TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per annum in °avarice s'x months three months TERUS - 01' AtiVElerldltiG 1 time. - 2de ' Z. do 1 month .4 15 $1 26.6.41 60 ...... 11 76 ... 1 60 2 25 2 , 75 325 2 25 8 - 25 400 475 Ono Inch, or Icon Two inches, ' =Zi= '3 mouths. 0 months. 1 Tear One 'inch, or lees - ' $4 00 $6OO $lO 00 Two inches, 0 25 9 00 16 00 Threo inches, ' 8 60 12 00 20 00 Pour inches. 10 76 10 00 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00 113 00 30 00 Halicolumn, ' .0 00 SO 00— —45 00 One column, 30 00 46 00..........80 00 Pidfessioaal and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, bar la 00 . A dye ministrators' and Rxecutore' Notices, 0 times, $2 50 Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 'EstraY, or other short Notices 1 50 ' 'Advertieements not marked with the number of inser tion' desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac. cording to these terms. _, , Local or Special Notices, 10 cents a line fot',eingle in. section. IV the rear at a reduced rate. Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, otc. are reasonably low. Vrofessiortilli`giusiaess eaOs. - DE BURKHART, M. D., Pbysi .. clan and Burgeon, has located in'lluntingdon, and tenders 110 norsle•A to this and neighboring community Moon Ratitoad alma, near, the Depot. Ye24-sm+ BRUMBAUGH, LI Having permanently located at Huntingdon, offers hie professional services to the community. ..001ce, the same u that lately occupied by Dr. twin :on 11111 street. eplo,ll6e - )R. JOHN MeCULLOOH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon an sicinity. - Office on EMI street. ono door east of "Rocd's Drug Store. ALLISON MILLER, , ~•/.... DENTIST; Has ternoveal.ri the Brick Tim opposite the Court House, April:l3, 109. • 4 4 E. .1:!-BY- N D E A - - 114 Mee removed to 'Ulster'. New 13nittling, Mill area. Ilutitin p ion. Jiabr tr,•1.8671 • • r • . " • - T. 0.. goLLooy., ..§.oritrErOßLtliEAL ESTA TA' AGENT, UUNTIVOUo\, PA . . . . . .. Will attend in Suiveying in all ite branches, and will lit*. and Belt Real Estate'tunny part att., United Ettdoe. Scud fur circular. ' deal-tf XvfIiSHINGTON fIOTEL, I.I I LINTINGDON, PA. •'ilto undersigned respectfully Informs the citizens' of iluntingdon, county and the traveling PalAidgenerellY that he bas leased the Washington Ilonee on OM cur rier of MR and Charles street, in the borough, of Hoe tingden. and he is prepared to accommodate all w•ho may favor him pith a call. Will be pleased to receive a libet , al abate of public patronage: • ' AtIGUaTCS. LETTERMAN. July 31,:61-tf. •• C. 4GENTi _CALl" ‘Vholeeale atid Retell Vealer in all kinds of Inag voDaagoo MINTItIGTION, PA." • 6ppottile the Franklin Muse, In thelliattiona. (buttery trade supplied. ' , 'apl7l.B Sic R. 51/111:031, U. n. &MUIR. SPEPSON. ARMITAGE, "kiTOR:Alki r S AT LAW, - OFFICE IN BRICE BOW orroslre tax COD BT UOUSY. Jl , la 27, IS6S-Sm. G 'DT C 'FOR 'COLLECTING t•OI,DINNS' CLAIMS, BOUNTY, DAM PAY AND teRIONS. who may Lim any claims against the Government far lionfitiOlock Pirand Pensions, can have theirclaime promptly collected by applying either in pore= or by let ter to ' N. rx. WOODS, - ATTORNEY AT LAM iIIniTINGDO, PA at g 19,1303 rditi ao9 !iv ' • DAUM T. DROWN, The name of this firm has been ebang ed from SCOTT ,4 BROWN, to ' SCOTT, BROWN 4tc' BAILEY, under which name they wlli hereafter conduct that: yractiee - as , " " , .42TOHNEYS AT - LAW, HUNTINGDON IV PENSIONS, and all claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs .egainet the Government, will he promptly prosecuted. May 17, 3.865-tf. COLLECTIONpip O pp ' , Se • ' OF , K. ALLEN ,LOVELL, Diatriot Attorney of Huntingdon County, HUNTINGDON, PA.' onici—ali the room lately occupied by R. M. Speer. jati.l.lB6l MILTON S. LYTLE,- • ''ATTORNEY AT LA TV, IIONTINODO?1, PA 8111 attend promptly to all Shade of legal huskies, en trusted to his care. COLLECTIONS made with the least possible delay. Special attention given to CONVEYANCING In all its branches, such as the preparation of Deeds. Mortgages, Leases, bonds, Articles of Agreement, &a. Ali`plootions relating to - f t) TITUS 111 PENNSYLVANIA. earefolly coOsiclareci..- Ito will also ascertain fur laud owners whether their lands or. patented and obtain tor 11 4. 414 who tda' desire Went, •-•.1,0_1 ONStt STORL Respectfully Inform the citizens of Huntingdon and the public generally that they have commenced the Car riage and Wagon Manufacture in the building fornieay . °coupled by Anderaouthizzene, • 114 THE BOROUGH OF, HUNTINGDON, Near livery is Co's Ftore,,where they will be pleased to accommodate all who call and give prompt attention to all order., either for new work or repair°, Their work shell be put up with the beat materiel and in a workmanlike manure. A llbrral patronage solicited. Huntingdon, June 17-1 y „ .- DRALRIi I.I• i ILEADQUARTERS STEINWAY & SON'S PIANOS, M. X.>, 90Et.M7E113-30, Euccettor to B. M. GIEEENE, And otter makes, 'MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS Melodeons, GUiters, Violins, Flies, Flutes, Accordoons, &0.. &c. Atis-Pianosi, Organs, and Melodeatis Warranted ter firs years. Circulars sent on application, Address; • - • Jan27;69 ' Huntingdon, Pa, 2d flOor Lelater's New Building (T r = JOB PRINTING OFFICE. 