ circulars.---W-e-are frepared tu-do,either. ,- , We have received the first number af y the Bygress oiaiOrly, • tc.'arbiO - we -,referred get week i lifthfislooyby L. C. •Hukhes, of klarrisilig; ; P:rtis i n neat t ly printed weekly rind devutel - f4) thleeleeetior df-theereedinari and the quinitdiliee : - Nre 'pleased- 7 t .r iearrt:tbat Katerthe ,danghteir•of,..fr. Williarn„PeaU, who wets so ;ItShcy bgtned_at - the - hurniug of ifer :! tionae, is *icoccr,ing the-use •.eit he seaiied I:a3t, eliOtly2 ,Mr.(llairl Kist 400 n r in i aq i nPy; inihe 3 / 4 flames. Mr. J. L. Holmes has withdrawn from the al? ii editorial. of -iha. Tyrene r .Treralci., Nye eohV We his Aolirghlftil; .'C. 18. t Jonet-rit i ne l he machipealone.: , •11Iriy tie ku?Yr ,what t to:de and 'h'ow tO," it„ ie ba l tr u st -,•: • t, lan ~4upertatenstent ,ot „oat , n . to', pro - . isn't:ladies from holding the office of - County , : Superintendent, Thin bein the case a few patellae - Lin cmadAdiciaiis4in• other counties. TheiWalesWill have : to - leek iniheiOtilltels4 , 12, „ ,Vemever did,like fMclun,;ein: wsh,detgt „intend,Xn'deio'iow;"tq, iie would just hint.. as„ next week many of our friends Will imtown attending Court, that .14Y , Citli";r4iind . ..ind,se'eUi; and we hope thiiy yeill'flrid'tbritnsy writing receipts fur money' due us. ieiitiektn a i s"'-goleil bn the first of l• in this wise :IBefore:lie 'dtts rightly [viral's' morning he ' ttiotlghk'ho 'heard - the,cry of AO, which wax, ,ci3rsted cip quickA3llpbliplimril , -;- : ;11!3 was' abont.:etting, when he aficovereti. that the cry of 6r e only, the quacli 'of . dliok tl!st had ,beort; , ivit: ting beneath his chamber:window.:. :.• - giritev:John Moore will !patine on:','rtiiiipera;O:OpciAG.,;•;,t.he ~ O otirt, House, Tuesday :avuujug, April 1 :60, at, 7i o'clock -Admission free:- Read r co)ltmn for tho p•eople:", Te,Soldleis and their i ;! RY'direetion of POst N. 33, Grand I Army of the Republic, Huntiogdon o Pa., the folowing announcement -and requests,are made to the, frionds and relatives of deceased soldiers. , At a stated Meeting ,the; Post, ' ,held on the lhth.day.of.,Mareh, ,was , Resolved, That. the - Post Comman. 'der be directed to obtain as complete' a list us possible of the ,_soldiers from!, this county,` who tre now deceased,• with thh:companieS and',regim'ent Ito" whlcb'they reSpectiVely r belonged, (( the, engagements or battles-in-which they were killed or the places where they died and where htfried. - That the Post Commander be " au thorized' to appoint 4'. committee .of 'du ithraber he may ,be 'deem proper,, of which he shall be chairman, and to' takti such inCagtircs as may be neees eary. jp . carry_oukthe poyposettof those resollitions. -In' accordance therewith 'the. Post. Commander, Milton S. Lytle; ;bas, se.' lected the following committee, and each member, s will obtain lists ; from tb%Vnship's'for Which he is appointed:, M. M.. Logan• for Shirley, Cromwell,' Clay,, Springfield, Dublin and Tell. 117.13.. Crites for,Brady, Union,, Cuss and-Tod: r_ W.. P... Rudolph for Hopowell,.'ear.•! bon, Lincoln and Penn. 'for', Walker, Queida, Barree and Meat.. • .... for thicitingdon, Jackson, Warriorsmaylv and Junintii. • G. L„soil § nliliii.. . Residents. of• theo township's and' 'Partienitirly; the friends .. and" relatives of deceased soldiers, ar e ,r t pested - to send'il - einfcirinati - oh Mentioned in the for egoi g rdyfokultp) n ,VOtnalnri 'gh'eulii lie addressed to the Member of the committee fer the'township in which the dbeeased soldieF reardeil.— ftlk.rtial r sio mp le te..iiiits; rad l rho:th al3 k • fully received. 1 .,. oti? . Altri_aro qp,i rod _ i for c i;sop.-fon Clie ci eCkiiib.n - '60.116 Arlo niil 'age. ration o itih9 a ko platii);.d . Ori9g , :piti:rpriA.: 9r eail in ilia aummoc. , •„. ' 11111 0 6 bn, 14.;400o; AtutL 29, 69.2 t. j Adjutant The 11leh Lev. , The -fish law is passedand7m?pro,ved by the Governor . and :r . .9.:raugerrient's have been made for' - gettirig` the Bass to place in the river immediately. The detailsi.(ineluding correspondence up on the7strbject,ywillrbeLpublished in a short time... Die ,following is a copy of, the law.:., A SUPPLEMENT to an act_ to prevent fishing with. seines and to- protect bass fish in tlifilleystown Brunch of T hita rifer and .ics,_:tributriißeti. _ SEcrioN 1.. Be • enacted, &c,, That the provisions of. the not entitled ,'An Aet tp prevent fisliiiig - With seines and to protect bass fish in the RaystoWn Branch Of the Jiiniata TiVer,,_anti: tributaries" approved the twelfth day Afinl. One. thouSarld eight ,hundied and shilpsix; are keyebf.extended to the Juniata river and its tributaries from the mouth of the said Raystown .13rauott to r t_lit9sourcerAitri tread mat;er otieiloic44tiii.Siini:ita river.: —Read "our colutnn for he liedple." Lootal Legtsleittolv 11r. Brown ; of ..11.iiiitingdou l !rtiad in plAce,an'ti.ct - to acts de claring Standing Stone screelc;littrit ingdon county, R i ppliic highway.. xto_act,p CPiltatin'tf of