Vii; • L• r 6 b • ; • .;I(.ri ULJ HUNT! N'Gq? 0 PEA'.i . Wednesday morning, Mch. 31 ) 186 LOCAL & PERSONAL. Meetings. Moriah Lodge, No. 300, A. T A 6, meets second 31onday.evening of each - thonth, in Drente. building. Standing Stone 11. R. A. Chapter, No. 201. meets the first Tuesday evening of each mouth, in Monies building. Juniata Lodge, z1'o: 1.17, 10. 0. F., meets every Fiiday evening, third floor. in ',sister's building. Standing Stone Lodge, No. 85.1. 0. G. T. meets every Tuesday evening iu third floor of stead's lto hiidg. ' • Arrapahoe Tribe, NO. GB, 1. 0 of 12. lr., , nceU every Thursday evening, 1110 d floor, Leister's roung Leos Christian Associatom insetsfiret and third Monday evening s eachmonth, in BrOwn'sbnllding. Post 3.3, G. A. R, meets 11rrd Monday of each month in Court House. Mien Council meets - filo 'first flu - 14 evening, hr each month. Hrief Itenk.:loll3 ti How we do 'Tit." All over head—(h)hiri The robins aro around rubbing. On PAi9k-ii r eil;f4-141itt44 festival of the Passover week will have passed over. ThilltidsikegleoWarMiliiinias nearly a col umn on yeast. Couldn't his thoughts rise 1 Who will get the Post office is still the mooted Auestic,io : aniopgst us. How lung it will mat isnorknovvii. grant lies,juspis,e.asy now as he ever did. —lPittthhtdrit' . gli i) Uhl Cl' t wonder, if his bed was just as downy. M; l .4ll3 l l.§Werefelt; Of Cromwell township, this county, raised 94 bushels of White Beaus on.hitlf4ym; last Benson. Spring is opening up and arrangements ere making for some bemttlful and substan tial improvements in the ancient borough. Our town was. liTelymn Satnrday last.— There was son4"lively h whiskey in human heads, but we heard of no bungs._ ' Wm. Babcock, emploYed in a saw-mill in Clearfield county, was caught in the =chin 12th'init'and:crusfieditC tleath. It is an injury to the place in which you live to use youi 4cife money. for dint lienefit of a place elsewhere, and thus create a rival. Poisoning innocent dogs betel "and; 'else where is becoming too common, and we fear, if - the guilty ones do ,not i smp,it„that, will load co l t; 6-enter-crime.' " ' - A. gentleninnke Huntingdon, has a veloci pede it It he's not 'been brought into use, and we have therefore no accidents to chronicie, ! ,_ • • •--; • ; Rev. James Orbison, a son of Wm. P. Or place; tins returned" from India.'where lie had been stationed' as ister for the last twelve years., We don't want .fou to "blab" the import nnt truth to' your meighbors that Enterprise Headquarters the place yen _eau. get good chCliFietrthenanywhere - ! , • The Itanai:Mans ..of,-Uuntingdon county have adciiiecd L th'o'Crarrferd'ciarity sy s tem of nominating candidates by a majority of 120. —Ex. This is sizn'ply,norsii... A gentleman undertook to count the num -Ipcof, (babies,' 4Ticl "youths ; iu. this tmnv , gave it up. We wont know until the census ,man conies round, and perh ips not then. As the Hollidaysburg Stainiarct said Nag to.lecture,.in that place on the 27th, we suppose Petroleum slipped down pretty easy, and the Vs on his bill were promptly. The editor • of the Bellefonte Watchman is informed that on Sunday last not a few eggs were hiCatid stimslied, l 'hut we haven't heard that Paster suffered on that account, or March dither. Did you? . A valuable property is offeredfOr t side, comprising a brick and•fraine dwelling house in the borough of Hantingdort,.lately eccu -pied by Mr...7aiioB SttC,el,lllic i d.. This prop erty will be sold April 13. See adv. Wm. T.4l,ppit'iiis, icllose Ilotip Starts are so favorably received tiiiougitont thO country, 'has rertomdi frog) Arpilmregt tot:1113. Phest nut street, Philadelphia, as will be seen by s atlvertisement,,ip ;." A. thief having robbed a Mr. Jones' store in 'Hollidaysburg:of SIOCi ; iadi,Tieft this com placent note on the counter: "Old Cod, you 'lied better emigrate ;sou have got nothing .wortli going through." tite f -Ut W;Vrii:iB-4:1i4;i;I: '66 b - kCi4 .changing their place of residence will please let us know wherAfidiinove to as well as ,where they move from. No 7 is also a good rtime to subsrailidror7the The editor of the Stfprlard is informed that 'if our stomach was only full of sourercut, we Nvotilde t i llalc,gf srauq,av,rej jp,easp, of a - fire Our "Premises.' Bette`.' a eVatilliarrel s.than a beer-barrel, at everde. The mail ear on the Philadelphia Express goirWirTst , ofirWanesday mornina the 17th, took fire a short distance-above Mifflin, andi only the Salt Lake city letters and a paper lipgfor Ctßinhysti were payed,' :! ;.; An old man named-Mr. Carlin, residing in -Summitville; Cambria, owl ty , tried, I to com mit suicide Wcittilitg tiltentivithlt razor. He was prevented by' his wife. Wonder if all wives would do likewise. Tlfa, aced', bb ay ;Of aJcollierilatied;,Arther Mooney, was found in a Bela near'Clearfield on the 11th inst. ITe — was last seen an the 22