11 HE - !t GLOBE ' JOB OFFICE" r ..• A it he e rnz_e_t . c_o_,M.p . lo .. to of any in the country, and pos ,4he 6,,t ityze o , s..xmpl i e . tacillties for promptly execnting in every riety of Job Printing, such as fAND BILLS, IRCULARS, • ' • • BILL HEADS, • • • • POSTERS , BALL TICKETS, 4A.RDS PROGRAMMES, LABELS, &C., &C., &C CELL AND,ILE WINS SPECIMENS OF WOES, LEWIS , BOOK. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE TURN RARE, w. a. woops, !MEI= JOHN BARE & CO., ,M 3 111- fE) HUNTINGDON, PA. $50.000, CAPITAL accounts from Danke, 4m:titers and others. A Pberal Interest allowed OA time Deposits. All klitde of Securities, bought and sold for Ow usual commission.— iColieCtiOne made on all pointy. Diafts ori all parts of Europa supplied at Owl noel totes. ' • per o ono depositing ()old and Silver will receive the pu some return with interest. The partners are individ ually f repoette. Jy.22,1F88-tf .$^ 00 . 1 00 WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL, XXIV, WM. El. ZEIGLER, mars IN Fqrnlshing- Far4e,y, DREBB. GOODS, . „ Alpacas, Popligs, Plwlds, DeLatpee, Lairns, Gingham', Prints, doe Cambrice ustins, Denials, duo • Litten, Mar- P cquas. India Twllle, &o. A largo assortment of . Lathes' Fashiollable•Dress;Trimains. Silk Fringes, Buttons. Bugles, 'Velvet Ribbons, etc. Furnishing Goods, Stockings, Morello, Cotton, Wool, So Gloves, - Itid-of all colors, Silk, 'threat), Cotton, grc: of all sizes, and latest styles, Under garments of all kinds, for La. dies, Cents and Children. - Table Linenitlustins, Napkins: Doylies, Sc. Shooting and Shirting, Brown and Bleached, from 8 cents up. gUDA.VI A• large 'stock of the- latest' styles. A largo stock' of Notions, Zophyre, Yarns, Sc. All cheaper than the cheapest, -„ , • XF.Arltoom, opposite the First National Dank, Hunting. don. l'a. .869• CLOTHING .. 1869 • . H. ROMAN., CLOTHING NCR •, , FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECIU VIM Ai ROMAN'S CHEAP . CLOTHING STORE." Nor Gentlemen's Clothing of the best material, and made iu tke het workmanlike manner, call at H. RO - 31 A N' 8, opposite the Frunkyu House fu dim:kat Square, ZlllllO4, don, Pa. , . , Can't Be ',Bea en! - JOHN H. WESTBROOK PA Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he' basjuct received from the city a Now and eplatictid stock of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERIES BOOTS, & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe . -.Findlitgs l ,` Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &0., &c. all of which hots prepat ed to bell at greatly reduced prices Don't forget the old stand In the Dinmond. Old cast° more and the Wilt?. generally are invited to call.. Huntingdon, 0ct.28, lIMMEMEI feIGEO. SHAEFFER m•ila'sjust retttruod from the east lath a 42440 BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, C. Which ho offers to the luspeotion of ldi customers sod the public generally. lie will sell his stock at the most • REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchetio onto will surely . cull again pooTs & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and RHPAIRIIIO alone In the neatest and'most (dyedt tlou. manlier. Call - upon Mr. Schaeffer at hta shop on HUt street, a row doors west of the Diamond. Oct. 28,1808. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE be has opened the old a pub l i ctea tha t d Ilaullagdon; A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. • All of which ha will sell at fair prices. Quick zeta and smaltproJitt. Call and azimuth° my stock. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as liiikttingdon, Vet. 28, /208, • spl'BB IXE:M= NEW Carriage& Wagon il.dur Manufactory. :t . 7.1-31 1 'rittLt‘ P. S. ISENBERG & CO., Choice Groceries; Candies, Toys, &c D. AFRICA 'Bt, CO'S. FAMILY, GROCERY. CONFECTIONERY* ANA VA . BLETY BTORt, lITINTOTODON, PA. E. J. GREENE, Our stock consists of all kinds of Groceries, Taut, Bpi cm Canned and Dried Fruits, Cider Vinegar, Common and Fancy Soaps, of all kinds, Bair Oil, Perfumery, Pen Knives, Pocket Books, &c. Call and examine our stock, and take a view of our splendid Marble Soda Fountain. Don't forget the ploco—north-cast corner of Diamond, fluntlngdon, Juno 24-ly D. AFItICA & CO. LOSSIIS PROMPTLY PAID HUNTINGDON INSURANCE AGENCY. G. B. ARMITAGE, WLYNTINGIJON, PA ; Represent the most reliable Companies in the Country. Rates no low as is sousiotent with reliablo indemnity, sep pitA Represented over $14,000,0 PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY BLANKS, 1111ERCILMIT TAILOR line reamed to MU :Afoot, ountinOon Pa, 0110 ffiier met of the Post Office whew he is vaeparad to do' all Hods work in Ids line of business. Ho boa Just received a tuft tine of w. D. LEAS: 81 I=l . . CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, 0 VERODATINGS, &c., and he invitep P Call from the public, promising to make goods to order In a workmanlike manner. ItCHILItY, Met chant' Tailor. Huntingdon, Pa., Oct. 7th, 1568. • BUSINESS' MEN, TAICE NOTICE R you wont your card nopy'Prlrded on novel ones, call at LE Ir/S. D 00.5 4ND STA TIONERY STORZ _ . .. • • , , ' ' ~,. a , ,-, ~ ,! • i, ,''', . . . „ - ' ' ." <,..' ' ' '''..:' , : ' .4, - ' ' '.,t. •+- ;16 4 . - I ,l + . Zil - ..;? 