don pOunty, deceased. AlsO, an act autliorizincr the school board of tho bbrouJi IFl.artl,ngdon county i .to borrow money fer building pur'poses. • - ' Mr. Martin, of Juniata, all'act em powering Graffiusr.Miller, Esq , late sheriff ,pf -Huntingdon county, and David Caidwell, , lute Prothonotary of the same' edunty, "to' sue' for feeti and costs due them. n'arimqn Hay Fork. '‘Farriiers wanting a good EISY and Stiaw Fork are recommended , to try the Harpoon. ft is liglit, : _simpie in constraction• and durable, an has al- ItekdY been-trie'd , Wittieuceess by_ftiany farniers in this and other-gutities, Who have no hesitation in commending its use. Mr. ThoiutterW: non temcry, of Neff's Mills; this: cOunt.V . ,: is agent for the Fork, and will take pleasure in showing-the modus operanai ,of,. it dur ing April Court. Also, agent for the sale of „the,../Eina. and ,Wood Reaper 15p i ring"Drilf.' See-'advertisethene to-day's paper. IL* LROld I==111•8 On Tuesday afternoon last t a young TicT4rfr(33 . 4,Ncif4e,l tempted! to&rossj bptragisoit t'IM - 13reall 'rap D epot' jus t—a er freight train- west ; bag passeydr ben thetl , l4if train east . 1 eitreck! 6ipiliat, the side and knocked him against the. bag.; - gage,ear the, Broao,;rop,,traip, antliglYka'sh`de Htd fiekd'Wbd oth erwise iojuring ; bitu„.• He died a short time after the occurrence, and Waß tleint< (n MCC,Ontfelbtttiwn, wimi.e ha Wass hUried trithiderdniony by the order. ef.Good Vertiptars. ;wikr.Sttindink; Sto N0.,99, I. 0 - of R. Id., 'was -ititaituted' nt"lfitiple tpni,nl:l4l'nesgay: nyettts; lltircirBOth, by, G". - Sf`OVas: - `O. -- t)onely; j o:"C,, , - OrR, neo' of melt hiSre of ,, Afrapalion' 438; 'and 'Swar tura/S(li Thn't following effieere were iilebted"nlid'intAidied 5.;5.,--a_ieci :Hi mem ; J S =Arohie Ded ; C. 15C R.—Thomas Wymer; K. 'of' W. W:, svckopo r plietz A. E;Minn. —Read, "our colu,mn ,for I,be, people." Changes. Johnston & ',Vali/lien, dealers in dry` goo.der - fec),.,have• moved, to the,west, mid.nfOnith'Ei new building R. G Morrison,- dealer in Groceries, &e,,-,bas,naikyod- limy?, the rtiona.f)?roaeriy 9isciiiiie&by S. Sncitla and Tobacco, has moved to the room, next, to Jotio-ti,i&e7kbocertantc. , . Ear rpm:4. c , ariq: ,otp,,pst wanting Whofi iron fences, portico castings; &d7nciist ings for light and- heavy initchinery, will do well, toig l 3l.o,llT4Re Foqadry. T,heyitr'd prepared to dote best'ivOrk 'in ' 'etiuntry'. Office in , LietA'er!a" New _Building', dill Street, 114ixtingdon,,p,a.,'11LAKE & MCNEIL. , . --Rolid "our column for t,bp peoplo: OUR COEUR! FORME PEOPLE., - S - 4 • There is_Pleasnre in.i4, cmq no garm in ' P YV•giiiiiiq'thiltin'd to ineei'greaterDis ::appointments:, There is not the for tlie pleasure to uodolo l itotelooso In the old style sa,there to in doing businesain aMere'llberal way, - .therefore we have again oommencd.tife'iiii.Lce card system, and Lope to :Mks tt interesting to all 'WM reel disposed to patronize Quick Salebt aftd small Profits and Enter- - ' prise-'Headquarters. ,We cannot deny ourselves the pleasure. thorn is in a 'Weis; loarnlAte, a inueerson't, while at the acme time we eduCato"the people, et/pea/41i the-yetitigy not 'to risk their mine); in Swindling gatetpriees or' Lotteries:: Tn eiteEnterpries 'every 'reCeiver of lumbered cards re ceiver the:worth ,c 1 itis"or her moire; „when they accept ,o,ur u cbazice,cards, mud M they receive nothing more on the.day , presents are dietributed, the'y lose nothing, but have gained q,enesittre; g hi g SMALL' PROFITS.' The Przeitifi; arid oihirti, for April, will ho distributed to our Austometra no the'lleg of 41lay. . The Reauttlo,l:4oJ•Clyrratico" $l6 00 A Qoarter Barrel" ,Shore 31ackerel , r , TLe Sect : ele of the't3 rent illy,(NPly'York), 300 A Pair of Mantle priuMents • •" " " 6bo Rosewood Photeginpli "6 00 :Army' and her Carriage t‘,l Jl4 . 10 00 ,Onirlittr Shore bkarkeYal r tr,°'!..-Aceitrd°94 t t ' -,:; I 111 00 Efacy,l4l,lln tp:l3Lol36l" i , , 1 ‘ ,2 2 . 00 0 601 b. Vick ` Virally , 00 Oue Sugar Cured Ilauk One Pocket Mott rx . 160 One tiox of Pttlatir t- td 00 pop Cradle 4O Ono.lllleldeecope )23 OniYatket &olio ' 100 3 1/ .l'oo '%] One Been Whielbartoii , j4tt bu tt I^t-1650 One Bound Volume oiOaley'e Ledy'a Bout. 4 50 (. i vv..% 1 50 One Rutter (Truck 1 60 Od6 GIIIW refellikiDealg Tuic-steind". le° One Violin and Bow (toy) 25 • 6 - dfaxiiiinber efemielier*Prdiente. Nfiats ii:s`Eisik.ii>/gacoL4 ,tatil t .oactio,lsllmob lto), jot ittaltatelk ariteatillod to pr“ents at Entorproolloadquortors : 9222, 31:2, 3516, :3533; 950,04184, 370,' , 7051,930,_0144, 9839, 10,544. Ell MI MOrit I'EOPLgALLN„BLIY W ALL TAPER, WINDOW SHOES, :Booze, Bt./dr:tzar at Lewin' Ba s alt biro, chea'per Unmet place, in . , the county ar city, end got chanbes for handsome4irelenrs in the bargain. .11e wants tO stsiCk to Maio Imilrovements m his rooms and:will sell very, low. call and examine hlnbeautlful etyles and prices, ' ME pt4IN, GILT, AND COLI12•1 1: DE90ItATlyll WALL Papers for