4,. tu. ‘.;'s,\‘ '4\4l ' k .= ''' ' '' '', • . 7 . --:. , ,• , ".-. .II .. r \ •;.... 7 • . : --- ''' -. "' 3 T ,, ,: ...r; `4,. N. • ,., ' , '',!...,4.,,t, ;:::1..:•,,,,,‘11.,..,w, ~ , ,, , ,t.,0%.-: .t.',:?:4- i i'-!., , , • ". .. :-.%;::::"'". ~ ''': ''' . 1. -, .... , r, - ,;! ~..„,_ ~ ~r. ''-;,,, , . ~.:- 13-_-f---..;-,4;-• • ..I';' 4 ,;''?: . • o- , st:::::.'77--7. ;7_ , L ,.. --,T4,--1 ; --= : - 4.',:,': 4 -% , -'_::= : ::•- - ;„ - " - ~, • • : .7;,., f. -- ‘; .s_ ~.,. , •1 .. i ' -7:Fr:-ZC',.-Z.`;`...17:!,...; 7,:z.,•;.:.:.7,1..7'5.',.:.*-.W:.:'.--,4.::.;-5:::,..f-t-3J-2:P"';:-"-"1.4-.'VN'. '—' ' -' V,;. , :': -N . ;;'',', ~.., .;'.. .: ..,. - J.,,it , '-' KY , - ;17 " . .i'..' :- , : - • --,<.:-;4,g;;;;'..-F,'.`.:."_;::'''4',,%9-,•., '', ; • - , ....-_-...........,,,Tt.,,,f,,f.,,i7;=" ~,,...,.*•.-*'^'S'P,,, 01 4 ' z ''' . , • ..._4 L ' ,- ''-'t:-.: ~ .::- : - e r . 2 : '., ; •.:'• ..'':' ":': '-: ' " - '.' ; ;... - .7:_e•f - , - :: ~, i . ''..=-,,',. t. ', ", A1..,` .4. , ,:', ; ; : ~; ;, :,, ...,.. 1, .. ~ ,,,,1 , . .1 ".;`,;f:, '.';'i . l':. • ..".,„! " , . ,‘' C , :1) •,..- •'• ' ' ' : , , , • " .zio,:, • ' • SPLENDID STOCK WM. AFRICA 8. D. BLOOD ELS H. RaBLEY HUNTINGDON, PA„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1869. HOORAH'S GERMAN BITTERS IM Hootland's German Tonic. The Great Remedies for all Diseases of the LIVER, STOMACH, OR DIGESTIVE ORGANS HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Is composed of the pure Juices (or, as they aro maid nnlly termed,,Extract33,) of Roots, Herbs, and Btu ks, making a Preprint tion, highly ooncoutra ted, andouttruly, face, from alcoholle admiziure of any kind, ' - 1100FLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Is a combination of all the ingredients of the Slitters, with thd purest quality of Santa Cruz Bum, tkenge, making one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies over ollered to the public. Tho. 3 preferring a Medicine free from Alchoholic ad. mixture, will ole lIOOFLAND'S 021IMAN BITTERS Those who luwo no objection to the combluatlott of he htttera, us stated, wilt use 1100FLAND'S GERMAN TONIC 'Alloy ale both equally good, and coutaiu the same medicinal vlrtbes, the choice between ttiti two being. Mere mutter of Mate, the Tonle being the moat palatable. The stomach, beta 4 variety of Cativo., snob a. indigas -0 [ion, Ayapepsia, Ant loos Debility, eta, is very opt to have its tune ions, d. rouged. • Thu Liver, 1,310- patbialuif us closuly us 2, Jut. etth the elmuttelt, thou betume, adeeted,the /unite.' which le that the Papuat stature mom sevens or snore or•Llte lollewiug die t:Meet Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Files, Ful ness,of Blood-to the 11 - cad, Acidity otthe Stomach, • Van Sea, 'Heartburn; Disgust - for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour tHimetatiolo, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming qf the Bead, ,flurried or Difficult , Predating, Fluttering at the Deart, Choking or , Stillocating Sensations whentn a tying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Putt , Fain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, ntlow ness of the Skin and Eyes ; rain in Me Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sudden Fllzshes of Heat, Burning in the J"lesh, Constant Imagzaings of and Great,Depression of Spirits: The sufferer iron: those diseases should exercise the 0 gteutoet tetittiort in tire se lectiou of a remedy for hie cuss, puidatema. mil) thut which hu is assured trout his mseetigattuo. nod inquiries pobsesses true merit, is kikillUll) CUlllputintled, is rue from injurious Itigtedients s ;ma ...s. es tabsiehed fur itsult a cep. thettutt tot the cute ut these thiscabcs. In this connection too would submit those well known remedies— 100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS 110,qPILA.E.D'S CT , E,RMAN, TUNIC, Pi opred 31. JACKSON, Twenty-tWo years since they were first introduced Into this country trots Uormany, during winch time they have undoubtedly peltoted more cures, and benefited taller. 'lug humanity to it greater extent, than au) other route• dies known to thopublic., F Theo° remedies will ell ectuully cure Liver Com. plalut,J,tuutlice, Dysitep silt, Chronic 'or Nervous Debility, Chronic Iliac Dices, Disease of tits hid . nO,B, obd ul I Diseuses ail mug Dona • disordered Li. tier, Stomach, or Autectibes, r DEBILITY, . Ettiuttins froriany Guist wheactar ; PROSTRATION Of THE SYSTEM, induced by Severe Labor, Arposure, There is no medicine extant equal to these remedies in Snell cues. A tone and. Vigor is imparted to the whole aystew, the appetite is strengthened, loud is enjoyed, the stomach digeste promptly, the blood is purified, M. coup plaxier t51C,11,14 , 3d esauctd WA healthy, the yellow tinge if srudielltsd hum the oyes, a bloom is penis to the cheeks; and the ‘geat sued usivous lnyalid It.!vcknass a strong and healthy being. --z PERSONS IDVANOND And feeling this bander time weighing heavily upon them,' with all its attendant ills, wall find in the urn of this MD T.NItS, or the WNW, an elixir that will Instil new life Into their veins, restore in a Pleasure the energy and ar dor of mere youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and gira health and happlueie to their remaining years. NOTICE. It is a well established fact that fully cowbell or the L female portion of our pop utatiun are seldom in the enjoyment ur good health; or, to nee their own or.- preselon,mever Rcl wall.' they, are languid, dovold or all energy, exteinuel acetone, and have no up. petite. Tu this class of persons the BITTERS, or the TONIC, is especially recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN, Are made strong by the use of either of these remedies. They will cure et ery case of blAltAbidlJS, wlthoutfail. ThoUSaudo or CartalcatOel bar , . neoUtUalatuil in Sloe hands of the proprietor, but space will allow et the publitation of but a low. Those, It a ill he observed, ale men of Ingo and of such standing that they must be believed. ~ rX . MS'Ia3VCOSTM.O.,ZS- lION. GEORGE W. WOODWARH, Chief Justice of the Supreme (burl of Fa., is., Ilea : Philadelphia, Morels 18.1707. A "I find Glootland's tier man Bitters' 10 a good futile, wool ice dtkuses of the diguativo orguon, nod of great bsouilt to *, eases of debility, and want of untruths active iii the oystesn. yours, tray, GEO. W. 14001MAIID." HON. JAMES' THOMPSON, Jaye of the Supreme °owl of Pennsylvania J'hiladelphia, April 28, 1888. "I consider 'Hoofland's German Bitters' a voitsabte med icias to cats of attacks of lachgestion or Isyspopsia. I con lordly this twos lay oxperisuce of Lt. ruurtl, with respect, -JA.1111.6 TIIOSIPSON." FROM REV. JOSEPLI 11. KENNARD, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth &Pia Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jachaort—Uotr Olr t I havo - beeu ttequently reques ted to comma my name ulth reconmionourions of ditto - - eat kinds efluedtclues, but regarding the protllee as out of my appropriate epuere,l have ill ail cases de clined; but with a clear proof In Yterlolle landau- N OA and particularly to my own wittily, of the usettOrteas at Dr. Hoe. laud's Orrmen BMus, 1 depart ter WIC° horn my u.oof vourse,,to express my full conviction that, for priecrat debilit.o, of the systain, and elpecialry jor Liver Lkavlaint, it v is a safe atm 1,.,M,41,/, prepurutwn. lwarono ruses it may tall; hue netiody, , 1 doubt riot, it yap tro vary Imuotichd to Moro Who inner from the above causes. • _ , Yours, very respectfully, J.ll. IihNNARD, Eighth, below Coates St. ' TROD BEV. B. D. FSNDALL. ' . _ Assldant Editor Christian Chronale, Pentode/IMM. I have derived decided benalt . froin We use of Stool laud's (lemma Lianas, nod feel it my privilege to recom mend them no a must valuab:B tome, to all WhO are SUP firing front general debility orfrons diseases analog kola dernh ge nutdrt.ot the liver. - . ' - . •.. ~; - Yours truly; • , E. D. FEN DAM,' ; llootland's Gorman Remedies are counterfeited. Ste Unit the aignatuio of O. M. dAVICetiN , fa on t ho ,rapper ot , each bottle. All others Me' couutur• fuit. Principal oMce " mid Manufactory at the Ger man Medicine Store, No. two Alien Street,,Philadellibia, P.llll33lVunia. Charles M. Evans, Proprietor, ForMerly.n. 11 . 1,7.1.0K80N .4 CO.' PRICES, iloonaqd'i.atilpan D!tlora, psv.!)(!tilp, daft dozoo , oo lloorland's German Tonle, pbt. up in oibett bottl?t o'6o per bottle, or a bait dozen for $7 60. • tro , •Dobot for et to exam:gnu well U?a priligt you ihay, in order to pit the kr,,emOne. • , • " For ode by repealer! is kedlcidi.l • April 2,lltee-ty pottrn. '' • In, this world I've gained my knowledge, And for it I've had to pay; • Though Lnever Went to College, Yet I've hoard the poet say, Lifelsliko a raighty,occan, Rolling.on from' daito day,' " Men are vessels launched upon it, Sometimes wrecked and cast away. 0130RUS. So do the beet for one another, Making life a pleasant dream, • Help a worn and weary traveler, Pulling bard against the'etrdatn: Many a bright, goini-hearted;:felloW, Many a noble-minded man, — ' Finds himself in water shallow—' ' Then nssist him if you'ean....,, ,• Some succeed in every turning, Fortune favors every scheme; Others, too, though more deserving, Have to pull against the stream. If the wiud is in your faVor And you weather ovary squall, Think of those. whose lulkhaes labor Never got fair winds at all,-- Working hard, eontented,,wii,ling, Strbggling through life's oce'dn'tvide, Not a friend and nbfa•ohilling, ' • Pulling hard against tile tide. kive . DIAVO{S"; ' Let it keep ydu in good cheer,: „ Brighter days way come to-morrow, If you, try and persevere., , Darkest nights will have a tneiiiing,' • - Though the sky-be or9reast,- - - • Longest Ines will hit'veiti Chrtiihg, - • .And the tide will Opt at last. ,r. .1, sehoolany fare to act its pert; My.beart : l will not bare; , ; I would not have you read my soul And 'seij'your image thee., Ourways in life may new,er.meet7 All, me I.it is a woman's' , To bdrir the pain as best she may, - So that the world 'suspect it nut. , • • Then do riot' deem us proud and „cold, We women