Parlors. ChurOhe's'illtells,'SnlUbro; etC:i etc. wlllle.luruished to order. fr,:au seroPles at lo gy prices For•Caurches sod public Mills at less thou wholesale prices. • A FRESH ARRIVAL OF CHOICEJERSIW PlTTS burg Cured IlplB, PritXte cuttEsE ' r!g4 et bitten: & GO'll GROCERY. =I i -~ =EI f CUOICE FISA • • The third'arrival of prime now Hackerel and Herring, Trout and Codfish. smoked Bloaters iiiid,ltehlpk, 14 and Initiate, kilts and boiee,.and by the tloasa or ,pound at Masser & Co's GROCULT. T. BEST PA3IIbY I,I.OI4I,.DUCKWIIEAT, AND Corn 'Meal, Potatoes soul Corn, for sale at - Manzi' A Co's. Gaoczny. =EI C HOICE CONFECTIONERY, DRIED FRUITS CF ALL, kindp, canned Fruits and Veigibies;atirii4rina }lona. quittari. - - c c ,n 1 . ' kitide, fur aali Oeap at ,:liassair ,L.o'‘Elascar,, . , . , • - Z;C.L. , ::: .iii ' L 1_ 01:::. ' , 1 ' ii - LI a__ ' e - O T T'‘ . ~,,,,,,.„..„ - ....;:., -.'- . :t'LITTUEL./„ , -, -,' Q'llli,:: ,v.,..., CROICE TA4l4l..aptlitys: 4N 9,IIAiUNO SIOLASSES tiugnrs, Tenn, Spices, etc.. etc., cheap at ; _r;slf;?4 u,ii',;'• TS 0 0 Cis 'A T 11 ! :I i I s.f t "1.. f(; IT Is gAstErt RCM 4 LABONNO N. 4 ,1 To OAV.Ii 131iV 6-3 kNi..O l tAps fitv,DquAtt'un4 than it ie for , lify to earn . them et , isn'iditiqc PO 644,m, 4011.ir 4e,rqd. =1 EITTERPRISE'' HEADVARTERS. ~ .i', olassiixd6% , loiloeh‘willi:.l , ; STOKE,LEIVIS'OOK 1 .E,' ! "GLOIEB'PRIN I TIisIif , 'OFFIC ' i . Chance card,' for.,prp4its given for in ? ne7 / • paid. in at either, place, old accounts '. ' '• ' - included: n• , ' ---. : ;'h $ :•1' ss, ; ,$ ,! f );i4 ;you :csaili-nbireKbici k i, a ibiairci t . ; ;pi , 0 -Plantatiorilifibirs•barlisDj'spapsia.. - • Keep no morn '' oats, in,tne house than will. catch mfcd; — Plantption # itte_re:ettrat Fat lit!atig Ague. War makes thieves, and Pena; hangs them. Plantation Bitteisleurds Liver Compliiinirand Nervous Headache. ' Time is a file thut wears and makes ,an noise. PlAlltatton Bit!ers:Otf.* titg:Plreeti. , of Dissi• potion and Late tiours." ;Ibitter:haVe otteplifitv going than CWo ;plantation Bitters'pro an qPtidotalto Clitinge DK Water and,, Dien' .Poolii and obstinate people make I>iS ye a rich. Plantation '.Bitters Purify; Otrengthon and — lnvigorate. A•kind wife makes.a faithful hubband. ' MAGNOLIA- WA ‘ TEit.=Sulierior to tile best imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. tf girThe Pbyenologleal; Jonrw. l l . f u r April contains the portraits, and Biog raphies „of, Harvey P...Peet, rd.. D., .the eininent instructor of tliu.tletif.and dumb .James' T. Brat:lA - AO guished lawyer ; fieuryD. Barronohe legislator y Henry 'Frank; the ' , Jewish ; 'besides . sicelolfes trate'd art,teleit of, liirfim Poivors and Solln ;,Pbrenology•antl,Re ligion ; Fish, Cul_ture, with nine..ken gray,irigS Head; xothin g oat; a. baby; the' r , Plarichette'llry'stery; Crescendo, an illtistrated ; Japa nese Rouses; a good Inheritance ; In dustry and Respectability ; Is there an open Polar .Sea? Musks. Price $3 a year or 30 dts.'a numbei. S R. Wells, Publisher, 389 :Broadway, New York. tarMeryy's Mu,seuth has for a long iitne'iontribued to the merriment and inktrnetiort - Of the.yOtin.gianiLalt hough it iii"mireTi - 6111kt4 - an tifanytof "its read ers,i I s t,is,none, panto:if - ye Ahem,' - ru t reachng. matter is ar rangeilin sir; atfilietiveisqle that adds mueh, L°4lM•lv° o l'.l o ,f , The' editors are Louisa M. Aloott arid Yftt'o,tf 1w,14.4 - 91A11).) 14 nili known friends of the young, and who delight inAfiedfeeitiffe their readers. Their. kn.owe \ eige of i youtt,i,s rtnt,to a use. The "Musenm'?,, is fitibliiih'ed - bi'filit'fid'elj!'ll'al?er, NO. 14' Al 50 , a, y ear:. 1 pip frief"ltko •titiirone who wishes to - examine tin? tnagizine. ESiiMaliii THE WASHINUTON ,HOUSE j‘ . • .• X ,GEWERektLY GEORGE - LONG'" informs the public that": he' - ',ll)A' leased the well knoviri Wasiii'ngtorf Hotel in Hun tiggfopuistely_ oenpio-I),EA-AAter man, and is refiting.it for the aceota ino,4atto,n alnkeßrixfort sy: . 4ho will : gtv , e,t)int determined, to pf pnl?lic patronage isspl,i4:ited.,. • - 11.1iiiti'ng' doll; Ladies Dresses Reid Bois Ciatisinfp Mad.' B. • KrucreMcCAßE MARY REEVES respectfully, infOrmt`the public that they have removed to the house formerly occupied by ii.. eMan igill, on Washington ,Street, and are prepared to make Ladies Dresses and Boys' Clothing of all kinds. They re spectfully solicit a full share of pat ronage. up7,-11. Bonouaii ELECTION —The election .i) i on Monday resulte'd - a,followe : MIXED. i ' STUAIGHIT OUT. , BIIKOESS. I ~ i zusoLst. J.Sitnp.on Africa „1801 ,J. It. Siownon , ST COUNCIL. i • ' .'" ' ICOttICIL; ' .• ' T. GI Strickler 1621 T. O. Strickler 09 , ,(1. "Lid, Miller - ; 1651 N. 11 Corbin , 09 ' ~I.Y. 41 CE: 1 illilitnson .161 ,A.,1). Bruroino •(: , pi - . ' CONSTABLE. At, S. Harrison ',le i Min. 11, King ,-,-r 86 10/..We call - attention. to _card lin to day's number, of . .P.,M.lJytie Milton S. LYtlo; Attor'nOrs 'at - Law: " } !