need to Mil a pare; The coldest face, the proudest mien , Foll i ofteu,ltidep, the warmest heart. , And ,if we seem too frecand gay, Like hotterflies as light as air, „ ,'YOu 'curl yeur,lips in lordly pride, And say that we're as false tie fair: , , When first we love we seldom wed, , ' Aud oftentimes we feel tou weak To go our weary,wny'alone; Aud failing then of what we seek—, Dihairing'oft of what we would, Our weary hearts and lives athirst, We take our fate tipon'oursolres, ELud drain the cup that's offered first Then blame us not if we'reloo Or yot too gay, or light as air; Remember, yo who frown us down, A:troman's lot is bard to bear. THILADELPHIA, P.l 3Mcp=l.J. Z,dtmaann. clott, ' ' •'' OF PENNBYLVANIA;:' On the Temii•e ofOffice Bitt,h7clivereg'ih the U. ,S. , Senate, March 19, 1869. . . 3.1. r. President, I stated' when I rose yesterday that laid net propose to dis cuss the constitutional 4u,eictonerwhich were involved iu the'parisage of the tenure-of-office l." do propose, however, ver ybrieflY to seatethe Wren' grounds that have been taken . upon' the question of thnpoWerle 'make' re rnovulA frOm office,.and'then to loOk at the position' in which the administra-i Lion of this Government will be placed in view of the adoption of ono of those grounds in the practice of the Govern,. ment • by. the action, of • the, Congress: The.,three grounds :takes. are.: , first, , that the, President 'has • the absolute power of removal from office, indepen dent of Congress or 'of the S,ermio; sea -1 ond, that this Power of removal is, vas , ted in the President, bY'and with the advice` and consent of the §enate, in-. dependent of Congress and third, that, the subject of riimoirals . from office is within the , poWer' .. of Negress," and map' be regulated ' Lain' aware of the broad field'whiCh these three prop . ositiOnS open . up, but I will not enter it; as I have already sta ted... The diacussions • havel already madeithe public mind. , so familiar with it thatit is net necessary' for•the-en-' lightenment of the people that those dis cuesioue should be reiterated here. But, sir, after , these queetionmhave been.be fore the country since the organization of the Governmeot, and after a crisis arose in the history of the. Government which, rendered it absolutely necessary for ,Congress to act upon the subject,' the third theory; which I . have stated was adopted, and, has been acted up, on. Blow was it 'adopted?, • That third, theory of the Constitution, that Con gress, fans thM powcr :Of legislation• up on the subject of removals; is the Very . life "and 'spirit of. the .tennie-of-Mffiee bill."' The first section of the tenure-of office bill fa an explicit assertion that the President has not the power of' re moval from office where "the'incum bent 'has been appointed-tiy and with the advice and consent of. the Senate.: 'ie second section , of the tennre'of office' . upon the' denial of the power of the President in the first, grauts.him the power ,to ‘suspend 'for enumerated causes, incapacity, crime,, disqualification, or' misconduct. .• All theTernaining sections of the, bill sim ply provide for, contingencies.and pen • //Ides. ,That bill was passednafterome of,the most earnest amt;protraoted discus sions, that, ever, took .placo l •in Alm his tory of this country over,anypenstitu. tiqual question... ft,not only passed:in the ordinary, form,of.,fet;islation, but, after it had, passed and. after it had en edunterod 'the veto of 'the .xecutivb, and afiet. that'vete -had laid"beforn'the letialativo branchlof • the Government e.veri , reason that could 'be urged againat'the legislative pOwer to 'regu late rem:ovals,. the power was again affirmed by mere than a two-thirds vote in each Rouse . of Congress.. After its enactmentola ilonsp,43l:,Rerefiee.; tatives,, whose ; voice on this, subject is novi , invoked in this Chamber to some extent, that Haase ,beiog . nearest, to the will of the people, p8all? nParl.ite4 -PERSEVERE.- DON'T GIVE ITE! A WOMAN'S LOT SPEEC 1.-I of . . the poweiftipresentiuglothis body 'as a court, eleven arthiles impeach= ment, eight"or which' . were 'founded upon this very tenure-of•office Bight of those articles being - fbandeci upon 'that act; Wit trial progr'essed uporl thdde artiels, attracting the h( tention' not only of this land, but of the' eivilized'world, The vote' of the Scn.: ate 'upon the trial of thatimpeachment Was' an afflrMaiiie'bY a very large'ma,) jority of 'tlie'doetrinei that. the Presi dent' hie hot the right of Tedoval from office under 'the 'Constitution. More' thee :that,' after that impeachment trial,' founded upon this tenure-of-office' law, had closed, the two .great parties , of thiti . country 'went bethre, the peo ple, the one 'distinetlY affirming in'its' platform Of principles tltitt•the , legisla-' lien of-Congress; including 'thWteriure- 1 of-office act and 'including the impeach: ment trial based. upon it, Was 'right, and the other att r .kin g ,it as aluetfrpa-• tion Of power; declaring that Congress' was seeking to draw to itself the 'pow ere of 'alb the other departments Of Government: ,•,That man .no3v,at the, bead• o£ the (3 ever p tpeat- 7 -an not going to,atop hero,to,Ouloglie flit`flit`, ; i, butof•mp I may say, : withoet : dertaking,a eulogy,- that thusittr.dti-„ plicty.has foyer been, de,yeloped, as•ae • element in his charac'ter 7 -wenf, befOrg, the.country upon the doctritic,annottne-,, o,d .in n ono ,of those.party platforyna,; ; and after again • the full discussion this question, entering, as, an : element into the, judgment to he iendeted by, the, people; we have, the ,verdict ,of the. peoplei i if it is werthAnything,in.dis : cussiog,a 6:Asti tutional ; questi,en:,,,that, the power of. Congress, was!,PY9IO I Y oxerciaql. • ' • 16 view:Of fill,this;..4tiB propeacdt?' have` it , firs established, that.tho 'Constitatitin,does not vest,,in the President, the pew - pt. , el removal froth ofli„ce, and we come into power i l proposing,to ehey Metter and . ip,spirit we, arti'ettrneSt• in this;. then ,wo believe, :that OtitSidel of ~,b:e- t etttire-of,ofliee, adcan , the other acts regulaiing.the Departnients which confer the power of reinoval,, there is no authority vested in the President of the United ,States to re ' move an officer appointed by and with, the adyiee.aed Consent of the Senate I during the ;recess of :the Senate,, and ! affirming that doetrine„ the, -proposi-, tion now,., before us, is,.first,, by the I House bill to repeal the tan u re.of,pifice act; and second, by the amendment of the Committee on the .judiciary to 4us 7 , pearl thetcuure-efoffiee act until the next session; and there is' another amendment, the ,effect of which, as I did not hear it distinctly, I aqi not, able to, state. Now Lpropose, as I have stated,- to call attention to tbe.condition in whfch we shall be placed 'by adopting either of.these•measures. Suppose we ;repeal the act,: where ithen are:we 7 We are before the country. with, the express declaration that the,President. has not the:power.of ,removal "during there:. C 088; AVA are ',then , f th ro w baelr. : on the. la ws which have. been. passed: per,. mating the •Presidenti.itr. certain stances to remove from.oftice:pc Would they permit him to carry on tiboind ministration-of-the-Government and rerneVe , uniaithful .oc> disqualifiedPoffi cord if 'he should, wish to exercise 'that power They mi,ght.' 'upon" tine con; struction that has' , been 'contendel:t,for. hero and- elsewhere; ..but they- would; Onirreach, even , granting , .that,. - view,l certain 4inumerated officers in' the De= partments, and; upon looking at one pf the acts rellect:en-forithisi , purpose .1' find that:even .th& question ,of whether the• President has the pewerto remove under that act must: give.!way. When. we. look -at the. matter id all' its its= , l ects, I..refer to the act 0f,,1820, and,, call, attention -to it?at 'thiS Itithwfor the purpose_ of showing that even if there were "actslef , Congress'regulating all thb departinents.df this , charaeterp under :.their: plirascOlcigy,the , questiori' would still be .open as to,wlie-badt - the , l power ,to remove , an Officer. )i,read t thel first-;section of theluot . of: lthollfith 'of 91ay,1820,"t0 limit the tstm , oftofFtee_of certain officers therein: named,'andifor, other purposes."l , ,l'•:,l •I! rt,U: '"That from and , aftor the pasesge of th is' ad all district at Ora eys,'Colleetors of Customs,. naval officers 'arid - survey- , ors of the enetomN Navy agent s i re ceivers - 1/of i public 1 moneys , for lands, registers of the' hind Offices; tors of the, Army, the apotheeary;gem eral and assistant apothecaries 'genoral,) and the ..comrnissary, p,enet•al.of chases, to 'he appointed under the laws of the Mated States; shall , be; appoint: ed for term'ef four years; but 'sballibei removable froM office at pleasure." At whoSs pleasure? 'We * get backs to. the'very questiOn that is started under the Constitution;` and' the . very fact that the, , law of 1820 conferred the power . on the President 'to 'reninVe,'if it does confer it, hi' £l. ) streng,A)roof that in'the:iiew of 'that iii4V-tunker he' did not imesess it 'without Ad conferredby . gongregra; . and the.at!' temp`t; if 'there:was attet4t,' to '6olii' fer language is I eft - ado' that' if' tha nee arose it would 'bo qUestion': in the' .courts' wlietliefr'tbe ponder of romobtl 'giv'en by that act is' giv'eti to the President, or is left to the' President by and with the 'consent of the Senate. 'Take' that one act as a sample, end upon the very ,d he citsioe ou five , have gone to t country up'cM the - ery doctrino op' prerient'Cidef Itltigistr,afe'ef the United' Status liae, been electadj)ow could,7U, say'that if he for,tod in ofdeian.ohnox ioos °Meer', Whgo was .net - iorO, , trj'de4 s flir under aby'pf these acts Of cohgrei3. lie Might, renaestrebipi:l We • haye dobia,d' that ppwisr . bir:tWs leaSt4tio'n'; by all the aCtion (if 'the' 'GOveiarneiit ,since it was sought . io ; bp exercised ip auchk a manner, as to muire the aetion. of the legislative dePartlient on the ?nestiou. TERMS, $ 2,00 a year in T1.7419e.