`here gentleman-.bave_hticl:serde:cxperience ‘ ip the, legal business, and we "speaking of the talent and intellect of the country," that_ these attributes will be foithdin =EKE lllllll , nery and pr.” A.11.1.)1k It; will remove to the cornor'of Bath end Malik. :greets on the lot of April and will ho pre pared to accommodate her friends and the public goner. ally, with any 'kind' of work hei line of business. Alan, gentlemen shirt making to order. A share of palatine earnestly eoltetted. t „. A To the Afflicted.' ' ' Stioemaker_qs 'Star MagievLinimernt, and ...stekttyro's. Jadian, ,Ciompogad, Dandelion Pills, and Worm DOSLYOyGr, mr sale at Lewis' Book Storer- •tf. VIE 9-0. E.le.Nuil- - htisz - moved his stock of 'TittdieS',anAVents furnishing goods to tho' stOro„Voin. in Leister's Building, 2t. n . •tu- 'uoppruli unn - , , :a ti,Q;LF, „ Lad uvd .. MOU ii,itAtedia,pi?gpuu (16 70,;.t, rPA(kRRIP,.I ' t At'tb l e j ii. E. ItarhMitge, on the 4th of , Mareh,.by TaOmAsnlit: 'SIMPSON, of litintingdob, to Miss MARY J. St of RtibleSlifin",g, Centre Coanty, I.:!az At the'Et . g."l"ati•e - onage, on the let inst.; 'by the same, Mr "J.SAiEs'E. CONAIIY, of Iklapikon;it.O'AllotlS 4 JlN- NlE WALLS, of Cabs all Of "t'll,iB,(9°lM?V", MIMI 4 R 04xtyi . o, 2d of, A PEPA 1iY.,.. ev ,..J,,0;V• Pliin,v,it,„Mr: §. .13. A.lL,til - - Wil IM ms biirk; ' Blair 'CO ' ,"l s ii: ' 'v ta'' IsEIV.NNir KELtir . , l \ or (Mal m MA I :HMI Iffiga o n Co.' March 244WITERS, an old and respectit citizen on Shavera Creek, (Hun ngd Ilcuitsty , ;. ,rr Ir k this borough, r ;Mies years, 2 months trod 3 days.' ' On the 13th inst.,. in Alexandria, Pa., Mr. Witmtaii , ?Silk : kW : in the 70th pemrif hisla t e: - 1 rii . ?) Mr ,atv'rc Ict(Weicifnienttr"‘tlie est style of "nbtii.'!--i-a Christian. A genial, entertaining friend and companion. His friendship He was a useful citizen and greatly helovtid. H 4 will be greailN , natised!"l'inkccmrnunity den ill alforil• such a-loas, .iind'whdii . the blow mimes. it is severe. Ils r was an, Eiclarialbe Tresb:yeerian church, at Alextindria, for 28 years. But "death hfiiisit.iihining'nlait't and found hint lamp trintined and burning. •,.1,! A,t day, break earns , . F ry,,' " to meet thy God prepare t" panght Ipslpaptain!s aye, h'e In' itldg,;'A&thiiiiVidnd-pritYar r l Pis spirit, with a bound, . •"hßursilits'enclittitiarink , Olay . ; , „His, taatia,E , li}nri se.„ el; grottncl ;„-A , na.r4PPP4 .f. fiti:J J Tbe . pains of death are passed, .• Labor and sorrow cease,• iiotipd at last, His sent is found in peace. ' • Dt: .. . . . ',":, , ('': NI AR IKETW •c ' • 1-, , i,-,...; (2. - 2 , :..!.. , ..........• , --, - .. t.:... c, WHOLESALE KABUL ...: PLIILADELPRN April 3 7 WO. • •rli- P "1/..1.11 Superfine Flour per barrel 6.2505.50 Extra Flour par bar of so@o 50 Extra Family Flour per barrel $0.5007.25 1170 Flour per ban el :$7 50@2.00 ".. ri - .111 55 0141•00 ' lw WheatEer ..110?.1.1.5,L4•,... - 4 41.1 .•.•5t 501111 55 "." Ilyu her buidsl...l.. ............... .1 , 71 ..... z• 1 • .• . --` ' Car oe per bnilhert ,, •s' ~, "- —' 87® Sets„ , Oats per bushel 73•2475ct0, Donley per bushel $2.16 Cloveraoed per bootie $9 75®10.60 Timothy oar bujihed.r.a..".6r -• • - 5.;.1.1.r.53.3503.52 . 14•••• Flozeeeti po• trualal.l.T.l.o ' ' •• ' s26s@ln: .70 ' P/1113DUP.011, Aprtl - F, 1009. White Wheat Flour por barrel $ :7000.00 Red Wheat Flour per barrel - $7.5007.75 , Sprilig Wheat Flour por barrel $7 00@7.30 . IVinter Wheat per bushel.. $151.161.65 Corn per bushel 75@75cts. ..•• Onto per bushel 83(:)&leto. llye pen bushel 21i . i" . 1 1:ifri ti 6V8 2 . 'Cured 'llatui Ctireit shoulders I boo. Clear Mee Wets. FINANCIAL,. Nzn' YonA closed Jtt XIIII'NTZ GDOIJ itIEARIeET S. CORRECTED WEEILIX DT lIF.NRY A CO WELOLCSALE FLourt-,-Supprfipo Flour,..n oi bnrjel, - $ 6 0 :5 0 0 0 Extsaf,FititiA Family Flour, do GRAIN—Red Wheat, per bushel, White Wheat, do in3'o4 ;do :•Th1.20 = Oorn, do 85 Oats, Barley, SEE ii'LL-T3 a~ "EEL .:imoilly, , AO ,'‘, , 3.00 .ria . zseo,4,l , ij .. . '', dd,' ,' 1.. i, 2.25 tiiiverseed, per 64 lbs. 8.00®8.50 Pnovlstoxs—Potatoes, per bushel, 90®90 Dried: Apples,' , •-, do,. . ~.,... , ,2.50 Corn' Mehl; peiN*t.;'"'' '' t""' ': 1 2.25 Dried Peaches, per pound, 18 Beef,- ,- .do - , i• 10 6. , Lard, , 'k , E , ,!..;' ',;14! -' 2 . 1 . , . '" 20 Pork, do 12 Butter, d 0..;.!. . ,:: :, I . 4O Cheese, do' , ' "`i ' ii . 25 Eggs, per dozen, 20 11am, 2O • 2 1 ? ei T f ~. 11/ ''' i 1 1 TIT 18 414ider, '1 tit/ .. ' I_l Li , (.110 CUM.—Hard coal, per tnn, 6.50@„8 00 , c..9p4,Thteonl„-sia,-_, - . 1 .-, r , - 3.00 LtEitlttnifdrl,o6lAet' ''' '"12:0t4,30.Q0' SHINGLES—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00®13.00 Joint ShifiklCk xct A Tdba 6.56®8.00 MISCELLANEOUS —Bark, per cord, 810' .r4l . 3in:.,lTALelrycri . l.l7 . - Eacymvia 1.25' ops, per pound 40 Wool, do 40®45 .willayi per4totr;.l. , tISI LW! ;I'olllllll or 143.00 ilidee, 6(a",7' t, 13reeniAprilesib ~',{ ::.flidiP33l n7n JW 1,60 ....91.4°Ph , •:ii7 Id ! , I'IT ~ 1 ,....4/01. 1 1PIP.:il 111,.11.00 )ISPECIAL NOTICE% sf tA2•9..c.fmz. ta F.T.Tv,ov4a2. 