• 'There, IS" Where We ShoUld:be left, by: the repeal. of ',the suppose e.suspend.. it„,as.it is ; prop° , sed to do here, how much better off, aro we? In one _view: of this.questien the ,ten ure,of r offipe -apt is a ftp : uneonsti tiitional, yestraint,,of •-In, the, otber'phint "of -is an 'inhirgd:: Meet' the Preaiderit'ii'PeiviTer s , aricf ,confers.; 'upon " film alfirthe , poster that he has. in connection. with other , acts of,Congress to make removals.. It we suspend thelaw, :then; having adoPtdd'ilie grbiiii itthat' he has-not the ,absolute Ptiwer' ttiiinliat the Only ;conferred by lawYthen"frozini this•Mitil; the : next session; et&i reilidve`b° df-' beers' eitcept those' ilitit c he'.' authorized -to remove' by - Other laWi e upon, the statute-bdOix.' We' cannot adopt 'tide legislation'on .the grOitudihatwe'wi'sli'to give the - Preen' derit tiie'Power - renioVebliedxiotit4 l officers:" Instead' of - giVihe , poWerlO remove obnoxious officerS t the' l repeal ef, this law; or the'sutiperisiotf i efl taking.aivaY , the poiffer, to retrieve 'obn ten] Wtie: i 'iight,,"*,hen . , ; ,lie c 'said;th t 1 i • there'rd pile:64lle, ii4otled 'in„tho) repeal of this ldWilnit: 'is iiofiiidoled inifsjanspensinii,lind iinitber d'rePeal of tholawrnov a stispensiotri of"it will' leave the,present President ito:exereisei the,. power, _removal ..for,thepurp,ose ; for which the Country',wishes,', to . see him have the 'pews of re'nfOvtif.''" It` will,not,dio p;tu s 4 fu,r flier; - Wo'riiiist preserve, the pr,inciple ,uponhden'fOntidedV trUstilliat iticdill be fountilitilthis" Congress and in thisiSenateAhatwhon. we have obtained a_prineiple,,,and in-. corporate whieh : „work,s beneficially` e country,th we vw nei surrender. itr'for - dnyt'iriereterriportirY purpose.; If.the Prineiplelocorporthed' in.thojaw,of„l7B9, ra prin,ciple.almost as ;bell old, as, the • law itsolf,• tbat,,no„reae, be'6: judge in.bis,pwn easp, ; Was geed' 'diio','tind gebd - th the' Send to' at least•heSitatedt , as'!to - whether they would strike . it,fan the-statntethooli at the request, of • the first; mum in the ; nation to put into, office,rielic , st man' i Willa: nation, 'I I,ilist:that'llieY:, will adhere . tcri the piiticiPl'n thus' not- ed upon ;in the firspdayworitliO4essiOnt and adheren,to :tile: Prineiple. l thetl.wo have obtained :and ,estahlist,tod,,ini the, passage of tho tonure i of • What then, - sir„should we do under the circumstance ,IVe. hoe affirmed the power, of legisla Lion, pv . er ; thomeg 7 , tint of. removal, acid the point that is pies'Onted'hOW le hoW th'tit power 'be . exercised.' ir'.....isexelieitied' before in yieW of the tact that s'iPresi: dent in,place clairried the power ,of:re-; /novel and was exercising ' that,,power,, ai it 'wee behoved'behoved'by ilia country', to, take geoid z knoll olit-of Office thid - "piit' bad ones in. The law then was Passed if we say thatin one aspect ;of it it vYq,s,anrenabling actp—to rrestrain, him fr'oes, doing that, misehief,, NOnt putting' eliit'Aved fatting' i bad (Meer , ; Novi, :sit , ,` 'N;c(i. , ; a:NI' brought , to a;differentstate,ofatfairs.•,-/Wehre'n'otf 49 1 1gliti tAPlrqnd..qiiie..llrificliPief, l l l ltd we are, brought exercise the linej r , ple abcdraing - t t e the' circumstances po whictPw't" fiiid:' haVe' now; in the•prcsidential chair-ratinan: who, as I understand it, eloesinotelaimi the power_of removal f and-a man who us •vyel elieve, awe ;eon fer it upom Epp., i ,only, toye m °ye! ;bad f rneyi,a,,nd ,pnt,good onesjp, .„,1f4,4t true',' and' exercise our thnetioo4y, giVing'hini"PoWer, WO' save 'the ciple of the laWi; tie dti not , iitty , ltilat we, la aye ,bee n• exerei.ingith is•lll4o°H-I ty:,out,rnal,evoje,rice -.against the, individua'i who, happen,e ; cito,,,oe ;l eilpY„ihO' p'reiskden,inV chair -- ; We say_ that 'we eereirie'it fhil"puitioSe"ot protecting and preserving the'riation!B life egaia,st,bad mem in iciffi.cepaticUnow: we Pay that 7t13.TV111 'P? \ T el ' .1# 11 ;p9 0 %,91 onabliN good Vreicident'to turn out Vad offieglij." fief to,rcipeallthe lacy; and! it itiwere -.0084 iSfNY,e Mine. tirl!nlatt3 l . 3 lA,lnkletT ter laww,,e,.,o,aght not to t , sn9Rild„ i it;", bEit q We ought, if we dO suspend the law, to accompany it with an.additiisli to the propent,p,eudii?g„trieasuiTigiv 'to Afie'President the power during the rreeeetieOf:th al ) ficers.and report cthe ,, reitroialif"at tho _next sessien„regniring: hint; to no-; minute , Or. ,t l l9 - IPims.B 4 1 153 l'Atc4.l4l a within limited time.,,, ; In this ;Wiw i • WiVexPoisii," Mir pip'ivo - in "a!4'cordaWee with thd.cii:MiinstitiiceViil'OWlifelOW6 LfindlourSelves; net for, it Mord tampo4• rarY because , PTVIRKYO: ON. this course, the ; right and,the auther4y 7 agdin, whenever the 'emergebef irrisets, to exer`chielt in 'another' *iiy) if We find a' bad men a r the ;head' ef affairs: I would. then:preforand,iel• canr.tdo• do in ,order at tbe,proper. time, ,!491eas, it be offeredfay some mOre experienced Senifor,TElhOl preposeteaddtothiti 'suspending' the,teritire:Ofoffie; x6l; frilil' 'til.the.aext EL i 9 actmerit,that • durin g ~the recess,, of the; perie,p ) , the ; 'President' shall hay!) power r te_ .remove, 'officers, and requlrmehira thdlibit t v° 6. 9.tY : 1 4 4Y.P):!fc!