4etfßiS ti?Rn ti x-qnd.oc uurt,'„ '''rhts siciay "i4rt.lit tii6'i"eni.'Lilt there s ,recuppyoyhich t .,is- a ,c,op . atdnt ..prp te.c hod agoirpidi the ceii6aut fleeces ;Ifiritbre swiftly into die di ciliation of rho blood, expels the morbifie substance cullected there- In during the winter; corrects all morbid changes in the blood; regulates the supply and quality and equalizes the Mo.:illation of the blood; promotes the operations of the digesproprs.tne 4- eats es OgiCACiOUS stom achic; iltrandtheis. Thu eisrgetlit fiblebl And calms the nervous system; ~romotes buoyancy of spirits and feel ing; revives the physical energies ' and imparts vitality and elasticity to every organ of the bureau body. It is -no tess,colebritted preixtritT thatpillititiLettil7B IDIVTEItiIi lye° Tatrillso t togt!larl i y Meryl a t tal Ot 1;111 : 3 0 igt j l itg r g d d PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS.—The Grafton Mineral Pain t Company ajii ow one n,ufa9 u HIM , the 'Best, Qh capes t,ftti TOM. ruble Paint' in use; Vtru coats well pot on, mixed with pure Linseed Olf, tiltestryearsilt in of a light brown dr beautifhl_ Fliocolate, color s and ,can be changed to green, lead, stone, mati,.ollvii •O? 'cream, to watt the taste of the consumer. It is minable for Gen era. FencesZiliartil, f aVrittglienttClie Makers, rails and Implemetits, Canal Hoots, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Canvas, dotal and Shingle hoofs (it being Fire nod Water proof,) Floor Oil Cloths, (one llanuractoter having used 5.000, Ids. fie past 3 ear) and as a patchier any parmisp is Stitquirpaseed tar durability, elasticity and alibied' enacts. Price $0 per, lad. of dlie lbs., wilich ulll,supply a fawner for yours to /Como. I Warrant& hi, mi l caieh as atfov'e.l eend fa , cir•l gives pat}i4ulars. Notat geatulido utilees Waddell in a trails math, Grafton 3linerid Paint, Per: eons can older the Palfit and remit the nforiii 'on ro , ceipt of the goods. Adduce, iv Bs rpozi a Co., rito.bprzh,, 11! rs, fin L nit kaidb 3 poural or barrel ut Latvia llook ; '' , norlS 6 1 n ; ' ' TEA FNESS BLINDNESS and CA-E TAItItII treated %Oh the utmost sucess..„by J A ) APti; itnd tfrofe4eor 14lieetses of (he Eye , and kaf'itithe 'Mahal/ Colie:9g of Pertnlyitunia. 12 years expel., ience, (formerly) ell Ley dem.Hallatid,)W. IiMS A atilt St.,. Phil idelplum Tia.timomala can piien,tit this upice,. or anytiod to t ioconipafii \ y their t ileitis, as he has nu secrets in his pi octice. Artificial inserteily,rithoutEntiqi - ctiochazgo for examination.; Jun. 17.13116-lybiu AINTAIKO 0 1,-:FOUN-DRY. EASTON BLAKE. M. MARION Meit BLAKEP4k MoNEIL: _ [Successors tp 4.,,Nfi r CONANOHA)I,4I SONA Iron and Brass •Founders . lIUNTING69N„PA t • IRON and BRASS OASVlNOS''trindP' fit it first doss -WY Foundry: "We' have altviiya isitihtuni all kind, or Olaw'and Stove eastingp.',Wash • A.M. ItettleS.Cellrir.wlndons. Orates, Cohl hole ,hillUnntitlge for pavements, Window l‘eiglits ~.o) all aim nod weights. Pipe Jointa,, Sled solos, Wogon boxes, Machine Catitingit. for Meath sod water, gt int, saw i , suinac ant.plaster dulls of desariptlous.;; RENTERS AND IRON FENCES, of the niost Improved style, ,oven doors and frames, dour sills, and in fact edirifhing)iiidilu thin line. We haven large? stria df rnitUrbs, and can furnish can. tinge At short noticeosnd cheaper than they can bodtad JP.ll)%4lo(ttry. jjj‘potil Odd n ei gte prspiireTh tot . do drilling and fitting up of ail kinds. °Rico in kintprs:A;en,lpilditgollll street, Hunting don, Pa. • . Melt. 17 1569. . I,ILAKE & Montt. A I fiROAD MEE'll-NG; , • ‘. f • I, There;will be nanteting tof thdfrlendarof the Stone Creek Rail:mid Company, at the Court.lloom,in, the her ugh of flantiundon, 911_,WUEZ.PAY,t 1 1..tiih day of 4 April, Mast, at 1 Afeclt, P. M.," at which 1h and place Iloilo wilt be opened to receive anbecriptione to t AIM "Of PClho,s4ld C.IfIPoPY. r , legdY. enough, nitineY luta been suPscriboft to pet fent the. organt.tiop of the Company . , and if 14a - ratan& or 'rho 'eate,i)rbm' wil r Attend 'and sobecribter'aocrirdiiig to:.theirabllityl the Coth'pany ; col pe.urganizeit a nd Immediate. etep!,.pikeig ; to Jiayo the rood aurveyeil,and ,under contract, 910itEnTumclitItNNY, "111:1.11t4" tIORIVPitCPBST; dACKSittI, , I.I ha. ..•OF:OItGE TAYLOIti • , ,/ I ,44 I • IO g.:PXIALIMIN., • ti-NICY WilitikTiMi: J. nVELL 51:1VAA inelo2.o i • .'•. "111 "'," " .Cdratafeeidifbri. 3 t l i ar t eh ,, l, Ha?. f•••-i We be lea a to ll g i ft?-nl P ) li a la ti i 4 pared to g oillo? fut.') wrt'llidDbatilinottr'O a dV'tl P a re s: •'• •-• 4611 the-01 Vrf A v MILLINED,Y,GOODS, ' a • ,• 1.1 Con,,rst.ing at fho Newest Shapes in Straw Silk and Gimp ~151irsotIvre.r, tt alvii,r4l.,WAste; lAtitf... ahMe glopy corard6Arllyon tWunforo or recites mu order. -Prices tow for cash. T YYPimi 49,”1,7 I^ IlyiyAlAlN 4 , 1 i9Pla 1901 /4 i l itqrr d .44.9"latillA , d.!. mcnl7-ian 41111 1' titlitryl Oiatt eltarolAllfallord- Went Milan V:, tilitiimirdiz conety;Vne'di, tinting Von dirtbd to HA, • sdndnisignitd,'MVpnionnh"lndebted to th altnttl'are'reiniattdioarannko.immOdinte tinytnent, and tlionnhavin; clans ? • ,11ettopt, I them i dailT, puthontl noted fdriatirntnefit.' '" ' 1. , ' 1 " , •' " '"Ek'ocutor. ' .e.[Estate of WIL C. 1 1 / 1 71E4 dre'd•lnui Euttalteataluentary on'tbe estate of William C. Hight, lute of the buroughmf Huntingdon, dreensod., having been granted to the undersigned, all, personsandebted. pro re. quested to make pay meut end those having solaims..to ',resent them duly nuthentiCated for settlanieut.mAll K. ALLEN Loy Em., ' A. 11.111011 T, TlMitirigdenf, pet,. g1 3 1 6 C1 3 : jbjeftore• JAMES CREEK MILLS. „ , An 11. H. Gardner, miller, kayos the mill. thn grain, Lone, feed, and amounts were pisdid'oi'er t0 . .11'5..4 J. 11. holt, on the 19th lust. All persons 'indebted said Mill will pay to J. H. haat promptly' Fleur, Coln meal, feed and Urct;pd planter always on hand and Will too delivered ,tVorver ut Ito mill or at lilarktesliufg-Siatiop, at lowest cash priers.' Dlmch 2+}+69l9i • J..S. & J. H. IsErr. WILY don't yon, go to ffolkik:4 . oo. and by your goods of dverAtieso ' riNtow at the very, lowest price, end Belie tbe l itroubleAtAldng from stpro , to slops to go; what you twaltt.',..,d -100h24.t1 GOREN , 'FLOW EW SEEDB.I- ree h and gehuine pardon and'iloYiver Seeds, from '& Co's Seed Farms' and"Qridens l , New Jersey, for Atte s •do 4z, - Vo", ,I,En'tOlpf ii3o rEf.dadOtittteW. l (- •-;-. 4 let larlt wvitl lay itt'rttioit to raise whitd . .p . eitiie;l4go'od\ se:Oilfoi.B4.l6 I b . y . ttiti quart ati.O.tery,tlottlf.fpacigufoPr, (,3HERIFFig • • By %trtuo of a writ of Vend. Ex. directed a me, I ti I expose to'piritildiale;at the Court /louse, on DON. DAY,' the Illthlr_lay of -, APIttL,ll46O,lOt 9 :o'clock, p. my the folloWing property to wit : All lIIUL certain "piece, parcel and tract of IHnil nt and in j 57 of.coffee Ann; Lincoln Joiviudilp; kupudiAnd l denci ibed follitit, to Wit : Be. ginning at n post - on'the Ilea .pf lend formerliof John liagey, theme, along said line Booth 4834 degrees east 85 porches and 80-1030-0. . pinch to a moue henp,,Rbenco by laud of John Beaver north 5t degrees west 42 1-100 perches ton terseat the Weird Top Railroad, thence along the aside being a curve of two degrees, the chord of the arc beam south 22 degrees 10 minutes west, and distence albagenld railroad 53 perches to spent, thence north 70% degrees west 20 80-100 perches to'the pistil, of beginning, containing twenty acres, atom or less, according to the draft made by J. Simpson Africa; Esq., 80th May; 1855; '(excepting Luta 'Nris. 1 ; 2; 3; 4; fr arid 8 from this descrite Bon and included lu other Monveyances to John Fulton, Mrs, -Foster and Strada' Cohn) having thereon - a 'wagon shed-and coin crib; d)c. Seized. taken in execution and to be sold as the prop• arty of Simon Cohn. . !ir All thordefePtlarit'qTyight, title and` Interest In a lot or parcel of land in OA village of Smith field,.beglutilug at kpaist: in tke turn pike road and ex. tendieg back ,et ',nearly - right angles to Bald road and along - tliti'llua'Of tf foliffnen fear alley, one hfindred and twenty-four feet to lauds of James and Alexander Port, and thence by the sante enetwardly fifty feet to the cur. nor. .of Lot ;ti0.,2, tbense punt hundred and, twenty-four test to the . seid ttftlelati rthut thefiee'alung sold road to the place of brittlioLugtbeltrgitotAoalp the aupplement to the village of Smithfield. seized, tokeu In execution and to be sold as the property of John Dean. Defetidanteriglit,title and interest 'of In and to the following desCilbed farm, tract or' parcel of land militate in Shirley township, tluntingdon county, Penn's. containing 70 apres,adjoipfug lot*. Of Qtitirles Evardear, John Alexander, °corps ‘lyinanb, Jacob hip "pia, and others, and basing a email log Valls . ° and log barn thereon orected.‘ .d.-• 7.50 1.35 1.45 50 1.20 Seized. taken In execution end to_ho void 'no the prop erty el William Young. NOTICE TO Puitcuesins.-11hidern at Sheriff's Sales v,il take notice that imilMdintaly 'upon the property being knocked down, fiftyJper cent. of all bids under $lOO. suit twenty.five per cent, of all bide over that sum, must be paid to tho Sheriff, or the property vall be set up again nod sold to other bidder's' who will comply with the above terms. If court continuu twa„ weeks deed acknowledged on thantadaY of tiecarld Week, One week's court, property knocked down on Mondayand deed acknowledged on the following n'aturday. ' • • I.: • • -D. R. P. NEELY, Sheriff. Stienryets °veto;, , , " Iluntingdpn, 3101. 