-T ( IPPYt , the names of those removed, and matte, 'nett natiOit's •t / 43 th'e'iaeatieftiEL L tiolfant dentleinan thatWititheßil'eS:'.the7O`rentlen of a viteiiiiCild'ii'i'e&;es,"' t 'iinswer it ' dee' ,this'iileW the l'eXer-, 'ciao 'of'the aStthdrity,of `fegfelatiOn , for the purpose of enablitig liim to terneVO and fill, .the and ; the officer , ,aripoihted 'eentinees until ,the, next sebsien of-the'genittef If the : he Sandi in anominatibw[and . it • is'' oobfi feed; thereds vacancy,; if he sepdaiin •a' nomination And it is rejeeted, ~there_ will be a vacancy, occurring-not durr ing the recess hatcduripg the session; and it can be pyovided;fer and ftliedlt Those- stAscritling - for , tbyee; gix , or twelve months - with the understanding that , tte' , liaii - ei be Aiii - Ob - tftitijitidlatii subscription jsirenewed4ecciying..apa, per mtfrked - wlth,kt thefure they 411.1,110 will -- urrdorstand - that --- the - timo - l or which wish the. pap6r continued , they, will, ronew their - subscription - throtigh - tlig cnnil er'Otheiwise.- s ' 7 / if' =V All kinds of i eTe ‘ , „ f ft ric T:t -,‘5,4 ornamental Job Pri ti , expeditiously_execiltod st j tlie office:: 'Terms moder4ti3,''J MEM NO. n. , . . This isin'y .vieyz., of „the', legislation; Wei . sk;OOldilicr?eon this fintijeet. Let. Us, if suspend the open ration Of sion, so that we shall then haVentitne;) if it be deemed proper t - to, complete the leiiiili,tiori:neeessArytiP'earrut &spleen:lJ of thiteoliaracteti;;•ibutido , noii; rePqa14,1:9 5 ,1fk%9; 111 40 I tbrOiYe,earilOwni Presidentin to,, ,p,osiON „ wbeNe j ky ; exercising the necesiitiry power of i re,... ; be"Strileind"d l ow!it - ,th'is' prineiple . incorporatainAtia;tetfurii-Oftl of law,:thp . principle,contendedLifor; on this floor-in-the4reneaeliment trial, principlegfpon:whielidiiie - Ipnt 11 4 - , ri to- o .t4cP thq ORA .of e - - P4P?t A PuP ( that positron ;; ;If WiYOO, dna 1,1 ic,be 'ans w ered thatif exercise Chid ''that:' Was acquiesced in sinew theilftiundiiticln lota the Government the . enatore,Who,yoted.fp.„ens,ta,in,thiai trial of the finpeachlnen,ef,', i man who professed to ti t aire' the: piiiier• how,. we hector, „refra i ipi,froirk iinpeachlOg:a e groSiderit, wOnld, exercise •PciWer' Whiefi' he, declares thall have , heard during the,iirogrosnor this dis,eus§ion.,t44,)egislationilotithiSl charaiitcr i; woeld.bp ,reilpotipg,ion in thd the United' States is Ling on him:i 4416 iiot if we accompany i.t.,,w,ithf thb' grant; ofr, the necessary power- r as-4-have e n s-, "if "aceotnpany •iti necessary, power,s, bo.t, the, it necessary in fliO law"; if, we think ip,nee i es,aa,ry. l hareifigi;to - iiitei j iladill';' ) ari;"'ne: 4 ;ei . refletifionimi ariy obeyhthe law.- As *.amightiNviocotabff h,p,F,c ) an,d, „contend ; that I tho.l &xiatinga st,,t ll .l e 9n 11 v...1 ) 1 5 °1c ,i TP,2 1 Pg.A'.P01.Y47: ty members of Congr i ess tor being, concerned in theyrOsVetitiiiiiiiiredfiiinl" ag`i'M' " on , ~opAress. L nOtlbriAtiii ;lift`fortliiitiEelk - rtiiYineitibet' of, Uorikress , abouldibringtinitelf•viitlic; l in ; tbe provisions of' ; the 3 law i iinstepd!ofii the law, b,ei rig a , • reflection '.l4Pon,Vgit,l ho Would be an ilinstrntinn o ßr , dern orthe d - , Nor sir; it is , tio , TefleatlOl ii ndictlii -.' legisintintwayill thrt•tifino obstacle igi: the way 0f,449,-,h i fyroonigatt Adpajniss z) tration ofthe_Gover.unient_withm Pres. iden,t ; whOtia "slispOSO4 , ,tel do friglit,,oho, is-oin•:PYlriPati.lY-Vitl! , Piket Pi1.4.1P-rifr , Y-314a Grongr,ess, f .i#nt tarv,ing ) olktap3,4„thify, great pilncii)le:lltroith this sting:oe, stifill j wn; iii)nrkinYi meie l iiigiftiOd"pl -3 admiration for a .man;:orCakfyf M414 1 142;1 0 sire -if-!!;€leCoreingdaAainyAnf..llisiyikitteetid in inankpfr,itingthis:adminle,tr,a9,opas,, aWeTto'Suri7en'iler it'in tie legialaiPik which'We - ena'cil i 'l'itin"s'i b r oV'' , .th r ` r`a' l ` are! rnahrblessitiks' Whiet)' , llaCtele'o'nieu to, nations and.. peoples fithrdugliithein''t calamities. We need not go-far i b,apk, in history to show us that—. The very oppression ,of our- fat h era brong tit -fret d9R,ll4, t))edoclaKation o " f equal Eighw i to s s peOile:whoer, tot-at"fri4 t eut.„ 'tending 16i then. IliediietOlderie„ rob3ilidiilirouiht tin'qlebdOin n ii'ltie' large.sensei of dial turiird4f_and therlAiLf; duraPYigrimgiV.idneleAntiskf StatekhqsA. brought 0 fr99o A rp, r ju l the i lKger n eewaq,,, of t the word, SO. - that'nqw. ~; throng t . ", y4siirslisf llood rintr "sill gtii 611; MisPd i %AY " -6,ajlisi welhave , noristisaid , fieforkflithat)i ) w 9 !:00 , X0:01 , Ggver.nInent;in)whicheLveryol ma l n l ie frpo t,o,choos% ; tbe yierehjp,ltt.,- Goof and free to i rd'ilist tletyrattny,' of pa iiii: ') " That iidfiilcl d titia# le eillf ge:!I , ins l on until - ' t ver, f,iilh ; - Nifkluasi South,.whitTatabffec e will eclothet. 'not"enly'wßh . "th'elikttiffiiiiiiii4iii j , before thef , lli*, butlviiii 'kr oiy '-riglita 'necessaryto.,pr.otett the tightbLeiti-cif • 76 . 11 + 8 4inti . (1. pi v,- , ),I tioliiwtio.,ti.vg3 i - ,,,1 .1n ail l f/itiO4 W i tk ,lums, khit o prgmißfq,„ given t`o'uti'Milii, a In oiii t; iralu abl tj, ppm, • giphi•iii-ildsrlid fiiiiiiiitiltiiiii'dt tiffs GR II iernineritiwwbreb::preiienti tizeek