1869. . - , • It / I ,) ;21 ' VALUAELE' PROPERTY „ AND. DBSIItABLfi BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE. rtillE.undersigned , Executors of 'the I Will ofi John MeCaban,- - late of the' borough of Huntingdon, deo'd,, wlll,offer, at public oolo,ot Um court 'llouso, In 'Huntingdon, at l 0 o'clock, A. 11., on , IVednesday the 21st 4ay of April, 1.869, Au ; that curtain .messaatto nod lot. (or lots) of arnutid, on the ebuilt west carter of Hill and Montgomery streets, in the Ittprough"tif tliereon et;ected .fat gn.BRILIK HOUSE—ecottpled'ai'a store room awl dwol ling b.litniAlt Spurtinskianspf,tuy ottless,lr shops, '1 . tea ofo property will be on - eriA as, a whole,.or sop- Uraftgifs t iny neon, bait atilt Iturebaserm 7 - • - -•-' Business loon, as well .ne othareovisbing• to buy real estate, will l'bdar In' Atin'tl that' that is beta, moat vale artAkiNtsplltumlneiteligid inttlnrborottgly,of I WI TVI ttheametin t g rP i W:F 1143 on;orrloisliglort ' township, adjoining lands of It. It. Drj an, Joseph Kane and others. containing about 370 acres, more or less, jng'tur it fs namqs of—dpbu Pation;;Jacpb - ,SlTers apt a sl nipbl Tr ppoil, part lA. Which 'a' iirin Is cleared and (l ye said ditto orectedln4w, ocamiral !GS , blobqe.ilTlas MO; is tiinnored;andi_wljf.be sold In; parcelfi to stift - purcliaseis.• I,lldteq...lttiaitch 7shisiegeil lit-the,damo ot , William Smith, D. D., adjoining land of Thomas Fisher , and others. ly ing f ' lietween•. the 'pulpit Rocks nod the Juniata lifor, containing tiim.handred nod sixty sig, acres, mom or lees, all in thnhor, which will ho sold as a 4 hole or in ,Parts„to noit,pureliassra.,.. -_COnditiOnsbil s olidt known °tidily °Peale. ), t 1 A. 7 ... JO K. DAN', OUN CitE3SWELL, tuch2lhl [i7xecutors..ofJolin 31cCidniti, deceased.] n.....;;61t41 -- EA-Ns':.cou ET SALE Of 'Vainabfe Beid-rsiato in the Borough of=fuTivilNGDoir. - Ct fliotalcoof Jttl SfeeV. y iiiqu'6 l of ortlei: of the Orphan. jUI Cauk of Huntingdon County, there will bo .1,0 1 red to public wile, 71.1 the promisee; in the borough of , Huntingdon, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 13th, 1869," at 1 o•eock . . p m., the tollowing.deecribed real estate, to-, si it: Theltelfio* of ground; having erected thereon A LARGE BRICK AND FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. and situated in the' borough of Ilan tingdoti, County of Huntingdon, pa., fronting fifty lent oh the northern side of Allegheny Street, and extending Wok one hundred fertt to lot of J. G. Dliles,•Eeq., adjoining lot of J. Simpstni Attica on the west, and nu alley on the east. TERMS vE SALE: Une.thltd of the perches° money to be paid on confirmation of the sale at April Coort,wheu deed will be made, and the balance In two repeal annual payments t berretta, with Interest, to be seemed by. the judgments of the pun:huger. - - - . WILLIAM 8. ENTREKIN, mc1124-td. Administrator ofJAKEB STEIN, deed. SALE'OII2 7 AP: - ' • - GOOD MEW STE A Nl' ENG E, -"- - For particulars address J. NV. DICKERSON or •S, P. KERR, •, forlindf '- • • - • Bedford Punno, • , F P RAS ' I . 9.OIICSES CY I.ANq IN SIOUX COUNTY. IOWA; 'Will ho eopl or excliengid for property in ; Huntingdon , county. Sioux county adjoins ale Sioux river which eu•• tots the Missouri of !SRAM city. J. SIMPSON AFRICA. - HOUSE AND LOT: TOR SALE,' The ands[ signed offers at privPte gala a lot ofground contnining one acts situated udjoining the Standing btono Creek. road. in the Wrong!' of Huntingdon, hating a two ste'ey log ho'use and a number of frpitrreef of choice vat ieties tholeon., ,Possescinu given on lot of Aprll negt. roarlo-tf. J. S/MPSON AFRICA.' OVSES FOR RENT. „x st . !looses for rent, ploatantly situated in the central part - of Maltingdon liorditgh. ,Also one wagon-maker's shop. kor'teiitls,dc i apply to W. H. WOODS, nth3o.lf, II untingtinn, Pa. _ 4 IT?tVEItM I,lO,ENAg. l — t- " • '. The fbliowifit iktiionti, have filed in, the ufflco of t Chick of iliac Court of (tarter Sessions of Huntingdon county, their petitions for licenses to keep Inns or Tav erns In said: eotinty and which MIL ho presented to'the , Judgo of said Coot t on the second Munday of APRIL for a , ore: • C• . 1 1 enryb r. rytatirhdliCALIBS:(1TILIfill. . k3k 1 ,4 3.01 . 11 , 11 .1.*14.04Aitat.J Ai. : Andtew & James Gleason. liartut. Joseph Peck, Broad Top City, • . Munk 4 Decker, Cassvallo. ; • It, Kelly. Cordmont:• • E. P'Brumilkughi'Colrio Erin: Nathaniel kloseby, Cookstown. • . William Ryan; Dudley , , • "' • George Loom Ilnutlng,lon,/ non,aiit .tl , ) or 14‘!" 11, f 1, 1P il l • , ".' ..„ W[IV: iiiidebiatid, do " "" Yithri 5.1) osten, Mapletoo• , . • r b o or , h,3ltirkleiburg, ..:‘1 40 , • -'ll!mes,Mcklarvey, Creek. ' 'Jesse Mooresville., t . • J. I) %Vickers, Mount Union: Elijah-Antler — do - ph rept,tl.4),lltyisysiorli , d pi ulbipxontLing, lagoon bawd, ; ( 1 ..4.l4 l .o6a.,cawchem,oralt. Benjamin Atkinson, do Adorn Smearindi3Adterslittig. t, Abrithom GtAlttus, ' ilo " ;.; W liafa ctiowau, §hadedap. - rgt i ata - 7. i nfOrt i A r p l6 t r tragri . k: l•23: ~t Spmpel Steffen Steveugvillg. , r, • James AlauloWarm Spfin6B,ll ,• t i• „„ j t qugg,Cbgalbeglaiu • 31agglorsinagk. , Losma l 4,Blvam, Vatar Stmt. . , finliflnlitlarrlS V ll l4 o 4lcoWlLmr ...V •: 1 • Thpllay.co • • ;, EATESO HOUSES.' ' bAirr;, 1 ; '/14 John Floe IlitntingdOn.; : ' Frederick :Maws,' ' . I, llefiry Africa; do 1 • • E o.,Surninqrs, - - .1 - :. / iMorrh3 Molitor, Oneida Township. Thomas lire clinger, 4'oteraburg.. ; „, !IV John A. Wilson, , 2O I SRLLrBY.THE Qlllk4T.l (Silas' 1 4°0 ; • g t ' Fong Tobin. Dudley - . — William Brown, do Charles.g. Eatkowskyl Jas. M. YounAnuathrgdon Marcy 24,+_ R.-B.llll'l3(tNi,Cluic. TJEADQUARTERS 'li is ,r• s I,r; , Choice Groceries , Candle,loys, $c • . 1)t, AT .; - ®:.:AFRICA (&,40075i rr FAMILY GROCERF;VONPVITIONERY ANA. VA o Our stock censista o'4lldt:id ' s ' of ,oroceries, iette, .Pee. Canned aud.Pried Pruitt!, Older Vinegar, Common .and Fancy, Soaps, of all kinds. hair 011, Perfutnery, Von Kuively.Peengt. Hooke, do.; Call and examine par etock; and take a view et our splendid Marble Sodf rguntain. • Doult forget the ple.ce,north. east cornet'. of Oiaraond Huntingdon, June '244y AFRICA 'k :.11011101kAP. !. PAPER! ! .• • 1 If , AIL ' Note; Post, Commeretat,' Pnteicap adtt Flatcap,a Odd assortment for , cala 17,,t the reline; Intlf ream; quire or sheet; at • • '" - I.XWIS' 1100 K to STATIONERY AiroNTIILy BOOKS, Foi'eale at' • ZETIS'1100.&" A.:CD STATION:ER.I - '6'Mb' A' tio.ogr,rpTioN!s %V; JOUVIN'S: § KID CLOVES 'Lridieci . - an4 Gontienien's f3):,e8;1;!-.; AT.9a,, T 4.4?, T4DRilfit or Grant Hat, AT / er 0a1.1)10E3 VIERM PAMas N co.a . NEA OF piJ;AIIION'D, „„ UM TINGDONr. . FASII rp mu; frOOBS E'3 V et FA2;I.; ' ( . tj 81 51 1 i N . G . l' 'Alb $ 1.11111.1/R WEAR. rtl• .5 .? INIM IBM GEO 4z; .4.4 g, 4AI .4 -MARSH ~v,WIEFICHANT,TAILOR, lyTT,9932vc . 4,to•the eseepwl I¢`,lreaFre New Bulld og, whore hA Intends to keep cpititattly , wa bend the atest styles of '•' zOmprlglne, ;• .l ! , ; •qlr , uie6loA24;.smaitsa .kI6 * PRENOII /II • - ADADTII3O 4 II , CASSISIIIRES, AND'' vpstt o ticts cLotys';•f: '.;cAssimuriEs;'' butrius," 'AND ~,YESTINGS ,-;lletng a practical ,rorkman,of - many y OATS expailmtca be , Is-prepared , tti 'Make tO miler` Clotttine r tliiom;ana boys, and guarantee neat, durable and talblonabiciAork ‘cnitheltp': He to dater, teed to pleaseavaiyb , mlir.: ' frfs;• All .are ~ t:tubettamltta,. my new Moak of be dutiful Patterns' before purchasing elsewhere tf.) • OEO. 77 , ,..114R911: Huntingdon, Hell. Wli/L4 t '" ncptve Er :BE-2 FETHIS 111 NAB 00934 . . Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, DoLaines„Lowos,- Qinghai:as, Itharilmb,ilne Linen, Mort seilles,,P,:cqnne India Twills, So. . aitortwont of „. Ladies' Fashiollable Dress Trillllials. ~ . , Sllk'Frloges, Buttons; Bugleq, Voirot labor! 3 etc. , Fund el,iug Good?„S!ocyluge, gcitenp„ ts potto, Wcsdi &o Pr . .31 2 5 4,*905f) r. 103 Rid_of all colors, Silk, Thread, Cotton, all shwa, and_ latest styles, •,Under gorwents• of ,all hfade, fort . Lti• aka, Ceuta and Children.•., ; ,; ~ • .• 4! , .Tolno Linen, Uusline; Napkins. Doylies, .Sc. aksatifill and Shirting, ,Brown,atoillittachod, frota,B oentamp,L A largo stock of the latesi 'styles. A leis stock of Notions, Zephyrs,'Yarns, AC. All cheaper than the cheapest, ' opposite tho Fire! Nottoilaplit!)c,iluntlng dun, Pa. --.'. ~! I flittiNi: '• / LEATHER STORE. TB.E undersi&ned Itiould reapoctitilly -I\..nuU'p'o4;tair,=;.lo:tNciiiPtnii-TANNERY, tlipy hart? Jut opened 4kopl . cpclid onorpkooqL, AIit . ?j`LEATIME Consisting In part of - - - p_ppri CA.LF SItIDL "KIP.-, " - 0. biollooccr; ,, :; BINDINOS, 301,E, . 7 SJ9 . IIWg:Ii#C•P To,;ether i 4oytt,r,to4t IMO .0010 10 EDIIREM" Mut trade're inyitectt; : calf and examine oar Wick; k • Stoki on HMI, street, tivoioors welt of tho Prosbyt. rtan c ha r a.” . sllloli :11:' The higheitiprlclvkli for HIDES an4 , 134.1t4 . . , 01;r! , ; "•:I).,;EV,MILLEIt../i789Z1;: ," NE Ai •IEATIIER :110 1E11.:, :TB.N H lESI or LEAS AC, -; ".' hare %Reed the' taiga 4 - te' • 1 •' • '• NO. 432, NOILTA,TIIIRE'STAF,Ir, And Intend' delpg Willa& and Leather Cammisstan Bust. utetknhil• . r‘ i ' • st rf Their eons 0. P. LEAS, and T. E. MoVITTY, are there, an~l,nutl,oH ZZetrrVlldlV% Ara i rZt i tiitiVr — ft aiis •Inalific4lons, thp,,patronage of their brother Witten' la ttaivonhfy hini.elsewhere. • ffif-T They tAI i r i .i t , e n i ti s n o u l ittar r a o :i i :• , o a d h ro a r t tr t le a tl r t 'l r a 2 a P ri ft e n ry li , li ne ‘ a n r. Three Sprlngs,,lluntiegdon trier;•tr.fliil Rl,i f Iff P liCifrsaexcv r AllsßAS,PPi r al=ll.2l3:7_ , S.GoNio' WMiet f7.5.(1 4 j Oak Slaughter Sole • and Belting 1.00 J, " r , •-tt ;.i• TiLr -1 • , T, X..11312.46.14.1±1=t4 > , lsoolhishelluPlaattiier:s Effiirc . f6r2gale: F(54 • • • • W ROSEMKEEL :it. I ,,, NatlutorkDept,t, 1 , 0'4%i • I" ''''" • ' ;!",f., 4869, SI'RING. 1869 Open;ng, of NVW Opening of 4=Z i -tOponp2,lg cif TEW OEIINTZps, F.4i40.10 SPRING, GOODS:''" ' . k,:i''"sz :t.:A.'isj'o.4-4'-' ,I;OURTIFAND AROIL STREETS,• .11 If , e: •• • ; ~1 itraTlOii daily; rewired-, . nichl7-et - •• ~•• • , •, 't 1.-••11, AGENTS WANTED FORTNR SIGHTS AND SECRETS , OP Tilt NATIONAL OAPIT9L ; • VIII Most ,t,ttllogju• structivs; and entertaining book' of thYday. ''goad for rs circula, and see oar terina. ' 7,a,drelis - tf.fl. Publishing Co; ;co. ill , Pi , SOme si , H 1"; " --s mehts4.4w. ZENO =I Olin WPM ME MIMI =I